HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130456 Ver 1_USACE Permit_20140909U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS W11NINGTON DISTRICT tad, NC- Richland Act ion IR SAW-1,012-01391 Cotinty Onslow USGSQL Properly Owner I,Attdiorii.zed Aggent:- Ti.m Hapintgart nor_. CUP Address, 17 West Jones Street, Suite 3000A Raleigh, NC 2760A Telephone No.: 919-707-8543 Size and location of property (water body, road narrielnumber, to�wn, etc.): The Bear Basin, ETP project site is located on the east, side of.lesse ;�iljliams Rqa4,AVroximatelj 0.8 miles north of the intemetion witli NC 24, near Richlands, Oaslloiv County, NC. Coordinales are: 3 9,2 4.56261N , 7TM7253 W De wen ilption of prqjects area and activity T,hegLo I I consists of tern porn a. ji.mpIcts to 0.11 acre of omp water for the restoration of wetlands to generate credits for use in the State TLY program (NCEEP).. Applicable Lakv Sechon40411 (Clean Water-Act, 313 US C 1144) [] Seefion, I () (Rivers and Harbors Act. '313 USC 40 31) Autfiori=ion: Kei!rD]19,1 Generat Permit Number: Nai�lonwidc Permit Number; 27 Summan, of Authorind lat acts and Required Miti ait�jon P'� Open Water (ac) Wetland (ac) t Strearn impact IC K�wl� 1. 1111-11-1.11-1-1-T.— GP# Temporary Pentianent Temporary Permanent Tern pore ry 01 27 0.11 !-m2.aS!.1furls I I I . .. ............. .... ..... . . .......... I otal Loss of Waters of the US. (ac) -total Loss of Waers o U S titers the , M iliaalion (ac) Required Stream Mitigation (11) Addilional,RejTtarks aad/or, Spec'Wl Permit Con,ditions4 Your work is aufficrIzed by ffic above referenced perinit provided a is accomplished in strict accord0ce, with the attacked, conditions and your Final Mitigation Plan (Bear Basin Restoration Site, July 20 W) SUbinitted on 5 August, '1014. Any ViOlatbn of the attiched conditions or deviation firorn, Your submitted plans ntay subject the permiltee to to stop wo rk order, a reqorat ion order and' r appropr I ate legal action, This verification will remain v0d until the expinition date idmflfled below kinkess the n-ationwide authoriza Lion is modified, suspended or revoked, If, prior to the expiration date identified bellow, the nationxvidc 'permit authorization is rel,ssued andior modified, this, verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified tielow, Provided it Complies, with -all NqUirtinerib, (if tile modified. nationwide perniil,. if the nation wide pci-mit autIiori7afion expires or IN suspended, revokedL or is rnoditfed, quch that the activiry would no longer c(N-nply with (lie remisand conditions of the na6onwidt perrinl. activities which have commenced (I e- are W'dVr construction) or iYC fflider contract to cornmence, in refiance upon the nationwide perinii, veil[ remain amhorized provided flee activity isq,compleled %vithin t ti la r> oaths of the date of the nationwide perm it's expirailou, modification oi- revocation, unless di.screfiunary authority has been exercutd, on a. case-by-case basis to rnodify, suspend or revoke the Activities subject to Section 404 (as in&ated above) may also require, an individual Section 401 %lawr Quality Certit, ication. You should conlact the NC Division oi'WmerQuahtv (teleplume (919) 733-17,86) to deteri-mrie Secdon 401 reqWr(m,ients, For activities occuff ing within the twerity coastal counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Mavagmmem Act (CAMA), prior to beginning work you inum contact the N.C, Division of Coastal Management, This Npartment of the Army verification does not relieve, the permittee of thi: re8ponsibility to obtain any other req,uired Federal, State or local approvalOpervails, Ifthero are anly questions regarding this verificatim, any (if (fie zonditions ofthe Perom, or the Corps of (_JmerS TOgUhMory progTarn, please contact Tyler Crumbley at 9 1,0-2J),—'41 Corps Regu laton, 01-11 c ial Tyler Crumble 'r September,2014 FINpiration Date of Verification, 18,March, 2,017 Deterniination of Jurisdiction: A. D Based on preliminary inlonoation, there appear to be waiers, of ific US 1`nClUdn`1g wellands within the above described project area Tb Is preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regitlatory ProgratuAdminkt-lative Appeal Prates ( RCfereuCC i. CJ7R pal, Ill 0. 0 There are 'Navigable Waters of (he United States within the at described project area subject to the pern-threquirentents of"Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. U,nle.ss there is a change in the law or our published rqgulaiions. this deierrvinarion may be relied upon for as period n ol to exceed F ve years froi-n dare da Le of this notification- . [] 'There are water% ofthe U nctlor wetlands within the above described p iject area su�:Ject to the perm4 r0i requirenwols of Sectiou 404 of the Clean Walev Art (CWA)(33 US C § 1344) Unl,ess there is a change in die law or our published regulatiotts, this cIeLertninatIon may be rclied -upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date Of this llutification. V. 0 The jurisdictional areas within thc above described prqim area have been identified under a previous action. Please reference Jurisdictional determination issued 31 October, 20112 . Action 1 SAW 2012-0091 Basis of Jurisdictional Orterininatiort.. Tile site contains open waters that ex ibis indicators oforchnam! high water marks. The open, waters an the property are Ul"s to Cowford Branch. UTs flow, to Cow, rord Branch, wl�ich flow", to the New River, which is Section 1,0 Navigable, Attention USDA Program Participants This has been canducted to ideraiN the limits cvf Corps' Oca n Water Acwjuriskfiction kir the particular site idcnlified in this request. The defineati I on1deten-ninallon inay not be valid for the wctland conservation provisions cal the Food Security Act of" 198-5. If you or your tenant are USDA Program participants. or anticipate participation in USDA prograirris, you Should request a certified wedand determination ftorn the local office of [tic Natural Resources Cons M , cirvation Service, prior to starting work, App eal,s Information: (This information does not apply to preliminary determinations as Indicated by paragraph A, above)- Attached to this verification is an appraved j uri 9d ictional deterini nation. if you are not in ageernent with that approved juris,dicticinal determination, you can make ail administralive appeal under 33 CFk 3; 1, Foclo-sedlyou wilt find a Notification of Appeal process (NAP) fact sheet and request for appeal (RFA) form. If you request to appeal this deiermInaLlull You Must Submit a completed KFA FOU111 to the folikMaIR address: District Engineer, Wdroivi ail ,I N I gion Reg,41afory Pro�yv Au n: Ty ter Crum bf ey, Prgj cc 1 Ma nag-ell, 69 Darlingkm Avenue Wilinington, North Carolina 2840 -1 -1343 In order ('or an R.F--.A to Lic accepted by ilie Corps, the Corps must determine that it is complete, that it meets the criteria for appr,41 under '13 CFR pan .331, , and that I r, Iles been, received lay dic Division Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide to submit an RFA fbirn, it n-rust be received at the above address w'AM 60 days from the Asoe Oore below, * *It' is nol, nccessary to subw,'Nt an RFA rurfti tai tile DMESIOII Orfla if VOU do not object to the dolenroilatiori In this i"orrtspvndence,, " * Corps R<%ulatory Officiat I Ssue Daw ti 31 00aber, 2Q] 2 Expiration Date: 310d#4 *r.-2017 SURVEY PLATS, FIELD SKETCH, WETLAND DELINEATION I`ORMS, PROJECT PLANS, ETC., F ,ATTACHED TOTHE 1`1 LF COPY 0 F TH IS FORM, IF REQU IRED OR AVAILABLE. Copy Furnished: 'riltt Morris,; KCITechnologie5, hic. Joanne Stecnhuis-,NCDEWDWR CESAW-RGaugwer Pen -nit Number: SAW-2012-01391 Permit Type : NW 27 Name of Countv: Onslow Name of' Perillitim, 1. in] BaLmi.-artner; WEEP Date of I swance: 9 September, 2014 Prqjiect \14anaocr: Tyler Crtirnblev 0 - - T Jpon completiort of the activity authorized by this permit and any mitigation required by the permit,, sign this certification and return it to the following address! U.S. Army Corps of EngiTieers, Attention: CESAW'-RG 69 Darlinglon Avenue Wflniin.gton, North Carolina 28403-1343 Please note that your permitted activity is' svubj I ject to a compliance inspection by an. U.S.Army Corps of Engineers representative, If you fall to comply with this permit you are subject to permit stispension, modification- or revocation. 1. hereby certify that the work, authorized by the above ref reiioed permit has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the said pemiit, and required mitligatiOn. WaS completed in aeeordance with the pentiit conditions. Signature of Perniittee Date � I t S� a4 i Applicant: rt¢: ` "it t BaUmp pvner; NCE.sl "? File l yam. er: ..W-201' Date. pIember, 01.91 201 Attached i s Sce Section below INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT (Stanklatd remit or )setter of emission) � PROFFERED PERNMIT(Starldard Pemit or I.,etter ol'perf fission) B PRELIMINARY JUMS ICTI NAL DETERMINATION E LI' t r rr� �ptj i t a I VC dIiril :� `tlib ti btt,¢r� ,.tIIrir, A: N141AL N1411 )'ROFIE ~ERE"D PERMIT: You m.a accept or oI�j ct to the permit. AM "TT If you reQei ed a Standard flea° it, You rump Sign the permil ctocr menf and return it lo the &-stri& t engineer for final autlrcarizattrarr. It You received a Letter ofTerrnission you rriav accept the LOP and your work is acrthaari7ed. Your si tnanture n the Statadard Permit or acct ttancc of the LOP me -arcs that you accept the pertlatt in its cnnirety, and lv aive all rights to appeal ilia permit, including its< terms and condition &, and a.pprtrvPedjurisdictional deterniffl ttions a; suc^iated with the perm t. OBJECT: ll "you object to the Permit (Standard or I OH becatise al'eertain leans and conditions tl erein, you may request that tins: perin4 be modified accinrd rigly. You 111ust cu r"Plov : vks do n If Of this J`iarcn and rI.turu the Axis to the ciiArict cugiiioer. Your ob eclio s missal be received by tilt= dislritt errtir,etyr within rift days of the data of this r,r fte, Or YOU Will toyrteit your right to appeal the permit in titre. future_ Upon TcC0ipi Or §47rrr letter, Lhe distrier engineer twill evaalwoo your oljeaiofls and rna}' (a) rnodif°y tilt, peen t to addr-&-'s all ofytat:t carutrrertts, (h) trtc,cltfy the perni.rt to address sornt tal`your objections. or (c) not nrotlifiy ilre penrrit Il aViug kictermined dial the triunnil., hould be i��ued s pre iously° written, ,Mier evaluating your objie;tiom, tlne district ett &eet wal ,end you a pr=arftcred perrrnit for your reconsideration, as indicated in Section 13Wow. B. PROFFERED E PERMIT: You may accept or appeal the pen it ACCI. FIJ': If you received a Standard Per -nit, pu may sign the pertrrit docurnQm and return it to the distriel Qngiricer for fmal authorization Ifvou received a Letter of Permission f I t P), you may accept the LOP and your %ori- is authorized.. Your si nalure ola the Standard NMI rar arcceptrancc of (be L011 tttca.ns thtat you aaccepl tine perrnriIt, in its ent ire fvF. o nw %aiv°e -all right°s to app caI tfie rerr,it, inel Lid in4 irs ternts.9nd c on Itjtions,, and ap pro vfed jurisdictional deterna.natiuns arssociar ed with [11ep rniit;, .t1PP[" I . If"yDrr choose to deeIiFit, tlrc proffered per Fri it (S.tanditrd or LOP lecat);e 017 CC Flail, ntarntr4 gall C,()n lil%On, tin rrirba yrlu tn,ay° aal pCUI the de0ined licrink under the Corps ol` b''agineers Atlrnitaistr.ative Appeal Process by comple.tirnp, Sect cats 111 oaths„ form and sindintt,, the fcnrrrt to the division rr errgrrneer- J his lrarrrtn rr ust be. recessed %y° the division engineer within rJ darys of the. Haste trfI nncjtice, ` PERN1IT D)rNl, ,I,- You rnak anirpeal the tler,ial of permit under the Corps of l- ngineers AdrninkLnvive Appeal PrrriI by completing section It orthis forrn and sending the form to ffic division enginccr. This l "orrr, rrruss lie received by the division ent�git QeT within 66 days of tyre bate or tilts, notice, D; A,P'RO 'E ,fLJRI{,[)I "I'[ON'rc I. l I..M I I I 'I I I : You may acccpt or appeal the apprr ved JIB or provide ne %v Information. At:CEP V: You do not nerd to notify the Corp to accept: an approveLl Jl Failure to no I ify the Corps within 60 days (if dw date of this notice, rr,scnt,sthat you accept the asp resvcd JD in it.; cratirct¢, and wain �alN ri,~1,CS ttr appeai thk; appro -red 31). APPEAL If you disagree with the approved JD. you rnay appeal the approved K) under the Corps t F F-':ri inverrs ,AdrrriniAnative Appeal I3nirceI;s by completing tins ection I1 ref thus forrrt and sending the f'or car try the djvl• loo engir. oner`. This I trm ralU t he t'er �i, ed bV the. divrs�ion en, ineer vviIhin Ertl dasyrs ail the date oft:hais notice. tr F , PRELIN41NARY JUIZISDR.' . TIONAI.. DE11 ERMINATiON: You do nol: need W respond to the Corps regarding [be prehiiiinaxy JD, The Preliminary JD, is not appealable. If you wish, you rnay re Atom anapproved. JD (which may he appealed), by conta6m, the Corps district fOr I "Urther instruction, Also you niay provide new iril'ormation for fin-ther consideration b,y the Corps to rcevziluutc the ID. "t,T, QUE T F � 'R APPM r �P�T I ,RE 8 0 0BTECTJ(*S, TO AN K AL PROFFE . . . .......... — REASONS FOR A11PEAL OR OBJECTIONS- (Descril�e voLir reasons for appealing the decision or your obJections to an initial profferied pennit in clear tuincke statements- Ymi may attach -aWitional information to ihis.f.urin to clarify where YOUr reasons or o6jjections are addressed in the adittinisirative recur d-) . ......... ---- . ..... . . ......... . .......... ADDIT[ONAL INFORMATKYN; The appeal is limitiMl to a review of the administrative record, the Corps niemoranduni for the re, cord of tlic appeal conference or trizeting, and wiy supplonental infonnauon that the review officer has determ in"i is needed to daiky Ow adminktrativc record, Neither the appe pliant ,nor ilte Corpsiray add new, intiornnation or anallyws to the record. However you niay provide a,ddiii<.)iiai,!,nfon,rbail'ori, to clarify the loca6ari, of iriftm-nation that hi, atmady in, the adrilinistrative reccwd, - P OINT OPCONTACT FOR OUSTION'S OR 11NrIGRIMATtON Ifyou have quezfluns rcgardingthis dray kjon aakV(j the appeal process If you i,,) i i I y iia ve q ue s t i on s regai J in g t1w ap pe al p rucesN y 0 Ll I lla) you Ina%, coioacL also contact: I- I e r C ru in h I ey7 Re g, n latory Pro j ect Manager k1r. Jason Stvele, Adialnistra6ve Appeal Review Officer LSACE, Regutatury Division CESAD-PIX) 69 Darlington Avenue U.S. Armv Corps of L-'rigincers, South Atlantic Division Wilmington, NC 23,403 60 1, o rsy (fa Street, R oom 10 M 15 910-251-4 170 Atlanta. Georgia 3,0303-8801 Phone� (4 04) 562-5137 RIG11TOFF.NTRY: Your signature below grants the right ofentry as Corps (if Fngnleers person rel, and any government C011WItaws, to conducr invesii,( n The COLIBC Of Ole appeal process. You will be provided a '15 day notice of am, site �atiom of the p 'cc[ site duri R 1111VUSti"Mi0l], and Will have the oppxtunny to participaie �jj al[ Srije inVeStigalions. cll I . .. . . . ............. --- ..... . .... ---------- I Date: Telephone nurnl)er; E I'Sqpnatur of` appellant gar agerat, For apprals. (jo Initial Pro•er Permits send this form fo: District Frigincer, NN'flmingtnn Regulatury Division, Aftni Tylier Crtimbley, 69 Darlington Aventlos Wilmington, Nortb Carolina 2F*403 For Permit denials, Proffered Permits and approvcd Jurisdictional Determinations send, this form to, Division Engineer, Commander, U.S. Army Kagineer Division, South Atlantic, Atta. W Jusim Steele, Administrative Appeat Officer, CESAD-PDO, 60 Forsyth Street, Room 1.011 5, Atlanta, Georgia 30303- 8801 Phone: (404) 562-51,37