HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003468_Permit Application_20111101 (2)I TMF '' M i October 26,, 2011 Mr. Charles Weaver State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Section, - NPDES 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 CORPORATE EHS SERVICES Duke Energy 526 South Church St Charlotte, NC 28202 Mailing Address EC13K l PO Box 1006 Charlotte, NC 28201 -1006 Subject Duke Energy Carolinas LLC — NPDES Per;_mit Application Dan River Steam Station - #NCW03468 Dear,Mr Weaver: Duke Energy requests the subject permit be renewed and reissued The above referenced permit.expires April 30, 2012. As mandated by North Carolina Administrative Code 15A NCAC 21-1.0105 (e, ), this permit application for renewal is being ,submitted at least 180 days prior to expiration of the current permit Please find enclosed in triplicate, the renewal application, which includes the following items: EPA Form 1 'EPA Form 2C EPA Form 2E Site Map Water Flow Diagram Supplemental Information Duke Energy requests notification that this, application is complete Additionally, the attached report, "Assessment of Balanced and Indigenous Populations in then Dan River,neariDan River Steam Station," continues to indicate recovery of aquatic populations and supports renewal of'the ,current thermal monitoring requirements for outfall #001 Duke Energy requests that the quarterly monitoring requirement for Total Iron at outfall #001 be removed Comparison, of outfall #001 and intake results demonstrate no iron contribution from the Condenser Cooling Water System. www duke- energy com The following monitoring reductions at outfall #002 are requested based, on historical monitoring data, which are attached. The suggested methodology changes are based on the Steam Effluent, Guideline in 40 CFR 423:12. • Reduction of monitoring of Total Copper quarterly to annually. • Removal of Total Nitrogen monitoring. • Removal of Total Phosphorous monitoring'. Thank you in advance for your, assistance on -this matter. Shouldyou have questions, regarding this application, please contact me at (704) 382 - 4809. Sincerely, Allen Stowe Water Management Attachments cc w/: Mr. Corey'Basinger — NC DENR Winston -Salem R.O. Ms. Trish MacPherson — NC DENR, Raleigh, N.C. (BIP Report 3 copies) EPA I D JNUMBERi(copyfromItem PofForm 1) Please print or type in the unshaded areas 'only NCQ003468 Form Approved OMB'No 2040 -0086 Approval expires 3 -31 -98 FORM �+ 2C NP DES U S ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY APPLICATION 'FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER "% EPA EXISTING MANUFACTURING, COMMERCIAL, MINING AND SILVICULTURE OPERATIONS Consolidated Permits Program 1 , OUTFALL LOCATION For each outfall, list the latitude and,longitude' of its location to the nearest,15 seconds and the name of the recevvm_ gEwater _ A OUTFALL NUMBER (list) B LATITUDE C LONGITUDE D RECEIVING WATER (name), 1 DEG 2 MIN 3 SEC 1 DEG 2 MIN 3 SEC 001 -36 29 7 9 79 43 13.9 Dan River 002 36 29 30 1 79 4'21 39.6 Dan River 003 36 29 18.4 79 43' 32,.2' Dan River 006 36 29 13 0 79 43 '19.5 Settling Pond to Dan River 007 36 29 6.3 79 43 18 6 Dan River 11 FL'OWS,;SOURCES`OF POLLUTION, AND TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES A Attachadme drawing showing the,waterflow through the faality� Indicate`sources)of+mtake water, operations contributing wastewater to themffluent,,and treatment {units labeled to correspond to the more detailed descriptions,in Item B Construct a water balance,on the line drawing by showing average,flows,betweenjmtakes( operations, treatment units, and•outfalls If amater balance cannot,be,determined (e g, forcertain mining activities), provide a pictorial description of the nature,and amount of,any sources of water and any collection,or treatment measures B For each outfall, provide a description of (1) All operations contributing wastewater to the effluent, including process wastewater, sanitary wastewater, cooling water, and storm water runoff, (2) The average flow contributed by each operation, and (3) The treatment received by the wastewater- Continue on additional sheets if necessary 1 OUT- 2 OPERATIONS) CONTRIBUTING FLOW 3 TREATMENT FALL NO (hsi) a OPERATION (list) b ,AVERAGE;F, „L'OW (include units) a ,DESCRIPTION b 1IST-C9DESdFROM TABLE12C -1 001 Condenser Cooling Water Includes 169 MGD Screening- Discharge to surface water - IT - Once Thru Non - Contact- Includes 4A intake screen backwash 002 AsheBa3ln Discharge 0 4 MGD Chemical Coagulation, — Settling, Neutralization, 2D 2K - Ion Exchange, Discahrge to Surface,Water 1D 2J 4A 00� . 3 Combustion Turbine Cooling Water 1 3 fMGD 'Variable 'Discharge to Surfaceu Water 4A (Once'Thru Non - Contact (OTNC)) 007 Dredge Equipment Cooling (OTNC) 0 014 MGD Variable 'Discharge to *Surface water 4A ` 004 Settling Pond overflow _ 0 t9GD 084 Settling iv Discharge to surface`water 4A - 008 Intake De -Icing 57, 6 MGD Variable Discharge to Surface water qA 005 Unit 1 &3 Equipment Cooling 0 4 MGD Discharge to surface water 9A (ONTC) 009 cT Compressor Cooling (OTNC) 0 02 MGD Variable `Discharge for Surface,Water -- 9A 006 Unit 3 Equipment Cooling 0 6 MGD, `Discharge to Surface Water 4A - (OTNC) 002A Sumo�overflow'Discharge (OTNC) Variable See Supplemental Information �qA OFFICIAL USE ONLY (efflueni,guidelinessub- categories) EPA Form 3510 -2C (8 -90) PAGE 1 of4 i CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUFD FROM THE FRONT C Except for storm runoff, leaks, or'spills, are any of the discharges described in Items 11 -A or B intermittent or seasonal? © YES (complete,the following table) ❑ NO (go`to Section III) 3 FREQUENCY 4 FLOW a DAYS'PER B TOTAL VOLUME 2 OPERATION(s) WEEK b,MONTHS 2,FLOWRATE'(mmgd) (specywithunits) 1 OUTFALG CONTRIBUTING FLOW ;(speck PER YEAR' 1 LONGTERM 2 MAXIMUM 1 LONGTERM 2 MAXIMUM C DURATION NUMBER (list) `(list) average) (specify average) AVERAGE DAILY AVERAGE DAILY (in" "days) See Supplemental Information III PRODUCTION A Does an effluent guideline IIm¢abon promulgated by EPA under Section 304 of the Clean Water Act apply to your facility? YES (complete lternlll -B) ❑ NO (go to Section 1P) B Are the limitations In the applicable effluent guideline expressed In terms of production (or othermessure'of operahon)7 ❑ YES (complete Item III =C) m NO (go to Section IP) C_ ,If,you answered "yes" to4tem III -B, lafthe quantity which represents an actual,measurement,of your level of production,, expressed in the terms and unds,use'd In the applicable effluent'guidelme, and mdicate�the affected3ouffalls 1' AVERAGE DAILY PRODUCTION 2 AFFECTED OUTFALLS (list outfall numbers) a QUANTITY PER DAY b UNITS`OF MEASURE c OPERATION, PRODUCT, MATERIAL, ETC (specify) NA i NA NA NA IV- IMPROVEMENTS A.'Are you now required by any,Federal, State or local authority to meet any Implementation schedule for the construction, upgrading or operations ofrwastew'atJr` treatment equipment or =practiceshor any other environmental programs which may affect the discharges described in this application? Thig,includes. but Is not limited to, permit conditions „admmistratwe or enforcement orders, enforcement compliance schedule letters, stipulations, court orders, and'grant or loan conditions ❑ YES (complete the following table) © N0'& to Item IV -B) 1 IDENTIFICATION OF CONDITION, 2 AFFECTED OUTFALLS 3 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT 4 FINAL COMPLIANCE DATE AGREEMENT, ETC a NO b SOURCE OF DISCHARGE a REQUIRED b PROJECTED NA NA NA NA NA ANA ,B OPTIONAL You may attach additional sheets, describing any additional, water pollution control programs (or other,eriwronmental projects which may affect your ,discharges) you now have, underway or which you plan 'Indicate whethereach program is now,underway or planned, and indicate your actual or,,planned'schedules for tconst_ruction ❑iMARKOT IF DESCRIPTION sOF ADDITIONAL CONTROL- PROGRAMS' IS ATTACHED EPA Form 3510 -2C (8 -90) PAGE,2,of 4 CONTINUE ON PAGE 3 EPA I D NUMBER (copyfrom Item I of Form 1) CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 NC00034 "68 V INTAKE _AND,EFFLU ENT CHARACTERISTICS A, B. &�C See instructions before proceeding —Complete one set of tables for, each outfall — Annotate the outfall number in the space, provided - _ NOTE ,Tables'V - -A, V-Band V -C are included oNSeparate sheets numbered V -1 thro ugh%V -9 D Use the space below to list any of the pollutants listed in Table 2c4of the, instructions, which you know or have reason to believe is discharged or may be discharged from any outfall For every pollutant you list, briefly describe the reasons you believe it to be present and report any analytical data in your possession 1 POLLUTANT 2 SOURCE 1 POLLUTANT 2 SOURCE Asbestos Cleanup of containment areas Hof asbestos stripping /handling ,operations Trace amounts may be dis&harged to the ash basin Hazardous and Toxic Substances See Supplemental Information VI POTENTIAL DISCHARGES`NOT COVERED BY'ANALYSIS, Is any pollutant listed in Item V -C a substance or a component of�a substance which you currently use or manufacture as an intermediate of final product or byproduct? ❑ YES (list all such pollutants below) NO (go, to Item VI - -B) NA EPA Form 3510 -2C (8 -90) PAGE 3 of 4 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM T,HE +FRONT VII BIOLOGICAL TOXICITY TESTING DATA Do you have any,knowledge or reason to believe that any biological,test for acute or chronic toxicify has-been made on any of your discharges or on a recemng water in relation to,your discharge,withm the last`3 years? © YES (identify the test(s) and describe their purposes below) ❑ NO,(go to Section,MIM Quarterly chronic toxicity analysis of Ceriodaphnia per current requirdments' on Outfall 002 I VIII CONTRACT ANALYSIS INFORMATION Were any of the analyses reported in Item V performed by a contract laboratory or consulting firm? YESTisi the name, address, and telephone number of and pollutants analysed by„ El NO (go to Section lk) each such laboratory orfirm below) A NAME B ADDRESS C TELEPHONE D,P.OLLOTANTS ANALYZED (area code & no) (hst) Prism Laboratories 449 ppringbrook Road (800)f529 -6364 MBAS,Color,Sulfite,Fecal NC' Cert #402 P O Box 240543 Coliform Charlotte, NC 28224 -0543 Shealy Environmental 106 Vantage Pointe Drive (803)791 -9700 Ammonia, BOD, COD, Services,Inc West Columbia, SC 29172 Nitrate /Nitrites,Cynaide, NC Cert #329 Phenols,0 &G,TKN,TOC, _ Bromide,,Chloride,Sulfate, Sulfide, Phosphorous; Metals -, 0rgan1cs,PCBs ,SGS Laboratory 5500 Business Drive (910)350 -1903 Dioxins 'NC Cert #481 Wilmingtom,,NC 28405 P 0 Box 30712 (843)556 -8171 Total Radium, Gross Alpha, GEL Laboratories Charleston,SC 29417 Gross Beta NC Cert #233 2040 Salvage Road Charleston, SC 29407 IX CERTIFICATION I certify under, penalty of law that this document and alt attachments were prepared `under my direchon or supervision to accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted Based on, my inquiry of the.person or persons who manage, the system or those Persons directly responsible for gathering the,tnformabon, the informahon,submttted is, to the best, of my, knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete / am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information „ including the possibility of fineand imprisonment for knowing +wolatrons A NAME ' &'OFFICIAL'TITL'E,(rypeorprint) B PHONE'NO (areacode &no) Stephen A ,Townsend, Sr. - GM II Regulated Fossil Stations (704') 64'5 -2735 C` SIGNA D DATE SIGNED EPA Form 3510 -2C ( 8-90) PAGE 41of.4 ti= u_ (ti 9 `% Nlate•Ij i �r - �: %t'�.••3�+`''::s ••'zri `' T�RRS :rye+ +� ' �- 'f }�` -•'` �•'�y,.! 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VI ! •` it�- �" 1:�„!'ti; ', �- l ✓ �% 1 �('.� j t 1. �'�)��' , NOTES 1) LISGS'7 5 Minute Series Topographic Quadrangles' Northeast Eden and Southeasl,Eden (NC) DISCHARGE LOCATION MAP FIGURE [Source f1p / /ftp nconemap com /outgomg/raste ? /drg/J NPDES Permit No: NC0003468 2) Properly line Information provided by Duke Energy and Is approximate ° indicates approximate location of home assumed to be supplied by private drinking water well ;[Source Rockingham County,GISAerial,(2o07)]; DUKE',ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC -- DAN RIVER STEAM STATION Drawn By Chad Hearn SCALE ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Project Manager Bill Miller o 0125 025 05 Client Duke Energy _ Mlles Date 10M1/2011 72 gpm &M 28 gpm Outfall 008 923 gpm in Intermittent Dan River River Dan Outfall 004 Overflow own�ww 1.3 MGD 2597 gpm Service ew water -.0 Moir Branch ~'`~^ '--~------------------------------------- --------- ----'~�'m~ Dan River | | } | || J ( '----' 10. 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X X X - X X X X X X 'Xi X X X X X X X m - m v X m X C 1 Y A n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 'n n n' n r n n 0 O m N N 'O O O O O O O O FO O O O O O O G O O 0 0 l Z �^ D n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 1 n n n n n N r 3. -< m N N N N N N W N N N r A v A 0) N W N W m N W N W N W m N W W m N W m N W m N W W m W W m co W m co m co W 0) W to m W m co m W W m W W m m v d W n Q C m - W o C m Z d � D c m 0 1 0 r 0 0 m' m Z • `m 0 m - _ m m m m ,;o < G) m D r C m D C- Z z D ,O j w O m -n c� o Yo to C cc C C C C G G (O f0 t0 f0 (p (O f to = O a m C v ° v v Q v o v 0 Q 0 v 0 0 0 0 0 a s o a o a n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n A. n n o O c� N mi D m - 3 0 0 H � V c03 c 03 " m - D a >O _ w O mT co m D Z c 03 W m Z O `< o a ..A 3 rn 03 3 c D �p, r c co co m v w X G I CD K 0 3. m 0 7 m D n 0 m N N Tim °n iJ co Q m m Q O u N cJ m V ° V J a m ,m N' imQ m 6• m W m m O Ai' w i m> W m io m J� Y/ �% Z v T 3 Z N N Z N Z Q Z No rJ 7 N d° a 2 X r I 2 J C,N^ Q 2 X' 2 m X (T1 T v O A T O O C v 6 N m S m N m N Y' m N •-• 'P Ai" m 0 m m W m `� m 9 d .P m. 41 v m W^ 0 Q Ci r N .A. 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W O O O 10 O V W.O Pi0 O ASa.0 O— A O WA�Sa,O)NSI� pp V O A O V O A a0 L CN w A +W f0 pa.O C N N L ��� -' N Am iy O cot W ;o "1 d m¢ O Eo; m d 9 V'N 'O NvS N N 2 dOZwZ — y 0 " ^ !� wz N O , a -i o m r ndi a .3 3 4 0 w 2 m iQ o m d m o n E c 6 y ,P _ p$ o m .w is O. d~ f m O v (iir �' u z D O 0 k X k X >c X X k 3 m m w < A n � P x A n n n n n n n n n O o O O W O O .O O O O > -` W• N O N O (Ja O N p N O A J O N W N -� O N N o O O O O O O O O O O O O O o > O O C A O - 3 D A n, n n n n � a D O 0 N 0 CT 0 t0 21 N m O o A rn -' w Ut N t0 N W -0 N -Co N 18 W z D z D z D z D N W O W > m o 0 0 0 T v W N O g o P m vWm 3 r v oz Y A { D to m w 0 z D z D z n D > N o, m m C m a o - , n o 2 z d O CT O o O O y , N W W o v m w D O m <u o Z D i z ➢ Z D z D -' I o W r .m r-0 m T w 3 3s a a 3 3 m a rn m 3 so 3 3 '0 v v v v 3 m 3 3 m ^ O > o j m m m = = 5 S 0 S I& d O' a Q o O' O' S O Q O , Q O O' a Q' a V, Q Q m Q d ? m Z D Z D Z `rD Z D u v i V a Q m m r �e •c �c �c �c �e �c �c A n, n n n n n n n n - n n n n m r 0 o O � Z O O= o O N > i0 40 () 'O f1 'O A O N O (n c> cn O o �O O O Ul O W m O O O O O O O O O O- O O co O O o m _ rn 9D >< m Oo Do D D a a r� C N m D o - z z �O wo IM -n Cj m !p n O z C m o_ T • T O z I z c K :co m s a' 3 0 T O c D D N, ? e r o o d 3 a 3+ > 3' ?v �K AA 3 m 3 A 3 w 3 w 3 a 3 m 3i v 3 3', °a m Z -0 D O a O O X N V m N Ol A N J N J N a O O- p d A? m ,� d 3 y y d o (fir p O vw a Z -� 0. > F5 Z ,O N? 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RECEIVING'WATEi2S For this outfall, list'.fhe latitude and longltude,:and name of the receiving water(s) Outfall Latitude Longitude Receiving Water (name) Number (list) Deg Min Sec Deg Mm Sec Dan River 006 36 29 13 79, 43 20 JI. DISCHARGE DATE,(Ifa new,discharger, the date,you expecfto begin discharging) - 4II.TYPE OF WASTE A Check the box(es) indicating,the general type(s),,& wastes, discharged Other Nonprocess ❑ Sanitary Wastes ❑ Restaurant or Cafeteria Wastes 0 Noncontact Cooling Water ❑ Wastewater (Identify) B If any cooling water additives are used, list them here Briefly, describe their composition if this, information is available IV. EFFLUENT, CHARACTERISTICS A. Existing, Sources = Provide measurements for the,parameters listed in,the left -hand column'below, unless waived by the, permitting authority (see instructions) ,B.,, New Dischargefs=lProvide estimates for the;parametemlisted; in the left hand, column�below, unless waived by the permitting authonty Instead'of the number of, measurements taken, , provide, the;source °of estimated values (see instructions) (1) Maximum (2) Average Daily -(3) (or) (4) Number of Pollutant or Daily Value Value (last year) Parameter (include units) (include units) Measurements Source of Estimate Taken (if new discharger) Mass Concentration Mass Concentration (last year) Biochemical Oxygen ,Demand (BOD) <10 lbs /day <2.0 mg /L Total SuspendedSolids'(TSS) 30 lbs /day 6' 0 mg /L ,Fecal Coliform pfbeheved present oi: if sanitary waste is discharged) Total Residual Chlorine (if <0 25 lbs /dy, <0 05 mg /L chlonne is used) ,Oil and Grease <25 lbs /day <5 0 mg /L *Chemical oxygen demand,(COD) <50 lbs, /day <10 mg /,L f *Total organic carbon (TOC), 12, 5 lbs• /day 2 5 mg /L Ammonia (as N) <b,5 lbs /day <0.10 mg /L Discharge Flow Value 0.6 MGD pH (give range) Value 7.J7 i Temperature (tMnter) °C °C! Temperature (Summer) °C °C 'If noncontact cooling water is discharged EPA Form 3510 -2E (8 -90) Page 1 of 2 1 i. V. Except for leaks ors ills, >will the discharge described imthis form�bwintermittentor seasonal? ❑ Yes No If yes, briefly describe the frequency of flow and duration VI. TREATMENT SYSTEM (Describe bnef/y any treatment sysfem(s) used or to be used), VII. OTHER INFORMATION (Optional) Use the space below to expand upon any of the above question's or to bring to the attention of the reviewer any other information you feel should be considered in establishing permit limitations Attach additional sheets, if necessary VIII. CERTIFICATION I certify under penalty of law that this document and albattachments were prepared under my direction orsupervisron in accordance with a system designed, to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the,mfonnation, the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of, fine ,and'impnsonment for knowing violations A Name &.Official Title B Phone'No (area code & no) Stephen A Townsend, Sr. /General Manager II, Regulated Fossil Stations (704) 645 -2735 ,C Signature D Date'Signed EPA Form 3510 -2E (5 -90) Page 2 of 2 10/24/11 NPDES Supplemental [nformation For Dan River Steam Station NPDES Permit # NC0003468 Dan River Steam Station, Rockingham County NPDES Permit,N_o. NC0003468 Page 2 of 16 General Information Dan River (DR) Steam Station pumps water from the Dan River for condenser cooling and service water requirements. The condenser cooling water is once through non - contact. Service water is pumped to a settling pond to remove sand and silt before entering the station. A brief discussion of each discharge follows. The coal fired units (1 -3) are expected to be retired during March — April `2012. The natural gas combined cycle unit is currently under construction and is expected to be operational around October 2012. Discharge 001 - Condenser Cooling Water (CCW) The CCW system is a once through non= contact cooling water system, that removes heat rejected from the condensers,and other selected heat exchangers. Each of the, 3,,DR units has two condenser cooling pumps. The capacities of,these pumps, are: Unit 1 1 pump - 37,600 GPM 2 pumps - 56,200 GPM Unit 2 1 pump -37,600 GPM 2 pumps_ 56,200 GPM Unit 3 1 pump - 54;000 GPM^ 2 pumps, - 82,000 GPM The operational schedule for these pumps is dependent on the intake temperature and on the unit loads. Depending on the electrical demand, pumps are operated to maximize efficiency and to assure balanced and indigenous populations are,maintained'in the Den River. Condenser cleaning is accomplished either mechanically by backwashing or by manually forcing metal scrapers through the tubes under air pressure to remove mud and slime. The condenser tubes are cleaned in this ,manner approximately once per year. The intake screens are backwashed with raw water taken from the settling pond. The combined flow rate from the pumps is 5000 gpm These pumps are operated on an on /off basis for a total operating time of 6 hours per day. Debris collected on the screens consists mainly of twigs, leaves,,and other material ;indigenou_srto the river and''is flushed back without adverse environmental consequences. Dan River,Steam,Station, Rockmgham,County NPDES Permit N6.,N&0003468 Page,3 of 16 Discharge 002 = Ash Basin Storm Water The DR ash basin accommodates flows from the yard drainage sump, ash removal lines, and rainfall run -off from the basin watershed area. The average rainfall run -off flows are, based on 44 inches of rain per year,with 100% run -off from the pond surfaces and 506/o ,run -off from other areas. The average run- off'for'the ash basin watershed area is 0.418 MGD. The coal ,yard drainage drains to the yard sump and is then pumped to the ash basin. The coal yard has an average run -off of 0.007 MGD This ,run -off is based on 44 inches, of rain per year with 50% run= off. Fuel, Oil Storage Run -Off: DR has one large fuel oil storage tank (500,000 gallons). The tank is, surrounded by an earthen dike to contain the contents in-the event of an accidental rupture. Any stormwater collected in the fuel oil storage tank containment area is verified to be free of oil prior to being pumped into a drain that discharges into the Dan River. In addition to this precaution, two 20,000 gallon oil trap tanks have been - installed to collect any spilled oil before the runoff reaches the river, including runoff from the fuel unloading area Any storm water runoff and any oil spillage around and inside of the combustion turbine buildings are routed 'to the.,oil trap tanks, prior to release to the Dan River. All oil storage facilities are presently covered under the Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan. Floor Drains The powerhouse floor drains-, connect to sumps where the waste is then pumped to the ash basin. These drains can receive inputs from spillage orileakage; floor wash water, as well as flows from water treatment processes. The following are, examples of materials that are stored inside the powerhouse: sulfuric acid ethylene glycol (recycled) gasoline oil, lube oil (recycled) ,hydrazine sodium hydroxide asbestos water treatment chemicals sulfur ammonium hydroxide soda ash industrial cleaning products Dan River Steam Station, Rockingham County NPDES Permit No NC0003468 Page 4 of 16 M !Make -Up Water Process Wastes The water treatment wastes are made up of sedimentation, filter backwash, demineralizer regeneration,, wastes and boiler, blowdown. Make -up water is fed to, th&boilers to generate steam to turn the turb,i'nes. The current primary, make- up'water treatment system is comprised of activated' carbon filters, a reverse osmosis filter unit and a demineralizer with two cells with water supplied from the, City of Eden. The back -up make -up water treatment system consists of a clarifier, pressure filter, activated carbon filters, a reverse osmosis filter�unit and a demineralizer with two cells with water supplied from the service water system. Clarifier: The.clatifier utilizes,a continuous'feed of Nalco'8105 cationic water treatment polymer, Calgon CA=25 clay and sodium hypochlorite in order to maintain an average of 3 ppm, 30 ppm and 3 ppm, respectively. The solids in the clarifier are desludged continuously to the floor drains and then pumped to the ash basin Pressure Filters' Two pressure filters ,used for removal of colloidal material are .backwashed on an as needed basis, dependent upon the level of solids in the intake water, but no more than twice 'per week. The.filter medium, which is composed of gravel,, sand, garnet and anthracite (coal), s replaced approximately once every ten ,years and is sluiced to the ash basin. Activated Carbon, Filters: Two activated carbon filters remove organics and the chlorine that is injected in the clarifier. These filters are backwashed approximately'twice per month to the ash basin. Approximately 80 ft 3 of activated carbon is replaced as required (typically every'two or, three years) and 'the, spent carbon is discharged toIhe ash basin Dan River Steam'StationRockingham "County NPDES Permit No NG00046& Page,5 of 16 r ; Reverse Osmosis (RO) Unit. The RO unit is used to decrease the dissolved solids in the,make -up water, thereby increasing4he efficiency of.the,demineralizers and reducing the amount of chemicals needed - for °demineralizer regeneration. Sulfunc acid is injected continuously at' a, rate of approximately 4 -- 5 gal /day to control pH. During operation, the unit has a continual concentrate feject of 50 gal /min, which is discharged to the ash basin. Small amounts ,of -deterg,ents are used approximately every three months to clean the RO unit per manufacturers recormmendatio is. Demineralizers: Each of the two mixed bed ionic exchange demineralizer cells has a capacity of,90 gpm each, and one cell is regenerated approximately every, five days. A regeneration demands 20 gallons of 66 Be' sulfuric acid (93 %), 80 gallons of 50 %. sodium hydroxide, and approximately 11,000 gallons of water., The demineralizer ion exchange resin is replaced approximately once every 5 to 8 years and the spent resin (1 90 ft 3) is discharged to the ash basin. The quantities of regeneration chemicals that are specified by the manufacturer are such `that they are effectively neutralized prior to discharge. Boiler Blowdown: ` The total average blowdown for units 1, 2, and 3 is 2000 lbs. of steam per hour. The boiler blowdown is routed to a collection tank Hydrazine is infected into the condensate system as an oxygen scavenger. Most of the hydrazine is utilized and converted to ammonia and water°which is used for p'H' control. However, trace amounts of hydrazine (< 10 ppb) may be found in the boiler blowdown which discharges to the floor drains and is pumped to the ash basin. Ammonium hydroxide is also used for pH control. Dan River Steam Station; Rockingham County NPDES Permit No. NC0003468 ' Page 6 of16 s r Boiler Cleaning Boilers #1, #2' and #3 at DR are cleaned on an as needed basis, but no more than once every three years. Owing to the probable closure of the coal fired units in 2012, it is uri_likely that any future boiler-chemical' cleanings will be performed. The wastes produced from a boiler cleaning are sluiced to,the ash basin. The chemicals and approximate amounts for each cleaning follow: Chemical *Ammonium Bifluoride Ammonium Bicarbonate *Ammonium Hydroxide, 260 Be' Citric Acid Copper complexer *Hydrochloric Acid, 200 Be' (31.5 %) Sodium Bromate Sodium Carbonate Sodium Hydroxide, 25% Corrosion Inhibitors Range of Amount used per Unit 1,000 Ibs - 1300 lbs 1000 Ibs '800 gals - 900 gals 200 Ibs -300 Ibs 1,630 Ibs - 1770 Ibs 3400 gals - 4200 gals 550 Ibs 2200 Ibs - 260'0 Ibs 3400 gals —,4200 gals (as necessary) These chemicals are present in amounts greater than the reportable quantity as identified under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). If a spill of any these chemicals were to occur, in most cases, the spill would be routed to the ash basin for treatment. These chemicals are being identified to qualify for the spill reportability exemption provided under 40 ,CFR 117 and CERCLA: The volume of diluted waste chemicals and mater discharged from'unit 1 or 2 during a cleaning is approximately 340,000 gallons. The volume of diluted waste chemicals and water drained from Unit 3 is approximately 275,000 gallons. Prior to the beginning of a boiler chemical cleaning procedure, additional stoplogs are added to the ash basin discharge structure to stop the discharge This arrangement assures longer retention time of the chemical wastes for proper treatment through neutralization, chemical reaction, and precipitation as documented in the Ash Basin Equivalency Demonstration (October 1976). The discharge is held up a minimum of 96 hours following the first chemical drain and additional pH and metals sampling is ,performed for three consecutive days once discharge begins. Sanitary Wastes DR uses municipal water for its sanitary and potable water needs. The estimated annual average flow is 0.003 MGD, based on 70 permanent employees. This flow rate will decrease as the number of employees is reduced. The effluent from the package aeration sewage treatment plant is discharged to the ash basin for secondary treatment. No chemicals are added to the sanitary effluent prior to discharge'to the ash .basin. Dan River Steam Station, Rockingham County NPDES Permit,No. NCt0003468, Page 7 of 16 Miscellaneous Ash Disposal: Electrostatic precipitators are used` at ,DR for air pollution control. . Fly, ash removed from the precipitators and bottom ash removed from the boilers is sluiced to the ash basin. Approximately 1.0 MGD of water are required for the ash removal from the- precipitators. In ,orde -r to maintain adequate retention time in the ash basin, .ash is removed from the primary cell ton an as needed basis, and the wet-ash sludge is deposited in the dry basin. Cover is, then placed over the sludge an`d'the area is ,reseeded. Excess water and stormwater from, the dry basin drain back to the ash basin secondary cell. Closed Cooling Systems: Several plant�cooling systems are recirculating systems and therefore, require the addition of microbiocides -and *corrosion inhibitors to prevent biofouling,and piping corrosion. While these are closed systems, they are drained on a non - routine basis, as necessary for maintenance, to the turbine building sump and pumped to the ash basin. ,Lab Wastes The chemistry lab on site performs a variety of water, analyses and routine sample collection. Therefore several chemicals are "used in the lab in small quantities` for sample preservation, bottle rinsing, equipment calibration, analytical chemistry, etc The wastes are poured down the sink and discharge into the building sump and then pumped to the ash basin Heat Exchanger Cleaning, Heat exchangers are physically cleaned of mud fouling on an as needed basis. Dredge Material: Because silt settles constantly in'fron;t of the plant intakes, it is necessary to dredge routinely to assure, a clear intake. In order'to monitor the discharge of,the return water` from the dredging activity, all'dredge material (raw water and brown micaceous silty sand) is pumped to the ash basin. Water quality standards can then be assured through routine Total Suspended Solids (TSS) sampling of the ash basin DR has 404 approval from the Corps of ,Engineersfor this activity.. Dan River Steam Station, Rockingham County NPDES Permit No. NC0003468 Page 8 of 16 , U Turbine Non - destructive Testing: Approximately, once every 3 — 4 years, -one turbine ,is tested, for cracks in the generator shaft using an' ultrasonic nondestructive test. During the process, one, hundred gallons of demineralized water mixed with 1 gallon of corrosion inhibitor is used and discharged to the ash basin. Chemical Additions, to the Ash Basin Small volumes of aluminium sulfate (alum), ferric sulfate, and miscellaneous polymers are infrequently added directly to the ash basin to encourage coagulation and flocculation, thus controlling suspended solids. Sulfuric acid is also used for pH control. Discharge 003 - Combustion Turbine (CT) Coding Water DR has 3 oil /natural gas fired combustion turbines which are used to provide electricity during peak demand. These UpIits use once,through non - contact cooling water for the turbine lube, oil coolers-at a maximum flow of 900 gpm'(with all 3 units in operation) when the CTs are.,in operation. The cooling water discharges to the settling pond. Due to the fact that the CTs are only operated a few days out of the year, normally there is no flow from this discharge. These units are scheduled to be retired in April 2012. Discharge 004 Settling Pond Overflow Water is withdrawn from the Dan River and pumped to the settling pond for use in the plant. The settling' pond is also fed by area drainage and Moir Branch. Creek and has an overflow discharge back 'to'the river when pond` levels get too high. Discharge 005 & 006 - Equipment Cooling Water Once through non - contact cooling wate`rJs used to cool the following equipment • Unit 1 & 2 preheaters and fans (005 discharges to the Dan River) • Unit 3 preheaters and fans (006 discharges to the settling pond). No chemicals are added to these systems. Dan.River Steam Station, Rockingham County ` NPDES Permit No. NC9003468, Page 9�6f 16 � J Discharge 007 - Dredge Booster Pump Cooling Water 'The. intake of the,plant is dredged twice per year on, average to prevent*the buildup of silt When this occurs, a booster pump is necessary'to facilitate dredging, The booster pump engine requires once through non - contact cooling water which has a maximum flow rate of 10 gpm. The booster pump is adjacent to the river behind the powerhouse and the cooling water is discharged to a ditch which flows to the river. The dredge `is operated approximately 3 — 4 weeks annually. Discharge-008 - Intake De=lcing During extremely cold weather,, ice can build up'in the intake and make withdrawal of water difficult When this situation occurs, a portion of the warm condenser,cooling flow-is diverted back to the intake to melt the ice. The maximum flow is 40,000 gpm when used. Because this discharge is, used' only when the units, are operating, the warm discharge is immediately pulled back into the plant through the CCW system. The Intake De -Icing System is operated very infrequently. When Unit #3 is operational; flow from the Unit #3 Lube Oil Cooler is discharged via this outfall. Discharge 009 - Combustion Turbine Compressor Cooling- CT Unit 6C uses an air compressor that requires once through non - contact cooling ,water. The maximum flow when in operation is 14 gpm and discharges to a storm drain near the unit and eventually flows to the Dan River. CT Unit 6C is only operated a few days per year Typically there is cooling water flow even, when the ,CT 'is not in ,operation. This outfall may not, be needed once the CTs retire. 'a Dan River Steam Station, Rockingham County NPDES Permit No. NC0003468 Page 10 -of 16 Hazardous and Toxic, Substances Table 2c 3_: At, DR Steam Station, the potential for toxic and hazardous substances being discharged is very low. In reference'to Item V -D of'Form 2 -C, the substances, identified under Table 2c -3 that may be in the ash basin discharge are as follows. Asbestos, Stryrene, Cyclohexane, Xylene, EDTA; Acetaldehyde, Naphthalene,,Triethanolamine and also products such as commercial cleaners and laboratory reagents maybe purchased which contain - very ,low levels of`a substance found in Table 2c -3. It is not anticipated that`these products will impact the ash basin's capacity to comply with its toxicity limits, since their concentrations are extremely low. 40 OF 117 and CERCLA Hazardous Substances: The table below ,identifies hazardous substances located', on -site that, may be released,'to ,the ,ash basin during a spill in quantities equal to or;greater than ,the reportable quantity (RQ) levels as referenced in 40 CFR 117, 302 and 3'55. This list is being provided in order to qualify for the spill reportability exemption provided under 40 CFR 117 and the - Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation'and Liability Act (CERCL -A). These values below represent the maximum quantities on -site that could be released at one time and sent to the ash basin. They do not reflect quantities that are discharged through typical use. CHEMICAL Dicofol H,,ydrazine Sodium Hydroxide Sulfuric Acid Xylene nan River, Stea AMOUNT SOURCE Ibs 24 Pesticide storage. 513 powerhouse 9,538 Power house 19,333 Outside above ground tank 308 Outside gasoline tank Station Balanced Indigenous, Populati Duke Energy's operating experience during the past five years under the thermal limitations imposed in NPDES Permit No. #NC0003468 has ensured that the "thermal component of the ,discharge assures, the protection and propagation of shellfish, fish and wildlife in,and,,on,the receiving body of water." Dan River Steam Station, Rockingham County ` NPDES Permit No. NC .0003468, Page 11 of 16 As'h Basin Capacity _ Ash Basin ,Capacity - Dan River Steam Station plus the maximum 24 -hr dry weatherwaste stream which discharges to the Ash Basin (refer to Section A 9 - Special, Condition of NPDES Permit NC0003468) I Estimate Runoff to the Ash Basimfrom� a 10 -yr 24 -hr storm 1301 1 Natural,.Drainage Area.of Ash Basin 170 Statiori;Yard Drainage Area Pumped to Ash Basin = 1471 Total = - 52 2 Precipitation from 10 -yr 24-hr-storm = 6374 -3 Total,Stormwater Runoff to,Ash Basin = (Assuming 100% runoff)' dl Estimated Maximum:24 -hr Dry Weather Waste Stream Discharging to Ash -Basin 1 Maximum recorded Ash =Basin Discharge = 7,100,000 2 Increase maximum daily-disharge by 10 %-for 2 conservatism and convert units to acre -feet = 3 97 III Wet Weather Detention Volume 87.71 - Sum,of Parts I and II = IV 'Dan,River Steam Station, Rockingham County NPDES Permit No. NC0003468 Page 12 of,16 Time Period Actual or Estimated'Coal Consumption 1000's tons =% Ash Estimated Ash Production 1000's tons Estimated Ash Production Ac -ft (SepMec) 2005 7447 969% 722 602 2006 45594 1036% 4724 3943 2007 47602 11 68% 5560 4641 2008 467 19 1157% 5405 4512 2009 8489 1428% 12.12 1012 2010 2833 1239% 3509 2930 2011 1039 12.00% 1247 10 41 2012 109 9,40% i, -1 02 0.86 2013 00 000% 000 0100 2014 00 000% 000 000 2015 00 000% 000 0.00 2016 0.0 000% 000 000 2017 0.0 0.00% 0 00 0 00 Total 114 80: 13 49 187, 67 *'Calculation assumes an in -place ash density of 55 Ibs per cubic foot V Estimated Total Storage Volume Required through 2016 Wet° Weather Detention'Volume = Estimated Solids to Ash Basin Sept 2005 - Dec 2016 = Total = VI' Results Primary Cell Secondary Cell Ash Basin Cleanout 2006 - 2007 (212,620 cyd) Total Note Available Storage based on basin survey dated 8/25/2005 Required Storage Volume Through 12/31/2017 87.7 Acre -feet 187 7 Acre -feet 275 4 Acre -feet 109 0 Acre -feet 93 2 Acre -feet 1318 Acre -feet 334 0 Acre -feet _ 275 4 Acre -feet Based on these calcuIations,-there is sufficient capacity in the ash basin to provide the retention'volume specified,in the permit through-the year 2017 Dan River Steam Station, Rockingham County NPDES,,Permit,,No. NC400468 Page 13 of i& _ w Dan River Combined Cycle Supplemental Information This attachment ,is a `brief description ,of the associated water treatment ;systems at the, combined cycle portion of the Dan River site. This area is currently under construction at the. time of this renewal application. The combined cycle plant will consist of two General Electric 7FA gas turbine generators with a General Electric D11 Steam Turbine The nominal output for this facility is rated for,620 MW The combined cycle plant is being constructed independent of the existing coal plant, however some auxilliary systems (water intake and NPDES Outfalls) are shared between, the two plants. Exact details of :all of the chemicals to be used are not available at this time. Chemical categories, in lieu of specific chemicals, are listed as reference. Full commercial operations for this;portion of the Dan River site are scheduled for October 2012. The stat up and associated NPDES discharges from the Combined Cycle system testing and commissioning operations could begin as early as April 2012.. This document is a basic overview of the processes, and any,discharges.associated with each process. Regulatory notifications will be, made to the state for'biocide use 90 days prior to anticipated discharge. Storm Water All stormwater for the combined cycle station is routed through the stormwater drain system to 1 of 2 storm water detention ponds on site: A separate stormwater permit Will be applied for during commercial operation of the facility. The combined cycle plant is currently covered by the construction stormwater permit. Service Water Influent - Make up water fro_ m the Dan River is routed through three raw water pumps located at the coal plantto the Graver Clarifier at the combined cycle plant. Sodium hydroxide,is used to adjust pH. Coagulant (ferric sulfate), polymer and sodium hypochlorife are�also added. Sludge is removed via sludge pumps and sent through a thickener tank with additional polymer added. The sludge is then sent to a plate and frame filter press for dewatering and ultimately to an industrial landfill for disposal. Water from the clarifier is further treated at the gravity filters and sodium hypochlorite is added -for disinfectrion The filtered water is stored in the Fire Water /Service Water Tank. This water feeds the plant fire main and supplies the service water pumps Boiler Make -Up Water] Condensate Make up water is fed from the Fire /Service Water Tank (300,000 gallons) or from a connection to the City of Eden water system and sent through the Reverse Osmosis (RO) system to the der fineralizer cells. An - anti-,sealant and pH control ireagent'i' added to -th`e make -up boiler feed water. The auxiliary boiler feed water is treated with ammonia and an oxygen scavenger. Sodium bisulfite is also injected to remove any residual chlorine ,at the RO inlet. Citric ,acid & sodium hypochlorite is, used in the Ultra Filtration ,(UF) system, citric acid is utilized in- the RO system to remove scale and mineral deposits. Antiscalant is added to RO inlet to reduce scale formation. Dan River Steam Station, Rockingham County NPDES PermifNo. NC0003468 Page 14 of 16 Boiler water /condensate is also treated at the Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG's)with the addition of phosphates (to protect from corrosion and scale forming ions adhering to each other) and ammonium' hydroxide (for;pH control). It is, possible thatla neutralization tank may be installed to control pH and residual chlorine prior to discharging wastewater to the waste water sump. Condenser Cooling Water Condenser cooling water is supplied through filtered water sent to the ten cell cooling tower. This water is recirculated and cycled with approximately 5% make up added hourly to account for blow down and evaporation loss. CCW water is treated with a dispersant corrosion inhibitor, sodium hypochlorite,and,a,non oxi'dizi'ng biocide. Cooling tower blow down is treated with sodium bisulfite for residual chlorine removal prior to the water being sent to the waste water sump. Effluent from the wastewater sump is piped to Outfall 001 through internal outfall 001A. The CCW pumps circulate 94,000 gpm There are 2 CCW pumps installed on this system Cooling Tower Blow down rate, Average -'807 gpm. Chiller Cooling Towers The four inlet air chillers wile have cooling water that is treated with a dispersant corrosion inhibitor, sodium hypochlorite and a non oxidizing biocide. Blow down water will be sent to the 2 chiller sumps and ultimately pumped to the cooling tower basin. HRSG and Aux Boiler Blow Down All blow down from the HRSG drains, Aux. Boiler, demineralizer water treatment and the boiler 'blow down tank are routed to1he boiler blow down sump. This sump pumps, its effluent to the ,cooling tower basin. Closed Loop Cooling System The closed loop cooling system blow down from the heat exchangers that is also routed to the cooling tower basin. Sanitary Waste System Sanitary waste is routed through the lift station and pumped to a package plant This unit includes a chlorination chamber (sodium hypochlorite tablets). Effluent is ultimately pumped to the waste water sump. PI'ant Drains System All yard and floor drains from the generation equipment areas and auxiliary systems are routed to a common drain system and through an Oil Water Separator (OWS). The OWS discharges to the wastewater collection sump. Drains from the water treatment building area, fire,protecti6n system, sanitary waste system„ condenser circulating system and cooling tower blow down are routed to a wastewater collection sump. This effluent is pumped to Outfall 001 through internal outfall 001A. Containments for all transformers are all routed through the oil water separator and ultimately to the waste water sump. Drains from the cooling tower chemical feed sumps, ammonia storage tank-containment and chemda[ unloading areas are routed to the plant drain system ultimately to the wastewater sump. Dan River Steam Station, Rockingham County NPDES PermitNo. NCF 9V.,468,, Page 15 of, 16 Compressor Wash Sumps Each combustion, turbine unit,is equipped, with a 6,000 gallon compressor wash water sump. Periodically, the combustion turbines receive anon line or off line compressor wash. This activity involves injecting water with a mild detergent into the compressor section of the turbine and subsequent rinse cycles. The off line wash generates approximately 4,000 - 5000,gallons of waste water per turbine. This activity occurs between 3 -5 times per year per turbine. Outfalt 001 The discharge for the combined cycle station which includes the discharge from the waste sump and cooling tower blow down, is routed to the coal plants discharge piping to Outfall 001 through internal Outfall 001A. The combined,cycle station will construct an in line sampling point to monitor discharge independent,of °the Outfall 001,. Bisulfite injection is being utilized to control potential discharge of chlorine via the cooling tower. Also, cooling' tower operation eliminates the risk of thermal loading to the Dan River. DAN RIVER CTCC Chemical and Tank Information Feed Condensate /Feed waiter/Boiler Rate HRSG11 Phosphate 300 gal tank 0 -' 250 gpd HRSG12 Phosphate 300 gal tank 0 - 250 gpd 0 -25 Aqueous Ammonia 19% 300 gal tote gpd Auxiliary Boiler Ammonium Hydroxide 0 - 0.5 19% 300 gal tote gpd 0 -05 Oxygen Scavenger 300 gal tote gpd Coolinci Tower Di"spersant/Corrosion ,Inhibitor Sodium Hypochlonte 125 Non - Oxidizing Biocide Sodium Bisulfite 0 -50 '2000 gal,tank gpd 6000 gal tank 0 - °500 gpd 300 gal tote 0 - 500 gpd 0 -3 300 gal tote gpd Cooling Tower Chiller A/B Dispersant/Corrosion Inhibitor 2000 gal tank Sodium Hypochlonte ° 12.5% 6000 gal tank Non - Oxidizing Biocide Corrosion ,Inhibitor Closed, Cooling Biocide 300 gal tote 300 gal tote 0'- 5 gpd 0 -20 gpd 0 -50 gpd 0 -1 gpd Chemical feed tank is shared' with Cooling Tower Chemical feed tank is shared with Cooling Tower Chemical feed tote is shared with Cooling Tower Pot feeder in loop - manual dosage - monthly r Propylene Glycol _Filtered Water.System Sodium Hypochlonte 12:5% Clarifier Polymer Thickener Polymer Coagulant Sodium Hydroxide UF/RO /Demin Citric Acid Sodium Hypochlorite 125% Antiscalant Sodium Hydroxide 2'5%, Sodium Bisulfite Selective - Catalytic Reduction, (SCR) Aqueous Ammonia 19% Pot feeder in loop - manual dosage - monthly 6000 gal tank 300 gal tote 300 gal'tote 19000 gal tank Tank size and c 300 gal tote 300 gal tote 300 gal tote 300 gal tote 300 gal,tote 20000 gal tank Sariitarv`Wastewater,Package Plant Sodium'Hypochlbrite Tablets 0 - 576 gpd 0-24 gpd 0 - 108,gpd' 0 -,576 gpd laily feed undetermined 0 -48 gpd 0 -48 gpd 0 -16 gpd 0 -16 gpd 0 -16 gpd Dan River Steam Station, Rockingham County NPDES Permit'No. NC0003468 Page 16 of 16 Chemical feed tote is shared with Cooling Tower Refill as needed 1