HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-07631_Well Construction - GW1_20220817 i
TTn formconbe treedfot:sftkof multok%wile':
Rich Lemire FROM io DID RipttON
wow Cormam name
It. ft.
NC Wen CotrinmintCcrtifimionNnnlbcr � `OlitRit Cr rit"' lra` tsc sl' .:mi4� if8' llciiti'
FROM 70 ArADtrT&R 7HiCi:.VrCi MA'ICRi44
SAEDACCO Inc 0 (14, 10 n. '21, aa. SCH-40 PVC
CAnsfktm'1vArtx rt6:_'- Gt)1t'Cl7l9 c�etrtrtlsZelo � ��.: .
2;Wdt Construction ftinit#
tr3hnll upritirii4le urll pemwx fr:r;Countr:.Surk•T'arinixe,Irwpo1 rr-1
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3,wol Use(thecl W ell Use): s
11 ittC�J�1Nt�1ia S3�t�i: FROM:. ,to VjA4iYTAtit SIAYr$IY1 Ti1iCK iSS MATfRIAI
C7AgIici1lLUrai L��ttlnlCll%il�fd>,itC 10 O 20 �f 2n fa. 010 SCH-40 PVC
ockothert�l(Hot jogXoo(ing.SuWs`)` »Rtsideittial Nvoter Supply(,single)
n. Z.. in..
QlndsistriaifC ontmcrciai 011csidential Dater Supple'(shared) FROM To ,iATr Rau t,iv cTtirt f Mr?Titon'�c AMOt311
owg9tion 0 (l. 6 n; PORTLAND POURED
Nnn Vlrater Sopplp Well:
6dk4u»iinrip EIRCCoyely
Injenion Welt:. �. tt=.
I�Aouifef Recharbta' faGratuidsratef Ren�diatjoft :F4'S.�T1D " ,�_.':fit'' il3t � ,. s •
C1AquiferStorri,gcondRcco-mry oSsinity-Wificr t?Roirf Atc'1RRIAt tlMl!1 srt�tvaltwt► n
8 ff. 20 rf SAND #2
OAiiuifer Test Mo int,'atcr[hi+POW
OE�rimCntalIb-chnoto�'. OSuh5idcncc onirol
2A:D ' xtfiicli fi`natafieels f` r�:: _ r.
t7Creatlle al FClosed Loop) ElTiacer FROM I TO DF SCRIMON tubr;tuidn i Wyotk , n fide@ w,
OGwffienual.Meatil Caoli Retufnl E30ilief.fteNsTlaigunderMRetuads) 0 h. 20 fi; BROWN SAND
20 ft.. 30 n : PWR
4.DatcWetl(s}Completed: 874-2022 1Weiljb#MW-LF01 .
m.ljretl[Ati�t311�t: 4t.
A. y; /^Yxn VENATOR
Facila),'Own¢rNamc Faetli mgorappIimblc}
5910 Pharr Mill Rd., HARRISBURG, NC, 28075 IF
PlolimlAddtcss.City.and zip 3t:'
�ountj" l'Ac�CI likirflE"�.iNo�1.N4,fhL�')
5b.i4tomde ww l i+nAirnilc:in degrties./miautCVwt)nds or d6cjinal Oggrem. 23 Certification:
of wen twd;One 1:tU9csr R RufFititN) p„
' Vif __ Muv�t.. 8/5/2022 . t u
Signature of Cad _VYCn Cold [)1k
6.Is(Rtr)the trell(Sj: lfdPlvfnatne at :or oTemporar}'. s`,rii+l ihil omm.114er rent a tl)o1 the Kril sl iiwy("re)mvn atue`ied ii ,txabrdrti.:r
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xith fSrt NGAC d?C.,4ifN!or'!•fd NC.1C tJ'C.f>2{MJ iVr11 Cansirlerrttw�trindorifs elnit�7kst it
7:b this a repair to an.Z%kting Well:. t Wes .t mNo iAir r4yord iaa hi v pim W in if a tip it awner,
1/ttats 4 a rf7Wr,fill out knt»«well a wuttn'enian#nlomutthut oral exliWn rhe torture of the
re*ir under#21 rernrirfa xw inm M I'm the bork 61 thir form 23.Site dlakretn or additional will detalil.�:
Yon may use the bkk of this page to lirovide.additioml well site details of well
$.:1 i t Il< �t c#t+J:i soiLsttitetioti dtMti[L. Y'�ti tna}' o.tit ub add ti nal pW UAW:emly.
Far i rn+(tffk lrtfc�c k+rt aF ofm' -nrtt`er lalv ltrells,OAIL)'whh do some conorm-don,you cori:.
,w6mit ak farm: MINIMAL mumnos
9.'Totalmelt:depth below-1*114 surtaM 20 (may 2 to for All NVelk 'SibIml this drm'within 3tl dnays of Or"pittion of well
iCar:hnitioffUelbu.,ItnjlorPncnlfdf erem(ejxemple-;rAMmu1:2@'1w) colt.Stnictio tout -fiiC►tiR'iig..
I10.Statle:water level Wow top of casing:•16 (ft.) /11 Main omater Rekoureti,iniorfifation Pt.kcsdeR Unit.,
If"We,tea'rr it ahme cn:i}tag Ole'.4" 1617 Ma strs•icc tl nter.ltakigh.NC 276m.1-1617
11.t3orcbntc diatfnettr 8.251, f y 24b.EU lniecgag Wedts ONLti: In addition tosendiog the fans to the address is
24s abase alto submit a:cop, of this foltn isiithin:-0 days of completion of n it
1.Z;TVc�I Construction_niethiid: AUGER cintsttaetiou'ro ite f6littiting:
6_c:M601:roPry-_rabla'd_. a push,c'k.!
Division oP Water.ltesottrcrs,:ltodergrimi►nd fujitflon Control.Pm9mi .
FORWATERSUPLY W UtS OM:Ys 1:536 Mail Sen tee,Center Riliiiti y'(C,276"9 1636
i3a;Yifrid( ) method otfc§t: 24c.FtiriVatrrSunisls&1n�edh►n H'c!!s
Also'sub litit.one caps;of tins fnnn istilltiii 3tt daysofcon1pletionof
13b.DitanteMon t) z., Ato6imV. p I CitnStflit llQlt 1A ih C6iint\'iOChIth tlCiKiftlflt�it Of t iC Cp4itltf
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Faun Cs�`-1 Notik Cam ala bgkv lmni of 8m maumnit aid Munn]Remumes-Division of aia ftesotmes RevisM At%ust-8)0