HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221175 Ver 1_PA 22-01-0024 Rockingham Combined (NHP)_20220831Project Tracking No. 22-01-0024 NO NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES na ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES . PRESENT FORM This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. - It is not valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult a separately with the Historic Architecture and Landscapes Team. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: Bridge 233 County: Rockingham WBSNo: 17BP.7.21.1 Document: Federal CE F.A. No: Funding: ® State ❑ Federal Federal Permit Required? ® Yes ❑ No Permit Type: NWP 3 / NWP 14 Project Description: Replace Bridge 233 on SR 1964 (Mebane Bridge Road) and sewer line relocation in Rockingham County, North Carolina.The archaeological APE for the project measures 3,100 feet in length and 200 feet in width and encompasses approximately 10.28 acres in area. SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDINGS The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Archaeology Team has reviewed the subject project and determined: ® There are no National Register listed ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES within the project's area of potential effects. (Attach any notes or documents as needed.) ❑ No subsurface archaeological investigations were required for this project. ® Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources. ❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources considered eligible for the National Register. ❑ All identified archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and all compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a) has been completed for this project. Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC) conducted an intensive archaeological survey and evaluation for the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 233 on SR 1964 (Mebane Bridge Road) over the Dan River in Rockingham County, North Carolina (WBS No. 17BP.7.R.21 [ET]3667, PA 22-01- 0024) (Figures I and 2). The archaeological Area of Potential Effects (APE) for the Project measures 3,100 feet in length (2,250 feet north from the bridge center point and 850 feet south from the bridge center point) and 200 feet in width (100 feet laterally from each side of the SR 1964 centerline) and encompasses approximately 10.28 acres. There are no known federal- or state-owned lands (apart from the existing NCDOT rights -of -way) within the APE. A review of site and report files at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) conducted by Scott Halvorsen of NCDOT determined that there has been no prior systematic survey within the Project APE and that there are no previously identified archaeological sites within or adjacent to the APE (Halvorsen 2022). Supplemental background research conducted by TRC in June 2022 indicated that there are three previously recorded precontact and postcontact sites located within one-half mile 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" FORM 1 of 2 Project Tracking No. 22-01-0024 of the Project APE; one previous archaeological survey was also conducted by Hargrove (1998) within one-half mile of the APE. The fieldwork was completed in June 2022 under the direction of Tracy L. Millis and required approximately six person -days. The fieldwork included systematic pedestrian reconnaissance of the entire APE and systematic shovel testing at 30-m intervals along transects spaced at 15-m intervals of all areas except for wetlands and areas showing visible and severe disturbance or exhibiting 15% or greater slope. A total of 50 shovel tests were excavated. (This project falls within a North Carolina County in which the following federally recognized tribes have expressed an interest: Catawba Indian Nation and the Monacan Indian Nation. We recommend that you ensure that this documentation is forwarded to these tribes using the process described in the current NCDOT Tribal Protocol and PA Procedures Manual.) SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: ❑ Map(s) ❑ Previous Survey Info ❑ Photos ❑Correspondence Other: see attached report Signed: SCOTT HALVORSEN Type text here 7/14/2022 NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST Date 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" FORM 2of2 ,ox �� TrR C INTENSIVE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY AND EVALUATION FOR REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO. 233 ON SR 1964 (MEBANE BRIDGE ROAD) OVER THE DAN RIVER, ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NCDOT PA 22-01-0024 TRC ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION July 2022 INTENSIVE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY AND EVALUATION FOR REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO. 233 ON SR 1964 (MEBANE BRIDGE ROAD) OVER THE DAN RIVER, ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NCDOT PA 22-01-0124 Submitted to: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HUMAN ENVIRONMENT SECTION 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1598 Lo TRC ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION 50101 Governors Drive, Suite 250 Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27517 Authored by: Tracy Millis July 2022 This page intentionally left blank. CONTENTS FIGURES...................................................................................................................................................... ii TABLES......................................................................................................................................................iii INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................1 BACKGROUNDRESEARCH.....................................................................................................................4 Previous Archaeological Surveys and Previously Identified Sites ..................................................... 4 Structures............................................................................................................................................4 Cemeteries........................................................................................................................................... 4 HistoricalMap Review....................................................................................................................... 4 Soils..................................................................................................................................................... 8 FIELDWORKRESULTS............................................................................................................................. 8 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS.............................................................................................14 REFERENCESCITED...............................................................................................................................14 i 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Q 7. 8. 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15 FIGURES Location of Bridge No. 233 APE for archaeology in north -central North Carolina ........................... 2 Location of Bridge No. 233 APE for archaeology in Rockingham County ........................................ 3 Approximate location of the Bridge No. 233 APE as shown on an 1887 USACE map .................... 5 Approximate location of the Bridge No. 233 APE as shown on a 1910s Post Office map ................ 5 Approximate location of the Bridge No. 233 APE as shown on a 1926 Rockingham County soils map..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Location of Bridge No. 233 APE as shown on the 1971 Southwest and Southeast Eden USGS 1:24,000-scale topographic maps........................................................................................................7 The Project vicinity as shown on a 1971 aerial photograph................................................................ 8 Lynrock Golf Course in the northwest quadrant of the APE, facing north ........................................ 9 Abandoned Whistle Jacket Grill in the southwest quadrant of the APE, facing north .....................10 Forested area and boulders in the southeast quadrant of the APE from ST 3.4, facing south .........10 Ravine in the northeast quadrant of the APE from ST 1.10, facing north.......................................11 Shovel test 1.4 east wall, facing east................................................................................................11 Shovel test 3.1 east wall, facing east................................................................................................12 Shovel test 8.4 north wall, facing north...........................................................................................12 Shovel tests and unsurveyed areas within the Bridge No. 233 APE................................................13 11 TABLE Previously Recorded Sites within One -Half mile of the Bridge No. 233 APE...................................4 III This page intentionally left blank. 1V INTRODUCTION TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC) conducted an intensive archaeological survey and evaluation for the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 233 on SR 1964 (Mebane Bridge Road) over the Dan River in Rockingham County, North Carolina (WBS No. 17BP.7.R.21 [ET]3667, PA 22-01-0024) (Figures 1 and 2). The archaeological Area of Potential Effects (APE) for the Project measures 3,100 feet in length (2,250 feet north from the bridge center point and 850 feet south from the bridge center point) and 200 feet in width (100 feet laterally from each side of the SR 1964 centerline) and encompasses approximately 10.28 acres. There are no known federal- or state-owned lands (apart from the existing NCDOT rights -of - way) within the APE. A review of site and report files at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) conducted by Scott Halvorsen of NCDOT determined that there has been no prior systematic survey within the Project APE and that there are no previously identified archaeological sites within or adjacent to the APE (Halvorsen 2022). Supplemental background research conducted by TRC in June 2022 indicated that there are three previously recorded precontact and postcontact sites located within one-half mile of the Project APE; one previous archaeological survey was also conducted by Hargrove (1998) within one-half mile of the APE. The fieldwork was completed in June 2022 under the direction of Tracy L. Millis and required approximately six person -days. The fieldwork included systematic pedestrian reconnaissance of the entire APE and systematic shovel testing at 30-m intervals along transects spaced at 15-m intervals of all areas except for wetlands and areas showing visible and severe disturbance or exhibiting 15% or greater slope. A total of 50 shovel tests were excavated. The APE is mainly situated on a series of terraces containing moderately dense to thick mixed deciduous and coniferous forests, and grassy fields and manicured lawns. Previous impacts to the project area include construction of a municipal waste water treatment facility, an abandoned commercial development and associated parking lot, and a public golf course. In addition, the northeastern quadrant of the APE contains a tributary of the Dan River that flows through a deep ravine that runs along the Mebane Bridge Road shoulder. The east bank of the ravine extends approximately 5 in below the terrace edge, and the west bank of the ravine extends approximately 10 in below the Mebane Bridge Road grade. Soils encountered within the project area were highly variable, but generally consist of a sandy loam or loam A horizon overlying a silt loam or sandy clay loam Bw or Bt horizon within the higher terrace. A small, narrow historic age floodplain is located along the north and south banks of the Dan River. Deep alluvial loam and sandy loam sediments were encountered in hand augers extending at least 200 cmbs on these lower landforms. No artifacts were recovered and no archaeological sites were identified, and TRC recommends that no additional archaeological investigations be required prior to construction within the presently -defined APE for archaeology. n Basemap: National Geographic World Map 0 3 N Miles VV E 0 5 Kilometers S Rockingham County, North Carolina Figure 1. Location of the Bridge No. 233 APE for archaeology in north -central North Carolina. 2 r jp 10 I u•� •' ''��/ N '4233' j •d � s ++ �`� ..:'APE - � ' G l curs w63 P 'n. 15 9 rI - U rr y 1� •����� � I �J 11�j% �-� � I Southwest Eden, N. C. (2002) and Southeast Eden, N.C. (1971[,R]9941) 0 1 7.5 Minute Quadrangle Maps N Miles 0 4,000 w E Feet 0 1 S Rockonaham County, North Carolona Kilometers Figure 2. Location of the Bridge No. 233 APE for archaeology in Rockingham County. 3 BACKGROUND RESEARCH Previous Archaeological Surveys and Previously Identified Sites A review of site and report files at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) conducted by Scott Halvorsen of NCDOT determined that there has been no prior systematic survey within the Project APE and that there are no previously identified archaeological sites within or adjacent to the APE (Halvorsen 2022). Supplemental background research conducted by TRC in July 2022 indicated that three previously recorded sites are located within one-half mile of the Project APE (Table 1). In addition, one archaeological survey has been previously conducted within one-half mile of the APE. Hargrove (1998) conducted a survey of approximately 2.5 acres for the proposed sewer line improvements and identified one postcontact period site. None of the three recorded sites has the potential to extend into the APE. Table 1. Previously Recorded Sites within or within One -Half Mile of the Bridge No. 233 APE. Site Component(s) NRHP Status Reference(s)* 31RK2 Precontact: unknown ceramic/lithic Unassessed Coe et al. 1938; Keel 1967 31RK28 Precontact: Archaic Woodland Unassessed Bolton 1979• Atkins 1987• Robinson 1990 3RK154 Postcontact: 20th century Not Eligible Hargrove 1998 *References in italics are site forms and are not listed in the References Cited Structures A review of HPOWEB conducted by Scott Halvorsen of NCDOT determined that there are no National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), State Study Listed (SL), Locally Designated (LD), Determined Eligible (DE), or Surveyed Site (SS) properties with potential contributing archaeological components within or adjacent to the APE (Halvorsen 2022). The only mapped resource within 0.5 miles of the APE is the extant Bridge No. 233 (Mebane Bridge, HPO RK0490), which is a 1924 technologically significant, reinforced concrete open spandrel arch bridge (HPOWEB 2022). As noted by Halvorsen, there is no potential for archaeological resources to be associated with that resource. Cemeteries No cemeteries are depicted on historic maps or otherwise known within or adjacent to the APE (https:Hcemeterycensus.com/cemgps2.htm?cnty=nc/rock/; https://ncgenweb.us/rockingham/cemeteries-a- 1/; https://ncgenweb.us/rockingham/cemeteries-m-z/). Historical Map Review Topographic and other historic period maps were examined for information on previous occupations or structure locations and/or on natural or cultural variables that might have influenced site locations. It is uncertain when a bridge was first constructed at the Mebane Bridge location. No bridge or associated road is visible on the 1833 MacRae -Brazier map (MacRae and Brazier 1833) or on an 1887 USACE map of improvements to the Dan River (Figure 3; USACE 1887). Such a road and bridge were present by the 1910s, however, as shown on a Post Office map of rural delivery routes (Figure 4, USPO 1910s). That map also depicts a single structure on the north side of the river near the northeastern quadrant of the APE where the wastewater treatment facility is currently located, although the precise location of the structure in reference to the APE cannot be determined. A similar pattern is shown on the 1926 soils map (Figure 5). 4 JJ� rf1 C F��S,IL1E,k.� V- 3 6w i L.L,E 1 101-1 kf 4.wt vr Cf, . r� r • A , Approximate Project APE y WIP , 4i Si l �Psrr rr ! l rigure J. Approximate location of the image ivo. /-ss AFh as snown on a iy/-b xocxmgnam Lounty soils map. The earliest USGS 1:24,000-scale topographic maps of the Project vicinity date to 1971 (Figure 6). By that time the structure shown on the 1910s and 1926 maps had been removed, and a sewage plant had been constructed in the general vicinity. The Lynrock golf course is also depicted on the 1971 USGS map. Both the waste water treatment plant and the golf course are also shown on a 1971 aerial image of the APE (Figure 7). rot ILI -�� -�� 197 r-�'�l ®r, Brid 1`�1!'No: APE' Go.IE ours 00 B Vj �'��� ' 1�` �� ❑ I ` �� -' 1f� / 1$` \--r�y�~-ate-, i � ��� •� �.� 1%���,� � �--� ill � ��`�' �� �i <��� �� J ;;t,�i �" �� ,- �1 � �,� • � f� �; .mil 1 � �C/ /,',: � . -� - �. �" �� � Ll Southwest Eden, N. C. (1971) and Southeast Eden, N.C. (1971) 0 1 7.5 Minute Quadf-angle Maps N Miles 0 4,000 W E Feet 0 1 S Rockingham County, North Carolina Kilometers Figure 6. Location of Bridge No. 233 APE as shorn on the 1971 Southwest and Southeast Eden USG 1:24,000-scale topographic maps. VA Figure 7. The Project vicinity as shown on a 1971 aerial photograph. Soils There are several soil types represented within the APE (USDA NRCS 2022). The most predominant type in the APE is Dan River loam, 0-2% slopes, frequently flooded (DaA), which is found mostly on the north side of the Dan River but is also found in a small portion on the south side of the APE. The next most common soil type present within the APE is the Siloam sandy loam series, 4-10% slopes (SmC) and 10-45% slopes (SmF), located in the southeast and southwest quadrants on the south side of the Dan River. Codorns loam 0-2% slopes, frequently flooded (CsA), is the third most common soil type represented and encompasses the north -central portion of the APE on both sides of Mebane Bridge Road. Clover sandy loam, 2-8% slopes (CmB) and 8-15% slopes (CmD), is mapped within the northwestern corner of the APE, and Clifford sandy clay loam, 2-8% slopes, moderately eroded (CgB2) is located in the southern portion of the APE. Other soils present include Clover -Urban land complex, 2-10% slopes (CpC), located in the northeastern portion of the APE, including the existing wastewater treatment plant (USDA NRCS 2022). FIELDWORK RESULTS The APE covers approximately 10.28 acres adjacent to the west and east sides of Mebane Bridge Road, north and south of Dan River. The area consists of a mixture of NCDOT rights -of -way, undeveloped forests, the Lynrock public golf course, the Eden Waste Water Plant, the abandoned Whistle Jacket Grill and a manicured lawn on the Rockingham County Schools property along Mebane Bridge Road and Bethlehem Church Road. While most of the APE is in overgrown woods and wooded slopes in the northeastern, southeastern, and the lower portion of the northwest quadrants of the APE, the 1 W, fairway of the l Ot" hole and 9tn and l Ot" hole greens of the Lynrock Golf Course are present in the upper portion of the northwest quadrant of the APE, and grassy fields are present in the southwestern and southern part of the APE. Additionally, there is a large deep ravine that runs parallel to the Mebane Bridge Road shoulder in the northeastern portion of the APE and a drainage ditch that runs parallel to the Mebane Bridge Road shoulder in the northwestern portion of the APE (Figures 8-11). The archaeological fieldwork was conducted from June 20-22, 2022 under the direction of Tracy L. Millis and required approximately six person -days to complete. The fieldwork included systematic pedestrian reconnaissance of the entire APE and systematic shovel testing at 30-m intervals along transects spaced at 15-m intervals of all areas except for wetlands and areas showing visible and severe disturbance. Shovel tests measured at least 30 cm in diameter and were excavated to sterile subsoil or bedrock, or a minimum depth of 75 cm. A total of 50 shovel tests were excavated as part of the Project and no cultural material was recovered (Figures 12-15). Figure 8. Lynrock Golf Course in the northwest quadrant of the APE, facing north. Figure 9. Abandoned Whistle Jacket Grill in the southwest quadrant of the APE, facing north. Figure 10. Forested area and boulders in the southeast quadrant of the APE from ST 3.4, facing south. 10 1 10 r Vo tN 1kIt + . vM 1ti -� �. .•� .t Figure 13. Shovel test 3.1 east wall, facing east. Figure 14. Shovel test 8.4 north wall, facing north. 12 Figure 15. Shovel tests within the Bridge No. 233 APE. 13 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS TRC conducted an intensive archaeological survey and evaluation for the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 233 on SR 1964 (Mebane Bridge Road) over the Dan River in Rockingham County, North Carolina (WBS No. 17BP.7.R.21 [ET]3667, PA 22-01-0024). The APE for the Project encompasses approximately 10.28 acres along the north and south sides of the Dan River and measures 3,100 feet in length (2,250 feet north from the bridge center point and 850 feet south from the bridge center point) and 200 feet in width (100 feet laterally from each side of the SR 1964 centerline). There are no federal- or state-owned lands (apart from the existing NCDOT rights -of -way) within the APE. An updated review of site and report files at the OSA indicated that there has been no prior systematic survey or archaeological sites recorded within the Project APE. There are three previously identified sites (31RK2, 31RK28, and 31RK154) within one-half mile of the APE, and one archaeological survey was conducted within one-half mile of the APE prior to the current investigation. The fieldwork included systematic pedestrian reconnaissance of the entire APE and systematic shovel testing at 30-m intervals along transects spaced 15-m apart within all areas except for wetland and areas showing visible and severe disturbance. A total of 50 shovel tests were excavated, and no archaeological sites were identified. TRC recommends that no additional archaeological investigations be required prior to construction within the presently defined APE for archaeology for the Bridge No. 233 project. REFERENCES CITED Jumey, R.C., and W.A. Davis 1924 Soil Map, Rockingham County, North Carolina. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Electronic document, https://dc.lib.unc.edu/cdm/singleitem/collection/ncmaps/id/1800/rec/29. Halvorsen, Scott 2022 Archaeological Survey Required Form. AR22-01-0024, Replace Bridge No. 233 over the Dan River on SR 1964 (Mebane Bridge Road) in Rockingham County. North Carolina Department of Transportation, Raleigh. HPOWEB 2022 North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office GIS Web Service. Electronic document, http://gis.ncdcr.gov/hpoweb/. Accessed June 2022. MacRae, John, and Robt. H.B. Brazier 1833 A New Map of the State of North Carolina. Electronic document, https://dc.lib.unc.edu/cdm/singleitem/collection/ncmaps/id/I 81/rec/2. United States Post Office (USPO) 1910s Rural Delivery Routes Rockingham County, N.C. Electronic document, https://dc.lib.unc. edu/cdm/singleitem/collection/ncmaps/id/929/rec/20. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 1887 Dan River from Madison NC to Danville Va Showing Work Done to June 30, 1887. Electronic document, https://dc.lib.unc.edu/cdm/singleitem/collection/ncmaps/id/1902/rec/6. United States Department of Agricultural (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS) 2022 Web Soil Survey. Accessed June 2022, https://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/App/HomePage.htm. United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1971 Southeast Eden, N.C., 1:24,000-scale topographic map. 1971 Southwest Eden, N.C., 1:24,000-scale topographic map. 1971(1994) Southeast Eden, N.C., 1:24,000-scale topographic map. 2002 Southwest Eden, N.C., 1:24,000-scale topographic map. 14