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SW8140604_HISTORICAL FILE_20140804
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO SW8 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ® HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 201L1 0 `6 O`j YYYYMMDD NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor August 4, 2014 Brian R Clodfelter Manager Par 3 Development Group LLC 2860 B NC Hwy #5 Aberdeen, NC 28315 Subject State Stormwater Management Permit No SWS 140604 Dollar General - Longwood High Density Commercial Wet Detention Pond Project Brunswick County Dear Mr Clodfelter John E Skvada III Secretary The Wilmington Regional Office received a complete Stormwater Management Permit Application for Dollar General Longwood on July 24, 2014 Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the project as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H 1000 and Session Law 2008-211 We are forwarding Permit No S W8 140604 dated August 4, 2014, for the construction operation and maintenance of the BMP s and built -upon areas associated with the subject project This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until August 4 2022, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein Please pay special attention to the conditions listed in this permit regarding the Operation and Maintenance of the BMP(s), recordation of deed restrictions, procedures for changing ownership, transferring the permit, and renewing the permit Failure to establish an adequate system for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system to record deed restrictions, to transfer the permit or to renew the permit will result in future compliance problems If any parts requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing by filing a written petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) The written petition must conform to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and must be filed with the OAH within thirty (30) days of receipt of this permit You should contact the OAH with all questions regardmg the filing fee (if a filing fee is required) and/or the details of the filing process at 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699 6714, or via telephone at 919431-3000 or visit their website at www NCOAH com Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding If you have any questions or need additional information concerning this matter please contact Steve Posey in the Wilmington Regional Office at (910) 796-7215 Sincerely, OTra � For Tracy Davis P E ,Directoo r Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources GDS/ sgp G \WQ\Shared\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2014U40604 HD\2014 08 permit 140604 cc Phil Norris PE — Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P C Brunswick County Building Inspections Brunswick County Engineering Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File Division of Energy Mineral and Land Resources Land Quality Section — Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Dnve Extension Wilmington North Carolina 28405 (910) 796 7215 / Fax (910) 350 2004 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 140604 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENERGY, MINERAL AND LAND RESOURCES STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Par 3 Development Group, LLC Dollar General - Longwood 2081 Longwood Road, Brunswick County FOR THE construction, operation and maintenance of one (1) wet detention pond in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H 1000 and Session Law 2008-211 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwater rules') the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division and considered a part of this permit This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until August 4, 2022, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations I DESIGN STANDARDS This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data 2 This stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described in Section 16 of this permit The stormwater control has been designed to handle the runoff from a total of 40,000 square feet of impervious area 3 The tract will be limited to the amount of built -upon area indicated in this permit, and per approved plans The built -upon area for the future development is limited to 5,345 square feet, which is included in the total 4 No surface waters have been identified within or near the property If surface waters are subsequently identified on or near the area permitted under Session Law 2008- 211, it will be necessary to provide a 50' wide vegetative buffer measured horizontally from and perpendicular to the normal pool of impounded structures, the top of bank of each side of streams and rivers and the mean high water line of tidal waters 5 The runoff from all built -upon area within the permitted drainage area(s) of this project must be directed into the permitted stormwater control system Page 2 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 140604 The following design criteria have been provided in the wet detention pond and must be maintained at design condition e f h k I m n Drainage Area, acres Onsite, ft Offsite, ft2 Total Impervious S2urfaces, ft2 Buildings, It Parking ft 2 Sidewalk, ft Future, ft Offsite, ft2 Design Storm, inches Average Pond Design Depth, feet TSS removal efficiency Permanent Pool Elevation, FMS� Permanent Pool Surface Area, ft Permitted Storage Volume, ft Temporary Storage Elevation, FMSL Pre-dev 1 yr-24 hr discharge rate, cfs Controlling Orifice Orifice flowrate, cfs Permitted Forebay Volume ft3 Fountain Horsepower Receiving Stream/River Basin Stream Index Number Classification of Water Body II SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 1 113 48,500 0 40,000 9,100 22 380 3,175 5 345 0 1 5' 30 90% 440 6,107 5,235 at temporary pool elev 447 04 1 0 0 pipe 001 3 932 N/A (PPV <30000 cf) Sappio Creek / Swamp / Lumber 15-20 "C, Sw" 1 The stormwater management system shall be constructed in its entirety, vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any built -upon surface 2 During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the system will be repaired immediately 3 The permittee shall, at all times, provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure the permitted stormwater system functions at optimum efficiency The signed and approved Operation and Maintenance Agreement must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals 4 Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of DENR The records will indicate the date, activity, name of person performing the work and what actions were taken 5 Decorative spray fountains will not be allowed in the stormwater treatment system because the permanent pool volume (PPV) is less than 30,000 cubic feet 6 The facilities shall be constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data 7 Upon completion of construction, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the system installed certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification A modification may be required for those deviations Page 3 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 140604 8 If the stormwater system is used as an Erosion Control device it must be restored to design condition prior to operation as a stormwater treatment device, and prior to occupancy of the facility 9 All stormwater collection and treatment systems must be located in public rights -of - way, dedicated common areas or recorded easements The final plats for the project will be recorded showing all such rights -of -way common areas and easements, in accordance with the approved plans Access to the stormwater facilities for inspection and maintenance shall be maintained via appropriate recorded easements at all times 10 The permittee shall submit to the Director and shall have received approval for revised plans, specifications, and calculations prior to construction, for any modification to the approved plans, including, but not limited to, those listed below a Any revision to any item shown on the approved plans, including the stormwater management measures, built -upon area details, etc b Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built -upon area or to the drainage area c Further development, subdivision, acquisition, lease or sale of any, all or part of the project area The project area is defined as all property owned by the permittee, for which Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval or a CAMA Major permit was sought d Filling in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan e The construction of any future BUA listed on the application 11 The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made 12 Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee at all times III GENERAL CONDITIONS Any individual or entity found to be in noncompliance with the provisions of a storrmwater management permit or the Stormwater rules is subject to enforcement procedures as set forth in NCGS 143 Article 21 2 The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances, which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) having jurisdiction 3 In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement stormwater management systems Page 4 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 140604 4 This permit is not transferable to any person or entity except after notice to and approval by the Director The permittee shall submit a completed and signed Name/Ownership Change Form, accompanied by the supporting documentation as listed on the form to the Division at least 60 days prior to any one or more of the following events a An ownership change including the subdivision, sale or conveyance of the project area in whole or in part, b The sale or conveyance of the common areas to a Homeowner's or Property Owner's Association subject to the requirements of Session Law 2011-256 c Bankruptcy, d Foreclosure, e Dissolution of the partnership or corporate entity, f A name change of the current permittee, g A name change of the project, h A mailing address change of the permittee The permittee is responsible for compliance with all permit conditions until such time as the Division approves the transfer request 6 The permittee grants DENR Staff permission to enter the property during normal business hours for the purpose of inspecting all components of the permitted stormwater management facility The permit remains in force and effect until modified, revoked, terminated or renewed The permit may be modified revoked and reissued or terminated for cause The filing of a request for a permit modification, revocation and re -issuance or termination does not stay any permit condition Unless specified elsewhere, permanent seeding requirements for the stormwater control must follow the guidelines established in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual The permittee shall submit a permit renewal application request at least 180 days prior to the expiration date of this permit The renewal request must include the appropriate application, documentation and the processing fee Permit issued this the 4t" day of August, 2014 CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION �n i racy Craws, r t , uirector Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Page 5 of 7 ' DEMLR USE ONLY Date ecery Fee Pa Permit Nu ber D Ov AppricAble R es ❑ Coastal SW -1995 ❑ Coastal W - 2008 ❑ Ph 11 Post Constructiofi (select all that apply) ❑ Non -Coastal SW- HQW/ORW Waters ❑ Universal Stormwater Management Plan ❑ Other WQ Mgmt Plan State of North Carolina NT /htoi Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Thus fora may be photocopied for use as an original I GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Project Name (subdivision facility or establishment name should be consistent with project name on plans specifications letters operation and maintenance agreements etc ) Dollar General Longwood 2 Location of Project (street address) City Longwood County Bruns" ick Zip 28452 3 Directions to project (from nearest major intersection) Approximately 350 feet Southeast of the intersection of Etherridge Road (SR 1308) and Longwood Road NW 4 Latitude 34* 00 08 N Longitude 78' 32 31 W of the main entrance to the project II PERMIT INFORMATION 1 a Specify v%hether project is (check one) ®New ❑Modification ❑ Rene" at yN / Modificahont t Renewals with niodnfncations also requires SWU 702 - Renewal Application Form b If this application is being submitted as the result of a modification to an existing permit list the existing permit number its issue date (if kno" n) and the status of construction ❑Not Started ❑Partially Completed* ❑ Completed* *provide a designer s certification 2 Specify the type of project (check one) ❑Low Density ®High Density ❑Drams to an Offsnte Stormwater System ❑Other 3 if this application is being submitted as the result of a previously returned application or a letter from DEMLR requesting a state stormwater management permit application, list the stormwater project number, if assigned and the previous name of the project if different than currently proposed, 4 a Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks, information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623 6748) ❑CAMA Major ®Sedimentation/Erosion Control 2 ac of Disturbed Area ❑NPDES Industrial Stormy, ater ❑404/401 Permit Proposed Impacts b If any of these permits have already been acquired please provide the Project Name, Project/Permit Number, issue date and the type of each permit Is the project located within 5 miles of a public airport? ®No ❑Yes If yes see S L 2012-200 Part VI http-]/portal ncdenr org/web/lr/rules-and regulations EceivE JUN 13 2014 BY Form SWU 101 Version Oct 31 2013 Page 1 of 6 III, CONTACT INFORMATION 1 a Print Applicant / Signing Official s name and title (specifically the developer property owner, lessee designated government official, individual etc who owns the rp olect) Applicant/Organization Par 3 Development Group LLC Signing Official & Title Brian R Clodfelter, Manager b Contact information for person listed in item la above Street Address 2860-B NC Hwy#5 City Aberdeen State NC Zip 28315 Mailing Address (if applicable) City State Zip Phone (910 ) 944-0881 Fax (910 ) 9440882 Email bclodfelter@rhetsoncos com c Please check the appropriate box 7 he applicant listed above is ❑ The property owner (Skip to Contact Information item 3a) ❑ Lessee* (Attach a copy of the lease agreement and complete Contact Information, item 2a and 2b below) ® Purchaser* (Attach a copy of the pending sales agreement and complete Contact Information item 2a and 2b below) ❑ Developer* (Complete Contact Information, item 2a and 2b below ) 2 a Print Property Owner s name and title belon, if you are the lessee purchaser or developer (This is the person i1 ho owns the property that the project is located on) Property Owner/ Organization See Attached Listing Signing Official & Title b Contact information for person listed in item 2a above Street Address City Mailing Address (if applicable) City Phone ( ) Email State State Fax Zip Zip 3 a (Optional) Print the name and title of another contact such as the project s construction supervisor or other person who can answer questions about the project Other Contact Person/Organization Signing Official & Fitle b Contact information for person listed in item 3a above Mailing Address City Phone Email State Zip Fax 4 Local jurisdiction for building permits Brunswick County Point of Contact Phone # ECEB�✓E JUN 1 3 2014 BY Form SWU 101 Vc,rsion Oct 31 2013 PiV 2 of 6 Id PROJECT INFORMATION 1 In the space provided below, briefly summarize how the stormwater runoff will be treated 2 a If claiming vested rights identify the supporting documents provided and the date they were approved ❑ Approval of a Site Specific Development Plan or PUD Approval Date ❑ Valid Building Permit Issued Date ❑ Other Date b If claiming vested rights identify the regulation(s) the project has been designed in accordance with ❑ Coastal SW -1995 ❑ Ph II - Post Construction 3 Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the Lumber River basin 4 Total Property Area 2 04 acres Total Coastal Wetlands Area 0 acres Total Surface Water Area 0 acres 7 Total Property Area (4) - Total Coastal Wetlands Area (5) - Total Surface Water Area (6) = Total Project Area' 2 04 acres Total project area shall be calculated to exclude thefollowing the normal yool of im ounded structures, the area between the banks of streams and rivers, the area below the Normal High Water (NM line or Mean High Water (MHW) line, and coastal wetlands landward from the NHW (or MHW) line The resultant project area is used to calculate overall percent built upon area (BUA) Non -coastal wetlands landward of the NHW (or MHIM line may be included in the total project area 8 Project percent of impervious area (Total Impervious Area / Total Project Area) X 100 = 45 01 % 9 How many drainage areas does the project have?l (For high density, count 1 for each proposed engineered stormwater BMP For low density and other projects, use 1 for the whole property area) 10 Complete the following information for each drainage area identified in Project Information item 9 If there are more than four drainage areas in the project attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below Basin Information Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area _ Drainage Area _ Drainage Area _ Receiving Stream Name Scippio Creek/ Swam Stream Class C Sw Stream Index Number * 15-20 Total Drainage Area (so 48,500 On -site Drainage Area (so 48,500 Off -site Drainage Area (sf) 0 Proposed Impervious Area** (so 40,000 % Impervious Area** total 8247 Impervious— Surface Area Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area _ Drainage Area _ Drainage Area _ On -site Buildings/Lots (so 9,100 On -site Streets (so 0 On -site Parking (so 22,380 On -site Sidewalks (sf) 3,175 Other on -site (so 0 Future (so - s Q- Off-site (sf) 0 -4-1 ` Existing BUA*** (so 0 Total (sf) 40 000 * Stream Class and Index Number can be determined at littp //aortal ncdei!gigQfweb/wq/ps/csu/clagfications ** Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including but not limited to bud ings, roa s p ng areas sidewalks gravel areas, etc Form SWU-101 Version Oct 31 2013 Page 3 of 6 11, How was the off site impervious area listed above determined? Provide documentation N/A Projects in Union County Contact DEMLR Central Office staff to check if the project is located within a Threatened & Endangered Species watershed that may be subject to more stringent stormwater requirements as per 1 SA NCAC 02B 0600 V SUPPLEMENT AND O&M FORMS The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement and operation and maintenance (O&M) forms must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project The latest versions of the forms can be downloaded from htto / / aortal ncdenrorq/web/wo/ws/su/bmo manual VI SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR) A complete package includes all of the items listed below A detailed application instruction sheet and BMP checklists are available from http / /portal ncdenrorg/web/wq/ws/su/statesw/forms-docs The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DEMLR Office (The appropriate office maybe found by locating project on the interactive online map athttp / /portal ncdenr org/web/wq/ws/so/maps ) Please indicate that the following required information have been provided by initialing in the space provided for each item All original documents MUST be signed and initialed in blue ink Download the latest versions for each submitted application package from http / /portal ncdenr org/web/wq/ws/su/statesw/forms does 1 Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form 2 Original and one copy of the signed and notarized Deed Restrictions & Protective Covenants Form (if required as per Part VII below) 3 Original of the applicable Supplement Form(s) (sealed, signed and dated) and O&M agreement(s) for each BMP 4 Permit application processing fee of $505 payable to NCDENR (For an Express review refer to httI"ww envhelp org pages/ onestopexpress html for information on the Express program and the associated fees Contact the appropriate regional office Express Permit Coordinator for additional information and to schedule the required application meeting ) 5 A detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing the stormwater treatment/ management for 6 A USGS map identifying the site location If the receiving stream is reported as class SA or the receiving stream drains to class SA waters within Ih mile of the site boundary include the'h mile radiusthe map 7 Sealeddsigned and dated calculations (one copy) 8 Two sets of plans folded to 8 5 x 14 (sealed signed & dated) including a Development/Project name b Engineer and firm c Location map with named streets and NCSR numbers d Legend e North arrow f Scale g Revision number and dates h Identify all surface waters on the plans by delineating the normal pool elevation of impounded structures, the banks of streams and rivers the MHW or NHW line of tidal waters and any coastal wetlands landward of the MHW or NHW lines • Delineate the vegetated buffer landward from the normal pool elevationofimpor�gd'� structures the banks of streams or rivers, and the MHW or NHW o ��� e i Dimensioned property/project boundary with bearings & distances I Site Layout with all BUA identified and dimensioned �U� 1 3 20� k Existing contours proposed contours spot elevations finished floor elev 1 ns 1 Details of roads, drainage features, collection systems, and stormwater co of measures in Wetlands delineated, or a note on the plans that none exist (Must be delis ted-ky-a----" qualified person Provide documentation of qualifications and identify the person who made the determination on the plans n Existing drainage (including off -site) drainage easements, pipe sizes runoff calculations o Drainage areas delineated (included in the main set of plans not as a separate document) p Vegetated buffers (where required) Norm S WU 101 Version Oct 31 2013 Page 4 of 6 Copy of any applicable sods report i% ith the associated SHW r elevations (Please identify Z _ elevations in addition to depths) as w ell as a map of the boring locations with the existing elevations and boring logs Include an 8 5 xll copy of the NRCS County Soils map with the project area clearly delineated For projects with infiltration BMPs, the report should also include the sod type expected infiltration rate and the method of determining the infiltration rate (Infiltration Devices submitted to WiRO Schedule a site visit for DEMLR to verify the SHWT prior to submittal (910) 796 7378) 10 11 A copy of the most current property deed Deed book see attached Page No For corporations and limited liability corporations (LLC) Provide documentation from the NC Secretary of State or other official documentation A hick supports the titles and positions held by the persons listed in Contact Information item la, 2a and / or 3a per 15A NCAC 2H 1003(e) I he corporition or LLC must be listed as an active corporation in good standing with the NC Secretary of State, otherwise the application will be returned http / /www secretary state nc us/Corporations/CSearch aspxx VII DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS For all subdivisions outparcels and future development, the appropriate property restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded prior to the sale of any lot If lot sizes vary significantly or the proposed BOA allocations vary a table listing each lot number lot size and the allowable built upon area must be provided as an attachment to the completed and notarized deed restriction form The appropriate deed restrictions and protective covenants forms can be downloaded from http //portal ncdenr org/web/Ir/state stormwater forms does Download the latest versions for each submittal In the instances where the applicant is different thin the property owner it is the responsibility of the property oia ner to sign the deed restrictions and protective covenants form while the applicant is responsible for ensuring that the deed restrictions are recorded By the notarized signature(s) below, the permit holder(s) certify that the recorded property restrictions and protective covenants for this project, if required, shall include all the items required in the permit and listed on the forms available on the website, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the NC DEMLR, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot VIII CONSULTANT INFORMATION AND AUTHORIZATION Applicant Complete this section if you wish to designate authority to another individual and/or firm (such as a consulting engineer and/or firm) so that they may provide information on your behalf for this project (such as addressing requests for additional information) Consulting Engineer I Phillip Norris, P E Consulting Firm Norris & I unstall Consulting Engineers, P C Mailing Address 1127 Floral Parkway, Suite 400 Cit) Wilmington State NC Zip 28403 Phone (910 ) 2875900 Email pnorris@ntengineers com Fax (910 ) 287-5902 IX PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION (if Contact Information item 2 has been filled out complete this section) I (print or type name of person listed in Contact Information item 2a) SEE ATTACHED certify that I oil n the property identified in this permit application and thus give permission to (print or type name ofperson listed in Contact Information itein la) with (print or type name oforganizahon listed in Contact Information item la) to develop the project as currently proposed A copy of the lease agreement or pending property sales contrict has been provided with the submittal, which indicates the party responsible for the operation and maintenance of the stormwater system ECEIVE JUN 13 2014 BY Form SWU 101 Version Oct 11 2013 Pige 5 of 6 As the legal property owner I acknowledge understand and agree by my signature below, that if my designated agent (entity listed in Contact Information, item 1) dissolves their company and/or cancels or defaults on their lease agreement or pending sale responsibility for compliance with the DEMLR Storrmti ater permit reverts back to me, the property owner As the property owner it is my responsibility to notify DEMLR immediately and submit a completed Name/ Ownership Change Form within 30 days, otherwise 1 will be operating a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit I understand that the operation of a stormwater treatment facility Na ithout a valid permit is a violation of NC General Statue 143-215 1 and may result in appropriate enforcement action including the assessment of civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day pursuant to NCGS 143-215 6 Signature Date a Notary Public for the State of , County of , do hereby certify that before me this _ day of personally appeared , and acknowledge the due execution of the application for a stormiater permit Witness my hand and official seal SEAL My commission X APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION 1, (print or type nmrie of person listed in Contact Information certify that the information me d on this permit ap that the project "ill be consttp d inc formance ith and protective covenants e reco ed applicable stormw r under ] A NCA 1000 Signature item 1a) Brian R Clod/elter f orm is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and de approved plans that the required deed restrictions dosed project complies %N dh the requirements of the an any other applicable state stormwater requirements Date tp/ a) /y IRN TSC//J/Z a Notary Public for the State of i County of do hereby certify that & L-a'd . LI / v� t� personally appeared before me thislo4ay of �L,4'no . dypt4 , and a stormwater permit Witness my hand and official seal . the due execution of the application for O ORPH T SCyFq ` �0 1p SEAL z O Notary Public Moore County My ECEIVE JUN 13 2014 BY Form SWU 101 Version Oct 31 2013 Page 6 of 6 Afrlildt,� Dollar General — Longwood Landowners of Record Parcel 178CA013 Name LSB Properties, Inc Mailing PO Box 867 Lexington, NC 27293 Deed Book No 3493 Page No 1031 Street address and Phone No — Unknown Parcel 178CA014 Name Bland, William H Etux Gloria Mailing PO Box 1445 Shallotte, NC 28459 Deed Book No 2829 Page No 0572 Street address and Phone No — Unknown Parcel 178CA01401 Name Bland, Cecil G St & Mailing 1753 Shallotte inlet Dr Shallotte, NC 28470 Deed Book No 0400 Page No 0609 Phone No - Unknown rJ CEIIWEUN 1 3 2014 BY Pusey, Steven From Phil Norris <pnorris@ntengineers com> Sent Monday August 04 2014 10 29 AM To Pusey Steven Subject Re Dollar General -Longwood Steve, you are correct By this email we authorize you to make the change to 5345 sf for the future allocation on both the application and site data table Thank you We will make the changes in the system Phil Sent from my iPhone On Aug 4, 2014, at 10 05 AM, "Pusey, Steven" <steven pusey a,ncdenr gov> wrote Phil, In order to make the numbers add up to 40,000 sf total impervious area you may want to change the future amount to 5,345 sf instead of 5,045 sf Please confirm and I will change the application with initials and issue the permit Thanks, Steve From Phil Norris [mailto pnorns(olntengineers com] Sent Saturday, August 02, 2014 8 31 AM To Pusey, Steven Subject Re Dollar General Longwood Thanks Steve Phil Norris Sent from my iPhone On Aug 1, 2014, at 4 19 PM, 'Pusey, Steven" <steven pusey a ncdenr uov> wrote Okay Thanks for the information We should be able to go forward with the permit next week Steve Pusey DEMLR From Rich [mailto nch(ftar5development com] Sent Friday, August 01, 2014 2 37 PM To Pusey, Steven Cc jblandCalntenorneers com, Phillip Norris J Subject Re Dollar General - Longwood Steven, Attached are the 3 sales agreements for the 3 lots making up this plan You will also notice I blacked out the purchase price and they include the most important pages for your propose, pg's 1,2,6 The black out was to make me feel better I guess because they bleed through any way, but hey I tried We do not care if you know how much we paid Please let me know if you need any more than this and thanks for your assistance through this process Rich Regards Rich Smith - LandDevelopment Mgr O - 910-944-0881 C - 910-638-9040 rich[c)par5development com On Aug 1, 2014, at 1 58 PM, Posey, Steven <steven pusey a,ncdenr gov> wrote I think a scanned copy would be okay if it's not too many pages Otherwise you can mail it to my attention at the following address Steve Posey DEMLR —DENR 127 Cardinal Drive Ext Wilmington, NC 28405 Thanks, Steve From Rich [mailto rich 5par5development com] Sent Friday, August 01, 2014 1 50 PM To Ibland(c ntengineers com Cc Posey, Steven, Phillip Norris J Subjiect Re Dollar General - Longwood Jody, I can and would be glad to I can scan it to Steve today if that is acceptable, or if the hard copy is needed tell me where to send Rich Regards Rich Smith - LandDevelopment Mgr O - 910-944-0881 C - 910-638-9040 rlch(ftar5development corn <image001 png> On Aug 1, 2014, at 10 47 AM, Jody Bland <Ibland a ntengineers com> wrote Rich, Can you provide the requested sales agreement that Mr Pusey requests below? This is the last item of need prior to NCDENR storm water permit issuance Thanks Steve for the quick response) Thanks, Jody Bland, P E Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P C Brunswick Office - 910-287-9900 Wilmington Office - 910-343-9653 Mobile - 910-512-8148 It is the professional opinion of Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers P C and Norris Kuske & Tunstall Consulting Engineers Inc that this electronic information provides design information current as of the date of its release It shall be the responsibility of the party receiving the data to examine it to see that it contains the necessary files and information requested In transferring the files in electronic media format Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers P C and Norris Kuske & Tunstall Consulting Engineers Inc makes no representations as to the usability or readability of documents resulting from the use of software application packages operating systems or computer hardware differing from those used by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers P C and Norris Kuske & Tunstall Consulting Engineers Inc in the preparation of such data Confidentiality Notice This message is intended exclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed This communication may contain information that is proprietary privileged confidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure If you are not the named addressee you are not authorized to read print retain copy or disseminate this message or any part of it If you have received this message in error please notify the sender immediately either by phone (910-287-5900) or reply to this e-mail and delete all copies of this message From Pusey, Steven [mailto steven ousevCabncdenr gov] Sent Friday, August 01, 2014 10 41 AM To Jody Bland Cc Phillip Norris J Subject RE Dollar General Longwood Jody, All I need now is a copy of the sales agreement between the current lot owner and Par3 Development Group We need this in order to verify that Par3 Development Group will be the property owner in the future Thanks, Steve From Jody Bland [mailto ibland(a)ntengineers com] Sent Friday, August 01, 2014 9 48 AM To Pusey, Steven Cc 'Phillip Norris J ' Subject Dollar General - Longwood Hi Steve I hope this email finds you well I was Just checking on the status of the DG permit review We responded to your few comments last week & were interested when/ if the stormwater permit would be issued Thanks, Jody Bland, P E Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P C Brunswick Office - 910-287-5900 Wilmington Office - 910-343-9653 Mobile - 910-512-8148 It is the professional opinion of Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers P C and Norris Kuske & Tunstall Consulting Engineers Inc that this electronic information provides design information current as of the date of its release It shall be the responsibility of the party receiving the data to examine it to see that it contains the necessary files and information requested In transferring the files in electronic media format Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers P C and Norris Kuske & Tunstall Consulting Engineers Inc makes no representations as to the usability or readability of documents resulting from the use of software application packages operating systems or computer hardware differing from those used by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers P C and Norris Kuske & Tunstall Consulting Engineers Inc in the preparation of such data Confidentiality Notice This message is intended exclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed This communication may contain information that is proprietary privileged confidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure If you are not the named addressee you are not authorized to read print retain copy or disseminate this message or any part of it iv" t ' ' h f n � µ t � 1 �• AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASEANDBALE OF REAL PROPERTY 1 a - ,., p ' �� Y yh! l� 4 f•_f ! t � ,u^ Yr � � (i t S ♦ l lip t} xi >„r' r � r7ii, n? �( ShS,=F�t REEMEHTrIncluding smry'xond;u0k0AAeMatioKeehad„hereto,;(ApreemanC);Ia+bySondrbeMroen PAR'J,r y 3 r EN (IA T Ril i UOUPt �� rOUP: O ('Buyer )1206" NC My VAbordeen.iNC and ).BB PROPERTIES, INCOPE�€ 1NCRTIES, INC. (saer) T,a I)INSMNRIOERATION OF,THE'MUTUALiPROM16EB BETRFORTHIHEREIN,ANDT VOHER GOOD AND• x �; E•CONSIDCRATION THE' RECFJPTkAND,SUFFICIENCY.OF Vi'll 'ARErHERe 'ACKNOWLEDOEDt'µ ` rTHE PARTIES`HERETOAGREEAR FOL _ Section 1' Towns and Definitions The �argec`eM toeadh lam „ri'' ,, T r t 3 ' U(a) "Property (Address) P P9, j145 d"j 11 g1 ��«bwn>Pmaeliol (� R � .r711'+IMe box�lataheolmd�`Prop—ei `'�Inoorporaled I*iWth by leleren-co is If 1 ,dt ledirros and opwittrances thereto and a} 1 {F }�" (b k"Purohsaa PAao' 0 x -µ -lq) Eameatmoney, �.J. 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Buyer sk-'I wiocule suds edatlions! dacrxmaMs at no toll la the rhrh-exdianglt q party, as ' shall be repuUed to give offect to this prowslon —r''' -'--• —'-� ^• r� _ .. _ .._ Bccllon k Aesignmonl buyer may assfynlhia Agro ment'upun wnitmi notice to %!Iii { l� SwAllun 19' Authority Each sfgnalory,lo Ilda Agreement represents and walrenls that he or she has full euBarly,to elfin this Agreement am s`uch Instnrmenfe as,moyroril be necess*4o effocluote any_transaalbn ipntemplsted by t1Ya Agreement On behalf of Ns pert' lot whom he of she efgaIhnt hli or her elg"neturo finds athUh pony s Arry dgnatvre'' , on a copy+ot this Agreamem'sent ekcbonkagy or, VIjecekntle shelf btbxhdkhg upon,karismisslon and the'aloctmn% ar.. faceknllo copy maybe uBgtad for the purpose of Mb Agmerrenl'+'f• i{ J r 1 rl nit 8oelbn 20 '8ubtllvlolon and Hosomanta It a 1 bt [no adJhntmenl or shkOMsbn Is reghdred 10 creole the Properly and II a the nalwal flav of ewlaoe,weter¢rom the,Proporly drohe,onlo SaWs mmtdrrt property thedsiBer,vnlle - Buyer o rail excivafva Uroktago Eeaomonl ovim,Saseee remaining propwty h 'the Drainage Easement will be granted at no cost to +B (xl the —r � Uyar, _ 1 Buyer vAll Pay weld pMIXTE on and roeordetlon of the document el c ng r y ,Suction 21'Accefo�lllPlbiktRonds,;Raclprocel Eaeoment Agroomenl'Illa+loli e`a0lusbnent of,iiUbdivislon is 4k ih 00 10-gresfle the,Plopady,aM VDOTza,p7g11tlUgcivC''nMg'�patlyJcqucals on�ecwsa�mvoegemenl waiver Weiler V^-, r' Willer document an a condilloW before epprovinglBuyer+a`drIvewaylperndl Ihnn+ReIior,ngroos'in`slgn,euoh bUer,or, dooumont stadng,lhol BoWdoea not want to share Buyer's driveway II VDOTjor any other governing body, requkee a _ shared ooeoso oeaamontkSo110r ogroas to use Boyar` olai danf REA lani abashed as Exhibit B Ci aS`�_: ¢. T .�.�^7 i'• a' a�' +to ^." C fi� °�'`- 5 r'i I n' r � f� �i...3 ,�..-J.�� _ :,? c-�.�..w� ,t THIS DOCUMENT IB'A LEOALfDOCUMENT;EXECU710_N OF THIS DOCUMENT`HAS`LEOAI CONSEQUENCES THAT'COULD BE ENrORCEADLE,IN A COURT oF,�IAW IF YOU DO NOT FEEL THIS DOCUMENT MEETS,YOUN NEEDS YOU MAY %MSH TO CONSULT YOUR ATYORNEY,- s H h 'BUYER- y —SELLER PAR 3 OkV L'6POA • �(IRRtfP U,C LSB F OOPREf�(jf{I `'INC i RY BY lW lild'h 1. (SEAL) _ Memo 5r r }d Managuf � ''' � �' '� e7 , cote i�� 13 (t54 Data L A Tho undorsignoC heroby,oekriovAedgos roaolpt of,the Earnest Monoyreot forth heroin and ug'roea to hold,eeld Earnest Monop In aceonfohico with the torohe hereof' :'" "";'" "•'` > °' ^A�w t4 BENSON +~OW B FAUCHER PLLC Dale I ` r (6„a6 il17) ILrCta9is,�.��� Sdha lut.,h,�� „�•„• ij�" ttirII�II1�11���III� � ����� ��� ���r Brenda M1031 min, ns,28'PROP '12 it coo This ceNhes that there era no delinquent or ant my of Deed. page valorem taxes fees assessments or Other "V�(r�j��nn liens which the Brunswick County Thx `^KS Collector is charged with collecting that are a lien on Parcel Number �R 1 �y'yy���;�I as notated by the Brunswk:Co County I PaseOt Rei Assessor s Office This is not a certification `V �Teta) Hpe In! that the parcel number matches the dead` k CI a� CaO $ descriptionl2O �r�Sod C, op_Itoin M❑Patirorsotow�,men iary lo-y at uoe tccoMiOon Date (A st) Tax Col / Del Tax Sp v IJ ��o U"Tt`�gml c2 p�,irm�mtai seaiv,r rmhvoNiaal J(dWm n nil a aoi ai. e"li—ed ormped NORTH CAROLINA SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax $0 00 Verified by County on By This instrument was prepared by for the index TRACTS GRANTOR NewBndge Bank successor by merger with Bank, SSB a North Carolina banking corpc 38 West 1" Avenue Lexington NC 27292 GRANTEE a North Carolina corporation 27293 0867 The designation Grantor and Granteeas used herein hall include said parties theurt successors andassigns nudshallmcludesmgular plural masculine feminine or neuter as regwred by4orllyd /,a� �p�� WITNESSETH that the Grantor fora valuable c9rls��I r�li nG��qt c rgetpt of which is hereby acknowledged hasandby these presents does grant bargain sell and convey dAitortt m.IN' jf im e all Nat certnm lot orparcel of land situated mBrunswick County North Carolina and more particularly described as follows L, 11C SEE EXHIBIT A, B C & D" ATTACHED HA RETO AND INCORPORA FED HEREIN BY REFERENCE DOCUMENTS PREPARED WITHOUT BENEFIT OF TITLE LXAMINA PION NO TITLE OPINION RENDERED dk�, The property heremabove described was acquired oy Grantor by msoumcrug )1rt]5�d i Ipeed Book _ Page A map showing the above described property is recorder�'fiil'lapP prj gat "' rl hUnsv`r'II U IIJ. LI U wppuFRncatae. %OCz-�'CZ�4 ECEIVE JUN 9 3 2014 BY Ililllllll��llll,III�IIIIJill III III B3493 P1032 0,_2,_20,a �✓ to n] 11 PRO Brenda M Clemmons PROP 8� re�7 �� vl NC Register of Beads page 2 of It TO HAVC AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or qrp ni fit n �II prFillvil� ,p urlenences thereto belonging to the Grantee m fee simple U ��J And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee that Grantor has done nothing to impair such title as Grantor received snd Gramorwillwartant and defend the title against the lawful claims ofall persons clmmuigby underorthrough Grantor other than the followmgexceptions All easements nghtsofway restrictions and reservations ofrecord All City and County ad valorem taxes including those for year 2013 which Grantee herein issumes and agrees to pay imelq�,� Thus property is not the primary residence of the Gradtp 15? n IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Grantor has duly %li�hgdggm g as lolf the day and year first above written UL% Mq�'6fffM.Itdld NEWBTMGF BANK B Title k Vice President North Carolma— County of Davidson n"��te� r that the followingperson pers;%-61��l 'eat t t f, renz dhtytiayrrmcknowledgmg to me that she voluntarily the foregoing document, f9r the''ppujpose state�%ti(e�¢,y'yt4,m the capacity indicated Date 1a13Q'al3%3 A M +- Ix l,wl/, (Official signs re of notary) (Official Seal) 4 '.9 V��1-4FCi4LC� AWLEYMe_, (NdP�ldrtn or typed name) Notary Public eoucr�auc � [j' Lf r M �as on expires (01A t (0 u QD jjc p n n on[i�Jiii Tract 1 lU' IIII If II I�I111I IIII IIIIII IIIII II III 13493 P1033 maeo2=11 ON Tax Parcel ID #244CA032 PROP Brunswick County NO Register of Deeds page 3 of a BEING all of Lot 32 ofBncklanding Plantation Phase as more particularly described in a survey plat dated August 31 2004 prepared by James R Thompkins R L S and recorded in Map Cibmet 0 at Page 391 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Brunswick County North Carolina to whmhplat,r�,ference is hereby i e j which is incorporated herein for greater certainty of description of said propertyq - nn o lr —� REFERENCES Deed Book 3097 Page 56 u51 tl fflQq% e JZegis��` reds for Brunswick County North Carolina �rl.�Qy�� Tract 2 Tax Parcel ID #198JB002 198JB003 1983B005 198JB006 198JB013 198JB014 198JB029 198JB034 1981B040 198JB045 198JB050 198JB052 198JB056 198JB060 198JB070 198JB073 and 198JBI 10 BEINGALLof Lot2 3 5 6 13 14 29 34 400.55.,5,,0 52 56 60 70 73 an 10 San Rio Ocean&River Club Phase One as recorded on a plat thereof recorded in Map Booic up40 PaG s-2$�3� `Pl 2007 Brunswick County Registry North Carolina ^nOV '�l ii�� (19FADRGAiPea4 This property is SUBJECT to the Declaration of Cc venan s1 9,��tid Restrictions for San Rio Ocean & River Club recorded in Book 2623 page 1309 1309 Brunswick County Regisuy an �amended in Book 2623 page 1370 the Brunswick Registry of Deeds and being incorporated herein by reference REFERENCES Deed Book 3199 Page 322 Decd Book 3197 Page 47 Deed Book 3248 Page 1172 Deed Book 3041 Page 177 Deed Book 3171 Page 892 Deed Book $Q 7 Page 562 Deed Book 343 Page 1011 Deed Book 3097 Page 556 Deed Book 3165 Page 65 Deed IIook 3041 Page 180 eed D�ooyk 3Q,4 Pa t$�Nz Book 3055 Page 466 Deed Book 3077 Page 1234 Deed Book 3165 Page 7 lleed 13ook 31 =R�g� Xcefl o k 3167 Page 125 and Deed Book 3218 Page 588 in the Office of the Register of lleeds for D ,1I�C cu � North V44rghLaedia Tract 3 Tax Parcel ID #I85MA005 and 185MAOI7 BEING ALL OF LOT 5 AND 17 CEDE GEORGETO WNE SUBDMSION Phase One A as the same is shown on the plat therefore recorded in Map Book 44 at Pages � 12 of the Brunswick County Re stry, Reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description Subject to the DecbAho�¢ofCovenants Cq ift,�p�td Restrictions recorded m Book 2644 atPage 69 of The Brunswick County Registry and all amefi%er t� t I" (� Ir nn #6 REFERENCES Deed Book3055 Page4809h Deed Bo6*�,JphpUe2 rut eOffice of the Register of Deeds for Brunswick County North Carolina Tract 4 Tax Parcel ID #2310004402 and 2310004411 BEING all of Lot No l bearing 3 89 acics ahL,ot No 11 bearing A cs of a subdivision known as Pelican Point according to a map made by Southeast surveying d'3T �1y 1 97 sL�}jiiai being duly recorded m Map Book 18 at Page 510 of the Brunswick County Registry ,,,� IL lJ Rea y Dl Ea7 AP For back references see Deed Book 2382 Page 979 Deed bok�21.38�',l ge 981 and Deed Book 3114 Page 1082 of the Brunswick County Registry Tract 5 Tax Parcel ID #236EA012 and 236EAO13 N", -E" 1 & & N� �` m�"M UMW III{{II{{�{{ �fl1111111111111111111 634s3 p1034 e=?°'eoo Brentla M Clemmmna PROP ��j hk+vl N Lnty NC Reglater a( eeeds page 4 a( a BEING all of Lots 12 and 13 Phase 1 Bndg P ti�s �( rvisl66n a%csctl g� pap thereof duly recorded in Map (abinetR, at Page 366 of the Brunswick CountyRegisu� s�iii lots haVm']s'itb ZT(`e- s� bounds and locations shown thereon REFERENCES Deed Book 3253 Page 1217 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Brunswick County North Carolina Tract 6 Tax Parcel ID #185KA058 &, a BUNG all of Lot 58 Olde Georgetowne Phase lI�T� tsaFtt `l �hh'�h�bn�� liplat thereof, recorded m Map Book 41 at Pages 59 63 of the Brunswick County Registry ref rNty11� gh hs�l%relmmade r a more particular description n' RLI ERENCES Deed Book 3165 Page l in the Office o(ththeTO�Deeds for Brunswick County North Carolina. Tract 7 Tax Parcel ID #0210003726 BEING ALL OF A 2 241 ACRE TRACT AS 6i O �� ON A APR (,"P D IN MAP CABINET 31 AT PAGE 28 Or 111E BRUNSWICK COUNTY RFGISTRY C G 1L� REFERENCES Deed Book 3201 Page 73 t1t the Rddg"13t'e'FF-Meds for Brunswick County North Carolina Tract8 Tax Parcel ID N178CAOI3 Being all of Lots 26 27 and 28 and half of an unnumbered lot lying west of Lots 26 27 and 28 of the J B Ward Cooper Subdivision as recorded in Map Book 2 1/2 of 11 a 228 of the Brunswick C Registry Being the same property described in a deed recorded in Deed Book I274 at Page 11 f�the B l`_� Yl tegistry REFERENCES Deed Book 2973 Page 66 u`i �ki��FlSc,' f, e RegtJatm flD,eads for Brunswick County North Carolina Tract 9 lJ (((JJJ/�v/D��rn�, ^ Tax Parcel ID N25500234 BEING all of Lot 61 of Harbour Landing in Sunset Beach North Carolina according to a map thereof duly recorded in Map Book 32 Pages 362 363 Brunswick CountyiRegistry said lot having the m�et�ep bounds and location as shown on said map together with rights of ingress and egress over `t�'rior and across th §o [q BNr shown on that plat of survey recorded m Map Book 32 Pages 362 363 Brunswick County n(Re��gisnnfr/t„ I�lf`s'wvt REFERENCFS Deed Book 3126 Page 139n, thb Off', BE/ �jtt"t1fgjTfgist Deeds for Brunswick County North Carolina Tract 10 Tax Parcel ID #18200097 BEING all of that 51 99 acres as shown on nilp entitled Survey for South Sodbusters LLC prepared by Bobby M Long & Associates dated June 28 2006 and duly record6dip Map Cabinet 35 at 'of the Brunswick County Registry Reference to said map is hereby made for greater certainly pJiyg �l t�Jc� C same property as shown on map appeanng of record in Map Cabinet 25 page 520 of the B tut lfh" f istry tU� i� REFERENCES Deed Book 3136 Page 1159 in die Office o llisc%tgtgof Deeds for Brunswick County North Carolina b `P J , G(- 1� I , U 11 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIrIIIIIIIIIIIIIII s3asa aIO °' Z10 f Deeds page 51e 5 02 tit ¢¢¢ erunsu,ck County NC Req,ster onaf aPROP 4 EXHIBIT e' Tax Parcel ID #230000n3(n Mx Orr���v"�� TRACT ONE V K " �kC�9G�jr� BEING all of L,ot24, Canal 4, Section A & B, Oeed�tsfeJ3each, acotdmg to a tnap entitled, "Aq addition to Ooeaa Isla beach, Section A&Be, prepared by Jan K Date, Registered land $utveygr, dated September 10,197f This map being duty recorded In Cabinet H at Page 374 in the Office of the Register of -Deeds for Brunswick County, North Carolina This conveyance is made SUBtO to these certain reitr Las recorded m Deed Book 676 at Page 113,oftheBrunswick Counly li I L'LI (� � Ins ��' � Forbackrefarencasea Deed`Sook'1956Aj^%d"gof Brunswick County Registry TRACT TWO All of the Merest which may be owned by grantors 46hided theWestbeundaty line the North bbundary line and the South boutldaty line of Lot 24, Canal 4 Seaton a West to the center of Canal 4 This property is showt{ i a reap recorded 1n Plat o H, Page 374 m 1he Off -tee e of the Register of Deeds for BnmswirFC unty NodfyyC�q{oluj�� ii Aroperty is subject to all CANilt Corp of Engineers or an gavellfr, t 8P, a —basementar astncbon The extensmn described above Is to be com�fW'erj, tH tli$,tp_ sting phoperlyrdavcdbed as Lot 24, Canal 4, Section B and Isfurthetknown as Parcel Number z41 'gl w ,v ,,, TRACT THREE 9omg all of that certain tract or parcel containing 56 83 acres, more or less (Including the right of waywithm Carmel Lan% SW} as more fully desc(bed in a surveypldtdated 1 June 2004 prepared by James R Topipkmsr PLS 64ged 0SOrvey for Dennis s )A gqm�pson of 5583acre? recorded in Map Cabinet 42 Page 13 in thitf'ce of pit�i�gJf ) fleods for Brunswick County, North Carolina to which plat reference is � e is incorporated herein for greater certainW of desbriptloh of said property U W /NC�IT/t1TC;11�,^iGr TRACT rOUR, A certain Oct or parcel of land lying and being In Shallotle Township, BrunswicK County North Carolina and being more particularly described as follow Beginning at a point located ShOh�spWfiwestem nght f w$y f 5 R 1145 Village Point Road (60' RAV1 said pointbeing fu tine( Ili ia(od Sgy1(it$ �eg 4 irinlutbs, 22 Seconds East 160 40 feat from a Mag Nail. located P� i�eyh o ceriterlmea of said S R 1145 and S R W9 — Happy Valley Lane (60` RIN dlhinsihpyW,s uff33WW'&s 34 tninutea 00 seconds West 93 89 feel to a point, thence South 30 degrees �50}�If u , seconds East 126 45feet to a point, thence South 48 degrees 16 minutes $3 seconds East 68 47 feet to a point( thence South 48 degrees 16 minutes 18 seconds East 14264 feetto a point thence North 40 degrees 57 mlmrtes 41 �3econ& Eaat 26 Ofeet to a point thence South 44 degrees 46 ihmntes,34secbnds East 74 06 feet to a point; thence South 2� degrees 21 minutes 10 seconds st 8ab4 feet to a point, thence AIL LOW?� m�� Br ��C�I (�� N�e�Register � B3493DeedP1036s paCm6nsr18 PROP 1000 South 27 degrees 50 minutes 11 seconds East 19 41 feet -to a point, thence South 06 degrees 26 minutes 47 seconds East 112 60 feet to a point, thence South 20 degrees 56 minutes 56 seconds East 75 74 feet to, apelnt thence South 42 dagreos 14 minutes 51 seconds East 112 51 feet to a point, thence South Q0 degrpds mmules 27 secoh=d�d Ep��tt\5�5 85 feetto a -point, thence South 00 degrees 24 minytes53 seClNft es �83j����t4la`1iOnit, thence North 63 degrees 16 mmutes24 seconds West 1T2 4 et 9 of f dd a1�to Ngrt� M degrees 20 minutes 13 6econds West fi224 69 feet to a pmnt { {{ Souljt fn�nirIWS 1S'BMOds West 893 O6 feet to a point, thence North 84 d6grees03 fninules 43 seconds ItCgt%76 feet to a point thence North 00 degrees 56 minuf6l; 10 seconds East 12168 fdefloa point thence North 24 degrees 02 minutes 18 sePorfds West 8219 feel to a point, thence North 48 degrees 58 miquies86 seconds West 47 31 fee to a pointy thence South 52 degrees 63 minutes 08 seconds West 127.36 fleet to a point, thence North �2 degrees 31 minutes 50 seconds West 4411 feet to a point, thence North 42 degrees 45 minutes 48 secon�NNP�st 52,69 feet to a r th qce South 48 degrees 16 fninufes 50 seconds West 76 92 feet td a po`�fM� th p i(fi�821t x 'es 35 minutes 03 seconds West 139 04 feet to a point thepc Ngf�h �rWS 2$ jpig secorlds West M7 71 feel to a point, thence North 61 degrD6� 81M utpstuegppds ast 167144 feet to a point, thencb North 53 degrees 34 minutes Q0 sppgnds Fast @Q 03 feet fo a oAflocated on the aforesaid right -Of way of R 1145, thence wrath said right -of way South 39 degrees 35 minutes 31 seconds East 70 00 that fo the beginning and contains 411 acres also being all of Tract C as shown on that certain plat bded'Subcfmslon Survey for Mara E Edwards' and recorded in Map Cabinet 38 Page B1, Brunswick County Register of Doods, REFERENCES Deed Book 3124 e 9� =i.tt the Office of the Register of Deeds for Brunswick�lgaµnt � �h CA;R�,}n�iy a v v 'V o oX V 11n b UUUU f � ABMF�I��IIP✓GNL BrInswack ������i��C 0�gi{t.r of 83493dP1931 r�ePROP E%HTBIT C Tax Parcel ID 4197MD6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 22 23,27 33 35 37 44 46 47 48 49, 1 52 53 Ii197M72¢ ��� Ii19740p 5r15�1 (AD lYi 7, 1970005504 1970005523 UU1111�11�0/'!' mauraa�r.�n. TRACTlJ IJ ,a Being all of that certain tract or parcel containin§�2^A$Adres more or less as more particularly described in a survey plat dated 21 October 1694 entitled Annexation Map of Earl Milliken Sr Family Trust prepared by Christopher D Stanley RLS and recorded in Map Cabinet 20 at Page 104 In the Once of the Register of Deeds for Brunsvnek County North Carolina to which plat reference Is made and which Is incorporated herein for greater certainty of description of said property t TRACT II n I�jl Being all of That certain lmG or pp(cel i�5r� IeglUh `more or Isss as more particularly described in a s�pp�rvsq qli 11 it I nosey for Earl Milliken and Associates dated 20 l�cp hel(t0 3 repaired t 9R647i4�ii0 RLS and recorded m Map Cahlnet O et Pega �7 it the Ogl� (Ltl)e, pqlater of Deeds for Brunswick County North Caroline to which plat reference (sriYarj6[id which Is incorporated herein for greater certainty of descnphan of said property For back reference see Deed Book 1233 at Page 782 Brunswick County Registry LESS AND EXCEPTING (Parcel A) Lots 1 1A 24 4 4A 5 5A 6A OA 1 65 6B 2 9 10 11 and 12 Phase 1A Village of Waodsong r%w" of Shallotte ShellotteyTo I p1P as more particularly described m a survey plat reco`r�gil in Maj7giple a 58 Bmnsvnck County Registry !2 7 �j (Parcel B) Lots 13 14 1'@�„'17�IN1iH 25 AU$�����r[[75A add 775B Phase 1B Village of Woodsong Town of Shallade Shallotte Tovrt(4biWs'jjh particularly described ina survey plat recorded in Map Cahlnet 2B at Page 54B Biuswck County Registry (Parcel C) Lots 15 (Revised) and i5A (Revised) Phase 1B Village of Woodsong Town of Shallotte Shallotte Township as more particularly described in a survey plat recorded in Map Cabinet 30 at Page 96 Brunswick County Registry 1 (Parcel D) Lots 70 53A 51P22 04 72 60 65 4bg0 1 '9r}�W 24 23 54 22 45 43 34 Rag63 s Pages s 297 299 and hacidrevls �(,, ry)$Vill bi E ti35' ;P ��edordedl Bmnswin Map ick County (Parcel E) Lots 19 20 and 21 Phase g ppf Woodsong as more particularly described In Map Cabinet 34 at Page 43 Bra wick County Registry (Parcel F) Lots 35 and 33 Phase Two Revised Village of Woodsong as recorded In Map Cabinet 32 at Page 461 Brunswick County Registry (Pamel G) Those conveyances of various common areas parks streets walkpoths etc as contained In Book'Ajtat Page 1140 and Boo $ @�` Page 701 Brunswick County Registry from The Vlilagp f Waod9 44C,fh(T ui iage of Woodsong Neighbors Association Inc O u LJ�Ui` (Parcel H) That convey qshown In Map Cabinet 3sn�g�� d 1 e, ge8ancfMQdf�(Sh Ito 'b ;;jjl and roadways as Bru swick County Registry lrecorded Inn Book 2466gblj�alt nl;1651 eBrunswick Co my 9 Registry but reserving easement In favor of Village of Woodsong (Parcel 1) That conveyance to the Town of Shallotte of the sewer lines stormwater drains water lines etc for Woodsong Development as recorded in Book 2466 at Page 659 and Book 1842 at Pages 1071 and 1075 Brunswick County Registry 6 REFERENCES Deed 'fjnk 3234 Pa�gb�q 1, U the Office of the Register of Deeds for�B,rVa �[ oU orth Carolina uM�J UU PO4BW4'fflMlfstlfl r� rl J JIlJkvul s6F�fffflAifNJ@ IIIIIIII III IIIIII II �IIIII'III III I III Brend M Cle ee1019 ;D,PROP Brunsuapk Caunty NC Register aF Deads paga 8 of 8 EXHIBIT "D" Tax Parcel ID #2210QQi1,9.fI 0 Or A6 Cvag BF GINNING at an existing'E0j6qcated in the eastern right of way of Highway 133 (now called Dosher Cutoff Road) said iron stake being further located north 19 degrees 34 minutes 51seconds east 424 14 feet from the intersection of the northern edge of NC Highway 211 with t4%!astern edge of the D sher Cutoff Road and running from said Begilikling alon �jhe ),'rA,i� o right of way of the Dosher Cutoff Road nnol�t,I��AI� Jt1L¢� 8s�34" minutes 51 seconds east 99 93 feet to the so wa`"'yy!! leo er of Minutes tract shown on a plat recorded in Map Cabinet Flavldwp and conveyed by deed recorded in Book 1126 Page 1016 to the Family Emergency Teen Shelter Inc then along the southern line of the 1 30 acre tract south 70 degrees 56 minutes 20 seconds east 271 54 feet to an iron pipe in the western line of the tract conveyed to Edward Willey by deed recorded in Book 250'4P-ag,p 150 t1iylftti� ire Willey line south 15 degrees 30 minutes west a qJ 4y'(l dt-to-another Willeycorner then along another Wille}C�r�`8Oi'lYsr " sdd'Se v'uminuteswest 278 66 feet to the ERB at the �eginning an�3bFjtbout 0 63 acres and being a portion of the 2 51 acre tract conveyed to George and Ola Inman recorded in Book 548 Page 4 Brunswick County Registry And being the same property conveyed to RMD3LLC by Deed recorded in Book 2258 Page 82, Brunswick County Registry REFERENCE Deed Book"* r2 gge'rV Rin the Office of the Register of Deeds fo{1 >�Ifil�®Ik ut>.11�i Carolina l� U � M��p- - - - --- —HO ��� AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL PROPERTY THIS AGREEMENT Including any and all addenda attached hereto ( Agreement ) Is by and between PAR 3 DEVELOPMENT GROUP. LLC ( Buyer ) 2860 B NC Hwy 5 Aberdeen NC andiHAROLD BLAND P Seller )) FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL PROMISES SET FORTH HEREIN AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION THE RECEIPT AND SUFFICIENCY OF WHICH ARE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS Section 1 Terms and Definitions The terms listed below shall have the respective meaning given them as set forth ad)acent to each term (a) Property' (Address) 1 07 acres at Highway 904 (Longwood Road). Longwood NC (b) (Legal Descriplion)fParcel ID 178CA014--1 ❑ If this box is checked "Properly shall mean that property described on Exhibit A attached hereto and Incorporated herewith by reference as if fully set forth herein together with all buildings and imp/clue ents_,hereyoo and %( II fixtures and appurtenances thereto and all personal properly if any itemized or Exhibit A � (b) 'Purchase Price shall mean the sum payable on the following !erns t)—,� (i) Earnest Money_ shall mean �r terms as follows Upon acceptance of this contract the Earnest Money shall be promptly deposited in escrow withtp _ Benson Brown and Faucher. PLLC (name of person/entity with whom deposited) to be applied as part payment of the Purchase Price of the Properly at Closing or disbursed as agreed upon under the provisions of Section 9 herein ® ANY EARNEST MONEY DEPOSITED BY BUYER IN A TRUST ACCOUNT MAY BE PLACED IN AN INTEREST BEARING ACCOUNT ANY INTEREST EARNED THEREON SHALL BELONG TO THE ACCOUNT HOLDER IN COSIDERATION OF THE EXPENSES INCURRED BY MAINTAINING SUCH ACCOUNT AND RECORDS ASSOCIATED THEREWITH $ N/A ii) Proceeds of a new Loan in the amount of N/A Dollars for a term of _ N/A years at an Interest rate not to N/A_% per annum with mortgage loan discount points not to exceed N/A % of the loan amount Buyer shall pay all costs associated with any such loan $ --N/A (lit) Delivery of a promissory note secured by a deed of trust said promissory note In the amount of N/A Doilars being payable over N/A months in equal monthly installments of principal together with accrued interest on the outstanding principal balance at the rate of N/A percent (N/A %) per annum with the first principal payment beginning on the first day of the month next succeeding the date of Closing At any time the promissory note may be prepaid in whole or In part without penalty and without further Interest on the amount prepaid from the date of such prepayment A partial prepayment will be promissory note and deed of trust given Property remedies will be limited to foreclosure of the $ _ N/A (Iv) Assumption of that unpaid obligation of Seller secured by a deed of trust on the Property such obligation having an outstanding principal balance of $ NIA_ and evidenced by a note bearing interest at the rate of N/A percent (N/A %) per annum or N/A i (l age I of 7) nut ,r lnumla� �_ Shcu Im671e i f I 1 IM (v) Cash balance of Purchase Price at Closing in the amoun Dollars (c) Closing_ shall mean the dale and lime of recording of the deed Closing shall occur on or before thirty (30) days after the expiration of the Examination Period At Buyer s election Closing may occur on an earlier dale with ten days advance notice to Seller (d) 'Contract Date means the dale this Agreement has been fully executed by both Buyer and Seller (e) "Examination Period" shall mean the period beginning on the Contract Date and extending through 9/3012014 Buyer shall have the option to extend the Examination Period for two additional Thiriv (30) day periods at no penalty TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE AS TO THE EXAMINATION PERIOD (f) Broker(s)" shall mean None representing the Seller and None representing the Buyer At closing Seller shall pay such brokers a commission pursuant to a separate agreement Buyer and Seller represent and warrant that there are no other real estate brokers or sales agents involved in this transaction and Buyer and Seller agree to indemnify the other against any commission finder's fees expenses and other charges claimed by real estate brokers other than those stated above (g) Intended Use' shall mean the use of the Property for the following purpose retail sales and general commercial uses , (h) Sellers Notice Address" shall be as follows Harold Bland PO Box 1445 Shallolle NC 910 755 7150 except as same may be changed pursuant to Section 11 (1) Buyer is Notice Address shall be as follows Par 3 Development Group LLC 2860 B NC Hwy 5 Aberdeen NC 28315 except as same may be changed pursuant to Section 11 ❑ 0) If this block is marked additional terms of this Agreement are set forth on Exhibit 8 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference Section 2 Proration of Expenses and Payment of Costs Seller and Buyer agree that all property taxes (on a calendar year basis) leases rents and utilities or any other assumed liabilities as detailed on attached Exhibit 8, if any shall be prorated as of the dale of Closing Seller shall pay for preparation of a deed and all other documents necessary to perform Settees obligations under this Agreement excise lax (revenue stamps) and other conveyance fees or taxes required by law and the following NIA Buyer shall pay recording cost costs of any title search title insurance survey and the following N/A Each party shall pay its own attorneys fees Section 3 Sale of Property and Payment of Purchase Price Seller agrees to sell and Buyer agrees to buy the Property for the Purchase Price r �� � (Page 2 of 7) Bulerimnalsl_LL___— Sella lnmeis Section 19 Authority Each signatory to this Agreement represents and warrants that he or she has full authority to sign this Agreement and such instruments as may be necessary to effectuate any transaction contemplated by this Agreement on behalf of the party for whom he or she signs and that his or her signature binds such party Any signature on a copy of this Agreement sent electronically or by facsimile shall be binding upon transmission and the electronic or facsimile copy may be utilized for the purpose of this Agreement Section 20 Subdivision and Easements If a lot line adluslment or subdivision is required to create the Property and it the natural flow of surface water from the Property drams onto Sellers remaining property then Seller will grant Buyer a non exclusive Drainage Easement over Seller s remaining properly The Drainage Easement will be granted at no cost to Buyer but Buyer will pay the cost of preparation and recordation of the document at closing Section 21 Access to Public Roads, Reciprocal Easement Agreement If a lot line adjustment or subdivision is required to create the Property and VDOT or another governing body requests an access management waiver letter or similar document as a condition before approving Buyers driveway permit [hen Seller agrees to sign such letter or document staling that Seller does not want to share Buyers driveway If VDOT or any other governing body requires a shared access easement Seller agrees to use Buyers standard REA form attached as Exhibit B THIS DOCUMENT IS A LEGAL DOCUMENT EXECUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS LEGAL CONSEQUENCES THAT COULD BE ENFORCEABLE IN A COURT OF LAW IF YOU DO NOT FEEL THIS DOCUMENT MEETS YOUR NEEDS YOU MAY WISH TO CONSULT YOUR ATTORNEY BUYER 17 PAR 3 DE y PMEyT GRpIIP LLC S y Name Dr-er— Manager Date 2I25 I IZ SELLER HAROLD LAND i 1 ByIr%uf r ) 1— {� �r (SEAL) Name l40ri)r� Title 1 Date The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the Earnest Money set forth herein and agrees to hold said Earnest Money In accordance with the terms hereof Date BENSON By 1 (Page 6 of 7) Buie, Imink___ ___ teller Iminis_ __ 171 III�Ij II'I[j III f 1!11I III I II III B2829 P05i13 2a 15 20`3 Brunswick COun �j NC 6 9 20 004 Register of b0eods page nl of 2 R_ CV ht 4 654V CE , _ 5 U _ _Finania _ � soC4"c ta o=ditDn �a�2t[_'ait �,+vaAS,wFymkMel NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK THIS DEED, made and " l'Gl9�y'f� thhiss Jthe /.irk day of August 2008, by and between WILLf'StNNpp an,� GLORIA B BLAND parties of the first part hereinafter re `eYW�CtNVlas Grantors and WILLIAM H BLAND and wife GLORIA B BLAND as Tenants in Common, and not as Tenants by the entirety, of 6 Briarwood Road, PO Box 1445, Shallotte, North Carolina 28459 parties of the second part, hereinafter referred to as Grantees V Al THAT the Grantors, for a ' Rky���consideration paid by the Grantees the receipt of which is hereby acTf�nowledged, have and by these presents do grant bargain sell and convey unto the Grantees their heirs and assigns in fee simple all those certain lots or parcels of land situated in the Town of Holden Beach, Lockwood Folly Township Brunswick County North Carolina and being more particularly described as follows ye ALL property of Or 7j� r �ct2'd�in Brunswick County, North Carolina,h/v�xce�5'�C^"i€1'8f the following property, which is�e"xcluddvY 44-b} 'Uhls conveyance BEING ALL of Lot 2 Section 1 Brierwood Golf Club Estates as shown on that map recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Brunswick County in Map Book 11 at Page 29 Grantors intend herebev arfib'('t p�' by the entirety, except for the excluded propert ^t�x� I¢) 7a� o any of the property herein conveyed and to create a �'r1yUR2 n coR3RPB'EVm61d9a Grantees with each said Grantee owning a one-half`�1/2) ur�,�tg�g „},n terest as to said property TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid property and all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the Grantees in fee simple AND the Grantors do hereby covenant with Grantees that Grantors are seized of the premises in4fip simple that jj� have the right to convey the same in fee simple that tle @r����ILsle and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that _CL roll;Twarrant and defend the title against the lawful claim � persunawnthm4msoever subject to the following exceptions nN/oftfZ�j -Utility easements of record -2008 ad valorem property taxes -Restrictive covenants of record -Grantors retain their tenancy by the entirety it property above Prepared by BA(((�(((������..{...(�`,OK P'}vClFkttorneys WITHO )T 0 &51s10Z_1WLE the "tiC E IVE JUN 13 20% at L BY ugoo IIIIIIIIIFjTfjjfIIlillllIIIIIIIIIIII B2829 P05131°539 28°004 Brunsuuk County NC R.glsfwr of Oeeds page 2 of 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Grantors have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year fist above writ I1 �n�vp f �-. 1vula/Vli(]� (SEAL) (SEAL) G RIA B HLAL STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 0i��*Fp� V u „ mx>mPPmcbec. COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day each acknowledging to me that they voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated WILLIAM H BrJW and ur.fe, GLO B BLAND � 1A Na a oa� N 1 �p'n �l° / Notary s Printed �� •wn KP ��Lr Date $ /,S Q `�{ OMy Commission Gxpiresires O,iLaS do/e2 �.."lOPWN KF/lF & Notary Public Bmn County _ My ComMfssmiselon Bxplrasc IIII.`"'I gpy�gy�,g�, 2 03/25/2012 o �'orIlly CARO���P\\�. Cgxb & J " 9Ae�ffPlt�JA. AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL PROPERTY THIS AGREEMENT including any and all addenda atladied hereto ( Agreement )_is by and between PAR 3 DEVELOPMENT GROUP. LLC ( Buyer') 2850.8 NC Hwy 5 Aberdeen NC and Sandra Richard. (Seller•)J FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL PROMISES SET FORTH HEREIN AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION THE RECEIPT AND SUFFICIENCY OF WHICH ARE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS Section 1 Terms and Definitions The terms listed below shall have the respective meaning given them as set forth adjacent to each term (a) "Prooetty" (Address) Hhthwav 904 (Longwood Road). Longwood. NC (b) (Legal Description) Perot ID.179CA01400 (:j If this box Is checked 'Properly' shall mean that property described on Exhibit A attached hereto and Incorporated herewith by reference as if fully set forth herein together with all buildings and Improvements thereon and all fo(tures and appurtenances thereto and all personal property if any Itemized on Exhibit A (b) "Purchase Price* shall mean the sumo payable on the following farms i an 0) "Earnest Money" shall meanIM1111111111POlor terms as follows Upon acceptance of this contract the Earnest Money shall be promptly deposited in escrow with Benson Brown and Faucher. PLLC (name of personlenbty with whom deposited) to be applied as part payment of the Purchase Price of the Property at Closing or disbursed as agreed upon under the provisions of Section 9 herein ® ANY EARNEST MONEY DEPOSITED BY BUYER IN A TRUST ACCOUNT MAY BE PLACED IN AN INTEREST BEARING ACCOUNT ANY INTEREST EARNED THEREON SHALL BELONG TO THE ACCOUNT HOLDER IN COSIDERATION OF THE EXPENSES INCURRED BY MAINTAINING SUCH ACCOUNT AND RECORDS ASSOCIATED THEREWITH i NIA b) Proceeds of a now Loan In the amount of N/A Dollars for a term of NIA years at an Interest role not to N/A % per annum with mortgage ban discount points not to exceed tom% of the loan amount Buyer shall pay all costs associated with any such ban S N/A (Ill) Delivery of a promissory note seared by a deed of MI sold promissory note In No amount of WA Dollars being payable over , A months In equal monthly Installments of principal together with accrued Interest on the outstanding principal balance at the rate of WA percent (WA %) per annum with the first principal payment beginning on the first day of the month next sucoseding time date of Closing At any time the promissory note may be prepaid In whole or in part without penalty and without hrrther Interest on the amount prepaid from the date of such prepayment A partial prepayment will be note and deed of trust 3 NIA (w) Assumption of that unpaid obligation of Setter secured by a deed of trust on the Property such obligation having an outstanding principal balance of f N/A and evidenced by a note bearing Interest at the rate of -BtA_ percent (bVA _%) per annum or N/A. U.M b,tw&— Sdkr WOW JA#?_- (Ns. I of 7) ® (v) Cash, balance of Purchase Price, at Closing In the amount Dollars (c) "Closing" shall mean the date and time of recording of the dead Closing shall occur on or before thirty (30) days after the expiration of the Examination Period At Buyers election Closing may occur on an earlier date, with ton days advance notice to Seller (d) "ContractDate" means the date this Agreement has been fully executed by both Buyer and Belief (a) "Examination Parted" shall mean the period beginning on the Contract Date and extending through $r=014 Buyer shall have the option to extend the Examination Period for two additional Thirty (7W day periods at no penalty TIME IS Of THE ESSENCE AS TO THE EXAMINATION PERIOD (Q "Broker(al" shall mean Nqno representing the Seller and None representing the Buyer At dosing Seger shell pay such broken a commlasion pursuant to a separate agreement Buyer and Seller represent and warrant that there ere no other real estate brokers or sales agents Involved in this transaction and Buyer and Seller agree to indemnity the other against any commission finder's fees expenses and other charges claimed by real estate brokers other than those stated above (g) Intended Use" shall mean the use of the Property for the following purpose reran sales and general commercial uses (h) "Seller's Nollee Address" shall be as follows Sandra Richard 1753 Shallotte Inlet Dr Shellohe NC 28470 910-754 3336 except as same may be changed pursuant to Section 11 (n) "Buvera Notice Address- shall be as lottows, Par 3 Development Group LLC 2860 8 NC Hwy 5 Aberdeen NC 28315 except as some may be changed pursuant to Section 11 ❑ B) if this block Is marked additional terms of this Agreement are set forth on Exhibit 8 attached hereto and Incorporated herein by reference Section 2 Proration of Expenses and Payment of Costs Seller end Buyer agree that all property taxes (on a Stye calendar year basis) bases rents and utilities or any other assumed tabgkties as detailed on attached Exhibit B, It any shall be prorated as of the date of Closing exdee Awij venue stem Buyer shag pay recording cost costs of any We search Otto Insurance survey �s�.. end the following Wg Each party shall pay its own attorneys fees LL�� I o►'1 Beaton 3 Bab of Property and Payment of Purchase Price Seller agrees to sell and Buyer agrees to buy the PO' Properly for the Purchase Pdce Scow WnLu /z// Rare2of71 Section le Authority Each signatory to this Agreement represents and warrants that he or she has full authority to sign this Agreement and such Instruments as may be necessary to effectuate any transaction contemplated by this Agreement on behalf of the party for whom he or she signs and that his or her signature binds such party Any signature on a copy of this Agreement sent electronically or by facsimile shall be binding upon transmission and the electronic or facsimile copy may be utilized for the purpose of this Agreement Section 20 Subdivision and Easements if a lot line adjustment or subdivision is required to create the Properly and If the natural flow of surface water from the Property drains onto Se0ers remaining properly then Seger will grant Buyer e non exclusive Drainage Easement over Sellers remaining property The Drainage Easement wiff be granted at no cost to Buyer but Buyer will pay the cost of preparation and recordation of the document at dosing Section 21 Acme to Public Roads, Reciprocal Easement Agreement H a lot line adjustment or subdivision Is required to create the Property and VDOT or another governing body requests an access management waiver letter or similar document as a condition before approving Buyers driveway permit then Satter agrees to sign such letter or document staling that Seller does rat went to share Buyers driveway If VDOT or any other governing body requires a shared access easement Seller agrees to use Buyers standard REA form attached as Exhibit B Section 22 Closing Costs Buyer agrees to pay all closing costs associated with this agreement. Seller Is not responsible for any dosing costa THIS DOCUMENT IS A LEGAL DOCUMENT EXECUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS LEGAL CONSEQUENCES THAT COULD BE ENFORCEABLE IN A COURT OF LAW IF YOU DO NOT FEEL THIS DOCUMENT MEETS YOUR NEEDS YOU MAY WISH TO CONSULT YOUR ATTORNEY BUYER PAR 99Etm IT GR 6P, By II — Name �r�LA' . C�oc��e�ie Manager Dale 3 ( 7 1 2G 1 LF SELLER SANDRA RI HARD Q By ± ot� Name 42f- 1-t. Tills Date 3 The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the Earnest Money set forth herein and agrees to hold sold Earnest Money In accordance with the terms hereof BE Date 3 Z' / By 1hp 6 of 7) Byer bomb _ Sella W, �]Q II I 14 i erok 4M f u 6" it STATE OF NORTH [AROLINA � nI� W `Nr OF BIV tyyy p f�nI� 2lul�� v n InI V CE fa nLnManG�d 2e�n2tfea ddllIpnto this the � day of )vJ9'2B„D and betveyC�rt�s�VkNlNO roYNWU (Widow) of Brunsvl eA Il1JJ 1 County pw [y Waarr��/�'// `I` eC he first, Iart I end CECIL O > 4 BLAND and wi (L "I I n 0 TVf Brunswick County North Caro- Iina Partin, of the second parts M I T N E 5 5 E T H TIIIT HIIERLAS the said party Of tlL first part in con- uldoratlen of TEN OULLARS (510 00) AND OTHER VALUABLE CUNSInL14A- 1%,TIONS to her m 11. 1 I ud by the sai rues of the second part "•l%0 //�� �} ��h qt pf wbichWla �{�o c{!g d but SunJl [T to the li r?i tat n r L pd .41Yr `1 Iarty of the first Patt )as and b these presents does grant bargain Ug' ai I (�jG70(��IIGIIGa �}��%,(LO,the said partiLS f 1hL second part tour ' heirs aiJ ilns`MAC? &oi Ia1L�1 of land In 5ha11otte �Y Township Brunswick County North Carolina and more particularly described as follows TBAf TT DUE All Of Lot. 129 of the J 11 ",d CDUPLr tract a, surveyed by L C Blau surveyor R IQ Oclobtr 14 194s as eggLar, of rL oN in Nag Book 2-1/2 at page 220 01I1CL of the RCg15LLr of Deeds Urunswick County hurl❑ ( i Itna The said above rcfcrud to l"v11es bound and location s sl5ho on sai 1 map imam Two 7y�ry' t j(/ \j 1 or Iarccl of �li°%O I�ri�19p of �B a eitc STuwnshtp Hrunswiek 30 n B L 'l tea known as Not t, n 11 UD L� TIdCL at LOngVOed Ner th Carolina U a shown on a mppftip��}p.II,IS{Qgldimy L C Bland accobcr 4 Uri i"R ap or (sat PPPPPook of flips 2-1/2 at Page 12B iOftic ����ffst'nr....( fiends of prunswi ck County North .ia `/Jv TO HAVL AND TO HOLD thL aforesaid tract or parcel of land and all privileges and appurteual cis thereto belonging to IIthe said parties of the second part their hears and assigns to thLr only use and turnout FOREVER but SUBJELI hays to the it life estate herein reserved �by the said pa r Ly of the first part �I NJGJO(G��fu a E Ci E I V1E JUN 13 2014 BY I� NORMS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS PC 1127 Floral Parkway Suite 400 Wilmington NC 28403 (910) 343 9653 (910) 343 9604 Fax John Tunstall PE July 24, 2014 Mr Steve Pusey NC DENR Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Surface Water Protection 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Re Dollar General — Longwood Stormwater Project No SW8 140604 NT Project No 14014 Dear Mr Pusey, 1429 Ash Little River Road Ash NC 28420 (910) 287 5900 (910) 287 5902 Fax J Phillip Norris PE ECEIVE JUL 2 y 2014 BY In response to your July 21, 2014 comments, we offer the following responses XA note has been added to the grading sheet that indicates that no wetlands exist within the project area ✓2 The spelling error has been corrected The requested vegetated shelf note has been added to the pond details sheet ✓4 The temporary pool elevation has been corrected /o The outlet structure detail has been updated to reflect our standard detail that has been in use for over 15 years with no issue The orifice is setback from the screen and provides for more area to flow from the screen to the orifice in the event that debris accumulates at the outlet structure ✓ 6 The permit application page has been updated to reflect the revised site data table on the layout plan Please contact us if you have any questions or comments Sincerely, NORRIS 8r TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P C e h K Bland, P E h 14014 07 24 14 s sw response Itr cc Mr Rich Smith / Par 3 Development Group, LLC NCBELS License C 3641 ALT420.1AWWA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor July 21, 2014 Par 3 Development Group LLC Brian R Clodfelter, Manager 2860 B NC Hwy 5 Aberdeen, NC 28315 Subject Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No SW8140604 Dollar General - Longwood Brunswick County Dear Mr Clodfelter John E Skvarla, III Secretary The Wilmington Regional Office received and accepted a State Stormwater Management Permit Application for Dollar General — Longwood on June 13 2014 A preliminary in-depth review of that information has determined that the application is not complete The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review I Please either delineate all wetlands on site, coastal and non -coastal, disturbed or undisturbed, or note on the plans that none exist 2 Change spelling error on note 3 of grading plan so it reads " measures at construction completion " 3 We recommend mcludmg the following language in the notes about the vegetated shelf planting "Wet detention basin shall incorporate a minimum of three (3) species of shallow water emergent plants and shallow land plants on the vegetated shelf 4 Pond section detail plan should include the temporary pool elevation of 44 7 feet as per your calculations and Supplement 5 The outlet structure detail shows an orifice pipe with a small screen over it Normally, the orifice pipe is designed with a downtumed elbow to prevent trash clogging, as shown in the BMP manual Please explain the reason for using this type of onfice assembly or revise the detail if needed 6 The site data table on the layout plan does not match the permit application for built -upon area, etc Please revise Please remember that a change to one number may have a dommo effect on other numbers Please check all plans, calculations and forms to ensure that the numbers are consistent throughout Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review The requested information should be received in this Office prior to August 20, 2014, or the application will be returned as incomplete The return of a project will necessitate resubmission of all required items, including the application fee If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail, email or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit Division of Energy Mineral and Land Resources Land Quality Section — Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington North Carolina 28405 (910) 796 72151 Fax (910) 350 2004 Mr Brian R Clodfelter July 21 2014 Stormwater Application No SW8140604 The construction of any impervious surfaces other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143 215 1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143 215 6A Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided Copies are not acceptable If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 796 7215 or email me at steven pusey@ncdenr gov Sincerely, Steve G Pusey Environmental Engineer GDS/sgp G \WQ\Shared\Stormwater\Permits & Prolects\2014\140604 HD\2014 07 addmfo 140604 cc Phil Norris, PE — Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, PC Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File Page 2 of 2 CasmL, Jo From Casmer Jo Sent Tuesday June 17 2014 9 39 AM To 'bclodfelter@rhetsoncos com' 'Phil Noms' Subject Dollar General Longwood Stormwater Permit SW8 140604 The Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (Stormwater Section) received the Stormwater Pernut Application and $505 00 fee on June 13, 2014 Your project will be assigned to a staff member and you will be notified if additional information is needed Please be advised that the construction of built -upon area may not commence until the Stormwater Permit is issued Jo Casmer Administrative Assistant for DEMLR/Stormwater Section NC Department of Environment & Natural Resources Division of Environmental Assistance & Customer Service 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington NC 28405 Phone (910) 796 7336 Fax (910) 350-2004 Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Lawand may be disclosed to third parties Project Name Project Location .e rcewew L necrtn7L Received Date Accepted Date Rule(s) LJ2008 Coastal ❑1995 Coastal Phase II (WiRO) �Universal El1988 Coastal Type of Perm New)or Mod or PR mg Permit # (Mod or PR) F1 PE Cert on File? Density HD,-- or LD - Type Commercial r_ -Residential ---- - �NCG — -- - % _❑(% OK7) Stream s �SA Map ❑Offsite to SW8 Subdivided? Subdivision or Single Lot ORW Map Exempt Paperwork Emaded Engineer on pplement(s) (1 original per BMP) BMP Type(s) :fc& M with correct/original signatures (1 original per BMP except LS/VFS and swoles) ppl"cation with correct/origin I si natures ee ❑Corp or LLC Sig Auth r SoS or letter Emad Address Design Engineer 05 (within 6mo) ad Address Oef p�� i s Report with SHWT Note to Reviewer alculations (signed/sealed) nNo obvious errors MDensity includes common areas, etc Deed Restrictions, if subdivided & Notarized u — Plans Sets etads (roads, cul-de-sacs, curbs, sidewalks, BMPs, Buildings, etc) Grading ❑Wetlands Delineated or No Wetlands ity Map yout (proposed BUA dimensions) Otgg�end MDA Maps El Project Boundaries \\ tion Wet Pond Offsite Is Report Soils Report �PE Cert for Master Lot # NT SHWT Deed Rest for Master Lot # Matches Master :tom PP BUA Permitted (Master) sf ited BUA Proposed (Offsite) sf nal Information __� n_.._.......1 Dmnncad BUA (sf) rC11III LLcu-1----- DA (sf) PP (el) SHWT (el) Depth (ft) SA (sf) NORMS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS PC 1127 Floral Parkway Suite 400 Wilmington NC 28403 (910) 343 9653 (910) 343-9604 Fax John S Tunstall PE June 10, 2014 Ms Jo Casmer NC DENR Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Re State Stormwater Permit Submittal Dollar General - Longwood Brunswick County, NC N&T Project No 14014 Dear Ms Casmer 1429 Ash Little River Road Ash NC 28420 (910) 287 5900 (910) 287 5902 Fax J Phillip Norris PE Enclosed are two (2) sets of plans for the above referenced project, one (1) set of calculations, one (1) copy of the Stormwater Narrative, one (1) USGS map, one (1) copy of the soils / infiltration system report, one (1) copy of the deeds, one (1) copy of the Articles of Organization, the original Stormwater Management Permit application the original Wet Detention Basin Supplement form the original Wet Detention Basin Operation and Maintenance Agreement and a $505 00 check for the permit review fee Please review this information for approval and contact us with any questions or comments you may have Thank you for your assistance on this project Sincerely, NORRIS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P C ,' 1/ 7�a oseph K Bland, E I B/neh 14014 06 10-14 s sw lit iECEevi JUN 13 2014 BY Enclosures cc R Smith / Par 3 Development Group, LLC NCBELS License C-3641 Date Design NORMS & TUNSTALL Wilmington NC Sheet S/6/1/+ J4,(� —CONSULTING ENGINEERS PC— Brunswick County NC Of Check Job For Job No jeN j�jllAiZ GtENC^QAI� — La W9✓(i S�DZrLtvWliL`YL�' f�L �-tc�s 14-�I SjU t In7po1r-2- i ex20�iio,4 Ganes ot< G.�t��5 Fi> - -rA - �11�K►- �L - 1-ot-c� IA9�� u ECGI V JUN 13 2014 BY I 6/10/2014 WET DETENTION BASIN CALCULATIONS Proiect Name Dollar General Longwood N&T No 14014 Contact Person J Phillip Noms P E Phone 910? 343-9653 For projects with multiple basins specify which basin this worksheet applies to DA # 1 Description 1 year 24-hour ram event D, yr TSS Removal Rate Drainage Area DA = Pre-existing Impervious Area = Pre-existing Overall % Impervious Ip„ _ Proposed Impervious Area = Post Development Pervious Area = Post Development Overall % Impervious Within 0 5 mile & drain to SA waters? Design Rainfall Depth Dr 5 = Design Rainfall Depth D1YR = Pre-Devolpoment Runoff Volume factor Rvp,e = Post Devolpoment Runoff Volume factor Rvp„t = 1 5 Post Dev Runoff Volume V 15 p,n= 1 Yr Pre Dev Runoff Volume V iyr pr,= 1 Yr Post-Dev Runoff Volume V 1w pp,r = Required Storage Volume = T Elevation al -Permanent Pool Elevation at Permanent Pool surface area Temporary Pool Elevation Temporary Pool Surface Area led Storage Volume = Units Notes 3 57 inches 90 00 % 1 11 ac 023 ac 0 20 % 8247 % Volume n USE FIRST 1 51NCH 150 in 367 in 005 inln Rvpr, = 0 05 + 0 009`lpr, 079 m!n Rvpp,r = 0 05 + 0 009'Ippsr 4 803 13 ft' V 1 5 p„r=3630'131 5'Rvp„r DA 768 94 ft' V 1 yr pre = 3630'D, y,*Rv,.*DA 11 75165 ft' V I yrp„r=3630`Dr yr'Rvpp,,`DA 4 80313 ft' Post Dev @ 15 inch Rainfall Depth 43 50 ft 4400 ft OKI OKI Provided V > Required V Peak Flow Calculations (Rational Method) value pre -development value - impervious surface value post -developed : = Time of Concentration :pth @ Tc & 1 yr = d tensity Peak 1 YR= I e-development runoff rate (rational method) )st-development runoff rate (rational method) 020 min inches m/hr its Qp,e Cpre x I x DA its Qpp,r=Cops x I x DA 095 082 500 015 1 80 040 164 H \PROJECTS\2014\14014 DOLLAR GENERAL LONGWOOD\14014 CALCS\Stone Water\14014 DWQ Wet Detention Basin 6 10 14 6/10/2014 ibrned (Above Normal Pool) net Permanent Pool of Vegetated Shelf iporary Pool Required State Storage of Pond Pond Volume (Excluding Forebay) Pond Bottom (Volume Ignored) nent Removal in of Vag Shelf at Pool y Volume (Excluding Main Pond) r Bottom (Volume Ignored) nt Removal Pool anent Pool Volume = Main + Forebay Pond Volume = Top to Normal + Main to nent Removal + Forebay to Sediment Removal int Forebay Volume (18 22% Required) Permanent Pool Area Permanent Volume Average Depth Elevation msl Area (sq Increm V Accum V (cf) 4400 6 107 00 4450 8 1" 00 3 562 75 3 562 75 4470 8 585 00 1 672 90 5 235 65 4550 9 555 00 7 256 00 1 12 491 65 Elevation msl Area (sO I Increm V Accum V 3400 93300 3600 4350 2 747 00 13 800 00 13 800 00 4400 4 281 00 1 757 001 15 557 00 Elevation msl Areas Increm V Accum V (cf) 39 00 79500 41001 4400 1 1 8 6001 3 931 50 1 3 931 50 19 488 50 1cf 3198015 cf 20 2% IOKI Average Depth & Required Surface Area 61070o Isf 19 488 50 cf 319 Ift Rounded Avg Depth = 3 00 ft SA/DA # from Green Sheet of Interpolated values for Coastal Region SA/DA at specified % impervious & 9 79 ft 90% TSS removal NO VFS Req rounded average depth= Required Surface Area = 4 748 15 sf Provided Surface Area = 1 6,10700 Isf OKI Drawdown Calculations Drawdown Onfice Avg Head = 1/3 of Flood Pool Elev Co = Coefficient of Discharge Drawdown Time = Internal Diameter = Drawdown Time = Intemal Diameter = Avg Internal Diameter= Design Orifice Diameter = Design Drawdown rate Design Drawdown time ft days s It in days s ft in in in OKI ft cis days 023 060 200 172 800 012 148 500 432 000 008 094 1 21 1 00 001 001 478 H \PROJECTS\2014\14014 DOLLAR GENERAL LONGWOOD\14014 CALCS\Storm Water\14014 DWQ Wet Detention Basin 6-10-14 6/10/2014 WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT Project Name Dollar General - Longwood N&T No Contact Person J Phillip Norris P E Phone For projects with multiple basins specify which basin this worksheet applies to Elevations Basin Bottom Elevabon Sediment Removal Elevation Bottom of Vegetated Shelf Normal Pool Elevation Top of Vegetated Shelf Temporary Pool Elevation Top of Pond Areas Sediment Removal Surface Area Bottom of Vegetated Shelf Surface Area Normal Pool Surface Area Top of Vegetated Shelf Surface Area Temporary Pool Surface Area Drainage Area Impervious Area Volumes Permanent Pool Volume Temporary Pool Volume Forebay Volume Other joarameters Design Rainfall Design TSS Removal Impervious % Rounded Average Depth SA/DA Coefficient of Discharge Average Head Diameter of Orifice Discharge Rate of Orfice Drawdown Time 14014 (910)343-9653 1 34 0 ft (floor of the basin) 36 ft (bottom in volume calculations) 43 50 ft (vegetated shelf below normal pool) 44 0 ft (elevation of low Flow onfice) 445 ft (vegetated shelf above normal pool) 447 ft (elevation of the discharge structure overflow) 455 ft (Top of pond bank) 933 sq ft (surface area @ sediement removal elevation) 2 747 sq ft (surface area @ bottom of vegetated shelf elevation) 6 107 sq ft (surface area @ normal pool/ low flow onfice elevation) 8 144 sq ft (surface area @ top of vegetated shelf elevation) 8 585 sq ft (surface area @ required state storage volume elevation) 1 113 ac (on -site and off -site drainage to the basin) 0 195 ac (on site and off —site drainage to the basin) 19 489 cu It (combined volume of main basin and forebay) 5 236 cu ft (volume detained above the permanent pool) 3 932 cu ft (approximately 20% of total volume) 1 5 in 90 % (minimum 85% required) 82 47 % (percent impervious of drainage area) 3 00 ft (pond volume below normal pool/surface area @ normal pool) 979 (surface area to drainage are ration from D WQ table) 060 (from Table 3-8 of BMP Manual) 023 ft (1/3 of elevation difference between temporary & normal pools) 1 00 in (sized to meet 2 to 5 day draw down requirement) 001 cfs (discharge rate of required storage volume through onfice) 4 78 days (must be between 2 to 5 days) H \PROJECTS\2014\14014 DOLLAR GENERAL LONGWOOD\14014 CALCS\Stone Water\14014 DWQ Wet Detention Basin 6-10 14 1S Pre In 3S ��/ Post Dev Wet Detention Pond Subcat Reach Llnk H \PROJECTS\2014\14014 DOLLAR GENERAL LONGWOOD\14014 CALCS\Storm Water\ 14014 Pre -Post Type 111 24-hr 1 YR Rainfall=3 70" Prepared by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers HydroCAD® 7 10 s/n 000479 © 2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/10/2014 Time span=0 00-24 00 hrs dt=0 01 hrs, 2401 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1S Pre Runoff Area=48 500 sf Runoff Depth>2 02" Tc=10 0 min CN=83 Runoff=2 31 cfs 0 188 of Subcatchment 3S Post Dev Runoff Area=48 500 sf Runoff Depth>3 13" Tc=5 0 min CN=95 Runoff--3 97 cfs 0 291 of Pond 1P Wet Detention Pond Peak Elev=44 80' Storage=6 119 cf Inflow=3 97 cfs 0 291 of Primary=1 74 cfs 0 170 of Secondary=0 00 cfs 0 000 of Outflow=l 74 cfs 0 170 of H \PROJECTS\2014\14014 DOLLAR GENERAL LONGWOOD\14014 CALCS\Storm Water\ 14014 Pre -Post Type 11124-hr 1 YR Rainfall=3 70" Prepared by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers LI..J--l�111'Li� 9 `, 1 -I- . 1� U-1--/ All C-4.. C-1../. 1 1 , n/A/ 111A A Subcatchment 1S Pre Runoff = 2 31 cfs @ 12 14 hrs, Volume= 0 188 of Depth> 2 02' Runoff by SCS TR-20 method UH=SCS Time Span= 0 00-24 00 hrs dt= 0 01 hrs Type III 24-hr 1 YR Rainfall=3 70" Area (sf) CN Description 38 583 79 Woods/grass comb Good HSG D 9 917 98 Existing Paved parking & roofs 48,500 83 Weighted Average Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 100 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 1S Pre Hydrograph 2 31 C% Type III 24-hr 1 YR 2 Rainfall=3 70" Runoff Area=48,500 sf Runoff Volume=0 188 of Runoff Depth>2 02" Tc=10 0 min CN=83 o- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Time (hours) —Runoff H \PROJECTS\2014\14014 DOLLAR GENERAL LONGWOOD\14014 CALCS\Storm Water\ 14014 Pre -Post Type 111 24-hr 1 YR Rainfall=3 70" Prepared by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers HydroCADO 7 10 s/n 000479 © 2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/10/2014 Subcatchment 3S Post Dev Runoff = 3 97 cfs @ 12 07 hrs Volume= 0 291 of Depth> 3 13" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method UH=SCS, Time Span= 0 00-24 00 hrs dt= 0 01 hrs Type III 24-hr 1 YR Rainfall=3 70" Area (sf) CN Description 40,000 98 Paved parking & roofs 8,500 80 >75% Grass cover Good HSG D 48 500 95 Weighted Average Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 50 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 3S Post Dev Hydrograph 4 3 97 cfs Type III 24-hr 1 YR Rainfall=3 70" 3- Runoff Area=48,500 sf Runoff Volume=0 291 of 2 Runoff Depth>3 13" Tc=5 0 min CN=95 0- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Time (hours) —Runoff H \PROJECTS\2014\14014 DOLLAR GENERAL LONGWOOD\14014 CALCS\Storm Water\ 14014 Pre -Post Type 11124-hr f YR Rainfall=3 70" Prepared by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers Pond 1P Wet Detention Pond Inflow Area = 1 113 ac Inflow Depth > 3 13" for 1 YR event Inflow = 3 97 cfs @ 12 07 hrs Volume= 0 291 of Outflow = 1 74 cfs @ 12 24 hrs, Volume= 0 170 af, Atten= 56% Lag= 9 9 min Primary = 1 74 cfs @ 12 24 hrs Volume= 0 170 of Secondary = 0 00 cfs @ 0 00 hrs Volume= 0 000 of Routing by Stor-Ind method Time Span= 0 00-24 00 hrs dt= 0 01 hrs Peak Elev= 44 80' @ 12 24 hrs Surf Area= 8,709 sf Storage= 6 119 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 204 8 min calculated for 0 170 of (58% of inflow) Center -of -Mass det time= 99 4 min ( 874 6 - 775 2 ) Volume Invert Avail Storage Storage Description #1 44 00' 12 492 cf Above Normal Pool (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf Area Inc Store Cum Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 4400 6 107 0 0 4450 8 144 3 563 3 563 4470 8 585 1 673 5 236 4550 9,555 7,256 12,492 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 43 00' 15 0" x 220 0' long Outlet Culvert to NCDOT Junction Box RCP square edge headwall Ke= 0 500 Outlet Invert= 42 00' S= 0 0045 T Cc= 0 900 n= 0 013 Concrete pipe bends & connections #2 Device 1 44 00' 1 0' Vert NCDENR Orifice C= 0 600 #3 Device 1 4470 4 00' x 4 00' Horiz Top of Box Limited to weir flow C= 0 600 #4 Secondary 45 25' 20 0 long x 10 0 breadth Emergency Spillway Head (feet) 0 20 0 40 0 60 0 80 1 00 1 20 1 40 1 60 Coef (English) 2 49 2 56 2 70 2 69 2 68 2 69 2 67 2 64 Primary OutFlow Max=1 73 cfs @ 12 24 hrs HW=44 80' TW=43 00' (Fixed TW Elev= 43 00') t1=Outlet Culvert to NCDOT Junction Box (Passes 1 73 cfs of 4 76 cfs potential flow) 12=NCDENR Orifice (Orifice Controls 0 02 cfs @ 4 2 fps) 3=Top of Box (Weir Controls 171 cfs @ 1 0 fps) endary )ow Max=O 00 cfs 0 00 hrs HW=44 00' (Free Discharge) 4 EmergencySpillway ( Controls 0 00 cfs) H \PROJECTS\2014\14014 DOLLAR GENERAL LONGWOOD\14014 CALCS\Storm Water\ 14014 Pre -Post Type 111 24-hr 1 YR Rainfall=3 70" Prepared by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers HydroCADO 7 10 s/n 000479 © 2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/10/2014 Pond I Wet Detention Pond Hydrograph Inflow Area=1 113 ac Peak Elev=44 80' Storage=6,119 cf 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Time (hours) — Inflow — Outflow — Pnmary — Secondary H \PROJECTS\2014\14014 DOLLAR GENERAL LONGWOOD\14014 CALCS\Storm Water\ 14014 Pre -Post Type 11124-hr 1 YR Rainfall=3 70" Prepared by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers Hydrograph for Pond 1 P Wet Detention Pond Time Inflow Storage Elevation Outflow Primary 000 000 0 4400 000 000 000 050 000 0 4400 000 000 000 1 00 000 0 4400 000 000 000 1 50 000 0 4400 000 000 000 200 000 0 4400 000 000 000 250 000 0 4400 000 000 000 300 000 0 4400 000 000 000 350 000 5 4400 000 000 000 400 001 18 4400 000 000 000 450 001 37 4401 000 000 000 500 002 65 4401 000 000 000 550 002 100 4402 000 000 000 600 003 143 4402 000 000 000 650 003 196 4403 000 000 000 700 004 263 4404 000 000 000 750 005 346 4406 000 000 000 800 006 445 4407 000 000 000 850 008 567 4409 001 001 000 900 Oil 725 4411 001 001 000 950 013 922 4414 001 001 000 1000 015 1161 4418 001 001 000 1050 020 1 457 4422 001 001 000 11 00 025 1 839 4428 001 001 000 1150 041 2389 4435 001 001 000 1200 265 4,304 4459 002 002 000 1250 076 5,883 4478 110 110 000 1300 032 5 553 4474 039 039 000 1350 025 5 479 4473 028 028 000 1400 021 5 444 4472 022 022 000 1450 018 5 420 4472 019 019 000 1500 016 5 404 4472 017 017 000 1550 013 5 383 4472 015 015 000 1600 Oil 5 360 4471 012 012 000 1650 010 5 343 4471 010 010 000 1700 009 5 331 4471 009 009 000 1750 008 5 321 4471 008 008 000 1800 007 5,311 4471 007 007 000 1850 006 5,304 4471 007 007 000 1900 006 5 300 4471 006 006 000 1950 006 5 297 4471 006 006 000 2000 005 5 294 4471 006 006 000 2050 005 5 291 4471 005 005 000 21 00 005 5 289 4471 005 005 000 21 50 005 5 286 4471 005 005 000 2200 004 5 284 4471 005 005 000 2250 004 5 282 4471 004 004 000 2300 004 5 280 4471 004 004 000 2350 004 5 277 4470 004 004 000 2400 004 5 273 4470 004 004 000 H \PROJECTS\2014\14014 DOLLAR GENERAL LONGWOOD\14014 CALCS\Storm Water\ 14014 Pre -Post Type /// 24-hr 1 YR Rainfall=3 70" Prepared by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers HydroCAD® 7 10 s/n 000479 © 2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/10/2014 Stage -Area -Storage for Pond 1 P Wet Detention Pond Elevation Surface Storage (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) 4400 6 107 0 4402 6 188 123 4404 6 270 248 4406 6 351 374 4408 6 433 502 4410 6 514 631 4412 6 596 762 4414 6 677 895 4416 6 759 1 029 4418 6 840 1 165 4420 6 922 1 303 4422 7 003 1 442 4424 7 085 1 583 4426 7 166 1 726 4428 7 248 1 870 4430 7 329 2016 4432 7 411 2 163 4434 7,492 2 312 4436 7 574 2 463 4438 7 655 2 615 4440 7 737 2 769 4442 7 818 2 924 4444 7 900 3 081 4446 7 981 3 240 4448 8 063 3 401 4450 8 144 3 563 4452 8 188 3,726 4454 8 232 3,890 4456 8 276 4 055 4458 8 320 4 221 4460 8 365 4 388 4462 8 409 4 556 4464 8 453 4 725 4466 8 497 4 894 4468 8 541 5 064 4470 8 585 5 236 4472 8,609 5 408 4474 8,634 5 580 4476 8,658 5 753 4478 8 682 5 926 4480 8,706 6 100 4482 8 730 6 275 4484 8 755 6 449 4486 8 779 6 625 4488 8 803 6,801 4490 8 827 6 977 4492 8 852 7 154 4494 8 876 7 331 4496 8 900 7 509 4498 8 924 7 687 4500 8 949 7 866 Elevation Surface Storage (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) 4502 8 973 8 045 4504 8 997 8 225 4506 9 022 8 405 4508 9 046 8 585 4510 9 070 8 767 4512 9 094 8 948 4514 9119 9130 4516 9 143 9 313 4518 9 167 9 496 4520 9 191 9,680 4522 9 215 9 864 4524 9 240 10,048 4526 9 264 10 233 4528 9 288 10 419 4530 9 312 10 605 4532 9 337 10,791 4534 9 361 10 978 4536 9 385 11 166 4538 9410 11,354 4540 9 434 11 542 4542 9 458 11 731 4544 9 482 11 921 4546 9 507 12 110 4548 9 531 12 301 4550 9,555 12,492 H \PROJECTS\2014\14014 DOLLAR GENERAL LONGWOOD\14014 CALCS\Storm Water\ 14014 Pre -Post Type 111 24-hr 10 YR Rainfall=7 00" Prepared by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers HydroCAD® 7 10 s/n 000479 © 2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/10/2014 Time span=0 00-24 00 hrs dt=0 01 hrs, 2401 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1S Pre Runoff Area=48 500 sf Runoff Depth>5 02" Tc=10 0 min CN=83 Runoff=5 64 cfs 0 466 of Subcatchment 3S Post Dev Runoff Area=48,500 sf Runoff Depth>6 40' Tc=5 0 min CN=95 Runoff--7 80 cfs 0 594 of Pond 1P Wet Detention Pond Peak Elev=44 99 Storage=7 774 cf Inflow--7 80 cfs 0 594 of Pnmary=5 04 cfs 0 472 of Secondary=0 00 cfs 0 000 of Outflow=5 04 cfs 0 472 of H \PROJECTS\2014\14014 DOLLAR GENERAL LONGWOODX14014 CALCS\Storm Water\ 14014 Pre -Post Type 11124-hr 10 YR Rainfall=7 00" Prepared by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers Pond 1P Wet Detention Pond Inflow Area = 1 113 ac, Inflow Depth > 6 40" for 10 YR event Inflow = 7 80 cfs @ 12 07 hrs Volume= 0 594 of Outflow = 5 04 cfs @ 12 15 hrs Volume= 0 472 of Atten= 35%, Lag= 5 0 min Primary = 5 04 cfs @ 12 15 his Volume= 0 472 of Secondary = 0 00 cfs @ 0 00 hrs Volume= 0 000 of Routing by Stor-Ind method Time Span= 0 00-24 00 hrs dt= 0 01 hrs Peak Elev= 44 99' @ 12 15 hrs Surf Area= 8 936 sf Storage= 7 774 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 142 1 min calculated for 0 472 of (79% of inflow) Center -of -Mass det time= 65 5 min (824 1 - 758 6 ) Volume Invert Avail Storage Storage Description #1 44 00' 12 492 cf Above Normal Pool (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf Area Inc Store Cum Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 4400 6,107 0 0 4450 8 144 3 563 3 563 4470 8 585 1 673 5 236 4550 9,555 7 256 12,492 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 43 00' 15 0" x 220 0 long Outlet Culvert to NCDOT Junction Box RCP, square edge headwall Ke= 0 500 Outlet Invert= 42 00' S= 0 0045 7 Cc= 0 900 n= 0 013 Concrete pipe bends & connections #2 Device 1 44 00' 10" Vert NCDENR Orifice C= 0 600 #3 Device 1 44 70' 4 00' x 4 00' Honz Top of Box Limited to weir flow C= 0 600 #4 Secondary 45 25' 20 0' long x 10 0' breadth Emergency Spillway Head (feet) 0 20 0 40 0 60 0 80 1 00 1 20 140 1 60 Coef (English) 2 49 2 56 2 70 2 69 2 68 2 69 2 67 2 64 Primary OutFlow Max=5 04 cfs @ 12 15 hrs HW=44 99' TW=43 00' (Fixed TW Elev= 43 00') t 1=Outlet Culvert to NCDOT Junction Box (Barrel Controls 5 04 cfs @ 4 1 fps) �2=NCDENR Orifice (Passes < 0 03 cfs potential flow) 3=Top of Box (Passes < 8 15 cfs potential flow) econdary OutFlow Max=O 00 cfs @ 0 00 hrs HW=44 00' (Free Discharge) Emergency Spillway ( Controls 0 00 cfs) H \PROJECTS\2014\14014 DOLLAR GENERAL LONGWOOD\14014 CALCS\Storm Water\ 14014 Pre -Post Type /// 24-hr 10 YR Rainfall=7 00" Prepared by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers HydroCADO 7 10 s/n 000479 © 2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/10/2014 3 2 Pond 1 P Wet Detention Pond Hydrograph Inflow Area=1 113 ac Peak Elev=44.99' Storage=7,774 cf 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Time (hours) — Inflow —outflow — Primary — Secondary H \PROJECTS\2014\14014 DOLLAR GENERAL LONGWOOD\14014 CALCS\Storm Water\ 14014 Pre -Post Type /// 24-hr 25 YR Rainfall=8 01 " Prepared by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers HydroCADO 7 10 s/n 000479 © 2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/10/2014 Time span=0 00-24 00 hrs dt=0 01 hrs, 2401 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1S Pre Runoff Area=48 500 sf Runoff Depth>5 98" Tc=10 0 min CN=83 Runoff=6 66 cfs 0 555 of Subcatchment 3S Post Dev Runoff Area=48,500 sf Runoff Depth>7 41 Tc=5 0 min CN=95 Runoff=8 96 cfs 0 687 of Pond 1 P Wet Detention Pond Peak Elev=45 06 Storage=8,393 cf Inflow=8 96 cfs 0 687 of Primary=5 14 cfs 0 565 of Secondary=0 00 cfs 0 000 of Outflow=5 14 cfs 0 565 of H \PROJECTS\2014\14014 DOLLAR GENERAL LONGWOOD\14014 CALCS\Storm Water\ 14014 Pre -Post Type /// 24-hr 25 YR Rainfall=8 01 " Prepared by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers HydroCAD® 7 10 s/n 000479 © 2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/10/2014 Pond 1 P Wet Detention Pond Inflow Area = 1 113 ac Inflow Depth > 7 41" for 25 YR event Inflow = 8 96 cfs @ 12 07 hrs Volume= 0 687 of Outflow = 5 14 cfs @ 12 17 hrs, Volume= 0 565 of Atten= 43% Lag= 6 0 min Primary = 5 14 cfs @ 12 17 hrs Volume= 0 565 of Secondary = 0 00 cfs @ 0 00 hrs Volume= 0 000 of Routing by Stor-Ind method Time Span= 0 00-24 00 hrs dt= 0 01 hrs Peak Elev= 45 06' @ 12 17 hrs Surf Area= 9 020 sf Storage= 8 393 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 133 1 min calculated for 0 565 of (82% of inflow) Center -of -Mass det time= 62 3 min (817 9 - 755 6 ) Volume Invert Avail Storage Storage Description #1 44 00' 12 492 cf Above Normal Pool (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf Area Inc Store Cum Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 4400 6 107 0 0 4450 8 144 3 563 3 563 4470 8 585 1,673 5 236 4550 9,555 7,256 12 492 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 43 00' 15 0" x 220 0' long Outlet Culvert to NCDOT Junction Box RCP square edge headwall Ke= 0 500 Outlet Invert= 42 00' S= 0 0045'/' Cc= 0 900 n= 0 013 Concrete pipe bends & connections #2 Device 1 44 00' 10" Vert NCDENR Orifice C= 0 600 #3 Device 1 44 70' 4 00' x 4 00' Honz Top of Box Limited to weir flow C= 0 600 #4 Secondary 45 25' 20 O' long x 10 O' breadth Emergency Spillway Head (feet) 0 20 0 40 0 60 0 80 1 00 1 20 140 1 60 Coef (English) 2 49 2 56 2 70 2 69 2 68 2 69 2 67 2 64 PrimaryOutFlow Max=5 14 cfs @ 12 17 hrs HW=45 06' TW=43 00' (Fixed TW Elev= 43 00') L1=Outlet Culvert to NCDOT Junction Box (Barrel Controls 5 14 cfs @ 4 2 fps) 12=NCDENR Orifice (Passes < 0 03 cfs potential flow) 3=Top of Box (Passes < 11 24 cfs potential flow) econdary OutFlow Max=O 00 cfs @ 0 00 hrs HW=44 00' (Free Discharge) =Emergency Spillway ( Controls 0 00 cfs) H \PROJECTS\2014\14014 DOLLAR GENERAL LONGWOOD\14014 CALCS\Storm Water\ 14014 Pre -Post Type /// 24-hr 25 YR Ralnfa0=8 01 " Prepared by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers HydroCAD® 7 10 s/n 000479 © 2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/10/2014 10 9 8 6 1 Pond 1 P Wet Detention Pond Hydrograph Inflow Area=1.113 ac Peak Elev=45 06' Storage=8,393 cf 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Time (hours) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 — Inflow Outflow Pnmary Secondary H \PROJECTS\2014\14014 DOLLAR GENERAL LONGWOOD\14014 CALCS\Storm Water\ 14014 Pre -Post Type 11124-hr 100 YR Rainfall=10 00" Prepared by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers HydroCADO 7 10 s/n 000479 © 2005 HVdroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/10/2014 Time span=0 00-24 00 hrs, dt=0 01 hrs, 2401 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1S Pre Runoff Area=48 500 sf Runoff Depth>7 89" Tc=10 0 min CN=83 Runoff--8 67 cfs 0 732 of Subcatchment 3S Post Dev Runoff Area=48 500 sf Runoff Depth>9 39" Tc=5 0 min CN=95 Runoff --I l 24 cfs 0 871 of Pond 1 P Wet Detention Pond Peak Elev=45 21' Storage=9 814 cf Inflow=11 24 cfs 0 871 of Primary=5 36 cfs 0 749 of Secondary=0 00 cfs 0 000 of Outflow=5 36 cfs 0 749 of H \PROJECTS\2014\14014 DOLLAR GENERAL LONGWOOD\14014 CALCS\Storm Water\ 14014 Pre -Post Type 11f 24-hr 100 YR Rainfall=10 00" Prepared by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers Pond 1P Wet Detention Pond Inflow Area = 1 113 ac Inflow Depth > 9 39" for 100 YR event Inflow = 11 24 cfs @ 12 07 hrs Volume= 0 871 of Outflow = 5 36 cfs @ 12 21 hrs Volume= 0 749 of Atten= 52%, Lag= 8 2 min Primary = 5 36 cfs @ 12 21 hrs, Volume= 0 749 of Secondary = 0 00 cfs @ 0 00 hrs, Volume= 0 000 of Routing by Stor-Ind method Time Span= 0 00-24 00 hrs, dt= 0 01 hrs Peak Elev= 45 21' @ 12 21 hrs Surf Area= 9 209 sf Storage= 9 814 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 119 6 min calculated for 0 749 of (86% of inflow Center -of -Mass det time= 57 5 min ( 808 7 - 751 2 ) Volume Invert Avail Storage Storage Description #1 44 00' 12 492 cf Above Normal Pool (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf Area Inc Store Cum Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 4400 6,107 0 0 4450 8 144 3 563 3 563 4470 8 585 1 673 5,236 4550 9 555 7 256 12 492 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 43 00' 15 0" x 220 0' long Outlet Culvert to NCDOT Junction Box RCP, square edge headwall Ke= 0 500 Outlet Invert= 42 00' S= 0 0045 ? Cc= 0 900 n= 0 013 Concrete pipe bends & connections #2 Device 1 44 00' 1 0" Vert NCDENR Orifice C= 0 600 #3 Device 1 44 70' 4 00' x 4 00' Honz Top of Box Limited to weir flow C= 0 600 #4 Secondary 45 25' 20 O' long x 10 O' breadth Emergency Spillway Head (feet) 0 20 0 40 0 60 0 80 1 00 1 20 140 1 60 Coef (English) 2 49 2 56 2 70 2 69 2 68 2 69 2 67 2 64 PrimaryOutFlow Max=5 36 cfs @ 12 21 hrs HW=45 21' TW=43 00' (Fixed TW Elev= 43 00') t1=Outlet Culvert to NCDOT Junction Box (Barrel Controls 5 36 cfs @ 4 4 fps) �2=NCDENR Orifice (Passes < 0 03 cfs potential flow) 3=Top of Box (Passes < 19 31 cfs potential flow) econdary OutFlow Max=O 00 cfs @ 0 00 hrs HW=44 00' (Free Discharge) =Emergency Spillway ( Controls 0 00 cfs) H \PROJECTS\2014\14014 DOLLAR GENERAL LONGWOOD\14014 CALCS\Storm Water\ 14014 Pre -Post Type Ill 24-hr 100 YR Rainfall=10 00" Prepared by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers HydroCADO 7 10 s/n 000479 © 2005 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/10/2014 Pond 1 P Wet Detention Pond Hydrograph 1r o Inflow Area=1.113 ac 9 Peak Elev=45.21' Storage=9,814 cf 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 Time (hours) Inflow outflow Primary Secondary Storm Se .0040 N&T Page 1 Line Drng Inlet Dmg Runoff Inlet Tc i Flow Capac Val Line Line Line Invert Invert HGL Gnd/Rim Gnd/Rim Cover Cover No Area ID Area Coeff Time Inlet Rate Full Ave Size Length Slope Up Dn Jnct El Up El Dn Up On (ac) (ac) (C) (min) (min) (m/hr) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/s) (in) (ff) M (ft) (It) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 034 DI #2 034 082 50 55 723 429 1161 243 18 22500 1 22 4275 4000 4495 4525 4000 100 1 50 2 040 DI #1 040 081 50 50 723 234 410 191 15 6200 040 4300 4275 4504 4525 4525 1 00 1 25 Slig CA 6*fi S L L = 4( 50) to ti W= 3C( 5A) 4 �r 105 A i.( IoC x x 2rJ C S$ r r n Project File 14014 SD Calcs 6 10 14 stm Number of lines 2 Date 6/10/2014 NOTES Intensity = 121 80 / (Inlet time + 23 50) A 0 84 — Return penod = 10 Yrs ' Critical depth norm Sewers N&T Page 1 Line Drng Inlet Drng Runoff Inlet Tc i Flow Capac Val Line Line Line Invert Invert HGL Gnd/Rlm Gnd/Rim Cover Cover No Area ID Area Coeff Time Inlet Rate Full Ave Size Length Slope Up Dn Jnct El Up El Dn Up Dn (ac) (ac) (C) (min) (min) (inlhr) (cfs) (cis) (ft/s) (In) (ft) M (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (@) (ft) 1 034 DI #2 034 082 50 55 815 485 1161 274 18 22500 1 22 4275 4000 4507 4525 4000 1 00 1 50 2 040 DI #1 040 081 50 50 815 264 410 2 15 15 6200 040 4300 4275 4519 4525 4525 1 00 1 25 Project File 14014 SO Calcs 6 10 14 stm Number of lines 2 Date 6/10/2014 NOTES Intensity = 155 43 / (Inlet time + 26 20) ^ 0 86 Return period = 25 Yrs "` Critical depth Storm sewers CHART F-16 NEW YORK DOT DISSIPATER METHOD FOR USE IN DEFINED CHANNELS (Source `Bank and Channel Lining Procedures", New York Department of Transportation, Division of Design and Construction 1971) Note To use the following chart you must know 1) Q full capacity 2) Qto 3) V full 4) Vio Where Q=discharge in cfs and V = Velocity in FPS ESTIMATION OF STONE SIZE AND DIMENSIONS FOR CULVERT APRONS Step 1) Compute flow velocity V. at culvert or paved channel outlet Step 2) For pipe culverts Do is diameter For pipe arch, arch and box culverts, and paved area channel outlets, Do Ao, where A=cross-sectional area of flow at outlet For multiple culverts, use Do 1 25xDo of single culvert Step 3) For apron grades of 10% or steeper, use recommendations for next higher zone (Zones 1 through 6) 25 20 - 5- n�s��-�uu-® o�vmvm mm � e xx.r� I I I I 5 10 15 20 25 DIAMETER (Ft ) Source Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual, NC Department of NCRD, Land Quality Section, September 1988, Rev 12/93 5-38 11 CHART F-17 LENGTH OF APRON ZONE APRON MATERIAL TO PROTECT TO PREVENT SCOUR CULVERT. HOLE USE L2 Ll ALWAYS L2 t STONE FILLING (FINE) CLASS A 3xDo 4xDo 2 STONE FILLING LIGHT CLASS B 3xDo 6xDo 3 STONE FILLING (MEDIUM) CLASS I 4xDo 8xDo 4 STONE FILLING (HEAVY) CLASS 1 4xDo 8xDo 5 STONE FILLING HEAVY CLASS 2 SxDo lOxDo 6 STONE FILLING (HEAVY) CLASS 2 6xDo lOxDo 7 SPECIAL STUDY REQUIRED (ENERGY DISSIPATERS, STILLING BASIN OR LARGER SIZE STONE) Width -3 times pipe diameter (min) DETERMINATION OF STONE SIZE FOR DUMPED STONE CHANNEL i \ LININGS AND REVETMENTS Step 1) Use figure F-18a to determine maximum stone size (e g for 12 Fps =20" or 550 lbs ) Step 2) Use figure F-18b to determine acceptable size range for stone (for 12 FPS it is 125-500 lbs for 75% of stone, and the maximum and minimum range in weight should be 25-500 lbs ) NOTE In determining channel velocities for stone linings and revetment, use the following coefficients of roughness Diameter Mannmgs Minimum thickness (inches) "n" of lining (inches) Fine 3 0 031 9 12 Light 6 0 035 12 18 Medium 13 0 040 18 24 Heavy 23 0 044 30 36 (Channels) (Dissipaters) Source Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual, NC Department of NRCD, Land Quality Section, September 1988, Rev 12/93 N511 Date Design NORRIS & TUNSTALL Wilmington NC Shete 5/811+ J►-8 —CONSULTING ENGINEERS PC — Brunswick County NC Of Check Job For Job No J04 LbIIA-2(�ENE124t,-" ,,may, Sc C4LG.s l4al D Es 1t tJ NJEr rx-rt m o.4 f>0►-40 -rO 0349 us E-D A-5 A- SEp t t�I�,-I- F3,45w ou�„� con�nx.�xarw, "Conti- "7iMMITTC-0 ()tsr AIC4 = 2 o Rc � (2 �) 6. �,,,tLF.v vtthiC = 3259F—' C 4 rc) = 131�3 os 5P Q ' ` t4oa-tvN pa-)L = to I o'7 5F= 9 Calculate Skimmer Size Basin Volume in Cubic Feet 3F13 Cu Ft Skimmer Size 15 Inch Days to Drain* Days Orifice Radius 0 6 Inch[es] Orifice Diameter 13 Inches] In INC assume 3 days to drain Estimate Volume of Basin Length width Top of water surface in feet Feet VOLUME 0 Cu Ft. Bottom dimensions in feet Feet Depth in feet Feet 11/2" Fairc%th Skimmer® Cut Sheet J W Faircloth & Son, Inc www FalrclothSklmmer com 1 Vent 4 Sch 40 With RED tip Inlet a Aluminum straps suspending inlet coupling c2 pvc float connection / Q ` 16 2 1'/z Sch 40 SOLID pvc / C ` - 6� barrel or arm SUPPLIED BY USER NO inlet extension Just the barrel connected to the Tee 1Y: hose ssclamps 1'/2 threaded male fitting on outlet end Patent R 5 820 751 1'/z HEAD on center of inlet and orifice 16 2 Skimmer shown in floating position 1 Skimmer can be attached to a straight 4 sch 40 pipe through the dam but the pipe may need to be anchored to the bottom at the connection so It is secure Coupling can be removed and hose attached to outlet using the threaded 1'/2 fitting Typical methods used on a metal structure a steel stubout welded on the side at the bottom side with a 1'/2" threaded coupling or reducers, on a concrete structure with a hole or orifice at the bottom, use a steel plate with a hole cut in it and coupling welded to it that will fit over the hole in the concrete and bolted to the structure with sealant, grout a 4" pvc pipe in a hole in the concrete to connect the skimmer 2 Dimensions are approximate, not intended as plans for construction 3 Barrel (solid, not foam core pipe) should be 14 times the depth of water with a maximum length of 6' so the inlet can be pulled to the side for maintenance Skimmer is made for small sediment "traps" with a maximum depth of 4' '/2 4 Inlet is 3" pipe between the straps with aluminum screen door for access to the 1" inlet and orifice inside 5 Capacity 1,728 cubic feet per day maximum with 1'/2" inlet and 1'/2" head Inlet can be reduced by installing a smaller orifice using the plug and cutter provided to adjust flow rate for the particular basin volume and drawdown time required 6 Shipped assembled User glues inlet extension and barrel, installs vent, cuts orifice in plug and attaches to outlet pipe or structure Includes flexible hose, rope, orifice cutter, etc 1-51nchCut TM 11-07 November 14, 2007 -i H• t ~ t • . J jai � � '> n a'.•2 i .L . a r Go T � � � r t i � irw 1 •,i'L � . .� f � � Ir, •* ? ? �� ,�' � � "� art .1 . Hydrologic Soil Group —Brunswick County North Carolina MAPLEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AO0 0 C The soil surveys that comprise your A01 were mapped at 1 24 000 Area of Interest (A00 0 CID Warning Soil Map may not be valid at this scale Sods O D Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause Soil Rating Polygons 13 Not rated or not available misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line A placement The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting O AID Water Features soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale N Streams and Canals B Transportation Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map BID 1-1-f Rails measurements 0 C Source of Map Natural Resources Conservation Service ram/ Interstate Highways Web Soil Survey URL http //websoilsurvey nres usda gov 0 CID �y US Routes Coordinate System Web Mercator (EPSG 3857) D �-✓,. Major Roads Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator 0 Not rated or not available Local Roads projection which preserves direction and shape but distorts MV distance and area A projection that preserves area such as the Soil Rating Lines Background Albers equal area conic projection should be used if more accurate ~ A ® Aerial Photography calculations of distance or area are required ~ AID This product is generated from the USDA NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below +ti B BID Soil Survey Area Brunswick County North Carolina .v Survey Area Data Version 15 Dec 20 2013 .y C Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1 50 000 ..y CID or larger +v D Date(s) aerial images were photographed Mar 7 2010—Apr 3 rer Not rated or not available 2011 Soil Rating Points The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background O A imagery displayed on these maps As a result some minor shifting p AID of map unit boundaries may be evident O B B/D USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 4/29/2014 Conservation Service National Cooperative Sal Survey Page 2 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group —Brunswick County North Carolina Hydrologic Soil Group I Hydrologic SoW Group— Summary by Map Unit —Brunswick County North Carolina (NC019) Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI GoA Goldsboro fine sandy loam 0 to 2 percent slopes B 04 16 2% Ly Lynchburg fine sandy loam A/D 1 9 83 8% Totals for Area of Interest 22 100 0% Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water Infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation are thoroughly wet and receive precipitation from long -duration storms The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A B C and D) and three dual classes (A/D B/D and C/D) The groups are defined as follows Group A Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet These consist mainly of deep well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands These soils have a high rate of water transmission Group B Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission Group C Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture These soils have a slow rate of water transmission Group D Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink -swell potential soils that have a high water table soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (A/D B/D or C/D) the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group D are assigned to dual classes USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 4/29/2014 21111111i Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group —Brunswick County North Carolina Rating Options Aggregation Method Dominant Condition Component Percent Cutoff None Specified Tie -break Rule Higher QSDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 4/29/2014 Q Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 4 of 4 North Carolina Secretary of State Page 1 of 1 AfTiA/PIJ� Account Login Register North Cam1ha ElaineF Marshall DEPARTMENT OFTHE Secr7efaq SECRETARY OF STATE PO Bmr 29M Raleigh NC 27626-0522 0191807-MO Date 6/10/2014 Click here to View Document Filings I File an Annual Report J Print a Pre populated Annual Report Fillable PDF Form I Amend A Previous Annual Report Corporation Names Name Name Type NC PAR 3 DEVELOPMENT GROUP LEGAL LLC Limited Liability Company Information SOSID 1312701 Status Current Active Effective Date 4/16/2013 Citizenship DOMESTIC Duration PERPETUAL Annual Report Status CURRENT Registered Agent Agent Name CLODFELTER BRIAN R Office Address 2860 B NC HWY 5 PINEHURST NC 28374 Mailing Address 2860 B NC HWY 5 PINEHURST NC 28374 Principal Office Office Address 2860 B NC HWY 5 PINEHURST NC 28374 Mailing Address 2860 B NC HWY 5 PINEHURST NC 28374 Officers/Company Officials This website is provided to the public as a part of the Secretary of State Knowledge Base (SOSKB) system Version 3328 iECE'ViE JUN 13 2014 BY http //www secretary state nc us/corporations/Corp aspk9Pttemld=10224660 6/10/2014 ECS Geotechnical • Construction Mr Rich Smith Par 3 Development Group, LLC 2860-B NC Highway 5 Aberdeen, North Carolina 28315 LLP Reference Report of Infiltration Testing Ash, NC- Longwood Rd Store #15652 Ash Brunswick County, North Carolina ECS Project No 22 20716 Dear Mr Smith Setting the Standard for Service" NCR 9 n EnEir n 1a FIM F fa73 C Ran t —,d _np ne., ig F m 3-39 Apn1 29, 2014 ECS Carolinas LLP (ECS) recently conducted infiltration testing for the design of the stormwater best management practice (BMP) area at 2081 Longwood Drive in Ash, Brunswick County, North Carolina This letter with attachments is the report of our testing Field Testing On April 24, 2014, ECS conducted an exploration of the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions at one requested location shown on the attached Test Location Plan (Figure 1) ECS located the test area using a civil plan provided by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers The purpose of this exploration was to obtain subsurface information of the in -place soils for the stormwater BMP area ECS explored the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions by advancing one hand auger boring into the existing ground surface at the requested boring location ECS visually classified the subsurface soils and obtained representative samples of each soil type encountered ECS also recorded the groundwater level and the seasonal high water table (SHWT) observed at the time of the hand auger boring The attached infiltration Testing Form provides a summary of the subsurface conditions encountered at the hand auger boring location The SHWT and groundwater elevation were estimated at the boring location below the existing grade elevation A summary of the findings are as follows LocatanZr t n SITYVT_�= t - groundwater sl B-1 18 inches Winches ECS has conducted one infiltration test utilizing a compact constant head permeameter near the hand auger borings In order to estimate the infiltration rate for the subsurface soils Infiltration tests are typically conducted at two feet above the SHWT or in the most restrictive soil horizon lFeeiv JUN 13 7q 9 6714 Nethedande Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 • T 910-686-91141• www ecslimited com ECS Cepitc services PLLC ECS Caro nas LLP EC3 Central PLLC ECS FIDnda LLC ECS Mid AtlanN^ LLC ECS! ti MM LLC ECS SOWTa+ LLC ECS i exas LLP Report of Infiltration Testing Ash NC- I ongwood Rd Store #15652 Ash Brunswick County North Carolina ECS Project No 22 20716 Apn129 2014 Field Test Results Below is a summary of the infiltration test results s �Loeatjo_n D"esd-ription - DeptR ` Ilnchesli,' hour, B-1 Tan/gray/red CLAY 15 inches 00001 Infiltration rates and SHWT may vary within the proposed site due to changes in elevation and subsurface conditions Closure The activities and evaluative approaches used in this assessment are consistent with those normally employed in assessments of this type ECS s testing of site conditions has been based on our understanding of the project information and the data obtained during our field activities ECS appreciates the opportunity to provide our services to you on this project If you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us at (910) 686- 9114 Respectfully ECS CAROLINAS, LLP K Brooks Wall 1Kr J Stamm Project Geologist Principal CC Jody Bland, E I — Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers PC Attachments Figure 1 - Test Location Plan Infiltration Testing Form Infiltration Testing Form Ash, NC — Longwood Rd Store #15652 Ash, Brunswick County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 22.20716 April 24, 2014 Location Depth B-1 0-10" 10"-48" Soil Description Dark gray silty SAND Tan/gray/red CLAY Seasonal High Water Table was estimated to be at 18 inches below the existing grade elevation. Infiltration Rate: 0.0001 per hour Test was conducted at 15 inches below existing grade elevation Groundwater was encountered at 36 inches below the existing grade elevation. N .00'OE . LO .KO N ,.00'OO , W .KO N „00"0£ .00 .KO N .,00"00 .00 •KO N „00'OE AS ,EEO N FAO $ '\ $ 4_x JIM M �� 1 � / • r r �� � . h � _ `-- _ "' n 1\ #� h � fly` 1 �} f 1 � 7 \ •: r� Eo q _ _ o - $ h o 114 N ..00'OE O •4E0 N ..00'OO 40 •KO N .,000E .00 A. N l.00�00 AO ,6E0 N "00'0£ �65 ,EEO N u0O TI $I 0 Q N IF w W w LL J Q U STORMWATER SYSTEM & EROSION CONTROL NARRATIVE Dollar General - Longwood Brunswick County, North Carolina For Par 3 Development Group, LLC 2860-B NC Hwy #5 Aberdeen, NC 28315 (910)944-0881 June 2014 Prepared by: NORRIS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. 1127 Floral Parkway, Suite 400 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 (910)343-9653 (910) 343-9604 (Fax) License # C-3641 N&T Project No. 14014 ECEIVE JUN 13 2014 BY: NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION: The project site is a 2.04 acre tract located in Longwood, within Brunswick County. The soils of the site consist of partially wooded clayey soils and grades ranging from 0% to 1%. Approximately 2.0 acres will be graded to allow construction of a Dollar General Retail Store with paved parking and paved access. The runoff from the site is estimated using the rational method 10-year design storm and rainfall data for the area. Construction is scheduled to begin as soon as all permits and approvals are obtained. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES: The attached plans and specifications outline the requirements for erosion control measures. Silt fencing will be provided along the sides of the property where stormwater would be expected to sheet flow from disturbed areas directly to adjacent property. Gravel check dams will not be provided unless the Contractor has to temporarily discharge into an open ditch instead of the proposed storm drain outfall. The detention pond will be used as a silt basin during construction and restored to its design contours prior to completion. A gravel construction entrance will be constructed at the NC 904 entrance. Maintenance will be provided by the grading contractor and developer. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MEASURES: The project site is located in Brunswick County. Land disturbing on the site will exceed one acre, which requires the site to comply with the County and State Regulations. The stormwater runoff from the development will be directed to the stormwater detention pond. The stormwater detention pond was designed to accommodate this site at 45% impervious area lot coverage. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: The Contractor will install the gravel construction entrance and silt fence prior to beginning any clearing and grading operations. Additional silt fence will be installed when and if conditions warrant during construction. The detention pond/silt basin will be constructed immediately after that portion of the site is cleared, and outlet structure with protection will be installed. Disturbed areas will be landscaped or seeded upon completion. EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND MAINTENANCE PLAN 1. All erosion and sediment control measures will be checked for stability and operation following every runoff -producing rainfall, but in no case, less than once every week and within 24 hours of every half -inch rainfall. 2. All points of egress will have construction entrances that will be periodically top - dressed with an additional 2 inches of #4 stone to maintain proper depth. They will be maintained in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the site. Immediately remove objectionable material spilled washed or tracked onto the construction entrance or roadways. 3. Sediment will be removed from hardware cloth and gravel inlet protection, block and gravel inlet protection, rock doughnut inlet protection and rock pipe inlet protection when the designed storage capacity has been half filled with sediment. Rock will be cleaned or replaced when the sediment pool no longer drains as designed. Debris will be removed from the rock and hardware cloth to allow proper drainage. Silt sacks will be emptied once a week and after every rain event. Sediment will be removed from around beaver dams, dandy sacks and socks once a week and after every rain event. 4. Diversion ditches will be cleaned out immediately to remove sediment or obstructions from the flow area. The diversion ridges will also be repaired. Swales must be temporarily stabilized within 21 calendar days of cease of any phase of activity associated with a swale (if applicable). 5. Sediment will be removed from behind the sediment fence when it becomes half filled. The sediment fence will be repaired as necessary to maintain a barrier. Stakes must be steel. Stake spacing will be 6 feet max. with the use of extra strength fabric, without wire backing. Stake spacing will be 8 feet max. when standard strength fabric and wire backing are used. If rock filters are designed at low points in the sediment fence, the rock will be repaired or replaced if it becomes half -full of sediment, no longer drains as designed or is damaged. 6. Sediment will be removed from sediment traps when the designed storage capacity has been half filled with sediment. The rock will be cleaned or replaced when the sediment pool no longer drains or when the rock is dislodged. Baffles will be repaired or replaced if they collapse, tear, decompose or become ineffective. They will be replaced promptly. Sediment will be removed when deposits reach half the height of the 11 baffle. Floating skimmers will be inspected and kept clean weekly. Land Quality Requires: 7. All seeded areas will be fertilized, reseeded as necessary and mulched according to specifications in the vegetative plan to maintain a vigorous, dense vegetative cover. All slopes will be stabilized within 21 calendar days. All other areas will be stabilized within 15 working days. Water Quality Requires: All seeded areas will be fertilized, reseeded as necessary and mulched according to specifications in the vegetative plan to maintain a vigorous, dense vegetative cover. All perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, perimeter slopes, all slopes steeper than 3' horizontal to 'I'vertical (3:1) and all high quality water (HQW) zones shall be provided temporary or permanent stabilization with ground cover as soon as practicable but in any event within seven (7) calendar days from the last land - disturbing activity. All other disturbed areas shall be provided temporary or permanent stabilization with ground cover as soon as practicable but in any event within fourteen (14) calendar days from the last land -disturbing activity. Flocculants will be used to address turbidity issues. The pumps, tanks, hoses and inject systems will be checked for problems or turbid discharges daily. 10. Refer to new NPDES rules regarding basin outlet structures and skimmers shall withdraw water from the surface. SECTION 02920 SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL GENERAL 1.1 Contractor shall take every reasonable precaution throughout construction to prevent the erosion of soil and the sedimentation of streams, lakes, reservoirs, other water impoundments, ground surfaces, or other property as required by State and Local regulations. 1.2 The Contractor shall install all required silt fences, and construction entrances at the initiation of work, and have these measures reviewed and approved by the local permit authority prior to clearing and grading operations. 1.3 The Contractor shall, within 21 days of suspension or completion of land disturbing activities, provide permanent protective covering for disturbed areas. Temporary and permanent erosion control measures shall be coordinated to assure economical, effective, and continuous erosion and siltation control throughout the construction and post -construction period. Use the specified seed for both temporary and permanent seeding. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 Asphalt for anchoring mulch shall be Type SS-1 Emulsion. 2.2 Fertilizer shall be 10-10-10 grade or equivalent. 2.3 Lime shall be dolomitic agricultural ground limestone containing not less than 10 percent magnesium oxide. 2.4 Mulch shall be small grain straw, hay, wood chips, asphalt emulsion, jute or other suitable material free of undesirable weed seed. 2.5 Phosphate shall be 20 percent superphosphate or equivalent. 2.6 Seed shall be 20% carpet grass, 24% Bermuda, 20% turf Fescue, 10% Creeping Red Fescue, and 24% Annual Rye grain. Bermuda seed shall be hulled for warm weather planting and unhulled for cool weather planting. Purity of seed shall be a minimum of 98 percent and germination shall be a minimum of 85 percent. 2.7 Silt fence shall consist of NCDOT Class A fabric supported by metal posts spaced not more than 6 feet on center. The bottom of the fabric shall be buried a minimum of 6 inches. 2.8 Gravel for check dams shall be #57 washed stone. 2.9 Aggregate for construction entrance shall be #4 washed stone. 2.10 Stone rip rap for check dams and erosion control shall be NCDOT Class A or B as shown. 3. EXECUTION 3.1 General: Take every practicable measure during construction or suspension to work to minimize erosion and siltation. Measures should include good construction practices, temporary physical barriers to sediment travel, settling basins for new ditches, and establishment of vegetative cover. 3.2 Construction Practices 3.2.1 Avoid dumping soil or sediment into any wetland or watercourse. 3.2.2 Maintain an undisturbed vegetative buffer where possible between a natural watercourse and trenching and grading operations. 3.2.3 Avoid equipment crossings of streams, creeks, and ditches where practicable. 3.2.4 Grade all cut, fill and ditch slopes to minimum slope of 3:1, unless otherwise shown or directed. 3.3 Temporary Physical Barriers are required where sedimentation on offsite property or excessive erosion is a problem. 3.3.1 Mulch shall be used for temporary stabilization of areas subject to excessive erosion and for protection of seedbeds after planting where required. 1. Apply grain straw and hay at a rate of 75 to 100 pounds per 1,000 square feet and wood chips at a rate of 500 pounds per 1,000 square feet. Jute and mesh should be installed as per manufacturer's instructions. 2. Asphalt emulsion for slope stabilization should be applied at a rate of 1,000 gallons per acre. Asphalt emulsion used for anchoring straw should be applied at a rate of 150 gallons per ton of straw. 3.3.2 Silt Fences shall be used at the base of slopes to restrict movement of sediment from the site. Clean silt fence of accumulated sediment after each rainfall event or when it exceeds a depth of 0.5 feet above natural grade. 3.3.3 Stone Check Dams, placed at the discharges of creeks, ditches, and swales, shall consist of Class A or Class B erosion control stone at minimum two feet high and three feet thick across the watercourse, with a one foot thick layer of gravel on upstream side. Remove sediment if accumulated to a depth of 1.0 feet at upstream face. 3.4 Vegetative Cover: Establish and maintain permanent vegetative cover on all unpaved areas disturbed by the work. 3.4.1 Preparation of Seedbed: Areas to be seeded shall be scarified to a depth of 4 inches and until a firm, well pulverized, uniform seedbed is prepared. Lime, phosphorous and fertilizer shall be applied during the scarification process in accordance with the following rates: Lime: 45 pounds per 1000 square feet Phosphorous: 20 pounds per 1,000 square feet Fertilizer: 17 pounds per 1000 square feet 3.4.2 Seeding: Disturbed areas shall be seeded with 2 to 3 pounds per 1000 square feet of the specked seed mixture. Seed shall be worked into the bed to a depth of 1/4 inch. Regrade and seed eroded areas immediately 3.4.3 Mulch all areas immediately after seeding. Mulch shall be applied and anchored as specified hereinbefore. Reapply as necessary to retain cover until grass is established. 3.5 Construction Entrance: Provide an aggregate drive, 20 feet wide by 50 feet long by 6 inches thick at each entrance to the site used by construction vehicles, until such time as the permanent roadway is constructed. Remove soil if accumulated to a depth greater than 0.5 inches. 3.6 Maintenance: The Owner and Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining all temporary and permanent erosion control measures. Temporary structures shall be maintained until such time as vegetation is firmly established in the area protected by the structure. Permanent streambank protection and grassed areas shall be maintained until completion of the project. Areas that fail to show a suitable stand of grass or which are damaged by erosion shall be immediately repaired. END OF SECTION