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WQ0004268_Hydrogeologic Report_20081216
Soil & Environm•erital_ Consul-a{{t�s;PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road''- Raleigh North Carolina 27614 - Phone (9,19) 846=5960` Fax (919) 844467 www.SandEC corn: u t„ Fr�0.209` U December-16, 2009 T Revised Febivary ,19; 2009 - •.Ea le Resources,`,Inc. Att ' EncLappala ; 4005 `Lake Springs Court r Raleigh, NC 27613 Re: Revised Agronomist Report for Proposed Industrial Waste to be applied at the. ; Alfens, Inc. Plant #7 Sampson.County, NC.' S&EC-Project #10,977..83. I. , Introduction Soil & Environmental Consultants; PA, (S&EC) has completed a preliminary agronomist "report fot the site referenced above.,. This report addressees the requirements set forth 'by _ .-15A the, (i) concerning-the'agronomic management plan for surface wastewater -,disposal, where spray irrigation field s are used 'as final wastewater receiver - sites. The purpose, of this report is to- perform an agronomic evaluation which. determines the, he feasibility of using portions of a 360.4c tract for additional spray field area as.,a receiyer:site for the future:expansion of the canning'facility. -:As part -of the study, fields ,were -'analyzed to determine agronomic limitations based on .hypothetical hydraulic , _loading: rates• of the proposed wastewater source. 'Industrial-.wastewater.generated from the Allens, -Inc.'-Plant.#7 canning facility is. current] y,appijed,to'-100.3 acres,of land locate&south of the canning facility. Wastewater is pre-treated by;passirig through a series of sedimentation and storage,basin"s before ,final land application.' 'In essence, wastewater flows -ouf of the;plant,'through a hydrosieve ! ,' --(separate' .'solids -from liquids) and into 3-acre settling lagoon where final sedimentation takes place. From -this sedimentation lagoon, -wastewater flows into a 27; acre storage -lagoon where it -awaits -final landapplication:.to:fescue'grass and Coastal bermudagrass by- :. spray 'irrigation: _ As currently,pennitted, this' site can ;apply 415,000 gallons of treated effluent;per day to the existing spray.fields.. Since,Allen_Canning Company wishes to increase production capacity of the facility; an additional' 360-ac tract' of land is currently . being considered-for;wastewater disposal. ,The proposed 360-ac parcel is located approximately 2 mi'les southwest of the existing canning facility on Rowan Road. The -new -spray field configuration currently under consideration can be found' in the"' hydrogeologicaI report completed by Eagle Resources.This scenario considers using a Charlotte Office: " . Greensboro Office: 236 LePhillip " Court, SuiCe C 3817-E Lawndale'Drive , Concord,, NC 28025 '. Greensboro; NC 27455 Phone:. (704) 720=9405 Phone: -(336) 540-8234 Fax: ('336) ' Fax ' (104) 720-9406 : < _ 540-8235 ` new drainage system.in the eastern portion' of the site to lower the -water table, allowing for additional spray area. As proposed, irrigation rates vary by zone,.ranging from 9.26- . - to 65.62 ;inches/year, accommodating a total daily wastewater flow up to _187,23.9 gallday. Monthly- and -annual. hydraulic loading rates by individual zones can be found in the-.. hydrogeological report completed by Eagle:Resources. S&EC-used these -proposed hydraulic loading "rates as a basis .for determining nutrient and heavy metal loading.on individual zones. ; ;• IL: Soil Sampling Methods and Proposed Cronnin�' Scheme The soils of the proposed application site's are described in the soil scientist's report dated February`14,-2008 by S&EC. Refer to..this report_and-associatedmaps for additional soil background information.- Based on tlie.soils evaluation, the,upland soils on this tract that. are within the proposed application areas are most similar to the Norfolk, Wagram, Goldsboro, Noboco, Tarboro and Kalmia soit series. After identification to the series level, the soils were.further categorized into map units based on similar morphological . characteristics and/or high frequency, of.association. - The identified map units were 1) Norfolk/Wagram,t2) Goldsb6ro/Noboo6 and,3) Tarboro/Kalmia. = - For agronomic sampling purposes, proposed spray areas were divided into two major' regions; based on historical cropping conditions.. Based on the soil scientist and., hydrogeologi'cai evaluation, approximately 66,.767ac of the entire tract",contains areas . deemed usable.for spray, irrigation. .The eastern half of the tract has been recently logged with'the intention of converting the- area into-a;hay.field. This spray area,is referred to as the "hay..field"-area.'The western half of the tract has been rotated between -corn, tobacco. and other row crops in recent years. This area is referred to as the "ag field". area. Composite samples of both areas ("ag field" and "hay field") were, created by collecting . -random cores from theupper 12 inches of soil throughout the two areas. Soil fertility, sample results are. report in Appendix l- and -summarized in Table 1. In the, soil, fertility f analysis --report, F=1 refers to the composite sample collected from the "a field." whereas. W-2 refers to -the "hay field" composite sample. Soils were not analyzed for nitrogen due ; to the dynamic nature, of soil N: Likewise 'soils were not analyzed for heavy metals given that historical crop management does not indicate any prior heavy-metal loading. -Table L, Soil Fertility Results. Summary for Selected,Nutrierits/Parameters: 'Sample, ID' Sample area H P K .: M Ca Na 804 Zn Mn Fe , Cu -- ---------------- ------------ P m------- ---------------------------- =---- F.-1 a6 field 5.4. 136 82 50- 260 14, 11 :. 4.9 6 . 155 1.9 W-2 ' hayfield.' _ 4.7 26 14 35 A 90 12 14 -. 0.9 1 , 7. "1 1'92 0.3 In' order- to maximize wastewater.,disposal from' a nutrient -use: standpoint, Coastal, bermudagrass lies been proposed as the final receiver crop-on'the spray areas.- Coastal ' bermudagrass, a hybrid bermudagrass variety, is a warm season perennial that grows quickly in the summer months. and -has a high capacity,to,assimilate plant nutrients, making it well -suited for'wastewater disposal" applications. Since bermudagrass goes . dormant in the late fall, wintertime wastewater application will be accommodated by over -seeding the bermudagrass with winter annual rye. Grass will be cut, baled and removed off -site on an "as -needed" basis. IV. Wastewater Analysis and Nitrogen Loading Laboratory analysis of wastewater samples was -provided to S&EC for the following dates: 3/31/2007, 8/3/2007, 12/10/07, 3/19/08, 7/7/08 and-.11/17/08. According to . facility officials, samples were collected from a discharge pipe that transfers wastewater from the, 27-ac storage_ lagoon to the existing spray fields. Nitrogen is the plant nutrient that is typically the most limiting to wastewater application'. A summary of wastewater-N fractions is provided in Table 2. Based on the data provided, the combined nitrate (NO3--N) and nitrite (NO2 -N) nitrogen has averaged approximately 0.36 mg.NO3-=N - . NOZ -N /L. Sample results indicate an average ammonium concentration of 15.80, mg NH4+7N /L. Wastewater organic-NN was calculated by"subtracting the wastewater ammonium concentration from the reported Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) values. ,Table 2. -Summary of N-Fractions from Allens, -Inc.- Plant #7 Wastewater Analysis. Location Date .TKN NH3" - NO3 : NO2 . Inor =N Or -N m /L m '/L mg/L m /L m /L m /L Allen's - 3/2/2007 43.70 `24.60 0.12 0.00 24.72 19.10 Allen's' 11 /16/2007 56.00 1:82 0.00 0.00 1.82 54.18 Allen's 7/11/2007 63.00 37.50 - 0.00.- 0.00 37.50 25.50 Allen's' 3/3/2008 -56.60 6.33 0.00 0'.00 1 6.33 50.27 , Allen's 7/7/2008 '47.30 24.20 0.10 0.00 24.30 23.10 Allen's 11/17/2008 22.10 0.34 1.91 0.00, 2.25 21.76 Averse 48.12 .15.80 0.36 0.00 16.15 32.32 As indicated by the wastewater -analysis, N fractions have, historically changed in a seasonal manner. Samples taken in March and July tend to be equally distributed between organic-N and inorganic-N, whereas the November samples suggest that the vast majority of the wastewater-N persists as organic-N. Most -likely, atmospheric and solution temperature play a dominate role in the extent to which organic-N mineralizes. Because the wastewater-N fractions vary by season, S&EC separated the summer and winter wastewater analysis for-N•loading calculations (Tables 3 and 4). Location _ . Date TKN NH3' . NO3 . NO2 Inor d-N " Or 7* m /L : m /L m /L m /L • _ . m /L• m /L' `. -Allen's 3/2/2007 43.70 , 24.60 0112 0.00 24.72 ' 19.10 -Allen's 7/11 /2007 63:00 . ' 37.50 0.00 0.00 3.7.50 '25.50 " "-Alien's 3/3/2008 56.60 .6.33 0.00 0.00 6.33, 50.27 Allen's 7/7/2008 47.30 _ 24.20 -. , 0.10 '0.00, : 24.30 23.10 . Average 52.65 23.16 0.06 6.00 23.21 29.49 :. "Table 4. Winter Wastewater-N Fractions: Location Date TKN NH3 NO3 NO2 Inor =N Or -N m /L m /L ni /L m /L m o /L m %L .,-Allen's '- 11/1'6/2007 56.00 1.82. 0.'00 0.00 1.82 54.18- Allen's 11 /17/2008 22:10 , 0.34, 1.91 0.00 .2.25. 21:76 39.05 1.08' ' 0.96 _ 6.00 2-.04 37.97 Plant available nitrogen (PAN) application :rates were determined for the spray areas -- based on:seasonal wastewater.anaTysis'and hypothetical.hydraulic loading -rates. Since the wastewater will be applied to the proposed:areas through,a sprinkler spray system, some ammonium-nitrogen.(NH4+-IN) will probably be lost via'ammonia volatilization. S&EC assumed an ammonia volatilization co' fficient.of 0.5 for the present analysis... According to the wastewater analysis; a significant proportion of wastewater=N is present as organic-N. , Since the wastewater lagoon is considered a facultative anaerobic system, an N-mineralization coefficient, of 0.3 5was used for determining.PAN for the months of March -September: Using these estimates, the wastewater plant.available nitrogen (PAN) for wastewater applied during the;period of Mar'ch-September was calculated as follows: . 0.06'mg NO3"-N + NO2--N /L + 0.5(23.16 -mg NH4 +-N/L) + 0.35(29.49 mg organic N/L) = 21.96mg: PAN/L..: - In order to determine PAN for,wastewater applied from October -February, S&EC chose to use a'smaller N-mineralization. factor. to accourit for the relatively lower microbial . activity that occurs:duiing the cooler months of the winter. Brady and Weil (1999) have = ; i suggested that surface soil temperature typically. varies according to atmospheric temperature (Appendix 2a). Climate data obtained -from the Clinton,�NC 2S weather stationTrom 1936. 2006 shows how mean monthly temperatures (calculated from.average daily temperatures) vary by month (Table.5). Like many biologically -mediated reactions; N-mineralization is Heavily 'dependent upon soil temperature (Tisdale et. al, 1999; Appendix 2b)'. -.According to Stanford et. al.(1977), an increase in temperature of 10°C ' , will cause,N-mineralization rates to double within the -range of 5'C-35'C (Appendix 2c). Conversely, microbial activities would be reduced by an equivalent rate as. temperatures, - decrease_ . Other, researchers have attempted to quantify the effect of temperature on • microbial activities (Doran and Smith, 1987;"Appendix 2d). In incubation experiments conducted at temperatures ranging from 5°C-35°C; Stanford et. al. (1972) obtained mineralization ratio constants (k) of 0.009. to 0.055, varying in a linear fashion according ' to soil temperature (Appendix 2e).By applying, their data results to the Allen's Canning Facility, the N-mineralization rate constant would be equal to ,0.026 at a temperature of 16.40C(mean daily temperature for month of October) and would be equal to 0.041- at a -- temperature of 26.21 °C (mean daily temperature for month of July). Therefore,'the rate constant for the month of October would be approximately 38% lower than the o 'theretical maximum rate constant,based on temperatures in. the month of July. In order to obtain a temperature adjusted.N-mineralization rate for the winter months' (October=February) at Allen's.Canning Facility, S&EC completed an analysis using estimates of relative microbial activity as affected by soil- temperature and reported' by .Doran and Smith (1987). Appendix 2f shows',a graphical representation of how the results were obtained. Results are also reported in tabular format in Table 5. These results suggest that October would have the highest relative microbial activity and hence the highest N=_ mineralization rate relative to the other winter months. By multiplying the "relative microbial activity coefficient" (as shown in Table 5) by the summer mineralization:coefficient (0.35), winter mineralization rate coefficients were calculated on a monthly basis. As a conservative approach, S&EC chose to use the calculated' October N-mineralization" rate (0'.20) .in determining PAN for all of the winter months at the"Allen's Facility. In reality, the', average N-mineralization rate from •October to February may be less than what is -used in PAN calculations (see Table 5). ; .Table 5. Monthly mean temperatures for Clinton, NC and seasonal nitrogen mineralization rate analysis. Month Mean Monthly Temperature Mean Monthly Temperature Relative Microbial Activity as a_ Coefficient of, Maximum Rate Summer Mineralization rate coefficient Winter Mineralization . rate coefficient F C October 61.6 10.44 0.59 0.35 0:20 - 'November 52.62 11.46 0.33 0.35 0.11 December 43.92 6.62 0.15 0.35 0.05 January . 42.09 - 5.61 - 0.08 0.35 0.03 February 44.53 6.96. 0.15 0.35 0.05 March - 51.84 11.02 - _ 0.35 April 60.94 16.08 - 0.35 - May 68.92 20.51 - 0.35 - June " - 75.99 24.43 - 0.35 ,July 79.17, 26.21 - 0.35 AuOust ust - 77.95 25.53 0.35 September 1 72.36 22.42 - 0.35 - accept up to 200 lbs PAN/ac during the bermudagrass growing `season, with an additional - 50-lb.PAN/ac for over seeded winter rye. \ The proposed_irrigation rates vary by zone and range from 9:26=65.62 inches per year: f The'proposed application rates wouldsupply 39-207 lb PAN/ac during the Coastal bermudagrass growing season (March Is' -'September 30th) and 3-50 lb PAN/ac during the winter, rye growing season (October ist-February 28th). Accordingly, all of the proposed PAN application rates. would be below the recommended PAN rates for Coastal bermudagtass and -winter rye production. Soil Sample Results and Nutrient/Heavy Metal'Loading Based on the results of sampled soils, the average surface CEC .of the "ag field" and "hay field" is2.8 and 2.7,meq/100g, respectively..'Although these values are considered relatively -low from a total nutrient holding"capacity standpoint; adding lime at the recommended rates (0.8-1.3 ton/ac) should increase the pH -dependant CEC and'ensure nutrient availabilityfor optimum plant uptake. - Since maintaining a pH of 6.0-6.5 is essential for ensuring optimal nutrient availability, soil pH -should be. measured on. an "'.-annual, basis. Lime applications, should follow recommendations made by the current soil analysis and on all fiiture soil samples. As_noted in the soil fertility test results, current.soil test phosphorus.(P) levels varied according.to past management,. Soil test P in the. "hay. field" is. categorized as "low", - according to the North Carolina index value, whereas the sampled "ag field" showed an -.index rating of "very high": - An index value. of ."very high" indicates that there -will be no' crop yield-response,with additional P applications. Although applying -additional phosphorus to the "ag field" area:does not pose any agronomic issues, the high soil, P, aevels may pose an environmental concern if the site is subject to soil erosion. However, y considering the proposed cover•crop and its beneficial erosion control properties, -as well as proposed stream and waterway buffers additional wastewater-P application should -not pose. a -high risk of P-loss. Soil erosion and phosphorus loss potential from each spray r zone could'be evaluated using the North Carolina Phosphorus Loss Assessment Tool (PLAT):. "Low",or "Medium" PLAT ratings -would confirm that additional P loading . would not present a limitation to the proposed wastewater application. Several other assumptions were also made in determining P loading on the proposed spray fields... Wastewater total phosphorus (TP) 'values, as summarized in_Table 6,. are composed of both organic and inorganic forms of P.. Since much of the wastewater -Pis.. probably'in an organic form, not all of the P will be immediately plant available. In addition; a significant- portion of inorganic wastewater-P. will. form. insoluble Fe and Al precipitates and/or -become strongly adsorbed to amorphous soil Fe minerals once land applied. Given these assumptions, S&EC estimates that 60% of the applied P will ; become,plant available (NCDA, 1999). Wastewater analysis'indicates an average concentration of11:53-mg,total P/L. Using these estimates, the total plant available phosphorus of the wastewater is; calculated as follows: 11:53. mg Total P/IJ x 2.29 x 0.60 = 15.85 mg P205/L. The proposed application ratesmould'supply 29-149 lb P205/ac during the Coastal bermudagrass-growing season (March I" -September 301h) ands-86 lb, P205/ac during the winter rye growing season (October Vt-February 28t). Annual. wastewater-P, 205 application rates,and estimated crop P205 removal rates -for all zones are = found•inAppendix 4. Crop phosphoru's removal. rate estimates are based on RYE data collected from the -North Carolina Nutrient Management Workgroup located at- hith://nutrients.soil.nesu.edu/yields Table ,Summary.of Selected Wastewater Nutrients/Parameters'from'Allens, Inc. ; Plant'#? , Location Date TP ` •K Ca mg, Na, m /L m /L m /L m /L, m /L Alle"n's 3/2/2007 11:6 n/a 31.00 16.00', 229.0 ' Allen's . -11 /16/2007 7.82 n/a 36:00 18.00 170.0 Allen's 7/11 /2007 . -16:1- n/a 34.00 , 20.00 • 492.0 Allen's -3/3/2008 9.58 ; n/a 32.00 15.70' -157.0 Allen's 7/7/2008 14.4 n/a 28.00 19.30 '_ 210.-0 ',"Allen's 11/17/2008 _ 9.69 n/a 37.00'. , 16.30, 17.0.0 Average' 11.53. n/a 33.00' 17.55- _' '.' 238.00 :Potassium (K) was not measured as part of the wastewater, analysis. Soil test results' suggest that the `.`ag field" has a "moderate'.' level of soil K; while the "hay field" has=a ".veryaow."-level of soil K. In the case of both, spray areas, additional K should be , supplied -with a commercial fertilizer in order'to maintain optimum K levels for bermudagrass production (Appendix 1): Having sufficient K in the soil is essential for. preventing winter..die-off of Coastal bermudagrass when.over-seeded with winter rye..__,. _ Calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg), two secondary; plant nutrients,•were also present in the sampled wastewater. Annual wastewater -Ca and Mg application rates and estimated for -all zones and for both options. are found in Appendix 4.. At the proposed loading rates, Ca would be`applied at a rate -of 69-490.1b/ac/yr. Since soil test results indicate "low" soil -Ca levels in, both the ."ag field" and the "hay field."; the addition, of wastewater. ; Ca will be beneficial to the crop growing, environment. Soil test results show "medium" levels of soil Mg in both sampled fields. Based on application rates, 37-261 lb'Mg/ac/yr will be applied. 'Similar .to Ca, the application of Mg will also be beneficial for maintaining optimal growing conditions.::.. . According to the soil•fertility analysis, the average sodium (Na) level of the "ag field" soils was 14 mg/kg soil (0:00006 nieq/100 cm), while the "hay field" soils averaged 12 mg/kg,soil (0.00005.meq/100 cm). Sodium levels above 15%0'of the CEC can be detrimental to crop production arid'to the soil structure in the surface horizons: The'soil fertility lab results indicate,that neither of these soils meets this, threshold level of sodium. The average sodium concentration of the wastewater samples is, 23 8 mg Na/L, with the calculated'sodium.adsorption ratio •(SAR) equal to 8.3. Waters with SAR values in this - range have'a moderate -risk of developing sodium related problems'in clay soils, but have - _ a low risk of sodium build=up iri'sa idy soils (U.S.'Salinity Labor-atory;1954).' Since the • . proposed wastewater will.be applied to soils with a loamy sand surface texture, there is a , low risk of developing sodic soils with continuous irrigation. Annual soil samples should" be taken .to monitor sodium status in the soil. ` Heavy metal loading and associated plant toxicities are not expected to be an agronomic concern based on the proposed wastewater application. Table 7 summarizes heavy metal content of the sampled wastewater. Appendix 5 contains proposed annual heavy metal loading'rates for zinc; nickel, chromium, and lead based -on proposed application rates. Cadmium, -mercury Iand arsenic did not'register above lab detection limits and -were not ` included'in site life calculations.. "Lead proved to be'the most limiting heavy metal,, with a. site life ranging from 50-354 years, depending on -zone irrigation rate. However, the average lead concentration was highly skewed by the wastewater sample dated 7%7/08. '.Future -wastewater samples may demonstrate an average lead concentration much lower . than the average reported here. - Table 7.' Summary of Wastewater Heavy Metal Constituents., Location _ Date As Cd Cr Pb Hg Ni Zn m /L ; m /L m /L mg/L. ' .. m /L , `m /L 'm /L Allen's. 3/2/2007 - 0 0 =' ; 0. 0. 0.. ,,:' ,:0.13. ' 0.42 ,Allen's . ' ' 11/16/2007 0 .0 '0. 0. 0 -- 0 0.67 Allen's: �711'1/2007 - 0 0 '- 0 0 =0 -0 0.00-- Allen's= 3/3/2008`, 0 0 0 0. -0-' .- 0 0.17- Allen's - 7/7/2008 0 0 0' 2.16' 0 0. 0.14 . Allen's 11/17/2008 0 ..0" 0.05 0 0. 0 0.11 Aveca e ` 0.00 0.00 , 0.01 , ' 0.36 . 0.00' 0.02 0.25 Crop Mannement Considerations The optimal time for establishing Coastal bermudagrass using dormant sprigs is February through March .,'.Seedbed and root zone preparation are key to having a successful establishment., The root zone should be prepared by appropriate tillage methods. ' t . - Subsoiling should be considered on areas .that have received heavy traffic or Where' . 4 plowpans have'developed from prior tillage.' Following de till' lirrie, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be ,applied arid incorporated into the seedbed as recommended by the soil, test report. Dormant.sprigging is the most economical, method' of establishing large areas of bermudagrass, although sprigs will .not begin to grow until late March. - When planting in the winter months', sprigs should .be covered with up to 2 inches of soil to protect them from frost. ' Live sprigs (stolons with green tops) can be planted in the'late spring after the threat. of frost has past. Although bermudagrass can be established using live sprigs until late summer, early planting dates will ensure strong rhizome (underground. stem) growth, essential --for' wintertime survival.: Only high quality sources -of sprigs certified by North Carolina Crop Improvement Association should be. used for establishment. To -optimize establishment; 30. to 40 lb/ac of starter nitrogen fertilize'rishoiild be applied once'growth begins and repeated six to, eight weeks later. Coastal bermudagrass should be cut every 4 to 5 weeks or when it grows to 12-1.5 inches tall. Once bermudagrass is overseeded with winter rye -in the fall, grass. should be, cut to a height of 3 inches or Tess to encourage rye establishment.' In the early spring, grass is expected to turn green,' mowing height approximately two weeks.before bermuda should be reduced to-3/ to 1-inch to allow bermudagrass to 'recovery and 'out -compete the winter rye. Since bermudagrass is very intolerant to shade,'late spring cutting of winter - rye should be avoided as it may 'severely limit bermudagrass recovery. V:. Conclusions , Based on wastewater analysis and proposed irrigation rates, -none of the"PAN application rates .would .exceed the recommended PAN rates for the Coastal-bermudagrass/winter rye - crop rotation. The proposed, application rates ,would supply 3.9-207, lb PAN/ac during the Coastal, bermudagrass growing 'season (March ist-September.30. and'3=501b PAN/ac' ' during the winter rye growing season (October, Vt-February-28tn). ` Although soil test phosphorus levels in the "ag-field" area are, considered' "Very High",, the properisity;for P4oss should be.considered very low given the proposed cropping system combined with stream and waterway buffers. As,proposed, additional wastewater-P application should not pose a high risk of P-loss. Although not used in this ,analysis; the North Carolina Phosphorus Loss Assessment Tool (PLAT) could be used to = - model P loss from the site to 'confirm' a low risk of P-loss. ` -Based on'the previous soil test results, some of the fields are currently low in soil K and, could benefit from additional fertilizer inputs: In -some individual fields, -proposed waste applied K will not supply all of the recommended K and additional K should be supplied, with.a commercial fertilizer. Having sufficient K in the soil is essential for preventing winter. die -off of Coastal bermudagrass.wheri over -seeded with annual rye.. ; - . Soil samples demonstrated that soil heavy-metal concentrations appear to be,present at background levels. -,Heavy metal loading and plant toxicities are not expected to be an - agronomic concern based on the wastewater analysis. OnlyNi'..Zn, Cr',and Pb; metals registered above detection limits in the analyzed wastewater samples. Lead proved to be the most,limiting heavy metal, with a site life of 43-260 years, "varying by "spray field area. _ This report discusses -the general agronomic.,conditions of the Allens,,Inc. - Plant #7 - ' canning facility and does not constitute or imply any approval or granting of a permit as needed.by,the client -from -the State.. _As a professional consulting firm, S&EC is hired for Fits professional opinion in thesematters. The'rules governing wastewater treatment and " application (interpreted and governed by local and state agencies) are evolving constantly, and in many cases, affected by the opinions ofindividuals employed by -the - govenung agencies._ ; References 1 Brady, N.C. and R.R.Weil. 1999. The.Nature and Properties 'of Soils. 12' Edition. Prentice -Hall, `Inc. New Jersey., 298-300. 2. North Carolina Nutrient Management Workgroup. 2003. Realistic yields and nitrogen application factors for.North Carolina crops. http://nutrients.soil.ncsu.edu/Aelds/ North Carolina. State University, North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, North Carolina Department of Environment and. Natural ` Resources, Natural Resources Conservation Service. Raleigh NC. 3. NCSU Nutrient Management Manual. North Carolina Cooperative Extension. . J Reference Section 59. , A. Stanford, G.S., Frere, M.H. and D.H. Schwaninger. 1972. Temperature Coefficient ' of So' it Nitrogen Mineralization. Soil Science. 115:-298-300. ; 5. Stanford, G.S.; Carter, J.N., Westerman- D.T. and J.J. Meisinger. 1977. Residual Nitrate and Mineralizable.Soi1 Nitrogen in Relation to Nitrogen Uptake by Irrigated "-. Sugarbeets. , Agronomy Journal. 69: 303-308. " 6.. Tisdale, S.L.,• et. al. 1999. Soil Fertility and Fertilizers: An Introduction to Nutrient Management.:61h Edition. 'Prentice-Ha11;'Inc. New Jersey. 108-109, 1.19420. ;7. Waste Coefficients Worksheets 1999: North Carolina Department of Agriculture and 'Consumer .Services, Agronomic -Division: Appendix 1. Soil Analysis Report Report Number: R08113-0013 Account Number: 45479 A&L Eastern Laboratories, Inc. 7621 Whitepihe Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 Email: office@al-labs-eastern.com Send To: SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL Grower: CANNERY CONSULTANTSPA 10977.S3 11010 RAVEN RIDGE RD RALEIGH, NC 27614 SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT o�..e• 1 rinfa Par-imivpde 4/22/2008 Date of Analvsis: 4/23/2008 Date of Report: 4/24/2008 I Submitted By: MARK ALLEN Analytical Method(s): :..:... umb ::•..r N.S:.a., .m... p.. l...•• :.' . • _.:..:., .c..Matter,.::. ,,,.,.:...=.Organ•..,.. h..;o.r.:.s., nkk� Mr• i a.h ,; nPhos. oa.,v Pssiim ' :. Sa;t CIE- � :,/' :ENR:;, ._.+ Rate 3i} Avada.b.le ;:.,? ;pp:PPmfi s .,Rejserv;.Rea:, tel s.,vPP-t.r.?T!K' Rate, f•:. .}MG ::T mT Rate: .bCA -, ,},•5•,,.,ev#e- Rae; '.l.t,a�d N PPmat t,, : our,. I ,i BMufffe.f)r x cf ameq1,1IbA 00 a 0.1.A1 FsT}. a, 'r•Y0 9•`.:{ ;�`;;`•. ; F-1 7337 1.3 72 L 136 VH NC=113 82 M NC=42 50 M 260 L 14 L 5.4 .6.9 0.8 2.8 W-2 7338 2.3 92 L 26 L NC=22 28 VL NC=14 35 M 190 L 12 VL' 4.7 6.8 1.4 2.7 - Sainple - :Number • ,.:•:,, ,.:•a:,:v,., .;:.,.:i:.,';.: .....: ;:Percent -Base Saturation' : -.: .; ::; i rNitrate _ ;- !, Sulfur Zmc „ r 3Maiiganese' u�_ Nlron71 Copper%: ;Boron ;Soluble, alfsr::., r «r i+ l• �, s/c atQ IR1. .i1L�sR � CHloride ,Aluminum' _ : ' :. < M e• , . Ca..... r Aao ' .Na , ....H• o : ::. ; o •. :: f /ems, rNO3-N_. ` :....:;.: F:" ::� e prri ,Rat :' , t ,;...SO4=S ! m...'Rate PP. h" :?a rZN, . _ e ro .. _:ems..;, t , m = ate PP .Fr, It. T MNr?.. t 3 a..- s.. m Rate P.P._ , ^. F.FEAL,t... `.:. m Rate N ., ,i �.. - m" ate DPP �x8,. :,,..r wa». R t r�rPP,hl�_.P P -t, . rt E..: P.i? tRatQ a 7 ma' Rate iwPP_ .,. F-1 7.6 15.0 46.9 2.2 28.3 11 L NC=28 4.9 H NC=123 6 L NC=38 155 VH . 1.9 H NC=95 0.2 VL 0.08 . VL W-2 2.6 10.7 34.8 1.9 50.0. 14 • ' L NC=35 0.9 VL NC=23 7 L NC=44 192 VH 0.3 VL NC=-15 0.1 VL - 0,07 . VL NC-FIV ' This report applies to the sample(s) tested. Samples are retained a Values on this report represent the plant available nutrients in the soil. Explanation of symbols: % (percent), ppm (parts per million), Ibs/A (pounds per acre), maximum of ththirt EASdayTERNafter LABOR Soil An lysis repared by: Rating after each value: VL (Very Low), L (Low),-M (Medium) H (High), VH (Very High). ms/cm (milli -mhos per centimeter), meq/100g (milli -equivalent per 100 grams). el,— ENR - Estimated Nitrogen Release. C.E.C. - Cation Exchange Capacity. Conversions: ppm x 2 = Ibs/A, Soluble Salts ms/cm x 640 = ppm. by: Paul Chu, Ph.D. Ni Report Number: R08113-0013 Account Number: A&L Eastern Laboratories', Inc. :45479, 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia, (8.04) 743 9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 Embil':-office@al-labs-eeistern.co.m. To: SOIL-& ENVIRONMENTAL' For:. CANNERY,' Copy To: MARK ALLEN CONSULTANTS PA 10977.S3 11010 RAVEN, RIDGE RD - RALEIGH, NC 27614 Date Received:. 04/2212008 Date Reported: 04/24/200.8 SOIL FERTILITY RECOMMENDATIONS Page: I -, zA " "Nitro g f-.P f 5go atd�ps �5 ber,�jUppampe O '!K Ns k Cg 4 ' , al 6 P F-1 Bermuda 5 tons 0.8 65 P 290 20 20- 0.0 0 0 0.0 W-2 Bermuda 5 tons -1.3 65 120 420. 35 20 0.0 0 1 0.0 ALE -Roo Samples F-1, W-2: Apply dolomitic lime to raise pH and improve the magnesium level. Samples_F-1, W-2: If dolomitic lime is not used, apply required magnesium with magnesium oxide. Epsom, Salts, K-Mag or SU17PO-Mag. Samples FA W-2:., Apply additional 65 pounds -of nitrogen aftereyery cutting and harvest of hay. Samples F-1, W-2: *, Apply N -on warm season grass only after late spring when grass starts growing. Samples F-1, W-2: The recommended potash is the total pounds/acre needed, to achieve the specified yield goal. Apply 1/2 or 1/3'(100-150' pounds) ofthe total at the first application in spring or fall. Application -of the remaining should be determined by the yield achievbd,after the first cutting and -the moisture condition. If in drought condition and yield is low the following applications should be reduced or eliminated. Samples F-1, W-2: Manganese level is, low in soil,however, grass or legume need only small amountsofmanga I nese togrow we .1 ll.and seldom show deficient in manganese. If the plant is used. for,animalfeed, mangan,ese su pple-ment, may be added to prevent nutrient imbalande. The recomme,ndbtions,are based,on research data and experience, but NO GUARANTEE -6r WARRANTYexpressed.or im plied,� concerning crop performance 1. is made." .. 1) i Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor may any reference be made toJhe work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization'. Copyright 1977. -Paul .Chu, Ph.D. ,, lle Nahvc a'fld, PI-Ted.es 01C SO l 6radi Q-,d \/I k I f 99 Appet,d;x lo,. FIGURE 7.23 This high school in Oklahoma has been built into the ground with only one side exposed. This design takes advantage of the high specific heat and low thermal conductivity of the over lying soils, keeping the school warm in winter and cool in summer with a minimum of energy used for; heating or air-conditioning. (Photo courtesy of R. Weil) When sufficient water is present to form a bridge between most of the soil particles, fur-: ther additions will have little effect on heat conduction. Heat moves through mineral, particles even faster than through water, so when particle -to -particle contact is' increased by soil compaction, heat -transfer rates are also increased. Therefore, a wet,' compacted soil would be the poorest insulator or the best conductor of heat. Here again. the interconnectedness of soil properties is demonstrated. Relatively dry soil makes a good insulating material. Buildings built mostly under-; ground can take advantage of both the low thermal conductivity and relatively high, . heat capacity of large volumes,of soil (see Figure 7.23). .: The significance of heat conduction with respect to field soil temperature is not dif ; . ficult to comprehend. It provides a means of temperature adjustment, but, because it is; x slow, changes in subsoil temperature lag behind those of the surface layers. Moreover;. temperature changes are always less in the subsoil. In temperate regions, surface soils in -: general are expected to be warmer in summer and cooler in winter than the subsoil, s especially the lower horizons of the subsoil. Soil thermal conductivity can also affect air, temperature above the soil, as shown in Figure 7.24. Soil Temperature Fluctuations The temperature of the soil at any time depends on the ratio of the energy absorbed to that being lost. The constant change in this relationship is reflected in the seasonal,' monthly, and daily temperatures. The accompanying data (Figures 7.25 and 7.26) from, College Station, Texas, and Lincoln, Nebraska, are representative of average seasonal. , and monthly temperatures in relation to soil depth in subhumid temperate regions. Vertical and Seasonal Temperature Changes It is apparent from Figures 715 and 7.26 that considerable seasonal and monthly vari ,, ations of soil temperature occur,. even at the lower depths. The surface layer tempera;,, ; tures vary more or less according to the temperature of the air, although these layers are generally warmer than the air throughout the year. FIC on do ter `lay lea to col 298 Soil Aeration and Temperature Snow Air 5 Air Transfer of heat energy 0 F —5 So Soil 73 '7- SOil, CL 10 e —2 —1 0 1 2 3 4 1 0 1 2 3 4 Temperature *C Temperature *C ;FIGURE 7.24 Transfer of heat energy from soil to air. The scene, looking down on a garden after an early fall snow storm, shows snow on, the leaf -mulched flower beds, but not on areas where the soil is bare or covered with thin turf. The reason for this uneven accumula- 'o'n"of snow can be seen in the temperature profiles. Having stored heat from the sun, the soil layers are often warmer than the air as temperatures drop in fall (this is also true at night during other seasons). On bare soil, heat energy is transferred rapidly from the deeper slayeis to the surface, the rate of transfer being enhanced by high moisture content or compaction, which increase the thermal conductiv- ity of the soil. As a result, the soil surface and the air above it are warmed to above freezing, so snow melts and does not accumulate. The leaf mulch, which has a low thermal conductivity, acts as an insulating blanket that slows the transfer of stored heat energy from the soil '4'tb the air. The upper surface of the mulch is therefore hardly warmed by the soil, and the snow remains frozen and accumulates. A heavy Covering of snow can itself act as an insulating blanket. (Photo courtesy of R. Well) Mean temperature Soil surface 0 P 60 E 120 [so 240 300 FIGURE 7.25 Average monthly soil tempera- tures for 6 of the 12 months of the year at dif- ferent soil depths at College Station, Tex. (1951-1955) Note the lag in soil temperature Soil temperature N) change at the lower depths. [From Fluker (1958)] THERMAL PROPERTIES OF SOILS 299 30 : i 20 2 d 10 a v 9 -7 ...... Air Soil depth (cm) 7.5 •ti -30 90 •. ` ' e 'A"- J F M A M J J A S O N D Month Daily Var°fatfons FIGURE 7.26 Average monthly air and soil tem- peratures at Lincoln, Nebr. (12 years). Note that the 7.5-cm soil layer is consistently warmer than the air above and that the 90-cm soil horizon is cooler in spring and summer, but warmer in the fall and winter, than surface soil. In the subsoil, the seasonal temperature increases and decreases lag behind changes registered in the surface soil and in the air. Accordingly, the temperature data for March at College Station suggest that the surface soil temperatures have already begun to respond to the warming of the spring, while temperatures of the deep subsoil seem to still be responding to the cold winter weather. The subsoil temperatures are less variable than the air and surface soil temperatures, although there is some temperature variation even at the 300-cm depth. The subsoils are generally warmer in the late fall and winter and cooler in the spring and summer than the surface soil layers and the air. This is to be expected since the subsoils are not subject to direct solar radiation. With a clear sky, the air temperature in temperate regions rises from lowest in the morn- ing to a maximum at about 2 P.M. The surface soil, however, does not reach its maxi- mum until later in the afternoon because of the usual lag. This retardation is greater and the temperature change is less as the depth increases. The lower subsoil shows little daily or weekly fluctuation; the variation there, as already emphasized, is a slow monthly or seasonal change. i 7.12 SOIL TEMPERATURE CONTROL The temperature of field soils is not subject to radical human regulation. However, two kinds of management practice have significant effects on soil temperature:- those that affect the cover or mulch on the soil, and those that reduce excess soil moisture. These effects have meaningful biological implications. Oryarlfc Mu;ches and Plant -Residue Management Soil temperatures are influenced by soil cover and especially by organic residues or other types of mulch on the soil surface. Figure 7.27 shows that mulches effectively! buffer extremes in soil temperatures. In periods of hot weather, they keep the surface soil cooler than where no cover is used; in contrast, during cold weather they keep the soil warmer than it would be if bare. The forest floor is a prime example of a natural temperature -modifying mulch. It is ,. not- surprising, therefore, that timber harvest practices can markedly affect forest soil temperature regimes (Figure 7.28). Disturbance of the leaf mulch, changes in water con- tent due to reduced evapotranspiration, and compaction by machinery are all factors that influence soil temperatures through thermal conductivity. Reduced shading after tree removal also lets in more solar radiation. 300 Soil Aer'atioti crud Temper•atrare �ro ' 5o l �erj<<; f and. fet l:22P5 , An Tnfrmlac�.o., +o Ncdr:e.►f j` Aa�rre.�. Tsdakk96 e4. a) I g 99. P9. IJ4- (20 N TRANSFORMATIONS IN SOILS 119 when soil moisture exceeds field capacity. Between 15 bars and air dryness, min- eralization and nitrification continue to decline gradually. For example, in a soil incubated at the wilting point (15 bars), more than half of the NH4+ is ni- trified in 28 days (Fig. 4.22) . At 7 bars, 100% of the NH4+ is converted to NO3- at the end of 21 days. Apparently, the Nitrobacter are able to function well even in dry soils. Obviously, soil moisture and soil aeration are closely related in their effects on nitrification. Temperature. Most biological reactions are influenced by temperature. The temperature coefficient, Q10, is 2 over the range 5 to 35°C. Thus, a twofold change in the mineralization or nitrification rate is associated with a shift of 10°C within this temperature range (Fig. 4.23). O.ptimurh soil temperature for nitrification of.NH4+ to NO3- is 25 to 35°C, al- though some nitrification occurs over a wide temperature range (Fig. 4.24). For off-season application of NH3 or NH4+ containing or NH4+ forming fertilizers winter soil temperatures should be low enough to retard formation of NO3-, thereby reducing the risk of leaching and denitrification losses. Fall applications of NH4+-containing or NH4+-forming fertilizers are most efficient when mini- mum air temperatures are below 40°F (4.4°C) or when soil temperatures are be- low 50°F (I VC). Even if temperatures are occasionally high enough to permit nitrification of fall -applied NH4+, this is not detrimental if leaching does not occur. In many ar- eas moisture movement through the soil profile during the winter months, is in- sufficient to remove any NO3- that may accumulate. For example, NH4+ sources may be applied in late summer or early fall in the Great- Plains before winter wheat planting. The same is true for spring cereal 160 120 E a a Z 80 O Z 40 7 14 21 ' 28' DAYS FIGURE 4.22 Effect of moisture levels near the wilting point on the nitrifica- tion of 150 ppm of N applied as (NH4) SO4 to a Millville loam and incubated at 25°C. Justice et al., SSSA Proc., 26.246, 1962. 120 NITROGEN 0.20 0 LU N J cc 0.15 LU Z_ _ � F- oZ LL 0.10 O OC Z LU O E- H Q 0.05 LL .n 00 10 20 30 40 TEMPERATURE (°C) FIGURE 4.23 Fraction of N mineralized per month, k, in relation to tempera- ture (k was estimated graphically for observed average monthly air tempera- tures) . Stanford et al., Agron. J., 69.303, 1977. crops in the northern Plains. Improved positioning and distribution of N will of- ten result from its overwinter movement in dry regions. In humid areas water movement through the soil profile is excessive, and NO3— losses occur. Whether NH4+ can be applied in the fall without significant NO3— loss depends on local soil and weather conditions. It is possible to apply NH4+ sources in the fall in cool and/or dry climates to soils of fine texture without appreciable loss by leaching, provided that tempera- tures remain below 40'E The presence of NH4+ does not ensure its loss against leaching. It is necessary that the soil have a sufficiently high CEC to retain the 100 Z O 80 U LL 60 Z 0 40 20 ' 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 SOILTEMPERATURE FIGURE 4.24 Nitrification as affected by temperature. Chandra, Can. J. Soil Sci., 42:314, 1962. I I Appelidir, Z C , Residual Nitrate and Mineralizable Soil Nitrogen in Relation to Nitrogen Uptake by Irrigated Sugarbeetst George Stanford2, J. N. Carter3, D. T. Westermann3, and J. J. Meisinger2 ABSTRACT Previously reported studies on N fertilization 'of sugar - beets (Beta vulgaris L.) in southern Idaho revealed con- siderable variation among sites in amounts of residual soil NO, and N mineralized during short-term laboratory incubations. Consequently, the amount of N fertilizer needed to achieve near -maximum yields of sucrose dif- fered markedly. The purpose of this study was to deter- mine the feasibility of estimating amounts of - N min- eralized in the root zone during the season, taking into account site variations in temperature and soil water regimes. Residual soil NO,; N and mineralizable N to approximate rooting depth were estimated for 21 field sites in 1971 and six sites in 1972. The relative contribu- tions of these two N sources to total N uptake by the crop, in the absence of applied fertilizer N, were then - assessed. Estimates of N mineralized in the upper 45- cm soil layer for each successive month, AN, over a 6- month period were derived using the expression, AN/ At = kWN (k = fraction of N mineralized during each month, At, adjusted for average air temperature;'and W = the estimated soil water content expressed as a frac- tion of the available water storage capacity). Resulting estimates of the fraction of potentially mineralizable N converted to (NO;; + NHA+)-N between 1 April and 30 September ranged from 0.15 to 0.22 (mean ± S.D. 0.18 + 0.02) in 1971 and 1972. On the average, mature sugarbeets recovered about 73oJo of the estimated N min- eralized (6 months) plus residual NO,"-N. The relative contributions of these two sources of soil derived N, re- spectively, were approximately 66 and 75°jo, as estimated from multiple regression. analyses. Additional index words: Temperature, Soil water con- tent, N use efficiency, N requirement. - "'Contribution from the ARS, USDA, Beltsville, MD 20705. Received 30 Aug. 1976. $Soil scientists, Agricultural Environmental Quality Institute, Beltsville, MD 20705. 'Soil scientists, Snake River Conservation Research Centre, Kimberly, 1D 83341. AMOUNTS of residual soil NO3 reflect manage- ment, N fertilization, and irrigation practices and influence the optimal level of N fertilizer needed for sugarbeets, (Beta vulgaris L.) (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). The re- mainder of the soil derived N is supplied through mineralization of soil organic N (1, 2, 3, 5, 11). Hence, both residual NO3 and mineralizable N must be measured to evaluate differences in N-supplying ca- pacities among, soils. This has been demonstrated clearly by Carter and associates (1, 2, 3) based on extensive field studies involving N fertilizer rates with irrigated sugarbeets. Amounts of mineralizable N potentially available to the crop may be assessed by various means. Car- ter et al. (1) incubated soils for 3 weeks at 30C and optimal water content (field capacity). Considering N uptake as a function of the amounts of N miner- alized, residual nitrate, and N supplied by fertilizer, together with a reliable estimate of . the optimal N re- quirement of sugarbeets (5.5 ± 0.5 kg/metric ton), these. investigators and their coworkers (1, 2) devel- oped a procedure for predicting N fertilizer needs that offers a basis for minimizing overuse. of N and the associated adverse effects on sucrose yield and quality. Another approach to estimating the contribution -of N mineralization of soil organic N has been sug- gested by Stanford et al. •(11). The potentially min- eralizable N, No, considered as a more, or less discrete fraction of total organic N, is estimated from amounts of N mineralized in successive incubations (8, 12) and is an estimate of the amount of N that will mineralize in infinite time under optimal temperature (35C) and optimal soil water content (approximately field capacity). The mineralization potential, No; may pro- 3011 AGRONOMY JOURNAL, VOL. 69, MARCH-APRIL 1977 -o .20 m N 'O m .15 C � 0 z i .10 o m c o. 0 5 .05 2 0 10 20 30 40 Degrees Celsius Fig. I. Fraction of N mineralized per month, k, in relation to temperature (k was estimated graphically for observed average monthly air temperatures). Irrigation, Furrow _� 8 hr. 2A-hr Rainfall, cm-+ 3.0 113 1.0 t I � [-I �-r a i 0 I I I I 0o I Q. I [ I a J 0.5 I I I m u$ I 0o I I I on i I I I I LL tFractions Remaining = W I I I r� 0.56 j 0.58 t 0.56 I 0.61 I 0.6A 1 0.69 April May June July Aug. Sept. Fig. 2. An example of the graphic (grid -counting) procedure tried for estimating the monthly average available water supply expressed as a fraction of the water storage capacity (site 106, 1971). vide a basis for estimating how much N is mineralized during the crop season under specified temperature and. soil water regimes, since these factors exert a dom- ina:at influence on mineralization rates (9, 10, 11). Using soils from field studies (1, 2, 3, 8) on N fer- tilization of irrigated sugarbeets in Idaho, the nitro- gen mineralization potentials of soils from each ex- perimental site (before N fertilization) were deter- mined by the ARS, Beltsville, Md. The purpose of this report .is to evaluate the feasibility of estimating N mineralized during the cropping season from a knowledge of N mineralization potential, No, average monthly temperatures, and estimates of average month- ly sail water regimes. This evaluation, based on data obtained from the plots that received no N fertilizer, involved determining the relation between N uptake by sugarbeets and amounts of available soil N (resi- dual NO3 and estimated N mineralized). MATERIALS AND METHODS Soil and Plant N Measurements During 1971, 32 irrigated N-rate experiments were conducted in southern Idaho. Detailed classification, potential rooting depth, previous crop history, and soil characteristics (pH, per- cent N, and percent organic matter) for most of these soils were reported by Carter et al. (2). Before applying fertilizer, each Table 1. Estimation of percent of No (mineralization poten- tial) mineralized based on average monthly temperature and soil water regimes (site 7, 1971). No Present Remaining after Mineralized Month, 1971 k W initially (N) each month per month Apr. 0.033 0.60 100 98 2.0 May 0.047 0.53 98 95.6 2.4 June 0.053 0.67 95.6 92.2 3.4 July 0.080 0.64 92.2 87.5 4.7 Aug. 0.088 0.74 87.5 81.8 5.7 Sept. 0.045 0.73 81.8 79.1 2.7 Total % of No mineralized 20.9 site was sampled in 15-cm increments to a depth of 45 cm. Cor- responding 15-cm layers for 24 cores per site were composited. Deeper samplings of 30-cm increments were taken where the root zone was not restricted to 45 cm by a hardpan. In 1972, eight irrigated N-rate experiments were conducted on six soil types. Results from these experiments have been re- ported (3) along with details of soil sampling methods, soil classification, previous crop, and surface soil properties. The NO, content of all soil layers was determined as de- scribed in earlier reports (1, 2). The N mineralization potential, N., was estimated according to methods described to earlier publications (8, 13). Methods of obtaining yields of total dry matter (tops + crowns + roots), beets, and sucrose have been described (1, 2). Total N content of dry matter was based on separate determina- tions for the tops, roots, and crowns and does not include the estimated N content of fibrous roots as was -done in earlier publications (1, 2, 3). Effect of Temperature on N Mineralizationt The temperature coefficient, Q,,,, of N mineralization is 2 in the range of 5 to 35C (10), denoting a two -fold change in the mineralization rate associated with a IOC shift in temperature. For a given temperature, k is the mineralization rate constant in the first order expression, -dN/dt = kN (12). In this study, we used average monthly air temperatures, re- ported by local climatological stations, as approximate estimates of soil temperatures for the period 1 April through 30 Septem- ber. The relation of k (month-1) and temperature use([ in making our estimates is shown in Fig. I. The carve depicts a Q,,, of 2 and assumes an average k-value (35C) of 0.18 month-' (0.045 week-' X 4 weeks). Based on a large number of soils, the average k for 35C has been reported to be 0.054 ± 0.009. We arbitrarily chose the lower limit, 0.045 week-' or 0-18 month' for our estimates in this study. Using this base value, k„e = 0.09, k,,a = 0.045, and k,o = 0.023. Values of k for successive average monthly air temperatures were interprolated from the carve (Fig. 1) in estimating temperature effects on N mineraliza- tion as described below. Estimating Effects of Soil Water Fluctuations on N Mineralization The N mineralization rate is linearly related to the content of plant -available soil water in the range from field capacity to wilting percentage (9). Expressed on a relative basis, i.e., setting inaximitni mineralization rate and optiinal water content equal to one, the slope of the regression is approximately one for soils of differing textures and organic matter contents (9). For each of the sites, irrigation elates and rainfall records were recorded. This information was used in estimating the average fraction, W, of available soil water present in the root zone dur- ing each successive month. In general, we assumed that each irrigation replenished the available water storage capacity, i.e., W = 1. Effects of rainfall were estimated, although this con- tribution was relatively small, except for occasions in the :First 2 or 3 months of the growing season. The value of W on 1 April was estimated arbitrarily from cumulative antecedent rainfall STANFORD ET AL.: NITROGEN UPTAKE BY SUGARBEETS Table 2. Plant composition and yield data from zero-N plots of sugarbeet N-rate experiments (Idaho, 1971). Site Yields N Uptake no. Soil typet TDM$ hoots Sucrose Sucrose TDM - metric tons/ha- % kg/ha % 1 Schism sit 24.8 64.9 11.0 17.0 318 1.28 2 Garbutt sit 17.5 49.4 8.4 17.0 172 0.98 3 Purdam sit 27.5 82.3 12.9 15.7 421 1.53 4 Greenleaf sit 20.7 63.7 9.6 15.0 318 1.53 6 Elijah sit 21.8 65.0 10.9 16.8 286 1.31 7 Power sit 18.4 59.0 10.4 17.7 124 0.67 8 (unknown) act 18.6 57.2 9.4 16.4 229 1.23 101 Declo sit 14.2 46.2 8.3 17.9 111 0.78 102 Portneuf sit 11.7 36.9 6.5 17.7 108 0.92 103 Portneuf sit 18.5 57.8 10.4 18.0 159 0.86 104 Portneuf ail 18.5 55.4 10.2 18.4 155 0.83 105 Portneuf stl 18.3 46.4 8.7 18.7 194 1.06 106 Portneuf all 20.4 54.4 9.6 17.8 203 0.99 151 Portneuf sit 18.7 52.8 8.4 16.1 258 1.38 152 Decker 1 18.3 49.3 7.9 16.0 265 1.45 153 Portneuf sit 14.0 35.6 6.0 16.8 191 1.36 155 Minidoka ail 9.6 24.4 3.7 15.2 204 2.13 156 Kimama sit 10.0 29.5 5.6 18.9 82 0.82 157 Portneuf sit 14.6 41.0 6.6 16.1 218 1.50 201 Portneuf sit 15.7 43.2 7.4 17.1 171 1.09 202 Neetey sit 14.5 46.9 8.8 18.9 128 0.89 203 Declo l 7.8 22.8 3.8 16.9 151 1.94 204 Broncho 1 15.9 38.6 6.9 18.0 226 1.42 205 Portneuf sit 16.5 50.3 7.9 15.7 253 1.53 206 Portneuf sit 16.7 48.5 8.4 17.4 265 1.58' 207 Declo sit 19.0 55.6 8.8 15.9 279 1.47 208 Ammon sit 19.6 60.3 9.8 16.3 292 1.49 209 Pancheri sit 19.5 52.2 8.2 15.8 308 1.58 210 Pancheri sit 18.0 51.1 B.9 17.4 285 1.58 211 Bannock 1 16.9 48.7 8.7 17.9 165 0.98 t For detailed classification of soils, see Soil Series of the United States: Their Taxonomic classification. Soil Conservation Service, USDA. Aug. 1972. Site 1 received 110 kg N/ha in June; site 3 probably received N fertilizer; site 102 had poor stand and was severely cultivated late in season; site 104 received about 30 kgN/ha in irrigation water in Aug.; sites 153 and 155 Included several adverse un- identified conditions; site 203 had uneven stand because of root maggots; site 209 received manure after soil sampling. } Harvested root, crown, and tops (excluding fibrous roots). Table 3. Plant composition and yield data from zero-N plots of sugarbeet N-rate experiments (Idaho, I972). Site no. Soil typet Yields TDMI Roots Sucrose Sucrose N Uptake TDM - metric tons/ha- % kg/ha % P10 Truesdale l 18.6 59.9 9.9 16.5 234 1.26 P20 Baham vfsl 23.0 70.6 12.2 17.3 245 1.05 P21 Power sit 21.8 64.7 11.2 17.4 251 1.15 Pilo Portneuf sit 20.3 58.3 9.6 16.4 265 1.30 Pill Portneuf sit 11.7 40.0 6.6 16.5 105 0.90 P160 Declo l 14.9 44.5 7.7 17.4 155 1.04 P220 Portneuf sit 11.8 37.4 6,7 17.9 109 0.93 P222 Pancheri sit 14.5 - 39.9 6.6 16.5 214 1.48 t See first footnote in Table 1. Site P10 had insufficient irrigation in July and Aug,; site P160 had variable stand. } Harvested root, crown, and tops (excluding fibrous roots). for January, February, and March. Among sites, the range in antecedent rainfall was 5 to 14 cm in 1971 and 1972. The cor- responding initial values of W were considered to be 0.5 and 0.8, and intermediate values of W on 1 April for each site were estimated by assuming a linear relation between antecedent rainfall and W within the indicated limits. In the interval be- tween irrigations, we assumed 70ofo depletion of the available water present after the preceding irrigation. The graphic procedure used for estimating W is illustrated in Fig. 2. Months are delineated by vertical dashed lines. Esti- mates of water replenishment by irrigation or rainfall (vertical solid lines) and Nvater depletion by evapotranspiration (diagonal solid lines) are shown. For each month, W denotes the lower area divided by the total rectangular area. 305 Table 4. NOa-N present before planting to approximate depth of rooting, and N mineralization data (kg/ha). N mineralized NO3-N (Apr. through Sept.) Amount N mineralization Adjusted Adjusted for Site Weather in root potential, No for soil water no. station Depth zone (45-cm depth) temp. and temp._ cm 1971 Experiments 2 Grandview 150 83 1,022 318 228 4 Kuna 90 200 825 232 164 6 Kuna 45 174 1,067 300 212 7 Emmett 90 114 643 194 135 8 Caldwell 60. 151 915 290 202 101 Hazelton 60 52 800 217 139 103 Hazelton 60 77 859 233 163 105 Jerome 60 117 895 262 186 106 Twin Falls 60 ill 859 237 151 151 Burley 45 159 1,047 269 189 152 Oakley 60 137 1,020 268 183 156 Paul 60 36 742 193 133 157 Burley 45 99 1,045 269 187 201 Minidoka 45 76 614 149 103 202 Minidoka 150 184 668 163 112 204 Aberdeen 45 66 847 206 154 205 Aberdeen 60 136 856 209 148 206 Aberdeen 45 192 899 219 156 207 Aberdeen 60 202 1,043 253 175 208 Aberdeen 150 243 1,020 248 168 211 Aberdeen 45 57 879 217 132 1972 Experiments P20 Caldwell 60 130 695 216 144 P21 Caldwell 60 130 839 261 169 P110 Hazelton 60 128 912 247 171 Pill Twin Falls 60 18 787 214 157 P160 Burley 60 66 937 240 162 P220 Aberdeen 60 50 776 186 123 P222 Aberdeen 45 49 952 228 155 Estimating Combined Effects of Temperature and Soil Water on N Mineralization Estimates of the cumulative fraction of -N, mineralized dur- ing the 6-month period, April through September, were based on monthly averages of air temperature and estimated fraction of available water storage capacity as indicated above. Estimates of amounts of N mineralized during each month, AN, were ob- tained from the rate expression, AN/At = kWN. The factors, k and W, were explained earlier. Initially, N = No (No is the N mineralization capacity of the 0- to 45-cm soil layer). For convenience in calculations, No initially is assigned a value of 100. During the first month, as illustrated in Table 1, kWN = 2.0 (last column). For successive months, No is reduced by the cumulative amount of N mineralized in previous months. In the example given (Table 1), the cumulative fraction of No mineralized during 6 months was 0.209. To estimate N actually mineralized, this fraction was multiplied by N„ e.g., 643 kg/ha X 0.209 = 135 kg/ha (site 7, 1971). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Yield of roots, sucrose (percent sucrose X yield of roots), and N composition of total dry matter • (TDM) are presented in Tables 2 and 3. As indicated in foot- notes, results from several of the experiments may be questionable, although, as shown later, these data were useful in establishing the optimal N content of sugarbeets for maximum yield. In Table 4, locations of climatological stations closest to the experimental sites are given. Mean air temperature and rainfall recorded at these stations were used in adjusting N mineralization values. Also shown -in Table 4 are the amounts of NO3-N present, before planting and fertilization, to the indicated 306 ' AGRONOMY JOURNAL, VOL.- 69, MARCH-APRIL 1977 10 Table 5. Cumulative percentage of potentially mineralizable mN mineralized during 6 months (Apr. -Sept.) as affected by average monthly fluctuations in temperature and available 0 8 Y = 3.88X -0.50 r = 0.97 / soil water. c 5.5 kg N/mT T m a, d 4x • 1971 „* 0972 ° 2 I � t Z I L55% N , 00 0.5 1.0 1.5. 2.0 2.5 Percent N in Total Dry Matter Fig. 3. N uptake (kg/metric ton of beets) in relation to per- ce.at N in total dry matter. depths of sampling. These depths approximate the root: zone and differ because of a restrictive hardpan layer of varying depth among sites. Degree of N Sufficiency as Revealed by'N Uptake Carter et al. (1), have established that maximum yield of sucrose or total dry matter is associated with a total uptake of approximately 5.5 kg of N/ton of beers. This observation offers a direct means of de- termining the degree of adequacy of soil derived N as ft varies among sites (Fig. 3). Here, the data from all sites (see Tables 2 and 3) were used to depict the regression of kg N/metric ton on percent N in the TD:A for 1971 and 1972 zero-N plots. Since the re- gression coefficients for -1971 and 1972 did not differ significantly, only the pooled regression is shown in Fig. 3. As estimated from the pooled regression, 5.5 kg N/metric ton corresponds to 1.55 percent N in the TDM. This percentage of N, associated with near maximum yield, is close to the value of 1.60'1 esti- mated from California results (7). In comparing suc- rose yields and percent N (Tables 2 and 3), it be- comes evident,' therefore, that the soil N supplied by most of the sites was inadequate for maximum yield of sucrose. Near adequacy of N is indicated for sev- eral sites, associated with a broad range (6 to 10 met- ric ton/ha) of attainable sucrose yields. From com- bined results for 1971 and 1972, the regression of "percent N in TDM" on "percent sucrose" is o/a N == 5.2 to 0.24 percent sucrose (r 0.71). Contribution of Residual Nitrate and Mineralizable Soil N to Plants In 1971 the amounts of residual NO3-N estimated for Sites given in Table 4 ranged from 36 to 243 kg/ ha (average, 127). Corresponding ranges for total N uptake (Table 2) were 82 to 318 kg/ha (average, 209). Assuming complete recovery, an average 61%) of total N uptake might be attributed to residual NO;,. In 1972 (Table 4) root zone NO3-N ranged from 18 to 130 kg/ha (average, 82) and N uptake (Table 3) ranged from 105 to 265 kg/ha (average, 192). Here, the average N uptake from NO3 appar- Site no. Vo No mineralized, corrected for: Temp. and Temp., T soil water, S 1971 2 31.2 22.3 4 28.1 19.8 6 28.1 19.8 7 30.1 20.9 8 31.7 22.0 101 27.2 17.4 103 27.2 18.9 105 29.3 20.8 106 27.5 17.6 151 25.7 18.1 152 26.3 17.9 156 26.2 17.9 157 25.7 17.9 201 24.3 16.7 202 24.3 16.7 204 24.3 18.1 205 24.3 17.3 206 24.3 17.3 207 24.3 16.8 208 24.3 16.5 211 , 27.2 15.1 - -11972 S:D.t (2.4) (1.9) P20 31.1 20.7 P21 31.1 20.1 Pilo 27.1 18.7 P111 27.2 20.0 P160 25.6 17.3 P220 24.0 15.8 P222 24.0 16.3 S.D.t (3.0) (2.0) t S.D. - Standard deviation. ently was 43°/0. The remaining N in the crop was derived largely from soil N mineralized during the growing season. The amount of soil N mineralized in the course of the season is dominantly influenced by temperature and soil water content, as mentioned earlier. These effects were estimated as outlined in Table 1, based on monthly adjustments derived from average air tem- peratures and estimated average fractions of potential- ly available soil water present during each month. The estimated percentages of No mineralized from April through September are shown in Table 5. In 1971 and 1972, sites 2 through 21, 101 through 160, and 201 through 222, respectively, occurred in the western, central, and eastern sections of southern Idaho bordering the Snake River. Corresponding average N mineralization percentages (-k standard deviation) as influenced by temperature alone, were 30.0 ± 1.5 (eastern), 26.8 ± 1.1 (central), and 24.5 ± 0.9 (eastern). Thus, differences among geographi- cal locations account for much of the overall variation in temperature effects on N mineralization. In both years, total N uptake was correlated signifi- cantly with amounts of NO3-N in the root zone (Ta- ble 6, ryi). In 1971 and 1971-72 combined, N uptake also was significantly correlated with No and with estimated N mineralized (Table 6, ry2). Because the variables, Xi and X2, are not strongly related (col- umn r12), their independent contributions to Y (114 uptake) can be evaluated with reasonable confidence using multiple regression analysis. The partial c:or- STANFORD ET Al.: NITROGEN UPTAKE BY SUGARBEETS 307 Table 6. Regression equations and correlation coefficients depicting relationships of N uptake (Y, kg/ha) to NO.-N in the root zone (X„ kg/ha) and to X2 (N mineralization potential, No, or estimated N mineralized during the cropping season, kg/ha). Year No, of sites Regression equation R ry, Correlation coefficientst rye r12 ry,•2 ry2,1 A. (X2 - N mineralization potential, No) 1971 21 (1) Y - 0.67 X, + 0.21 X2 - 61.7 0.84** 0.74** 0.64** 0.36 0.71** 0.60** 1972 7 (2) Y - 1.04 X, + 0.19 X2 - 53.1 0.82* 0.80* 0.15 0.18 0.83* 0.43 Years combined 28 (3) Y - 0.72 X, + 0.18 X2 - 37.1 0.82*► 0.75** 0.56** 0.31 0.73** 0.51** B. (X2 - N mineralized, 6 months, estimated) 1971 21 (4) Y - 0.75 X, + 0.69 X2 + 1.3 0.80** 0.74** 0.49** 0.25 0.73** 0.47** 1972 7 (5) Y - 0.21 X, + 0.90 X2 - 44.4 0.80* 0.80* 0.39 0.18 0,89* 0.50 Years combined 28 (6) Y - 0.75 X, + 0.66 X2 + 10.6 0.80** 0.75** 0.47** 0.28 0.73** 0.42* * 5`Yo level of significance. ** 1% level. t R - multiple correlation coefficient; y - dependent variable; subscripts 1 and 2 denote X, and X2, respectively; ry,•2 and ry2,1 denote partial correlation coefficients. relation coefficient relating N uptake to residual NO3 (17y1.2) and N uptake to No or estimated N mineralized (ry2.1) for individual and combined years were sig- nificant except in 1972, which involved only seven sites. Statistical methods and symbols are those of Snedecor (6). Results in Table 6 verify the earlier conclusion of Carter (1, 2, 3) that both residual NOa-N and mineralizable N contribute to N uptake by sugar - beets. It is important to recognize that No consti- tutes a relative index of N mineralization capacity, unaffected by climatic factors, while N mineralized is an estimate of the N actually derived from No un- der prevailing temperature and water regimes. Hence, regression equations 4 and 6 (Table 6) are of particu- lar interest. The reliability of equation 5 is ques- tionable since it is based on only seven sites involving a relatively narrow range of No. The regression co- efficients in equation 4 and 6 indicate similar relative contributions, to N uptake, of residual NO3 (XI) and estimated N mineralized during 6 months (X2). A plot of observed vs. calculated (equation 4) N uptake values (Fig. 4) indicates several large deviations be- tween measured and predicted values for the 1971 data. These deviations are the net result of several com- bined sources of error such as: estimating residual NO3 and No from composited soil cores taken from the entire experimental area rather than individual check plots; estimating soil temperatures and soil wa- ter indirectly; and sampling and analytical errors in estimating the N uptake. The general success of equation 4 is encouraging considering these large sources of error. Although there is no absolute basis for indepen- dently evaluating the percent recovery (efficiency) of residual NO3-N and mineralized N, regression coeffi- cients (equations 4 and 6, Table 6) suggest similar relative contributions of N from these two sources. The regressions of N uptake (Y) on combined residual NO3-N and estimated N mineralized (XI -i- X2) are as follows: I971: Y = 0.73 (Xi + X2) - 2.6 (r = 0.80); 1972: Y = 1.09 (Xi + X2) - 6.0 (r = 0.87); and 350 300 o Y = 0.995 Y + 1.62 r = 0.80 250 'o 0 200 c 150 CL Z 100 Y=Y a > 50 00 50 100 150 200 250 Y, kp/ha:Colculated Fig. 4. Observed (Y) vs. calculated (Y) •N uptake by sugar - beets where Y = 0.75X, + 0.69X2 + 1.3 (Xl = residual NO,-N in root zone; X2 = estimated N mineralized under prevailing temperature and water regimes). years combined: Y = 0.73 (Xi + X2) + 5.3 (r = 0.80). The regression coefficients indicate an overall aver- age efficiency of about 730/o which approximates the recovery that might be expected from near optimal N fertilizer rates applied to sugarbeets (1). CONCLUSIONS This study evaluates one approach to estimating the contributions of mineralizable soil N to the grow- ing crops in the field. The potentially mineralizable soil N is first determined in the laboratory, based on analysis of soils sampled from the portion of the root zone that contributes to N mineralization. In south- ern Idaho soils, most of the mineralizable organic N resides in the upper 30-cm layer, but significant amounts often occur in the (30 to 45)-cm layer. Hence, N mineralization potential was measured for each 15- cm layer to a depth of 45 cm. For each site, estimates then were made of the amounts of N mineralized per month, taking into account the average air tempera- tures and the estimated residual available water sup- ply present in the root zone. 308 AGRONOMY JOURNAL, VOL. 69, MARCH-APRIL 1977 The multiple regression of N uptake (Y) on resi- dual nitrate (Xi) and on estimated N mineralized dur- ing 6 months (X2) showed significant contributions from both sources. Moreover, in the equation (1971 data), Y - 0.75Xt + 0.69X2 + 1.3, similarity of re- gression coefficients suggests that the relative avail - abilities of the two sources of soil- N did not differ appreciably. Thus, we conclude that reasonable suc- cess was achieved in estimating N mineralized during the season in view of the approximations used in the analysis. LITERATURE CITED 1. Carter, J. N., M. E. Jensen, and S. M. Bosma. 1974. Deter- mining nitrogen fertilizer needs for sugarbeets from residual soil nitrate and mineralizable nitrogen. Agron. J. 66:319-323. 2. --., D. T. Westermann, M. E. Jensen, and S. M. Bosma. 1975. Predicitng nitrogen fertilizer needs for sugarbeets from residual nitrate and mineralizable nitrogen. J. Am. Soc. Sugar Beet Technol. 18:232-244. 3. and . 1976. Sugarbeet yield and quality as affected "by nitrogen level. Agron. J. 68.49-55. 4. Giles, J. F., J. O. Reuss, and A. E. Ludwick. 1975. Prediction of nitrogen status of sugarbeets by soil analysis. Agron. J. 67:454-459. 5. Roberts, S., A. W. Richards, M. G. Day, and W. H. Weaver. 1972. Predicting sugar content and petiole nitrate of sugar - beets from soil measurements of nitrate and mineralizable nitrogen. J. Am. Soc. Sugar Beet Technol. 17:126-133. 6. Snedecor, G. W. 1956. Statistical Methods, 5th ed. 1owa State Univ. Press, Ames, Iowa. 7. Stanford, G. 1966. Nitrogen requirements of crops for maxi- mum yield. p. 237-257. In W. H. McVicker et al. (ed.) Agri- cultural Anhydrous Ammonia, Technology and Use. Soil Science Soc. Am., Madison, Wis. 8. =-., J. N. Carter, and S. J. Smith. 1974. Estimates of potentially mineralizable soil nitrogen based on short-term incubations. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 38:99-102. 9. . and E. Epstein. 1974. Nitrogen mineralization -water relations in soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 38:103-107. 10. --., M. H. Frere, and D. E. Schwaninger. 1973. Tem- perature coefficient of soil nitrogen mineralization: Soil Sci. 115:321-323. 11. ---., J. O. Legg, and S. J. Smith. 1973. Soil nitrogen availability evaluations based on nitrogen mineralization po- tentials of soils and uptake of labeled and unlabeled nitro- gen by plants. Plant and Soil. 39:113-124. 12. --., and S. J. Smith. 1972. Nitrogen mineralization po- tentials of soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 56:465-472. ���'� an x 2 �ro.n : �,so,1 � ..� 6t fie,- : I;-Lers . An ! l PP Mcajayewe^�-, 108 24. A.I. 099 el. 08 —,.9 Nn'ROGEN ! PLANTS -► and ANIMALS :) Soil — — — — r — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — surface DECOMPOSABLE Nutrients ORGANIC RESIDUES I (10-20%) ` HETEROTROPHIC I i BIOMASS CL ;J { Biologically Microbial products resistant organics tk' I I r' !" SOIL HUMUS (50-85%) FIGURE 4.13 Conceptual model of the degradation of plant residues to stable soil humus. Relative sizes of the microbial and organic biomass components are h shown. Doran and Smith, SSSA Spec. Publ. 19, p. 55, 1987. croorganisms and fauna and is responsible for the majority of mineralization and immobilization reactions that influence availability of N and other nutrients. Soil humus, the largest component of soil OM, is relatively resistant to microbial degra- dation; however, it is essential for establishing and maintaining optimum soil phys- ical conditions important for plant growth. N Mineralization N mineralization is the conversion of organic N to NH4+ (Fig. 4.1). Mineraliza lion of organic N involves two reactions, aminization and ammonifacation, which oc- cur through the activity of heterotrophic microorganisms. Heterotrophs require organic C compounds for their source of energy. Mineralization increases with a rise in temperature and is enhanced by ad- equate, although not excessive, soil moisture and a good supply of 02. De- composition proceeds under waterlogged conditions, although at a slower rate, and is incomplete. Aerobic, and to a lesser extent anaerobic, respiration releases NH4'- Soil moisture content regulates the proportions of aerobic and anaerobic mi- crobial activity (Fig. 4.14). Maximum aerobic activity and N mineralization oc- cur between 50 and 70% water -filled pore space. Soil temperature strongly in- fluences microbial activity and N mineralization (Fig. 4.14) . Optimum soil temperature for microbial activity ranges between 25 and 35'C. The influence of soil moisture and temperature fluctuations on N mineralization throughout a growing season is shown in Figure 4.12. N TRANSFORMATIONS IN SOILS J Q 1.0 m 0 0.8 0.6 U 0.4 g ¢ 0.2 W 0.0 (A) Aerobic ,' , Anaerobic 109 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 SOIL WATER -FILLED PORE SPACE SOIL TEMPERATURE (°C) (0 to 150 mm depth) FIGURE 4.14 Influence of soil moisture (water -filled pore space) and temperature on rel- ative microbial activity in soil. Doran and Smith, SSSA Spec. Publ. 19, p.. 60 & 65, 1987. r� Y 100 0 W N 80 J Q W Z 60 z 0 z 40 0 O 20 Ill TOTAL N IN SOIL (%) FIGURE 4.15 Refa:donship between organic N mineralized on incubation of nonlimed samples and total N in soils. Soil OM contains about 5% N, and during a single growing season 1 to 4% of or- ganic N is mineralized to inorganic N. As total soil N content increases, the quantity of N mineralized from soil organic N increases (Fig. 4.15) . Therefore, soil and crop management strategies that conserve or increase soil OM will result in a greater con- tribution of mineralizable N to N availability to crops. The quantity of N mineralized during the growing season can be estimated. For example, if a soil contained 4% OM and 2 % mineralization occurred, then 4% OM X (2 X 1061b soil/a— 6 in.) X (5% N) X (2% N mineralized) = 80 lb N/a Thus, each year, 80 lb N/a as NH4+ are mineralized, which enter the soil solution and can be utilized by plants or other soil N processes (Fig. 4.1) . Appe"4"K 2e. comparable relation between p^^„ ist for other homoionic montmoril- .at measurements of the load line probe of the structure of water in lling clays. REFERENCES J. and P. F. Low. 1958. The density Asorbed by lithium-, sodium-, and bentonite. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. .1963. Theory of the chemical prop. lil colloidal systems at equilibrium, 14: 417-5h. 3. Thermodynamics. John Wiley & York, 376 pp. M The movement and distribution soils. Geotechnique III: 1-17. H. and G. H. Bolt: 1972. Water n soil. Soil Sci: 113: 238-245. 1969. Moisture equilibrium in the swelling soils. 1. Basic theory. Aust, . 7: 99-120. 1970. Reply [to Ref. (12)]. Water Res. 6: 1248-1251. )66. Agricultural Physics. Pergamon )rd, 230 pp. 972. Thermodynamics of swelling systems. Soil Sci.114: 243-249. P., G. H. Bolt, and R: D. Miller. ling pressure of montmorillonite. c. Am. Proc: 21: 495-497. id-B. P. Warkentin. 1962. Introduc- il Behavior. Macmillan, New York, and G., D. Towner.1970. Comments statics and hydrodynamics in swell. by J. R. Philip. Water Resources 16-1247. © 1973 by The Williams & Wilkins Co TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT OF SOIL NITROGEN MINERALIZATION GEORGE STANFORD, M. H. FRERE, AND D. H. SCHWANINGER Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland 20705 Received for publication December 28, 1972 ,il nitrogen (N) mineralization rate is influ- d profoundly by temperature . within the e normally encountered under field ' condi- �:Since mineralization practically ceases near freezing point, the temperatures of greatest est in soil biology generally occur in the range ero to 35' C. Over a considerable range of �eratures above 35° C, ammonification con- es, but nitrification essentially ceases at 45' C .msen and Kolenbrander 1965). In minerali- m of soil organic N, the rate -limiting step is ionification, and, over much of the range from to 35' C, almost complete conversion of i,N to_ NOB-N normally occurs in aerated . Although the temperature dependence of N mineralization has long been recognized, quantitative relationship has not been elu- ted clearly. In general, it has been considered the decline in mineralization withh decreasing perature follows an asymptotic curve that 7oaches zero (Harmsen and Kolenbrander a determining the N mineralization potentials large number of soils by aerobic incubation at C, Stanford and Smith (1972) concluded that �ulative N mineralized -over time conformed to first -order -equation log (No — Nt) = log No — k/2.303(t) vhich No = potentially mineralizable N; N t = nineralized in time, t; and k = the miaeraliza- i rate constant. At 35 C, mineralization rate not differ significantly among most of the s, which suggested that the soils did not differ ireciably in the forms of. organic N contribut- to N mineralization. The importance of deter - ling the specific effects of varying temperature the mineralization rate constant for different )es of soil prompted the studies herein re - MATERIALS AND METHODS . soils for which the N mineralization po- No , and mineralization rate constants, Vol. 116, No. 4 Printed in U.S.A. k, had previously been determined. at 35' C (Stanford and Smith 1972) were selected for studies' on temperature -mineralization relation- ships. These soils and data referred to above are listed in Table 1. Detailed information on chem- ical properties and previous management of the soils is published elsewhere (Stanford and Smith 1972) . Duplicate .30-g samples of soil, mixed with equal volumes of silica sand, were placed in leaching tubes. As described previously (Stan- ford and Smith 1972), mineral N initially present was removed by leaching with an aqueous solu- tion of 0.01 M CaC12, followed by minus-N nutri- ent solution and suction (60 cm Hg) to remove excess solution. Three series of samples were in- cubated at 5, 15, and 25' C for 2 weeks, and samples again were treated as described above. Intermittent incubations and leachings were carried• out for four 2-week and four 4-week periods (cumulative, 24 weeks). Valdes of k for 5, 15, and 25° C were calculated from. the linear regression of log (No — Nt) on t (N. and Art expressed as ppm N in air-dry soil; t weeks of incubation) (Stanford and Smith 1972). The value of k (weeks 1) is obtained from the slope of the regression, k/2.303 (Stanford and Smith 1972). In making these calculations, it was assumed that the N mineralization potential, No , is unaffected by temperature. Moreover, it Ap- pears logical that the most reliable estimate of N,,is obtained by incubating soils at 35' C, since, as shown later, the proportion of No mineralized in a given time at this temperature greatly exceeds that at the lower temperatures. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In Table 1 are shown the calculated mineraliza- tion rate constants derived from amounts of N mineralized in consecutive incubations over a period of 24 to 30 weeks at the indicated tern-. peratures. Average values 'of k for:11 soils, given on the bottom line of the table, indicate that k 321 322 STANFORD, FRERE, AND SCHWANINGt& TABLE 1 Nitrogen mineralization potential, No, and nitrogen mineralization rate constant, k, for different soil and varying soil temperatures Soil designations Nitrogen mineral- izationpotential, Mineralization rate constant, k (weeks-) and source 5° C W C 25° C 35' C No. Ppm .u1YyI; Palouse sil (Wash.) 150 0.015 f .006 0.022 f .007 0.047 :d= .007 0.064 -l- .011, "1 Sprole sil (Mont.) 259 0.007 f .003 0.012 f .004 0.027 f .004 0.056 =L- .004i?� ' Parshall fsl (N. Dak.) 136 0.013 f' .003 0.015 f .007 0.030 f .006 0.050 .009 Holtville so, (Calif.) 289 0.008 f .002 0.012 � .003 0.022 � .004 0.052 � Hagerstown sil (Pa.) 202 0.013 =i= .006 0.021 =L .010 0.038 f .012 .0041'-P� 0.063 f .012r:�.;w: Pullman sil (Tex.) 250 0.008 =i= .002 0.013 f .004 0.032 f .005 0.044 f . 008 Minidoka sil (Idaho) 279 0.005 f .001 0.012 f .003 0.024 t .006 N• '�y 0.071 Cecil sl (Ga.) 168 0.008 f .004 0,010 f .006 0.019 =1= .009 0.052 .013 j ? Rago sil (Colo.) 138 0.009 f .002 0.013 t .005 0.028 =b .006 0.044 f .00fr' Aastad cl (Minn.) 290 0.007 f .004 0.011 =j= .008 0.028 f .006 0.057 t .007;nr Grenada sil (Miss.) 271 0.011 f .005 0.013 f .008 0.026 =L: .011 0.056 + .0Y`4? Average; 11 soils - 0.009 =L .003 0.014 f .006 0.029 f .007 0.055 =i= .00 .3i ti •t��i,u�:_ 1 sil = silt loam; fsl = fine sand loam; se = silt clay; sl = sand loam; cl = clay loam. Y Y Y, Y , Y changes approximately twofold for each 10-degree change in temperature. A more rigorous analysis of -the relation be- tween temperature and mineralization rate is de- picted in Fig. 1, using a modification of the Arrhenius equation (Bray and White 1957) : log k = log A - BIT (A is a constant, B is the slope of the regression, and ,T is the absolute temperature). The relation of log k to 11T in Fig. 1 represents the pooled regression for 11 soils derived from values of k and temperatures in Table 1 (Snedecor 1956). Pooling the results in a common regression equation is justified because regression coefficients, B-; do not differ signifi- cantly among soils (P < 0.01). The resulting equation is log k = 6.16 - 2299 (1/T), from which calculated values of k for 5, 15, 25, and 35° C are 0.008, 0.015, 0.027, and 0.049 weeks71. Qto values for 5 to 15, 15 to 25, and 25 to 35' C, respectively, are 1.9, 1.8, and 1.8. Because of the very low nitrogen mineralization rate at 5°C, estimates of k are less reliable than at higher temperatures. The regression equation calculated after omitting 5-degree data, log • k = 7.71 - 2758 (11T)., gave values of k for 5, 15, 25, and 35' C, respectively, of 0.006, 0.014, 0.028, and 0.056, and corresponding Qic values of 2.3, 2, and 2. Over the temperature range normally encoun- tered in the field, therefore, we conclude that Q10 , the "temperature coefficient" of nitrogen min- eralization (Bray and White 1957), is app mately 2. The foregoing results provide a basis for. mating amounts of soil N mineralized u .1.0 -1.5 ca 1= k= 6.16 22 o .2.0 log k = 7.71 - 2758 1/T -2.5 . . . . 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 I/T X 103 FrG. 1. The relation between log k and tb ciprocal of absolute temperature. The regre lines obtained by pooling the regressions of on 11T for 11 soils are identified as follows: broken line is fitted to all points; the solid 1 fitted to 3 points, representing 35, 25, and 15° TEMPERI fluctuating temperatures. Given daily or weekly field temperatures, c values of k may be calculated using equation. Amounts of N mineralize week, kN, are based on the first -ore (Stanford and Smith 1972) -dN/di convenient to calculate, first of all, of No mineralized by specified do N = No = 100%; in succeeding N = 100 minus the fraction of 1 mineralized. Therefore, actual ar. mineralized during a specified perio( ing season is represented by the pi fraction of No mineralized. Proced mating No have been described Smith 1972). SUMMARY Mineralization of soil organic ni several consecutive incubations at 35' C was measured on 11 soils. Ba lative amounts of nitrogen minerali cessive incubations, N t (t = wee TGER= �"+' TEMPERATURE AND SOIL N MINERALIZATION 323 rate constant, k, for different soils :onstant, k (weeks-1) 25' C 35° C 0.047 =i= .007 0.064 + .011 0.027 t .004 0.056 f .004 0.030 t .006 0.050 f .009 0.022 f .004• 0.052 f .004 0.038 f .012 0.063 f .012 0.032 =i= .005 0.044 f .008 0.024 =i= .006 0.071 =i= .011 0.019 =L .009 0.052 f .013 0.028 =1= .006 0.044 f .006 0.028 t .006 0.057 f .007 0.026 =b .011 0.056 + .014 0.029 a: .007 0.055 f .009 iy loam; cl = clay loam. -ay and White 1957), is approxi- ig results provide a basis for esti- its of soil N mineralized under log k= 6.16 - 2299 1/T k = 7.71 - 2758 1/T 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 1/TX 103 elation between log k and the re- iolute temperature. The regression by pooling the regressions of log k soils are identified as follows: The atted to all points; the solid line is ts, representing 35, 25, and 15° C. tuating temperatures. Given the average y or weekly field temperatures, corresponding ies of k may be calculated. using the Arrhenius ation. Amounts of N mineralized per day or k, kN, are based on the first -order expression nford and Smith 1972) -Oldt = M It is venient to calculate, first of all, the fractions !Vo mineralized by specified dates. Initially No = 100%; in succeeding time periods, 100 minus the fraction of No previously ieralized. Therefore, actual amounts of N eralized during a specified period of the grow - 'season is represented by the product; No X ;lion of No mineralized. Procedures for esti- img No have been described (Stanford and ith 1972). SUMMARY ieralization of soil organic nitrogen during I consecutive incubations at 5, 15, 25, and was measured on 11 soils. Based on cumu- amounts of nitrogen mineralized after sue - incubations, Nt (t = weeks), and soil nitrogen mineralization potentials, No , the min- eralization rate constant, k, for each temperature and soil was derived from the first -order equation, log (A. - Nt) = log No - WZ303 (t). The linear regressions of log k on 1/T (T = absolute tem- perature) did not differ significantly among soils. Based on the common (pooled) regression for 11 soils, a Q,o of approximately 2 was obtained. R,>1NERENCES Bray, H. B. and K. White. 1957. Kinetics and thermodynamics in biochemistry. Academic Press, Inc.,'New York, pp.137-139. Harmsen, G. W. and G. J. Kolenbrander. 1965. Soil inorganic nitrogen. In Soil nitrogen, No. 10., W. V. Bartholomew and F. E. Clark (eds.), American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin. Snedecor, G. W. 1956. Statistical methods, 5th ed., Iowa State College Press, Ames; Iowa. Stanford, G. and S. J. Smith. 1972. Nitrogen min- eralization potentials of soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 36: 465-472. AQ penjd x 27F. TRANSFORMATIONS IN SOILS Q 1.0 0o 0 0.8 U 0.6 U 0.4 Q 0.2 w 0.0 Or (A) 110 Aerobic Anaerobic o g \ 0.6Afw 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 SOIL WATER -FILLED PORE SPACE SOIL TEMPERATURE (°C) (0 to 150 mm depth) CGUR.E 4.14 Influence of soil moist -Lire (water -filled pore space) and temperature on rel xve microbial activity in soil. Doran and Smith, SSSA Spec. Publ. 19, p. 60. & 65, 1987. Appendix 2g. Proposed Annual Plant Availabl Zone 'Limiting Mapped Soil Unit Proposed Irrigation rate (Oct. -Feb.) Proposed PAN. Application ` Ccess/Deficient PAN Winter.Rye) Winter Rye). lermuda+R e in Ib/ac Ib/ac 1 Wa ram 23.11. 48 i -43 2 Wa ram 17.86 37 -97 3 Wa ram 16:03 37 -95 4 Noboco 141- _ 3. -305 5 Noboco 1.39 3 -305 6 Noboco 12.11 25 - -186 7 Noboco 8.37 —17 :: - -225 8 Wa ram 10.95 23 -169 9 Noboco 6.2: - 13 : , -247 10 Wa ram 24.06 50 -33 11 Wa ram 22.62 47 . _ -48 12 Wa ram 22.2 46 -52 13 Wa ram 20.72 43. -. -68 14 Wa ram 22.45 46 -50 15 Noboco 20.62 42. -98 16 Wa ram 21:01 43. -65 17 Noboco 1.53 3 -302 18 Tarboro 24.3., : 50 -3 18A Tarboro 24:3: 50 -3 t • Ap end'lx 3C.-- Noon Car.tra Sae UnNersty is a ta'e• Department of Crop Science 5=1 Unri_zrj and a corxauent i.s: :6t:or; cf Tha Unrvss3y of Novi Camini a College of Agriculture 2-id Lite Sciences Campus Box 7620 Raleigh. NC.27E95-762- 919.515.2647 919.515.7959 (fax) Memorandum TO: North Carolina Certified Technical Specialists FROM: Dr. Jim Green, Chairman NC State University Forage roduction Workgroup v DATE: June 29, 1998 SUBJECT: Crop Management Practices for Select Forages Used. -in Waste Management . The following is a four -page summary of suggestions for management practices. for some forage crops that can -be used in waste management plans. These suggestions are a result of discussions within the NC State University Forage Production «'orkgroup, a group comprised Of NC State faculty and MRCS agenc}• personnel with expertise with the crops. There are limited documented research responses of some of these practices on the soils and environments where these crops are currently being grown.' The ForaR: Production Workoroup has taken the available data and used the combined experiences any- realistic estimates of key* people to come up with suggestions that will allow farmers to i:::o-txorate these crops and practices into waSW management - plans: As data . become av2:lahle to substantiate or refute . these suggestions, the Forage Production Workgrour .t ri6 mal;e appropriate changes. ' Bermuda Overseeded 111th Cereal Rre and Annual Ryegrass Cut7entiy two types of "ryegrass" are being used for winter overseedino in ftei : animal waste managemen:. Cerea'. rve is a winter annual smallgrain tha: look, �: -:: ,:- 10 wheat, barley and oats. Annual negracs is a winter annual grass that Tools rr:::_: tali fescue. Both of these trasses. when growing �v during the inter on bermud_ s. ._ ... ::a.•: significant impact or: subseouen; bermuda vields. In effect, the total yiel_J; t: -,:re growing the combination of bermuda With these winter annuals will usually ylel� i~•.: ►� : l tons more per acre than barmuda growing alone, for the year. Therefore, 'ihe iota:: -- of PAN /acre for the year is about l OJ lbs more than.for bermuda alone. Although annual ryegrass are suitablecrops foe overseeditig, the management of the crop; _':::,•:en: and thus practices implemented are &pendent onthe crop selected. Nar.1 Carol= Stme US.'iersty 6 a Ln!_ Department of Crop Seignce enrrersty are a eers;.¢er.; its : ee t of Tne Urvrers.y cf Nr= car:Bra •College of Agricul:ure and Life Sciercv Campus Box 762_ Raiei,^i. NC 27695-762C-- 919.515.2647. 919.515.7959 (fax, Cereal Rye The cereal rye should be planted by October 15 to provide the best opponunit)- to get winter growth. The most consistent stands ate obtained from drilling . rye into ,short (less .than .3 inches'taIl) bermudagrass sod. If drilling is not possible, the seeds may be broadcast on shop bermuda sod followed by a light cultivation with a disc or tillage implement. The seeding rate for broadcast planting of seeds should be 1.5 times the rate for drilled seeds. The last application of animal waste is to be applied to the bermuda prior to August 31. - An application of 50 lbs/acre of Plant Available N (PAN) maybe applied betweer September 15 and October 30. -An additional 50 lbs/acre of•PAN' may be applied in February -March. If rve growth is harvested on time and does -not significantly shade the bermuda. PA_'� rates for the subsequent bermuda crop are based on realistic yields of bermuda. A harvest is required prior to heading or April 7, which ever comes first. This is necessary to .minimize the potential for shading bermuda and reducing its yields. The PAN rate for grazed systems «•ith .bermuda overseeded with cereal rye must bereduced in accordance with .NRCS Technical Standard #590.. . Annual Ryegrass' Annual ryegrass should be planted by October 15 to provide the best opportunity t.O,zet winter growth. The most consis:err stands are obtained from drilling rye�rass into s;,;)n,, 1 h. than 3 inches tall) bermudagrass sod. If drill•in2 js not possible, the seeds may bz b: oad.::;: on shot bermuda sod followed by a light cultivation with a disc or tillage implement: Tr,-.- s,: d::'+_ rate for broadcast plantin_ of seeds should be �1.5 dimes the rate fo. drilled se, ;• Tr.-• last - application of anima ... aste is to be applied to the bermuda: pr io: to • • An application of 50 lbs/acre of (PAIN) may be applied betwi een September 1 a:.:M ;=�•- 30 An additional 50 lbs!a_re of PAS may be applied in February -Minch. I.d �l 1�. is applied Ed-the-rye�-'�p_rass i^ -April-May.-the ! - .-the -PAIN-rate -for- the bermuda tnt:c: h..,r; ,:,:_ ; ,: },� corresponding amour.: This is necessary because ryegrass growth du . -'in_:- A,,:. Kill reduce bermuda yiell; xnt shorten the time bermuda can fuliv utilrzt the required by headrnz o: 1�- ! -' "'' r' . i 7, wNch ever comes first to t?rev- +� �n: s...._::::• :tnC bermuda during Apri:.`.Is% period To favor the pr d of th,' = ests oft o uctio nc.:-.._.. .... ..tiaal hary yegrass ui3: be required when the.rvegra ss-c�nop� r�aci:�: , t:. . The'PA.\ rate fo: yaaz:d «•stem; with bermuda overseeded with ann•=-. - reduced in accord_^.:. j-h NRCS Technical Standard T590. Appendix 4. Proposed Annual Phosphorus (P205) Application, Rates and Potential Crop-P Removal Rates. Limiting Mapped Soil Unit Proposed P205 Application Potential Crop Removal Proposed P205 Application Potential, Crop Removal Total Annual P205 Application Total Annual P205 Potential Crop Removal (Rye) (Rye) Bermuda Bermuda Bermuda+R a Bermuda+R e Zone----------------- —---------- —------------------ ---Ib/ac------------------ --------------------------------------- 1 Wa ram 83 13. 144 68 227 81 2 Wa ram 64. 13 118 68 182 81 . 3 Wa ram 65 13 118 68 183 81 4 Noboco 5 20 29 80 34 100 5 Noboco 5 20 28 80• 33 100 6 Noboco "43 20 98 80 132 100 7 Noboco 30 20 69 80 99 100 8 Wa ram 39 13 - 83 68 122 81 9 ' Noboco. 22 20 58 80 81 100 10 Wa ram 86 13 149, 68 235 81 11 Wa ram 81 13 142 68 223 81 12 •Wa ram 80 13 140 - '. 68 219 81 13 Wa ram 74 13 132 68 206 81 14 Wa "ram 81 13 141 68 221 81 15 Noboco 74 20 132 80 206 100 16 Wa ram 75 13 .134 68 209 81 17 Noboco .5 20- 30 80 36 100 18 Tarboro 87 12 119 80 206 92 18A Tarboro 87 12 119 80 206 92 Appendix 5.- Proposed Nutrient and Heavy Metal Application Rates. Zone Ca Mg. Cr Ni Zn Pb - Cr Site Life Ni Site 'Life Zn Site . Life' Pb Site Life -------------- -------=-----------Ib/ac/ r------------------------------ -------------- -------------- years------- ------- -------- 1 473 252 0.13 0.31 3.61 5.16 - "22345 1204 690 52 2 378 201 0.10 0.25 2.89 4.13 27940 1505 863 65 3 381 203 0.10 0.25 2.91 4.16 27715 1493 856 64 4 70 37 0.02 _ 0.05 0.53 .0.76 151001 8135 4664 = 350 5 69 37 0.02 0.05 0.53. 0.75 152794 8232 4719 .-354 6 275 14.6 0.08- 0.18 2.10 3.00 38479 2073 1188 89 7 - 207 - 110 0.06 0.14 1.58 2.26 51023 2749 1576 118 8 254. 135 ' 0.07 0.17 1.94 2.77 .41663 '2245 1287 96 9 168 89 0.05 0.11 1.28 1.83 62939 3391 1944 146 10 490. 261- 0.13 0.32 3.74 5.35. 21562 1162 666 50 11 464 247 0.12. 0.30 3.54 5.06' 22773 1227 703 53 .12 457 1 243 0.12 0.30 3.49 4.98 23145 _ 1247 715 54 13 430..-. 229 0.11 - 0.28 3.28 4.69 _ 24589 1325 759 57 14 . 461. 245 0.12 0.30 3.52 5:03 22924 1235 708 - 53 15 428 228 0.11 0.28 3.27 ' 4.67 24692 1330 763 57 16 435 231 0.12 0.29 3.32 4.75 24290. 1309 750 56 17 74 39 ' 0.03 0.05 0.57 0.81 142773 7692 4409 330 18 - 430 229 0.14 0.28 3.28' 4.69 24598 1325 .760 57 Soil .Env ronmen-ta:l Consult, Ots, 1'A 11010 Raven Ridge Road ; Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 • Phone: (919) 846-5900 •: Fax: (919) 846-9467 www.SandEC.com RECEIVED / NENR / DINQ AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION JAN 2 8 2009 December 16, 2008 Eagle Resources, Inc. Attn: - Eric Lappala 4005 Lake Springs Court Raleigh, NC'27613 Re: Agronomist°Report for Proposed Industrial Waste to be applied at -the Allens, Inc. - Plant #7—SampsoniCounty, NC. S&EC Project #10,977.s3. ,I. Introduction Soil & Environmental -Consultants; PA,.(S&EC) has completed a preliminary agronomist - report, for the -site referenced. above. This report addresses the requirements set forth by 15A-NCAC 02T:0504. (i)-,concerning the agronomic management plan for, surface wastewater disposal; where spray irrigation -fields are used as final wastewater receiver -sites. The purpose of this report is to, perform an agronomic evaluation which determines the feasibility of using portions.of a 360-ac tract for additional spray field area as a receiver site for the future expansion of the canning facility. As part of the study, fields were analyzed to determine agronomic limitations based on hypothetical hydraulic loading rates of the proposed wastewater source. Industrial wastewater generated from the Allens, Inc.- Plant #7 canning facility is currently applied to .100.3 acres of land located south, of the canning facility. Wastewater is pre-treated by passing through'a series of sediment ation.and storage basins before final land application. In essence, wastewater flows out of the plant, through a-hydrosieve - . (separates solids from liquids) and into 3-acre settling lagoon where final sedimentation takes place. •From this sedimentation lagoon, wastewater flows into a 27-acre storage lagoon. wher& it awaits final land application to fescue -grass and Coastal bermudagrass by spray irrigation. As currently permitted, this site can apply 4154000 gallons of treated effluent per day to the existing spray fields. Since Allen Canning Company wishes to increase production capacity of the facility, an,additional360-ac tract of land is currently being considered for wastewater'disposal. The,proposed 360 'ac parcel is. located approximately 2 miles southwest of the existing canning facility on Rowan Road. The new spray field configuration currently under consideration can be found in the hydrogeological report completed by Eagle.Resources. This scenario considers using a new drainage system in -the eastern portion of the site to lower the water table, allowing Charlotte Office: Greensboro Office: 236 UPhillip Court, Suite C _ 3817-E Lawndale Drive Concord, NC 28025 Greensboro, NC 27455 Phone: (704) 720-9405 Phone: (336) 540-8234 Fax: (704) 720-9406 Fax: (336) 540-8235 for additional spray,area.- As;proposed, irrigation rates vary by zone;` ranging from 12.60 - ';Ao 75.75 inches/year,"accommodating a total'dail"y wastewater flow up -Jo 104,162 gal/day. Monthly and annual Hydraulic loading rates by individual zones 'can..be found in the hydrogeological reportcompleted-by Eagle Resources. S&EC used these proposed hydraulic loading rates "as-'abasis.-for, determining nutrient and heavy. riietal'loading .on individual'zones: - 'II. -Soil Sampling Methods and'P<roposed' Cropping Scheme - r The soils of the proposed'application sites' are described in the soil scientist's report dated February 14, 2008 by S&EC: ',Refer•to this report,and associaied"maps'for additional soil background -information.: Based on the•soils,evaluation, the upland soils on this tract: . -withiri'the proposed application'areas are most similar to the Norfolk;'Wagram;- - Goldsboro; Noboco,-Tarboro and Kalmia soil -series: After identificatiori to the series - level; the'soils-were further categorized into map units based on similar morphological' -characteristics and/or high frequency of association. The identified map units were. 1-)-Norfolk/Wagram4'2) GoldsboroYNoboco-arid 3),Tarboro/Kalrnia.• For agronomic sampling'purposes;-proposed.spray,areas.were' divided'into two major regions, based;on historical cropping conditions. '.Bas&d;on the soil scientist and - hydrogeological evaluation;'approximately 79.58-ac'ofthe entire tract contains areas deemed usable for spray irrigation. The, eastern half of the tract has been recently: logged with.the intention of converting the area - into -a hay field. This spray area is.referred to as _ the""hay field" area. The western half of the tract has "been rotated between corn, -tobacco and other row crops in recent years: T This area is referred to as 'the."ag field" area. Composite.samples of both areas("ag-field"Nand "hay field.') were created by collecting random,cores from the upper. 12 inches of soil -throughout the two areas- Soil fertility ; sample results: are'report in Appendix 1, and' summarized -in Table 1. -.In the, soil fertility .1 analysis'report; F=1 refers to the c`omposite:sample collected from the "ag field"whereas W-2 refers to the `.`hay field",composite sample: Soils were ;not analyzed'for nitrogen due to the dynamic nature of `soil N. - Likewise; soils were not analyzed. fo'r heavy metals given. that historical crop management does.not ;indicate -any prior heavy metal'loading.-- Tahle,,L, Soil Fertility Results,S`ummary for.Selected`:Nutrients%Parameters. l -Sample'-,,- ID".'; Sample area H P K Ma,- Ca FlNa SO4 Zn; - Mn Fe Cu_ ------- ------------ --------.---- ---------------- -------- --------------- =--1---9F-1 a field. 5.4. 136 -82 ,50 260 ' 14 11: 4.9 •6 155.-: . W-2 ha field 3r _ O, C- 7, 1.92, 0.34.7 =In order to maximize'wastewater disposal from a nutrient=use standpoint ;,,Coastal . bermudagrass has been proposed'as'the final receiver crop on the, spray areas. ,Coastal ; bermudagrass,_ahybrid berrriudagrass variety, is a warm season perennial that grows quickly iri the'summer months :and'has a high capacity to .assimilate plant nutrients,' h -making it well=suited for wastewater disposal -'applications. - Since bermudagrass goes dormant in the late, fall,:wintertime wastewater application-will'be-accommodated by - over -seeding the bermudagrass:,with. winter annual'rye, Grass will be -cut. -baled and removed off -site on an " as needed". basis. IV: Wastewater Analysis and Nitrogen Loading' = Laboratory analysis of wastewater `samples wasprovided,to'S&EC for the following' dates: '3/31/2007 8/3/2007, 1'2/10/07, 3/1.9/08,.7/7/08 and 1.1-/17/08. According to facility.officials, samples were collected from a'discharge pipe that transfers wastewater from�the 27=ac-storage lagoon,to the existing spray fields: ' Nitrogen is -the plant nutrient. that is' -typically the-inost,limiting to wastewater application: A suriimary, of wastewater-N fractions is provided in Table I -Bused on the data - provided, the combined nitrate (NO3--N) and nitrite (NO2;-N) nitrogen has averaged, approximately 0.36mg NO3-=N + NO2 -N /L: Sample results indicate an average ammonium concentration of 15.80`mg NH4 ,-N /L. Wastewater organic-N was calculated • by,subtracting the wastewater ammonium concentration.from the reported Total -Kjeldahl, Nitrogen values. Table 2: Suinhiary of N-Fractions from Allens, Inc.= Plant #7 Wastewater Analysis. ' Location' -,Date " TKN.. .. NH3 N:03 ' '_ NO2 Inor -N -Or -N " „ ... . m /L m /L m /L` . ' " m IL m /L- m %L Allen's'. ` ,3/2/2007 . 43.70 24.60.' 0.12 - _ ; `• ,0.06, 24.72 : 19.10 . Al len's 11 /16/2007 ` 56.00 1.82 , 0.00 , "• '0.00 ' 1.82 54,A_8 Alien's " 7/1`1/2007- ' 63.00 37.50 0.00 _ _ 0.00' 37.50 - ' 2q1,0' Allen's. 3/3/2008. '56:60- _ 6.33 ,. 0.00 0.06 , 6.33 5 .Allen's 7/,7/2008. ' 47' M 24,20. 0..10 0.M- 24..30 2 Alien's'' 11/17/2008` ' 22.10." 0.34,; . _,'.1.91 0.00 "2.25 -2 Average 48.12' 15.80' -- -0.36 '' 0.00 16.15 32.32 As indicated by the wastewater'analysis, N- fractions have, historically -changed in a _ seasonal�manner. Samples taken in March and July tend to be equally distributed between'organic-IV and inorganic N; whereas the November samples .suggest that the vast majority of the wastewater-N,persists as organic-N..; Most likely, atmospheric and solution temperature play a dominate role in the, extent_to which- organic--N'mineralizes. Because,the wastewater=N fractions wary by season;. S&EC-'separated the summer°and ` Winter', Wastewater analysis for N'loading calculations (Tables.3 and 4).. y ` . Table 3 - Spring and Summer Wastewater=N'Fraction's., - Location Date -`TKN NH3 NO3 NO2 Inor` -N Or =N y'J ni /L m %L"- .m /L m /L m /L : m `l - Allen`s = , 3/2/2007, --43.70 -24.60" 0.12- 0.00 24.72 19.16 Allen's- 7/11/2007. 63.00 ,: 37.50 -- 0.00 0.00 37.50 25M .. Allen's `. 3/3/2008 56.60 - 6.33- 0 00 ' - . 0.00 6.33 .. 50.27 Allen's 7/7/2008 -.-47.30 : �24.2.0 " _ ,.0.1.0 - 0.00 - . `„2,4.30 23.10' Average 52:65 , 23.16 ._ 0.06 ` 0.00, 23.21- . 29.49 Table 4. Winter�Wastewater-N,.Fractions. Location Date- TKN NH3 ' NO3 ' NO2 - Inor `-N Or -N - , m /L m %L- .. :.rn '/L.' m /L - m `/L m /L " Allen's ; :11/16/2007 56.60 1'82 ,.M0 0.00 1.82 54.18 .'Allen's 11/17/2008 , 22.107-- 0.34.' `. 1'91 =:.' 0.00 ," 2.25 21.76 .Average 39.05. 1.08 / 0.96 ' - `0.06-, 2.04 -37.97 Plant available nitrogen (PAN)-ap'plication.rates _were.determined for the spray areas -based on,seasonal wastewater analysis -and hypothetical Hydraulic loading rates. Since the wastewaterwill'be applied to the proposed areas through a sprinkler spray system, - some ammonium -nitrogen (NH4' -N) will probably be lost via ammonia volatilization: S&EC assumed an ammonia volatilization coefficient of 0:5 for the present analysis. According to the was tewater-analysis, a significant proportion of wastewater-N is present as organic-N._ Since the wastewater. lagoon. is considered:a facultative anaerobic system, an N, mineralization coefficient of 0.35 was used for determining PAN'for the months, of ' -March=September. , Using these estimates, the wastewater` plant available nitrogen (PAN) _for wastewater applied dpring.the.period.of March -September was calculated as follows: 0.06 mgNO3"=N + NO2 -N7L +'0.5(23.16,_mg NH4+-N/L) + 0.35(29A9 mg organic N/L) "21.96 mg PAN/L: - -An N-mineralization coefficient of 0.17 was used for calculating, PAN for the months 'of October through February. The N-mineralization rate -was reduced to, 0.17 to. account for the ,relatively. lower -microbial activity that occurs during the ,cooler months. of the: winter. r `THe USDA S"ampson County Soil Survey. repoits that the average'daily;temperature for _. Clinton, NC in the months of October_ through. February is 48.90 F. -$lady and Weil (1999).have'suggested that surface.soil.temperature typically varies. with atmospheric temperature. Doran and Smith Q 987) suggest that soil microbial -activity is heavily dependent.on soil temperature _and proposed `that the relative microbial activity would'be roughl'y,80% lower at a temperature of 49° F compared town optimal soil"temperature of 86° F. 'Using these estimates; the'wastewater'plant available nitrogen (°PAN)-for',the period of October'to Februarywas_calculated as, follows: ; 0.96 mg.NO3--N +-NO2_=N /L`+ `.0.5(1:08-mg NH4 ,-N/L).+-0':17(37.97mg organi'eNlL-),`= 9:09 mg,PAN/L. - Although not readil' available m'the wintertime; wastewater or amc-N will be = Y g inineralized�by soil'- as,temperatures increase in the springtime For summertime PAN calculations-'S&EC'assumed that an additional 17% o,f'winter applied organic N would become plant`available in the'suminertime, iriaddition to any PAN appliedin the summer.', This is; represented: as: follows Summer applied,N , (0 06 mg NO3 N + N. 2 N 7L +.0.5(23 16 mg,NH4+=N/L) +t 0.35(29 49 mg organic N/L) 2196 mg PANfL' ' :Winter, residual N+ (0 96 mg;NO3-=N + NO2 N /L + Q.5 (1 '08 mg' NH4+-N/L) 0 17(37 97 mg organic N/L) 795 mg PAN/L %'p.:mPAN+.'PAN ldN+winter-AWN 96 L9Total Summer ap mg 29 91: mg PAN/L'°, r Hypothetical PAN application-rates.were determined forindividual irrigation zones and . by -seasonal application -using the estimated PAN values :(Appendix 2).' In terms of .nutrient management, tl e'nrtrogen,application window for bermud4ass begins on ,Maf.ch. l st aiid extends until September-30th,'while the application window= for annual rye-.' starts _on October'l s. and: ends ,on March 3.l st'':(NCSU Nutrient Management Manual) - Recommended annual PAN application rates' based on soil type,and Realistic Yield Expectations,(RYE) for proposed crops are,also rr cluded-to provide a 'c'ompanson,, \ ; between''ecommended and proposed application'rates." PAN'recomme— ndations we`re collected'froin the North Carolina Nutrient Management,Workgroup: lgcated at ; " r : http.%/nutrrents.soil.ncsu:edu/, 'erg.. Since°the PAN recommendatroris yaryaccording to grass crop, fype, PAN;applicat'ion rates are also xeported according to seasonal applications' %. ,As previously noted, the`soils m=the application areas are split among - the Norfolk/Wagrarn,'Goldsboro/Noboco and'Tarboro/Kalm'a series. RYE data,forNorfolk, -� and Goldsboro soils were,'used in all. calculations since.they,make up_tl e'majority of the " spray_ar`eas..` Ba"sed on the RYE for;hybrid (Coastal) berriudagrass grown on Norfolk ' f ; sorls;`up-to 3001bs PAN/accould be applied during the growing season, with:an:.F 1 additional application of 50 lb?6r over seeded winter rye ' The proposed irrigation rate ranges :from 12.60=75.75, inches per year : Tle proposed application rates' would supply 57-2'82--1b PAN/ac;during the'Coastal berinudagrass growing season , (March lst-September'30th) and'4 50'lb PANfac7duringille_winter rye'growrrig season _ (October 1 St Febi uary'28`h) Accordingly, all: of'the'proposed PAN, application rates ; would be Below the recommended PAN rates for Coastal bermudagras's and winter rye production: r`3oil Samo e.Results and, Nutrient/Heaw.Metal I:oading ; - Based -on the: results of sampled"soils;''the average surface'. CEC of the ." field" and "hay , - field ";is 18. and 2:2.:meq%100g, respectively,` Although tl es&'V41ues'are'corisidered," relatively, low from a total -nutrient "Bolding capacity, standpoint; adding ,lime at the ' ',- - =. recommended rates 0.8-1 3f ton/ac) should increase the`pH dependant CEC aril ensure": y nutrient, availhbility'for optimum plant uptake.. As rioted -in the,soil fertility. test; results, current soil =test hos horus varied' , p p __(P)levels, ,,, ' :.'according to past management. 'Soil .test P" fij " e';"hay yf eld":is categorized'as accordmg;to the North Carolina index value, whereas the sampled "ag field"'showed an, `- index rating of "very high" An index value' of "very high" indicates'that there will be no. crop yield response, withadditional,P applications.' Although applying additional `; ; phosphorus -to .the `.`ag f eld' area does not pose any agronomic issues tithe high soil: P _. levels may pose an:,•envir'onmental .concern if the, site.is.suliiect to soilerosion. However, ' ! considering'the proposed cover crop;and s beneficial erosion,control:properttes'as well as proposed stream and,waterway buffer's, additional wastewater-P. application should not_ . _. ., -pose.a l igh riskof P loss. , SoiFerosion and`phosphorus-loss potential from each spray, '- = zone'could lie evaluated:using'the North ;Carolina Phosphorus Loss Assessment Tool a ; ELAT "Low'.';'or "Medium?, PLAT-r`atin s would confirm that additional P loading' ( ) gs, _ g , ",would'. not present,a lim tationto the proposed"wastewater-appl cation,: 4 Several other assumptions were also made in; determining P _loading on the proposed spray.: fields:.Wastewater .total. phosphorusF (TP) values; as summarized in Table 5; are ., composed -.of both organic,and�.inorganic forms of P 'Since much of the wastewater: P is probably:in an organic form, -not all.of.the P: wh be immediately plant"available: `°In' _ addition, a sigtuficant ponion'of the inorganic wastewater-P .will, form insoluble, Fe and Al precipitates and/or become" strongly, adsorbed to amorphous soil Fe ;minerals once land - applied `Gi en'these assumptions, `SB EC estimates ihat:60%o of the apphed-P will ' -become plant a, alIable.(NCDA, 1999). Wastewater anal' -indicates, an average concentrn.53 g toal`P/LUsizifesestimae;s,Ahe-total plant'`available•imt 0:66os :phosphuf thwewaterislculateds follows1153,mgTotal-P/L x 2.29x T.`propedalication-ratw1bP205/ac ` = l M5 'mgP'O/L: p2. = st , th during'the, Coastafbermudagrass growing season (March 1 September 30-,,) and 6-99 lb ` `PZQS/ac ;during-the°winter iye'growing-season (October— O February 28th):" Annual wastewater`-P205 application -rates and estimated crop`P205.remoyal rates for all zones.are, _ " . Bound- Appendix 3 ' i Crop phosphorus removal rate estimates are based on RYE ydata " collected from the North-Carolina"NutrientManagement Workgroup located at:'.,", �, y http:%/nutrients s6il.ncsu:edu/ ie - l ' Table 5 Summary,i)f-sel6ct6d Wastewater Nutrients/Parameters from Allens, Inc: - _ —`Plant #7 - Location, Date: T,P " " K. Ca M "� -Na m /L ' •. �n /L 3/2/2007, , ; 11.6 : n/a _' -31.00 . j -16.00, . 229.0. - -Allen's = ' '11/16/2007' y�-•7.82 n/a 36:00: 18 06 170.0. 1'6:1 n/a 3.4:Q0.:,_, 20.00`. -492.0` Alien's:' 3/3/2008. •' " 9.58 n/a ,. ; 32.00 ,_-15:,70, ,157.0 _ Alien's 7/7/2008 14,4 :, n/a : 28.00 19.3'6 ''', 21 Q 0 %Allen's ' •1;1%1.7/MQ8 9;... '69 -'n/a :. ...37.00 . :16.30_ ' 1,70.Q.,,, Avera e. 4. '11:53 n/a 17.56 -238.00 f , Potassium (K) was not measured as part of the wastewater'analysis. "Soil test results suggest that the "-ag field" has a"moderate" level of. soil K, while the "hay field.' has a' \"very low" -1-evel •of soil K:_ In the case of both spray areas; additional ,K should be supplied with:a: commercial fertilizer in order'4 maintain optimum K levels for bermudagrass production (Appendix,1). Having -sufficient K in the'soil is essential for preventing winter die -off of Coastal- .bermudagrass when over -seeded with winter rye:- Calcium (Ca) and -magnesium, (Mg), two secondary plant nutrients, were also present.in the sampled wastewater.' Annual"wastewater'Ca and Mg application rates and estimated for.all zones and for both options are found'in'Appendix 4.• At the proposed loading _ rates, Ca would be applied, at -a rate of 94-566 -lb/ac/yr. '•Since -soil test results indicate "low"soil CaJevels in both the "ag- field" and the "hay field", the addition of wastewater Ca will -he beneficial to the crop, growing environment.' Soil test results show."medium" levels of soil Mg in both .sampled ,fields. Based'on applicatiori-rates, 50-301 lb Mg/ac/yr will be applied. Similar to Ca, the application of Mg will also be beneficial for ; maintaining optimal growing conditions. ; t According to the soil fertility analysis; the". average sodium (Na) level of the "ag field" soils was 14 mg/kg soil (0.00006 meq/100.cm3.); while the "hay field" soils averaged" 12 - mg/kg soil (0.00005 meq/100 cm3). Sodium'levels above 15% of the CEC can be ` detrimental- to crop production and to the soil.structure in;the surface horizons. The soil fertility lab results indicate, that neither of these soils meets ihisthreshold level of sodium. The average sodium concentration of the wastewater samples is 238 mg Na/L, with the ` ~ calculated sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) equal �to-8.3. Waters.with SAR values in -this -range, have a moderate risk of developing sodium related ptoblems-in clay soils, but have a low risk of sodium -build-up n°sandy soil's (U.S, Salinity Laboratory, `1.954). Since the proposed wastewater will be applied to soils .with a �loaniy sand surface "texture, there is a low risk of developing sodic soils with continuous irrigation.. Annual soil samples should 'be'taken.to monitor sodium status in the soil. : Heavy metal loading -and associated plant tokicities are not expected to be an agronomic- concern'based on theproposed wastewater application. Jable 6 summarizes heavy metal content'of the sampled wastewater. Appendix 4 contains proposed'annual heavy metal - loading rates for zinc, nickel, chromium; and'lead based on proposed application rates. Cadmium, mercury arsenic did not register above lab, detection"1irnits and were not - included in site life calculations. , Lead proved 'to be the most limiting heavy metal,. with a site life ranging from 43-260 years, depending on zone irrigation rate.. However, the - average lead concentration was highly skewed by the wastewater sample dated-7/7/08.. ` Future wastewater samples may,demonstrate an average lead concentration much lower .than• the average reported here .Table 6:- Summary'Of Wastewater Heavy Metal Constituents. Location Date As -Cd = Cr Pb 'Hg, Zn m /L; m' /L m /L . m /L m /L m /L f m /L Alien's 3/2/2007 0-_ 0 0: , 0 0 0.1'3, 0.42 Allen's = -1-1/1.6/2007 0 0,', } --'0 0. 0 0 .. 0.67 Allen's 7/11/2007 0 _ - -'-0 0-- 0 0 0 - 0.00 Allen's ` 3/3/2008 0 0- 0 0 0 0' 0.17 Allen's -. -7/7/2008- 0 0 0 _ 2.16. 0 - 0 0.14 Allen's.'..11/1-7/200,8 0- 0_ ` U5. 0 . 0 0 ", 0.11 Average - 0.00 0:00' .0.01 0.36 0.00: 0.02 0.25 Crop Management Considerations . The optimal time for establishing Coastal -bermudagrass using dormant sprigs is February through March., Dormant sprigging is the most economical method of establishing large areas of bermudagrass, although.. sprigs will not begin'to grow until late March. When Planting -in -the winter months, sprigs,should be covered with up to 2 inches of soil to protect them from frost. Live sprigs (stolons with green tops) -can be planted in the late spring after the threat of frost has past Although bermudagrass _can be established using: live sprigs until, lat e -summer, early planting dates will ensure strong rhizome (underground sfem) growth; essential for wintertime survival. Only high quality sources -of sprigs certified by North Carolina Crop Improvement Association should, be used, for . establishment. Coastal, bermudagrass-should be cut every 4 to 'S,weeks or when it grows to 12-15 inches tall. Once bermudagrass is overseeded with winter rye in .the fall; grass -should be cut to a • height of"3 inches or less to encourage rye establishment. - In the early spring, _approximately two weeks before bermudagrass is expected to turn green, mowing height should be reduced to'3/ to 1-inch. to allow bermudagrass to recovery and out -compete the winter rye. Since bermudagrass is very intolerant to shade, late spring cutting of winter 'rye should,be avoided as it may severely limit berriiudagrass recovery. V.: -Conclusions 1 'Based on wastewater analysis and proposed irrigation rates, none of the�PAN application rates. would `exceed the recommended PAN rates for -the Coastal-bermudagrass/winter'rye crop rotation.. The proposed application rates would supply 57-282 lb PAN/ac during the Coastal bermudagrass growingseaSon (March lst-September30th) and'4-50 lb PAN/ac during the winter rye,growing season (October lst-February 281h) Although soil test phosphorus levels in the "ag field" area are considered "Very High",, - r the propensity for P, loss -should be considered very low given the proposed cropping system combined with stream;and waterway buffers. As, proposed,, additional wastewater-P-:applicatiori,should noi\pose a high'risk'of P-loss: Although not used in.this analysis, the North Carolina Phosphorus Loss Assessment Tool (PLAT) could .be .used to model'P •loss. from the site to confirm a low, risk:of Based,on the,previous soil test results, -some of -the fields are currently low -in''soil K and -could benefit from additional fertilizer inputs.: In some individual fields,proposed .waste applied,Kwill not supply all ofilie-recommended K and�additional-Kshould be•supplied with w'commercial fertilizer., Having 'sufficient "kin the .soil is: essential for preventing = winter die -off ofCoastal .bermudagrass when over-see'ded'with annual -rye. Soil, sairiples `demonstrated that soil''heavy metal- concentrations appear to be present at . background levels. _Heavy metal loading and plantaoxicities are not expected to be _an. `. agronomic concern.based on the'wastewater,�dnalysis:.On1y:Ni,-Zn,-Cr and Pb metals registered above`detection limits in the analyzed wastewater samples. -'-Lead provedto-be the most limiting heavy metal, •with',a site Iife-of 43-260. years, varying by spray field This report, iscusses the general" agronomiCconditions of theAllens, Inc. —Plant #7 : canning.facility and does not ,constitute "or imply any approval or granting of a permit as : needed by -the client from the State. As a professional consulting firm, S&EC is-hired'for its, professionaLopinion in these matters. Tlie rules governing'wastewater,treatment.and application (interpreted and governed by local.and: state agencies) are evolving constantly, and in many cases, affected by;the opinions'of individuals employed --by the 1 governing agencies: If.y_ou have•, any questions or require additional,information theriplease give'us a Call. ' Mark Allen �.40 J► '�$ ,;s+• i �. _N_ C.-Licensed Soil Scientist > b27 References ' 1. North Carolina Nutrient Management Workgroup. 2003. Realistic yields and nitrogen application factors for North Carolina.crops. http://nutrients.soil.nesu.edu/3jelds/ North Carolina State University, North Carolina Department of Agriculture'and Consumer Services, North Carolina -Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Natural Resources Conservation Service. Raleigh NC., 2. NCSU Nutrient Management Manual. North Carolina Cooperative'Extension. Reference Section 59. 1- Tisdale,.S.L., et. al. 1999. Soil Fertility and -Fertilizers: An Introduction to Nutrient Managemert.. Oh Edition, Prentice -Hall; Inc. New -Jersey. 4: Waste Coefficients Worksheet., 1999.. North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Agronomic Division. Appendix 1. Soil Analysis Report Report Number: R08113-0013 A&L Eastern Laboratories, Inc. Account Number: 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743-9401 45479 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 Email:,office@al-labs-eastern.com Send To: SOIL &`ENVIRONMENTAL Grower:. CANNERY CONSULTANTS PA 1097733 11010 RAVEN RIDGE RD RALEIGH; NC 27614 SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT Page: 1 Date Received: 4/22/200a. Date of Analysis: 4/23/2008 Date of Report: 4/24/200& Submitted By: MARK ALLEN Analytical Method(s): _.: :.:.. n",., f -.. . r.✓.: .a.. :.,: .} ': :, , ,':+. a ,. :, w n..-:x..F ..._:.. _, ..'F. . _::. y.. ,. , .. ,, ..H.., Or anic:"Matter�•< . ., ,..: , r '✓: :.. ^,. ',�! ,�-. :. -,M1r: ).... .t'er ,,.,, -..✓.{ n.;«. {F'�,. fb? .., r. tt;......., . n.v, r„ :,�,,,.Ph�s horus� �,., �� .:a�: :i. ,.. ... ✓. .,. } :P.otasslum,.- s.v'f .Ma neslum. ',* r tiw d.. � �Calc�um � .;i^ v ,t �" 4 �j: Soditiin � -<.'. .:f .Y m w, . ,.., . ':ti: '' _ F H n { :_ F Y y sAc d ,Y �,� ' h','. � E C.•��� ti. r �^-;., v /o,: ENR z :, .... Available i . .; ,:: ., ,,., ,,-. , e ervez... R s , c s ':... a :..: .K :.�,�: i ...,,: - r u �?. MG rr J, ,/ i,x . .... • ., ,� .�..) ,,. ;... a.. ... k,. 1. F*• f' f'.. . : ,.. 1 ,a, .,,,,:s, .�' .,.:-� n� fR .. ., <.--1.., .....: i.: .. SYU.t . ,. � . , ,F.'.n ..,. ,..:., ,>r.�+ ,s.:< j-..-... ..,, ,', ,�, ,.:n.n:-. ,Y,Y ✓ ,, _�; ,Y:. t { ^.rr... �'°' -'' „r .., '. v ry�,.1 , , ,".}} 5 ..+,"§t:. -t '•Rat -i': � .. x ..� . '.ti :. e.<t! .0 � rY7 " v, k1 ,.r. , ,�;� �r�e ., ::� ,.. �., ,.,. :�'x � :•s :G, :�,•': -' �� P m_ Rae +, , R to m:.' ate. , m "� Rate' ;,, .� H .M ;•Index = e /dt) a. ; :me ' 00 F-1 7337 1.3 .12 L 136 VH 82 M 50 M 260' L 14 L 5.4 ,. 6.9 0.8 2.8 NC=113 ' NC=42 W-2 7338 2..3 92 - L 26 L 28 VL 35 M 190 L 12 VL 4.7 ' 6.8 1.4 2.7 NC=22 NC=14 Sam ln •AL::.��� ,« w:v„ ,...�..., , �.��.._,. ,-.. K 3 M ��r-,,aCa._w ,,.Na, H t N SO -S , ZN MN: � �a FE � CU?` sB,; � ,, ,. _-.. _. „ 0 0 .NO3 P.: -.z ,.: ., _ ;..: .. wGL _; tt .,..,,,-.{,,, -. ,_ ,,, , ,..,,� �,..a,:ut, 40 ,s,:. .0 ,,...,{ ... •..,i'0 .. /o. • >a lo= �� r 4 /0 s, {,/o * � 1-/o4ds ..•..,h.� �..'�...a.,, ..r.,w.. �.,, ,.,�"-.�-.. <�,,., ..a. rn ••vl3ate PP, '.',rr, .w.., �� m �; Rate r,.-f?R .,s•, .A..I„ m, m ,:Rate �..RP,.,.r m �=Rate �� PR. ,.,� .v,PP m :`:Rate .�+:f. �,,. -'�� m..�cRate ,-P,P: r, xPR�u,-..s,.Ra�. t :ins c ,xRa srt _/ m: ..te�pR �..xRat '� -��. to ePRO?.r,tR?_.. F-1 7.6 15.0 46.9 2.2 28.3 : 11 , - ;, L. 4.9 H 6 L 155 VH 1.9 H 0.2 VL 0.08 VL NC=28 NC=1231 NC=38 NC=95 W-2 2.6 10.7 X.8 1.9 50.0. 14 L 0.9 VL . 7 L- 192 VH 0.3 VL 0.1 'VL 0.07 V.L1 1 NC=35 NC=23 NC=44 NC=15 - NC-FIV This report applies to the sample(s) tested. Samples are retained a 'Values on this report represent the plant available nutrients in the soil. Explanation of symbols: % (percent), ppm (parts permillion), Ibs/A (pounds per acre), maximum of thirty days after testing. Soil Analysis prepared by: A & L EASTERN LABORATORIES, INC., Rating after each value: VL (Very Low), L (Low), M (Medium), H (High), VH (Very High). ms/cm (milli -mhos per centimeter), meq/100g (milli -equivalent per.100,grams).. � ENR - Estimated Nitrogen Release. C.E.C. - Cation Exchange Capacity. Conversions: ppm x 2 = Ibs/A, Soluble. Salts ms/cm x 640 = ppm: by: Paul Chu, Ph.D. N( Report Number: Rum � A&L Eastern Laboratories Inc. AcccoountuntNNumber: 45479 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-64.46 Email: office@al-labs-eastern.com To: SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL For: CANNERY Copy To: MARK ALLEN CONSULTANTS PA 10977.S3 11010 RAVEN RIDGE RD RALEIGH, NC 27614 Date Received:, 04/22/2008 Date Reported: 04/24/2008 SOIL FERTILITY. RECOMMENDATIONS Page: 1 ... } ..1. ,, y. �,: "`%- ,.. 4 i.. ... ., ..: .,.. � �� ,.. ...�. �_ f r(,.,-. +......_4. . :.. . ..... en: . w: s h ate:. p-.,.i.. s 4• Ss:Ro i ... , ..Y f ,T. � t A-. #^l . �Ma a se.:, r:l`: :: ron i �;Co er = /� _ =..•Boron,._ ...U...,, ,,. ,.�.., nn 7 �_, �.. 6.. ...-. c... i. � 4 a,. t : , , ,: �... ..:.' �,. ,, ,...,•Nitro o. +..- GFh J,C"... .��_� �:- .. , t.. ..a.. .. .,... ,...rw..+.. a.. .�.. .- ... k .s . :.'.^ �rl,_ .}h:•r .. :- Ytl. ..Y;.: � '�i I 5.,4Y N}. ...»:.... .._._. k..,. .rt.... ., . .. _.:... t:.- '..'- :et. r..<3 :�, •. ,. ....... .l 1 .Y , u .u, r ty. A >. . s �, .,. . , .�,,. ��� ... ,..� r� Ib/A . �, . Ib1A .,:� a � r,IblA. fblA ., ..,Ib/A ,..,, , blA . , � ,:..�, Ib/A .., Ib/A xk . fblA,. •, G, Ib1A..< , F-1 Bermuda 5 tons 0.8 65 0 290 20 20 0.0 ** 0 0 0.0 W-2 Bermuda 5 tons 1.3 65 120 420 35 20 0.0 "* 0 1 0.0 ALE-R,c Samples F-1, W-2: Apply dolomitic lime to raise pH .and improve the magnesium level. Samples F-1, W-2: If dolomitic lime is not used, apply required magnesium with magnesium oxide. Epsom Salts, K-Mag or Sul-PO-Mag. Samples F-1, W-2: Apply additional 65 pounds of nitrogen after every cutting and harvest'of hay. Samples F-1, W-2: Apply N on warm season grass only after late spring when grass starts growing. Samples F-1, W-2: The recommended potash is the total pounds/acre needed to achieve the specified yield goal. Apply 1/2 or 1/3 (100-150 pounds) of the total at the first application. in spring or fall. Application of the remaining should be determined by the yield achieved after the first cutting and the moisture condition. If in drought condition and yield is low the following applications should be reduced or eliminated. Samples F-1, W-2: Manganese level is low in soil, however, grass or legume need only small amounts of manganese to grow well and seldom show deficient in manganese. If the plant is used for animal feed, manganese supplement may be added to prevent nutrient imbalance. "The recommendations are based on research data and experience, but NO GUARANTEE or WARRANTY expressed or implied, concerning crop performance is made." _ C Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part„ nor may any reference be made to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. Copyright 1977. aul Chu, Ph. D. Appendix 2. Proposed Annual Plant Available Proposed al Annual Annual Irrigation rate. Proposed PAN Recom PAN recommended Excess/Deficient (Oct.-Feb.l ' Awliication I p plication PAN PAN Winter R e) (Winter R e). taint Zone in lb/ac Ib 1 23.9 43 2 18.73 34 3 18.97 34 4 1.85 3, 5 1.76 3 6 13.47 24 7 .9.5 17 8 12.3 22 9 6.72 12 10 24.78 45 ti lb/ac Ib/ac 350 -56 350 -110 350 -107 62 350 - 60 350 - 186 350 - 145 350 174 350 - 116 350 - 303 350 11 21.95 40 " - W- -' " 12 23.02 41 285 267 289 264 274 64 332 350 -65 350 -83 13 21.32 38 350 -61 14 23.39 42 350 -86 15 21.02 38 350 -76 16 21.97 40 350 -28E 17 2.05 4 350 -18 18 27.53 50 -Appendix 3. Proposed Annual 'Phosphorus (P205) Application Rates and Potential Crop-P Removal Rates.' Proposed . P205. Application -Potential Crop Removal, Proposed P205 Application. ... Potential- Crop- Removal Total -Annual. P205 Application Total Annual P205 Potential Crop, Removal (Rye) (Rye) Bermuda Bermuda Bermuda+R e' Bermuda+R e _Zone Ib/ac. 1 , 86 _ 20 154 80 240 100, 2 67 20" 128 80 195- '100 3 - 68- 20 129 80, 198 100 4 - ` 7, - 20 -40 '80 47 100 5 6 20 39 80 `' 45 100 6: 48 .20 102 80 1.50 -100 7 34 20 81 80 , - 115 .100 8 44' 20 96 80 140 100 9 24 20 67, 80 91 100 10 89 '20 159, 80 248 100 11 79 20 145 80 223 100 12- 83 „-20 150 80 233 -100 13 76 20 142 80 "218 100 14 84; 20 152 80 236 100 15 75".-• 20 140 '80 215 100 16 -.79 - , 20 145 80- 224 100 17 T , 20 42 80 49 100 18 ": 99 20 ' .173,,_ 80. 272 - ' 100 Appendix 4. Proposed 'Nutrient and Heavy Metal Application Ra tes. ,. . Zone Ca : M Cr Ni Zn Pb Cr Site Life Ni Site,, Life Zn Site Life Pb Site, Life ------------------=------------- Ib/ac/yr----- =--------= ----------------- 1 500•- 266 0.13 , 0.33 3.82 5.46 21133 1139 653 - 49, 2 407 216 0.10 0.27 3.11. 4.44 25975 ' 1.399 .. 802 60 3 4.11 219: 0.10 0.27 3,14 4.49 •25697 1384 794 59 4 97 - 52 0.02 0.06 0.74 1.06 108837 5864 3361 252 5 94 - 50 0.02 0.06 . 0.72 1.03 112292 6050 . 3468 260 6 312 . 166 - 0.08 0.21 2'.38- 3.41 ' 33857 .1824 1'046 78 7 241 128 0.06 0.16 1.84 �" . ' 2.62 43954 2368 1357. 102 8 291� 155- 0.07 -0.19 2.22 3.18 -36307 1956 -1121 84 9. 190 " 1.01 0.05 '0.12 1.45 2.08 55551 2993 1716 129 10 516 275 0.13 0.34 3.94 ' • 5.63 '-20482 1103' 633 47 11 465 247 0.12 0.31 3.55 5.08 22722 1224 - 702 ' _ 53 12 484 258 0.1.2\ 0.32 3.70 5'.29 21824 1176 - ; 674 51 13 454 241, 0.11 0.30 3.47 .. 4-.95 23286 1255 719 54 , 14 ' 491 - -26.1 0.12 0.32. 3.75 5.36 21519 1159 665 50 _ 15 448 238 : 0.11 0.29 3.42 • . " 4.89 - . 23581 1270 728 55 16 1.7 466 102 248 54. 0.12 0.03 0.31 0.07, 3.55 0.78 5.08 .1.11 22703. 103882 1223 -. 5597 701 3208 53 240 ' 18 566 301 0.14 0.37 4.32 . ; 6.18 18678 1006 577 - 43 Contents Contents.......................................................................................................................................... ii List of Figures "' List of Tables "' Introduction...................................................................................................................................... I Purpose........................................................................................................................................ 1 Disclaimer................................................................................................................................... 2 Approach..........................................................................................................................................2 ExistingInformation Review...........................................................................................................4 Topographic Information Sources............................................................................................... 4 Stream and Drainage Features.................................................................................................... 4 SoilsData Sources...................................................................................................................... 4 ClimaticData Sources................................................................................................................. 4 Hydrogeology Data Sources....................................................................................................... 4 Project Geographic Information System and Database.; ................................................................. 5 FieldInvestigation...........................................................................................................................5 Identification of Wells within 500 Feet of Application Areas .................................................... 5 Monitoring Wells, Piezometers, and Test Wells........................................................................ 6 Water Level Measurements........................................................................................................ 8 Hydraulic Conductivity Tests................................................................................................... 10 PumpingTests....................................................................................................................... 10 KsatMeasurements............................................................................................................... 10 ModelConstruction.......................................................................................................................12 ConceptualModel..................................................................................................................... 12 HydrostratigraphicUnits....................................................................................................... 12 Hydraulic Heads for Model Calibration............................................................................... 14 Rechargeand Discharge....................................................................................................... 14 SimulationModel ................. .....................................................................:............................... 15 ModelGrid............................................................................................................................ 15 BoundaryConditions............................................................................................................ 15 ModelCalibration..................................................................................................................... 16 Single Layer Approximation Test.......................................................................................... 16 Three Layer Model Calibration HydraulicMounding Analysis.......................................................................................................19 SensitivityAnalysis ............................................. :......................................................................... 22 Compliance Monitoring Wells......................................................................................................23 Background Groundwater Quality.................................................................................................23 Conclusions....................................................................................................................................24 Attachment A. —Cone Penetrometer (CPT) Logs from S&ME ....................................................26 Attachment B.—Boring and Monitoring Well Logs from S&ME................................................27 Attachment.C—Completion Reports and Logs for Compliance Wells (R-5 from S&ME).......... 29 Attachment D.—Pumping Test Data from S&ME ........................................................................30 Attachment E.—Laboratory Reports for Compliance Monitoring Wells for Samples Taken Aliens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc ii List of Figures Figure 1.-- Location Map .................................. Figure 2.-- Log of town of Clinton Well .(U35G) from the North Carolina Visual3 . ................ ............. Hy Framework............................... .................. .............. :.............................................. 13 Figure 3.--Results:.of Model Calibration to April 2006 Water Levels in Monitoring Wells and Piezometers.............................. .............................................. ..`................................................. 19 Figure 4.-- Simulated Watertable Elevation and One -Foot Depth to Water for the Mounding. Analysis.................... .......................................... ............ ........ .................................................. 21 List of Tables Table 1.-- Water Wells Within 500 Feet of Sprayfield Boundaries . ........... .............:..................... 6 Table 2.-- Construction Details for Piezometers, Monitoring Wells and. Test'Wells...................... 7 Table 3.-- Construction Detail Summary for Compliance Wells ...........................................:....... 8 Table 4.-=Water Level Measurements in.Piezometers and Monitoring Wells........... ...................... 9 Table 5.-7Summary of Hydraulic Conductivity Tests ........................... ........... ................................ 11 Table 6. -- Summary of Hydrostratigraphic Units Used for Groundwater Model ........................ 14 Table 7.-- Results of manual and PEST Calibration for the Single Layer Approximation Model. .. ........ ...................... ..... .............. 17 Table 8.—Calibration Statistics for the Three -Layer 1VIode1.........:.......:...................................... 17. Table 9.=- Observed and Computed Water Levels for the.Best-Fit Three -Layer Model........::.... 18 Table 10.-- Sensitivity of Modeled Watertable Depth to Hydraulic Conductivity by Zone for Values of Hydraulic Conductivity Less than the Calibrated.Value of 12: ft/day.................... 22 Table .11.-- Sensitivity of Area in Each Zone with Watertable Depth Greater than One Foot to Hydraulic Conductivity Values -Greater than the Calibrated Value of ............'... 22 Table 12.-- Background Groundwater Chemistry........................................................................:............ 23 Allens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc 111 a?(k 1Re5afm5 Introduction This report dbcuments the results of the hydrogeologic investigation in support of the application for a modification to non -discharge permit WQ0004268 for additional sprayfield areas for the disposal of treated wastewater. This permit modification does not request additional wastewater treatment capacity above the present limit of 415,000 gallons per day and consequently will not require the permitting and construction -of additional wet -weather storage capacity. This project was performed by Eagle Resources, P.A. under contract to Allens Inc. The area that includes the additional sprayfield capacity is referred to as the Rowan Road site which comprises approximately 353 acres lying south of Rowan Road and east of State Road 1933, approximately 3.6 miles west-southwest of Turkey, NC (Figure 1). The topographic relief at the site is flat, and elevations range from approximately 80 to 135 feet. All elevations in this report are reported relative to the 1988 North American Vertical Datum (NAVD88). Purpose This hydrogeologic study has been completed in support of modifications to the existing non - discharge permit as required by 15A NCAC 2T, and conforms to the criteria outlined in 15A NCAC 2T .0504(e). The purpose of the hydrogeologic study is to provide the necessary information and analyses to document the occurrence and movement of groundwater beneath and in the vicinity of the planned sprayfield(s), to determine the maximum area with suitable soils and maximum irrigation rates that can be applied while maintaining the minimum depth to the Seasonal High Water Table of one foot, and to evaluate and recommend compliance groundwater monitoring locations for the sprayfields. In particular, 15A NCAC 2T .0504 (e) Irequires the following information to be included: (1) A description of the regional and local geology and hydrogeology; (2) A description, based on field observations of the site, of the site topographic setting, streams, springs and other groundwater discharge features, drainage features, existing and abandoned wells, rock outcrops, and other features that may affect the movement of the contaminant plume and treated wastewater; (3) Changes in lithology underlying the site; (4) Depth to bedrock and occurrence of any rock outcrops; (5) The hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity of the affected aquifer(s); (6) Depth to the seasonal high water table; (7) A discussion of the relationship between the affected aquifers of the site to local and regional geologic and hydrogeologic features; Allens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc (8) A discussion of the groundwater flow regime ,of the site prior,to operation of the proposed facility and post operation of the proposed facility focusing on the relationship of the system to groundwater receptors, groundwater discharge features, and groundwater flow media; and (9) If the SHWT• is within six feet of the, surface, a mounding analysis to predict the level of the SHWT after wastewater application. Disclaimer Some analyses contained in this report relied upon data and information.provided by others. 'Eagle Resourceg P.A. makes no representations regarding the completeness, accuracy and reliability of that data and information. Approach ... The analyses documented in this report resulted from gathering and assessing existing sources of - information as well as from field investigations of geologic,- hydrologic, and soils conditions. The following tasks were, implemented in the approach: • Review of existing data and information" and basemap preparation • Construction of project Geographic Information System and Database. . • Field Investigation and Testing _ • Inventory of private water supply wells in ,the vicinity of the study area • Data Analysis and Modeling • Report preparation 1 i J Allens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc 2 r, - -1 EXPLANATION = Property Boundary MEIrrigation Areas -0e "A �x SR 0) 1907 S 1919; V. S'R 1341 pryAllens IncPIant#7 —7t N� 4 W 4 a �P. R". 1924 7-- N �0 W E Nq' S 0 3 4 e-V % Basemap: ESR1 World Streetmap Ad,=Gy-i Sound Sckmco-ftrmation -e Sogmfwz 41105 Lake Springs Court, Raleigh, NC 27613 WWWeaQle�-Urces-com Rowan Road Irrigation Location Map Allens, Inc Plant #7m Turkey, NC Figure Date Promect Number Approved: jj1jn/qnnA isall 1 r r I —nal, 3 i f "( Existing Information Review A review of existing regional and site -specific topographic, hydrologic, climatic, soils, geologic, and hydrogeologic, information was conducted to serve as the framework for site specific field studies and analyses. Topographic Information Sources • USGS 7.5 minute U.S.G.S: topographic map, Turkey, NC quadranglez; • Two -foot topographic elevation contours developed from LIDAR Data for Sampson, County by, the North Carolina Department of Transportation website3; • Site topographic contours provided by McConnell Engineering 4; and ; • Locations of monitoring wells, test wells, and irrigation areas provided by Allens, Inc from previous investigations'°' Stream :and Drainage Features • USGS 7.5 minute U.S.G.S. topographic map Turkey Quadrangles; 'F„ • Natural Color, High Resolution Orthophotos taken in 20067; and Soils Data Sources • Soil & Environmental Consultants Soil Scientist Reports; • Soil & Environmental Consultants, Agronomist Report9 • Soil & Material Engineers Soil Scientist and Agronomist Report10; and • NRCS Online Soils Report.for Sampson Countyll Climatic Data Sources • National Climatic Data Center Monthly Station Data for Clinton 2 S, NC12 and Clinton; 2NE, NC13 Hydrogeology Data Sources U.S. Geological Survey Regional Hydrogeologic 8tudies14,15,16; Z tiitp://data.e6ocomm.com/c-,ttaiop,/US/6,1083/—l156/group] 58-3.html 3 http://ww%v.ncdot.or /ig t/gis/ 4 AutoCAD drawing A30701-,Base.dwg 5Soil & Material Engineers, 2001. Limited Hydrogeologic Evaluation 118-Acre Proposed Spray Irrigation Site Allen Canning Company, Turkey, NC 6 Soil & Material Engineers, 2007. Hydrogeology Summary.Report Allen Canning Company Proposed Wastewater Spray Irrigation, Turkey, NC. 7 2006 flight orthophotos from the National Agriculture Inventory Program v<IMAl.mapmart.com $Soil and Environmental Consultants, 2008, Soil Scientist Evaluation, Rowan Road Site, Allens, Inc, Turkey, NC 9 Soil and Environmental Consultants, Agronomist Evaluation, Rowan Road Site, Allens, Inc, Turkey, NC 10 Soil Scientist /,Agronomist Report for Permit Modification Allen Canning Company Wastewater Spray Irrigation Permit No. WQ0004268 Turkey,,North Carolina. 11 http://soildatamart.nres.usda.gov/Survey.aspx?County=NC163 12 http:/hvw�v4.ncdc-.noaa.gov/cgi-win/wwcgi.dll?H-%NDI--StnSreh—Stn1D-20013607 - - 13 http://www4.ncdc.noaa.gov/cizi-win/wwcgi.dl l?wwD]—StnSreh--StliI D-20013613 14 Eimers, J.L., Lyke, W.L., and Brockman, A.R., 1990, Simulation of ground -water flow in aquifers in Cretaceous rocks in the central Coastal Plain, North Carolina: U.S. Geological Survey Water -Resources Investigations Report . 89-4153, 101 p. Aliens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc 4 C� :, tWe A76-5a -ce5 North Carolina Visual Hydrogeologic Framework 17; and Soil & Material Engineers Hydrogeologic Reports5,6 Project Geographic Information System and Database Base -map features for this study were prepared from digital maps and records acquired from the Sampson County GIS, the North Carolina State University GIS website, U.S. Geological Survey website, site plans including state plane grid coordinates and elevations prepared by McConnell and Associates, site coordinates and elevations from geo-referenced drawings from previous S&ME hydrogeologic and Soils Reports, and GPS Mapping by Eagle Resources, P.A. and S&EC: These digital maps and datasets were used to prepare the project Geographic Information System (GIS) and integrated Geodatabase. The commercial GIS program ArcInfo® version 9.2 was used for this purpose. The project Geodatabase for this study included the standard environmental and water resources database used by Eagle Resources for such studies. This database is structured to be used with either Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server. The database schema includes tables that contain information on topography, site development, well and sampling locations, water level measurements, results of chemical analyses of samples, results of hydraulic tests, boring logs of test holes, well completion information, logs of simulation model runs, and chemical analyses. Field Investigation Field investigations were conducted that included both the project site including proposed and new sprayfields as well as the surrounding area to obtain the necessary information to support the conceptual and numeric groundwater flow models prepared for this report and to document the presence of wells within 500 feet of the sprayfield boundaries. Identification of Wells within 500 Feet of Application Areas Site visits and examination of home sites and buildings aerial photos show five water wells within 500 feet of the proposed spray application area for the proposed sprayfield. One of these wells is located on the Rowan Road property, and the remaining wells are located on adjacent properties as shown on Figure 2. The available information on these five wells is shown in Table 2. If any additional wells are located during clearing and sprayfield development, they will be properly abandoned prior to commencement of sprayfield operation. Eight compliance monitoring wells have been installed in locations that are down -gradient from the proposed fields, and one well has been installed up -gradient from the fields. These well locations are within 500 Feet of the disposal boundary. Their locations are shown on Figure 2 and the construction details of the existing wells are shown in Table 2. The proposed compliance monitoring wells are located at the review boundary down gradient of the proposed sprayfield application areas. As shown on Figure 2, the review boundary is located midway between the boundary of the application areas and the compliance boundary. 15 Giese, G.L., Eimers, J.L., and Coble, R.W., 1997, Simulation of ground -water flow in the Coastal Plain aquifer system of North Carolina: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1404—M, 142 p. 16 Winner, M.D., Jr., and Coble, R.W., 1996, Hydrogeologic framework of the North Carolina Coastal Plain, in Regional Aquifer -System Analysis -Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1404-I, 106 p. + 14 pls. 17 hLp://w".newater.org/Data and Modeling/Ground Water Databases/frametstnew.pbp Allens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc 1 5 We - Surface Sampson Elevation County Tax Site —ID Eastirig Ft Northing Ft Ft Owner Address- Parcel ID P.O. Box 250 Siloam,.'. ; WWA 2226562 446138 117 Allen Canning Co Springs AR 72761 ' '15362 3491 Rowan Road WW-2 2226902 446521 119 Douglas Craig Carr Clinton, NC 28328 242000202 176 Moltonville Road WW-3 2228178 :. 446135 93 Milton Douglas Carr Clinton, NC 28328 2420085 - P.O. Box 1314 Clinton WW=4 2225716 445098 106 Betty H. McLellan NC 28328 16208 3071 Beamon Woods WW-5 2225759 444901 ...103 Garfield Beamon Road Clinton, NC 28328 14491 Table I.— Water Wells Within 800 Feet of Spraytield Boundaries. Monitoring, Wells, Piezometers, and Test Wells Records and data from previous investigations by S&ME5,6 were used for this study. These included 21 Cone Penetrometer (CPT) soundings, six (6 ) Hollow Stem Auger (HSA) borings,' 17 piezometers installed using push technology, four (4) monitoring wells and three (3) test wells - installed using HSA. The locations of these are shown in Figure 2 and the completion details are shown in Table 2. Additionally, Eagle Resources installed eight.new monitoring wells that -were " located so as to serve as compliance monitoring wells located at the review boundary based upon - . wetted area boundaries determined by this study. The new monitoring wells were installed by Protocol Sampling Services under subcontract to Eagle Resources using the hollow stem auger methods. The new monitoring wells are completed with above grade inch steel protective casings set in a concrete pad finished flush with the ground surface and are fitted with locking covers.'All wells and borings installed by S&ME that were able to be found have been properly abandoned by Protocol Sampling Services; a NC licensed Water Well Contractor. The completion records and well logs for, the new monitoring wells and piezometers as prepared by S&ME for the existing wells and by Protocol Sampling Services for the new monitoring wells are included as Attachment A.' Table 3 provides the construction details for the new compliance monitoring wells. All ground surface and measuring point elevations were those provided in the S&ME report6, Aliens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc .6 I� wke 1pe'vra-5 Site ID Site Type Easting Ft Northing Ft Surface Elev- ation Ft Boring Depth Ft Screen Depth Ft Boring Diam- eter In Casing Diam- eter In Instal - lation Method Installed B Top Bottom B-2 Boring 2,226,094 445,725 115 40.0 none none 3.25 none HSA S&ME B-6 Boring 2,226,792 444,220 91 40.0 none none 3.25 none HSA S8,ME B-10 Boring 2,226,832 445,346 98 40.0 none I none 4.25 none HSA S8ME B-11 Boring 2,227,654 444,378 98 40.0 none none 4.25 none HSA B-16 Boring 2,228,242 444,792 95 40.0 none none 3.25 none HSA -S8ME S&ME B-19 Boring 2,228,889 444,042 93 50.0 none none 3.25 none HSA S&ME CPT-1 CPT 2,226,453 445,817 115 57.0 none none unk none CPT S8,ME CPT-2 CPT 2,226,100 445,699 115 64.2 none none unk none CPT S&ME CPT-3 CPT 2,227,286 445,340 100 30.5 none none unk none CPT S8ME CPT-4 CPT 2,227,315 444,892 104 48.0 none none unk none CPT S&ME CPT-5 CPT 2,227,180 444,401 97 31.8 none none unk none CPT S&ME CPT-6 CPT 2,226,749 444,220 91 32.8 none none unk none CPT S8ME CPT-7 CPT 2,226,341 444,852 103. 36.4 none none unk none CPT S8ME CPT-8 CPT 2,226,410 445,010 108 43.8 none none . unk none CPT S8ME CPT-9 CPT 2,226,372 445,406 113 40.7 none none unk none CPT S8ME CPT-10 CPT 2,226,809 445,335 106 41.7 none none unk none CPT S8ME CPT-11 CPT 2,227,677 444,415 98 35.5 none none unk none CPT S8ME CPT-12 CPT 2,227,743 444,797 100 53.0 none none unk none CPT S8,ME CPT-13 CPT 2,227,832 445,257 99 42.2 none none unk none CPT S8ME CPT-14 CPT 2,228,040 445,838 97 25.7 none none unk none CPT S8ME CPT-15 CPT 2,228,142 444,409 96 45.4 none none unk none CPT S&ME CPT-16 CPT - 2,228,291 444,795 95 50.9 none none unk none CPT S&ME CPT-17 CPT - 2,228,678 445,298 94 34.4, none none unk none CPT S8ME CPT-18 CPT 2,228,481 445,658 97 54.8 none none unk none CPT S&ME CPT-19 CPT 2,228,852 444,045 94 37.7 none none unk none CPT S&ME CPT-20 CPT 2,229,658 444,149 91 59.2 none none unk none CPT S&ME CPT 21 CPT 2,229,391 445,016 89 31.4 none none unk none CPT S&ME OW-1 Obs Well 2,228,849 444,058 94 19.2 3.6 18.2 4.25 2 HSA S8ME OW-2 Obs Well 2,228,805 444,063 94 19.0 3.7 18.3 4.25 2 HSA S8ME OW-3 Obs Well 2,227,633 444,415 98 19.2 4.2 18.9 6.25 2 HSA S8ME OW-4 Obs Well 2,227,590 444,413 98 19.5 4.3 19.0 3.25 2 HSA S8ME P-1 Piezometer 2,226,779 445,862 112 10.0 9.0 10.0 unk 1 Push S8ME P-2 Piezometer 2,226,059 445,693 115 10.0 9.0 10.0 unk 1 Push S8ME P-3 Piezometer 2,226,387 445,162 110 10.0 9.0 10.0 unk 1 Push S8ME P-4 Piezometer 2,226,335 444,507 99 10.0 9.0 10.0 unk 1 Push S8ME P-5 Piezometer 2,226,864 445,326 106 10.0 9.0 10.0 unk 1 Push S8ME P-6 Piezometer 2,227,274 444,887 104 10.0 9.0 10.0 unk 1 Push S8ME P-7 Piezometer 2,227,142 444,418 97 10.0 9.0 10.0 unk, 1 Push S8ME P-8. Piezometer 2,227,915 444,970 100 10.0 9.0 10.0 unk 1 Push S8ME P-9 Piezometer 2,227,990 445,847 97 10.0 9.0 10.0 unk 1 Push S8ME P-10 Piezometer 2,228,558 445,538 95 10.0 9.0 10.0 unk 1 Push S8ME P-11 Piezometer 2,228,387 444,865 93 10.0 9.0 10.0 unk 1 Push S8ME P-12 Piezometer 2,228,313 444,208 97 10.0 9.0 10.0 unk 1 Push S8ME P-13 Piezometer 2,229,176 444,507 93 10.0 9.0 10.0 unk 1 Push S8ME P-14 Piezometer 2,229,375 443,839 91 10.0 9.0 10.0 unk 1 Push S8,ME P-15 Piezometer 2,229,682 444,928 89 10.0 9.0 10.0 unk 1 Push S8ME P-16 Piezometer 2,229,968 443,986 90 10.0 9.0 10.0 unk 1 Push S8ME P-17 Piezometer 2,228,839 444,045 94 10.0 9.0 10.0 unk 1 Push S8ME RW-1 Test Well 2,228,851 444,051 94 19.5 4.0 18.5 6.25 2 HSA S8ME RW-2 Test Well 2,227,671 444,413 98 19.2 4.3 18.8 1 6.25 1 2 HSA S8ME RW-3 Test Well 1 2,227,673 1 444,4121 1 44.3 1 34.4 1 43.9 1 6.25 1 4 1 HSA S8ME Table 2: - Construction Details for Piezometers, Monitoring Wells and Test Wells.. Aliens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc Well ID Easting Ft NAD83 Northing Ft NAD83 Surface Elev- ation FT NAVD88 Top Cas- ing Elev- ation FT NAVD88 Well Depth Ft Screen Depth Ft Sand Pack Depth Ft Bentonite Seal Depth Ft Cement Grout.. Boring Diary} eter In Casing Diam- eter .''elation In Instal-; Method Instal - led by. Top Bot. Top Bot. Top Bot. Top Bot. RA 2,228,891 445,653 87.2 90.5 1 15 2 12 1.5 121 0:5 1.5 0 0.5 61 2 HSA PSS R-2 2,229,383 445,196 86.1 89.1 15 2 12 1.5 12 0.5 1,5 0 0.5 6 2 HSA PSS . R-3 2,230,053 444,682 87.0 90.0 18 5 15 4 15 3 4 0' 3 6 2 HSA PSS R-4 2,229,4921 443,682 88.5 92.0 15 2 121 1.5 12 0.51 1.5 01 1.5 6 2 HSA PSS R-5 2,227,878 443,978 95.4 97.6 28 8 28 6.5 28 none 0 6.5 6 2 HSA: S8ME R-6 2,226,727 4.44,187 93.2 95.8 18 5 15 4 151 3 4 0 3 6 2 HSA•.. _ PSS R-7 2,226,250 444,901 104.4 107.4 15 2 12 1.5 121 0.51 1.5 0 0.5 6 ` 21 HSA I PSS R-8 2,226,467 , 446,134 118.7 121.71 18 5 15 4 151 31 4 0 3 6 _ 2 HSA PSS Table 3.-- Construction Detail Summary for Compliance Wells Water Level Measurements One round of water level measurements was made at the site on April 4, 2006 as reported by, S&ME. Eagle Resources measured water levels in those wells found operational at the site on 11/19/2007. Water levels were measured in the seven new compliance wells following well development and recovery by Protocol Sampling Services on 11/7/2008 and in all compliance wells by Microbac Laboratories during the first round of sampling these wells on November 17, 2008. Table 4 summarizes these measurements. Well ID Easting Northing Date Measured Depth to. Water (TOC) R' TOC Elevation R Water Level Bev.. (NAVD88 R) Depth to Water (GS) R OW-1 2,228,849.1 444,058.4 4/4/2006 3.90. 95.97 92.07 1.21 2,228,849.1 444,058.4 11/19/2007 7.02 95.97 88.95 A33 OW-2 2,228,805.0 444,062.7 4/4/20061 3.90 95.75 91.85 2.11 2,228,805.0 444,062.7 11/19/2007 6.92 95.75 88.83 5.13 OW-3 2,227,633.5 444,415.5 4/4/2006 4.90 100.22 95.32 3.11 2,227,633.5 444,415.5 11/19/2007 7.40. 100.22 92.82 5.61 OW-4 2,227,590.4 444,412.6. 4/4/2006 4.50 99.85 95.35 3.13 2,227,590.4 444,412.6 11/19/2007 7.01 99.85 92:84 - 5.64 P-1 2,226,778.9 445,861.8 4/4/2006 8.50 116.89 108.39 .3.52 P-10 2,228,557.8 445,538.1 4/4/2006 3.30 97.30 94.00 1.52 P-11 2,228,386.8 444,865.0 4/4/2006 .2.10 96.59 94.49 (0.64) 2,228,386.8 444,865.0 11/19/2007 5.68 96.59 90.91 2.94 P-12 2,228,313.0 444,208.1 4/4/2006 3.70 99.45 95.75 0.79 P-13 2,229,176.0 444,507.4 4/4/2006 3.90 93.75 89.85 3.15 P-14 2,229,375.2 443,839.1 4/4/2006 3.80 94.15 90.35 0.35 P-15 2,229,682.5 444,927.6 4/4/2006 4.40 94.60 90.20 (0.99) 0-16 2,229,967.6 443,985.7 4/4/2006 .• 6.80 92.82 86.02 4.05 P-17 2,228,838.7 444,044.6 4/4/2006 3.70 97.24 93.54 0.10 2,228,838.7 444,044.6 11/19/20071 8.30 97.24 88.94 4.70 P-2 2,226,059.4 445,693.2 4/4/2006 5.10 117.44 112.34 2.89 P-3 2,226,386.8 "445,162.3 4/4/2006 5.20 112.91. 107.71 2.34 P-4 2,226,335.1 444,507.4 4/4/2006 3.501 101.87 1 98.37 0.94 2,226,863.7 445,326.0 4/4/2006 3.701 109.66 1 105.96 0.55 Aliens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc 8 0 ea V.-P, ksa -cgs Table 4: -Water Level Measurements in Piezometers and Monitoring Wells. Well ID Easting Northing Date Measured Depth to Water (TOC) Ft TOC Elevation Ft Water Level Elev. (NAVD88 Ft) Depth to Water (GS) Ft P-6 2,227,274.4 444,886.5 4/4/2006 6.10 107.35 101.25 3.10 2,227,142.3 444,418.3 4/4/2006 4.70 100.98 96.28 0.58 P 8 2,227,915.0 444,969.8 4/4/2006 4.80 102.53 97.73 1.97 2,227,915.0 444,969.8 11/19/2007 7.78 102.53 94.75 4.95 P-9 2,227,990.2 445,847.3 4/4/2006 5.00 100.12 95.1'2 1.91 2,227,990.2 445,847.3 11/19/2007 8.40 100.12 91.72 5.31 RW-1 2,228,851.4 444,050.6 4/4/2006 3.90 95.58 91.68 1.60 2,228,851.4 444,050.6 11/19/2007 6.74 95.58 88.84 4.44 RW-2 2,227,670.8 444,412.6 4/4/2006 4.80 100.05 95.25 3.03 2,227,670.8 444,412.6 11/19/2007 6.22 100.05 93.83 4.45 RW-3 2,227,672.7 444,411.6 4/4/2006 12.70 99.80 87.10 11.18 2,227,672.7 444,411.6 11/19/2007 15.40 99.80 84.40 13.88 R-1 2,228,931.8 445,653.3 11/7/2008 6.55 88.26 81.71• 3.56 2,228,931.8 445,653.3 11/17/2008 5.20 88.26 83.06 2.21 R 2 2,229,400.5 445,268.8 11/7/2008 6.55 86.12 79.57 3.55 2,229,400.5 445,268.8 11/17/2008 4.10 86.12 82.02 1.10 R-3 2,230,129.4 444,700.0 11/7/2008 8.45 83.20 74.75 5.45 2,230,129.4 444,700.0 11/17/2008 7.10 83.20 76.10 4.10 R-4 2,229,500.6 443,678.6 11/7/2008 6.45 89.20 82.75 3.45 2,229,500.6 443,678.6 11/17/2008 7.70 89.20 81.50 4.70 R-5 2,227,882.1 443,978.2 1/16/2001 11.92 92.19 80.27 9.17 2,227,882.1 443,978.2 11/16/2007 5.00 92.19 87.19 2.25 2,227,882.1 443,978.2 3/3/2008 13.00 92.19 79.19 10.25 2,227,882.1 443,978.2 7/7/2008 6.50 92.19 85.69 3.75 2,227,882.1 443,978.2 11/17/2008 10.70 92.19 81.49 7.95 R-6 2,226,780.9 444,183.3 11/7/2008 8.65 93.46 84.81 5.65 2,226,780.9 444,183.3 11/17/2008 6.70 93.46 86.76 3.70 R-7 2,226,192.3 444,963.4 11/7/2008 6.55 105.63 99.08 3.55 2,226,192.3 444,963.4 11/17/2008 4.90 105.63 100.73 1.90 R-8 2,226,467.3 446,136.8 11/7/2008 8.25 120.66 112.41 5.25 2,226,467.3 446,136.8 1 11/17/20081 4.90 1 120.66 1 115.76 1 1.90 Table 4 (Concluded).-- Water Level Measurements in Piezometers and Monitoring Wells. The large depth to water level in well R-5 for 3/3/08 is a result of the extreme drought that persisted from the end of November 2007 through the end of March 200818 18 U.S Drought Monitor: littp://,Aww.d rought.uni.edu/din/thunibnails/2007.eif and htip://www.drought.unl.edu/dm/thumbnails/l-008.gi Allens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc e ��et�5�"GeS,•, Hydraulic Conductivity Tests Pumping Tests During Apri1200.6 S&ME conducted a 22-hour pumping test at a constant pumping rate of approximately one (1) gallon per minute on test well RW=1 and a 24-hour test at a constant. pumping rate of approximately six (6) gallons per minute on test well RW-2. For the pumping test of RW-2, water level measurements were made in observation wells OW-1 which is . approximately 30 feet from RW-1 and in OW-2 which is approximately 55 feet from RW_ 4. For:e1 the pumping test on RW-2, water level measurements were made on observations wells OW=3 .. which is. approximately 30 feet from RW-2 and in OW-4 which is approximately 70 feet from RW-2. The results of the interpretation of these tests by S&ME are shown in Table 5. We have reviewed these results and concur with the methodology used and, the 'results. However, we note that for the test on RW-1, the value of storage coefficient calculated from the early-time_curve is larger than the value calculated from the late time curve, which does not agree with the theory of the method used. As all analyses used for the present report are steady state; no storage coefficient values are necessary, so this inconsistency is not important. S&ME also conducted a test to assess the hydraulic connection across the confining layer that occurs at beneath the site. This test was conducted by first pumping RW-2 for 6 gallons per minute for 24-hours and measuring the water level response,in the deep aquifer in RW-3 which is screened only in the deep aquifer., The second part of this test pumped RW-3 at 17 gallons per minute for 3 hours and measuring water level response in the shallow aquifer in RW-2 and OW- 3 and OW-4. Both of these parts of the test showed no measurable water level response in the non -pumped aquifer. Ksat Measurements S&EC measured the values of the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) of each horizon of the soil units judged to'be suitable for spray irrigation. S&ME reported Ksat measurements in multiple horizons at eight (8) locations within the boundaries of soil units that S&ME judged to be suitable. The locations of the Ksat measurements are shown on Figure 1 and the results of the measurements are shown in Table 5. Allens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc .10 Oaj8 �85arCV5 . Depth of Hydraulic I rans- Tested Interval Cond- mis- Storage Soil Horizon or Ft Test Analysis uctivity sivity Coef- Data Site ID Formation Method Method ft/day ft^2/day ficient Source Top Bottom RW-1 Observation 22-hour Kh = 11.7 S = 0.002, Wells OW-1 Surficial Aquifer 4.00 17.61 pumping Neuman Kv= 0.21 159 Sy = 0.004 S&ME & OW-2 at 1 gpm RW-2 Observation Surficial Aquifer 4.00 17.61 24-hour pumping Neuman Kh = 9.2 123 S = 0.009, S&ME Wells OW-3 Kv= 0.11 Sy = 0.023 & OW-4 at gpm Norfolk/ E 1.00 0.13 n/a n/a Bt1 2.67 0.67 n/a n/a Ksat-1 ' CHP Glover S&EC Wagram Bt2 4.67 .1.38 n/a n/a Norfolk / E 1.17 4.19 n/a n/a Btl 2.50 0.25 n/a n/a Ksat-4 CHP Glover S&EC Wagram Bt2 5.00 0.29 n/a n/a Norfolk / E 1.00 0.62 n/a n/a Btl 2.33 1.77 n/a n/a Ksat-6 CHP Glover S&EC Wagram Bt2 4.75 0.64 n/a n/a Ksat SME- Norfolk/ BT/E 1.58 5.44 n/a n/a CHP Glover S&ME Bt 3.00 0.10 n/a n/a 54 Wagram Ksat SME- Norfolk / Bt CHP Glover 49 Wagram 2.58 0.82 n/a n/a S&ME Ksat-SME- Norfolk/ E 1.00 6.52 n/a n/a CHP Glover Bt 2.00 6.26 n/a n/a 33 Wagram S&ME Ksat SME- Norfolk/ Bt 2.00 CHP Glover 5.26 n/a n/a Bt 3.33 1.32 n/a n/a 16 Wagram S&ME Norfolk/ Ksat_SME-1' Wagram Bt 2.50 CHP Glover 5.16 n/a n/a S&ME Goldsboro / E 1.00 1.01 n/a n/a Btl 2.25 0.04 n/a n/a Ksat-2 CHP Glover S&EC Noboco Bt2 4.08 0.20 n/a n/a Goldsboro / E 0.83 0.24 n/a n/a Btl 2.00 0.61 n/a n/a Ksat-3 CHP Glover S&EC Noboco Bt2 3.58 0.23 n/a n/a Goldsboro / E 0.83 0.90 n/a n/a Btl 2.00 1.05 n/a n/a Ksat-5 CHP Glover S&EC Noboco Bt2 2.75 0.55 n/a n/a Ksat SME- Goldsboro / E 1.50 0.32 n/a n/a Btl 2.33 0.20 n/a n/a CHP Glover S&ME 22 Noboco Bt2 2.33 0.34 n/a n/a Ksat SME- Goldsboro / Bt 1.33 CHP Glover 0.16 n/a n/a Bt 2.17 0.10 n/a n/a 47 Noboco S&ME Ksat-7 Tarboro / Bw 2.33 CHP Glover 5.37 n/a n/a , C 4.58 23.25 n/a n/a Kalmia S&EC Ksat-8 Tarboro / Bw 1.83 CHP Glover 16.07 n/a n/a C 5.00 43.68 n/a n/a S&EC Kalmia Tarboro / Bw 2.42 5.21 n/a n/a Ksat-9 CHP Glover C 5.08 58.09 n/a n/a Kalmia Ksat SME- Tarboro / Bt 2.50 CHP Glover 20.56 n/a n/a S&ME 28 1 Kalmia Table 5: - Summary of Hydraulic Conductivity Tests. Allens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc 1.1 Model Construction Conceptual Model The conceptual model of the site was constructed using information provided by both regional,,,;,; studies and reports an previous studies S&MEs,6,lo The model was constructed by exteMingilie regional model boundaries to hydrologic features (topographic'divides) or a'sufficierit distance from the spray irrigation site so, that the use of either a drain or no flow boundary would not affect the results of mounding analyses. Figure 1 shows the modeled area and thelocation of the. new spray irrigation site. Hydrostratigraphic. Units The hydrogeologic framework for the conceptual model was taken from regional geologic,and : hydrogeologic studies9"O" l The site is underlain 'by approximately 15 feet of fine-grained,;,; . surficial materials referred to as the Surficial Aquifer that overly the Black Creek Confining Unit and the Black Creek Aquifer. Based upon the log of a deep well from the North Carolina Visual Hydrogeologic Framework as shown in,Figure 3, the Black Creek Aquifer is underlain by the Upper and Lower Cape Fear Confining Units and Aquifers and basement rocks. Well U35G shown in Figure 3 is located approximately 3.5 miles west of the Rowan Road site. A similar deep test well from the DWR database is located at Turkey approximately 3 miles northeast of the site and shows essentially the same elevation of formation tops and thickness of the Black Creek Confining Unit. The site hydrostratigraphy was estimated using logs of CPT soundings, test wells,, observation wells, and piezometers installed by S&ME5.6 that are -summarized in Table 2. Based upon these. it is apparent that the drainages at the margins of the Rowan Road site are eroded into the Black Creek Confining unit., Also based upon these logs the RW-3 is screened -in the upper part of the Black Creek Aquifer and the previously discussed test of RW-2 and RW-3 demonstrated the very low permeability of the Black Creek Confining Unit: For completeness, the logs and CPT soundings for reported by S&ME are included 'as Attachment A to this report. Ii- Allens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc 12 Hydrogeologic Framework, Database Detail for Well . 7j Data � Coun ty i Sampson , Latitude 34.975275 _ Longitude -^!-78.308337 Location Accuracy I Quad �[ U 35G Name Town of _Clinton Depth , Land Surface 455`a- 152 m_. Black Creek CU 100- (Black_Creek _ 79 Upper Cape Fear CU -70� Upper Cape Fear __IF LL 114 _- # Lower Cape Fear CU Lower Cape Fear -184 -206 y Basement I -303 1 U35G -60 ,. y -160 c - - s 0 a1 .a �+ -260 4- - -- -_.-.-- - a d 0 -360 L LMM -460 - - O.alle,kesa.rme ❑ Surficial ® Upper Tertiary CU ❑'Upper Tertiary M Yorktown CU El Yorktown I7 Pu ngo RI ver CU Pungo River' p Castle Mayne CU Castle Hayne 0 Beaufort CU El Beaufort ® Peedee CU Peedee M Black Creek CU 11 Black Creek ® Upper Cape Fear CU ❑ Upper Cape Fear 91 Lower Cape Fear CU El Lower Cape Fear 0 Lower Cretaceous CU ED Lower Cretaceous ID Basement Figure 2: - Log of town of Clinton Well (U35G) from the North Carolina Visual Hydrogeologic Framework19 The conceptual model and the numerical model include the Surficial Aquifer, the Black Creek Confining Unit and the upper portion of the Black Creek Aquifer as described below 1) 'Surficial Aquifer: Surficial materials extending to a depth of approximately 15 feet. The top of the Surficial Unit was taken as the land surface. The base of the Surficial Unit was approximated by subtracting 15 ft from the land surface. It also reflects the apparent configuration of the base of the Surficial Unit at the Site based on logs of piezometers and monitoring wells. The initial horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivity of the Surficial Unit was estimated to be 12 ft per day based upon the aquifer tests of RW-1 and RW-2 reported by S&ME. As discussed subsequently, it was not necessary to modify these values to calibrate the groundwater model. Because the Surficial Aquifer was simulated using a single layer, the vertical conductivity is not explicitly included in the model equations. 19 hf p://wN�Nv.ncwater.org/Data and Modeling/Ground Water Databases/ftamework.php Aliens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc 13 Table 5• summarizes the initial hydraulic conductivity values used for the Surficial it, . and underlying units. 2) Black Creek Confining Unit: a low hydraulic layer that was assigned a uniform thickness of five (5) feet based upon the log of RW-3, the regional well U35G and leakance values reported by the USGS regional model for this unit10. The base of this unit was determined in the model by subtracting five (5) feet from the bottom of the Surficial Aquifer. Table 5 shows the hydraulic properties used for the -Black Creek :< Confining Unit. 3) Upper portion of Black Creek Aquifer:.The upper portion of the Black Creek Aquifer, was included in the model as extending from the base of the Black Creek Confining Unit,, to an arbitrary plane surface at an elevation of 50 feet NAVD88. The hydraulic properties for the Black -Creek Aquifer were estimated from the U.S.G.S regional groundwater model and are shown in Table. 5. H diaulic Conductivity, Way Hydrostratigraphic Unit Thickness, ft Lithology Kx Kv Kz Surficial Aquifer 15 Sand to Silty 12 12 1 _ Sand Black Creek Confining 5 Clay 0.0003 0.0003 • 0.0003 Unit Upper Part of Black Base of BCCU to Creek Aquifer an elevation of 50 Sandstone 20 20 20 ft NAVD88 Table 6. -- Summary of Hydrostratigraphic Unit's Used for Groundwater Model Hydraulic Heads for Model Calibration , Because the water levels measured by S&ME on April 4, 2006 as shown in Table 3 provide the largest number of measurements on the same date in the modeled area. These were used for model calibration. Recharge and Discharge Recharge to the modeled area results from the balance between infiltrated .precipitation and evapotranspiration (ET) from the soil zone. Because all .of the watertable depths at the Rowan Road site are less than 10 feet the model was used to compute the net recharge rate as follows: 1. An average.rate of 39 inches per year of precipitation was applied to the top of the model based upon climatic records for Clinton, NC. 2. ET from groundwater was simulated using a depth -dependent function that decreased from the maximum valued of 3.6 inches per -year for.PET when.the watertable was at the land surface to zero at a watertable depth of 8 feet. As discussed subsequently, this extinction depth for ET was increased to 10 feet during model _calibration. Allens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc 14 3. The effective recharge rate was determined by subtracting ET from groundwater computed by the model from the precipitation that was applied as recharge. . This method of simulating recharge to groundwater when combined with the use of a drain boundary condition applied to the entire land surface of the model has been found to produce more realistic models than specifying an a priori recharge rate over the entire model. However the utility of this method requires sufficient number and distribution of measured water levels to check against during model calibration. This condition was met for the present study. The same method was used to determine the recharge rates under irrigated conditions for the mounding analysis discussed subsequently. Simulation Model The analyses documented in this report used MODFLOW-2000 which is developed and maintained as a public domain code by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) The model was developed, calibrated, and applied within the Groundwater Modeling System (GMSTM) which was developed for the U.S... Department of Defense, and which is a commercial product of ems- i, Inc. Model Grid The finite difference grid used for the simulation model covers the area shown in Figure 1, and comprises 230 rows oriented east west, 302 columns oriented nortn-south,3and 4 layers. The grid spacing over the entire model is 20 feet by 20 feet and corresponds to the previously discussed grid used to approximate the land surface. Layer one (1) represents the Surficial Aquifer and extends for a uniform thickness of 15 feet from the land surface. Layer two (2) represents the Black Creek Confining Unit and Layer three (3) the upper part of the Black Creek Aquifer. The top of layer one was taken as the land surface. The land surface was modeled using a 20 by 20 -foot grid constructed using the NC DOT 2-foot topographic contours outside of the Rowan Road property and site topographic contours provided by McConnell Associates Engineering for the interior of the Rowan Road Site. The top of Layer2 was determined by subtracting 15 feet from the land surface, the top of layer 3 Was determined by subtracting 20 feet from the land surface. The bottom of layer 3 corresponded to the bottom of the model and was set at a constant elevation of 50 feet NAVD 88. Boundary Conditions Drain boundary conditions were assigned to entire upper surface of model (the land surface). This boundary condition allows the site to drain if and when the watertable intercepts the land surface. The combination of the detailed topographic surface available from the surveyed site topography, and the 20-foot grid spacing provided a good representation of the elevation of the drains. The drain conductance was set at 10 ftZ/day/ft. In addition to the areal drain boundary condition used to simulate diffuse discharge to the land surface in the wetland and natural drainage courses, linear drainage features were used to simulate the five existing drains shown on Figure 2 as well as the proposed drain to be Allens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc 15 constructed in the. middle of Zone 18. Field surveys were conducted to estimate the depth that thee" existing drains are incised below the prevailing topography. The depth of incision ranges from 3 feet to 5 feet along portions of the long east west drain at the southern portion of the property as shown on Figure 2. An average depth of incision for the existing linear drains of 4 feet was used in the model. The proposed new drain in Zone 18 was" specified No flow boundary conditions were used in all`layers along the model boundary shown.in Figure 2 as well as to the bottom of Layer. 3. These correspond to either topographic divides or the thalweg of natural drainages. Model Calibration The calibration of a groundwater model is achieved by adjusting initial'estimates of hydraulic . , properties and boundary conditions to achieve an acceptable fit between simulated water levels' ;-,,= and observed water levels in wells that are representative.of the simulated hydrologic, units: This fitting of simulated to observed water levels is the same process'that is, used, in curve matching during pumping test analysis to determine aquifer properties. However, model calibration results in a more realistic representation of a hydrologic system than can be achieved by the use of type curves in aquifer test analysis. This is because numerical models do not require the use of simplifying assumptions regarding flow geometry, boundary conditions and, homogeneity -in. hydraulic properties that are necessary to construct the analytical solutions represented by the. type curves. The groundwater model was calibrated by matching simulated water levels in the 23 wells and piezometers measured on April 4, 2006 'as reported by S&ME6 and shown in Table I. All calibration and mounding analyses conducted for this report were steady state to demonstrate the maximum potential. water level elevations in response to hydraulic loading. This, approach is considered conservative because no credit is taken for the additional water that the Surficial Unit would accept into storage as the water table rises. No storage properties are required,for steady state analyses for any of the hydrostratigraphic units. This also eliminates another potential source of uncertainty in simulated water levels. Single Layer Approximation Test To assess the reasonableness of the preliminary model parameters reported by S&ME6, the hydraulic conductivity of layers 2 and 3 were set to an extremely low value of 0.00001 ft/day (3.5 x 10-9 cm/sec). This created essentially a single layer model. Examination of the fit to observed water levels showed that while acceptable, simulated values were generally higher than observed values. The first adjustment to correct this was to increase the ET extinction depth to 10 feet. While some improvement was achieved, simulated water levels were still too high. Manual incremental increases in the hydraulic conductivity of the Surficial Aquifer were used to improve the fit by examination of calibration statistics as shown in Table 6: While a value of the Normalized Root Mean Square Residual (NRMSR) of less than 10%.is generally considered acceptable, it was felt that a better fit might be achieved using automatic adjustment of hydraulic conductivity, of the Surficial Aquifer. Consequently, the automatic Parameter Estimation (PEST) component of GMS was used to determine the value of hydraulic conductivity of the Surficial Aquifer that provided the best fit when starting with values of 5 feet per day and 20 feet per day, or approximately one half and twice the initial estimated value of.1.2 Aliens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc 16 feet per day. The results of this analysis resulted in a best fit value of 18.4 ft/day as shown in Table 6. Model Parameters Assessed for Adjustment Fit Statistics HK ET Precipitation Mean Res Mean Abs Res RMSR RMSR% of Range Ex Depth ET Max ET Surf ft/day ft in/yr Ft in/yr ft/day ft ft ft 12 8 36 LS 39.42 0.009 (0.89764) 1.04 1.22 4.51 % 12 10 36 LS 39.42 0.009 (0.64860) 0.84 1.05 3.88% 14 10 36 LS 39.42 0.009 (0.41858) 0.69 0.92 3.40% 16 101 361 LS 39.42 0.009 (0.21190) 0.64 0.841 3.11 % 18.36 101 361 LS 1 39.421 0..009 0.00112 0.65 0.81 1 3.00% Table 7: - Results of manual and PEST Calibration for the Single Layer Approximation Model. Three Layer Model Calibration As discussed above, the field tests on RW-2 and RW-3 reported by S&ME and demonstrate that the Black Creek Confining Layer provides an effective hydraulic barrier between the Surficial and Black Creek Aquifers. The preceding PEST calibration of the single layer approximation model resulted in increasing the hydraulic conductivity of the Surficial Aquifer. To provide a more a complete hydrogeologic analysis and to test the reasonableness of using the value of 12 feet per day for this conductivity value from the on -site pumping tests, calibration of the three - layer model was tested. This calibration began by assigning a value of 0.00003 ft/day (1 x 10-7 for the hydraulic conductivity of the Black Creek Confining Unit and 20 ft per day for the Black Creek Aquifer as shown in Table 5. Calibration of the three -layer model was implemented by starting with the value of hydraulic conductivity from the PEST analysis of the single layer approximation model and manually adjusting it until the lowest value of NRMSR was achieved. Table 8 shows the calibration statistics for the three -layer model. Table 9 shows the values of the observed and simulated water levels and Figure 4 shows the visual goodness of fit, which is considered excellent. The best fit was achieved using the same value of 12 ft/day derived from the pumping tests on RW-1 and RW-2. Model Parameters Assessed for Adjustment Fit Statistics HK ET Precipitation Mean Res Mean Abs Res RMSR RMSR% of Range Ex Depth ET Max ET Surf ft/day ft in/yr Ft in/yr ft/day ft I ft ft 15. 10 36 LS 39.42 0.009 0.368 0.82 0.97 3.56% 14 10 36 LS 39.42 0.009 0.256 0.79 0.92 3.41 % 12 10 36 LS 39.42 0.009 0.006 0.71 0.88 3.24% 11 10 36 LS 39.42 0.009 (0.13) 0.69 0.88 3.26% 11.5 10 36 LS 39.42 0.009 (0.06) 0.70 0.88 3.24% 12.5 10 36 LS 39.421 0.009 1 0.07 0.73 0.88 3.2 Table 8.-Calibration Statistics for the Three -Layer Model. Aliens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc 17 Well Easting Ft NAVD88 Northing . Ft-NAVD88 Observed Water Level Ft Computed Water level Ft P-10 2,228,558 445,538 91.66 _ 91.26 P-11 2,228,387 444, 865 92.00 93.28 , P-9 2,227,990 445,847 92.54 93.19 PA 2, 226, 779. 445,862 105.75 107.55 P-3 2,226,387 445,162 105.32 105.10 P-5 2,226,864 445,326 103.45 102.07 P-8 2,227,915 444,970 95.41 96.48 P.-6 2,227,274 i 444,887 99.24 98.44 P-4 2,226,335 444,507 96.16 96.42 P-7 2, 227,142- 444,418 92.97 93.02 RW-2 2,227,671 444,413 94.15 94.09 OW-3 2,227,633 444,415 94.26 94.03 OW-4 2,227,590 444,413 94.32 93.86 P-12 2,228,313 444,208, 93.34 91.42 P-13 2,229,176 444,507 89.52 90.12 RWA 2,228,851 444,051 90.29 89.85 OW-1 2,228,849 444,058 90.34 89.91 OW-2 2,228,805 444,063 90.22 89.97 P717 2,228,839 444,045 90.50 89.82 P-14 2,229,375 443,839 87.99 •86.98 P-16 2,229,968 443,986 83.53 84.33 P-15 1 2,229, 682 1 444,92.81 84.961 85.41 P-2 1 2,226,059 1 445,6931 110.63 111.82 Table 9: - Observed and Computed Water Levels for the Best -Fit Three -Layer Model. Allens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doic 120.00 115.00 0 110.00 Q z LL c 105.00 m lL y 100.00 a1 J ate+ 95.00 a 7 a E U 90.00 85.00 80.00 jWePesarces rt -1 - __'-4— t i ♦ Observed and Computed FT -- - T - - -; ♦ -!-i-� -- - i i 41--t -'— , ! i ; I , I , 80.00 85.00 90.00 95.00 100.00 105.00 110.00 115.00 120.00 Observed Water Level Elevation, Ft NAVD Figure 3.--Results of Model Calibration to April 2006 Water Levels in Monitoring Wells and Piezometers. Hydraulic Mounding Analysis The calibrated model was used to simulate the water table configuration and the depth to water for by increasing the irrigation recharge to the reasonable maximum values that would not result in the watertable being less than 1 foot below any of the irrigation zones. The initial recharge rates for this process were determined by multiplying the geometric mean Ksat value for the most restrictive horizon for the most restrictive soil present in an irrigation zone. The geometric mean Ksat-values were determined by S&EC and are reported in the Soil Scientist report for the Rowan Road Sites. Initial boundaries of irrigation zones corresponded to boundaries of soil units as mapped by S&EC. However during the mounding analysis, it was necessary to further subdivide areas containing the same soil and to apply different recharge rates to the subdivisions. This process was used to maximize the irrigation capacity of the entire Rowan Road site, while keeping the Aliens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc 19 :i + Aaik•e recharge rates used less than the drainage rates recommended by S&EC in the Soil Scientist Evaluation reports.. Some irrigation zones (for example Zone 18) were developed to include more than one soil unit. In these cases, the applied recharge was restricted to that allowable for the most restrictive soil unit present in the zone. The recharge rates that resulted in the maximum irrigation rates for all 18 irrigation zones, that,,:;`:'-= resulted in a water table depth of greater than one foot under all zones were determined as.. - follows: 1. Apply the 801h percent total, precipitation'as recharge for all areas of the model outside of the irrigation zones; 2. Determine the maximum recharge rate for each zone that.fesults in the watertable being a minimum of one foot below the land surface within that zone and adjacent zones. This' rate is effectively the total of recharge from precipitation and applied irrigation; 3. Allow the model to compute the amount of recharged water removed by ET using the linear function of ET vs. depth to the watertable that sets ET at the maximum average PET at the land surface and"zero at a depth of 10 feet and tabulate the ET loss from each irrigation zone. - - •, 4. Compute the actual net drainage as the difference between the applied recharge and water removed by ET for each irrigation zone; and 5. Use the net drainage as the drainage in the water balance to compute hydraulic loading .rates for each zone. The results of the mounding analyses are shown in Figure 5 by the contour showing the limits of areas where the simulated depth to watertable is equal to one foot. Figure 5 also shows the simulated steady state water table configuration for the Surficial Unit for these loading rates. The mounding analysis was used to eliminate areas of the sprayfields that havethe potential for the permanent watertable under the 801h percent wettest year conditions to be less than one foot below land surface. There is one small area (less than 700 fe, or 0.'015 acres) in Zone 17 (Figure 5) that is a depression that needs to be filled with suitable soil to eliminate the potential for a water table less than one foot within the area. Allens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc 20 �� ii somm""Mmoul m ="Fawwwwmw =Migg"Mmmmm =wFqwwwmmw =Miggammmmm =ws99"WMwwW mmmmmmmmm mm mmmmmm MMF;gmwmwmw mmmmmmmmm =wEE9wmmwmw mmmmmmmmm mmmommmmm MWEEMMMMMM =wMwMwwMW EXPLANATION Fleld Investigation L—tl— LOCLTYPE T.- zone li z P -3. ii Z06. v 7, V1, . .. . .......... . .......... .... 14 J J . ...... .. zwv J J I'll I'll .1 J -1 .. ......... I Imh - 200 feet 2()11 —400 800 1,200 1,600 ' Feet sae �'e�arces Figure 4, Simulated Watertable Elevation and One -Foot Depth to Water for the Mounding Analysis. j Allen Canning Hydrogeologic Report Rev 022109.doc 21 Senaitiw4Y Anai aia Y A sensitivity analysis was conducted with the calibrated model to evaluate.potential uncertainiies in the value of hydraulic conductivity of the Surficial Unit. Sensitivity to hydraulic conductivity of layer one of the model 30% less than and 50% greater than the calibrated value of 12 ft/day. . Zone Area DTW > 1.0, Ac Kh=12 Kh=10 Kh=8 1 1.93 1.93 1.62 2 3.23 2.41 1.14 3 11.69 10.14 5.21 4 1 1.89 1.63 0.92 5 0.78 0.71 0.48 6 1.94 1.94 1.94 7 1.00 0.88 0.61 8 2.59 2.24 0.98 9 0.79 0.78 0.74 10 1 1.83 1.83 1.83 11 0.67 0.67 0.67 12 3.74 3.19 2.20 13 2.13 2.13 2.12 14 7.65 6.72 5.22 15 0.97 0.97 0.97 16 7.20 - 7.09 6.40 17 2.27 0.79 0.21 18.00 16.87 15.20 12.10 Total 1 69.15 1 61.24,1 45.37 For the sensitivity analyses using values of hydraulic conductivity less than the calibrated value, the sensitivity variable evaluated was the area of each zone with a modeled depth to water of less than 1 ft .. under conditions of the 80`h % wettest precipitation -.- The results of this analysis are summarized in Table _ 10. Because of the excellent agreement between measured and computed water levels as shown in Tables 8 and 9 and on Figure 4, it is considered unlikely that the effective hydraulic conductivity is significantly less; than the calibrated value of 12 ft/day. Table 10.-- Sensitivity of Modeled Watertable Depth to. Hydraulic Conductivity by Zone for Values of Hydraulic Conductivity Less than the Calibrated Value of 12 ft/day. Table 11 summarizes the sensitivity analyses using values of hydraulic conductivity 2 ft/day using sensitivity variables equal to the minimum, maximum, and mean water table depth within each Zone Depth to Watertable Kh = 12 (Calibrated Model) Kh = 14 Kh = 16 Kh = 18 Zone Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean• Min Max Mean 1 1.80 4.70 3.07 2.30 5.16 3.53 2.71 5.56 3.93 3.05 5.91 4.27 2 1.23 3.05 .1.95 1.72 3.51 2.37 2.14 '3.89 2.73 2.49 4.23 3.03 3 1.12 3.12 2.08 1.49 3.58 2.53 1.80 3.98 2.90 2.01 4.34 3.23 4 1.06 2.42 1.73 1.32 2.71 2.02 1.54 2.96 2.28 1.73 3.18 2.49 5 1.10 2.20 1.65 1.27 2.41 1 1.86 1.41 2.59 2.03 1.53 2.75 2.18 6 1.59 4.53 2.83 1.75 4.65 3.02 1.87 1 4.74 3.17 1.98 4.81- 3.30 7 1.08 2.17 1.74 1.44 , 2.47 2.05 1.75 2.72 2.31 2.01 2.94 2.54 8 1 1.27 3.14 2.02 1.80' 3.55 2.50 2.23 -3.90 2.90 "2.52 4.20 3.24 9 1.32 3.89 2.75 1.63 4.12 3.02 1.89 4.31 3.25 2.11 4.47 3.45 10 2.89 5.20 3.65 3.14 5.33 3.86 3.33 5.44 4.03 3.48 5.52 4.16 11 1.88 3.18 2.42 2.18 3.37 2.67 2.42 3.52 2.87 2.63 3.64 3.04 12 1.20 4.29 2.45 1.72 4.63 2.87 2.15 4.91 3.22 2.52 5.14 3.52 13 2.07 8.50 4.29 2.50 8.78 4.71 2.'85 1 8.99 5.06 3.16 9.17 5.36 14 0.95 5.40 2.56 1.28 5.72 2.95 1.51 5.98 3.28 1.71 6.21 3.55 15 2.19 4.96 3.68 2.44 5.18 3.97 2.65 5.35 4.21 2-.84 5.50 4.41 16 1.08 7.74 3.09 1.23 8.06 3.44 1.35 8.33 3.74 1.46 8.55 3.99 17 1.08 1 3.71 1 1.42, 1.21 3.92 1.73 1.21 • 3.92 1.73 , 1.48 4.28 2.23 18 1.14 1 6.18 1 3.11 1.54 6.35 3.48 1.74 6.49 3.78 1 1.87 6.73 Table 11.-- Sensitivity of Area in Each Zone with Watertable Depth Greater than One Foot to Hydraulic Conductivity Values Greater than the Calibrated Value of. Allens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc 22 Compliance Monitoring Wells As discussed previously, seven new monitoring wells were installed in November 2008. These wells and a monitoring well previously constructed by S&ME (RW-5) will serve as the compliance monitoring system for the Rowan Road site. The details of the compliance wells are shown in Table 3 and their locations are shown on Figure 2. Wells RW-I, RW-2, RW-3, RW-4,, RW-6, RW-7, and RW-8 were installed by Protocol Sampling Services, a Licensed North Carolina Well Contractor under subcontract to Eagle Resources. Background Groundwater Quality Groundwater quality beneath the Rowan Road was assessed by S&ME on April 13, 2006 by sampling four (4) test wells and analyzing them for four of the seven parameters required by permit WQ0004268. The results of these analyses are shown in Table 12. Well ID Sample Date N -+3 o: U E o OU E v) s o= m ;_ a) " o z z � tv Cj E 6 � o C/) o f a a� W E NC 2L Groundwater Standard 250 ns n/a 10 n/a 500 6.5-8.5 250 P-15 4/13/2006 25 n/a n/a 19 n/a 200 n/a n/a P-4 4/13/2006 36 n/a n/a 14 n/a 210 n/a n/a P-15 4/13/2006 15 n/a n/a 3 n/a 44 n/a n/a OW-2 4/13/2006 7.0 n/a n/a < 0.10 n/a < 20 n/a n/a OW-3 4/13/2006 38 n/a n/a 26 n/a 280 n/a n/a R-1 11/17/2008 12.3 50.3 75 0.58 16.0 71 5.26 12.0 R-2 11/17/2008 9.25 25.5 158 2.76 16.1 108 4.87 48.4 R-3 11/17/2008 5.5 63.1 118 3.0 15.0 56.6 4.37 31.8 R-4 11/17/2008 6.5 18.6 763 1.22 15.8 55.6 4.92 15.4 R-5 11 /16/07 19.5 17.8 n/a 0.21 n/a 158 5.62 47.4 3/3/08 8.0 13.5 n/a 1.24 n/a 138 6.39 18.7 .7/7/08 10 19.9 n/a <.10 n/a 106 3.96 <5.0 11/17/2008 9.25 19.6 81 < 0.10 17.1 74 5.76 8.01 R-6 11/17/2008 45 46.8 288 4.83 18.1 77 1 4.72 34.2 R-7, 111/17/20081 21.2 13.1 110 0.4 18.1 66 4.74 12.6 R-8 1 11/17/2008 26.5 1 < 5.0 1 381 24.1 21.9 200 1 4.66 22.4 n/a: no analysis reported; ns: no standard Table 12: - Background Groundwater Chemistry. Allen. Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc 23 Compliance monitoring well R-5 has been sampled and analyzed by Aliens in conjunction with the sampling and analysis required)by permit WQ0004268 since November 200720. The results of these analyses are also shown in Table 12. Note that the nitrate values in the test wells P-1, P- 4. and 6W-3 shown in Table 12 are significantly.higher than the values for OW-2 and P-15: These differences are attributed to the. fact that at the time the samples'were taken in OW-2 and P-15, the eastern part of the Rowan Road site in which these wells were located had not been cleared for cropping based upon reports by R. Wells and T. Langston of Aliens, and upon, Figure •; 2 of the S&ME Hydrogeologic Report6.. Conversely, based -upon the same sources, the`area: where the elevated nitrate values were detected apparently had been cropped for sometime. The elevated nitrate levels are likely the result of nitrogen fertilizer being applied in excess of agronomic demand. To further assess pre -irrigation groundwater quality conditions for the'Rowan Road site the compliance monitoring wells were sampled on November 17, 2008 as part of the regularly scheduled fall sampling that includes monitoring wells for the existing irrigation areas north of Rowan Road. The results of these analyses'are shown in Table 12. The nitrate levels in all the compliance wells except R-8 are below the NC 2L standard of 10 mg/l. Well R-8 is also in the area that has been cropped for many years, and this well is also up - gradient of all proposed irrigation zones. Conclusions A defensible conceptual hydrogeologic model of the Rowan Road site and'.surrounding areas has been constructed using available information from public domain sources, field investigations, and tests by other contractors for Aliens. A three-dimensional -groundwater flow model has been constructed and successfully tested against measured groundwater level measurements. The simulated groundwater flow patterns are consistent with the conceptual model. The agreement between measured and observed water level elevations is well within industry and NCDENR guidelines. Consequently the model can reliably be used to assess the likely average water table configuration and' depth to water table under conditions where irrigation is applied to the existing and expanded sprayfields. A uniform value of hydraulic conductivity equal to the value determined by a previous contractor from a long term pumping test was used in the simulation model for the surficial aquifer. Values for hydraulic conductivity of the underlying Black Creek confining Layer and the Upper Black Creek Aquifer were taken from regional studies by the U.S. Geological Survey. Acceptable model calibration was achieved by applying recharge from average precipitation and simulating evapotranspiration from groundwater as a function of the depth to the watertable. The calibrated model was used to develop the boundaries of 18 irrigation zones and to determine the maximum rate of recharge that under steady state conditions resulted in'a depth to water greater than one foot beneath each zone. The recharge used in the mounding analysis was the sum of the 801h% wettest year precipitation and applied irrigation water. 20Reid Wells, Personal Communication:" Monitoring Wells Spreadsheet' November 2008. Aliens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc 24 �r� lB "V-42G 5 The recharge rates resulting from the mounding analysis were used as the drainage rates in the water balance to determine the recommended hydraulic loading rates for each zone. The drainage rates were used to calculate an effective drainage coefficient (ratio of the drainage rate to the geometric mean vertical hydraulic conductivity or Ksat for the most restrictive horizon) for the most restrictive soil present in each irrigation zone. All the computed drainage coefficients and drainage rates are less than those recommended in the Soil Scientist Report for the Rowan Road Site. Allens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc 25 S&ME Inc. (843)884-0005 Northing: Date: 14/Feb/2006 620 Wando Park Boulevard Easting: ` Test ID: CPT-1 #SAM "Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 Elevation: : Project: 1584-060-009 TCleary@smeinc.com Client: Allen Canning www.smeinc.com Job Site: Allen Canning Sleeve Stress Tip Stress COR Ratio COR Pore Pressure SBT 6 (tsf) O (tSf 600 0 (0/0) 6 O (tsf) '30 .0 class. FR _ 1 O 24 C 36 48 60 Maximum depth: 57.03 (it) Ssnds Santl Mix Sand Mix I u' D r r m z D z . z 12 z M 24 36 48 '60 Class FR: Friction Ratio Classification (Ref Robertson 1990) Q Estimated Phreatic Surface i c 1 r t r A r SWE Inc. (843)884-0005 Northing: Date: 14/Feb/2006 620 Wando Park Boulevard *SM Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 Easting: Elevation: Test ID: CPT-2 - Project: 1584-06-009 . Client: Allen Canning Job Site: Allen Canning. TCleary@smeinc.com www.smeinc.com Sleeve Stress Tip Stress COR Ratio dOR Pore Pressure SBT 6 (tsf) 0 (tsf) 600 0 (%) 6 0 (tsf) 30 0 Class. FIR10 O , .13 - 26 i 0 D I— f"' m z .z z 13 Z C. 26 39 52 65: Class FR: Friction Ratio Classification (Ref: Robertson 1990) W Q Estimated Phreatic Surface 3 1 N A V Sleeve Stress Tip Stress COR Ratio COR Pore Pressure SBT 6 (tsf) O (tsf) 600 0 (%) 6 0 (tsf) 300 Class. FR 10 O 13 26 39 52 65 I 1 1 1 1 I I Maximum depth: 30.46 (ft) Sande Send Mbt 26 39 52 ........... .65 Class FR: Friction Ratio Classification (Ref. Robertson 1990) QEstimated Phreatic Surface N m m -�7 r W m - 3 2 C 3 5 6 Sleeve Stress Tip Stress COR Ratio COR Pore Pressure SBT s (tst? 0 (tst) 600 0 (0/0) 6 0 (tst) 30 0 class. FR 10 o 3 B 9 2 Maximum depth: 47.97 (ft) • = . 1 � I li - jS 1 0 >7 r- I— m z n I z. z 13 Z G) 26 39 52 65 Class FR: Friction Ratio Classification (Ref Robertson 1990) W Q Estimated Phreatic Surface Maximum depth: 47.97 (ft) • = . 1 � I li - jS 1 0 >7 r- I— m z n I z. z 13 Z G) 26 39 52 65 Class FR: Friction Ratio Classification (Ref Robertson 1990) W Q Estimated Phreatic Surface 26 39 52 65 Class FR: Friction Ratio Classification (Ref Robertson 1990) W Q Estimated Phreatic Surface Class FR: Friction Ratio Classification (Ref Robertson 1990) W Q Estimated Phreatic Surface " 3 N A C SWE Inc. (843)884-0005 Northing: Date: 14/Feb/2006 620 Wando Park Boulevard *SM Mt.:Pleasant; SC 29464 TCleary@smeinc.com Easting: Elevation: i Test ID: CPT-5 Pro'ect: 1584-06-009 Client: Allen Canning www.smeine.com Job Site: Alien Canning Sleeve Stress Tip Stress COR Ratio COR Pore Pressure, SBT 8 (tst) 0 (tst) 600 0 (°Yo) 6 0 (tst) 30 O Class. FIR 10 0 A 7 13 3- 39 52 65 ' Maximum depth: 31.78 (ft) O Sands 13 GrSend Sands 3and'Mbr Sands 26 Gr Sand 39 52 ' 65 Class FR: Friction Ratio Classification (Ref. Robertson 1990) SZ Estimated Phreatic Surface I r. K SWE Inc. - -•(643)SS4-0005 Nortning: uaie:-orwrepicuva m 620 Wand' Park Boulevard Easting: Test ID: CPT-6 - 7 ss Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 Elevation: Project: 1584-06-009 TCleary@smeinc.com - Client: Allen Canning' w wrwwi.smeinc.com Job Site- Allen Canning = m Sleeve Stress Tip Stress COR Ratio CORD Pore Pressure • -SBT 8 (tsf) O (tsf) 600 0 . (%) _ 6 0. (tsf) 30 _ 0 Class. FIR 10 - O 13 26 v 39 52 65 0 D r . m z 3) Z Z . 13 Z z. 26 39 S2 65 Maximum depth: 32.00 (ft) Class FR: Friction patio Classitioati0n (Ref: Robertson ,1990) -0 Q Estimated Phreatic Surface 3 I A S&ME Inc. (843)884-0005 Northing: :-14/Feb/2006 ; 620 Wando Park Boulevard #S= Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 Easting: Elevation: LTestID: CPT-7 ct: 1.584-06-009 . ' TCleary@smeinc.com Client: Allen Canning www.smeinc.com Job Site: Allen Canning Sleeve Stress Tip Stress COR Ratio COR Pore Pressure SBT 6 (tst) 0 (tsf) 600 ' O M 6 0 (tsf) 30 0 Class. FIR 10 O 13 26 x t a v O 39 52 65' Maximum depth: 36.42 (ft) I m 0 O D r r m z c� D z z 13 z G7 26 39 52 / 65 Class FR: Friction Ratio Classification (Ref: Robertson 1990) SZ Estimated Pnreatio Surface .A 0 13 26 Q'. d 39 52 - 6fi Sleeve Stress Tip Stress COR Ratio COR- Pore Pressure SBT 6 (tsf) 0 (tsf) 600 0 - 6 • O (tsf) 30 O Class FIR 70 Q _ Maximum depth:-43.75 (e) Class FIR: Friction. Ratio Classification (Ref. Robertson 1990) - Q Estimated Phreatic Surface 3 3D -C . I - N A Sleeve Stress Tip Stress COR Ratio COR Pore Pressure SBT e (tsf) O (tsf) 600 O (%) 6 O (tst) 30 O Class. FIR 10 0 13 26 39 52 65 ' Maximum depth: 40.73 (ft) Sz N (M G W O • D r m z n z z 13 Z 0 26 Send Mix 39 sands 52 65 Class FR: Friction Ratio Classification (Ref: Robertson 1990) Q Estimated Phreatic Surface . _ 3 - A A t - CL m Sleeve Stress Tip Stress COR Ratio COR Pore Pressure SBT 6 (tsf) - 0 (tsf) 600 0 (%) 6 O (tsf) 30 O Class.:FR 10 0 13 26 39 52 65 Maximum depth: 41.40-( t) 0 D r m z c� D z z 13 Z L7 , 26 39 52 M 65 F, Class FR: Friction Ratio Classification (Ref: Robertson 1990) � 57 Estimated Phreatic Surface r r r � r i r r. i � � i r• r r i r t• r . 3 D { A Sleeve Stress Tip Stress COR Ratio COR Pore Pressure SBT 6 (tsf) O (tsf) Goo O (%) 6 O (tsf) 30 O Class. FIR 10 O 1,3 26 L Q 0 39 52 S5 Maximum depth: 36.54 (ft) Gr Sand Sands Sand Mix • 1 N f9 0 fd r 39 52 65 ;s Class FR: Frlctiw Ratio, Classlfloatlon (Ret Robertson 1990) SZ Estimated Phreabc Surface L. s� r r�: r� r -- � r r r' r •r r r r� r r-. � r r� �1� r' 3 _ A Sleeve Stress Tip Stress COR Ratio COR -Pare Pressure SBT 6 (tsf) 0 (tsf) 800 0 (0/0)- 6 0 (tsf) 30 O Class. FR 90 , 2E ` L gc 6E Maiimum depth: 53.00 (ft) i • I - Class FR: Friction Ratio Classification (Ref Robertson 1990) Q Estimated Phreatic Surface . 1. R1 m m- ram• . (nl • F, D r r m z n D Z Z 13 Z L7 26 39 • 52 55 '3 D N .A v SWE Inc. (843)884-0005 Northing: Date: 14/Peb12006 620 Wando Park Boulevard. *SyMt. Pleasant; SC 29464 TCleary@smeinc.com Easting: Elevation: Test ID: CPT-13 Pro'ect: 1584-06-009 Client: Allen Canning www.smeinc. corn Job Site: Allen Canning Sleeve Stress, Tip Stress COR Ratio COR Pore Pressure SBT 6 (tst) O (tat) 60o O (%) 6 0 (tsf) 30 0 Class. FIR 10 0 13 26 39 52 65 Maximum depth: 42.15 (ft) I N m 19 Sands I 4 D r r- m z n �z z 13 Z L1 26 39 52 Class FR: Friction Ratio Classification (Ref: Robertson 1990) •• Q Estimated Phreatic Surface O • � 13 -. 26 t 39 52 - 65 Sleeve Stress Tip Stress COR Ratio COR Pore Pressure SBT 6 (tsf) O (tsf) 600 O. (%) 5 0 (tsf) '30 O Class. FR - 10 Ma)dmum depth: 25.70 (ft) m m W N O 3) r F z c� z _ - z 13 Z G7 26 39 52 ( e Class FR: Friction Ratio Classification (Ref: Robertson'19W) Q Estimated Phreatic Surface U f 1 f I I O 13 26 39 52 eve Stress (tsf) O Maximum depth: 45.41 (ft) 3 D -C ' 1 N A Tip Stress COR Ratio COR Pore Pressure SBT (tsf) 600 0 (0/0) 6 O (tsf) 30 O Class. FIR 10 Class PR: Friction Ratio Classification (Ref: Robertson 1990) Q Estimated Phreatic Surface - N - - m m W ' r D r r m z C) D Z Z_ Z 9) 3leave Stress Tlp Stress COR Ratio COR Pore Pressure SBT (ts1) 0 - (tst) 600 - 0 (%) 6 O (ts1) , 30 0 Class. FR' 10 Q Mapmum depth:60.91 (H) ClaseFR: Friction Ratio Classification (ReE:Robertson 1990) V Estimated Ohreatic Surface - ' N t9 G r� W N J - - 33 . r r m z n D z .. z 13 z 26 39 52 85 . r r r l r r r r I I r r I r r r r r r S&ME Inc. (843)884-0005 Northing: Date: 15/Feb/2006 ssm620 Wanda Park Boulevard Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 TCleary@smeinc.com Easting: Elevation: Test ID: CPT-17 Proiect: 1584-06-009 Client: Allen Canning www.smeinc.com Job Site: Allen Canning Sleeve Stress B (tst) 0 0 13 26 C is a 0 fl 39 52 85 Maximum depth: 34.39 (It) Tip Stress COR Ratio COR Pore Pressure SBT (tst) Boo 0 (%). 6 0 ' (tst) 30 0 Class. FR 10 I y- Sande Sand Mix I I Sands II 0 D r m Z n D Z Z 13 z 26 39 52 65 Class FR: Friction Ratio Classification (Ref: Robertson 1990) SZEstimated Phreatic Surface 00 o " - A 0 13 26 v 52 S&ME Inc. (843)884-0005 Northing: Date: 15IFeb/2006 620 Wando Park Boulevard #SW Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 TCleary@smeinc.com Easting: ' Elevation:, . ]Project: Test ID:- CPT-18 1584-06-009 Client: Allen Canning www.smeinc.com Job Site: Allen Canning IU m m w N Sleeve Stress Tip Stress COR Ratio COR 'Pore Pressure SST ' 6' (tat) -O 091) Soo O M 6 0 (tst) 30 0 Class. FR ' 10 Class FR. Friction Ratio Classification (Ref Robertson 1 . 990)- $ZEstimated Phreatic,Surface ' 7 . 3) I— m z n . z 13 z L7 .. 26 52 15 Sleeve Stress Tip Stress COR Ratio COR Pore Pressure SBT 6 (tsf) O (tsf) BOO 0 B O (ts1) 30 0 Class_ FIR 10 0 13 25 C t a m n 39 52 65' Ma:dmum depth; 37.74 (ft) N m t9 W 4' R] 0 r- f m z D Z Z ' .13 Z 0 Sands 25 OrSend 39 52 Class FR: Friction Ratio Classification (Ref. Robertson 1990) SZFstimated Phreatic'Surface i I . t r (.^ r . - t . .. t t - t :_• I . r r - c� t � r .- ;t, � t: t - i 3 S&ME Inc...-(843)884-0005 Northing: Date: 15/Feb/2006 620 Wando Park Boulevard Easting: Test ID: CPT-20 *Sm Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 Elevation:: Project: 1584-06-009 TCleary@smeinc.com ; Client Allen Canning www.smeinc.com Job Site: Allen Canning a 13 26 C - G a m 39 52 " 65 m m w N Sleeve Stress Tip Stress. COR Ratio COR Pore Pressure SBT 6 (tsf) O (tsf) 600 0 (%). B 0 (tsf) 30 0 Class- FR 10 u 33 1— m z c) D Z Z 13 Z 26 39 52 ._ Meximum de ' ' I-i pth: 59.25 (ft) Gass FR: Friction Ratio Classification (Ref•. Robertson 1990) ' j7 Estimated Phreat c. Surface 3 D N A . . S&ME Inc. (843)884-0005 Northing: Date: 15/Feb/2006 620 Wando Park Boulevard #SMMt. Pleasant, SC 29464 TClearya@smeinc.com www.smeinc.com Easting: Elevation: Test ID: CPT-21 Pra ect: 1584-06-009 Client: Allen Canning I Job Site: Allen Canning Sleeve Stress Tip Stress COR Ratio COR Pore Pressure SBT 6 (tsf) 0 (tsf) 600 O (%) -6 0 (tsf) 30 0 Class. FIR 10 0 13 26 39 52 O —I D r 65 Maximum depth: 31.39 (ft) N N Sands I Class FR: Friction Ratio Classification (Ref: Robertson 1990) S[Estimated Phreatic Surface 26 39 52 I ru m N MAY-24-2007 0: 16 ALLEN CANNING P.02 PROJECT: ALLEN CANNING TURKEY, NORTH CAROLINA BORING LOG B-2 1584-06-000 DATE DRILLED: 312106 ELEVATION: NOTES: DRILLING METHOD: 3'/1' H.S.A: ,. BORING DEPTH:. 40.0 LOGGED BY: LBUTLER WATER LEVEL: DRILLER: R. Norwood DRILL RIG: OME-560 w fl U :C O ° o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION > 1 w a 3 O -=+ F g ¢ , ry v w u1 a s M � san z- STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA blcws/ft ( ) 10 20 30 .610.8.0. w z Gray Tan Silty Fine SAND 4 Orange Brown Slightly Clayey Fine Slightly Sandy SILT 7 5 Red Tan Orange Silty CLAY 4 - _i.';N0nMQe_BMMM Fine Sandy SILT with MIca Gray White Silty Fine SAND 3- and Tan Orange Silty CLAY 10—Gray 5 Orange Rcmm Silly Fine to Medium SAND (Saturated) 4 Orange Brown SlItyFine .to Medium SAND Interiayered with red and orange Silty clay Laminated Gray and Orange, CLAY 15 2 - Gray Black Silty CLAY interlayered with fine sand seams 5 7 20 10 it 25 Black CLAY with Gray micaceous medium to fine sand 10 seams'at 18.8 - 18.9,20.8-21.0, 21.2-21.3,.21.4-21.5, 22.9.23, 23.2-23.3, 23.6-24.6, 25-25.2, 25.6-25.7, - 28.2-28.4, 28.7-29, 29.1-29.2, 29.3-29.4, 31,1-31.3, 31.5-31.85, 32.2-32.3, 32;5-32.65, 32.7-32.8 17 30 12 15 35 13 Gray Black CLAY intedayered'with black gray medium to . . 16 Black CLAY sand seams at 38.5-38.61' 38,75-38.8 17 40 Boring Terminated at 40 Feet NOTES:' 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. ... 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 9 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SENCES MAY-24-2007 13"16 ALLEN CANNING P.03 ' 'PROJECT: ALLEN CANNING TURKEY, NORTH CAROLINA: : BORING LOG B-fi 1584.06409 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 3f2f06 ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOD; 3 W1 H.S.A. BORING DEPTH: 40.0 +.. LOGGED BY: LBUTLER- .. WATER.LEVEL: DRILLER:• R. Norwood DRILL RIG: CME-550. J o "w '• STANDARD PENETRATION TESL DATA _ _ , a o WQ g aCL � {blows/f}` , a> O J _ toZ :Z y-ui 10 20 30 - 6080 k Very Silty Fine SAND B1ac _ 3 Tan Brown Slightly Clayey SILT ..:. 3 . tGF lightly Sandy Silty CLAY (Moist) 7 - ne to Coarse SAND 5 10 5 Gray Fine SAND with Wood Fragments Gray Fine to Coarse SAND with Rounded Quartz Pebbles 6 +... 15 25 Green Gray Very Silty Fine SAND with Mica; interlayered black clay 15 to 15.5 feet 21 �nj. ,Green Gray Fine SAND Altemating with Black Clay , 19 20 12 1 Green CLAY with Thin seams of Gray Fine Sand w 36 25 Black CLAY with thin seams of Gray Fine Sand 19 20 '�. Green Fine SAND Altemating with seams of Black Clay19 . (Clay seams 28.4do 28.8 feet and Sand seams 29 to 29.`4 ' 30 . feet.and 30.6 to 31 feet 34 42 WGreen Gray Slightly Silty Fine SAND - 36 35 z ` Dark Green Slightly,Sandy Clayey SILT Z ; a �- 40 Baring Terminated at 40 Feet Page: 9 NOTES: -of 1. ` THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF"A REPORT FOR THE NAMED W PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT , REPORT.' 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION' TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. " .3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. ; . ENGINEERING • TESTING 4. WATER LEVELIS"AT TIME�OP EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY: EWRONMENrAL SERVICES MAY-24-2007 13:16 RLLEN CRNNING P.04 PROJECT: ALLEN CANNING TURKEY, NORTH CAROLINA BORING LOG B-10 1584.08-009 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 2128106 ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOD: 41/4" H.S.A. BORING DEPTH: •50.0 LOGGED BY: LBUTLER WATER LEVEL: DRILLER: R. Norwood DRILL RIG: CME-550 v J p ut STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA w w a o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a �o'" ) ❑ " < -j rn z Z 10 20 30 60 80 -,QLay_aLU,� Fine Very Sandy SILT x 4 Tan Brown and Gray Slightly Clayey Fine Very Sandy 5 SILT 5 8 -4111 Orange Brown Very Silty CLAY _ Gray Fine Sandy SILT (Moist) to Medium to Fine Sandy 7 Slit with Mica 12 Gray and Orange Silty Fine to Coarse SAND (Saturated) 107. FIrown Orange Finp SAND with S'lly Clay Beams 5 Brown Orange Silty Fine to Coarse SAND with Rounded 15 9 Gray Silty Fine SAND with Course to Fine Sand Seams, htly 11 • Black Slightly Clayey SILT with Thin Micaceous seams and Fine White Sand Seams (Da P) 20 10 Gray Black Fine Slightly Sandy SILT with Mica, with g irregular fine sand pockets, clay seam 22 to 23 feet 254 9 10 23 30 Dark Green Silty Fine to Medium SAND with clay seams 53 > from 30.5 to 31 feet; Micaceous (Moist) 22 i 35 26 %Gray Rlack Fine SlWhfly Sandy Clayey SILT Black Green CLAY with Dark Green Medium to Fine Sand 30 Black Green CLAY Interayered with silty medium to Flne sand (Organics at 35.75 feet) 36 40 45 r Dark Green Silty Fine to Medium SAND Saturated Black Green CLAY Interlayered with silty medium to One _ � 11 z 45 Green Black CLAY Fine sand seams 1/32" thick every 3" 15 from 46 to 48 feet 16 15 R j 50 Boring Terminated at 50 Feet c e a ' NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1566. ... 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 9 of 1 *SAME. ENGINEERING * TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES NRY-24-2007 13:16 ALLEN CANNING low: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT FOR THE NAM PROJECT AND, MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN , GENERAL ACCORDANCE VNTH ASTM D•1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. .WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. PROJECT: ALLEN CANNING TURKEY;-NQRTH.CAROUNA BORING•LAG B41. 1584-06-009 • - ' NOTES: DATE DRILLED 312106 ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOD: 3'/4" H.S.A. BORING DEPTH: 40.0 ; LOGGED BY: LBUTLER WATER LEVEL: DRILLER.'FL Norwood DRILL RIG: CME•550 ' q w. w STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA; v co, a a a blowslft) a' z o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION. o ¢ �* t > --' �'Z " w� z Gray Silty Fine SAND 3' Orange Brawn Fine Very Sandy SILT (Damp, moist at 3 . 3 feet). 5 14 Tan Orange and White Slightly Silty Fine $AND (Moist) Gray White Fine to Coarse SAND (Saturated) slightly micaceous 7 Tan to Orange Silty Fine to.Coarse SAND with Rounded 14 • , Tan Orange Silty Fine to Coarse SAND - 5 Orange Gray Fine Slightly Sandy Clayey SILT (Low. ' 3 Orange Siity Fine SAND 15.. „ 19 -\(' rAy Silty Fine RAND with Organics 7 25 Alternating Gray Fine. Sand And Black CLAY (Moist) 7 20" ; Green'CLAY with iriegular,inclusions of gray green sand., a IL (Moist) - z 9, 25 .12 Black CLAY with seams of gray fine sand; organic debris. - 13 x {4 NOTES: ED ` MRY-24-2007 13:17 ' ALLEN CANNING P.06 r.. w.. PROJECT: ALLEN CANNING TURKEY, NORTH CAROLINA BORING LOG B-11 1584-067009 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 312106 ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOD: 3 1/4" N.S.A. BORING DEPTH: 40.0 LOGGED BY: LOUTLER WATER LEVEL: DRILLER: R. Norwood DRILL RIG: CME-550 U w z0 w STANDARD. PENETRATION TEST DATA W a d a o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION N (L t (�° �) .—t O IW Z > z Jch 10 20 30 . " Black CLAY with seems of gray fine send; organic debris. condnued)21 Finely LaminatedBlack CLAY And gray green fine sand • 23 Green CLAY with irregular inclusions of gray green -fine kr,rppn Gray Fine 35 37 — fork CLAY Green Fine SAND with Mica with black organic silt • -Gray with fine sand seams from 35.3 to 35.7 feet 32 Green GraV Fine SAND with Mica 30 Black Finely Laminated CLAY with seams of gray fine send 40 'ray Forii goring Terminated at 40 feet V - u e ie z L L _ 4 'a I' (VOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 1 STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT, 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. r MAY-24-2007 13:17 ;: ALLEN CANNING P.0'7', .W.. I- " PROJECT: ALLEN CANNING TURKEY, NORTH CAROLINA, BORING LOG B - 1684-06-009 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 311106 ELEVATION:', `•; . DRILLING METHOD: 3 W': H.S.A. BORING DEPTH: 40.0 LOGGED BY:. LBUTLER WATER LEVEL: DRILLER: R. Norwood DRILL RIG: CME-550 U a, p w• w STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA w ) 3:t7 R MATERIAL DESCRIPTION d .. ii a a (blows/fi) ¢. W it o (n Z z 6080 . 4 Gray Slightly Silty Fine to Medium SAND (Damp) ? 5 4 Gray Fine Sandy CLAY (Moist) - 11 Tan Silty Fine to Coarse. SAND (Saturated) 3 10 • Orange Tan Slightly Clayey Silty Fine to Coarse SAND 7 krri;y Very Silty F Urn SAND 15 Green Gray Fine Slightly Sandy Very Clayey SILT (Damp); 10 with mica; clay and rock fragments 9 20 24 Green Gray Silty Fine SAND (Saturated) with Mica. Green Gray Fine Slightly Sandy Very Clayey SILT (pamp 25 - 16 14 Green Black Very Silty CLAY with Thin, trine Sand Seams' 1 T " Green Gray Silty. Fine to Medium SAND with Mica and'` M 30 13 , o , 22 35 Green Black CLAY with Thin, Fine Sand Seams at 15 '30.6-30.65, 31.2=31.3,, 53.4-33.6, 38:5-38.55, 39.4=39:6 '15 21 40 Boring Terminated at 40 Feet x 0 , -NOTES: 1, THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT, REPORT, 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION; TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM DA556. 4 3, STRATIFICATION AND. GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT, 4. WATER LEVEtJS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. MAY-24-2007 0: 17 i ALLEN CANNING .., .r P.09 - dJ , PROJECT: ALLEN CANNING 1 BORING LOG B-19 TURKEY, NORTH CAROLINA 1584.06.009 jl NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 3/1lOB ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOD: 3'/4" H.S.A: BORING DEPTH: 50.0 LOGGED BY: LBUTLER WATER LEVEL: DRILLER: R. Norwood DRILL RIG: CME-SSO j LD Lc ut STANDARD PENETRATICN TEST DATA x ,� �a w0 z a o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION W t- g ra' �, a s a (blowsRt) 3 Z .."... J ¢ W oy U% Z 1d 20 30 6080 9 Tara Brown Slightly Clayey Silty Fide SAND 5 1 Orange Tan Brown to Red and Tan Orange Fine Sandy 5 SILT Tan Silty Fine SAND with Mica 1Z Orange Slightly Silty Fine to Medium $AND (Saturated) With Mica • 7 Orange Fine to Coarse SAND with Rounded Quartz 1 0 Red and Tan Orange Fine Slightty Sandy Clayey SILT 9 Green Gray Fine Slightly Sandy Clayey SILT (Moist) with Tan Brown Slightly Clayey Fine Sandy SILT Finely Laminated Black CLAY with Gray Fine Sand Tan Silty Fine to Coarse SAND with Mica 5 15 ' . Green Gray Fine SAND with Mica Interlayered with Black cla 22 Black CLAY Interlayered with Gray Green Fine Sand Green. Gray Fine SAND Interlayered with Bladc Clay Q 19 a Uj 20 y 13 a Black CLAY with Thin Gray Green Fine Sand Seams from' Z 19.1 to 19.3 feet and from 20.1 to 20.4 feet I Z 13 25 14 Finely Laminated Black CLAY And Gray Green Fine Sand oAND _ 21 Black CLAY with Thin Fine Sand Seams', organic seam at $ 29.5 feet � NOTES: ..� 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTN1 DAW6. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY, `,ALLEN CANNING' ,; ' P- 09 a.r L- 6 MAY-24-2007 "•13:17 r PROJECT: .. ALLEN CANNING TURKEY, NORTH CAROLINA BORING LOG B-19 ; 15a4-06-009 NOTES:` . DATE DRILLED: 311106 - ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOD: 3 V4" H.S.A. BORING DEPTH: 50.0 LOGGED BY: LBUTLER WATER LEVEL: ` DRILLER: R. Norwood DRILL RIG: CARE-550• v > O Ui a STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA w _.�._ w o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION' W ¢ m ' Q+ (litowsfft) o ¢ w 'n z z 10 20 30 . 15 35 Dark Green Silty Fine to Medium SAND (Saturated) clay 16 seams 35.1 to 35.2 feet, 35.5 to 35.6 feet; silty clay seams 35.25 to 35.3 feet, 38.5 to 38.6 feet; organic layer 35.2-to 35.25 feet; slightly indurated seams 40 to 41 feet 34 47 73 Dark Green Shale (Weathered Seam) 51 45 61 00, Dark Green" Very Sifty:Fine SAND; Possible Organic. Seams at 47.2 and 48.5 feet 16 11 a 50 Boring. Terminated at 50 Feet Z 5 cc NOTES: , . " Page 2 Of 2 1, THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT.&ME _ 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN' GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1688, 3. STRATIFICATION -AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. ENOINENG •TESTING 4. WATER LEVEL IS A'r TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. ENVIRON NfAL SERVICE$ NOTES: , . " Page 2 Of 2 1, THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT.&ME _ 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN' GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1688, 3. STRATIFICATION -AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. ENOINENG •TESTING 4. WATER LEVEL IS A'r TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. ENVIRON NfAL SERVICE$ r.. MAY-24-2007 13:17 ALLEN CANNING COMPLETION REPORT OF WELL No. OW-1 PROJECT: ALLEN CANNING PROJECT NO: 1684-06-009 WATER LEVEL: PROJECT LOCATION: TURKEY, NORTH CAROLINA LATITUDE: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: R. Norwood LONGITUDE: DRILLING METHOD: 41/a" H.S.A. TOP OF CASING ELEVATION: DATE DRILLED: 3120106 DATUM: MSL i nc;r.r=n Rv. LBUTLER P.10 Sheet 1 of STRATA WELL DETAILS v ❑ o WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS m DESCRIPTION 2 r.. u�i o ,. w PROTECTIVE CASING 0 0.00 GS Diameter. Type: Tan Fine Sandy 0.20 BS Interval: Fine Very LSa'ndySILTwith 3.00 FPnics 3.60 TSC RISER CASING Green Fine CLAY Diameter: 2" Black Very Silty Fine 5 Type: PVC SAND Interval; +1.7 to 3.6 Tan Slightly Silty Fine SAND GROUT Gray Tan Slightly Silty Fine to Medium Type; AND 10 Interval: Orange Tan Fine to Coarse SAND with Rounded Quartz SEAL Fragments Type: Bentonite Interval: 0.2-3.0 Black CLAY with Green Gray Fine Sand 15 Seams FILTERPACK Gray Green Fine to Medium SAND with 18.20 BSC Type: #2 Sand Black Clay Seams 18.60 19.20 TO interval: 3.0-19.2 ,Black CLAY ZZ SCREEN Diameter. 2" Type: 0.010 3 Interval: 3.6 to 18.2 a LEGEND - FILTER_PACK BENTONITE TOC TOP OF CASING z GS GROUND SURFACE ® CEMENT GROUT BS BENTONITE SEAL L OVA CUTTINGS / BACKFILL FP FILTER PACK TSd TOP OF SCREEN c STATIC WATER LEVEL SSC BOTTOM OF SCREEN o TD TOTAL DEPTH CG CEMENT GROUT m J COMPLETION REPORT OF WELL No. OW-1 EERING . Sheet 1 of 1 MAY-24-2007 13k17 ALLEN CANNING ..COMPLETION REPORT OF. WELL NO.OW-Z Sheet Y of 1 PROJECT: ALLEN CANNING PROJECT NO:. 1684-06-009 WATER.LEVEL::.. PROJECT LOCATION: TURKEY, NORTH CAROLINA, LATITUDE: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: R. Norwood LONGITUDE:, 1 u TOP OF CASING ELEVATION:' . DRILLING METHOD: 4 /a H.S.A. DATE DRILLED: 3120106 DATUM:MSL i n�r_zri ov. I RI ITT PD STRATA WELL DETAILS W ❑ o >- WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS m DESCRIPTION'; ❑ rn w `- O uj PROTECTIVE CASING; :. 0 0.00 GS Diameter Type: Gray Brown Fine Very, 0.30 SS, Sandv SILT Interval: Tan Brown Fine Sandy SILT (Damp) 3.D0 . FP 3.70 TSC RISER CASING Diameter.' 2" ' Orange and Gray Brown Slightly Silty 5 _ Type: PVC Fine SAND (Moist) Interval: +1.6 to 3.7 GROUT Tan Fine to Medium SAND with Thin Clay Seams Moist 10 Type: Interval: Tan Gray Fine Sand and Fine to Medium SAND (Saturated) SEAL Type: Bentonite Interval: 0.363.0 Black CLAY with Green Gray Fine Sand 15 Seams FiLTERPACK Gray Green Fine to Medium SAND with: Type #2 Sand Seams 18.30 18.70 .BSC TD _ Interval: 3:0-19 with Fine Sand 19.00 T LGI SCREEN Fine to ND with Diameter.. 2" Seams Type: 0,010 4 _interval: $.7aol8.3 LEGEND Q PILTER PACK . BENTONITE TOC TOP OF CASING i ® CEMENT GROUT GS GROUND SURFACE BS ' BENTONITE SEAL' z ®CUTTINGS / BACKFILL • , FP FILTER PACK TOP OF SCREEN TSC a t STATIC WATER LEVEL, BSC BOTTOM OF SCREEN TD TOTAL DEPTH CG CEMENT GROUT COMPLETION REPORT OF - WELL No. OW 2- SWE , z Sheet 1 of 1 MAY-24-2007 0:V ALLEN CANNING COMPLETION REPORT OF WELL No. OW-3 PROJECT: ALLEN CANNING PROJECT NO: 1584-06-D09 WATER LEVEL: PROJECT LOCATION: TURKEY, NORTH CAROLINA LATITUDE: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: R. Norwood LONGITUDE: DRILLING METHOD: 6'/4' H.S.A. TOP OF CASING. ELEVATION: DATUM: MSL DATE DRILLED: 3/15106 1 nnnrn Rv. LRUTLER P.12 Sheet 1 of 1 STRATA WELL DETAILS z p ul p WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS m DESCRIPTION g Me p a NLu Av w PROTECTIVE CASING 0 0.00 GS Diameter. Type: Brown Tan Fine 0.60 BS Sandy SILT Interval: 3.20 4.zo FP Tsc ' RISER CASING Gray Brown Silty Fine SAND Orange Fine SAND 5 Diameter: 2" .Type: PVC Interval: +1.1 to 4.2 Gray Silty Fine SAND GROUT Type: 10 Interval: SEAL Type: Bentonite interval: 0.6-3A Gray Tan Silty Fine to Medium SAND 15 FILTERPACK Brown Slightly Clayey Fine to Coarse Sandy Type: #2 Sand SILT %18.90 19.20 BSC TD Interval: 3.M19.2 " SCREEN Green CLAY Diameter. 2" Type: 0.010 9 Interval: 4.2 to 18.9 LEGEND FILTER PACK Z. BENTONITE TOO TOP OF CASING z ®CEMENT GROUT GS GROUND SURFACE BS BENTONITE SEAL z ® CUTTINGS I BACKFILL FP FILTER PACK TSC TOP OF SCREEN STATIC WATER LEVEL BSC BOTTOM OF SCREEN TO TOTAL DEPTH CG CEMENT GROUT J COMPLETION REPORT OF WELL No. OW-3 • o - Sheet 1 "of 1 o N NRY-24-2007 13:17 RLLEN CANNING P.13 COMPLETION REPORT OF WELL.No.:OW-4 Sheet i of 1 PROJECT.- ALLI N CANNING. � PROJECT NO: 1684-06-009 WATER LEVEL: PROJECT LOCATION: TURKEY, NORTH CAROLINA _ LATITUDE: .,. DRILLING CONTRACTOR: • R. NOr1NOod LONGITUDE: DRILLING. METHOD: 3114" W.S.A. TOP OF CASING ELEVATION; DATE DRILLED: 3116106 DATUM: MSL LOGGED BY: L' BUTLER N_ 6- STRATA WELL DETAILS x v., o o' WELL. CONSTRUCTION- DETAILS m DESCRIPTION ? W O W PROTECTIVE CASING• 0 0.00 GS I Diameter. Type: Tan Brown Silty Fine 6.36 BS SAND Interval: 3.30 4.30 FP TSC RISER CASING Gray Silty Fine to Medium SAND ` Diameter: 2'.' 6 _ Type: PVC Interval:. +1.0 to 4.3 GROUT Gray Silty Fine to Coarse SAND 10, Type: Interval: Gray Brown Very Silty Fine SAND Gray White Fine to Coarse SAND SEAL Type:. Bentonite �9 Interval:' 0.3-3.3 ; Brown Green Very Silty Fine SAND, FI LTERPACK Type: #2 Sand 19.00 BSC interval: 3.3-19.5 19.3.0 19.60 TD Green CLAY SCREEN '. Diameter. 2" Type: 0.010 interval: 4.3 to 19 a LEGEND.'_ FILTER PACK ■ BENTONITE TOC TOP OF CASING GS GROUND ®CEMENT GROUT BS BENTONITE SEAL SURFACE ® CUTTINGS I BACKFILL ' FP FILTER PACK TSC TOP OF SCREEN _ STATIC WATER LEVEL BSC BOTTOM OF SCREEN - TD . ` TOTAL DEPTH CG.- CEMENT GROUT a - COMPLETION REPORT.OF WELL No. OW-4, - • Saw 6 Sheet 1 of 1 o ► IIWIJN& s .sTc 6- MAY-24-2007 13:18 ALLEN CANNING P.14 COMPLETION REPORT OF WELL No. RW-1 Sheet 1 of 1 . i PROJECT: ALLEN CANNING PROJECT NO: 1684-06-009 WATER LEVEL: PROJECT LOCATION: TURKEY, NORTH CAROLINA LATITUDE: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: R. Norwood LONGITUDE: DRILLING METHOD: 6t/a' H.S.A. TOP OF CASING ELEVATION: DATE DRILLED: 3117106 DATUM: MSL MnnFo FY. LRUTLER 4 i STRATA WELL DETAILS �e o 0 >� W WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS DESCRIPTION m } N H-� W' 0 PROTECTIVE CASING 0 0.00 GS Diameter: Type: Tan Brown Fine Very 0.40 BS Sandy SILT Interval:' 3.40 4.00 FP TSC RISER CASING 5 Diameter: 4" Type: PVC Interval: +1.4 to 4.0 Tan Silty Fine SAND GROUT Tan Very Silty Fine 10 Type: Interval: SAND SEAL Type: Bentonite Interval: 0.4-3.4 Brown Green Clayey Silty Fine SAND 15 FILTERPACK ��' 18.50 18.90 19.50 BSC TD Type: #2 Sand Interval: 3.4-19.5 SCREEN Green Fine Slightly iandy CLAY ; � Black CLAY Diameter. 4" Type: 0.010 Interval: 4.0 to 18.5 LEGEND Q FILTER PACK . BENTONITE TOC TOP OF CASING ® CEMENT GROUT GS GROUND SURFACE BS BENTONITE SEAL CUTTINGS ! BACKFILL FP FILTER PACK TSC TOP OF SCREEN STATIC WATER LEVEL BSC BOTTOM OF SCREEN TD TOTAL DEPTH CG CEMENT GROUT I COMPLETION REPORT OF SWELL No. RW-1 I ENQGMEEWNG � ]E99 Sheet 1 of 1 ROM AL RVNGES MAY-24-2007 13:18 ALLEW CANNING P..is; COMPLETION REPORT OF WELL NO: RW-2- Sheet.1 of 1 PROJECT: ALLEN CANNING } PROJECT NO:, 1584-06-009 -WATER LEVEL:., PROJECT LOCATION: TURKEY, NORTH CAROLINA LATITUDE:', ; .. r- DRILLING, CONTRACTOR: R. Norwood LONGITUDE: DRILLING METHOD: 6Y4''H.S.A. TOP OF CASING ELEVATION: DATE DRILLED: 3/16106 DATUM: MSL - i nr_r_Gn Rv . 1 RI ITI PR ' a- STRATA WELL n o- m DETAILS w9 g WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS DESCRIPTION a n w rat �. fA W .. O w . .- PROTECTIVE CASING 0 0.00 GS Diameter. Type: Brown Tan Fine 0,40 BS Sandy SILT Interval: 3.90 FP RISER CASING 4.30. TSC Diameter. 4" Tan Very Silty Fine 6 Type: PVC ; SAND Interval: +1.1 to 4.3 GROUT Gray Silty Fine to Medium SAND 7ypi;:.. 10 Interval: SEAL Type:. Bentonite Tan Orange F ne to Coarse SAND Interval .0.4-3.9 15 Gray Brown Slightly Clayey Fine to Coarse Sandy SILT FILTERPACK Type: #2 Sand �'. 18,60 19.20 BSC TD , Interval 3.9-19.2 'SCREEN", ' reen CLAY j Diameter. 4" Type: 0.010 Interval: 4.3 to 18.8. LEGEND L� FILTER PACK ..BENTONITE' TOC TOP OF CASING >; ® CEMENT GROUT GS GROUND SURFACE BS • BENTONITE SEAL CUTTINGS ! BACKFILL FP FILTER PACK ORB TSC TOP OF SCREEN 1, STATIC WATER LEVEL BSc BOTTOM OF. SCREEN = TD TOTAL DEPTH CG CEMENT GROUT COMPLETION REPORT OF WELL No. RW-2 j ENGINEERING�I - Sheet 1 of 1 .MAY-24-2007 13:18 ALLEN-CANNING COMPLETION REPORT OF WELL No. RW-3 'PROJECT: ALLEN CANNING PROJECT NO: 1584-06-009 WATER LEVEL:. PROJECT LOCATION: TURKEY, NORTH CAROLINA 'LATITUDE: .. DRILLING CONTRACTOR: R. Norwood LONGITUDE: DRILLING METHOD: 6'/4" H.S.A. TOP OF CASING ELEVATION: DATE DRILLED: 3116/06 DATUM: MSL LOGGED BY:' LBUTLER . 4 P.16 Sheet 1 of 1 I . STRATA WELL o 0 m DETAILS w WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS DESCRIPTION v Uu o W PROTECTIVE CASING 0 0.00 0.50 GS Diameter. Type: Brown Tan Fine BS Sandy SILT Interval: 5 5.50 CG RISER CASING Diameter, 4" Tan Silty Fine SAND. Type: PVC, Tan Very Silty Fine to 1U Interval: +1.0 to 34.4 Medium SAND GROUT 15 Type: Neat Cement Grout Interval: 5.5-29.7 Brown Gray Slightly •; Clayey Silty Fine SAND SEAL Type: Bentonite Brown Green Fine Slightly Sandy CLAY 20 Interval: 0.5-5.5 and 29.7-33.4 Green to Black Fine Slightly Sandy CLAY FILTERPACK 25 Type: #2 Sand Interval: 33.4-44.3 29.70 es 30 SCREEN' Diameter. jV 33.40 FP Type: 0.010 34.40 TSC Interval: 34.4 to 43.9 Brown Green Fine 35 ' SAND LEGEND 40 FILTER PACK '• ■ BENTONITE TOC TOP OF CASING 43.90, BSC ®CEMENT GROUT GS GROUND SURFACE SENTONITE SEAL BS TD CUTTINGS I BACKFILL FP FILTER PACK ® TSC TOP OF SCREEN t STATIC WATER LEVEE. BSC BOTTOM OF SCREEN I TD TOTAL DEPTH CG CEMENT GROUT COMPLETION REPORT -OF WELL No. RW-3 �ALTpSTING Sheet 1 of 1 TOTAL P.16 r 1_ Y QNRE,SIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WEI., CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION 4 2527 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: David E. Meyer Well Contractor (Individual) Name Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. Well Contractor Company Name STREET ADDRESS PO Box 31133 Raleigh NC 27622 City or Town State Zip Code 91( 9 )- 210-6547 Area code- Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID#(ifapplicable) CV/-6 WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT;iI(IrappliceLle) OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT #(if applicable) 3. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Monitoring Municipal/Publicl7 Indus trialloommercialp Agriculturali3 Recovelyp Injec0onl3 IrrigalionU Otherp` (list use) DATE DRILLED October 31 2008 TIME COMPLETED 1300 AM13 PM17 4. WELL LOCATION: CITY: Turkey COUNTY Sampson Rowan Road (Street Name. Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC./ LAND SETTING: 0 Slope I] Valley 0 Flat M Ridge 13 Other (check appropriate box) May be in degrees, LATITUDE 34.971024 minutes, seconds or LONGITUDE 78, 234232 in a decimal format Latitude/longitude source: D GPS 0 Topographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map and attached to this fort if not using GPS) 6. FACILITY- is the name of the business where the welt Is located FACILITY ID #(if applicable) NAME OFFACILiTYAllen Canninp STREET ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey NC 28393 City or Town State Zip Code CONTACT PERSON Mr. Tommy Langston MAILING ADDRESS.5900 Turkey Highway Turkey NC 28393 City or Town State Tip Code (910 - 596-0026 Area code - Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 15.0 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES13 NOM c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 6.55 FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 3.0 FT. Above Land Surface* "Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): 1 METHOD OF TEST pump f. DISINFECTION: Type na . Amount na g. WATERZONES(depth): From 6.0 To 12.0 From To Frorn To From . To From To • From To 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Thickness/Weight Material From +3.0 To -2.0 Ft. 2" Sch40 pvc _ From To Ft. From To Ft 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method From Q•0 To -0.5 Ft. Portland pour From -0.5 To -1.5 Ft. Bentonite pour From To Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size• Material From -2.0 To -12.0 Ft,-2" In 0.010 in. vim_ From To Ft, In. in. From To Ft, in, in. 10, SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From -1.5 To -12.0 Ft. #3 quartz sand From To Ft. From To Ft. 11.13RILLING LOG From TO Formation Description 0.0 3.0' _ Brown silty sand (SM) 3.0 5.0' Dark brown clayey sand (8C) 5.0 8.0' Black clayey sand (SC) 8.0 12.0' Black sandy clay (MIL) 12. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, ANDTHAT A COPY OF THIS 7;1'-- DIED TO THE WELL OWNER. 11 /712008 SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE David E. Meyer PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days. Attn: InFormation Mgt., Form GW-1 b 1617 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone No. (919) 733-7015 ext 568. Rev.12/07 9 -d 8E1,09ZE616 Xd.3 10301021d Wd60 t01 6002 92 AoN 1_ 1' QNRESIDEN7',�fiL WELL CONSTRUCTION RIECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2527 1, WELL CONTRACTOR: David E. Meyer Well Contractor (Individual) Name Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. Well Contractor Company Name STREETADDRESS PO Box 31133 Raleigh NC 27622 City or Town . State Zip Code 9( 19-210-6547 Area code- Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID #g applicable) CW-5 WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMrr#pf applicable) OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(If applicable) 3. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Monitoring( -[I MuniclpallPublic❑ Industrial/Commereial❑ Agriculturall3 Recovery[( Injection❑ IrrigatiorG Other❑ (Ilst use) DATE DRILLED October 31, 2008 TIME COMPLETED 1700 AMD PMff 4. WELL LOCATION: CITY: Turkey COUNTY Sampson Rowan Road (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: ❑ Slope ❑ Valley ❑ Flat 0 Ridge ❑ Other (check appropriate box) May be in degrees, LATITUDE 34.969446 minutes, seconds or LONGITUDE 78.231813 in a decimal format Latitude/longitude source: 0 GPS ❑ Topographic trap (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map and attached to this form if not using SIPS) 6. FACILITY- is" name of the buslnesswhere the Well is located. FACILITY ID *(if applicable) NAME OF FACILITY Allen Canning STREETADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey NC 28393 City or Town State Zip Code CONTACT PERSON Mr. Tommy Langston MAILING ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey NC 28393 City or Town State Zip Code (910 )- 596-0028 Area code - Phone number S. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 18.0 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES❑ NOD c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 8A5 FT. (Use "+" If Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 3.0 FT. Above Land Surface" 'Top of casing terminated atfor below land surface may require a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): 2 METHOD OF TEST pump f. DISINFECTION: Type na Amount na g. WATER ZONES (depth): From 7.0 To 15.0 From To From To From To From To From To 7. CASING: Depth Diameter ThlcknessArWight Material From +3.0 To -5.0-Ft. 2" SCh40 pyc From To Ft. From To Ft. 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To -3.0 Fl, Portland pour From -3.0 To -4.0 Ft. Bentonite pour From ITa Ft. g. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From -5.0 To -15.0 Ft. 2" in. 0.010 in,PVC From To Ft. in. In. From To Ft. In. In. 10. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From -4.0 To -15.0 Ft. #3 quartz sand From To Ft. From To Ft. I (.DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 0.0 3.0' Brown silty sand (SM) 3.0 5.0' _Yellowish brown clayey sand (SCL 5.0 8.0' Reddish yellow clayey sand (SC) 8.0 13.0' Red clayey sand (SC) 13.0 15.0' Dark gray clay (ML) 12. REMARKS: 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFYTH THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCT ED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF TMS BEEN PRfVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. I .•. 11/7/2008 e SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE David E. Meyer PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days. Attn: Information MgL, Form GW-1b 1617 Mall Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone No, (919) 733-7015 ext 668. Rev.12/07 S-d 86L092EGTG Xdd 1030IONd WY62:01 800a 92 AON NoNRE IDENTLIL ,WELL CONSTRUMON RECORD ;rd "North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality 4 ERTIFICATION # 2527 . 'r�..... �. WELL,CONTRACTOR C 1. YVELL,CONTRACTOR: d. TOP OFCASING IS 3.0. FT. Above Land Surface' *Top of casing terminated attor below land surface may require David E. Meyer ' a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C,.0118 Well Contractor (individual) Name. e: YIELD (gpm): 5^METHOD OF TEST PUMn Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. - f. DISINFECTION: Type ne Amount na Well Contractor Company Name STREET ADDRESS PO .Box 31133 p: WATER ZONES (depth): From 6.0' To 15,0 ' 'From To Raleigh NC 27622 From To From `. To CityorTown 'State _ .. Zip Code.. From To` From To 91_1_210.6547 Area Code- Phone number 7;' CASING.` . `Depth Diameter. TnidsnesslVllelyht Material 2. WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID A(d applldable) CW-4 From +3:0 To -2.0 Ft. 2" 040 pvc From To Ft. WELLICONSTRUCTION PERMITA(irapplicable) From To Ft.` OTHER ASSOCIATED PERM IT*(If applicable) 8. GROUT: Depth. Material Method 3., WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Moniloring2l MuniapallPublicp , - - IndustrieVComrnercial❑ Agricultural13 Recovery❑ Injection[, From O 0 To -0 5 FL,Portland pouf Irrigation[. OtherO -,(list use) From -0.5 To -1:5 Ft. Bentonite pour DATE DRILLED October 31; 2008 From To Ft.TIME COMPLETED 1200 AMU PM1 S. SCREEN: Depth Diameter. Slat Size Material 4. WELL LOCATION: : 2 0 12.0 Ft 2°. _ In. 0.010 in..PVC Sampson, From To - CITY: Turkev ' am COUNTY p From To Ft. - in. In. Rowan Road From To' Ft: in: En. (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, 4ot No., Parcel, Zip' Code) 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING:, Depth, ,. Size. Material i7 Slope ❑Valley.❑tFlal D Ridge C, Other (check appropriate box) t From -1.5-, -to -12 0 FL43 quartz sand May be in degrees From To . Ft, LATITUDE 34.966653 minutes, seconds or 78.233938 in a decimal format From- To Ft. LONGITUDE _ _ tatitudellongitude source: 0 GPS ❑ Topographic map 11.DRILL ING LOG Frorn To ForrrlaUon DeSCription_ (locaffon of well must be shown on a USGS topo magand attached,to this form if notusing GPS) 0.0 3.0' Brown silty sand {SM) 3.0 5.0' -Yellowish brown clayey sand (SC) 6. FACILITY- is me name of the business where ihe well is located. ' , 5.0 10.0.1, Dark brown dayev sand (SC1 FACILITY ID *(If applicable) 10:0 - 12.0' . Black sandy Clay (MIL) NAMEOF FACILITY -Allen Canning STREET ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway ' Turkey NC 28393 City or Town State Zip Code CONTACT PERSON Mr. Tofnnly Langston MAILING ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway Turkev NC 28393 iz. REMARKS. v City or Town -State -,Zip Code 91( 0 _ 596-0028 Area code Phone number G.-WELL DETAILS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS-WELLWAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CO RUCTION STANDARDS, AND TWIT ACOPY OF THIS a. TOTAL DEPTH:1-5.0L�AS B�ENP VIDEDTOTHE WELL OWNER. ' C 111712008, b, DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YESQ NOO c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 6.45 .. FT; SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR, DATE (Use "+' If Above Top or Casing) David E. Meyer' .PRINTED NAME OF PERSON: CONSTRUCTING` THE WELL Submit the original.to the Division of Water Quality Within 30 days. Attn: Information Mgt, 'Form GW-1 b. 1617 Mail Service Center— Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone No. (919) 733-701,5 ext 568. Rev.12lOT. "d. BEL0926ST6 XUJ 1'0001021d wuaa:,:DT t3DDZ 9Z'` Ao14 ` Nov 02 07 01:37p p. 2 MELL COM t �N RE Raab Cmdn - DommeM QfMnkowmd and NomdEtammm Dw;mmeWof Qw&y-emwbdwAw3"d lW=C*W.lWLCWM UNUMMAL) NAM 'I 2. viiL Low.rica. Mid" M%Qpe nvalky ME-14 tLW- oawvwnGMt3T%wVapbk mep 2= VRXU m I F= TO Nqut—DowflPil" Ass oodr rlw [WMI-M 4. XWXX wfsV=lmR,=)5=mwm-T ym m wo s. TOP ON wim IS FT.j%bCM0 LqM &rDb&- 1. Yn= WaX — REMM OrITAT— to.W.Am ZOW;s (depth); IL IX3WV2iQ,qlTyM__ SI-W &VOWQP 15d dinSUM 10 TAGM front W 3,: [I= Wail Ukkmn twr. rL4u. 4or Ouwniy RcwJsL law1mie We fiud 0k;pmr ItMft* ABA Pcmmn and PQ4*L 13- Oka=; rxpfb &fxmw Method, Ft 41, 14. SCMIM DWLh Obmcw mots= Abnaw 15. 3A%MNtMAVPrlbACQ Daptb te. R* , �,r,.,.,��'z�:..� ='� ail tni'f�C�''� � } �► rjw-t fb'� � �- submwe rid Mtijmt to elm DivmwD PrWaler Oaafffyt Cs aumdvm%Seetso% jd16 MOM Xfr*VCtAw. Rakizat, Nc! VMse NO,.( P) "MIU, vfitkfjh 30 dayl, Q%W -I MI. 07MO4111 a yi SrAT•y'}� -� 1 !' OjYRES', DENTM WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Jn l North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2527 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: David E. Meyer Well Contractor (Individual) Name Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. Well Contractor Company Name STREET ADDRESS PO BOX 31133 Raleigh NC 27622 City or Town State Zip Code 9f 19 )- 210-6547 Area code- Phone number 2, WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID #(If applicable) CW-7 WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT4(ifapplicable) OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT #(if applicable) 3. WELL USE (Check Appllcabie Box) Monitoring @ Munlcipal/Public[l Industrial/Commercial[I Agricultural❑ RecoveryEl Injection❑ IrrigationU Othera (list use) DATE DRILLED October 31, 2008 TIME COMPLETED 1400 AM13 PMO 4. WELL LOCATION: CITY: Turkey COUNTY Sampson Rowan Road (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel. Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC /LAND SETTING: ❑ Slope ❑ Valley ❑ Fiat 0 Ridge 13 Other (check appropriate box) May be in degrees, LATITUDE 34.972091 minutes, seconds or LONGITUDE 78• 235786 in a decimal format Latitude/longitude source: 13 GPS ❑ Topographic map (location or well must be shown on a USGS topo map and attached to this tort if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY- is the name of the business where the well Is located FACILITY ID of applicable) NAME OF FACILITY Allen Canning STREET ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey NC 28393 City or Town State Zip Code CONTACT PERSON Mr. Tommy Langston MAILING ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey NC 28393 City or Town Stale Zip Code (910 - 596-0028 Area code - Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 15.0 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YESU NOE c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 6.55 FT, (Use '+" If Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING is 3.0 FT. Above Land Surface' "Top of casing terminated atlor below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): 1 METHOD OF TEST pump f. DISINFECTION: Typo na Amount na g. WATER ZONES (depth): From 6.0 To 12.0 From To From To From To From To From To 7. CASING: Depth Diameter ThicknessAtMight Material From +3.0 To -2.0 Ft. 2" Sch40 Pvc From To Ft - Fro mTo Ft. 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To -0.5 Ft. Portland pour From -0.5 To -1.5 Ft. 136ntonite pour From To Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From-2.0 To -12.0 Ft. 2" in. 0.010 in. PVC From To- Ft. In. in. From To- Ft. In- in. 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From -1.5 To -12.0 Ft. #3 quartz sand From To Ft. From To Ft. 11.DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 0.0 3.0' Brown silty sand (SM) 3.0 5.0' Dark brown clayey sand (SC) 5.0 8.0' Black clayey sand (SC) 8.0 12.0' Black sandy clay (ML) 12. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS g BEEN PROM TO THE WELL OANER. p. 11/712008 SIGNATURE OF CERTI D WELL CONTRACTOR DATE David E. Meyer PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days. Attn: Information Mgt., Form GW-1b 1617 Mall Service Center- Raleigh, INC 27699-1617 Phone No. (919) 733-7015 ext.668. Rev.12/07 L-d 8EL09ZEBT13 XUA-10001Clad WY06=0T 800Z 9Z AOW Attachment C—Completion Reports and Logs for Compliance Wells (R-5 from S&ME) i i Allens Canning Final Hyorogeologic Report.doc 29 i Dec 19 2008 1:44PM PROTOCOL FAX 9193260738 P.1 NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2-5 Z-i 1. WELL CONTRACTOR:. David E. Meyer Weil Contractor (Individual) Name Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. Well Contractor Company Name STREETADDRESS PO Box 31133 Raleigh NC 27622 City or Town State Zip Code 9( 19 )-210-6547 Area code- Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID #(If applicabie) C1N 1 WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMrr#(itappllcable) OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT #(If applicable) 3. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Monitoring21 Munldpel(Public[3 Industrial/Commeiclattl Agricuiturall] Recovery(3 Injection]] Irrigation() Otheril (list use) DATE DRILLED October 31, 2008 TIME COMPLETED 0900 AMII PM[ 4. WELL LOCATION: ciTY: Turkey COUNTY Sampson Rowan Road (Staeet Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: 0 Slope 13 Valley U Flat p Ridge d Other (check appropriate box) May be in degrees, LATITUDE. 34.973471 minutes, seconds or LONGITUDE 78,244000 in a decimal format Latitude/longitude source: 0 GPS 0 Topographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map and attached to this form if not using GPS) 5, FACILITY -is me name ofihebuetrresswnerathewenislocated. FACILITY ID #(if applicable) NAME OF FACILITY_Aiien Canninca STREET ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey NC 28393 City or Town State Zip Code CONTACT PERSON Mr. Tommy Langston MAILING ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey NC 28393 City or Town State Zip Code 91( 0 )-596-0028 Area code - Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 18.0 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES13 NOS C. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing; 8.2-9 FT. (Use "+• if Above Top Of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 3.0 FT. Above Land Surface" "Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .01 ia. a. YIELD (gpm): 3-5 METHOD OF TEST pump f. DISINFECTION: Type ne Amount na g. WATER ZONES (depth): From 7.0 To 15.0 From To From To From To From To From . To 7. CASING: Depth Diameter TlucknessJWeight Material From +3.0 Tb -5.0 Ft. 2" Sch40 pvc From To Ft. From To Ft. 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To -3.4 Ft. Portland pour From -3.0 To -4.0 Ft. Bentonite pour From To Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From-5-0 To -15,0 Ft 2" In. 0.010 in,PVC From To Ft. In. in. From To Ft in. in. 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From -4.0 To -15.0 FL #3 quartz sand From To Ft. From To Ft, 11.DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 0.0 5.0' Reddish brown calvev sand (SC) 5.0 10.0' Dark red sandy clay (CU 10.0 13.0' Yellowish red clayey sand (SC) 13.0 15.0' Dark grav clay (ML} _ 12. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL PONSTRUCTION STANDARCB, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS REyPRD HAS BEENAPROACED TO THE WELL OWNER. TURE 11/7/2008 DATE David E. Meyer PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality Within 30 days. Attn: Information Mgt., Form GW-1b 1617 Mail Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone No. (919) 733-7016 ext 66s. Rev.12/07 r y, i MONITOR WELL SCHEMATIC EXPAjNSION PLUG. * BOREHOLE O.D. �JZ •GEOLOGIST - * MATERIAL O.D. Z STATIC WATER LEVEL be?S MATERIAL TYPE S G o DATE - MEASURED i I I5 IO �i * SCREEN SLOT SIZE 0,010 * Dimensions in Locx Inches PROTECTIVE OUTER COVER F:MSH GRADE NA3M SOIL GROUT BENTONITE SAND PACK DEPTH TO . TOP OF DES BENTONITE DEPTH TO. TOP OF SAND - DEPTH TO TOP OF + SCREEN NOTES'' NOT TO SCALE = __ ALL DEPTHS REFERENCED — _ DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF FROM. FINISH GRADE IN FEET SCREEN TOTAL DEPTH 'Z•Q MONITOR WELL _ DATE DRILLED 10/3!� 1 d$. P,p•'Box 31133•v TUWF-Y (A PJ0H C0Vgy; Ratelgh, NC 27622 ut� DRILLING METHOD NsA PROD # 0$_150 f'I'd B6L09366I6 Xd= 100010acl WIJEE=OI 8002 9z ^0W R 1 1' o NR SIDENTML WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTFIFICATIOT hi 2527 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: David E. Meyer Well Contractor (Individual) Name Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. Well Contractor Company Name, STREET ADDRESS PO Box 31133 Raleigh NC 27622. City or Town State Zip Code 9( 19 t- 210-6547 Area code- Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID #(Happlicable) CW-8 WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#(ifapplicable) OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT #(if applicable) 3. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Monitoring13 Municipal/Public❑ Industrial/Commercial[i Agriculturalll Recoveryl] Infection❑ Irrigation] Otherp (listuse) DATE DRILLED October 31, 2008 TIME COMPLETED 1000 AMI3 PMl7 4. WELL LOCATION: CITY: Turkey COUNTY Sampson Rowan Road (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: ❑ Slope ❑ Valley I7 Flat 0 Ridge p Other (check appropriate box) May 6e in degrees, LATITUDE 34.970253 minutes, seconds or LONGITUDE 78. 244948 in a decimal format LatitudeAongitade source: MOPS ❑ Topographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map and attached to this form If not using GPS) - b. FACILITY- Is the name 01 the buslnese where the well is Iceated. FACILITY ID #(if applicable) NAME OF FACILITY Allen Canning STREET ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey - NC 28393 City or Town State Zip Code CONTACT PERSON Mr. Tommy Langston MAILING ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey NC 28393 City or Town State Zip Code (910 _596-0028 Area code - Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 15.0 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES0 NOM c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 6.55 FT, (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 3.0 FT. Above Land Surface" `Top of casing terminated attar below land surface may require a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C ,0118. e. YIELD (gpm): 1 METHOD'OF TEST pUn1p f. DISINFECTION: Type na Amount na g. WATER ZONES (depth): , From 6.0 To 12.0 From To From To From To From To_ From To 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Thlcknessly tght Material From +3.0 To -2.0 Ft, 2" Sch40 Pvc From To Ft. From To Ft. 8, GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To -0.5 Ft. Portland pour From -0.5 To -1.5 Ft. Bentonite pour From To Ft. S. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From -2.0 Tc -12.0 Ft. 2" In. 0.010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft, In. in. 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From -1.5 To -12.0 Ft. #3 quartz sand From To Ft. From To Ft, 11.DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 0.0 3.0' Brown silty sand (SM) 3.0 5.0' _Dark brown clayey sand (SC) 5.0 10.0' _Black clayey sand (SC) 10.0 12.0' Black sandy clay (ML) 12. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ISA NCAC= WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT ACOPY OF THIS -ft7"6ZN PRo ED TO THE WELL OWNER. V Z;6 0= 1117/2008 SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE David E. Meyer PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days. Attn: Information Mgt., Form GW-tb 1617 Mail Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone Mo. (919) 733-7015 ext b68. Rev.12/07 13 `d 86L0926S T 6 XFJd -1030-LoNd WU0E c 0 T 13002 92 AOW NONRESIDENTM WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2527 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: David E. Meyer Well Contractor (Individual) Name Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. Well Contractor Company Name STREETADDRESS PO Box 31133 Raleigh NC 27622 City or Town State Zip Code (919-210-6547 Area code- Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID#('Ifapplicable) CW-3 WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#(fapplicable) OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(Jf applicable) 3. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Monitoring @ Municipab'Public0 IndustriallCommercial❑ AgriculluralD Recovery[] Injecilon❑ Irrigatiora OtherO (Ilst use) DATE DRILLED October 31, 2008 TIME COMPLETED 1100 AMEI PM❑ 4. WELL LOCATION: CITY: Turkey COUNTY Sampson Rowan Road (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC /LAND SETTING: ❑ Slope ❑ Valley ❑ Flat d Ridge 1 Other (check appropriate box) May be in degrees, LATITUDE 34.968097 minutes, seconds or LONGITUDE 78.243003 in a decimal format Latitude/longitude source: M GPS ❑ Topographic map (locafion of well must be shown on a USGS topo map and attached to this form if not using GPS) 6. FACILITY- Is the name & the business where the wel Is located. FACILITY ID #(if applicable) NAME OF FACILITY Allen Canning STREET ADDRESS 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey NC 28393 City or Town State Zip Code CONTACT PERSON Mr. Tommy Langston MAILING ADORES s 5900 Turkey Highway Turkey NC 28393 City or Town State Zip Code (910 )- 596-0028 Area code - Phone number S. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 18.0 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES[] NOM c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 8.65 FT. (Use ';" if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 3.0 FT. Above Land Surface' *Top of casing terminated atlor below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): 3-5 METHOD OF TEST pum(I f. DISINFECTION: Type na Amount na g. WATER ZONES (depth): From 7.0 To 15.0 Fromm To - From -To- From To From To From To 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Thickness/Weight Material From +3.0 To -5.0 Ft. 2" Sch40 pvc From To FL From To FL 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method ' From 0•0 To -3.0 Ft, Portland pour From -3.0 To -4.0 Ft. Bentonite pour f From To Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From -5.0 To -15.0 Ft. 2" In. 0.010 in_ v�- From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. In. in. 10. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From -4.0 To -15.0 Ft. #3 quartz sand From To Ft. From To Ft. I I.DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 0.0 3.0' Black silty sand (SM) 3.0 10.0' Black clayey sand fSC) 10.0 15.0' Black sandy clay (CL) 12. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS S ED TO THE WELL O`h'NER. _��ef,EN P O ID11/7/2008 j SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE David E. Meyer PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days. Attn: Information Mgt., Form GW-1b 1617 Mail Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone No. (919) 733-7016 ext 563. Rev.12/07 E'd BEL09ZEGIS Xdd 10001ONd WH82:01 8002 92 AOW MONITOR WELL -SCHEMATIC EXPANSION PLUG. * BOREHOLE O.D. Y2 GEOLOGIST * MATERIAL O.D. Z STATIC WATER LEVEL �65� MATERIAL TYPE �G e DATE MEASURED'_ * SCREEN SLOT SIZE �%• DICJ LOCK * Dimensions in Ineh'es PROTECTIVE OUTER COVER - - FIMSH GRADE N•ATNE san DEPTH TO . TOP° OF BENTONITE BENTONITE DEPTH TO TOP OF s SAND r0 DEPTH. TO TOP OF _' - SCREEN S.0 SAND PACK - —.- NOTES: NOT TO SCALE ALL, DEPTHS: REFERENCED _- DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF �S.o FROM FINISH GRADE. IN FEET SCREEN 15, o TOTAL DEPTH MONITOR WELL - AUtrE��io� a I0 /3i O8 PRQTdCQL SAMQ_TNG SERVTCF_ (MC, DATE DRILLED a P.a. Bax 31133' Raleigh• MEY SAMPSON COU}�f?(� I1Ci DRILLING METHOD - H SA NC 27422 I PROD. # 06— 50 OT'd 86LO926616 XU=l 10001ONd WUEE:01 8002 92 AoW MONITOR WELL SCHEMATIC = EXPANSION PLUG. 1fl * BOREHOLE 01) /2 GEOLOGIST * MATERIAL O.D. Z - STATIC WATER LEVEL MATERIAL TYPE DATE MEASURED I I S IO $ * SCREEN SLOT SIZE Din * Dimensions in LOCK Inches PROTECTIVE CUTER. COVER ' FINISH GRADE 2 � 2' YoNGRErE — . NATIVE SOIL j GROUT DEPTH TO. -TOP OF 1 05 BENTONITE BENTONITE .. DEPTH TO . TO OF SAND 1,5r DEPTH TO TOP OF 2 r SAND PACK - — ' ,o SCREEN Nt NOTES: - — NOT, TO SCALE J ALL DEPTHS REFERENCED - DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF , FROM FINISH GRADE IN FEET .SCREEN 12'pr TOTAL DEPTH MONITOR WELL l r`' Q •.. .PROTQOL �•�, sAMPLI� SERYIPE. 1NC. DATE DRILLED J0� ..• Pn Box 31133• Rafelgh, TuwCF-Y SAWJ04 C0V9TY uG'' DRILLING METHODHSA _ _ NC 27622 1 PROD. # 016 - TT.'d SEL092E616 Xdd 10001ONd WU26:OT 8002 92 AeW : MONITOR WELL .-SCHEMATIC , EXPANSION PLUG. - * BOREHOLE O.D. /Z GEOLOGIST * MATERIAL O.D. 2 STATIC ,.WATER LEVEL •Z5 MATERIAL TYPE, DATE MEASURED _ fII51 D * SCREEN SLOT SIZE.. 0• aka LOCK * Dimensions in Inches, PROTECTIVE OUTER'COVER r4MSH GRADE NATIVE SOD. GROUT DEPTH TO,TOP OF BENTONITE BENTO NITE DEPTH TO TOP OF SAND DEPTH TO TOP OF ti SAND PACK SCREEN r'fl NOTES: NOT TO SCALE ALL DEPTHS REFERENCED - DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF IS'al FROM FINISH GRADE. IN FEET SCREEN TOTAL DEPTH MONITOR WELL bl�� dP,j3(LLQ� �AMPLfNG SERVif`E.INC. DATE DRILLED' 8 PD. Box 31133' L)Wx--,Y SAmPSoN C0vv UG s Rolelgh . NC 27622 1 DRILLING METHOD NSA:. PROJ. # 013-50 6-d BEL0926616 Xdd 10001ONd WH2Ec01,BO02 9Z ADW i Y MONITOR WELL SCHEMATIC EXPANSION PLUG. * BOREHOLE O.D. �/2 GEOLOGIST * MATERIAL .O.D,. Z • STATIC WATER LEVEL 6'S97 MATERIAL TYPE o DATE, MEASURED filS o8 , * SCREEN SLOT SIZE LOCK * Dimensions in •Inches PROTECTIVE OUTER -COVER FINISH CRA 2� � 2' CoNGRETE — . NATIVE SOIL MONITOR WELL SCHEMATIC EXPANSION PLUG. * BOREHOLE O.D. �/2 GEOLOGIST * MATERIAL .O.D,. Z • STATIC WATER LEVEL 6'S97 MATERIAL TYPE o DATE, MEASURED filS o8 , * SCREEN SLOT SIZE LOCK * Dimensions in •Inches PROTECTIVE OUTER -COVER FINISH CRA 2� � 2' CoNGRETE — . NATIVE SOIL GROUT I DEPTH TO -.TOP OF i oS BENTONITE BENTONITE DEPTH. TO TOP OF __- SAND • DEPTH TO TOP OF SAND PACK '- - — - _ SCREEN Zoo NOTES: NOT TO SCALE ALL DEPTHS. REFERENCED - DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF r FROM FINISH GRADE IN FEET J SCREEN 1210 ' TOTAL DEPTH 11-0 MONITOR WELL �0�31'Dg -RnTsm�eLAMPLiNG SERYtf',F•1NI'• •- DATE DRILLED e PA, Box 31133• Ralelgh, YUWY �AMPJON �Ovyf Q�i DRILLING" METHOD H!SA ANC 27622 / PROD. # O$-SQj 6EL092E6 T 6 XUJ 10001ONd WdipE :0 T 800Z 92 AoN MONITOR WELL SCHEMATIC EXPANSION PLUG. * BOREHOLE O.D. /Z GEOLOGIST * MATERIAL O.D. 2 STATIC .WATER LEVEL b5S� MATERIAL TYPE JP G _ o DATE MEASURED I�ISIO$ * SCREEN SLOT SIZE AID LOCK * Dimensions in - Inches PROTECTIVE O: UTER COVER FINISH GRADE 2' K 2' t�NGRErE = NATM son. BENTONITE SAND PACK DEPTH TO.TOP OF BENTONITE DEPTH TO TOP OF SAND - DEPTH TO TOP .OF SCREEN - NOTES: NOT TO SCALE ALL DEPTHS REFERENCED - - DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF SCREEN FROM FINISH GRADE IN FEET - - TOTAL DEPTH 17-Q MONITOR WELL - A�-L4L CA wiq& In�31 Og PRb7000L SAMPLING SERVICE. INQ- DATE DRILLED 1(J p,o, BoK 3I133' U Rn4elgh, NC 27622 tY SS08 COU!{7Y1 Uc � 1 - DRILLING METHOD _ NSA _ PROJ. # 0$-15a = ET'd 864092E6I6 Xdd 10901ONd Wd66:01 B002 92 ADW MONITOR WELL SCHEMATIC EXPANSION PLUG, * BOREHOLE O.D. /2 GEOLOGIST * MATERIAL O X Z' STATIC WATER LEVEL MATERIAL TYPE . �_ o DATE MEASURED 111- 0S * SCREEN SLOT SIZE DIV LOCK * Dimensions in Inches PROTECTIVE OUTER COVER r•"rrlsx ct� 2! Z' NATIVE $OIL GROUT f DEPTH TO . TOP OF BENTONITE BENTONITE DEPTH TO TOP OF i SAND r DEPTH TO TOP OF 5.01 " SCREEN SAND PACK - NOTES: - NOT TO SCALE ALL DEPTHS -REFERENCED - - DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF I SCREEN I�'O FROM FINFSH GRADE IN FEET TOTAL DEPTH 15.0t MONITOR WELL - AwLeN DATE DRILLED I013i jab C�ri�u�tb PslIOC�I. SANPLiNG.SERViGF. (N[. [� REL Hax 31133' UWRY-AMPJ04 Coav 06 al° Ralelgh, NC 27b22 1 DRILLING METHOD �— PROJ. # 00-50 I ZT'd 8EL09ZE6T6 Xdd 1000IONd WUZE:OT 8002 9Z no Attachment D.—Pumping Test Data from SWE Allens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc 30 r s r i r r t, 1 0.1 d w 0 0.01 0.001 + 1 Time-Drawdown Curve for Observation Well OW-1 Pumping at Recovery Well RW-1 Matchpoint for Type Curve B (t = 80 min, ho-h = 0.3 feet) Matchpoint for Type Curve A (t = b min, ho-h = 0.27 feet) 10 100 Time (minutes) 1,000 10,000 3 D I R] A I ro m 0 -�7 D r F z n D z z z 0 �3 D - I C N A N • m OW-1, TYPE A -CURVE W Matchpoint for Type Curve A (1/uA = 1.6, W(uA,F) = 0.38) 101, 10'2 t- 10-1 r = 0.6 r = 1.0 r = 2.0 r = 4.0 r = 6.0 r = a.ao1 r = 0.01 r = 0.06 r = 0.2 1 TYPE A CURVES FOR UNCONFINED AQUIFER 100 10' 102 103 104 1/ua D r r m z z z z 9) . 3 D - I C m A N OW-1, TYPE B CURVE lU' 100 El. r = 1.0 r=2.o 10-' r=4.0 r = 6.0 10-21 10*3 10-2 r = o.of r = 0.2 10.1 1 UB r = 0.001 Matchpoint for Type Curve B -I (lAiB = 25, W(uBj) = 2) �- 100 TYPE B CURVES FOR UNCONFINED AQUIFER 10, 102 U3 D r r m Z D Z Z z MAY-24-2007 13:19 ,ALLEN CANNING P.05 . c L Sample Calculations for Aquifer Parameters RW-1 Analysis Using the Type A Curve for early drawdown: _ Q (A, �- T 47r(ho - h) W u I where ho-ho =drawdown (feet) Q = pumping rate felday) W(u,,I) = well function from early drawdown matchpoint (dimensionless) 1 gal x 1 ft 3 X 1440 min T - min 7.48ga1 day �0.3 $) = 215.61 f z W 41r(O.027 feet) day where S = storativity of.the aquifer (dimensionless) S - 4TuAt r2 T tran sm iss iv ity ffi�lday) u,4 = value from early drawdown matchpoint (dimesionless) t = time (days) •� r = radial distance from recovery well (feet) 2 `r 4 215.61 ft (0,6256minx 1 * 1day - S = day) = 0.0035935 (25 ft)2 Using the Type B Curve for late drawdown: T 4ir - h W (uB'r) -- where ho-ho =drawdown (feet) Q = pumping rate (ft3/day) W(uB,1� = well function from late drawdown matchpoint (dimensionless) I MAY-24-2007 13:19 ALLEN CANNING P.06 I O. i 3 gad ' ft min _ 1 min x 7.48ga1 x 1440 day 2 1, (2) =102.13 � 41r(0.3 feet) day where Sy = specific yield of the aquifer (dimensionless) S _ 4Tu B t Y r2 T = transmissivity 02/day) us = value from late drawdown matchpoint (dimesionless) t = time (days) r = radial distance from recovery well (feet) 4 102.13 to (0.04 80 minx 'day day 1440 min S = = 0.00145 y (25 fty Average transmissivity using both calculated transmissivity values: 215.61 .f day + 102.13 day ft2 T= 2=158.87da Y where: Kh = horizontal hydraulic conductivity (feet/day) _T = Kh b T = transmissivity (f?lday) b = initial saturated thickness of the aquifer (feet) z 158.87 fa � Kh = Y =11.67 feet I day 13.61 feet I I'b2Kh ' '-- Kv = 2 P _ where: K,, = vertical hydraulic conductivity (feet/day) F= shape of type curve (dimensionless) b = initial saturated thickness of the aquifer (feet) r = radial distance from recovery well (feet) � W K _ (0.06}(I 3.61 feet}2 (11.67 feet / day) ^ 0.2075 feet /day (25 feet)' i I MAY-24-2007 13:,19 Alleyi Canning S&ME Project No. 1584-06-009 Flowrate: \x" gpM Start Time: " 1,�1 End Time: A-W W- -W RLLEN CANNING RW-I OW-1 OW-2 P-17 Initial bepth'to Water (TOC). Total Depth (TOC) ZA 3 Distance from TOC to Grade Depth to Water (TOC) Time 114 w -5., go 70 _E_ 7w A 15'3o -0 Li 3793 '10 S Ir, Y() Uc 6, I'q- qZ Z 75 612. tcu,-F z. 1) 62 311 13 4,L. 667 • 1,3 -.3 63ed 6, 3 A 6 9 q-3 6� 6, 1 6 19 3 6 �9-3 11-30. #1 -0 LA IpI P.07 1of2 I I I' I I F ' I r I I I I i 1 I' I .... U.. I. f 10 1 0.1 0.01 4 1 Time-Drawdown Curve for Observation Well OW-3 Pumping at Recovery Well RW-2 Matchpoint for Type Curve B (t = 600 min, ho-h = 1.6 feet) Matchpoint for Type Curve A j (t = 9 min, ho-h = 0.63 feet) 7 fj i 10 100 1,000 Time (minutes) 10,000 m m 41 I N N m 0 . . QW-3, TYPE A CURVE W 3U' 100 b v 1-0'' 10'2 r = 0.001 r = 0.01 - Matchpoint for Type Curve A 1-0.06 (1/uA = 3.2, W(uA,r) = 0.7) r-0.2 r = 0.6 r=1:o A, r_20 TYPE A CURVES FOR UNCONFINED AQUIFER r = 4.0 r = 6.0 r._ . r r i r r r r� r r � r� r- r� r• r.. r-.. r.. r. r 3 D A I N OW-3, TYPE B CURVE m lU' 100 m 10-' 10-21 10-3 Matchpoint for Type Curve B r = 0.6 (1/uB = 10, w(uB,n = 2.5) -r = 2.0 TYPE B CURVES FOR UNCONFINED AQUIFER r=4.0 r=6.0 10'2 10.1 100 10' 1 ue L 102 MAiY-24-2007 13:20 ALLEN CANNING P.11 �. Sample Calculations for Aquifer Parameters RW-2 Analysis Using the Type A Curve for early drawdown: 1 ' T = Q w(u,q,r) 4x(ho — h) 1 where ho-h =drawdown (feet) �- Q = pumping rate (Oday) lV(uA,n = well function from early drawdown matchpoint (dimensionless) 6 gal x 1 ft3 x 1440 min min 7.48gal day ftz 4sr (0.63 feet) day where S = storativity of the aquifer (dimensionless) 4Tu At S= 2 r _ T = transmissivity f?/day) u,4 = value from early drawdown matchpoint (dimesionless) r = time (days) �. r = radial distance from recovery well feet) lday - 4 102.13 ft2da (0.31259 minx 1440 min S = y = 0.0008865 ( 30ft)Z Using the Type B Curve for late drawdown: T - Q W(uB r) 4sr(ho — h) — where ho-ho =drawdown (feet) Q = pumping rate ffi?lday) W(uQ, n = well fitnction from late drawdown matchpoint (dimensionless) b gal x 1 ft 3 x 1440 min T = min 7.48ga1 day (2.5) =143.62 ft z 41r(1.6 feet) day where Sy = specific yield of the aquifer (dimensionless) -W MAY-24-2007 13:20 ALLEN CANNING S - 4TuBt y 2 r T = transmissivity (Jtzlday) uD = value from late drawdown matchpoint (dimesionless) t = time (days) ` r = radial distance from recovery well (feet) 2 `' 4 143.62 fa (0.1�600 minx 1440 min ) day S - y = 0.0266 y (30 ft)2 Average transmissivity using both calculated, transmissivity values: T-102.i3.day + 143.62 day f 122.88 ft, 2 day where: Kh = horizontal hydraulic conductivity (feel/day) Kh T =b T = transmissivity (f?lday) b = initial saturated thickness of the aquifer (feet) 2 122.88 f Kt, = day = 9.24 feet / day 13.3 feet _ r'b2Kh Kv 2 r where: K, = vertical hydraulic conductivity (feet/day) T= shape oftype curve (dimensionless) b = initial saturated thickness of the aquifer (feet) r = radial distance from recovery well (feet) �0.06X13.3 feet)' (9.24 feet / day) _ - K -- 0.109 feet 1 day V _ (30 feet)' b.. MAY-24-2007 13:20 ALLEN CANNING Allen Canning S&ME Project No. 1584-06-009 Flowrate: �,t� gpm Start Time: -A.1' * 1W End Time: W;Q aa P. 13 RW-2 OW-3 OW-4 RW-3 (deep) Initial Depth to Water (TOC) Total Depth (TOC) Disfance from TOC to Grade Depth to Water (TOC) Time 1b. 13 A- T.. TY- 13,67 ft ,w CIL 1440 4 KT' /t V 1 3.6 6, 3V sA.w 15XI 776 1.3. b? 15,13 783 to 4 Sr- q IS. 15 *T, n. TY' '7 -T-7 (cr49 iz"69 13, bg 5zv i5. 15- w mt t 1,)J:1 v i Aq a YJ 4) A 4. 01-te'Z,4k 601� /11 .. 0 WV6 I of 2 NAY-24-2007 13:20 ALLEN CANNING i P.14 ft- W_ Allen Canning S&ME Project No.1584--0G-009 (;;G4'ct wuA i e rx A -) / Flowrate: gpm («u ux �Y zt.eu-�,: Start Time: E a z h End Time: RW-2 OW-3 OW-4 RW-3 (deep) Initial Depth to Water TOC) �;.IL -l�{' Y. 7s", Total Depth (TOC) Distance from TOC to Grade Depth to Water TOC) Time 56, 10.. 14:613 c 0. la, 10 h. [:• . CA i2;t6 2 i i, act l is-.. ,, . Y bs,r 5 r. -,-'S vs- IVA U ,v (v.18 3 .1553 to •a9% CIO 16 6.16 6,1� �.I5 �Ck5 1A 113 ! t; Z 7 1 6 to 5:-15 3 t500 (-,-A 0 0 i TOTAL P.14 7 , -e' a � E Oa�e &ara.5 Attachment E.—Laboratory Reports for Compliance Monitoring Wells for Samples Taken 11/17/08 I Allens Canning Final Hydrogeologic Report.doc 31 Microbac Laboratories, Inc. Pagel of 5 FAYETTEVILLE DIVISION STATE CERT ID. 2592 HOPE MILLS ROAD FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28306 NC #11 (910) 864-1920 FAX (910) 864-8774 NC #37714 R. W. SANDERS, VICE PRESIDENT USDA #3787 http://www.tnicrobac.com E-Mail: rsanders@microbac.com CHEMISTRY MICROBIOLOGY • FOOD SAFETY • CONSUMER PRODUCTS WATER AIR WASTES • FOOD • PHARMACEUTICALS NUTRACEUTICALS CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Allens, Inc. Date Reported: 11/30/2008 Ms. Kathryn Yeager Date Received: 11/17/2008 Post Office Box 250 Order Number: 0811-00007 Siloam Springs, AR 72761 Invoice No.: 61829 Customer #: A004 Sample Date: 11/17/2008 Permit No. Sample Time: 0:00 Sampler: Miller ' Subject: M/Well samples - 3/Yearly I SMP Test Method Result Date Time Tech CHLORIDE SM 4500 CI C 123 mg/L 11/24/2008 i 14:00 RAS COD SM 5220 D 50.3 mg/L 11/18/2008 11:30 RAS j CONDUCTIVITY SM 2510 B 75 umhos/cm 11/18/2008 14:15 RAS NITROGEN, NITRATE SM 4500 NO3 E 0.58 mg/L 11/19/2008 15:00 ENC pH SM 4500 H B 5.26 s.u. 11/17/2008 12:38 RDM I SOLIDS, TOTAL DISSOLVED SM 2540 C 71.0 mg/L 11/18/2008 12:00 ENC SULFATE SM 15th 426 C 12.0 mg/L 11/24/2008 10:30 DCR TEMPERATURE FIELD 16.0 deg., C 11/17/2008 12:38 RDM TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON SM 5310D 2.7 mg/L 11/20/2008 9:00 ECI WATER LEVEL FIELD 5.2 feet 11/17/2008 12:38 RDM CHLORIDE SM 4500 CI C 9.25 mg/L 11/24/2008 14:00 RAS COD SM 5220 D 25.5 mg/L 11/18/2008 11:30 RAS CONDUCTIVITY SM 2510 B 158 umhos/cm 11/18/2008 14:15 RAS I NITROGEN, NITRATE SM 4500 NO3 E 2.76 mg/L 11/19/2008 15:00 ENC pH SM*4500 H B 4.87 s.u. 11/17/2008 12:25 RDM SOLIDS, TOTAL DISSOLVED SM 2540 C 108 mg/L 11/18/2008 12:00 ENC SULFATE SM 15th 426 C 48.4 mg/L 11/24/2008 10:30 DCR TEMPERATURE FIELD 16.1 deg., C 11/17/2008 12:25 RDM TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON SM 5310D 3.9 mg/L 11/20/2008 9:00 ECI WATER LEVEL FIELD 4.1 feet 11/17/2008 12:25 RDM LAB CODES: N/D =None Detected N/F =None Found <=Less than > =Greater than Est. =Estimated The data and other Information contained on this, and other accompanying documents, represent only the sample(s) analyzed and B rendered upon the MEMBER condition that It Is not to be reproduced wholly or in part for advertising or other purposes without written approval from the laboratory. ' USDA-EPA-MOSH Testing Food Sanitation Consulting Chemical and Mi—bialogical Analyses and Research 4 Microbac Laboratories, Inc. Page 2 of 5 FAYETTEVILLE DIVISION STATE CERT ID. 2592 HOPE MILLS ROAD FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28306 NC #11 (910) 864-1920 FAX (910) 864-8774 NC #37714 R. W. SANDERS, VICE PRESIDENT USDA #3787 http://www.microbac.com E-Mail: rsanders@microbac.com CHEMISTRY MICROBIOLOGY FOOD SAFETY • CONSUMER PRODUCTS WATER AIR WASTES • FOOD • PHARMACEUTICALS NUTRACEUTICALS CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Allens, Inc. Date Reported: 11/30/2008 Ms. Kathryn Yeager Date Received: 11/17/2008 Post Office Box 250 Order Number: 0811-00007 Siloam Springs, AR 72761 Invoice No.: 61829 Customer #: A004 Sample Date: 11/17/2008 Permit No. -Sample Time: 0:00 Sampler: Miller Subject: M/Well samples - 3/Yearly SNIP Test Method Result Date Time Tech CHLORIDE SM 4500 CIC 5.50 mg/L 11/24/2008 14:00 RAS COD SM 5220 D 63.1 mg/L 11/18/2008 11:30 RAS CONDUCTIVITY SM 2510 B 118 umhos/cm 11/18/2008 14:15 RAS NITROGEN, NITRATE SM 4500 NO3 E 3.00 mg/L 11/19/2008 15:00 ENC pH SM 4500 H B 4.37 s.u. 11/17/2008 12:13 RDM SOLIDS, TOTAL DISSOLVED SM 2540 C 56.6 mg/L 11/18/2008 12:00 ENC SULFATE SM 15th 426 C 31.8 mg/L 11/24/2008 10:30 DCR TEMPERATURE FIELD 15. deg., C •11/17/2008 12:13 RDM TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON SM 5310D 2.6 mg/L 11/20/2008 9:00 ECI WATER LEVEL FIELD 7.1 feet 11/17/2008 12:13 RDM, 004 M%iIV #R.�4 _5 CHLORIDE SM 4500 CIC 6.50 mg/L 11/24/2008 14:00 RAS COD SM 5220 D 18.6 mg/L 11/18/2008 11:30 RAS CONDUCTIVITY SM 2510 B 763 umhos/cm 11/18/2008 14:15 RAS NITROGEN, NITRATE SM 4500 NO3 E 1.22 mg/L 11/19/2008 15:00 ENC pH SM 4500 H B 4.92 Sm. 11/17/2008 11:55 RDM SOLIDS, TOTAL DISSOLVED SM 2540 C 55.6 mg/L 11/18/2008 12:00 ENC SULFATE SM 15th 426 C 15.4 mg/L 11/24/2008 10:30 DCR TEMPERATURE FIELD 15.8 deg., C 11/17/2008 11:55 RDM TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON SM 5310D 1.2 mg/L 11/20/2008 9:00 ECI WATER LEVEL FIELD 7.7feet 11/17/2008 11:55 RDM LAB CODES: NID = None Detected NIF = None Found <= Less than > = Greater than Est, = Estimated MEMBER The data and other Information contained on this, and other accompanying documents, represent only the sample(s) analyzed and Is rendered upon the condition that It Is not to be reproduced wholly or in part for advertising or other purposes without written approval from the laboratory. USDA-EPA-MOSH Testing Food Sanitation Consulting Chemical and Microbiological Analyses and Research Microbac Laboratories, Inc. Page 3 of 5 FAYETTEVILLE DIVISION STATE CERT ID. 2592 HOPE MILLS ROAD FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28306 NC #11 (910) 864-1920 FAX (910) 864-8774 NC #37714 R. W. SANDERS, VICE PRESIDENT USDA #3787 http://www.microbac.com E-Mail: rsanders@microbac.com CHEMISTRY MICROBIOLOGY • FOOD SAFETY • CONSUMER PRODUCTS WATER AIR WASTES • FOOD • PHARMACEUTICALS NUTRACEUTICALS CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS I Allens, Inc. Date Reported: 11/30/2008 ` Ms. Kathryn Yeager Date Received: 11/17/2008 Post Office Box 250 Order Number: 0811-00007 Siloam Springs, AR 72761 Invoice No.: 61829 Customer #: A004 Sample Date: 11/17/2008 Permit No. Sample Time: 0:00 Sampler: Miller j Subject: M/Well samples - 3/Yearly • I SMP Test Method Result Date Time Tech 005 CHLORIDE SM 4500 CI C 9.25 mg/L 11/24/2008 14:00 RAS COD SM 5220 D 19.6 mg/L 11/18/2008 11:30 RAS CONDUCTIVITY SM 2510 B 81 umhos/cm 11/18/2008 14:15 RAS NITROGEN, NITRATE SM 4500 NO3 E <0.1 mg/L 11/19/2008 15:00 ENC pH SM 4500 H B 5.76 s.u. 11/17/2008 11:45 RDM SOLIDS, TOTAL DISSOLVED SM 2540 C 74.0 mg/L 11/18/2008 12:00 ENC SULFATE SM 15th 426 C 8.01 mg/L 11/24/2008 10:30 DCR TEMPERATURE FIELD 17.1 deg.,C 11/17/2008 11:45 RDM TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON SM 5310D 1.9 mg/L 11/20/2008 9:00 ECI WATER LEVEL FIELD 10.7 feet 11/17/2008 11:45 RDM 006 M/•W #116 CHLORIDE SM 4500 CI C 45.0 mg/L 11/24/2008 14:00 RAS COD SM 5220 D 46.8 mg/L 11/18/2008 11:30 RAS CONDUCTIVITY SM 2510 B 288 umhos/cm 11/18/2008 14:15 RAS I NITROGEN, NITRATE SM 4500 NO3 E 4.83 mg/L 11/19/2008 15:00 ENC pH SM 4500 H B 4.72 s.u. 11/17/2008 11:30 RDM SOLIDS, TOTAL DISSOLVED SM 2540 C 77.0 mg/L 11/18/2008 12:00 ENC SULFATE SM 15th 426 C 34.2 mg/L 11/24/2008 10:30 DCR TEMPERATURE FIELD 18.1 deg., C 11/17/2008 11:30 RDM TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON SM 5310D 6.1 mg/L 11/20/2008 9:00 ECI WATER LEVEL FIELD 6.7feet 11/17/2008 11:30 RDM LAB CODES: N/D = None Detected N/F = None Found <= Less than > = Greater than Est. = Estimated The data and other Information contained on this, and other accompanying documents, represent only the sample(s) analyzed and N rendered upon the condition that it is not to be reproduced wholly or In part for advertising or other purpose without written approval from the laboratory. MEMBER USDA-EPA-NIOSH Testing Food Sanitation Consulting Chemical and MicrobiologIcal Analyses and Research I Microbac Laboratories, Inc. Page 4 of 5 FAYETTEVILLE DIVISION 2592 HOPE MILLS ROAD STATE CERT ID. FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28306 NC #11 (910) 864-1920 FAX (910) 864-8774 NC #37714 R. W. SANDERS, VICE PRESIDENT USDA #3787 http://www.microbac.com ' E-Mail: rsandexs@micxobac.com CHEMISTRY MICROBIOLOGY • FOOD SAFETY • CONSUMER PRODUCTS WATER AIR WASTES • FOOD • PHARMACEUTICALS NUTRACEUTICALS CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Allens, Inc. Date Reported: 11/30/2008 Ms. Kathryn Yeager Date Received: 11/17/2008 Post Office Box 250 Order Number: 0811-00007 Siloam Springs, AR 72761 Invoice No.: - 61829 Customer #: A004 Sample Date: 11/17/2008 Permit No. Sample Time: 0:00 Sampler: Miller Subject: M/Well samples - 3/Yearly SMP Test Method Result Date Time Tech CHLORIDE SM 4500 CIC 21.2 mg/L 11/24/2008 14:00 RAS COD SM 5220 D 13.1 mg/L 11/18/2008 11:30 RAS CONDUCTIVITY SM 2510 B 110 umhos/cm 11/18/2008 14:15 RAS NITROGEN, NITRATE SM 4500 NO3 E 0.40 mg/L 11/19/2008 15:00 ENC pH SM 4500 H B 4.74 s.u. 11/17/2008 11:19 RDM SOLIDS, TOTAL DISSOLVED SM 2540 C 66.0 mg/L 11/18/2008 12:00 ENC SULFATE SM 15th 426 C 12.6 mg/L 11/24/2008 10:30 DCR TEMPERATURE FIELD 18.1 deg., C 11/17/2008 11:19 RDM TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON SM 5310D 4.9 mg/L 11/20/2008 9:00 ECI WATER LEVEL FIELD 4.9feet 11/17/2008 11:19 RDM (008#R8 l 4- CHLORIDE SM 4500 CI C 26.5 mg/L 11/24/2008 14:00 RAS " COD SM 5220 D <5.00 mg/L 11/18/2008 11:30 RAS CONDUCTIVITY SM 2510 B 381 umhos/cm 11/18/2008 14:15 RAS NITROGEN, NITRATE SM 4500 NO3 E 24.1 mg/L 11/19/2008 15:00 ENC pH SM 4500 H B 4.66 s.u. 11/17/2008 11:00 RDM SOLIDS, TOTAL DISSOLVED SM 2540 C 200 mg/L 11/18/2008 12:00 ENC SULFATE SM 15th 426 C 22.4 mg/L 11/24/2008 10:30 DCR TEMPERATURE FIELD 21.9 deg., C 11/17/2008 11:00 RDM TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON SM 5310D 0.7 mg/L 11/20/2008 9:00 ECI WATER LEVEL FIELD 4.9feet 11/17/2008 11:00 RDM LAB CODES: N/D = None Detected N/F = None Found <= Less than > = Greater than Est. = Estimated MEMBER The data and other information contained on this, and other accorrpanyI g documents, represent only the sample(s) analysed and is rendered upon the condition that It Is not to be reproduced wholly or in part for advertising or other purposes without written approval from the laboratory. USDA-EPA-NIOSH Testing Food Sanitation Consulting Chemical and Microbiological Analyses and Research Page 5 of 5 Microbac Laboratories, Inc. " FAYETTEVILLE DIVISION 2592 HOPE MILLS ROAD STATE CERT ID. FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28306 NC #1 l (910) 864-1920 FAX (910) 864-8774 NC #37714 R. W. SANDERS, VICE PRESIDENT USDA #3787 http://www.microbac.com E-Mail: rsanders@tnicrobac.com CHEMISTRY MICROBIOLOGY • FOOD SAFETY • CONSUMER PRODUCTS WATER • AIR WASTES • FOOD • PHARMACEUTICALS • NUTRACEUTICALS CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Allens, Inc. Date Reported: 11/30/2008 Ms. Kathryn Yeager Date Received: 11/17/2008 Post Office Box 250 Order Number: 0811-00007 Siloam Springs, AR 72761 Invoice No.: 61829 Customer #: A004 Sample Date: 11/17/2008 Permit No. Sample Time: 0:00 Sampler: Miller Subject: M/Well samples - 3/Yearly SMP Test Method Result Date Time Tech RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: MICROBAC LABORATORIES, INC. Thank you for your business. We invite your feedback on our level ofservice to you. Please contact the Laboratory Director, Ron Sanders at 910-864-1920 , Robert Morgan, COO, at rmargan�nicrobac. com or Trevor Boyce, CEO, at tboyce a&nicrobae.com with any comments or suggestions. I LAB CODES: N/D =None Detected N/F = None Found <= Less than > = Greater than Est. = Estimated MEMBER The data and other information contained on this, and other accompanying documents, represent only the sample(s) analyzed and Is rendered upon the condition that It Is not to be reproduced wholly or In part for advertising or other purposes without written approval from the laboratory. USDA-EPA-NIOSH Testing Food Sanitation Consulting Chemical and Microbiological Analyses and Research