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WQ0004268_Monitoring Wells_20100514
N� UT MET4011f CS StNe@ b 0. t t • Quality Vegetables • May 14, 2010 Mil. Bill Todd Environmental Technician NCDENR 225 Green Street, Suite .714 Fayetteville, NC 28301 RE: Aliens, Inc. — Plant #7 (Turkey, North Carolina) Permit No. WQ0004268 Response to Monitoring Well Information Request RECEIVED MAY 192010 DEC- FAYEf TEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE In a letter dated April 15, 2010, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Water Quality, requested information regarding four monitoring wells at the Aliens, Inc. (Aliens) facility in Turkey. The purpose of this letter is to provide most of that requested information. Enclosed please find a letter from David Meyer, Protocol Sampling, regarding the camera investigative work performed on MW-1, MW-2, and MW-3. Aliens was able to locate original boring logs and well construction information for MW-3 and that is also enclosed. Please note that we had some confusion on which wells needed camera investigation and MW-3 was assessed but not MW-4. So, Aliens has asked Protocol Sampling to return to complete the camera investigation on MW-4. That is scheduled for Monday, May 17th and Aliens will provide this additional information as soon as we receive it. If you have any questions or require any additional information, feel free to contact me by phone at 479-228-0102 or by email at lmushinski@allens.com. a Sincerely, Aliens, Inc. Lau.rcJ. Miws�Z% Laura J. Mushinski, CFIMM Director = Environmental Quality cc: Joel Shields, NCDENR (via e-mail) Reid Wells, Aliens - Turkey Aliens, Inc. • 305 East Main Street • P. O. Box 250 • Siloam Springs, Arkansas 72761 • Tel: 479-524-6431 DENR—FAYEREVILLE REGIONAL OFFiCe WQ0004268 — — Plant 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey, NC 28393 Latitude: 34° 5902" Longitude: -78° 13' 08" 200.P.[Dig Ite 1G be, Imagery Dates; De o 12, 2005 - Jun 5, 2006 lat '(.3.4.980534* Ion -78,223170° olev 122 ft • Eye aly 4167 It 4 Apr-t0-2004 04:3Tpa Pro,-SIO: Drr R r, NAY t8t08788888 DENR-FAYE1EVILLERER! RFITniPn T-TTa tgiaal/got) Alt1 DENR-FAYF ViLI_E.REGIONALOFFIC' WELL -CON IRTICIIONRECORD NaduCarsibo-Aqummeotofl ream=atatiNaiwlBeaoeetxs-DivWanofWitesQu y-oxosolovacswan writtam SIAL gsmmaMOSailuls h�4- .1� IJ J. assincituott422E2 WB.LCOMIKCIOICOMMIV11110 Strtir e_ . MORO • RJ91 4'9.7-?S4 D aTAII WRACClNTRUCIIOIt'7SRIAMP tlhoni6mWa1 (ltaoplbalaiel I. WELLUSE Applia 1 iBoah,;Bedda thil0 MimddpaLPtblieO lodfaaWD AVhtdaaalD Mmttoring D Hat Pomp WaI hgaaian Q- Other 0 Ff011oe,LiNthe 2. WELL LOCATION: Meat Towao '%r>r� -car Voce. Nom*m,11.olo;Cam,.•aidhiaia,Beak%rCc ad 3. OWrE31; Alyce. Pg. are. PI Adik a (Anaarltaatallo.) CV IMMO Sum 21,0* Ana co&ftw°'esa'6ar_ 4. DAM DRILLIEDlit i S. TOTALIID3>'T1L 6. DOES WEIL REPLACE OWING WELT YES 0 NO se 7. MAT/CW.27 LLEVEL,BolowTopoft _.a _yr s: TOP voters � , ?Pr.. Lind Edbove �`s ' IOSOMIAN noise"i WeISANCA 2CJfl;. 9 YIELD (=p oP METHOD OP TEST 10. WATER ZONES (dam 11. DISINFECTION*: Typee,_ Amount 12. CASING: WallIlidnew Depth Diatom of We bWFR Magid T •�,ce.. _,,,To,_FR 13. C$lO131: Depth , Menial Method To a_ Ft Meat- p ...•r' aLr TaL.,.._1 14. SCRIMDIpi Dieaaller Mot SW a Weal Feces est To XL' Ft C .010 ia. dt1C - Fhaaso TO-- Flo. ha. 15. SAND RAVEL PACK: 44 Topographictland atetdng Midge Clinopo Mew MA Cchodedirwille bar) L9fudclionpwae arwill to adan LothulMonglatda aouromIXOWITopogtapldo map 1211'TS -� Faxon n To Fanostiao Do t pdon lactaxiusucu Show al eextloaenddlaomosinanyeafromacleas awo Sloe Reach or Comfy Roads la dude almond zeugma oat cow=Mid aamtea. IDOMUM CERTIFY THATTNISWELL WAS corenRucrip DI ACCORDANCE Wi931ISANCAC2C, WELL colautucnou STANDARDS, AMID TEAT ACOPY OF THU MOOED HAS BERNaLoV1DBD To TEE WBu. hD ing Qvitusicktm, 1.1 lAT1JiIE OF PERSON CONSTRUCm G THE WELL DATE mama era edam! nubs Divlaisa of Water Quality. Cron■dw.t.r Sectioq lei M. ow:..Casimir - aaisigw NC 37490406 Piano Nude) 793- 3Ji,wwftdk 3Y dam. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 Ewor'r' I L11 r l l l t l '1f1�111■1r1111111'1°1�'r' r ��� 11 1 1 1 1 I I! I' 1' 1 !illy 1 i Fr E� I Ili 1 I I Ir'— —1-,- �, I p I r l r r I r s. r1IIL1Il1r11111111111111r1 I1'I Jirjlirilrliliril', 11; ►Jrll'r1VI 111111111ii1Ir11I11 4i11,11 E1..1111111r1111111111111I1.1111r1 S I 1 + I, 1 i I 1 1, I i I, I 1 lffr' 3t1+1 \1 !� �1I+111'Ill'11r11rI11111+r111111t IIi:llir 11 : IIr1111iIIrIIrrllrrlllllltIlllti _1r111r11 P iiri ILIIrIrI1r�111111111ieI1111I1IIrriI11�I IE 1I1I111I 11 11 1\ lac 0 I iit 11�1�111'!I�r�111 fl! rlir',,111,311 114 1'r111r11 I I lIr_1�.. 11 �� I Ir111111111110I11' 11r11111111 11111 r'11111'1'111111111 jt I•!'Fy!Ir1rfrI1fItI Ir I""-■ �.�111�111a11111 1111 i lll'llltrllrrl �1,11111l 1 0 1�1�111111 t11 •• II III 11 life '.111 1111rt 1 !1 11111 1.1r11111Iiti Iiri 111 •l1 I r 1 a I 1 1 7 I '•:41 11ri11r111e11111 1I1r11IIP 111 1 Irr111rr1'1r irlrlsr Ilriiir rrrY.V �v •1 \\.'♦\\\\ s. \ \ \ T ,\N,:s \,. r Tr fr \ ,s Zs 1 l COMPLETION REPORT OF WELL No. W-1 Sheet 1 al 1 8 :11 J L 5 PROJECT: Allen Canning PROJECT NO: PROJECTLOCATION: Turkey, North Carolina ORILLING CONTRACTOR: S&ME Raleigh DRILLING METHOD: 3Vil H.S.A. DATE DRILLED: 1115101 WATER LEVEL: 3.00 LATmJDE: LONGITUDE: TOP O= CASING ELEVATION: DATUM: LOGGED BY: D. Loftis Originally called MW-1, but this is well MW-3. STRATA WELL DETAILS all, a a i pi z a . ill . WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS DESCRIPTION-z m , ,,-, a • ` 0.00 GS i PROTECTIVE Diameter. Interval: Diameter: Interval: GROUT SEAL 'Interval: FILTERPACK Intermit SCREEN Diameter, Interval: LEGEND 0 4 CASING Type: CASING 2-inch Type: PVC -2.17 to 5.0 feet �y Type: Neat Cement 0.0 to 3.0 feet : Type: Bentanite 3.0 to• 4.5 feet Type; Filter Sand 4.5 to 15.0 feet 2.-Inch Type: Sch. 40 PVC 0.010-Inch Slotted , 10.0 to 15.0 ALTER PACK TOC TOP OF CASING SE-NtTUNITE GS GROUND SURFACE BS BENTONITE SEAL CEMENT GROUT FP FILTER PACK 'MC TOP OF SCREEN CUTTINGS 1 ACI FILL ESC EIOTTCh1 OF SCREEN. TOTAL DEPTH STATIC WATER LEVEL MN BW BOTTOM OF WELL CG CEMENT GROUT r &..s, '' • - 10 -15 J 0.f10 3.00 ;<.$a 5.00 15.00 • .. CG ESRISER TEC .' TO • : •.• •%= �� ==-'• ' '—" �• , t•tntetvei: - COMPLETION REPORT OF ..:_, samE 3718 41d Battleground Road WELL No. MW-1 'T1 Greensboro, NC ENG;NE=1IKC • TESTING Si.-- t 1 Of 1 EtmKONMC AL SEEY+c=s - A -- ) MEMORANDUM To: Laura J. Mushinski, CHMM Director Environmental Quality Allens, Inc. From: David Meyer, NCWD, CWD Date: May 11, 2010 Re: Monitor Well Camera Inspection MW-1, 2 & 3 — Old Sprayfields Site: Allens Canning 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey, Sampson County, North Carolina On Tuesday, May 10, 2010 myself along with Reid Wells inspected monitor wells MW-1, MW-2 and MW-3 with a GeoVision, Jr. downhole camera. The casing and screen depths were measured for each well. A well tag identification plate was attached to each well noting these depths. Findings: 1. MW-1 was found to be 30-feet deep with 10-feet of screen. The static water table was found at 22-feet below top of casing which was two -feet above grade. 2. MW-2 was found to be 20-feet deep with 7-feet of screen. The static water table was found at 8-feet below top of casing which was 1-foot above grade. This well is adjacent to a small stream. 3. MW-3 was found to be 17-feet deep with 10-feet'of screen. The static water table was found at 4-feet below top of casing which was 1.5-feet above grade. This well is adjacent to a stream. 4. A new identification tag was set on MW-4. M10-012.DEM Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Dee Freeman Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coleen Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality April 15, 2010 Allen Canning Inc., Plant #7 ' •Attn: Reid Wells 5900 Turkey Hwy Turkey, NC 28393 SUBJECT: Facility Information Request Monitoring Well Construction Data & Status Permit WQ0004268 Turkey, Sampson County Dear Mr. Wells: The Division has inspected your monitoring wells and found that locks be installed, tags filled out with correct information,, such as total depth, depth of well casing and screen interval should be done to bring your wells into compliance with the construction standards. Additionally, we have searched our records, and evaluated your well(s) for well tag information without,fmding needed information about the physical construction of four wells on your facility. Since that information is not readily available, one option for the permit holder is to have well(s) video logged to obtain the information which is required. The well construction data needed is total depth of well, depth of well casing used and the screened interval. Provide the needed information for the following well(s): MW-1, MW-2, MW-3 and MW-4. This information request is enforceable under your permit conditions. Please provide your plan of action on or before May 15, 2010. If you have questions contact me at (910) 433-3341. Sincerely, Bill Todd Environmental Tech. Division of Water Quality cc: FRO files NorthCarolina Naturally North Carolina DWQ/Aquifer Protection Section 225. Green St./ Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301 Phone (910) 433-3300 FAX (910) 486-0707 Internet: h2o.enr.state.nc.us Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled/10%o Post Consumer Paper Allen Canning Inc., Plant #7 Attn: Reid Wells 5900 Turkey Hwy Turkey, NC 28303 • , • • 13e9cilypivOs 'Pettit' cG�yethor Dec Preenian Secretary North Carcilinti Department of 5nvirotinient and Natural Resources• Coleen Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality April 15, 2010 SUBJECT: facility Information Request Monitoring Well Constructien Data & Status Permit WQ0004268 Turkey, Sampson County The Division has inspected your monitoring wollS.atid found that locks be installed, tags filled out with correct information, such as total depth, depth of well casing and screen interval should be done to. bring your wellS into compliance with the construction standards. Additionally, we have searched our records, and evaluated your well(s) for well tag information without finding needed information about the physical construction of four wells on your facility. Since that information is not readily available, one optioh for the etmit holder is to have well(s) video logged to obtain the information which is .required. The well construction data needed is total depth of Well, depth of well easing Wed and the screened interval: Provide the needed information for the following well(s): MW-1, MW-3- and MW-4. This information request is enforceable under your permit ebhditions. Plea -Se provide your pilaff of action On or before May 15, 2010. If you have questions contact me at_(910) 433-3341. Sincerely, Division of Water Quality cc: i7k0 files Environmental Tech: . • - ; North. Carol ina'DWQ/M4ifer'PrOteCtion:Section. 225 green .St,/Su itO 1Thyettt iI1 N.C.230.1 Phone (91.0),4333309 FAX `(§,id) 481;1707, Ini6tnet".h2o,enr.state.nc.us CtiatO'iner Service 1-877623-674$ An Equal OOPottunitY/Afiirinative Action' Employer — 50% Retycledt106/. Pcit Consumer Paper N6ofthCarolina „Naturally :Imagory Dates:: 0004268.:- Aliens, Inc. Plant: #7' 59'00 °Turkey ;Highway 0'12; 2005:-*Jun•t5,12 O6P1at•• Eyo.a,t t lt - 4167 ft Imagoty Dates: Doc`12,-2005-Jtin =5' 20461,IaVy34.980534" lon:178.22317T o[av 122ft Apr411-2004 04i5411 ProrSlit 441 to 881l9` T=TTI' ' P', 0011CO2: F=046 Ntith Ran** DivIdins WataQv ligr t3iotdtdt+iuet9eadoa' Wsltcci+qailitiiivligi(Orwate (w�9-- �_ —�-- ple ANittLUO.- -_ .:5-rrt� ."• nG... .._ _l. _ __Awn— • mon to 414D ._..ariarbial l. Vita 1/013 c 4011011113141keidinitlard Mititathig eed o �o Agoodiung poi K o 2. WELT, LOCATION: Mann Toms 'iyr County -s.447 - CU& HwraiNi.radwra.00m:reisr.Padvislos. Dam%toCad.) 3 Addrea - -.. (iaaarerR.at0 Clem role* t sae apCede • MAU& il±Mot s - I. d. DAIS . -.1 Ifsf°c _.._.' 5. TOTAL • _.: - 6. DoESWELT *'"F.AcEExES7p1Oyaw YES DI NO nr 7. STATIC WATIIit IlVtteDubri Top °MakinBa _pre parar, s; tot OrcASOO]S; - 11 ,'r PT.Above Liid3i i* 's+ K• t Vier Wow • vm.a..laaosiduE toUM CAC:=JUL, .. 9. Yarb(emp . M COor1isr- ., ... 10. WATER. ZONES Mg* _ - _ Tupov4hic L n *Wig I7S10p0 Milky ebsie.pyiapewt;�9 Ldriudil1ao$tiude('orvounu iootiaoo latinidaikaghilda amatiocioncrropolop-- won* 122 p>:TrJr, rrr I+rom To' Few Daoapdaa 11. DI lHEC IONDan _— Antarit • - 12. CASINO: vVaa Ittiaaar Atnnitir or Weic1 7t. Adtitorial >i '!"r3o LPL -S ifa ..#ite-,• 1V —7° Fe 13. GROUT: . Depth .. , Matsu -Idetkod Freo® ••• - It 14. SEEN • Dept - r 81otsms 'aim 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK . Depth Sift >taaetl Pil:1131:11:Limm•iiiiii PI tocAT o1.SZwrcrr Sbcw dliecdoa and dbiniut in miles toisleast twv Siam Rcads cot Cotn*Rosdi. IiirlUdethermd ii+eatie;<s and Feat wit Woad to ott *. 4 abuitatt ! DO IO?lt =WBt i. WA! OBI IC1EO lir AACCORIIANC@ vatu 1smite, c 2C, wax: CONEDRUCT1ON STAI4DABD9. A iID THAT ACOPY OP TEST 1tECOED 1EA8 BEM PIDVlaED To THE WELL OUP. 9L sb lATUREOFPERSONCO STiWCTWOTHE WELL DATE sob* die orlalaal relhi Thing= of Wit* Qaalii .Ge e.i 8 vista Sac ion. l ii aa.a a..wi.o c....r= ivc, 27094636 AO* Na (OM 733-33.11: within 30 dayi. . ' GW-i.REV. 07/2001 Eworr a AAI rc ,.i • r. r1•01.11 •.=111.ww 511e:et 1 cif 1 COMPLETION REPORT OF WELL No. MW-I PRarEc+: Allen Canning PROJECT NO: PROJECT LOCATION: Turkey, North Carolina DRILLING CONTRACTOR: S&ME Raleigh DRILLING L1E11-1011 3/4" ' DATE WILLED: lil 5101 LATITUCE: LOINIGITUDE: - roP OF CASING ELEVATION: DATUM: -LOGGED BY: D. Loft% Originally called MW-1, but this is well: MW-3. • 4TRATA DETAILS . WELL . . _. — it .-•-: ' 0- d•-: . LI/ •-•-• ' CI _ • . mill ... 111 - .0 , : '1--- - 'i <7; 5 7 •-• til -t ...,— • . . 3. . • • • - _: , ' WELL toNstkucTION OLTAILS - r. _ _ _ . . . .__ _ .._- — _ - (3E SCROTION _.. SYMIOL 1.- — 0 i, Lil •••• ._ PROTECTIVE CASING • 0' N,‘ 0.00 .. GS - Diaidetei: TV1573 ' . . , . . . e 0.00 , ifitersidl: - - !g•., 3.00 . C6 • . - j.:.......::':, - F,k18iq CASING t. -•. •. .. ... • 4.50 5.00' BS -rsc : . Diaidtti: 24Inch _ •.• .• •, .• . • , . Typ4: PPVC....., fetilt 4:17 to 541) ftt . . • • • • . • - , GROUT toe: . Ntat Cement .. • -10 ..:C—.:.• . . - ititEovA: 0,0 ta 3.0 fee' — . :... • . SEAL , , ge.ritenite FiiiDivk 3.0 to- 45 feet . ..._.... -15 ••••-•.*•.:--..*:. ' — -•''''- 500' TD • . , • FILTERPACK . • two: Filter Sand rilterval: 4,5 to 15.0.reet . , SCREEN 134riftdit. 241d h " . . Type: Sch. 40 PVC 0:016Andh Slotted ' • , . , -,., . , ' ifitatvai; icLia to 15.0 - . . . LEGMD ' .. . • . FILTER -PACK TOG Top b- CASING ' GS GROUND SURFACE ..1:1tON tit- i . . , . E El . BS BENTONITE SEAL ' CEMENT GROUT FP FILTER PACK T50 TOF' OF SatEEN a CUTTINGS i BACKFILL nc BorromoFsCREEN., 0 TOTAL DEPTI-I TO •6TATIC r , . — T. INAI2R LEVE- ' BOTTCM OF WELL _ , . , CG CEMENT GROUT' - . . , _ . . .... _ - . ••• • • :.1::.•i::.. .. - COMPLETION'REPORT OF ,i.w.. . -•;-• 371601d adttliiniti.und Odad WELL No AMA Grdensboro, NO . . - .. ' Ihro:ikie•-rttifit - 'ths'irtic • Slitet 1 of ‘ ENVIXeNkUNTAL 5.131V&CE5 . . . . . - , . .. ,.. ..__ 03/27/2010 1929 9105960127 ALLENS INC i A PAGE 01/03 5900 Turkey Hwy. Turkey, NC 28393 ..Pipne (910) 596-Q028 Fax (910) 5964127 . • ' necmnom 9/0- VP6-0)012 FROM: DATE: 2,cQ9JO PAGES: r- MESSAGE: Pi on ,-,s WI) i -Po • NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONNENTAL MANAGEMENT RATING SCALE.FOR CLASSIFICATION OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES Name of Plant: ,0Yf4/ /)k,4T Ae/(rife County n'/ S: / Mailing Address: (Print) (SStreet or P. O..Box No.) (Town or City) Rated By: /% V %/ ,27/�/% (Name) Date Permit No.: yCUU y "Ogg Date: (Print) (Zip) Class ITEM POINTS 1. DESIGN FLOW OF PLANT IN GPD (Not Applicable to non -contaminated cooling waters. and non -discharging systems) 0 - 20,000 1 20,001 - 50,000 2 50,001 - 100,000 3 100,001 - 250,000 - (6)_._ 250,001 - 500,000 5 500,001 - 1,000,000 8 1,000,001 - 2,000,000 10 2,000,001 - (and up)rate 1 point additional for each 200,000 GPD capacity up to a maximum of 30 2. PRE-TREATMENT UNITS (a) Influent'Pumps (including air lift) (b) Bar Screens or (c) Mechanical Screens or Comminuting Devices (d) Grit Removal or (e) Mechanical or Aerated Grit Removal 2 (f) Flow Measuring Device or (g) Instrumented Flow Measurement (h) Preaeration or Equalization. (i) Grease or 0i1 Separators - Gravity 2 Mechanical 3 Aerated 3. PRIMARY TREATMENT UNITS (a) Septic. Tank (b) Imhoff Tank (c) Primary Clarifiers (Including Sludge Air Lifts) (d) Settling Ponds or settlingtanks for Inorganic Non -Toxic Materials involving a discharge to the surface waters (Sand, Gravel, Stone,& other mining operations except recreational activities such as gem or gold mining) 2 2 3 5 10 Revised 2 - 1 - 76 03/27/2010 19:29 9105960127 ALLENS INC PAGE 02/03 COMPLETION REPORT OF WELL No. MW-3 Sheet 1et1 PROJECT: Allen Canning" PROJCT NO: PROJECT LOCATION: Turkey, Noah Carolina DRILLING CONTRACTOR: S&ME Raleigh DRILLING METHOD: 31W" W.S.A. DATE DRILLED: 1f15101 INA1•ER LEVEL: 3.00 LAT MOE: LONGITUDE: TOP OF CASING ELEVATION: DATUM: tows) BY D. Loftis STRATA WELL DUALSis Q d WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS :ra • do es . PROTECTIVE CASING ceaen9ter_ I Typa: • r ..... 0 tiff OAP \ t'' 1 interval: ,..4 1,.N. 100 CG 4,50 H5 RISER CASING • 5 40 TSC Diameter. 2-lath Type: PVC riven -vet 2.17 to 5.0 feet .� 'GROUT . Type: Neat Cement .,� :.';:`. • -to Interval: 0.0to3.0foot = SEAL ' ^ - alp ' : _ : Type: Bentonita interval: 3,0 to-4,5 feet ,—• -i5 1 15.0I} Tl} FILTEERPACK Type: Filter Sand Interval: 4.5 to 15.0 feet . SCREEN Diameter; 3-Tnch Typal Sch. 40 PVC 0.010.1nch Slotted 1cfl v l: 10.0 to 15.0 LEGEND. c3 FILTER PACK TOC TOP OF CASING ®HFONI i1= GS GROUND SURFACE BS BENTONITE SEN- 1,,+: CEMENT GROUT FP FILTER PACK TSC TOP OF SCREEN Fri CUTTINGS 1 BACKFILL BSC BOTi CM OF SCREEN TO Z STATIC ti1vA } eR LEVEL BOTTOM OF WELL CG CEMENT GROUT COMPLETION REPORT OP Y - � 3118 Ord Battl©groiurtd Road WELL No. MW- 3 - Greenstoro, NC EPIGi l! lKG-117111+G Si'Str.V.t 1 of 1 - 2 - ITEM POINTS 4. SECONDARY. TREATMENT UNITS (a) Trickling Filter - High Rate 7 Standard Rate 5 (b) Aeration - High Purity Oxygen 20 Diffused Air 1�, Mechanical ADD Separate Sludge Reaeration 3 (c) Sand Filter 2 (d) Stabilization Lagoon with outlet to stream 5 (e) Holding Pond for Effluent Flow Equalization and/or Stage Discharge 61) (f) Aerated Lagoons 10 (g) Secondary Clarifiers (Including Sludge Air Lifts) 5. TERTIARY OR ADVANCED TREATMENT UNITS (a) Polishing Pond 2 (b) Post Aeration 5 (c) Sand or mixed -media filters 5 (d) Chemical Precipitation 5 _(e) Activated Carbon Beds (without carbon regeneration) 5 (f) Activated Carbon Beds (with carbon regeneration) 10 (g) Nitrification Process 15 (h) Denitrification Process 20 (i) Phosphate Removal 20 (j) Pre -Package Unit for Removal of Oil and Grease 30 6. SLUDGE TREATMENT ) Sludge Digestion Tank - Heated. Aerobic Unheated (b) Sludge Drying Beds (c) Sludge Thickener (d) Vacuum Filter, Centrifuge, or Filter Press (e) Sludge Gas Utilization (f) Sludge Elutriation (g) Sludge Incinerator 7. DISINFECTION (a) Pre (b) Intermediate (c) Post 10 CJ 3 2 10 2 5 10 1 2 0 (d) Dechlorination 5 403/27/2010 19:29 9105960127 ALLENS INC COMPLETION REPORT OF WELL No. MWM If a• I PROJECT: Allen Canning PROJECT NO: North Carolina PFROiECTLOCATION: Turkey, . DRILLING CONTRACTOR: S&ME Raleigh DRILLING MET -tOD: 31 H.S.A. DATE DRILLED: 1116101 �-�iay�mu x�v�ces 3710 Gild Battleground Rand Greensboro, NC WATER LEVEL- 11_92 LAIMJDE; LCINGITU DEL TOP OF CASING ELEVATION! DATUM; LOGGED BY; i3. Loftts PROTECTIVE CASING , Diameter. • Type: Intend; RISER CASING Diameter 2-Inch Type! PVC loterral: 2.82 to 8.0 faet GROUT Type; Heat Cement intend; 0.0 to 4.9 ,feet SEAL. Type: Bentortite tnterrat: 4.5 to 5.5 feet FILTERPACK Type: Filter Sand 1ntafYal: 8.5 to 8.0 feet SCREEN Diameter. 2-inch Type: Sch. 40 PVC 0.010-inch Slotted lntesvat: 8.D to 28.0 feet . LEGEND O. FILTER PACK 11 BENTOkNITE t CEMENT GROUT tatrrn1NGS1 BACKFILL X, STATIC, WATER LEVEL PAGE • 03/03 Sheet 1of1 WC TOP OF CASING ROUND SURFAC SS BENTONI•TE SEAL t; FP FILTER PACK TSC TOP OF SCREEN BSC SOTCCM'CF SCREEN TO TOTAL DEPTH Bud BOTTOM CF'NELL CG CEMENT -GROUT COMPLETION REPORT OF WELL No. Sheet t of - 3 - ITEM POINTS 8. MISCELLANEOUS UNITS (a) Holding Ponds or Holding Tanks for Inorganic, non -toxic materials with no discharge to the surface waters 2 (Sludge handling facilities for Water Purification Plants, Sand, Gravel, Crushed Stone, and other similar Operations) (See Definition No. 4) (b) Holding Ponds or Holding Tanks for organic or toxic materials with no discharge to the surface waters 4 (Any pump, valve, or other mechanical control subject to failure creating a potential for bypass or discharge from the holding ponds or tanks will necessitate a minimum classification of Class I requiring a certified operator.) (c) In -Plant Pumps (including air lifts) (d) Stand -By Power Supply 3 (e) Thermal Pollution Control Device 3 (f) Effluent Pumps (g) Land Application 5 (Not applicable for facilities under (8) (a)) (h) Treatment Processes for Removal of Metal or Cyanide and Other Toxic Materials 30 CLASSIFICATION Class I 5 - 25 Points Class II 26 - 50 Points Class III 51 - 65 Points Class IV. . 66. - Up Points Facilities having a rating of 1 through 4 points, inclusive, do not require a certified operator. Classification of all other facilities requires a comparable grade operator in responsible charge. z I!� 6.0 3 S Todd, Bill From: ReidWells [rwells@allens.com] Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 10:15 AM To: Todd, Bill Subject: Aliens Monitoring: WeII. Info We have not found the construction records for the wells here at the plant. 1 talked with our environmental director in Arkansas about this, and she is going through, the files in the corporate office to see if she can find any info. Just wanted to let you know we are still: looking, and we will do what is neededto get the info. Thanks, Reid' Nov 02 07 01: 370 • (NFS- rn (i) Apr-2S-ZGC4 04;STI'm PeorIME illi&714050 r470 ii;owcaz • • '946 HFILL CONSTRICTION RECIjR4 - ' , • Minh Cendlna - Deverasettt af Eaviaximard sod !NTaaral Rome= ,•1)ivieerfIllietf ()may. . tiecuodiagoe *eel . - wesZt.a*Takerrela taguevrou.kr.) Mott eprOKL__Latazilja6cRitrincearkow er20 0 Arm. catrinciwrau coomPANY mutt' . 'e-cf- A-6". .^,,,/e-- - pietit•rg if rrti 1 V Di Liti,o . inAmvu.Lcominvelloti.P.INA . ' _IbeSOCUTao wq KRUM ' • . - . IIIMIIIM...' iir.rtimitill) - . . — — fitIP211,12,14) . . :., • wryly...ALMS (C>na.ecppliee >le box): tresgicans± D isiimir4.11/Po. 31:c Li likluatial la- " limmituzing Cr Recovery Co 'Real Pump Viitter:NeetiOrk 0 Odict D If Oiler., List trao - •• . 2- WELL LOCAIrldit Ikletrere Tawa; Clencillanab,Shiagsbeir. Canimola 04.11..11Atlett, NO, ill, GAO' crwitn‘c>.ele‘ tSoresorteme two Oyer Tkr‘a St.4. ibo.C.rpts Aim gas* 74,140imegia 4. /Mat XMX41113, V610,1 S. TOTAL1:=61' • 6. 130.e..5 'WELL RZPJ-16.CV):USTMO WELL2 YES a NO 7. STA.77c VATIE:21.3YEL agow Top of Cerdar 0'1 yr. , nr Clime K. TOP OF CASING M FT. Above Lime) Suifaze et. awd.IL •.•1•4•••••mmor•A•f•P4wrote moire+ wilds/ fr awom mar witi zia %VAC Se 9. Wan (AM): NETHOID.orgnr 10. Wei-Trat. Z0.14F.$ (depth): 11. IXSTINIFECrION1 Type Amount 1', Wall INcirrorar 014„.7034.tdi FLv 0. 61<:- R1154_...„,.. itani Ft . , • 11. impi Movital aleaxid Fmk r-, „ CeenaciLw 14, SCREW rigrat , Dino= dlot Sire Atircertal FtiNtL, To.ae:_, ALi • -1.3414.51tliORAYgr. PACE: Depel Ft414 4•S Ifo & A. .4=P , . Irma . . • Topographic/L=1 =tang DRidge Cava I:Macy Met Perk promsvintillor) Leltuddloagialde crfwell biota= • origwowetanwerposomd Ladasde/loagitude vourocrICIFSDTopogropiric map 04,41cha4 12= 1 1 la • Fran To Pormitioopeacrip Ilan ,• OC_ATION Y)CH Show dIroadoa sad ditto:log fa NUR Pam lc tx.r.; Roa.l. ur ( .'t'Rt&KTnclutie rtte • nitizbeg:a.nott cc rgroonic.itl palms. • 112: T.16)-1: -- • 4Y ctt04 1 DO HP.IIILOY0:01.Tafle luxr-rit is VIAL WAs commuciat ACCORDANOIWITU 1. • cRv.F..-rf.r.g4 co:"t ea, mks wzr.N moviTA-7.7. To TIM vs fg.4,. uviSsi4 SKINATURFI PER-WN ca.NisTklicrreiou1I3 vial; ])4.72 SitholdeTb rit to tin' Dirritivo of Water Ovary, On coo dromei Semon, letio1011 s:rr•ter Crowe- itairiza, NC ' :36044m PICA!'�, valtktal 30 doyi. OW -1 REV. 07/24)411 , . p 2 '.J Collection and Preservation of Groundwater Samples - Page 1 of 7 N. C..Division of ester Quality "To preserve, protect and enhance North Carolina's water..." home > sections > laboratory > Collection and Preservation of Groundwater Samples search: about. the division: I txih(act.us I dsVq. se flans I.lpssary Laboratory Section :: Collection and Preservation of Groundwater Samples for the DWQ Laboratory COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION OF GROUND WATER (Incl. UST) SAMPLES FOR THE NCDWQ LABORATORY SECTION Listed below is information to be used in the collection and preservation of samples. Filtered samples are requested for some parameters as recommended by the USGS manual. If you are submitting filtered samples, write "DIS" (for dissolved) in the block beside applicable parameters on the GS-54 form. Excluding purgeable organics and sulfide , a one-half inch air space should be left in all bottles to allow for mixing before analysis. The parameters have been grouped according to preservatives needed. Samples must be shipped to the Laboratory as soon as possible after collection. Reference: 40 CFR Part 136.3 Table II Parameter (2) Minimum Required Volume Container (1, 14) P-Plastic G-Glass (F) Filtered (U) Unfiltered Preservation (19) Maximum Holding Time (20) • AWIkalnity F118' 200 m1 P (Disposable) U Cool, 4° C 14 days AG=a!?o_tat Request on field sheet and submit alkalinity sample tcarRtionat Request on field sheet and submit alkalinity sample pH Inappropriate for laboratory analysis Immediate - field measurement Carbon Dioxide Inappropriate for laboratory analysis Immediate - field measurement Chromium, Hexavalentlab 200m1 P (Disposable) U . Cool,4° C 24 hours (notify of collection) Color 200 ml P (Disposable) U Cool, 4° C 48 hours (6) MBAS 500 ml P (Disposable) U Cool, 4° C 48 hours (6) (notify lab of • collection) Specific 200 ml Conductance P (Disposable) U - Cool, 4° C" 28 days __. D. Chloride 500 ml x 1 P (Disposable) Cool, 4° C when U combined w/sulfate - None if CI only 28 days II II II 11Cool, 4° C when II http://h2o.erir.state.nc.us/lab/ga/collpresgw.htm 9/24/2008 Collection and Preservation of Groundwater Samples Page 2 of 7 F,luord'e „ combined w/above P (Disposable) U combined w/sulfate - None if CI onl 28 days D..rS fat combined w/above P (Disposable) U Cool, 4° C 28 days Hardness, Total (Request by checking Ca and Mg on sheet- Can be part of metals sample) Total Hardness=2.497 [Ca mg/L]+4.118 [Mg mg/L] 500 ml P (Disposable) U 1+1 HNO3 to pH<2 6 months Non -carbonate Hardness (3) (= total hardness- total alk.) Submit samples for total hardness (Ca+Mg) and alkalinity, as specified - HEM: Oil & Grease 2 liters (two 1 liter bottles) G (wide -mouth quart jar, Teflon -lined cap) U Cool, 4° C, 6N H2SO4 to pH<2 28 days Silica 200 ml P (Disposable) U Cool, 4° C 28 days Sulfide 40 ml x 3 (21) G, 40 ml VOA vial U Cool, 4° C add 0.1 ml of 2N zinc acetate plus 6N NaOH to pH>9. ' Leave no headspace in bottle. 7 days Cyanide, Total 2 liters (two 1 liter bottles) P U Cool, 4° C, 0.6g ascorbic acid (4), 6N NaOH to pH>12 14 days (12) Phenol, Total Recoverable 2 liters (two 1 liter bottles) G (Phenol bottle) only (5) U Cool, 4° C, 1:1 H2SO4 to pH<2 (1 ml Ferrous Ammonium Sulfate if samplecontains oxidizer) • 28 days Mt Etals Wg`'7AT'I, As, Ba; Be,$C Cd, Co; Cr(fota_) Cu, Fe K, Li,Mc:, Mrv,a," Mn,aNa; Ni.Pb b, ^Sn, Se, TI V a. Hg.,,: . 500 ml x 1 P (Disposable) U 1+1 HNO3 to pH<2 ' 72 hours - should be delivered to lab within 48 hours to allow for sample prep 28 days - Hg BOD 5-day 1 liter P U Cool, 4° C 48 hours (6) CBOD 5-day 1 liter P U Cool, 4° C 48 hours (6) ti http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/lab/ga/collpresgw.htm 9/24/2008 Collection and Preservation of Groundwater Samples Page 3 of 7 COD 1200 ml P (Disposable) 1{U Cool, 4° C, 25% H2SO4 to pH<2 28 days Cool, 4° C, 0.008% Coliform (Fecal or Total) 250 ml each P (sterile) (7) U Na2S203 (0.1in1 10% Na2S203 /125 ml) and 15% EDTA (7) 6 hours (8) TOC DOC Turbidity 3`asN C Total Kjeldahl— Nitrogen as N "C Totar1P:asPP Dissolved P as P PO4 as P NO2 as N NO3 as N Residue (TSS, 200 ml 200 ml - A Field Blank must accompany all DOC samples. 200 ml 500 ml Combined w/ above Combined w/ above except when NH3 and TKN require dechlorination Combined w/ above except when NH3 and TKN require dechlorination 200 ml 200 ml 200 ml 200 ml + additional preserved sample for NO3+NO2 P (Disposable) P (Disposable) P (Disposable) P (Disposable) P (Disposable) P (Disposable) P (Disposable) P (Disposable) P (Disposable) P (Disposable) P (Disposable) F F F U Cool, 4° C, H3PO4 to pH<2 Cool, 4° C, H3PO4 to pH<2 Cool, 4° C Cool, 4° C, 25% H2SO4 to pH<2 (9) 0.008% Na2S2O3 (0.1ml 10% Na2S2O3 /125 ml) (11) Cool, 4° C, 25% H2SO4 to pH<2 (9) 0.008% Na2S203 (0.1m1 10% Na2S2O3 /125 ml) (11) Cool, 4° C, 25% H2SO4 to pH<2 (9) Cool, 4° C, 25% H2SO4 to pH<2 (9) Cool, 4° C, 25% H2SO4 to pH<2 (9) Filter immediately, Cool, 4° C Cool, 4° C Cool, 4° C 28. days 28 days To lab in <48 hours (6) 28 days 28 days 28 days 28 days 28 days 48 hours 48 hours (notify lab of collection) 48. hours (notify lab of collection) http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/lab/ga/collpresgw.htm 9/24/2008 Collection and Preservation of Groundwater Samples Page 4 of 7 ITS) (18) 11500 ml each IIP (Disposable) IIU I Cool, 4° C 117 days Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 500 ml P (Disposable) U Cool, 4° C 7 days Semi Volatile Organics- Base/Neutral & Acid Extractables 1 gal (10) G (amber), Teflon -lined cap Cool, 4° C, 0.008% Na2S203 (0.1m1 10% Na2S2O3 /125 ml) (11) 7 days until extraction 40 days after extraction Pesticides/PCBs (OP,Pest/OC Pest/ON Pest) 1 gal (10) G (amber), Teflon -lined cap U Cool, 4° C, 0.008% Na2S203 (0.1ml 10% Na2S203 /125 ml) (11) 7 days until extraction (16) , 40 days after extraction Acid Herbicides 1 gal (10) G (amber), Teflon -lined cap U Cool, 4° C, 0.008% Na2S203 (0.1ml 10% • Na2S203 /125 ml) (11) . 7 days until extraction (16) , 40 days after extraction Purgeable (Volatile)u Organics (VOA) 40 ml x 4 vials. A Trip blank (3 vials) must accompany all VOA samples G,Teflon- lined septum Cool, 4° C, 0.6g ascorbic acid (13) only if residual chlorine present, Sodium Bisulfate (NaHSO4) (13) to• pH<2 (15)(17). Leave no headspace in• bottle. 14 days (7 days for aromatics only when unpreserved) TPH Gasoline Range (aq) and BTEX 40 ml x 4 vials. A Trip blank (3 vials) must accompany all TPH and BTEX samples G,Teflon-lined septum u Cool, 4° C, 0.6g ascorbic acid (13) only if residual chlorine present, Sodium Bisulfate (NaHSO4) (13) to pH<2 (15)(17). Leave no headspace in bottle. 14-days TPH Diesel Range (aq) 1 gal G (amber) Teflon -lined cap U Cool, 4° C 14 days; analyze twithin 40 days ays SOIL SAMPLES ****WHEN SUBMITTING SOIL AND SLUDGE SAMPLES FOR ANALYSIS, A SEPARATE SAMPLE CONTAINER MUST BE COLLECTED FOR EACH OF THE ANALYTICAL GROUPS LISTED BELOW: Parameter Minimum Container (14)(1) Preservation (19) Maximum Holding Time (20) Required P-Plastic Volume G-Glass J http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/lab/ga/collpresgw.htm. 9/24/2008 Collection and Preservation of Groundwater Samples Page 5 of 7 Grease and Oil 8 oz jar G, Teflon -lined cap ICool, 4° C refer to aqueous Metals : Ag , Al, As, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, 8 oz jar G, Teflon -lined cap Cool, 4° C 6 months (28 days for Hg) Co, Cr (Total), Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sn, Se, TI, V, Zn and, Hg Pesticides/PCBs (OP Pest/OC Pest/ON Pest) 8 oz jar G, Teflon -lined cap Cool, 4° C 14 days to extract; analyze w/in 40 days Acid Herbicides 8 oz jar G, Teflon -lined cap Cool, 4° C 14 days to extract; analyze w/in 40 days Semi Volatile Organics- Base/Neutral & Acid Extractables 8 oz jar G, Teflon -lined cap Cool, 4° C 14 days to extract; analyze w/in 40 days Purgeable Organics (VOA) 4 oz jar +trip blank G, Teflon -lined cap or septum Cool, 4° C 14 days TPH Gas Range (soil) 4 oz jar + trip blank G, Teflon -lined cap or septum Cool, 4° C 14 days TPH Diesel Range (soil) 8 oz jar G, Teflon -lined cap Cool, 4° C 14 days to extract; Analyze w/in 40 days References Analytical Procedures Appendix D Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Field Manual: Guidelines for Site Assessment, Clean-up and Underground Storage Tank Closure; State of California State Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento, Ca., October 1989. NPDES, Appendix A, Federal Register, 38, No.. 75, Pt II NOTE: All other organics will be analyzed using methods from the Federal Register, 40 CFR Part 136 when available. The Branch Supervisor must approve methods from any other source. (1)P-Plastic, G- Glass, P(Disposable) - Plastic disposable bottle. (2)Parameters preceded by the same letter may be submitted in the same bottle if the bottle contains enough sample. If no letter precedes a parameter, it must be submitted in a separate bottle. (i.e., A, B, C, D) (3)When non -carbonate hardness is requested, samples for both metals (Ca+Mg) and alkalinity must be submitted. (4)Add 0.6 g of ascorbic acid only if sample contains residual chlorine. (5)Use one liter round glass bottles labeled phenol. http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/lab/ga/collpresgw.htm 9/24/2008 Collection and Preservation of Groundwater Samples Page 6 of 7 (6)48 hours is the maximum holding time; however, samples should be submitted to lab as soon as possible. (7)Use the 250 ml wide -mouth sterile plastic bottles for all samples. All bottles contain sodium thiosulfate and EDTA reagents. (8)Litigation samples should be delivered to the laboratory within 5 hours of sample collection. (9) Caution: Addition of excessive amounts of acid will interfere with the test procedures . The 2.0 ml of -25% H2SO4 per 500 ml sample should be added using a graduated or precise volume dispensing device. If no dispenser is available, you may add exactly 40 drops of the 25% H2SO4 . In most cases, the addition of 2.0 ml (-40 drops) of 25% H2SO4 to 500 ml of groundwater will reduce the pH to <2; however, if the pH remains above 2, add acid dropwise With stirring until the pH is lowered to <2. For nutrient samples, the pH range of 1.5-2.0 is ideal to insure best possible recovery of analytes. (10)In a glass container, submit a small quantity of the pure compound of any suspected material. (11Should only be used in the presence of residual chlorine. Add sodium thiosulfate or ascorbic acid (as appropriate) to the container first; fill at least half way before adding acid (if used). (12)Maximum holding time is 24 hours when sulfide is present. Optionally, all samples may be tested on -site with lead acetate paper before pH adjustment in order to determine if sulfide is present. If sulfide is present, it can be removed by the addition of cadmium nitrate powder until a negative spot test is obtained. The sample is filtered and then NaOH is added to pH >12. (13)Used by the DWQ Chemistry Lab only at this time. (14)The container types listed are those commonly used throughout the Division. Other container types may be acceptable. Please consult the laboratory about use of proper containers before deviating from those listed above. (15)Samples submitted for purgeable halocarbons only should not be acid -preserved. (16)Samples submitted for pesticide and acid herbicide analyses must be extracted within 72 hours of collection if the pH is not adjusted in the lab to a pH range of 5-9. (17)Samples submitted for purgeable aromatics receiving no pH adjustment must be analyzed within 7 days of collection. (18)Total Residue, Total Suspended Residue, Alkalinity and Acidity samples are to be shipped directly to the Central Laboratory for repacking and shipment to the Washington regional laboratory for analysis. Samples for these parameters collected in the Washington Region are sent directly to the WaRO lab. (19) Sample preservation should be performed immediately upon collection. For composite sample, each aliquot should be preserved at the time of collection. When use of an automated sampler makes,it impossible to preserve each aliquot, then the samples may be preserved by maintaining at 4°C until compositing and sample splitting is completed. (20) Samples should be analyzed as soon as possible after collection. The times listed are the maximum times that samples may be held before analysis and still be considered valid. Collection times must allow for sample preparation and analytical setup. Some samples may not be stable for the maximum time period given in the table. Collectors are obligated to hold the sample for as short a http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/lab/ga/collpresgw.htm 9/24/2008 Collection and Preservation of Groundwater Samples Page 7 of 7 time as possible especially if knowledge exists showing that this is necessary to maintain sample stability. (21) Fill the bottle to overflowing, and cap, leaving no air space. Revised. October 2007/dbs +top of page 1623 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1623 (t) 919.733.3908.(f) 919.733.6241 Fiitd Lis here t dwrgiab.org DWQ - DENR - NCGOV http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/lab/ga/collpresgw.htm 9/24/2008 Permit History Points PriorTo irrigation Wells ' Fields ,=111; Soil Analysis ,Comments / Inspection _,= Incidents.. r Enforcements r Violations j' Details 1. I` Details 2 ,' -:Billing ,.';Class IDesig. ,' -.Events: Reg.'Actiyitios ;;•Structures *. x$ifliations, r Reylewers'.r,Related Permits 1. - Permit JV00004268 ApptVersion , 2 0 t n �e. s� R Status Active Well`:. Syn'.i+NellType Sit_.'Site Name .Serial No. A Latitude Longitude Ste us i. Facility - ,- Well Owneii' °'' Cou' MW1 01 Monitoring 001 S rayIrn... C0NV003142 134.981405 78.226537 Active Aliens, Inc.-Plant#7Aliens Inc Sampson - MW2 02 Monitoring 001 Spray Ira... C0NV003397 34.979636 78.224885 Active Allens, Inc.- Plant#7 Aliens Inc Sampson MW3 Monitoring 001 Sprayirri... C0NV003680 34.975987 78.220606 Active Wiens, Inc.- Plant#7 Aliens Inc Sampson MVV4 Monitoring 001 Spraylni.,. C0NV003965 134.982237 78.219014 Active Aliens, Inc.- Plant#7 Aliens Inc Sampson d.._ P mow 64 S5 h d: 3 16 Eat ha 1 > Fir isl? Close . 4 Wells fountl �� (Ready ...,, t .... �D - GPS Field Sheet Project/ Location 1 Date Time GPS File No. Field Latitude Field Longitude Corrected Latitude Corrected Longitude Comments el of 56.2.48r(eA --: 4 zwr 40teas .b; a•- t .. .�r . f '►t '`s A& IC� ¢„ ,� 019 ado. .� , ,.. _ _ ,ram ts� r 7s. �, �, .-- ;, . 494174 hi jai r .ssr -'i^ Si. S J -__ M�..�O - )y . - p' .Z -- /yj�,. ----r^-,--- „/.�f ,�. Nf } _y 'fJ .r - .11, r' .- - era 'l � 1 ��S �?ram � -� t � � ,�4 ^ -.-3�,r`t�7,?�*P,F4 - ? , �i 4 / com p Iiw-ek- d vi:i 144 ._ 0 ,uboz,e4el',Jny. North ,Carolina 0(.2. ri 9 y4 Qf i`., Department of Environment & Natural Resources Division of Water Quality • Aquifer Protection Section MONITORING WELL INSPECTION.. REPORT Well Location: AI/em) ,tjt tfrifF e, Owner: //eel free Date`,;i',JG�. WELL 1 ,j(lIciPt-64/` ei Address: 2//) '?4 e2..cb . Si10~ gpl2l'd15 44e2• 14760 County S#9ip.Sod Road/Street Quad No. MW #= M Serial No.Co,'It/ ?/4z. Lat. ; ' Long. ; Cnstrtiation r rye., 2 7 Well Contractor: Name Contractor. Certification# ? Check Items Measured Permit Required .? (Y/N) . I Location - Distance.F+romr' Water Tight Sewage/waste collection Waste Disposal (septic tank drain field) Y C Other 'Poll. Source( OtherPoll. Source( ) is Address • • Meets Min. Standards Yes No Casino Type '.' Depth P Weight/thickness Height (A.L.S.) . 4 Other ( ) Grout Type • Thickness Depth ? . Other( Screens SGreened 'interval .7 Other( FD; Piate- -_.. _ .. Well Contractor Abandonment Temporary Permanent Remarks (Permit No. LIL) A00. ",:.,6t9 Cuttings Reports Construction (GW-1) Abandonment (GW-3 0) Well Head Completion Access port Water tight pipe entry Well entry Date Well Constructed INSPECTOR ::i1.1- ,- Witnesses). (If Available) Check Items Measured Meets Min. Standards;. Yes Remarks 6 No is geLoa G } f J „ 7 s; Name Office Name .Address Type Name Address Type 00 s:!',.4dcX isoar1d4i y �,J North Carolina Ci 0 i'! grid rionif Department of Environment & Natural ]Resources .. Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section MONITORING WELL INSPECTION: REPOT Well. Location: AIlesl, l'amrd id9 Gn+,le, 1 Owner` ///ed �k Address: 2� oA5a Well'Contractor -Selma 5p6:,71gs 7 ll V 61 . oxastructiOn • Name' Cdntxaetor. Certification# ' Permit Required'? (Y/N) Location - Distance From• Water Tight Sewage/waste collection Waste Disposal (septic tank drain field) Other. Poll. Source( ) Other Poll. Source( Casino - type Depth'. Weight/thickness a" Height (A.L.S.)..... a�. ... Other ( - ) " Grout Type Thickness Depth' Other( ) Screens. Screened interval Other( P.I. Plate Well Contractor Abandonment Temporary Permanent Address '• Check Items Meets Min. Standards. Measured - • Yes No Date j/i) X'/, WELT., TYPEinerer-f r;,r- County 5444/as®`o/ Road/Street Quad No. . MW •fiY/ Serial Noet>rit v .32 r % .j Lat.' Long; ' 7 .634 7 1-g„;ijill 845 Carbon Galy St. Other Cuttings Reports Construction (GW- 1) Abandonment (GW-3 0) Well Head Completion Access port Water tight pipe entry Well entry • Date Well Constructed Check Items Measured Meets Min. Standardst: l Yes No Remarks / e a rid . INSPECTOR Witness(es) (If Available) Name Office Name Address Type Name Address Type db&rt c7p_Ad1°o$ North Carolina Departmentof Environment & Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section MONITOR.IN6 WELL INSPECTION REPORT R Well Location: A//e4 r'aoird id? fink. } Owner A//e,i' :si1C • Address: 7 'c K ,LSD SB10 Ipizidyyi .f s2• 74 %%ft Y Y Date D8a7 P WELL ° E, N/1-¢paZ,oc Pe County 33,74ipse' d Road/Street Quad No. , MW#= MW-- 3. Serial No. 00 36S0 'Lat.Long • W efll construction 89, 9 r),S-4"? 6. 0 � Well Contractor • Name Contractor Certification# ? Permit Required ? (Y/N) T Location - Distance From Water Tight Sewage/waste collection Waste Disposal (septic tank drain field) Other Poll. Source( ) Other Poll: Source( ) . Casing Type 't 'VC Depth Weight/thickness 14 D Height (A.L.S.) • '� Other ( ) Grout Type Thickness Depth Other( ) Screens Screened interval Other( _ .. Well Contractor Abandonment Temporary Permanent Address Check Items Meets Min. Standards Measured • 'Yes No . Remarks, (Permit No.1.4.3 0 0 D ( Plastic arbon Galv. St. Other .6 • t • • Lt.J xd D cis J 1, Cuttings Reports Construction (GW-1) Abandonment (GW-3 0) Well Head Completion Access port Water tight pipe entry Well entry Date Well Constructed ? INSPECTOR LL Witness(es) Check Items Meets Min. Standards t Remarks r Measured Yes No —1 • ,k 'E. . E.. i . & ,.. 6 '.. ii g t 1 ------- 1 t: 1 - . ' Name Office (If Available) Name Ad dress Type Name Address' Type T2 rolina epartment of Environn era & Natural Resources Division of Water Quality ' Aquifer Protection Section CSrd e. RCil.e. `DCIP MONITORING WELL INSPECTION REPiSRT Well Location: a,,,,r,„r (at! JAtc. t1en2 � Owner' A/fie?' �r�c Address::26 ASb Silo/1-r► gpieisr(O Afe. 7,2 76 Well Contractor T. Date, 6'1'6) WELL 7CS:'PE 1leref ¢pase�l( County, SA.aipse' / Rod/Streot Quad -No. • MW # at 4 . rrr...:,�._•...,,..m:.�+n...xv..�.n�-..—row � ner�axv,.w.r 51-� �' S erial No. C�eYA v o .3 g� • Lat Leg. ' V6'e11 C nstruetion _ 34. 9ga:',23.i .A19 D/ Name Contractor Certification# ? Permit Required ? (Y/N) Location - Distance From. Water Tight Sewage/waste collection • . . Waste Disposal (septic tank drain field) • Other Poll. Source( ) Other Poll; Source( ) Casing Type a;" 'Pik -- Depth ? Weight/thickness t7 Height (A.L.S.) Other.( ) Grout, Type Thickness Depth Other( ) Screens Screened interval Other( ) ED-P-late -_. _ .. Well Contractor Abandonment , Temporary Permanent Address Check Items Meets Min. Standards, Measured . '. Yes . No Remarks (Permit No. L4i Plastic azbon Galv. St. Other g. Cuttings Reports Construction (GW-1) Abandonment (GW-3 0) Well Ilead Completion ...... Access port Water tight pipe entry Well entry • Date Well Constructed INSPECTOR j �1L. . Witness(es) Check Items Meets Measured' Min. Standards �, Remarks Yes No - f• / ✓ JJv FI e o u Pid k/ij 4 •t J ' E Z le k k F F V ti . Name .Office (If Available) Name Address Type Name <i. Address Type • oAt e 0 p I; a cheo dir ivce North Carolina . ejlvad A/ 9 ide-a Department of Environment & Natural Resources Division of Water Quality • Aquifer Protection Section MONITORING WELL INSPECTION REPORT s Well Location: fide's' ea Arg Owner: Anedx 1-Aie Address: .241)1q( 4,15-b • Si ioolvi 51,2121;*5 1,2 741 • Well Contractor Date ,) 1 WELL TYPE fileivritoZt;ilc County S'Aikipse. d • Road/Street Quad No. /, MW#Cu-, • Serial No .k.ens i> 71/ 7.0 • 'Lat.. .. Long. — • Well Construction • -7a 6,7j j,5 ggs- z Name Contractor Certification# Permit Required ? (Y/N) Location - Distance From. Water Tight Sewage/waste collection - Waste Disposal (septic tank drain field) Other Poll. Source( Other Poll. Source( ) Casino- .t.2" PVe• Type Pvc Depth - Weight/thickness Height (A L S ) Other ( Grout Type. 3. e, 0 s";%/e4-41ecfne.41/1- Thickness Depth Other( — Screens Screened interval . . 0 Other( Well Contractor Abandonment Temporary Permanent Address Check Items Meets Min. Standards Measured • Yes No. Remarks • i 7:-.-- • • (Penait No. bt_.) o 0 f if.. . fi...-"". . • • t , t, s . ' . ., Plastse Carbon Galv. St. Other ' • 2 ti. I * i . 1 ti V ,. l• • 1? t f . .., . t . , 1 . i• t . t . . 2 , s t . t ' f, 1- • . .i • ; 1 . f F . . 1 r 1 ; 1, r . i • -1. • f 1 , , _ ,• . kJ' Cuttings Reports Construction (GW-1) Abandonment (GW-3 0) Well Head Completion Access port Water tight pipe entry Well entry • Date Well Constructed /0/3ij c1 • • INSPECTOR 7d:Lia, e.44— at Check Items Measured . Meets Min. Standards Yes No , Remarks G f f 'i . 1 r .I, 2ppw' f,e'D Name .Office Witness(es) (If Available) Name Address Type Name Address Type b NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water. Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2527 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: David E. Meyer Well Contractor (Individual) Name Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. Well Contractor Company Name , STREET ADDRESS PO Box 31133 Raleigh • NC 27622 City or•Town State ( 919 )_ 210-6547 Zip Code Area code- Phone number 2, WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL 1D#(Itapplicable) CW-7 •- / WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT-4/(if applicable) OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT #(if applicable) 3. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Monitoring Industrial/Commercial❑ Agricultural❑ Recoveryl] IrrigationI OtherE (list use) 0 Municipal/Public❑ Injection❑ I DATE DRILLED October 31, 2008 PM71 Sampson TIME COMPLETED 1400 AMO 4. WELL LOCATION: CITY: Turkey COUNTY Rowan Road (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: ❑ Slope ❑ Valley 0 Flat 0 Ridge 0 Other (chock appropriate box) LATITUDE 34.972091 May be in degrees, minutes, seconds or in a decimal format LONGITUDE 78.235786 Latitude/longitude source: 0 GPS ❑ Topographic map (location of well most be shown on a USGS topo map and / attached to this form If not using GPS) S. FACILITY -is the name of the business where the well to located. FACILITY ID'#(if applicable) NAME OF FACILITY Allen Canning 7 STREET ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey NC 28393 City or Town State Zip Code CONTACT PERSON Mr. Tommy Langston MAILING ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey NC 28393 City or Town State ( 910 )_ 596-0028 Zip Code YESD NO0 FT. Area code - Phone number 8. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 15.0 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 6.55 (Use '+" if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 3.0 FT. Above Land Surface' 'Top of casing terminated aUor below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): 1 METHOD OF TEST pump f. DISINFECTION: Typo na Amount na g. WATER ZONES (depth): From 6.0 To 12.0 From To From To From To From To From To 7. CASING: Depth Diameter ThicknesanNeight Material From +3.0 To -2.0 , Ft. 2" Sch40 pvc From To Ft. From To Ft. ' ' 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To -0.5 Ft. Portland pour From -0.5 To -1.5 Ft. Bentonite pour From To Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From -2.0 To -12.0 Ft. 2" In. 0.010 in. Pvc ' From' To Ft. In. in. From To Ft. In. In. 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material • From -1.5 To -12.0 Ft. #3 quartz sand From To Ft. From To Ft. 11.DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 0.0 •3.0' Brown silty sand (SM) 3.0 5.0' Dark brown clayey sand (SC) 5.0 8.0' Black clayey sand (SC) 8.0 12.0' Black sandy clay (ML) 12. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS BEEN PROM TO THE WELL OWNER_ " 11/7/2008 SIGNATURE OF CERTI D WELL CONTRACTOR DATE David E. Meyer PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days. Attn: Information Mgt., 1617 Mall Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone No. (919) 733-7015 ext 666. Form GW-1 b Rev.12107 L-d BEL092E6TB Xdd 100010?1d WUOE :OT E300Z 9z ' AON MONITOR WELL SCHEMATIC EXPANSION 'PLUG. * BOREHOLE O D S l2 * MATERIAL O.D. MATERIAL TYPE PJ' SCREEN SLOT SIZE' °. CIO * Dimensions in Inches 2' ,e 2- (JNcRErE , •NA77VL soil NOTES: './.7/77.ZZA GROUT BENTONITE SAND PACK NOT TO' SCALE ALL DEPTHS REFERENCED FROM FINISH GRADE IN FEET MONITOR WELL DATE DRILLED ID 4t /d$ DRILLING. METHOD NSA 'GEOLO GIST STATIC • WATER LEVEL loess DATE MEASURED .II/510 LOCK PROTECTIVE OUTER COVER" F:MSH GRADE DEPTH TO, TOP OF BENTONITE 1145 DEPTH TO TOP OF ( SAND 1'S DEPTH TO TOP OF SCREEN DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF SCREEN , TOTAL DEPTH '2.0 PROTSOL_ SAMP��j SERVS(f� • ALLE4 CALuW& Ro{{eMh, NCMoic 327G22 TuRxey, 'SANPfd.i4 (OU Y1 uG • PROD. # 0$-50 •d 8EL092E6IS Xdd 100010ZId 'WUEE =0I '8002 92 AOW o&A'q,A d t C4- ]division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section MON ITORTNC WELL -INSPECTION REPORT . North Carolina epa tmeut of Environment & Natural Resources �w. _�•�.� Ww •_���. �.,... ..•• ._�.•� b_ _.« <.�.,. ,� Well/a a,„ror t,t/? i,1/e. Location: <le,.� � Owner: ,1/le.ds .Tree Address: 2 c1C S' ' 6;Io rs Well Contractor 2) AV l eI jfle el e i Name Date a/ oe/ /© WELL E ovi/ -f04,; /. pa;fii5 f /1• 7.174 County 5,4.4pse.i/ . Road/Street Quad No. Serial No. 6:,4 7 cr .- _ 'eat Long. Well instruction /. 970187 :7,6,,..- 2 33.16a' Address Contractor Certification ,I'2, 7. Check Items Meets Min. Standards . Measured -Yes' • ' No Permit Required ? (Y/N) I Location - Distance From. Water Tight Sewage/waste collection Waste Disposal (septic tank drain field) • Other Poll. Source( Other Poll. Source( ) Casino ' Is' Type P lia Depth ' 0—odd Weight/thickness t). c.0 Height (A. L. S .) .. s . . . P ....... Other ( ) Grout - `� �/ � Type j1�e..�4-66,11 e_n�`- Thickness Depth L — D.. Other( E1,.$ %. 5— )ficy 12dd de_ Screens Screened interval .46 b /a Other( • ) Well Contractor Abandonment Temporary Permanent Remarks (Permit NO. L-4i 000 - Plastic Carbon. Galv. St. Other .11 t t , 1 . �.. i 5 f r , 4 Cuttings Reports Construction (GW-1) Abandonment (GW-3 0) Well Head Completion Access port Water tight pipe entry Well entry • Date Well Constructed INSPECTOR LnecK items Measured Meets Min. Standards t Yes No } Remarks ; 1 % n Y 5 � 1� Name Office Witness(es) (If Available) Name Address Type Name Address Type Y �, •1d 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: David E. Meyer Well Contractor (Individual) Name Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. Well Contractor Company Name PO Box 31133 Street Address Raleiah NC 27622 City or Town State Zip Code (919 ) 210-6547 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# na OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) na SITE WELL ID #(if applicable) R-2a ' ./QC,/i c cd ,e- ,2 ce.0.. 4 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring 5( Municipal/Public 0 Industrial/Commercial 0 Agricultural 0 Recovery 0 Injection 0 Irrigation❑ Other 0 (list use) DATE DRILLED 11 /30/ 2009 4. WELL LOCATION: 5900 Turkey Hiahwav Turkey. NC 28393 (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) CITY: Turkey cowry Sampson TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope ❑Valley IgIfFlat ❑Ridge ❑Other LATITUDE 33 " DMS OR 3x.xxxxxxxxx DD LONGITUDE 78 " DMS OR 7x.xxxxxxxxx DD Latitude/longitude source: MPS Dropographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located.) Aliens. Inc - Facility Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 5900 Turkey Hiahwav Street Address Turkey City or Town Mr Tnmmv I anastnn Contact Name 5900 Turkey Hiahwav NC 28393 State Zip Code Mailing Address urkev NC Et 2839h City or Town State Zip Code ( 910 8 596-0028 Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 15.0' b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES Di NO ❑ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 6.50 FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division or Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2527 d. TOP OF CASING IS 3 0 FT. Above Land Surface' 'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): 2 f. DISINFECTION: Type na METHOD OF TEST pump Amount ' g. WATER ZONES (depth): Top 6.0 _ Bottom 12.0' Top Top Bottom Top Top Bottom Top 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Top 3.0 Bottom -2.0' Ft. 2" Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 8. GROUT: Depth Material Top +0.5' Bottom 0.5' Ft. portland Top 0.5' Bottom 1.5' Ft.' bentonite Top Bottom Ft. Bottom Bottom Bottom Thickness/ Weight Material sch40 pvc 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Top 2 0' Bottom-12.0'Ft. 2 in. Top Bottom Ft. in. Top Bottom Ft. in. 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Top 1.5 Bottom Top Top Method pour pour Material .010 in. in. in. Size Material 12.0' Ft. #2 quartz sand Bottom Ft. Bottom Ft. 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom 0 / 3.0' 3 / 5 5:0' / 8.0' 8 / 12.0' 12. REMARKS: Formation Description Brown silty fine sand (SM) Dark brown clayey sand (SC) Black clayey sand (SC) Black sandy clan (CL) I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER David Meyer 12/4/2009 SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE David Meyer PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality - Information Processing, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone : (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev. 2/09 * BOREHOLE 0 D * MATERIAL O.D. MATERIAL. TYPE SCREEN SLOT SIZE * Dimensions 'in Inches MONITOR; WELL SCHEMATIC EXPANSION 8 f2 2. PJc Old 2' K 2.' C°NCRETE — NATIVE, SOIL GROUT BENTONITE SAND PACK NOTES: NOT TO SCALE ALL DEPTHS REFERENCED FROM FINISH GRADE IN FEET MONITOR WELL' 2a DATE DRILLED 11130/ 209 DRILLING METHOD HSA PLUG. :- 4 PROTOCOL SAMPLING SERVICE. YNC P.O.Box 31133" Raleigh, NC 27622 GEOLOGIST STATIC WATER LEVEL 6, 5-0' DATE MEASURED 1211 LOCK PROTECTIVE OUTER COVER Z.009 FINISH GRADE DEPTH TO TOP OF I BENTONITE 0,5 DEPTH TO TOP OF SAND ' S DEPTH TO TOP OF 2 0I SCREEN ' DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF I SCREEN IZ •0 TOTAL DEPTH j3•°1 �LLEF I CANJJ I J TOWE( sANP$oN c0UNrY, uG PR03. # OS-58 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2527 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: David E. Meyer Well Contractor (Individual) Name Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. Well Contractor Company Name STREET ADDRESS PO Box 31133 'Raleigh NC 27622 City or Town State Zip Code ( 919 )- 210-6547 Area code- Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID #cif applicable) CW-6 /� - c A WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT*(irapplicable) OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT #(if applicable) 3. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Monitoring El Municipal/Publica industrial/Commercial° Agriculiural0 Recovery0 Injection° IrrigatiorU Otherf (list use) DATE DRILLED October 31, 2008 TIME COMPLETED 1300 4. WELL LOCATION: CITY: Turkey Rowan Road AMU PMD1 COUNTY Sampson (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel. Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: 0 Slope 0 Valley 0 Flat I] Ridge 0 (check applopriale box) LATITUDE 34.971024 LONGITUDE 78.234232. Latitude/longitude source: I] GPS 0 Topographic trap (location .of well must be shown on a USGS topo map and attached to this form if not using.GPS), Other May be in degrees, minutes, seconds or in a decimal format 5. FACILITY- is the name of the business where the well Is located. FACILITY ID a (fapplicable) NAME OF FACILITY Allen Canning STREET ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey NC City or Town State CONTACT PERSON Mr. Tommy Langston MAILING ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey 28393 Zip Code NC 28393 City or Town State Zip Code ( 910 )_ 596-0028 Area code - Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 15.0 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? PESO NOM c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 6.55 FT. (Use '+" if Above Top of Casing) TOP OF CASING is 3.0 ' FT. Above Land Surface' "Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118, METHOD OF TEST pump DISINFECTION: Type na Amount na 7. CASING: Depth From +3.0 To -2.0 d. e. YIELD (gpm): f. g. WATER ZONES (depth): From 6.0 To 12.0 . From To From To From To From To From To Diameter Ft. 2" From • To Ft. From • To Ft. " 8. GROUT: Depth From 0.0 To -0.5 From -0.5 To -1.5 Ft. Bentonite From To Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Thickness/Weight Material Sch40 pvc Material Ft. Portland Method pour pour From To -12.0 Ft, 2" In. 0.010 in. To Ft. in. in. To Ft. in. in. From From 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size From -1.5 To -12.0 Ft. #3 From To Ft. From To Ft. ,11.DRILLING LOG From To 0.0 3.0 5.0 8.0 Material pvc Material quartz sand Formation Description 3.0' Brown silty sand (SM). 5.0' 8.0' 12.0' 12. REMARKS: Dark brown clayey sand (SC) Black clayey sand (SC) Black sandy clay (ML) I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CO STRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS Z1 PR DED TO THE WELL OWNER. SIGNATURE OF CEFecED WELL CONTRACTOR Low David E. Meyer 11/7/2008 DATE PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days. Attn: Information Mgt., 1617 Mall Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone No. (919) 733-7015 ext 568. Form GW-1 b Rev.12107 9•d BEL09ZE6I6 Xdd 100D10?Jd WH62 =01 8002 9Z now MONITOR WELL SCHEMATIC * BOREHOLE O.D. * MATERIAL O,D. MATERIAL TYP E . ' PJG SCREEN 'SLOT SIZE d ' DiO * -Dimensions in Inches (2 CvNU2ETE NATIVE' 5017.' EXPANSION PLUG. 8/z Z. GROUT BENTONITE SAND, PACK NOTES: NOT TO SCALE ALL 'DEPTHS REFERENCED FROM FINISH GRADE IN FEET MONITOR WELL CAL b • DATE DRILLED bhr f 08 DRILLING METHOD H' A GEOLOGIST STATIC. WATER LEVEL b,SC I DATE.' MEASURED 11/5/0,e. LOCK PROTECTIVE b.UTER COVER FINISH GRADE: DEPTH ;TO.. TOP ..OF BENTONITE 0' DEPTH TO TOP OF • SAND ",- DEPTH TO TOP OF i,... SCREEN Z,0 • DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF " SCREEN 12'0 TOTAL DEPTH LZ;at j'RUTfCOL SAHRLtNG SERVICE:"INC, AL -Lem. «rWI�U • P.O: Box 31133 YDIZICEy sAMP101,1, ,C 0 ariYi RnlelgIN NC 27622 I_ ' PROJ'. # O$—S ET' 86L092C6T6 XUd 10001021d ' H066.:- O T BOO 2 '9Z now Casino Type North Carolina . fois. Lod 14eAd e�,f� . Department. of Environment & Natural Resources 7 Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section MONITORING WELL INSPECTION REPORT e aintb rat? le,• Date / CU Well Location: ller ` Owner' est age WELL T�YP d�ja�rj, Ep4I � Address: f �. ojt 3�a Se1ei gp1 1tt5 ,4g. 74 761 County 3 i ips& / • 9 Road/Street Quad No. MW /cea S erial No. Ad / m a (5 6 7112 Lat. Long - Well Construction•sI j� �8 � 'pt 2lz2, • Well Contractor .. ,oti a /Y1 e ye ✓z Name' Contractor Certification# c),57.2...7 • Permit Required ? (Y/N) 1. Location = Distance From' Water Tight Sewage/waste collection Waste Disposal (septic tank drain field) Other Poll. Source(. ) Other Poll. Source( )' . Pb-yIt Depth D . Weight/thickness F' 4D - Height (A:L S) 3 • i) Other ( ) Grout Type e.e44- Thickness . Depth . O— .' Other( 3 4%'•t:,4e,I- t ,1 Screens Screened interval .. . Other( I D Plate -_.. _ .. ' . - . Well Contractor Abandonment Temporary Permanent Address . • Check Items ' Meets Min. Standards Measured . Yes No • - Remarks - - (Permit No.1.i Uoo i.. a <#. ,/ p r ;. ' Plastic Carbon Galy. St. Other .- i s • f , r /f i i/'1f c t t n t, A , - F• , l i' ti� y l E ' -e • I. 4 c F 1 . s -i i' ii- 4A/j4 toS Cuttings Reports Construction (GW-1) Abandonment (GW-3 0) Well Head Completion Access port Water tight pipe entry Well entry Date Well Constructed / D --St— 6 e • INSPECTOR Check items Meets Min. Standardsi; Measured Yes Remarks No, 3 : I. Name .Office Witness(es) (If Available) Name Address Type Name Address Type NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2527 1, WELL CONTRACTOR: David E. Meyer Well Contractor (Individual) Name Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. Well Contractor Company Name STREET ADDRESS PO Box 31133 Raleigh NC 27622 City or Town . State Zip Code ( 919 )_ 210-6547 Area code- Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID #(d applicable) CW-5 - 2 WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#(If applicable) OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMrr#(if applicable) 3. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Monitoring CI MunicipairPublic❑ Industrial/Commercial❑ Agricultural❑ Recovery❑ Injection❑ IrrigatiorO OtherO (list use) DATE DRILLED October 31, 2008 TIME COMPLETED 1700 AM[ PMl3' 4. WELL LOCATION: CITY: Turkey COUNTY Sampson Rowan Road (Street Name, Numbers, Community. Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING;. ❑ Slope 0 Valley ❑ Flat El Ridge ❑ Other (check appropriate box) LATITUDE 34.969446 LONGITUDE 78.231813 May be in degrees, minutes, seconds or in a decimal format Latitude%longitude source: 0 GPS 0 Topographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map and attached to this form if not using GPS) 6. FACILITY -is the name of Its business where the well Is located. FACILITY ID *(if applicable) NAME OF FACILITY Allen_ Can ning STREET ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey City or Town NC State CONTACT PERSON Mr. Tommy Langston MAILING ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway 28393 Zip Code Turkey NC 28393 City or Town State Zip Code ( 910 )_ 596-0028 Area code - Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 18.0 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES❑ NOD c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 8.45 FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 3,0 FT. Above Land Surface' 'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance iri accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): 2 - METHOD OF TEST pump f. DISINFECTION; Type na Amount na g. WATER ZONES (depth): From 7.0 Ta 15.0 From To From To From To . From To From To• 7. CASING: Depth Diameter From +3.0 To -5.0 Ft. 2" To Ft. From From To 8. GROUT: Depth From 0.0 To -3.0 Ft, Material Ft. Portland From -3.0 To -4.0 Ft. Bentonite ThickneasMkight Material Sch40 pvc From To Ft. Method pour pour 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From -5.0 To -15.0 FL 2" in. 0.010 in. pvc From To Ft. In. in. From To Ft. In. In. 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From -4:0 To -15.0 Ft. #3 quartz sand From To Ft. From To Ft. 11.DRILLING LOG From To 0.0 3.0 5.0 8.0 13.0 Formation Description 3.0' ' Brown silty sand (SM) 5.0' Yellowish brown clayey sand (SC) 8.0' ' Reddish yellow Clayey sand (SC) 13.0' Red clayey sand (SC) 15.0' Dark gray clay (ML) 12. REMARKS: 1DOHERESY CERTIFY THA THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS Rt�plB}r .S BFEN P VIDED TO. THE WELL OWNER. , 11/7/2008 SIGNATURE OF CEffTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE David E. Meyer PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days. Attn: Information Mgt., 1617,Mall Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone No. (919) 733-7015 ext 568, Form GW-1 b Rev.12/07 S-d SEGOS 2E8T6 Xdd 1030108d WU82:0T 8002 92 Aoki MONITOR WELL EXPANSION .PLUG, * BOREHOLE 0 D e /2 * MATERIAL - O.D. " 2 • MATERIAL TYPE P46 SCREEN SLOT •SIZE afb * Dimensions in - Inches' • 2` 2` CoNpzE'rE — xATPTE Soli NOTES: NOT TO SCALE ALL DEPTHS' `REFERENCED FROM FINISH GRADE IN FEET .1".Z-Zi 4w i,,,r, ri (‘/I .1. r~ i i SCHEMATIC GROUT BENTONITE SAND. PACK • GEOLOGIST STATIC WATER LEVEL Bmc' DATE MEASURED IIi5/0a LOCK PROTECTIVE OUTER COVER F:NISH GRADE DEPTH TO " TOP OF BENTONITE DEPTH. TO DEPTH TO TOP OF • i SAND yA TOP OF SCREEN DEPTH TO -BOTTOM SCREENOF 15`O TOTAL DEPTH 15.d MONITOR WELL ('- 5 DATE DRILLED IO/31"/oe DRILLING METHOD NSA PROTOCOL SARPNG SERVI CE. ICE. INC, - P.O. Box 31133' _ Roteigh, NC 27622 CAhW Md&7 TORKEY; SAMPSON COUtrrYi ►JC PROD . # •08-5S' at'd8EL09296T6 XFJ� 100010ZLd- W12E :0 T 01102 92A614 . DT( ei%r w 7)i.,„i clams North Carolina Department of Environment .&.Natural Resources : . Division of Water Quality • Aquifer Protection Section • MONITORING WELL INSPECTION REPORT Well Location: / t/e,� Ca�f';J tat/ -rile. I Owner ,Ale, �r'e tg Address: 20 AO/C AS -a n feitAbivs 1 r Spgiziy.5 1.1768 Well Contractor i4 i1; eG %'11 e- y t_ 2 Name Contractor Certification#. 01$ 7 Permit Required . ?. (Y/N)' l Location - Distance From. Water Tight Sewage/wastecollection. Waste Disposal (septic•tanlc drain field) • Other Poll. Source( ) Other Poll. Source( ) Casino. Type Depth Weight/thickness .0 4 a Height (A.L S) , .4 - Other ( ) Grout Type ' J1� Thiclaiess Depth, Q Other( & l e.:4 4-E- rl i ' ' z- - . .' Screens Date ak/f : WELL TYPE inofi/r 6.04,- County S444 o Road/Street Quad No... :MW# R-yt cez4 Serial No.Sims 6 074 a 'Lat.. Long. wat Consti'> aion 7fK. st et- 1_. Check Items Measured Address . Meets Min. Standards • Yes' No Remarks . (Permit No. LL) o.o O. Plastic Carbon Galv. St. Other Screened interval . Other(. X D: -Plate -_. Well Contractor Abandonment Temporary Permanent 4 • t. .•. Cuttings Reports Construction (GW-1) Abandonment (GW-3 0) Well Head Completion Access port Water tight pipe entry Well entry Date Well Constructed /c/3/ / b INSPECTOR eeck Name Witness(es) • UnecI Ile MS Measured Meets Min. standards t Yes No tt nemarlcs yy F t 1 / y • Y 1` ✓ 4 Office D (If Available) Name Address Type Name Address Type NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2527 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: David E. Meyer Well Contractor (Individual) Name Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. Well Contractor Company Name STREET ADDRESS' PO Box 31133 Raleigh NC 27622 City or Town State Zip Code (.919 }- 210-6547 Area code- Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID #(dappilcable) CW-4 WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#(irapplicable) OTHER -ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(If applicable) 3. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Monitoring Municipal/Public° . Industrial/Comm ercialD Agricultural0 Recoveryp Injection0 Irrigator° 0ther0 K. use) DATE DRILLED October 31, 2008 TIME COMPLETED 1200 AMI7 PMI21 4. WELL LOCATION:. CITY: Turkey Rowan Road COUNTY Sampson (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision. Lot No., Parcel. Zip Coda) TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: 0 Slope ElValley 0 Flat El Ridge 13 (ceck'sppropriate box) , LATITUDE 34.966653 LONGITUDE 78.233938 Latitude/longitude source: 0 GPS 0 Topographic map (location of well must be shown on a (.1SGS topo map and attached to this form if not using GPS) Other May be in degrees, minutes, seconds or in a decimal format S. FACILITY- is the name or the business where the well Is located FACILITY ID *(if applicable) • NAME OF FACILITY Allen Canning STREET ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway .Turkey NC 28393 City or Town State Zip Code CONTACT PERSON Mr. Tommy Langston MAILING ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey NC 28393 City or Town State Zip Code ( 910 )- 596-0028 Area code - Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 15.0 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES° NO0 c: WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 6.45 FT. (Use "+- if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 3.0 . FT. Above Land Surface' *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 20.0118. e. YIELD (gpm): .5 METHOD OF TEST pump 1. DISINFECTION: Type na - Amount na g. WATER ZONES (depth): From 6,0 '. To 15,0 From To From To From To From To From To 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Tr idcnessiWeight From +3.0 To -2.0 • Ft. 2" From To Ft. From To Ft. 8. GROUT: Depth From 0•0 To -0.5 From -0.5. To -1,5 Ft, Bentonite Material Ft. Portland Sch40 Material pvc Method ' pour pour From To Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth • Diameter Slot Size Material From -2.0 To -12.0 Ft. 2" in, 0.010 . in- PVC • From To Ft. In. In. From ` . ' To • ..Ft in. in. 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From -1 .5 To -12.0 FL #3 quartz sand From From To Ft. To " Ft. 11.DRILLING LOG From To " 0.0 3:0 5.0 10.0 3.0'. 5.0' 10.0' 12.0' 12. REMARKS: Formation Description Brown silty sand (SM) Yellowish brown clavev sand (SC) Dark brown clavev sand (SC) Black sandy clay (ML) I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CO RUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS BP N P VIDEO TO THE WELL OWNER. L 11 /7/2008 SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE David E. Meyer PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days. Attn:'Information Mgt., 1617 Mali Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone No. (919) 733-7015 ext 566. Form GW-1 b Rev.12/07 �•d BELO92E6TS XELd 10301021d W882:01 8002 22 now MONITOR WELL SCHEMATIC EXPANSION BOREHOLE O.D. e /if/ 2 * MATERIAL 0 D. Z • MATERIAL TYPE ' NG * SCREEN SLOT SIZE I�, 010' * Dirnensions in Inches :• . +C2', (000 re— NA7IYE San. GROUT BENTONITE SAND PACK NOTES: NOT TO SCALE ALL DEPTHS REFERENCED FROM FINISH GRADE IN FEET MONITOR WELL CW-4 DATE DRILLED MI log DRILLING METHOD NSA PLUG. �• PROTOC:L SAILING SERVICE INCH • • P.O. Box 31133' Raleigh, NC 27622 GEOLOGIST STATIC WATER LEVEL 6.(15 DATE ,MEASURED II /5) 016 LOCK• PROTECTIVE OUTER COVER FINISH CRADE DEPTH TO TOP OF BENTONITE 0,5: DEPTH TO TOP OF.. SAND 15 DEPTH TO TOP OF f SCREEN 2' ° DEPTH TO. BOTTOM OF ,. SCREEN I2,° TOTAL DEPTH 12.0I 50. �LL��l, CANJ Jir1& TUP-Key SAMPloN COU 'Y1 QC. PROJ. # O$- i TT•d 8CL092E616 Xd� 10001021d WUZE=OT 8002 9z Ao. /e Je/ ,6040/41,4/e North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources . Division of Water Quality 4' 9/2.04 d4,4 Aquifer Protection Section • MONITORING WELL INSPECTION REPORT Well Location: /Jrle it Cole+l (adr`• •fife, .. I. Owner'. AlleAar 1,41c Address: 7g) , So Sa (ea+r► r , Well Contractor ..Za4 i/`j (i .%� eJ e. ,¢ Name - • Contractor Certification# ;26"„z 7 • PermitRegjuired ? (Y/N) X • Location - Distance From - Water Tight Sewage/waste collection Waste Disposal (septic tank drain field) • Other Poll. Source( ) Other Poll. Source(, - ) Casino- 02 r11 Type PV ' .%'D•'-I ' • ' Depth ..' Weight/thickness . , .. a� Height (A.L S) ' 0 Other ( Grout Type 5/24. Ss R. '7,Z 748 Welt Construction Address ' Check Items Meets Min. Standards Measured • Yes No • ,1 Date WELL TYPE ,/d(Iopr/rf[o2t,;er- . County SS p-1'o • Road/Street -. Quad No. MW#= • l X-5n Serial No.,3/fr,,s `d '71/V Lat. . Lon Remarks (Permit No. LA.) a ()op Plastic)darbon Galv. St. Other • r . Thickness F Depth Other( Screens Screened interval , Other(. ) • I.D 'late -_..... , • _ Well Contractor , Abandonment Temporary Perrnanerit jJ' i �i Y t A Cuttings Reports Construction (GW-1) Abandonment (GW-3 0) Well Head Completion Access port Water tight pipe entry Well entry Date Well Constructed /1/3 b/mot bbq INSPECTOR Witness(es) Check Items Measured Meets Min. Standards Yes G Remarks C k No k. b $ ii Name Office (If Available) Name Address Type Name Address Type NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2527 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: David E. Meyer Well Contractor (Individual) Name Protocol Semolina Service, Inc. Well Contractor Company Name PO Box 31133 Street Address Raleiah NC 27622 City or Town State Zip Code (919 ) 210-6547 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# na OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) na SITE WELL ID #(if applicable) R-5a 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring GI Municipal/Public 0 Industrial/Commercial 0 Agricultural 0 Recovery ❑ Injection Irrigation❑ Other 0 (list use) DATE DRILLED 11/30/ 2009 4. WELL LOCATION: 5900 Turkey Hiahwav Turkey. NC 28393 (Street Name. Numbers, Community, Subdivision. Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) CITY: Turkey TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: ❑Slope ❑Valley pj'Flat ORidge LATITUDE 33 ° LONGITUDE 78 ° COUNTY Sampson (check appropriate box) O Other " DMS OR 3X.XXXXXXXXX DD " DMS OR 7x.xxxxxxxxx DD Latitude/longitude source: I, 3PS IJropographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located.) Aliens Inn Facility Name 5900 Turkey Hiahwav Facility ID# (if applicable) Street Address Turkey City or Town Mr Tnmmv 1 anaston Contact Name 5900 Turkey Hiahwav NC 28393 State Zip Code Mailing Address iirkev NC; n 283921 City or Town State Zip Code ( 910 8 345-1013 Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 16.0' b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 7.0 (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) YES l NO (:] FT. d. TOP OF CASING IS 2 0 FT. Above Land Surface' 'Top of casing terminated ator below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): 2 f. DISINFECTION: Type na g. WATER ZONES (depth): Top 5.0 Top Bottom Top Bottom METHOD OF TEST pump Bottom 12.0' Top Top Top 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Top 2.0 Bottom -4.0' Ft. 2" Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. Amount Bottom Bottom Bottom Thickness/ Weight Material sch40 pvc 8. GROUT: Depth Material Top +0.5' Bottom 2.0' Ft. portland Top 2.0' Bottom 3.0' Ft. bentonite Top Bottom Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Method pour pour Material Top4.0' Bottom-14.0'Ft. 2 in. .010 in. Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. in. in. in. in. 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Top 3.0 Bottom 14.0' Ft. #2 Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom 0 / 2.0' 2 / 6.0' 6.0' / 1 0.Q' 10 / 12.0' 12 / 15.0' `12. REMARKS: Material quartz sand Formation Description Lt brown silty fine sand (SM) Lt yel brown sf sand (SM) Yellow clayey sand (SC) Dark gray clay (CL) Dark gray clayey sand (SC) I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1 HIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED iN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER David Meyer 12/4/200 SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE David Meyer PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality - Information Processing, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone : (919) 807-6300 Form GW-lb Rev. 2/09 J-� MONITOR WELL SCHEMATIC EXppPAjNSION PLUG * BOREHOLE O.D. 0 /Z * MATERIAL 0 D Z MATERIAL TYPE PJG SCREEN° SLOT SIZE D.010 * Dimensions in Inches • /A NATIVE SOIL GROUT BENTONITE SAND PACK NOTES: NOT TO SCALE ALL DEPTHS REFERENCED FROM FINISH GRADE IN FEET f cT? 0 GEOLOGIST STATIC WATER LEVEL^/7,01 DATE MEASURED I2f 1 /2-009 LOCK PROTECTIVE OUTER COVER FINISH GRADE DEPTH TO TOP OF BENTONITE 2.(7 DEPTH TO TOP OF f SAND '� DEPTH TO TOP OF I SCREEN �1(u DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF I SCREEN I`L'a TOTAL DEPTH 15.0' MONITOR WELL �` 5a DATE DRILLED 111301 L009 DRILLING METHOD H �A AL -Le CArt,11117 Jruzka'(PGN PROTOCOL SAMPLING SERVICE. INC, vl�r�, L1GP.O. Box 31133c! Raleigh, NC 27622 PROJ. # -_,Q. WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION #2527 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: David E. Meyer Well Contractor (Individual) Name Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. Well Contractor Company Name — STREET ADDRESS PO Box 31133 Raleigh NC 27622 City or Town State Zip Code ( 919 ) _ 210-6547 Area code - Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID # (if applicable) R-5 STATE WELL PERMIT # (if applicable) na COUNTY WELL PERMIT # (if applicable) na DWQ or OTHER PERMIT # (ifapplicable) na WELL USE (Check applicable use): Monitoring ❑ Residential ❑ Municipal/Public 0 Industrial/Commercial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery 0 Injection 0 Irrigation ❑ Other (list use) 3. WELL LOCATION: COUNTY Sampson QUADRANGLE NAME NEAREST TOWN: Turkey 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey NC 28393 (Street/Road Name. Ntonber, Community, Subdivision. Lot No.. Parcel. Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: 0 Slope 0 Valley ® Flat ❑ Ridge 0 Other (Check appropriate setting) LATITUDE 34 58' 03.86" LONGITIJDE 78 14' 22.05" lay be in degrees. minutes. seconds. ru in a decimal format Latitude/longitude source: (ZI GPS 0'1 opographic map (Locution of well must be shown on a USGS lope ,nap and attached to this form if not using GPS) 4a. FACILI'ry- The name of the business where the well is located. Complete 4a and4h (Ira residential well. skip 4a: complete 4b, well owner information only./ FACILI'y ID #(irapplicable) NAME OF Fncii.rry Allen Canning S'I'Rl f. T ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey NC 28393 City or Town State Zip Code 4h. CONTACT PERSON/WELL OWNER: NAME Mr. Tommy Langston STREET ADDRESS same as above 5. WELL DETAILS: a Total Depth: 28 R. Diameter: 2.0' in b Water Level (Below Measuring Point) 8 55 fi Measuring point is 3 _91.. Il above land surface 6. CASING: Length a. Casing Depth or known) h. Casing Removed 8.0' n 4.0' — li 7. DISINFECTION: na (Amount of 65%75% calcium hypochlorite used) 8. SEALING MATERIAL.: Diameter 2.0' „) 2.0' m. Neat Cement Sand Cement Cement 94 lb Cement lb Water 6:0'- - gal Water_ - - -- cal Bentonite Bentonite lb Type: ['Slurry ❑Pellets Water gal. Other Amount 9. EXPLAIN METHOD OF EMPLACEMENT OF MATERIAL: Complete well head and top 4 feet of well pulled from ground. Well filled with neat cement grout to surface. Covered with topsoil. I0. WELL. DIAGR AEI • Draut a detailed :ketch (Wilt,: well on the hack of this lin'm shoving total depth depth and dt:ureter orNereenN tr ao 1 rent..tinn j in the well. gravel linen ;II. Intera1N of easatg poilitrauun, and depths and apes ul lill materials used I I. DATE WELL. ABANDONED 11/30/09 I DU 1•IEREBY CER'rIF1''1'IIATT is WEI I. WAS ABANDUNED I\ :WCORDAN('E W n'H I SA NCAC 2C. WELL coN$'IRI: ("I'To\ STANDARDS. ANI)'H L A'r :t COPY OF -_ ti , D HAS BEEN P1 AIDED D'I'O THE WELL OWNER SIGNATGRE OF C'ER'I'IFIE 'E I.1. ('ON'Riim —rm2 12/10/2009 DATE: SI(5NA'I'l'RWEI,I.OWNER:\B:\NI)O\'ING THE WEI I. D•\'rF. (ilte private well owner must be an indnidunl who personalh abandons his her restdemeil sell in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C.0113.) David E. Meyer PRINTED NAME OF PERSON ABANDONING THE WE.LI. Submit a copy to the owner and the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 clays. Attn: Information Management. 1617 Mail Service Center - Raleigh. NC 27699-1617.. Phone No. (919)'33-7015 ex( 568. I-onn (i\1'-311 Re% 5 t),., P,/ Cweg- 2: loNaerE FAv a pkg., fe.miNkv• 1-11 II 604-raw-re- fi-V6 —#2. 0001-2 CA49 t/Rio et. PAW 15i Z" 5ctze60 7 s1 cLe: bPu,-hd 2 North Carolina do '' �t •��,f�e�� :Department of Environment 4 Natural Resources �Division of Water, Quality Aquifer Protection Section MONITORING WELL INSPECTION REPORT We11.Location: Allem, e'emrpr if" .r�e4e. Owner II/le, 2,tie Address: Tw of Act:. 5/2/2/ 1S Date .. c2 'LA 6' WELL YPE /laavirr E�drPr Are- 7.1 74§ County S4 i rip. o 441 Road/Street Quad No. Ivlw #= R.- I / e. ce -3 Serial-Nc8;;4.s £ .7419S' Lat. Long. ..Well,Constru• Y• •ction ' :• At �L, /off � :I9 n Well Contractor JA Vy`cL /Yl e e,- ✓L Name Contractor Certification# 72'7• Permit Required ? (Y/N) h Location - Distance From. Water Tight Sewage/waste collection Waste Dispo.sal (septic tank drain field) • Other Poll. Source( ) Other Poll. Source ( . ) Casino - Type 2 Depth _ b Weight/thickness .-Height (A.L S ) OLD Other ( ) Grout // Type • /7�C' :a 4 CG.m e .J t Thickness Depth • ' - 3 1 Other( j Screens Screened interval Other( - ) - .. Well Contractor Abandonment Temporary Permanent ) /3 c? r✓/vt1 1 �' r • Check Items Measured r• Address . • Meets Min. Standards Yes - , No Remarks .(Permit No. A) ' b, o o Plastic Carbon Galv, St. Other • E r 4' k N t � a� S • Cuttings Reports Construction (GW-1) Abandonment (GW-3 0) Well Head Completion Access port Water tight pipe entry Well entry Date Well Constructed /L�/�3/ otDv) k INSPECTOR 4 a-LL Je— Witness(es) Unecic Items Measured Meets Min. Standards i; Yes No KemarkS f,2 Name Office (If Available) Name Address Type Name Address Type NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2527 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: David E. Meyer Well Contractor (Individual) Name Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. Well Contractor Company Name STREET ADDRESS PO Box 31133 Raleigh NC ' 27622 City or Town State Zip Code ( 919 )_ 210-6547 Area code- Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: f� SITE WELL ID #<if applicable) CW-3 ! ) - I' WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#(rappiicabte) OTHERASSOCIATED PERMIT #(If applicable) 3. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Monitoring MunicipaliPublicD Industrial/Commercial° AgriculluralD Recovery0 Injectiont Irrigator -El Other0 "(list use) • DATE DRILLED October 31, 2008 TIME COMPLETED 1100 AMD PMD 4. WELL LOCATION: CITY: Turkey Rowan Road (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code)' TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: El Slope ❑ Valley 0 Flat CI Ridge II . Other (dleck appropriate box) LATITUDE 34.968097 LONGITUDE 78.243003 Latitude/longitude source: 0 GPS 0 Topographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map and attached to this form if not using GPS) COUNTY Sampson May be in degrees, minutes, seconds or in a decimal format 6. FACILITY- is the name of the bust nees where the wel is located. FACIUTY ID #(if applicable) NAME OF FACILITY Allen Canning STREET ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey City or Town NC State CONTACT PERSON Mr. Tommy Langston MAILING ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway 28393 Zip Code Turkey NC 28393 City or Town State Zip Code ( 910 )_ 596-0028 Area code - Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 18.0 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YESO NOQ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 8.65 FT. (Use '+" if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING 1S 3.0 FT. Above Land Surface` *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): 3-5 METHOD OF TEST pump f. DISINFECTION: Type na Amount na g. WATER ZONES (depth): From 7.0 To 15.0 From' To From To From To From To From To 7. CASING: Depth From +3.0 To -5.0 Ft. 2" From To Ft. From To Ft. 8. GROUT: Depth Diameter Thlckness,Weight Material Sch40 Pvc Material Method From 0.0 To -3.0 Ft. Portland pour From -3.0 To -4.0 Ft. Bentonite pour From To Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From -5.0 To -15.0 Ft, 2" in. 0.010 in_ pvc From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft in. In. 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth From -4.0 To -15.0 Ft. #3 quartz sand From To Ft. From To Ft. 11.DRILLING LOG From To 0.0 3.0 10.0 3.0' 10.0' 15.0' 12. REMARKS: Size Material Formation Description Black sllty sandfSM) Black clayey sand (SC) Black sandy clay (CO 1 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ))/ ISA NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, ANDTHAT Rrs`pe�rHAS BEEN P>]O TIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. SIGNATURE OF CER!IFNED WELL CONTRACT David E. Meyer / PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCT)' Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days. Attn: Information Mgt„ 1617 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone No. (919) 733-7015 ext 568. E -d BELO92ESI6 Xdd 10301021d WIdBZ MONITOR WELL SCHEMATIC EXPANSION' PLUG. * - BOREHOLE O.D'. • g i/2 MATERIAL O.D. 2.• MATERIAL . TYPE p G SCREEN SLOT SIZE "Ib ''* Dimensions in Inches; 2' * 21 toNGRIETE — GROUT EENTO NITE SAND PACK NOTES: NOT TO SCALE ALL DEPTHS REFERENCED FROM FINISH:., GRADE IN FEET MONITOR WELL CW-1 DATE DRILLED- IQ431 f OB DRILLING METHOD NSA GEOLOGIST STATIC WATER,, LEVEL . 9. 65. DATE MEASURED II%5t0' ;LOCK PROTECTIVE OUTER -COVER F7NISH' GRADE DEPTH - TO. TOP OF. :..BENTONITE DEPTH TO TOP OF SAND r0. DEPTH TO TOP OF '• . > r SCREEN 0'• - DEPTH TO BOTTOM. OF SCREEN !S.o TOTAL DEPTH 15.0I aPRp7QCpt SAMPLING SERVICE.iNC, ;CANLllf-1& T P.O. Box 31133 IU Y 'Sk1PSoN COU YJ U Rulelgh; NC, 27622 PRO,T:.'# O$-S T BEL092E6T6 XUJ 1,0301021'd WdZE:OT BOOE 92. Apw •Zig e_Vei•ILJ Zeptidcloc, North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources -- up9A4d le-4-4" Division of Water Quality „ . Aquifer Protection Section MONiTORING WELL IT4SPECTIOiN. REPORT Well Location: Aalle,t, (lar (DV? -ItAk.. • 01Ainer. 11 eds. 1-2ge • Address: 2ei Asb S; loom gpf2:411.1 Phe• Date , 1 10 WELL TYPE tveritoZt,pilr, 24 7(II County SAsiipie, Road/Street • Quac1No. MW #= 9 6 to -g Serial No. A3),7145, 0 7 454+ 'Lat. Long. • Welt Construction 34)1'70. Olt ,.4-iiv74 7 • vie11'coritr.ctor.1 (.1 ,qIe. e Name. Contractor Certification#. c9-572 • Permit Required ? (YIN) Location - Distance From. • Water Tight 'Sewaie/waste collecticin . Waste Disposal (septic tank draip.field) Other Poll. Source( ) Other Poll. Source( - ) Casing . 7773) is Type 0.1 Depth Weight/thicic.ness D. 4. 0 Height (A.L.S.) . 0 Other Grout Type Thickness Depth. Other( C> Screens Screened interval . Check Items Measured Address • Meets Min. Standards Yes No Remarks , (Permit No. L0-) I • , . Plastic Carbon Galv. St Other g g F 1. ' i ..„... , Ai e A-4- e-evied,14 1 • ....„.1 ,1: 1 . 6 ' i: i: V ) k3 e..14-keti elltev --r----, Other( lEtot-7P-late. - • • - Well dontraCtor Abandonment Tempbrary Permanent . . • . • f r Cuttings Reports Construction (GW-1) Abandonment (GW-3 0) Well Head Completion Access port Water tight pipe entry Well entry • Date Well Constructed !D f j/ bDe INSPECTOR Witness(es) Check Items Measured Meets Min. Standards i; t Yes No Remarks P. 4 i Name Office (If Available) Name Address Type Name Address Type • NON RESIDENTL4L WELL CONSTRUCTION REORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2527 • 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: David E. Meyer VVeil Contrador (Individual) Name Protocol Sampling Service; Inc. Well Contractor Company Name, STREET ADDRESS PO Box 31133 • 'Raleigh • NC City or Town State (919 ).210-85.47 Area code- Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION:" SITE WELL ID *Of applicable) CW-8 -- WEL CONSTRUCTION FERMITCif applicable) OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT 0(it applicable) 3. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Monitoringla MunIcIpal/Public0 Industrial/Commercial0 Agricultural° Recovery0 Irrigator(' Othern (list use) DATE DRILLED October 31., 2008 ' TIME COMPLETED 1000 " AMC! PMEI 4. VVELL LOCATION: CITY: Turkey COUNTY Sampson. • Rowan Road (Street Name, Nurnbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: a Slope 0 Valley 0 Flat 0 Ridge 13 Other (check appropriate box) LATITUDE 34.970253 LONGITUDE 78244948 Latitudeilongitude source 'OPS 0 Topographic map - (location of well trust be shoWn On a USGS too° map and attached to tnis trim if not paIng,GPS) 27522 Zip Code May be in degrees,: minutes, seconds or in a decimal format ' 6. FACILITY- !sato name of the business where the wall is located. FACILITY ID Cif applicabie) ' NAME OF FACILITY Allen Canning STREET:ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway • Turkey . ' • ' •. 28393 City or Town State Zip Code CONTACT PERSON Mr. Tommy Langston MAILING ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway • Turkey NC • 28393 City or Town State • Zlp Code (910- - 596-0028 • Area code - Phone nurnber 6. WELL DETAILS: , a.. TOTAL DEPTH: 15.0 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? PESO NOCI c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 6.55 FT. (Use "+" if Above Top. of Casing) • d. TOP OF CASING IS 3:0 FT. Above larad Surface 'Top of casing terminated atfor below lend surface may require a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118, e. YIELD (gprn): 1 METHOD OF TEST pump f. DISINFECTIONType na -Amount na - , g. WATER ZONES (depth): „ From 6.6 To 12.0 From To • From , •To From • To_ From. To ' • From To 7. CASING: •Depth •Diameter Tbiekoasayvelpht, From +3.'0 . To -2.0. Sch40 pvc From ' ' To - Ft. , • From • To •Ft. 8. GROOT: • Depth •, Materiel Method • Material From 0.0 To -0.5 Ft. Portland pour. From -0.5 To -1.5 Ft Bentonite ' ' pour From To Ft, 9. SCREEN: Depth : Diameter- Slot Size Material, From To -12.0 Ft. 2" In. 0.010 in. PVC • From-2.° To • Ft. in. • in. From To • Ft. In. in. 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth, Size Material From -1.5 To -12.0 •Ft. #3 • quartz sand From To Ft. From To Ft. 11.DRILLING LOG • From ' To • Formation Description •' 0.0 3:0 • 5.0' 5.0 10.0' 10.0 12.0' 12...REMARKS: Brown silty sand (SM) Dark brown clavev sand (SC) - Black clavev sand (SC) Black sandy day (ML) I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC zc, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, *ID THAT A COPY OF THIS. =BeE N. PRO D TO THE WELL OWNER. . , SIGNATURE -OF CERT IED WELL CONTRACTOR • 11/7/2008 DATE Davld E. Meyer PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL • • Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days. Attn: Information Mgt., 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone No.(919) 733-7b15 ext 668. Form GW-lb Rev.12/07 • B d BEL09616 XUA 103010eld •NUOE:OT B002 92AOW MONITOR WELL SCHEMATIC EXPANSION PLUG. * BOREHOLE O.D. • e 12 * MATERIAL 0.D. MATERIAL TYPE PJG SCREEN SLOT SIZEQ' °I0 * Dimensions in "Inches . Z' !eV CoNGRE - — NATNE SOIL GROUT BENTONITE SAND 'PACK NOTES: NOT TO SCALE ALL DEPTHS REFERENCED FROM FINISH GRADE IN FEET MONITOR WELL CW- 4 DATE DRILLED Jo f t la$ DRILLING METHOD' ii SA GEOLOGIST STATIC WATER LEVEL ‘'SS, DATE MEASURED I1/5108 LOCK PROTECTIVE OUTER COVER FINISH GRADE DEPTH TO TOP OF BENTONITE or DEPTH TO TOP OF SAND` I'S : DEPTH TO TOP OF f SCREEN 2.o DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF •, SCREEN 12'0 TOTAL DEPTH iz•ol PROTUCGL' S8MPLING SERVICE; 1N[, P.a Box 31133' Raleigh, NC 27622 CLAW ItiJl7 TOWE( s. P10N cvuHrc pc? PROJ. # O8-5D SI'd 6EL092E6I6 Xdd 1000102Id Wdt'E =0 T 13002 92 AOW ` :le tit e4 ea) ,f49u/laAggti North Carolina / Department of Environment & Natural Resources /p !ifa c e.` 4 t-- Division of Water Quality ! • / Aquifer Protection Section , • MONITORING WELL INSPECTION.IU PORT Well Location: /1llenf elaeirPr teilF��e+le. • Date . � 08/, /6. 1 Owner: .A1/lenls 274e • - WELL YPEAleaji•-60go44— Address: 20'Ac;1( ,i23"& Selo~ gp,2 dys :„AIR., 74 7() . County S ' ipse.Al - • - : Road/Street Quad' No. Mw #= 12- g/'e ics ,/ Serial NO. AVMS to D O41?7 . . 'Lat. ., Long. Well construction .'Ji , 9737 .- . ' '78;. Al 4 0.1 Well Contractor Va e( '/►ie.ye:4 arne Contractor Certification# 2 5-2' 7 Cheek Items Measured . Permit Required ? (Y/N) 1 E Location - Distance From' n Water Tight Sewage/waste collection Waste Dispo.sal (septic tank drain field) Other Po11. Source( ) Other.Po11. Source( Casino Type ,a" Depth.. D' 57. -Weight/thickness 4 G Height (A.L.S.) Other ( ) Grout . Type Thickness Depth Depth Other( 3.j . . %3e:d4prla•f-e / 'i if . • 1 .Screens . t - G,.i Screened interval '... ...� ...0. Address- • Meets Min. Standards Yes No Remarks (Permit No. / 4, arbon Galy. St. Other • 'f F Other( ER —Plate Well Contractor Abandonment ' Temporary Permanent • t /t Cuttings Reports Construction (GW-1) • Abandonment (GW-3 0) Well Head Completion Access port Water tight pipe entry Well entry Date Well Constructed %0/3/ INSPECTOR /5 4. Witness(es) • Check Items Meets Min. Standards Remarks ' Measured Yes No 1. I ' i . Name. .Office (If Available) Name Address Type Narne Address Type Dec 19 2008 1:44PM PROTOCOL, FAX 9193260738 p . 1 NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 25 Z--i 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: David E, Meyer Welt Contractor (individual) Name Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. Well Contractor Company Name STREET ADDRESS PO Box 31133 Raleigh NC 27622 City or Town State Zip Code ( 919 )_210-6547 Area code- Phone number '2. WELL INFORMATION: / p SITE WELL ID#(Itapplicabie) CW.1 4"-• ('\ "P b WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#(if applicable) OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT #(t applicable) • 3. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Monitoring() MunicipalfPublic° IndustriaUCommerclaC Agricultural❑ Recovery° In)ection❑ irngaIiori! .OtherU (list use) DATE DRILLED October 31, 2008 TIME COMPLETED 0900 4. WELL LOCATION: CITY: Turkey ' COUNTY Sampson Rowan Road AMi7 PMQ . (Street Name, Numbers, Community,Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: 0 Slope 0 Valley q Flat U Ridge 0 (check appropriate box) LATITUDE 34.973471 Other' LONGITUDE 78.244000 May be in degrees, Minutes, seconds or in a decimal format Latitude/longitude source: 0 GPS ❑ Topographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map and attached to this form if not using' GPS) 5. FACILITY- is the name of (ha busrnass where the wen Is located. FACILITY ID #(if applicable) NAME OF FACILITY Allen Canninc) . STREET ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey NC City or Town State CONTACT PERSON Mr. Tommy Langston MAILING ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway 28393 Zip Code Turkey NC 28393 City or Town State Zip Code ( 910 )_ 596-0028 Area code - Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 18.0 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES° NOW c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 8.25 FT. (Use "+' If Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF.CASING I5 3.0 FT. Above Land Surface' *Top of casing terminated at/orbelow land surface may require • a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): 3-5 METHOD OF TEST pump f. DISINFECTION: Type ne Amount na g. WATER ZONES (depth): From 7.0 To 15.0 From To From To 7. CASING: Depth From To From To From . To Diameter ThicknessM/eight Material From +3.0 To -5.0 Ft. 2" Sch40 two From To Ft. 0 From To Ft. 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To -3.0 Ft: Portland pour From -3:0 To -4.0 Ft. Bentonite pour .. From To Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Materiel From -5.0 • To -15,0 Ft. 2" in. 0.010 In. PVC From . ' To Ft. in. in. From • To ' Ft. in. In. 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size ' Material From -4.0 To -15.0 Ft. #3 . quartz sand From To Ft. From To • Ft. 11.DRILLING LOG From To 0.0 5.0' 5.0 10:0' 10.0 13.0' Formation Description 13.0 15.0' Dark gray clay (ML) • Reddish brown calvev sand (SC) 12. REMARKS: Dark red sandy clay (CL) Yellowish red clayey sand (SC) 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C. WELL ONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RE^ RD HAS BEEN I OV)CED TO THE WELL OWNER. :... 11/7/2008 SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE David. E. Meyer PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days. Attn: Information Mgt., 1617 Mail Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone No. (919) 733-7015 ext 568. Form GW-lb Rev.12107 MONITOR. WELL. SCHEMATIC EXPANSION PLUG. * BOREHOLE O.D. 612 * MATERIAL O.D. Z • MATERIAL TYPE PJG SCREEN SLOT SIZE C'' DIa'` Dimensions . in' Inches 2' ,<2.' CoNCRi'E — NATIVE SOIL GROUT BENTONITE SAND PACK NOTES: NOT TO SCALE E - ALL - DEPTHS REFERENCED FROM FINISH, GRADE IN FEET MONITOR WELL , CW- 1 DATE ,DRILLED 1° l310d S DRILLING METHOD NSA GEOLO GIST STATIC WATER LEVEL '8 .2S I DATE MEASURED I I / 5 / 0 ,: r —LOCK PROTECTIVE OUTER' 'COVER FMSR GRADE DEPTH TO TOP OF 1 BENTONITE DEPTH TO TOP OF - SAND ro DEPTH. TO TOP OF. SCREEN D DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF 1Sal SCREEN TOTAL DEPTH 0 ' LLE 1 .CAMkiIk4G PRc1TDCt1L SAMPLING SERVICE INC. • P,13. Box 31133' YUwCLY �AMPSDN (19tA11 ', kIc Raleigh, NC 27622 • PROJ. # 6 ' d BEL09266 T 6 Xdd 10001021d Wd26 : 0 T 8002 92 now Casino Type...'. h.il Depth . 0 4' Weight/thickness . . .(:. 4.o Height (A.L S) O Other Grout ' Type Thickness Depth " D 2 Other( I erlty: 4-6 Screens Screened interval Other( ) • LD 'late. -_.. _ .... - Well Contractor Abandonment Temporary Permanent ) .4' [,,,j' C b pi p 6 4;1. e lz?4:.44,4. North Carolina Z4p 2A d ;G.�%4 Departmeut'ofEnvironment & Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section MONITORING WELL INSPECTION REPORT Well Location: /;I/e4 eadd late Owner' ,1//e,t �,et Address: 20 o?( Asp• Silas gp2i.z(SS Pit 7a ?CI Y ._y Date 0179 d� WELL TYPE ivf'-f,,,tr. County 5.4441pi e i/ Road/Street Quad No. MW #= "g- / . Serial No. ,B;inl 0• • 'Lat. Long. �:r V6�ell" onstr.Action • Well Contractor A t' i a !1'1 e Name Contractor Certification# a2 5- 2 7 Permit Required ? (YIN) Location - Distance From. Water Tight Sewage/waste collection Waste Disposal (septic tank drain field) Other Poll. Source( ) Other Poll. Source(. ) 17' 1 Address ' • Check Items Meets Min. Standards Measured " Yes No Remarks i. • (Permit No. bi 0 o 0 t is • t. r Plast' Carbon Galv. St. Other f, " f ✓ %, F r tl a i tl t • h C E >/ i A SI ✓ _ .At k yy� ii I :------ 669 Cuttinrrs Reports Construction (GW-1) Abandonment (GW-3 0) Well Head Completion Access port Water tight pipe entry Well entry ' Date Well Constructed /%7i o INSPECTOR Witness(es) Check Items Measured Meets Min. Standards. t Yes No ti Remarks • 1 r 2 VOcl Name .Office (If Available) Name Address Type Name Address Type NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department or Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2527 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: David E. Meyer Well Contractor (Individual) Name Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. Well Contractor Company Name PO Box 31133 Street Address Raleigh NC 27622 City or Town State Zip Code (919 ) 210-6547 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# na OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) na SITE WELL ID #(ir applicable) R-9/ /?-" 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring Ci Municipal/Public 0 Industrial/Commercial 0 Agricultural 0 Recovery 0 Injection 0 Irrigation❑ Other 0 (list use) DATE DRILLED 11 /30/ 2009 4. WELL LOCATION: 5900 Turkey Hiahwav Turkey. NC 28393 (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision. Lot No.. Parcel. Zip Code) CITY: Turkey COUNTY Sampson TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) OSlope ❑Valley 'Flat ❑Ridge ❑Other LATITUDE 33 ° ' " DMS OR 3x.xxxxxxxxx DD LONGITUDE 78 " DMS OR 7x.xxxxxxxxx DD Latitude/longitude source: 3PS [(topographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located.) Aliens Inc Facility Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 5900 Turkey Hinhwav Street Address Turkey Nf: 28393 City or Town State Zip Code Mr Tnrnmv 1 anastnn Contact Name 5900 Turkey Hinhwav Mailing Address urkev City or Town NO o 2839,B State Zip Code ( 9106 345-1013 Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 17 0' b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES c( NO O c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 8.50 FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 3 0 FT. Above Land Surface" 'Top of casing terminated alor below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): 2 METHOD OF TEST pump f. DISINFECTION: Type na Amount g. WATER ZONES (depth): Top 5,0 Bottom 12,0' Top Top Bottom Top Top Bottom Top 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Top 3.0 Bottom -4.0' Ft. 2" Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 8. GROUT: Depth Material Top +0.5' Bottom 2.0' Ft. portland Top 2.0' Bottom 3.0' Ft. bentonite Top Bottom Bottom Bottom Thickness/ Weight Material sch40 pvc Bottom Ft. Method pour Dour 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Top 4.0' Top Top Bottom-14.0'Ft. 2 in. .010 in. Bottom Bottom 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Top 3.0 Bottom Top Top Ft. in. in. Ft. in. in. Size Material 14.0' Ft. #2 quartz sand Bottom Ft. Bottom Ft. 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom 0 / 1.0' 1.0' / 5.0' 5.0' / 10.0' 10 / 15.0' 12. REMARKS: Formation Description Lt brown red silty fine sand (SM) YeI red clayey sand (SC) Reddish yellow sandy clay (CL) Dark arav sandy clay (CL) I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL. WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COP+ OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER David Meyer 1 2/4/2009 SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE David Meyer PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality - Information Processing, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone : (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1 b Rev 2/09 MONITOR WELL SCHEMATIC EXPANSION PLUG. * BOREHOLE O D 8 /2 * MATERIAL 0 D • Z • MATERIAL TYPE P✓G SCREEN SLOT SIZE 0• D10 * Dimensions in Inches Z' +l2-' CoNGPErE --.- \/� NATIVE SOIL GROUT BENTONITE SAND PACK NOTES: NOT TO SCALE ALL DEPTHS REFERENCED FROM FINISH GRADE IN FEET 0 GEOLOGIST STATIC WATER LEVEL DATE MEASURED —I LOCK PROTECTIVE OUTER COVER FINISH GRADE DEPTH TO TOP OF I BENTONITE L, O DEPTH TO TOP OF SAND ,0 DEPTH TO TOP OF I SCREEN LirO DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF I SCREEN 11'D TOTAL _DEPTH 15.D � MONITOR WELL__ DATE DRILLED H H 130/ 2-009 DRILLING METHOD NSA PROTOCOL SAMPLING SERVICE. INC, P.O. Box 31133 Raleigh, NC 27622 ,Lt-CArtkiiKl& TueKEY SLipJON PRO T. # OS-5 • Qicality Vegetables • May 14, 2010 Mr. Bill Todd Environmental Technician NCDENR 225 Green Street, Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301 RE: Aliens, Inc. — Plant #7 (Turkey, North Carolina) Permit No. WQ0004268 Response to Monitoring Well Information Request RFTEICi Fig .l DER-WIEf f EMCEE REGIONALOFFiCE In a letter dated April 15, 2010, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Water Quality, requested information regarding four monitoring wells at the Aliens, Inc. (Aliens) facility in Turkey. The purpose of this letter is to provide most of that requested information. Enclosed please find a letter from David Meyer, Protocol Sampling, regarding the camera investigative work performed on MW-1, MW-2, and MW-3. Aliens was able to locate original boring logs and well construction information for MW-3 and that is also enclosed. Please note that we had some confusion on which wells needed camera investigation and MW-3 was assessed but not MW-4. So, Aliens has asked Protocol Sampling to return to complete the camera investigation on MW-4. That is scheduled for Monday, May 17th and Aliens will provide this additional information as soon as we receive it. If you have any questions or require any additional information, feel free to contact me by phone at 479-228-0102 or by email at lmushinski@allens.com. Sincerely, Aliens, Inc. L_GruraJ. Mushi,K,s121, Laura J. Mushinski, CHMM Director — Environmental • Quality cc: Joel Shields, NCDENR (via e-mail) Reid Wells, Aliens - Turkey Aliens, Inc. • 305 East Main Street, • P. O. Box 250 • Siloam Springs, Arkansas 72761 • Tel: 479-524-6431 HAY 19 ,DENR FAYETTE.Viq Rrrinta: WQ0004268 Inc. Plant $900 Turkey Highway Turkey, NC 28393 Latitude: 34° 59' 02" Longitude: -78° 13' 08" . . , - ; 5.,•-clio.ger.1211"-ejaa--.3 r. ' q m a e 4P 2'oo9i.Cii:gttal6kbe 1 Imagery Dates; Dec 12, 2005 -Jun 53,2006 Ity. c,34,9f.30534Ion -7 8,223170° olov 122 ft I 1! fc, . - 1 1 1 i 1 ..,Qi-.00sie• i i Eyo alti 4167 ft Apr-12-1004 04:5Tpo ?roe -SITE +1101/63S5B T The P MO-3 via, tIMI GE RECORD Noah Casomui-Dapsomeot ofarrt000meoeltatiNatvestBaotou oo-Dim°WierQu y - wasscomortmesumpaiaNagelw�q /►( r3Lt(( l�-. �',��... cestromaziaeffaa2 wetica raaoitrainrw+in S,1-n14! 5-nC . maws O MI /7.7-3l40 clr..a�a� bEint 1 PAfi9a DEAR -F'YO7E1ILLE REGIONAL OFFICE 1. 'WELL USE Applia lIsBoo): RsaWaalal O MimddpaJlPubiie O Iadaanid D AO/Am' EI Mooftosioa D Heat Pump Warr lgjoetlmt3 Other D 1fMoe. Litt Use 2` W&LLOCATWN: Nome 'lyrk�, _C y 5.•,lpaa. Aors><oa inalyio.Obairelb.a libidos taWomffladd 3. OWNF* fi%n:P% *Ikon SeaaettaraNA) CV tenon Rue Alp 02 o AguairPltesys taaer SJot 4 DAT13 1. TOTAL ' 6. DOES WEIL REPLACE 1151 U WE L7 YES 0 NO IRS 7. STATIC wATERLEVE BelowTap ofaraT We"eRA6 *pcaeahiahp s. TOP OECASING IS, �. ;% ,FT.Above Lind Sum *rho ofaft wneltatelOWMow kid weloworbs a mimeo imetantrzes tiCACZCAUL 9. 'YIELD Wm* hi ram OF TEST 10. WATELZOIEGS fioptq): _- 11. DISINFECTION: Type___ Amount 12. CASJNQ: i Win Tea Deph # Dame oe WaietriFt. Mataisl ..coM 4 =oe - ElnaLaamommr 13. CROW: Dept► Mos al Method tJ.ig. ea-4- Fa+aot_ Ta`_.ib CaliglIMPOU L>tltu:Liiao=ftude of well combs Laltudoilooslu do o PSE ToPolltophiOmei) t6110 DMZ From To Faoomatim Damapdon laraingLISEIQI Sbowdbeadoa und diatom in matt from atkat two Soto Raids or Ca:mly Roodt.Include tlteroad mmhbaaand o0 mo Itoldstamts. 14. hh a sin sin Mama Ash f+. = Pt 3-3 4 Foam rct_FL_... 1n. 15. 3ANDA3RAVEL Pus: Depth , SAN Sendai 16. Romg -r- 3 8g,. e- seaj IDO BMW CtJ1 WY TEAT TH IS WELL WAS CON41RUCDID RNACCORDANCE Wl7Ei 1SwNCAC2C, WELT. CONSTRUCITON STANDARDS,A ND TEAT A COPY OPTERI RECORD 1LA.S BEEN PROVIDED TOTE "aim ovine 9 , .a�. 2.2Y 3,3141 EMMATUREOFPERSON CONSTRUCTING TNE WELL DATE $ubmtt tie orld'al to-oto Divot= of Water Qaably. Groundwater Section. lei 'Kau /rvie• ca...r- patdorr, NC 27490-106amp Na. eie 733-3:n.tttft i 30 days. GW 1 REV. 07/2001 1 1 • I . I • I! WA:LE: !CHECKED By; URAVIll 1" = —10tr 13M. BATE: 1/2512001 SEASCIAR4 GairlIVE AgHOMJ B-1 -14 mw-i ALUS RUN Mal( Sit MeRrroartaT.! • rNev.:::r.v.ri • icwir.r. / -==== ... • ea' Well was originally labeled MW-1, but it is called MW-3 in current permit. ALLEY CANNING HS ACRE PROPOSED SPRAY FIELD ROWAN R04,11 TURKEY, NORTH CAROLINA 1554-99-01813 hCi FIGLRE no. 2 COMPLETION REPORT OF WELL No. MW-1 Sheet 1oli • • • y 7, 8 L -! Q 0 PROJECT: Allen Canning PROJECT NO: PROJECTLOCATION: Turkey, North Carolina DRILLING CONTRACTOR: S&ME Raleigh_ DRILLING METHOD: 3 Y+' H.S.A. DATE DRILLED: 1 f 15101 WATER LEVEL: 3.00 LATITUDE LONGITUDE TOP OF CASING ELEVATION: DATUM: LOGGED BY: D. Loftis Originally called MW-1, but this is well MW-3. STRATA - - DETAILS -WELL ,� a z- ELEVATION WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS cFSCRIPT]OiV g a) A i • 0 _ _ , 0.00 = GS f I 1 PROTECTIVE niemetnr_• Diameter: SEAL Interval: FILTERPACK Interval: SCREEN Dlarnat Interval: LEGEND Ci CASING Type: inteiVat: i r CASING 2-Inch - Type: PVC Interval: 2.17 to 5.0 feet Type: Neat Cement Interval: 0.0 to 3.0 feet : Type; Bentanite 3.0 ta• 4.5 feet Type; Filter Sand 4.5 to 15.0 feet i 2-Inch Type: Sch. 40 PVC 0.010-Inch Slotted , 10.0 to 15.0 FILTER PACE{ TOC TOP OF CASING SENTOyrrE GS GROUND SURFACE BS BENTON!rE SEAL CEMENT GROUT FP FILTER PACK TSC TOP OF SCREEN CUTTINGS 1BACKFILL BSC BOTTOM OF SCREEN. WATER LEVEL ID TOTAL DEPTH STATICaw BOTTOM OF WELL CG CEMENT GROUT `I �� r.• _ ;.. : • .'•GROUT to -15 olio 3.00 :sa 55.00 - �— 15:00 ;• CG BS TEC . 3T3 -- I - : �. .. • `' � • + ,,, 7. �718 Old Battleground Road Greensboro, NC. ENGINE LNG . TE511rro (wim /mar At SEROUS ,, COMPLETION REPORT OF WELL No. MW-1 Shwa 1 of t MEMORANDUM To: Laura J. Mushinski, CHMM Director Environmental Quality Allen, Inc. From: David Meyer, NCWD, CWD Date: May 11, 2010 Re: Monitor Well Camera. Inspection MW-1, 2 & 3 — Old Sprayfields Site: Allen Canning 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey, Sampson County, North Carolina On Tuesday, May 10, 2010 myself along with Reid Wells inspected monitor wells MW-1, MW-2 and MW-3 with a GeoVision, Jr. downhole camera.. The casing and screen depths were measured for each well. A well tag identification plate was attached to each well noting these depths. Findings: 1. MW-1 was found to be 30-feet deep with 10-feet of screen. The static water table was found at 22-feet below top of casing which was two -feet above grade. 2. MW-2 was found to be.20-feet deep with 7-feet of screen. The staticwater table was found at 8-feet below top of casing which was 1-foot-above,grade. This well -is -adjacent -to -a -small -stream. - — -- -- 3. MW-3 was found to be 17-feet deep with 10-feet of screen. The static water table was found at 4-feet below top of casing which was 1.5-feet above grade. This well is adjacent to a stream. 4. A new identification tag was set on MW-4. M10-012.DEM