HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0024508_Monitoring - 07-2022_20220909 (3)Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number #* Name of Facility:* Month: * July Report Information Type * GW-59 WQ0024508 Carolina Research Center Confirmation Email Address:* Name of Submitter: * Signature: Date of submittal: Initial Review Year:* 2022 Upload Document* GW 59-Smithers July.pdf 2.11 MB PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMIR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMILR, GW-59). Jessica.Mize@pacelabs.com Jessica Mize jwd rA lip Reviewer: Gerald, Wanda 9/9/2022 This will be filled in automatically Is the project number correct?* WQ0024508 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes No Regional Office* Winston-Salem Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 9/13/2022 SUBMIT FARM ON YELt_O'.A' PAPER ONLY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL GUALIT ON. OF WATER RE RESOURCES !GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FOR� . � � 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER. RAtEPGH, EEC 2T6 9.1a1 T FACILITY INFORMATION >.-ar.;f F,r i PERMIT !lumber: 11'€-}0024' 1)\ Fxpiration Date: .ip til `;t). -'02_1 r l:t„ Name_ +.-..siht a Peac ,ch t';_. cr Noon-Dis harrve UIC ern-ut Plan te I f c r' e,eriti Simmers Vkcrcm I I. ' NPDFS Gather F _slit== Address: =ana t )ti-tl; rit €t It Ror r l TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED County;?I,titt.rttc Lagoon Rerred€ alionl; Infiltrat>on Gapers: 0 Spray Field El iiemedia ivxi CUlitaze., Person, Ciw,� zieske Telephone',: •-_6-:71<._0I ? l El f-'.�rtP, x` Distributor ®'Land Appltcaflon _ f Sludge )i,Vell L:cafianl i:e Harr e; IMF of welts to be sampled: EJ Water Soot-ce Heat Pump E Ir. SAMPLING INFORMATION It WELL WELL [Cf NUMBER (from Permit): x I\\ -3 Ciate s mplr� cQl e+ t d: is yp 2022- FIELD ANALYSES: WAS �!+ I_! =vein Both' I ft. -r{I Diameter: Ve � . ,. [ r1 „, , :, =<il:ts Tci. p t, t € C e . . R'Y�;t R, DIDth tr `,"eater Level ..:- it. o to measuring point Scrotaned Interval: tt to f. Spec. Cod „o_r lr;Erc of - sampling, i s ri c Point it is if, 3bove land surface F I rti=? fal.t '. Oevalron ft. Odor c ^tt9 check VoWine of water p lrTi ed bided be,r,r� san cling. i . dalln. s Appearance it.'re, Samples tzar metals were collected unfiltered° W YEl: S (l NO and field acidified [N YES El NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sanip e analyzed: (t .'8-ll�;t l tl, 20-12 Laboratory Nine. P acc Atriil�tic it N::i jccs Cerlificati€art Ns -ttl 033 PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD , .,t rL Nitrite (,NO_-) as N cts>>F mrili. Ph 1 en ug1L Coliform MIF , ecal ;. [st-a <IM 110011il._ Nitrate (NO:,.) as N o'cu---1 is.} fnq!L Zn Zinc J�-=l cil- Co o, rn MF ! oa' v?=,< '1' 0ml- Phosphorus" Total as P 3A mcrT Orthophosphate 111grL Other (Sp eciEv Corn pot and Concentration Units), jissolved So'ids_Total = S5.9 mg? L A$ - Aliurnit uni o i € : mg L PH (Lab) . can i units B a - Far in t „` ugfL TOC ,ri ,3w I . r„alL Ca - Catcturn l a rnq;L i Chloride fic9 s 4.7 rnmL Cd - Cadmium o-'e ug1L Arsenic �vur'=_- ugtL � �ii t Chr�n�tun�' Total � tglL Grease and .. r.-:=.Luz. - '? . L Cu Capp :+, _-,. mqT ORGANICS: (bv EEC. GCIMS. HPLC) Phenol - rra uglL Le - Iran , miL. , ug1L (Specify test and method 4. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sr(fare =E; 5 - n L Flo Men.-.iry 7 1qo, ug/L Late Report Attached? Eli ''Peck) El Now ,::,l,:C `c),�etni�t nc. .5� •�r- of`,`lhas K- Potassium ooq-,�= _ i-1 gig- lt€�'._. '�74 - methoo rx Total Arnmeniz, ...I ;1. t .ItI nna;'L >~ (I Macnesium ri[;il•I?; rN a/L Iti tlt+? f v. Mn r tal ariese - ug/L method KN as N :Qr_' ntaI Ni - Ni a,el o,,Lj&7 ugfL inethod For Rernediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): r �;iy 3tx 1 it.-L' €.)11 Influen- rcital VOC.s m 'L Effluent Total VOCs: mg'L VOC Removal°'_ SUBr•.•11T FODt?r I ON YELLO'Ar PAP--R ONLY rqDEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY . DIV, OF WATER PESOJr'- ES GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: � . - .. INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIG , NC 27699a1617 FACILITY INFORMATION _y a a` y "- 7:pe PERMIT Nurnber:yy titllt'-I_ 0S Expiration Date Al t1 'II" I Faci :ter N.-n e t . it,r1 t 1.;s=° 51€ t'Cin-j Non-OisHharne L1lC - - r.n.. i Name hT clr I r=r i;it S,a i;IrL€, 4 4 €c�Et L._t. NPDES Otfle.r -- Fa'---�flib Address_ ''?€It r t.r ._.E'3zl it Road TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED -- — SI..r,, Camp N(' County, rll.,.imi c Lagoon Rernediation InNtication Ga left' ® Spray Field ❑ Reinediatio ccrr'.ac't Person Crrr:, F Wskc Telephone# ,s 170-01-11 El P lary DiStributo, ® Land Appficalion of Sludge -. E%`ef Locat€on"Site Narne No, o� wells to be sariPted: Water Source Heat Pump © Other SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER (train Permit): alto'-_ Date sarnple =wullected: 0 27 et)'b FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Wei! Depth � Iit - rt� l [flan €ter; n. c�Ff 4r. 3I ; ,� ttr�its TCrap C.g:,IL `It-; =c DRY at 13 "r . below me sunng point S,rcened I'ntcrvai: to It, Spec, C=gin J 094 11111105 tine (r .r3 ipling, M asurina Point €s it. above laird sutra e Relative N1.P, Elevation: ft. Odor ,wwa-. heck lu me of 3ater Lum r /laa,l a before sampling 1 'z gallons An,earance nere.� Samn;es for metals were collected unfiltered: N YES NO and field acidified. M YES NO LABORATORY INFORMATION tat ; sa nfle anafy-ze I, =�,-08. It)1" 02' LaDorat=_,ry N me I'.i 11f .I.ts.tll =,I in , Cbrtiflr.�.tion No. •Ita PARAMETERS NOTE; Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. CLAD oia S mr;`L Nitrite j'NO.) as N _ _z1;, n 1,'L Pb - Lead o }u, urgiL Crshiorm, MF Fecal sat; : _ l,{# 1t~0mr, Nitrate INO,I as N ce620 Ltl.�ti aid L III - Zinc , .,_ rra°L Cofif mn, NIF Total .. " (,,DniL Phosphorus:Total`ice r' i°F1V � 1. s n --I"L Orthophosphate :0t,;:, ttl'`L ether iSpesif}=Compounds and t..nncer,rrac:cria tJrr3as. solved Sol€ds Tot l J „ 1011 kT a,L A! - Aluminum (;i "r_` nigT PH i r.LI f u- _: units Ba - Banutn ovau; ugtL TOC (r -'Tib 3 I .o nigN1 Ca - Calcium m s3Coic nigil- .hlcririe 00t,,ro rngiL Cd - CadI1111,1111 lr127 ug/L Arsenic iou-- ug1L 011-0rultim Total usruitx. ug]L Grea%e and Oils _n-, nia''L Cu - Copper v=tlw, rtttlr ORGANICS: iby= GC. Cry r IS. HPLC) Phenol z vs£ uglL Fe - Ir-" 01--us ugil- (Specify test and method - ATTACH LAB REPORT.) `tsl lie. . ,t tt `L Hg -Mercury 719i,* ugiL Lab Report Attached? Yc>n (1) No i"tt' cr * Potassium __. tgLar! -.._ {tit 78,= rnethod .» Total Arriiuc.nia -,_lo - 0,10 nt;.`L Mq .. agne5iUrn 012927. ing,L ,. method P . - N �, . <„ _ f . Mn Manganese'jli ur, uglL rnet,tad ; TliN as N ,.,.; < rng L Ni - N c el _,-M,67 utg]L method For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Leh Reports): Influent Taal i OC s: naq%L Effluent Total VOCs: mg, L VOC Removal- Pwirrtoe v .+u hori. UPI Agru 0 N ,., v aiul I e_L - .ea_ e r .re € ur lone GIN-59 2 06-07--'tJl%3 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY OEPARTME iT OF ENVIRONMENTAL LtALN's . DIV OF NEATER RESOURCE GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: � � � INFOP iATION PROCESSING UNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER. RALEIGH, NC 2' 99-161'. FACILITY INFORMATION pwaseFrrraCll , vo, 7vpe PERMIT Number: wt oo_,_I�I)s Expiration Date- April .=ll. 2024 - a_ility Name- `e- l `:aroh It -.Se, ill -h {chit l Nou_ is i mo UIC r-rt i s )ante (if difie nT' Smith) Vi+cieni LL% NPDES Oiher Facility Address: 'itrttl 0ua1;CnN I1 Rood TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED n t IItt S il, ,l } Al.tin:uicc L�un1}� ❑ Lag-oon ❑ fF'c'1[iec?E3ti{1rt: tr1l[ltrCil#ciil Gallery ❑ Snra, Field ❑ Rtjue i lion: Ctrae, Person (JuN ; Ic4.c Te°ehone4: i fir170-1 141 ❑ Rotary Disiri utor ❑ Land Application of Slung Well Lora ion!Sile Name Noof wells to he ;-ampled' ; ❑.':rater Source Heat Pump ❑ Omer: WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): file € j' II Dzjr j1h, T Depth to ',,' ater L-Vel . ,' -r_i ft. oeln . ine asunn=g point Nieasuri .o Foint is t. above land surface Volume of .rater pumlle.d1basled before sampling Sannoles for metals .were collected unfiltered: [K YES Date sampie collected: 07F271,2022 Well Diameterin. Screened interval, ft, to ft. Relative I L P. Elevation' ft .__.W gallons NO and fEeld acidifier): A YES ❑ NO Cate sample analvzed. Laboratory Name: PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolver) and colloidal concentrations. COD 00355 n a.1 Nitrite (NO,1 as N 00615 -_:irorrn: M-- Fecal ,t tt. , 00ML Nitrate (NO..' as N 00620 Colitorm- MF Total i100rn L Phosphorus: Trltal as P 4r=6rsc® N __, U _. u 1 r .hi..-: OrIbophosphat uta: , �idveu Solids Total n.y'L Al - t lumi ur i , ., - g pH (Lab) :t -,3, units B,a - Barium oeeo i)f' €.f-e Cz ``-7 nia L -- Co ` Calr,Eurn 00906_ Chloride oxl4e rng''L Cd - Cadmium "t_=.e ArSen1 ti'°u_ uglL Chromium,'oral = u= Grease anti Oil$ rjuN_._ mg-1 Cu = )Copper 1 vi.112 _... Phenol :`"m, ug/L �� < Iran 5. r•,�i Swfale __ � . rrtg: 1 H_ f lurcr ry f is? 3oc-cific Condtiti,.Irance 'c ; s,. ilMhos K - Potassium oosila? Total Arum? is nocilo mcd. L Mg - Nlagnesium C,092' T KN as N iluz5 rug/L Ni - Nickel o. f;—, mg/ aujiL mg/L mglL mr" uglL ntu1L ugiL uglL ma iL ug7L ug/L nig[L n Ig;L ug/L ug/L FIELD ANALYSES: pH on;to units Spec Conti v nay,4 Odor c cia Appearance Ph Len inSi bn - Zinc . 9? l'` WELL Temp woios CDRY at tirite ofIrl tn�==s Certification N€,. uglL mo;L Other iSpec&,r Compounds, and Conte ati ation nits ORGANICS: (icy GC. GC/MS, HPLC:) (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Lab Report Attached` ❑ es (l ) ❑ Per i la V 0 C __ method 4 method method uethod v For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mgiL Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% GROUNDWATER MONITORING FIELD LOG Facility Carolina Research Center Weather 77°-Sunny Personnel Present: COMMENTS: July 27, 2022 Garrett Dreyer Date -- ----- ---- �otal Depth (FT.) 11111111111111W, WaterDepth(FT.) Conversion Factor Well Volume (GAL.) Volume (GAL.) X 3 Volume Removed (GAL.) QamplingDate SamplingTime(hrs.) �ampling Method �pil (Standard Units) Conductivity(pmhos/cm) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) �tbservatlons/Sampling aceAnalytical www.pacdabsxom l( ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Carolina Research Center Pace Project No.: 92617073 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 KinceyAve. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Sample: MW 2 Lab ID: 92617073001 Collected: 07/27/22 10:45 Received: 07/27/22 14:30 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 254OC-2015 Pace Analytical Services - Eden Total Dissolved Solids - 100 mg/L 55.6 1 08/02/22 11:10 353.2 NO2IN03 unpres EDN Analytical Method: EPA 353.2 Rev 2.01993 Pace Analytical Services - Eden Nitrogen, Nitrate ND mg/L 0.20 5 07/28/22 18:14 14797-55-8 MB10 9222D Fecal Coliform EDN Analytical Method: SM 9222D-2015 Preparation Method: SM 9222D-2015 Pace Analytical Services - Eden Fecal Coliforms ND CFU/100 mL 1.0 1 07/27/2215:22 07/28/2213:45 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Chloride 3.5 mg/L 1.0 1 07/30/22 08:16 16887-00-6 350.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 Rev 2.01993 Pace Analytical Services - Asheville Nitrogen, Ammonia NO mg/L 0.10 1 08/10/22 12:43 7664-41-7 365.1 Phosphorus, Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Rev 2.01993 Preparation Method: EPA 365.1 Rev 2.0 1993 Pace Analytical Services - Asheville Phosphorus 4.8 mg/L 0.050 1 08/03/2218:08 08/0412218:28 7723-14-0 5310B TOC Analytical Method: SM 531OB-2014 Pace Analytical Services - Asheville Total Organic Carbon ND mg/L 1.0 1 08/02122 07:18 7440-44-0 Date: 08/29/2022 01:37 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 4 of 20 Pace Analytical Services, LLC ® 9800 KinceyAve. Suite 100 aLaumalytical Huntersville, NC 28078 www.pacelabsxam (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project Carolina Research Center Pace Project No.: 92617073 Sample: MW 3 Lab ID: 92617073002 Collected: 07/27/22 10:10 Received: 07/27/22 14:30 Matrix: Water Parameters 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Total Dissolved Solids 353.2 NO2/NO3 unpres EDN Nitrogen, Nitrate MBIO 9222D Fecal Coliform EDN Fecal Coliforms 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Chloride 350.1 Ammonia Nitrogen, Ammonia 365.1 Phosphorus, Total Phosphorus 5310E TOC Total Organic Carbon Date: 08/29/2022 01:37 PM Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual Analytical Method: SM 2540C-2015 Pace Analytical Services - Eden 85.9 mg/L 29.4 1 08/02/2211:10 Analytical Method: EPA 353.2 Rev 2.0 1993 Pace Analytical Services - Eden ND mg/L 0.20 5 07/28/2218:16 14797-55-8 Analytical Method: SM 9222D-2015 Preparation Method: SM 922213-2015 Pace Analytical Services - Eden ND CFU/100 mL 1.0 1 07/27/2215:22 07/28/22 13:45 Analytical Method. EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville 4.6 mg/L 1.0 1 07/30/22 08:35 16887-00-6 Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 Rev 2.01993 Pace Analytical Services - Asheville ND mg/L 0.10 1 08/10/2212:47 7664-41-7 Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Rev 2.0 1993 Preparation Method: EPA 365.1 Rev 2.0 1993 Pace Analytical Services - Asheville 5.4 mg/L 0.10 2 08/03/2218:08 08/04/2219:19 7723-14-0 Analytical Method: SM 531OB-2014 Pace Analytical Services - Asheville 1.7 mg/L 1.0 1 08/02/22 08:06 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, I.I.C. Page 5 of 20 Pace Analytical Services, LLC Kincey Ave.10 ace MalXical a 9800Hun ersville, C'te 28078 WWW. paceiatis.cam (704)875-9092 CERTIFICATIONS Project: Carolina Research Center Pace Project No.: 92617073 Pace Analytical Services Asheville 2225 Riverside Drive, Asheville, NC 28804 South Carolina Laboratory ID: 99030 Flodda/NELAP Certification #: E87648 South Carolina Certification #: 99030001 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #: 37712 Virginia/VELAP Certification #: 460222 North Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 40 Pace Analytical Services Eden 205 East Meadow Road Suite A, Eden, NC 27288 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification M 37738 North Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 633 Virginia/VELAP Certification #: 460025 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 2 of 20 CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY Analytical Request ocur> ent ��� �������� � � � � # . 2 7 Chain -of -Custody is aLEGAL DOCUMENT - Completeall releventfields 111111111111111apany: 3 Carolina Research Center Billing lnformatlon: n ., �- 9261 73 Container Preservative Type Co°t d _ ., � _.tea.. _ r rr^°-. s a'` .`� r .� •,. ,.,. ;',' '�. � °�_.r-. ;" �i frees: a 3 2 sort To: I Email To: ,* Preservatisre Types: (1) nitric acid, (2) sulfuric add, (3) hydrochloric acid. (&) sodium hydroxlde, (5) zinc acetate, - (6) methanol, (7) sodium Wutfate, (8) sodium thiosulfate, (9) hexane, (A) ascorbic add, (B) ammonium sulfate, (C) ammonium hydroxide. (D) TSP, Jul Unpr rved, (Q) Other ry To: j Site Collection Info/Address: Analyses tourer Project Name/Number:' - Mate: County/City; Time Zone Collected; MT I ] CT = . 3 1 ti.,.i; I ] PT I ] I ] E1y."fzt me; Site/Facility ID #: Compliance Monitoring? ail:I Yes (} Ntalected r ( a �4 s�_.. lim By ( rint): Purchase Order €f: DW PWS IID #: Quote#: DWLocat€onCode: r #�rKTurnaround Date Required: Imme late y Pace on ice:Yes (]Ncasii R nple Disposal Rush: Field Filtered (if applicable):Same as appropriate ( ] Retu D Neact Da ( ] ay I ] Y Yes No I ] I ] s� I iil:.is AI Es .c ,Dispose .- e: C ] Day C ] Day I ] a Day I. IS Day Analysis: aIIII�>_tI Hold - Hold: (Expedite Charms Apply) 0 Z 0 latrix Codes (insert in Matrix b6x below): Drinking Water (DW), Ground Water (GW), Wastewater ( VV], roduct (P), SoiVSolid (Sl_), Oil (91.1, Wipe (WP), Air (AR), Tissue (TS), Bioassay (B), Vapor (Y), Either (UT) - '"r Ij es tra l `• C14 in 1._ l— >1 �- - - -- _ .. Comp Comp / Collected (or ices # of stomer Sample 10 Matrix' Grab Composite Start) Composite End Cl Ctns t`s .. t=j Z C Q C -> M as Date Time Date Time me ram.., �=I - .: x� ,�,.:--- I ( _.., € , IS .t•--�: -tom - C`,:. : _ r�'�ys tl:I 3lvl q>N- 9' t.'z:.. Mv •• l IIl�I • ,..,, I.I. :. Yµ 4... IG+^^""' �"3II. «.� �,�"a�.,, a1 #. �(( IOU stonier Remarks / Special Con tons / Possible Hazards, .a.uF I' - � . ^«>`^" •-et I a nff end r`^..°Y;.i:: s rss t_Is ? TIME Groundwater onittariM I ll ° ' L p N Datel> ime,. Company: (Signature Date/Tme: i u _ y: (Signature) / x D e/Ti e: Received by/Company. (Signature) Date/Tlme: r I lin s ed by/Company-- (Signature) linquished by/Company- (Signature) RONS r Page.... Dat me: Received by/Company, (Signature) Date/Time: I k s Df. ..