HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-07453_Well Construction - GW1_20220810 'OLL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Far baertm]useotdlY: Z ids form can be used for single or multiple wells ' i 1;Well Contractor Information: Shane Gossett r--; � 41ED MM �o yDss ox WellCoaOaomrName — �^ 140 ff 141 ft- [ 20gpm 3528-A A��r, 'Z�ZZ 150 ft• 151 �• i 20gpm N6 Well Cofactor CcrtifiCstien Number ; a. Urtd ply TO DrAata�e. ]rtw McCall Br0#hekS, Inc. {nE�;P�'`r��,a;�i'� 1 tt• 115 ft,. 6.25' �• 0.25 Pvc Company Name I 13887 FROM To olAnaa,Talt �vsss MAT6RiAI.. . 2.Well Construction permit#: 0 ft ft. Lisi all applicable well twnsmicdon permits(Le,County,State,Yarlance,etc.) ft. ft.. 3.Well Use(check well use): I Water Supply Wen: 1moM To Dwt�t�lt SLOTM I UT1fltarltess MATEarAIL pAgr9ctrttttral O umcipalIPublic. 0' ft• ft. in ❑Geothermal(Hasong/Cooling Supply) residential Water Supply(single) fa ft. �• '. -' Qlnduskiaycot anwW al OResld'endal Water Supply(shared) 1+aoM To A4AT131t1A taslarelt r a ' ova .131rdgation 0 & 20 ft ' eChips is e .Pour from surface 1501b9 Non-Water Supply Well: & ft. OMonitoring ORecovery Iryection 411: ft. ft.. t7Aquifer•Rechayge OGroundwater'Remedladon fec.Storage and Recove OSalini Barrier o Mr, � O n tY 0 ft. ft. ❑Aqui£erTest OStomtwaterDrainage ft h. , pExpeiimetttal Technology OSubsidence Control ❑Geotlwunal(Closed Loop) OTracer sttoM To DISCRUTrox enter f wreck ell. At3oodmml(fieadn Cobli Return OOther Le2lain under#21 Remarks 0 ft• '25 ft. Red clay 26 ft. so ft. Sandy clay 4..t1•ate Wen(s)Completed: 7/11/2022 81 ft• 100 ft. Rocky clay S:Well location: 1•01 fL 150 ft. Granite Debbie Murray 151 ft' '200 fL 'Quartz and mlka FactlftylbwnerNam Factity]DH.(ifapplicable) 335 chestnut ridge rd kings mountain nc ft Physical Address,City,and'7ap Gaston , County Parcel ldentffieadonNo.(PRN) Sb.Latitude and Longitude in degreeslminuteslsecoads or deciutal degrees: 22.Certification:' (if-well field,one Wftag is sufficient) II 3.5a16'22.4724" N 81'20'11.4648" qt /zo/zozz . Si�ahtm of Certified 4VeA Coaaactor Date r),Is(are)the rtnaneat or OTemporary By algtdng this form,I hereby ea i&that the well(s)was(were)constructed in aceordhfi whh 1SA NCAC 02C.0100 or 1SA NCAC 02C.0200 Well Constniedm Stondmdi dud thm 7.Is this a ftpair to an existing well: Dyes•00No 'copy of this record has been provided to ire well odner. /f.t4p Is a mptdr,fill out knorm well con0ruction ir](omwtlon mtd explain the nature of the repair under t121 mmarks section or an the back of this form. 23.Site diagram or additional well de4aiis: ' You may use the back of tifis'page to provide additional well site dean or well 8.Number of weiis.constructed: 1 constmcdoA details.You may also attaeh additional pages if necessary. , rai muk4de injecdon or non-water supply wefts ONLY with the samn eansVuedan,you can' : .cttLinh one form. 24.Submittal Instructions: y.Total.weil depth,below land surface: 200 0.) 24&For All Wells Submit ft form.withht:30 days'of completion of well par muhiple wells list all depihs j(dfffirent{example.30200'and 2 f01007 construction to the fhnowhW. 10.Static water level below top of casing; 20. (ft,) : Division of Water Qoailty,Wormation Processing Unit, i (f water level is above casing',are a" 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27499-101.7 1i.Borehole diameter: 6 (i».) 24b.For ectlon Wells: In sddifion.to sending the form%u ttie address in 149 -above, also submit a c M.of."form within 30 days of otmtpietion of 611 12.Well construction method: AV rotary construedonto thofoliowhtg: (ie.auger,rotary,cable direct paste,etc.) Division of Water Quality,Uddem"Ad Injec8ott Contmi Program, 13.FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Scrviec Ctditet;Ratetgh,'14C 17699.16M I . Air lift ?Ac.For Water 3rmttts&Geothe kal Wells: bi edditlon to sendmg The-form to 13a.Yield(gpm) 40. Method of test: the address(es)above, also submit one copy of this foil wldiin 30,dugs 13b.DisiDfeedontype: Hth Amount. 20ounCes completion of well oonsWarion to the`county.heaith department of the dont�y', ` wh=constructed. o- Fopn G9��1 NoithC=EmaDepaMmtofEnvimu=ntmANamm]Rcmm=-:Divisionef WaturQu�aifly Revised lea�013