HomeMy WebLinkAboutNash_Well Abandonment_20220817 This form can be used for single or•mriltIpllewept �� 111 U�iOI1LY. t•well nlreclor Inronontlon: • �i en ontnelo Nw,e' o eIt owner en 7L Number of ireJls bei g!ebsndonedl V om1(y ebmdonlnQ hell Ion WAer proprrty), For ✓ mvinple rcllon of non-water r�pconnrvero✓obodm ly xrpt ONLk }rou eon tv6mff one form, n'rrh da aanie 1tC 1Vell Contmelor CerttOcadou Number �. r s �` -. �R•� 7b.Approximrate-volume o[nater remaining In xell(a): AI• N.W. Poole Weli & Pump i tl ) Conrpnny Name CO• FOR WATER SUPPLX WE LLS UNLY: 2.Well Construction.Permit H: i" ' " t Ur:13 7e Type ordisinfeetent oced: Uaf all oppifcabfr H•rlt prrmlfs r, ^_.__ n• Cormq:sra'ir,►rcrlmre..lNrcaoM1 rrcJ bto,rrs Q 3."'ell use(check n ell❑ae): 7d.Amovnl of dLlnfaVot used; �! 11'elin Sulrply 1Ye11: C1Agrieullurnl %Stsling msleH:ds used(check■U thst s r I DmunlolpdgPubllo 0 Neal Cement Grout. ply), OGcolhc mill(t-I /CoolhigSupply) XesldenUel Water Su 1 sin e ❑Send Cement Grout 13 l3cntonlle Clrips or pellets lowdustrilid/Commerelft] - Supply(single) 0 thy City olrsi orlon ❑ResidardsiWetcr Supply(shased) l7 Concrete Grout I7 Drill Collings Non-Sl'ster Supply lycll: 'Irwpacially Grout O Gtavcl ohtonilorin8 C113entanho slurry , InJcctlon Well: []]teeny0 CUltr(explain under 7g) DAqutrcrRechargo 7L For etch msleNsl selecled sbi pruHde srnount of ma terials used: (JAqulrer Storage end Recoveryl7Groundwaler RemedlellOn ❑Salbil(y)3aMer I�Ib+�{!f �� OAquifcr Test I Mxperimenlal Technology DSlorm water Dralruge ❑Subaldcnco Control OGcodltnnal(Closed hoop) []Tracer .Prorlde a btie[descripltao of the abandonment procedure: OOcoUlcmtel (satin Coolln Return ❑Other Ialn undcr.•7 09 '.Unle witIl(s)abandoned: S on. U IotaUuu: ��(�,d✓7y� �f L.c - N"'—��€-r Fec:liy O,, Neme' Peollltymi"Or��pUoeble 8 CerUticsUoul Physical Addreea CII yr and Zip ed Wdll ontnotor or Weli Omer�^ ale County by lfgrdng lhlt. W. 1 hr4 ceri(fy Olaf the tvell(s)tear(were)abandoned/n pascalldetdl6tallodNo•(ppl) cind ddnctglfh%1,�'jtck01C.0100or1C.0100)YtACorulnldionSlondm�da b.IraUtude�ud;lonyli la In'rlegreei/svlet/iecondi or deelmal dtgrea; °nd hat a ° tlrn ell'flthl,onGe]IeVliing lqi IiiFiielei�t} In' f fhfr recvrt>•has been provlded to the Nell owner, ��• 1 7 9,Bile dlagrstm oraddltiocrtl rell'detsllr: IV 7• 1(101D You mkY!l, ff'`,ba6)r of elite page to provldo additional well site details or Nell �r abandonment details;You may also atteclt addlUvnal pages ltncassary. if J)r''f1r?` iis' cbNt cr)` obel►ddsirneil, k wbmlr enrastr nyrply IONS a,)Yc11 IbH: aba,anddinOhl u ft It•�y'llis Submit Uus fuml within 30 days of completion of}veil to rho follawing; '°h 'fotal heli deltlh; blvitlor't oflYsterltesourcer,Igfvrnrallva Prvcculug Urrll, (fL) 1617 Mall Sirticc Center,Raleigh,NC27699-1617 ir..Ilorehole din nlcicrr. lob,Fot�Ie (t°) above,dlso`sUdiiilt py Dill� fornt wlUt�htg30s days of completion hl Iva abandonment ltl.lho tollowing.l pl lion of well 'n•1V1Iler level btId ii iilrfsoer. ((L) Dlvision.uf:WklirAcsou�cts Underground Injection Control Frogrnm, 1 Outer cailug lehgth(If ktlU}vh)r �4ri1flgerrlce Center,Itslelgh,NC 27699-1636 101�e• ! . , the ad ' ' 1tt addition to sending ale rem,to �.,. �`nbt}vi;,-•deo tlubuilt ono co Inner casing/tublug)ength(If lenusyn)r compicilon or 1vo11:abestdotdnenl la the courPy t r Od PePerm -fill 30 days or where abandoned. department of ale rowdy, _ 5creett`.Idti�tfi,(Il`aiytiied)1'+:' `""' � Omrl ONY•30 ' Nort}t(tivllnibtpiulraeolorFhrlrn�..,..,._t.i_.. ._ 711s fnnmcen be used for single or mrilUplb weUe dIUIN�UN ONLY, !.\1'rl nlrnclor Inrortneilool oil t 1 cl N e(o/well owner en 7s,Number o[Weils being abtndanedr p neat(yfbandaaingilillbuhldbttprvpftty) For multlplr f ertlan dr w N di t t snllr ONLY eanrrrvenoe/abott*nmr ' W�Py v11h the jams n{yet',eon+vbmtf one jortri. 14C 1Ve l ConUeclsx CettlOcaUao Number 7b.Approzlmtle rolamek f,Wtter remalning In WeU(a): al, N.W. Poole Well 8� Pump Co. (I ) Colupnny Nsmc '7 2� FUR WAT$R 8U1'PLYiWEI.I S ONLYt 2.1VeU ConalrncUon,1?ertnit N: 1 URa 7c Type o[dbinrwint nscdr Uet all apprteaGlr r%) prrmtra fl.r.Cca 9V • . �.o.1Cf,I/irfenan,fICJ 1/Irlalrn 3.}yell use(ebeck well use): 7d•Amount of dlslafeettnt used: 11'a1111 cr Supply li'eIh CJAgrlcullurnl 7e Setling mtteritls rued(cheek■ll(Let apply); IJGcudlennal(I-f,aling/Coolbl supply) OMunlolpal/publlo ❑Neat Cement Grout. B pP y) kesldalUal Water supply do a ❑Send Cement proof 0 Bcntafille Chips or Ycilc[s ❑Wdustrial/Cohn clill PP Y( !� ) ❑»r}Clay esldentlel Wader Supply(stirred) 11 Concrete Grout OLti orlon O Drill Cuttings Non=wxler Supply Well! •Speclalty Grout OlWonlloring 13 ❑ Gravel 1n)ecllon well: Meetlyl3rntonlla slurry 0 Odler(-plaln Under 7g) ❑AquifcrRechargo 7t.For etch mtieNtl selected tborel prodile trnaunt bf mtlerlels used: C)Aqulfcr8torago and Recove f7GroundwslerI�emedlallon Recovery ❑Salted(yBuder OAquifer•rest ❑SlarmwalcrDrahlagc I t7CxperinlcnW Tcolmology Ooeolhcrmnl(Clos6d Loop) []Trader Control 71.Prvrfde a brief deauiplinn of the tbsndonmcot procedure; `[7(IcoU,cmtai icalin Coolln Rcltitn ❑Other lainundcr7 �` , l 51.Dale li'tll(3)abandoned: 3 IN,eUlocliQuul 6,illy%Orvner Ni 7_71 y IDw(Itrppgofbl .., c �+.� t1.�rllfleltionl Pllydcel Address,Clly,and ,1 V _81`nstiai of Ce 0td fill Cont"alor or Well Owner Dele Court Dy Ngrdng Ihl1. �y Pa�cel ldcatldaadod Na.(PW) dccorddrtct l4fflt l/t~,{C 01Ce y Ul at or tCc 0101 0)W aJ OPI rd)abandoned In a 0b.Latitude�tnd:l6n�lluite Jp degreci/ridhnht/tetonds or detimti dtgreel; and that a Cvrutntdfon Standard) (lrnell t1eld,and lel/Iting It tdf8ofetlt) CW afOttr Mordhar been proiided to the well alrner. N ,.�qI_ 9,She tlltgrltm or addluol"I nett del,ills: I lRQ You miry itrdabe b`acic of llilc page to provido additional well site.details or well ebandonmwt dclajla: 1'w may also eliaclt additional pages Unecessa,y. Arld�e�' ," � '•`p ' n aOi fllU 1+{ i'lir`i M clnir 'erlthC)c�'a'liddlttri..- 9 �b Br n°n•lraffr'ngryly . t 3 cdh ri hrrllf Drirjofm, Wth IbN; log,For` n:I .Submit this rvrn, willtin 3o days of completion of ivcll abendodtnem(Io Iho folli)whlg? "b,'folal ive11 ileptb; i blvblo8 ofWtter;Resourcu,Information processing U1111, (f4) 1617]Neill Service Center,Raleigh,NC Z1699•I6I7 ` Borehole diameter,. lob,fVplij[Uo r In;edd10911 to acridfng Ole Conn to ti,o adders In I0a (I°) ebavdoAmentiB.Ujo ull �vpy of tills forrtl wilhln 30 days of completion of sell Abandonment ld ifio following: =d.Water level before grotlri�lilrfteet. ([L) Dlvislbn oMVXffrRetourcta,Underground Injection Control program, 1 �8 lle l rrce Center,UtIgh,NC 27699-1636 �•Outer caeing lehg;h(j[kilOSvh)t • ((I,) Inc. ..l�Inlleotivti W tl. lbo.ed ' ' °.ab ---- In addition to sending Ole form to +� alI subtnit an copy oC Uds form wiUdn 30 days of Inner casing/lubing lengtl!(If llnbwn)r complell6n of ivoh.abendoninent;Io the county hcalUt de ��(tL) wllac ebandurned. department of Ole cowrty Omlw ONY•30 ' Nortb•Gdvlln�bep'ittnaaMb[Psrlrr,�,.,..,..,,,".. ._ j