HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-07655_Well Construction - GW1_20220818 WELL CONS`l'R'UCI-ION RECORD For lrtcrantl Use ONLY: This Earn can be used forsinPk or rmihiplc+ycils 1.Well C tractor Information: ;tJ:N`ATLR 7.Aitii:S Rich Lemire FROM TO I DFSCRiPt1ON AVeitGnnicraotl,a(rK 2593A i Tai�.@,,o1 D A. f1. NC1Ve11 Compactor CeniftcationNumber 15.',QUTF.RCASING fnr'iii'l114iirada`tns ORL1NKR it'e ikabk AUG2Q2� FROM To DIVASETPR TuICK'NF'" 11ATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 it. 5 ft. 2" in. SCE-40 PVC l ofigr;url Urrl 2b imm CASING OR-7 UBING t entbermal elnseddor►pj D?/QlB0G 11011 TO DLA�IFTF.R. T111cwxFSS MATTRIAL 2.Well Comltfvetion Permit#: n. ft. . Ivry all aprahcudle wrdf pr,mfts fi-c.Cpirnh St;'ftr.1'ariu rcc.7ryCt0Ari ri n. 3.Well Use(Check well use): 17:fiC'Rti l n : "-• Water Suppky,Well: FROM I TO DtArtfl.T1;R SI.OT:+`12E 7111001NP4 MATPRIAI: 1�1r1glieuhpra! omunicipaMublic 5 ft. 15 ft. 2" in; .010 SCH-40 PVC OGeothemtal(HeatinprCooling Supply) 131tesidential\later Supph'(single) ft. tt. in. pindustriiKontmcrciA 011csidrntial Water SupphF(shred) ']BrGROIIT FROM TO MATF;ttmt PAIPIACrMLNT\icoo R AMOUNT Dim ytion 0 ft. 2 (1 PORTLAND POURED Non-Water Supply Well: 6Monitoring QRaDt ct) injection Well: ft. ft. 0AquiferRcch,'irge 06roundmatcrRemcdiation 19.SANDiGRA'z9LI'ACK4it alittliciiii1i FROM to I MATrRIAI, PMPI A(Yy1P\T:N/TiloD ❑Aiimifer$torogc and Rccosrn' ❑Salinity Hirr cr 3 ft. is ft, SAND #2 OAgnifcrTcst OStormwatcr Drainage DE>,perimcntal Technology 0Stlbsidcncc Control '20i`DR11 ANG'LOG 7anach':additionat''sbrels iftiit man`,'> oCko111ernu l(Closed Loop) 07tacet ,FROM TO DFSfRIPttON fwbr.hnrdnrii Y.Wnwk ivori won ifrr.t/c: ❑Groille1n1a1(1{eadn 1Goolitte Retutn) OOtlter tex lain under 0)1 Remarks) 0 ft. 5 n. GRAY SILTY SAND 5 ft. 15 ft. REDISH SILTY SAND 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 7-28-22 Well ID#riw-a n. rL S&L Well Locathm: ft. ft. CIRCLE K #2723027 n. ft. Faclitr/Owncr Nan+e Facility IDk(if appli able) fl. ft. 2001 Skibo Rd., FAYETTEVILLE, NC, 28314 ft. ft. Physical Address City.and Zip 3L-Ri MARK5'- CUMBERLAND Bentonite seal from 2-3' Cotrul)• farces ld:rd ricalionNo,(PIN) 5b.iA%titude and Longitude in degmcs/mini tcslseconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification: Cif+ycll rum,Qre I:W"Iprfg,ir:sftlliewut) 7 N W X_tirr / v`„C/ Q/fMwt�..2 .M:_ Y•r 7/28/2022,..,_-- Signat ofCcniN'J,'dl Contractor Daic 6.IS(are)the well(s): MPerinanent or 131femporary fh-signing this f rm,I herrbT certify thm Me+nrllfs!sms favor)eonrlturietl ht&r czrrldnee +rGR I SA rVCAC 0.?C.f1/(lt?ar 1 id A'CAC o'C;!12A�tut•!!G`r�asn3r,:ricui cr<rri<iirrtfa tr+t�t fJnre<r 7.Is tbis a repair ft)an cai:fting well: f7Ves (or 18iN(► t'tl,i of this rev mW laar hren pnjrid.d ro 7h,+ryll rnpnFr, If this;Ee a wpair,fill pot koohet ryrll ea,rstt)nvta»Infoomadtnr and ral,lahr dw,tarere of rbr retwir tioder 021 n+narks xerfimr rir nn dir hank of drlx for,n. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: _ You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells co►utrucied: 1 consttuc►ion details: You pales if navessary. For,naldpde irttecth n at nivi-warer smpp?dy reelds ON11'wirlr ihr,same construction.you Cent tal,nurc9nr�rrrn. SUBMITTAL WSIUCTIONC 9.Total well depth below land surface: 15 (ft.) 24a. For all Wells:. Submit this form Avilhin'30 days of completion of well For,ntdliple Kell+lfrtafl depths ffdditi•rent ieamud;(e-30200'aW 20,1001 construction to the following: 10.Static water level below top of casing: 8 (Iy,) Division of Water Resburres,Information Pr cessing Unit, If uvnee level 0 id-ot�e oaing,ete•",^ 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,VC 27690-1617 11.Borehole diameter.8.2 5" (in,) 24b.Egr IllJMjJjtEt WSIj4 ONLI In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above. also submit a copy of this form within'A days of completion of Dull 12.1Yell Congruction method: AUGERS construction to the followiue; Re-stir.r-redwy.cable.ditm push ctc-) Division of Water Rcsaun'cS;Iindcrground.Injection Control Pmgrany FOR WATER SUPPLY q'ELLS ONLY: 1636 Alall Service Center.Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 i 136 Yic1d(la►m) Nct11IId of test Zdc.For Water Supply&injection Wells: - Also submit one cop)' of this farm 1i-4bin :O days ofcontplet ion of 13b.Uirinf�YKinn h' - Amount: - well consiniction to the counh' h6alth dcpannicnt of the cmmt�•whcre type: - Constructed, � Faun Gt1r-t Nonli Catol'una Dgpsnmetu of Enr toaa►:rn and Natrtral Reularces-Uivislon of 1Vatci Rr soots Revised AVSUSt'2013