HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-07978_Well Construction - GW1_20220826 ors,eox�IIcriox _ - GW-I L WeII Co etoriafo -� _ For3�malUse ORlyvf 1\ �• 00 ft- zn V'� ms�ncox' g NC WeIlCo�em � �P�'2'F�e ' 7\-• E7tOM TO D �..•rsvn •.. �aCHCoPe=m� : w:L zo123 3 - � $ �o � _ •� A.�- -: �C�sssa$var;�ae) •�• � ? � SDze��� 's"•�reL" To 3.Welltlse(ehmkwa mer _ rc� p1A m wen. .�. .. :$; _,•••t-y_;�,,;w, ,.":�::ri, . p � Ta arenffi� Gg1 $ _ p 0?�°P/C°o1mSSsPPIY) d�tialWa�r�1�Y(�e) epSa m. eILs 1 Opp �PPIYC�� .IS:.GRl7CL•�.: _ •�_�..,.:• ••_• •.. ❑W > ._. -rri: .tiv=s_.r• _•'may�''•_"v'} .. Noa-WiterSaPP19WdL CtPD rxnu zo •may f arwc�rronraeonxr pManttonng•Inj a ❑Recovety - ectio WeII: $ � � • •Icy a pAqutferRe chmp 13Gmundw2tcrR $ pse ft ys=k, �a�.�as MA cfff=Test xieoas TO MAMMAL �m�tra�en pS�'�etDtaarage $ � amalTecbnology .pSnbsideax Codnl " Comd(CloaedLoop) pTracer •ZO.�DBILL1NGr�` sl4eha"'afiib�aLsbe`sb�i£_" :�`•��: ' _ .'+• G0° tgRettm) ❑Othrr(explamuada#21Rra�s) rsons To ampnm _• 4.Data Wells)Compleetad: d ,/ 7- 1-21 Wenmg - - 5 WenLo�ition:- . ►-, . S l w F,�ayiow=x=C FaaT:tyIDZ(fapp5nble) $ U . �..1 Ir Y"� .2LTt1<67ABHS-• � •v� �• �_-•. .. .�=a: q^.�° • PmcrJId=dG=donNa(PTN) Sb.Latitude aaa loitade is degees/mimn�es/seco or deemzal degrees: A U 5 2 I; ML (�weIlSeid.aaohdloagisso ) � 7 , 27.CertifrcaSon: ! ' ; 4 ura 6 Nam)the wdks): DPertaanent .ror pTenPoy �/ 0 � Sigma of � �•2 L 1 _ t Dme 8yai 'Td'fora�,I wW,)�Cave)co+aat�dmacswr7�oe,.�rl, � harLYwslJj'fLa<shc 7_IstSisangmrtosaeaiftwell:- ayes or Wo LldX COZCA1oo L'EAN 1COZCAMOOTeZC.pmararmarSaaidm&anddmacv IfthtrSaag.ab;�IIaabmrn � +and�TQbrlTie�a�azof77nr+eamdf+arLepipgwidrdmtJu' oara� My 'repctrrmdar�Ml revr�sarlaaoran�ltebarxofrldrfa�at _ ,� 23.Sift diagram or:dadoaal wen detaIIs . 8.For Geopmbe/DPT or Closed Loop Geothermal WeUs baviogtha same Yaa may ase the back ofthis pake to pmtide addaibnd wdl ewshudknm& - 00mirsucftca.G31Y1 GW-I m,mwded.IadicdteTOTALNMdBEELcfvelh (add'Seeove in2eni cisBo4Youmayaboattachadditcalpagesifnecessy., dtiIIed: .. 24.SIISM=AL INbTBUCJ ONS 9 TotalweD depth belowlndsurface: . Formrdrrptsrzrmrazr&I if4b,wCea�ptg 200 dMgl0a7 (� imtflhGW-1 30dapsofweRcompletioa per the fou0mh . 10.Stalk waterkvd blow top of easuw '?tia.For An Wellm Otfg"m21 fomn to Divisim-of Water Reswaaes(DWR). jf lodis�owe j�+' ( ) 1fatiomPmces m9Unx�16I7215C Ralmg%NC27699-16i7 1L Borehoh de:meter: (m,) 24b.Foi Iniedion WeIIx Copy to DWR,Uadesgto�d Inlecdoa Cm ttd(![1C) �iD$�,1�M3C,Ra1ei�NC27699-1636 ., 11 Wel eonshmedon method: (Lam;mmta9 cab%dautpm%M) 29c.ForWaterSan Ip�yandOpen-Ikon Geothermal$ebrnVensCepytothe ''. . oomty ft=aeoW neatmaepmfineat comsly m�a�e FOR WATERSZIPPLY WETI S ONLY: Z4d For Water Wft do- over I GPD:CONID-DW CCFWA 13a.Yteld(gpm) .Methodoftest PeszaztPto�,1I1MSC, C 1Il 13b.M*ficdon type: Amok. Pam GW-I' Nonfi CacoTma Depac�t ofFsv�ta�tal Qmlitj'-Divmoa of WaaxResamoes Rwixd6.6-2018