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WQ0004268_Water Balance_20081206
Water Balance and Wet -Weather Storage :Analyses Allen Canning Rowan Road Sprayfield Expansion Sampson County, North Carolina December 6, 2008 vocacy ?Sound Sc7enrs)anova5on > Solulidns' 40.05 Lake Springs Court Raleigh, NC 27613 ,eae Pe5arceo Contents 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Purpose 1 1.2. Disclaimer 2 2. Data Sources 2 3. Sprayfield Buffers 2 4. Irrigation Areas 4 5. Water Balance Equations 4 5.1. Climate and Runoff Data for Water Balance 4 5.1.1. Precipitation (PCP) r 4 5.1.2. Surface Runoff (SRO) 5 5.1.3. Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) 5 5.2. Precipitation on and Evaporation from Storage Reservoir Surfaces 7 5.3. Soils and Drainage (GWQ) for Water Balance 7 6. Monthly Water Balance Analysis 9 7. Conclusions 12 Attachment A. --Water Balance Computation 13 Attachment A (continued). --Water Balance Computation. 14 Attachment A (continued). --Water Balance Computation. 15 Attachment A (concluded). --Water Balance Computation. 16 List of Figures Figure 1.—Rowan Road Spray Zones and Buffered Areas. 3 Figure 2. -- Net Precipitation (PCP -SRO) and PET by Month 6 List of Tables Table 1.--Climatic and Runoff Data Used for Water Balance 5 Table 2.-- Drainage Coefficients and Drainage Rates Recommended by S&EC in Soil Scientist Report 7 Table 3.—Drainage (Recharge) Rates from Groundwater Mounding Analysis and Equivalent Drainage Coefficients Computed Geometric Mean Ksats for the Most Restrictive Soil Unit Within each Irrigation Zone 8 Table 4.-- Recommended Average Annual Hydraulic Loading Rates and Wet Weather Storage Requirements for the Rowan Road Irrigation Zones. 10 Table 5.--Recommended Monthly, Seasonal, and Annual Irrigation Rates in Inches Based Upon the 80th % Wettest Year. 11 i 1. Introduction This report documents the results of water balance . and wet weather storage requirement calculations in support of the application for a modification td.non-discharge permit WQ0004268 for additional sprayfield areas for the disposal of treated wastewater. This permit modification does not request additional wastewater treatment capacity above the present limit of 415,000 gallons per day and consequently will not require 'the permitting and construction of additional wet -weather storage capacity. This project was performed ,by -Eagle Resources, P.A. under contract to Allens Inc. The area that includes the additional sprayfield capacity is referred to as the Rowan Road site which comprises approximately 353 acres lying south of Rowan Road and east of State Road 1933, approximately 3.6 miles west-southwest of Turkey, NC'(Figure 1). The topographic relief at the site is flat, and elevations range from approximately 80 to 135 feet. All elevations in this report are reported relative to the 1988 North American Vertical Datum (NAVD88). . 1.1. Purpose This water balance study has been completed in support of the non -discharge permit as required by 15A NCAC 02T.0504 (k). The purpose of the water balance study is to provide recommended hydraulic loading rates and the necessary volume for storage of reclaimed water when irrigation is not possible or desirable during wet weather periods and the recommended hydraulic loading rates based upon the hydraulic characteristics of sprayfield soils and underlying groundwater system., The permit modification being applied for does not increase the total existing permitted wastewater flow, and the existing permit includes . adequate storage for that flow rate. Consequently additional calculations should not be necessary in support of the', permit modification. However, we have included a statistical analysis of the. historic wastewater flows generated at the plant for the period from April 2000 through March 2008. , The analyses described in this report conform to the requirements, of Water Balance Calculation Policy recently issued by the North Carolina Division of Water. Quality (DWQ)1. This water balance modifies the seasonal hydraulic loading ;rates as recommended by the Soil Scientist Evaluation Report for the Rowan Road site2 Group (2006). Those rates did not explicitly incorporate consideration the balance between precipitation, runoff, and evapotranspiration and soil drainage to groundwater (recharge). This water balance report incorporates all of these factors. Additionally, the soil drainage rates used in the water balance have been reduced from the rates recommended by S&EC to avoid mounding 'of the seasonal high watertable. The drainage rates used were determined by mounding analyses described in the Hydrogeologic Study for Rowan Road3. North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 2008, Water Balance Calculation Policy. Memorandum from Ted Bush Chief, Aquifer Protection Section, September 12, 2008. 2 Soil & Environmental Consultants 2008. Soil Series and Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Verification Report Allen Canning Project Sampson County, NC 3 Eagle Resources, P.A. 2008 Hydrogeologic Report - Allens Canning Facility Sampson county, NC. Allens Water Balance Report.doc 1 1.2. Disclaimer Some analyses contained in this report relied upon data and information provided by others. Eagle Resources P.A. makes no representations regarding the completeness, accuracy and reliability of that data and information. 2. Data Sources The following data sources were used for this report: • Soil Series and Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Verification Report by S&EC2; • Eagle Resources, Hydrogeologic Report3; • Existing permit number WQ0004268 • Monthly climatic station data including precipitation, minimum and maximum air temperature for the Clinton 2 S climatic station, period of record used: January 1936 through December 2007. • Monthly average solar radiation data for the Raleigh Durham International Airport 3. Sprayfield Buffers The water balance analysis first determined the gross area available for irrigation by removing soil areas mapped by the S&EC that fell within the aggregate of all sprayfield buffers in which no irrigation is allowed under 15A NCAC 02T.0500. These buffers are shown on Figure 1 and comprise the following: 1. 400 feet from any residence or publicly -occupied building; 2. 100 feet from any water well; 3. 150 feet from the property boundary. 4. 100 feet from any stream, wetland or other water body. 5. 100 feet from any groundwater lowering drain The locations of water wells and residences were determined by field investigation and high resolution aerial photography. Allens Water Balance Report.doc 2 Figure 1.—Rowan Road Spray Zones and Buffered Areas. (In Pocket) Aliens Water Balance Report.doc Oa* kler-ce5 4. - Irrigation Areas The boundaries of the spray zones were determined by Eagle Resources using the procedure described in the Hydrogeologic Report for Rowan Road3 that maximized drainage under irrigation areas while keeping the depth to the watertable greater than one foot. inches/year. 5. Water Balance Equations Water balance calculations were performed using the following equation: St = St_1 + [ Inflows] - [ Outflows]; or St = St_1 + [ Qt * At + AR * PCPs /12 ] — [ IA + AR * EVPt /12 ] (1) (1) Where: St = Storage required at the end of month t, Ac-Ft; St_i = Storage required at end of previous month, Ac-Ft; AR = Surface area of area draining to all storage cells, Ac; PCPs= Precipitation during month t, inches; Qt = Flow of reclaimed water, Ac-Ft/day; At = time between month t and t-1, in days = no of days for each month; IA = Allowable irrigation during month, ac-ft la) = Ax * (PETt + SROt + GWQxt - PCPs) / 12; Ax = Total sprayfield area, acres; EVPt = Evaporation from free water surface during month t = 0.6 * PET, inches; PETt = Potential Evapotranspiration for month t, inches; SROt = Surface Runoff for month t, inches; and GWQxt = Drainage to groundwater for Soil Area x during month t, inches. Equation 1 was solved using Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet with at least two annual cycles that demonstrated a convergent solution to wet weather storage requirements. 5.1. Climate and Runoff Data for Water Balance Climatic data from the Rocky Mount 8ESE climatic station for the period 1955-2004 was used for the water balance. 5.1.1. Precipitation (PCP) In accordance with recommendations of NC DWQ, the 80th percentile wettest year for the period of record from 1936 to 2007 was used for the water balance analysis. Table 1 shows the values of average and the 80th wettest monthly precipitation used for the water balance. Allens Water Balance Report.doc 4 ea* Paarce5 Month Average Precip 80th • Wettest Precip Surface Runoff - Average PET Average 80th Wettest SRO SRO % of Precip SRO. ' % of Precip . in/mo in/mo , in/mo in/mo ` " in/mo Jan 4.04 4.58 0.81 20% 0.90 20% 1.81 Feb 3.81 4.32 0.76 . ' 20% 0.84 20% " 2.17 Mar 4.36 4.94 0.87 20% 0.97 20% 3.18 Apr 3.31 3.76 0.66 - . 20% ' 0.73 20% 3.85 May 3.21 3.64 0.64 . - 20% 0.71 20% 4.34 Jun 3.92 4:45 0.78 20% 0.87. 20% 4.41 Jul ' 4.90 5.56 0.98 20% - 1.09 - 20% 4.41 Aug 4.78 . 5.43 0.96 20% 1.06 20% 4.05 Sep 4.07 4.62 0.81 ' 20% 0.90 20% . 3.29 Oct 3.25 3.69 0.65 ' .20% - 0.72 20% 2.82 Nov 2.99 3.39 0 60 20% 0.66 20% 1.96 Dec 3.38 3.83 0.68 . ,20% 0.75 20% 1.66 Annual 46.03 52.20 9.21 ' 20% .. 10.20 20% 37.94 Table 1: -Climatic and Runoff Data Used for Water Balance. 5.1.2. Surface Runoff (SRO) Because the precipitation used for, the wet weather storage, water balance calculations uses the 80th percent wettest condition, the surface runoff used should also reflect the 80th .percent wettest condition. Consequently, the average monthly surface runoff values were computed using 20% of the monthly 80th percentile wettest precipitation discussed above. 5.1.3. Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) PET was calculated using the Priestly -Taylor equation which is a simplificationof the Penman energy balance equation. The Penman Equation accounts for the balance between radiant and sensible heat and the loss of latent heat by advection (wind). The Priestly -Taylor equation modifies the Penman equation by ignoring the advective term and by 'multiplying the remaining energy term by constant (aPET = 1.28) to estimate Ep from climatic data for conditions'wheri the general surroundings are wet or humid: PET = = �.EP PE, s (Rn -G). s+y Where A, = latent heat of vaporization of water, Ep = potential water vapor flux density, s = slope of the saturation vapor density curve, = thermodynamic psychrometric constant, R„ = net radiative flux density, and G = sensible soil heat flux density. By ignoring the advective (wind) term in the Penman equation, and using apET, to account for humid conditions expected in sprayfield environments, the Priestly -Taylor Equation is the most applicable to the Elm City project. Several recent publications support the use of the Priestly - Taylor Equation for sites in North Carolina. The North Carolina State Climate Office maintains the on-line CRONOS database to assist the agricultural industry in determining Potential ET Allens Water Balance Report.doc using hourly and daily data collected at stations throughout North Carolina. This agency uses both the Penman -Monteith and the Priestly -Taylor equations to compute PET. Table 1 shows the monthly values of PET used for the water balance, and Figure 2 shows the monthly balance between net precipitation (PCP_SRO) and PET. Monthly Value, Inches 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 — 1.50 — 1.00 — 0.50 — O80th % Wettest PCP- SRO El PET Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Figure 2. -- Net Precipitation (PCP -SRO) and PET by Month. Allens Water Balance Report.doc 6 5.2. Precipitation, on n and Evaporation from StorageReservoir Surfaces This water balance does accounts for precipitation oh and evaporation from the existing 27 acre wet weather storage reservoir. 5.3, . Soils and Drainage (GWQ) for Water Balance The method recommended by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality to account for the drainage component of the water balance equation is to apply a drainage coefficient of 0.05 to 0.10 that is multiplied by the vertical hydraulic conductivity of the least permeable horizon (Ksat). The S&EC conducted measurements of Ksat in these horizons and recommended applied drainage coefficients ranging from 1 to 7% as shown in Table 2. • Soil Map Unit Geometric Mean Ksat in/hr Recommended Drainage Coefficient Drainage in/hr in/yr Norfolk / Wagram 0.316 4% 0.0126 110.7 Goldsboro / Noboco 0.147 7% 0.0103 - 90.1 Tarboro / Kalmia 3.83 1% 0.0383 335.7 Table 2.-- Drainage Coefficients and Drainage Rates Recommended by S&EC in Soil Scientist Report. The drainage values used for this water balance analysis and report were determined by initially applyingthe wet season values from the Table 2 to the groundwater flow model -as recharge and then making the necessary adjustments irrigation zones and drainage rates to prevent the modeled steady state watertable from being within one foot of the land surface while maximizing the applied irrigation rates. This process resulted in eighteen (18) ..irrigation zones. Table 3 shows the zones, areas, and drainage rates determined from the mounding analysis. Table 3 also includes the equivalent drainage coefficients computed as the ratio between drainage, rate from mounding analysis and the geometric mean Ksat value for the most restrictive soil within each .zones. Because all the equivalent drainage coefficients are less than the values recommended by S&EC, the drainage rates used in the water balance all are less than those recommended by S&EC. Allens Water Balance Report.doc 1 ewe ?cam Irrigation Zone Area Ac Drainage Capacity Mounding Ana from ysis Most Restrictive Soil within Zone Geom. Mean Ksat for Most Restrictive Soil In Zone in/wk Calculated Equivalent Drainage ' Coef- ficient in/wk in/yr ..,� Zone 1 1.93 1.36 71.00 . �� Nofolk/ ' Wag ran �53.09 2.563%; , Zone 2 3.23 1.12 58.51 Nofolk/ Wagram 53.09 2.112% Zone 3 11.69 1.13` 59.11 'Goldsboro/ 'Noboco '24.70 4.587%0` Zone 4 1.89 0.32 16.53 Goldsboro/ Noboco 24.70 1.283% one 5 0.78 0:31" 16.01 Goldsboro/ Noboco 24.70 1.243% Zone 6 1.94 0.88 • 45.85 Goldsboro/ Noboco 24.70 3.558% Zone 7 .00 0:69 . .'36 25 Goldsboro/ , . Noboco • -,'24.70 2 813%g,°, Zone 8 2.59 0.82 43.03 Goldsboro/ Noboco 24.70 3.339% Zone9 0.79' 0.57 29.53 Goldsboro/ °;Noboco '". 24.70 2.291% Zone 10 1.83 0.79 73.13 Nofolk/ Wagram 53.09 2:640% one 11 0.67 0.79 66.34 Goldsboro/ Noboco ° 24.70 5.148%. Zone 12 3.74 0.79 68.90 Goldsboro/ Noboco 24.70 5.347% Zone 13, 2.13 .* " 0.79: . 64.83 Goldsboro/ °,, Noboco , 24.70 ' : 5.031% Zone 14 7.65 0.79 69.79 Goldsboro/ Noboco 24.70 5.416% Zone 15. 0.97 0 79 64.05. Goldsboro/ .,;: Noboco . ',24.70 . _, 4 970%;," Zone 16 7.20 0.79 66.37 Goldsboro/ Noboco 24.70 5.151% one '2.27 0,79. 17.25 Goldsboro/ Noboco 24.70 s 1.339%; Zone 18 17.09 0.79 79.80 Goldsboro/ Noboco 24.70 6.193% Table 3.-Drainage (Recharge) Rates from Groundwater Mounding Analysis and Equivalent Drainage Coefficients Computed Geometric Mean Ksats for the Most Restrictive Soil Unit Within each Irrigation Zone. Allens Water Balance Report.doc 8 e"- 6. Monthly Water Balance Analysis The monthly water balance equation was solved to determine the wet season and dry season application rates to the combination of the old and new sprayfields that resulted in a convergent water balance solution. A convergent solution is required to assure that adequate wet weather storage capacity is available to hold water during periods when irrigation cannot be applied. Table 4 shows .the resultant recommended average annual hydraulic loading rates and Table 5 shows the recommended rates for the wet (October -February) and dry (March- September) seasons as well as the average annual rate weighted for the duration of the wet and dry 'seasons. The annual average rates range from 12.60 inches per year on zone 5 to 75.75 inches per year on zone 18. The annual irrigation capacity for the .Rowan- Road Fields is 245,000 gallons per day as shown in Table 4 The convergent required wet weather storage for the 69.37 acres comprising the Rowan Road irrigation zones is 10.16:million gallons as shown in Table 4. The Rowan .Road irrigation zones will have the capacity to handle 59% of the permitted capacity of 415;000 gallons per day, leaving a balance of 170,000 gallons per day to be applied to the existing fields: Assuming that the ratio of irrigation capacity between the existing and Rowan Road fields is equal to the ratio of "storage requirements for the existing and Rowan Road fields a total storage capacity.. of 17.2 million gallons would be required (1046mgal x 245,000 gpd for Rowan Road/ 415,000 gpd permit capacity). - It is estimated that the existing reservoir has a storage; capacity of at least 20 million gallons assuming an effective surface area" of 27 acres and an effective average depth of 2.5 feet.. Consequently, the existing_ storage 'reservoir provides adequate capacity to. handle the full 415,000 gallons per day. Because this reservoir has apparently been Attachment A shows the monthly convergent water balance solution that is broken out for 'the eighteen (18) • irrigation zones arid the " maximum wet weather storage requirements Allens Water Balance Report.doc P6'5arcee Irrigation Zone Area Ac Most Restrictive Soil within Zone Irrigation Capacity of Sprayfields Prorated Net Precip - Evap on Storage (ac-ft/yr) Maximum Net Wastewater Flow in/wk in/yr ac-ft/yr gal/day ac-ft/yr he1 �93 .. Nofolk/ Wagram , 1.29: ' y 66.9'4 u�10.75 ; 2 09 728r 8 66 Zone 2 3.23 Nofolk/ Wagram 1.05 54.45 14.64 2.84 10,523 11.80 11 69��- Goldsboro/ � Noboco � 1`.06, :� , 55:06 .,,,„`53.62, 10 42 � 38,545 43 21s Zone 4 • 1.89 Goldsboro/ Noboco 0.25 12.99 2.05 0.40 1,471 1.65 Zone 5 0:78 Goldsboro/ ' Y -- Noboco , 0 24 .,512.60 �F , �, 0.82 . 0.:16 586 r ; 0.66; Zone 6 1.94 Goldsboro/ Noboco 0.80 41.79 6.76 1.31 4,859 5.45 Zone 7 . 1 00 Goldsboro/ I -Noboco t .. „.0.62 �'' " 32'19 °, . 2 68, 0.52 , .. 1,924 . 2.16 Zone 8 2.59 Goldsboro/ Noboco 0.75 38.98 8.41 1.63 .6,043 6.77 Zone 9 -: 0.79 Goldsboro% ° Noboco 0.49 ' 25.47 1.68' 0 33 w x1 206 o 1 35"! Zone 10 1.83 Nofolk/ Wagram 1.33 69.07 10.53 2.05 7,571 8.49 Z one 11;� , _, 0 67r Goldsboro/ ";Noboco_: - 1.20 ,, , $', „62.28 3.48 .' 0.68 2,504. = ' `2.8( Zone 12 3.74 Goldsboro/ Noboco 1.25 64.84 20.18 3.92 14,509 16.26 Zone 13 .2:13 Goldsboro/ Noboco � 1-.17 ' ' 60.78 u10 81°° 2 10 ,7,769' , Zone 14 7.65 Goldsboro/ Noboco 1.26 65.73 41.88 8.13 30,102 33.74 Zone 15 097 Goldsboro%R�� ,'Noboco 1.15 '59.99 4.85 . 0.9'4 3,4 3 9,1,rx Zone 16 7.20 Goldsboro/ Noboco . 1.20 62.32 37.39 7.26 26,873 30.12 one-7 2.27 Goldsboro!„� . -: Noboco E �0 26 ..,� 13.61 w r 2 58 ; 0.50„ ,,_. 1,854.); .. ,.;2.08 Zone 18 17.09 Goldsboro/ Noboco 1.46 75.75 107.86 20.95 77,529 86.91 Total Application Area 69:37 340.96 Total 245,084 ` = 90.19 Analysis Date 12/6/08 245,044 GPD 10.16 Mgal 41 Days Table 4.-- Recommended Average Annual Hydraulic Loading Rates and Wet Weather Storage Requirements for the Rowan Road Irrigation Zones. Allens Water Balance Report.doc 10 • Zone Irrigation Rates (Wastew ater, Plus Precip-Evap on Storage) Based -upon 80th %o wettest year (inches)`• Jan Feb Mar / Apr May Jun Jul Aug -Sep Oct .Nov Dec Annual Oct -Feb Mar Sep Zone 1 4.15 4.19 5.23 6.65 7.43 6.66 5.96 5.71 5.41 . 5.88 5.07 4.61 • -66.94 ' 23.89 .43.05 Zone 2 ' 3.09 3.23 4.17' 5.63 6.37 5.64 4.90 4.65 . 4.38 4.82 4.04 3.55 54.45 18.72 .35.74 Zone 3 . ' , 3.14 3.27 4.22 5.68 6.42 5.69 4.95 4.70 4.43 4.87 4.09 3.60 55.06 18.97 36.09 ' Zone 4 - - 0.61 2.18 2.81 , 2.19' ' 1.34 1.09 0.93 .1.26 0.59 - , 12.99 1.85 11.14 Zone 5 - - , ' b.56 2.14 2.76- 2.15 1.30 1.04 0.89 ' 1.21 .0.55 - 12.60 1.76 10.84 • Zone 6 2.01 2.25 3.09 4.59 ' 5.30 - 4.60 3.83 3.57 . ' 3.34 - ' 3.74 3.00 2.47 .41.79 13.47 28.32 Zone 7 1.20 1.50 2.28 3.80 4.48 • 3.81 3.01 2.76 2.55 2.93 ; 2.21 1.66 32.19 9.50 22.70 Zone 8 1.77 .2.03 2.86 4.36 5.06 ` 4.36 ' 3.59. 3.33 3.11 3.50 2.77 2.23' `38.98 12.31 26.67 Zone 9 • 0.63 0.98 1.71 3.25 3.9.1 3.25 2.44 2.19 ' 2.00 ' 2,36 1.66 1.09 25.47 6.71 18.76 Zone 10 4.33 4.36 5.41• 6.83 7.61 6.84 6.14 5.89 - 5.58 6.06- 5.24• 4.79 69.07 24.77 44.30 Zone 11 : , 3.75 3.83 4.83 6.27 7.04 , 6.28 ' 5.57' 5.31.- 5.02 5.48 • 4.68 4.21 62.28 21.96 40:62 Zone 12 3.97 4.03 5.05 ' 6.48 7.25- 6.49' . 5.78 5.53 , 5.23 5.70 ' 1-4.89 4.43 64.84 23.02 41.82 Zone 13 3.62 ::3.71 4.71 6.15 6.91 6.15 , 5.44 5.18, 4.90 . 5.35 4.56 ; 4.08 . 60.78 21.33 39.44 Zone 14 4.04 4.10 5.13 6.56 7.33 - . 6.56 5.86 7 5.61 ,5:31 5.78' 4.97 -4.50 65.73 23.39 42.34 Zone 15 3.56 3.65 t 4.64 6.08 ; 6.84 6.09 5.37 5.12 4.84. 5.29 4.50 4.02 59.99 . 21.01 38.98 Zone 16 . 3.75 3.83 4.84 6.27 7.04 .6.28 5.57 5.32 5.03 5.49 4.69 4.21 62.32- 21.97 40.34 Zone 17 - 0.03 0.67 2.24 2.87 2.25 .1:40 1.15 0.99-= 1.32 0.65- 0.05 - 13.61 2.05 11.56 Zone 18. 4.89 , 4.87 5.98 7.38 8.18 .7.38 6.71 . 6.46 6:13 • 6.63, 5.79 5.35 75.75 27.53 48.21 Table S.-Recommended Monthly, Seasonal, and Annual Irrigation Rates in Inches Based Upon the 80th % Wettest Year. . Aliens Water Balance Report.doc 7. Conclusions This report presents a monthly water balance analysis used to design wet weather storage for the expanded wastewater treatment facilities for the Rowan Road supplemental irrigation fields for the Allen Canning Facility, Sampson County, NC. The storage analysis is based upon the 80th percentile wettest condition (combination of precipitation minus losses from evapotranspiration, runoff, and drainage to groundwater) using 72 years of local climatic data that extends from 1936 to 2007. The analysis used soil areas mapped by S&EC as well as and initial soil drainage ratesrecommended by S&EC. The final recommended irrigation rates were based upon drainage rates that groundwater modeling and mounding analyses showed resulted in a likely depth to water of greater than one foot. The annual average rates range from 12.60 inches per year on zone 5 to 75.75 inches per year on zone 18. The annual irrigation capacity for the Rowan Road Fields is 245,000 gallons per day. Wet weather storage requirements for the convergent water balance solution are 10.16 million gallons for the Rowan Road fields and an estimated 17.2 million gallons for the combination of the existing fields and the Rowan Road fields. This volume is less than the estimated: total permitted capacity of the existing reservoir of 20 million gallons. Aliens Water Balance Report.doc 12 /e5arces r, Attachment A. --Water Balance Computation. Year Mo Days per month Average Precip 80th % Wettest Precip 80th % Dryest Precip Average PET Preistley- Taylor SRO © 0.2x 80% Wettest Precip = Zon' 1 : .. Zone 2 ' Zone 3 , i Zone 4 7 '^ Zone 5 -Drain- age ' -Sum'of Losses . , Drain- age Sum of Losses Irrigation Drain- '= age., Sum o1 Irrigatio - Drain- age Sum of Losses Irrigatio Dram-: ',age:: Sum of .Losses � Irrigation , Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches. -Inches ,, _ Inches ,Irrigation', Ac-Ft. .. t."GPD Inches Inches Inches Ac-Ft GPD „inches ,Losses Inches ,n .Inches Ac-Ft 1GPD Inches Inches Inches Ac-Ft GPD InGxs inches -Inches Ac-Ft .GPD. 1, Jan 31 " 4.04 4,58 3.51 1.81 0.90 6,03 "'8.73 '"4.15 '-0.67-`-',6,999 4.97 7.67 3.09 0.83 8,721 "°,5,D2- , 7.72 3.14 ' 3.06, ','32,117' 1.40 4.11 - - - :;1.36. :',4.06 ;=. - - Feb 26.25 3.81 4.32 3.31 2.17 0.84 5:49 8.51 '4.19 ` 0.67. 7,764 4.53 7.54 3.23 0.87 10,001 , '4.57 '7.59 3.27 " 3.19 '36,756 128 4.30 - - - " -124 : -4,26` c - - Mar 31 4.36 4.94 3.79 3.18 0.97 6.03 '10.17 523 0.84 8,828 4.97 9.11 4.17 1.12 11.783 5.02 9.16 4.22 4.11 43,209 1.40 5.55 0.61 0.10 1,005 '1.38 5.51 ' 0:56 =0.04 `- 383 Apr 30 3.31 3.76 2.88 3.85 0.73 5.83 10.41 =.6.65' 1.07 . - 11,608 4.81 9.39 5.63 1.51 16,437 4.86 9.44 5.68 5.53 , 60,069 1.36 5.94 2.18 ' 0.34 3,731 ''. 1.32 ,...5,90 2.14 0.14 „ 1,504 May 31 3.21 3.64 2.79 4.34 0.71 "8.03 11.08 7.43 ' 1:19 ; 12,544 4.97 10.02 637 1.71 18.004 -..'.5.02 10.07 8.42 ' 6.26 .65,745. 1.40 6.45 2.81 0.44 4,649 „ 1.36 , 6.41 = 2.76. 0.18 -` 1,881 Jun 30 3.92 4.45 3.41 4.41 0.87 , 5.83 11.11 - 6.66 ; 1.07 .11,620. 4.81 10.08 5.64 1.52 16,456 °_4.86. 10,13 5.69 ,. 5.54,,..'.60,138.' 1.36 6.63 2.19 0.34 3,742 , 1.32 ;, 6.59 - 2.15 0.14 . -":1,508 Jul 31 4.90 5.56 4.26 4.41 1.09 6:03 . 11.52 „ 5.98 ' ".0,96; "'10;066 4.97 10.46 4.90 1.32 13,855'_. ..i 5.02 10.51 4.95' 4.83 50,7171, 1.40 6.90 1.34 0.21 2,219 1a1.38 '•.:= 6.86 1,30 0.08 : 882' Aug 31 4.78 5.43 4.16 4.05 1.06 6.03 11.13 •=-'5.71` 50:92 ' `,'9,636 4,97 10.07 4.65 1.25 13,135 " 5.02 1013. 4.70 4.58-, `48;108;= 1,40 6.51 1.09 0.17 1,797 ;168, i,'8,47° -•:. 1.04 ' 0.07 .' ',, 709'.. Sep 30 ' 4.07 4.62 3.54 3.29 0.90 5.83 10.02 '' 5,41` . 0.87' ` 9,431'" 4.81 9.00 4.38 1.18 12,792 ' 4.86 ; 9.05 4.43 4.31 "'46,8644 1.36 5.55 0.93 0.15 1,596 '.1.32 ,.'5.51, '' 0,89 ` 0.06 -r626: Oct 31 325 3.69 2.83 2.82 0.72 6.03 657 '"5.88 0.94 9,922 4.97 8.51 4.82 1.30 13615 5.02 8.56 4.87 4,74 ` 49,846 1.40 4.94 1.26 0.20 2,078 '1.36 `, 4.90 1.21 0.08 ' ''824. Nov 30 2.99 3.39 2,59 1.96 0.66 5.83 8.45 5.07 0.81 8637 4,81 7.43 4.04 1.09 11.799 4.86 7.48 4.09 3.98 43267 1.36 3.98 0.59 0.09 1,014 ,'1.32 3.94 0.55 ",. 0,04:'-• 387 Dec 31 3.38 3.83 2.94 1.66 0.75 6,03 ' 8.44 4.61 0.74 7,777 4.97 7,38 • 3.55 0.95 10,023 5.02 743 3.80. 3.50 36,834 1.40 3.81 - .- - 1.36 ','3.77 - - -°`.. 2 Jan 31 4.04 4.58 3,51 1.81 D.90 6.03 8.73 4.15 . 0.67 6,999 4.97 7.67 3.09 0.83 ' 6721 5.02 7.72 , 3.14 3.06 32,117, 1.40 4,11 - - - ..1,38 „'4:06 , - .. Feb 28.25 3.81 4.32 3.31 2.17 0.84 5,49 '8.51 4.19 ' 0.67- 7,764 4.53 7,54 3.23 0.87 10,001 4.57. ' 7,59 3.27 3,19 36,756 128 4.30 - - - : 124 ' 4,28 - , - - - Mar 31 4.36 4.94 3.79 3.18 ; 0.97 6.03 . 10.17 , 5.23 , 0.84 _', 8,828 4.97 9.11 4.17 1.12 11383 5.02 9.16. 422 ..4.11 ' `43209' 1,40 5.55 0.61 0,10 1.005 "..1.36, :-.5.51, °_" 0.56 '- 0.04 ""383. Apr 30 3,31 3.76 2.88 3.85 0.73 5.83 - 10.41 6.65 1.07 ' 11,608r 4.81 9.39 5,63 1,51 16,437 -= 4.86 9.44 5.68 •.. 5.53 " 60,069 1.36 5.94 2.18 0.34 3,731 ^''32 ',, 5.90 ''2:14" - 0,14 . 1,504 May 31 3.21 3,64 2.79 4.34 0.71 6.03 '11.08 -7.43 , 1.19 12,544 4.97 10.02 6.37 1.71 18604 ; 5,02 10.07 ' 6.42 ' 6,26 65,745 1.40 6.45 2,81 0.44 4,649 1.36 ' -6,41 2,76 0.18 . ' 1,881 Jun 30 3.92 4.45 3.41 4.41 0.87 5,83 ' 11.11 6,66' 1,07 11,620 4.81 10.08 5.64 1,52 16,456 4.86 10.13 5.69 5,54 , .60,138 1.36 6,63 2.19 0.34 3342 "1.32. ' 6.59 2.15 0.14 1,508 Jul 31 4.9D 5.56 4.26 4.41 1,09 6,03. . 11.52 5,96 0.96 10,066 4.97 10.46 4.90 1.32 13,855 5.02 10.51 4.95 4,83 50,717 1.40 6.90 1.34 0.21 2,219 -. 1..36- 6.86 1,30 0.08 ' 882 Aug 31 4.78 5.43 4.16 4.05 1.06 , - 6.03 11.13 ' 531 0,92 9,636 4.97 10,07 4.65 1.25 13,135 ' 5.02 10.13 4.70 4.58 . 48,108. 1.40 6.51 1.09 0.17 1,797 ' " 1.38 '6,47. ' 1.04 0.07 . '709 Sep 30 4,07 4.62 3,54 3.29 0.90 ' 5.83 10.02 .5.41 0.87 9,431 4.81 9.00 4,38 1.18 12,792 . 4.86 '9.05 4.43 4.31 46.864 1.36 5.55 0.93 0,15 1,596 , ^' 1.32 ' '651 = 0.89 0.06 626. Oct 31 3,25 3.69 2.83 2.82 0.72 _' 6.03 9.57, '. '5.88- : A.94 ' .,- 9,922. 4.97 8.51 4.82 1.30 13,615 ,''5.02 . 8:56 ' 4.87 " 4.74 ! ' `49,846i. 1,40 4.94 1.26 0.20 2,078 „ =1.30 „C.,'4,90. "' 1.21 , 0.08 "824 Nov 30 2,99 3.39 2.59 1,96 0,66 .5.83. ;;8.45 .; 5.07 ,,.0181 - K8,837 4.81 7.43 4.04 1.09 11399 4.86 ',,' 7,48 `s..4.09' ' 3.98 _,'- 43,267 1.36 3.98 0.59 0.09 1,014 '1.32, . 3.94 :;',0.55 .-0.04 . ,::.387 Dec 31 3.36 3.83 2.94 1,66 0.75 . '6,03' . ,^,8,44; ., 461. : 0,74 "2'7,777 4,97 7.38 3.55 0.95 10,023 , 5 02 . 7,43' _ 3.60 -3.50 ,:36,834s 1.40 3.81 - - - ';'1.36' " 327 , 3 Jan ' 31 4.04 4,58 3.51 1.81 0.90 '6.03' ^ 8.73 '.,4.15. 0,67- _. 6,999 4.97 7.67 3,09 0.83 8,721 ;`,5.02 ..7.72 3,14 -= 3,06 ' 32,117 1.40 4,11 - - Feb 28.25 3.81 4.32 3.31 2.17 0.84 5.49 8.51 ' 4.19 '0.67. ... -7,764 4.53 7.54 3,23 0.87 10,001 : 4,57 7.59 327 3.19. 36,756 1.28 4,30 - - - 124. 4.26'.. - '- " ' .- Mar 31 4.36 4.94 3,79 3.18 0,97 8,03 10.17 • 5.23 0.84 8,828 4.97 9.11 4.17 1.12 11,783 5.02 9.16 ., '4.22 4.11. 43,209` 1.40 5.55 0,61 0.10 1,005 , ,1:36 _ 5,51 0.56 ''0.04 1 ,'. 383 Apr 30 3.31 3.76 2.88 3.85 0.73 5.83 10.41 -' 6,65 - 1,07. , 11,608 4.81 9.39 5.63 1.51 16,437 4,86 - .; 9.44 5,68 5.53. ' 60,069 1.36 5.94 2.18 0,34 3,731 ; 132 '=: 5.90 - 2:14 ' 0.14 1,504 May 31 3.21 3.64 2.79 4.34 671 . ,6,03 '..11,08. ^ 7i43; , 1,19 : 12,544 4.97 10.02 6.37 1.71' 18,004 '5.02 ,'10.07 " 8.42 6.26 ' 65,745 1,40 6.45 ' 2.81 0,44 4,649 ;1.36 ".`:,8.41 . '2,76 0.18 '.'' 3;881` Jun 30 3.92 4.45 3.41 4.41 D.87 5,83 ':;11.11 _6.66 ''1.07- ' 11,620 4.81 10.08 5.64 1.52 16,456 '4.86 s 10.13 5.69 ',' 5.54 ' .60,138- 1.36 6.63 2,19 0,34 3742 1,32 -,,,'„'.:-6.59' - 2:15 ' 0.14 1,508 Jul 31 4.90 5.56' 4.26 4.41 1.09 6,03 11,52 '' 5.96, . 0.96` , '10,066 4.97 10.46 4.90 1.32 13,855 =,5.02 '10.51 4.95 4,83. ,,50:717' 1.40 6,90 1.34 0,21 2,219 =.1.36; :;6,88 ' 1.30 -; 0.08` 1: ;882, Aug 31 4.78 5,43 4.16 4.05 1,06 6.03 :11,13 ' 5,71` 0.9' ' • 9,636 4.97 10.07 4.65 1.25 13,135 5.02 :-10,13 4.70' 4,58 ` ''48106 1.40 6.51 1.09 0.17 1,797 "1.36, "' s6.47 :1.04 607 ' ' 709 Sep 30 4.07 4.62 3,54- 3.29 0,90 5.83 ,10.02 .5,41 :687- ', - 9,431 4,81 9.00 4.38 1.18 12,792 - 4.88 : `1.05 4,43 4.31 46,864 1,36 5.55 0,93 0,15 1,596 „1132 -".-6.51 0.89 0,06 '-.626- Oct 31 3.25 3.69 2.83 2.82 0.72 6.03 9.57 ,' 5,88 0.94 .9,922 4.97 8,51 4.82 1,30 13,615 . 5.02 . 8.56 4.87 4.74 49,846 1.40 4.94 1.26 0.20 2,078 : 1.36 , 4.90 . 1.21 0.08 a 824 Nov 30 2.99 3.39 2.59 1.96 0.66 5.83 .' 8.45 ." 5.07 0,81 - 8,837 4.81 7,43 4.04 1.09 11,799 4,86 ` 748 4.09 3.98 1 43,267 1,36 3,98 0,59 0,09 1,014 1.32 _ 3.94 , 0.55 0.04 ' ' .387 Dec 31 3.38 3.83 2.94 1.66 0,75 '603.:,. 8.44 -. 4.81 0.74 :'- "i7,777 4.97 7.38 3.55 0,95 10,023 . 5.02 7.43 ', 3,60 3.50. „,36;834: 1.40 3.81 K.1.38 .,. 377_• 4 Jan 31 4.04 4.58 3.51 1.81 0.90 "`8.03 ' 8,73' :.4.15' 0.67 '..,..=6,999. 4.97 7.67 3.09 0.83 8,721 .. 5,02 :7,72 3.14 . 3,06 '. ,32,113. 140 4,11 - , 1.36, _ 4 06 ""-- Feb 28.25 3.81 4.32 3.31 - 2.17 0.84 ., 5:49 , . 8:51 , 4,19 , 0.67 -.f.,7,764: 4,53 7,54 3.23 0.87 ' 10,001 ",.4.57,- ' 7.59 .', 327, 3.19" '.' 36,756 1.28 . 4.30 - - - "' ,1'24 .4,26 ," - Mar 31 4.36 4,94 3,79 3,18 0.97 6,03 ';1017 ',523' 084 ° '8,828 4,97 9.11 4.17 1.12 11,783 502, 916 '412 Of- '` 43,209' 1.40 5,55 ' 0.61 0.10 1,005 166' 651 t 0,66 0,04 ,383, Apr 30 3.31 376 2.88 3.85 0.73 ;.5.83 .10,41 .6.65^ , , 1.07 ,• ;':.11,808` 4.81 9.39 5.63 1,51 16,437 4,86, a -9.44 ,;,5:68 5,53 +: '60,069t 1,38 5,94 2.18 0.34 3,731 ' 1.32 ', 690 .,,2.14 '0,14'' .,1,504' May 31 3.21 3.64 2.79 4,34 0.71 6.03 11.08 ' .7.43'' 1.19 '".,.12,544 4,97 10,02 6.37 1.71 18,004 : "562' '•` 10,07 a"6:42 6,26. ; ':, 65,745, 1,40 6.45 2.81 0.44 4,649 °'"1,36 ', 6,41 .-'" 2.76 0,18 `.: 1.881 Jun 30 3.92 4.45 3.41 4.41 0,87 ;5.83' r:;11.11.','., 6.66 1.07 .11,620 4.81 10.08 5.64 1.52 16,456 ' 4.86 10,13 r. 5.69 5.54 „-', 60,138. 1,36 ' 6.63 2.19 0,34 3,742 =', 1.32 ^, 659 5',2.15 , 0.14';. . 1,508. Aliens Water Balance ReporLdoc 13 Attachment A (continued). --Water Balance Computation. Year Mo - Days per month - Average Precip Both % Wettest Precip 80th % Dryest Precip Average PET Preisuey- Taylor SRO x 80% Wettest Precip Zone 6 . Zane , Zone 8 ` Zone9 - Zone 10 Drain- age Sum of Losses Irrigatio n Drain- _age, Sum of Losses Irrigattoo , ., ,. , ,.- Drain- age Sum of Losses Irrigatio n Drain -age - - Sum of Losses Irigatio n <> Drain- age Sum of Losses Irrigatio n Inches "Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches .Ac-Ft GPD Inches Inches `Irnches Ae.F"t IGPD. Inches Inches Inches Ac-Ft GPD ,Inches ,- Inches 'Inches ,Ac-Ft `GPO �-, Inches fiches Inches Ac-Ft GPO 1 Jan 31 4.04 4.58 3.51 1.81 0.90 3.89 6.59 2.01 0.33 3,419 3.08 "5.78, -`<120` 0.10; , ' ' 1,048" 3.65 6.36 1.77 0.38 4,019 ;'2.51 ; 5.21' ' " 0.63 `-r 0,04 ' ;<-434' 6.21 8.91 4.33 0.66 6,935 Feb - 28.25 3.81 4.32 3.31 • 2.17 0.84 3.55 6.56 2.25 0.36 4,190 2.80 _ 5.82 ' 1.50 0.13. "., .1,442,; 3.33 6.35 2.03 0.44 5,046 228 5.30. - 0.98 - 0,06 - , 747- 5.66 8.67 4.36 0.66 7,661 'Mar 31 4.36 4.94 3.79 3,18 0.97 3.89 8,04 3.09 -0.50 5,261 - 3.08' 7.22 " 2.28 D.19 , 1,993 3.65 7.80 2.86 0.62 6,475 •„. 2.51 6.65: '' 1.71 -0.11. _' 1,184 6.21 10.35 5.41 0.83 8,672 Apr 30 3.31 3.76 2.88 3.85 0.73 3.77 8.35 4.59 0.74 8,062 2:98" '""7,56 3,80' - 0,32- , 3,432 3.53 8.12 4.36 0.94 10,210 - - 2.43 . 7.01 3.25 ' 0,21 -.',' 2,324 6.01 10.59 6.83 1.04 11.312 May 31 3.21 3.64 2.79 4.34 0.71 3.89 8.94 5.30 0.86 9,004 3.08 18.13 e,4.48: ; 0,37` ` ' 3,916 3.65 8.70 5.06 1.09 11.467 `"2.51' " 7.56 , 3.91 ° 0,26 ' `-2,708. 6.21 11.26 7.61 1.16 12.200 Jun 30 3.92 4.45 3,41 4.41 0.87 3.77 9.04 4.60 0.74 8,073 2.98, _8.25' 3.61 t D 32F , .._ 3.438 3.53 8.81 4.36 0.94 10,225 '2,43 4 7,7o- .3 25 60,21 w, 2,329.. 6.01 11.28 6.84 1.04 11,322 Jul 31 4.90 5.56 4.26 4.41 1.09 ' 3.89 9.39 3.83 0.62 6,508 3 08; ,8 57, , ; 3.01 ",' ; `0:26 , ` 2,633: 3.65 9.15 3.59 0.77 8,138 ; 2:51„ 8.00' 2;44 ; `0.16 a -^ ; 1,692' 6.21 11.70 6.14 0.94 6847 Aug 31 4.78 5.43 4.16 4.05 1.06 3.89 9.00 3.57 0.58 6,075 ' 3.08`', 8.19 ,. 2.76° .' 0.23- = 2:411; 3.65 8.76 3,33 0.72 7,560 ` -' 2.51 '7,61,. 2,19 ,'0.1„4 :` , ,1,515" 6.21 11.32 5.89 0.90 9,439 Sep 30 4.07 4.62 3.54 3.29 0.90' 3.77 7.96 3.34 0.54 5,868 . 2.98 < .; 7.17 - 2.55 0 21, , ' 2:305 3.53 7.72 3.11 0.67 7285 - - ' 2,43 6.62 , 2 00" 0.13. - 1,431' 6.01 10.20 5.58 0.85 9,244 Oct 31 3.25 3.69 2.83 2.82 0.72 3.89 7.43 3.74 0.61 6,364 3.08= . 6.62 •` 2.93.; _'=0.24' % .2,559- 3.65 7.19 3.50 0.76 7,945 -`-' -2.51` 6.05° .2.36 , 0.16 ,;.- 1,633 6.21 9.75 6.06 0.92 9,711 Nov 30 2.99 3.39 2.59 1.96 0.66 3.77 6.39 3.00 0.49 5,271 2.98 `";.5,60 „-2.21: = 0.18. '" ,-1,998 3,53 6.15 2.77 0.60 6.488 , - 2.43` ,, 5.05,. 1.66, -'0.11` 1 188 6.01 8.63 5.24 0.80 8.681 Dec 31 3.38 3.83 2.94 1.66 0.75 3.89 6.30 2.47 0.40 4,203 '� 3.08'. f' 5,49 ..1.66: , 0.14 .:-" 1,448 3.65 6.06 2.23 0.48 5,063 . ` 2.51 ; '4.92 1.09 _:0.07 - 753 6.21 8.62 4.79 0.73 7673 2 Jan 31 4.04 4.58 3.51 1.81 0.90 3.89 6.59 2.01 0.33 3,419 ; 3,08 ;; 5,78' ' 1.20; 010 -::;;1,046] 3.65 6.36 1.77 0.38 4,019 ,..2.51" . 5.21 =0,63 ; 0,04 -"" 434" 6.21 8.91 4.33 0.66 6,935 Feb 28.25 3.81 4.32 3.31 2.17 0.84 3.55 6.56 2.25 0.36 4,190 2.80 -582, '1;50, 4 013 =,1,442 3.33 6.35 2.03 0.44 5,046 ` 228..'., 5.33: 698 '0,06 :. .747; 5.66 8.67 4.36 0.66 7,661 Mar 31 4.36 4.94 3.79 3.18 0.97 3.89' 8.04 3.09 0.50 5,261 , 3:08 ; 7.22 2.28 ,0.19 "i 1;993 3.65 7.80 2.86 0.62 6,475 „ 251, 6.65` ,,17'4 ;` 0..11 .tea 1„I ' 6.21 10.35 5.41 0.83 8,672 1 Apr 30 3.31 3.76 2.88 3.85 0.73 3.77 8.35 4.59 0.74 8062 "2.98`- =7.89 , 3.80' .0.32 , 3,432" 3.53 8.12 4.36 0.94 10,210 243•> 7.01: 73.25 "` 0.21' Z" r 2,324 6.01 10.59 6.83 1.04 11,312 May 31 3.21 3.64 - 2.79 4.34 0.71 3.89 8.94 5.30 0.86 9,004 ' 3.08 ; ::'8.13. 4.48 . 0.372 , 3,916: 3.65 8.70 5.06 1.09 11,467 - 2.51: ; 7.56_ ,,3.91 ,. 0.26, ' 2,708 6.21 11.26 7.61 1.16 12,200 Jun 30 3.92 4,45 3.41 4.41 0.87 3,77 9.04 4.60 0.74 8,073 2.98 8.25 , 3,81. .0.32 - 3,438 3.53 8.81 4.36 0.94 10,225 ' - '2.43• 7.70. 3.25 ' 0.21 . 2,329 6.01 11.28 6.84 1.04 11,322 Jul 31 4.90 5.56 4.26 4.41 1.09 3.89 9.39 3.83 0.62 6,508 3,06 . :8:57' ' 3.01 "0.25 `2,633; '[ 3.65 9.15 3.59 0.77 8,138 .., 2.51 8.00 : ` 2.44 ;'r= 0,16. 11892 6.21 11.70 6.14 0.94 9,847 Aug 31 4.78 5.43 4.16 4.05 1.06 3.89 9.00 3.57 0.58 6,075 3.06 t-,8.19` ' 2.76, - 6.23 .:-2,411,. 3.65 8.76 3.33 0.72 7,560 2,51 7.61' 2,19- - 0.14 :r- 1,515 6.21 11.32 5.89 0.90 9,439 Sep 30 4.07 4.62 3.54 3.29 0.90 3.77 7.96 3.34 0.54 5.868 2,98 :,. 7.17 . 2.55;, 0.21, -`,"2,305 3.53 7.72 3.11 0.67 7,285 " 2.43 - 6.62` . 2.00 ,-3.13 *'1,431' 6.01 10.20 5.58 0,85 9,244 Oct 31 3,25 3.69 2.83 2.82 0.72 3.89 7.43 3.74 0.61 6,364 308 =5'76,62. ;2.93`: 024; -- 2:559;_ 3.65 7.19 3.50 0.76 7,945 ' 251 .6,05) 236 -1016, ,;1;633` 6.21 9.75 6.06 0,92 9,711 Nov 30 2,99 3,39 2.59 1.96 0.66 3,77 6.39 3.00 0.49 6271 2 98 5.60 2,21 018 " h;998 3.53 6.15 2.77 0.60 6,486 2.43 5.05 , A 66 , 0,11 "13188' 6.01 8,63 5.24 0.80 8,681 Dec 31 3.38 3.83 2.94 1.66 0.75 3.89 6.30 2.47 0.40 4,203 308 '=";5.49, "1,663 0.14 1,448i 3.65 6.06 2.23 0.48 5,063 ,'"2;51 4.92 _.1:09 -'0,07 ��{63' 6.21 8.82 4.79 0.73 7,673 3 Jan 31 4.04 4.58 3.51 1.81 0.90 3.89 6.59 2.01 0.33 3,419 3,08• "15,78 1,20= " 0.10' `- ;1,046 3.65 6.36 1.77 0.38 4019 2,51 5,21-: , 0,63 . 0,04' "x' 434. 6.21 8.91 4,33 0.66 6,935 Feb 28.25 3,81 4.32 3.31 2.17 0.84 3.55 6.56 2.25 0.36 4,190 2,80, .'5,82 1,50=. 0.13 1;442: 3,33 6.35 2,03 0.44 5,046 2.28' 5.30-: ,;0.98 .'"0,06' . ,147"i 5,66 8.67 4.36 0.66 7,661 Mar 31 4.36 4,94 3.79 3.18 0.97 3,89 8.04 3.09 0.50 5,261 3.08" ; " 7.22 2.28 0,19,. , ;,1,993 3,65 7,80 2.86 0.62 6,475 2.51 ` 8.65 ,1.71 •' 0,11, " ' 1 184 6,21 10.35 5,41 0.83 8,672 Apr 30 3.31 3.76 2.88 3.85 0.73 3,77 8.35 4.59 0.74 8,062 ,'2,98' ' =7,58' 2.80 ,,, 0,32 ..=-, 3,432 3.53 8.12 4.36 0.94 10,210 - 2.43 = 7.01::• ' 3.25' 021 - -,-2,324 6.01 10.59 6.83 1.04 11,312 May 31 3.21 3,64 2.79 4.34 0.71 3.89 8.94 5,30 0.86 9,004 ,„: 3.08` ' '813 -.'4,48: D 37 3,916' 3.65 8.70 5.06 1.09 11,467 ,. 2,51 ''7,56`- "r-, 3,91' ;'0 26 :-'2,708; 6.21 11,26 7.61 1.16 12.200 Jun 30 3.92 4,45 3,41 4.41 0.87 3.77 9.04 4.60 0.74 8,073 2.98 ",825 P,,3,81a 032 N,.3,438- 3,53 8.81 4.36 0.94 10,225 243 «7.70; ?825 ^„021 2,329, 6.01 11.28 6.84 1.04 11,322 Jul 31 4.90 5,56 4.26 4.41 1.09 3.89 9.39 3.83 0,62 6,508 „'3,08 857 23,01, s 025 ;,=2,633` 3.65 9.15 3.59 0.77 8,138 2,51" 1'8.00i .. 2,44 6,16 '.'=.1,692 6.21 11.70 6.14 0.94 9,847 Aug 31 4.78 5.43 4.16 4.05 1.06 3.89 9.00 3.57 0.58 6,075 ,,,3,08 ;, 8,19 , '276' 0.23- ; '2,411f 3,65 8.76 3.33 0.72 7,560 :, `2.51 , 7.61' " 2.19 ',-0:14 1;515', 6.21 11.32 5.89 0.90 9,439 Sep 30 4.07 4.62 3,54 3,29 0.90 3,77 7.96 3.34 0.54 5,868 268 •.7.17 2.55` 0,21 2,305 3,53 7.72 3.11 0.67 7,285 ,-`, 2.43 ' 6.62:. 2.00- ..013 `1,431 6.01 10.20 5.58 0.85 9,244 Oct 31 3.25 3.69 2.83 2,82 0.72 3,89 7,43 3.74 0.61 6,364 3.08 ; 6,62 ,=2.93 , 0.24 ":2,559. 3.65 7.19 3.50 0.76 7,945 " ; ' 2.51 ` ' 6,05i, 2.36 .618 ' - 1,633 6.21 9,75 6.06 0.92 9,711 Nov 30 2.99 3.39 2.59 1.96 0,66 3.77 6.39 3.00 0.49 5,271 .2.98' ;;-5,60 ' 2.21=- ,-0.18 _= "1,998i. 3.53 6.15 2.77 0.60 6.488 ' =. 2.43 ,. 5.05 1.66, - `0.11 1,188 6.01 8,63 5.24 0.80 8,681 Dec 31 3.38 3.83 2.94 1.66 0.75 3.89 6.30 2.47 0.40 4,203 ` 3,08' ' 5,49- 1.68 0.14' .' 1,448° 3.65 6.06 2.23 0.48 5,063 °, 2.51-', 4.92 1,09, 007; =m -753. 6.21 8.62 4.79 0.73 7,673 4 Jan 31 4.04 4.58 3.51 1.81 0.90 3.89 6.59 2.01 0.33 3,419 3,06,�;5.76 120 �+ '0;10 ' I, '1;046 3.65 6.36 1,77 0.38 4,019 ;: ' 2,51 ', 5.21=i-n 0.63 '004 "`;434% 6.21 8.91 4.33 0.66 6,935 Feb 28.25 3,81 4.32 3.31 2.17 0.84 3.55 6,56 2.25 0.36 4,190 ,,,280 ' 582, ' 1,50, , 0,13, ' 1;442 3.33 6.35 2.03 0.44 5,046 ng, ,;2:28 i."'5:30E ,�0,98. ;, 006 ..,:747 5.66 8.67 4.36 0.66 7,661 Mar 31 4.36 4.94 3.79 3.18 0.97 3.89 8,04 3.09 0,50 5,261 3 08 '.' 722 2.23 0 19 ",,,1,993 3.65 7.80 2.86 0,62 6,475 2.51 6.65, ;4 71 ;0 11 ;1;184; 6.21 10.35 5,41 0,83 6,672 Apr 30 3.31 3.76 2.88 3.85 0.73 3.77 8.35 4.59 0.74 8,062 2.98 ''756 ,3,80; 032 .. 3,432; 3.53 8.12 4.36 0,94 10,210 2.43 1.01 ,,3.25 .`021 1,2,324' 6,01 10.59 6.83 1.04 11,312 May 31 3.21 3,64 2.79 4.34 0.71 3.89 8.94 5.30 0.86 9,004 , 3,08 , 8,13 ,•,4,48: . 0,37. , '3,916 3.65 8.70 5.06 1.09 11467 2,51" 7.56`I. `3.91 .. 026 :2,708 6.21 11.26 7.61 1.16 12,200 Jun 30 3.92 4.45 3.41 4.41 0.87 3.77 9.04 4.60 0.74 8,073 2.98; 8.25 3.81- , 0,32.;. t - 3,438 3.53 8.81 4.36 0.94 10,225 . `.. 2.43 ' 7.70. 3.25 „„.0.21 ;- 2,329 6,01 11,28 6,84 1.04 11,322 Allen s Water Balance Report.4oc 14 SI oop'Vodaa aoue]es JaLem sualIV ESE'S, '°: 64;0 60'9 ..49'OL,, 9Z;S:I 606'96 9L'9 95'9 L0'LL EL'S 6961 E ; 60'l' ,Z 51.'9 - 09'01:.',Z£'S 9E61Z Z0'Z 66'9 46'01 99'S OLB'S,-, :, SE'0 9Z'9.- ,£L'0l. 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