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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00276_Renewal (Application)_20220806 v McKIM&CREED ENGINEERS v SURVEYORS PLANNERS September 6,2022 M&C 00784-0088(40) NC Department of Environmental Quality RECEIVED of Water Resources—Municipal Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 SEP 0 9 2022 RE: System-Wide Collection System Permit Renewal NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES Bald Head Island Collection System Permit No. WQCS00276 Mr. Montebello: On behalf of Village of Bald Head Island, we are submitting the referenced permit renewal package for your review and approval.The requisite documentation has been enclosed as follows: r o "Attachment for Instruction C" -Application o "Attachment for Section IV.3" -Pump Station List o "Attachment for Section IV.4" -High Priority Lines List o "Attachment for Section V.4" -Annual Budget for Collection System o "Attachment for Section VI.2" -Response Action Plan o "Attachment for Section VI.4" -Contingency Plan o "Attachment for Section VL6" -Comprehensive Collection System Map o "Attachment for Section VII" —Note Any Potential Compliance Issues Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Si' •erely, 243 North Front Stiee' r j Wilmington, NC 28401 atie E ' , I McKIM&CREED, INC. 910 343 1043 FOX 910 251 8282 Cc:Chris McCall,Village Manager,Village of Bald Head Island wwv, mrkimreeecl cone Attachment for Instruction C Application State of North Carolina DWR Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02T.0400—SYSTEM-WIDE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEMS Division of Water Resources INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM CSA 04-16&SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Documents shall be prepared in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0100, 15A NCAC 02T .0400, and all relevant Division Policies. Failure to submit all required items will necessitate additional processing and review time. For more information, visit the System-wide Collection System Permitting website: General — When submitting an application to the Municipal Permitting Unit, please use the following instructions as a checklist in order to ensure all required items are submitted. Adherence to these instructions and checking the provided boxes will help produce a quicker review time and reduce the amount of requested additional information. The Applicant shall submit one original and one copy of the application and supporting documentation. The copy may be submitted in digital format. A. Cover Letter E Submit a cover letter listing all items and attachments included in the permit application package B. No Application Fee Required ➢ No application fee is necessary. The permittee will be billed an annual fee upon issuance of the permit ➢ The appropriate annual fee for systemwide wastewater collection system permits may be found at: > Annual Non-Discharge Fees C. System-Wide Wastewater Collection System(FORM: CSA 04-16) Application: • Submit the completed and appropriately executed System-wide Wastewater Collection System (FORM: CSA 04- 16) application. Any unauthorized content changes to this form shall result in the application package being returned. If necessary for clarity or due to space restrictions, attachments to the application may be made, as long as the attachments are numbered to correspond to the section and item to which they refer. ❑ If the Applicant Type in Section I.3 is a Privately-Owned Public Utility, provide the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN)from the North Carolina Utilities Commission demonstrating the Applicant is authorized to hold the utility franchise for the area to be served by the wastewater collection system,or ❑ Provide a letter from the North Carolina Utilities Commission's Water and Sewer Division Public Staff stating an application for a franchise has been received and that the service area is contiguous to an existing franchised area or that franchise approval is expected. ❑ If the Applicant Type in Section 1.3 is a corporation or company, provide documentation if it is registered for business with the North Carolina Secretary of State. D. General Information: > The Authorized signing official listed in Section I.4 should match with that of the Applicant certification page in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b). Per 15A NCAC 02T .0106(c), an alternate person may be designated as the signing official if a delegation letter is provided from a person who meets the criteria in 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b). > NOTE - Public Works Directors are not authorized to sign this permit application, according to the rule, unless they are formally delegated. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICATION CSA 04-16&SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Page 1 of 5 E. Summary of Attachments Required: ® Instruction A: Cover Letter ® Instruction C: Application ❑ Instruction C: Ownership Documentation (i.e. CPCN)(If necessary) (N/A) ❑ Instruction D: Delegation Letter(If necessary for signing official) (N/A) ® Section IV.3 Pump Station List ® Section IV.4 High Priority Lines List ® Section V.4 Annual Budget for Collection System (Updated and Approved) ❑ Section V.6 Capital Improvement Plan(Updated and Approved) '\ ® Section VI.2 Response Action Plan ® Section VI.4 Contingency Plan O Section VI.6 Comprehensive Collection System Map ® Section VII Note Any Potential Compliance Issues THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE,INCLDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS,SHOULD BE SENT TO: NCDEQ-DWR Water Quality Permitting Section MUNICIPAL PERMITTING UNIT By U.S.Postal Service: By Courier/Special Delivery: 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER 512 N.SALISBURY ST.Suite 925 RALEIGH,NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 RALEIGH,NORTH CAROLINA 27604 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919)707-3601 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919)707-3601 INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICATION CSA 04-16&SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Page 2 of 5 I. APPLICANT INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's name(Municipality,Public Utility,etc):Village of Bald Head Island 2. Facility Information: Name: Bald Head Island Collection System Permit No.: WQCS00276 3. Applicant type: ® Municipal ❑ State El Privately-Owned Public Utility ❑County El Other: 4. Signature authority's name:Chris McCall per 15A NCAC 02T.0106(b) Title:Village Manager 5. Applicant's mailing address: PO Box 3009 City: Bald Head Island State:NC Zip:28461- 6. Applicant's contact information: Phone number: (910)457-7350 Fax number:( )= Email address: cmccall II. CONTACT/CONSULTANT INFORMATION: 1. Contact Name:Tony Boahn,PE 2. Title/Affiliation: Engineering Consultant 3. Contact's mailing address:243 N Front St. 4. City: Wilmington State:NC Zip:28401- 5. Contact's information: Phone number:(910)343-1048 Fax number:(_)= Email address: II. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. New Permit or Premit Renewal? ❑New ® Renewal 2. County System is located in: Brunswick County 3. Owner&Name of Wastewater Treatment Facility(ies)receiving wastewater from this collection system: Owner(s)&Name(s): Village of Bald Head Island WWTP 4. WWTF Permit Number(s): NC0085553 5. What is the wastewater type? 100%Domestic or %Industrial(See 15A NCAC 02T.0103(20)) Is there a Pretreatment Program in effect?El Yes or®No 6. Wastewater flow:0.158 MGD(Current average flow of wastewater generated by collection system) 7. Combined permitted flow of all treatment plants: 0_3 MGD 8. Explain how the wastewater flow was determined: ❑ 15A NCAC 02T.0114 or® Representative Data 9. Population served by the collection system: 1,198 IV. COLLECTION SYSTEM INFORMATION: APPLICATION CSA 04-16 Page 3 of 5 1. Line Lengths for Collection System: Sewer Line Description Length Gravity Sewer 5(miles) • Force Main 0.6(miles) Vacuum Sewer 0(miles) Pressure Sewer 35(miles) 2. Pump Stations for Collection System: Pump Station Type Number Simplex Pump Stations(Serving Single Building) 1,214 Simplex Pump Stations(Serving Multiple Buildings) 0 Duplex Pump Stations 56 3. Submit a list of all major(i.e.not simplex pump station serving a single family home)pump stations. Include the following information: ➢ Pump Station Name ➢ Physical Location > Alarm Type(,visual,telemetry,SCADA) > Pump Reliability(Can convey peak hourly wastewater flow with largest single pump out of service) > Reliability Source(permanent/portable generator,portable pumps) ➢ Capacity of Station(Pump Station Capacity in GPM) 4. Submit a list of all high priority lines according per 15A NCAC 02T.0402(2)known to exist in the collection system. Head the list with"Attachment A for Condition V(4)"and include the system name. ➢ Use the same line identification regularly used by the applicant ➢ Indicate type of high priority line(i.e.aerial),material and general location V. COLLECTION SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION: 1. Provide a brief description of the organizational structure that is responsible for management, operation and maintenance of the collection system. David Mintz is the Distribution and Collections Superintendent,please see the attached organizational chart and the list of staff in the Collections Unit. Several positions are dedicated to Distribution and Collections Operations.The Collections System is monitored twenty-four hours/seven days a week by SCADA.Visual lift station visits are completed weekly.A scheduled list of inspection Items is exercised. Lift station and residential grinder pump alarms are monitored and responded to twenty-four hours a day,seven days a week.Annual ROW are maintained on an annual schedule and as needed.High priority lines is inspected regularly. 2. Indicate the current designated collection system operators for the collection system per 15A NCAC 08G.0201 Main ORC Name: David Mintz Certification Number:#999514 Back-Up ORC Name: Kenneth Adkins&Charles Trott Certification Number:#1009856& #990129 See the"WQCS Contacts and ORC Report"for a current listing of the ORC(s)the Division has on file for WQCS permit 3. Approximate annual budget for collection system only: $435,352 4. Submit a copy of your current annual budget. 5. Approximate capital improvement budge for the collection system only: $530,000 APPLICATION CSA 04-16 Page 4 of 5 6. Submit a copy of your current capital improvement plan.Not Applicable—Village does not currently have an approved CIP in place. 7. Is this collection system currently a satellite system ❑ Yes or®No 8. Do any satellite systems discharge to this collection system ❑ Yes or®No(If yes complete table below) Satellite System Contact Information(Name,Address, Phone Number) Complete for Satellite Systems that have a flow or capacity greater than 200,000 GPD(Average daily flow) 9. List any agreements or ordinances currently in place to address flows from satellite systems: Not Applicable. VI. COLLECTION SYSTEM COMPLIANCE: 1. Is a Response Action Plan currently in place® Yes or❑No 2. If Yes,submit a copy of the Response Action Plan or see table 6 below. 3. Is a pump station contingency plan currently in place? ® Yes or❑No 4. If Yes,submit a copy of the pump station contingency plan or see table 6 below. 5. Is a comprehensive collection system map currently in place? ® Yes or❑No 6. Submit a submit a copy of the collection system map(CD or hardcopy)or indicate a schedule for completion 7. Thoroughly read and review the System-Wide Collection System Permit Conditions. Typically compliance schedules are only offered to NEW permit applicants and NOT permit renewals. Any compliance dates must be included within the permit prior to issuance or the permit holder will be found in violation upon inspection. Current If no, Indicate a Typical Permit Condition Compliance Compliance Compliance? Date Schedule I(4)—Grease ordinance with legal authority to inspect/enforce ® Yes ❑No 12— 18 mo. I(5)— Grease inspection and enforcement program ® Yes ❑No 12— 18 mo. I(6)—Three to five year current Capital Improvement Plan. ® Yes ❑No 12— 18 mo. I(8)—Pump station contingency plan ® Yes ❑No 3 mo. I(9)—Pump station identification signs. ® Yes ❑No 3 mo. I(11)—Functional and conspicuous audible and visual alarms. ® Yes ❑No 3—6 mo. 11(5)—Spare pumps for any station where one pump cannot handle peak flows alone(in a duplex station,the 2nd pump is ® Yes ❑No 6—9 mo. the spare if pump reliability is met). 11(7)—Accessible right-of-ways and easements. ® Yes ❑No 6— 12 mo. II(9)—Response action plan with Items 9(a—h). ® Yes ❑ No 3 mo. III(3)—Comprehensive collection system map ® Yes ❑ No 10%per year For conditions not listed,compliance dates are not typically offered. List any permit conditions that may be difficult for the applicant to meet(attach clarification if needed): Not Applicable APPLICATION CSA 04-16 Page 5 of 5 VII. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION per I5A NCAC 02T.0106(4 I,Chris McCall,Village Manager attest that this application for Bald Head Island Collection System (Signature Authority's Name&Title from Item 1.4) (Facility name from Item I.1) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 1 understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included,this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes I43-2I5.6A and 143-215.6B,any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to$25,000 per violation. 4/7/xes t2 Signature: Date: APPLICATION CSA 04-16 Page 6 of 5 Attachment for Section IV.3 Pump Station List -.J G G--% L U w - VILLAGE OF BHI DUPLEX LIFT STATION LISTING Pump Pump Panel Restricted PWR Total to Stations Pump Station ID Serving Size Type Part# Access Phase Be Served Ahead 1 Harbour Village I North Harbor 2-HP SPG200E-M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 55 2 Harbour Village It East Harbor 2-HP SPG200E-M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 33 3 Harbour Village Main All Harbor • 7.5-HP S4N750M6-4 6200E00135080 Locked 3 Ph 104 1,2,4 4 Lighthouse Ldg I Lighthouse Ldg 14-19 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 6 5 Lighthouse Ldg II Lighthouse Ldg 1-13 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 13 6 Stede Bonnet Close Stede Bonnet Close 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 5 7 Timberc reek I Timbercreek ph I 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 12 8 Timbercreek If Timbercreek ph If 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 4 9 TimbercreekDI Timbercreek ph El 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 10 10 TimbercreekIV Timbercreek ph IV 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 10 11 Timbercreek V TC/13 LHL/4 SBC/24NBHW 1.5-HP S150M2-4 6200E00135081 Locked 1 Ph 77 5,6,7,8,9,10 12 Palmetto Cove I Palmetto Cove 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked . 1 Ph 28 13 Palm Court Palm Court 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph • 15 14 Cedar Court Cedar Court 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 17 15 Ibis Roost I IR 22-31 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62007-514-7 Locked 1 Ph 10 16 Ibis Roost II ER 1-20 3-HP SPGH300M2/2 62017-345-7 Locked 1 Ph 19 17 Col William Rhett Col William Rhett 2-HP SPG200M2/2 2201-8-068-7 Locked 1 Ph 14 18 Sabal Palm I SP 1-9 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 7 19 Sabel Palm II 893-896,SP 10-15 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 9 20 Service Village I Service Village/E.T.Close 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 10 21 Dowitcher Dowitcher 1-HP E-One(AMGP) Tri-plex Locked 1 Ph 33 22 Villas I Villas ph I 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 21 23 Villas II Villas ph II 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 17 24 Villas III Villas ph III 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 17 25 Primary Main All of Island Except PCove 15-HP S4L15-11.5 62020-670-7 Fence/Lock 3 Ph 1263 3,11,13,14,15,16,18,19,20,26,27,35 26 Central Main WBHW,Villas,F Holmes 7.5-HP S4M750M4-4 6299E11714 Fence/Lock 3 Ph 257 17,22,23,24,32,36 27 Dune Ridge Main Dune Ridge FB.KG,Braemar 5-HP H PG F500M2-4/9" 62019-819-7 Locked 1 Ph 195 28,29,30,31,38 28 Dune Ridge I Coquina,Bay B,W Bean 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 30 29 Dune Ridge II B Pelican,IN Blanket 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 37 30 Flora's Bluff Flora's Bluff 3-HP SPGH300M2/2 62014-090-7 Locked 1 Ph 33 31 Killegray Ridge KG Ridge/Braemar 3-HP SPGH300M2-2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 74 32 Hammocks I Hammocks ph I 2-HP PB-2SE 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 28 33 Mourning Warbler Area,4,5,6 5-HP S4NX500CC 62025-107-7 Locked 1 Ph 152 34 SBHW #1 Area,12,13,14 3-HP S3HRC300M2-2 6299E00043042 Locked 1 Ph 98 35 Stede Bonnet Main Area,8,9,11 5-HP S4P500M2-4 6299E00043823 Locked 1 Ph 194 33,34,37 36 WBHW#1 Area,1,2,3,4 5-HP S4NX500 6299E14019 Locked 1 Ph 143 37 Royal James Royal James Landing 1-HP E-One(AMGP) Duplex Locked 1 Ph 28 38 Loggerhead Loggerhead Tr./SBHW 3-HP SPGH300M2/2 62014-090-7 Locked 1 Ph 15 . Note:All stations have ID and emergency phone number posted. All station are operated using SCADA 1 Attachment for Section IV.4 High Priority Lines List "Attachment A for Condition V(4)" List of High Priority Lines Village of Bald Head Island The Village of Bald Head Island Utilities has one(1) High Priority Line at the time of this permit renewal. The line conveys wastewater to the Treatment Facility. 1) Villas Pod 1t1 Sewer Cre sing,Aerial Line supported by wooden bridge, 4" Ductile Iron • Slip Joint Pipe, Replaced early 2000. 3) Villas Pod#3 Sewer Crossing,Aerial Line supported by wooden bridge,3" Ductile Iron Slip Joint Pipe, Replaced early 2000. 4) Pond 1t9 Sewer Crossing,Submerged Line,6" Drisco pipe with Fused Joints, located Villas Pod #1,Villas Pod #2, and Pond #9 are no longer deemed High-Priority Lines. Attachment for Section V.4 Annual Budget for Collection System FY 2021-2022 Budget Worksheet Fund 10 Capital Outlay(7100) and Transportation (7200) Last Edited:4/27/2022 Print Date: 8/18/2022 14:31 Expenses/ Encumbered Expenses Expenses(Actual) (Actual)YTD Percentage of (Estimate) Requested Change from Account Id Account Description Class FY21 Budget FY22 as of 04-30-2022 Expenses YTD thru 6-30-22 Budget FY23 FY 22 10-7100- CAPITAL OUTLAY: 10-7100-5300 Transportation Funding(BHITA) $ 130,000 $ - $ - #DIV/0! $ - $ - $ - 10-7100-6800 TRANSFER/VILLAGE FACILITIES $ 1,640,420 $ 185,000 $ 185,000 100.00% $ 185,000 $ - $ (185,000) 10-7100-6900 Transfer to IPC Improvements Fund $ 400,000 $ - $ - #DIV/0! $ - $ - $ - 10-7100-8148 Transfer to New Village Hall Project $ - $ 35,000 $ 35,000 100.00% $ 35,000 $ - $ (35,000) CAPITAL OUTLAY-7100 Total Department Expenses $ 2,170,420 $ 220,000 $ 220,000 100.00% $ 220,000 $ - $ (220,000) Percent of Change -100.00% 10-7200- ROADS DEPARTMENT 10-7200-4200 ROAD CONSTRUCTION $ - $ 640,000 $ 639,720 99.96% $ 639,720 $ 192,000 $ (448,000) ROAD CONSTRUCTION -720CTotal Department Expenses $ - $ 640,000 $ 639,720 99.96% $ 639,720 $ 192,000 $ (448,000) Percent of Change -70.00% FY 23 Budget Worksheet Fund 10 Capital Outlay(7100)and Transportation (7200) Print Date: 8/18/2022 14:31 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval✓ 10-7100- CAPITAL OUTLAY: 10-7100-5300 Transportation Funding(BHITA) $ - - 10-7100-6800 TRANSFER/VILLAGE FACILITIES $ 185,000 - 10-7100-6900 Transfer to IPC Improvements Fund $ - - 10-7100-8148 Transfer to New Village Hall Project $ 35,000 - CAPITAL OUTLAY-7100 Total Department Expenses $ 185,000 - test $ 220,000 - Capital Outlay Worksheet 10-7200- TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT ROAD CONSTRUCTION Wood Duck Trail:68k 68,000 Whale Head:$97k 97,000 PW Entrance:$12k _ 12,000 Middle Island Intersection Station House Way:$15k 15,000 10-7200-4200 ROAD CONSTRUCTION $ 640,000 Capital outlay Worksheet 192,000 TRANSPORTATION -7200 Total Department Expenses $ - 192,000 test $ - 444,000 FY 2022-2023 Budget Worksheet Fund 10 PUBLIC WORKS 8100 last Edited:4/27/2022 Print Date: 8/18/2022 14:31 Expenses/ Encumbered Expenses Expenses(Actual) (Actual)YTD Percentage of (Estimate) Requested Change from Account Id Account Description Class FY21 Budget FY22 as of 04-30-2022 Expenses YTD thru 6-30-22 Budget FY23 FY 22 10-8100-0200 SALARIES&WAGES $ 459,694 $ 579,100 $ 391,002 67.52% $ 469,202 $ 597,000 $ 17,900 10-8100-0350 SEASONAL SALARY/WAGES $ - $ - $ - #DIV/0! $ - $ - $ - 10-8100-0400 OVERTIME WAGES $ 13,258 $ 11,600 $ 7,402 63.81% $ 8,883 $ 18,000 $ 6,400 Total Salaries $ 472,953 $ 590,700 $ 398,404 67.45% $ 478,085 $ 615,000 $ 24,300 10-8100-0500 FICA/MEDICARE TAXES $ 6,990 $ 8,600 $ 5,800 67.44% $ 6,960 $ 9,200 $ 600 10-8100-0501 OASDI/SOC.SEC.TAXES $ - $ - $ - #DIV/0! $ - $ 19,200 $ 19,200 10-8100-0600 MEDICAL INSURANCE/HSA $ 123,421 $ 158,800 $ 100,549 63.32% $ 120,659 $ 163,500 $ 4,700 10-8100-0700 NC RETIREMENT FUND $ 49,724 $ 66,500 $ 45,355 68.20% $ 54,426 $ 78,000 $ 11,500 10-8100-0800 401K PLAN $ 23,687 $ 29,600 $ 19,117 64.59% $ 22,941 $ 30,200 $ 600 10-8100-1250 FERRY EXPENSES $ 27,277 $ 45,700 $ 20,851 45.63% $ 25,022 $ 40,500 $ (5,200) 10-8100-1260 PARKING $ 6,728 $ 9,100 $ 9,460 103.96% $ 11,352 $ 7,000 $ (2,100) Total Fringe Benefits $ 237,827 $ 318,300 $ 201,133 63.19% $ 241,359 $ 347,600 $ 29,300 Total Personnel $ 710,779 $ 909,000 $ 599,537 65.96% $ 719,444 $ 962,600 $ 53,600 10-8100-0900 UTILITIES $ 7,917 $ 8,000 $ 4,458 55.72% $ 5,349 $ 8,000.00 $ - 10-8100-0901 Village Parks-Utilities,water&electric $ 31,237 $ 27,500 $ 15,227 55.37% $ 18,272 $ 30,500.00 $ 3,000 10-8100-1100 GAS&OIL $ 11,512 $ 13,500 $ 9,171 67.93% $ 11,005 $ 15,700.00 $ 2,200 10-8100-1150 LP Gas $ 2,428 $ 3,000 $ 3,684 122.81% $ 4,421 $ 3,600.00 $ 600 10-8100-1200 TRAVEL $ 638 $ 1,000 $ 309 30.95% $ 371 $ 1,000.00 $ - 10-8100-1275 BARGE EXPENSES $ 41,400 $ 40,400 $ 29,290 72.50% $ 35,148 $ 57,900.00 $ 17,500 10-8100-1300 Equipment Maintenance $ 19,564 $ 24,000 $ 16,428 68.45% $ 19,714 $ 25,500.00 $ 1,500 10-8100-1550 VEHICLE PERMITS $ 6,670 $ 7,200 $ 9,470 131.53% $ 11,364 $ 9,200.00 $ 2,000 10-8100-1600 BLDG/GROUNDS MAINT $ 20,929 $ 17,000 $ 15,041 88.48% $ 18,050 $ 58,400.00 $ 41,400 10-8100-1601 Village Parks-Bldg/Grounds Maintenance $ 7,317 $ 25,200 $ 14,980 59.45% $ 17,976 $ 21,200.00 $ (4,000) 10-8100-1650 RIGHT-OF-WAY MTE $ 67,270 $ 68,400 $ 99,076 144.85% $ 118,891 $ 130,000.00 $ 61,600 10-8100-1700 CONTRACT MULCH SITE $ 194,803 $ 100,000 $ 108,333 108.33% $ 130,000 $ 100,000.00 $ - 10-8100-2000 STORM Prep/ASSESSMENT/CLEAN UP $ 204,859 $ - $ 3,764 #DIV/0! $ 10,000 $ - $ - 10-8100-2100 GFLANNUALCONTRACT(RESIDENTIALTRASH) $ 404,089 $ 390,500 $ 334,496 85.66% $ 401,395 $ 413,000.00 $ 22,500 10-8100-2101 SOLID WASTE TIPPING FEES $ - $ - $ - #DIV/0! $ - $ 20,600.00 $ 20,600 10-8100-2500 OFFICE SUPPLIES $ 1,023 $ 1,000 $ 508 50.80% $ 610 $ 1,200.00 $ 200 10-8100-2525 SAFETY EQUP/SUPPLIES $ 7,861 $ 8,000 $ 1,818 22.72% $ 2,181 $ 5,800.00 $ (2,200) 10-8100-2725 BUILDING SUPPLIES $ 5,289 $ 9,000 $ 4,460 49.55% $ 5,352 $ 8,400.00 $ (600) 10-8100-3100 SIGNS $ 13,750 $ 15,000 $ 3,542 23.62% $ 4,251 $ 15,000.00 $ 10-8100-3400 UNIFORMS $ 4,312 $ 6,500 $ 6,116 94.10% $ 7,340 $ 7,000.00 $ 500 10-8100-3500 TRAINING&CERTIFICATION $ 225 $ 1,500 $ 610 40.63% $ 731 $ 4,500.00 $ 3,000 FY 2022-2023 Budget Worksheet Fund 10 PUBLIC WORKS 8100 Last Edited:4/27/2022 Print Date: 8/18/2022 24:31 Expenses/ Encumbered Expenses Expenses(Actual) (Actual)YTD Percentage of (Estimate) Requested Change from Account Id Account Description Class FY21 Budget FY22 as of 04-30-2022 Expenses YTD thru 6-30-22 Budget FY23 FY 22 10-8100-3700 MISCELLANEOUS $ - $ 460 $ 173 37.61% $ 208 $ 500.00 $ 40 10-8100-4250 MOSQUITO CONTROL $ 4,677 $ 8,000 $ 6,188 77.36% $ 7,426 $ 8,000.00 $ - 10-8100-5150 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $ - $ 5,340 $ - 0.00% $ - $ - $ (5,340) 10-8100-5200 CAPITAL OUTLAY Asset>5k-P Works $ 150,516 $ 272,000 $ 270,115 99.31% $ 270,115 $ 147,000.00 $ (125,000) 10-8100-5210 PW Capital Outlay-Non Depr<5k $ 5,985 $ 5,000 $ 1,982 39.65% $ 2,379 $ 5,000.00 $ - TotalOperatingExpenses $ 1,057,770 $ 780,500 $ 687,143 88.04% $ 830,055 $ 945,000 $ 164,500 Total Capital Expenses $ 156,501 $ 277,000 $ 272,097 98.23% $ 272,494 $ 152,000 $ (125,000) Public Works 8100 Total Department Expenses $ 1,925,050 $ 1,966,500 $ 1,558,778 79.27% $ 1,821,994 $ 2,059,600 $ 93,100 Percent of Change 4.73% FY 23 Budget Worksheet Fund 10 PUBLIC WORKS 8100 Print Date: 8/18/20221031 FY22 FY23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval 10-8100-0200 SALARIES&WAGES $ 579,100 to be completed by finance deportment 597,000 Updated 3.30.2022 10-8100-0350 SEASONAL SALARY/WAGES $ - to be completed by finance deportment - 10-8100-0400 OVERTIME WAGES $ 11,600 to be completed by finance deportment 18,000 3%of Salaries Total Salaries $ 590,700 615,000 10-8100-0500 FICA/MEDICARE TAXES $ 8,600 to be completed by finance deportment 9,200 1.45%Total Salaries 10-8100-0501 OASDI/SOC.SEC.TAXES $ - to be completed by finance deportment 19,200 6.2%of Total Salaries 10-8100-0600 MEDICAL INSURANCE/NSA $ 158,800 to be completed by finance deportment 163,500 10-8100-0700 NC RETIREMENT FUND $ 66,500 to be completed by finance deportment 78,000 11.25%of total salaries 10-8100-0800 401K PLAN $ 29,600 to be completed by finance deportment 30,200 5%of total salaries 10-8100-1250 FERRY EXPENSES $ 45,700 to be completed by finance deportment 40,500 13 EE's @ 251 days @$14/day-EE's listed in splits table allocated to utilities based on%shown 10-8100-1260 PARKING $ 9,100 to be completed by finance deportment 7,000 13 EE's @$700/year EE's listed in splits table allocated to utilities based on%shown Total Fringe Benefits $ 318,300 347,600 Total Personnel $ 909,000 962,600 test ./$ 909,000 962,600 TILT IES Electricity and Water for the Public Works Facility(The Village owned parks will be included on line item 8100- 0901 for FY20) The average electricity costs for the public works facility in FY20=$470/month 5,640 The average water costs for the publci works facility in FY20=$161/month 1,932 Contingency 428 10-8100-0900 UTILITIES $ 8,000 8,000 Village Parks-Utilities,water&electric Average monthly cost for water primarily irragation=$27,000 27,000 Average monthly cost for electricity=$268.00 per month 3,216 Contingency 284 Commons Park grasses have extreme absorption and evaporation rates Greener grass=higher water cost Note,FY20 was the first year we pulled parks out of general utiiitites ' 10-8100-0901 Village Parks-Utilities,water&electric S 27,5UU 30,500 GAS&OIL Average monthly cost for gas&oil=$1080/month 12,960 20%.Fuel Industry FY23 Costs 2,700 Rounding 40 10.8100-1100 GAS&OIL $ 13,500 15,700 LP Gas Cost of propane heat for shops Estimate=same as prior year 3,000 20%.Fuel Industry FY23 Costs 600 10-8100-1150 LP Gas $ 3,000 3,600 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval✓ TRAVEL Reimbursement for Employee Travel Miles: Local travel estimated at 15 miles/week-@ 52 weeks=780 miles @.585/mile 456 Travel to Castle bane,Shallote,Burgaw and Whitevllle,estimated at 380 miles/year 223 Travel distances to Jacksonville and Smithfield-infrequent,estimate 450 miles/year 264 Rounding 57 10-8100-1200 TRAVEL $ 1,000 1,000 BARGE EXPENSES Waste Industries roll off trucks estimated at 151 annually itemized as follows average+increase expected Recycle 78 hauls$330.00 per haul(co-mingle) 25,740 Cardboard 60 hauls$330.00 per haul 19,800 • White goods 13 hauls$330.00 per haul 4,290 Public Works dump truck 28 trips$220.00 per trip 6,160 Public Works pick up trucks estimated at 3 trips$150.00 per trip 450 Wood container(C/0)8 hauls$330.00 per haul. NOW UNDER BEACH FUND Rounding 460 Fitnees Tree 1,000 10-8100-1275 BARGE EXPENSES $ 40,400 57,900 $ouioment Maintenance Public Works is responsible for the repair and maintenance cost of Village vehicles and equipment.most of which are considered to be(Aging Fleet category)vehicles.With out regard to extenuating circumstances, normal cost for repairs and general preventative maintenance is estimated at same level of funding as FY20 17,000 Mechanical and cosmetic repairs for 2005 GMC 5,000 Mechanical repairs for flail mower 3,500 10-81004300 Equipment Maintenance S 24,000 25,500 VEHICLE PERMITS 9 vehicles 0 to 15 feet$190.00 each= 1,710 6 vehicles 15 to 21 feet$640.00 each= 3,840 3 vehicles 21 to 27 feet 51190.00 each= 3,570 (permits are required for trailers) 80 10-8100-1550 VEHICLE PERMITS $ 7,200 9,200 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval✓ BLDG/GROUNDS MAINT Paint for signs and various facility projects 500 cleaning supplies for shops,vehicles and exteriors of buildings 800 pest control contract for Public Works facility$225/month(Cleggs) 2,700 Miscellaneous tools;To Include specialty tools,broken tools,misplaced tools etcetera. 1,000 specialty fasteners(stainless steel screws/bolts,a wide variety of nails and screws for various protects. 400 Miscellaneous supplies such as steal cable,electrical outlets(GFI),wire,welded wire(hardware cloth),cement mix,rebar,adhesives,rope,caulking,paint stripper,shrink wrap,tapes(box tape,electrical tape,masking tape) etcetera. 3,500 Hedge trimmer blade(old one is worn) 300 Doggy bags switching to biodegradable 2,000 Pole saw repair parts 1,000 Miscellaneous projects assigned to Public Works.Usually assigned by council or Village Manager. Light bulbs;light bulbs for all Village buildings and structures(a large variety of sizes and styles).Public Works facility alone has 58 Fixtures from 4'to 8'. 1,000 Billie McCall-cleaning @$433/month 5,196 rounding 4 Roof replace/repair for Public Works building;multiple leaks in old roof throughout shop areas.Repairs needed to protect expensive equipment(i.e.CNC machine). 40,000 10-8100-1600 BLDG/GROUNDS MAINT $ 17,000 58,400 Village Parks-Bldg/Grounds Maintenance Maintenance of building and grounds including grasses ornamental shrubs,grasses and trees.Bulkheads,stairs and the exterior of the building,Irrigation system,all pesticides associated with grounds(Herbicides,fungicides fertilizers and pesticides)all wood associated with the wooden walkway and board walk. General expenses 600 Billie McCall-cleaning @$50/month 600 irrigation supplies for 3 systems located in Village parks. 500 chemical pesticides for Marina,Commons and Whale Head Parks.Example(Roundup,fertilizers,anti-fungal, insecticides). 1,000 Pallets of sod.Used for replacement of Bermuda hybrid grass areas affected by vandalism,insect damage, fungus or other abnormalities. 1,000 Repair of various bulkhead areas(material) 1,500 Replace stair treads on common park-move to BRRAT Fund Rock to resurface the drive an parking areas S Load approximatly 60 tons($2700/load) 16,000 Creek Access walkway,handrails and gazebo repairs-move to BRRAT Fund 10-8100-1601 Village Parks-Bldg/Grounds Maintenance $ 25,200 21,200 RIGHT-OF-WAY MTE Tree Program(Contracted annual tree service)to perform tree pruning and high cuts that the Village equipment cant reach.(Vendor-Fitness Tree Care) 25,000 Road shoulders to include the purchase of rock for the road shoulders and pavers where needed.(approx 50 miles)Materials only-all labor in house 20,000 Miscellaneous Right Of Way Projects to include pavers 4,000 Asphalt patch 16 pallets 14,400 Parking lot expansion(across from Villas,access 15/Sand Spur Road/Special Needs access)-(rock,gravel r barge)*geotextile Historical costs from FY 22 operational changes under new management-req'd ROW maintenance monitored by State _ 66,516 Rounding 84 10-8100-1650 RIGHT-OF-WAY MTE $ 68,400 130,000 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval V CONTRACT MULCH SITE FY20 Contract set at 10,000 cubic yards at$10/yard. 100,000 10-8100-1700 CONTRACT MULCH SITE $ 100,000 100,000 STORM Prep/ASSESSMENT/CLEAN UP This line item was eventually used as a placeholder for all Florence storm related expenses. It will remain at a zero budget,but will be used in the future to record all hurricane related expenses from which the Village expects to receive FEMA reimbursement. It is not to be used for a small-non disaster related storm clean up expense. There will NOT be a Hurricane In FY 23. 10-8100-2000 STORM Prep/ASSESSMENT/CLEAN UP $ - - GFL ANNUAL CONTRACT(RESIDENTIAL TRASH( FY22 Contract Cost=36.38/month per each residential service(23.73 paid by Village;12.65 paid by County upfront) Per contract,they can raise the price by 75%of the increase in CPI thru March 2020 Current cost=$31,513.44/month 378,168.00 Operational increase identified by GFL staff FY23($0.28.1328 customers'12months) 5,000.00 ICE Fees two cat III,one cat IV 3,800.00 Increased number of compactor use 20,000.00 Add dumpster service 6,000.00 Rounding 32.00 10-8100-2100 GFL ANNUAL CONTRACT(RESIDENTIAL TRASH) $ 390,500 413,000 SOLID WASTE TIPPING FEES Tiping fees,etc are inconsistent[Roll out costs,etc.) 20,568 32 10-8100-2101 SOLID WASTE TIPPING FEES $ - 20,600 OFFICE SUPPLIES Copy paper,calendars,file dividers,lunch room supplies,bathroom supplies etcetera.Average monthly cost $80.00-$100.00. Estimate-same as prior year 1,000 product cost increases,added employees 200 10-8100-2500 OFFICE SUPPLIES $ 1,000 1,200 • FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval V SAFETY EQUP/SUPPLIES PPE(gloves boots,safety glasses etc..)signs,barricades. some needed signs are(SLOW RAMP AHEAD),(REDUCE SPEED WORK ZONE),Some replacements are needed for signs that are in poor condition or stolen. Rain gear for all employees-identifiable and safe,Purchased FY22(amount for turnover) 750 Rain boots,Purchased FY22(amount included for turnover) 500 gloves and storm water boots,hard hats,safety glasses,chaps,safety harnesses,hearing protectors,rain suits, fall protection,dust masks,respirators all wear out or come out of date and must be replaced at some interval. Public Works barricades and road cones are few in number and worn with age and usage.Some should be replaced to ensure proper working order. 1,500 recommend all other line categories funded at PY amount 3,000 Rounding 50 10-8100-2525 SAFETY EQUP/SUPPLIES $ 8,000 5,800 BUILDING SUPPLIES Supplies for fabricating new street signs(approximately 200 street signs and over 400 hundred various signs island wide)Materials for signs include plastic letters,pressure treated lumber and DOT prismatic additive to aid in nighttime visibility.Supplies also include wood,rubber,and hardware for wooden waste bins(approximately 46)island wide.also to include wood for Beach Accesses(over 30 wooden walkways various lengths).All of the above are repaired on a annual cycle at varying levels depending on location and circumstance(vandalism, Ultraviolet deterioration,Wind,Water,Salt).Supplies also to include material for maintenance of the Timber Bridge such as(special order salt treated dimensional lumber and safety reflectors).supplies also to include material for bulkhead repairs(salt treated lumber). Wood for bulkheads repairs 3,000 Wood for maintaining signs currently on island 1,500 Wood for beach access walkways Stainless Steel Fasteners misc. 500 Rope and pole fencing 2,000 20%increase for lumber costs 1,400 108100-2725 BUILDING SUPPLIES $ 9,000 8,400 SIGNS Island Sign Replacement-due to signs"disappearing"-HDPE Material 15,000 10-8100-3100 SIGNS $ 15,000 15,000 UNIFORMS Employee uniforms$500.00 per person annually.Tee shirts$20x5,Polo shirts$25x5,3 pairs of long pants$30x5, 3 pairs of shorts$25x5,5150.00 annual steel toe boot allowance,winter wear.All of these items wear out and are replaced cyclically to insure that proper employee image is maintained.(11 employees) 5,500 additional employees(turnover) 1,500 10-8100-3400 UNIFORMS S 6,500 7,000 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested • TRAINING&CERTIFICATION Higher demand by new managment for certifications 4,500 cost of training,tuitions and seminars Spray and Turf Licenses,8 employees @$90/each Safety and Health Council,8 employees @$175/each First Aid CPR AED,10 employees,provided by Public Safety Flagger Instructor Training,10 employees @$295/each OSHA General Industry,10 employees @$99/each Arborist,training 10-8100-3500 TRAINING&CERTIFICATION $ 1,500 4,500 MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous 460 Rounding 40 10-8100-3700 MISCELLANEOUS 5 460 500 MOSQUITO CONTROL Mosquito Briquets$1,500.00 per case(2 cases) 3,000 Aqua Resin$1,066.00 per case(3 cases) 3,200 Horticultural Oil$600.00 per Sgal can(3 cans) 1,800 10-8100-4250 MOSQUITO CONTROL $ 8,000 8,000 EQUIPMENT RENTAL Right of first refusal(Storm water pump contract)-based on actual contract document Removed to reclass to Stormwater Fund-$5340/year Rounding 10-8100-5150 EQUIPMENT RENTAL S 5.340 - CAPITAL OUTLAY Asset>5k-P Works 2022 Ford FSSO 16'bed dump truck 4x4 80,000 Rock Conveyor for rocking road shoulders 15,000 Timber Creek Bridge Updates(100 boards @$200 and brackets @$5k) 25,000 Boom Mower attachment for cutting road shoulders.Old unit is 2005 and will continue to need repairs. 27,000 10-8100-S200 CAPITAL OUTLAY Asset>51c-P Works $ 272,000 Link to Public Works Capital Reouests Sheet with Pictures 147,000 Capital Outlay Worksheet FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval✓ PW Capital Outlay-Non Deor<5k Small power equipment purchases or replacment 5,000 10-8100-5210 PW Capital Outlay-Non Depr ask S 5,000 Caoital Outlay Worksheet 5,000 TOTAL OPERATING $ 1,057,500 $ 1,097,000 test S 1,057,500 1,097,000 ditt oS ve$ TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES $ 1,966,500 $ 2,059,600 test $ 1,966,500 2,059,600 dlft VS Month 10 Percentage 83.33% Return to Table of Contents(Click here) FY 2022-2023 Budget Worksheet Fund 31 Utilities 7130 Last Edited:4/11/2022 FVC Print Date:8/18/202214:31 Expenses/ Encumbered Expenses Expenses(Actual) (Actual)YTD Percentage of (Estimate) Requested Change from Account Id Account Description Class FY21 Budget FY22 as of 04-30-22 Expenses YID thru 6-30-22 Budget FY23 FY 22 Approval Notes 31-7130-0200 SALARIES&WAGES P $ 571,047 $ 562,100 $ 432,277 76.90% $ 518,732 $ 596,500 5 34,400 31-7130-0250 ADMIN OH SALARY&WAGES P $ 28,358 $ 107,600 $ 72,496 67.38% $ 86,996 $ 145,000 $ 37,400 31-7130-0400 OVERTIME P $ 9,864 $ 6,800 $ 7,995 117.57% 5 9,594 $ 12,800 $ 6,000 Total Salaries $ 609,2611 $ 676,500 $ 512,768 75.80% $ 615,321 $ 754,300 $ 77,800 31-7130-0500 FICA/MEDICARE TAXES P $ 8,412 $ 9,800 $ 7,472 76.25% $ 8,967 $ 10,400 $ 600 31-7130-0501 OASDI/SOCIAL SECURITY P $ - $ - $ - #DIV/01 $ - $ 47,100 $ 47,100 31-7130-0600 MEDICAL INSURANCE/HSA P $ 128,512 $ 146,200 $ 87,096 59.57% $ 104,515 $ 162,200 $ 16,000 31-7130-0700 NC RETIREMENT P $ 59,537 $ 76,100 $ 58,404 76.75% $ 70,085 $ 95,300 $ 19,200 31-7130-0800 401K PLAN P $ 28,169 $ 34,600 $ 24,847 71.81% $ 29,816 $ 37,900 $ 3,300 31-7130-1250 FERRY P $ 30,575 $ 35,140 $ 22,117 62.94% $ 26,541 $ 43,200 $ 8,060 31-7130-1260 PARKING P $ 6,668 $ 7,000 $ 8,434 120.49% $ 7,000 $ 8,700 $ 1,700 Total Fringe Benefits $ 261,1173 $ 308,840 $ 208,371 67.47% $ 246,924 $ 404,800 $ 95,960 Total Personnel $ 871,142 $ 985,340 $ 721,139 73.19% $ 862,246 $ 1,159,100 $ 173,760 31-7130-0900 UTILITIES 0 $ 123,315 $ 109,000 5 96,805 88.81% $ 116,166 $ 121,200 $ 12,200 31-7130-1000 TELEPHONE 0 $ 49,665 $ 74,000 $ 58,004 78.38% $ 69,605 $ 26,500 $ (47,500) 31-7130-1100 GAS&OIL 0 $ 6,413 $ 8,000 $ 9,559 119.49% $ 11,471 $ 10,200 $ 2,200 31-7130-1200 TRAVEL 0 $ 983 $ 4,200 $ 948 22.56% $ 1,137 $ 6,100 5 1,900 31-7130-1275 BARGE/Shipping 0 $ 67,054 $ 107,803 $ 68,950 63.96% $ 82,740 $ 45,500 $ (62,300) 31-7130-1278 SLUDGE HAUL 0 $ - $ - $ - 0.00% $ - $ 72,600 $ 72,600 31-7130-1300 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 $ 6,204 $ 20,910 $ 21,491 102.78% $ 25,789 $ 30,800 $ 9,890 31-7130-1350 NON-EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES 0 $ 1,153 $ 1,530 $ 509 33.28% $ 611 $ 1,600 $ 70 31-7130-1400 CART MAINTENANCE 0 $ 297 $ 1,000 $ 905 90.47% $ 1,086 $ 1,000 $ 31-7130-1500 VEHICLE MTE&REPAIRS 0 $ 6,796 $ 5,050 $ 4,384 86.81% $ 5,261 $ 10,900 $ 5,850 31-7130-1550 VEHICLE PERMITS/BHI PARKING 0 $ 8,530 $ 8,530 $ 6,980 81.83% $ 8,530 $ 10,600 S 2,070 31-7130-1600 BLDG/GROUNDS MTE 0 $ 13,567 $ 13,200 $ 14,489 109.76% 5 17,386 $ 13,200 9 31-7130-1710 R&M-WATER PLANT&EQUIPMENT 0 $ 64,311 $ 83,200 $ 91,854 110.40% $ 110,225 $ 73,100 $ (10,100) 31-7130-1720 R&M-Water Distribution System 0 $ 44,174 $ 105,800 $ 108,732 102.77% $ 130,479 $ 40,600 $ (65,200) 31-7130-1810 R&M-SEWER PLANT&EQUIPMENT 0 $ 28,377 $ 68,400 $ 108,580 158.74% $ 130,296 $ 65,900 $ (2,500) 31-7130-1820 R&M-SEWER Mains/Homes 0 $ 215,380 $ 180,000 $ 240,512 133.62% $ 240,512 $ 200,000 $ 20,000 31-7130-1850 R&M-PORT-O-JOHN 0 $ 20,594 $ 4,500 $ 8,893 197.61% $ 10,671 $ 13,003 $ 8,500 31-7130-1860 R&M-LAGOONS 0 $ 612 $ 3,560 $ 454 12.75% $ 545 $ 4,000 $ 440 31-7130-2500 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 $ 1,293 $ 1,460 $ 537 36.76% $ 644 $ 1,600 5 140 31-7130-2510 WATER SUPPLIES 0 $ 42,115 $ 33,300 $ 52,068 156.36% $ 52,068 $ 32,000 $ (1,300) 31-7130-2520 SEWER SUPPLIES 0 $ 44,818 $ 52,600 $ 58,219 110.68% $ 58,219 $ 53,700 $ 1,100 31-7130-2525 SAFETY EQUIP/SUPPLIES 0 $ 2,870 $ 2,790 $ 3,785 135.65% $ 4,542 $ 5,000 $ 2,210 31-7130-2710 TOOLS 0 $ 4,370 $ 5,300 $ 5,728 108.07% $ 6,873 $ 6,600 $ 1,300 31-7130-2725 BUILDING SUPPLIES 0 $ 1,892 $ 4,000 $ 1,996 49.90% $ 2,395 $ 15,200 5 11,200 31-7130-2800 COPIES&PRINTING 0 $ 9,470 $ 11,000 S 6,575 59.77% $ 7,890 $ 11,000 5 31-7130-2900 POSTAGE 0 $ 229 5 650 5 89 13.62% $ 106 $ 800 $ 150 31-7130-3000 ADVERTISING 0 $ - $ - $ 200 BDIV/01 $ 240 $ - $31-7130-3300 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 $ 1,259 $ 1,090 $ 820 75.23% $ 984 $ 1,500 5 410 31-7130-3400 UNIFORMS 0 $ 2,843 $ 4,800 $ 3,066 63.88% $ 3,680 $ 4,800 5 - 31-7130-3500 TRAINING&CERTIFICATION 0 $ 2,966 $ 7,500 $ 4,942 65.89% $ 5,930 $ 10,300 $ 2,800 31-7130-3535 DWQ/PWS Permits 0 $ 4,330 $ 5,000 $ 4,755 95.10% $ 5,706 $ 5,000 $ 31-7130-3600 BANK CHARGES 0 $ - $ - $ - BDIV/01 $ - $ 12,600 $ 12,600 31-7130-3700 MISCELLANEOUS 0 $ 2,327 $ 2,900 $ 2,929 101.00% $ 3,515 $ 3,000 $ 100 31-7130-3750 Bill Adjustment 0 $ - $ 1,000 $ - 0.00% $ - $ 1,000 31-7130-4000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 $ 166,431 $ 147,900 $ 88,436 59.79% $ 106,123 $ 150,000 5 2,100 31-7130-4050 LAB FEES 0 $ 32,840 $ 35,300 $ 22,498 63.73% $ 26,997 $ 37,200 $ 1,900 31-7130-4100 MEDICAL SERVICES 0 $ - $ 500 $ - 0.00% $ - $ 600 $ 100 31-7130-4500 BRUNS CO.WATER PURCHASE 0 $ 42,232 $ 47,700 $ 41,375 86.74% $ 49,650 $ 59,000 $ 11,300 31-7130-4900 PROPERTY/LIABILITY INSURANCE 0 $ 69,334 $ 68,000 $ 65,976 97.02% $ 69,334 $ 67,900 $ (100) 31-7130-5100 IT SERVICES 0 $ 9,235 $ 9,280 $ 3,033 32.68% 5 3,639 $ 34,200 $ 24,920 31-7130-5150 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0 $ 1,142 $ 2,900 $ 3,699 127.55% $ 4,439 $ 6,400 $ 3,500 Expenses/ Encumbered Expenses Expenses(Actual) (Actual)YTD Percentage of (Estimate) Requested Change horn Account Id Account Description Class FY21 Budget FY22 as of 04-30-22 Expenses YTD thru 6-30-22 Budget FY23 FY 22 Approval✓ Notes 31-7130-5210 UTIL CAPITAL OUTLAY-Non Depr<5k C $ - $ 10,800 $ 14,254 131.98% $ 17,105 $ 22,600 $ 11,800 31-7400-5200 UTIL CAPITAL OUTLAY Asset>5k C $ 293,364 $ 921,500 $ 909,859 98.74% $ 909,85B $ 837,703 $ (83,8001 31-7400-5240 FUTURE WATER MAINS C $ - $ 3,500 $ - 0.00% $ - $ 3,500 S 31-7400-5245 FUTURE SEWER MAINS C $ - $ 1,500 $ 2,350 156.6716 $ 2,820 $ 1,500 5 31-7400-5280 NEW WATER TAPS C $ 9,158 $ 34,910 $ 42,817 122.65% $ 51,380 $ 34,900 $ (10) 31-7400-5285 NEW SEWER TAPS C $ 57,430 $ 63,600 $ 59,249 93.16% $ 71,099 $ 63,600 $ 31-7400-5600 MANAGER'S CONTINGENCY 0 $ 283 $ 13,500 $ - 0.00% $ - $ 13,600 $ 100 31-7400-6432 TRANSFER TO WWTP Upgrades Project C $ 238,000 $ - $ - #DIY/01 $ - $ - S 31-7130-7700 INSTMNT-GOLF CART LEASE 0 $ 6,143 $ 17,700 $ 10,771 60.85% $ 12,925 $ 17,800 $ 100 S Total Operating Expenses $ 1,105,848 $ 1,274,850 $ 1,223,542 95.98% $ 1,3118,406 $ 1,297,600 $ 22,750 Total Capital Expenses $ 597,952 $ 1,035,810 $ 1,028,529 99.30% $ 1,052,263 $ 963,800 $ (72,010) UTILITIES-7130 Total Department Expenses $ 2,574,942 $ 3,296,000 $ 2,973,210 90.21% $ 3,302,915 $ 3,420,500 $ 124,500 Water $1,209,800 Sewer $2,210,700 Utilities Debt Service-7300 Total $3,420,500 31-7300-7925 DEBT SERVICE D $ 624,819 $ - $ - #DIV/0l $ - $ - $0 31-7300-7926 INTEREST EXPENSE D $ 6,265 $ - $ - #DIV/01 $ - 5 - UTILITIES-7300 Total Department Expenses $ 631,084 $ - $ - 8OIV/01 $ - $ - %increase(decrease) UTILITIES-7130 Total Fund Expenses $ 3,206,026 $ 3,296,000 $ 2,973,210 90.21% $ 3,302,915 $ 3,420,500 S 124,500 3.78% Expenses/ Encumbered Expenses Expenses(Actual) (Actual)YTD Percentage of (Estimate) Requested Change from .Account Description Class FY21 Budget FY22 as of 03-31-22 Expenses YTD thru 6-30-22 Budget FY23 FY 22 Total Personnel $ 871,142 $ 985,340 $ 721,139 73.19% $ 862,246 $ 1,159,100 $ 173,760 $ 296,854 Total Operating Expenses $ 1,105,848 $ 1,274,850 $ 1,223,542 95.98% $ 1,388,406 $ 1,297,600 $ 22,750 $ (90,806) Total Capital Expenses $ 597,952 $ 1,035,810 $ 1,028,529 99.30% $ 1,052,263 $ 963,800 $ (72,010) $ (88,463) Debt Service $ 631,084 $ - $ - BDIV/01 $ - $ - S - $ Total Fund Expenditures $ 3,206,026 $ 3,296,000 $ 2,973,210 90.21% $ 3,302,915 $ 3,420,500 $ 124,500 $ 117,585 REVENUES $ 3,420,500.00 Account Description FY23 FY22 Change from FY22 Total Personnel $ 1,159,103 $ 985,340 $ 173,760 Total Operating Expenses $ 1,297,600 $ 1,274,850 $ 22,750 Total Capital Expenses $ 963,803 $ 1,035,810 $ (72,010) Debt Service $ - $ - $ - Total Fund Expenditures FY 23 Budget Worksheet Fund 31 Utilities-7130 Print Date: 8/18/2022 14:31 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval✓ 31-6810-0200 SALARIES&WAGES $ - to be completed by finance department 199,700.00 31-6810-0250 ADMIN OH SALARY&WAGES $ - allocation by finance-$7208/month-Employees budgeted from GE 72,500.00 31-6810-0400 OVERTIME $ - 6,400.00 Total Salaries $ - 278,600.00 31-6810-0500 FICA/MEDICARE TAXES $ - to be completed by finance deportment 3,400.00 31-6810-0550 OASDI/SOCIAL SECURITY $ - to be completed by finance deportment 17,403.00 31-6810-0600 MEDICAL INSURANCE/HSA $ - to be completed by finance deportment 59,000.00 31-6810-0700 NC RETIREMENT $ - to be completed by finance department 35,200.00 31-6810-0800 401K PLAN $ - to be completed by finance department 14,000.00 31-6810-1250 FERRY $ - to be completed by finance department 16,300.00 31-6810-1260 PARKING $ - to be completed by finance department 3,300.00 Total Fringe Benefits $ - 148,600.00 Total Personnel $ - 427,200.00 test i/$ - ,/ 427,200.00 UTILITIES Duke Energy averages$4756/month 57,084.00 Interdepartmental water averages$300/month 3,600.00 LP Tank servicing 500.00 2%increase,rounded 1,142.00 74.00 1I 6810 0900 UTILITIES 62,400.00 TELEPHONE AT&T Landlines-business operation and SCADA telemetry lines:$725 per month 8,700.00 JP TO CHECK WITH DAVID ON THIS AT&T Cellular-(Called First Net)2 Smartphone 2,000.00 Spectrum Internet$89.99 per month 1,020.00 ATMI Internet service 1,488.00 92.00 31 6810-1000 rrLrrlloNE • 13,300.00 GAS&OIL Interdept.Charges 4,500.00 Bald Head Island Ltd 500.00 2%increase,rounded 100.00 31-6810-1100 GAS&OIL $ - 5,100.00 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval V TRAVEL Travel for education&certification courses,hotel,lab deliveries&parts pickup,etc. 1,800.00 2%increase,rounded - 31-6810-1200 TRAVEL 5 - 1,800.00 —s BARGE/Shipping General deliveries(Sewer pumps,meters,pipe,tanks and other parts) 11,500.00 32 reuse chemical totes @$65 each 2,080.00 20.00 31-6810-1275 BARGE/Shipping 13,600.00 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE (Vendor Service)-Generator Service&Insp X 7-$595 ea 2,583.00 (Repairs)-Genset,Backhoe,Track Hoe 5,250.00 67.00 Generator Service(6)Gen sets unit cost$660. 7,500.00 31-6810-1300 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE $ - 15,400.00 NON-EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES Contingency Funds for supplies 765.00 35.00 31-6810-1350 NON-EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES $ - 800.00 CART MAINTENANCE R&M(2 Lease Carts)X$250 500.00 31-6810-1400 CART MAINTENANCE $ - 500.00 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval VEHICLE MTE&REPAIRS Cost to maintain vehicles-parts,tires,batteries etc 2-Service Vans 1,800.00 2-Pickup truck-increased 1 pick-up this year 1,250.00 1-Port-a-Jon service truck 2,000.00 350.00 31-6810-1500 VEHICLE MTE&REPAIRS $ - 5,400.00 VEHICLE PERMITS/BHI PARKING Actual cost$5,350(includes(1)fleet pass for Lewis Farms sludge tanker)_ _ 4,750.00 Utility shuttle cart parking at the marina 500.00 50.00 31-6810-1550 VEHICLE PERMITS/BHI PARKING $ 5,300.00 BLDG/GROUNDS MTE 1 Dumpsters,tipping fees @$600 each 3,200.00 Weekly cleaning$650/month 1,850.00 Pest control$225/month 1,500.00 50.00 31 6810-1600 BLDG/GROUNDS MTE $ - 6,600.00 R&M-WATER PLANT&EQUIPMENT (3)Reverse Osmosis R&M-pre filters and R&M($2676 per month) 32,112.00 RO-A,Membrane will be due replacement 13,000.00 (2)Well pump and motor replacement,if needed 14,000.00 Contingency 2% 1,088.00 RO pump replacement 12,900.00 31-6810-1710 R&M-WATER PLANT&EQUIPMENT $ - 73,100.00 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval✓ R&M-Water Distribution System Replace ageing service meters registers(meters"batteries"last approx 10 years)Replacement of 50-3/4"and 30-1" Note:Radio meters installation initially began 2008 and continued. 29,442.00 Repair&maintainance to distribution mains and service pumps 8,000.00 2%and Rounding 1,158.00 Distribution pump replacement 2,000.00 31-6810-1720 R&M-Water Distribution System $ - 40,600.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES Estimate is same as last year 730.00 2%increase,rounded 15.00 55.00 31 6810-2500 OFFICE SUPPLIES $ - 800.00 WATER SUPPLIES Cost for water treatment chemicals(polymers,CL2,NH3 gas,RO Cleaning)and Pre-Filters,=$2200 per mo 26,400.00 New RO Cleaning pump 5,000.00 2%,rounded 600.00 31-6810-2510 WATER SUPPLIES 5 - 32,000.00 SAFETY EQUIP/SUPPLIES Safety supplies(Work gloves,hard hats,safety boots,vest,warning lights,first aid supplies,etc.) 2,400.00 2%rounded 48.00 52.00 31-6810-2525 SAFETY EQUIP/SUPPLIES $ - 2,500.00 TOOLS Tools,power tools,tool bags,blades,bits,volt meters etc. 3,180.00 2%increase,rounded 65.00 55.00 31-6810-2710 TOOLS $ - 3,300.00 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval✓ BUILDING SUPPLIES Building and repair supplies for Utilities complex 4,000.00 Repair 8 Well Houses at$900.each 7,200.00 31-6810-2725 BUILDING SUPPLIES 5 - 11,200.00 COPIES&PRINTING South data printing costs of utility bills,approximately$700/month 4,200,00 Misc.Printing Educational 1,300.00 31 6810-2800 COPIES&PRINTING $ - 5,500.00 POSTAGE Estimate same budget as FY22 325.00 75.00 3:bn70-29oa POSTAGE $ - 400.00 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS Staff Membership dues for NCRWA,NCWOA,AWWA&NCSTA 250.00 WPCSOCC dues 125.00 NCRWA dues 250.00 NCWOA dues 150.00 2%rounded 12.00 13.00 31-6810-3300 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS $ - 800.00 UNIFORMS Uniforms,jackets,hats,rain-gear...replacements as needed(10)staff 2,326.00 2%increase rounded 74.00 31-6810-3400 UNIFORMS 5 - 2,400.00 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval✓ TRAINING&CERTIFICATION Certification training and testing for staff 2,000.00 Travel for Certification Classes 750.00 50.00 31-6810-3500 TRAINING&CERTIFICATION $ - 2,800.00 DWQ/PWS Permits (5)annual permit fees for water and sewer operations split Water/Sewer 2,500.00 31-6810-3535 DWQ/PWS Permits - 2,500.00 BANK CHARGES Zack Added this 4.12.2022 Half of Credit Card Fees from Processors(Calculated at 2100/month X 12 months/2) 12,600.00 31-6810-3600 BANK CHARGES $ - 12,600.00 MISCELLANEOUS General supplies(Market&Hardware store purchases) 1,420.00 2%increase rounded 30.00 50.00 31-6810-3700 MISCELLANEOUS $ 1,500.00 Bill Adjustment Bill adjustments 500.00 31-6810-3750 Bill Adjustment $ - 500.00 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval✓ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Utility Service Co (see estimate from Suez.) 9,700.00 HACH Annual Service Contract for Analyzer Equipment+2% 9,700.00 BHI Conservancy Bald Head Woods Aquifer Monitoring 3,060.00 BHI Conservancy-Aquifer Freshwater Volume&Water Quality Monitoring 27,500.00 Applied Resource Management-BH Woods Reserve Monitoring Plan 16,000.00 Miscellaneous cost-Brooks Pierce,Engineering 5,000.00 Contingency 4,840.00 31 6810-4000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $ - 75,800.00 LAB FEES Required Water&Wastewater sampling.Paid to Environmental Chemists.see detailed spreadsheet 8,000.00 2%increase,rounded 200.00 31-6810-4050 LAB FEES 5 - 8,200.00 MEDICAL SERVICES Immunizations for 9 ee's(Hep-C,etc.) 275.00 25.00 11 6810 4100 MEDICAL SERVICES $ 300.00 BRUNS CO.WATER PURCHASE RO units operate normally,we should remain within same budget. Brunswick Co Water 58,300.00 0.02 700.00 1168104500 BRUNS CO.WATER PURCHASE $ - 59,000.00 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval✓ PROPERTY/LIABILITY INSURANCE Workers Compensation Insurance allocation to Utilities 6,400.00 Waiting on Quotes from League Property Liability costs,allocation on separate schedule,based on insured values of utilities properties to total insured properties 27,500.00 Waiting on Quotes from Leagw Flood Policies covered under League policy - rounding - 31-6810-4900 PROPERTY/LIABILITY INSURANCE S - 33,900.00 IT SERVICES Fire Monitoring Service(Wolfe) 600.00 Citect Support(SCADA)Operating System,annual fee 623.00 Win911 Support(SCADA)Plant Operations Alert System,annual fee 250.00 LogMeln(SCADA VPN)Remote access for Plant Operator,annual fee 575.00 Google/Outlook(Email and Calendar)10 Full time employees,$78 per person,annual 390.00 Microsoft Office,annual fee 100.00 Equipment Maintenance_Cellular Devices-scheduled upgrade of 3 devices @800 each 1,200.00 Computer Systems-scheduled upgrades(replacements)on 3 workstations @600 each 900.00 Miscellaneous repairs to routers,switches,peripherals,etc. 400.00 Software Advanced AMI Meter Reading 16,151.00 2%increase,rounded 162.00 49.00 31-6810-5100 IT SERVICES $ - 21,400.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL Same contingency for crane rental or other equipment 3,175.00 25.00 31-6810-5150 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $ - 3,200.00® • UTIL CAPITAL OUTLAY-Non Depr<5k PH Meters hanheld and additional sampling equipment(3) 5,500.00 (2)Automatic Door Openers 3,500.00 31-6810-5210 UTIL CAPITAL OUTLAY-Non Depr<5k 5 9,000.00 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval UTIL CAPITAL OUTLAY Asset>5k Radio Communication for Water Meter reading AMI Antenna 90,000.00 Air Compressor with Air Dryer 10,000.00 Water Plant Actuator Valves,turn key installation 60,000.00 CAT 303 Mini-X 34,677.00 323.00 31-6810-5200 UTIL CAPITAL OUTLAY Asset>5k $ - 195,000.00 FUTURE WATER MAINS Contingency for water main extension 3,500.00 31-6810-5240 FUTURE WATER MAINS $ 3,500.00 NEW WATER TAPS (24)new water taps 24,448.00 (8)Irrigation meters 10,120.00 Contingency 332.00 31-6810-5280 NEW WATER TAPS $ - 34,900.00 MANAGER'S CONTINGENCY Un-planned Utilities department issues(same$$$) 6,000.00 2%increase,rounded _ 760.00 40.00 31-68105600 MANAGER'S CONTINGENCY $ - 6,800.00 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval✓ INSTMNT-GOLF CART LEASE 3 existing leases,up in Dec 2021 and Oct 2022 5,875.00 Lease cart for Director _ 2,960.00 rounding 65.00 31-6810-7700 INSTMNT-GOLF CART LEASE $ - 8,900.00 TOTAL OPERATING $ - 782,600.00 test $ - 782,600.00 diff $ - TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES $ - 1,209,800.00 test $ - 1,209,800.00 diff S - - FY 22 Budget Worksheet Fund 31 Utilities-7130 Print Date: 8/18/202114:31 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval✓ 31-6810-0200 SALARIES&WAGES $ - to be completed by finance department 396,800.00 31-6810-0250 ADMIN OH SALARY&WAGES $ - allocation by finance -$7208/month-Employees budgeted from GF 72,500.00 31-6810-0400 OVERTIME $ - 6,400.00 Total Salaries $ - 475,700.00 31-6810-0500 FICA/MEDICARE TAXES $ - to be completed by finance department 7,000.00 31-6810-0550 OASDI/SOCIAL SECURITY $ - to be completed by finance department 29,700.00 31-6810-0600 MEDICAL INSURANCE/HSA $ - to be completed by finance department 103,200.00 31-6810-0700 NC RETIREMENT $ - to be completed by finance department 60,100.00 31-6810-0800 401K PLAN $ - to be completed by finance department 23,900.00 31-6810-1250 FERRY $ - to be completed by finance department 26,900.00 31-6810-1260 PARKING $ - to be completed by finance department 5,400.00 Total Fringe Benefits $ - 256,200.00 Total Personnel $ - 731,900.00 test V$ - V 731,900.00 UTILITIES Duke Energy averages$4757/month 57,084.00 Interdepartmental water averages$300/month - LP Tank servicing 500.00 2%increase,rounded 1,142.00 74.00 31-7130-0900 UTILITIES $ 58,800.00 — TELEPHONE AT&T Landlines-business operation and SCADA telemetry lines:$725 per month 8,700.00 AT&T Cellular-(Called First Net)3 Smartphone&2 Tablets:$350 per month 3,000.00 AMTI Internet$124.per month- 1/2 W/WW 1,488.00 Note:decrease due to(phase I)completetion/16 lift stations switched to radio control contingency 12.00 31-7130-1000 TELEPHONE $ - 13,200.00 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval✓ GAS&OIL Interdept.Charges 4,500.00 Bald Head Island Ltd 500.00 2%increase,rounded 100.00 0 31-7130-1100 GAS&OIL $ 5,100.00 TRAVEL Travel for education&certification courses,hotel,lab deliveries&parts pickup,etc. 4,200.00 2%increase,rounded 100.00 31-7130-1200 TRAVEL $ - 4,300.00 BARGE/Shipping General deliveries(Sewer pumps,meters,pipe,tanks and other parts) 11,500.00 33 reuse chemical totes @$65 each 2,145.00 33-sludge hauls/Barge service @$550 Ea=$18,150 included in processing costs(account 31-7130-1278 below) 18,150.00 105.00 31-7130-1275 BARGE/Shipping S - 31,900.00 SLUDGE HAUL 33-sludge hauls/Barge service @$2200 72,600.00 31-7130-1278 SLUDGE HAUL $ - 72,600.00 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval✓ EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE (Vendor Service)-Generator Service&Insp 2,583.00 (Repairs)-Genset,Backhoe,Track Hoe 5,250.00 Generator Service(6)Gen sets unit repair costs 7,500.00 67.00 31-7130-1300 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE $ - 15,400.00 NON-EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES Contingency Funds for supplies 765.00 35.00 31-7130-1350 NON-EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES $ - 800.00 CART MAINTENANCE R&M(2 Lease Carts)X$250 500.00 31-7130-1400 CART MAINTENANCE $ 500.00 VEHICLE MTE&REPAIRS Cost to maintain vehicles-parts,tires,batteries etc 2-Service Vans 1,800.00 2-Pickup truck -increased 1 pick-up this year 1,250.00 1-Port-a-Jon service truck 2,000.00 Increased cost 7.5% 380.00 70.00 31-7130-1500 VEHICLE MTE&REPAIRS $ - 5,500.00 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval✓ VEHICLE PERMITS/BHI PARKING Actual cost$5,350(includes(1) fleet pass for Lewis Farms sludge tanker) 4,750.00 Utility shuttle cart parking at the marina 500.00 50.00 31-7130-1550 VEHICLE PERMITS/BHI PARKING $ - 5,300.00 BLDG/GROUNDS MTE 1 Dumpsters,tipping fees @$600 each 3,200.00 Weekly cleaning$650/month 1,850.00 Pest control$225/month 1,500.00 50.00 31-7130-1600 BLDG/GROUNDS MTE $ - 6,600.00 R&M-SEWER PLANT&EQUIPMENT Estimate same cost for R&M WWTP 53,870.00 SBR Decanter Parts Motor,structual parts 12,000.00 30.00 31-7130-1810 R&M-SEWER PLANT&EQUIPMENT $ 65,900.00 R&M-SEWER Mains/Homes R&M- Onsite system,lift stations,home sewer pumps including electrical supplies 170,000.00 Exsisting home septic to sewer treatment facility-purchase pumps&parts for Maintenance program home/system replacements 30,000.00 31-7130-1820 R&M-SEWER Mains/Homes $ - 200,000.00 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval✓ R&M-PORT-O-JOHN Maintenance&supplies(TP,sanitizers,disinfectant),pumping system repairs 9,000.00 4 PAJs 4,000.00 31-7130-1850 R&M-PORT-O-JOHN 5 13,000.00 R&M-LAGOONS General Lagoon Maintenance/Aquatic herbicides and small contingency for unknown.(Maintain the algae blooms and lagoon boat&trailer) 3,560.00 Lagoon Boat Maintenance 300.00 2% 71.00 69.00 31-7130-1860 R&M-LAGOONS $ - 4,000.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES Estimate is same as last year 730.00 2%increase,rounded 15.00 55.00 31-7130-2500 OFFICE SUPPLIES $ - 800.00 SEWER SUPPLIES Cost for reuse chemicals(Cl2 Tabs,Mag,Carbon&Alum) (8 months of Cost average)=$4,317 per mo 52,600.00 2%increase,rounded 1,052.00 48.00 31-7130-2520 SEWER SUPPLIES $ - 53,700.00 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval✓ SAFETY EQUIP/SUPPLIES Safety supplies(Work gloves,hard hats,safety boots,vest,warning lights,first aid supplies,etc.) 2,400.00 2%rounded 48.00 52.00 31-7130-2525 SAFETY EQUIP/SUPPLIES $ 2,500.00 - TOOLS Tools,power tools,tool bags,blades,bits,volt meters etc. 3,180.00 2%increase,rounded 65.00 55.00 31-7130-2710 TOOLS S 3,300.00 BUILDING SUPPLIES Building and repair supplies for Utilities complex 4,000.00 31-7130-2725 BUILDING SUPPLIES $ - 4,000.00 COPIES&PRINTING South data printing costs of utility bills,approximately$700/month 4,200.00 Misc.Printing Educational 1,300.00 31-7130-2800 COPIES&PRINTING $ - 5,500.00 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval✓ POSTAGE Estimate same budget as FY20 325.00 2%increase,rounded 7.00 68.00 31-7130-2900 POSTAGE $ - 400.00 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS Staff Membership dues for NCRWA,NCWOA,AWWA&NCSTA 250.00 WPCSOCC dues 125.00 NCRWA dues 250.00 NCWOA dues - 2% rounded 12.00 63.00 31-7130-3300 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS > 700.00 UNIFORMS Uniforms,jackets,hats,rain-gear...replacements as needed(10)staff 2,326.00 2%increase rounded 74.00 31-7130-3400 UNIFORMS $ 2,400.00 TRAINING&CERTIFICATION Certification training and testing for staff(no change in amount) 5,000.00 Travel for Certification Classes 2,500.00 31-7130-3500 TRAINING&CERTIFICATION 5 - 7,500.00 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval✓ DWOJPWS Permits (5)annual permit fees for water and sewer operations 2,500.00 31-7130-3535 DWO/PWS Permits ti - 2,500.00 MISCELLANEOUS General supplies(Market&Hardware store purchases) 1,420.00 2%increase rounded 30.00 50.00 31-7130-3700 MISCELLANEOUS 5 - 1,500.00 Bill Adjustment Bill adjustments 500.00 31-7130-3750 Bill Adjustment $ - 500.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Utility Service Co (see estimate from Suez.) 9,200.00 McKim&Creed,WWTP Capacity Upgrade(design)-received but believe we have a few years to save and shore up the fund balance. 40,000.00 McKim and Creed Collection Permit renewal _ 15,000.00 Miscellaneous cost-Brooks Pierce,Engineering 5,000.00 Contingency 5% 4,925.00 75.00 31-7130-4000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5 74,200.00 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval✓ LAB FEES Required Wastewater sampling.Paid to Environmental Chemists. see detailed spreadsheet 20,681.00 Increased WWTP Sampling 8,000.00 2%increase,rounded 319.00 31-7130-4050 LAB FEES $ - 29,000.00 MEDICAL SERVICES Immunizations for 9 ee's(Hep-C,etc.) 275.00 25.00 31-7130-4100 MEDICAL SERVICES $ - 300.00 PROPERTY/LIABILITY INSURANCE Workers Compensation Insurance allocation to Utilities 6,400.00 Property Liability costs,allocation on separate schedule,based on insured values of utilities properties to total insured properties 27,500.00 Flood Policies covered under League policy • - rounding 100.00 31-7130-4900 PROPERTY/LIABILITY INSURANCE $ - 34,000.00 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval V IT SERVICES Fire Monitoring Service(Wolfe) 300.00 Citect Support(SCADA)Operating System,annual fee _ Win911 Support(SCADA)Plant Operations Alert System,annual fee 250.00 LogMeln(SCADA VPN)Remote access for Plant Operator,annual fee 575.00 Auto Deck(CAD Drawing)Software for Utility system drawings,annual fee - Google/Outlook(Email and Calendar)10 Full time employees,$78 per person,annual 390.00 Microsoft Office,annual fee 100.00 Equipment Maintenance_Cellular Devices-scheduled upgrade of 3 devices @800 each 1,200.00 Computer Systems-scheduled upgrades(replacements)on 3 workstations @600 each 900.00 Miscellaneous repairs to routers,switches,peripherals,etc. 400.00 2%increase,rounded 185.00 WWTP Cameras and software 8,500.00 31-7130-5100 IT SERVICES $ 12,800.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL Same contingency for crane rental or other equipment 3,175.00 25.00 31-7130-5150 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $ - 3,200.00 UTIL CAPITAL OUTLAY Asset>5k Lift Station upgrades 3-5 Stations depending on cost 9l0 Deisel bypass pump 530,000.00 GPR Locating equipment 16,000.00 and GPS Trimbel interface 20,000.00 WW Vac Trailer 42,000.00 CAT 303 Mini-X 34,677.00 23.00 31-7130-5200 UTIL CAPITAL OUTLAY Asset>5k $ 642,700.00 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval✓ UTIL CAPITAL OUTLAY-Non Depr<5k Hand held meter.sampling equipment PH,TDS,P,NO3 3,800.00 Road Saw 2,800.00 (2)Automatic Door Openers 7,000.00 31-7130-5210 UTIL CAPITAL OUTLAY-Non Depr<5k S 13,600.00 FUTURE SEWER MAINS Contingency for sewer main extension 1,500.00 31-7130-5245 FUTURE SEWER MAINS S - 1,500.00 NEW SEWER TAPS Estimating(24)new sewer taps 63,600.00 31-7130-5285 NEW SEWER TAPS - 63,600.00 MANAGER'S CONTINGENCY Un-planned Utilities department issues(same$$$) 6,000.00 2%increase,rounded 760.00 40.00 31-7130-5600 MANAGER'S CONTINGENCY $ 6,800.00 FY 22 FY 23 Budgeted Amount Account Id Account Description Amount Current Year Justification Requested Approval✓ INSTMNT-GOLF CART LEASE 3 existing leases,up in Dec 2021 and Oct 2022 5,875.00 Lease cart for Director 2,960.00 rounding 65.00 31-7130-7700 INSTMNT-GOLF CART LEASE $ - 8,900.00 TOTAL OPERATING $ - 1,478,800.00 test $ - 1,478,800.00 diff ,$ - d° TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES $ - 2,210,700.00 test $ - 2,210,700.00 diff ,,$ - - FY 2022-2023 Budget Worksheet Fund 31 - Utilities Fund Utilities 6810 - Water Last Edited: 4/11/2022 Print Date: 8/18/2022 14:31 Requested Account Id Account Description Budget Ft 31-6810-0200 SALARIES & WAGES $ 199,700 31-6810-0250 ADMIN OH SALARY & WAGES $ 72,500 31-6810-0400 OVERTIME $ 6,400 Total Salaries $ 278,600 31-6810-0500 FICA/MEDICARE TAXES $ 3,400 31-6810-0550 OASDI/SOCIAL SECURITY $ 17,400 31-6810-0600 MEDICAL INSURANCE/HSA $ 59,000 6810-0700 NC RETIREMENT $ 35,200 31-6810-0800 401K PLAN $ 14,000 31-6810-1250 FERRY $ 16,300 31-6810-1260 PARKING $ 3,300 Total Fringe Benefits $ 148,600 Total Personnel $ 427,200 31-6810-0900 UTILITIES $ 62,400 31-6810-1000 TELEPHONE $ 13,300 31-6810-1100 GAS & OIL $ 5,100 31-6810-1200 TRAVEL $ 1,800 31-6810-1275 BARGE/Shipping in $ 13,600 31-6810-1300 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE $ 15,400 31-6810-1350 NON-EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES $ 800 31-6810-1400 CART MAINTENANCE $ 500 31-6810-1500 VEHICLE MTE & REPAIRS $ 5,400 31-6810-1550 VEHICLE PERMITS/BHI PARKING $ 5,300 3810-1600 BLDG/GROUNDS MTE $ 6,600 31-6810-1710 R&M - WATER PLANT & EQUIPMENT $ 73,100 31-6810-1720 R&M - Water Distribution System $ 40,600 Requested I Account Id Account Description Budget FY23 31-6810-2500 OFFICE SUPPLIES $ 800 31-6810-2510 WATER SUPPLIES $ 32,000 31-6810-2525 SAFETY EQUIP/SUPPLIES $ 2,500 31-6810-2710 TOOLS $ 3,300 31-6810-2725 BUILDING SUPPLIES $ 11,200 31-6810-2800 COPIES & PRINTING $ 5,500 31-6810-2900 POSTAGE $ 400 31-6810-3300 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS $ 800 31-6810-3400 UNIFORMS $ 2,400 31-6810-3500 TRAINING & CERTIFICATION $ 2,800 31-6810-3535 DWQ/PWS Permits $ 2,500 31-6810-3600 BANK CHARGES $ 12,600 31-6810-3700 MISCELLANEOUS $ 1,500 - 6810-3750 Bill Adjustment $ 500 -3 1-6 8 1 0-4 0 0 0 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $ 75,800 31-6810-4050 LAB FEES $ 8,200 31-6810-4100 MEDICAL SERVICES $ 300 31-6810-4500 BRUNS CO. WATER PURCHASE $ 59,000 31-6810-4900 PROPERTY/LIABILITY INSURANCE $ 33,900 31-6810-5100 IT SERVICES $ 21,400 31-6810-5150 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $ 3,200 31-6810-5210 UTIL CAPITAL OUTLAY -Non Depr <5k $ 9,000 31-6810-5200 UTIL CAPITAL OUTLAY Asset >5k $ 195,000 31-6810-5240 FUTURE WATER MAINS $ 3,500 31-6810-5280 NEW WATER TAPS $ 34,900 31-6810-5600 MANAGER'S CONTINGENCY $ 6,800 31-6810-7700 INSTMNT - GOLF CART LEASE $ 8,900 Total Operating Expenses $ 540,200 Total Capital Expenses $ 242,400 WATER - 6810 Total Department Expenses $ 1,209,800 FY 2022-2023 Budget Worksheet Fund 31 Utilities 7130 Last Edited: 4/11/2022 Print Date: 8/18/2022 14:31 Requested Account Id Account Description Budget FY23 31-7130-0200 SALARIES & WAGES $ 396,800 31-7130-0250 ADMIN OH SALARY & WAGES $ 72,500 31-7130-0400 OVERTIME $ 6,400 Total Salaries $ 475,700 31-7130-0500 FICA/MEDICARE TAXES $ 7,000 31-7130-0501 OASDI/SOCIAL SECURITY $ 29,700 31-7130-0600 MEDICAL INSURANCE/HSA $ 103,200 7130-0700 NC RETIREMENT $ 60,100 31-7130-0800 401K PLAN $ 23,900 31-7130-1250 FERRY $ 26,900 31-7130-1260 PARKING $ 5,400 Total Fringe Benefits $ 256,200 Total Personnel $ 731,900 31-7130-0900 UTILITIES $ 58,800 31-7130-1000 TELEPHONE $ 13,200 31-7130-1100 GAS & OIL $ 5,100 31-7130-1200 TRAVEL $ 4,300 31-7130-1275 BARGE/Shipping $ 31,900 31-7130-1278 SLUDGE HAUL $ 72,600 31-7130-1300 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE $ 15 400 1 Q , 31-7130-1350 NON-EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES $ 800 31-7130-1400 CART MAINTENANCE $ 500 31-7130-1500 VEHICLE MTE & REPAIRS $ 5,500 7130-1550 VEHICLE PERMITS/BHI PARKING $ 5,300 31-7130-1600 BLDG/GROUNDS MTE $ 6,600 31-7130-1810 R&M - SEWER PLANT & EQUIPMENT $ 65,900 Requested Account Id Account Description Budget FY23 31-7130-1820 R&M - SEWER Mains/Homes $ 200,000 31-7130-1850 R&M - PORT-O-JOHN $ 13,000 31-7130-1860 R&M - LAGOONS $ 4,000 31-7130-2500 OFFICE SUPPLIES $ 800 31-7130-2520 SEWER SUPPLIES $ 53,700 31-7130-2525 SAFETY EQUIP/SUPPLIES $ 2,500 31-7130-2710 TOOLS $ 3,300 31-7130-2725 BUILDING SUPPLIES $ 4,000 31-7130-2800 COPIES & PRINTING $ 5,500 31-7130-2900 POSTAGE $ 400 31-7130-3300 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS $ 700 31-7130-3400 UNIFORMS $ 2,400 31-7130-3500 TRAINING & CERTIFICATION $ 7,500 7130-3535 DWQ/PWS Permits $ 2,500 si-7130-3700 MISCELLANEOUS $ 1,500 31-7130-3750 Bill Adjustment $ 500 31-7130-4000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $ 74,200 31-7130-4050 LAB FEES $ 29,000 31-7130-4100 MEDICAL SERVICES $ 300 31-7130-4900 PROPERTY/LIABILITY INSURANCE $ 34,000 31-7130-5100 IT SERVICES $ 12,800 31-7130-5150 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $ 3,200 31-7130-5200 UTIL CAPITAL OUTLAY Asset >5k $ 642,700 31-7130-5210 UTIL CAPITAL OUTLAY -Non Depr <5k $ 13,600 31-7130-5245 FUTURE SEWER MAINS $ 1,500 31-7130-5285 NEW SEWER TAPS $ 63,600 31-7130-5600 MANAGER'S CONTINGENCY $ 6,800 31-7130-7700 INSTMNT - GOLF CART LEASE $ 8,900 Total Operating Expenses $ 757,400 Total Capital Expenses $ 721,400 SEWER - 7130 Total Department Expenses $ 2,210,700 Requested Account Id Account Description Budget FY23 Attachment for Section VI.2 Response Action Plan • OF .<1) r 1011 ri Village of Bald Head Island Utilities Department Response Action r 3d j�'� -- � ._.:t�.. ire-, �.+:mod� "1+'d�:, { = l? ,)y pig A' !j €• 7/f t ,: 4 • , ' '1,,,V,„„„•,' ' ' -.•'•' r , c 1,,4- _- -, • • 4 w t t r ° t Y 3 �}kt �{4 •,�s, rives) ' �' [ ?s 3 .r 1 t 1` •t =s'I 1.i5 3.'`''; 4JI � •i w 8 1 a y� t i �: :� , r , • • � b, pyR.►b a4..:41Y . 1 y Z 1 •q' �l At 1 Y„," -7 1,rt , ‘ . ' '•- : 1 , ' jf iik''e, .) .i ' 4 •. ljs y • � t k _ _ ..... .... .......... , .,..,_......,-.._._ -,,..„....., .„.....7 1--- ill'i i'-'55-7;AU; ''' ."/(--%',411Ciliadr.1-- ‘ 4t.. '''" ":". r GUIDE Area Waste Discharge guiremen s Steedng Committee Sewer Spill Estimation Guide A Guide to Estimating Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) Volumes Developed by the Orange County Area Waste Discharge Requirements Steering Committee Orange County, CA February 18, 2014 Revised May 15, 2014 Acknowledgements This Sewer Spill Estimation Guide has been compiled through the efforts of members of the Orange County Wastewater Discharge Requirements (WDR) Steering Committee. This committee was originally formed to address the requirements of the original WDR imposed by the California Regional Water Quality Board, Region 8 and later the statewide WDR imposed by the California State Water Resources Control Board. Committee members who assisted in the compilation of this Sewer Spill Estimation Guide are: Nicholas J.Arhontes Director Orange County Sanitation District Facilities Support Services Peggy Echavarria Executive Assistant Orange County Sanitation District Gene Estrada Environmental Program Manager City of Orange Rob Hamers District Engineer Costa Mesa Sanitary District Robert Kreg (Former)Director of Support Services South Coast Water District(Retired) Disclaimer This Sewer Spill Estimation Guide is freely offered to agencies to assist the user with the estimation process for a sanitary sewer overflow. Methods used for spill estimation and the estimate itself are solely the responsibility of the agency making the estimate. The authors or contributors to this Sewer Spill Estimation Guide do not accept any responsibility for the spill estimation methods used;their accuracy or any spill estimate determined through the use of this guide. Information found in this guide is commonly available on the internet and is also common practice with many cities and sewering agencies throughout Southern California. No statewide or national standards issued by a regulatory agency exist at this time. H:\dept\fss\Common\WDR\Spill Guide...revised 051514 1 of 29 Table of Contents Acknowledgements 1 Disclaimer 1 SSO Volume Estimation 3 Start Time 4 Stop Time 4 Photographs 5 Flow Rate 5 Volume Estimation Methods 5 Visual or Eyeball Method 5 Measured Volume 6 Counting Connections 8 Pick and Vent Holes in Manhole Covers 8 Pick and Vent Hole Estimation Chart 10 Manhole Ring 12 Partially Covered Manhole 13 Open Manhole 15 Pictorial Reference 18 City of San Diego Manhole Overflow Picture Chart 19 SSCSC Manhole Overflow Gauge 20 Gutter Flow(Simplified Version) 21 Bucket Method 22 Pipe Size 23 Metered Flow 24 Rain Events 25 Saturated Soils 25 Combo Truck or Vacuum Truck Recovery 26 Conversion Factors 27 Volumes Recovered with Trucks or Pumped to Tanks 27 References 28 Sample Worksheet 29 H:\dept\fss\Common\WDR\Spill Guide...revised 051514 2 of 29 SSO Volume Estimation Accurate flow estimation is essential to determine the volume of a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO). An accurate estimate of an SSO is required for reporting to the California Integrated Water Quality System(CIQWS)and to the local health care agency.yI The estimated volume of -1 an SSO is used to determine the category of the SSO and can also be used in the calculation of penalties or fines from the State or Regional Water Quality Contr 1 Boards in California. Additionally, accurate flow estimation is important to determine e extent of the cleanup and its effectiveness. Volume estimation is basically the flow rate(gallons per minute) mes the amount of time(in minutes)the flow has occurred. Each SSO tends to be unique req firing different strategies for determining the volume of the SSO. Different methods can also used for the same SSO acting as a check to ensure the most accurate estimate. The metho (s) utilized will be determined by several factors including the type of SSO and the rsonnel responding. Some h SSO volumes, due to terrain, rainfall or other factors,can be very ifficult for field staff to determine and may require someone with additional expertise. Tre is no one method that works for all types of SSOs. The following are methods that may be utilized for SSO volume estimation. These methods are effective means of estimating a sewer spill volume during dry weather but may not be effective during rain events. During rain events, infiltration and/or inflow into the collection system and runoff in the stormwater system, including the curb and gutter,can affect the SSO estimate. When estimating an SSO during a rain event,the SSO estimate is to include only the wastewater that left the collection system and not any waters that the wastewater comingled with after leaving the system. The same is true for any wash down water; although contaminated,the water is not considered part of the SSO estimate. Any water that infiltrated into the collection system upstream of the SSO and subsequently became part of the SSO is included in the SSO volume estimate. H:\depPfss\Common\WDRISpill Guide...revised 051514 3 of 29 Start Time Determining the start time for an SSO is one of the most critical,yet can be one of the most difficult, factors to determine. Depending upon the location and time of day, an SSO may occur for some time before it is reported to the City or Agency or it may trickle for an extended period of time before being noticed. What is known is that the SSO started some time before the City or Agency was notified. It is common for SSOs to start and stop as flows in the pipeline routinely rise and fall because most blockages do not entirely block the flow in the pipe. Every effort should be utilized to determine the most accurate start time of each SSO. These efforts may include: • If possible, contact the person who reported the SSO to determine when they became aware of the SSO. • Make contact with residences or businesses in the area of the SSO to determine if there were any witnesses that could help establish the start time. • Conditions change during the SSO. This is particularly true in remote areas out of public view. Initially,there may be an amount of toilet paper and solids around the spill site. This will increase the longer the SSO continues. After a few days to a week, these may form a light brown residue that may turn dark after a few weeks to a month. >< start time the operator should relyupon their Lacking direct evidence supporting a specific c p P PP g P experience and system flow characteristics based upon observed conditions to establish a reasonable estimated start time for the event. The agency's management staff should review the estimate before being finalized. Methods used to establish the start time should be documented. Stop Time The stop time is the time that wastewater stopped overflowing. For manhole covers in low areas, this is noted by water flowing back into the manhole through the vent holes and should be easy to determine by SSO response personnel. Care should be taken to accurately record the time that the SSO stopped. H:\dept\fss\Common\WDR\Spill Guide...l wised Qs 1514 4 of 29 Photographs Take photographs of the spill event. Try to include objects of known size in the photographs to give a perspective of the extent of the spill. Photographs should include the initial spill, remediation efforts,clean up,and the spill area after the spill remediation has been completed. Photographs should be maintained with the spill report information. Flow Rate The flow rate is the volume of flow per unit time that is escaping from the collection system. SSOs do not always occur at a constant rate. This is because flows into the collection system are not constant and rise and fall throughout the day. Additionally, most blockages are not full blockages. Pressure buildup as the wastewater surcharges in the pipe can cause the blockage to clear or partially clear,resulting in changes to the flow rate. To make an SSO volume estimate as accurate as possible,the onsite City or Agency employee should note the time and the amount of change of any significant differences in flow noticed during the event. For example, if the employee determines the� t e flow rate escaping from the P g manhole is 100 gallons per minute when they arrive on scene but noticed that it has dropped to 50 gallons per minute five minutes later,their report should reflect that fact. The estimated flow rate and the time period for that flow rate should be recorded. During any one SSO event there could be multiple flow rates spread over the duration of the SSO. Volume Estimation Methods Visual or Eyeball Method The volume of small spills can be estimated using an"eyeball estimate." To use this method, imagine the amount of water that would spill from a bucket or a barrel. A full bucket may contain 1,2 or 5 gallons and a barrel contains 55 gallons when full. If the spill is larger than 55 gallons,try to divide the standing water into barrels and then multiply by 55 gallons. This method is useful for contained spills up to approximately 200 gallons. This method can be useful on spills that occur on hard surfaces such as concrete or asphalt. Crews can be trained H:\dept\fss\Common\WDR\Spill Guide...revised(151514 5 of 29 by estimating the volume of a measured amount of potable water spilled upon concrete and asphalt surfaces. Measured Volume The volume of most small spills that have been contained can be estimated using this method. The shape, dimensions,and the depth of the contained wastewater are needed. The shape and dimensions are used to calculate the area of the spills and the depth is used to calculate the volume. Common Shapes and Dimensions RECTANGLE CIRCLE TRIANGLE A N 1 DIAMETER T ` H 11 7� T 4 �► LENGTH BASE 1. Sketch the shape of the contained wastewater. 2. Measure or pace off the dimensions. 3. Measure the depth at several locations and select an average. 4. Convert the dimensions, including depth,to feet. 5. Calculate the area: Rectangle: Area= length(feet)x width(feet) Circle: Area=diameter(feet)x diameter(feet)x 3.14 divided by 4 Triangle: Area=base(feet)x height(feet)x 0.5 6. Multiply the area(square feet)times the depth (in feet)to obtain the volume in cubic feet. 7. Multiply the volume in cubic feet by 7.48 to convert to gallons H:\dept\fss\Common\WDR\Spill Guide...revised 0515 I4 6 of 29 • Not all SSOs will conform to a specific shape. When this occurs, break up the area of the SSO into various shapes or segments, then calculate the amount of wastewater spilled in each segment, adding them together to arrive at the total spill volume. Example: IBasic spill area I / Basic spill area divided into 4 geometric sections. III 1 k Determine the area of each of the geometric sections adding them all together to determine the total area of the spill. Inch to Feet Conversion: of the Inches to Feet Measure the depth 1/8" = 0.01' SSO at various locations. 1/4" 0.02' 3/8" = 0.04' 1/2" = 0.04' 5/8" = 0.05' ® 3/4" = 0.06' ® 7/8" = 0.07' 1" = 0.08' 2" = 0.17' 3" = 0.25' 4" = 0.33' 5" = 0.42' 0 6" = 0.50' 7" = 0.58' 8" = 0.67' Where it is difficult to measure wet spots on asphalt,use a 9" = 0.75' depth of 0.0026'or 1/32". For wet spots on concrete use I I" = 0.92' depths of 0.0013'or 1/64"for reasonable estimates. 12" = 1.00' • Sample Calculation: A 20 ft x 20 ft square wet spot on concrete equals 3.9 gal and for asphalt is 7.8 gal. H:dept\fss\Common\WDR\Spill Guide...revised 051514 7 of 29 Counting Connections Once the location of the blockage has been established,the amount of the SSO could be estimated by counting the number of upstream connections. On the sewer atlas maps or GIS system, locate the pipeline where the SSO occurred. Count all of the developed parcels that are connected to the pipeline upstream of the blockage. The typical single family residential parcel may discharge 8 to 10 gallons of wastewater per hour during active times of the day. For a multi-family residential development such as an apartment or condo complex, count each apartment as a single family residential unit. Use the higher flow number(10 gallons per hour) during typical peak flow hours and the lower flow number(8 gallons per hour) during low flow periods. Multiply the number of connections times the average flow (8 to 10 gallons per hour) times the time period (duration)that the SSO occurred. Example for an SSO occurring on a weekday at 8:00am: Number of upstream connections 22 Estimated flow per parcel 10 gallons per hour Duration of SSO event 45 minutes Total spill estimation (22 x 10 x .75) 165 gallons (22 connections x 10 gallons per hour x 45 minutes (.75 hour) = 165 gallons) Data may be available in your drainage area from your capacity planners at your city or agency. Consult with them on reasonable flow amounts or rates of flow. Pick and Vent Holes in Manhole Covers Small SSOs will occur where the wastewater escaping from the manhole is isolated to the pick or vent holes in the cover. Larger SSOs may involve both the discharge from the pick and/or vent holes and the gap between the manhole cover and manhole frame. To estimate an SSO occurring from the manhole pick and vent holes, measure the height of the wastewater plume exiting the holes. Find that height and hole diameter on the manhole pick or vent hole chart to determine the flow rate escaping the pick/vent hole. Multiply the flow rate times the number of holes that are discharging wastewater. Once the total volume (gpm) has been determined, H:\dept\fss\Common\WDR\Spill Guide...revised 051514 8 of 29 multiply the gpm by the duration of the SSO in minutes. This will result in the total estimated gallons of the SSO. Height to be measured 1 A , • • • • • • Example: Measured height of plume exiting pick/vent hole is 1 inch from a V2-inch vent hole and there are 4 vent holes. The total volume per minute would be .94 gpm per hole(from attached chart)or 3.76 gpm total (.94 gpm x 4 holes)from the manhole cover. If the SSO lasted one hour,the total wastewater lost would be 226 gallons(3.76 x 60=225.6). Number of pick holes 4 Flow from each pick hole .94 gpm Duration of SSO 60 minutes Total SSO volume (.94 x 4 x 60=225.6) 226 gallons H:\dept\fss\Common\WDR\Spill Guide...revised 051514 9 of 29 Pick and Vent Hole Estimation Chart Estimated Flows thru Manhole Cover Vent Holes and Pick Holes for SSO estimating Hole Dia Area Coeff.of Vel. Coeff.Of Cont. C Water Ht Water Ht Water Ht 0 Q Q Inches sq.ft. Cv Cc Cv x Cc inches inches feet cis gpm gph Formula: Formula' Formula:, Formula: =Ex*Bx*(S Formula: Formula: =0.785'Ax' =Ix 449 =Gx/12 QRT(2'32. =Ix'449 =Jx'60 Ax/144 _ 29Hx)) Vent Hole 0.50 000136 0.945 0.70 0.662 1/16 th 0.063 0.005 0.0005 0.23 . _ 14_._ 0.50 0.00136 0.945 0.70 0.662 1/8 th 0.125 0.010 0.0007 0.33 20 0.60 0.00136 0,945 0.70 0.662 1/4 th 0.250 0.021 0.0010 0.47 28 0.50 0.00136 0.945 0.70 0.682 one half 0.500 0.042 0.0015 0.66 40 0.50 0.00136 0.945 0,70 0,662 3/4 the 0.760 0.063 0,0018 0.81 49 0.50 0.00136 0.945 0.70 0.662 1 inch 1.000 0.083 0.0021 0.94 56 0.50 0,00136 0 945 0.70 0.662 1 1/4* 1.250 0.104 0.0023 1.05 63 0.50 0.00136 0-945 0.70 0.662 1 3/8" 1.375 0.116 0.0024 1,10 66 0.50 0,00136 0.945 0.70 0.662 11/2" 1.500 0.125 0.0026 1.15 69 0.50 0.00136 0.945 0.70 0.662 1 5/8" 1.625 0,135 0,0027 1,20 72 0.50 0.00136 0.945 0.70 0.662 1314* 1,750 0.146 0.0028 1.24 74 0.50 0.00136 0.945 0.70 0.662 21nches 2.000 0.167 0,0030 1.33 80 0.60 000136 0.946 0:70 0,662 2 1/4" 2,250 03168 0.0031 1.41 84 050 0.00136 0.945 0.70 0.662 2112" 2.500 0.208 0.0033 1.48 89 0,50 0.00136 0.945 0.70 0.662 2 3/4" 2.750 0.229 0.0035 1.58 93 0.50 0.00136 0.945 0.70 0.662 3 inches 3.000 0.260 0.0036 1.62 97 0.60 0.00136 0,946 0.70 0.662 3 114" 3.250 0.271 0.0038 1.69 101 0.50 0.00136 0.945 0.70 0.662 3 1/2" 3.500 0.292 0.0039 1.75 105 0.50 0.00136 0.946 0.70 0.682 3 314' 3.750 0.313 0.0040 1.82 109 ,..;� . 0? r x ,- 000 ...g��.,:..0. +�.,. 1.6a_,.I. _113 Vent Hole. s ..�_. C 1 0.75 0:00307 :0.930- 0.67 • 0640 1f.1.8Uf 0.063 0:006 .:0:OO11 0.51 I 31 0.75 0.00307 0.955 0.67 0.640. 118th .0.125 0.010 0015 0.72 43 0.75 0.00307 0 955 0.67 0.940 94.10 9250 0.021: 1 0.0023 1.02 61 0.75 0.00307. 9 955 0.67 :0440.. 'one h alf 0:500 0,042 0.0032 1:44 87 0:75 090307 0955 0,67 0,640 3(4 .6.750 0,063 .00039. 1.77 106 0.75 000307 0.955 0:67 .0340- 1_itt3t :1:000 0.088 0o045. 2.04 122 0.75 :000307 0:555 0.67 040. 1:1/4.' 1.250 0304 00051 2.28 137 075 090307 0.955 0.67 0,640 1.318' 1,375 0.116 0.0053 2.39 144 976 0.00307 0.955 0.67 0.640 11W 1.500 0.125 0.0056 2.50 150 0.75 0 00307 0.955 0.67 0.640 1.: l' .1.625 0.135: .0.0058 2.60 156 9 0.15 1100307 955 0;67 0.640 13/4' 1:750 0.146 0.0060 2.70 162 0.75 000307 0:056; 0.87 0.640. 2 inches 2.000 0.187 0.0064 2.89 173 0,76 900307 0966. 0.67 0.640. .21I40- 2.260 0,188 0.0068 3.06 184 0.75 0.00307 0465 987 0.640. ,21/2' 2500 9208. 0.0072 3.23 194 0.75 :000307 0065 0.67 0.640 23/4' 2.750 0229 0.0075 3.38 203 0.75 .0.00301 9955 0.67 0040 3-inches 1000 0.250 0:0079 3.53 212 0.75 :900307 0,955 067 0 640 3'1/4' 1250 0.271 0.0082. 3.68 221 0.75 000307 0.955, -007 .0640 3112 1500 0.292 0.0085 3.82 229 0.775 0.00307 0.955 0.67 0.640. 3-314' 3750 9313 0.0088 3.95 237 0.78- 000307 0.955 0.87 0.640 4.000 4.000 0.333 0.0091 4.08 245 Vent l4 !SI . I I -- •1.00 0:00545- 0.960 065.. 0.624 1I16�th ' 0:063- I 0,006! ( 04020 1 0,88 I. 53 1.00 0.00545 0,960 053 0,624 1/8th 0.125: : 0.019 90028 1.25 :75 1.00 0.00545 0.960 . 0.05 ; 0,624 1/4th 0.250 0:021 0:0039 1.77 106. 1.00 0.00545 0.960 0:66 0.624 one:halt 0.500 00042. 0.0.056 2.50 150 1.00 0.00545 0.960 966 0.624 3/4 the 0.750- 9063 0 0068 3.06 184 1.00 0.00545 0.960 . 0.85' 9824 1 inch 1.000 0;083 9:0079. 3.54 212 100 0.00545 0.960 966 0,624. 1 1/4" 1.250 0.104 0:0088:. 3.96 237 .`1:00 990545 0.960 0.65 0,624 t 3/8" 1.375 9115 0,009 : 4.15 249 `. ,1.00 0.00545. 0.960, 0.85. 0 624 1 12" 1.500 0.125 0.01)07 4.33 260 1,00 0.00545 0.960, 0.65 0.$24 1 5/8" 1.625 0.135 0.0100 4.51 271 1.00 0.00545 9900; 0,65 9424' 13/4" 1.750 0.146 0.0104 4.68 281.': 1,00 0.00545 0,960 0:66 0.824 2 inches 2.000 0.167 0.0111 5,00 300 1.00 0.00545 0.960 0,65 0.824 2 1/4" 2250 0.188 0.0118 5.31 318: -. 1.00 0.00545 0,960 0.65 0.624 2 12" 2500 0.208 0,0125 5.59 336 . 1.00 0.00545 0.960 0,65 0.624 2 314' 2.750 0.229. ..0.0131 5..87 352' 1.00 0.00545 0.960 0.65 0624 3 inches 3.000 0:250 O.0138 6.13. 368: H:\dept\fss\Common\WDR\Spill Guide...revised 051514 10 of 29 Pick and Vent Hole Estimation Chart- continued Estimated Flows thru Manhole Cover Vent Holes and Pick Holes for SSO estimating Hole Dia. Area Coeff.of Vet. Coeff.Of Cont. C Water Ht Water Ht Water Ht 0 Q 0 Inches sq.ft. Cv Cc Cv x Cc inches inches feet cis gpm gph Formula: Formula: =0.785'Ax' Formula: Formula •Ex'Bx1S Formula: Formula:trN Axu144 � 149 ■Gxt12 4 (2"32 ■uc'449 =.!x'ti0 v Vent Hole i x 1.00 0.00545 0.960 0,435 0.624 3114" 3.250 0.271 0.0142; `6.38 383 1.00 0.00545 0.960 0.65 .0624 ; 31/2" 3.500 0.292 0.0147 6.52 397 1.00 0,00545 0.960 0.65 0,824 3..3/4" 3.760 0.313 0.0153' 6.85 - 411 1,00 0.00545 0.960 0.65 0.824 4.000' 4.000 0.333:' 0.0158 7.08 425 I I Pick Hole semicircular area 1.00 0.00273 0.65 vi6 th», 06 0,005' ..00 0 ., 7 1.00 0,00273 0.65 1/8111 0.125 0,010 0.001 0.63' '` ''38 1.00 0,00273 0.960 0.65 0,624 1/4th 0.250 0.021 0.0020 0.89 53 1.00 0.00273 0.960 0.65 0.624 one trait 0.500 0,042 0.0028 1.25 75 1.00 0.00273 0,960 0.65 0.624 3/4 the 0.750 0.063 0.0034 1.53 92 1.00 0.00273 0.960 0.65 0.624 1 inch 1.000 0.083 0.0039 1.77 106 1.00 0.00273 0.960 0.65 0.624 1-1/2 inch 1.600 0.12E 0,0048 2.17 130 1.00 0.00273 0.960 0.65 0.624 2 Inches 2.000 0.167 0.0056 2.51 150 1.00 0,00273 0.960 0.65 0.624 21i4' 2.250 0.188 0.0059 2.66 159 1.00 0.00273 0.960 0.65 0.624 2 1 f2' 2.500 0.208 0.0062 2.80 168 1.00 0.00273 0,960 0.65 0.624 2 3/4" 2.750 0.229 0.0065 2.94 176 1.00 0.00273 0.960 0.65 0.824 3Inches 3,000 0.250 0.0068 3,07 184 1.00 0.00273 0.960 0.65 0.624 3 1/4' 3.250 0.271 0.0071 3.19 192 1.00 0.00273 0.960 0.65 0.624 3 1/2" 3.500 0.292 0.0074 3 31 199 1.00 0.00273 0.960 0.65 0.624 3 314' 3.750 0.313 0.0076 3.43 206 1.00 0.00273 0.960 0.65 0.624 4 000 4.000 0.333 0 0079 3.54 213 : , Courtesy of OCSD: Created 5/17/99 and modified 5/15/14, as an estimating tool for field staff. This is based on flow through orifices assumptions. Your city or agency may want to develop a similar tool. Q=CA(2gh)^.5 Where Q=cfs C=Cv a Cc A=area(sq. ft.) g=32.2 ft/sec/sec h=water height(ft.) H:\dept\fss\Common\WDR\Spill Guide...revised 051514 11 of 29 Manhole Ring Some manhole covers in use today typically only have one pick hole forcing most of the wastewater to escape from the perimeter of the manhole cover during higher flow SSOs. To estimate the volume in this example, measure the observed height of the wastewater plume exiting the manhole cover. Find the height and manhole diameter on the Manhole with Cover in Place to determine the flow rate escaping the manhole. The chart has two columns, one for 24-inch diameter covers and one for 36-inch diameter covers. Wastewater will also be escaping from the pick hole and must be accounted for separately by following the instructions for estimating an SSO from pick/vent hole. Multiply the flow rate times the number of holes that are discharging. The total estimated rate (gpm) is determined by adding together the rate being lost(gpm) from around the cover with the rate being lost(gpm) from the pick and/or vent hole(s). Once the total rate(gpm) has been determined, multiply the gpm by the duration of the SSO in minutes. This will result in the total estimated gallons of the SSO. HEIC3HT TO I3E MEASUREQ c i- V Q Example: The measured height of the plume exiting the ring of a 36-inch manhole is l inch. The total volume per minute would be 13 gpm from around the ring of a 36-inch manhole cover(from the attached chart). (Calculate the amount exiting the pick hole(s) and add to the total being lost around the ring). If the SSO lasted one hour the total wastewater lost would be 780 gallons(13 x 60 =780). Estimated loss around ring(from chart) 13 gpm Duration of SSO 60 minutes Total SSO (without loss from pick hole) 780 gallons (13 gal/min x 60 minutes= 780 gallons plus amount lost from pick hole(s)) H:\dept\fss\Common\WDR\Spill Guide...rcx iscd OS 1 514 12 of 29 ESTIMATED SSO FLOW OUT OF MH WITH COVER IN PLACE 24" COVER 36" COVER Height of Min.Sewer Height of Min.Sewer spout above S S 0 FLOW size in which spout above S S O FLOW size in which Mill rim a these flows M/H rim Q these flows H in inches In aant In MOD are possible H In Inches n 1/4 1 0.001 oom J0 MOD are possible_ 1/4 1 0.002 1/2 3 0.004 1/2 4 0.006 3/4 6 0.008 3/4 8 0.012 1 9 0.013 1 13 0.019 1 1/4 12 0.018 11/4 18 0.026 11/2 16 0.024 11/2 24 0.035 1 3/4 21 0.030 13/4 31 0.044 2 25 0.037 2 37 0.054 21/4 31 0.045 21/4 45 0.065 21/2 38 0.054 21/2 55 0.079 2 3/4 45 0.065 2 3/4 66 0.095 3 54 0.077 3 78 0.113 3 1/4 64 0.092 3 1/4 93 0.134 31/2 75 0.107 31/2 109 0.157 3 3/4 87 0.125 3 3/4 127 0.183 4 100 0.145 4 147 0.211 41/4 115 0.166 41/4 169 0.243 41/2 131 0.189 41/2 192 0.278 4 3/4 148 0.214 4 3/4 217 0.312 6" 5 166 0.240 5 243 0.350 51/4 185 0.266 51/4 270 0.389 51/2 204 0.294 51/2 299 0.430 5 3/4 224 0.322 6" 5 3/4 327 0.471 6 244 0.352 8 357 0.514 61/4 265 0,382 61/4 387 0.558 8" 61/2 286 0.412 61/2 419 0.603 6 3/4 308 0.444 6 3/4 451 0.649 7 331 0.476 7 483 0.696 71/4 354 0.509 71/4 517 0.744 7 1/2 377 0.543 7 1/2 551 0.794 7 3/4 401 0.578 8" 7 3/4 587 0.845 10" 8 426 0.613 8 622 0.896 81/4 451 0.649 81/4 659 0.949 81/2 476 0.686 81/2 697 1.003 8 3/4 502 0.723 8 3/4 734 1.057 9 529 0.761 9 773 1.113 The formula used to develop Table 1 measures the maximum height of the water coming out of the maintenance manhole above the rim. The formula was taken from Hydraulics and Its Application by A.H.Gibson(Constable&Co. Limited). Partially Covered Manhole Sometimes an SSO will occur that only lifts one side of the manhole cover. This is especially true of manholes where the cover is on an incline with the cover lifting on the downward side of the manhole. To estimate the volume of an SSO under these conditions, calculate the area (in square feet) from where the wastewater is escaping and the velocity (in feet per second) that the wastewater is normally traveling in the sewer at half the pipe depth. The velocity is estimated from visual observation with 2 feet/second or less being a small velocity,4 to 5 feet/second being a medium velocity, and 7 feet/second or higher being a large velocity. Velocities in the sewer above 7 feet/second may be strong enough to blow the manhole cover off. Higher velocities also tend to raise the manhole lid higher. Next, multiply by the duration H:\dept\fss\Common\WDR\Spill Guide...revised 051514 13 of 29 (in seconds)that the SSO occurred. Finally, multiply by 7.48 to determine the volume of the SSO in gallons. The formula is Volume (gallons)=Area (sq. ft.) x Velocity (ft/sec)x Time (in seconds) x 7.48 (gal/cu. ft.). HEIGHT TO BE MEASURED F Q. "' v,R aw, r t a Yj w' h art J _ Example: The measured height of the plume exiting the side ring of a 24-inch manhole is 2 inches. Based upon the data provided in the Area Calculation Chart below, a 2-inch plume from one side of a 24-inch manhole cover provides 0.524 square feet of area. The velocity of the flow is estimated at 4 ft/sec (visual observation) with the assumed duration of the flow lasting for one hour. The total amount of the SSO is estimated at 56,441 gallons(.524 x 4 x 60 x 60 x 7.48= 56,441) Height of plume 2 inches Area for 24 inch manhole 0.524 square feet Estimated velocity 4 ft/sec Duration of SSO 60 minutes Conversion from cu. ft. to gallons 7.48 Total estimated SSO volume 56,441 gallons (.524 sq. ft. x 4 ft/sec x 60 minutes x 60 sec/min x 7.48 gal/cu ft= 56,441 gal) Area Calculation Chart Height of Flow 24 Inch Manhole 36 Inch Manhole .5 inches 0.131 sq. ft. 0.195 sq. ft. 1 inches 0.262 sq. ft. 0.391 sq. ft. 1.5 inches 0.393 sq. ft. 0.586 sq. ft. 2 inches 0.524 sq. ft. 0.782 sq. ft. 2.5 inches 0.655 sq. ft. 0.977 sq. ft. 3 inches 0.786 sq. ft. 1.173 sq. ft. 3.5 inches 0.917 sq. ft. 1.368 sq. ft. 4 inches 1.048 sq. ft. 1.564 sq. ft. H:\dept\fss\Common\WDR\Spill Guide cA iced 051514 14 of 29 Open Manhole In large events the force of the overflowing wastewater will have sufficient pressure and volume to unseat the cover from the frame and move the manhole cover away from the manhole. Typically, when the SSO rates reach approximately 7 cfs(approximately 3,000 gpm or about 4.32 mgd), there is sufficient flow and pressure to blow off the manhole cover. To estimate the volume of an SSO where the manhole cover has been removed,the average height of the plume of wastewater exiting the manhole must be measured. This measurement is from the pavement surface close to the manhole ring to the top of the plume. Take several measurements in several locations around the ring and average the findings. If possible,and being safe to protect yourself from the open manhole, find the average height of the plume for the size of the manhole lid(24-inch or 36-inch diameter)on the Area Calculation Chart to determine the rate of flow exiting the manhole. Multiply the flow rate expressed in gallons per minute from the chart multiplied by the duration of the SSO in minutes to determine the total volume of the SSO. A photo taken at a safe distance upon arrival may help you refine your estimate. HEIGHT TO BE MEASURED t7,4, X �;� 4 ` x _ ,-.wilia~'GxTr kfS y-` i""KY ;t g .� ,Ft s `§NA '� N �r "y L. Example: Determine the observed height of the plume at several locations around the ring of the manhole and average the results. Determine the size of the manhole cover. If the average height of the plume exiting an open 24-inch diameter manhole is 2 inches, find 2 inches on the 24-inch Manhole Cover Removed Chart. Based upon the data provided in the Manhole Cover Removed Chart,the flow in gallons per minute would be 3,444 gpm. If the duration of the flow lasted for one hour(60 minutes),the total amount of the SSO would be estimated at 206,640 gallons (3,444 x 60=206,640). H:\dept\fss\Common\WDR\Spill Guide...revised 051514 15 of 29 • Height of plume (average)on 24-inch manhole 2 inches Est imated flow from chart 3,444 gpm Duration of SSO 60 minutes Estimated SSO total volume 206,640 gallons (Est flow from chart 3,444 x 60 minutes=206,640) H:\dept\fss\Common\WDR\Spill Guide...revised os I s 14 16 of 29 FSTIMATFn SSO FI OW 01 IT OF M/N WITH COVFR RFMQVFf 24" FRAMF 3R" FRAMF Water Min.Sewer Water Min.Sewer Height above S S O FLOW size In which Height above S S 0 FLOW size in which MM frame Q these flows M/H frame H ininrhps Q these flows in.p[1n3 in Mcfl ArP nnatihlp H in inrhpS 1n40g1 io-MGEll pre cioSsible 1/8 28 0.04 1/8 49 0.07 1/4 82 0.09 1/4 111 0.18 3/8 111 0.18 3/8 187 0.27 8" 1/2 180 0.23 1/2 271 0.39 5/8 215 0.31 6" 5/8 361 0.52 8" 3/4 354 0.51 8" 3/4 458 0.88 7/8 569 0.82 10" 7/8 556 0.8 10" 1 799 1.15 12" 1 660 0.95 12" 1 1/8 1,035 1.49 1 1/8 1,035 1.49 11/4 1,340 1.93 15" 11/4 1,486 2.14 15" 13/8 1,860 2.39 13/8 1,951 2.81 11/2 1,988 2.86 11/2 2,424 3.49 18" 15/8 2,396 3.45 18" 15/8 2.903 4.18 13/4 2,799 4.03 13/4 3,382 4.87 17/8 3,132 4.51 17/8 3,917 5.84 21" 2 3,444 4.98 21" 2 4,458 6.42 2118 3,750 5.4 21/8 5,000 7.2 24" 21/4 3,986 5.74 21/4 5,558 8 2 3/8 4,215 6.07 2 3/8 8,118 8.81 21/2 4,437 6.39 21/2 8,764 9.74 2 5/8 4,569 6.58 24" 2 5/8 7,403 10.88 2 3/4 4,687 8.75 2 3/4 7,972 11.48 30" 2 7/8 4,799 6.91 2 7/8 8,521 12.27 3 4,910 7.07 3 9.062 13.05 31/8 9,804 13.83 3 1/4 10,139 14.8 3 3/8 10,825 15.3 38" 31/2 11,097 15.98 3 5/8 11,589 18.68 3 3/4 12,035 17.33 3 7/8 12,486 17.98 4 12,881 18.52 41B 13,078 18.83 41/4 13,285 19.13 4 3/8 13,488 19,42 Disclaimer: This sanitary sewer overflow table was developed by Ed Euyen, Civil Engineer, P.E. No. 33955, California, for County Sanitation District 1. This table is provided as an example. Other Agencies may want to develop their own estimating tables. H:\dept\fss\Common\WDR\Spill Guide...revised U.S 1514 17 of 29 Pictorial Reference Currently there are two picture charts being widely used to assist with estimating SSO volumes. The older chart is the city of San Diego's Manhole Overflow Rate Chart with the newer chart being the CWEA Southern Section Collection Systems Committee (SSCSC) Manhole Overflow Gauge. Each chart is a pictorial depiction of how an overflowing manhole appears at a given flow rate. The SSCSC Manhole Overflow Gauge has an additional picture for each flow rate showing a wide angle view of the spill area. When using either of the pictorial reference charts, select which picture most accurately represents the SSO being estimated. Use the gpm of the associated picture multiplied times the duration of the SSO to determine the total spill volume. Example: If the selected picture shows 300 gpm and the duration of SSO is 55 minutes,the total estimated spill volume would be 16,500 gallons (300 gpm x 55 min). Selected picture volume 300 gpm Duration of SSO 55 minutes Total estimated SSO 16,500 gallons (300 gpm x 55 minutes= 16,500 gallons) Note: Data was obtained at training facilities where potable water was metered and photos were taken at various flow rates. Training facilities also exist at the Orange County Sanitation District in Fountain Valley, CA. As a reference point, an 8-inch diameter sewer flowing half full at a velocity of 2.5 ft/sec would have a flow rate of about 192 gal/min. If fully blocked,the SSO rate would be 192 gpm. For a partial blockage,the SSO rate will be less. Other agencies have developed above ground estimating tools such as frame and cover sets that can be pressurized using p simple water and sim le flow meters. H:\dept\fss\Common\WDR\Spill Guide...rovisod 051514 18 of 29 x 6. Reference Sheet for Estimating Sewer Spills y o �j City of San Diego from Overflowing Sewer Manholes Wastewater Collection Division o . Metropolitan Wastewater Department All estimates are calculated in gallons per minute(gpm) (619)654-4160 fen 4. a t) O o hr...r •.,fin' - � Y `ry Y„„s b i -' C 0 - '_ . f" �Y • } ,R ' , ^, et �' M"O`er"".'i;. •"pn ' r-n AA photos vim nkm cising a trnonstrabm tae>g rrotsaad watts from a hrd ant r mroinatr�n xrt;ihn Cm/of San DIVA water Opartr t. N rw 4f.73 ( i 1 1 x g e wmwrw�r White/pordssossi000rsoolort....rthwMossoht MMNi WOO*40t.M wnMIMiM.r WIN c w i rw r+ei Offifffeills tad wlrii+Mwir .J rWMva4 rip eatme, .. i.4�1Rkq �•Y1 'fl r i.'.'s IPA E. SS CS MANHOLE al 0 -FLOW GAUGE Orono/�e+.�. • ,R g ,, nw MS 9Bm a l w • n • f i N - o _..• o. s 9 io 1 2 . .3 4 s 6 Q pli;14 ti ti 44V 44 S ti ti44 t 1 i4 Wi li i tii Ii fit tiI 4iti 4ti111 $1111 /M ll iWi�� CII. V141141 ' 1' 11'1ti4 ► VI . � � a t Mi SOUTHERN A Ott * i COLLECTION 4• ;� • , - CD An CYST`S 1 „' ... ' I COMMIT'1`LE •a " ` ti 150gprn Od gpm . yp PROVIDING QUAL(TYTR G - ` •.1, At... I. ' • - .. .. • FLR COLECTION SYSTEM PERSONNEL s x Y� iti..w.wkWt...e SINCE ....nwrt 4.rt a z.; F I 4 • 4 -- .y rnisn N m'l.nan&Old p.nerwr ltiwm ki ..... • ,� r ¢.•- q� ,. r � ` b. Ca+.aen'MN.M *MOM W C r,rs«swa+n/wwe IMpwlwa.p:;NWwrwn.W oaC45$' »tWw•W rW�r.$s. M�fWyyuawes.nrM.r1«wt.awtnithr«Mw*640.+.elIhi holt +a.La.wnM.+Tern O",PASO..MOO lowrR tiM Rom*ago frfiffncf hew Aft ►mal.r7rfoormaw&N.+iw,Ew wades it 0St>de.mQmahakuty M fa...flow itiwl.m•atf.N•ov ma n*y...arrasaep+n..:tws M IJ ‘O 01 rill Village of Bald Head Island Utilities Department Village of Bald Head Island Utilities Department Response Action Plan Sewer Spills endanger our environment and potentially the health of our citizen, guest or employee that may come in contact with the uncontained sewage. Sewer spills can result in significant penalties from State and Federal environmental regulatory agencies if not acted upon. The Utilities Department will do everything possible to prevent sewer spills, but unfortunately they can and will happen. The following information will assist us during a spill event. Response Procedure 1 Notify the Village Utilities Director or Field Supervisor as soon as possible (ASAP) after sewer spill is found. Field Supervisor, David Mintz Public Services Director, JP McCann (910)—448—0623 (910)—269-6483 2 Stop the spill • Restore pump operation • Divert flow • Temporary shutdown tributary pump stations • If required, cut off area potable water supply;notify Water operations ORC,Nate Lindsey (910)-269-5718). 3 Contain the spill • If possible, do not allow spill to enter surface waters • Construct ditches,ponds or dams • Use Pump Truck to capture waste • Control access to site • Contact additional personnel, as required(see staff/contract list) 4 Correct the cause of the spill • Repair or replace pumps • Repair or replace electrical component as necessary • Repair sewer line breaks as required • Contact additional personnel as required(see staff/contractor list) • Test to insure proper operation after repair is made • Reset lift station dialer 5 Cleanup Procedure • Lime and rake the spill site and reapply as needed • Must remove the lime after(1)hour from all hard surface area • Bleach solution may also be used on hard surface area(approx. Y2 teaspoon of "Shock-it"per gallon) • Bag all non-decomposing material from the site and transport to Utilities for disposal • Contact additional personnel as required(see staff/contract list) `" Reporting Procedure • The Utilities Director or ORC will be the primary interface between the Village of Bald Head Island and North Carolina Division of Water Quality. • The Utilities Director or ORC will report overflows from any sewer line or pump station or the bypass of any wastewater treatment facility to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. Note: this requirement only applies in the following cases: Any spill of 1,000 gallons or more; and Any spill, regardless of volume, if any waste reaches the surface waters of the State. Please note that conveyances such as drainage ditches and storm sewers are considered water of the State. The ORC is required to provide an oral report regarding reportable spills to the Wilmington Regional Office as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours following the spill event. Additionally, if a spill occurs after normal business hours, the event must be reported during the next working day. Should a spill occur after hours which reach the surface waters and/or it may be considered as either an environmental or health hazard, the report must be made immediately to the Division of Emergency Management at 1- 800-858-0638. Their office will contact appropriate Division of Water Quality staff. • Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form (Form CS-SSO)must be submitted to the Wilmington Regional Office within five (5) days of knowledge of the reportable spill. All parts of the form must be completed in detail. It is highly recommended that the form be faxed and follow-up with a phone call to confirm delivery. Fax (910)—350—2004 Phone (910)—796—7215 • Develop and implement an educational fats, oils and grease program that shall include at least bi-annual distribution of educational material targeted at both residential and non- residential users. Emergency Phone Numbers Staff NAME/TITLE WORK HOME MOBILE JP McCann Utilities Director 910-457-9700 910-44 -8 0625 Nathan Lindsay Water/Wastewater Plant ORC 910-457-9700 910-448-0624 Ian Carico Facility Operations 910-457-9700 910-209-5458 Davey Mintz Field Supervisor 457-7350 910-448-0623 Wayne Ingram Maintenance Worker 457-7350 910-713-9465 Charles Trott Maintenance Mechanic 457-7350 910-232-0114 Anthony Sinatra Maintenance Worker 457-7350 910-685-1494 David Morales Maintenance Worker 457-7350 910-880-5031 Vacant Maintenance Worker 457-7350 Kenneth Adkins Maintenance Worker 457-7350 910-470-8872 On Call/Weekend Staff 457-7350 910-616-7716 * Village of Bald Head Island owned cell phones or pagers Contractor / Officials CONNECTION SERVICE SUPPLIER NAME PHONE WASTEWATER INSP. NCDWR Environmental Helen Perez 796-7323 Specialist GROUNDWATER Heidi Lane Cox Heidi Cox 796-7368 DIVISION Regional Engineering Jeannie Press 796-7288 Supervisor Public Water Supply MNDFLD. Bruns. Co. Health Dept. Mark Weeks 253-2257 INSPECTOR Bruns.Co. LABORATORY Environmental Chemists Rhonda Highland 392-0223 BARGE SCHEDULE BHI Limited 457-5205 Sue PUMPS Xylem(Thompson)Pumps Berry 279-3213 WASTEWATER TECH Aqua aerobics Rodger Mallory 815-654-2501 SUPPORT HYDROGEOLOGIST Applied Resource Jim Cornette 910-270-2919 WELL INSTALLATION Management 512-4890 ELECTRICIAN Spencer Electric Service Richard Spencer 919-921-6335 LLC CONTROL Custom Controls Steve Wysocki (630)977-9243 SPECIALIST GENERAL Island Contracting,Inc. Wayne Krahn 443-3123 CONTRACTOR WATER/SEWER Sandy's Hauling Arnold Sandy 718-0381 CONST. ELECTRIC COMPANY Duke Power Matt Butner (910)617-1785 ENGINEERS McKim&Creed Tony Boahn (910)343-1048 (910)612-2387 Mobile EQUIPMENT RENTAL Shallotte Rent All 910-754-5800 CRANE RENTAL Edwards Crane Service James Sellers 772-9777 GENERATOR SERVICE Ben Aragona 1-910-358-2249 PUMP TRUCK Utilitech Inc DWQ(Hot Line) Division of Water Quality 1-800- 858-0368 Equipment List CURRENT:SEPTEMBER 1,2022 • DITCHWITCH 3610 MOD#A222,SERIAL# 1 P1617,DIESEL • MINI TRACKHOE,BOBCAT,MOD 329,DIESEL • SERVICE TRUCK(4X4),2002 FORD RANGER VIN# I FTYRI 1 U12TA17276 • BACKHOE CAT 4X4 MODEL 416 VIN# G4 16 F2HWB01887 • OPERATOR TRUCK,2006 FORD RANGER VIN#I FTYR10U96PA70632 • VAN#1 VIN#NM0157E7XG 1252409 • VAN#2 VIN#NMOLS7C6G1 252410 • TOYOTA TACOMA YIN#5TFC25AN9MX244737 • NEW PUMPER TRUCK WITH OLD VAC SYSTEM • Dump TRUCK,FLAT BED,2007 FORD 350, • OFFICE/EQUIPMENT BAY • WATER PLANT 230 KW,GENERAC,MOD#91 A01068-S,SER#995005(DIESEL • WASTEWATER PLANT GEN.200 KW,CAT MODEL#SR-4,SER#5EA037 14,DIESEL • PRIMARY LIFT.GEN.60 KW,SPECTRUM,MODEL#60DS60,SER#375603,DIESEL • PORTA GENERATOR, 10 KW,NORTH STAR,VANGUARD 16HP SER#99113011,GAS • PORTA GENERATOR, 15 KW,GENERAC,MOD#93A04015-S,SER#2009721,DIESEL • PORTA GENERATOR,20 KW,KOHLER,MODEL#20REOZJ,DIESEL • CONCRETE SAW,TS-400 • CHAIN SAW,STIHL 026 • CHAIN SAW,ECHO 280E,SER#319227 • WEEDEATER,SHINDAIWA,S-25,SER.4250381 • CONCRETE SAW STIHL TS 700 • CONCRETE SAW HONDA • MUD HOG PUMP,MODEL#5307WR,SER#P950138 • LADDER 8' • EXTENTION LADDER 20' • EMERGENCY LIGHTS,W/OUTLET • MEASURING WHEEL • PRESSURE WASHER-HONDA GX340 SERIAL 157398(0 1 9 700 593) • 2"WATER PUMP 9500 GPH-HONDA,MODEL-WP2OX,SER#WZBE-1 207067 • PIPE SAW ICS 695 • HONDA PORTABLE GENERATOR EUU22CC • NEW AIR COMPRESSOR VAN AIR DIESEL 30-22074957 • GPR IMPULSE RADAR LMX 100 • PIPE CAMERA GEN-EYE-POD SAW,RECIP.TYPE,DEWALT • SAW,CIRCULAR TYPE,MAKITA,MOD.5007NB,SER.578149-A • 2-EQUIPMENT TRAILER • 12'ALUMACRAFT BOAT,MODEL# 1236,SERIAL#ACBC 1203C000 • TROLLING MOTOR,SERIAL#MKAA 1494804 • BOAT TRAILER,LONG,ID# 1 LGABAJ 12Y 1005091,YEAR 2000 • VENTILATION BLOWER,ALLEGRO MODEL#9514-25,SER#9513-3079 • LINE JE ITER VAN GUARD MOTOR 31 HP • CUB CADET LAWN MOWER SLTX 1054 • 8 PASSENGER GOLF CART CLUB CAR • ELECTRIC JACK HAMMER • TRIPOD SALALIFT II,9'W/SS CABLE WINCH,MODEL# 1850-077 CONTINGENCY PLAN For the SHUT-DOWN or RESTORING SEWER SERVICE ON BALD HEAD ISLAND 1. General: This plan assumes a severe disaster is emanate or has occurred 2. Assumptions: a. VBHI Utilities staff will be available on island to execute this plan b. Forces of nature will not interfere with execution of this plan 3. Actions to Shut Down: a. Notification of the public and DENR as to date and time shutdown will begin b. Upon date/time of shutdown sequence— i. Prohibit guests from arriving to island, all other returns under Village authority ii. Turn off distribution of potable water throughout island iii. Allow all secondary lift stations to pump down to normal 'off' level iv. Shut off power to secondary lift stations v. Pumped down lift stations at Central Main and Timbercreek Main then shut down power vi. Allow Primary Treatment Facility(WWTP)to sequence all reactors through the point of transferring sludge to the digester basins vii. Shut down power to the WWTP without energizing standby generator viii. Secure all plant and equipment; disable alarms ix. Notify DENR; depart the island 4. Actions to Restore Sewer: a. Utilities staff returns to the island b. Power restored to WWTP c. All plant and equipment is inspected for operational readiness d. Notify DENR as to state of systems and intent to restore e. Reactors are activated by seeding, feeding, or other processes as needed f. WWTP reactors are sampled to determine state of biological activity g. Power is turned back on at all lift stations h. Potable water distribution system turned back on, flushed, and sampled i. Obtain potable water sample results and DENR acceptance j. Water is introduced to sewer system k. Upon satisfactory potable water sample results, notify Village to permit return to the island of property owners (and guests if acceptable) CONTINGENCY PLAN For the SHUT-DOWN or RESTORING SEWER SERVICE ON BALD HEAD ISLAND 1. General: This plan assumes a severe disaster is emanate or has occurred 2. Assumptions: a. VBHI Utilities staff will be available on island to execute this plan b. Forces of nature will not interfere with execution of this plan 3. Actions to Shut Down: a. Notification of the public and DENR as to date and time shutdown will begin b. Upon date/time of shutdown sequence— i. Prohibit guests from arriving to island, all other returns under Village authority ii. Turn off distribution of potable water throughout island iii. Allow all secondary lift stations to pump down to normal 'off' level iv. Shut off power to secondary lift stations v. Pumped down lift stations at Central Main and Timbercreek Main then shut down power vi. Allow Primary Treatment Facility(WWTP) to sequence all reactors through the point of transferring sludge to the digester basins vii. Shut down power to the WWTP without energizing standby generator viii. Secure all plant and equipment; disable alarms ix. Notify DENR; depart the island 4. Actions to Restore Sewer: a. Utilities staff returns to the island b. Power restored to WWTP c. All plant and equipment is inspected for operational readiness d. Notify DENR as to state of systems and intent to restore e. Reactors are activated by seeding, feeding, or other processes as needed f. WWTP reactors are sampled to determine state of biological activity g. Power is turned back on at all lift stations h. Potable water distribution system turned back on, flushed, and sampled i. Obtain potable water sample results and DENR acceptance j. Water is introduced to sewer system k. Upon satisfactory potable water sample results, notify Village to permit return to the island of property owners (and guests if acceptable) VILLAGE OF BHI DUPLEX LIFT STATION LISTING Pump Pump Panel Restricted PWR Total to Stations Pump Station ID Serving Size Type Part# Access Phase Be Served Ahead 1 Harbour Village I North Harbor 2-HP SPG200E-M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 55 2 Harbour Village II East Harbor 2-HP SPG200E-M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 33 3 Harbour Village Main All Harbor • 7.5-HP S4N750M6-4 6200E00135080 Locked 3 Ph 104 1,2,4 ' 4 Lighthouse Ldg I Lighthouse Ldg 14-19 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 6 5 Lighthouse LdgII Lighthouse Ldg 1-13 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 13 6 Stede Bonnet Close Stede Bonnet Close 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 5 7 TimbercreekI TimbercreekphI 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 12 8 TimbercreekII TimbercreekphIl 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 4 9 TimbercreekDl Timbercreek ph III 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 10 10 TimbercreekIV Timbercreek ph IV 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 10 11 Timbercreek V, TC/13 LHL/4 SBC/24NBHW 1.5-HP S150M2-4 6200E00135081 Locked 1 Ph 77 5,6,7,8,9,10 12 Palmetto Cove Palmetto Cove 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 28 13 Palm Court Palm Court 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph • 15 14 Cedar Court Cedar Court 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 17 15 Ibis Roost l IR22-31 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62007-514-7 Locked 1 Ph 10 16 Ibis Roost II - IR 1-20 3-HP SPGH300M2I2 62017-345-7 Locked 1 Ph 19 17 Col William Rhett Col William Rhett 2-HP SPG200M2/2 2201-8-068-7 Locked 1 Ph 14 18 Saba].Palm I SP 1-9 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 7 19 Sabel PalmIl 893-896,SP10-15 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 9 20 Service Village I Service Village/E.T.Close 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 10 21 Dowitcher Dowitcher 1-HP E-One(AMGP) Tri-plex Locked 1 Ph 33 22 Villas I Villas ph I 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 21 23 Villas II Villas ph II 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 17 24 Villas III VillacphDI 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 17 25 Primary Main All of Island Except PCove 15-HP S4L15-11.5 62020-670-7 Fence/Lock 3 Ph 1263 3,11,13,14,15,16,18,19,20,26,27,35 26 Central Main WBHW,Viltas,F Holmes 7.5-HP S4M750M4-4 6299E11714 Fence/Lock 3 Ph 257 17,22,23,24,32,36 27 Dune Ridge Main Dune Ridge FB.KG,Braemar 5-HP HPGF500M2-4/9' 62019-819-7 Locked 1 Ph 195 28,29,30,31,38 28 Dune Ridge I Coquina,Bay B,W Bean 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 30 29 Dune Ridge II B Pelican,IN Blanket 2-HP SPG200M2/2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 37 30 Flora's Bluff Flora's Bluff 3-HP SPGH300M2/2 62014-090-7 Locked 1 Ph 33 31 KillegrayRidge KGRidge/Braemar 3-HP SPGH300M2-2 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 74 32 Hammocks I Hammocks ph I 2-HP PB-2SE 62021-817-7 Locked 1 Ph 26 33 Mourning Warbler Area,4,5,6 5-HP S4NX500CC 62025-107-7 Locked 1 Ph 152 34 SBHW #1 Area,12,13,14 3-HP 33HRC300M2-2 6299E00043042 Locked 1 Ph 98 35 Stede Bonnet Main Area,8,9,11 5-HP S4P500M2-4 6299E00043823 Locked 1 Ph 194 33,34,37 56 WBHW#1 Area,1,2,3,4 5-HP S4NX500 6299E14019 Locked 1 Ph 143 37 Royal James Royal James Landing 1-HP E-One(AMGP) Duplex Locked 1 Ph 28 38 Loggerhead Loggerhead Tr/SBHW 3-HP SPGH300M2/2 62014-090-7 Locked 1 Ph 15 Note:All stations have ID and emergency phone number posted. BALD HEAD ISLAND UTILITIES,INC. SPILL CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES 1. Remove all visible debris. 2. Remove all visible ponded wastewater. 3. Disinfect the affected area(NO CHEMICAL ADDITION TO SURFACE WATERS). 4. Barriers(i.e. colored tape)should be erected to preclude public access for at least 24 hours. 5. If soil is disturbed in close proximity to stream banks, the area should be reseeded immediately to prevent erosion. F:\SHAINA1\L IfY\SEWER\SPILL#2.WPD Revised:8/6/99 � • F Bald Head Island Utilities, Inc. Inspected by: o Subsurface Systems Report Date: 0 Dperator: Date: Location: Lot Number: Customer Type: Residential Non-Residential Structure Type: Single House Cluster Homes Sewer Type: Conventionial LPP Mound System Lift Station Force Main Mound System# Lift Station# Indicate if conditions rec uires action by placing an "X"in the appropriate box. PUMP#1 PUMP#2 PUMPS&CONTROLS PROBLEMS/COMMENTS YES NO YES NO Pumps Amps Clean Contacts Floats Auto Manual Alarm Light Control Panel Condition WET WELL YES NO PROBLEMS/COMMENTS Water Level Sludge Level Clean Debris Access Door Piping Condition Date Sludge Removed DRAIN FIELDS YES NO PROBLEMS/COMMENTS Vegetation under Control Puddling Leaks Flushed All Laterals Controls Reset Panels&Access Doors Locked O/M PROGRAM EVALUATION FACTORS Criteria Requirement Evaluation for Evaluation for Total Gravity Lines Pump Stations - Points (Points) (Points) 1 Inventory sketch of es=5 Yes=4 collection system (may be a simple line No=0 No=0 drawing). 2 Annual visual inspection Inspections Inspections of all lines not visible from conducted = 10 conducted = 9 normal public access. Regular visual inspections of high Inspections not Inspections not priority areas.'. conducted = 0 conducted = 0 3 Right of way maintenance Adequate = 5 Adequate = 4 to allow system accessibility. Inadequate=0 Inadequate=0 4 Schedules and conducts line Yes=5 Yes=4 cleanings. (Has planned program for cleaning certain No=0 No=0 %of lines) 5 Maintains a spare parts Yes=5 Yes=4 inventory and list of contractors. No=0 No=0 6 Keeps up-to date maintenance Yes=5 Yes=4 logs documenting all work, inspections, equipment testing,No=0 No=0 etc... 7 Maintains a trouble log Yes=10 Yes=9 documenting each problem, the time of the problem, location, No=0 No=0 who responded and how the problem was resolved. 8 Sewer use ordinance Yes=2 Yes=2 adopted. No=0 No=0 9 Sewer use ordinance Yes=3 Yes=2 implemented No=0 No=0 10 (Pump stations only) N/A Yes=4 Back-up equipment and/or If reliability and back-up reliability systems tested power req.'s do not once per month. apply, then score=4 No =0 11 (Pump stations only) Pump N/A \Yes=4 stations inspected three times per week2 for systems without No=0 telemetry or once per week for systems with telemetry. TOTAL O/M PROGRAM SCORE Notes: 1 Annual inspection requirement valid until 7/1/99. After 7/1/99, minimum quarterly inspection of all high priority lines (e.g. aerial lines, aerial crossings, stream crossings,siphons and streambank lines) in addition to the annual inspection of all lines not visible from normal public access. 2 Pump stations shall be inspected once daily beginning 7/1/99 if telemetry is not used. Page 3 5) The following assessment factors shall be used to modify the Final Score in order to obtain the adjusted final score FACTORS SCORE ADJUSTMENT Act of God Add 10 points 3rd Party/Vandalism Add 10 points Compliance History of Collection Add 10 points for good compliance history System Since January 1, 1998 Subtract 10 points for poor compliance history (Documentation Required) Reliability Requirements not in Place Subtract 10 points Add 10 points Extenuating Circumstances (Documentation Required) Implementation of Preventative and/or Educational Programs Add 10 points (Documentation Required) Major System Upgrades/ Renovations in Progress Add 10 points (Documentation Required) Subtract 5 points per offense and: multiply assessment by 1.2 for 2nd offense Repeat Offense multiply assessment by 1.5 for 3rd offense [Same Location, Same Cause] multiply assessment by 2.0 for 4th offense multiply assessment by 3.0 for 5th offense ADJUSTED FINAL SCORE Page 4 L__ 11 .a"DIST.M.I. 10"D. _JTION V V 4 tilli iil N /j xi N 4 W z c 1► 6" R.O.FILTERED x mm NI A N O * 2 D -1111 m m 4 m i m z n G m i rn -I m rr- m z n c, UTILITY OFFICE/PUMP ROOM m y n O ( ) ) -i r- -rG xt n z 0 o m m z y 4 - 6"EFFLUENT - 6"INFLUENT 4 R/O BUILDING 7'SEWER LINE H ► • 4"R.O.CONC. c‘2NN''''' ''''N-or T xtc m m r- cn n � 10"INFLUENT ri rn WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 1 , 10"EFFLUENT N m ri ¢w.OF.9 VILLAGE of BALD HEAD ISLAND 'I z UTILITIES DEPARTMENT d RESPONSE ACTION PLAN PACKAGE !s'LAN� This package of information will assist the Collection System Operator in the proper Reporting Procedure, Personnel Response and Equipment Availability as may be needed during a sewer overflow response. Note: A reportable sanitary sewer overflow is spills greater than 1,000 gallons or if any amount reaches surface waters. All reportable spills must be reported as soon as possible to the Wilmington Regional Office. Please follow instruction as indicated on the Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form. Normal working hours Phone # (910) - 457 -7350 Fax# (910) — 457 - 7353 After hours or weekends Phone # (910) - 616 - 7716 Package includes the following: • Enforcement and Spill Reporting Policy • Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form (CS-SSO) • Village of Bald Head Island Utilities Department - Employee Phone List • State, Local Government, and Contract Labor Professionals - Phone List • Village of Bald Head Island - Equipment Listing • Wastewater Pump Station - Informational Listing N•�' Ba ld Head Island Utilities,Inc. Niaj • Sewage Spill Response Evaluation Permittee Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Permit Number County Brunswick Incident Started: Date Time Incident Ended: Date Time (If spill is on going,please notes Regional Office on a daily basis until spill can be stopped) Source of spill/bypass(check one): Sanitary Sewer Pump Station WWTP Level of treatment(check one): None Primary Treatment Secondary Treatment Chlorination Only Estimated volume of spill/bypass(check one): 1 0-500 gal. 501-1,000 gal. 1,001-2,000 gal >2,000 gal. - estimate volume in nearest 1,000 gallon increments Did spill/bypass reach surface waters? Yes I I No (If Yes,please list the following) Volume reaching surface waters?(check one): 0-500 gal. 501-1,000 gal. 1,001-2,000 gal >2,000 gal. - estimate volume in nearest 1,000 gallon increments Name of surface water Did spill/bypass result in a fish kill? Yes No If Yes,what is the estimated number of fish killed? Please provide the following information: • 1. Location of spill/bypass: 2. Cause of spill/bypass: 3. Did you have personnel available to perform initial assessment 24 hours/day(including weekends and holidays)? Yes No 4. How long did it take to make an initial assessment of the spill/overflow after first knowledge? Minutes How long did it take to get a repair crew on site? Minutes Please explain the time taken to make initial assessment: 1 Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Sewage Spill Response Evaluation page 2 5.Action taken to contain spill,clean up waste,and/or immediate site: 6.Were the equipment and/or parts needed to make repairs readily available? Yes No If no,please explain why: 7.If the spill/overflow occurred at a pump station or was the result of a pump station failure,was the alarm system functional at the time of the spill? Yes No If the alarm system did not function,please explain why: 8.Repairs made are: Permanent Temporary Please describe what repairs were made. If the repairs are temporary,please indicate by what date a permanent repair will be completed and notify the Regional Office within 7 days of the permanent repair: 9.Comments: IN CASE OF SPILL CONTACT Wilmington Regional Office NCDENR-DWQ Section Phone: (910)395-3900 Fax:(910)350-2004 • After hours,Weekends,or Holidays,call 1-800-858-0368 Oral report given by: Report given on: Date Time Did DWQ requested additional written report? Yes No If yes,what additional information is needed? Other agencies notified: Person reporting spill/bypass: Phone Number: Signature Date: WEEK OF: BALD HEAD ISLAND Date Pumped Septage Domestic Porta Toilet Waste Date Discharged Dune Ridge Main Lift Primary Main Lift Pumping Location 306 Whalehead Villa#14 719 SHOALS WATCH 41 Cape Fear Trail 23 Palmetto Cove Tele-Media office/Dog park 7 Palm Court 17 Royal Tern 5 Widgeon 103 Turks Head 220 Row Boat Row 105 NBHW 3808 SEBD 452 Kitty Hawk 9 RaceRunner 612 WashWoods Way 604 Kinnakeet 601 Chico 228 Station House Way 216 Writers Way 217 Writers Way Public Safety New Site 5 Elephants Foot Tr. 3 Brown Pelican I � I � Pump 1 Pump 2 Alarm Grease Vegetation Dialer/Battery Week Beginning: LIFTSTATION T ripped T ripped B ulb F boats S pray R eplace WEEKLY CHECK SHEET(2) I ssue I ssue I ssue Dip Mow I ssue ✓ If all good,otherwise use codes above&Comments Comments: Dowitcher ..:. . Sabal Palm 1 _ :. :. . . ; • Sabal Palm 2 :. y . `. . i Colonel William Rhett Royal James Landing Hammocks -. . . -.•.•. . • Stede Bonnet Main Ibis Roost 1 . Ibis Roost 2 :. Cedar Court --_____----- -ram• r.:.t � .,.-. -�._.�:., Palm Court ; - �_..__ :-__ - Dune Ridge Main :::: . .. Dune Ridge 1 : . Dune Ridge 2 :. • ; - Flora's Bluff Killegray Ridge : : ... . . . : Loggerhead • Palmetto Cove =r Service Village ; ; ::. . jlnspectedBy: I Date: - 11.11111 Pump 1 ?map 2 Alarm Grease Vegetation Dialer/Battery Week Beginning: LIFISTATION Tripped T ripped B ulb F boats S pray R eplace WEEKLY CHECK SLIEET(1) I ssue I ssue I ssue D ip M ow I ssue If all good,otherwise use codes above&Comments Comments: Primary Main . . . Timber Creek 5 • • Timber Creek 4 • • • •• . • . . . . Timber Creek 3 • - Timber Creek 2 • Timber Creek 1 _ Stede Bonnet Close • - Lighthouse Landing 2 . . . . Lighthouse Landing 1 . • • • -HarbourVillage 2 _ Harbour Village 1 -- Harbour Village Main West Bald Head Wynd I Central Main • - • . . Villas 3 . Villas 2 • •• • •- - "• Villas 1 Mourning Warbler I South Bald Head Wynd Inspected By: Date: �4a fy -i MONTHLY SAFETY CHECKLIST ,st_`a_ (Month) (Date) rtment: Utilities Site Location: —e Reviewed By: Inspected By: Department Director Indicate if conditions requires action by placing an "X"in the appropriate box. LIFT/PUMP STATIONS Action Required Action Required Cleanliness/Housekeeping Yes No Vegetation Under Control Yes No Electrical Panels Yes No Hatch Door Locked Yes No Frayed/Defective Wiring Yes No Gas/Oxygen Deficiency Tester Available Yes No Electrical Meter Boxes Yes No Generator Yes No Pumps Operational Yes No Lines Yes No Spare Pump Yes No Manholes Yes No Spare Pump Parts Yes No Other: Yes No On site Alarm System Yes No Yes No Flow Meter/Flow Counter Yes No Yes No Telemetry Monitoring System Yes No Yes No •;lation Yes No Yes No PLANT SITE FACILITIES Action Required Action Required Floor Conditions/Walkways Clear Yes No Extinguisher Charged/Proper Locations Yes No Railings/Stairs Yes No Smoking in Prohibited Areas Yes No Windows/Doors Yes No First Aid Kits Available and Stocked Yes No Lighting Yes No Eye Wash Station Yes No Defective Wiring Yes No Machinery Guards in Place Yes No Overloaded Outlets Yes No Lockout/ragout Available Yes No Exit Lights/Doors/Signs Yes No Other: Yes No Piping(air-water) Yes No Yes No Ventilation Yes No Yes No Maintenance Being Done Timely/Properly Yes No Yes No PORT-A-JOHN Action Required Action Required Cleanliness/Housekeeping Yes No Maintenance Being Done Timely/Properly Yes No iges&Latches Yes No Vegetation Control Yes No or/Exterior Surfaces SurfaceStability Odor Control Yes No Other: Yes No F:\ANYONE\SAFETY\VIILITY.NPO MONTHLY SAFETY CHECKLIST(conlipuet)) EXPLAIN ANY DISCREPANCIES PREVIOUSLY INDICATED INDICATE'. ACTION RT.QLTtRETI T(1 rnRRFrT-EACH flICCRF.PANf VIllok • P:\ANYONE\SAPSTY\VrILITY.NPD � cJ PUMP STATION DATA Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Villas#2 Turn into the Villas off SBHW go across the bridge and the station is located on the right 1. How often is pump station inspected? Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) X Once per week Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? X Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly X Monthly Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? F:\SHAINAI\UTILITY\SEWER\VILLAS#2.PS Revised:8/6/99 ', PUMP STATION DATA —Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Villas#3 Turn into the Villas off SBHW go across two bridges and the station is located on the left 1. How often is pump station inspected? Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) Once per week Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? X Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site • Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly X Monthly Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? F:\SFLIINAI\UTILITY\SEWER\VILLAS#3.PS Revised:8/6/99 PUMP STATION DATA i—Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Dowitcher Turn on Dowitcher Trail,just past the fork in the road turn left onto a dirt road. I. How often is pump station inspected? Onceper day Twice per day (Check all that apply) X Once per week Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? X Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly X Monthly I ( Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. • 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? F:\SHAINAI\UTILITY\SEWER\DOWITCH.PS Revised:8/6/99 nj PUMP STATION DATA —Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Mourning Warbler Trail Turn on Mourning Warbler Trail and station is on the left behind Lot#189 and#190 1. How often is pump station inspected? Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) X Once per week Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly X Monthly Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? if no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level *Scheduled for completion within Thy well high level I High/low pH the next 60 days High/low current X AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? F:\SHAINARUTILITY\SEWE WTIS9.PS Revised:8!6/99 10�=1 PUMP STATION DATA ,- Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities, Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling � I Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Flora's Bluff#1 Located at the corner of Scotch Bonnett (2-2 amp fuses) 1. How often is pump station inspected? Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) X Once per week Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? X Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly X Monthly Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level *Scheduled for completion within Dry well high level High/low pH the next 60 days High/low current X AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? FISHAINAIIUTILITYISEWER\SB#1.PS Revised:8/6/99 PUMP STATION DATA Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Dune Ridge#2 Located on SBHW across from Indian Blanket Court (3 -2 amp fuses glass) 1. How often is pump station inspected? Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) X Once per week Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? X Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly X Monthly Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH �/ High/low current /� AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? F:VSHAINMVI7LITYYSEWER\DIW2.PS Revised:8/6/99 (itf)*"?, PUMP STATION DATA Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Central Main Located at the left back end of BHI Club Driving Range 1. How often is pump station inspected? Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) X Once per week L J Days per week L , Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? X Yes No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? Yes X No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly X Monthly Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: Station has just been rebuilt with new pumps and control panels with higher voltage. Recommendations and estimates have been forwarded to Administration. 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: X Wet well high level Wet well low level *5/20/99 Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current X AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? F:\SHArNAI\UTILITY\SEWER\CENTMAIN.PS Revised.8/6/99 0- PUMP STATION DATA -Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Ibis Roost#2 Located straight back to end on left in circle (3 -2 amp& 1 fuses- 1 amp fuse) day How often is pump station inspected? I I Once per day I I Twice per IX I Once per week I I Days per week (Check all that apply) I I Other GPM 2. What is the pump station capacity? Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? X Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? I X I Yes I I No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? I 1 Daily Weekly I X I Monthly Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? I X I Yes I I No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes I I No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm I I Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: I I Wet well high level Wet well low level I I Dry well high level High/low pH II High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? Revised 8/6/99 F:\SHAIIdAI�1TI'[Li1'YNSEWER�IDISft2P5 n1 PUMP STATION DATA k�a Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Ibis Roost#1 Turn left toward the pool and it will be located behind the pool (3 -2 amp& 1 fuses) 1. How often is pump station inspected? Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) X Once per week Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? X Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly X Monthly Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? F:\SHAINAI\UTILITY\SEWER\IBIS#I.PS Revised:8/6/99 0 . PUMP STATION DATA -Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Earl of Craven Turn on Earl of Craven and the station is located just past Hydrant#90 on the left. 1. How often is pump station inspected? I Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) X I Once per week Days per week II Other GPM 2. What is the pump station capacity? Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? Yes XX No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? Yes No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? — How often is the generator tested? I I Daily I 1 Weekly X Monthly I I Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? I X I Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes I I No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm I X I High water visual alarm IOther(describe) I I Wet well highlevel I I Wet well low level Telemetry Monitoring System: I Dry well high level High/low pH II High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? Revised:8/6/99 FASHAINAAUTILITriSEWERAEOC90PS itl �H PUMP STATION DATA �ol --Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 _.- Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Sabal Palm#1 Turn into the cottages at Hydrant#48 and station is located on the left inside the circle 1. How often is pump station inspected? Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) X Once per week Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? X Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly X Monthly Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? F:ISHAINAI\UTILITY\SEWER\SABAL#1.WPD Revised:8/6/99 PUMP STATION DATA —Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Col.William Rhett Located at the end of Col.William Rhett Trail inside the circle drive 1. How often is pump station inspected? Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) X Once per week Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? X Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes I No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly X Monthly Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? explain no backup power exists,please p lain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? F:\SHAINAAUTI ITY\SEWER\CWRT.PS Revised:8/6/99 V.) PUMP STATION DATA s � -- Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Palm Court Located on the right after entering Palm Court. (3-2 amp fuses glass) 1. How often is pump station inspected? I Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) X Once per week Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? X Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly X Monthly Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? F:\SHAINAI\UTILITY\SEWER\PALM.PS Revised:8/6/99 PUMP STATION DATA Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Cedar Court Located on the right after entering Cedar Court. 1. How often is pump station inspected? Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) X Once per week Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? X Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly X Monthly Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? F:\SHAINANUTILI'MSEWER\CEDARPS Revised:8/6/99 0-. PUMP STATION DATA -~Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Service Village#1 Located on the left side of Edward Teach Wynd just before Federal Road 1. How often is pump station inspected? __ Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) X Once per week Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? X Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly X Monthly Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level [ Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH 1 High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? F:\SHAINAI\UTILITY\SEWER\S V#I.PS Revised:8/6/99 QPUMP STATION DATA —Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Palmetto Cove#1 Located adjacent to Lots#12&#13 1. How often is pump station inspected? Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) X Once per week Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? X Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? �- — How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly X Monthly Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? FASHAINAI\UT ITY\SEWER\PMTCOVE4.PS Revised:8/6/99 cam- �f uC C PUMP STATION DATA �J Q Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Timbercreek#5 Located across from Lot#835 on NBHW 1. How often is pump station inspected? Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) X Once per week Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly X Monthly Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: X Wet well high level Wet well low level *Scheduled for completion within Dry well high level High/low pH the next 60 days High/low current X AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? F:\SHAINAI\UTILITY\SEWER\TC#5.PS Revised:8/6/99 =n� PUMP STATION DATA sro —Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Timber Creek#4 Located Timber Creek Pool under the deck hatch I. How often is pump station inspected? Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) X Once per week Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? X Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly X Monthly Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? F:\SHAINAI\UTILITY\SEWER\TCI4.PS Revised:S/6/99 Eo PUMP STATION DATA Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Timbercreek#3 Located at Timbercreek boat ramp across from Lot#831 on NBHW 1. How often is pump station inspected? I _ I Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) X Once per week I I Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly X Monthly Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: X Wet well high level Wet well low level *Scheduled for completion within Dry well high level High/low pH the next 60 days High/low current X AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? F:\SHAINAI\UTIIITY\SEWER\TC#3.PS Revised:8/6/99 PUMP STATION DATA —Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Timber Creek#2 Turn into Timbercreek across from lot#832 the station is located in the small turn-around circle 1. How often is pump station inspected? X Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) Once per week Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? X Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly X Monthly Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? F:VSHAINAAUT L1TY\SEWER\TCR2.PS Revised:8/6/99 tc PUMP STATION DATA --Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Primary Main Located on Timbercreek Service Sewer Road inside the fence 1. How often is pump station inspected? Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) X Once per week Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? X Yes No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes,what type: Portable generator which can be moved to site X Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly X Monthly Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: X Wet well high level Wet well low level *Scheduled for completion within Dry well high level High/low pH the next 60 days High/low current X AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? F:\SHAINAI\UTILITY\SEWER\PR MMAIN.PS Revised 8/6/99 PUMP STATION DATA —.Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Lighthouse Landing#2 Take the second left into complex off NBHW heading east and at the bottom of the drive to the left I. How often is pump station inspected? Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) X Once per week Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? X Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly X Monthly Yearly When was the generator last load tested? __. (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? F:\SHAINMUTILITY\SEWERU.HL#2.PS Revised:8/6/99 0 PUMP STATION DATA --Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Lighthouse Landing#1 Take the first left into complex off of NBHW(heading east)and immediately on your left 1. How often is pump station inspected? Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) X Once per week Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? X Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly Lx] Monthly Yearly When was the generator last load tested? y' (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? F:GSHAINARUTB,TTYISEWER\LHL#1.PS Revised:8/6/99 PUMP STATION DATA Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Harbour Village#2 Located on the right side of Keelson Row just past Windward Court between lot#21 and#23 I. How often is pump station inspected? Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) Once per week Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly X Monthly , Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: X Wet well high level Wet well low level *Scheduled for completion within Dry well high level High/low pH the next 60 days High/low current X AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? F:VSHAINAAUTQdTY\SEWER\HV#2.PS - Revised:8/6/99 _6); PUMP STATION DATA Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Harbour Village#1 Located on the southwest corner of Turks Head Court and Transom Row 1. How often is pump station inspected? + Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) X Once per week Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? X Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly L xi, Monthly f 1 Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? F:\SHAINAAUTILITY\SEWER\HV#I PS Revisal:8/6/99 e, PUMP STATION DATA • --Name of Facility: Bald Head Island Utilities,Inc. Contact Person: Ken Bowling Address: PO Box 3089 Bald Head Island,NC 28461 Phone#: 910-457-7351 Fax# 910-457-7353 Location of Pump Station: Harbour Village Main Located behind the Overnight Parking Lot off the northern end of NBHW 1. How often is pump station inspected? Once per day Twice per day (Check all that apply) X Once per week Days per week Other 2. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter,pump counters,or other means to measure flow? Yes X No 3. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes,what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used,how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Daily Weekly X Monthly Yearly When was the generator last load tested? (Month/Year) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No,what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists,please explain why: 4. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other(describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: X Wet well high level Wet well low level *Scheduled for completion within Dry well high level High/low pH the next 60 days High/low current X AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 5. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No,what actions are being undertaken to address? FASHAINAAUTILITYVSEWER\HV MAIN.PS Revised:S/6/99 ,.s. JQ� MONTHLY SAFETY CHECKLIST (Month) (Date) rtment: Utilities n Office Site Location: Reviewed By: Inspected By: Department Director Indicate if conditions requires action by placing an"X"in the appropriate box. GENERAL AREA 1 Action Required Action Required . Floor Conditions Yes No Wall Damage Yes No Special Purpose Flooring Yes No Ventilation Yes No Aisle,Clearance/Markings Yes No Yes No Railings/Stairs Yes No Other: Yes No ILLUMINATION-WIRING Action Required Action Required Unnecessary/Improper Use Yes No Machinery Not Grounded Yes No Lights on During Shutdown Yes No Hazardous Location Yes No Frayed/Defective Wiring Yes No Wall Outlets Yes No ^Overloading Circuits Yes No Other: Yes No SECURITY Action Required Action Required Doors/Windows,etc.(secured when required) Yes No Unauthorized Personnel Yes No Department Shutdown Security Yes No Equipment Secured Yes No Area/Restrooms Yes No Other: Yes No HOUSEKEEPING Action Required Action Required Floors Yes No Waste Disposal Yes No Machines Yes No Restrooms Rodent,Insect,Vermin Control Yes No Other: Yes No FIRE PROTECTION Action Required Action Required Extinguisher Charged/Proper Locations Yes No Smoking in prohibited areas Yes No Access to Fire Equipment Yes No Exit Lights/Doors/Signs Yes No Other: Yes No FIRST AID • Action Required Action Required Aid Kits Yes No Wash Down Area Location: Yes No IEye Wash Station Location: Yes No Other: Yes No F;\ANYONE\SAFETY\UTILITY.WPD MONTHLY SAFETY CHECKLIST (continued) MATERIAL STORAGE r Action Required Action Required Hazardous and Flammable Material Storage Yes No Ventilation • Yes ha.— Improper Stacking/Loading/Securing Yes No Proper Extinguisher Available and Fully Charged Yes No Improper Lighting,Warning Signs Yes No Other: Yes No VEHICLES Action Required Action Required Unauthorized Use Yes No Exhaust System Yes No Operating Defective Vehicle Yes No Reckless/Careless/Speeding/Failure to Obey Yes No Traffic Rules Use of Seat Belts Yes No Trained Operator Using Yes No Tires Yes No Other: Yes No MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT Action Required Action Required Trained Operator Personal Safety Equipment Being Used Guards in Place Yes No Standard Safe Operating Practice Used Yes No Safety Equipment in Place/Operating Yes No Maintenance Problems Being Properly Reported Yes No Check List Completed Before/After Usage Yes No Equipment Secured Yes No Maintenance Being Properly/Timely Done Yes No Other: Yes N WORK SITE OPERATIONS Action Required Action Required Standard Safe Operating Practice Used Yes No Equipment Secured Yes No Personal Safety Equipment Used/High Visibility Vest Yes No Maintenance Problems Being Properly Reported Yes No Safety Equipment in Place/Barricades&Cones,etc. Yes No Other: Yes No EXPLAIN ANY DISCREPANCIES PREVIOUSLY INDICATED INDICATE ACTION REQUIRED TO CORRECT EACH DISCREPANCY I P:\ANYONa\sAPeTY\oriLITY.NPD BALD HEAD ISLAND INCIDENT REPORT DATE OF REPORT: DEPARTMENT: DATE INCIDENT OCCURRED: LOCATION: EMPLOYEE INVOLVED: WAS EQUIPMENT INVOLVED? IF YES,WHAT TYPE: PROPERTY DAMAGE: PERSONAL INJURY WAS PUBLIC SAFETY INVOLVED? YES NO YES NO YES NO ON NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: EMPLOYED BY: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE! HOME PHONE#: WORK PHONE#: CRIPTION Off'INCIDENT 1�1 IRA ED,AREA -FOR OFFICE US CO Y What has been bore to correctt is'problern:' SUPERVIS(7K SIGiAI UKI:. DATE: i HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM Worksheet Department: Utilities UTILITY.CHT Printed: August 5, 1999 v HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM Department Telephone List Department: Utilities NAME WORK HOME MOBILE PAGER ADMINISTRATION 457-7351 457-7350 FIELD TECHNICIANS 457-7350 457-7350 457-7350 457-7350 457-7350 WATER OPERATIONS ** INDICATES ESSENTIAL PERSONNEL UTIUTY.CHT Printed: August 5, 1999 LABORATORY Environmental Chemists Rhonda Highland 392-0223 BARGE SCHEDULE BHI Limited Sue 457-5205 PUMPS Xylem(Thompson)Pumps Berry 279-3213 WASTEWATER TECH Aqua aerobics Rodger Mallory 815-654-2501 SUPPORT HYDROGEOLOGIST Applied Resource Jim Corneae 910-270-2919 WELL INSTALLATION Management 512-4890 ELECTRICIAN Spencer Electric Service Richard Spencer 919-921-6335 LLC CONTROL Custom Controls Steve Wysocki (630)977-9243 SPECIALIST GENERAL Island Contracting,Inc. Wayne Krahn 443-3123 CONTRACTOR WATER/SEWER Sandy's Hauling Arnold Sandy 718-0381 CONST. ELECTRIC COMPANY Duke Power Matt Butner (910)617-1785 ENGINEERS McKim&Creed Tony Boahn (910)343-1048 (910)612-2387 Mobile EQUIPMENT RENTAL Shallotte Rent All 910-754-5800 CRANE RENTAL Edwards Crane Service James Sellers 772-9777 GENERATOR SERVICE PUMP TRUCK Utilitech Inc Ben Aragona 1-910-358-2249 DWQ(Hot Line) Division of Water Quality 1-800-858-0368 Equipment List Staff NAME/TITLE WORK HOME MOBILE JP McCann Utilities Director 910-457-9700 910-448-0625 Nathan Lindsay Water/Wastewater Plant ORC 910-457-9700 910-448-0624 Ian Carico Facility Operations 910-457-9700 910-209-5458 Davey Mintz Field Supervisor 457-7350 910-448-0623 Wayne Ingram 457-7350 910-713-9465 Maintenance Worker Charles Trott 457-7350 910-232-0114 Maintenance Mechanic Anthony Sinatra Maintenance Worker 457-7350 910-685-1494 David Morales Maintenance Worker 457-7350 910-880-5031 Vacant Maintenance Worker 457-7350 Kenneth Adkins Maintenance Worker 457-7350 910-470-8872 On Call/Weekend Staff 457-7350 910-616-7716 * Village of Bald Head Island owned cell phones or pagers Contractor/ Officials CONNECTION SERVICE SUPPLIER NAME PHONE WASTEWATER INSP. NCDWR Helen Perez 796-7323 Environmental Specialist GROUNDWATER Heidi Lane Cox Heidi Cox 796-7368 DIVISION Regional Engineering Jeannie Press 796-7288 Supervisor Public Water Supply MNDFLD. Bruns. Co. Health Dept. Mark Weeks 253-2257 INSPECTOR Bruns.Co. O ' hte. n• N o A HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM Reentry/Damage Assessment/Start-up Department: Utilities ITEMS TO DO ASSIGNED TO DATE/TIME COMPLETE 1. Evaluate Water and Sewer plants for damage. 2. Evaluate lift stations for damage. 3. Evaluate wells for damage and salt water intrusion. 4. Evaluate all ocean front water and sewer mains, and Isolate damaged area. 5. Contact CP & L for possible time for power restoration. 6. Compile a list of all damage found. 7. Begin repairs of Sewer and water Systems in priority as needed to restore service. 8. When power is restored, switch all water and sewer plant controls,pumps, generators,dialers,lift sta, ect.Back to normal positions if conditions allow. UTILITY.CHT Printed: August 5, 1999 •;) • .4., � Q HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM Alert Level III Department: Utilities ITEMS TO DO ASSIGNED TO DATE/TIME COMPLETE 1. Board up Utility company windows 2. Assure Central mains pumps are operational and tanks are pumped down, prior to power outage. 3. Assure Primary main pumps are operational and generator is cut off, prior to power outage. 4. Shut down all lift stations in low areas and list for re-entry. 5. Shut down all production wells and RO system prior to leaving Island. 6. Transfer power to back up generator at Wastewater plant. 7. Move backhoe to light house area. 8. Move service truck to light house area. 9. Secure remaining vehicles. 10. Cut off generator at water plants()that when CP&L power is shut down, the water plant will also shut down,and cut off water distribution to Island. UTILITY.CHT Printed: August 5, 1999 f�AA O • CIl HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM Alert Level II Department: : Utilities ITEMS TO DO ASSIGNED TO DATE/TIME COMPLETE 1. Secure all utility buildings 2. Contact CP & L concerning possible shut down of power. If shut down, when will it be down? 3. Purchase supplies for Alert Level III and re-entry. (plywood,rope, etc.) 4. Secure all administrative records from desks, tables, etc. and put in filing cabinets. 5. Pick up or tie down all loose items. 6. Participate in Village meetings as required. UTILITY.CHT Printed: August 5,1999 ti • yF tA� HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM Alert Level I Department: Utilities ITEMS TO DO ASSIGNED TO , DATE/TIME COMPLETE 1. Inventory supplies. 2. Fuel generators, trucks and equipment. 3. Fill storage tank to maximum capacity. 4. Test generators. 5. Prepare equipment(chainsaws, pumps, ect.) 6. Ensure essential personnel have necessary keys. 7. Coordinate with Transportation and Chandler on vehicle storage. UTILITY.CHT Printed: August 5, 1999 I Q s4.0%• HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM Preseason Checklist Department: /Utilities ITEMS TO DO ASSIGNED TO DATE/TIME COMPLETE 1. Identify key personnel and determine to what degree they will participate in preparations. 2. Check existing phone list of all employees to ensure correctness. 3. Prepare plans for shut down of all ocean front mains 4. Check inventory of flashlights, rain suits, water supplies, all sizes of pipe repair couplings, etc. 5. Check for correctness and availability of as-build drawings for water and sewer. UTILITY.CHT Printed: August 5, 1999 1 i-t , NORTH CAROLINA -T3 i%Environmental Quality Wilmington Regional Office Contacts Show 100 entries Search: Name Title Organization(s) Environmental Amico, Patrick Coastal Management Specialist II Email Phone 910-796-7425 Armistead, i Ashby Engineer II Air Quality Email Phone 910-796-7231 Baker, Allen Environmental Water Resources Public Water (Timothy) Specialist I Supply Section Email Phone 910-796-7441 Baranyai, Trey Environmental Marine Fisheries Fisheries I (Benjamin) Technician I Management Section Name Title Organization(s) Email Phone 910-796-7251 - r Batchelder, Zan Environmental Marine Fisheries Fisheries (Alexander) Technician II Management Section Email Phone 910-796-7248 Marine Fisheries License and Baxter, Ann Environmental Marie Technician I Statistics Section/Recreational Fisheries Email Phone 910-796-7332 Beachman, Environmental Coastal. Management Kelsey Specialist II Email Phone 910-796-7270 Benson, Tyler Environmental Water Resources Water Quality Specialist I Regional Operations Section Email Phone 910-796-7336 Name Title Organization(s) Environmental i Marine Fisheries Fisheries Blount, Khalil Technician I Management Section Email Phone 910-796-7294 Blythe, Scott Marine Patrol Officer Marine Fisheries Marine Patrol Section/District Three 1 Email Phone 910-796-7229 Bordeaux-Nixon, Administrative Marine Fisheries License and Ann Specialist I Statistics Section/License Unit Email Phone 910-796-7261 Marine Fisheries Shellfish Sanitation Brannigan, Kelly Environmental and Recreational Water Quality Specialist I Section Email Phone 910-796-7219 Environmental - Brisson, Devin Air Quality Specialist Name Title Organization(s) Email Phone 910-796-7321 Environmental - Brock, Brendan Coastal Management Specialist II Email Phone 910-796-7226 Brown, Environmental Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Creighton Specialist I Regional Operations Email Phone 910-796-7314 Waste Management Superfund - Brown, David Hydrogeologist Section Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch Email Phone 910-796-7236 Brown, Mark Engineer II Assistant Water Resources Public Water Supervisor Supply Section Email Phone 910-796-7366 I � Name Title Organization(s) I � � Environmental. Waste Management Underground - Brown, Sarah Specialist II Storage Tanks Section Corrective Action Branch Email Phone 910-433-3345 Administrative Environmental Assistance and Burd, Tina Associate II Customer Service Email Phone 910-796-7388 Administrative Marine Fisheries Marine Patrol Caffee, Rose Specialist I for Marine Patrol Section/District Three Email Phone 910-796-7229 Carroll, Dean Engineer II Air Quality 1E Email Phone 910-796-7242 Carter, Adam Sergeant Marine Patrol Marine Fisheries Marine Patrol Section/District Three Name Title Organization(s) Email Phone 910-796-7229 Waste Management Underground Chapman, Thomas Hydrogeologist Storage Tanks Section Corrective Action Branch Email Phone 910-796-7406 Charles, Carol Administrative Marine Fisheries License and Specialist I Statistics Section/License Unit Email g v Phone 910-796-7267 Christenbury, Michael District Planner Coastal Management -; Email Phone 910-796-7426 � f Environmental Program Coats, Heather Consultant Coastal Management Email Phone 910-796-7302 Name Title Organization(s) Coburn, Chad Environmental Water Resources Water Quality Specialist II Regional Operations Section Email Phone 910-796-7379 Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Cook, Mike Engineer I Regional Operations Email Phone 910-796-7315 Engineering Supervisor Water Resources Public Water Cox, Heidi (Wilmington and Supply Section Fayetteville) Email Phone 910-796-7368 Craig, Nico Environmental Marine Fisheries Fisheries (Nicholai) Technician I Management Section Email Phone 910-796-7246 Environmental -, Dail, Jason Coastal Management Specialist II Name Title Organization(s) Email Phone 910-796-7221 - Dalis, Caroline Environmental Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Specialist I Regional Operations Email Phone 910-796-7372 96 372 Administrative I Environmental Assistance and Davis, Jan Associate II Customer Service Email Phone 910-796-7442 Deaton, Anne Environmental Program Marine Fisheries Habitat and Supervisor II Enhancement Section Email Phone 910-796-7311 Dunston, J'Manda Engineer I Air Quality Email Phone 910-796-7238 Name Title Organization(s) Edgerton, Thom Engineer I Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Email Phone 910-796-7327 Edmonds, Jessica Engineer II Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources f ` Email Phone 910-796-7344 Marine Fisheries Shellfish Sanitation Edmondson, Environmental and Recreational Water Quality Lucas Specialist Section Email Phone 910-796-7240 Emmons, Lisa Administrative Environmental Assistance and Associate II Customer Service I ` Email Phone 910-796-7223 Eure, Bryan Investigator Marine Marine Fisheries Marine Patrol (Malcolm) Patrol Section/District Three Name Title Organization(s) Email Phone 910-796-7229 - Evanko, Stephen Marine Patrol Officer Marine Fisheries Marine Patrol Section/District Three Email Phone 910-796-7229 Facendola, Joe Conservation Biologist Marine Fisheries Fisheries Management Section Email Phone 910-796-7291 Waste Management Solid Waste Parnell, John Environmental Specialist II Section Septage Mangement Program Email Phone 910-796-7397 Gaines, Carson Marine Patrol Officer Marine Fisheries Marine Patrol Section/District Three Email Phone 910-796-7229 Name Title Organization(s) Marine Fisheries Marine Patrol - Gillis, Brian Marine Patrol Officer Section/District Three Email Phone 910-796-7229 Environmental - Hall, Bryan Coastal Management Specialist II Email Phone 910-796-7423 Hall, Christine Environmental Program Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Supervisor I Regional Operations Email Phone 910-796-7339 I � Hall, Jonathan Marine Patrol Officer Marine Fisheries Marine Patrol Section/District Three Email Phone 910-796-7229 Hall, Rhonda Engineer II Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Regional Operations Name Title Organization(s) Email Phone 910-796-7312 Hardin, Ger Environmental Marine Fisheries Fisheries (Thomas) Technician II Management Section Email Phone 910-796-7250 Harding, Conservation Biologist Marine Fisheries Habitat and Kimberlee II Enhancement Section Email Phone 910-796-7475 Environmental Program Waste Management Underground Haseltine, Mike Supervisor I Storage Tanks Section Corrective Action Branch Email Phone 910-796-7320 - Hay, Patricia Regional Administrative Environmental Assistance and Office Manager Customer Service Email Phone 910-796-7404 Name Title Organization(s) 1 i Senior Environmental - Hodges, Robert Air Quality Specialist Email Phone 910-796-7241 Environmental Waste Management Underground Hooks, John Storage Tanks Section Permits and Specialist I Inspection Branch Email Phone 910-796-7409 Humphrey, Environmental Program Marine Fisheries Shellfish Sanitation Jeremy Supervisor I and Recreational Water Quality Section Email Phone 910-796-7367 { I James, Trentt Environmental Senior Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Specialist II Regional Operations Email Phone 910-796-7305 Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Johnson, Kelly Engineer II Regional Operations � i Name Title Organization(s) Email. Phone 910-796-7335 Waste Management Underground Kay, Stephen Engineer I Storage Tanks Section Corrective Action Branch Email Phone 910-796-7396 Water Resources Water Quality - Kegley, Geoffrey Hydrogeologist Regional Operations Section Email Phone 910-796-7328 Kendrick, Neil Marine Patrol Officer Marine Fisheries Marine Patrol Section/District Three Email Phone 910-796-7229 Lambe, Brian Environmental Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Specialist I Regional Operations { Email Phone 910-796-7313 { Name Title Organization(s) — Lau, Aisha Engineer I Water Infrastructure Email Phone 910-796-7232 Lievre, Bryan Engineer II Water Infrastructure Email Phone 910-796-7378 Marine Fisheries Marine Patrol - Long, Michael Marine Patrol Officer Section/District Three Email { { Phone 910-796-7229 MacPherson. Environmental Program Coastal Management Tara Supervisor I Email Phone 910-796-7266 Environmental Program Mairs, Robb Coastal Management Consultant Email Phone 910-796-7301 Name Title Organization(s) - Markwith, Anne Conservation Biologist Marine Fisheries Fisheries II Management Section Email. Phone 910-796-7292 McDaniel, Marine Fisheries Marine Patrol Joshua Marine Patrol Officer Section/District Three Email Phone 910-796-7229 I � Mitchell, James User Support NC Department of Information Specialist for NC DEQ Technology Email Phone 910-796-7224 IT Business Systems NC Department of Information Moore, Tom Analyst II Technology _ _ 1 Email Phone 910-619-1469 Nealon, Chris Environmental Marine Fisheries Fisheries Technician II Management Section � E Name Title Organization(s) Email Phone 910-796-7249 - Newland, Brad Environmental Program Air Quality Supervisor II Email Phone 910-796-7234 Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Norris, Kellie Engineer II Regional Operations Email Phone 910-796-7345 Pack, Joshua Engineer II i Water Resource Public Water Supply Section Email. Phone 910-796-7369 Marine Fisheries Marine Patrol - Parker, Jason Sergeant Marine Patrol Section/District Three Email Phone 910-796-7229 Name Title Organization(s) Pate, Lewis Marine Fisheries Marine Patrol Marine Patrol Officer Section/District Thre e Email Phone 910-796-7229 Patterson, Environmental Waste Management Solid Waste Elizabeth (Liz) Specialist II section Field Operations Branch Email Phone 910-796-7405 Peacock, David Environmental Senior Waste Management Brownfields Specialist Program Email Phone 910-796-7401 Perez, Helen Environmental Water Resources Water Quality Specialist II Regional Operations Section Email Phone 910-796-7323 - Perry, John Environmental Water Resources Water Quality Specialist I Regional Operations Section i t Name Title Organization(s) -- Email Phone 910-796-7341 - Pietila, Tanya Permit Support Coastal Management 9 Specialist Email Phone 910-796-7424 Press, Jeannie Engineer I Water Resources Public Water Supply Section Email Phone 910-796-7288 Waste Management Underground Price, Liz Hydrogeologist Storage Tanks Corrective Action Branch Email Phone 910-796-7263 3 i Marine Fisheries Marine Patrol Purvis, Kyle Marine Patrol Officer Section/District Three --� Email Phone 910-796-7229 Name Title Organization(s) Pusey, Steven Engineer II Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Regional Operations Email Phone 910-796-7331 Waste Management Underground Randolph, Environmental Program Storage Tanks Trust Fund Branch Wayne Supervisor II Head Email Phone 919-323-7443 Register, William Marine Patrol Officer Marine Fisheries Marine Patrol Section/District Three Email Phone 910-796-7229 Richardson, Hydrogeologist Waste Management Lauren Email Phone 910-796-7475 I 1 , Robbins, Waste Management Superfund Susanne Hydrogeologist Section Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch f Name Title Organization(s) Email I j Phone 910-796-7217 Ryan, Jennifer Environmental Water Resources Water Quality Specialist I Regional Operations Section j I Email j 1 €y1 Phone 910-796-7387 Sabetti, Tony Environmental Chemist Air Quality Email Phone 910-796-7237 Sams, Dan Engineering Supervisor I Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources II Regional Engineer Regional Operations Email Phone 910-796-7373 Sanchez-King, Environmental Program Water Resources Water Quality Morella Supervisor II Regional Operations Section Email ( I Phone 910-796-7218 Name Title Organization(s) Environmental Air Quality Sanders, Scott Specialist I Email. Phone 910-796-7239 Schrader, Director State Energy Office Elizabeth Email Phone 910-796-7268 Conservation Biologist " Marine Fisheries Fisheries Seward, McLean Management Section Email Phone 910-796-7289 Smith, Ashley SW Permit Renewal Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Specialist Regional Operations Email Phone 910-796-7326 Marine Fisheries License and Smith, Zachary Environmental Statistics Section/Recreational Specialist I Fisheries Name Title Organization(s) Email Phone 910-796-7332 Environmental Water Resources Water Quality Snider, Holley Specialist II Regional Operations Section f .1 Email Phone 910-796-7303 Showing 1 to 100 of 122 entries Previous 1 2 Next Sport Table Data ( de /2022-08/WRO%20Contact%20List.csv? Versionld=sotilPgMU5Ssjv8uRLeS382S68NDAdcO) Wilmington Regional Office Staff Contacts (/about/contact/regional-offices/wilmington-regional- office/wilmington-regional-office-contacts) contacts vA,.A , NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality Wilmington Regional Office Contacts Show 100 j entries Search: Name Title Organization(s) Sprinkle, Environmental Specialist Water Resources - Transportation Hannah II Permitting Branch, Div. 3 & 6 Email Phone 910-796-7306 - Stewart, Chris Environmental. Program Marine Fisheries Fisheries Supervisor I Management Section Email Phone 910-796-7370 Marine Fisheries Shellfish Stokley, Environmental. Technician II i Sanitation and Recreational Water Matthew Quality Section Email Phone 910-796-7228 Name a e Title Organization(s) Tharrington, Environmental Program Water Resources Water Quality Thomas Supervisor II Regional Operations Section Email Phone 910-796-7386 Thompson, Marine Fisheries Marine Patrol Marine Patrol Officer Braxton Section/District Three Email Phone 910-796-7229 Environmental Technician Marine Fisheries License and Trowell, Dennis II Statistics Section/Recreational Fisheries Email j3 E Phone 910-796-7332 - vacant Engineer I Water Resources Public Water Supply Section Email Phone 910-796-7230 1 E Waste Management Underground vacant Hydrogeologist Storage Tanks Corrective Action Branch I - Name Title Organization(s) Email Phone 910-796-7402 vacant Environmental Technician Marine Fisheries Fisheries Management Section Email Phone 910-796-7247 vacant Environmental Program Water Resources Water Quality Consultant Regional Operations Section Email Phone 910-796-7380 � � 3 Vinay, Nolen Environmental Technician Marine Fisheries Fisheries Management Section Email Phone 910-796-7389 Walker, Environmental Assistance and Temporary Solutions ShaQuan Customer Service Email Phone 910-796-7215 Name Title Organization(s) Waste Management Brownfields -- Watson, Samuel Geologist/Hydrogeologist Program Email Phone 910-796-7408 Weaver, Environmental Specialist Environmental Assistance and Cameron II Customer Service _ I Email Phone 910-796-7265 � f Weaver, Marine Fisheries Marine Patrol Marine Patrol Officer Jonathan j Section/District Three Email 3 E Phone 910-796-7229 West, Steve Water Resources Water Quality Temporary Solutions (Brian) Regional Operations Section Email Phone 910-796-7215 Marine Fisheries Shellfish MicrobiologyLaboratory . White, Holly y Sanitation and Recreational Water Technician I Quality Section Name Title Organization(s) Email Phone Office: 910-796-7329 Lab: 910-796-7356 Willis, Linda Engineer II Air Quality Email Phone 910-796-7235 Waste Management Underground Wipfield, Clark Hydrogeologist Storage Tanks Corrective Action Branch Email Phone 910-796-7400 Marine Fisheries Marine Patrol Yopp, Garland Captain Marine Patrol Section/District Three Email Phone 910-796-7220 Energy, Mineral, and Land Zorda, Garrett Engineer I Resources Regional Operations Email Phone 910-796-7343 Name Title Organization(s) Environmental Technician Marine Fisheries License and Zuaboni, Pam Statistics Section/Trip Ticket I/Commercial Port Agent Program I € Email Phone 910-796-7216 Showing 101 to 122 of 122 entries Previous 1 2 Next Export Table Data ( Versionld=sotil PgMU5Ssjv8uRLeS382S68N DAdcO) Wilmington Regional Office Staff Contacts (/about/contact/regional-offices/wilmington-regional- office/wilmington-regional-office-contacts) contacts