HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003425_Permit Renewal Request_20110928Progress Energy NPDES permit renewal request Roxboro Steam Electric Plant Permit Number: NC0003425 Person County September 27, 2011 r U �_ J N OW o rM a WM Q �W w rr r LJ op IL luuld oploalg ujS ologxo�j aaiit?u -eW juvId IsoW ONM / `spau &a�j •suoYvjotA 2U.lA0Uaj dof ;uatuuosijdwi pub sau�ffo d'1111gissod aqj 2urpnjout `uor madofur asjvf ?uij;!wgns dqf saT ;jvuad juvoff!u;rs ado aday> jvq; advAiv wvI alajdwoo pub `aminaov `an4 fatjaq puv a2pajmouaj efw fo Isaq aqj o; `s.t pa ; ;!wgns uotjvwagfui ark; `uorjvwdgfur aap 2u.uaq;v2 .rof ajgrsuodsaa dpoad!p suosdad asoq; do `walsXs aq; agvuvw oqm suosdad pro uosdad aqj fo tGtnbur. dw uo pasvg pal;!wgns uopowdofui art; aivnjvta pu"v daov 2djdado.4d,jauuosdad,paffijvnb Ivga a inssv o; pau8tsap wa)sds v a;!m aouvpd000v u1 uozs.mdadns do uoryoxilp dw dapun padvda.id adam sluawgov ;jv 11v puv ;uawnoop s q; jvgj `mvpfo dilmad .spun `dfijdap I •Iiuuad sigj jo uual aql jnoT#?noigj sliodoi Buuoliuout Amilosip s,XIili0u3 aqj uo papinotd uaaq suq inq uoiluoilddu sigl gltnn popnloui 1ou st ujup sigl •saldums guar 900 llujino put, £00 IIu3Ino wotj alqulitnu are sllnsw Suildwus Iuuoijippu iuvogiOiS aldums 31isoduzoo u woaj si DZ uuoj uo papinold ujup Suilduzus luonUjo isow `suononlisui DZ-01`S£ tulo3 dd3 Lll!m aouept000tl ul ,juawannbaa 5upsai ,(4ioixol ql!m silujino asogl aoj ,Ciussooau jou `snap si iaagsjloM 0pl3o18 agp3o uoipaldwoD ,,4ioixol luonLjj4) ologm aoj palsap azu pugi slitjino opui soppotq mou jo uoiponpoapm aqp aoj ,Cruss000u you si lunoaddu ,S4ilnna aapuM Jo uotsIntQ - 10 waod-- paagsjaoM puowpuaa L poiwagD /oppoig jo uoipaldwoo apnihui llugs uotpuog►pou gonS c4iluno aapuM JO uoistnid aqp op papaodaa kisnoinaad osogp uugp aagpo ajil oipunbu`op oixop oq ,Cuw,gpigm swapsXs Suil000 ui pasn appoi4 luuoipppu Xuujo ash Suipni psui opaoiad sCup (06)'�auiu uuyp,aapul IOU 2upym ui aopowiCl oqp ,Cj,ipou llugs aaj3iuuod aq j, uotpuoilddu piwaad aqp ql!m uoipounfuoo uU panoaddu asogp pdaoxo sopiooiq Xuu asn you liugs aauiuuod agjL £b£LZ ON eJowaS peoy Aemeuuno OOLI lUeid weals aogxog MI'seugae3 A6J3u3 sseJ6oJd :sljuuad X2i. ug ssai2oad ia1110 qj!m luolsisuoo 1i a�uz of ltuuod 3111 of a2Ln2uul $uimolloj 3111 ppd }, •suoilipuoo liuuad aq1 pue oInivIS Ivaau;Dg ,aql uogmpg Ioilluoo 3111 mwa.vo1 oQ1V ut, uitlIgo Qj Xliliotj aql Oumnba.z o2mOt ml Iiuuad Cut' asinaJ .io anouza.z osEajd, `Iiuuadi sigl jo oomnssi -ai 111tM sailll!oiej lua)wluQjl aaltmols -em ionxlsuoD of uoil�zuoglnV urelgo o12uinvq W04 sia2.regosip I -eulsnpui Iduuxo I •S'I Z-£t l SgoN o1 so2uego Xj lms IuaoaW •I /2n 8900.0jo uoii3liio Xjq,enb .ioj -em Ioauooui 3111 of pauajai hags Inj all `Irmauai liuuad 1sq 3111 gJIM pal -eiliui suns luauiailinboi fuildures sigl uagm Imp alou ostald `oslV •tu31uo umijjfaog3o oouopaaoxa ioj Itguolod ou 2upAogs smQX asigl Istd aqI wo.g t,1t,p Suildures uo posiaq OIO Iit,j ,lno`wo.ij 2uildures umillXjQq f,l)laann anouza -I •Z •sumolls alstm Jo uots.iantp «I73uotlualui„ 3111 St Ib•ZZI 2JJD Ot, ui paWIs st, uoiliugap agl loallaa 01 i a2 -ed I,I Izlad uo ,SSVCUq,, Jo uotltuUap aql 3sina -I • I :2uimollo3 oq1 slsonbai kRiaug ssw2oid Iiuuod Sgd(IN ag13o oommssiaa gITM oluoildul ui iiLI ` ,(IiniloV Irulsnpul Blinn palPioossV sa2.reg6siQ iz )1tmumfS — dZ uuo j uoiluoilddV Vdg put, `uoilvuuojul a2xegosiQ aalunn3lsuM — DZ,urioA uoil- oilddV Vag `uoilmuojul 1,1a.iau0,9 — I uuoj uoilvoijddV Vdg posoloua aneq ann `9010' HZ DVON Vg I glint aouupi000tl uI •Iiuuad SgQdN o.iogxo -d 3111 onssmi Xjil7an ialVrnJo uoisiniQ uuilore-D 1411obl oq1 IugI slsanboi Xgoioq •ouI `s1euilore0 XBzaug ss0.1201d •ZIOZ `H g3.mw uo swidxa XlunoD uosiad ui polvooi Ioeid oi4oaig urealS oiogxo-d xo3 liuuad SgQdN luauno aqj :Joiulag .1w iw( j ,ilunoD uos.iod MIE0000N 'ON IiUuad (SgQdN) w;DlsXS uoilmiLuilg o2xegosiQ iumnliod I -uoiwN Ieid ouloalg urealS, oiogxo -d •ouI `svuilore3 ,C2.ioug ssoaoid P /q/p Xmedwoo 1112i -I W xDmod milono :IoofgnS LI9i-669LZ BuiloreD gI•TON VPF'd .ialuaD aoin10S IIVW L i 9 I XIIIM6 MWAk Jo uoistnTU sownosoNd JUMJI M pUt "Iuauzuoainug jo luotupudaQ vuilo eD glioN NC�PIag Ituo.L *jw I I OZ `LZ .iaquzaldoS OZS i :'-" ABJau SS�Jn ®J � 3 d Carolina Power & Light Company d /b /a Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Roxboro Steam Electric Plant National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Number NC0003425 EPA Form 3510 -1 Roxboro Steam ,Electric Plant Permit Number NC0003425 Person County Please print or type in the unshaded areas only !fill -in aurae arp cnars-ri fnrplitp tvnP i P 12 rharartPmfinrhl For Approved. OMB No. 2040 -0086. Approval expires 5 -31 -92 FORM U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY I. EPA I.D. NUMBER El GENERAL INFORMATION NC0003425 T/A o 1 F PA Consolidated Permits Program 1 2 13 14 15 GENERAL Read the "General Instructions" before starting.) LABEL ITEMS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS If a preprinted label has been provided, I. EPA I.D. NUMBER affix It in the designated space. Review the information carefully; if any of it is incorrect cross through it and enter the III. FACILITY NAME correct data in the appropriate fill -in area below. Also, if any of the data is preprinted (the area to the left of the label V. FACILITY PLEASE PLACE LABEL IN THIS SPACE absent space lists the information that should appear), lease provide it in the proper fill - in area(s� below. If the label is complete MAILING LIST and correct you need not complete Items 1, ill, V, and VI(except Vi -B which must be completed regardless). Complete all items VI. FACILITY if no label has been proved. Refer to the LOCATION instructions for detailed item descriptions and for the legal authorization under which this data is collected. II. POLLUTANT CHARACTERISTICS INSTRUCTIONS: Complete th_ro_u_gFJ to determine whether you need to submit any permit application forms tote you answer "yes' to any questions, you must submit this form and the supplemental from listed in the parenthesis following the question. Mark "X" in the box in the third column if the supplemental form is attached. If you answer "no" to each question, you need not submit any of these forms. You may answer "no" if your activity is excluded from permit requirements, see Section C of the instructions. See also Section D of the instructions for definitions of bold -faced terms. MARK "X" MARK XFORM SPECIFIC QUESTIONS SPECIFIC QUESTIONS YES NO FORM YES NO ATTACHED ATTACHED A. Is this facility a publicly owned treatment work which results in a discharge to waters of the ❑ ® ❑ B. Does -or —will this facility erNrer existing or proposed) include a concentrated animal ❑ ® 1:1 U.S.? (FORM 2A) feeding operation or aquatic animal production facility which results in a discharge to waters of the U.S.? (FORM 28) 16 17 18 19 20 21 C. Is this facility which currently results in ® ❑ ® s this proposal facility other than those described El ® El to waters of the U.S. other than in A or B above) which will result in a discharge 22 23 24 25 26 27 those described in A or B above? FORM 2C to waters of the U.S.? FORM 2D E. Does or will this acility treat, store, or dispose of hazardous wastes? (FORM 3) ❑ ® ❑ o you or will you inject at this facility industrial or municipal effluent below the lowermost stratum ❑ ® ❑ containing, within one quarter mile of the well bore, underground sources of drinking water? 28 29 30 (FORM 4) 31 32 33 G. Do you or will you inject at tFi-s-1acl ity any H. Do you or will you inject at t is aci ity fluids for produced water other fluids which are brought to the in with conventional oil or ❑ ® ❑ special processes such as mining of sulfer by the Frasch solution mining of minerals, in ❑ ® ❑ surface connection natural gas production, inject fluids used for process, situ combustion of fossil fuel, or recovery of enhanced recovery of oil or natural gas, or inject geothermal energy? (FORM 4) fluids for storage of liquid hydrocarbons? 34 1 35 36 37 38 39 FORM 4 I. Is this facility a proposed stationary source J. is this facility a proposed stationary source which is one of the 28 industrial categories listed which is NOT one of the 28 industrial categories 1:1 ® ❑ ❑ ® ❑ in the instructions and which will potentially emit listed in the instructions and which will potentially 100 tons per year of any air pollutant regulated emit 250 tons per year of any air pollutant under the Clean Air Act and may affect or be regulated under the Clean Air Act and may affect located in an attainment area? FORM 5 40 41 42 or be located in an attainment are? FORM 5 43 44" 45 III. NAME OF FACILITY O SKIP Roxboro Steam Electric Plant 1 15 1 16 -29 30 69 IV. FACILITY CONTACT A. NAME & TITLE last, first, & title B. PHONE area code & no. Mike Mosley, Plant Manager 336 597 6109 46 48 t 1 49 51 1 52 55 2 15 1 16 1 V. FACILITY MAILING ADDRESS A. STREET OR P.O. BOX psi I r z� 1700 Dunnaway Road 3 D. ZIP CODE 27343 15 1 16 45 B. CITY OR TOWN C. STATE a Semora NC 15 1 16 40 41 42 47 51 VI. FACILITY LOCATION A. STREET, ROUTE N0, OR OTHER SPECIFIC IDENTIFIER 1700 Dunnaway Road 5 15 1 16 45 B. COUNTY NAME Person 46 70 C. CITY OR TOWN D. STATE E. ZIP CODE F. COUNTY CODE c Semora NC 27343 6 15 16 40 41 42 47 51 52 54. EPA FORM 3510 -1 (8 -90) CONTINUED ON REVERSE EPA FORM 3510 -1 (8 -90) Carolina Power & Light Company d %b /,a 'Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Roxboro Steam Electric Plant' National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Number NC0003425 EPA Form 3510 -2C Roxboro Steam Electric Plant Permit Number NC-0003425 Person County, UM a as P O'M- �P.'l a ,A 36EI �al . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 L00-thi I I Xf66at1Wk-q-4 " spa � , W � M (gMr4s, mn d i� -4,00tfa Ili `%! ,NU thMIMM 7, R4,15L,",�'M - 001 36 4 .48, 79 .686389 Hyco Reservoir 006 36 .48722 79 .0775 Hyco Reservoir II Flows S'our`,ces wall 6ti i 'O&Vd Nireatiif6iit'oTi�Wrididg-res-MM a ne _�faFimn§F,0tf6Qn ' emate by Ohl [;CMpe d ��#L!Dewatd V` 't Ire "I d1 te(siqu e -�h e 46 N61i hi io,correspona�,ip,,� the !por!,Vaetaijea 0�lis!flg Oramn n ver (e g":��fo a M . . -t """' � . . . . . . . . . t redCra Mab te 0"OUM MRidii a'd "s. jivLott"fem th-06fil Itid tdr, a"' M, t, water i, AnT r 6 N yy age ib ed b a AMI 6f-i§Rd �4WWAi 10 edb rApea" I WM,,-,A-;'WbV!' -2 'h� A e MMonraddid6a" 71 ant!F6 E,211 11990111M MWA !,AVERAGE- -,6 IH 7 FLOW L r "D 1-7 - K., "Y` BLEN "M1,11 '0180P, a 11" �vnc uce unirs), "wIMPS 003 Once,through cooling seelattachment 3 Evaporation, 1-F 4-A water Discharge to surface, waters Ash pond discharge See attchment 3 Neutralization, 2-K 2-C (including low volume oxidation, 1-U 2-A waste, plant drainage sedimentation, system, domestic waste, absorption; 3-C oil /water separators, Unit, discharge to 4-A 4 cooling tower surface waters blowdown, ash landfill and east ash pond drainage, silo ,wash water, ash transport water, FGD wastewater and stormwater runoff 006 Coal pile fun6ff see' attachment 3 sedimentation 1-U 2-K Limestone pile runoff and 2-C Stormwater neutralization EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) Page I of 4 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT re,, any, o Inilth n - "AS upillwAffl, "--f the-AWchafiq d kn edhon,111%; r� YES cam blldmn gle -04 VA WNW, ERA �DA 'E 0 'Tt4 M N Pp— P� YEAR 9 I averse 'F;(ATW 70 Ou uk z. L6Q,'jjERV m 'L,,° fAVERAGEIMA K I I I FP R 0, P UC,,Tl .0 N I Y,'A. Does,,,dnafflQe-htjdqid i-t!" uqd0r,Sebbon'3Q4,qf,th dindli- a on pro 0 d0 W1 "EP. "I NO (gojol.� r n 66d In u 0 F, :te' 1, W - " 4& . . . . . . . . . 41M iff. -bUi' tdfffi� 16 i � WS lhrlr'� =40i Q �,", -ERDA 74P "Nommm", 3, 14 "; , - , , � 00"317-11 2 wl� OW t-A U&N #�R jIV,AjIMPRQVEMENTj,,SV�� WAra -leb era 1),f" 16, j ou' lis Opp tiet!601-6� FI NTIFI TIOY� AGREEMENT, A PF4AF rFFV I I;; I I OUTFALL .JFINAL Wh �i-OKPOld L T OWL , SE 'I, W&DATE "NA L TO f�, �j 6 TE IA de-ts d6ffl- lnj�S t'*Pr, 0 11 U 6 dh'�-c 6 n t rd 1r W h �yj dpria"Almi 0 13. ob -'ftac ladddjonw rilb dtfidil efly-irowm-l-fitil) wndr-rwiy yo 'S wgpgi�qrillll Flom nd" or a gind Cat W h ne cons 56ti C� cons I Fq 0 E WSI; -PJ �A CRIED JPb'A',',dFjADM,, 0 LC 0 IF-PE$,CP EPA FORM 3510-2C (Rev. 2-85) Page 2 of 4 CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 EPA ID NUmber (Cojpk,frorn'1tem 1 of Form 1) CONTINUEUFROM PAGE 2 1 NC0003425 ;,1/ INTAKE AND,EFFLUENTJ- CHA A - TERISTflc_sa,� ple roWEA"' W �ble�t btate-the outffill h0ffinWifflh-eK60, d. NOTE:, -X throu WWII , - ��Jn"741"­:7 Wu-q OEM bf "thdilo-.w! �T� !2cP3Lq!,jhe1,in-s­t Wor I may bei�d�scharged�#rom any outfail For eve r ,d11UWnt#oW Jda P0MUT-ANV_W- F,,, #W_ �'oJXM2q SOURCE NWWRW, Asbestos I _'Usedin insulation. -- - - Trace 6mounts,maybe washed down drains `in picint areas during maintenance Uranium Vanadium Trace-elements occcisiohally, Zirconium present in coal Strontium �VITMOTENTIAL DJSC fiAf;CGESINOT ,fC-GVEREDIBYOANAL-YSI I Ka 'd 1h11te 1 ne� of �!9q6sf4ftg pWfi W hT you urren ypselo mman uw reAsfa l fitdrmedljte or W " 1 TIL !"6rQ 1u&T0rbYrd 0d?,- � I P belt W_ N In The following substances may be present in coal: Antimony Arsenic Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead Mercury Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Zinc See attachmentZ for potential discharges not covered by'analysis EPA FORM 3510-2C (Rev. 8-90) Page 3 of 4 CONTINUED ON REVERSE EPA FORM 3510 -2C (Rev. 8 -90) Page 4 ofA LLI m N z a. 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N M ` N, 2 N N (L M L M'� f! a� M C M d M-- M C M�' --t �' a N v a t w w Z, O' 7� ZI z Z O U OOi a0 U cli 10 Cl) O LL IL w w W �p m � � o Zj J Q' LL r O F 0 d' F e 0 U m W m z Z W Q CL 2 x LL O W z z O U > W a OOi ao U O LL Q CL W U.4, q, Z'Q aQ c y z, o o W � W a' N F r> Z z_ U` w z O N O� F- w 10 � z Q w U Z O U N U Q U r_ a z D z w v UO Z F- 0 U� W LL U) O,U W 0� Zl<, Z V) Q � C W'� 'O Ow Z Z) OJ Pr —Z > U UJ Z U W Z J fn LL LL LU z o ° z w z a O U W J N > N } J O p b W N x p rQ N i U N i g —Z O z �r A o � a t0 U GL LLW0r uW NZZ m w m¢ s 3 X 5 Wr awW ma U w N U Zw +ct ors F- U V) O W a rw � Z C v aa M pp p 5 0 5 J Z =1 _NN N NL N NV L �r ` N O_` _ N Q 0u)`` U) _ dm ` te aO ui ^ n V �) 0. I � � aN '_fN0 a aN _N $ 0- W =, C 4 NNm � N � > W a OOi ao U O LL Q CL W Carolina Power & Light Company d /b /a, Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc, Roxboro Steam Electric Plant National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Number NC0003425, EPA Form 3510 -2F Roxboro Steam Electric Plant Permit Number NC0003425 Person County EPA ID Number (copy from Item 1 of Form 1) Form Approved OMB No 2040 -0086 Please onnt,ortvoe n,the unshaded. areas only NC0003425 110000346386 1 Approval expires 5 -31 -92 FORM 2F NPDES A U S Environmental ngt nl Agency , DC 20460 If. WEPA Application for Permit'to Discharge Storm Water ,Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity Paperwork'Reduction Act Notice Public reporting, burden for this application 4 is, estimated,to average`2 &6,hours,per application, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and mantanmg the data needed, and completing and reviewng`the,collection of information Sendicomments regarding the burden estimate, any,other,aspect of this collection of informabon, or suggestions forpmprovng this form, ncludng suggestions, which may increase or, reduce this burden to Chief, Information Policy Branch, PM -223, U S Environmental Protection, Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW,, Washington, DC 20460, or Director, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Managemi6t ,and!6udget,,Was6ington, DC 20503 I. Outfall Location Foneach,outfall„hst the latrtude,and longitude of its location to,the °nearest 15 second's and the name of the,receivmg water A Outfall Number (hso B .Latitude C Longitude D Receiving Water (name) SW=A 36 29 16; 79 4 19 Hyco Reservoir SW -B 36 29 10 79 4 39 Hyco Reservoir II. Improvements A Are you now required by any Federal, State, or local authority to meet any implementation schedule for the construction, upgrading or operation of wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs which may affect the discharges, described in this application? This includes, but is not limited to, permit conditions, administrative or enforcement orders, enforcement compliance schedule letters, stipulations, court orders, and grant or loan conditions 1 Identification of Conditions, Agreements, Etc 2 Affected Outtalls 3 Brief Descnption of Protect 4 Final Compliance Date number source of discharge a req b prof NSA B You may attach, addltionaGsheets describing any,additional water pollution (or other environmental prolects,which may affect your discharges) you,now have,under way or which,you plan Indicate whether each program °is now under way or planned, and'indicate your actual or planned schedules for construcbom III.,Site Drainage Map Attach a,site' map-showng topography (or ndicating'the outlne,of drainage areas,served by the outfalls(s) coveredln the application if a,topographlc map is,unavallable) depicting thelfacility including each of its intake ,and,discharge,structures, the drainage area of each storm water outfall, paved'areas and buildings within the +drainage area of each storm water ouffall, each knownlpast or present areas used 'for, outdoor,storage of disposal of significant material's, each existing I structural control measure to reduce poll utantsirnistorm water runoff, matenalslloading and access areas, areas where pesticides, herblcides,.soil conditioners . and fertilizers are applied, each of its hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal units (including each area, not required to,have a RCRA permit which,is used for accumulating hazardous waste under 40 CFR 262134), each well where�fluids from the facility are „injected underground,;spnngs, another surface.water bodies which received storm water discharges fromthefaahty Seea attachment # 6 for drainage map EPA,Form 3510 -217 (1 -92), Page 1 of'3 Continue on Page 2 Continued from the Front IV. Narrative Description of Pollutant Sources A For each outfall, provide an estimate of the area (include units) of imperious surfaces (Including paved areas and building roofs) drained to the outfall, and an estimate of the total surface area drained by the outfall Outfall Area of Impervious Surface Total Area Drained' Oulfall Area of Impervious Surface Total Area Drained Number (provide units) (provide units) Number (provide units (provide units) SW -A i 0 00 acres 21 7 acres SW -B I 6,4 acres 19 7'acres B Provide a,narrabve description of significant materials thafare currently or In thepast three,years have, been,treated,`stored,or disposed in almanner to allow exposure to storm water, method of'treatment, storage, or disposal, past and present materials management practices. employed to minimize contact by these materials with storm water runoff;,matenais loading and access areas, and the location, manner, and frequency in,which, pesticides, herbicides, soll'condiboners, and fertilizers are applied See attachment ,# 7 C For each outfall, provide the location and a description of existing structural'and nonstructural. control measures to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff, and a description of the treatment the storm water receives, including` the schedule and type,of maintenance for control and treatment measures and the ultimate, disposal of any solid or,fluid wastes other than by discharge Outfall List Codes from Number _ -Treatment Table 2F -1 See attachment # 8 V. Nonstormwater Discharges A I certify under penalty of, law hat the outfall(s) covered, by thislapphcatlon have been tested or evaluated for the presence,of nonstorrnwater discharges, and that all noristorrrwater-discharged from these outfall(s) are identtFied`in either an accompanying Form 2C or From 2E application for the outfall Name and "Official Title (type or print) Signet "re Date Signed Amber Ramey, ORC B Provide a descnpbon of the method.used, the date of any testing, and the onsite drainage points that were directly observed,during a test SEozmwater outfalls SW -A and SW -B were visually observed during dry conditions for the presence of "non - stormwater" flows. The visual inspection was conducted on June 15th, 2011 No "non- stormwater" flows were observed - I. Significant Leaks or Spills iProvide existing information regarding the history of significant'leaks or spills, of toxic or hazardous pollutants at the facility m the last three years, including the approximate date and location of the spill or leak, and the type,and� amount of material released her`e have been no ,significant leaks or,signifacant spi °lls of toxic or hazardous pollutants in thea"e areas in the past three ears EPA Form 3510 -2F (1 -92) Page 2 of 3, Continue on Page 3 EPA ID Number (copy from Item 1 of Form 1) Continued from P,age.2 NCO003425 110000346386 II. Discharge Information A, B. C, & D See instructions before proceeding Complete,one set of tables for each outfall Annotate-,the outfall,number m,the space,provided Table VII -A, VII -B, VII -C are included on separate sheeMnumben; VII -1 and 'VII-2 E Potential discharges not covered by analysis — is any toxic.poll'utant listed in table 217-2; 2F -3, or,2F -4, a, substance or a component of a substance which you currently use or manufacture,as an mtermediate,or final, product or byproduct? ✓❑ Yes,(Dst,all such pollutants below) ❑ No (go to Section IX) Coal and limestone are used in the process Aluminum, Barium, Boron, Cobalt, Iron, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Manganese, Antimony, Arsenic, Beryllium, Cadmium, Chromium, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Selenium, Silver, Thal'liuin and Zinc may be present Runoff from both the coal pile and the limestone pile is directed to a permitted NPDES wastewater outfall (006) There is no stormwater outfall discharge from the coal pile or limestone pile Insulation on site may contain asbestos III. Biological Toxicity Testing Data Do you have•any knowledge or reason to believe'that any biological test for acute or chronic toxicity has-been made on any of your discharges or on a receiving water in relation to your discharge within the last 3 years? ❑ Yes (list all such pollutants below) ❑✓ No, (go to Section U() IX. Contract Analysis Information Were any of the analyses reported,m Item_ VII performed'by a_contract laboratory or consulting firm? © Yes (list the name, address „and telephone number of, and pollutants ❑ No (go to Section analyzed by, each such laboratory or firm below) A Name B Address C Area Code & Phone No D Pollutants Analyzed Pace Analytical Lab 2225 Riveraide,Drive (828) 254 -7176 All Asheville, NC 28804 X. Certification I certify under penalty,of'law that,thrs document a"nd alhattachments were,prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance -with a,system designed to assure that qualified personnel ptopedy gatherand evaluatelheonformah n submitted Based on my inquiry"of thelperson or persons who managedhe system or those persons directly respontible,for gathering the information, the mformifton submitted is, to, the best of my'knowledge• and belief, true, accurate, and complete I am aware that there, are significant penalties'for subrrrrtting,false information, rncludrng,the possibility oMne and rmpnsonment for knowing violations A .Name & Official Title,(Type OrPnno B Area Code and Phone No Mike Mosley, plant Manager (336) 597 -6101 C Signature � /-111 D Date Signed /.T711/ EPA Form 3510- 2F'(1 -92) ' Page 3 of 3 Data for outfall "SW -A" EPA ID Number (copy from Item 1 of Form 1) Form Approved OMB No 2040 -0066 C0003425 110000346386 1 Approval expires 5 -31 -92 VII. Discharge information (Continued from page 3 of Form 2F) Part A - You must provide the results,of at least one analysis for every pollutant in this table Complete one4able for each outfall See instructions for additional details Pollutant' and CAS Number (d available) Maximum Values (include units) Average Values (include units) Number of Storm Events Sampled Sources of Pollutants Grab Sample Taken During First 20 Minutes Flow- Weighted Composite Grab Sample Taken During First 20 Minutes Flow- Weighted Composite 'Oil and Grease <5 o mg /1 N/A 1 Biological Oxygen "Demand (BOD5) 15 0 mg /1 1 ChemicaLOzygen ,Demand (COD) i - mg /1 1 Total Suspended 'Solids (TSS) 76 9 mg /1 1 Total Nitrogen 3 6 1mg/1 1 Total a Phosphorus 0 30 `mg /1 1 pH Minimum !,0-81 Maximum 7, o8 Minimum Maximum Part B — List each pollutant that is limited in an effluent guideline which the facility is subject,to or any pollutant listed in the facility's NPDES'permitJor its process wastewater (ifjthe,facitity is,operating under an existing NP,DES permit) Complete one table for each outfall See the instructions for additional details and requirements, Pollutant ,and CAS,Number (davarlable) Maximum Values (include units) Average Values (include units) Number of, Storm Events Sampled Sources,of Pollutants Grab Sample TakenrDunng - First,20 Minutes Flow- Weighted Composite Grab Sample Taken During First 20 Minutes Flow- Weighted Composite Copper 8 7 ug /1 1 Iron 2140 ug /11 1 Arsenic, <5 ,0 ug /1 1 Vanadium 7 -0 ug /1 1 Antimony <5 o ,dg /l 1 Selenium <10 0 ug /l 1' Beryllium <1 0 ug /1 1 Mercury <0 2 ug /1 1 Temperature 23 0 Degrees C 1 EPA,Form,3510 -2F (1 -92) Page VII -1 Continue on Reverse Continued from the Front Part,C - List each pollutant shown;in`Table 2F -2, 2F -3, and 2F-4 that,you know,of have reasbri to, believe isipresent See the instructions for additional detadsiand requirements Complete one table for each outfall Pollutant and CAS Numbef, (d available) Maximum Values (include units) Average Values (include units) Number of 'Storm Events Sampled Sources of Pollutants Grab Sample Taken During First'20 Minutes Flow- Weighted Composite Grab Sample Taken`Dunng First 20 Minutes Flow- Weighted Composite ,NO2 -NO3 Tot Org `N 0 & G Total T Sulfate Aluminum Barium Boron Cobalt Magnesium Molybdenum Manganese Tin Titanium Cadmium Chromium Nickel Lead Silver Thallium Zinc Part D — Provide data for the storm event(s) which resulted in the maximum values for the flow weighted`composrte sample 1 Date of Storm Event 2 Duration of Storm Event (in minutes) 3 Total rainfall during storm event (tn,rnches) 4 Number of hours between beginning of storm measured and end of previous measurable rain event 5 Maximum flow rate during rain event (gallonalmrnute or specify units) 6 Total flow from rain event (gallons or specify units) August 13, 2011 75 minutes 1 5 inches `144 hours 231,572 gallons See estimate assumption below 7 Provide a description oMhe method of flow measurement or estimate Rational Runoff coefficient (RC) per site cover conditions Grass = 0'3,WooHs = 0 2, „Gravel = 0,6, Impervious = 0 95 Part D Item 6` 21 -691, acres of which 13 424 acres are grassed and 8,.270 acres are wooded yields a RC of 0 262 21 '7 acres- x 1 5' inches of rain x RC of 01 262 =, 231, 572 gallons EPA Form 3510 -2F (1 -92) Page VII -2 Data for SW outfall r'SW -Br' EPA ID Number (copy from Item 1 of Form 1) Form Approved OMB No 2040 -0086 C0003425 110000346386 1 Approval expires 5 -31 -92 VII. Discharge information (Continued from page 3 of Form 2F9 Part A — You must provide the results of at least one analysis for every pollutant�in this table Complete one table for each outfall See instructions for additional details Pollutant and CAS Number (Mavarlable) Maximum Values (include units) Average�Values (include unrtsj Number of Storm Events Sampled Sources of Pollutants Grab Sample Taken During First 20 Minutes Flow- Weighted Composite Grab Sample Taken During First 20 Minutes Flow- Weighted Composite, Oil and Grease <5 0 mg /1 N/A 1 Biological Oxygen Demand,(BOD5) <2 0 m9/1 1 Chemical Oxygen Demand'(COD) lao mg / -1 1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) z3o mg /1 1 Total Nitrogen 4 0 mg /,1 1 Total Phosphorus 0 17 mg /,1 1 pH Minimum 6 gal Maximum 6 ,98 Minimum Maximum 1 PartIB'— List each pollutant that,is limited in an effluent guideline which the facility is subject to or any pollutant listed in the facility's NPDES permit for its process wastewater (if the facility is operating under an existing NPDES permit) Complete one table for each outfall See the instructions for additional 'details and requirements Pollutant and CAS Number (ifavarlable) Maximum Values (include units) Average Values (include units) Number of Storm Events Sampled Sources of Pollutants Grab Sample Taken During First 20 Minutes Flow- Weighted Composite Grab,Sample Taken During First 20 Minutes Flow- Weighted Composite Copper 20 5, ug /l 1 Iron 5780 ug /l 1 Arsenic 5 1 ug /l 1 Vanadium 18 4 ug /l 1 Antimony <5 0 ug /l 1 Selenium <10 0 mg /l 1 Beryllium <1 0 ug /l 1 Mercury <0 2 ug /l 1 Temperature 22 3 degrees C, 1 EPA Form 3510 -2F (1 -92) Page VII -1 Continue on Reverse Continued from the Front' Part C - List each pollutant showniin Table 2F -2, 2F =3, and 2F-4 that you know or have reason to believe is present See the instructions'for additional details and requirements Complete one table for each outfall Pollutant and CAS Number (rfavailable) Maximum Values (include units) Average Values (include units) Number of Storm Events Sampled Sources of Pollutants Grab Sample Taken During First 20 Minutes Flow- Weighted Composite Grab Sample Taken During First 20 Minutes Flow- Weighted Composite NO2- NO3 Tot Org N O & G Total P Sulfate Aluminum 'Barium Boron Cobalt Magnesium Molybdenum Manganese Tin Titanium Cadmium Chromium Nickel Lead Silver Thallium Zinc Part D — Provide data for the storm event(s) which resulted in the maximum values for the flow weighted composite sample 1 Date of Storm Event 2 Duration of Storm Event (in minutes) 3 Total rainfall during stone event (in inches) 4 Number of hours between beginning of storm measured and end of previous measurable ram event 5 Maximum flow rate during rain event (gallons/minute or specify units) 6 Total flow,from rain event (gallons or specify units) June 21, 2011 84 minutes 0 16 inches 600 hours 157,204 gallons See calculation below 7 Provide a,descnption of the method'of flow measurement or estimate Used Rational Runoff coefficient per site cover conditions as, follows Grass = 0 3,WOOds = 0 2,Gravel = 0 6 & Impervious = '0 95 Part D item 6' Outfall,SW -B is 19 74 acres of which 6 -410 is impervious, 10 240 acres is gravel 3 090 acres grass per design documents This results in a Composite runoff coefficient (RC) `of 0 667 Rainfall event of 0 16 inches over 19 74 acres w /RC of 0 667 = 57,204 gallons EPA Form 3510 -2F (1 -92) Page VII -2 Carolina Power & Light Company d /b /a Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Roxboro Steam Electric Plant National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Number NC0003425 Attachment 1 Form 1 — Item X — Existing Environmental Permits Carolina Power & Light Company d /b /a Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Roxboro Steam Electric Plant National Pollutant Discharge Elimination, System Permit Number NC0003425 Attachment 1 Form'l — Item X —Ezisting Environmental Permit& Issuing Agency Type of Permit ID'Number Division of Water Quality NPDES NC0003425 NC0003425A02, NC6003425A03 NPDES — Authorization to NC0003425A04, NC0003425A05 Division of Water Quality Construct NC0003425A06, NC0003425A07 NC0003425A08 Division of Water Quality Ash Reuse Program Permit WQ0000020 Permit to impound Division of Land Quality Dam Safety PERSO -041, PERSO -040 Division of Air Quality Title V Air Permit 01001T47 Solid Waste Permit Division of Solid Waste 73 -02 (Ash Monofill) Solid Waste Permit (Land Division of Solid Waste Clearing and Inert Debris 73 -D with Asbestos ) Carolina Power & Light Company d /b /a Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Roxboro Steam Electric ,Plant National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Number NC0003425 Attachment 2 Form 1 - Item XI - Map Carolina Power & Light Company d /b /a Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Roxboro Steam Electric Plant National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Number NC0003425 B. ser Ire i J r ;Y VIA At �'¢ `• ` �'�'' f ° '�''S t'1 ssJ^� ice"• :��� Yr __ t _- .� ,}% r' f . 1i4 ilr `._ � • Y Y.y } � i "��'�}fY `ni ��.., �y; �� ..} y+ � k-'•. � J ,S; . y VV f s � �'�I �i -I .rte - CA ! ♦ i �5' � 3, �; ' /J / /•• ' —ti Y _ - "I <l.t•' /J. t f�(� �•i _�, f/• d i`''ce �.. Gp i 11 0 - �7 r� p • -_r� rt r .I `:. oL � E.- "� �':\ �f I �1. -. New•: ' �f�� r, J 1, N d 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2 4 mi 1 Carolina Power & Light Company d /b /a Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Number NC0003425 -- � rr. F _ c .. •. e't^ � X rr i'' hr` °.y'r r+' i r r;nc � "`' �df xr `;.�'� `+ 1Ia' a +�, � _�,i 1 s 4 ilk �';, ' Roxboro Steam Electnc'Plant - ° Afterbay ; rReservoir., "Cane Creek_ -" NORTH CAROLINA uxilia x °p ! >?ioutfaI 006) / am+ �p2 �r �` ' /'� �r�s . f, `r t l ' �f v xt o L f r �a •09.�j!^'`� y _ ✓�'' Zak^' " �'��.rM J" 2 ,'-i y Plant Site ,' �, -4 "rn ��. �„ ,..` e- �� Intake C,anatr ,• - �C- a , �,`� ;: �,�� '' \r - 14l rl /� " ! : V �- ), '' R4, • •r'} ' 1.° <^-..i f�Plrl �• .y Y ,_ 4� i-1,_. _ Re \= , /.'L - d' �•- �'nrt _ .tl, ^• I9.t �f� . . ° . ��"'�.' ; '�r - < YF "fin _, '' '' `" ,'�� F. f {o�_Sw '7` \ i iV f _ '�f '` *°, � i7G • r6` . „+ " "' -V1' Dry,ash'landfilliandv J�_` r "( ~ �` _ 1R rnL` � r..j. "' � a c� 6'� �' q t'. _q� • ,�, , ` 1 _ F _ 'a't� 4a'= ;ry b Discfiar a West ash -Pond" Qutfall4 #003), CobbsCreek r - ' �cfi `,'a e" Lei _�/� - s � .c f' -� ` � � •� , - ' ' ^ '� V4� ' f �� ``� �` � < � '• _ L Y rf "t�T C. - 1 Y ' - a_tl, ;" L L, + k~ / ` North `Fiyco Creek' "° , . # .s • _ _ • s„ ' ' '" 'tr , SS ° ' �i`, rr rM K- �4 n t4+x �- . , Y ,� _ y � ' Creek I. y 1 a -1 South'Hyco °,.. Kilometers' 0. 1` �2•i MdeS , 2 Carolina Power & Light Company d /b /a Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Roxboro Steam Electric Plant National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Number NC0003425 Attachment'3 Form 2C - Item II - A Flows, Sources of Pollution; and Treatment Technologies Q #o _.. u c -E § /n CK \ \} a 3 w I 0 CD 0 x E \ \� / k I ' ƒ§p -. 2 \§ t (D ' § �•' ■ I $ k 2) = K0' p w m/ 'iR} W -c am ' # 0ƒ k �2 §� oe_§ U- a- 0 «2aa n )to _ate �70c / § f - 20o «tL (n ea , LL #e m ® =c » W Qe (D 3 E _ �z o cm � .§ �k \ kk CD / / 0 « (( o \R C4 G o 25 CD U) / 2 / E -- - / / :£ e o 2 « £ %'0 m p m .� / §b §a- 2 m _ o CD � 2 , < g �f < 0 § /� $ o - � ■ \ k , 0 k k m ` �k \_ 3: mkt 0\ k 7® E@ _j § �4 \ M % w . ƒ w ��� m ¥ «c » E, . . .. .. .. 5 § -� CL _ 0 CL . E \t E\ §§ _ £ \ ƒ 0 5 k ■ « ;: 0 0 !: Q k �2 §� oe_§ U- a- 0 «2aa n )to _ate �70c / § f - 20o «tL (n ea , LL \ o m W !: (D 3 E _ :' § cm � .§ �k . 0 kk CD / / 0 E § E (( o 25 CD U) / 2 / E -- - / / :£ e o 2 « £ %'0 m p m .� / §b §a- 2 0 @ o E � 2 , < �f < 0 § /� ƒ / 7 E [ k \ k , 0 k k m ` r / 3: m8 #0 7® E@ \ \ g . k �2 §� oe_§ U- a- 0 «2aa n )to _ate �70c / § f - 20o «tL (n ea , LL \ o k E _ :' § cm ~c 2E kk �k / / �Q �4 \ o 25 CD U) � 2 « m U J@Ma a \OA H qI] k �2 §� oe_§ U- a- 0 «2aa n )to _ate �70c / § f - 20o «tL (n ea Carolina Power & Light Company d /b /a Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Roxboro Steam Electric Plant National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Number NC0003425 Attachment 3 Form 2C — Item II -A.- Flow, Sources of'Pollution, and Treatment Technologies Stream EstimatedVAGeerage Flow Comments A 4 Make -up water for Water Treatment Systems B 505 Unit 3 Cooling Water Intake C 592 Units 1 & 2 Cooling Water Intake D 7 Unit 4 Cooling Tower Blowdown E 505 Unit 3 Cooling Water - Discharge F 17.3 Unit 4 Cooling Tower Intake G 505 Unit 3 Cooling Water Discharge H 0 015 Sewage Treatment Plant Discharge I 3 Low Volume discharge into Ash Pond J 12 Ash transport into Ash Pond K 0,17 Silo wash water L 15 Ash Pond discharge into Discharge Canal M 1067 Discharge Canal flow`into Hyco Lake N 0.09 Coal Pile Runoff Pond discharge to Hyco Lake O 1 92 Flue Gas Desulfunzation Discharge P 5 81 (maximum) Intake to Flue Gas Desulfunzation K Carolina Power & Light Company d /b /a Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Roxboro Steam Electric Plant National 'Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit, Number NC0003425 Attachment 4 Form 2C - Item II -B' Flows, Sources of Pollution, and Treatment Technologies Attachment 4 Form 2C - Item II -B Flows, Sources of Pollution, and Treatment Technologies Introduction The Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, 'located in Person County, North Carolina, consists of four coal fired generating units with Marneplate generating capacities of 410.8, 657, 745.2, and 745.2 MWe for units 1, 2,3°, and 4 respectively. All plant waste streams are routed directly or indirectly to the Hyco Reservoir. Chemical constituents contained in these discharges will, 'in part, 'be representative of the naturally occurring chemical quality and quantity of the intake water and will also have chemical constituents of such quality associated with similar discharges for fossil generating facilities of this size, type, and in this geographical location Either all or part of the elements in the Periodic Table, either singularly or in any combination, may from time to time be contained in the discharges. Each component of the discharges is described below. Outfall 003 — Effluent Channel At the point that the effluent channel entOrs the Hyco Reservoir„ it contains'the flows from several waste streams, including once, through cooling water, stormwater runoff, and the effluent from the ash pond, which in turn receives and treats .combined flows from the ash transport system, the low volume waste system, the dry fly ash handling system, cooling tower blow down; stormwater runoff, drainage from the ash landfill, east ash pond and from occasional wastewater piping leakage. Once - Through Coolinq Water Condenser Cooling Water (CCW) for Units 1, 2, and 3 is drawn'from the Hyco Reservoir,via an intake canal and discharges to the Hyco Reservoir via a effluent channel Flows for Units 1, 2, and 3 are 249 MGD, 342 MGD, and 505 MGD respectively. Cooling is accomplished by evaporation from the surface of cooling water in the effluent channel, cooling towers, mixing and convection with Hyco reservoir waters. During the summer months, Unit 3 CCW is routed through mechanical draft cooling towers where most ,of the waste heat is removed by evaporation before the water is discharged to the reservoir via the effluent channel along with the CCW of Units 1 and 2. Additionally,, once- through cooling water is used for heat exchange of component closed cooling water, the flow of which,'i's combined with the CCW prior`to'introduction into the effluent channel. Stormwater Runoff The stormwater, which flows into the discharge canal includes runoff from the plant drainage area, the drainage area from the dry fly ash handling system (including roadways), Unit 4 cooling tower drainage area, the fuel oil storage containment area, the switchyard drainage area, the anhydrous ammonia tank farm, and the gypsum storage pile area. Ash Pond Discharge The ash pond receives ash'transport water, low volume wastes, runoff from the ash landfill, landfill leachate, dry fly ash handling system wash water, blow down from Unit 4 cooling tower, coal mill rejects and pyrites, and sewage treatment plant-effluent The pond provides treatment by sedimentation, oxidation, neutralization, equalization, adsorption and chemical precipitation. Ash Transport Water Water for sluicing ash to the ash pond is withdrawn from the CCW system as needed The plant will primarily supply ash sluice water from Unit 2. However, the facility will continue to maintain the ability to operate the unit 4 ash sluice pumps The Unit 4 ash sluice pumps are and will continue to be utilized for the following i) during maintenance draining of the cooling tower, ii) back =up supply for the fire suppressant system, and iii) ash sluicing pumps during operational events which require additional 2 pump_'ing. Normally, only bottom ash is conveyed to the ,ash pond by sluicing., Fly,ash `is handled dry by,a pneumatic system and is land filled on site or sold. If the dry fly ash handling system is out of service during plant operating periods,, fly ash will' be sent to the ash pond via the 'ash sluicing systems until the dry'system 'is restored. Such occurrences pare expected, to be ;infrequent and brief. Silo Wash Water Ash silo wash water;runoff and,,dust,suppressanf°spray runoff, from the dry, fly ash handling'system are, routed to the ash, pond. Low Volume MW6-s Boiler make =up water is withdrawn ithdrawn from the intake and ;filtered, softened,, and de- mineralizered fortreatment. This process includes ,treatment via a process water reverse osmosis, system. ,Boiler water is treated with ammonia, hydrazine; phosphate and'occasionally, ,sodium hydroxide. Boiler, blow down is sent to the .ash ;pond via the low volume wastes collection system (LVWS). 'These are special drains in the plant that flow by gravity to collection sumps and are pumped to the ash pond._ Ethylene glycol is used for freeze protection of some equipment and maybe discharged, to the LVWS, ,as is some molybdate waste from the closed, cooling water system, during periods of mai'nt'enance. When this equ- ipment is rinsed„ small amounts of these chemicals are, discharged to the low volume system via the .neutralization basin _ The plant "s Reverse Osmosis system produces a continuous reject wastestream of approximately ,250 gpm. Essentially ,all plant equipment, floor drains, water` featmeiit filter backwashes, clarifier and sedimentation basin sludge,, and ash hopper seal water overflow also discharge to the LVWS,. Plant drains around oil containing ,equipment are routed to an oil /water separator forltreatment prior to being ,sent to the ash pond via the, L,VW,S. Varibus� boiler sediments and ash accumulations collected during 3 maintenance activities may also be transported to the ash pond ,or the onsite ash landfill. Seepage through the ash pond dam may be released to the effluent channel. Cooling Tower Blow down Unit 4 is the only unit that produces cooling tower blow down. A blow down stream is used to maintain concentrations of total dissolved solids in the cooling tower to within proper operating limits. Make -up to the Unit 4 cooling tower is from the Heated Water Discharge Canal. Domestic Sewage Domestic sewage is treated by an extended aeration treatment plant consisting of a screen, comminutor, surge tank; aeration tank, clarifier, chlorine contact chamber, and a sludge holding tank. Air Preheater,Cleaning (Low Volume Waste) The aif preheater will be water washed once per year or more frequently as needed. The wastewater from this activity'will be discharged to the ash pond. Chemical Metal Cleaning Wastes The boilers are chemically cleaned approximately every five -to -eight years as required using Tetraammonia ethylene diamine tetraaccetic acid (EDTA) solution or citric acid. This cleaning solution and its rinses are stored on site for'disposal by evaporation in an operating unit's furnace. Should evaporation not be used, the wastewater can be treated by neutralization and precipitation prior to being conveyed to the ash pond. Alternatively, the wastewater can be disposed by other acceptable disposal methods. Cleaning of other heat exchanger surfaces may 4 produce 5,000- 10,000 gallons of wastewater approximately every three- to -five years. Flue Gas Desulfurization Blow down (Low Volume Waste) The Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) system directs flue gas into an absorber where limestone (calcium carbonate) slurry is sprayed. Sulfur dioxide in the flue gas reacts with the limestone slurry to produce calcium sulfate (gypsum) The system reclaims any un- reacted limestone slurry to be reused in the absorber. A small blow down stream is used to maintain the chloride concentration in the reaction tank. The blow down stream is discharged to a gypsum settling pond where suspended solids are settled out prior to entering a bioreactor. The bioreactor utilizes microbes to reduce soluble contaminants to insoluble forms that then precipitate from solution. The treated wastewater enters the ash pond effluent channel prior to outfall 002. Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) System Blow down- Emergency Overflow /Pipeline Drain Emergency overflow from the FGD System blow down will discharge to the ash pond. If the FGD System blow down pipeline requires emergency draining, the contents of the pipeline will be drained to a sump that is pumped to the ash pond. Ash Landfill Drainage 'Water for sluicing a minimum amount of'bottom ash to the ash landfill is withdrawn from the ,ash transport system as needed. The, bottom ash is used to enhance. the subsurface drainage of the landfill. The facility may transfer settled ash from the west ash pond to fill remaining capacity in the east ash pond as needed This activity may be undertaken to provide treatment capacity (i.e. volume) in the active, west ash pond and or in preparation for landfill expansion in accordance with permits issued through the NC Division of Solid Waste. Stonnwater Runoff The stormwater runoff, which flows into the ash pond includes runoff from the plant drainage area, landfill runoff (including silo area drainage), and the drainage area from the ash pond (including roadways). Outfall 006 — Coal Pile Runoff Runoff from the coal pile, limestone pile, small potential gypsum pile on the west side of the plant, truck wheel wash and other coal handling areas of the plant is routed to a retention pond for treatment by neutralization, sedimentation, and equalization. The pond is designed to store in excess of the 10- year /24 -hour storm event Releases are controlled by a standpipe and skimmer discharge structure. Approximately 0.006 MGD of wheel wash water will be sent via gravity drain to, a solids, settling basin. Solids from the wheel wash will accumulate in a separate settling basin to be removed by front end, loaders and sent to the. or %ite landfill. Only the waterrwill be going to the coal pile runoff pond via the gravity drains. 3 Carolina Power & Light Company d /b /,a Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Roxboro Steam Electric Plant National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Number NC0003425 Attachment 5 Form 2C -.Item VI Potential Discharges Not Covered By Analysis Attachment 5 Form 2C - Item VI Potential Discharges Not Covered By Analysis Chemical Quantity (Estimates), Frequency Purpose Anhydrous Ammonia 14,00 0 gal /wk per unit As required (Seasonal) `Flues Gas Conditioning Nalco 8338 385 gallons As required' Corrosion Inhibitor Nalclear 8173 (flocculant) 250 Ibs As required Water Treatment H -1,30 (Microbiocide) 2300 gallons As required Unit 4 Cooling Tower Algae Control Nalco 71 D5 Plus (Antifoam Agent) 630 gallons As required Unit 4 Cooling Tower Foam Control Nalco 7396 (Polyphosphate) 11,0 gallons Twice per day Corrosion Inhibitor Potable Water Ice Free Conveyor (Propylene glycol) 750 gallons 2100 Ibs As required Conveyer Belt Freeze Protection Aluminum Sulfate 4000 gallons As required Water Treatment Sodium Chloride 100,000 Ibs As required Softener Regeneration Ethylene Glycol 6,000 gallons As required Freeze Protection Hot Water Coil System Lime 2,500 Ibs As required Wastewater pH Control Hydrazine 1,760 gallons As required Feedwater Oxygen Ammonia Hydroxide 1,760 gallons As required Boiler Water pH Control Sodium Hydroxide 200 Ibs As required Boiler Water pH Control Sodium Hypochlorite 400 gallons Twice per day Potable Water Treatment BT -210W, 40,000 Ibs (estimated) As required Dust Suppressant Coaltrol 35 40,000' Ibs As required Dust Suppressant 'Sodium Bicarbonate 20,000 Ibs- As required Wastewater pH Control Rev 09/2011 Chemical ,Quantity Frequency Purpose (Estimates) Caustic Soda (20 %) 110 gallons Twice per day Potable Water pH Control Sanuril Tablets 135 Ibs As required Biocide for Sewage (Calcium Hypochlonte) Treatment Nalclean 200 Ibs As required Softened Water System 'Sodium Carbonate 8,000 Ibs As required Air preheater wash water neutralization EDTA 69,000 Ibs /boiler As required Boiler Cleaning A800 50 gallons /boiler As required Boiler Cleaning (Chelating Agent) M045 Silicone 15 gallons /boiler As required Boiler Cleaning Antifoam Agent GEOMELT 87,000 gallons Winter months Anti -icing Fluid for Coal per month BT -930 87,000 gallons Winter months Anti -icing Fluid for Coal per month Limestone (calcium 492,000 tons Continuous Flue Gas carbonate) Desulfurization EN /ACT 7880 As Required Coagulant for Coal Pile Runoff Sodium Hydroxide 1270 Ibs,. As required RO cleaning (Approximately ,1 -3 months) Hydrochloric Acid, 1871 Ibs: As required RO cleaning (Approximately 1 -3 months) RO Clean P111 675 Ibs As required RO cleaning ('Avista detergent (Approximately 1 -3 cleaner) months) RO Clean P112 675 lbs. As required RO Cleaning (Avista detergent (Approximately 1 -3 cleaner) months) Rev 09/2011 Chemical Quantity Frequency Purpose (Estimates) Citric Acid' 675 lbs. As required RO Cleaning (Approximately 1 -3 months) Sumaclear 1000 6' gallons per day Continuous Filter aid' (Poly aluminuM chloride) Vitec 3000 5 gallons per °day Continuous RO antiscalant (Avista Antiscalant) 'Phosphate,(Nalco BT As,needed Internal Boiler 3400 or similar) Treatment Nalco ST70 25 gallons,per,d'ay, As needed' j Biofouling cotrol in per unit cooling system Nalco 7766 Plus 250 gallons peryear As needed Polymer used in water treatment process Nalco 90005 '5000 gallons per year As needed Biocide used in ,cooling tower Hydrated lime '20',000 tons per year Continuous `SO3 mitigation Hydrogen peroxide As needed 'As needed `H2S mitigation and oxegenation of Bioreactor efflent Alum As needed As needed Aid settling in ash pond Rev 09%2011 Carolina Power & Light Company d /b /a Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Roxboro Steam Electric, Plant National Pollutant Dischafrge Elimination System Permit Number NC0003425 Attachment 6 Form 2F — Item III Site Drainage Map PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS, INC. Roxboro Steam Electric Plant National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Number NC0003425 Attachment 6 Form .2F - Item III — Site Drainage Map The.enclosed'site, drainage map shows the areas adjacent to certain rail lines, the north plant road and plant area from which stormwater is conveyed to Hyco Reservoir. Stormwater from other sections of the rail line, the coal pile and limestone pile is conveyed to the coal pile, runoff pond which is permitted through the Plant's NPDES permit as Outfall 006. p W W U S Y IB0- LEC- 9I1�- B- °• ° "311dJ93d a n N T a ro n Y g '\ \ \ \ \ \. \\\\ \\\\ \ \ / I ` \ \ \ \" \ \ 11 '\ \ \ �: IIII 7 1 1 1 I / / / . \`ll` \ : I •x I l l n l r II IIII II /r � \ 1 ;I qq 1 Ill \. 1 II11 I 'I I I II III W < z ;♦ . - - -J 1 11 I \ `_ ♦ \ `2 \\ I I I I 1 1 II ` \\ 1 ' :I g l 11 I �II� v+ N `C a - - - `_- !/! III �_, I v \ ��,��� ��� -____. ll , I AAIV� , •K /; }':I � ;, /„ // n11111 II �I �y 11 � �� o \ -•\\ \' � \\ - / / /// / /// \ \. \\ \ //n I. ; I I.; 11,1 I II IIII I I 1 111115 I b \`.` _ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ � �• / AAA VA vAAVAAv �VVV O� i'��/ /// � V/ ;. I III IIII 1111 III 111 o � -�° E s 1 1 1 I II \117 1 � (: I,V � I IIII • I 1 II _._._._._._._._. 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I -- °= emu 3 �'/ i 111111111 ` hl unr In 111111 o ad ¢ O Z 0 W � u W Y1 J m m ¢2 Q O Q 22 ' S O O � a g- a n N T a ro n Y Carolina Power & Light Company d /b /a Progress Energy Carolinas; Inc. Roxboro Steam Electric Plant National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Number NC0003425 Attachment 7 Form 2F — Item IV -B Narrative 'Description of Pollutant Sources PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS, INC. Roxboro Steam Electric Plant National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Number NC0003425 Attachment 7 Form, 2F - Item IV B. Progress Energy has not treated, stored or disposed of any significant materials in a manner which allows exposure to stormwater in ,the drainage area of these stormwater outfalls and has no plans to treat, store, or dispose of significant materials in these areas. No materials loading or unloading activities will take place on these rail lines. Drainage from areas where coal, limestone, and gypsum will be stored, loaded or unloaded will drain to the coal pile runoff pond, a NPDES permitted (wastewater) outfall to Hyco Lake. Chemicals or process that could potentially contaminate stormwater are located in buildings or covered by shelters Outside storage areas contain inert materials. Very minor, incidental dusting associated with gypsum .transport may be tributary to these outfalls. Truck wheels are washed and truck beds are covered prior to driving through this area. Various brands of commercial herbicides (i.e, Roundup, Crossbow) may be used to control weeds and other unwanted plant growth for security reasons. These herbicides will be carefully applied by licensed applicators, or persons under the immediate supervision of a licensed applicator, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Fertilizers, pesticides, and /or soil conditions will not be used 'in this drainage area. No hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal will occur in any of the drainage areas Carolina Power & Light Company d /b /a Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Roxboro Steam Electric Plant National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Number NC0003425 Attachment 8 Form 2F — Item IV C Narrative Description of Pollutant Sources PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS, INC. Roxboro Steam Electric Plant National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Number NC0003425 Attachment 8 Item IV C - Narrative Description of Stormwater Outfalls Outfall SW -A — North Loop of Plant The drainage area of this outfall is located north of the plant and is enclosed by a rail line. Stormwater will flow through a 24" diameter culvert under the rail line through riprap into a vegetated swale approximately 150 feet to Hyco Lake Outfall SW -B — Plant Area This outfall is located northwest of the plant and will drain a portion of the industrial area oftthe facility. A portion of the stormwater will be routed through vegetated ditches to a 30" diameter culvert under the rail line and will be yN f discharged to Hyco Lake. The remaining flows are transported via drop inlet and underground piping. No conventional treatment will be provided for the stormwater drained from these stormwater outfalls. Discharges from Outfall SW -A and a portion of the flow tributary to SW -B will flow over a vegetative buffer which will provide some filtering of pollutants from the stormwater.