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SW8960605_HISTORICAL FILE_20101216
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 °l\-DV-905 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ® HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2o►oi21\,p YYYYMMDD North Carolina Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor December 16, 2010 Mr. Michael Nadeau Lakeside Estates, LLC c/o Creative Properties PO Box 56 Hampstead, NC 28443 eA r NCDENR Department of Environment and Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Director Subject: Approved Plan Revision Lakeside Park Stormwater Project No. SW8 960605 New Hanover County Dear Mr. Nadeau: Natural Resources Dee Freeman Secretary On June 8, 2010, the Wilmington Regional Office received a plan revision for Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 960605. The revisions include: • an updated master plan sheet delineating the final subdivision of the lots • the re -allocation of the drainage area for Pond 1 such that the turn lane into lot 15 from Carolina Beach Rd is now included in the drainage area • the re -allocation of the drainage area for Pond 2 such that additional area from lot 9 is now included in the drainage area • to approval of the impervious area associated with the turn lane into lot 15 from Carolina Beach Rd and the right turn lane into Delaney Radiology • a plan demonstrating the impervious area constructed on the Atlantic Medical Properties, LLC lot. The Atlantic Medical Properties, LLC lot was not required to have an offsite permit, thus any impervious area constructed or revised on this lot must be approved under this permit. It has been determined that a formal permit modification is not required for the proposed changes. We are forwarding you an approved copy of the revised plans for your files. Please add the attached plans to the previously approved plan set. Please be aware that all terms and conditions of the permit issued on November 3, 2006, remain in full force and effect. Please also understand that the approval of this revision to the approved plans for the subject State Stormwater Permit is done on a case -by -case basis. Any other changes to this project must be approved through this Office prior to construction. The issuance of this plan revision does not preclude the permittee from complying with all other applicable statutes, rules, regulations or ordinances which may have jurisdiction over the proposed activity, and obtaining a permit or approval prior to construction. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to call Georgette Scott or me at (910) 796-7215. Sincerely, C �Aa�i Christine Nelson Environmental Engineer GDS\can: S:\WQS\STORMWATER\PERMIT\960605PR.dec10 cc: David Hollis, Hanover Design Services Wilmington Regional Office W llmington Kegional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 One Phone. 910-796-7215 \ FAX: 910-350-20041 Customer Service* 1-877-623-6748 Nortfh Car41 i na www Internet: .nmaterquahty.org N/tim lly An Equal Opportunity 1 Alfrmahve Action Employer Retention Pond Services, Inc. 5pxl,llz rn ell ph . & Aqu eM We M Me�n[crwnm 11 Stormwater Maintenance and Inspection Report Customer Name: C��e s�O� ��' Facility #: Inspection (Monthly or Annual): /VZ7 4 Date: `i17 Water Level (High, Normal, Low): Weather Conditions: ��* 14 y SITE CONDITIONS COMMENTS Yes No WA Are sediment basins stabilized and functioning �,/ L� ❑ El Are diversion ditches and swales stabilized and L� ❑ ❑ functioning property? Are there any areas of erosion present in pond ❑ El Do any areas require re -vegetation? d ❑ ❑ Is the forebay separators) functioning properly? 0/ ❑ ❑ qp2 �\ Are all pipes and hard structures functioning �,/ c❑ ❑ �''• Q�Q properly? Is there any sediment accumulation in the pond or ❑ - ❑ outlet box? L7 Are there any nonspecific items or issues that need El^ �/ o be addressed? ❑ re there any additional comments regarding this ❑ / [� Elsite? MAINTENANCE PERFORMED COMMENTS YES NO WA Are pond area(s) free of trash and debris? B�' ❑ ❑ Was the grass cut in all pond area(s)? ❑ [9"' ❑ Are the trash rack and draw down pipe on the ❑ ❑ outlet box clear? Does the pond need to be treated for aquatic �- El ❑ vegetation and/or algae? Did you conduct an annual depth plot of the ❑ pond(s)? 2el ❑ Technician Signature: F A Z� Technician Name (Print): �% / r �✓ Lakeside Estates, LLC P.O. Box 56 Hampstead, NC 28443 Ms. Christine Nelson Division of Water Quality N.C.D.E.N.R. 127 Cardinal Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Dear Ms. Nelson, MAR 2 31010 In response to your 3/1/10 letter regarding your inspection at Lakeside Park (SW8 960605), let us address your numbered points individually: 1) The land at 1104 Medical Center Drive is indeed included in the original permit's drainage area. Your suggestion over the phone that the solid property line on the drawing is the drainage area line is not right. Rather, it is the dotted line that outlines the permit scope and 1104 has always been included. (Drawing Attached) 2) The building at 1098 Medical Center was built by Dr. Jonathan Crane with, we assume, all requisite permits in hand. We understand you are in direct contact with Dr. Crane about this. Please understand our pond maintenance responsibility does not allow us to address 15 year old construction — related issues on private property. 3) a) We attach our original 1996 approved drawings showing the overflow inlet, the primary inlet and detail clearly stating lots 12 and 13 drainage "to be directed to pond as shown". Also, that property owner references SW8 960605 as their permit number. All inlets have been previously approved. b) Our contract maintenance provider for 14 years, retention Pond Services, issued their monthly inspection report on 2/16/10, the day before your visit. The water level was described in the report as "normal" and all other site conditions specified were in order. c) We will address the three minor erosion areas identified by May 1, 2010. 4) a) Again, RPS found the water level "normal" on 2/16. They reported "...all pipes and hard structures (were) functioning properly". b) We did not know a tree in the side slope was prohibited. We will remove it. c) The pond side slope by Delaney is almost entirely grassed and stable and evidenced little erosion. We will add soil and over seed in those areas where the grass is relatively thin, again by May I". In summary, we will address the four erosion points identified in the coming month but propose the other five issues you identified are now in compliance or are not under our control. Please call me if you disagree on any points. I am happy to meet you onsite any time. Sincerely, Michael G. Nadeau 620-1237 RECEIVED MAR 2 3 2010 BY: Sedimentation Phase Consideration, Q�\�4 I LOCH TION MAP POND N0.2 Volume repel red • 12.3 acres % ]B00 cf = 2214D cf (` .�.`al NOT Tp SCALE ts, and Haltl Volume prov tided below normal MSEL = 150000v cf �ta0 LOT Volume provided above normal VSEL = 1.95 ocre-ft ( pf ag any work. = 05100 cf to welt ditches, and o C n \E3J Q y� CANiERBURY to clearing ♦ _�• i \ V E. I Practices LOT GttlAsow PJ`'NJeyP,P )1 i i stockpiling _ OREENFiEW song areas - �` i 6 P E ESiA TES I LOT )g soon as - \- \_- \ MB .ad "atl;'''..-\ /_.__- _ \`A' OP "ad. UNDISTURBED i% MET -ANDS / r nezeded, and �___> \ \ \___ [� str coon�� �--'- Q p{ LOT to be W \ ti i to l 11 I l SF �� I OF NOR SEC. po Ired as 1. ` '•\ °.. 1 \ I (' SB' / I I �_ \�\ M.B. 8 PC. M85 HILLS ` to be paved :or. after., LOT 6^ emoved and t.1 \ s II , /// i) / _ _ 62 contours, id, so as to W F"°1_ s Illy �__------'__ —MEDICAL C } ;� r / REk XARDEE - f__"a--.._i, nR DRIVE V �i -" \ \\"__/ -_/ _ _ ' •'• ' / 1/ •. _ice n~~ � ' ` _ � _ _ SF kly and after any romfoll /-R'O /d_y, \\ \\ UNDISTURBED DSURBANCEwedlate)Y� ._._Il �.`N _ '\i\i i\ L '♦l. - //" . O♦p \. . I t when the level of sediment \� / - A` ♦�-_� ��600�A�`y `�j ' �y�` ®����� ,.I . Riser structure to be 1 sign surface no longer / //l,,\�\ REVISED ADDIPONAL _ �•` OP es when they are UMITS OF / /�`(y/(/ '' "- r -.` .y I a DISTURBANCE "\` ' ^'\. . ' : .1::� `_,oe,'' ono I rent level is within I' of/�/ �•_ _ \ nM1M1 ` "\I•-t 40' BIDE EARTH BERM nd the any Solt Fence and becomes 0.5' deep Fencing / / \\ red as needed to maintain a / \ I 9TOOCKPIIEYAREA, _ - \' " /' �' i I�•\�?\ \ - _ i / \ USE SILT FENCNO O _ 0 � �' SC \ \ zed, mulched, and re-seedeq over.lcationS provided, to over.�_ _ _— _ 'l / \ l ' SF - -- 0�or " o ov 6 P(110 1 Al sEPYEs AS n 6 MVU S Ca11R/.c1CR RFSPa15181f oxsmucn{ai /yxfAOlc ro ILL as u;o cw uxn.wgs s¢ ox a .uelcmx / rzaxrx srurolws ws C � svcvlunvrs ra NL V , � cwsmurnw aru � JO _� 6G6 qv_ aOpaME �^ W �OvGsd 0.15 am hq�Nws V^Dq� _ ems yrq.Mw. r0,b E.Istmq SMH-54 / Rim-15.00 / In In)�I.68 / In aQ�680 / / It MISS, NINE, 10 ..", k to BFpONS 0 OAI&Vr ;�lll A10 CIO)* e 01 CSO.) JlCIO) P, CHARY Do Q(' 0 to /V 4976 to 111001 C4 row., tol 8 % JVA [a] � si C I 8,4V, 4 ?b 5 8 Ilk q (p O b C S 15894 HIGHWAY 17 P.O. BOX 56 CREATIVE H0-5100 FAX NO 28443 910/27-5100 Xr 910/270-5170 PROPER I IEv 201 N STREET • SUITE 802 V WILMINILMINGTON, NC 28407 910/251-2211 FAX910/251-2218 STOPLIGHT CORNER LOT FOR SALE Medical Center Drive & Carolina Beach Road (Hwy. 421) Wilmington, North Carolina The extension of Medical Center Drive has created a vibrant business subdivision connecting the high -traffic Carolina Beach Road with 17th Street at the New Hanover Hospital's front door. This prime lot is now for sale, offering a full city block from Medical Center to Wellington Avenue. Call Mike Nadeau at (910) 270-5100 Commercial & Investment Real Estate Specialists dn,l a Indhiduil Memben LAKESIDE PARK LOT 16 & 2445 CAROLINA BEACH ROAD � 9 Ce�te< y> �"a 2445 • 1.93 Acres with 1.54 Acres Outside City Easement • Stoplight Corner at Medical Center Dr. • 347' Frontage on Carolina Beach Road • 290' Frontage on Medical Center Drive • 146' Frontage on Wellington Avenue • Served by City Water and Sewer •Stormwater System in Place for Lot 16 • Subject to Lakeside Park Covenants and Restrictions • 4500 sq. ft. Block Structure at Wellington Currently Leased Month to Month for $3100 • Zoned Office & Institutional (O&I) • 'IYaffic Count 40,000 Cars Per Day THE OFFERING $192809000 CREATIVE PROPERTIES, INC. 15894 Hwy 17 CALL 201 N. Front Street PO Box 56 Suite 602 Hampstead, NC 28443 MIKE NADEAU Wilmington, NC 28401 (910) 270-5100 270-5100 (910) 251-2211 (910) 270-5110 FAX .v.rw.cre itiyeproperties.biz (910) 251-2218 FAX Creative Properties, Inc. reasonably believes the information in this brochure is fairly and accurately stated. However. any orosoective purchaser is ureed to independently confirm its accuracy and completeness. REALTOR' /nop'T co / oNq( p pa q NSt a- tr' c° tc ylQ tloOs, r°R srgTf "gr22 t eet r'q •e^ anger e d oy ntOtc / 9.9 esYn/Ctp '6$ t$.Yp 22 9$N vppt„ p 069 d to ell 9/0 <C{! y 9. 8>y 3 Pno ylnitl l �On to eE q�lNp�S'4fNi pRND N IsoHgR ?S Cqy$ c�0 �(3p0 o^ecdS l", Py — O//°p) PoYt_deyp lope —�-- P06 f� yelO !d 3> o IV 4g /62 de elOne^d. »> crs �� y1 s E uS fC Q1 JV �. J / 6> i vc, 2. 6$ vc. �9 B6 I --Pi suR A iO Y �\) 0 I'Op 17py� u qbf a3 its sES Aa � me coxw�cron rs arsvame� rvx wxmmc ro u1 ia,wo caxsmucriw srsuouros s¢ orr a xiuwomx / 02 1EMxIU1 arNlo.Ws M'D mmr,.noxs ra ut � i 14 � cwsmcnw mus � � �O 6� � 0 M�. 116 � a9b oon aop to b dt. E Q16 oom Mpw . NWo� . 0.51i hnpwNou� Mb JO SetlimiII ion Phase Conslderotionsi POND III Volume reau ired w 12.3 Acres % 1800 cF w 22140 cf Volume provided below normal VSEL = 150000+ cf ts, and hold Volume provided above normal WSEL = 1.95 acre -Ft ng any work. = 85100 cf to weir ditches, and to clearing ----I I Practices stockpiling sing areas soon ar .ad grades needed, and struction Is i I _.l 1 red as pa to be paved edAft e f and tA ( �- \ 1 V contou ed , so As s t to � \\ � '• Uty My aad after Any rainfall 41 ia[e ly. t when the level of sediment Riser structure to be sign surface no longer es when they ore ent level is within I' of ntl the any Slit Fence and becomes 0,5' deep. Fencing red As needed to h.lntain a zed, mulched, and reseeded flcotl ons provided, to over. UNITS OF" DISTURBANCE I RENSED ADDITIONAL UMITS DISTURBANCE / 40, WOE EARTH BERM LOT 10 UNDISTURBED NETLANDS LOT OREEN.IELO M.B. 5Lp E3jSTATES i, LOT ]0 , ---------------- I LOT SEC. i OF MB 8 POCR. Mgy HILLS LOT 02 N/F C. REA' HAROEE LVL.H I lVIV lulHr. NOT TO 5CALE H NEace` In •Dtf CMTERBURY 0 oQ JE�JE aypP� vIII; UNDISTI _•\ .., ���; , �_ , CE lam' \ 1 '� ._ "` .• ! eAi 59 \ _ / uaoRARr 8A XKPILE AREA. 9 �,i �' l•AJ, `p _ ! I� E SILT FENCINGSF Lbr �� /__ O_v� •.\\\` SC `j•' - _,i �, •,we DRIVE Nelson, Christine From: Mike Nadeau [mike@creativeproperties.biz] Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 8:33 AM To: Nelson, Christine Subject: Re: Lakeside Park SWP I do not know. Mike ----- Original Message --,- From: Nelson. Christine To: Mike Nadeau Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 8:24 AM Subject: RE: Lakeside Park SWP Mike, Did they notice if the ponds started draining down after the flushing? Christine E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: Mike Nadeau [mailto:mike@creativeproperties.biz] Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 3:05 PM To: Nelson, Christine Subject: Lakeside Park SWP Christine, our contractor, Retention Pond Services confirms they have flushed out the outlet structure at both Lakeside ponds. Mike Nadeau 620-1237 MAR-20-2010I1(5:50 FROM:ATLANTIC DERMATOLOGY 9103436006 4I illo f '111'I �I �I, !il ' ! f I' ' , I a,I � • . i t i I I� 'I T Y1 ilI ,� SSOCIBtCS� rl I 1 JONATHAWS.ORAN E,'D O,.FA OCi D: ,I II I• I , PATRICIA �'. ry00D. P.A-C a 'V alrLi:' wu laulrnI' 1 {I , ROAR ClRQ TIPI[V ORMAT040615TI I' 11 OLAT1PIE0 � j. ( I PHI AG315TANT I .ri' I tu,.ttilidll+Ilil, II IyIE{ I, I' I I' M 1 .p;qj it RONALD P. BeNJA'MIN; M. D.I{;I'' '�1 I•I I' ', KELLY MJBRITT,I j1 1�y�, it 11 �n..61 ERTII ' A lnn I 1 „ ICI Ii 16, •,I IIPAC eoARo'teRTvl o ocRMATn�go19T I ' , I CMTI�IEo PN CIAM sa OTnn I I I F'i.: I, /✓Q p,s,' _ I � ��Jz,•S�•,,, I Y ,III Y I. ' � li I'•, ! � I l l'I ,I 'i I �'V hI � I V+ ��i�l{d 1 ,'Ii�l I , l'j�,Il• I Nil i I P oa Ijli!i';(� s? �,�f-4?2 '+I I, �,✓ j, I - y, � y I nd/ { /�{- '��}�!�� ,I�", .5 I' �{ II 11l,ICd g i�`� I I I.� � I' I�I �il� II, I ��NNI'"�, ! � � 1 I I (�WI (� � J(�/ � /•�T � l N8 W J a�y111-i i7i lll''1 W I,I i'. 1' '' 1�'4 �I fill Ii II , II ,I' III �' !.`� �i:J 1J�' Al ✓.CITE; ' �I,,�I, llt R� r d III n�I?�f'1 ty IIII/�uw �V/J 2l II. P4f aL� RAP; Cl 1 z�! II (s4C� pa I r Ai ,i1l.li;rljf ifl�n,i�, l I'I roo s,, TO:910 350 2004 P.1I1 J/ 4jp�'r!�' • � li I �I r'I I f�,wJ^'yv�` I' � ° � � vt- , `� Ij �I!l' I WILMINOTON', NC Il dEli' 7099 MEDICAL CENTER DRIVE �µ TELEPHONE: (910) 251-994a FAX: (9 tIO1t768�46681 WWW.ATLANTICDERMATOLOGY.COM III EE ti' II ' i I ,+ I I I• j III ' 1 I, I' I I I i,, II �•1a I' ' p I�� I rl a A t,(I) - f ' L 1 _ 9l _ t -3 c ' J- L r s� 'S DERMATOLOGY Associates, P.A. JONATHAN 5 CRANE, D.O., FA.O.0 D PATRICIA B. HOOD, P.A.-C BOARD CERTIFIED DERMATOLOGIST CERTIFIED PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT RONALD P. BENJAMIN, M.D. KELLY M BRITT, PA-C BOARD CERTIFIED DERMATOLOGIST CERTIFIED PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT o �f n =!-�c /La-tkl',tw�- T- -7 KzC�- Four ��� �✓�� C /�P/e� rr �r w Y 1099 MEDICAL CENTER DRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 28401 TELEPHONE- (910) 251-9944 FAX: (910) 763-4666 `�IJ I WWW.ATLANTICDERMATOLOGY.COM Ivi CgA-/ �-�O CIA 9103436006 ATLANTIC DERMATOL Associates, P.A. JONATHAN S. CRANE, D.O., F.A.O.C.O. BOARD CERTIFIED DERMATOLOGIST PATRICIA B. HOOD, P.A.-C. KELLY M. BRITT, PA-C CERTIFIED PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT CERTIFIED PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT A+fly C H "(s+1 A)elSo✓ •V�JI. u ,) - rY t � L_ -/(4-10 All C. QYCPL 06C` a -� A,)L_�'�_ v 11 27 36 06-14-2010 1+1 RONALD P. BENJAMIN, M.D. BOARD CERTIFIED OERMATOLOGIST CHARLENE SNYDER, RA CERTIFIED PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT W9fiA� v I Lam( Y- i L o7 . 2H7-7723 60I-YO l V 1099 MEDICAL CENTER DRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 284 01 TELEPHONE: (910) 251-9944 FAX (910) 763-4666 W W W.ATLANTICDERMATOLOGY COM MR r • � cl ' HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS, LAND PLANNERS 1123 FLORAL PKWY. WILMINGTON, NC 2a403 PH. (910) 343-B002 FAX: (910) 343-9941 r 1-1 Please reply No reply necessary Nelson, Christine From: Nelson, Christine Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 11:14 AM To: 'dhollis@hdsilm.com' Cc: 'Mike Nadeau'; 'David Brown'; Scott, Georgette; Shiver, Rick; Johnson, Kelly Subject: RE: Lakeside Park, SW8 960605 David, I took a closer look at the plans submitted for the Lakeside Park plan revision. I can offer the following to help clarify the items requested in the return letter: • There are multiple line types used for the various boundaries, but a legend has not been provided, creating some confusion. • The table at the top of the plans does not appear to include the 0.3 ac of additional drainage area from Carolina Beach Road. Is this included in the R/W area? How much of the roadways are covered under this permit? • The plans also do not clearly delineate the drainage area and project area for the ponds. The table at the top is a good summary, but the drainage area and project area must be pictorially demonstrated on the plans using a consistent line type. This will help to reduce future confusion. For instance, how much of Silver Stream Lane (South) and the northern part of Medical Center Drive is included? It is often helpful to provide a "permitted" and "proposed" drainage area map or demonstrate the areas being removed from and added to the pond drainage areas in order to demonstrate how the drainage area is changing and to support that it is not increasing. As we discussed on the phone, the grading details and site layout is necessary for the turn lane into the Wilco lot to demonstrate the amount of additional drainage area and impervious area directed to the pond. This turn lane will not be permitted under the Wilco permit as it is outside their lot area and must be permitted under the Lakeside Park master permit. I hope this helps to address your concerns. Christine Christine Nelson Environmental Engineer NC DWQ - Stormwater Program Wilmington Regional Office 910-796-7323 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Johnson, Kelly Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 9:28 AM To: David Brown Cc: Nelson, Christine Subject: Lakeside Park, SW8 960605 David, Please see the attached correspondence which will be mailed today. Kelly *** My email has changed to kellv.a.iohnsonCdncdenr.¢ov "LLWoHwsow Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer Division of Water Quality Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Office: 910.796.7345 Fax: 910.350.2004 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. e�� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor June 11, 2010 Mr. Michael Nadeau, Secretary Lakeside Estates, LLC c/o Creative Properties PO Box 56 Hampstead, NC 28443 Division of Water Quality Colleen H. Sullins Director Subject: APPLICATION RETURN Lakeside Park Permit No. SW8 960605 New Hanover County Dear Mr. Nadeau: Dee Freeman Secretary On June 8, 2010, the Division received an incomplete State Stormwater Management Plan Revision request for the project listed above. The package is being returned because it lacked the necessary elements to accept it for review. Please provide the following information upon the next submittal of this Plan Revision request: 1.) Plan Revision: Please demonstrate in your resubmittal that this change can be handled as a plan revision as opposed to a permit modification. Plan revisions are appropriate for reallocating impervious area that has already been permitted because that type of change affects only the permitted plan, and not the permit text. For instance, if you had permitted 10,000sf of buildings and 5,000sf of roads for a total of 15,000sf of impervious area you could be issued a plan revision to cover 12,000sf of buildings and 3,000sf of roads for a total of 15,000sf of impervious area. If you increase the impervious area, increase the project area to be permitted, or in any other way cause a change to the permit text then the change is a permit modification. Additionally, if the change required the pond design to be altered, the change would be a permit modification. a. Impervious Area: For each drainage area, please show a comparison of the permitted and proposed impervious areas to be permitted. b. Project Area: For each drainage area, please show a comparison of the permitted and proposed project areas to be permitted. c. Pond Design: If either the impervious area or project area increases please also clarify the impact, if any, to the pond design(s). 2.) .Plans: Please show the grading, project area, and drainage areas on the plans. In particular, please show the grading within the portion of the project along Carolina Beach Road. Please visit DWQ's website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/bmp forms htm to download the latest available forms. Please provide the requested information and return the package to the address below. Note that the 90-day statutory permit review time begins upon receipt of a complete application. Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 One Phone: 910-796-72151FAX. 910-350-20041Customer ServiInternet:$77-623-6748 * Ot'ttt, 'C21'Otlllil Internet: vnncx xv.aterqualiry 7�T org Naturally ��tt`N���-' An Equal Opportunity\ Affirmabue Action Employer ��/ ` L J SWS 960605 June 11, 2010 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (910) 796-7345 or email me at kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov. Since e , Ily Jo son Environmental Engineer GDS/kpj: S:\WQS\STORMWATER\RETURN\960605.jun10 cc: David Brown, Hanover Design Services Wilmington Regional Office File Page 2 of 2 Received Date: ✓'=vaernK ,X,_ Rule(s) Subject (check all that apply): ❑ 1995 Coastal ❑ 2008 Coastal ❑ Phase 11 ❑ Universal Paperwork: ❑ Check for $505 (must be no older than 6 months) ❑ Application form with correct/original signatures (original plus 1 copy). If Corporation or LLC also: o Print the info from the NCSOS o Either, 1.) The applicant is listed on the NCSOS with his/her correct title or, 2.) A notarized letter of authorization has been provided: ❑ Supplements (1 original per BMP), BMP type(s): ❑ O&M with correctloriginal signatures (1 original per BMP, except level spreaders/filter strips and swales) ❑ Deed restrictions (if outparcel or subdividing) (original plus 1 copy) o Deed restriction template (signed and notarized) or o Proposed Declaration of Covenants and Restricti s (signed and notarized) ❑ Soils report identifying the SHWT ❑ Supporting calculations, signed & sealed (if necessary) ❑ Receiving stream classification: I RW also: o SA: USGS topo map with the site, the receiv g wa ers and the % mile radius shown to scale. o ORW: 575 ft of MHWL for Area of men I Con �efn and max BUA per rule. ❑ Modifications: 1.) If built: Designers Cent. If p rtially iIt: Ffartial Cert., 3.) If not built: No Cert. needed. Development Type (check all that apply): ❑ Residential or ❑ Cc erci Deed restrictions match? ❑ Subdivision or ❑ Single of ❑ Deed restrictions match? ❑ High Density or a ltgw De sity ❑ Deed restrictions match? ❑�,,,, ,pppp©ffsite projec ❑ evelo it O Modification ❑ Exempt NCG02 (bulk ead) ❑ C (clear/grader❑ NCG04 (linear) 1. sty: (/ U BUA calculations includ common areas�c ubbouse, sidewalks, etc. ❑ BUA %: �� M tches high/I w density requirement for rule and receiving stream class. ❑ No obvious math error ❑ If Hi Dens ty: Design s orrVforIeand receiving stream class. is, signed d❑ Two sets ceived ❑with proposed BUA dimensions) U Grading ❑ Drainage area map (all HD systems & curb outlet swales) ❑ Vicinity map ❑ Project Boundaries ❑ Legend ❑ Wetlands: o Delineated plans o "No wetlands onsite" on plans ❑ Details: o Roads o Cul-de-sacs o Curbing o Sidewalk ' o BMPs/ Level spreaders/ Filter strips/ Curb outlet swales o Buildings (Apts or Condos) Offsite Projects: ❑ Designer's Certification has been submitted for the Offsite BMP receiving the runoff from the project. ❑ Deed restrictions have been recorded and a copy submitted for the Offsite BMP permit. ❑ Lot size has not changed from what was approved under the Master Plan. ❑ Correct lot number is referenced on the supplement form. ❑ Offsite system is in compliance with its permit, if known. Infiltration Projects: ❑ Soils report: SHWT, soil type, and expected infiltration rate are provided. ❑ DWQ has conducted a site visit? Date: Wet Ponds: Permanent Pool Meets One of the Following: ❑ Is located no lower than 6" below the estimated SHWT. ❑ Incoming groundwater is quantified and evaluated, AND Storage volume verified, AND Outlet evaluated for free drainage to the receiving waters under SHWT conditions. Decision (check one): ❑ Complete: Return file to admin (Jo Casmer) to log in. (Stamped in received date = BIMS date) ❑ Slightly incomplete: E-mail consultant, request information to be returned within one business day (24 hours after request. Info requests on Friday, allow a return on the following business day). If info not returned, issue an application return letter and give everything to admin (Add info received date = BIMS date) ❑ Substantially incomplete: Issue an application return letter and give everything to admin. (D9.1114-�EtE nC) �- Cj,�\ - �Lc HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS, LAND PLANNERS 1123 FLORAL PKWY. WILMINGTON, NG 28403 PH. (910) M-8002 FAX: (910) 343-9941 , I § SIGNED Please reply E No reply necessary ����1 _, dt. e�'t _ ` .� , . _ _ _. 1 ... � �— 01 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS, LAND PLANNERS - 1123 FLORAL PKWY. _ WILMINGTON, NC 28403 PH.(910) 343-8002 FAX: (910)343-9941 1 5 2010 / is11vac <- joleozn6 /mil" M& P660 I J c�oti oife ✓( Ao4eiIoX else, Please reply E:] No reply necessary i info C.J I Symbols for completing form: '✓'= Yes/OK ' x'= No/Deficient 'n/a' or'\' or'/' Rule(s) Subject (check all that apply): ❑ 1995 Coastal ❑ 2008 Coastal ❑ Phase II ❑ Universal Paperwork: ❑ Check for $505 (must be no older than 6 months) ❑ Application form with correct/original signatures (original plus 1 copy). If Corporation or LLC also: o Print the info from the NCSOS o Either, 1.) The applicant is listed on the NCSOS with his/her correct title or, 2.) A notarized letter of authorization has been provided: ❑ Supplements (1 original per BMP). BMP type(s): ❑ O&M with correct/original signatures (1 original per BMP, except I vel spreaders/filter strips and swales) ❑ Deed restrictions (if outparckior subdividing) (original plus 1 copy) o Deed restriction tem ate (signed and notarized) or 0 osed Decl tion f Covenants and Restri igned and notarized) ❑ Soil eport i enti ' g ❑ pporting c )cul 'o igned & sealed (if ne ssa ❑ eceiving st g m c I tion: or ORW also: o SA: /U GS t o map with the site, tecei ng waters and the Y mile radius shown to scale. O 5 It MHWL for Area of nvi nmental Concern and max BUA per rule. ❑ dific 'ons: 1.) ilt: Desi ner s ced ., 2. If partially built: Partial Cert., 3.) If not built: No Cert. needed. Development T , (check all ap ly) , ❑ Residentia yr ercial ❑ Deed restrictions match? ❑ Subdivision o Si a Lot ❑ Deed restrictions match? ❑ High Density or w Density ❑ Deed restrictions match? ❑ Offsite project ❑ Rede lopment & Modification atvo(no5 ❑ Exempt ❑ NCG02 (bulkhead) ❑ NCGO (clear/grade) ❑ NCG04 (linear) Density: ❑ BUA calculations include common areas, clubhouse, sidewalks, etc. ❑ BUA %: Matches high/low density requirement for rule and receiving stream class. ❑ No obvious math errors ❑ If High Density: Design storm correct for rule and receiving stream class. Plans, signed and sealed (2 sets): ❑ Two sets received ❑ Layout (with proposed BUA dimensions) ❑ Grading ❑ Drainage area map (all HD systems & curb outlet swales) ❑ Vicinity map ❑ Project Boundaries ❑ Legend ❑ Wetlands: o Delineated on plans o "No wetlands onsite" on plans ❑ Details: o Roads o Cul-de-sacs o Curbing o Sidewalk o BMPs/ Level spreaders/ Filter strips/ Curb outlet swales o Buildings (Apts or Condos) Offsite Projects: ❑ Designer's Certification has been submitted for the Offsite BMP receiving the runoff from the project. ❑ Deed restrictions have been recorded and a copy submitted for the Offsite BMP permit. ❑ Lot size has not changed from what was approved under the Master Plan. ❑ Correct lot number is referenced on the supplement form. ❑ Offsite system is in compliance with its permit, if known. Infiltration Projects: ❑ Soils report: SHWT, soil type, and expected infiltration rate are provided. ❑ DWQ has conducted a site visit? Date: Wet Ponds: Permanent Pool Meets One of the Following: ❑ Is located no lower than 6" below the estimated SHWT. ❑ Incoming groundwater is quantified and evaluated, AND Storage volume verified, AND Outlet evaluated for free drainage to the receiving waters under SHWT conditions. Decision (check one): ❑ Complete: Return file to admin (Jo Casmer) to log in. (Stamped in received date = BIMS date) ❑ Slightly incomplete: E-mail consultant, request information to be returned within one business day (24 hours after request. Info requests on Friday, allow a return on the following business day). If info not returned, issue an application return letter and give everything to admin. (Add info received date = BIMS date) ❑ Substantially incomplete: Issue an application return letter and give everything to admin. e qQS i ty y? i{8{ap3P���_ 2 , � -Illa U la`/ _ !• r I I�� I �. , l g��� ? i RvaFp R � � N»3>•r F z I m I m l un I m- I I R y p y v 1 1 1 I 1 W z ��p¢�p$,� 3 C/ ," i �/ / I • s i i i i i P' r R it fS 11 S® to Ym CI I•g '>aar. F `• 4 rzm I I m pm g i ms o 0 cn i4va :Y � \ �J 1 1 \/� ..v Prwuctarv`°1 ➢' G) � m (� / �� � �•\ 1 I 7Nn YM3N15 i nos) I I O \\ r o o�= 0 m (9� Z U) > r it \ yoQF o mD C� / n r' O �v ----0. O � Y ? � w �R3 mF4 % \♦ S S 9 gCA i• ' 0 6 0 C� 1 tQ N A v> IK G\ cp C N Q r -9 n A Vyl 1 Q � Q lr A fT G9 N s L j r J 0 �' t 1 ' d� f ;� 1 � ♦ - N �iE �., `� �=. � �. t i� Hanover Design Services, P.A. Land Surveyors, Engineers, Land Planners JUjV 8 2010 PROJECT STORMWATER NARRATIVE for Lakeside Park (Water Quality Master Plan) Medical Center Drive at Carolina Beach Road Prepared for: RECEIVED Lakeside Owner's Association, Inc. JUN 0 9 20Li PO Box 56 Hampstead, NC 28443 [BY: -- June 2010 PROJECT DESCRIPTION — This narrative is to describe the plan prepared to show modifications to an existing DENR / DWQ Permit, No. SW8 960605 Modification, which reflects the number and size of the lots sold and subsequent offsite supplement permit numbers and conditions permitted for those lots and is intended to replace the original 1996 "Erosion & Sediment Control and Water Quality Plan, Lakeside Park", Hanover Design Services Plan No. 2660ESC Sheet I of 2. Tabulations on the attached Master Plan indicates the size, number, owner information, recorded deed book and page number, permitted impervious surfaces amounts and original permit allowable amount based upon 85%, of the lots as of May 2010, as well as the original drainage areas and current (substantially the same). The plan does NOT represent either a subdivision plat or as -built survey, and was prepared as a composite map for graphically tracking offsite supplements based upon a May 2010 meeting with the Water Quality Regional Supervisor of DENR / DWQ. Additionally, this modification / plan revision reflects the name change of the original permitee (forms and other documentation under separate cover) from Lakeside Estates, LLC to Lakeside Owner's Association, Inc.: "Water Quality Master Plan for Lakeside Park", Hanover Design Services Drawing #2660 Sheet l of 1. t 2660-narrative.doc 1123 Floral Parkway Wilmington, N.C. 28403 Phone (910) 343-8002 Fax 910) 343-9941 Business Firm License No. C-0597 North Carolina Secretary of State Page I of I llorth Carolina a Elaine F Marshall DEPARTMENT CIFTHE Secretary SECRETARY OF STATE PO Box 29622 Raleph, INC 2262641622 I9191Bo]-2000 aborts Home By Corporate Name For New & Dissolved By Registered Agent ant Nonce of Tickets Online abons FAQ wner9 AaspCiatUn FAQ 0 Manufacturers 'porate l Non -Profits don Reports oft Reports Reports BEE B25 Annual Reports OSID Number Cori 001 Bel Summaries 1999 Senate Bills orporebons 1997 Professional Corporations GSOS Authority to Dissolve Register for E-Prowrement Dept of Revenue ONLINE ORDERS tart An Order ' ew Payment Procedures ' CONTACT Ds orporei Division TOOLS recretary of State Home eCretary of State Site Map Printable Page Date 6/8/2010 Chick here to. View Document Filings I Sign Up for E-Notifications I PC, Pi LP and Non -Profit entities are not required to file annual reports Corporation Names Name Name Type NC LAKESIDE PARK OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC Legal Non -Profit Corporation Information SOSID: 0449966 Status: Current -Active Date Formed: 2/9/1998 Citizenship: Domestic State of Inc.: NC Duration: Perpetual Registered Agent Agent Name: Nadeau, Michael Registered Office Address: 5051 New Centre Drive Suite 125 Arilmmgton NC 28403 Registered Mailing Address: 5651 New Centre Drive Suite 125 Wilmington NC 28403 - Principal Office Address: No Address . .. Principal Mailing Address: , 5051 New Centre Dr 9125 1 New Hanover County Wilmington NC 28403 http://www.secretary.state.ne.us/corporations/Corp.aspx?Pitemld=5059887 6/8/2010 Parcel Identifier No By RECEIVED JUN 0 8 2010 BY: III IIII q� III ICI III0111� III Iq� Ills III III 20@3081756 FOR REBECCgiI ON REGISTER OF DEEDS NE4 NRi.'OVER �NRISTtgN 20D3 DEC 3103 20 69 PM BK 4147 9, 706-709 FEE $20 V INSIRUMENI # 19030BN NORTH CAROLINA NON -WARRANTY DEED Verified by County on the 20 MailiBox to This instrument was prepared by H a s, Robinson S Saffo P C P 0 Box 135 Wilmington -'NC 28402 Brief description for the Index . Commnn�:Ar a Takeside Park THIS DEED made this 31 day of December 20 03, by and between GRANTOR LAKESIDE ESTATES, L.L.C., a NC limited liability company LAKESIDE PARK OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. a North Carolina non—profit corporation P.O. Box 56 ` Hampstead, NC 28443 The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, them hers, successors, and assigns, and shall include $mgular, plural, masculme, fergmme or neuter as required by context WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the Cityof Wilmington Township,New HanovetCounty, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED ON ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" INCPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. The property heremabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book 1907 page 422 A map showing the above described property is recorded in Plat Book wig page t 1 8 NC Bar Association Form No 7 ® 1977, 2002 James Williams & Co, Inc Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar Association — 1981 www JamesWilltarns corn 9 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple The Grantor makes no warranty, express or implied, as to title to the property hereinabove described IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this instrument to be duly executed and delivered (Corporate Name) By President ATTEST Secretary (Corporate Seal) State of North Carolina • County of — _ a NC limi liab ty companyk =At) By • �A[) ae adeau, Manager lam) I, the undersigned Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed Witness my hand and Notarial stamp or sea] thisldayof ,20 My Commission Expires ,. Notary Public State of North Carolina - County of NEW RANOVE I, the undersigned Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that Michael C. Nadeau personally came before me this day and acknowledged that —he isthe Manager of LAKESIDE ESTATE L L C a North Carolina or r®rp®tr®/hmitedliabilitycompany mffFPiw2dd < and that by authority duly given and as the act of such entity, _he signed the foregoing instrument in its name on its behalf as its act and deed Witness my hand and Notarial s eal, this 31 day of December 200 My Commission Expires 12/02/2008 19 �0,��'�;�!����i� � Z : MoT4p *- v`t Notary Public Carolina - County of ��.. 1, the undersigned Notary Public of the Witness my hand and Notanal stamp or seal, this My Commission Expires The foregoing Certificate(s) , certified to be correct This first page hereof By Notary Public certificate are duly registered at the date and time and in the Book and Page Register of Deeds for County Deputy/Assistant - Register of Deeds on the NC Bar Association Form No 7 0 1977, 2002 James Williams & Co, Inc Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar Association — 1981 www JamesWdliams com Exhibit "A" BEING ALL of that certain property designated as "Common Area A"and "Common Area B", as the same are shown on map entitled "LAKESIDE ESTATES MEDICAL CENTER DRNE COMMON AREA DEDICATION" recorded in Map Book 45 at Page 118, of the New Hanover County Registry, reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description REBECCA T. CHRISTIAN REGISTER OF DEEDS, NEW HANOVER 216 NORTH SECOND STREET WILMINGTON, NC 28401 f N\\ff NllfNf lNlf\HNIf\f llffN\IfNN\1111H1Nf f 11NNf fNNIiNf NINNf f IffHNflf flfftyfNf if ylN1H\Nf N1\!H\ Filed For Registration: Book: Document No.: Recorder: 12/31/2003 03:20:08 PM RE 4147 Page: 706-709 2003081756 - DEED 4 PGS $20.00 MARVIS ANN STORER NRNHf NNf yNINRRNNIf fNf fNINf f Nf\R11f f NINfMIff ffy!\fN1Nf1f f f\f Nf NNINRHNIINN\1NfNf Iif f NMIff y\\f State of North Carolina, County of New Hanover The foregoing certificate of CINDE G HATHAWAY Notary Is certified to be correct. This 31 ST of December 2003 REBECCA T. CHRISTIAN , REGISTER OF DEEDS Deputy/Aaetstent Register of Deeds N1NlflNlfllN\NIIINyNffNNf f INNf lNIN1!\fff I!f f ........... N1fNf 11fNN1f f f fNNlf MfRN1Nf f YELLOW PROBATE SHEET IS A VITAL PART OF YOUR RECORDED DOCUMENT. PLEASE RETAIN WITH ORIGINAL DOCUMENT AND SUBMIT FOR RE-RECORDING. *2003081756* 2003081756 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor September 13, 2010 Mr. Michael Nadeau Lakeside Estates, LLC c/o Creative Properties PO Box 56 Hampstead, NC 28443 Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Director Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 960605 PR Lakeside Park New Hanover County Dear Mr. Nadeau: Dee Freeman Secretary The Wilmington Regional Office received and accepted a plan revision to the State Stormwater Management Permit Application for Lakeside Park and a request to transfer the owner of this permit on June 16, 2010. A preliminary in-depth review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: Plan Revision: a. The information presented as the previously permitted condition on master plan sheet for Lakeside Park appears to be outdated and/or inconsistent with the latest permitted conditions. The last modification for this permit was issued on November 3, 2006 where the drainage areas and impervious areas were altered. For instance, the previously permitted drainage area for pond 1 is not 23.12 acres; it was modified to be 25.6 acres. The previously permitted impervious area for pond 1 is 959,931 square feet, not 873,378 square feet. Please ensure the information presented on this master plan sheet is accurate and consistent with the permit issued on November 3, 2006. b. The permitted impervious areas for the offsite lots are inconsistent. It may be best to remove the permitted amount and only identify the total impervious area allowed for each offsite lot. c. Additionally, please ensure that the drainage areas and impervious areas proposed with this plan revision do not increase above the previously permitted conditions. For instance, the drainage area for Pond 2 appears to have increased by 0.01 acres above the previously permitted condition. Any increase in the drainage area and impervious area above the previously permitted condition requires the permit to be modified, not revised. d. Please provide an accurate location map on the plans to include at least the intersection of Medical Center Dr. and Carolina Beach Rd. e. Please submit a second copy of the existing conditions survey for Atlantic Medical Properties, LLC that was done by Hanover Design Services, PA in July 2010. Only one copy was submitted. Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Dme Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 One Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX: 910-350-20041 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 North Carolina Internet: www ncwaterquality.org NatlircrllY An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer CI Michael Nadeau September 13, 2010 Stormwater Application No. SW8 960605 PR 2. Permit transfer: a. Please provide documentation identifying the president of Lakeside Park Owners Association, Inc. The documentation available from the NC Secretary of State does not identify the current president, only that you are the registered agent. Please also be aware that the permit cannot be transferred to the property owner's association (POA) if the original developer is named the president of the POA. In order to transfer the permit, more than 50% of the lots must be sold and the Name/Ownership change form has been signed by the POA president who is not affiliated with the developer. b. Please be aware that the permit cannot be transferred until the site is brought into compliance. An inspection was conducted on September 10, 2010 and a notice of inspection along with the compliance inspection report has been included to identify the compliance issues. 3. Please remember that a change to one number may have a domino effect on other numbers. Please check all plans, calculations and forms and make changes as needed. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received in this Office prior to October 14, 2010, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail, email or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 79677215 or email me at christine.nelson@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, CD,;tu 61a Christine Nelson Environmental Engineer GDS/can: S:\VVQS\STORMWATER\ADDINFO\2010\960605PR.sep10 cc: David Brown, Hanover Design Services, PA Christine Nelson Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File Page 2 of 2 Nelson, Christine From: Mike Nadeau [mike@creativeproperties.biz] Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 11:10 AM To: Nelson, Christine Subject: response to Notice of Violation Christine, we received your letter last month following up on the Lakeside Park stormwater ponds. We have overseeded the several spots as needed and will seed again with rye grass by the end of October. Regarding the pond elevation issue, we have reconfirmed the system was originally constructed with the 1.5' distance between the pipe and overflow spillway, as shown on the as -built survey. In turn, the pipe was blown out to eliminate the possibility of obstruction. Our maintenence contractor, Retention Pond Services, has again reviewed the system again this month and does not find the problem you reference. I have asked they call you directly as they want to meet you on site. Mike Nadeau Lakeside Estates, LLC 620-1237 Hanover Design Services, P.A. Land Surveyors, Engineers, Land Planners October 11, 2010 Ms. Christine Nelson, Environmental Engineer DENR / DWQ WiRO 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Re: SW8 960605 Modification RAI - Lakeside Park Water Quality Master Plan Christine: At your request, I modified the above plan to address your concerns as follows: Vq • I revised the information tables to comply with the permit modification of November 3, 2006. Another engineer had modified that permit without my knowledge. • I removed the permitted impervious amounts and only identified "allowable" as suggested. • The drainage area for Pond 2 had not changed. Round -up error in the R/W resulted in the 0.01 acre difference (only 436 sf) and I've revised that number to reflect the correct amount. • I improved the location map to address your concerns. • Attached also please find a second copy of the Atlantic Medical Properties survey as requested. My understanding is that Mike Nadeau is working on the ownership transfer part of your letter, and also your inspection concerns. If you require anything else please let me know. Thanks. Sincerely, r. C; David S. Hollis, PE, PLS Attachments xc: Mr. Mike Nadeau, Lakeside Owner's Association, Inc. 2660-D W Q4AesvdeMute(2.dm ECD OCT i 2 PO10 1123 Floral Parkway Wilmington, N.C. 28403 Phone (910) 343-8002 Fax 910) 343-9941 Business Firm License No. C-0597 Permit: SW8960605 County: New Hanover Region: Wilmington Compliance Inspection Report Effective: 10/24/06 Expiration: 10/24/16 Owner: Lakeside Estates LLC Project: Lakeside Park 'Contact Person: Michael Nadeau Title: Secretary Directions to Project: Medical Center Drive, Wilmington Type of Project: State Stormwater - HD - Detention Pond Drain Areas: 1 - (Greenfield Lake) (03-06-17) ( C;Sw) 2 - (Greenfield Lake) (03-06-17 ) ( C;Sw) On -Site Rep resentative(s): Related Permits: SW8091209 WIcoHess LLC - Wilco Service Station SW8030812 Children's Learning Center If of Wlming - Children's Learning Center II of Wilmington SW8070928 Fca Properties - Carolina Pediatrics of Wilmington SW8060647 Medsery Company - Wilmington Health Associates (Lakeside) SW8051214 Seamist Properties LLC - FBI Office SW8050411 Delaney at MCD, LLC - Delaney Radiology SW8010622 Seamist Properties LLC - Coast Guard And Customs Facility SW8010327 Breath Holdings LLC - Coastal Pulmonary Phone:910-270-5100 Inspection Date: 12/14/2010 Entry Time: 08.00 AM Exit Time: 08:30 AM Primary Inspector: Christine Nelson Phone: 910-796-7215 Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Follow-up Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwater Facility Status: El Compliant ■ Not Compliant Question Areas: E State Stormwater (See attachment summary) Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Page 1 r Permit: SW8960605 Owner - Project: Lakeside Estates LLC Inspection Date: 1211412010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Follow-up Inspection Summary: The following deficiencies were noted during the inspection that still need to be resolved: 1. Ponds 1 and 2: The outlet structures do not appear to be functioning as designed and permitted. At the time of the inspection both ponds were full and the orifices for both were not draining and appear to be clogged. Both ponds were designed such that 1.5 ft of storage was provided between the permanent pool elevation and the bottom of the weir. However, during this inspection, both ponds appear to not provide the required storage. This problem was also noted during the previous inspections. If the orifices are not clogged, then the outlet structures are, in other ways, prohibiting the pond from functioning properly to provide the required storage. 2. Continue to monitor the vegetation and erosion on the pond side slopes and fix any bare and erosive areas per the O&M agreement. To bring this system into compliance, the following must be completed: 2. Ponds 1 and 2: Ensure the outlet structures are functioning properly to provide the required storage volume. Page:2 Permit: SW8960605 Owner • Project: Lakeside Estates LLC Inspection Date: 12/14/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Follow-up File Review Yes No NA NE Is the permit active? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Signed copy of the Engineer's certification is in the file? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Agreement is in the file? ■ ❑ Cl ❑ Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: plan revision issued December 14, 2010 Built Upon Area Yes No NA NE Is the site BUA constructed as per the permit and approval plans? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the drainage area as per the permit and approved plans? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Is the BUA (as permitted) graded such that the runoff drains to the system? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Comment: plan revision issued December 14, 2010 SW Measures Yes No NA NE Are the SW measures constructed as per the approved plans? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Are the inlets located per the approved plans? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are the outlet structures located per the approved plans? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: The outlet structures do not appear to be functioning as designed and permitted. At the time of the inspection both ponds were full and the orifices for both were not draining and appear to be clogged. Both ponds were designed such that 1.5 ft of storage was provided between the permanent pool elevation and the bottom of the weir. However, during this inspection, both ponds appear to not provide the required storage. This problem was also noted during the previous inspections. If the orifices are not clogged, then the outlet structures are in other ways prohibiting the pond from functioning properly to provide the required storage. Operation and Maintenance Yes No NA NE Are the SW measures being maintained and operated as per the permit requirements? ■ ❑ Cl ❑ Are the SW BMP inspection and maintenance records complete and available for review or provided to DWO ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ upon request? Comment: Continue to monitor the vegetation and erosion on the pond side slopes and fix any bare and erosive areas per the O&M agreement. Other Permit Conditions Yes No NA NE Is the site compliant with other conditions of the permit? - ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Other WQ Issues Yes No NA NE Is the site compliant with other water quality issues as noted during the inspection? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Page: 3 Wj if r NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary December 16, 2010 Mr. Michael Nadeau Lakeside Estates, LLC c/o Creative Properties PO Box 56 Hampstead, NC 28443 Subject: Transfer of Ownership/Notice of Inspection Lakeside Park Stormwater Permit No. SW8 960605 New Hanover County Dear Mr. Nadeau The Division acknowledges receipt of the transfer of ownership forms for the subject Stormwater Management Permit on June 8, 2010 with additional information submitted on October 12, 2010. However this request to transfer ownership of Permit 960605 cannot be processed until the following conditions have been met. The Stormwater system must be in compliance. According to permit condition, the Permittee is responsible for compliance with all permit conditions until such time as the Division approves the permit transfer request. On December 14, 2010, this site was inspected and found to be not compliant with the terms and conditions of the permit. Please find a copy of the completed form entitled "Compliance Inspection Report" attached to this letter, which summarizes the findings of the recent inspection. As indicated in the attached inspection report, the following deficiency must be resolved: Ponds 1 and 2: The outlet structures do not appear to be functioning as designed and permitted. At the time of the inspection both ponds were full and the orifices for both were not draining and appear to be clogged. Both ponds were designed such that 1.5 ft of storage was provided between the permanent pool elevation and the bottom of the weir. However, during this inspection, both ponds appear to not provide the required storage. This problem was also noted during the previous inspections. If the orifices are not clogged, then the outlet structures are, in other ways, prohibiting the pond from functioning properly to provide the required storage. 2. It is the Division's policy not to transfer permits from the permittee (as the developer), to the same permittee as an officer in the Property Owner's Association (POA). An alternative would be to demonstrate that the majority of the individual lot owners have elected the permittee as president or vice president of the POA. A majority vote is considered to be the greater of either at least 50% of the individual lots or the percent of individual votes required by the POA's declarations and covenants. Official minutes or documentation from the POA must be provided demonstrating the majority vote. Please inform this Office in writing before January 20, 2010, of the specific actions that will be undertaken and the time frame that will be required to correct the deficiencies. Failure to provide the requested information, when required, may initiate enforcement action including the assessment of civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day. If a written plan of action is not submitted to this office by January 20, 2010 then DWQ staff will re -inspect the site and issue a Notice of Violation if the listed deficiencies have not been addressed. ^: ilmi^^yton P,a^yaaal Cf`ac 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 1��One t, Phone. 910-796-72151 FAX: 910-350-20041 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 1 V orth Cawl1 trta Internet vrxw ncwaterquality org An Equal Opportunity l Affirmative Action Employer bl alL J Please contact me at (910) 796-7215 or email me at christine.nelson@ncdenr.gov if you have any questions. Sincerely, Cl v w4a�j Christine Nelson Environmental Engineer Enclosure: Compliance Inspection Report GDS\can: S:\WQS\STORMWATER\INSPECT\960605 dec10 cc: WiRO Page 2 of 2 Lakeside Park POND No.1 ADDENDUM TO SHOW ACTUAL AREAS SCALE: 1 "= 150' DATE: 6-16-10 ADDITIONAL AREA IN CAROLINA BEACH ROAD DRAINAGE AREA & REPORTED AS IMPERVIOUS 8686.0 SQ. FT. 0.20 ACRES c \ RIW AREA 139817.9 SQ. FT. 3.21 ACRES HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURIEYOR.£ ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-B002 LICENSE C-0597 APPROVE® NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DMSION OF WATER QUALITY J0 16 2010