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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140939 Ver 1_Shoreline Stabilization_2014082810140-939 The following is an abbreviated application form for those applying for a`:�IUi fL'��ter. „ Ce "tie" tion to impact F)E;RC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) regulated laQ shore or bottom under the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit GP30. This Application cannot be used for wetland or stream impacts. Plea�sc'pi <i� iiie five„ (S) copies,of this, applicatioi inform��tii►rr,as tivell as u,noil'- refundable applicativa %_fee to 't. le I Visirin 'of �4'ater, fluailio. pf,$2aU,U0 for imliacts to'take Bottum aifless ttiaml'iicre and $570.00 for impacts to lake bottom of greater or equal to i acre. - #'Applications should be sent to: l )ivi §iori= ciCVViit�;n(�uiilitj- 401,_ C) izeisigtil /Isxpress- ItevlE'11;Ycr`mittin : 4fi5Q N•lail, Service Center` Ralcii li NC 276y9= I,CSO, I. I. 2. Applicant Information Owner /Applicant Information Name: Mailing c w, 6292014 Telephone Number: E -mail Address: Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner /applicant.) Name: Company Affiliation: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: E -mail Address: II. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. You may use the diagram below to make a hand sketch of your project. Also, see the example below for guidance. Bolh the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. Davidson County Map Output Page Page I of 2 Davidson County GIS 8/22/2014 1�e t Parcel Number 06035DOOL0019 Land Units: LT Pin Id: 67110-04-50-8824 Deed Book: 1743 Pg: 1143 F B LEE DEVELOPMENT CO INC Owner: 1318 LEE ROAD Deed Date: 1 1.01/2006 THOMASVILLE'NTC 27360-9434 Property Address: 2340 RIVFRVILW RD Account Number: 9082682 Township: 06 Exempt Code: Building ft SO Other Building Value: so Land Value: 5125.000 Market Value: S 125,000 8/22/2014 Davidson County Map Output Page Iro avidson County GIS � L55 A t �/ L 2% 56aog M L57 � L2 L58 is ` L23 L59 L61 L60 r' 22 '• � L62� r�r L21�, 5677 L 1 0 L14 5530 L 13,�a� ,r� L 12 ; �J r a Ot¢ L20 L19 o� i L18 7702 L 1 m �1 sti't V.) Page 1 of 2 M71 89 M88 tioo M70 �, Parcel Number : 06035DOOLO019 Land Units: LT Pin ld: 6710 -04 -50 -8824 Deed Book: 1743 Pg:1143 E B LEE DEVELOPMENT CO INC Owner : 1318 LEE ROAD Deed Date: 1 1/01 %2006 THOMASVILLE NC 27360 -9434 Property Address: 2340 RIVERVIE,W RD Account Number: 9082682 Township: 06 \_ L Exempt Code: Building Value: SO Other Building Value: SO Land Value: $125.000 Market Value: 5125.000 http: // webgis. co. davidson. nc. us / website /davidsongis /printpage.aspx 8/22/2014