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WI0100138_Regional Office Physical File Scan Up To 9/14/2022
Permit Number W10100138 RrFV a ",�I 1 9 7G �1 Program Category Ground Water itglal13l o$ICO A t,9�tg PrOta �O n� Permit Type Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (5QW) Primary Reviewer michael.rogers Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow i=acilitu Central Files: APS_ SWP_ 01/18/11 ermit Tracking Slip atus Project Type review ir New Project Version Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Von Plemmons PO Box 71 Hot Springs NC 28743 Facility Name Major/Minor Region John & Alexanne Kreamer SFR Minor Lr- AsheVille Location Address County 2 Lake Hill Dr Buncombe Arden NC 28704 Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Owner Name Owner Type Individual John G R Kreamer Owner Affiliation John G R Kreamer 2 Lake Hill Dr Arden NC 28704 Dates/Events Scheduled Orig Issue Lapp Received Draft Initiated Issuance Public Notice Issue Effective Expiration 01/05/11 Regulated Activities Outf"all NUI_L. Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin HCDENK North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director 1 /18/2011 John. Kreamers Alexanne Kreamers 2 Lake Hill'Drive Arden, NC 24704 Subject: Acknowledgement of Intenbto-Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System Permit No. WI0100138 2 Lake I -lilt Drive, Arden, NC 28704 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Kreamers: Dee Freeman Secretary On 1/5/2011, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) received notification of your intent to construct a closed -loop water -only geothermal. injection well system for the operation of a ground -source heat pump located. at the address referenced above. An individual permit is not required for the construction and operation of this type of geothermal injection well system as long as the following conditions are met: The injection well system contains only potable water, The injection well system is constructed in accordance with well construction standards specified in North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .0213, and The required notification form and associated maps have been completely and accurately submitted. Failure to comply with all of these conditions constitutes a violation of the North Carolina Well Construction Act and North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .0211(u)(2). Additionally, you, should contact the Buncombe County Health Department as they may have additional requirements for this type of system. Noncompliance with applicable state, county, or municipal rules and regulations may result in the assessment of civil penalties. Please contact Mike Rogers at (919) 715-6166 or Michael.Rosers(c6.ncdenr.aov if you have any questions. _Sincerely, — -- • `�lJ�i/LQ RajFn Debra Watts r Supervisor cc: Asheville Regional Office - APS APS Central Files - Permit No. WIOI OO138 Buncombe County Health Dept. Clearvvater Well Drilling (Von Plemmons — PO Box 71, Hot Springs, NC 28743) Comfort Central (Kevin Schumann — 253 Timberlane Drive, Pisgah Forest, NC 210,768) AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh: North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard. Raleigh, North Garolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-3221 1 FAX 1: 919-715-0588: FAX 2: 919-715-60481 Customer Service; 1-877-623-6748 Internet: =m.nmateroualitv.org One No1- liCaroiina An Equal Opportunity', Affirmative Action Ernployer jan uz -i -i ua-: i -i p Larry uosssu OGO_OO•t-OJJV DEPARTA/IIENT OF EAT IRON CAROLINA MENT AND NATURAL RESOf: RCES I1TU$�ICATION IDIi' 'A7f n NT TO COI SMUCT A CLOSEI}-LOOP GIE+CiT IiE-lO1�TILYY �T.:UC7L'IC?N ��I�L rSTEM '34 i J 9 P In Accordance With the provisions of NCAC 'Title I SA 02 C,()200 Print or type the regtured information arad mail to address on the back pogo lJ G ONE .G l 0(D 13AQ? Well TyPe C'o1firmailox: Does the proposed system circulate potable water only (no additives) in continuous piping That compiztely isolates the fluid. from the environment (i.e. Yes �ntinue completing this form. No � Do Not complete this either aform. Complete other UIC application forms for installing .5A7 well en,_loop well jRjgQ in potable water into the aquifer) or a 5(�� v, Gfl {closed- Ioop well containing ad 'fives such as R-22, cthanal, or other antifreeze or corrosion inhibitors}. A. PROPERTY OWNER(S)IAPPLICANT(S) List each Property Owner listed on property deed (if owned by a business or government agency, entity and a representative w/authority for signature): g cY� state na�l�e of Mailing Address: f t Cif}': 7 t r� State: N �ip Code:-5�� County:,' �V�x Home/Office Tele No.: Cell Email Address: Vvebsite: (2) Physical Address of Well Site (if different than above): City: State: Zip.Code: County: Home/Office Tele No.: Cell No.: 1i• AUTHORIZED AGENT OF OWNER, IF ANY (if the Permit Applicant does not own the subject property, attach a letter from the property owner authorizing Agent to install and operate UIC well) Company ?dame: Contact Person: EMAIL —Address: Address: City: Office Tele No.: State: Zip Code: County: Cel i No.: Website Address of Company, if any:, GFUIUIC 5QW.Notiticatinn oflntem Form (km hed S1200$) Page I C. 0 WELL DRILLER INFORMATION Company Name: Well Driller Contractor's Name: NC Contractor Certification No.: Contact Address: .I i City: 7 ') C Zip Coder County: % .� T Offrce Tela No.: Cell No.: 61' � j'-� 4 HEAT PUMP CONTRACTOR Company Name: 1. �n� §ten_ �- Est►"t �c 1 (if different than driller) Contact Person: _v,. _F' �nn�stiln! EMAIL Address: Address: i 5 3 1 City: Pi � c�cs i Zip Code:297 bg County: Gffice TeIe No.: ,-3qc: C, Cell No.: , ) 67q-3)1 ?.- 1- STATUS OF APPLICANT Private: L� Federal Commercial: Saute: Municipal: Native American Lands: F. JLNJECTION PROCEDURE (briefly describe how a ate ells) will he used) G. WELL CONSTRUCTION DATAs. f } ,. (7) Proposed date to be constructed: r / / Number of borings: Approximate depth of each boring (fbet): 3 q (2) Type of tubing to be used (copper, PVC, etc): - 3 if (3) Well casing. is the weil(s) cased? (check either (a.) Yes or (b.) No below) (a} Yes if yes, then provide casing information below Type: galvanized steel black steel plastic other (specify) Casing depth: From to feet (reference to land surface) Casing extends to above ground inches (b) Noy'- (4) Groot Info (material surrounding well casing and/or piping): (a) Grout type. Neat Cement gentonite �Uther (specify) (b) Grout placement: Pumping 4-� --- Pressure Other (c) Grout depth of tubing (reference to land surface): from �_ to 3 (feet) I f well has casing, indicate grout depth: from to (feet) GPUIUIC 5QW Notifination of Intern Form (Revised $12008) Page 2 -Ii Jan U/- r i U,+-. Izp Larry oossen ti2ts-bb4-bWU p.4 H. INJECTION -RELATED EQUIPMENT Attach a diagram showing the engineering layout or proposed modification of the injection ai ument and piping/tubing associated with the injection operation. The manufacturer's brochure in G P exterior information. y provide supplementmy L LOCATION OF WFLL(S) Attach two copies of maps showing the following information: (1) Include a Site Map (can be drawn) snowing: buildings, sources of groundwater contamination and the orientation ot and distancerty es ess�betw etheapropter osed well(s) and s, potential any existing well(s) or waste disposal facilities such as septic tanks or drain fields located within 200 feet of the geothermal heat pump well system. Label all features clearly and include a north arrow. (2) The Site Map must show the subject property in relation to the surrounding area by using at least two fixed reference points such as roads, streams, and/or highway intersections. J• CERTFEICATION Note_ This Permit Ali►"Cation-must be signed by each person appearing on the recorded legal property deed. "I hereby certify, under penait3r of Saw, that I h submitted in this document and aft attachments ave personally examined and am familiar with the information immediatelyresponsible for obtaining thereto and th based said information, I believe that the inquITY Of those indivicomplduals false information. I agree to construct, I ana aware that there are significant penalties, inncluding the possibility of ffines azmatan iaccurate and and imprisonment, for submitting operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well and al l related appurtenances in accordance with th ap rowe4l _sveci#icafi ps and corid�tio�s of the Aermit." %I �1' Y G Cs CD ox',s e�rW� 'rope Dwner/Applicant or Type FuII Name and title Signature of Property Owner/Applicant Print or Type Full T`lame and title Signature of Authorized Agent, it any Print or Type Full Name and title Please return two copies of the completed Application package to. North Carolina DE( NR-DVWQ Aquifer Protection Section-1GIC Program 1636 Mail Service Centex• Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone (919) 733-3221 Cii'UIUIC SQW Ndification of intent Form (lievised 812Q06} Page 3 eCRP '. GRPmt DaC ID: O22h1291o001 Tva pecarded: S2JOB/2009 at 11:41:43 AM Fee Amt: $14.00 Paae 1 of 1 Workflowg OOOODY7B81-0001 Buncombe :-aunty. NG Otto W. Dearyhl lReaister of Deeds 'BK+` 746 PG237 poWER.OF AT-FORNEY y2 "NOTICE: TILE P0-VN7ERS GRANTED BY THIS DOCUMEN`r ARE BROAD AMID S%VEEPYNG. THEY ARE DEFINED IN CI-IA-PTER-32-A. OF rME NORTIT CAROLINA GENERAL STATUTES WHICH EXPRESSL�r PERIVITTS I-Ir USE OF AL OTI IER OR DIFFERENT FORM OF POWER OF �9TTOR�iEY DESIRrLD 13Y THE PARTIES CONCERNED_ State of NORTH C_4ROLINA County of BUNCOMBE T, 3OI1N G-R. KREAMER, appoint A-LEXANNE S. KREAMER to be my atiomey-in-fact', to act in my name in any vMy which I could act for irl�rself, with respect to the following matters as each of them is defined in Chapter 32A of the North Carolina General Statutes. (DIRECTIONS: Initial the line opposite any one or more of the subdivisions. as to -which the principal desires to give the attorney -in -fact authority.) y� (1) Real property transactions_.....,-------------------------- - (2) Personal property transactions........................................... . (3) Bond, sluu's, stock, securities and commodity transactions... (4) Banking transactions.- - - - .... _ ....... • ..... • _ I ........ ... (5) Safe Deposits...................................................................... ...._.................. (6) Business operating transactions .......... . . . . . . . .. • • • • - '-� ('7) Insurance transactions_ .... - _ - - ....... _------------....--------- .. _ ......•-_- (S) Estate transactions .......... .. . . ................................. ........... (gy Personal re larionslups and affairs _ .... _ .. - - - - - .................... . . . . . . . . . ........ '� (10) Social security and unemployment......... _ ---•...............................•-_ k" (1 I) Benefits :from military service...................................... .... " ' - ' - - (12) Tax matters ....................... ..._......................... (13) EmployrLient of agents .................... _ ........... - - - - (14) Gifts to charities, and t_o individuals other than the attorney -in -fact. _ .. _ _ _ (15) Gifts to the named attanzey.-In- act ....... _ _ - - ..................... 1 also give to such person full power to appoint another to act as xny attorney-iu� nunenL_ This power e. attorney shall not be -fact and foil power to revol,-e such appoi affected by my subsequent incapacity or mental in rnpeten , Dated: December 4, 2009. pi-I*I G.R. KREAMER STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA; COUNTY OF BUNCOMBE: On this e day of December, 2009 personally appeared before me, 'the said named 3OHN G.R. I=-AMER to me known and known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he- acknowledged that he executed the salve and being duly sworn by me, made oath- that the Statements in the --foregoing rinstrinneat are true. %.6%.,ltii��LJf rf���i_�5!-:cam_ !l My Commission Ea-piros: I�1ay 6, 2014 s U1� Beverly Eaves Perdue Cmernor John Kreamers Alexanne Kreamers 2 Lake Hill -Drive Arden. NC 25704 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division -of Water_Quality f"oleen H. Sullins Dee i=reemar Director Secretai y 1/18(2011 Subject: -Acknowledgement of Intent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System Permit No. WI0100138 2 Lake Hill Drive, Arden, NC 2870,1 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Kreamers: FEB 09 Nil Ac eville RJ ogirnalryO,Ofplrice Prot-ec. On 1/5/2011, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) received notification of your intent to construct a closed -loop water -only geothermal injection well system for the operation of a ground -source heat pump located. at the address referenced above. An individual permit is not required for the construction and operation of this type of geothermal injection well system as long as the following conditions are met: 1. The injection well system contains only potable water, 2. The injection well system is constructed in accordance with well construction standards specified in North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .0213, and 3. The required notification form and associated maps have been completely and accurately submitted. Failure to comply with all of these conditions constitutes a violation of the North Carolina Well Construction Act and North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .0211(u)(2)._ Additionally, you. should contact the Buncombe County Health - Department as they may have additional requirementq for this type of system. Noncompliance with applicable state, county; or municipal rules and regulations may result in the assessment of civil penalties. Please contact Mike Rogers at (919) 715-6166 or Michael.RoQers(a-mcdenr.vov if you have any questions. Sincerely, . _/or Debra Warm Supervisor cc: Ashevilic Regional Office - APS APS Central Files - Permit No. W10100138 Buncombe County Health Dept. Clearwater Well Drilling (Von PIenimons - PO Box I L liot Sl)rings, NC 28743) Comfarr Central (Kevin Schumann - 2_53 Titnberlane. Drive, Pisgah forest, NC 28768) AQU1FEP PROTECTION SECTIOFd 1636 Mail Servira.. Center, Raleigh, Narth Garoliga 2769P 1-36 Lccanon: 2729 G'apital Boulavard. Raleigh. North Garclina 27604 Phone: 919-73 -32211 FAX 1: 919-715-0588: F, 4Y, 2: 919-715-6048 ? Customer Servidc: 1-877-0023-6748 iniemec vm.nmatereuality.org No�IiCa.ro na AP Enuai UPP0A r.:iy ''1 y!iirmaiiVa ACiui: `_MPloper 09/06/2010 06:51 FAX 09MON 88"21 6` 85995664 GORFF Q 001 PACE .)h, NoNlS EffnawL AmLcoNsTRummeaRn Novi) Corolina Doparhnaut of Envirwun4ni and Natural Rarpurces- Diviki, grWatrr quality WELL CONTRACTOR 'LiMT]WICA` ION # 0 1, WELL CONTRACTOR: \j Qn P 1 e.M�� n S well Contaxtor (IndNIdual) Namur Well Contraetar C61VIIAny Name STREU ADDRESS i�0k 5�r ���5 tVc a�143 Oiry or Town State zip coo tea- (aa--Iaa ( Area code. Phone nurtibar z. w@4, INFORMATION- SITE WKI:10#(If,0icahle) STATE W ELL PERMITR(Barplicable) DWQ 01 OTHER PERMITV(d eppAoabte) _ WELL USE (Check Appikable Box) Monit"hig © Munioipal/Pubiio ❑ InduslrIQVCommercftzI 3 A9rieuituralI3 Retoueryp lajaotlont7 Ifdgetlanp Ckhar a (!I®t ue&} DATE VRILI,ED TIME COMPLETED AM C3 pM p 3, W91.1. LOCATION:. 417Y: RpICtG� 1-�'�Y, GOUN'iY �L-�-4�Gi :t`r�lr 31 cee1.- K-A-Ar-, (8tr4dt Name, NumbMit, twmmunitY, 6uh4 Ion, Lot No., Psru . zIp Cade) TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SFTTIM ClSlopa pvelley r3FM ❑Ridge ❑ Other (checkappigNlate box) LATITUDE 0 3 S� o �il . �33 (y Al+y- W in 9cgrra, r1'M4c3. smoad+ or l t)NI31TUt7L' U - to A decimal formal Lolitude/)Ullgltuelle ammo; rPS O'l op4lSe4p is map {)u4aNnnafa�allmus! bd sltoWn tx? 8 USGS fops nrsp end alrechW ra !)rl9 form I not raskri 12PS) 4. FAa1L1't'V. dNe name o! ate bmflnd60 WIIirO AM rro�T 16 NGArBtl. PACUTY ID #(V applicablo) - NAME OF FACILITY eTRE8T A00R@SQ cltyorToxn SIAIo YlpCade ae)NTACT PER80N_LOY rt -)r k 11QV1r1e MAILINOADDRESS c% ` � V_h 11 - Df . VNT-ck cn ty C a'-6 City or Tcm l Stare Zip Code Area code- Phone nuM WIr 6. WFLL_DETAILS: a. TOTAL ptat 14I ��// b. t 000 WaL,t. REFUGE EXIsTWO W iLk? YES p Nci)l. c. WATER LEVE4 FWow Top of Casing; � _FT. (Uqa ^+" if Attova Top of Coxing) d. TOP OF CASING 4 Fr. Above Land 400ce 'Top of casing terfnirlat4d abor below land audijoe may require a Va►mft In e000rdance vAth VA NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm)-. _ - METHOD OF TEST f. DISINFECTION: Type Amount g wATIlIt ZONO (depth): Front Tc _ From To From T 1'o From To FTpm(,,,, , , To From To 6. CASING: TIVaknesuf Depth Dlametar WAlght Material From _ _. _ To_ Ft From,_,_,,,,,_ To Ft. From To Ft 7_ GROUT: bapth Me act Method Frenj. To Ft. Fran+__ To Ft. pram To Ft. 6. SCItEer : peptic Dldmeter alai Size Maleflal From__,",...,- To Ft. irL irk From To FL in IR From To Ft.in. in. a_ 3ANOMRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft,-- ? 10. DRILLING L00 w- From Tv Formation i]e6aPpt?gt1,_�- 11. REMARKS: 6 h F� I OGrreM!bYCePn1FYWATTi4S W6L4 WASCONS- RUCTM iNACOMDANOR Wr1H fakI, A44MUCiiNVMV0Mt%I9TANPAROIt,nW AGOP�raFnrrs RECMHASB PROVIDL'Q'MTWWR�LL0ft/wD M pa - 2D1 S(QNJ TURF OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR ATE Submit the origlllal to the DivisiOn of Wafter Quality within 30 days. Attu; mfomtatioit=tulgt.� � `_' `- Form CAN-ib lei Mpg Semicet cq(t%r- RFI}algh, NC 276991817 Phone No. (9191733 70ib ext e68. Rev. WOES ��� n 9 2 o1 09/08/2010 08:51 FAX M1921399 es:z mos664 GQRFF Q 001 PAGE? �'*&\ NoNJ?ff—siDxmAL wmicommummucolm Norti) CoroUlla Doparlinenk oM- viro» rnont atsd Nottral ltarourecs- Divitatnt of Wator Qunlih, WELL CONTRACTOR CM TMICATION # -91 I A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Vora 171 e rnrndn S Well Gontr4otar (Individual) Name Well Conimetu Cm mny Nama STREET ADDRESS nC \QCZ, y- 1 "I-) A- Sp n tic, S N c City of Town state zip C040 &P 1,7�a- day I Ares code. Phone number Z, WNI,r, INFORMATIOM: QQ�� 1 l B fE►fIW L ID#(Ifapalicablej 'M'fD STATEUUELL PERMITO(Ifappifcable) OWIA of OTHER PERMIT OCR appilcaq)a) WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Monitaring ® MuniaipaVPubrio!] IndmirlallCommarcial r3 Agricultural I3 Recovery lr> mAhn 0 Irriggtlonp Other p (iisl use) DATE DRILLED 1 - 1 �S - 01 11 TIML' COMPLETED AM O PM o 3. WRLL LOCATION., omr (2�,\QC�L "tn . CouNTY_t�Ccaf� NJ(>Y �rkC ZA �GC.L XAJrn, (9p4ff�is, Gomnlonity, Sowmelon. Lot No., AaraaT p Cadal TOPOGRAPHIC/LAND SETTING' 13alope pvailey ❑FW ❑Rldge []Other_ (checkapplopte b LATITUDE 3 V r>pr irl dagrrea: 1*406, 5014ada or LdNGt1TUt?t: , OLP ' l �i In A decimal format l.otilukAousitude$Di co: tjGPS O•A'opOSCA&Ctnap (kcz4nn ad we/1 mrwt bar shown on a USG$ ropy map and Aftechod W fhls corm ffnot cakia OPS) 4. FAd - lame name of the I1cmlnd6b a1111e tm xW I Is rocetea. PSCILIT V ID gad appllaablo) HAMS C F FACILITY 8TREi I ADDRESS Cliy or Tom _ Stela Zip Gode CONTACT PERSON Jl. yy) `- Ark )CO�t(11(Z2 uF'E MAILING ADDRESS v�2 S'-t�� 1JF]_ I, 1 Q , Ch or Taws State Zip Code Area Code- Phone nuMinr U. WFt1DETAILSS- e. TOTAL DEPTN) �iflJ r b. 00116 WELL REPLACE EXISTING Mi.? YES Q NCB c. WATER LEV 'u %low Top of Casings FT. !!!///��` (Use'-0 if Atiave Top of Casing) d. Top OF CASING IS FT. Ahava LenO f3Wf#ce. 'Top of casing termbmt4d Wor halow land sudiiae may mquira a varlattee to accordance vAth 13A NCAC 2C ,0118. e. YIELD (gpm): METHOD OF TEST f. DISINFECTION: Type Amount g. WATIR ZONES (depth)= From - T From To - From -To, From To From_ To From To 6_ CASING: 'rhfeknara! Depth Diameter wolpht Material FmrD,_,,,,r_ To Ft. Frotr4a,,,,, To Ft -- From To Ft 7- GROUT: Depth Matorlat Mathod Fron LTo L O t=i. �G1 i1G1 Flat }� From To Ft. lira To Ft. 6. SGRF.Em 0apgt Diameter 81ol Slae Material Fram_ To Ft. in. In.._ From To FL tn. Ift From To Ft. in. In. B_ 8ANimKAVEL PACK: Depth Slza Matterkil From To Fk. Fr-;rn. ,,,_ _ To 10. DRILLING LOG From To Formation l3apprii0on 11. REMARKS: I M HekCbYCN"FY'MAT'T" VAIL WA5CON61R(=M IN ACCORDANCE WITH fd&N==VYC"CO WMUOPON l)TAN0AR0s,AN0TKATAW"0FTHM AECO DHAS E ROVICED-M"M WAM CWNM ZU t S(G ATURE O CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR IATE 1 Summit the original to the Division of Wafter lMuailty within 30 da loll Mail gmict% Ce(ftr— RAMP, NC 2769s 1897 p)lone No. (919t E OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL lnfomis _cLn gt i- _ Forn am sag. Rev.