HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-07922_Well Construction - GW1_20220823 WALL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For lrtcnmlUscON1.l': This firncan be used for single or multiple wells 1.Well Contractor Information: 14.WATER ZON►S Stefan Smith FROM TO 0F5(,'RIP"ON Well Cortrrctor Namff. fl. A. n. 3576A NC Well Coniriclor Cenifecation Number 15•`OUTeR CASING for:muhleasedwills)OR LINFR if:e ikabk ` FROM TO fit-+ FTER TIItCKNESS I MATERIAL. SAEDACCO Inc ft. ft. in, G0111F.—bl Name 16. N rNFR CASING IN;OTUBG eoiberroal cki►rddi oo�o =. ER I THICKNESS M.ITERIAL 2.Wctl Construction Pcrmit K: 0 A. 15 ft. 2 m• 40 PVC Li+t irll applirable,If p nnitr 0-r.Cowin•.Shar,I"nriarwir.74er6 r1 etr.l ---� ft, ft. in. 3.Well Use(ch"k well use): 17.St . Water Supply Well: FROM I TO I DIAMETER I SiOTSIrr, I Tlr(T<NFS$ 'JIATP.RIAt: L1Agricaltural i�MnnicipaltPublic 15 A. 25 ft. 2 in: O10 40 PVC OGeothcmpl(Hewing,'Cooling Supply) OResidentiaal Wmer Supply(single) Obidustrial/Conmiercial OResidemial Water Supply,(shared) 18 GROUT' FROM I TO MATF,RIAL E%tP1ACT:MitiT 3lrMOU&AAIOIINT Dirrigation 0 ft. 11 fl. Portland Pour Non-Water Supply Well: A. A. IlMonitorinq ORccovcn' injection Well: A. ft. ❑Aquifcr"Recharge (30ound+s:itcrRcntcdiaiion 19 SANDICRAVEL PAC K(if ilicable FROM 7ri D1ATY.Rta1, 6:MPLat'tytENTMI:Tn011 ❑Aquifer Storage and Recover' OSalinity Harricr 13 A. 25 ft. Sand 2 ❑Aquifer Test OStornnvatcrDriinage ft q OFylerimcntal Tcchnoloa ❑Subsidence Control 20.DRILLING-LOG-fattach'additional sbeets if nee6 su'-" ❑Ge(ltheniial(Closed Loop) OTmeer FROM TO DFSCRtpTIUN Notir tiaretncc rdVn,ckYt a SfuC Hc.l OGeothemral(Reatinatooline Return) []Other(e% lain under#21 Remarks) 0 ft. 10 it. Fill 10 ft. 25 ff. Rock n,F 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 15 July 20nel)iD#MW7 Sa Well G►eath)n: ft. ft. r Power Secure ft. ft. y Faclity,'Osvrct Namc Facility,WX(if applicable) ft. ft 1410 Coltrane Mill Rd. Randleman, NC 27317 Randolp, ft. ft. Randleman, NC, 27317 Plrcsiatl Addmss.Citv.and Zip 2L RENIARK.0 Randolph 2 foot bentonite seal from 11 to 13 feet. Ctmtil1• Parcel Id-:alific-tlion N(. (PiN j Sh.Latitude and Longitudc in degrecslminutesAcconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification- (it vell field,ore Wiloq is s,fiicwM) 35.910997 N 79.852044 W 7/21/2022 Sigrot: of Ccfi d VJc11 Contr�.torm - �SY Date 6.Is(are)the well(s): `2)Permancut or OTemporary fir signing this fitim,l herehi e'rrtife rhat thr nxllfs)tms fworr)iv..nc+nrrtrd hr aot•ordrmce with 1 SA NCAC 02C AM)or ISA NOIC 02C.0200 Well Consirta rinn Stanta+ils oral thn+n 7.Is this a repair to An exhmng well: Oyes for Z No copy nj'rhr`s rrrnnl has horn pmrfdrof rit)hr stvll au•ner, if thls is a fe)aair,fill rw Pnouvr Ivetl redolourfinn btformarlon rind exPlahr the narare of the repair under 021 or rm thr hewk of this farm. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use file back of this page to pro%ide additional well site details or%cell S.Number of wells constricted: 1 construction deiai is. You'may also attach additional pages if ime-essery. For tnarhiple Jollecrion fir ofol-wafer s,rppl•e wells 01f'f.1,w1rh the some eonsrraeliwr,you corn subuutonr fnm. SUBMITTAL fM UC-TIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 25 (,ft.) 24% For All Wells:. Subnul this form within 30 days of completion of%veil For nwhiplr n'elis list fill dernln ffdifferent lexrr»,pte•86-200'mui 2e IM) constniction to the following: 10.Static water level below top of casing;: (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit. lfnrte+letr!J;ahure ensinX.+far"+" 1617'Mail Scrvicc C:cntcr.Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 i 11.Borehole diameter.6 (in.) 24b.For luk%lion Wells ONLY: 'lit addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this fonn within 3q days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: HSA/Air Construction to the following. (i.c.anger.rotaq•.cable,dims push etc.) Division of Water Rcsourccs,'Underground injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Sen'ice!,Center.Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test. 24c.For Water Supply&injectiotn Wells: Also submit one cop)' of this form %viihin 10 daysofcompletionof 136a Disinfection type: __ _ _ _ Amount: %yell construction to the county hcidth department of the county w hate constructed. Forin GAV-1 North Carolim M-Wrli raw of Ent irDwmmi and Naitual Resources-Division of Waite Reno rcm Revised August 2013