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Catawba_Well Abandonment_20220912
' 1 ` North Carolina Depettment of Environment and Natural Resources-Division ofI Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 1:WELL 6011TRACTOR. 'UI 11 6. WELLDETAILS: r. aTotal Depth it. t)Iameter. P In. Well _-� Contract ndivfdusi)Ner e '' II b.Water Leval(Below Measuring Point): Measuring point Is --R above land surface. 11 o or Company Name . 1 , 1 c �; 1�1�L21�D . ACC . L1�1 S. 'CASING: Length Diameter $jr{38t Add a..Casing Depth(if lawwn) 09fR. In. Cdy or Townn _ fate Zip Code b.Casing Removed: ft _ kL Are Ls�) �l S ' � � � 7. DISINFECTION: / /C o owl.�C� Area Code Phone number , .Z.WELL INFORMATION: ;^(Arirouhtnf 85%75%calcium hypochtorite used)' 817E WELL ID#•(If epphcable)_.,:::::�__ B.• SEALING MATERIAL: f Si'ATE WELL PERMIT#I (if oppricabl'a) - i 4IDOD Cement !b. Cement --_lb. COUNTY WELL PERMIT #(If appllcable),e(ttf't/ � Cam// 1 water gaL w --- ", p o'E 'j�'+:- DWQ or OTHER PERMIT*(if applicable) *ELL Use(Check applicabieusep IlAonitoHrtg S eslden@al `= Beritonite Ib. SEP 1 2 2022 Type:❑SI eVets ❑ Munic#mMubtic ❑ IRdustriaUCornmerlWl ❑-Agricultural 1. 961. Inf�r��nrlcn FroccAning Unit ❑ ReeavWY ❑ injection a Irllgatlo Othe — ❑� ;QJ6CC>G Other(list use) rialType mate 8.WELL LOC N: Amount COUNTY+ _ NEAREST TOWN: � �� 9. EXPLAIN METHOD OF EMPLACEMENT OF MATERIAL (SbestlRoad Name,Number.Community,SuMvWhm,Lot No.,par=,,Z(p Code) U TOPOGRAPHC/LAIND S 0$tope 0.Valley Rap' t ❑Ridge[)Other (Check appropdite setting) 10. WELL DIAGRAM :Drew a kdeteifed sketch of theell on the back of this LATITUDE 3 � /�J °DN15 OR 3X.xlDD(tobtlDpp fomt showing total depth;depth and diameter of screens(deny)remairing in the well,gravel Interval,intervals of easing perforatfons,and depths and LONGITUDE 7 D_ &e"DM5 OR 7XJODt)p M0WD types oflJU materiels sw. Latibtdeltangitude source:.MPS &0pographic map (fochtbn of weUniustbe shown bn a USGS fopo map endeftached to 11. DATE WELL ABANDONEDthis rams ff not"sing GPS) : 1 DO HEREI CER nFY THAT.THIS WELL W ABANDONED IN ACCORDANCE VNTHIQANCAC2C,WELLCONSTRUCTIONSI•AMOARDS, DTHATACOPYOF 4a.FACILITY-The Dane orthe business wfiem the w8B Is located.Complete 4as : THIS RECORD HAr ED TO THE CC (if a restdentM well,Skip 4a;Complete 4b.well G_Wjer_Information oNy.)' J �i FACILITY ID 8(if applicable) NAME OF FACILITY SIGNA C WELL CO R DATE STREET ADDRESS ® �' �� SIGNATURE OF PRIVATE YItELL OWNER ABANDONING THE WELL DATE C Or oiNrt to p Cott (rhe Private well owner must be an indlvkluit wJWppWilpbandotro his/her reskiential wall 4b.C0@1TACT PER30 ELL OWNER: : In_acw�nee with 15A NCAC 2C.01 1;S.)' SGT NAME. ` i 1 ' PRINTED NAME OF PERSON A9At11DONINe THE WE RL. STREErADDRES§ d 2 f ^-t 6) I, -Submit a copy to-the owner and'thet original tq:PIVIelon'of Water Quality-Information 0tocess;ng, 1617 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1817,P.hone_:(919).80743 Fenn�w 3D 00 Rev.SfIG G I ' RI COC� U 0 � n�� `�' �� � _ J 1 j �j U/ ' I + r_ S Y•i A AN��NNi�NT RECORD s North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# CIJ' _ A- 1.WELL CONTRAC`TOP- 1 j S. WELL.DETAILS: f` f I / a.Totat Depth. _ft. Diameter. Wall Contract9tV ndividuat) e 11,, b.Water Level(Below Measuring Point): SCe�— f,l S -�+/� Measuring point is- fL above land sudere. (�t/�rCAl' Il o or Company Name lf��Qtl��a ACS L1V S. CASING: ��/t�C.� Leno �—Dfamstar a.Casing Depth(if lomvm)- r ft. City or Town pate Zip Code I b-Casing Removed: It ZZEft. — In. Area code Phone number410 7. DISiNFECT10i: 2.WELL INFORMATION: (Amountof 65%75%calcium hypochkx to used) SITE WELL.W 0•Of applicable)_ � : 8.• SEALING MATERIAL i STATE WELL PERMIT# (if applica — tlBbt�ameut Send- t ��/� Cement Cern COUNTIfWELLpERINCI #(ifappicabte) t�"l� 0 WeterTZ�gal. Water aal. Cbi G�f�/'/'� a tonne ram.�e f, DWQ or OTHER PERMIT#(if applicable) .EE��'E I V WELL USE(Chock appircable use)EI Monitoring kiZdandel Ben7ypet [b, 0 MUnldpalfPubite ❑ IndustriaUCommarcial ❑ dgricalturat '°Si e oat. SEP f ., ZOZZ Wate ❑ Reeovwy ❑ In)ectlon 0 irrigation Ir�;�r�+�ak�� PrC-C wttg Unit Other ❑Other(ustuse) Type:mateflal P W r a:*ELL LOCATI blc� Amount7 COUNTY - OUADRANGIE NAME NEAREST TOWN: �/f G L,K1 ; 9. EXPLAIN METHOD OF EMPLACEMENT OF MATERIAL- (StrestlRoad Name,Number,CommuNry,subdviston.Lot No..Parml,z(p Code) COE; C w • •G TOPOGRAPHC 1 LAND SMG: Z '� cLlC 4C V J-c A lop❑Se O Valley B F1' at ❑Ridge❑Other (Check appropriate setting) 10. WELL DIAGRAM :Draw a detailed sketch of theell an the back of this LATITUDE 3te �l DMS�OR, ��shWng total depth.depth and diameter of screens(if any}remaining )Ot)OUObfX)DD in the well,gravel Interval,1;r6ryals of casing perforatio s,and depths and lONQITUDE 7 � DMS OR'7X•)o0009!j=--D types of flu materials, LatAudettongitudesotme: pTopographicmap aa � (fecatb»Ofweflinu"be shown an a USGS tapo map andaffached to 11. DATE WELL A13MDONED tJ this km ffnotu&M GPS) : 1 DO HEREBVCER7iFY THAT.THIS WELL W ABAN IN ACCORDANCE WITHISANdi 2C,WELLCO UCTIO AND ANDTHATACOPYOF 4a.FACILITY-The rtarrte ofthe buslrmse where the wan 1s[Grated.Com Oar THIS REC BEEN PR ED TO WF1' ER. (li a restdenttN well,GNP 4a:Complete 4b.reiiryjrinfamq FACILITY ID 0(if applicable) • - /�, NAME OF FACILITY : SiG OF ED WELL NTitACTOR DATE EETADDRESS dYGrr/ . SIGNATURE OF PRIVATE WLL E OWNERRAgAAriDOLI1NG THE WELL DATE CitycrTovm State Zip Code CftprivateweU owner muct bean IndM'dualwJIK5gW bamlonQtkWherresiderftwoo 4b.CONTACT PERSONIWELL WNER: Inaeconlaneewi0r16ANCAC2C.etfj.) NAME. C ! PRiNr6D NAME OF PERSON ABANDONING THE WE LL STREETADDRESS ZCY7, 1LL0„0,y4-5 C ' Submit a Copy to the owner and-the original Ii19s©wision'of Water Quality-Information PFocessing, 1617 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27M.1617,;Pltone:(919).8p74300 Form GW-30 Rev.W t0 I i i I l � qo I i - I i i