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GW1-2022-07475_Well Construction - GW1_20220810
-----. — .•�.uuernau use only: 1.Well Contractor Information: ,>. A h �'I // 2 c�Lt L7/7 i°�I�!��� LIR WATERZONES';;= i L"s�*.i: •"••s�.:` ::f.r.:?ir':t;5::' :';':is>:i•.':: Well ContmetorName M TO DFSCRIPT EN. V42 ) y1 M ft. n fa NC We lCoatractorCetttficationNumber 0UTER:CASING formnitlFa4e'dweR a"'livable ;.';6e6 s r D G , M TO DIAMETER TH CEMESS AIATE1t1AL Company Name TA fL (' ft. to. Doi r16'INNER'CASINGOR47JBING: lUthetC�91l16tld.1a ? Y'C..i!ti:t'iiA4.,:)fKA.:1�, 2.Well Construction Permit#: �/fL i FRoIV - To DINHEfER TBICI�IESs 11tATERW, List all oppReable wdl eonsavctlon permits(Le.=County.Stara YarlaneG etc.) fL ft. in. 3.Well Use(checkwell use): R. tt. Ia. Water Supply PP Y Well: ;b17:SCREENs;F•t.�,isi<'`•'tt+r'�.�:a!:•^.l::i'J2r<i'.'S5:•rw:`4�.�,.gt.,ySTi: a..C<8w`s •.sir"ci;:`;S4LK�'tyS Cultural FRO I TO DIAMETER SLW31M I TMCENESS btATERiAL. �MunicipaUPublic fL hL Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) Residential Water Supply(single) fL fa 106 industdaYCommercial oResidential Water Supply(shared) Irrigation YoGMRotrr�To r;.'.;• 5',f 7/J.ia•Y+i4ti i:c :, tom,.,,. •�',�9:v:is �...,:•. MATERIAL EMP Non-Water Supply Well: CIVtENrMETEItOD&AMOUNT © R 3 t4 Monitoring Recovery "t Injection Well: R R AquiferRechalge E30roundWater Remediation Aquifer Storage and Recovery 13Selint'tyBarder f""'SAND/GRAVE[sPACK a 'IIe6bie r! fc: rein i'wu i,_=u; rw ti , FROM TO MA7ERL►L EMEIACE 11MM METHOD AquiferTest [3StormwaterDrainage R ft. Experimental Technology oSubsidence Control n n Geothermal(Closed Loop) ,Tracer ''S20.'DRILLD�IGLOG slts2haddifidn'nllLeetii[rieeni6 ' *f;, [�: +;:J.;!;�;,•.; ;. FROM TO DESCR�7ION eefer.Eaidaers.son/roek ssr_f.t}..,x„�j, Geothermal eating(CoolingRetum) Other( lain under#21Remarks) eta t` 17 m o 1 4.Date Well Z s)Completed: 'Z • v Wen" /7 m fL w �� Sa.WellLocation: c� ft. Fbcility/OwnerName - Facility IDll(ifappUeable) R ft. PhystwlAAdddasMCity,and tip f` n, ���rL L=3�L`"��� Q� S21:REMARKS i?i',:.::5:'. 'I.S:'^• SJh.:rnt'ar7 i�`:'F e�•.$;`.sytt,1��1•:4I3.'�•X?x31: _,• _! County .ParcelldentiSwtioaNa.(PIN) Sb.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decl al degrees: (Ifwell field,one ht/long h sufficie t) + 22.Certification: L r S� w - Z7" Lit 6 Is(are)The wen(s) M'lrrmanent or [Temporary Si ofcerti6 ell Contractor Date 8 n ing this jornc r hereby eert(fy that the wdl(s)war(were)tonsarected in accordance 7.Uthisarepairtoanexistingwell: E)Yes .or e� 116ISANOICO2C.0100orISANCAC;02CA200IrKConsteuctronSrandardtarrdrhae{r 1jthisisarepair,Jtlloutknowawelleonstmegonbrfarnrattan and esplain the nature o)the roPY00fiOrererdhatbeenprWdedto the wellowner. mpa(runder021 remarbswdon oronehebaekojehisjorm 23.SIte diagram or additional well'details-. f, 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of thin page to provide additional well site details or well construction,only 1 OW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTALNUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages If necessary. dn'Ued: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: YS'a For muftyle 24a For All Wells-. Submit this form within 30 ttlplewellslistalldepths tjdiferent(examplo-9®100•mrd2Q100) (R) days Of completion of well i construction to the following: 10:Stalk water level below top of casing: (ft) DIylsion of Water Resources Information Processing Ualt,, Ijwaferlwells above easeng:ttte� , 1617 Mail Service Center,Raieip),NC 276991617 11.Borehole diameter: . 1 (In.) 24b.For Iniectlon Wells; In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a 12.Well construction method:_I- 4&cV above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion-of well (Le.auger.rotary.cable,dk-tpusb,etL) construction to the following: FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: DIvision pf WaterResources,Underground Injection Control Program,, i 1636 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276994636 13a.Meld(gpm) f' Method of test: : 1, 24c.Itor Water Suonly&Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to . 13b.Disiafectioa e. L' the addresses) above, also submit one*copy of this form within 30 days of type: Amount: t7 completion of well construction to'the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolma Department ofEavircamental Quality-Division of WaterResoumes!; Revised 2 27.2016 pF I+