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GW1-2022-07239_Well Construction - GW1_20220805
±'`WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For Internal Use Only: 1.Well Contractor Infformation: ✓l i� l/ U y'l JA:MATERZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION Well Contractor Name ram • ! ft.3 d 2-(4 - 0 NC Well Contractor Certification N er `,IS.OUTER CASING Wor Multi-disedtwetts)OR LINER(if a ieable p f FROM TO DIAMETER I THICKNESS MATERIAL V�/ �►' 1 �G��S �1�7�. D ft. ft. I in. _IV PIZ �y Company Name 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermal closed•loo' - 2.Well Construction Permit#: FROM' TO DIAMETER I THICKNESS I MATERIAL List all applicable well construction permits(i e.UIC,County,State,Variance,etc.) ft. ft: in. 3.Wen Use(check weft use); ft. ft. in. 1 Well: *17:SCREEN Water Supply Y FROM I TO I DIAMETER SLOT SIZE I THICKNESS MATERIAL Agricultural riMunicipdUPublic C ft. ft. in. Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) bilsidential Water Supply(single) R• g• in. Industrial/Commercial nResidCnfial Water Supply(shared) 18.GROUT ' lrri ation FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUNT Non-Water Supply Well: it. ft. 3/ 4 C�dvr Monitoring Recovery ft. ft. r `1 Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge [)Groundwater Remediation +•19:SAND/GRAVEL PACK if a Eicable Aquifer Storage and Recovery OSalinity Barrier FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD Aquifer Test OStormwater Drainage R• ft. I Experimental Technology OSubsidencc Control ft. ft. Geothermal(Closed Loop) OTracer 20:DRILLING LOG(attach additional sheets if n FROM TO DESCRIPTION(color,hardness%oatrock size,etc RGeothermal(Heating(Cooling Return) '_ Other(explain under#21 Remarks) R• r ft. 4.Date Well(s)Completed: Well ID# 5 "/ ft. ft. Ste' j� Sa.Well Location: ft. 6 ft. �v- C> )^ ft. ft. Cry Facility/O{�wner Nam �e / Facility ID#(if applicable) / ® ft. ft. � t r' �f 8 7 U i t 1�L J—`•1 1rCX. �i✓H�J-c f(2 vLY ft. 'i_�f;`i ft. n 7 Physical Address,City,and Zip ft. ft. v :21.MAARKS - - - -ter County Parcel IdentificationNo.(PR) 5b.Latitude and longitude in degceesAninutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field,one lat/long is sufficient) 7, 22.Certification: " W 6.Is(are)the well(s)OPermanent or emporary Signs of Certified Well Cond1etor Date By signing this form,I hereby certify that the well(s)was(were)constructed in accordance 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: E)Yes or EIN; with 15A NCAC 02C.0100 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a If this is a repair,fill out known well construction information and expla)n the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under#21 remarks section or on the back of thisform. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: ' You may use the back of this page to provide additiorial well site details or well 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction,only 1 GW-1 is needed. indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary.-'- drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: ��o (ft-) 24a.For AD Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if different(example-4200'and 2@100) construction to the following: ' Lam', 10.Static water level below top of casingit (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, I water level is above casing,use"+" r t;' f g _ t;��-�.•r 1617,MaihSetpice Center,Raleigh,NC27699-1617 ' 11.Borehole diameter: , •.(in:)�-` � - 24b.For Iniection-'W�l1se:=In"addidon to sending the form to,the address in 24a :. above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days•of.`completion of well ` 12.Well construction method:.' t^�•f construction to the following: (i.e.anger,rotary,cable,directpush,etc.) ` ^ Y/f - `• f Division of V�te�Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FDR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY ? r ` d : ''1'6361Ypat1 Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield`(gpm) 'i Method of tesW. L J° ©li+�� FAr Watfir_Snunly&Ia7ection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(e`s)'.above alsosubmit one:copy of this form within 30 days of i° j. 13b Disinfection type:. ��'i Amount+' ( t%t2.�'c e4`� completion o-well construction to the county health department of the county where constrtcted+ Form,GW-1 t DNorth Carolina Departinent of l3nvironinental Quality Ybrvtsioa of Water Resources i Revised 2-22-2016e'" .. .. - ;. 'i•• +C:. � �.. _�':' .- ?,.•, ....�!'�'.. .+;tip'.:� ._ ., •.a,' ��•%,•