HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0004268_Monitoring Well_20180413Barber, Jim From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Barber, Jim Friday, April 13, 2018 4:13 PM Kabat, Ashley M Allen, Trent; White, Kenneth B Sager Creek/Del Monte/Murphy Brown WQ0004268 Murphy Brown Sager Creek site MW4 maps.pdf; Murphy Brown Sager Creek map Plant site fields and MWs jpg Ashley; In reviewing groundwater and surface watersample data from sampling events at and around the Sager Creek site that Kent White and I performed and an inquiry from Murphy Brown concerning monitoring well 4 (MW-4); I'm recommending that MW-4 be removed from the proposed permit to be issued to. Murphy. Brown. MW-4 is located on the 15 +/- acre parcel that was part of Fields A & C.that was purchased by KAMCP, LLC when the manufacturing site was purchased. I recommend placing a condition in the modified permit that instructs Murphy Brown to gain access to the property from the new property owner and properly abandon MW-4 within 90 days of receiving the new permit. In looking at the groundwater data in BIMS for the last 10 years, MW-4 has had nitrate concentrations bouncing around below the groundwater standard and up to the standard in recent years. MW-4 is the background well for the facility and is most likely see impacts from the row cropping farming taking place across Hwy 24 from the Sager Creek plant site. Nitrate levels in MW- 2 and 3 are well below the groundwater. standard and nitrate in MW-1 hashad a steady decline in nitrate concentrations since irrigation operations at the site ceased in 2015/2016. I feel that we have enough background data for the facility if an issue arises. If an issue arises that requires new background data, then Murphy Brown will be instructed to install a new well on their property. Based on the intended actions of Murphy Brown to close this facility by cleaning out the lagoons on the property and the current low level of water in the storage lagoon, very little irrigation will take place once Murphy Brown receives the new permit moving forward. When irrigation is needed, water is pumped to the Rowan road so the fields at the plant (A, B, C & D) only receive rainfall and to minimize recharge of groundwater to the storage lagoon. If you wish to discuss, please give me a call on Monday or email me. Thanks Jim Barber Environmental Engineer NCDEQ-DWR-WQRO Fayetteville Regional Office 910-433-3340 voice 910-486-0707 fax iim.barber(ncdenr.00v E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Go Green! Print this email only when necessary. Thank you for helping-NCDENR be environmentally responsible. ******************* 1 0 http://mapper.acme.com/ P - ACME Mapper 21-10.O k... X Fite Edit View Favorites Tools Help G Google ® google - Bing (2) ® google - Bing © MSN.com - Hotmail, Outl... Suggested Sites . tj Great Lakes nearly dev... � -:--' -' 1, +5 � Eauipmern ti4 • ,I openCycle - e' \. �•: Cem71 ,:, ® --.,•J �� N 34.98352 W 78.21586 10.0 km E of Clinton NC 11.5 km W of Warsaw NC 16.4 km SxSW of Faison NC, 16.9 km E of Sampson County NC Find MUJP oog! Ear; 01 B Oooglo -Rowan-Rd �:. I pz-1 dwr I ,j-mvil-2 L6t elnq. • } dIo'n' crop fields {ccirit sU nail rot lion} "a [ ,-4 '#�- ii 4. t j er ._--.F{.ess\e-ti°' :a' .ti "fir 4-. 11 . . m yr-3 d myr.q.� J • . AC47309 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section Laboratory. Results Loc. Descr.: RR DITCH County: Sampson Region: FRO River Basin aelt Emergency COC Yes/No Collector: }C WHITE, Report To Wit) r Oolle tc Date: ?` 01I29t2018 3 Collect Time: 13:15 Sample Depth VlsitlD Location ID: 6P0821NQ0004268 Priority ROUTINE Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER J tLoc. Type: River/Stream SEAR r) Final Report Sample ID: AC47309 PO Number# Date Received: 01/30/2018 Time Received: 08:15 Labworks LoglnID MSWIFT Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 2/16/18 Report Print Date: 02/16/2018 If this report is labeled preliminary report, the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Result/ CAS # Analyte Name PQL Qualifier Sample temperature at receipt by lab Units LAB 2.4 °C Method Reference Analysis Date Validated by 1/30/18 PGAUTHIER NH3 as N in liquid 0.02 NUT 0.02 U mg/Las N EPA 350.1 REV 22/9/18 CGREEN NO2+NO3 as IV in liquid Phosphorus_total as P in liquid 0.02 0.02 Lt441 0.27 mg/L as N EPA 353.2 REV 2 2/9/18 mg/Las P EPA 365.1 REV 2 2/6/18 CGREEN CGREEN Total.KjeldahlN':as N'_in liquia� 0.2 052A3 mg/L as N EPA 351.2 REV 2 2/2/18 CGREEN WSS Chemistry Laboratory»1623 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699.1623 (919) 733-3908 "Not Detected" or "U" does not Indicate the sample Is analyte free but that the analyte Is not detected at or above the PQL.. Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Central Laboratory (Water Sciences Section Water Sample Collection & Submittal Form .,.: • N,,i,,,, n n lc lc D)TC1 01/4 N 1 0004- z6, 9 A 1, ". S, . k?? o62. A '7VigtRligi,rM ' 'Zts g••••.. f," f, /Lc. fA4 fiA $t°5 9) . • , L. • MITC j'ii t 00: , . ,'-. 3li4,*,,,i .4. t i‘1;PI*1 v .7rA 2 River/Stream Lake 'I, ..•• .itM k I ‘ , Fgo . VP it Vi ..?' 0 e?-la Amblent Surface Estuary DCanaI 3.1.,:y k Pt-.6Aft, 4, „,,,,,,,:ii . ,r), -n l' 2,9, ffitiki Lo le i, Routine Stormwater 1, Compliance Ground Monitoring Well Water Supply .,..,„„ y. r .." tat, Courier Notes. i .J., 'i$. 1 -.. 1 5 imek ElJCOC Waste Effluent Influent h / •4 -A, * , •Hand Delivery Other Emergency OA . Blank Solution Field Blank Trip Blank LFIlterBlank Other V 1<gft< :I lt, 4 0 .i ,. - Chlorinated De-chlonnated in Field li- Il i l'' ' ,„.k , ,i, t ' igGrab ECompostte '• LI Other Dissolved analysis Enter "DIS" Filtered in Field In check -boxes for parameters 11, "v.."' / „ .4,,..qt ..,.:.:. 4'3.-4.' ' p-- ii V' eiS 1-P111`) 61/6141-1 Nrr e IvrettED . . ..-Ir ,.., Tr,70,03:ggivp7ii:wirimi- MBAS (surfactants) mgfl. Imr,,,,-,51:r1-1.-.:cy...;01:sormialcixiv:.'grK.Wil . _ .._. .___.._._..._ Tin (Sn) Pe/L Acidity, as CaCO3, to pH 4 5/8.3 mg/L 011 and Grease, HEM, Total Recoverable mg/L 44% Aluminum (Al) pg/L Titanium (Ti) pg/L Alkalinity, as CaCO3, to pH 45/8 3 mg/L Phenols, Tots! Recoverable pg/I. Antimony (Sb) pg/L Vanadium (V) pg/L BOD Biochemical oxygen Demand, 5-day mg/L Residue Total (Total Sohds) mg/L Arsenic (As) lig/L Zinc (Zn) pg/L cBOD Carbonaceous BOD, 5-day mg/L Residue Volatile/Fixed, Total mg/L Barium (Ba) Iig/L Conform Fecal MF /100m1 Residue:Suspended (Suspended Sohds) mg/L Beryllium (Be) pgii. Boron (B), Total Conform Total MF /100m1 ' Residue. Volatile/Fixed, Suspended mg/L Cadmium (Cd) 118/1- Mercury 1631, low-level ng/L Conform Tube Fecal /100m1 TDS -Total Dissolved Solids mg/L Calcium (Ca) mg/L Conform Tube Total /100m1 Silica mg/L Chromium (Cr), Total pg/L Specific Conductance. at 25 °C umhos/crn Sulflde maiL Cobalt (Col Iig/L Acid Herbicides TOC- Total organic Carbon mg/L Tannin & Lignin mg/L Copper (Cu) pg/L organochionne Pesticides Turbidity NTU Iron (Fe) - pg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides L,d Lead (Pb) Pe/L Organophosphorus Pesticides qi pH s u Lithium (Li) pg/L PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) Bromide mg/L Hardness, Total as CaCO3 - by titration mg/L Magnesium (Mg) mg/L Chloride mg/L Manganese (Mn) pg/L Semi -Volatile Organics (BNAs) Fluoride mg/L Mercury (Hg) pg/L TPH Diesel Range Sulfate mg/L ' 1.1.4006M10111641204M6r. ,t',.11T • l'- j, ..?''1,11 Z1/4' Molybdenum (Mo) pg/L Chlorophyll a pg/L Ammonia as N (NH3-N) mg/L Nickel (NI) pg/L Volatile Organics (VOA) Color ADMI c u Nitrate-Nitnte as N (NO3+NO2-N) mg/L Potassium (K) mg/L Color Platinum Cobalt c u Total Kjeidahl Nitrogen as N (TKN) mg/L Selenium (Se) pg/L TPH Gasoline Range COD Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L Total Phosphorus as P (TP) mg/L Silver (Ag) pg/L ' Cyanide, Total mg/L Nltnte as N (NO2-N) mg/L Sodium (Na) m9/1- .kii`i.'11.t.sk;t:..'it:_iti:Li;V,i;,-',',-..liteg'•;AL-17.4:6'f,..* Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N (NO3-N calculated) mg/L Strontium (Sr) pg/L Phytoplankton /Algae Hexavalent Chromium (CrG+) mg/i. Orthophosphate as P (PO4) mg/L Thallium (TI) pg/L LAB COMMENTS . a 5 Revision 2/06/2015 (9-11 r.."11i1.2.:FENIaPleJi6TYVtaTi'"' lite:: ":ifikErSgt, North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sample Collection & Submittal Form Central Laboratory (Water Sciences Section) " lea a G �s 1 , 1 •�� D 6 bb y t fin',, , qt i i+ I 1 Sd , 1, u 1 O `, , ° , I ) ,' ,7 . Il_ ...4.',, ' p. �r �,; --- i zam''ra y.s h,tt}/tir a4,n 1L �r ��`�.5 "nSJ yam/ °�/ i R R Y' 1 `� ;Jq'I i �r ,�,` A i • r1OeZ 4'�yi0 - 4St vJ o0 G. A giiI�'�� ,, • ,) j 1 �`�v , I`,y a'iti(r l�. nTk dM'd'c 1 �1 r i%n4 f 3 . ., c �94c. r t jitl tr l�kg .r,�bw' ``pp ,.� rFr ?4+�N .0 - r7 "�,d .WI ,, ) 1 sr1��7�1V •°d�shf�G d 1^� Si' �l� _ •1' ��. y� Y l� W� C. P �r. +,r.N f'�' Cj c�ifk..' 9-i R It e 9 N 3 k ,P ky i ��1�3r�i� rid t^ M'�paf�} ;�. �r .. GAP:, a _,*r �ll i. V ' 4 i% ��-Surface .. ❑Ground ❑Waste ❑ ❑Solution 1� l�J �I .iHr( 1,(,' YL ��(('"-l��II , �%r:EC�.i?�m_. Blank 1{i¢{f V f.1 9 u'- 74 ❑Filter ❑other: a u'tr'- r " h �'�$i `�h. gr 4,�3'fir'�� pi Jf, Y` 0 %C11 K ' Ti�G -,� A. 4334 �x1t J Rlver/Stream Estuary Monitoring Well Effluent Blank Blank n } n fpfl, T...wb'� Lake❑ ❑Canal�•r��y1 ❑Water Influent ❑Trip �nw r �' ''�T'(2 1.t .(4 ; V4 h s't I Laar Supply Blank r a�4fC� fWn4 '� rtl , fil ,- rff , ` A' � , 9 SsJe- Yi i(t 11L(1 d Itp; x f ��� a7 � l �l y �1/ I fl +r J Jr�� �� 7�1 r �� e- n �V DAmblent 5''i4s -r r.174a�,. 3' } r^^.I Ik M � i�ie�if eZ0 e(� ii , t i6 :::nce 6f / ° (' Doti State Courier ;i ' f.j. Hand Delivery p{ IPA jrtd ,$ rj,vr ❑Other: .Jy Notes: � na�kt ofti Ar7h14��;" ul t lg�r.( r, t 1 a i 5 • Q� v.. .i', ❑ COC Chlorinated De -chlorinated in Field ❑ ❑ �lv i n�,� QQ,,�rr' ? I �(?. w1iF°' « , 4arrr. Grab. ❑Composite ILLJJJ Other: ❑ Emergency❑Field ° s ^ t Lt s �' ,, t ro re } •+)+• al � PriAc,, P Dissolved analysis: Enter"DIS" ❑ Filtered in Field in check -boxes for parameters .,'0. r 1 i �n ��s . - f t fi`.'t�. • ❑� ,% �ry %� ‘j g �rr�- "I Y ,«: �'#."r '9 A")3` �l% . (v V r 0 &reRE1) • s, : '.'"`T.' y « r N r ri l ° :7 aY,' ,„ ..•I 7; . • t. _yLti,) -)a- �: f . „���.-a�,�l� a`�?,. (. �. MBAS (surfactants)mg/L g/ , r ' p . #'`"" ' i9J `' r /i i" • .lit i^ . 1� .4�. � •' „ M<��}�',,. r C �.6,: �� . r3`� L� ti i i, 6 � Tin Sn ( ) µg/L. Acidity, as CaCO3, to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L , 011 and Grease, HEM, Total Recoverable mg/L Aluminum (Al) pg/L , Titanium (TI) pg/L Alkalinity, as CaCO3, to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Phenols, Total Recoverable pg/L Antimony (Sb) pg/L Vanadium (V) µg/L BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5-day mg/L Residue: Total (Total Solids) mg/L • Arsenic (As) pg/L .Zinc (Zn) pg/L cBOD: Carbonaceous BOD, 5-day mg/L Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Total mg/L Barium (Ba) pg/L Coliform: Fecal MF /100m1 Residue: Suspended (Suspended Solids) mg/L . Beryllium (Be) pg/L Boron (B), Total pg/L Coliform: Total MF /100m1 Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Suspended mg/L Cadmium (Cd) ' pg/L Mercury 1631, low-level ng/L Conform:Tube Fecal /100m1 TDS -Total Dissolved Solids mg/L Calcium (Ca) mg/L Coliform: Tube Total /100m1 - Silica • mg/L Chromium (Cr), Total pg/L ° Oa `"° ;. 0tify&VNIS i ' .` 'i; f Specific Conductance, at 25 °C umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L Cobalt (Co) • ug/L Acid Herbicides .TOC - Total Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin & Lignln mg/L Copper (Cu) PO- Organochlorine Pesticides Turbidity • NTU Iron (Fe) pg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides °e ad.+';GWOW'i+);iii y r '.'. Lead (Pb) ug/L Organophosphorus Pesticides x?, 4§MOAt3" 's'aA„ ,) ,;; '' +;y�, . pH s.u. Lithium (Li) pg/L PCBs (polychlorinated blphenyls) Bromide . mg/L Hardness, Total as CaCO3 - by titration mg/L Magnesium (Mg) mg/L Chloride mg/L Manganese (Mn) µg/L Semi -Volatile Organics (BNAs) Fluoride .mg/L Mercury (Hg) pg/L TPH Diesel Range mg/L 14 r: ,t r' i l dD t ed f tsaeottvm Molybdenum (Mo) pg/L • .Sulfate Chlorophyll a pg/L . Ammonia as N (NH3-N) mg/L Nickel (NI) pg/L Volatile Organics (VOA) Color: ADMI c.u. )C Nitrate -Nitrite as N (NO3+NO2-N) mg/L Potassium (K) mg/L Color: Platinum Cobalt c.u. Total Kteldahl Nitrogen as N (TKN) mg/L Selenium (Se) pg/L. TPH Gasoline Range- ' COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L Total Phosphorus as P (TP) mg/L Silver (Ag) pg/L Cyanide, Total mg/L Nitrite as N (NO2-N) mg/L Sodium (Na) mg/L Al1.-4' 0,110•..,.:.. .. " ;= Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N (NO3-N calculated) mg/L Strontium (Sr) pg/L Phyt .dlankton / Algae Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+) rhg/L Orthophosphate as P (PO4) mg/L Thallium (TI) pg/L - LAB COMMENTS : rr 3 y,, 4'0, ri 441 Revision: 2/06/2015 PERMIT: FACILITY: PARAMETER: WQ0004268 Sager Creek. Foods Inc - Aliens, Inc. - Plant #7- 82546 - Water Ievel,(distance from measuring point 12 10 2 L -�MW2 1--1 ► Got i �j �j Oi �j �i Oi �j Oi 7 Oi �i 7 Oi > 7 Oi �i 7O Oi i 77 Oi u' i c� c� . i u' u' u' . �' c� i u' u' u' u' c� O O O i cry 0 i 0 �i �'O �i �i OO �i 7i tY 7i 7i ?. <'O 7 7 OO 7 7 00 �i �i 00 �i �i 07 �i �i �'O , i N'O i� N'O C'O <3 �O pO i2 �O �O �'O /� �O �O i2 �O �O i2 O �O i2 �O O i2 �O �O �� �O 09 -- ,o �o Oro ,, , � O�� 7. 72 7, o, �0 �0 o70 �Q 7Q o77 �s 7s os 76, 76, os 7� 7 o,� 7O G59 Date PERMIT: FACILITY: PARAMETER: WQ0004268 Sager Creek Foods Inc - Allens, Inc. - Plant #7 00400 - pH ((p, s p 8 . s) 7 6 3 0 -�- MW 2 > 7 ilj j 7 uj � 7 , `P' ( 7 7 !j 7 7 u' 7i u' u' 7i ' c� 7i O O - 7i u' O 7 u' u' 7i u' u' �i u' . u' Oi 7, c�O 7, 7 u�0 7,- 7, c�O 7j 7, 7, c�0 7, 7 c�0 7, 7 c�O 7, 7 c�O 7, 7, � c�7 7, 7 , u�O 7, <'0 �� D0 O <2 <'0 O <) DO DO D0 <D �0 O <D D0 0 <D D0 0 i2 `DO . D0 <D D0 0 . i2 DO 00 0" 70 70 070 77 77 077 7• 7� 7 07 70 7O 070 7Q. 7Q O7Q 7S 70 0�. 7' 7,s, 076, 7, 7> 07, 70 G'N59 Date PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Aliens, Inc. - Plant #7 PARAMETER: 00680 - Carbon, Tot Organic (TOC) E 40 35 30 25 20 15 5 •- ■ ■--• PERMIT: FACILITY: WQ0004268 Sager Creek Foods Inc - Aliens, Inc. - Plant #7 PARAMETER: 70300 - Solids, Total Dissolved- 180 Deg.0 280 240 200 E 160 120 80 40 ii 7 c� �� 7 c j � 77 7� t? . �� 7 0 �i 7 cuj � 7 uj � 7 u> i 7 Oi 7 u' u' i 1 u' u' 7i c3/ �' i u' ci 7/ c' u' 7i u' u' 0i u' u' 7i c� , c�0 7, 7, u�0 7/ 7, c�0 7, 7, 7, 00. 7, 7, �0 7, 7, c�0 7, 7, c�0 7, .7, u�7.. 7, 7, c�0- 7, DO �.D �O �O �2 D0 r'O <D D0 r'O <'O <D �O c'O <D DO O �2 ° O 2 �O ° 12 6O �O i�' �O 09 009 70, 70 070 77 77 077 7� 72 72 07 70. 70 O) 7Q. 7� 07Q 7S, 7s 07S 7�, 76, 07s 7, 7� o), 70 G'V59 Date MW2 PERMIT: FACILITY: PARAMETER: cn E. WQ0004268 Sager Creek Foods Inc - Allens, Inc. - Plant #7 00945 - Sulfate, Total (as SO4) 2 SO M 6-1/4- 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 rik.,INA 5. 0 77 Oj !j 77 vi !j 77 7, c�j i/ 77 !j 7. �j 77 0 7 70 t1/ 'j . 77 p i c� c� �' c� u' cJ� O i O O O O i 0 / u' c7 < c7 c7 / c� 7, u' 7� 7, ' 7, 1 7� 7/ 7, u? 7D 7‹ u? l 7� cj1 7, 7 c� 7, 7, c� 7, 7� c� C <p 0‹. cDp7 Do Q‹.Dp CDO7 CDO7 <DO -°7 '�p7 p70%p �p7 c�p7 DO �p7 c�G7 TIO c�p7,p702p p71 71 0 �p7 p�%p c�p7 9 09 O O 70 7 7 77 2 --- c� 7 u� c� 70 Tr S! 7Q S S 7S 6' 6' 76, 7� GW59 Date _AN -- M W-2 PERMIT: FACILITY: PARAMETER: WQ0004268 Sager Creek Foods Inc - Allens, Inc. - Plant #7 00940 - Chloride (as CI) (2 5'0 0.2 GAL 400 350 300 f250- D) E 200 150 100 50 0 7 c1j j 7 uj uj 7 clj 7 uj 7 uj 7 c�j �j 7 0j �j 7 uj 7i u' u' 7i c�' u' 7/ u' t c?7 u' u' 7/ t c� 7i c9 u' 7i cP 0> u' u' 7i u' ti 7, - 7.% O 7, 7, 0 7, 7, 7, u� 7, 7, c� 7, 7, c� 7, 7, cry 7, 7, c� 7, 7.>c� 7, 2p 0<D0 V107 D070<� DO CDO7O<36VDp7 C DO 1/4 0 DO7 D070<�0 DO7 �070‹�0 T07 V'070<�'0 �07 �077<D0 )407$ ‹D0 Vb7 t9 09 O O 70 7 7 77 7 u� c� 7 St St Q S 7�. ' ' /49 > > 7� 8 GVN59 Date �MW2 . _ ram.. PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Allens, Inc. - Plant #7 PARAMETER: 00620 - Nitrogen, Nitrate Total (as N) (/0 mC /L. J 0I E 14 12 TO 4 -�-MW2 0 u.I■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1' 11 1 I I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 j 7 u', > 7 u', % 7 7, u'> % 7 u?, %j 7 u'j !j 7 u'j !j 7 ti . !j 7 u'� !j 7 c . u' 7i u' u' 7i u' u' u' u' 7i.L97 O 7i u' u' 7i u' u' 7i u' u' pi c� u' 7i u' 7� `P 7> 7, u' 7, 7� u' 7, 7, 7, u'� 7, u' 7� 7u' 7, 7, u' 7� 7, u' 7, 7‹ u' 7, NV PO cep r?0 Oil NO' c�0 p<-D 20 �0 c�0- O 3 - 0 - �0 p<D c�0, c�0 0Do �07 �07 O�cDo �07 �O 7 Di �O �O 0�� O 09 009 70 70 070 77 77 077 7c� 7c�. 72 07 7u- 7u' 070 7Tl .7 7Q S. cS 76. ( 7( �76, >> 7� j� 70. G' V59 Date PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Aliens, Inc. - Plant #7 PARAMETER: 82546 - Water level, distance from measuring point 28 24 20 16 12 4 BMW 1 0 , 7 t j 7 uj % 7 7, . ui i 8, 7 0> j 7 °j i 7 c>j j 7 tj j 7 j j . 7 0 7i u' u' 7i u' u7 7i u' 07 u' 0 7/ 07 7i u� ' 7i ' ' 7 ' ' 0i � u' 7/ 7 u� 7< 7 u� 7, 7, u' 7, , 7� 7� v' , 7� u' 7, 7� u' 7, 7, c>' 7< 7� c� 7� 7� � 0 °<,D D0 0 Oi. 0 0 Oil DO D0 0. 0 Oil D0 0 0<D D0. 0 O% cD0 0 <D D0 0 7<D O 7,.„ DO O�2 09 0, 70 7" 0, 77 7„ 0, 7., 7s 72 7� 07 70 7. 3 0, 7, 7, 0, 75. 7<.. 0, 76, 76, 0, 7j Oj� GW5�9 Date PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Allens, Inc. - Plant #7 PARAMETER: 00400 - pH ( (o . 5 TO 8. S' 7 6 5 1 0 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 0 �i 7 0 �� 7 7� uj � � 7 c�j �i 7 u �� 7 cry �� 7 crj � 7 uj � 7 7i u' u' 7i u' c� �i c�' 0 0 0 7/ 0 9 7i c' c' 7i / u' 7i u' t Oi u' u� 7i c u� 7, 7j u' 7, 7, u� 7,DO 7, 7, 7, u� 7, 7, u' 7, 7 10 , , 9 , 7, c' 7, 7, 9 cep 0007`,070��0207`�070��077�Oj2Ojc07��p`07070302072070<D0D07�070<D0 D07 077��O D07 D070<D0 J 09 O O 70 7 7 7�. 2 2 7� c� c� 70 Tt St 7.7 S S 76. 6' 6, 76, GW59 Date PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Aliens, Inc. - Plant #7 PARAMETER: 00680 - Carbon, Tot Organic (TOC). E 60 50 40 3 2 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . I 1 I 1 I -�- MW-1 77 ui �i 77 t)% �i 77 7< `�� -% 8� 77 `�� �� 77 `�� �� 77 L' �� 77 * �� 7p u� u' c� u'' u' u' cry u' p i p p i p p � �' p i p p i p p i 7, c�' 7, 7, ? 7,. 7, u' 7, 7, u' 7, 7, u? 7, 7, u� u? 7, 7, u� cl DOuk-D c'p DO p% NDp NDp p% cDO �p p cDp p% �p cDp p% NDOVG.<•D �o p<2 cDo �o 7�2 DO cDo p<2 p9 pp9 7p 7p p7o 77 77 077 7N 72 72 7N 07N 7p 7p o) 7s 7Q 07� 7s 7S 076. 76, 76, o7s 7 7 o)� GW59 Date PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Allens, Inc. - Plant #7 PARAMETER: 70300 - Solids, Total Dissolved- 180 Deg.0 C 507) ,' 0— -• 3,500 3,000 2,500 E 2,000 ,500 1:, 000 [:5:00 0 r u'i i 7 uj . T 7� c j �i 0 7 u �i 7 ui �� T u� ?i 77 c j � 7 0 cry 7i c� u' 7i ' 0 7 , c? u' c� 7i 0 0 7i cr9 u' 7i u� �' i u' ' 0i u� u' 7i 7i u' 7, 7, u' 7- 7, c�' 7, 7, 7, 7, PO 7, .7, c� 7, 7, c� 7, 7, c� 7, 7, u� 7, 7, u� �00 ��O 07 `D070�20 c�07 20�0>20207,207 20 `�OjicD0 07 0�0%,0 �07 �070%�O 207 2070ic�0 `O7 �077�0 07.�470�c�0 9 09 O O 70 7 7 77 2 2 2 72 u1 0 7 V V 7Q S 6% 7�, 6' E 76, >> 7, SY -� MW 1 GW59 Date PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Allens, Inc. - Plant #7 PARAMETER: 00945 - Sulfate, Total (as SO4)- (2 SO M GA 350 300 1250! E 200 150 100 50 0 BMW 1 - , r jc' 7 u7i 1 j 1j )1 7j 7% 77 7i j 7? 77 7i u� t9jA7%10`9‹ A7%ti< 7� —7 pi77, 7 7i ,D%042p7cp7%7O<.3o%7V<o,07cD,p7:p7:p7,o7,ep7o,3p7o :p7,2�i75"Sep Sirs2p6'p 6'<-1 76p p � 90pp7p 7 77 � pp7o7 707707. o GW59 Date PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Aliens, Inc. - Plant #7 PARAMETER: 00940 - Chloride (as CI) ( A 50 /h G. /L 280 aso 240 200. 1.60 120 80 40 0 -M- MW-1 < 7 csj �i 7 i � 7 7, � � (5 7 ' 7 *i 77. 7 - 7i `2 u' 7i `1 `41 7i u9 u' c' O 7i 0 , 0 7i c' u' 7i u� u' 7i c�. 0 of 7j u� 7, 7, u� 7,- 7 u' 7, 7, 7, 7, u� 7, 7, u� 7, 7, u' 7 7, u� 7, _ 7• u' 7, 7j u' 20 9<D 20 DO 0� DO O Oi2 DO DO DO. DO % �O DO Oil DO 0 OiP 0 20 Oil • D0 0 7<D DO DO O�2 09 009 7. 70 O)0.77 77 0)7 7c� 7� 7 7 0, 7 70 07 7Q 7„ O, 76. 76. 07s 76, 76, 07 7� 7, O7� GW59 Date PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Allens, Inc. - Plant #7 PARAMETER: 00620 - Nitrogen, Nitrate Total (as N) ( /O , c, 0 E 24 20 16 12 /0 8 4 0 !% 7 ti % 7 q% %j 7 7, u'� i 4% 7 c j % 7 Li %% 7 4 %% 7 u', %j 7 L - 7 c7 7i L9 u' %i u' u' 7' c)' c' u' v' 7' ul v' 7' P U 7i u' c9' 7/ u1 ' pi , p �i 7, c�' 7, 7, u' 7, 7, u' 7, 7, 7, I, c�' 7/ 7 c�' 7, 7, c�' 7, 7, u' 7, , cr'• 7, 7 c�' DO ()<D cep cDp p% 2p �p p% cDp cDO % <DO p�2 cDO a‹.3 p cDp p% cDO <DQ p% cDO NDp 7•2 cDO - G<D p9 p09 70 70 p7p 77 77 p77 72 • 72 72 72 plc, 7u' 7u- p/0 7y 7Q p7Q 7...-7,. p7S 76, 7�• p76' 7� 7, p7� GW59 Date PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Aliens, Inc. - Plant #7 PARAMETER: 82546 - Water level, distance from measuring point 10 > 77 c�j �i 7� cj ji 7,7 u'� �i V<.9<;2<2")/<V9N2,17�''� ��77�'���Z�.po"'�77�7"�0 u' 0 i O u9O , O d ' u'uucrP<DOOi-7<cDO7<D0<27<DO7<cDO?0i�7<DO�<cDOcO0‹cDOcDO�0<D NDOcDO<-D�cDO20‹D NONO<-D2072000'27ND0 O9 009 7' 7' .0„ 77 77 O>j 72 72 7N 07 70 70 O7P77 7g 07Q 7S 7, 0, 7, 7,, 076, 7j 7) 07.78 GVN59 Date MW3 PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc-Allens, Inc. .- Plant #7 PARAMETER: 00400 - pH ((P.. 5 11) g . S 6 -� MW-3 PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Aliens, Inc. - Plant#7 PARAMETER: 00680 - Carbon, Tot Organic (TOC) co 12 0 t I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I_ I I -i 7j Oi �i 7j Oi �i 7j 0. i 8� 77 O� i 77 O� 77 �� 77 O� �� 70 Oi �� 77 Oi 9 u' 9 i u' c� ti c u'' i 0 u' .. c9 u' / c� O i u' 9 / t9 t1 u' 7, u' 7, 7, u' u' 7, 7, 7, c� 7, 7, u� 7, - 7, _ u7 7, 7, u� 7, u� 7, 7, c� 7, c%0 0-20 �07 �07%,-D cD07 1.0>�0 �07 �07 ?) °!D D() `')0 °<D 0 �0 °<-D DO �070��076,761 N0N077��0 N07 NDO <-D077,6) 0 0 00 0 0 707 7 77 cD 2 N 7 u' u� 70 St S� 7Q S S 6' 76, : GW59 Date -111- RAW-3 PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Aliens, Inc. - Plant #7 PARAMETER: 70300 - Solids, Total Dissolved- 180 Deg.0 ( 500 076-16-) 1,000 800 600 5170 400 200 - M W 3 0 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 7 6> � 7 uj �j 7 t . � 8, 7 uj �j 7 o> �j 7 u . �y 7 uj �j 7 c�j �j 7 u> u 7i u' .7 7i u' u' 7i u' ' ° 7i u' u' 7i u' u' �i t 177 7i O O pi u' u' 7i v' 7� u' 7, � u' 7� 7, c� 7, . 7� 7, u' 7� 7 c� 7, 7, u� 7, v' 7, 7� u� 7, 7� c� 7, D0 °<D DO <DO 0!� DO <D0 °i� cep" DO <D0 0<2 cDp 0 °<2 c'p p 0% �p p °<D O ‹D0 % DO <DO <D �p 09 p9 p 7p 0, 77 77 077 7� 7cD 72 07 70 70 070 7„ 7, 0, 76. 7S 076, 76, 76, 0, 7� 7, 07, 70 GW59 Date PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Aliens, Inc. - Plant #7 PARAMETER: 00945 - Sulfate, Total (as SO4) 625-O/'2 L l 80 70 60` 50 40 30 20 10 0 7 O 7 0 7 O 8 7 0 7 O ., 7 7 . 7 O 7. O 0 u' i O 2 c� ? t2 u' I/ cs� t / 0 u' O O O 0/ 0 L90 7, 7, 00 7, 7, 7, �'0- 7, 7, "�0 7, 7.1 "�O 7, 7, �0 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, "�O 7, cDO i2 �O DO i� O DO iND DO DO DO N DO . 0 i2' DO - 0 2 c�0 �0 i• r'0 �0 i2 20 .c�0 � .c'0 09 009.70 70 070.77 77 077 7� 7� c 07 70 70 070 7—, 7� 07Q 7S 7S 07, 7e �6' '.076' 7- 7- o7j 76 GW59 Date MW 3 PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Allens, Inc. - Plant #7 PARAMETER: 00940 - Chloride (as CI) ( 2.50 076-A-) 0) E 240 200 160 120 80 40 0 �� 77/ u> ,N 77i ti. �j� 77/ c2 �j� 4:2 77/ t2 ,�� 77, t2 ,�ir� 77, t9 �y�: 77, c.9 ,�� 70 ci ,�c� 77, c2 / 7, 0 7, . 7, 0 7, 7, 0 7, . 7, 7, 0 7, 7, 0 7 7, 0 7, • 7, 0 7, 7, 0 7, 7, c2 7, 00 009 70 7a 070 77 77 077 7� 7? 7? 07� 70 70070 7Tt 7S! 07Q 7S 7S 07�. 76, 761 076, 7� 7� 07, 6) GW59 Date -�MW3 PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Allens, Inc. - Plant #7 PARAMETER: 00620 - Nitrogen, Nitrate Total (as N) (I0 E 3.2 2.8 2.4 2.0 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.0 7 u'� j 7 u'� j 7 8, 77 u'� 7 u'� .. 7 ti �j 7 u', 'i 7 u'� �j 7 u'� u' i u' u' i u' u' 7i u' u' u' 7i c�' u' 7 u' u' 7i 0 0 7i u' u' 0i u' u' 7i u' 7, c�' 7, 7, u' 7, 7, u' 7, 7, 7, 0 7, 7, u' 7, 7, u' , , u' u' 7, 7, u' 7, Do Oil cDo .cD0 Oil- c'O Do 0%, �O c'0 cDo Oil c'O �Do 0<.' c'O C'O 0‹2 NDO �O 0‹D c�0 c�0 7‹D �O �O O� O 09 009 70 70 o)O 77 77 077 7c, 7c, 7 7 007 70 70 070 7Q 7Q O7Q 7s 7S 07s 76, 76,. 07S 7� 7� 07� 70 GW59 Date �-MW 3 PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Aliens, Inc: - Plant #7 PARAMETER: 82546 - Water level, distance from measuring point m• 14 12 10 f-%1 Cr14 WATER %r413GF_ 6rw k/.4T,E-IL - -MW4 0 , 7 c', j 77 c�j � 7 , j 7 0 ?j 7 0 �i. 7 k 3 7 • 3 7 Lk j 7 v'WDo 7' ' O i u' u' 7i c� �' 7i l . 7,? .�0, 7,2 7cr�O�7,�,�_'07 7�70 p0 2�70 77 p77 �O, 072 p7 207� 70 070 2070 7Q O7Q �0 p7s O7s �07s 76 0761 76 7� 07� 207� GW5.9 Date PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Allens, Inc. - Plant #7 PARAMETER: 00400 - pH ( (; , $ 8. S > 8 7 G.S0 6 4 3 0 7 0 �j 7 0 �� 7 0 % 7 Oj �j 7 Oj �j 7 Oj �j 7 Oj �j 7 4), .j 1 i 2 1 i u cr 7i c1 u' 7i u' c' i ci u' i t2 c' i u' u' Oi c7 c2 c? 7� 7� 1 7, 7� c� 7� 7� u� 7� 7, u� 7� 7� c� 7� 7, cP 7, 7� c� 7� 7� u� 20 Oic3 c'O DO;O% CD0 2O 0<2 c-1O CDO O% cD0 �O Oil CD0 .�O ODD c�O cDO O%D `DO NDO % DO `DO O% 09 0O9 70 0 070 77 77 077 7� 7� Oj¶ 70 70 070 7Q 7Q 07Q 76% 76% 076' 76' 76' 761 7� 1 07, GW59 Date �MW4 PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Allens, Inc. - Plant #7 PARAMETER: 00680 - Carbon, Tot Organic (TOC) co E 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 CIO 0 1 1 7 u? �j 7 0 �j 7 uj �j 7 t. % 7 Oj �j 7 u> �j 7 Oj % 7 ki �j 7 u' 7i 0 9 7i u' u' 7i 0 0 7i u' 0 7i 0 0 7i u' 0 7i u' 0 Oi tY ci 7i 000 7�� 7,� Lb 7�� 7> Lb. 7�� 7> 0Q> 7�� 7> 00i 7> 7> 0pi 7,� 7,� "�Oi 7�� 7�� 07i 7�� 7>. 00i �pp9 �pp9 7p p70 �07 p77 DO �07 DO p7c 207` 70 p70 �p7t 757 p7Q �07 p7s p7s p7s p7p p7s 207 p7� p7� 207.• GW59 Date �MW4 PERMIT: FACILITY: PARAMETER: WQ0004268 Sager Creek Foods Inc - Aliens, Inc. - Plant #7 70300 - Solids, Total Dissolved- 180 Deg.0 140 1.20 100. 80 E 60 40. 20 0 % 77. ti% �j 77 Oj j 77 Oj 'j 77 O� � . 77 q! 'j 77 Oj %j 77 Oj !j 7p (4 . ... 77. p i 0 0 i 0 i v 3 i p v i 0 v i p 0 i O O i v O i 7, Op 7, 7, Op 7 . 7, Op 7, 7O77, . cep 7, 7,. Op 7j 7, Op 7 7 �7 7, 7 _ cep . 2pp.. i2p 2p7 2p7 �20 2p7 • 2p7 i2p145714,V2271457 i2p 2p� 2p7 �20 2p7, 2p7.. i20, 2p7, 2p7 �20 2p7 2p7 %20 t9 09 O O 7p 7 7 77 2 2 72 O tr•7p 3( x 7Q tS a s 6' /0 7j GW59 Date MW 4 PERMIT: WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Aliens, Inc. - Plant #7 PARAMETER: 00945 - Sulfate, Total (as SO4) a 5 '" 614-) 2 20. 16 12 �-MW4 - j 77; . 0> % .77 t• . j . 77' u> - i 7J ti % 77 Oi j 77 U> %. 7 ti . , 70 u> !j 77. u' i ' u' "2 `2 . u' / u' c9 . u' u' / `2 u' ' u' . 0 u' 0 0 0 i 7j :‹Do<DO. 77- u' 7, 7, ..0 7 7, u' 7, 7, v' 7, 7 � 7, 7j u', 7, 7, . u� 7, 7, o� 0�O �07 0/20 077c'07 0<20 c'07� 07� 20 c'07 c'07� 20700›, 07 0<�0 07 �p7s D0 0- - 7 �07� DQ 07<50•7� 2�>> �9 O 7 GW59 Date PERMIT: 'WQ0004268 FACILITY: Sager Creek Foods Inc - Aliens, Inc. - Plant #7 \. PARAMETER: 00940 - Chloride (as CI) (,2 50 M. U%L ) E 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 �MW4 7 u?� i 7 ui . i 7 t � 7 ui � 7 u> i 7 u?? � 7 ui . � 7 uj 3 7 v' 7i 0 v' 7, u? p 7i 0 0 7/ 0 0 7i u' v? 7i 0 0 7i u7 0 0i u? 0 7/ 7> 0 7> 7� ti 7, 7, u� 7> 7� u� - 7� 7, u' 7, 7� c� 7, 7, u� 7, 7‹ u? 7‹ 7� u� Q0 QQ2 ?p cDO cDO c c'p cep 0�? �p �p p�2 gip. c�0 o �p cep p�D 0 cep 7<2 �p c0 c 00 00 7p 70 07 77 ` 77 07. 7 7� - 07 7 7p 07 7Q 7Q .07 76 76 07 76, 76, 07 7� 7, - 07 � 0 7 � � Q s s GW59 Date PERMIT: FACILITY: PARAMETER: WQ0004268 Sager Creek Foods Inc - Allens, Inc. - Plant #7 00620 - Nitrogen, Nitrate Total (as N) l /0 ro 6" 12 10 4 2 �-MW4 % 7 c�j �j 7 uj 7 7 j % 7 t �j 7 Oj % 7 o3. �j 7 uj �j 7 u' 7/ u' u' 7i u7 u' 7i 7i u' 2 7i 2 7i u' u' 7t. u' u' Oi u' u' 7i 7 c� 7 7, t� 7� 7, u� 7� 7, c� 7� 7� t� 7� 7� u' 7� 7� u� 7 7� c� 7� 7,- c� DO, Oil ?O cDO O< cDO �O 0- O 20 O%D _ DO `?O Oic� 20 �O Oic 20 �O O< c O 7- 2O cDO Oil '0 009 70 70 O70 ,7 77 O77 7N 7N 07D 7O 7O O7 7Q 7Q 07Q 7`s 7`s O7S 7u- 76, 076+ 7, 7 O7i GW59 Date 12.00 10.00 8:00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 2/22/2008 Sager Creek , MW-4 Nitrate Data • - .. y _ 6 7/6/2009 11/18/2010 4/1/2012 8/14/2013 12/27/2014 5/10/2016 9/22/2017 2/4/2019 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 10/18/2012 Sager Creek, MW-4 Nitrate Data 5/6/2013 11/22/2013 -6/10/2014 12/27/2014 7/15/2015 1/31/2016 8/18/2016 3/6/2017 9/22/2017 4/10/2018