HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0004268_More Information (Requested)_20180123,ROY COOPER gollfq1710r. cMIIAEL S. REGAN Secretary Warer Resources LINDA CULPEPPER VIRONMENIAL CUALrrY Interim Director January 23, 2018 JOAN LEE — SENIOR VICE , Mumiy-pRoyiN, LLC POST OFFICE BOX 856 WAR8AW, NORTH CAROLINA 28398 Subject: Application No. WQ0004268 Additional Information Request Murphy -Brown WWIS Wastewater Irrigation System Sampson County Dear Ms. Lee: Division of Water Resources' 'Central and Regional staff has reviewed -the application package received November 2, 2017. However, 'additional information is required before the review may be completed. Please address the items on the attached pages no later than the close of business on Febniary.23, 2018. Please be aware that you are responsible for meeting all requirements set forth in North Carolina rules and regulations. Any oversights that occurred in the review of the subject application package are, still the Applicant's responsibi[ity In addition, any omissions made in responding to the outstanding items in SeetidnA. Please reference the subject application:nuniber when providing the requested inforniation. All.revised and/or additional documentation shall be signed, sealed and dated (where needed), with three copies submitted to my attentionat the address below. Tf yon. have any questiOns regarding this request, please do hot hesitate to contact Me .at (919) 807-6348 or ashley.kabat®hedermgov. Thank you for your cooperation. J Sincerely; Athley. Kabat, EnVitonmental Engineer Division of Water Resources cc: Fayetteville Regional Office, Water Quality Regional Operations Section (Electronic Copy) Permit Application File WQ0004268 Compares.7„ State cif North Carolina I EnvironmentatQuality I Water Resources I Water Quality Permitting I Non -Discharge i'ermining 1617 MailService Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919-807-6332 - l';-4tRAP Ms: Joan Lee January 23, 2018, Page 2 of 3 A. Site Maps: 1. Pleasesubmit a site map showing the redUced irrigation fields redrawni,the following,setbacks from themost recent permit iapance, amilhe revlew and:compliance boundaries:, a. The setbacks for iirigation.sites permitted under 15A NCAC 02H 0200 (i.e., Fields A, B, C- andt0:shali beaslollows distances in. feet): i. Any habitable residence or place ofpublic assembly under ownership: ii. Surface waters: iii. Any well with exception of monitoring wells: iv. Any property v. Fublic right nf way: [15A NCAC:02H .0219.0A b. The setbacks for irrigation -sites permitted under 15A NCAC 02T .0500 (i.e., Zonesi. through 18A) shall beas fpllows (all distances in feet): Any habitable residence or place Orpublienasernbly under separate oWnetahip!, 400 ii. Any habitable residence or place of publinassembly owned by the Permittee 200 iii. Any priyateOr public water supply source: Igo iv.. water: 100. v. Groundwater lowering ditches : .100 vi.. Surface water diversions: 25 Anywell with exteptidn of raonitoring:wells: 100 viu Any property line 150 ix Top of slope of emhankments or cuts,:oftwo feet or More in;vertiOal height 15 x. Any water line from a disposal system: 10 xi Subsurface groundwater lowering drainage systems 100 Any Swimming pOol: 100 ,xiii,Public right ofway 50 'xiv. Nitrification field: 20 xv: Any building foundation or -basement:. 15 [15ANCAC 02'1%0506(0] c. The setbacks for Storage and treatment Units permitted under 15A NCAC '0211 0200 shall he ,as follows distances infeet): i. Any. well with exception of monitoring wells: ii. Any property line: [15A NCAC 02H .02190)] d. The setbacks for storage and treatment Unitspermitted under 15A NCAC 02T ,:0500 (i.e., •screening facility, etc.) shall be as follows (all distances in feet): i. Any habitable residence or place of public assembly under separate ownership:. .ii. Any private .or public water supply source: iii. Surface waters: 400 .100. tog .150 50 100 50 Ms . Joan Lee January 23, 2018 Page 3 of 3 iv. Any well with exception of monitoring wells: v. Any property line: [15A NCAC 02T .0506(01 100 50 2 A map Is attached (Figure 1) showing the sitomap forTields A-D provided to the division with current Sampson County GIS data for parcel lines and property Ownership. The parcel shape of the ,property formerly owned by Sager Creek Foods, Inc. has changed and may have resulted in setback violations from property lines and/or public right of ways. This can he addressed hi one thefolloviing.ways: a. Propose the field area be :reduced by capping spray heads and/or reducing_the wetted area by reducing the area of influence of certain 'spray heads. b. Record a. setback waiver (attached) with the Sampson County Register of Deeds for each property which setbacks will not be -met., A copy of the setback waiver after it has been recorded with the Sanipson County Register cifteeds shoUldha submitted to theDivision. 3. A map is attached (Figure 2). showing the site map for Fields 1-18A provided in the last permit issuance with current Sampson County GIS data for parcel lines and property ownerShip. These fields look to be in conapliandelVith the setbacks listed above from the last permit issuance. Verify the attached map is still accurate and there are no proposed changes to Fields 1-18A. egend , F = •A ineiB Fatiticith.. Butteitiall;LLC arroll •Matthieviis Baggett Earl Benny King KAMCP,:,LLC`''' Maria:'F Baena Goog(e earth (c 2018 Googpe State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources NON -DISCHARGE WASTWATER SYSTEM 'WAIVER • AGREEMENT TO:WAIVE: SETBACKS AS REQVIREDi BY j5A NCAC-02r.050kaj, .0500(b), :0606(a), .0706(9 AND .1006(0 , certify', that I am Adeeded•owner of the property located' at.: Address:: Parcel No.: City: State: Zip Code: 'County: 'Furthermore, I certify that I. am authorized to make decisions regarding this property, and that Edo hereby agree that the setback distances cited below be granted to the Applicant/Ptiiiiittee:listedon the following ,page. O I Understand the:Setback requirements, set forth In 15A. 'NCAC '01T. For the parcel identified Above,I vonsentto a -reduced: setback from feet feet, t thereby allowing the, application of wastewater effluent as near as feet frOnintyproperty line. 0 I understand the setback !TOO:ernpits set forth in 15A NCAC l02T. For the parcel identified above; I 0000 to a reduced 'setback tom feet, to ( feet, thereby allowing• the Application Of_wasteWiter effluent as,nearas feettrommty residence. .1 understand the ,setback requirements set forth in iSA NCAC 92T. For the parcel identified _ . above, , I consent to a reduced setback • from feet feet, -thereby allowing the constructionOf wastewater treatment and storage units as near as feet from my property line „ understand the setbackrequirements set forth in 15A NCAC 021% For, the. parcel identified above, 1 vonsent, to a reduced .setback from 'feet :feet; thereby allowing the construction of wastewatettreatment andstorage units as flOgy feet front my residence. Signature : Date: F0104t NPWSW..03-17 ,P'age -of,2 Applicant/Pennittee: Address: . Parcel No:: City: State: Zip Code: County:, NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY ,.a Notary Publie"for COtinty, North Carolina, do hereby certify that, personally appeared:beforeme this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing Witneas iny,hand, and official seal, this the day of SEAL Signature,of Notaly Pnblic MY commission expires • Once notarized, this form shall be recorded at the Register of Deeds ir .the county or counties in which the described properties are located. A copy of the recorded waiver shall be sent to the following address: Division of Water Resources Water Quality Permitting Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617- FORK NDWsw 03-17 P4ge2 of 2 pz-1 dwr f' oo' IeEar h 018 000.21,3 grow crop fields (corm. si>>wheat'rot r, _f �1 surfafe �a dir4r-- Legend x olvv•2 } Sager Creek/Delmonte, Pre -Ditch Discharge to Six Run Creek Compound Mo i ng Well )sJo71- Background (Mill Run) Downgradient (Rowan Rd. Bridge) Field Parameters Temp (°C) 19.7 9.6. 11.1 pH (SU) 4.15 7.43 6.67 Cond. (µmhos/cm) 611 106.4 _ 175.2 DO (mg/I) 4.21 4.22 9.78 Bacterial (CFU/100m1) , Fecal Coliform , NA 19 130 Total Coliform NA 500 520. Nutrients (mg/L) TKN 6.8 0.60 0.72 NH3 6.8 - 0.05 . 0.07 KN 0 0.55 0.65 NO Z & NO3 <0.02 0.08 <0.02 P <0.02 ; 0.10. 0.08 Metals (µg/L) " -_ Al . 2,000 . 190 <50. As <2 <2 ' <2 Ba 52 21 26 Ca 930 . 7,900 11,000 Cd <0.5. <0.5 <0.5 Cr <5 <5 <5, Cu 5.3 <2 <2 Fe 4,800 1,900 610 K 17,000 , . 3,800 15,000 Mg 1,300 2,600 '4,400 Mn 45 , 33 30 Na 83,000 5,700 8,600 Ni 3.4 <2 <2 Pb <2 <2 .. <2 $e <1 <1 <1 'Sr <10 29 39 V <10 <10 -• <10 Zn 88 <12 <12 Note: Samples collected on 04-Dec-2017 (prior to construction of the ditch) FIELD DATA FORM • SAMPLING LOCATION: S1 A4i A/ ('gyp, / 7t%LNt /0- COLLECTORS: )G• tnl F-)1i e / J J3/he-27L?. METER USED: �A/1 STATION % 41j21201 )LL. p UN r � 0� DATE yymmdd TIME 24 hr hhmm DEPTH m x.x H2O TEMP °C x.x - Atm Pressure mmHg xooc DO Sat % x.x DO mgll x.xx COND uS/cm x.x pH x.x •SECCHI m x.xx COMMENTS . UP i AI 3 0* r'‘6 20P- 1v4o 9.Vc 6,. )- 3 ?:sZ 4, 22 ca(9:4 7 4-3 AM - Co uN G goo -Ai ) iv45 II,) °G b.0 6947, --3 175 6. r✓'- 1-• .) 5 7, 4.21 4.15 NA- �_ A-CA-7- 7t 1✓4E41 P /44PE7) • • • FieldDataForm Rev0715.xlsx 07/2015 L. i'AC45659 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section Laboratory Results Loc. Descr.: County: Region: River Basin Emergency COC Yes/No FIIBLLCDELMONTE SAMPSON Collector FRO Report To CFR Collect Date: Collect Time: Sample Depth K WHITE FRO 1 /04/2017 % 13:25 VisitlD Location ID: Priority Sample Matrix: Loc. Type: Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report, the results have not been validated. Result/ CAS # Analyte Name PQL Qualifier LAB Sample temperature at receipt by lab 2.4 6P082WQ0004268 ROUTINE (GROUNDWATER WATER SUPPLY p�,-I Sample ID: PO Number# Date Received: Time Received: Labworks LoginlD Delivery Method Final Report Date: Report Print Date: AC45659 12/05/2017 08_15 MSWIFT NC Courier 1 /24/18 01/24/2018 Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Method Analysis Units oD Reference Date Validated by 12/5/17 PGAUTHIER NH3 as N in liquid 0.02 NUT 6.8 mg/L as N EPA 350.1 REV 2 12/7/17 CGREEN NO2+NO3 as N in liquid 0.02 10:02 fJ mg/Las N EPA 353.2 REV 2 12/12/17 • CGREEN Phosphorus total as P in liquid 0.02 0.02 U mg/L as P EPA 365.1 REV 2 12/13/17 CGREEN Total Kjeldahl N as N in liquid 0.2 1Imo.-s,1 'g--:- mg/L as N EPA 351.2 REV 2 12/8/17 CGREEN 7429-90-5 Al by ICP 50 MET 2000 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 / 1/12/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-38-2 As by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-38-3 Ba by ICP 10 52 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-70-2 Ca by ICP 0.10 085 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-43-9 Cd by ICPMS 0.50 0.50 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-47-3 Cr by ICPMS 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5:4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-50-8 Cu by ICPMS 2.0 5.3 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORDI 7439-89-6 Fe by ICP 50 4800 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-09-7 K by ICP 0.10 17 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORD1 7439-95-4 Mg by ICP 0.10 'WA mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORD1 7439-96-5 Mn by ICP 10 45 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-23-5 Na by ICP 0.10 831pnt7 mg/L • EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/19/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-02-0 Ni by ICPMS 2.0 3.4 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORD1 7439-92-1 Pb by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORD1 7782-49-2 Se by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-24-6 Sr by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/5/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-62-2 V by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-66-6 Zn by ICPMS 10 88 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORD1 WSS Chemistry Laboratory» 1623 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1623 (919) 733-3908 "Not Detected" or "U" does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Central Laboratory (Water Sciences Section) Water Sample Collection & Submittal Form AC45659 L': i s % �I ly! `hf 'r, � {�6"1� r iL• +'J �� ` 2 .t /♦�N�� ;,.,, C,Pb���rJa�oogz�8 i� ;�4Pg t } . h� ' t �yh�,}' k a r y � i . 0 A IA I5Oij .. N it;•' 'v":.•, h Y P. " {'iytl* F 'E` '( kj�5 `" � / _` Y r i ci-u Y JT � / �✓ ,` a'a'�,' ,y S i ' , J ` v ++N {l . h tY'� t'�" v .hair L�a�`1' �f �f 7 t , (� � J / / u , a CT QQj i Rs �7�. � sr rrq Y c , �``''4. a�( + rotu�z tYa' { �- u.� r ►� iNti( q )! ��+;A� i , Witt 1 ❑Am lent ..r II River/ eam 1. Lake _�$� it Surface • Estuary ❑Canal4fK. r. -PE Fr tt;y i,, �, / Y % outine ❑Stor water lis j�+ 4+i'rt�� yyf Compliance ❑ COC I: Ground L!S ❑ Waste Monitoring Well Effluent Water Supply Influent❑ a f' }:'if:l } . n �`a LlState Couner ,(i�q:. +, ❑Hand Delivery 4. Other Notes �, nit FF ' i/>~ ' g.) Sh „ ,1 s /33' 0 5 �" ❑ Chlorinated ❑De -chlorinated in Field LL- ` Grab Li Composite �� i . F . ,: + 7t t , , t;• . 4 ❑ Other ❑ Emergency❑ ❑oA ❑ Blank ❑Solution Field Blank Trip Blank p ❑Filter Blank ❑Other . " � (jt# y" li 3 i -''3. r . 1` at D , , `1 .' i •i4_15 ., i1,c Dissolved analysis Enter "NS ❑ Filtered in Field in check -boxes for parameters • ": / w y ulf S gELot' • y. a.FIt ' • / '� 1,` ; 4. Imo. , iimitc'' :4:b. ,i,ti MBAS (surfactants) mg/L 4k,ligOtta'!R 0t'r4II?$5Vr 'fY . M Tin (Sn) pg/L Acidity, as CaCO3, to pH 4 5/8 3 mg/L Oil and Grease, HEM, Total Recoverable mg/L Aluminum (Al) pg/L - (Ti) - pg/L Alkalinity, as CaCO3, to pH 4 5/8 3 mg/L Phenols, Total Recoverable-- pg/L pg Antimony (Sb) pg/L � rrTitanium Y anadium (V) pg/L BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5-day mg/L Residue Total (Total-Sohds) mg/L Arsenic (As) pg/L Zinc (Zn) pg/L cBOD Carbonaceous BOD, 5-day mg/L Residue. Volatile/Fixed, Total mg/L Barium (Ba) pg/L Conform Fecal MF /100m1 Residue Suspended (Suspended Solids) mg/L Beryllium (Be) pg/L Boron (B), Total pg/L Conform Total MF /100m1 Residue Volatile/Fixed, Suspended mg/L admium (Cd) pg/L Mercury 1631, low-level ng/L Conform Tube Fecal /100m1 TOS-Total Dissolved Solids mg/L alcium(Ca) mg/L Conform Tube Total /100m1 Silica mg/L Chromium (Cr), Total pg/L I)ti t'•t 1 ' ` WA Specific Conductance, at 25 °C umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L Cobalt (Co) pg/L Acid Herbicides TOC- Total Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin & Lignin mg/L Copper (Cu) pg/L Organochlonne Pesticides Turbidity NTU ron (Fe) pg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides 09 (j`@ i'�iet 'VOA' Lead (Pb) pg/L r Organophosphorus Pesticides W pH s u Lithium (Li) pg/L PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) Bromide mg/L Hardness, Total as CaCO3 - by titration mg/L Magnesium (Mg) mg/L Chloride mg/L Manganese (Mn) pg/L Semi -Volatile Organics (BNAS) Fluoride mg/L Mercury (Hg) pg/L TPH Diesel Range Sulfate mg/L A. , Too " • p >; , Molybdenum (Mo) pg/L Chlorophyll a pg/L mmonia as N (NH3-N) mg/L ickel (Ni) pg/L Volatile Organics (VOA) Color ADMI c u itrate-Nitrite as N (NO3+NO2-N) mg/L •otassium (K) mg/L Color Platinum Cobalt c u fTotal Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N (TKN) mg/L Selenium (Se) pg/L TPH Gasoline Range COD Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L '/ Total Phosphorus as P (TP) mg/L Silver (Ag) pg/L Cyanide, Total mg/L 1 Nitrite as N (NO2-N) mg/L V :.drum (Na) mg/L ei o(a' $xy> Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N (NO3-N calculated) mg/L Strontium (Sr) pg/L Phytoplankton /Algae Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P (PO4) mg/L Thallium (TI) pg/L LAB COMMENTS • •may- R. I } { tkt I I ✓ , a `� ?• „{r Il �l2 I IT Co ,�,' °^} •� ..--- erosion .'AC45660 Loc. Descr.: County: Region: River Basin Emergency COC Yes/No North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section Laboratory Results MILL RUN AT ROWAN RD SAMPSON . FRO CFR Collector: Report To Collect Date: Collect Time: Sample Depth K WHITE FRO 12/04/2017 12_40 0.1 Visit1D Location ID: 6P082WQ0004268 Priority ROUTINE Sample Matrix: GROUNDWATER Loc. Type: ` WATER SUPPLY Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report, the results have not been validated. Donot use for Regulatory purposes. Sample ID: PO Number # Date Received: Time Received: Labworks LoginlD Delivery Method Final Report Date: Report Print Date: AC45660 12/05/2017 •08_15 MSWIFT NC Courier 1/24/18 01/24/2018 CAS # Analvte Name Sample temperature at receipt by lab PQL Result/ r, Qualifier LAB • 2.4 • `C Units Method Analysis Reference . Date Validated by 12/5/17 PGAUTHIER Coliform, MF Fecal in liquid 1 MIC 19 BIQ1 CFU/100m1 SM 9222 D-1997 12/5/17 ESTAFFORD1 Coliform, MF Total in liquid 1 500 Q1 CFU/loom) SM 9222 B-1997 12/5/17 ESTAFFORDI NH3 as N in liquid 0.02 NUT 0.05 mglL as N EPA 350.1 REV 2 12/7/17 CGREEN NO2+NO3 as N in liquid 0`.02 0.08 mg/L as N EPA 353.2 REV 2 12/12/17 CGREEN Phosphorus_total as P in liquid 0.02 0.10 mg/L as P EPA 365.1 REV 2 12/13/17 CGREEN Total Kjeldahl N as N in liquid 0.2 0.60 mg/L as N EPA 351.2 REV 2 - 12/8/17 CGREEN 7429-90-5 Al by ICP 50 MET 190 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORDI 7,440-38-2 As by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-38-3 Ba by ICP 10 21 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-70-2 Ca by ICP 0.10 7 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-43-9 Cd by ICPMS 0.50 0.50 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-47-3 • Cr by ICPMS 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-50-8 Cu by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORDI 7439-89-6 Fe by ICP 50 1900 ' ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-09-7 K by ICP J 0.10 36380 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORDI 7439-95-4 Mg by ICP 0.10 2 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORDI 7439-96-5 Mn by ICP 10 33 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-23-5 Na by ICP 0.10 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-02-0 Ni by ICPMS - 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORDI 7439-92-1 Pb by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORD1 7782-49-2 Se by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-24-6 Sr by ICPMS 10 29 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/5/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-62-2 V by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-66-6 Zn by ICPMS 10 12 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORDI WSS Chemistry Laboratory» 1623 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1623 (919) 733-3908 "Not Detected" or "U" does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 It 2'h EEL. a1 y SIOZ/90/Z uOIsrnaa S1N3 W W OD 9 V1 i/8r1 (11) wrelle4l l/8w (40d) d se a;eydsoydogJo i/8w (+9J0) wntwoJ40;ualenex9H ee21y/ uoplueldo>Ayd i/2r1 (is) wnquoj;s A i/2w (pa;ele3leo N-EON) N se eleJ11N l/2w epAyaplewioj Nsoa , ;R avesoso„) ' l/6w (eN) wnw /r l/8w (N-ZON) N se alIJ 'N -Ow lelol'apweAJ 1/2r1 (8y) -MAI'S 1/ew (dl) d se sn1oydsoyd lelol l/aw pueweu ua2Axo le3nuaLD am a2ueH auilose9 Hdl 1/Ed(es) wnivalas a i/2w (N81) N se uaeoJ3IN 14ePla1N lel° It n a ;lego0 wnui;eld J0100 1/6w (N) wnisse;o i/2w (N-ZON+£ON) N se a;U;rN-alel'N A n 0 IWOV JOIOJ (VOA) s�tue2J0 elrlsIOA 1/2r1 (IN) Ia>lalN( 1/2w (N-EHN) N se eiuowwy i/art e IlAydo.tol43 1/2r1 (ow) wnuepgAloW r hilt(. fir. ��irgt?IN'g(:.k' i,4. n, -t INI l/8w eleileS a2uea Ieseia Hdl i/Zri (2H) AJnaJaij i/2w epuonlj (eVN9) s3rue2J0 alrleloA-rwas -i/2r1 (uIN) esaue2ueNl� i/2w • epuolgD 1/6w (BA) wniseuSelsl �l i/8w uotle4I1 Aq - £OJEO se lelol'sseupieH i/Ew Bp:wale (siAuaydiq pa;euuolyiAlod) SeDd 1/8r1 (ti) wntylil n ss Hd irdattMi ' W sepal;sad snJoydsoydoue8JO l/arl (qd) Peal �# �A3 AVVI �t a r11 ' ' • � 5�)��� Sepias}sad ua2oJltuoue8J0 1/Ed(e4) uon /1 ruN - A3rpiginl sapragsad eUuoIy3oue2J0 l/2r1 (n0) Jeddoj -Ow wu2ri'g wuuel • i/2w uogiej 3we8J0le101-001 sepoIgJe PEW l/Ed (00) 31egoj i/8w ePI}InS wa/soywn D. SZ le'e3ue;anpuo0 agtaadS df agrA1e/AA;(V,W 1/2t1 ie;oi. To) wnrwono A i/2w e3gts Iw00T/ lelolagnj. w,o;goj -1/6w (eJ) wmale /k i/2w sptlos paAlossr0 lelol- SOl Iw00i/ leoej egnl WJopio3 i/2u Ianal-mor'TE9TtinaJa LAI i/2r1 (p3) wnlwpeJ i/2w papuadsns'paxij/algeloA anprsaa IwooI/ jyjt Ielol wio;lloj Van Ielol'(g) uajog i/2d (KOwng)Aiar i/8w (sP7ogpapuadsns) papuedsns anprsaa Iw00T/ mg leaad WJo}Ilo l/eri (es)wnIJee eit i/2w le;ol'pext-/ep;eloA,anprseu l/aw Asp-5'cog snoaaeuogleo a0g3 i/8r1 (uZ) 3UR 1/21i (sy) diUasJt% /1 r l/aw (sP4os /0701) 'ma anptsab l/2w Aep-s'puewa° ua2Axg le�rwy� aare a0g i/8r1 (A) wnipeue i/eri (qS) Auowt;uy l/8r1 elgeJanoaag le;ol'slouayd l/8w E 8/5 4 Hd o;'£00e3 se'A;rwle) ly i/211 (il) wntue;tl i/8r1 (iv) wnurwnly i/2w algeJanosaa 1e101'IM3H 'aseaJ9 pue PO -Ow £ 8/S 4 Hd 01'£00e0 se'Altpt3y 1/811 (us) unl 42., -,.�'. , gwroxformt i/2w (swe;0epns) swill rivormmooo 1 got A d' Al (y 1 x% (� a' , . f �3 r, . rr t• w, Iy !� a ue d A Ie dui iuenl}ui• Alddns.ie eNt❑ leue0❑ aNel ❑ 19410 4 O❑ ue g plaid �I I luanl}}3❑ IIaM Buuo;wolN Ja;eNtwJolS ken1S3❑ mails/Jam' ❑ ❑ . UOI n O 1 I S �luelg a;sem punoJp a0epn ❑ ❑ t/O AaUe2Jaw3 ❑ 4 L.NIQ I >i-1 a '•. rt •ems, �. - - 9leleweled Jo; sexoq-va et �' PIald ut paialm J u stsA eue ait oast SIO. al 3 I P I O ❑ ❑ apsodwo0❑ geJO �r a , ,' ' / 7s , Play ul pa;euuolyo aQ papeuuoWQ ❑ ❑ Jel-110 kengaQ pueH Jeunoo alms / •t �i,�i?,yu ��` r{ e .t r r � ii 000❑ a3uerldwo0 ❑ augn° �� 0 h r xa; e� �St Jr $ xx J .sa;oN tat e9 1 r rr,' ;F • e ., 4. t" r1 r,•„ y . luat w ❑ q tl —" - ;Y v ti . • •Lil f' 1 ar`1 2^ /� / '" !��/ `��41 �� rrTt ,¢� y'iS ('.5 l."t ^ ,faq' ?.. ie r�t3s a 51 � Q µ ' . `1 r +`"7} tl•' ��yyyfa- a rp F r I' _ _ 1�. ' "a7k 4ver,�1s',T�(e t: v .5 ^ • r dry' ? i t��t !•r r 1 1 /,/ tl �1�r� �� 1Kb,'�� �y/��J l v7�/ P. �d{; hr �� . / S�j f� /// 2 1 .• h° h °i ': gdIZ/590919Pj-z9Od'I / ..t..u. —. .—. .,,-_.t.. �,''t° (y3. t. ./i.r,.°' i. !" . •!1i. ,. J�4 . c/vj eYbei►�o/\�/ Jt' f•vn --77f 2/ J:{• , r, �F V V . IgY�j 11 ry ") �i%Ty. G. 1 • ' N'c tq { 099970V uuog impugns ig uopaaiioD aidtues aaWM (uotl0as saauaus aaleM) £unEaoqu'i iea;uaD saDanosag.tal2MJo uOlsIAtQ eut(oaeJ gp.tou .n --AF45661 Loc. Descr.: County: Region: River Basin Emergency COC Yes/No North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section LaboratoryResults SIX RUNS AT ROWAN RD SAMPSON FRO CFR Collector: K WHITE Report To FRO Collect Date: 12/04/2017 Collect Time: 12_45 Sample Depth 0.1 VlsitID Location ID: Priority Sample Matrix: Loc. Type: Final Report if this report is labeled preliminary report, the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. 6P082WQ0004268 ROUTINE SURFACEWATER RIVER/STREAM Sample ID: PO Number# Date Received: Time Received: Labworks LoginlD Delivery Method Final Report Date: Report Print Date: AC45661 12/05/2017 08_15 MSWIFT NC Courier 1/24/18 01/24/2018 CAS # Analyte Name Sample temperature at receipt by lab PQL Result/ Qualifier LAB 2.4 Units 'C Method Analysis Reference Date Validated by 12/5/17 PGAUTHIER Coliform, MF Fecal in liquid MIC - 130 Q1 CFU/1o0m1 SM 9222 D-1997 12/5/17 ESTAFFORDI Coliform, MF Total in liquid / 1 520 Q1 CFU/1o0m1 SM 9222 B-1997 12/5/17 ESTAFFORDI NH3 as N in liquid 0.02 NUT 0.07 mg/L as N EPA 350.1 REV 2 12/7/17 CGREEN NO2+NO3 as N in liquid 0.02 0.02 U mg/L as N EPA 353.2 REV 2 12/12/17 CGREEN Phosphorus total as P in liquid 0.02 0.08 mg/L as P EPA 365.1; REV 2 12/13/17 CGREEN Total Kjeldahl N as N in liquid 0.2 0.72 mg/L as N EPA 351.2 REV 2 12/8/17 CGREEN 7429-90-5 Al by ICP 50 MET 50 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-38-2 As by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-38-3 Ba by ICP 10 26 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-70-2 Ca by ICP 0.10 11 446 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-43-9 Cd by ICPMS 0.50 0.50 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-47-3 Cr by ICPMS 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-50-8 Cu by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORDI 7439-89-6 Fe by ICP 50 610 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-09-7 K by ICP 0.10 15A0 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORD1 7439-95-4 Mg by ICP 0.10 44 o d mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORD1 7439-96-5 Mn by ICP 10 30 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-23-5 Na by ICP 0.10 8 6 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-02-0 Ni by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L • EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORD1 7439-92-1 Pb by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORD1 7782-49-2 Se by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-24-6 Sr by ICPMS 10 39 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/5/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-62-2 V by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-66-6 Zn by ICPMS 10 12 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORDI WSS Chemistry Laboratory» 1623 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1623 (919) 733-3908 "Not Detected" or "U" does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Central Laboratory (Water Sciences Section) Water Sample Collection & Submittal Form AC45661 ,1:141. i nwe, P ' rr' . X Ru' 5 Arr Ro wA.) Rb R c a onnTAT� c� (p o 8� ll�Gt4�0 �f Z !o P, m;, . k YIP ,`' , , y- ri �� % 1N/�/%E � b� t LP rF �f_ Ld .e : ww °' n aem �� eot e. s�, r �a tl �I 41 ntF. ook wY� k t w, ` a, �t�, 'eNtek et ' 0 4rA � ti} .n, _ r , ft(ti lea' y %- ��� �/ ��j� �C�� / %-�� f /� V� .�� i� � � nis FRO Ambient ver/Stream El Lake '� lved� ty) pr P`f 5 Surface Estuary Canal ?j' ,,,,-,: .1. 'G" i ver 4.i'w ' L �l" 1 t#� � �� r 44ipft# �rl /) CZ/ /� Z—/ / 1 outme ❑Stormwater {,° y� �it , ❑Compliance ❑ co, ❑Ground •Waste ❑Monitoring Well ❑Effluent ❑Water Supply Influent �' s'� 5, - ; N�,-,,, ; 414 , '. ,1 iai peppio . , 41 State Courier ❑Hand Delivery ❑Other Notes''{� Fri r V. k , , f .� ` Chlorinated [�De-ehlonnated in Field riR , ,�a lip +d ",y.4,, i rat UCompos:te ❑ Other ❑+),I: Emergency OA ❑Blank Solution OFdter •other Field Blank ❑Trip Blank Blank •;. ;Kkvi d.t., t.. Tem attire i;irF.i�4(,. ,�;;r' a' C Pi t+ a*...it.. �• `1 Dissolved anal sis Enter"DIS" ❑ Filtered in Field in check -boxes for parameters -any",.,¢,"lit t,', +' �"F e : 1, 0, I M tol , edit .. f, dnmerl e�;r,r. �, - lif"5 .e-4,r..Vi.t -.4.till',t{Fto*0001.P„ r3M120100A eftM0 1iRt MBAS (surfactants) mg/L H. ' 414IPBrdh!6t'efc�fa(✓)' +"itysl,;w #1, 7m it?ti-, Tin (Sn) µg/L Acidity, as CaCO3, to pH 4 5/8 3 mg/L Oil and Grease, HEM, Total Recoverable mg/L Aluminum (Al) pg/L Titanium (Ti) µg/L Alkalinity, as CaCO3, to pH 4 5/8 3 mg/L Phenols, Total Recoverable pg/L • ntimony (Sb) pg/L Vyanadiurh (V) µg/L BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5-day mg/L Residue Total (Total Solids) mg/L • senic (As) pg/L V Zinc (Zn) µg/L cBOD Carbonaceous BOD, 5-day mg/L Residue. Volatile/Fixed, Total mg/L Barium (Ba) pg/L Coliform Fecal MF /100m1 Residue Suspended (SuspendedSokds) mg/L :eryllium (Be) pg/L Boron (B),Total µg/L r/Conform Total MF /100m1 Residue Volatile/Fixed, Suspended mg/L Cadmium (Cd) pg/L Mercury 1631, low-level ng/L Coliform Tube Fecal /100m1 TDS -Total Dissolved Solids mg/L t/ alcium (Ca) mg/L Conform Tube Total /100m1 Silica mg/L Chromium (Cr), Total pg/L al, diganit p„dia'diet¢js`ji'rt ,"f( ptu;a, L9'.,/ Specific Conductance, at 25 °C umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L . Cobalt (Co) pg/L Acid Herbicides TOC - Total Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin & Lignin mg/L Copper (Cu) pg/L Organochlorine Pesticides Turbidity NTU on (Fe) pg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides :r', aallirakifS:(IuS;.' 1114•111',�°,c',il.I"'„ 'MitillI, tP 'f Lead (Pb) pg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides 601410 01.f f%1l rya ..ggti ° eegiAl.{llgi PH s u Lithium (Li) pg/L PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) Bromide mg/L Hardness, Total as CaCO3 - by titration mg/L Z/ Magnesium (Mg) mg/L Chloride mg/L Manganese (Mn) pg/L Semi -Volatile Organics (BNAs) Fluoride mg/L Mercury (Hg) pg/L TPH Diesel Range Sulfate mg/L 10. ai i 44 10, % IJ " 4fJ t U'+ i ;{ay, Y Molybdenum (Mo) pg/L Chlorophyll a pg/L Vt mmonia as N (NH3-N) mg/L ickel (Ni) ug/L Volatile Organics (VOA) Color ADMI c u Nitrate -Nitrite as N (NO3+NO2-N) mg/L Potassium (K) mg/L Color Platinum Cobalt c u Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N (TKN) mg/L r, Selenium (Se) pg/L TPH Gasoline Range COD Chemical oxygen Demand mg/L Total Phosphorus as P (TP) mg/L Silver (Ag) pg/L Cyanide, Total mg/L Nitrite as N (NO2-N) mg/L tr. Sodium (Na) mg/L '( 01bldg( jr;((t" 0rBfi "t'fi VM-TO Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N (NO3-N calculated) mg/L Strontium (Sr) pg/L Phytoplankton / Algae Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P (PO4) mg/L Thallium (TI) pg/L LAB COMMENTS . to" �( ,0-',',, iiw t t,'"+ I t} t-, W. rvfr 'ii$" w a qa�p%' p r} CANOil /r Ir t i •'1 ale-Ine 2 } / / �j 6, in.. w""i" r L @p, , ;""Y" 4�t. 4,$), i , [� % Qom, ��r° r c7Nyij t 1 ink'' } L� 9 na i /ij���pt tQt4 1 ! t^r Ya{ tir%;(y r, •�G r l,bbeltpe riot V,E0E i 1 Strua.):' {D 1 mty �, '�-0 1 TL —I r / ,` 'P: :f ie' 4+�r Ir " Alin3t 11 r S (i)tils 0Y A. e; Revision 2/06/2015 AC4 4. 0 Loc. Descr.: County: Region: River Basin Emergency COC Yes/No North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section Laboratory Results SIXRUN{a�HWY241UP)= • Sampson Collector: FRO CPR K WHITE Report To FRO Collect Date: 01/29/2018 r Collect Time: 12 5 Sample Depth 0_6 VisitlD Location ID: 6P082WQ0004268 Priority ROUTINE Sample Matrix:S RU FACEWATER) Loc. Type: River/Stream Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report, the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Sample ID: PO Number # Date Received: Time Received: Labworks LoginlD Delivery Method Final Report Date: Report Print Date: AC47310 01/30/2018 08_15 MSWIFT NC Courier 3122/18 03/22/2018 CAS # Analyte Name. Sample temperature at receipt by lab PQL Result/ Qualifier LAB 2.4 Units °C Method Reference Analysis Date ' Validated by 1/30/18 PGAUTHIER NH3 as N in liquid 0.02 NUT 0.02 U mg/L as N EPA 350.1 REV 2 2/9/18 CGREEN NO2+NO3 as N in liquid 0.02 0.08 mg/Las N EPA 353.2 REV 2 2/9/18 CGREEN Phosphorus_total as P. in liquid 0.02 0.08 mg/Las P EPA 365.1 REV 2 2/6/18 CGREEN Total Kjeldahl N. as N in liquid 0.2 0.63 r mg/Las N EPA 351.2 REV 2 2/2/18 CGREEN Bromide 0.4 WET 0.4 U mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 2/1/18 CGREEN Chloride 1.0 20 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 2/1/18 CGREEN Fluoride 0.4 0.4 U mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 2/1/18 CGREEN Sulfate 2.0 12 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 2/1/18 CGREEN 7429-90-5 Al by ICP 50 MET 95 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 2/9/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-38-3 Ba by ICP 10 25 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 2/9/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-70-2 Ca by ICP 0.10 9.7 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 2/9/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-50-8 Cu by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 2/26/18 ESTAFFORD1 7439-89-6 Fe by ICP 50 650 ug/L - EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 2/9/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-09-7 K by ICP 0.10 11 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 2/9/18 ESTAFFORD1 7439-95-4 Mg by ICP 0.10 3.7 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 2/9/18 ESTAFFORD1 7439-96-5 Mn by ICP• 10 20 ug/L EPA200.7,Rev4.4 2/9/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-02-0 Ni by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 2/26/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-24-6 Sr by ICPMS 10 35 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 2/16/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-66-6 Zn by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 2/26/18 ESTAFFORD1 WSS Chemistry Laboratory» 1623 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1623 (919) 733-3908 "Not Detected" or "U" does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 North Caroh a Division of Water Resources Water Sample Collection & Submittal Form Central Laboratory(Water Sciences Section r ?1y r ' H ;0 P is ��/1y1sp}aayC�lpilll 1 ; itA'ilt " �-s pi,` ' �� ';7 J''`�`,r. tb . W;�5 /y� /��// e p� �"1 /" _ �,y. r V f. f� f� ( V� 1 -. --�"',.��.X.�JJ-fir „x +.fit )ia�V ¢r 'zAMg° /',. yy�y Q� y� / VL®V N6i®®6/ +�i67��i 0 krrm 7 ''S^ • �RF'��tlrlYf i �,.kXl'X� �S:. a. .1.�4 �k .i -- •1'i yf N'3� t 1 E i' - n }�, p � P V/V 54-4V / r:�,�'M1 '- V Y}+ V J. J ire 4�r��,l 4 •ri ��. VI/X'1 1 1 6 Y ry ?x7� tI ,if Y c11, , .7lct�?st`F.7 .�.{} a•.i.Y �3 }3t1'�li�`r Lt_,. f, ii.n.lu.r 9 � i.i�r i45 ^ A ,L-t1 �,4, t fM f� ;dibX24llii%.�n�.�riT.Sil� �; s,, ��Y,/Ktpr i rf" t�. a{t,, r t,! i4 Am'..C'x� nA y1Ci�t-Yx. .1 ,5?i1r(,{`}E +n , P r Y� i .0 r`Ik `t' �sxJ''%"' Sr t rr �, tr'"YL'rK.�te>i'Aeki:..P?iiFSiFne w 1'<+ �.,"' ti tlE4,lr 1� / C kr 1 Y' t.1:, Lenz` !}y, 4p Surface ❑Ground ❑Waste ❑ Blank Solution �QRiver/Stream J � ❑Stormwater�j1 ❑Effluent ❑Field ❑Filter ❑Other:1$ ❑Lake Estuary Canal Monitoring Well Water Supply g ❑ PP y ❑Influent Blankl� ❑Trip Blankw BlankFtl tir �,re,;► } et �, F X e. }� �X �Ts si a �� (! 1 a / Tssr, (s r (i'/ rt(1 �,� n Pi' �i 11 l ¢ {` t) N y, �4T ❑Ambient � ir�'4m-rF� s ry yi` " , y. , �5 ,,i sc��5R •` rr rt it, x I. ir ��� (,may _ //�� •) ' ♦2 l 1 �.�r�.YJ ��� �i' qp /y�A / s/��A Q r, "r, j �j !T ,� Z, -V i I IL vV { W " �t ^ '�f ? / Routine ❑Compliance Y ,�,,� e �Q d� Y�,�:-.f: X�sn fa qXa� M1�1} ,/� �" ❑ State Courier Hand Delivery ❑Other: Notes: 44 �f a,r jrt { � p2:445 y tr 1COC f7 t:kt. ❑ Y.F�+aylll ��Filtered fi , Chlorinated ❑De -chlorinated in Field ,�rL rp Y- � . 5;� M «x F s Grab LIComposite Other: ❑Emergency Dissolved analysis: Enter"DIS in Field in check boxes for arameters ;� tit � re, �� ;s 7 r1� , q' A 1 0,. ❑Q �a 2' pram oho J - t N®'1 t i..'( - 7»' y y " ► tih ✓71{ ►y �;it,' �.i. _.. ..'1., t 'Nil, ,";. ;.-:. il; .. Gsa'a MBAS (surfactants) . mg/L u • � „�,p d'ti�t' i� er � � Tin (Sn) • µg/L Acidity, as CaCO3, to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L 011 and Grease, HEM, Total Recoverable mg/L Aluminum (Al) ` , pg/L Titanium (Ti) pg/L Alkalinity, as CaCO3, to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Phenols; Total Recoverable pg/L Antimony (Sb) pg/L Vanadium (V) pg/L BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5-day mg/L Residue:. Total (Total Solids) i mg/L Arsenic (As) pg/L X Zinc (Zn) pg/L cBOD: Carbonaceous BOD, 5-day mg/L Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Total mg/L X Barium (Ba) pg/L Coliform: Fecal MF /100m1 Residue: Suspended (Suspended Solids) mg/L Beryllium (Be) pg/L Boron (B), Total pg/L Coliform: Total MF /100m1 Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Suspended mg/L • Cadmium (Cd) )lg/L Mercury 1631, low-level ng/L Coliform: Tube Fecal /100m1 TDS -Total Dissolved Solids mg/L X Calcium (Ca) mg/L - Coliform: Tube Total _ /100m1 Silica .. mg/L Chromium (Cr), Total pg/L Mg Li ,i p ' s fL ;: a i Specific Conductance, at 25 °C _, umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L Cobalt (Co) -- ug/L Acid Herbicides - TOC -Total Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin & Llgnln mg/L X Copper (Cu) pg/L organochlorine Pesticides Turbldity ' NTU X- Iron (Fe) IJg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides ,jags d,i,L( .4; T aU.rJ'J.; 1 If i ;,, ilMett Lead (Pb) pg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides • ° pH ) s.u. Lithium Li ( ) Ug/L PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) Bromide mg/L Hardness, Total as CaCO3 - by titration mg/L Magnesium (Mg) mg/L X. Chloride mg/L Manganese (Mn) pg/L Semi -Volatile Organics (BNAs) Fluoride mg/L - Mercury (Hg) pg/L TPH Diesel Range 'A, Sulfate mg/L z...4 ?OD.; J; --- ;. 1 _ Molybdenum (Mo) pg/L Chlorophyll a - Ng/L. Ammonia as N (NH3-N) • mg/L X Nickel (Ni) . pg/L Volatile Organics' (VOA) Color: ADMI _ - c.u. . ( Nitrate -Nitrite as N (NO3+NO2-N) mg/L X Potassium (K) mg/L Color: Platinum Cobalt c.u. )r Total Kjeldahl Nittrogen as N (TKN) mg/L Selenium (Se) - pg/L TPH Gasoline Range' COD: Chemical oxygen Demand mg/L X Total Phosphorus as P (TP) mg/L Silver (Ag) - fig/L Cyanide, Total ' mg/L Nitrite as N (NO2-N) mg/L Sodium (Na) mg/L jl.��hr'� Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N (NO3-N calculated) mg/L X :Strontium (Sr) pg/L Phytoplankton /Algae Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P (PO4) mg/L Thallium (TI) • pg/L LAB COMMENTS : 14-9.5 pINt Revision: 2/06/2015 A'47311 Loc. Descr.: County: Region: River Basin Emergency COC Yes/No North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section Laboratory Results =SIX RUN (aTROWANRD ib01 Sampson Collector: K WHITE FRO Report To FRO CPR Collect Date: T01/29/2018.1 i, CollebNine: 14_15) Sample Depth 0.5 VisitlD Location ID: Priority Sample Matrix: Loc. Type: Final Report 6P082WQ0004268 ROUTINE SURFACEWATER River/Stream Sample ID: PO Number# Date Received: Time Received: Labworks LoginlD Delivery Method Final Report Date: Report Print Date: AC47311 01/30/2018 08_15 MSWIFT NC Courier 3/22/18 03/22/2018 If this report is labeled preliminary report, the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Analysis CAS # Analvte Name PQL Date Sample temperature at receipt by lab Result/ Qualifier - LAB 2.4 Units 'C Method Reference Validated b 1/30/18 PGAUTHIER NH3 as N in liquid 0.02 NUT 0.03 mg/Las N' EPA 350.1 REV 2 2/9/18 CGREEN NO2+NO3 as N in liquid 0.02 0.30 mg/L as N EPA 353.2 REV 2 2/9/18 CGREEN Phosphorus_total as P in liquid 0.02 0.12 mg/Las P EPA 365.1 REV 2 2/6/18 CGREEN Total Kjeldahl N as N in liquid 0:2( 0.79 mg/L as N EPA 351.2 REV 2 2/2/18 CGREEN Bromide 0.4 WET 0.4 U mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 2/1/18 CGREEN Chloride 1.0 19 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 2/1/18 CGREEN Fluoride 0.4 0.4 U mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 2/1/18 CGREEN Sulfate 2.0 13 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 2/1/18 CGREEN 7429-90-5 Al by ICP 50 MET 560 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 2/9/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-38-3 Ba by ICP 10 26 • ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 2/9/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-70-2 Ca by ICP 0.10 \, 9.5 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 2/9/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-50-8 Cu by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 2/26/18 ESTAFFORD1 7439-89-6 Fe by ICP 50 910 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 2/9/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-09-7 K by ICP 0.10 9.9 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 2/9/18 ESTAFFORDI 7439-95-4' Mg by ICP 0.10 3.5 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 2/9/18 ESTAFFORD1 7439-96-5 Mn by ICP 10- 32 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 2/9/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-02-0 Ni by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 2/26/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-24-6 Sr by ICPMS 10 34 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 2/16/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-66-6 Zn by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 2/26/18 ESTAFFORD1 WSS Chemistry Laboratory» 1623 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1623 (919) 733-3908 "Not Detected" or "U" does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 s1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Central Laboratory (Water Sciences Section) Water Sample Collection & Submittal Form p /w1 d ,�Q Wfr ' DvW� !' X � � N ' /°' � `< � t���t� �'� ty���r�'�2.. , / /'f ®0 lOt l ®� V � i9Z tl � 77 d L, 54-AA PSNV ,m. rai d' '�t ' i i a' .f ,! i P::: r real 01F ,, : 1 t�I�r�C 1 ems' �L!' J %;;v`,;�+''o 4(,-.n dy, '1Y�i']7D ��� 9 e'.' �F^y,l.�fi 7k ; yF {rA 3,J 7vJ, .r 1.Jirrl�t ?5�,, i. i " �i'\tom',- L(ie� i5� 2Ltsi53, 11 ,. Y _ A J'[ srla ❑Ambient ) li �u 'Yi'(P�a'�t%u t� ,, }�,� ,; M . �esttr*�a u'1 F _�� :,{, r� ��r )) i . �4 t\ p,i '_ {kr,} "i...: i IFf 7',° 1 ° �. a� r y h Z i r. w a (•rnl �k(� aver Stream Lake / ❑ •{ ti; a `�i. ,• I ,' ' w� if ' (¢4; � , k f,�� � r�l. r ' "U.. ' 1/.! Iw: •%t::':.li .�,a ,i;. q a a r t li,i e t t tL t a ;Jrl+l/�c t° ��� L n o i )J l Y r( :i ltr(ytifaai>1 Kar lL ! rli (1 `F 61 '•� ., Routine '= Surface `❑Estuary ❑Canal Stormwater ❑St rr i . r7r 4r �i r 5�1JEm.'�'�"'i7'''''J''a ss rI t f %atr�,i� aUpw adr r! Kr {. y Tr r CA-IV• ti « " r i <�1 '1�� ) s.-;�11 �'f ��Jyr" - /+ ° ❑Compliance ❑COC ❑Ground Waste ❑Monitoring Well ❑Water Supply Effluent ❑Influent rl, l?n. ° d `�u e'r,',a pis j �jQ1: T!(f'+ � State Courier Hand Delivery P J .dy�6 mi! ❑Other: Notes: ti ��p„as�Aar'a, (� yy I ?j,) ❑Emergency ❑OA ❑ Blank ❑Solution ❑Field Blank ❑Trip Blank ❑Filter Blank ❑Other: it 'W t i "�.li r, y e 74 y�ra II, Ul k �� u` vi• t�ti ❑ Chlorinated ❑De -chlorinated in Field tf YJ°U' ^°y i i, i� �ra,r A.f?,' tir� r ❑ [ Grab UComposite Other: Dissolved analysis: Enter"DIS ❑ Filtered in Field in check -boxes for parameters 4 5 ® ' rJ , �" r� e:;` ` e:Civ ! aOr 6e- 1)�/ lal .r.„. • ,6::t., i a.Ab (P!,Ni[, aP0`ita MBAS(surfactants). mg/L g • ii•Ppi Tin (Sn) pg/L Acidity, as CaCO3, to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L 011 and Grease, HEM, Total Recoverable mg/L Aluminum (Al) pg/L Titanium (Ti) pg/L Alkalinity, as CaCO3, to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Phenols, Total Recoverable pg/L Antimony (Sb) ' pg/L Vanadium (V) pg/L BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5-day mg/L Residue: Total (Total Solids) mg/L Arsenic (As) • pg/L A Zinc (Zn) pg/L cBOD: Carbonaceous BOD, 5-day mg/L Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Total mg/L ( Barium (Be) pg/L Coliform: Fecal MF /100m1 Residue: Suspended (Suspended Solids) mg/L Beryllium (Be) (lg/L Boron (B), Total pg/L Coliform: Total MF /100m1 Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Suspended mg/L Cadmium (Cd) pg/L Mercury 1631, low-level ng/L Collform: Tube Fecal /10om1 TDS -Total Dissolved Solids mg/L `( Calcium (Ca) mg/L Coliform: Tube Total /100m1 Silica • mg/L Chromium (Cr), Total - pg/L yi5;.`/ja :,-.1, , Atfietenatelft,nT Add Herbicides Specific Conductance, at 25 °C umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L Cobalt (Co) • Ug/L TOC - Total Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin & Lignin mg/L X Copper (Cu) pg/L orgenochlorine Pesticides TLirbidity • NTU I X Iron (Fe) pg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides I :;;Nina n, ti' -u� (�i 4�� Lead (Pb) pg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides °7',ti .�7 iP :n1T.L Mli(°1 °ra<"ri)it ..1.at44•'i raima,'",}iZ:'. pH s,u. Lithium (LI) pg/L PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) Bromide mg/L Hardness, Total as CaCO3 - by titration mg/L % Magnesium (Mg) mg/L Chloride mg/L - 94 Manganese (Mn) pg/L Semi -Volatile Organics (BNAs) Fluoride mg/L Mercury (Hg) pg/L TPH Diesel Range X Sulfate mg/L ,r1J:,a; a7a:: tt)SP r.r°,." Molybdenum (Mo) pg/L Chlorophyll a pg/L. ' Ammonia as N (NH3-N) • mg/L iG Nickel (Ni) pg/L Volatile Organics (VOA) Color: ADMI c.u. Nitrate -Nitrite as N (NO3+NO2-N) mg/L )[ Potassium (K) mg/L Color: Platinum Cobalt c.u. X Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N'(TKN) mg/L Selenium (Se) pg/L TPH Gasoline Range. COD: Chemical. Oxygen Demand mg/L Total Phosphorus as P (TP) mg/L Silver.(Ag) pg/L Cyanide, Total mg/L Nitrite as N (NO2-N) mg/L Sodium (Na) mg/L ,11,*,, (; • „w ? 14],,g,, ,(,'l1'4i? I'rx;1r n; xr Phytopiankton / Algae Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N (NO3-N calculated) mg/L )( Strontium (Sr) pg/L Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P (PO4) mg/L Thallium (TI) pg/L LAB COMMENTS : f ,.i •2 4. !f� 1, .. r aL KKu3 _1, a r �. �.1....f. '.t 'Ykk J J yt 1 , 11 LJ�St. i y a f 1 LP.{ Il. fi' G f a jJN Rat � Li. �i C G% %�. /lQt' SN! iI i `;J F SlaG(,?yr1t a 'F ,,,J�:. i.,1La �J .'� �A xna".r:Ili ,Ei3 lv'�ro�2 6/�� �f �j' { "^� / +� .f f Revision: 2/06/2015 AC47308 Loc. Descr.: CANAL County: am son Region: FRO River Basin CP13 Emergency COC YeslNo North Carolina. Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section Laboratory Results Collector: K WHITE Report To FRO ColleciDat� e: " 01/2972018 Collect Time: 14`00j Sample Depth 0_5 VlsitID Location ID: 6P082W00004268 Priority ROUTINE Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER lion c. Type: River/Stream CAVA' Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report, the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Sample ID: PO Number # Date Received: Time Received: Labworks LoginlD Delivery Method Final Report Date: Report Print Date: AC47308` 01/30/2018 08;15 MSWIFT NC Courier 2/16118 02/16/2018 CAS # Analvte Name Sample temperature at receipt by lab PQL Result/ Qualifier LAB 2.4 Units Method Reference Analysis Date Validated by 1/30/18 PGAUTHIER t NF3as YNlin;ligyid NO2+1103 iCN.inaiguidd NUT 0.02 mg/L as N 0.02 2J . mg/Las N EPA 350.1 REV 2 '2/9/18 EPA 353.2 REV 2 2/9/18 CGREEN CGREEN Phosphorus total as P in liquid 0.02 0.10 mg/Las P EPA 365.1 REV 2 2/6/18 CGREEN `Tgf'ahKJeldahL_N'as;N^,in_liquid,� Bromide 0.2 1 f2.) mg/L as N EPA 351.2 REV 2 2/2/18 CGREEN WET 0.4 0.4 U mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 2/1/18 CGREEN Chloride 1.0 100 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 2/1/18 CGREEN Fluoride 0.4 0.4 U mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 2/1/18 CGREEN Sulfate 2.0 18 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 '2/1/18 CGREEN WSS Chemistry Laboratory» 1623 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1623 (919) 733-3908 "Not Detected" or "U" does not indicate the sample Is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Central Laboratory (Water Sciences Section) 0-0 Notes. ❑ Chlorinated ❑De-chlonnated in Field Dissolved analysis Enter"DIS" ❑ Filtered in Field , In check -boxes for parameters Water Sample Collection & Submittal Form IL•�IT Zy SA-;‘) 2018 - rab [Composite Other 0,5' ❑Amblent Routine ❑Compliance ❑ COC • ['Emergency ❑DA &Pon wttoco+-Us1s 111. River/Stream Dlake Surface • Estuary ['Canal ❑Stormwater ❑ Ground ❑Monitonng Well ❑Water Supply ['Waste ❑Effluent :Influent ❑ Blank 9;::r: ❑Trip Blank nk OSolution ❑Other (2 Ow EVCAir 741;?��e Acidity, as CaCO3, to pH 4 5/8 3 mg/L Alkalinity, as CaCO3, to pH 4 5/8 3 mg/L BOD Biochemical oxygen oemand,5-day mg/L cB00 Carbonaceous BOD, 5-day Cohform Fecal MF Cohform Total MF Cohform Tube Fecal Cohform Tube Total mg/L /100m1 /100m1 /loomI /100m1 1 Specific Conductance, at 25 °C umhos/cm. TOC - Total Organic Carbon Turbldity mg/L NTU Nv'r .(/-1'122.6D MBAS (surfactants) 011 and Grease, HEM, Total Recoverable Phenols, Total Recoverable Residue Total (Total Saris) Residue Volatile/Fixed, Total Residue Suspended (Suspended Solids) Residue Volatile/Fixed, Suspended TDS -Total Dissolved Solids Silica Sulfide Tannin & Lignin ,v,,WW Ate x Bromide Chloride Fluoride Sulfate Chlorophyll a Color ADMI mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L pg/L cu mg/L mg/L pg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L me/L mg/L su orsanordwavatteste Aluminum (Al) Antimony (Sb) Arsenic (As) Barium (Ba) Beryllium (Be) Cadmium (Cd) Calcium (Ca) Chromium (Cr), Total Cobalt (Co) Copper (Cu) Iron (Pe) Lead (Pb) Ng/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L mg/L pg/L µg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L Tin (Sn) Titanium (Ti) Vanadium (V) Zinc (Zn) Boron (8), Total Mercury 1631, low-level iinEWN Acid Herbicides Organochlonne Pesticides Organonitrogen Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides pg/L µg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L ng/L Lithium (LI) pg/L PCBs (polychlonnated biphenyls) Magnesium (Mg) Manganese (Mn) Mercury (Hg) Molybdenum (MO mg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L Semi -Volatile Organics (BNAs) TPH Diesel Range X_- Color Platinum Cobalt COD Chemical Oxygen Demand Cyanide, Total Formaldehyde cu mg/L mg/L Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+) LAB COMMENTS t mg/L mg/L Ammonia as N (NH3-N) 1 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N (TKN) mg/L mg/L Nitrate -Nitrite as N (NO3+NO2-N) mg/L Total Phosphorus as P (TP) Nitrate as N (NO2-N) Nitrate as N (NO3-N calculated) Orthophosphate as.P (PO4) Nickel (Ni) Potassium (K) PBX mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L Selenium (Se) Silver(Ag) Sodium (Na) Strontium (Sr) Thallium (TI) _ pg/L Volatile Organics (VOA) pg/L mg/L pg/L TPH Gasoline Range pg/L Phytoplankton / Algae Revision 2/06/2015 9.3 4410.7. N41 pH Hardness, Total as CaCO3 - by titration mg/L North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sample Collection & Submittal Form Central Laboratory (Water Sciences Section) Eli 1 tr{ 6� ° s ` ., � '' " C i; 'P _ 1 W S s i ' ;ir ,- �� -• 1 ` r- , ,u� ,,a;, � yr f. �R ��yj . �� �•:�-. �" : �� V '° rii. ��`9' r ��' ' J'ti ('� I� 6,t ��y at`ta3m,-v f}x " a '''!� !-_'; i 17ih F�4lIII+'^Mf.1f S�!1drw7(1 //�� ,7 — s �.�'� lit, '. �.1',4 aI • g ,�" 't�ps�Po6z �"P•........ vvco20�g. - G tUEs +�-- 1 IZ� �F 3^ i 1 .� 4i U 5(�rS i ra is 1.I r "ik /1q p!, � �' Yr� �r ��IVl1 7N e� , @ ' • 1, i', �1� c,� Li .F1 1 ;�'� "' 1' t // e i?'' 1 �, .... '! yCi.. �� � I �i'14 �.�1� Ui(c�,.i -F�1� ri�',',pryy Od 1' fd w"p,�' It, i�Fl #, id Li l d r �,' �., y' i l4,) .., pk+5 � pp�,�, � . R�K;?KY.fS ..�6�P.f7i Surface Ground ❑ Waste Blank❑ ❑Solution t1./,,,i ry °{d.� .a[it I� �'iRiverStream ►. Estuary Stormwater❑ Monitoring Effluent Field Filter ❑other: e• jgj ^gyp _,�.0,, F'10 / Blank Blank �F d , :; e�'!q'f V f'f :1�(� r �,, '�r .4',it ❑ ❑Influent r �6 lu�.�%. .[ ,�d.:k'' Lake Canal Water Trip r 7� l,. t it t� rS rp �n91 k Supply • Blank o� �ST� l''''' r�{ l�t'` ��r �- at. } i 7 (� 4� i i aeti, Q (7 `1+' ii'� i, 1'h �afa��('�fu i, �'� /' f; lE)� � ❑Ambient ]7• f+ zS "Pi 7u: RNt • 5' 1 Y r - } � �4d^cxV, ' 1 i� �,1 f� y � ti.>c � 7)Y'An� Ail ``on�i � ' r°^� ��,� � / f~- P� e-IK ! 4id.�7:.t ,.<. f ii 1}f1r '4� 't�r,,'�a� � " � ro, � ,, a : �,M. f2 , h�41 di �Rputine Compliance ,p�✓.�C�,1 y State Courier s aC` ❑Hand Delivery 1 /A s a e . - t,i, ks ❑Other: Notes: • , R �$ �r(1�'''��s h t r A r ),�, (� i ❑ COC Lis'rt( a 31 ^� ty' I ; -ir 1 t� f a+ i'' q'' • 3 �. 1._•°I;.(6•��f _ � ,., I , . ❑ Chlorinated De -chlorinated in FieldjYlati! IA q e' ��)1 (/ a.�' �`� 'h rG )J al �� Grab � Composite Y' ❑Other: ❑Emergency • Dissolved analysis: Enter"DIS" ❑ Filtered in Field in check -boxes for parameters H^,, f e• h it 1 r )r�' Ea(n • �,,,,�,� P 1'a'' �"� 1 ;�s� 0• � ❑OA • }w- f 1 f . linwpairgi4r i;7: r 7 1Pet ,; R .. F r.3if' la ;1 Tin (Sn) L Acidity, as CaCO3, to , • Aluminum (Al) pg/L Titanium (Ti) pg/L Alkalinity, as • . ,•. Phenols,(TotalArsenic Antimony (Sb) µg/L, Vanadium (V) µg/L •BiocOxygen Demand, . (As) pg/L Zinc (Zn) µg/L • •Carbonaceous. • • .. .. • Barium (Ba) pg/L Suspended (Suspended • Beryllium (Be) pg/L Boron (B), Total µg/L - ••, Suspended mg/L Cadmium (Cd) ' µg/L Mercury 1631, low-level ng/L • Tube •Total• . Calcium (Ca) mg/L Chromium (Cr), Total pg/L AilliftWatater .' 7;:.'.1 Specific_ _ Cobalt (Co) ug/L Acid Herbicides • • - Copper (Cu) µg/L • -Pesticides . •, Iron (Fe) µg/L,• rganonitrogen Pesticides t5" 6d' AA 0. /m....is. :n�u , Lead (Pb) pg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides wl.ix '77wam"ITrerrt7E3LciA pH _ _ s.u. -. Bromide mg/L Magnesium Chloride mg/L Manganese (Mn) pg/L Semi -Volatile • FluorideIN Diesel . tgy-:M. - J g igfaiW rr.0 .i J r am:: • • - • . , X Ammonia as N (NH3-N) mg/L -. Organics (V• ,lor: ADMI c.u.Nitrate-Nitrite as N (NO3+NO2-N) mg/L Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N'(TKN) mg/L Selenium (Se) pg/L TPH Gasoline Range IColor:Total • 1: chemical oxygen Demand X Total Phosphorus as P (TP) mg/L Silver (Ag) µei- Cyanide, Total mg/L Nitrite as N (NO2-N) mg/L Sodium (Na) mg/L . a';'i ,; ° „?t,'.-.).ra ea1i. '', ;':,,. itie,; . F ' Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N (NO3-N calculated) mg/L Strontium (Sr) pg/L Phytoplankton / Algae Orthophosphate as P (PO4) mg/L Thallium (TI) pg/L LAB COMMENTS : U4�Azr�r�'i•L�iU'�t' Revision: 2/06/2015 9.3 /v/11 North Carolina Division of Water Resources' Central Laboratory (Water Sciences Section) Water Sample Collection & Submittal Form f�)eaµrs d yP3( �{ �(��f�IA, �'� S I;//�� (//////WgK �/��/I/� /Jy�� p f.Y AY rk" 4t �'ti � y, J ✓ ,7V r\ —I VV V • - ;rI�°M112{ ,fir '(�PO�3,2. vVG�Do FPS. • Ep,St {y p� q y 4 i. � •. 1 �3 ; ..., ryy aV e�yj.�V y3A ))k�113� ,/1 mot' q �9 S d'S7} I—�iJ� " ►%G. % to w Sr/' j � , Ii 15.'D - i �f''/ 0 it. "• K �H � / ✓t 2 & f; t., f }i,1' t ' i t "�e5a�. { . N'9 �dP"i..i�i-r'. 3 l v� 4, N J H g I }; lY J << Y y ir."`4'IYfF"p+', t ? .�13�53.3.::P .r d7' i ,. 7 t',=' r��kAy Tf .95(Sd i ❑Ambient 4 iF < AK. S ,'L�.Px'. u : Y , u ' �' i i _•Tito "r f s 4$lac� ❑River/Stream ❑Lake a a + r . ri'r" ,f•. , . My [• • k Y •3 llyi a, Ai �a� .y F li Oki, i/1. Y ��ALt Ll'd rr ,�.%� �r „± Y '"v Routine ❑Surface ❑Estuary4 -` Canal• ❑Stormwater 5' `f � `a sF ems~ il,�Wl ljl / EA( c �....h' P:. .: ' Compliance % ❑,COC •-: �{ Ground Waste❑ j� Monitoring Well ❑Water Supply ❑Effluent ❑Influent ..E�Notes: ,i' �° a', d.�ai 3,. State Courier - ❑Hand Delivery ❑Other: i �ytijar�rg}i+ lflip.:41,1,Y „ xK• Chlorinated De -chlorinated in Field ❑ ❑l �i yl s9 m IX. _Other: Grab Li Composite Emergency - ❑ Bla�rk , a:-i�Ai" ❑Solution QField Blank i, r `� ' ❑ Trip Blank FilterMlarik -� r ❑Other:- r,{ -at{ d 3 �. )�k '` s ` Cc Sri ` y' Dissolved analysis: Enter"DIS' ❑ Filtered in Field y in check -boxes for parameters Ja�xi ;•� , { 1 hi+ v�p Y r :w Q ���OA Er v �����/ C/y7.� b ? MBAS (surfactants) mg/L "„d.y 1yy,et�a" sw 'ea Lsa h? f,)'1' , l Tin (Sn)Y� ,• 1 µg/L Acidity, as CaCO3, to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Oil and Grease, HEM, Total Recoverable -'--• mg/L Aluminum (Al) '_.__ pa.- Titariiurn (Ti) µg/L Alkalinity, as CaCO3, to pH 4.5/8-3 • .- ,mg/L Phenols, Total Recoverable •• pg/L Antimony (Sb) _-•. µg/l- _ Vanadium (V) µg/L BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5-day .mg/L Residue: Total (Total Solids) ' mg/L , Arsenic (As) r _ jpg/L 3(' Zinc (Zn) .. µg/L cBOD: Carbonaceous BOD, 5-day ' mg/L Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Total 3 r mg/L )(, Barium (Ba) , µg/L /6 1 ;• Coliform: Fecal MF /100m1 Residue: Suspended (Suspended Solids) mg/L Beryllium (Be) - pg/L Boron (B), Total pg/L Coliform: Total MF /100m1 Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Suspended • mg/L Cadmium (Cd) pg/L,. Mercury 1631, low-level ng/L Coliform: Tube Fecal /100m1 TDS -Total Dissolved Solids s mg/t' x ,Calcium (Ca) _r , mg/L 1 Coliform: Tube Total /100m1 Silica , mg/L, • •Chromiurn-(Cr), Total IJg/L ;-y„ r `i f ,N `Ifi ; 1 , N Specific Conductance, at 25 °C umhos/cm Sulfide ' mg/L Cobalt'(Co) . 'z ug/L Acid Herbicides TOC- TotalOrganicCarbon mg/L Tannin &LIgnin -'mg/L % Copper (Cu) _.• f'Or 1-g/1- Organochlor)riePesticides Trirbldity NTU Iron (Fe) Pe- Organonitrogen Pesticides p putem ,r ; k�� �j F ' } y i Lead (Pb) %, , pg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides O -gam ,Is} „ (�j pH • s.u. Lithium (Li) -:% ,., ' Jg/L PCBs (polychlorinated blphenyls)-- Bromide mg/L Hardness, Total as CaCO3 - by titration mg/L Magnesium (Mg) .4 .-- hg/L J-• Chloride mg/L Manganese (Mn) �"" µg/L Semi -Volatile Organics (BNAs)^ Fluoride mg/L Mercury'(Hg) r,-y 'Pan TPH Diesel Range Sulfate mg/L O t a{ 4.s�a ;ljj(' tj ° Molybdenum (Mo) ` • .- , pg/L a ` ; Chlorophyll a • pg/L. 7 Ammonia as N (NH3-N) mg/L Nickel (Ni) pg/L -' 'Volatile Organics (VOA) ; '• Color: ADMI c.u. Nitrate -Nitrite as N (No3+NO2-N) mg/L (� Potassium (K) ,r — .n'ig/L ._ k ., .— Color: Platinum Cobalt c.u. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N (TKN) - mg/L • Selenium (Se) ` ". '" • pg/L TPH Gasoline.Range• ; :a'. COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L Total Phosphorus as P (TP) mg/L' Silver (Ag) - • .pg/L . �C� ' Cyanide, Total - mg/L Nitrite as N (NO2-N) mg/L Sodium (Na) ,-. ing/L ,t R4 +`O Oih 1 lMMI�j i, y=M ''?' Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N (NO3-N calculated) mg/L Strontium (Sr) -, , --:pg/L . _- Phytoplankton /Algae •'' Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P (PO4) mg/L Thallium (TI) j": - + r Ng/L ' -- _ LAB COMMENTS : Revision: 2/06/2015 ., : .P. r-'r 5 5 9Z� �� /4q,C19 q';:c>,, vt6 DO: I C) , is 4, 11; Vik :;1? k 421(9 IP \\9:P- 11, , ./ ?Mt 16(121 Piet 54.4 .cv-k pit V.LIAL— Lim ri w e 1{,.-r North Carolina Division of Water Resources �s "}�1'4 '•t�f' �t• r ' f < ,. 1 s._• Water Sample Collection & Submittal.Form��� Central Laboratory (Water Sciences Section) P �''!, A .+.r y'^l�an' Tv12if7Tdatr! — " ' •wr 11 :• YY:ttii'.I P —\ `( -•, 8= i � � i -n� t . -41/INS a fr3 r)' �stea �(°(r ���ar • Y Rdi h� II.� n>a Sa'Yfxt1F L.C. C pet— Mo�vT�°xs H' z [t I. "� ��s a FtiY d .2 .AE�M1- ( ^ O 82 ,V 3(000 4 (� Y/ v \,�/ 't , rd7, � ' m ". $ ll' /� (,(. (� C ✓ —T a SC �p ,,F,�,�ry`�i.,",i ,: ,; i `N �•, x Ott _ �°yt k ,;�a�';.y-r*S�". • �° j }fi f r k z�Ft':�, j d4zs ^A 'rr „"s'f° `�'�t'i ' 5 !' "� Y 'l;§ k l } «cr.. t . a. y+ -ems,,, `� y; � ��.4 L d ilf . . xi� r �-" V nSO/, .7F4'" Y ,�•,^k? s f N r , _ wig j ,, g/� �— �i l'�l M 1�1 1uJI _ rr Y y 3�>< } C ° t` a�,s� � �1a� �1 25 > i �3. O N�.- ��! �a r c i��t� �� �. a* " cpk e h•. rt �. �s+ uk r ; 'ff• s�,rti River/Stream Lake �, o- a"tt,_1 fA�r; i't t,.k"F. . aaF` �w �R Ambient ❑❑ Surface Estuary Canal Vk: 's l , ar ;++ ❑ Routine ❑Stormwater i, ri° CAP u&e h // // (v/�% ❑Compliance Ground r—/ onitoring Well ❑Water Supply t,r r State Courier Notes: npi�� �sg rs ��� "�u(,a iP ( ( r l e ( �3 • �J '\ ❑ COC Waste ❑Effluent ❑Influent c.�aTtiFa,� i f3 „ } Hand Delivery ❑ Other: ❑ Chlorinated De -chlorinated in Field ❑ )P5,sc: C L „I), :1yr+hT { �4, } iN�" le ":'r t mkL] Grab Compoiste 1 . ❑ Other: []Emergency ❑ Blank Field❑Blank ❑Trip Blank ❑ Filter Blank p' F G 41 kkr ) r ,` �' f;, DI • Dissolved analysis: Enter "S�v� ❑ Filtered; in Field check -boxes for parameters ` � 1'1in d ❑� ❑ Solution Other: f i s (t' i r'wr;`•(;�`�s' f(25O.cf lAT*-= SA — 7258.0/0 + H• )03 tor #=. Nam- 7/.� 30S—b . ,: 1,. _ r r ,, , ..0.7 x. i , 4 r t: :: trl MBAS(surfactants) I - mg/L f9 ft •u � • : �s Tin (Sn) Ng/L • Oil and Grease, HEM, Total Recoverable mg/L Aluminum (Al) pg/L Titanium (Ti) pg/L • Phenols, Total Recoverable 'l; pg/L Antimony (Sb) Jg/L Vanadium (V) pg/L • . • . -• . - Residue: Total (Total Solids) f mg/L , Arsenic (As) IJg/L Zinc (Zn) /. pg/L • • : • • _ Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Total I', mg/L •,1 Barium (Ba)- ' ,- Jg/L { - 4' • Residue: Suspended (Suspended Solids-) mg/L •- /Beryllium (Be) !'pg/L Boron (B), Total µg/L • Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Suspended ), mg/L trf Cadmium (Cd) pg/L Mercury 1631, low-level ng/L • TDS - Total Dissolved Solids I; • mg/L ✓ Calcium (Ca) mg/L . , • � Silica ,i mg/L 'Chromium (Cr), Total pg/L _4",% •: , + ,,l> e � IN . ;ry•. Sulfide j mg/L Cobalt (Co) pg/L Acid Herbicides • • _• Tannin & Lignin )' mg/L V Copper (Cu) IJg/L - Organochlorine Pesticides 1 Iron (Fe) IJg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides " hlr - C xdikx9'f ` °� :b - . k - Lead (Pb) - • IJg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides , t, a ,: - r ✓t,� , • ,, ,; ,. , •, "x _ ,,pl;: • , 1 -• 4rr r. pH - s.u. Lithium (Li) ig/L PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) Hardness, Total as CaCO3 - by titration mg/L Magnesium (Mg) ' mg/L I ✓ .Manganese (Mn) - 1Ig/L Semi -Volatile Organics (BNAs) ) Mercury (Hg) Jg/L TPH Diesel Range )}rt:•.:'' •; Molybdenum (Mo) pg/L • Ammonia as N (NH3-N) 1 (p, mg/L t/ Nickel (Ni) pg/L Volatile Organics (VOA) - Nitrate -Nitrite as N (NO3+NO2-N) ), 0. b Ong/L Potassium (K) , mg/L .. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N (TKN) j- (, . (p mg/L Selenium (Se) pg/L TPH Gasoline Range • • • • , . - , Total Phosphorus as P (TP) i,• , v mg/L Silver (Ag) ' ' pg/L Cyanide, Total mg/L " Nitrite as N (NO2-N) (f ) 'fl i-r • mg/L Sodium (Na) mg/L Ig. ti „tx , I N3. 1 > ' 4',4, t ,' ,;:, P Strontium (Sr) pg/L Phytoplankton / Algae Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N (NO3-N calculated) ( mg/L Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P (PO4) mg/L Thallium (TI) Ng/L ' LAB COMMENTS : Revision: 2/06/2015 FIELD DATA FORM W6tooa42128 SAMPLING LOCATION: /9B L'-L SAGER CRGEDEL TV&t r& (pa.- / s}ti b S0,er-246 ��lTEI IC COLLECTORS: kENr METER USED: YSi PRo P WS STATION DATE mmdd TIME 24 hr hhmm DEPTH , lilt (FT., x.x H2O TEMP °C x.x - Atm Pressure mmHg >ooc DO Sat % x.x DO mg/I x.xx COND uSlcm x.x pH x.x SECCHI m x.xx COMMENTS - P a - f /77///(, !3=4S is _ -- SU. `7 3.75 6 // `/ /( ARBOSLA.uEs A/2a,-. WATER D6 prAl /• So , gFra/z SoRiv6- 4T SArIP(.G-77iv2e _ .5.- ToP of CA-Si•u Cr e1.2 C. 30" 8ELa-c) GRADE fJu L Rvsu AT"/7 //2./bLJ /.2:'/O o.-25' 9• 6,0C 7C6 37 S '/. ZZ /bC. S/ 7. 5/3 -- Roc. fiv RD- CULVERT SIX R A'S ciZI kr k//.z/o v i2: /5 0,.25' //, / L 76 (e 99. q 9. 7 $ /75; Z G.• 47 — RewAla Rt. 8RIO.E p - J /7//2/OL /3:R5 — /9• -7G 74i, 611.0 1421 (Q//. d I", /5 — FIELD VALv6s RTT/rh ex Pu RGS l s,4r%y0 L a De-ooPPUR-i C- 8. (o® roP OF CAsi/SG ofL 6, 2O 1 BELd &RADE . 7sz Su act 17ircN / /8! i 11p, 1.230 -- /!a• 7 c. (y.7 6,31 418V. l v. / I — �w,MP OPsxR J czk, 'ffl AL C. • • /.s 0 'FRoM FRor* Field DataForm Rev0715.xlsx 07/20.15 Barber, Jim From: Barber, Jim Sent Wednesday, December 13,.2017 4:07 PIVI To: 'Elkin, Dave'; Kraig Westerbeek (KraigWesterbeek@murphybrownllc.com) Cc: Allen, Trent; White, Kenneth B Subject RE: [External] FW: Elliot Site.121317 Attachments:. PZ 1 16 Nov 2017 sample data and well schematic.pdf Field data PZ 1 & surface water and maps. with MW1&MW2 charts.pdf; Former Del Monte MB LLC plant site MWs & PZ 1 jpg; ORC'& BU. ORC designation form.pdf . - Dave Elkin; Attached are several. documents for field visits made recently to the former Sager Creek/Del Monte site. A well schematic for PZ-1 and lab datafrom the sample taken on 16 November2017 is also provided. Hopefully after the first. of the year we will have the second sample result for PZ-1 taken on 4 Dec. 2017. I don't think we'Il see much of a change. in the water quality of the second sample since the field parameters from 16 Nov. (watersample in bottle) and the field parameters directly taken from the well are similar:. I've also:providedsome historical data from our database for MW-1 and MW-2. Based on the information from field measurements at PZ-1-on 16 Nov. and 4 Dec.; it appears that if you construct a surface water cut-off ditch to a depth,of 5' or less.below ground surface you willcapture surface water and probably won't get an appreciable; amount of shallow groundwater. The depths to shallow groundwater belowground surface at PZ-1 were 6.30' and 6.20' on 17 Nov. and 4 Dec. Unless we have above normal rainfall during the winter and early spring, I wouldn't think that the seasonal high water table at PZ-1 would rise more than a foot (again,. based on normal winter rainfall). I placed a note on.the worksheets we used in the field that soil mottling occurred around 5'_ below grade at PZ-1 (indicative of historical seasonal high water table) and we advanced the borehole approximately 3' beyond the mottled soil horizon: I've also attached the webpage example and a copy of the ORC and Back. Up ORC designation forms that need to be executed (if not already) to designate who/whom will be the new .ORC and ;BU ORC for MB LLC. I will be out of the office starting 14 Dec. 2017 and will return on 3 Jan. 2018. If you have any questions or need additionalassistance, give Kent White a call at 910-433-3338 orTrent.Allen at901-433-3336: Jim Barber Environmental Engineer NCDEQ-DWR-WQRO Fayetteville Regional Office 910-433-3340 voice` 910-486-0707 fax iim.barber at ncdenr.gov E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be`subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may. be disclosed to third parties. A Go Green! Print this email only when necessary. Thank you for helping.NCDENR be environmentally responsible. 1 AC44846 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section Laboratory Results Loc. Descr.: County: Region: River Basin Emergency COC Yes/No x-MBLLrcTb I: O amoson FRO CPR YES Collector:, Report To Collect Date: Collect Time: Sample Depth J BARBER FRO 11/16/2017 13:45 VisitlD Location ID:-6P082WQ0004268 Priority EMERGENCY Sample Matrix: �GROUNDWATEJ Loc. Type: WATER SUPPLY Final Report62.16). Sample ID: PO Number # Date Received: Time Received: Labworks LoginlD Delivery Method Final Report Date: Report Print Date: AC44846 11/17/2017 08_45 MSWIFT NC Courier 11/29/17 11/29/2017 If this report is labeled preliminary report, the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Method CAS # Analyte Name Sample temperature at receipt by lab PQL Result/ Qualifier LAB 1.0 Units °C Reference Analysis Date Validated by 11/17/17 PGAUTI-IIER NH3 as N in liquid 0.02 NUT 6.3 mg/L as N EPA 350.1 REV 2 11/20/17 CGREEN- NO2+NO3 as N in liquid -0.02 0:02�U mg/L as N EPA 353.2 REV 2 11/20/17 CGREEN Phosphorus total as P in liquid 0.02 0.02 U mg/L as P EPA 365.1 REV 2 „ 11/20/17 CGREEN Total Kjeldahl N as N in liquid 0.2 �s•:`si mg/L as N EPA 351.2 REV 2 11/21/17 CGREEN Bromide. 1J5 0.4 WET 0.91 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/17/17 CGREEN Chloride .2S0 1.0 12 Fluoride 0.4 0.4 U mg/L mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/17/17 CGREEN EPA 300.0, rev2.1 11/17/17 CGREEN S;uffatej S0 2.0 tie mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/17/17 CGREEN 7429-90-5 Al by ICP /a5 50 MET ' 2400 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-38-2 As by ICPMS /0 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/28/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-38-3 Ba by ICP 700 10 69 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/28/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-70-2 Ca by ICP N5 0.10 1.7 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/28/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-43-9 Cd by ICPMS 2 0.50 0.50 U ug/L EPA 200:8 Rev5.4 11/28/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-47-3 Cr by ICPMS /0 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 - 11/28/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-50-8 Cu by ICPMS /000 2.0 6.5 - ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/28/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-89-6 Fe by ICP 300 50 :5400` ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-09-7 K by ICP N5 0.10 17 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/28/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439 95-4 Mg by ICP NS 0.10 1.6 mg/L ( EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/28/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-96-5 Mn by ICP So ,10 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-23-5 Na by ICP 7440-02-0 Ni by ICPMS 1QS /00 0.10 , reij 2.0 3.9 mg/L , ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/28/17 ESTAFFORDI EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/28/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-92-1 Pb by ICPMS /5- 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/28/17 ESTAFFORDI 7782-49-2 Se by ICPMS 7440-24-6 Sr by ICPMS aO 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/28/17 ESTAFFORDI AI5 10 12 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/28/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-62-2 V by ICP Ars 10 - 10 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI - 7440-66-6 Zn by ICPMS /000 10 84 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/28/17 ESTAFFORD1 N'5 = No Z L. 5T APNt=1 Z� WSS Chemistry Laboratory» 1623 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1623 (919) 733-3908 "Not Detected" or "U" does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 Monitoring Well Schematic, Submerged Screen _ WeII ID P�-- Date /G' itlov. .2017 1 Project Name ())a �� C /5Acrs1L CREEIc/DEL (y1 o,t�TE C u/� 00d Liz 4 8 Project Location C G/,u TOL') -5AM P.501) CO U417 Hieght of Casing Depth to Top of Gravel Pack Depth to Top of Screen $.io" Depth to Bottom of Well Casing y. /, GO l9.1 771rE41UEPVC. Grout 3,g u 0 136.tfTei!/M Atc_ Screen / t1' X 0. 0/0 "$t.tT Pvc_ 2,50/ Gravel Pack ,J0, / P 5AND Screen or 70 SC446 AC45659 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section Laboratory Results Loc. Descr.: MBLLCDELMONTE County: SAMPSON Collector: K WHITE Region: FRO Report To FRO River Basin CFR Collect Date; - 12/0412017 Emergency Collect Time:-"13_25 COC Yes/No Sample Depth VlsitID Location ID: Priority ROUTINE :Sample Matrix: �GRUUNDWATE� Loc. Type: WATER SUPPLY Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report, the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. 6P082WQ0004268 Sample ID: AC45659 PO Number # Date Received: 12/0512017 Time Received: 08,_15 Labworks LoginID MSWIFT Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 1/24/18 Report Print Date: 01/24/2018 CAS # Analyte Name Sample temperature at receipt by lab PQL Result/ Qualifier LAB 2.4 Units 'C Method Reference Analysis Date Validated by 12/5/17 PGAUTHIER E ,.NH•3_as: N in ligiiid cT10+NO3T670:N=in liquid3 NUT 0.02 mg/Las N EPA 350.1 REV 2 12/7/17 CGREEN 0.02 0:021J mg/Las N EPA 353.2 REV 2 12/12/17 CGREEN Phosphorus_total as P in liquid 0.02 0.02 U mg/L as P EPA 365.1 REV 2 12/13/17 CGREEN Total Kjeldahl"N_as Nsn;llquitlj 0.2 mg/Las N EPA 351.2 REV 2 12/8/17 CGREEN 7429-90-5 Al by ICP 50 MET 2000 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-38-2 As by ICPMS 2.0 7440-38-3 Ba by ICP 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORD1 10 52 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-70-2 Ca by ICP 0.10 0.93 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-43-9 Cd by ICPMS 0.50 0.50 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-47-3 Cr by ICPMS 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-50-8 Cu by ICPMS 2.0 5.3 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORDI 7439-89-6 Fe by ICP 50 4800 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-09-7 K by ICP 0.10 17 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORDI 7439-95-4 Mg by ICP 0.10 1.3 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORD1 7439-96-5 Mn by ICP 10 45 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-23-5 Na by ICP 0.10 83 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 1/19/18 ESTAFFORDI 7440-02-0 Ni by ICPMS 2.0 3.4 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORDI 7439-92-1 Pb by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORDI 7782-49-2 Se by ICPMS 7440-24-6 Sr by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORDI 10 10U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/5/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-62-2 V by ICP 10 10 U ugfL EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 1/12/18 ESTAFFORD1 7440-66-6 Zn by ICPMS 10 88 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 1/4/18 ESTAFFORD1 WSS Chemistry Laboratory» 1623 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1623 (919) 733-3908 "Not Detected" or "U" does not indicate the sample Is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Central Laboratory (Water Sciences Section) Water Sample Collection & Submittal Form AC45659 y'i^4�" I r `Y`F r L ���� $ i Y !! �} f Jkrf ///]I/� / ////%./ `I /1•/!fir/ ,$ i r �'� / 5 L V C- DC� _ I D/J / Y r� • �y S ��O �r.S�F'a�s_vS y i�L{ '{ 1 r b� T O V S ' ¢ j �')j;T I� :�Z „�f SAS fiir ^ v r�r 4 1 767-,,r•Hn7y �+ 5.4 ' ¢ .ice rlrp,'..f 1i * 1h{{"�� ❑Am '„I +,' ^ 1�2� qs • 1 /� , 7, eRwer/stream ❑Lake ;,,,,, 12 7 i7 1 �)}a l"5' E4,,i �;;k��l'7I1� r.,�"�i"J�*� Kt' p/ s �6L 1'Ita y t:TJ � j'•� � �� � 4�� Ilf%Ylf�,( � � n !�I lent•m ❑ SUrFace Estuary Canal r �?"� }* T. ar ' T �c• r f " r x /• li �::nce • COG Ground ❑ Waste MomtonngWell . Water Supply ❑Effluent nfluent , •IState Conner } �, �� � t� i r f) Hand Delivery f 1A ❑Other Notes �h'�"+' I•r ''"�f�` i1 t ... t2 Y /3 ; 2 5- Emergency❑ �QA ❑ Blank Solution ❑Field Blank ❑Trip Blank Filter Blank Other 3 , 57� i ;..0 4- 1 C. t �, o- •- "..—'.i..., ,� ❑ Chlorinated ODe-chlorinated in Field ��, 'r1 �i rob Composite ��p ti * c t ❑ Other Dissolved analysis Enter"DIS ❑ Filtered(-�in Field in check -boxes for parameters f c L0k%` A •r r cis V 8� fli. S i i , l QRq' S , 1.�Srt'��*��R Ff1^3Yi.h�K .�Tr{'• m. J,),%1�65.....�L.Gr!.'.a4w n . �. ` MBAs (surfactants) mg/L t 11'. flw^r4.s'vF Y i ' ;, MIZait : r.`fi' ie ,xa -zs.5r ATZ Tin (Sn) pg/L Acidity, as CaCO3, to pH 4 5/8 3 . mg/L - Oil and Grease, HEM, Total Recoverable mg/L 4 Aluminum (Al) pg/L - Titanium (Ti) NA Alkalinity, as CaCO3, to pH 4 5/8 3 mg/L Phenols, Total Recoverable pg/L Antimony (Sb) pg/L anadlum (V) pg/L BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5-day mg/L - Residue Total (TotalSolyds) mg/L 4 Arsenic (As) pg/L 4 Zinc (Zn) - pg/L cBOD Carbonaceous BOD, 5-day mg/L - Residue' Volatile/Fixed, Total mg/L 4 Barium (Ba) - pg/L Conform Fecal MF /100m1 Residue Suspended (SuspendedSohds) mg/L Beryllium (Be) pg/L Boron (B),Total pg/L Coliform Total MF /100m1 - Residue Volatile/Fixed, Suspended mg/L J admium (Cd) pg/L Mercury 1631, low-level ng/L Conform Tube Fecal /100m1 - TDS -Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 4. alcium (Ca) mg/L 'Conform Tube Total /100m1 - Silica mg/L A Chromium (Cr), Total pg/l- = :,'j ry,�, �y �r 2 `Wi <t Specific Conductance, at 25 °C umhos/cm - Sulfide mg/L Cobalt (Co) pg/L Acid Herbicides TOC- TotalOrganicCarbon mg/L - Tannin & Lignin mg/L ,A copper (Cu) pg/L OrganochlormePesticides Turbidity NTU J ron (Fe) pg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides lTMEMyEF EVMMyri�+'N,0"' � Lead (Pb) pg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides ,' + t+�;��y Y 1• IE rr y+rrr �rrZ• tali,, ,�i FI4?S +^ ''�`C"F (. •;( j3;��,:'i � l,uaS.�.k��,<<�h�.9�.° (,i)�,iKf�?1,'i>;;,;, - pH s u Lithium (Li) pg/L ) PCBs of chlorinated bi hen Is (polychlorinated P y ) Bromide mg/L - Hardness, Total asCaCO3-by titration mg/L Magnesium (Mg) 'mg/L Chloride mg/L Manganese (Mn) pg/L Semi -Volatile Organics (BNAs) Fluoride mg/L Mercury (Hg) pg/L TPH Diesel Range Sulfate mg/L TI StT . �;i��'n�4t���!�5:;��:,� A1; ,.,.�.' I T i R-fIY,M' uL'v� YSfjj'Y� u,+i��„�.w�!�ztz'i�^•3•ai�ii2:�' Molybdenum (Mo) pg/L Chlorophyll a pg/L n/ mmonia as N (NH3-N) mg/L d ickel (Ni) pg/L Volatile Organics (VOA) Color ADM1 c u IMAI Nitrate -Nitrite as N (NO3+NO2-N) mg/L 'otassium (K) mg/L Color Platinum Cobalt c u - Total Kleldahl Nitrogen as N (TKN) mg/L 4 Selenium (Se) pg/L TPH Gasoline Range COD Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L trA Total Phosphorus as P (TP) mg/L Silver (Ag) pg/L -. Cyanide, Total mg/L - Nitrite as N (NO2-N) mg/L :. dium (Na) mg/L % ; 1.:...i{t ,y" tl WP: 1. Formaldehyde mg/L - Nitrate as N (NO3-N calculated) mg/L 4 Strontium (Sr) pg/L Phytoplankton /Algae Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+) mg/L - Orthophosphate as P (PO4) mg/L Thallium (TI) pg/L LAB COMMENTS • ,p V, y 4%^L yy'4:0. i' I A( H t (%, } iih *�iA41I•, 5. :, 14i i M i e .JI ,^(. I �'^I Y,py{ I r '!� I 9,1+ MFR^ (//�/ Con 1[S•il' '� aq `niLLry• i i t lyi 33''ti r� Revision 2/06/2015 - AC46585 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section Laboratory Results Loc. Descr.: DIVERSION CANALISAGER CREEK County: Sampson Collector: K WHITB Region: FRO Report To River Basin CPF "'Collect=oate:- u-'01112/2018 Emergency .`CollecfTiine: T12:00 COC Yes/No Sample Depth VlsitID Location ID: FRO NLC Priority ROUTINE Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER )- yTYPe:- al' Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report, the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Result/ Method Analysis CAS # Analvte Name PQL Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated by LAB 1/17/18 PGAUTHIER Sample ID: AC46585 PO Number # Date Received: 01/17/2018 Time Received: 08_30 Labworks LoginlD MSWIFT Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 1/31/18 Report Print Date: 01/31/2018 Sample temperature at receipt by lab 1.3 "C Bromide 0.4 WET 0:62 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 1/25/18 CGREEN Chloride 1,0' 130 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 1/25/18 CGREEN Fluoride 0.4 0.4 U mg/L EPA300.0 rev2.1 1/25/18 CGREEN Sulfate 2.0 14 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 1/25/18 CGREEN WSS Chemistry Laboratory» 1623 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1623 (919) 733-3908 "Not Detected" or "U" does not indicate the sample Is analyte free but that the analyte Is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Central Laboratory (Water Sciences Section) Water Sample Collection az Submittal Form i Dx t»•.:r wars �, � ar `;7 DiVegSION CA,11frL S�4L� R Gdee�k ;r; ` (�PSz.WO000 -2/�St. thly AAA — ��// 1P' YV 1fi l;''' .°�. �li. is ti;, f Il g r ?'. l ��.5 ,;;. leg? � , j` ,p •V °r J /� / SD ' "di'' 'le, ' � W /�� i; ;,.. X. 7I 1 �S li o q 3 �i� 4 c' s-'-.t.v ' ^(,,Y d1 er1 7xS"� � s a.,- ., o}.,_,' •% o,..t4 °�,� o 1,4 4�.'' �- y ' 4 I i, rs - Lake Canal Water❑Supply Influent Trip Blank .'' "4 , - Irr r, +t , yi'4 ,.. ? o 3 �':. NFL�:i r e�; , 9j y t) ', � 9Lferg 4 v ' — ,, - l.'r� d 4t tW{ 1 of Ambient �/ I Routine �' Compliance ❑ COC Emergency ❑ g cY ❑OA i� Surface ❑Ground Waste Blank i°.r s/;aK River/Stream Estuary❑ ❑Stormwaterr4e ❑Monitonn Wellp g LJEffluent ■Field Blank ;y w=x'• 5 ,,Z •s *_�_-.- : Y �.p � / rail .,-3a•*; Ti C/1� ' i(.{4Ye we; x • / � � sr. i s iZ'c�i�"ti� ZP�I�' r 1. 1 �' ' `� '�� . �t �� �� 'J'S : ��Y�a' om` - ':%' f� . S;>,.� ,».,, :,� �, tate Gouner Hand Delivery Other Notes. ;F:,.r�,.. ,� - 1' , ';,vtx�t 'y t' k �� r ■ Chlorinated ■ De -chlorinated in Field �- ;nP� ❑Grab UComposlte i ❑Other •> -y,uy ) .,°• rya..>�. `�„ ;' ' glw/4 ti t,� , 1 , LS ?tk S, rae Wit" Filter Blank Dissolved analysis Enter "DIS" ❑ Filtered in Field' in check -boxes tor parameters 4. t1'�' - '' A 1, .. 1 ■Solution Mother ::!! f4j • or I �2 , N R�EI� �/rr` .tg rA.PLd1t,L'ita ^?•e4l#a•gg' W MBAS (surfactants) mg/L —trr ^v'fi114 1).Ad gtrie '`h . ",mil• STIA = n Tin (Sn) A Acidity, as CaCO3, to pH 4 5/8.3 mg/L Oil and Grease, HEM, Total Recoverable mg/L Aluminum (Al) pg/L pg/L Titanium (Ti) A Alkalinity, as CaCO3, to pH 4 5/8 3 mg/L Phenols, Total Recoverable pg/L Antimony (Sb) pg/L pg/L Vanadium (V) B BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5-day mg/L Residue Total (Total Solids) mg/L Arsenic (As) pg/L pg/L Zinc (Zn) cBOD Carbonaceous BOD, 5-day mg/L Residue. Volatile/Fixed, Total mg/L Barium (Ba) pg/L pg/L C Coliform Fecal MF /100m1 Residue. Suspended (Suspended Solids) mg/L Beryllium (Be) pg/L Boron (B), Total Coliform Total MF /10om1 Residue Volatile/Fixed, Suspended mg/L Cadmium (Cd) pg/L pg/L Mercury 1631, low-level ng/L Coliform Tube Fecal /100m1 TDS -Total Dissolved Solids mg/L Calcium (Ca) mg/L Coliform Tube Total /100m1 Silica mg/L Chromium (Cr), Total pg/L Qrkiikli Fdtartf et6;3t •d y > ;..5 Specific Conductance, at 25 °C umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L Cobalt (Co) pg/L Acid Herbicides T TOC-Total Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin & LIgnln mg/L Copper (Cu) pg/L Organochlorine Pesticides Turbidity NTU Iron (Fe) pg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides r �p3bli'M�ttigrAK AriV-'a.`'S: s.-i '.,SA, t '�:'%r° Lead (Pb) pg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides a'1��` iN.e . ie ktf; 'it'bedr ate1k`f4 ", Nq« A. pH s u. Lithium (Li) pg/L PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) Bromide mg/L Hardness, Total as CaCO3 - by titration mg/L Magnesium (Mg) mg/L 'S Chloride mg/L Manganese (Mn) pg/L Semi -Volatile Organics (BNAs) F Fluoride mg/L Mercury (Hg) pg/L TPH Diesel Range l' Sulfate mg/L NAtk(ft eift era itti S ,S0c t; q ;rVt "(, w;gs a Molybdenum (Mo) pg/L C Chlorophyll a pg/L Ammonia as N (NH3-N) mg/L Nickel (NI) pg/L Volatile Organics (VOA) C Color ADMI c u Nitrate -Nitrite as N (NO3+NOZ-N) mg/L PotassnJm (K) mg/L Color. Platinum Cobalt c u. Total KJeldahl Nitrogen as N (TKN) mg/L Selenium (Se) pg/L TPH Gasoline Range COD. Chemical Oxygen Demand - mg/L Total Phosphorus as P (TP) mg/L Silver (Ag) pg/L C Cyanide, Total mg/L Nitrite as N (NO2-N) mg/L Sodium (Na) mg/L „ .,,;tBio'041 '�(;; '• 1;i„i,,t7 WVrt:I^ Jt Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N (NO3-N calculated) mg/L Strontium (Sr) pg/L Phytoplankton / Algae Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P (PO4) mg/L Thallium (T1) pg/L LAB COMMENTS . :., .i�jjp ri' / . inIi!! i "� �9wfdM 41 c.1/ 4 -i t0 r ]f• Ery > 0r3i t.. 1 PatOr a �"t614 2, Yv7i W n, N/' 1 1 AC46586 North Carolina. Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section Laboratory Results Loc. Descr.: DIVERSION CANAL/SAGER CREEK County: Sampson Collector: JC WHITE VisitID Region: ERQ Report To FRO Location ID: FRO NLC jcT. cYtµ River Basin CPF 1.35111edt Date: " Oil 2/2018 j Priority ROUTINE Emergency Collect Time: 12_30 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER COC Yes/No Sample Depth Loc. Type: [gag Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report, the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Sample ID: AC46586 PO Number # Date Received: 01/17/2018 Time Received: 08_30 Labworks LoginlD MSWIFT Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 1/31/18 Report Print Date: 01/31/2018 Result/ CAS # Analyte Name PQL Qualifier LAB Sample temperature at receipt by lab Units 1.3 °C Method Analysis Reference Date 1/17/18 Validated by PGAUTHIER NUT mg/L as N EPA 350.1 REV 2 . 1/23/18 CGREEN trNN3-as L1afiJiquid 0.02 Q 84; NO2+NO3 as N Ir►ligtiid-J 0.021 2; ] mg/Las N EPA 353.2 REV 2 1/25/18 CGREEN 0.02 0.31 mg/L as P EPA 365.1 REV 2 1/26/18 CGREEN Phosphorus_ total as P in liquid Total K eld`ahl N as N m hguid J 0.2 E52:1J mg/Las N EPA 351.2 REV 2 1/23/18 CGREEN WSS Chemistry Laboratory» 1623 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1623 (919) 733-3908 "Not Detected" or "U" does not indicate the sample Is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Central Laboratory (Water Sciences Section) Water Sample Collection & Submittal Form 2 095 4CA-,l4HL AC46586 ii'CgRl 4 '✓ i i't .° r,, `' P1 ✓L ,es lv t} C4- i)4 (1$46eg C eIC 43 b '.SPY i to .. .. . ..... . ... .. . . .. e p sz wpood4.26s <<_ e + ihNK ❑Ambient Routine � Compliance • Surface ❑Ground ❑ Waste ❑Blank ❑Solution r } a `p , ` ke Canal Supply Blank -4-4,„;4.., /MA/ „T`•• 4 U �� 3- - + P P y iin V !rP ,�X� W�4A: � 49 !'. ��° ��� �b yy T• LL'- � .� s �(j River/Stream ❑Estuary ❑ Stormwater ❑MonitonngWell ❑Water ❑Effluent ❑Influent El Blank []Trip % ' � t• 2 r ,,^ :.� j h -; Cc' ems'' ry": k q Iz-JGrr�r'zc�(r13 '� t • 3 ,, ` ts .-n 4-" ,• StateCouner r Notes: r ,4 °N a: t '' / z' . 3 T� iM h „, • oo ) � tiv � ■Hand Delivery • COC I,; �i Other ❑� Grab Composite U p Other Chlorinated • De-chlonnated in Field Emergency EP.-1t_"'"" •"` ;-lsE„�;•s,i�£ yrt ,?� 1 e '" _ • ate ,lk ❑O EiFllter Blank ❑ Filtered in Field Dissolved analysis Enter "DIS"5. inchedcboxesforparameters ?.5 f R + ,.504r r6-1 Other ;! Nor 4l �Tc5A.c:1)1 f'si=sc. V�=D 1 12 V1 ;i i+S9S' s-wa ' t MBAS (surfactants) mg/L - ,i ' Ag rgi.ta {ti b "w.�;-'e'v Tin (Sn) pg/L Acidity, as CaCO3, to pH 4 5/8 3 mg/L Oil and Grease, HEM, Total Recoverable mg/L Aluminum (Al) pg/L Titanium (Ti) pg/L Alkalinity, as CaCO3, to pH 45/8,3 mg/L Phenols, Total Recoverable Ng/L Antimony (Sb) pg/L Vanadium (V) pg/L BOD. Biochemical oxygen Demand,5-day mg/L Residue Total (Total Solids) mg/L Arsenic (As) pg/L Zinc (Zn) pg/L cBOD• Carbonaceous BOD, 5-day mg/L Residue. Volatile/Fixed, Total mg/L Barium (Ba) pg/L Conform Fecal MF /100m1 Residue. Suspended (Suspended Solids) mg/L Beryllium (Be) pg/L Boron (B), Total pg/L Cohform _Total MF /100m1 Residue Volatile/Fixed, Suspended mg/L Cadmium (Cd) - pg/L Mercury 1631, low-level ng/L Conform. Tube Fecal /100m1 TDS -Total Dissolved Solids mg/L Calcium (Ca) mg/L Conform Tube Total /100m1 Silica mg/L Chromium (Cr), Total pg/L 1 txr t)(etals ?tis k'°f"s •;-)st4 Specific Conductance, at25 °C umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L Cobalt (Co) _ pg/L Acid Herbicides TOC - Total Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin & Lignin mg/L Copper (Cu) pg/L Organochlorine Pesticides Turbidity NTU I Iron (Fe) pg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides tiiNAar3. '010/Peiaral" t Lead (Pb) lig/L Organophosphorus Pesticides �ti,'v.";. If 6lrllagglFe)Ib Enid, .f 1« tetite03 pH s u Lithium (Lc) - pg/L PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) Bromide mg/L Hardness, Total as CaCO3 - by titration mg/L Magnesium (Mg) mg/L Chloride mg/L Manganese (Mn) pg/L Semi -Volatile organics.(BNAs) Fluonde mg/L Mercury (Hg) pg/L TPH Diesel Range Sulfate mg/L L i.,1, e'`t Molybdenumit (Mo) Chlorophyll a pg/L Ammonia as N (NH3-N) mg/L Nickel (NI) pg/L Volatile Organics (VOA) Color ADMI c u )( Nitrate -Nitrite as N (NO3+NO2-N) mg/L PotassiUm (K) mg/L Color Platinum Cobalt c.0 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N (TKN) mg/L Selenium (Se) pg/L�TPH Gasoline Range COD. Chemical oxygen Demand mg/L l Total Phosphorus as P (TP) mg/L Silver (Ag) pg/L Cyanide, Total mg/L Nitnte as N (NO2-N) mg/L Sodium (Na) mg/L , ,., CQto'j} gi;? L ekr ; '; i3,•;r'a` „d,. :i Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N (NO3-N calculated) mg/L Strontium (Sr) pg/L Phytoplankton / Algae , Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P (PO4) mg/L Thallium (TI) pg/L LAB COMMENTS evision . k465e6 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section Laboratory Results Loc. Descr DIVERSION+CANAL`ISAGER CEEK. County: Sampson Collector: K WHITE VisitlD Region: FRO Report To ' FRO Location ID: FRO NLC River Basin CPF Collect Date: tto1/12/2018 Priority ROUTINE Emergency Collect Time: 12:30 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER CDC Yes/No Sample Depth Loc. Type: Canal Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report, the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Sample ID:, AC46586 PO Number #' Date Received: 01/17/2018 Time Received: 08_30 Labworks LoginiD MSWIFT Delivery Method = NC Courier Final Report Date: 1/31/18 Report Print Date: 01/31/2018 Result/ CAS # Analyte Name PQL Qualifier LAB Sample temperature at receipt by lab 1.3 Units -c Method Analysis Reference Date Validated by 1/17/18 PGAUTHIER NH3 as N in liquid NUT 0.02 0.84 mg/L as N EPA 350.1 REV 2 1/23/18 CGREEN NO2+NO3 as N in liquid 0.02 :2' mg/Las N EPA 353.2 REV 2 1/25/18 CGREEN Phosphorus total as P in liquid 0.02. 0.31 mg/L as P EPA 365.1 REV 2 1/26/18 CGREEN Total Kjeldahl N as N in liquid-. 0.2 2.1 mg/L as N EPA 351.2 REV 2 1/23/18CGREEN 4 WSS Chemistry Laboratory» 1623 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC27699-1623 (919) 733-3908 "Not Detected" or "U" does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 AC46585 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section Laboratory Results Loc. Descr.:;DIVERSION.CANAL/SAGER CREEK County: Sampson Collector: Region: FRO River Basin CPF Emergency COC Yes/No K WHITE Report To FRO Collect Date: 4- '01/12/2018, Collect Time: 12:00 Sample Depth VisitlD Location ID: Priority Sample Matrix: Loc. Type: Final Report FRO NLC ROUTINE SURFACEWATER Canal Sample ID: PO Number # Date Received: Time Received: Labworks LoginlD Delivery Method Final Report Date: Report Print Date: AC46585 01/17/2018 08_30 MSWIFT NC Courier 1/31/18 01/31/2018- If this report is labeled preliminary report, the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. CAS # Analyte Name Sample temperature at receipt by lab PQL Result/ Qualifier LAB 1.3 Units 'C Method Analysis Reference Date Validated by 1/17/18 PGAUTHIER Bromide 0.4 WET 0.62 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 1/25/18 CGREEN Chloride 1.0 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 1/25/18 CGREEN Fluoride 0.4 - 0.4 U mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 1/25/18 CGREEN Si lfatQ 2.0 "14 1 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 1/25/18 CGREEN WSS Chemistry Laboratory» 1623 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1623 (919) 733-3908 "Not Detected" or "U" does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Central Laboratory (Water Sciences Section) Water Sample Collection & Submittal Form riJ ': fY i Y177 PJ :: Lbtbfian Dextr, iort I �i ✓ ^ I P#' lq, 'i L ZS fv/il e 4' l� 5A-6 Cif Cge (<K 4 y 1 } ". p PF. s '4 r ,' ' ` L tivn ... .:........... SZ ... ,.i. ■ N" j ' 1 �t % 5aitjrleNutrrber c f ode Amer 6p vipoo04-2_ 0 f kereiyed omi. ty=liy; r f S 4%/'.S0 Y o ieatorJ •• K IA%i-� I (L ,6 >' if ��' Frior/ty t Wdt8rMatrix, t Klhtation Fype Date T}<t'ht i»}��L`r`=� L1xi LY.r.fu✓ i �a�rfz. Wife to ' WO ice I\ dacy'nel❑Ambient V' Est.eam ake RE lime telvr' jg.urface Estuary IXICanal }t ,.g. oG 4 r ", R1derRl�s►ti, t' : C�hO(i �Li Ddt�r f : JZ-JGrt (-TAN I�[I Routine T� ❑Stormwater eceiv4dB ❑Compliance ❑ COC ❑Ground ❑ Waste Monitoring Well ❑Water Supply Effluent Influent state Courier DeliveryMethnd ? ❑Hand Delivery +t_, ,;,} ❑ Other: Notes: stay x� oe k > ! Z . 3 D �jl/l fi * 4 Q ❑ Chlorinated ❑De -chlorinated in Field TAO)g F #hQ,d ,. Grab UComposite Other: ❑Emergency ❑0A ❑Blank Solution ❑ Field Blank Trip Blank [Differ Blank ❑Other. L !� TemQ�ipture� CJ b�►'ar'rruaJ' C ?J_ Dissolved analysis: Enter"DIS" •❑ Filtered in Field in check -boxes for parameters NNW = r ,t,' , ea ! SvJrrpJ, i pth 5 GL � r S (/�2�i°T Goltectoi"Fs otiim0>r NO /lam% L'�L !) 1 L SL—� 1�L� 1% %�%�vt� %v(9 5�} - ZS*p (l7 r ,AijjerobiologyParart et<#rs,„f.t?° affigtig.i <;$*,ign,'1 MBAS (surfactants) mg/L €kf'RAetajs,P*r`► eter5,`,ai;: r �" ' :K } m > n :y..r �. ,. �.�, , Tin (Sn) µg/L A Acidity, as CaCO3, to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Oil and Grease, HEM, Total Recoverable mg/L Aluminum (Al) pg/L Titanium (Ti) µg/L Alkalinity, as CaCO3,'to pH.4.5/8.3 mg/L Phenols, Total Recoverable pg/L Antimony (Sb) pg/L Vanadium (V) µg/L B BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5-day mg/L Residue: Total (Total Solids) mg/L Arsenic (As) pg/L Zinc (Zn) µg/L cBOD: Carbonaceous BOD, 5-day mg/L Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Total mg/L Barium (Ba) pg/L Coliform: Fecal MF •/100m1 Residue: Suspended (Suspended Solids) mg/L Beryllium (Be) pg/L Boron (B), Total µg/L Coliform: Total MF /100m1 Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Suspended mg/L Cadmium (Cd) . pg/L Mercury 1631, low-level ng/L C Coliform: Tube Fecal /100m1 TDS -Total Dissolved Solids mg/L Calcium (Ca) mg/L C Coliform: Tube Total /100m1 Silica mg/L Chromium (Cr), Total , pg/L `^.OrganjcsParametets ' 'y; Specific Conductance, at 25 °C umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L Cobalt (Co) pg/L Acid Herbicides T TOC - Total Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin & Lignin • mg/L Copper (Cu) µg/L Organochlorine Pesticides Turbidity NTU Iron Fe ( ) pg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides ;;"tithe[ Pa{arpeters;li, ,Et rs < h ,ti'' g ,.. ✓ :.< Lead (Pb). . `pg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides ., r . WetCheptistly.P,arametet's: ri+; i MGM, ;,ti": pH s.u. -Lithium (Li) pg/L -PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) Bromide mg/L Hardness, Total as CaCO3 - by titration mg/L Magnesium (Mg) mg/L Chloride mg/L Manganese (Mn) pg/L - Semi -Volatile Organics (BNAs) Fluoride mg/L Mercury (Hg) pg/L TPH Diesel Range Sulfate mg/L t utrientsf?arameters'fia,.; 'iK,,x:.: KrR €:r Molybdenum (Mo) pg/L Chlorophyll a pg/L 2( Ammonia as N (NH3-N) mg/L Nickel (Ni) pg/L Volatile Organics (VOA) Color: ADMI c.u. )( Nitrate -Nitrite as N (NO3+NO2-N) mg/L Potassium (K) mg/L Color: Platinum Cobalt c.u. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N (TKN)- mg/L Selenium (Se) pg/L TPH Gasoline Range COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L Total Phosphorus as P (TP) mg/L Silver (Ag) pg/L Cyanide, Total mg/L Nitrite as N (NO2-N) • mg/L Sodium (Na) mg/L Bjojogical,fi �y * _:,; g rs „ :.1 Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N (NO3-N calculated) mg/L Strontium (Sr) pg/L Phytoplankton / Algae Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P (PO4) mg/L Thallium (TI) • pg/L LAB COMMENTS : .nYE.7e;r* =Field Mia idiirPte aR a ell % ly ar1NarfTanl ._,:... ..,. ,....__... i., 4+ .... {z-; °ws (C} , ...... _... .:i ..ut. �� r7 C, r:: E:' � t;�k's � , ;_, „ , 4 t j C� I [� �. .._� .. ,__�. J a9✓i! 7 iSSO V : d �x5�eh �'Pm� .a �'j t wYl �p . 3) .+ .. o C ndUctiK(fY (Nmh#d�/cfn} ..: Lfg�" 1 r i T- i .•.� affinity (� t). p�,. .,._._.. LV North Carolina Division of Water Resources Central Laboratory (Water Sciences Section) Water Sample Collection & Submittal Form •._...:. x ° ,,'' ? r , l> S i n"eScnpon :WSW ,x{ f0 DAVrg$IP AuO%&�6G-k 'i ar.�- attonCd��ZwO��Z lfit { -.�.�. ..-�.,.... \ m�6NLoco G�anfy " 3M / .S l�f� K:s 00leetor. ` 1 Ll/y/I L Prior ty t N4/�1t. -e Ote9 .,<: .• fp fdo>rat on Type ,. :._: / trea_s ...... River Stream ❑Estuary • �Stormwater Monitoring Well Effluent . ❑Filter Blank Other: er: t , s.: Lake ��Canal ❑Water Supply Influent Trip Blank paie., 0.0Jved t Time Rot eived ' Ao y `f Regi4� � ,.. �"(� ,flba5edo�cpe4lji� !, (% W O /Ce > (ar#tgprycylrp r :....� .:,' ] ❑Ambient,,.i ..�.• • XSurface /// ��` ❑Ground ❑ Waste ❑Blank ❑Solution i Reteltred'ey +' Rieer4Qal5, C Lj T C:l•ir - r .• :w t >:: Dot 1 Z -c�/�4J-- Z�l5 Routine ❑Compliance COC ❑Emergency ❑OA .11State Courier DeAveryMethod ❑Hand Delivery ;r:..>...:... ,. *..:....._ ❑Other: Motes: :,{: mg , tt .,. ; �: � ❑ Chlorinated ❑De -chlorinated in Field ErzsGam IJti Rr❑Composite rr : Temie, tire(C) itriRrrt'aj Dissolved analysis: Enter"DIS" •❑Filtered in Fieldampiepth in check -boxes for parameters x r ti ; { j CalteGto 0.4".eeot�. f / LT//R r rgg—r �Q 'EP '; EE.,, , j0rkhl61otPParam*ter3mt4 .°T .:.' t., e>` ix;r,'a'..;' MBAS surfactants ( ) m L g/ "`` r �.< �, �, NHet kea atOtersre,.i. .::: `'. •:,}.::. , , k,*",u (Sn Tin ) pg/L Acidity, as CaCO3, to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Oil and Grease, HEM, Total•Recoverable mg/L Aluminum (Al) pg/L Titanium (Ti) µg/L Alkalinity, as CaCO3,'to pH.4.5/8.3 • mg/L Phenols, Total Recoverable pg/L Antimony (Sb) pg/L Vanadium (V) µg/L BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5-day mg/L . Residue: Total (Total Solids) mg/L Arsenic (As) pg/L Zinc (Zn) pg/L cBOD: Carbonaceous BOD, 5-day mg/L . Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Total mg/L Barium (Ba) pg/L Coliform: Fecal MF-/100m1 Residue: Suspended (Suspended Solids) mg/L Beryllium (Be) pg/L Boron (B), Total RA Coliform: Total MF /100m1 Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Suspended mg/L Cadmium (Cd) pg/L Mercury 1631, low-level • ng/L Coliform: Tube Fecal /100m1 TDS -Total Dissolved Solids mg/L • Calcium (Ca) mg/L Coliform: Tube Total /100m1 Silica mg/L Chromium (Cr), Total pg/L Organk0 Parameters Specific Conductance, at 25 °C umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L Cobalt (Co) pg/L Acid Herbicides TOC - Total. Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin & Lignin • mg/L, Copper (Cu) • Ng/1- Organochlorine Pesticides Turbidity NTU Iron (Fe) pg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides Ryg O hef P ra,11>iete.►.. ;f en ?, , t f ,,,,;£ F f i. j {e,'' Lead (Pb) Ng/L Organophosphorus Pesticides Wetchem0st6Parett►ete60.:' k OM.,.2,i , : :„t,'x :.- pH s.u. •Lithium (Li) pg/L PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyts) Bromide mg/L Hardness, Total as CaCO3 - by titration mg/L Magnesium (Mg) mg/L %' Chloride mg/L Manganese (Mn) pg/L Semi -Volatile Organics (BNAs) mg/L Mercury (Hg) pg/L TPH Diesel Range 7Fluoride - Sulfate mg/L ;' i Ut grit *iiiii*,ls ,r ,.: ;; r • i , ; : , Molybdenum (Mo) pg/L Chlorophyll a pg/L Ammonia as N (NH3-N) mg/L - Nickel (Ni) • pg/L Volatile Organics (VOA) Color: ADMI c.u. Nitrate -Nitrite as N (NO3+NO2-N) mg/L Potassium (K) mg/L Color: Platinum Cobalt c.u. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N (TKN) mg/L Selenium (Se) •Ng/L TPH Gasoline Range COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L Total Phosphorus as P (TP) mg/L Silver (Ag) pg/L Cyanide, Total mg/L Nitrite as N (NO2-N) mg/L Sodium (Na) mg/L , 81ological,, ,.,, . ,; Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N (NO3-N calculated) mg/L Strontium (Sr) pg/L Phytoplankton / Algae Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P (PO4) mg/L Thallium (TI) • pg/L LAB COMMENTS : s.,„,:T d. ,,,,, {; •. Fro d Aaramaters pption,J1 . . v h ` IA/ i , _ 0F..:: rT rn a v0 *;:a 4 �t jl�,�c p)i sr� l , .. c, , > ,,;_"fi S� (9 ,�,�V S .:: �;v' .;. ...::'i DlssalVed lx+r etl,."p rn j� �r3I(1 ,. Conci letivi o ctr> / x 8�%f lrcpP. Salini /\/ ,' 1 Tio -2onnectGIS ircQN0E,;c1-915 1:1466 Overview Map Quick Search La Lon, Search For Addresses ROAD NAME „ OWNER PIN • SITE ADDRESS Advanced Search Coordinate Search - Clear Excel 2000/2003 Results ittps://sampson.connectgis.com/MapOld.aspx Feet Page 1 of I Welcome Guest Users Online: 1121 Help Mobile View SRT: 1.164 sec Layers Information Parcels (Yellow) Tax Bill Deed XY .11 PIN: 18022726002 OWNER: FAIRCLOTH, ANNE B OWNER ADDRESS: 207 N CHESTNUT ST OWNER CITY: CLINTON 1 OWNER STATE: NC OWNER ZIP: 28328 ACREAGE: 84.56 APN: 2435-#051 BK PG: .1800/383 DATE RECORDED: • 6/9/2011 LAND TAX DEFERRED: 145781 ASSESSED VALUE: 74899 TOTAL TAX VALUE: 74899 SITE ADDRESS: TURKEY HWY TWP CODE: , 18 TAX CODE: F10 SEG TYPE: RESIDUALIRESIDENTILOT CONSIDERATION: 0 APPR SEG VALUE: $50,3461$150,3401$20,000 Null AGRICULTURE 2435-00-6640 2435006640 82.251721 Orphaned Parcel Null -ODESSEY\RSiwiec 18022726002 L. N10 100AAA • ' Null . Null Null Null Null , Null Null V Null USE DESC: , PARCEL CLASS: GIS_APN: GEO_PIN: CALC_ACRES: STATUS: CREATEDBY: MODIFIEDBY: PIN_1: MAPSHEET: STYLE: YEAR_BUILT: HEAT: SYSTEM: ROOF: FOUNDATION: BEDROOMS: FULL BATH: Legend Display Labels Display 50 Results 13— Pt- r/0 ye PN` 4:84-1-wg Do A4011 DD • j 1/20U e. 19 or North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sample Collection &Submittal Central Laboratory (Water Sciences Section) Form Y- t4Y i �r F# d r G� P+ {¢p '41 r 1 rt tl p slC+ - i 'f `k2 FJ Jtli°' �j' , is ii 4 , 1 r {q� � 7 - 4 -'��'u � i +'Kn4 v �wtl M. ti e,-13y� { '@lap u. t 4 P ' w �a ,y in,�.Yr� nfvl ,, 4 .� ! •y— a *--.' lu, � 1 e_. d �� iv' �t�,�d41E kb" ,p urkt & :fiP ¢ "�:rh i�t . 1 k �rl� P d;tl �. � BY" n �ri�� � �; " �r t.Y�J 4'r'0 � �f a- f • b 48 rik�(.°# _ r`� ' � t rityE IrIe Li.�- p� a . 17W ❑Amlent ❑❑River/Stream Surface Ground ❑Waste ❑ Blank ❑Solution Lake Estuary . Canal Stormwater Monitoring Well ❑Water Supply ❑Effluent ❑Influent ❑Field Blank ❑Trip Blank ❑Filter Blank Other: _^ *t ! "S lea z w ;, . outine "' ' N (4Pr_P_ t t ❑Compliance �.u,� I ' s a UState Courier 0 u RHandDellverY Other: J 2 Notes: / tJ�% �ry3❑COC r i?) c¢ ❑ Chlorinated EDe-chlorinated in Field ')( Grab ❑Composite ❑ Other: • ❑Emergency , u�a fe (p a4 ;,p, - qtt ,.40..4 G P, Dissolved analysis: Enter "DISy. ❑ Filtered in Field in check -boxes for arameters ��• (J gOLot% f g ❑QA � - .Rr: oo1,...li # # `,"� Mlu � MBAS (surfactants) mg/L t)i .'Jr1410h1 :A ! .,, 0",,t' Wtt sit' n 4 A Tin (Sn) pg/L Acidity, as CaCO3, to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L 011 and Grease, HEM, Total Recovelrable mg/L % Aluminum (Al) pg/L Titanium (Ti) pg/L Alkalinity, as CaCO3, to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Phenols, Total Recoverable pg/L Antimony (Sb) pg/L anadium (V) pg/L• BOD: Biochemical oxygen Demand, 5-day mg/L Residue: Total (Total Solids) mg/L Arsenic (As) pg/L inc (Zn) µg/L cBOD: Carbonaceous BOD, 5-day mg/L Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Total mg/L Barium (Ba) pg/L Coliform: Fecal MF /100m1 Residue: Suspended (Suspended Solids) mg/L Beryllium (Be) pg/L Boron (B), Total pg/L Collform: Total MF /100ml Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Suspended mg/L admium (Cd) pg/L Mercury 1631, low-level ng/L Coliform: Tube Fecal /100m1 TDS - Total Dissolved Solids mg/L alcium (Ca) mg/L - Coliform: Tube Total /100m1 Silica mg/L Chromium (Cr), Total pg/L Tr��H".XNkWSMP}"C' WOO •1fl b Specific Conductance, at 25 °C umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L Cobalt (Co) pg/L Acid Herbicides TOC - Total Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin & Lignin mg/L Copper (Cu) pg/L Organochlorine Pesticides Turbidity NTU Iron (Fe) pg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides ''i'� tie O"t [3ltt ,',f, '° # ; yS1,�'0fY ��J� �,1 Lead (Pb) pg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides 10i � ' A*"' " )pl C IV 1108 AN 1 pH s.u. _Lithium (Li) pg/L PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) Bromide mg/L Hardness, Total as CaCO3 - by titration mg/L ✓ Magnesium (Mg) mg/L Chloride • mg/L .Manganese (Mn) - pg/L Semi -Volatile Organics (BNAs) ,Fluoride mg/L Mercury (Hg) • pg/L TPH Diesel Range Sulfate mg/L SIR AIWA ! et , 1li' (, . Salt �. r .�'�lu�>���5 Molybdenum Y (Mo) pg/L Chlorophyll a pg/L Ammonia as N (NH3-N) mg/L ickel (Ni) pg/L Volatile Organics (VOA) Color: ADMI c.u. Nitrate -Nitrite as N (NO3+NO2-N) mg/L otassium (K) mg/L Color: Platinum Cobalt c.u. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N (TKN) mg/L Selenium (Se) pg/L TPH Gasoline Range • COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L Total Phosphorus as P (TP) mg/L Silver (Ag) • pg/L Cyanide, Total mg/L Nitrite as N (NO2-N) mg/L dium (Naj mg/L k y;" nl(t]yi i4k"ti Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N (NO3-N calculated) mg/L Strontium (Sr) pg/L Phytoplankton /Algae Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P (PO4) mg/L Thallium (TI) pg/L LAB COMMENTS : M y43 1. -Y,. ' { v! .lsPni'V :d fi.b H., , G ..�;.r ftl �e 'i� 4 ( 1,#i /J a I 5 �3. Fry'?{ Ii9C{"f A C� w i�I L F"'Y '��ryi lryT�� .. �;�'ffa�I i ptl�f 1 i i �'.sli' ML"ya!Lt§:4� W �3+{q� f' (J `Y / Py .. i Y NF . Revision: 2/06/2015 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Central Laboratory (Water Sciences Section) Notes: Water Sample Collection & ( /V / 1-- IZv r`-) 4 / ROIA1.4.Q Rb. P5o4) n(1204 ❑ Chlorinated• ❑De -chlorinated in Field ❑ Filtered in Field Dissolved analysis: Enter"DIS" in check -boxes for parameters Grab UCom ❑ Other: Submittal Form osite T�4 El Ambient Routine ❑ Compliance ❑ c0c ❑ Emergency ❑ Q urface ❑ Ground ❑ Waste ❑ Blank Solution River/Stream ❑Estuary ❑Stormwater Monitoring Well ❑Effluent ❑Field Blank ❑Filter Blank ❑Other: Lake ❑Can'ai Water Supply ❑Influent ❑Trip Blank • UState Courier ❑Hand Delivery ❑Other: ? kTq r ... , ttomo .��51�% j �a MBAS (surfactants) --- mg/L FF( I d s f 1 S ifl t» A '• � P? v Tin (Sn) RA clmty, as CaLu3, to pH 4.5/B. Alkalinity, as CaCO3, to pH 4.5/8.3 BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5-day cBOD: Carbonaceous BOD, 5-day mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L II and Grease, HEM, local Recoverable Phenols, Total Recoverable Residue: Total (Total Solids) Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Total mg/L 4/ Aluminum (A pg/L Antimony (Sb) mg/L Arsenic (As) mg/L V Barium (Ba) pg/L Titanium (Ti) pg/L 1„6enadium (V) pg/L pg/L Zinc (Zn) pg/L pg/L pg/L oliform: Fecal MF � Coliform: Total MF Coliform: Tube Fecal Coliform: Tube Total Specific Conductance, at 25 °C TOC - Total Organic Carbon /100ml /100m1 /100m1 /100m1 umhos/cm mg/L Residue: Suspended (Suspended Solids) Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Suspended TDS -Total Dissolved Solids Silica Sulfide Tannin & Lignin mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L eryllium (Be) Cadmium (Cd) ,/Calcium (Ca) 'Chromium (Cr), Total Turbidity Bromide Chloride Fluoride Sulfate Chlorophyll a Color: ADMI Color: Platinum Cobalt COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand Cyanide, Total Formaldehyde NTU mg/L mg/L mg/L pg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L HexavalentChromium (Cr6+) mg/L .vjR,, IW OMENDhis" W'r MPLIOr pH Hardness, Total as CaCO3 - by titra grij;j0.0?* CMKONWIW Vic Ammonia as N (NH3-N) �/ otal Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N (TKN) 3 Nitrate -Nitrite as N.(NO3+NO2-N) Total Phosphorus as P (TP) Nitrite as N (NO2-N) Nitrate as N (NO3-N calculated) Orthophosphate as P (PO4) :ion s.u. mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L Cobalt (Co) ,' Copper (Cu) V - Iron (Fe) Lead (Pb) pg/L 11g/L mg/L Pg/L pg/L pg/L Boron (B), Total Mercury 1631, low-level Acid Herbicides Organochlorine Pesticides g/L ng/L Lithium (Li) ,✓ Magnesium (Mg) Manganese (Mn) Mercury (Hg) Molybdenum (Mo) • 1'lickel (Ni) potassium (K) Selenium (Se) Silver (Ag) ,/r5bdlum (Na) // Strontium (Sr) pg/L pg/L pg/L mg/L ijg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L mg/L pg/L pg/L mg/L pg/L Thallium (TI) pg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) Semi -Volatile Organics (BNAs) TPH Diesel Range Volatile Organics (VOA) TPH Gasoline Range Phytoplankton / Algae iG LAB COMMENTS : Oie 5 Revision: 2/06/2015 I (� 7, L) North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sample Collection & Central Laboratory (Water Sciences Section) Submittal Form It sir '' l k 'y9 s�';J:i �' '! k�.y. a f • , J.�l N. „:,:w s�ii .I yN _ / %� Roc s 4Y i�o Pw Rb ` Tyi r� ®dry /� f_ Po G7 �lf (J�D�(✓ �� (CJ j d g�} f4 L +1 " ., } � � � 6�+$�Y:��'{�{ � � 4} M >y� D " pSo4J J .i`. , i � b �.. 6 ,(�?y �Yp 4YY r l , K,% } { ,�L t7{ iff. i W,l� N i -i � { 'y'� N" . rk � + ��C } r �'�'� d i' s , l�s� i:,__ , frs �. �a 'ri*1<3a�" pw '4 Td' air' !'�4 s � Y �" � i� '. r�❑Ambient rface ❑Ground Waste ❑ Blank ❑Solution ❑Lake*j$ ❑Estuary ❑Stormwater ❑Monitoring Well ❑Water Supply Effluent Influent Field Blank ❑ ❑Trip Blank ❑Filter Blank ❑Other: Y� / I �: V%��L�� 1 FRO/ o d ik ` Y d I � h .� , _�-�:trwu yC� L /�-t ? P-C¢r / e, ' ..• � trJ : x, outine>r } k ;inn^ r� 0 UState Courier ❑Hand Delivery ,2� Other: ��•'` ❑ Notes: I �,L l I i r t!�� i ; d; Compliance ❑ COC ❑ Chlorinated ❑De -chlorinated in Field ,i,. ( ikl rab UCom Other: osite ❑ Emergency i Sr r `k� ' ) f B d fyi�z Dissolved analysis: Enter"DIS' ❑ Filtered in Field an check -boxes for parameters 1 li 0, ryy ❑0A bu'�'r5ty�.J i Y"xs? I VitrilW0 t) M :.m vVt. ' A MBAS (surfactants) mg/L 40 1101014 'OW l a ! r.r Fils d iMea"N Tin (Sn) µg/L Acidity, as CaCO3, to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Oil and Grease, HEM, Total Recoveirable mg/L luminum (Al) pg/L Titanium (Ti) pg/L Alkalinity, as CaCO3, to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Phenols, Total Recoverable pg/L ntimony (Sb) pg/L Arsenic p nadium (V) µg/L BOD: Biochemical oxygen Demand, 5-day mg/L Residue: Total (Total Solids) mg/L � (As) pg/L Zinc (Zn) pg/L cBOD: Carbonaceous BOD, 5-day mg/L Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Total mg/L %/Barium (Ba) • fig/L ,Coliform: Fecal MF /100m1 Residue: Suspended (Suspended Solids) mg/L ,,Beryllium (Be) I1g/L Boron (B), Total pg/L_ V Coliform: Total MF /100m1 Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Suspended mg/L Cadmium (Cd) pg/L Mercury 1631, low-level ng/L Coliform: Tube Fecal /100m1 TDS -Total Dissolved Solids mg/L (Ca) mg/L Coliform: Tube Total /100m1 Silica mg/L ,alcium Chromium (Cr), Total hg/L * Specific Conductance, at 25 °C - umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L . Cobalt (Co) pg/L Acid Herbicides TOC - Total Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin & Lignin mg/L r7Copper (Cu) IJg/L Organochlorine Pesticides Turbidity NTU on (Fe) Jg/L Organonitrogeh Pesticides i il o�. o u o r�' i" nrVn 51 ��i�;�Xii�, �':loi , mom 1�,��y,.� Lead Pb pg/L OrganophosphorusPesticldes 3 " 40410 0110' f `MO{ C r air pH s.u. Lithium (Li) pg/L PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) Bromide mg/L Hardness, Total asCaCO3-bytitraltion mg/L ,JMagnesium(Mg) mg/L _ Chloride mg/L Manganese (Mn) pg/L ' Semi -Volatile Organics (BNAs) .Fluoride -mg/L Mercury (Hg) Ilg/L TPH Diesel Range Sulfate mg/L "`4 0 'r tm. t r ; "ar % .' jr,Imonia Molybdenum (Mo) Chlorophyll a hg/L Nitrate as N (NH3 N) mg/L ickel (Ni) _ hg/L Volatile Organics (VOA) Color: ADMI c.u. -Nitrite as N (NO3+NO2-N) I mg/L ,� /Potassium (K) mg/L Color: Platinum Cobalt c.u. / .Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N (TKN) I mg/L Selenium (Se) IJg/L TPH Gasoline Range COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L / Total Phosphorus as P (TP) mg/L Silver (Ag) pg/L _ Cyanide, Total mg/L Nitrite as N-(NO2-N) mg/L V Sodium (Na) mg/1- 010VAI3NI„}�,� Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N (NO3-N calculated) I - mg/L kr-Strontium (Sr) pg/L Phytoplankton /Algae Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P (PO4) mg/L • Thallium (TI) Jg/L LAB COMMENTS : . ,. ! k,a�y % 0% Y . e,O Eli.•. , , .Ii,�•N, it) f- ,� �Y }-s�� t„,„. �') dp ^p � , % 0 �n� J � , p( �{��ai' `y''5d .� ' A Q— � • evasion: PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Allens, Inc. - Plant #7 PARAMETER: 00680 - Carbon, Tot Organic (TOC) 240 200 160 T - MW1 - MW _1 MW2 120 - BMW-2 - MW3 - ®- MW-3 -�-,MW4 80 - -0- MW--4 - R-1 - � R-2A -�- R-3 40 `�� �- R-4 R-5A • R-6 v 0 u7 u�7 u�i7 i�?,,j7 7 u���7 7>u�Q;�i6>7 7 LP- 7 LP- 7 LP- 7 LP- 0/< �R-9 u' 7i 7i c�? v' i -? c? 7i ? O i c� u' 7i u' u' 7i u' )1 7i 7 u' c� Oi u' c� 7,cr�7, ? 7,7, 1107,7u?0ti77, 7,u?°7, 7.0, 7,7,u�Du�7, 7c�°7 7,u�°7, 7,u0°7,•7,u�j7i7i �00..„N �00� r 0.416D0007007 70, 70,7 e 0777ND 7ND 72 7`D 7`D 07c� 'Oto? �07Q0� �075r 6, „`S 07 , 6, �076,07��7- GW59 Date ♦1 PERMIT: FACILITY: PARAMETER: WQ0004268 Sager Creek Foods Inc - Allens, Inc. - Plant #7 00945 - Sulfate, Total (as SO4) 600 500 400 77) E 300 200 100 0 t ck��i)><I ��i�/�7 �����/�7 ���7/�?� �7 i�.,����� <p-t? t �</,, "�/`��<? L?,/"�,<2`1`• Mw1� -111- MW 1 -� MW2 - �- MW-2 -�MW3 -11111-MW3 �- MW4 -MW4 - 11I- R-1 R-2A - 111- R-3 - �- R-4 - _}- R-5A 41- R-6 R-7 R-8 -III- R-9 PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Allens, Inc. - Plant #7 PARAMETER'. 00940 - Chloride (as CI) 400 350 300 250 / - Mw1 / , MW1 - �- M W2 200 MW:2 - �- M W3 - MW-3 150 MW4 MW4 �� ► - R-3A50 ��� � i -MrR-4 100 lrFAIWAlliVI11114*, VAPAat - R-5A R-7 PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Aliens, Inc. - Plant #7 PARAMETER: 00620 - Nitrogen, Nitrate Total (as N) 75) E - 40 35 30 25 20 15 - MW1 �-MW-1 -� MW2 -� MW-2 MW3 - MW 3. - �- MW4 MW-4 10 AI- R-1 ��■ - R-2A - R-3 -II- R-4 -- R-5A - R-6 - R-7 Al- R-8 0 7 u->,p00� cO2jjc`�9 0c�0jp2p770 7��70u�u7�0 %70p 7 p7,�'77 °j07Sl,p%'p77 P77�p77?j7j77701 �7Sp7O7�0<O?,7 pO 7 O R-97 7 jp/7�p pjpj /p p0p77cDj�p0<ccpDp2o°<•DlDNDOCDO‹"Dp°710°7D0'70�cpppp�0<0p,7p7 7v1 207�'7070St 7V7Q . . 76 7� From: Elkin, Dave [mailto:delkin@smithfield.com] Sent Wednesday, December 13, 201710:18 AM To: Barber, Jim <jim.barber@ncdenr.gov> . Cc: Nordin, David <dnordin@smithfield.com>; Miller, Thad'<tlmiller@smithfield.com> Subject: [External]FW: Elliot Site 121317 . iCAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report'.spam @ nc.gov. Good morning Jim; We are getting'more anxiouswith: our. desire to divert surface water away from our large lagoon at the Elliot site ( see below email). Can you give me anindication where your thinking is on this. I would like to have equipment Tined up to move as soon as we can. Thanks, Dave From: Nordin, David. Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 10:00 AM To: Westerbeek, Kraig; Elkin, Dave; Weston, Kevin Cc: Norris, Michael Subject: Elliot Site 121317 There was 2.8 inches of rainfall at the Elliott site.Iast week. The lagoon appears to have risen `10"inches last week from the rain. Derek has checked several times the level. Michaelhas asked: Thad to check the staff guage to ensure the level is correct. David Nordin Environmental Systems Director' Hog Production Division - Corporate Eastern Operations Smith iel4 oa4,{oi5 ;o `Rtspoi s{b.tg (910) 293 5574 office PO Box 856/2822 NC Hwy 24 West (910) 290 - 0231 mobile Warsaw, NC 28398 dnordin@smithfield.com www.smithfieldfoods.com • This communication (including any attachments) is confidential and is intended to be privileged pursuant to applicable law.. if you are not the intended, recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient then you are hereby notified that the dissemination, distribution -or copying of this communication is-prohibited.Ifyou received this communication in error,; please notify Smithfield Foods, Inc. immediately by'telephone (+1 757-365-3000) and then delete this comrnunication and destroy all copies thereof. LCME Mapper 2.1 9.4 km ExSE of Clinton NC Page 1 of l C;&;R Aiat&Sades'.&.'PartslO- a •tt pretage' Fatms:Q. Google http://mapper.acme.com/ pSesi�ln 5. III II :o• o • • '7 • (4 ZO m 4Map dgtofiz-pelmgii 12/4/201- (c) Except for tracers used in concentrations which have been determined by the Division of Public Health to be protective of human health, and the use of which has been permitted by the Division, substances which are not naturally occurring and for which no standard is specified shall not be permitted in concentrations at or above the practical quantitation limit in Class GA or Class GSA groundwaters. Any person may petition the Director to establish an interim maximum allowable concentration for a substance for which a standard has not been established under this Rule. The petitioner shall submit relevant toxicological and epidemiological data, study results, and calculations necessary to establish a standard in accordance with Paragraph (d) of this Rule. Within three months after the establishment of an interim maximum allowable concentration for a substance by the Director, the Director shall initiate action to consider adoption of a standard for that substance. (d) Except as provided in Paragraph (f) of this Rule, groundwater quality standards for substances in Class GA and Class GSA groundwaters are established as the least of: (1) Systemic threshold concentration calculated as follows: [Reference Dose (mg/kg/day) x 70 kg (adult body weight) x Relative Source Contribution (.10 for inorganics; .20 for organics)] / [2 liters/day (avg. water consumption)]; (2) Concentration which corresponds to an incremental lifetime cancer risk of 1x10-6; (3) Taste threshold limit value; (4) Odor threshold limit value; (5) Maximum contaminant level; or (6) National secondary drinking water standard. (e) The following references, in order of preference, shall be used in establishing concentrations of substances which correspond to levels described in Paragraph (d) of this Rule. (1) Integrated Risk Information System (U.S. EPA). (2) Health Advisories (U.S. EPA Office of Drinking Water). (3) Other health risk assessment data published by the U.S. EPA. (4) Other relevant, published health risk assessment data, and scientifically valid peer -reviewed published toxicological data. (f) The Commission may establish groundwater standards Less stringent than existing maximum contaminant levels or national secondary drinking water standards if it finds, after public notice and opportunity for hearing, that: (1) more recent data published in the EPA health references listed in Paragraph (e) of this Rule results in a standard which is protective of public health, taste threshold, or odor threshold; (2) the standard will not endanger the public health and safety, including health and environmental effects from exposure to groundwater contaminants; and (3) compliance with a standard based on the maximum contaminant level or national secondary drinking water standard would produce serious hardship without equal or greater public benefit. (g) Groundwater quality standards specified in Paragraphs (h) and (i) of this Rule and interim maximum allowable concentrations established pursuant to Paragraph (c) of this Rule shall be reviewed by the Director on a triennial basis. Appropriate modifications to established standards shall be made in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Paragraph (d) of this Rule where modifications are considered appropriate based on data published subsequent to the previous review. (h) Class GA Standards. Unless otherwise indicated, the standard refers to the total concentration in micrograms per liter of any constituent in a dissolved, colloidal or particulate form which is mobile in groundwater. This does not apply to sediment or .other particulate matter which is preserved in a groundwater sample as a result of well construction or sampling procedures. The Class GA standards are: (1) Acenaphthene: 80; (2) Acenaphthylene: 200; (3) Acetone: 6 mg/L; (4) Acrylamide: 0.008; (5) Anthracene: 2 mg/L; (6) Arsenic: 10; (7) Atrazine and chlorotriazine metabolites: 3; (8) Barium: 700; (9) Benzene: 1; (10) Benzo(a)anthracene (benz(a)anthracene): 0.05; (11) Benzo(b)fluoranthene: 0.05; (12) Benzo(k)fluoranthene: 0.5; (13) Benzoic acid: 30 mg/L; (14) Benzo(g,h,i,)perylene: 200; (15) Benzo(a)pyrene: 0.005; NORTH CAROLINA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Amended April 1, 2013 16 (16) Bis(chloroethyl)ether: 0.03; (17) Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate): 3; (18) Boron: 700; (19) Bromodichloromethane: 0.6; (20) Bromoform (tribromomethane): 4; (21) n-Butylbenzene: 70; (22) sec-Butylbenzene: 70; (23) tert-Butylbenzene: 70; (24) Butylbenzyl phthalate: 1 mg/L; (25) Cadmium: 2; (26) Caprolactam: 4 mg/L; (27) Carbofuran: 40; (28) Carbon disulfide: 700; (29) Carbon tetrachloride: 0.3; (30) Chlordane: 0.1; 4 (31) Chloride: 250 mg/L; (32) Chlorobenzene: 50; (33) Chloroethane: 3,000; (34) Chloroform (trichloromethane): 70; (35) Chloromethane (methyl chloride): 3; (36) 2-Chlorophenol: 0.4; (37) 2-Chlorotoluene (o-chlorotoluene): 100; (38) Chromium: 10; (39) Chrysene: 5; (40) Coliform organisms (total): 1 per 100 mL; (41) Color: 15 color units; (42) Copper: 1 mg/L; (43) Cyanide (free cyanide): 70; (44) 2, 4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid): 70; (45) DDD: 0.1; (46) DDT: 0.1; (47) Dibenz(a,h)anthracene: 0.005; (48) Dibromochloromethane: 0.4; (49) 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane: 0.04; (50) Dibutyl (or di-n-butyl) phthalate: 700; (51) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene (orthodichlorobenzene): 20; (52) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene (metadichlorobenzene): 200; (53) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (paradichlorobenzene): 6;- (54) Dichlorodifluoromethane-(Freon-12; Halon): 1 mg/L; (55) 1,1-Dichloroethane: 6; (56) 1,2-Dichloroethane (ethylene .dichloride): 0.4; (57) 1,2-Dichloroethene (cis): 70; (58) 1,2-Dichloroethene (trans): 100; (59) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (vinylidene chloride): 350; (60) 1,2-Dichloropropane: 0.6; (61) 1,3-Dichloropropene (cis and trans isomers): 0.4; (62) Dieldrin: 0.002; (63) Diethylphthalate: 6 mg/L; (64) 2,4-Dimethylphenol (m-xylenol):.100; (65) Di-n-octyl phthalate: 100; (66) 1,4-Dioxane (p-dioxane): 3; (67) Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD): 0.0002 ng/L; (68) 1,1— Diphenyl (1,1,-biphenyl): 400; (69) Dissolved solids (total): 500 mg/L; (70) Disulfoton: 0.3; (71) Diundecyl phthalate (Santicizer 711): 100; NORTH CAROLINA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Amended April 1, 2013 17 (72) Endosulfan: 40; (73) Endrin, total (includes endrin, endrin aldehyde and endrin ketone): 2; (74) Epichlorohydrin: 4; (75) Ethyl acetate: 3 mg/L; (76) Ethylbenzene: 600; (77) Ethylene dibromide (1,2-dibromoethane): 0.02; (78) Ethylene glycol: 10 mg/L; (79) Fluoranthene: 300; (80) Fluorene: 300; (81) Fluoride: 2 mg/L; (82) Foaming agents: 500; (83) Formaldehyde: 600; (84) Gross alpha (adjusted) particle activity (excluding radium-226 and uranium): 15 pCi/L; (85) Heptachlor: 0.008; (86) Heptachlor epoxide: 0.004; (87) Heptane: 400; (88) Hexachlorobenzene(perchlorobenzene): 0.02; (89) Hexachlorobutadiene: 0.4; (90) Hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (technical grade): 0.02; (91) n-Hexane: 400; - (92) Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene: 0.05; (93) Iron: 300; (94) Isophorone: 40; (95) Isopropylbenzene: 70; (96) Isopropyl ether: 70; (97) Lead: 15; (98) Lindane (gamma hexachlorocyclohexane): 0.03; (99) Manganese: 50; (100) Mercury: 1; (101) Methanol: 4 mg/L; (102) Methoxychlor: 40; (103) Methylene chloride (dichloromethane): 5; (104) Methyl ethyl ketone (2-butanone): 4 mg/L; (105) 2-Methylnaphthalene: 30;. (106) 3-Methylphenol (m-cresol): 400; (107) 4-Methylphenol (p-cresol): 40; (108) Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE): 20; (109) Naphthalene: 6; (110) Nickel: 100; (111) Nitrate (as N): 10 mg/L; (112) Nitrite (as N): 1 mg/L; (113) N-nitrosodimethylamine: 0.0007; (114) Oxamyl: 200; (115) Pentachlorophenol: 0.3; (116) Petroleum aliphatic carbon fraction class (C5 - C8): 400; (117) Petroleum aliphatic carbon fraction class (C9 - C18): 700; (118) Petroleum aliphatic carbon fraction class (C19 - C36): 10 mg/L; (119) Petroleum aromatics carbon fraction class (C9 - C22): 200; (120) pH: 6.5 - 8.5; (121) Phenanthrene: 200; (122) Phenol: 30; (123) Phorate: 1; (124) n-Propylbenzene: 70; (125) Pyrene: 200; (126) Selenium: 20; (127) Silver: 20; NORTH CAROLINA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Amended April 1, 2013 18 (128) Simazine: 4; (129) Styrene: 70; (130) Sulfate: 250 mg/L; (131) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane: 0.2; (132) Tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene; PCE): 0.7; (133) 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol: 200; (134) Toluene: 600; (135) Toxaphene: 0.03; (136) 2,4,5-TP (Silvex): 50; (137) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene: 70; (138) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane: 200; (139) Trichloroethylene (TCE): 3; (140) Trichlorofluoromethane: 2 mg/L; (141) 1,2,3-Trichloropropane:.0.005; (142) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene: 400; (143) 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene: 400; (144) 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (CFC-113): 200 mg/L; (145) Vinyl chloride: 0.03; (146) Xylenes (o-, m-, and p-): 500; and (147) Zinc: 1 mg/L. - (i) Class GSA Standards. The standards for this class are the same as those for Class GA except as follows: (1) chloride: allowable increase not to exceed 100 percent of thenatural quality concentration; and (2) dissolved solids (total): 1000 mg/L. (j) Class GC Standards. (1) The concentrations of substances that, at the time of classification, exceed the standards applicable to Class GA or GSA groundwaters shall not be caused to increase, nor shall the concentrations of other substances be caused to exceed the GA or GSA standards as a result of further disposal of contaminants to or beneath the surface of the land within the boundary of the area classified GC. (2) The concentrations of substances that, at the time of classification, exceed the standards applicable to GA or GSA groundwaters shall not be caused_ to migrate as a result of activities within the boundary of the GC classification, so as to violate the groundwater or surface water quality standards in adjoining waters of a. different class. (3) Concentrations of specific substances, that exceed the established standard at the time of classification, are listed in Section .0300 of this Subchapter. History Note: Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143B-282(a) (2); Eff. June 10, 1979; Amended;Eff. November 1, 1994; October 1, 1993; Septeinber,l, 1992; August 1, 1989; Temporary Amendment Eff. June 30, 2002; Amended Eff. August 1, 2002; Temporary Amendment Expired February 9, 2003; Amended Eff. April 1, 2013; January 1, 2010; April 1, 2005. NORTH CAROLINAADMINISTRATIVE CODE Amended April 1', 2013 19 ACME Mapper 2.1 - 14.3 km SW of Warsaw NC 4 File Edit View Favorites Tools Help G Google google - Bing (2) Q !70 Google... MSN.com - Hotmail, Outl... J Suggested Sites v Great Lakes nearly dev_ v 9.2 km ExNE of Clinton NC, 12.9 km WxNW of Warsaw NC 13.2 km SW of Faison NC,169 km ERNE of Sampson County NC \ f Ali i, -- • Terms of Use r Waterbodies Tree Basin: Search By: Cape Fear Name of Stream Drainage Area: Search For. 18 - Cape Fear Drainage Area six runs L Turtle Branch Six Rini s Creek H 0-111 0-111 From source to Great Coharie Creek II 18-68-1-19 'Fromsouuce to Quewiffle SviarrT Kings Branch Clifton Branch Hoe Swamp Mill Swamp Gillmore Swamp Tenmile Swamp Beaverc]arn Swamp Turkey Creek Hicks Branch Mill Run 18-68-2-(0 3) From source to Six Runs Creek Rowans Branch (Chestnt Bull Branch Stewarts Creek L Buckhall Creek Carlton Mill Run Bakers Branch From source to King Branch From source to Six Runs Creek From source to Six Runs Creek From source to Six Runs Creek From source to Six Runs Creek From source to Six Runs Creek From source to Six Runs Creek From source to Turkey Creek From source to Six Runs Creek From source to Six Runs Creek From source to Six Runs Creek From soruce to Six Runs Creek From source to Stewarts Creek From source to Stewarts Creek Beck 18-68-2-0.5 C;Sw CSw 18-68-2-0.5-1 18-68-2-1 18-68-2-2 18-68-2-3 18-68-2-4 18-68-2-5 18-68-2-6 18-68-2-6-1 18-68-2-7 18-68-2-8 18-68-2-9 18-68-2-10 CSw C;Sw ,C Sw CSw CSw 'C;Sw C,Sw C;Sw Caw 18-68-2-10-1 CSw CSw C;Sw 18-68-2-10-2 From source to Carltons Mill Run Next: - Finish 2 Waterbodies found Ready CSw CSw 18-68-2-10-2-1 ❑r Expand... Find 04/01/1959 t 14 31 /1959 CSw Close Active 'Actwe 04/01(1959 Active 04N1/1959 09/01/1974 09/01 /1974 07/01/1973 07/01/1973 07/01/1973 04/01/1959 Active Active Active Active Active Active Active 04/01/1959 04101/1959 04/01/1959 04/01/1959 07/01/1973 Active Active Active Active Active 07/01/1973 07/01/1973 Active Active 07/01/1973 ISID: WBTR Active 'd s r 15A NCAC 02B .0211 FRESH SURFACE WATER QUALITY STANDARDS FORcCLASS C WATERS General. The water quality standards for all fresh surface waters shall be the basic standards applicable to Class C waters. Water quality standards for temperature and numerical water quality standards for the protection of human health applicable to all fresh surface waters are in Rule .0208 of this Section. Additional and more stringent standards applicable to other specific freshwater classifications are specified in Rules .0212, .0214, .0215, .0216, .0218, .0219, .0223, .0224 and .0225 of this Section. fActioi n Levels for purposes of National Pollutant Discharge Elimm ion System=(NPDES) permitting areJ specif d`in t m (22) of this Rule. f (I)TB`est Usage of Waters: aquatic Life propagation and maintenance of biological integrity (including fishing and fish), wildlife, secondary recreation, agriculture, and any other usage except for primary recreation or as a source of water supply for drinking, culinary, or food processing purposes; (2) Conditions Related to Best Usage: the waters shall be suitable for aquatic life propagation and maintenance of biological integrity, wildlife, secondary recreation, and agriculture. Sources of water pollution that preclude any of these uses on either a short-term or long-term basis shall be considered to be violating a water quality standard; (3) ' Ch orml e, total residual': 17 ug/1; (4) Chlorophyll a (corrected)' notgreater than 40 u gor lakes, reservoirs, and other waters subject to growths of macroscopic or microscopic vegetation ton designated as trout waters, and not greater than 15 ug/1 for lakes, reservoirs, and other waters subject to growths of macroscopic or microscopic vegetation designated as trout waters (not applicable to lakes or reservoirs less than 10 acres in surface area). The Commission or its designee may prohibit or limit any discharge of waste into surface waters if the surface waters experience or the discharge would result in growths of microscopic or macroscopic vegetation such that the standards established pursuant to this Rule would be violated or the intended best usage of the waters • would be impaired; (5) Cyanide, total:, 5.0'ug/L] (6) Dissolved oxygenjnot less than 6.0 mg/1 for trout waters; for non -trout waters, -not less than a dailyaverage of 5.0 mg/41 pwith a minimum instantaneous value of not less than 4.0 mg/1; swamp waters lake coves or ackwaters and lake bottom waters -inay have lower values if caused by natural conditions; (7) Fecal col shall not exceed a geometric mean of1200/100m11(MF count)} based upon at least five consecutive samples examined during any 30 day period, nor exceefi 400/100m1 zn more than 20 percent of the samples examined during such period. Violations of the fecal coliform standardare expected during rainfall events and, in some cases, this violation is expected to be caused by uncontrollable nonpoint source pollution. All coliform concentrations shall be analyzed using the membrane filter technique, unless high turbidity or other adverse conditions necessitate the tube dilution method. In case of controversy over results, the MPN 5-tube dilution technique shall be used as the reference method; (8) Floating solids, settleable solids, or sludge deposits: only such amounts attributable to sewage, industrial wastes, or other wastes as shall not make the water unsafe or unsuitable for aquatic life and wildlife or impair the waters for any designated uses; (9) Fluoride: 1.8 mg/1; (10) Gases, total dissolved: not greater than 110, percent of saturation; (11) etals: (a) - With the exception of mercury and selenium, freshwater aquatic life standards for metals shall be based upon measurement of the dissolved fraction of the metal. Mercury and selenium water quality standards shall be based upon measurement of the total recoverable metal; (b) Freshwater metals standards that are not hardness -dependent shall be as follows: (i) Arsenic, dissolved, acute: WER• 340 ug/1; (ii) Arsenic, dissolved, chronic: WER 150 ug/1; (iii) Beryllium, dissolved, acute: WER 65 ug/1; - (iv) Beryllium, dissolved, chronic: WER• 6.5 ug/1; (v) Chromium VI, dissolved, acute: WER• 16 ug/1; (vi) Chromium VI, dissolved, chronic: WER• 11 ug/1; (vii) Mercury, total recoverable, chronic: 0.012 ug/1; (viii) Selenium, total recoverable, chronic: 5 ug/1; (ix) Silver, dissolved, chronic: WER. 0.06 ug/1; With the exception of mercury and selenium, acute and chronic freshwater aquatic life standards for metals listed in this Subparagraph apply to the dissolved form of the metal and apply as a function of the pollutant's water effect ratio (WER). A WER expresses the difference between the measures of the toxicity of a substance in laboratory waters and the toxicity in site water. The WER shall be assigned a value equal to one unless any person demonstrates to the Division's satisfaction in a permit proceeding that another value is developed in accordance with the "Water Quality Standards Handbook: Second Edition" published by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA-823-B-12-002), free of charge, at http://water.epa.gov/scitech/swguidance/standards/handbook/, hereby incorporated by reference including any subsequent amendments. Alternative site -specific standards may also be developed when any person submits values that demonstrate to the Commissions' satisfaction that they were derived in accordance with the "Water Quality Standards Handbook: Second Edition, Recalculation Procedure or the Resident Species Procedure", hereby incorporated by reference including subsequent amendments at http ://water.ep a.gov/scitech/swguidance/stand ards/handbook/. This material is available free of charge. Hardness -dependent freshwater metals standards are located in Sub -Item (c) and (d) of this Rule and in Table A: Dissolved Freshwater Standards ,for Hardness -Dependent Metals; (c) CHardness-dependent freshwater metals standards_ shall be,as follows (i) H ardness-dependent metals standards shall be derived using the equations specified in Table A: Dissolved Freshwater Standards for Hardness -Dependent Metals. If the actual instream hardness (expressed as CaCO3 or Ca+Mg) is less than 25 milligrams/liter (mg/1), standards shall be calculated based upon 25 mg/1 hardness. If the actual instream hardness is greater than 25 mg/1 and less than 400 mg/1, standards shall be calculated based upon the actual instream hardness. If the instream hardness is greater than 400 mg/1, the maximum applicable hardness shall be 400 mg/1; (ii) Hardness -dependent metals in NPDES permitting: for NPDES permitting purposes, application of the equations in Table A: Dissolved Freshwater Standards for Hardness - Dependent Metals shall have hardness values (expressed as CaCO3 or Ca+Mg) established using the median of instream hardness data collected within the local US Geological Survey (USGS) and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) 8-digit Hydrologic Unit (HU). The minimum applicable instream hardness shall be 25 mg/1 and the maximum applicable instream hardness shall be 400 mg/1, even when the actual median instream hardness is less than 25 mg/1 and greater than 400 mg/1; (d) Alternatives: Acute and chronic freshwater aquatic life standards for metals listed in Table A apply to the dissolved form of the metal and apply as a function of the pollutant's water effect ratio (WER), which is set;forth in Sub -Item (b) of this Rule. Alternative site -specific standards may also be developed as set forth in Sub -Item (b) of this Rule; Table A: Dissolved Freshwater Standards for Hardness -Dependent Metals Numeric standards calculated at 25 mg/I hardness are listed below for illustrative purposes. The Water Effects Ratio (WER) is equal to one unless determined otherwise under Sub -Item (d) of this Rule. Metal Equations for Hardness -Dependent Freshwater Metals (ug/1) Standard at 25 mg/1 hardness (ug/I) Cadmium, Acute WER. [{1.136672-[In hardness](0.041838)} • e^{0.9151 [In hardness]-3.1485}] 0.82 Cadmium, Acute, Trout waters WER. [{1.136672-[/n hardness](0.041838)} • e^{0.9151[In hardness]-3.6236}} - 0.51 Cadmium, WER [{1.101672-[ln hardness](0.041838)) • e^{0.7998[In hardness]-4.4451 } ] 0.15 • Chronic Chromium III, Acute WER• [0.316 • e^{0.8190[ln hardness]+3.7256}] 180 Chromium III, Chronic WER• [0.860 • e^{0.8190[In hardness]+0.6848}] 24 ' Copper, Acute WER• [0.960 • e^{0.9422[In hardness]-1.700}] Or, Aquatic Life Ambient Freshwater Quality Criteria -Copper 2007 Revision (EPA-822-R-07-001) 3.6 NA Copper, Chronic WER• [0.960 • e^{0.8545[In hardness]-1.702}] Or, Aquatic Life Ambient Freshwater Quality Criteria -Copper 2007 Revision (EPA-822-R-07-001) 2.7 NA Lead, Acute WER• [{1.46203-[ln hardness](0.145712)} • e^{1.273[In hardness]-1.460}] 14 Lead, Chronic WER• [{1.46203-[ln hardness](0.145712)) • e^{1.273[In hardness]-4.705}] 0.54 Nickel, Acute WER• [0.998 • e^{0.8460[ln hardness]+2.255}] 140 Nickel, Chronic WER• [ 0.997 • e^{0.8460[In hardness]+0.0584}] 16 Silver, Acute WER• [ 0.85 • e^{1.72[In hardness]-6.59}] 0.30 Zinc, Acute WER• [0.978 • e^{0.8473[In hardness]+0.884}1 36 Zinc, Chronic WER• [ 0.986 • e^{0.8473[In hardness]+0.884}] 36 (e) Compliance with acute instream metals standards shall only be -evaluated using an average of two or more samples collected within one hour. Compliance with chronic instream metals standards shall only be evaluated using an average of a minimum of four samples taken on consecutive days, or as a 96-hour average; (f) Metals criteria shall be used for proactive environmental management. An instream exceedence of the numeric criterion for metals shall not be considered to have caused an adverse impact to the instream aquatic community without biological confirmation and a comparison of all available monitoring data and applicable water quality standards. This weight of evidence evaluation shall take into account data quality and the overall confidence in how representative the sampling is of conditions in the waterbody segment before an assessment of aquatic life use attainment, or non - attainment, shall be made by the Division. Recognizing the synergistic and antagonistic complexities of other water quality variables on the actual toxicity of metals, with the exception of mercury and selenium, biological monitoring will be used to validate, by direct measurement, whether or not the aquatic Life use is supported; (12) Oils, deleterious substances, colored, or other wastes: only such amounts as shall not render the waters injurious to public health, secondary recreation, or to aquatic life and wildlife, or adversely affect the palatability of fish, aesthetic quality, or impair the waters for any designated uses. For the purpose of implementing this Rule, oils, deleterious substances, colored, or other wastes shall include substances that cause a film or sheen upon or discoloration of the surface of the water or adjoining shorelines pursuant to 40 CFR 110.3(a)-(b) which are hereby incorporated by reference including any subsequent amendments and additions. This material is available, free of charge, at: http://www.ecfr.gov/; (13�}`- �esticides:l (a) Aldrin: 0.002 ug/I; (b) Chlordane: 0.004 ug/1; (c) DDT: 0.001 ug/1; (d) Demeton: 0.1 ug/1; (e) Dieldrin: 0.002 ug/1; (f) Endosulfan: 0.05 ug/1; (g) Endrin: 0.002 ug/1; (h) Guthion: 0.01 ug/1; (i) Heptachlor: 0.004 ug/1; (j) Lindane: 0.01 ug/1; (k) Methoxychlor: ' 0.03 ug/1; (1) Mirex: 0.001 ug/1; Parathion: 0.013 ug/1; and (m) (n) Toxaphene: 0.0002 ug/1; (14) pH: shall be normal for the waters in the area, which range between 6.0 and 9.0 except that swamp waters may have a pH as low as 4.3 if it is the result of natural conditions; (15) Phenolic compounds: only such levels as shall not result in fish -flesh tainting or impairment of other best usage; (16) dL Polychlorinated biph, gills (total of all PCBs and congeners identified): 0.001 ug/1; (17) Radioactive substances: (a) Combined radium-226 and radium-228: the average annual activity level (based on at least one - sample collected per quarter) for combined radium-226 and radium-228 shall not exceed five picoCuries per liter; (b) Alpha Emitters: the average annual gross alpha particle activity (including radium-226, but excluding radon and uranium) shall not exceed 15 picoCuries per liter; (c) Beta Emitters: the average annual activity level (based on at least one sample collected per quarter) for strontium-90 shall not exceed eight picoCuries per liter; nor shall the average annual gross beta particle activity (excluding potassium-40 and other naturally occurring radionuclides) exceed 50 picoCuries per liter; nor shall the average annual activity level for tritium exceed 20,000 picoCuries per liter; (18) Temperature: not to exceed 2.8 degrees C (5.04 degrees F) above the natural water temperature, and in no case to exceed 29 degrees C (84.2 degrees F) for mountain and upper piedmont waters. and 32 degrees C (89.6 degrees F) for lower piedmont and coastal plain Waters; the temperature for trout waters shall not be increased by more than 0.5 degrees C (0.9 degrees F) due to the discharge of heated liquids, but in no case to exceed 20 degrees C (68 degrees F); (19) (Toluene: 11 ug/1 or 0.36 ug/1 in trout classified waters; (20) Trialkylt compounds: 0.07 ug/1 expressed as tributyltin; (21) Turbidity the turbidity in the receiving water shall not exceed SO-Nepfi"elo em tric Turbidity Units(NTU) .J {streams not designated as trout waters and-10 NTU in streams, lakes, or reservoirs designated as trout waters; for lakes and reservoirs not designated as trout waters, the turbidity shall• not exceed 25 NTU; if turbidity exceeds these levels due to natural background conditions, the existing turbidity level shall not be increased. Compliance with this turbidity standard can be met when land management activities employ Best Management Practices (BMPs) [as defined by Rule .0202 of this Section] recommended by the Designated Nonpoint Source Agency [as defined by Rule .0202 of this Section]. BMPs shall be in full compliance with all specifications governing the proper design, installation, operation, and maintenance of such BMPs; _(22)-_—Action Levels for Toxic Substances Applicable to NPDESPermits J (a) Copper, dissolved, chronic: 2.7 ug/1; (b) Silver, dissolved, chronic: 0.06 ug/1; (c) Zinc, dissolved, chronic: 36 ug/1; and (d) Chloride: 230 mg/1; The hardness -dependent freshwater action levels for copper and zinc, provided here for illustrative purposes, corresponds to a hardness of 25 mg/l. Copper and zinc action level values for other instream hardness values shall be calculated per the chronic equations specified in Item (11) of this Rule and in Table A: Dissolved Freshwater Standards for Hardness -Dependent Metals. If the action levels for any of the substances listed in this Item (which are generally not bioaccumulative and have variable toxicity to aquatic life because of chemical form, solubility, stream characteristics or associated waste characteristics) are determined by the waste load allocation to be exceeded in a receiving water by a discharge under the specified 7Q10 criterion for toxic substances, the discharger shall monitor the chemical or biological effects of the discharge; efforts shall be made by all dischargers to reduce or eliminate these substances from their effluents. Those substances for which action levels are listed in this Item shall be limited as appropriate in the NPDES permit if sufficient information (to be determined for metals by measurements of that portion of the dissolved instream concentration of the action levels parameter attributable to a specific NPDES permitted discharge) exists to indicate that any of those substances may be a causative factor resulting in toxicity of the effluent. History Note: Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-215.3(a)(1); Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff. January 1, 2015; May 1, 2007; April 1, 2003; August 1, 2000; October 1, 1995; August 1, 1995; April 1, 1994; February 1, 1993. 15A NCAC 02B .0212 FRESH SURFACE WATER QUALITY STANDARDS FOR CLASS WS-I WATERS The following water quality standards apply to surface waters within water supply watersheds classified as WS-I. Water quality standards applicable to Class C waters as described in Rule .0211 of this Section shall also apply to.Class WS-I waters. (1) The best usage of WS-I waters shall be as follows: a source of water supply for drinking, culinary, or food -processing purposes for those users desiring maximum protection of their water supplies; waters located on land in public ownership; and any best usage specified for Class C waters; (2) The conditions related to the best usage shall be as follows: waters of this class are protected water supplies within essentially natural and undeveloped watersheds in public ownership with no permitted point source dischargers except those specified in Rule .0104 of this Subchapter; waters within this class shall be relatively unimpacted by nonpoint sources of pollution; land use management programs are required to protect waters from nonpoint source pollution; the waters, following treatment required by the Division, shall meet the Maximum Contaminant Level concentrations considered safe for drinking, culinary, and food -processing purposes that are specified in the national drinking water regulations and in the North Carolina Rules Governing Public Water Supplies, 15A NCAC 18C .1500. Sources of water pollution that preclude any of these uses on either a short-term or long-term basis shall be considered to be violating a water quality standard. The Class WS-I classification may be used to protect portions of Class WS-II, WS- III, and WS-IV water supplies. For reclassifications occurring after the July 1, 1992 statewide reclassification, the more protective classification requested by local governments shall be considered by the Commission when all local governments having jurisdiction in the affected area(s) have adopted a resolution and the appropriate ordinances to protect the watershed or the Commission acts to protect a watershed when one or more local governments has failed to adopt necessary protection measures; (3) Quality standards applicable to Class WS-I Waters shall be as follows: (a) MBAS (Methylene -Blue Active Substances): not greater than 0.5 mg/1 to protect the aesthetic qualities of water supplies and to prevent foaming; (b) Nonpoint Source Pollution: none shall be allowed that would adversely impact the waters for use as a water supply or any other designated use; (c) Organisms of coliform group: total coliforms not to exceed 50/100 ml (MF count) as a monthly geometric mean value in watersheds serving as unfiltered water supplies; (d) Chlorinated phenolic compounds: not greater than 1.0 ug/1 to protect water supplies from taste and odor problems from chlorinated phenols; (e) Sewage, industrial wastes: none shall be allowed except those specified in Item (2) of this Rule or Rule .0104 of this Subchapter; (f) Solids, total dissolved: not greater than 500 mg/1; (g) Total hardness: not greater than 100 mg/1 as calcium carbonate (CaCO3 or Ca + Mg); (h) Toxic and other deleterious substances: (i) Water quality standards (maximum permissible concentrations) to protect human health through water consumption and fish tissue consumption for non -carcinogens in Class WS-I waters: (A) Barium: 1.0 mg/1; (B) Chloride: 250 mg/1; (C) Nickel: 25ug/1; (D) Nitrate nitrogen: 10.0 mg/I; ATTACHMENT A — LIMITATIONS: AND 1VIONITORING REQUIREMENTS PPI 001— WWTF Effluent Permit Number: WQ0004268 Version: 3.0 EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS EFFLUENT LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS :PCS Code 01002' 00310 01027 Parameter Description Arsenic, Total (as As) BOD, 5-Day (20 °C) Cadmium, Total (asCd) Units of Measure mg/L mg/L mg/L Monthly Average Monthly DailyMinimum gaily Maximum Geometric Mean 'Measurement Frequency 3 x Year' Monthly 3 x Year' Sample Type Grab Grab Grab 00916 Calcium, Total (as Ca) mg/L Monthly Grab 00940 Chloride (as C1) mg/L 3 x Year' Grab 01034 Chromium, Total (as Cr) mg/L. 3 x Year' Grab 31616 Coliform, Fecal MF,1VI-FC Broth, 44. °C #/100 mL Monthly Grab 50050 01051 00927 71900 Flow, in Conduit or thru Treatment Plant Lead, Total (as Pb) Magnesium, Total (as Mg) Mercury, Total (as Hg) GPD mg/L mg/L mg/L 415;000 Continuous 3 x Year' 3 x Year' 3 x Year Recorder Grab, Grab. Grab 01067 Nickel, Total (as Ni) mg/L '3 k Year' Grab 00610. Nitrogen, Ammonia Total. (as N) mg/L Monthly Grab 00625 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total (as N) ing/L Monthly, Grab 00620 ' Nitrogen, Nitrate Total (as N) mg/L Monthly Grab 00600 Nitrogen, Total (as N). mg/L Monthly Grab - 00400 pH. su Per Event Grab 00665 Phosphorus, Total (as P) mg/L Monthly Grab WQ09C Plant Available Nitrogen,; Concentration mg/L Monthly Calculated 00929 Sodium, Total (as Na) mg/L Monthly Grab 00931 Sodium Adsorption Ratio ratio Monthly Calculated 70300 00530 01092 Solids, Total Dissolved— 180 °C Solids, Total Suspended, Zinc, Total (as Zn) mg/L mg/L mg/L 1. 3 -x Year sampling shall be conducted in March, July and November. 3 x Year' Monthly 3xYear' Grab Grab Grab WQ0004268 Version 3.0 Attachment A Page 1 of 1 ATTACHMENT C — GROUNDWATER MONITORING AND LIMITATIONS Permit Number: WQ0004268 Monitoring wells: MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, MW-4, R-1, R-2A, R 3, R 4, R-5A, R 6, R 7, R-8 and R-9 Version: 3.0 GROUNDWATER CHARACTERISTICS GROUNDWATER STANDARDS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS PCS Code Parameter Description Daily Maximum Frequency Measurement Sample Type Footnotes 00680 Carbon, Tot Organic (TOC) mg/L 3 x Year Grab 1, 6 00940 Chloride (as Cl) 250 mg/L 3 x Year Grab 1 31616 Coliform, Fecal MF, M-FC Broth, 44.5 °C #/100 mL 3 x Year Grab 1 00610 Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as N) 1.5 mg/L 3 x Year Grab 1 00620 Nitrogen, Nitrate Total (as N) 10 mg/L 3 x Year Grab 1 00400 pH 6.5-8.5 su 3 x Year Grab 1, 2 00665 Phosphorus, Total (as P) mg/L 3 x Year Grab 1 70300 Solids, Total Dissolved - 180 °C 500 mg/L 3 x Year Grab 1 00945 Sulfate, Total (as SO4) 250 mg/L 3 x Year Grab 1 82546 Water Level, Distance from measuring point feet 3 x Year Calculated I, 2, 3 1. 3 x Year monitoring shall be conducted in March, July & November; Annual monitoring shall be conducted every November. 2. The measurement of water levels shall be made prior to purging the wells. The depth to water in each well shall be measured from the surveyed point on the top of the casing. The measurement of pII shall be made after purging and prior to sampling for the remaining parameters. 3. The measuring points (top of well casing) of all monitoring wells shall be surveyed to provide the relative elevation of the measuring point for each monitoring well. The measuring points (top of casing) of all monitoring wells shall be surveyed relative to a common datum. 4. If TOC concentrations greater than 10 mg/L are detected in any downgradient monitoring well, additional sampling and analysis must be conducted to identify the individual constituents comprising this TOC concentration. If the TOC concentration as measured in the background monitor well exceeds 10 mg/L, this concentration will be taken to represent the naturally occurring TOC concentration. Any exceedances of this naturally occurring TOC concentration in the downgradient wells shall be subject to the additional sampling and analysis as described above. 5. Monitoring wells shall be reported consistent with the nomenclature and location information provided in Figure 1 and this attachment. WQ0004268 Version 3.0 Attachment C Page 1 of 1 0<0rn 0 0 , a; F R a '1 '1 i0 a EXPLANATION 6 Permanent Compliance Well Abandoned Compliance Well Issued Permit Compliance Boundary Issued Permit Review. Boundary - .Permitted Irrigation Zones 500 -250 0 , ;500 1,000 1,500 , 2,000 Basemp: Drawing A30701: Owens Surveying Feet wc. _ 'tea'= •• R=2A• 141 Wel No. MW-1 Status . Active Fasting Northing Top Casing, ,Elevation Land. Surface , Elevation Ord Wet No. MW-1 NAD83 Ft. 4231,662" NAD83 Ft. 449,058 NAVD88 Ft. 131.63 NAVD88 FL 129,55 MW-2 Active, 2,232,183 .448,411 111.90 110.74 MW-2 MW-3 Active 2,233 475 447,089 91.18 89.53 ' MW3 . MW-4 Active 2,234,885 449,861 133.75. 131.18 'MW-4. R-1 Active 2,228,891 . 445,636 90.47 • 87.20 CW-7 R 2 Abandoned 2,229,383 ' • 445,196 ' 89.09. 86.05 • CW-6 R-2A Active. 2,229,518 445,191 88.32 85.02 None • R 3' • Active • 2,230,053 444,685 89.96 86.98 CW-5 ' R-4 Active .2,229,492 ' 443,682, 92.03 88.52 CW-4- R-5 Abandoned. 2,227,878 ' 443,978 97.62 95A2 CW-1E • R-5A Active 2,227,812 ..444,03T" 95.53 93.48. None R-6 Active 2,226,727 444,187 • 95,81 • 93.22 CW-3 R-7 Active • 2,226,250 ' '444,901 ' ' 107,38 •104.36 CS-8 • R-8 Active ' . 2,226,467 • 446,134 • 121:68. 118.65 CW-1 R-9. Active 2,228,097 • 445,830 .100.00 . 97.07 None 15A NCAC 02B .0213 REVISIONS TO DISSOLVED OXYGEN STANDARDS History Note: Authority G.S. 143-214.1; Eff December 14, 1978; Amended Eff. July 1, 1988; Repealed Eff October 1, 1989. 15A NCAC 02B .0214 FRESH SURFACE WATER QUALITY STANDARDS FOR CLASS WS-II WATERS The following water quality standards apply to surface waters within water supply watersheds that are classified WS-II. Water quality standards applicable to Class C waters as described in Rule .0211 of this Section also apply to Class WS-II waters. (1) The best usage of WS-II waters are as follows: a source of water supply for drinking, culinary, or food -processing purposes for those users desiring maximum protection for their water supplies where a WS-I classification is not feasible and any best usage specified for Class C waters; (2) The conditions related to the best usage are as follows: waters of this class are protected as water supplies which are in predominantly undeveloped watersheds and meet average watershed development density levels as specified in Sub -Items (3)(b)(i)(A), (3)(b)(i)(B), (3)(b)(ii)(A) and (3)(b)(ii)(B) of this Rule; discharges which qualify for a General •Permit pursuant to 15A NCAC 2H .0127, trout farm discharges, recycle (closed loop) systems that only discharge in response to 10-year storm events and other stormwater discharges are allowed in the entire watershed; new domestic and industrial discharges of treated wastewater are not allowed in the entire watershed; the waters, following treatment required by the Division of Environmental Health, shall meet the Maximum Contaminant Level concentrations considered safe for drinking, culinary, and food -processing purposes which are specified in the national drinking water regulations and in the North Carolina Rules Governing Public Water Supplies, 15A NCAC 18C .1500. Sources of water pollution which preclude any of these uses on either a short-term or long-term basis shall be considered to be violating a water quality standard. The Class WS-II classification may be used to protect portions of Class WS-III and WS-IV water supplies. For reclassifications of these portions of Class WS-III and WS-IV water supplies occurring after the July 1, 1992 statewide reclassification, the more protective classification requested by local governments shall be considered by the Commission when all local governments having jurisdiction in the affected area(s) have adopted a resolution and the appropriate ordinances to protect the watershed or the Commission acts to protect a watershed when one or more local governments has failed to adopt necessary protection measures; (3) Quality standards applicable to Class WS-II Waters are as follows: (a) Sewage, industrial wastes, non -process industrial wastes, or other wastes: none shall be allowed except for those specified in either Item (2) of this Rule and Rule .0104 of this Subchapter; none shall be allowed that have an adverse effect on human health or that are not effectively treated to the satisfaction of the Commission and in accordance with the requirements of the Division of Environmental Health, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Any discharger may be required upon request by the Commission to disclose all chemical constituents present or potentially present in their wastes and chemicals which could be spilled or be present in runoff from their facility which may have an adverse impact on downstream water quality. These facilities may be required to have spill and treatment failure control plans as well as perform special monitoring for toxic substances; (b) Nonpoint Source and Stormwater Pollution: none that would adversely impact the waters for use as a water supply or any other designated use; (i) Nonpoint Source and Stormwater Pollution Control Criteria for Entire Watershed: (A) Low Density Option: development density must be limited to either no more than one dwelling unit per acre of single family detached residential development (or 40,000 square foot lot excluding roadway right-of-way) or 12 percent built -upon area for all other residential and non-residential development in the watershed outside of the critical area; stormwater runoff from the development shall be transported by vegetated conveyances to the maximum extent practicable; NORTH CAROLINAADMINISTRATIVE CODE Eff Mav 1, 2007 Page 26 (3) Quality standards applicable to Class WS-I Waters are as follows: (a) MBAS (Methylene -Blue Active Substances): not greater than 0.5 mg/1 to protect the aesthetic qualities of water supplies and to prevent foaming; (b) Nonpoint Source Pollution: none shall be allowed that would adversely impact the waters for use as a water supply or any other designated use; (c) Organisms of coliform group: total coliforms not to exceed 50/100 ml (MF count) as a monthly geometric mean value in watersheds serving as unfiltered water supplies; (d) Chlorinated phenolic compounds: not greater than 1.0 ug/1 to protect water supplies from taste and odor problems from chlorinated phenols; (e) Sewage, industrial wastes: none shall be allowed except those specified in Subparagraph (2) of this Paragraph or Rule .0104 of this Subchapter; (f) Solids, total dissolved: not greater than 500 mg/1; (g) Total hardness: not greater than 100 mg/1 as calcium carbonate; (h) Toxic and other deleterious substances: (i) Water quality standards (maximum permissible concentrations) to protect human health through water consumption and fish tissue consumption for non -carcinogens in Class WS-I waters: (A) Barium: 1.0 mg/1; (B) Chloride: 250 mg/I; (C) Manganese: 200 ug/1; (D) Nickel: 25 ug/1; (E) Nitrate nitrogen: 10.0 mg/1; (F) 2,4-D: 100 ug/1; (G) 2,4,5-TP (Silvex): 10 ug/1; (H) Sulfates: 250 mg/1; (ii) Water quality standards (maximum permissible concentrations) to protect human health through water consumption and fish tissue consumption for carcinogens in Class WS-I waters: (A) Aldrin: 0.05 ng/1; (B) Arsenic: 10 ug/1; (C) Benzene: 1.19 ug/1; (D) Carbon tetrachloride: 0.254 ug/1; (E) Chlordane: 0.8 ng/1; (F) Chlorinated benzenes: 488 ug/1; (G) DDT: 0.2 ng/1; (H) Dieldrin: 0.05 ng/1; (I) Dioxin: 0.000005 ng/1; (J) Heptachlor: 0.08 ng/1; (K) Hexachlorobutadiene: 0.44 ug/1; (L) Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (total of all PAHs): 2.8 ng/1; (M) Tetrachloroethane (1,1,2,2): 0.17 ug/1; (N) Tetrachloroethylene: 0.7 ug/1; (0) Trichloroethylene: 2.5 ug/I; (P) Vinyl Chloride: 0.025 ug/1. History Note: Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-215.3(a)(1); Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff. May 1, 2007; April 1, 2003; October 1, 1995; February 1, 1993; March 1, 1991; October 1, 1989. NORTH CAROLINAADMINISTRATIVE CODE Eff May 1, 2007 Page 25 w (xv) Trialkyltin compounds: 0.07 ug/1 expressed as tributyltin; (4) Action Levels for Toxic Substances: (a) Copper: 7 ug/1; (b) Iron: 1.0 mg/1; (c) Silver: 0.06 ug/1; (d) Zinc: 50 ug/1; (e) Chloride: 230 mg/1; If the Action Levels for any of the substances listed in this Subparagraph (which are generally not bioaccumulative and have variable toxicity to aquatic life because of chemical form, solubility, stream characteristics or associated waste characteristics) are determined by the waste load allocation to be exceeded in a receiving water by a discharge under the specified low flow criterion for toxic substances (Rule .0206 in this Section), the discharger shall monitor the chemical or biological effects of the discharge; efforts shall be made by all dischargers to reduce or eliminate these substances from their effluents. Those substances for which Action Levels are listed in this Subparagraph shall be limited as appropriate in the NPDES permit based on the Action Levels listed in this Subparagraph if sufficient information (to be determined for metals by measurements of that portion of the dissolved instream concentration of the Action Level parameter attributable to a specific NPDES permitted discharge) exists to indicate that any of those substances may be a causative factor resulting in toxicity of the effluent. NPDES permit limits may be based on translation of the toxic form to total recoverable metals. Studies used to determine the toxic form or translators must be designed according to "Water Quality Standards Handbook Second Edition" published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA 823-B-94-005a) or "The Metals Translator: Guidance For Calculating a Total Recoverable Permit Limit From a Dissolved Criterion' published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA 823-B-96-007) which are hereby incorporated by reference including any subsequent amendments. The Director shall consider conformance to EPA guidance as well as the presence of environmental conditions that limit the applicability of translators in approving the use of metal translators. For purposes other than consideration of NPDES permitting of point source discharges as described in this Subparagraph, the Action Levels in this Rule, as measured by an appropriate analytical technique, per 15A NCAC 02B .0103(a), shall be considered as numerical ambient water quality standards. History Note: Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-215.3(a)(1); Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff May 1, 2007; April 1, 2003; August 1, 2000; October 1, 1995; August 1, 1995; April 1, 1994; February 1, 1993. 15A NCAC 02B .0212 FRESH.SURFACE WATER QUALITY STANDARDS FOR CLASS WS-I WATERS The following water quality standards apply to surface waters within water supply watersheds that are classified WS-I. Water quality standards applicable to Class C waters as described in Rule .0211 of this Section also apply to Class WS-I waters. (1) The best usage of WS-I waters are as follows: a source of water supply for drinking, culinary, or food -processing purposes for those users desiring maximum protection of their water supplies; waters located on land in public ownership; and any best usage specified for Class C waters; (2) The conditions related to the best usage are as follows: waters of this class are protected water supplies within essentially natural and undeveloped watersheds in public ownership with no permitted point source dischargers except those specified in Rule .0104 of this Subchapter; waters within this class must be relatively unimpacted by nonpoint sources of pollution; land use management programs are required to protect waters from nonpoint source pollution; the waters, following treatment required by the Division of Environmental Health, shall meet the Maximum Contaminant Level concentrations considered safe for drinking, culinary, and food -processing purposes which are specified in the national drinking water regulations and in the North Carolina Rules Governing Public Water Supplies, 15A NCAC 18C .1500. Sources of water pollution which preclude any of these uses on either a short-term or long-term basis shall be considered to be violating a water quality standard. The Class WS-I classification may be used to protect portions of Class WS-II, WS-III and WS-IV water supplies. For reclassifications occurring after the July 1, 1992 statewide reclassification, the more protective classification requested by local governments shall be considered by the Commission when all local governments having jurisdiction in the affected area(s) have adopted a resolution and the appropriate ordinances to protect the watershed or the Commission acts to protect a watershed when one or more local governments has failed to adopt necessary protection measures; NORTH CAROLINAADMINISTRATIVE CODE EffMay 1, 2007 Page 24 d- (i) Arsenic: 50 ug/1; (ii) Beryllium: 6.5 ug/1; (iii) Cadmium: 0.4 ug/1 for trout waters and 2.0 ug/1 for non -trout waters; attainment of these water quality standards in surface waters shall be based on measurement of total recoverable metals concentrations unless appropriate studies have been conducted to translate total recoverable metals to a toxic form. Studies used to determine the toxic form or translators must be designed according to the "Water Quality Standards Handbook Second Edition" published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA 823-B-94-005a) or "The Metals Translator: Guidance For Calculating a Total Recoverable Permit Limit From a Dissolved Criterion" published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA 823-B-96-007) which are hereby incorporated by reference including any subsequent amendments. The Director shall consider conformance to EPA guidance as well as the presence of environmental conditions that limit the applicability of translators in approving the use of metal translators; (iv) Chlorine, total residual: 17 ug/1; (v) Chromium, total recoverable: 50 ug/1; (vi) Cyanide, 5.0 ug/1, unless site -specific criteria are developed based upon the aquatic life at the site utilizing The Recalculation Procedure in Appendix B of Appendix L in the Environmental Protection Agency's Water Quality Standards Handbook hereby incorporated by reference including any subsequent amendments; (vii) Fluorides: 1.8 mg/I; (viii) Lead, total recoverable: 25 ug/1, collection of data on sources, transport and fate of lead shall be required as part of the toxicity reduction evaluation for dischargers who are out of compliance with whole effluent toxicity testing requirements and the concentration of lead in the effluent is concomitantly determined to exceed an instream level of 3.1 ug/1 from the discharge; (ix) Mercury: 0.012 ug/1; (x) Nickel: 88 ug/I, attainment of these water quality standards in surface waters shall be based on measurement of total recoverable metals concentrations unless appropriate studies have been conducted to translate total recoverable metals to a toxic form. Studies used to determine the toxic form or translators must be designed according to the "Water Quality Standards Handbook Second Edition" published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA 823-B-94-005a) or "The Metals Translator: Guidance For Calculating a Total Recoverable Permit Limit From a Dissolved Criterion" published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA 823-B-96-007) which are hereby incorporated by reference including any subsequent amendments. The Director shall consider conformance to EPA guidance as well as the presence of environmental conditions that limit the applicability of translators in approving the use of metal translators; (xi) Pesticides: (A) Aldrin: 0.002 ug/1; (B) Chlordane: 0.004 ug/1; (C) ` DDT: 0.001 ug/1; (D) Demeton: 0.1 ug/1; (E) Dieldrin: 0.002 ug/1; (F) Endosulfan: 0.05 ug/1; (G) Endrin: 0.002 ug/1; (H) Guthion: 0.01 ug/1; (I) Heptachlor: 0.004 ug/1; (J) Lindane: 0.01 ug/I; (K) Methoxychlor: 0.03 'ug/1; (L) Mirex: 0.001 ug/1; (M) Parathion: 0.013 ug/1; (N) Toxaphene: 0.0002 ug/1; (xii) Polychlorinated biphenyls: (total of all PCBs and congeners identified) 0.001 ug/1; (xiii) Selenium: 5 ug/1; (xiv) Toluene: 11 ug/1 or 0.36 ug/I in trout waters; NORTH CAROLINAADMINISTRATIVE CODE Eff Mav 1, 2007 Page 23 Barber, Jim From: Barber, Jim Sent: Friday, December 08,20173:43 PM To: Pointer, Brian Subject: ambient stations on Six Runs,Creek Attachments: MB LLC Del Monte surface data locations four jpg Brian; I'm working with a permittee that is working to close a spray irrigation permit that has a large storage lagoon that may discharge to Six Runs Creek. The permittee is going to establish two sampling points just upstream and downstream of the lagoon to get a current picture on surface water quality. 1 would like to get data from the following two ambient sites. The first station is Six Runs Creek at SR 1919 (Sta. # B8679500) which is not being sampled and the last hard copy data we have in Fayetteville is from Dec. 2005. The second station is Six Runs Creek at SR 1960 (Sta. # B8725000) which is currently being sampled. If I can, I would like to get the last three years of data for each station tohave a historical background to compare to the data the permittee is going to have from sampling the two locations near the lagoon. I've'provided a map for reference. Thanks for the help. Jim Barber Environmental Engineer NCDEQ-DWR-WQRO Fayetteville Regional Office 910-433-3340 voice 910-486-0707 fax iim.barber(Wncdenr.uov E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. ' ` Go Green! Print this email only when necessary. Thank you for helping NCDENR be environmentally responsible: ******************* T •salted paso!as!p aq Aew pue met spaoaau a!Ignd eu!IoaeD yvoN ay} o} pafgns aq Aew ssaippe s!y} wo.aj pue aauapuodsa.uoa new-3 Q-,osb L , 9 • c =min 1ro1:2Q, / b i 21S z3 S cried )$ a}!sgaM LTS8-£tiL-6T6 - x} TTti8-£tiL-6T6 - qd TZ91-669LZ JN 'y8!ale2! aaluaj aa!naas I1eW TZ9T saaanosab JaleM Jo uo!s!A!a DN Jo1eulpaooJ walsAs Su!ao1!uovq 1.u0!gwy Jalu!od ueu8 Cupa5 L8 S '. 40(15 ueug yi4 2 7 SLiri/ ( Q�)�j/ 21S �""9 7(r212 Sr vj XIS iIIIaMaa,no/CadoH •dn pa>laoM }aS II,I pue aal}e aa,noA a2uea alep pue sa!uo!}e}say} aw }ooys •annoil yanw }ou q1 M noA aoj e}ep !Ind uea •p!o3 AIseu e 41!M 2no seen i •)Iaam ISe! Ilea JnoA ss!w of kuos lsanbaa e}ep :pafqns w!�'Jagae8 :ol WV 8S:6 LTOZ 'b0 aagwaaaa 'Aepuo!n! :was ue!a8 'aa}u!od :woad uiir 'aagaeg North Carohna Division of Water Resources Central Laboratory (Water Sciences Section) Water Sample Collection & Submittal Form Vlsttti: r _(optional 402 Tor ID • . 'II4,cation Descriptlon• ; • SIX RUNS CRK AT SR 1980 NR TAYLORS BRIDGE Location Code. B8725000 County:. Sampson • DWR Region:: • • , Owedegcaliriryj_ • • FRO .; Collector: 14r WN1'ic. • DWROfce: FRO (or agency name) River Basin: N CPF19 • Date: 101717 ' Notes: Time: .5 Chlonnated De-chlonnated in Field - Dissolved analysis Enter"DIS" El Filtered in Field in check -boxes for parameters : Drab 0 Composite %Method •'' I (Other • SampleeDeptln • , 01 Priority: . AMBIENT ❑ Ambient Routine Compliance COC Emergency ❑ OA Secchl Depth: • ,- Water Matrbc SURFACEWATER ❑ Surface ❑ Ground Waste ▪ Blank ❑ Solution Location Type RIVERISTREAM ❑RrverlStream ❑ Lake ▪ Estuary El ❑ Stonnwater ❑ ❑ Monitonng Well ❑ ❑ Effluent ❑ ❑ Field Blank Water Supply ❑ Other Canal Influent Filter Blank Tnp Blank Collector's Comments: login Fife: ' FRO 102017 ''Lab Use Only: • Laboriacory `' AC43083 SompieNo: DateRecelved: . • • 10(/$//7 Thne Re'crelved: Received By: - s-- •' •` QNC Courier Delivery' - Method: ' ❑Hand Delivered ❑Other kmperatirre ( l)on Arrlvah i • I ,5 Lab Comments. Field Parameters) I Water Temp (ol, 1?t7 Atm Press (mmHg) Analysis Requested -7(v'8 %Sat (%) D0 (ppm) glog :end (umhos/cm) 171+3 Analysis Requested - ,H(su) to t f 7 I Salinity (ppt) MIC Coliform; MF Fecal in liquid Turbidity - NUT NH3 as N in liquid NO2+NO3 as N in liquid Phosphorus total as Pin liquid Total K)eldahl N as N in liquid COLIFFECMF_LIQ TURBIDITY NH3N_L(Q NO2&NO3_LIQ PHOSTOTP_LIQ TKNN_LIQ `J A /'')142G 64. • d-jrly/, ) D i� AC43083 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section Laboratory Results Loc. Descr.: SIX RUNS CRK AT SR 1960 NR TAYLORS BRIDGE County: Sampson Collector: H WHITE VlsitlD 402 Region: FRO Report To FRO Location ID: B 78 25000 River. Basin CPF 9 Collect Date: 10/17121 0Priority AMBIENT Emergency Collect Time: 11:45 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER COC Yes/No Sample Depth 04 Loc. Type: RIVER/STREAM Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Sample ID: AC43083 PO Number# Date Received: 10 8/2017 Time Received: 08_00 Labworks LoginiD BPOINTER Delivery Method NC Courior Final Report Date: 1116/17 Report Print Date: 11 /06/2017 CAS # Analvte Name Sample temperature at receipt by lab Result/ PQL Qualifier LAB 1.5 Units °C Method Analysis Reference Date Validated by 10/18/17 PGAUTHIER MIC Coliform, MF Fecal in liquid 1 320 13441 CFU/100m1 SM'9222 D-1997 10/18/17 ESTAFFORD1 Turbidity 1.0 5.8 NTU SM 2130 B-2001 10/18/17 ESTAFFORD1 NH3 as N in liquid NUT 0.02 0.02 mg/L as N EPA 350.1 REV 2 10/19/17 CGREEN NO2+NO3 as N in liquid 0.02 0.32 mg/Las N EPA353.2 REV 2 10/19/17 CGREEN Phosphorus total as P in liquid 0.02 0.20 mg/L as P EPA365.1 REV 2 10/24/07 CGREEN Total Kjeldahl N as, N in liquid 0.2 0.83 mg/L as EPA3512 REV 10/20/17 CGREEN WSS Chemistry Laboratory» 1623 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1623 (919) 733-3908 °Not Detected" or°U° does not indicate the sample is analyte tree but that the analyte is not detected at or above the POL. Page 1 of 1 , 4 iif ,E? ".i K C 1 16000 L 40c': W" � ` •ej's lua!gWe luaJJnar0,961, is z 4 �(xuno��vasduaeS °v r ' J 4. x� _ a Va1, ('RJO MSS (SIB)-Z-5')-8' C`S C� °) -Z -5°) —8/ JI uoi eaoj"uMoQ'� dI di'�I F � t(e).MSM Li -earls an}n# jleob eaiys d'p:a q ss d (►.) msrn,a.njn.44Svi i(amtin1 PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Sager Creek Vegetable Company PARAMETER: 00610 - Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as N) 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 70 761 GW59 Date 1 c e in c , u y an November. WQ0004268 Version 3.0 Pi-fhA I!) EaPF P ts,Aw....E.W.wi. 5 ; ATTACHMENT A — LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS PPI 001 — WWTF Effluent Permit Number: WQ0004268 Version: 3.0 EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS EFFLUENT LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS PCS Code Parameter Description Units of Measure Monthly Average Monthly Geometric Mean Daily Minimum • Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample Type 01002 Arsenic, Total (as As) mg/L A d,, ar,..i. - .,;*. .• ,t:- t •.!:;::: ' , .1.. ' ';'::' -:'. : • ..:.-.:: ;f , :.i.,' .',., . .!:'Y . • •-!- .. : 3 x Year ' Grab JF 00310 BOD, 5-Day (20 °C) mg/L " ' - ' : .: • 1 : , o , , . Monthly Grab 01027 Cadmium, Total (as Cd) InWL A r•%& 1 , .. 3 x Year 1 Grab 4c-00916 Calcium, Total (as Ca) mg/L skir '::: -= :'.. :,..Z:.; ..-, , ., , .. : ', ' . _, • ,. . Monthly Grab 00940 Chloride (as Cl) mg/L , ,...',--;. f -,:i,...;:....,:‘- . , , . . - ,.., . ,... 3 x Year' Grab 01034 Chromium, Total (as Cr) mg/L A Aive,- 6 .. ;:-. ::::,.;:',,;::: "_ -,.. :....-;,,:'!. ,._: .„ . 3 x Year 1 Grab 01616 Coliform, Fecal MF, M-FC Broth, 44.5 °C #/100 mL _ i)./..',:,".-Att.:-: .'. : Monthly Grab 6/50050 Flow, in Conduit or thru Treatment Plant GPD 415,000 p csatintrairs CUT Recorder 01051 Lead, Total (as Pb) mg/L 4,..,e, . tik,/,,,,..... .).-is y. ::,.',-..,,:L- ,:y• -. - :,:. ....::: :;.: ::: : 3 x Year 1 Grab 00927 Magnesium, Total (as Mg) mg/L O. , , •? '!. :"f'.:' ''' `, , • ,. 3 x Year I Grab 71900 Mercury, Total (as Hg) - . mg/L A th, a - QJ / . t , , . , - -. ...,..,:" 3 x Year 1 Grab 01067 Nickel, Total (as Ni) mg/L 4 N . clrlil :,,.. :•::.:::...,:::,::: , . ., . , 3 x Year' Grab (41%19 lj\litrogen, Ammonia Total (a-ST-s,i) mg/L A A r36 • cilif .::•:::::*. n.:' :: ..':1: r.' ' , .. ' ' ' ,,. .. : Moethly 3xyg Grab ef0665 JRNitrcigiii,-KjelOal, Total (as Kii) mg/L „,,,,. 6,,.. ,_. ,, .., , ,,,-.-:; maaftthiy 3 s yg- Grab ,i7-00620) 'Nitic;gen'Nitrate Total (9.1) mg/1, "' " f Meittrly3x VZ Grab r 00600 Nitrogen, Total (as N) mg/L '',..:N•:.:',:,.:..'. , .,.''-',,,,'...? ,.• . : - Monthly 3y, yit Grab /00400 LpH -Phos—phorus, su „ _ P...e1-rwer1t3x Vfz. Grab 00665 ) Total (as P)i mg/L 4th3 _ 10etfit, SA.. Grab (WQ09C Plant Available Nitrogen, Concentration mg/L ..;;'''''';'..,. , .., . : ,,,, -;;,:'- ,...- ?.: e - ' , ::::-;:l.;; Monthly Calculated e-00929 ) Sodium, Total (as Na) mg/L : , , ,' .,.. , :.,.:..'-‘. ...i.'" ‘- .•°!::''' : ' : Monthly Grab (00931 Sodium Adsorption Ratio ratio -'''''' Monthly Calculated 70300 Solids, Total Dissolved- 180 °C mg/L ' ;44' ' ' • ,'2 ;'' 3 x Year 1 Grab r;00530 Solids, Total Suspended mg/L Ari . .„., . .... , ., Monthly Grab 01092 Zinc, Total (as Zn) mg/L A Ivt-(1 ..,-, ,.... : -.:.::-;::. :::7 1 - , . , ,. - ,. ..",' " .- ..:::. " . 3 x Year I Grab Attachment A Page 1 of 1 A LAIN\ U