HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0081957_Wasteload Allocation_19920806NPDES DOCUMENT :MCANNINO COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0081957 Narrows Powerhouse Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Report Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: August 6, 1992 Thia document its printed on reuese paper - ignore *my - content on the reYerose'side NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: NC0081957 PERMI ITEE NAME: FACILITY NAME: Yadkin Inc. Narrows Powerhouse Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: New Major Pipe No.: 004 Minor '1 Design Capacity: 0.0005 MGD Domestic (% of Flow): 100 % Industrial (% of Flow): c.0un14 14Lo ouTFAU.S 1kEnao To Kept,&¢ - Comments: Domestis discharge from power house, they plan to install a Cromaglass CA-5 WWT Unit with filter and chlorinator. See drawing. RECEIVING STREAM: the Yadkin River Class: WS-III and B Sub -Basin: 03-07-08 Reference USGS Quad: F18NE County: lvtillnunTerY St":AAQ L Regional Office. =-FayettevrklRegional-@fftee M (O Previous Exp. Date: 00/00/00 Treatment Plant Class: Classification changes within three miles: no change within three miles. Requested by: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Randy Kepler ....��•we-v Gam' L L�iL ur�F/1 e Di,. 13 5 (5(w) (please attach) Date: 4/16/92 Date: 074-/I Z.- Date.: Modeler Date Rec. # SA u1 1-0 (G k 2- Ia ) ° Drainage Area (mi2 ) N R Avg. Streamflow (cfs): 7Q10 (cfs) Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 30Q2 (cfs) Tit FLOW -No Rcc?ta]a-et> Ali AS. a L.G se Toxicity Limits: IWC % Acute/Chronic Instream Monitoring: Parameters Upstream Location Downstream Location Effluent Characteristics Summer Winter BOD5 (mg/1) 30 3o NH3-N (mg/1) D.O. (mg/1) TSS (mg/1) -e, 3o F. Col. (/100 ml) 200 Zoo pH (SU) 6 - 1 6 - 9 pLo7rTfin.. D. Comments: Ltnti]75 AR- A To C is i S i& t AXID FAc-t L I Ty is I k1 oP T,oN. • \ �17Z3 :,- 474 1• r. YADKIN, INC. NARROWS POWERHOUSE LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1" =2000' einoe ogroultiv - mod Wadies .0 1 • TALLA55EE LAKE (1) CURRENTLY PERMITTED AS OUTFALL 007, NPDES PERMIT NO. NC 0004308 (2) WWT SYSTEM PLANS ATTACHED OUTFALL NO, 001 (1) 002 (1) 003 004 (2) 005 CO DAILY DISCHARGE, GALLONS 864,000 86,400 2,880 500 950,400 DISCHARGE TYPE YADKIN RIVER a Generators I & II Cooling Water Generators I & II Thrust Bearing Cooling Water Sump Drain Treated Domestic Wastewater Generators III & IV Cooling and Thrust Bearing Cooling Waters YADKIN, INC. NARROWS POWERHOUSE SITE PLAN SCALE: N.T. S. mn.Wt.Yp w'Wwr.., rn�om��,hY .af ntLb C. 1LtT.'OV NATt71AL; RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Facility Name: NPDES No.: Type of Waste: Facility Status: Permit Status: Receiving Stream: Stream Classification: Subbasin: County: Regional Office: Requestor: Date of Request: Topo Quad: FACT SHEET FOR WASTELOAD ALLOCATION Narrows Powerhouse/Yadkin, I NC0081957 Domestic - 100% Existing New Yadkin River WS-III & B 030708 efr 'l'kc3 KeplerR. ` 4/16/92 F18NE Request # nc (/tI-c-0R) JUN 1 6 1992 so MIL E ELM*1 �1FFJCE Stream Characteristic: USGS # Date: Drainage Area (mi2): Summer 7Q10 (cfs): Winter 7Q10 (cfs): Average Flow (cfs): 30Q2 (cfs): IWC (%): no min release on FERC Wasteload Allocation Summary (approach taken, correspondence with region, EPA, etc.) Narrows Powerhouse discharges right below the dam at Badin Lake. Per DWR (5/92), no minimum release exists in their 1958 FERC license, although Yadkin, Inc is required to maintain ‘a) release of at least 150 cfs from Blewett Falls (many miles downstream). Previous WLA's for -n these discharges stated that Yadkin Inc. was required to maintain a minimum release of 1400 cfs from Badin Lake (This may be self-imposed and will be used by TSB). Due to "B" waters classification, Fecal coliform limits must be applied to the domestic discharge. Sp ial Schedule Requirements and additional comments from Reviewers: •. , -; r 1,, ..%' l over / a e.: , .' >o /Y%ti/s" 4/ Recommended by: �.4^.-A,. /. Date: 6�S�g2- Reviewed by Instream Assessment: Regional Supervisor: Permits & Engineering: RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: JUL 0 4 1992 JUN 1 1 15'92 ENV. MANAGEMENT PAYETTEVILLE REG. OFFICE MEI) 2 Recommended Limits: Monthly Average Summer Winter WQ or EL Wasteflow (MGD): 0.0005 0.0005 BOD5 (mg/1): 30 30 NH3N (mg/1): DO (mg/1): TSS (mg/1): 30 30 Fecal Col. (/100 m1): 200 200 pH (SU): 6-9 6-9 Residual Chlorine (4/1): Oil & Grease (mg/1): TP (mg/1): TN (mg/1): Limits Changes Due To: Parameter&) Affected Change in 7Q10 data Change in stream classification Relocation of discharge Change in wasteflow Other (onsite toxicity study, interaction, etc.) Instream data New regulations/standards/procedures New facility information Parameter(s) are water quality limited. For some parameters, the available load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality based effluent limitations for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. OR X No parameters are water quality limited, but this discharge may affect future allocations. 3 INSTIZEAM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Upstream Location: Downstream Location: Parameters: Special instream monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION & SPECIAL CONDPITONS Adequacy of Existing Treatment Has the facility demonstrated the ability to meet the proposed new limits with existing treatment facilities? Yes No OM If no, which parameters cannot be met? Would a "phasing in" of the new limits be appropriate? Yes No to/A If yes, please provide a schedule (and basis for that schedule) with the regional office recommendations: If no, why not? Special Instructions or Conditions Wasteload sent to EPA? (Major) _N (Y or N) (If yes, then attach schematic, toxics spreadsheet, copy of model, or, if not modeled, then old assumptions that were made, and description of how it fits into basinwide plan) Additional Information attached? _N (Y or N) If yes, explain with attachments. ;.= • ki 00E II 95-7 flAg."0p±jbJm4sE yAQ/iftk& (102_,„ 41C b9C /1/4p tie.c3c3 -577a e730-706. kr— 0Agg..043 po ot4.5 o il/vg7W1-61F5:5—CF---1.—tc-als-c-7--- t95e3 Aktv2A-tir gicl 975. V, 45 CAC( 4-47r Cle 77/0 /02A-Ai ().49/144-1411-c 1/v OFClirnr(3/4 P--uarze_ 0(50.144g (5 AJdr #26214/7ri P.M t e- C700130.0 .4tp( Eto rAom &ot/ - Al pi Lim/ r-s PANWou-sE )944-&57.Lc‹__Dischia-e- -Fss 3:150 [ AmrdtE.--1) 'rifts Rei? Li- 430% 77/zs oav,c--zier; aim/ LJ)IAr /1-k-°7-57. c-5T-16 t 600 (..Does)- hb midemlifri .Ret065_6 I-54A ft/Agteeou aze-iY.56 1750 oAR-Y Wg-05- &.---uvori (co cic; iese? fNA.s /26-fr,ii4ZE ifAr ALgi/KWA/Lf6teil-%-7 „. FA0fri 1342/AIL 7�2 CL.IAL, r1/009/ *C UGC-IV-5.e LU0.77 7g-f$) _PE-g Rt4(11.r Mild4c6g Zao isive2o) DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT June 5, 1992 MEMORANDUM TO: Randy Kepler FROM: Susan A. Wilson/ THROUGH: Ruth Swanek Carla Sanderson SUBJECT: Yadkin, Inc. Powerhouses (ALCOA) Falls, Narrows, Tuckertown NC0081922, NC0081957, NC0081949 Cooling Water Outfalls and Sump Drain Outfalls After discussion with Mike Parker of the Mooresville Regional Office (MRO), the cooling water discharges from the powerhouses should receive the standard cooling water language. This applies to any generator cooling water, thrust bearing cooling water, and any other type cooling water. Please refer to the staff report when assigning outfall numbers for these discharges. BMP's will be employed for the discharge from the sump drains at the powerhouses. The MRO recommends no effluent monitoring for those outfalls. Technical Support concurs with this request, as long as the facility continues to change the oil absorbent pads at least quarterly and cleans the oil sumps at least annually, as suggested in their BMP's. Because the discharges are below the dams on the Yadldn River, minimal impact is expected from the sump drain outfalls. The domestic discharges for Falls Powerhouse (NC0081922) and Narrows Powerhouse (NC0081957) are addressesed in separate wasteload allocations. cc: Mike Parker, MRO