HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0025054_Instream Assessment_19880517NPDES DOCUHENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NC0025054 Oxford WWTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: May 17, 1988 This document is printed on reuse paper - ignore nay content oa the reYerse Bide MEMORANDUM TO: DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT May 17 ,1.988 Robert Van Tilburg THROUGH: Randy Dodd Trevor Cle Steve Tedder FROM: Ruth Clark We SUBJECT: Instream assessment for City of Oxford's Southside Domestic, Southside Industrial, and Northside Domestic WWTPs NPDES Nos. NC0021415, NC0025054, NC0025062 Granville County JOC Case Nos. 8819, 8821, 8820 Summary A Level-B analysis has been completed to determine the impact of increased limits at each of the City of Oxford's WWTPs and increased flow at the southside domestic plant on the receiving streams. The two southside plants discharge to a UT to Fishing Creek, while the Northside plant discharges to a UT to Jordan Creek. Both streams are class C. Each of the facilities is anti- quated and cannot meet the final limits contained in its NPDES permit. The City has begun constructing a new treatment facility which will replace these three plants. The analysis indicated that the requested JOC limits may result in anoxic conditions during summer low flow and protect instream water quality during the winter months. Since the facil- ities seem to be capable of performance beyond proposed levels, it is recommended that more stringent limits be given in the summer. The Southside Industrial facility failed its March, 1988 Ceriod- aphnia chronic effluent bioassay, and neglected to report the results of the test for the previous two quarters. It would be beneficial to continue to require quarterly chronic monitoring for this plant. Analysis and I)iscussi.on The three treatment plants were incorporated into a single model. Model inputs were obtained from an analysis performed in 1986 to locate a discharge point for the new facility. The model inputs are listed in Table 1. The first model run was performed at summer 7Q10 flow and the proposed JOC BODS and NH3-N limits for each facility. The model predicted that the DO sags to 0 approxi- mately 1.7 miles below the Northside outfal.l and remains at 0 for 2.7 miles before recovering to 0.04 mg/1 4.4 miles downstream of the WWTP. Compliance data indicated that the facilities are capa- ble of meeting limits below the proposed JOC limits during the summer months. Thus, two additional models were run. The first (Run 2 in Table 1) was run at summer flow at the BUDS and NHS-N limits cited in Table 1. The results indicate that the reduced Limits substantially affect the stream D0. In the segment affected by the southside plants, the DO increased almost 1 mg/1 at some milepoints, and the increase was more than 3 mg/1 in the segment affected by the northside plant. The lower limits also reduced the number of miles having a DO less than 3.0 mg/1 by approximately 45%. The results from Run 3 (Table 1) indicate that the proposed JOC limits protect the stream during winter months. The impact of additional flow could not be predicted since the streams were characterized by zero flow, and the model results depend only on effluent concentration (i.e. essentially identical results are produced for all wasteflows with the same wastewater characteristics). The assessment of instream impacts from any additional wastewater with the proposed limits will have to be based on best professional judgment. Existing instream self - monitoring data may not be reliable since DO values remained in the vicinity of 5.0 mg/1 throughout the year while they should vary with temperature. However, the JOC request of 0.02025 MGD at the Southside Domestic WWTP should not significantly impact the stream. Since the plant is already operating above design flow, further increases are not recommended without clear demonstration that additional hydraulic loading will not adversely affect plant performance. Increased flow limits at the Southside Industrial plant should not be permitted until the toxicity problem has been alleviated. CC: Please advise if questions. George Everett Kent Wiggins Steve Reid Ken Eagleson Table 1: Instream Assessment Summary for the City of Oxford Wasteflow Assumptions Southside Domestic (site 1) Design Capacity Current Average Flow Southside Industrial (site 2) Design Capacity Current Average Flow Northside Domestic (site 3) Design Capacity Current Average Flow 0.7500 MGD 0.7590 MGD 1.2500 MGD 0.5180 MGD 0.6300 MGD 0.3181 MGD Headwater Conditions Parameter Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Summer 7Q10 (cfs) 0.00 0.00 0.00 Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 0.10 0.20 Qavg (cfs) 0.00 2.70 3.10 0.42 Summer Design Temp (°C) 26 26 26 Winter Design Temp (°C) 14 CBOD (mg/1)14 14 14 NBOD (mg/1) 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Summer DO (mg/1) 7.30 7.30 7.30 Winter DO (mg/1) 9.28 9.28 9.28 Individual Model Run Inputs Model Season Site 1 Site 1 Site 2 Site 2 Site 3 Site 3 Run BOD, NH3 BODS NH3 BOD NH3(mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) 1 Summer 30 15 25 11 20 15 2 Summer 30 15 12 9 16 8 3 Winter 30 15 25 11 20 15 Model Output Summary DO min #miles #miles smiles Run (mg/1) DO <5 mg/1 Do <3 mg/1 DO =0 mg/1 1 0.00 14.5 10.8 2.7 2 1.18 14.2 5.9 0.0 3 5.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 Request Form for In -stream Assessment for JOC Name of Faciltiy: City of Oxford Subbasin: 03:03:01 Southside Domestic WWTP County: Granville Design Flow: 0.75mgd (existing) Receiving Stream: Background Data : EMC EMC EMC A. Why is JO The the final Permit. treatment B. WQ WQ WQ u.t. to Fishing Creek C needed? existing facility is antiquated and cannot meet effluent limitations contained in the NPDES The City is now constructing additional facilities. History of SOC requests: NO. NO. NO. 1. Monthly Average waste flow prior to any SOC? No DMR data is available prior to EMC WQ NO. 83-31. Period:8704 through Period:8604 through Period:8601 through 8802 8703 8603 Avg: Avg. Avg: 0.7590 0.7500 0.6661 mgd mgd mgd 2. Previously approved 83-31 83-31 Ad 83-31 AdII Date: 831104 Date: 860310 Date: 870309 SOC's: flow: flow: flow: 0.045 0.017 0.025 mgd mgd mgd Total of previously approved SOC flow: 0.087 mgd 3. Flows lost from plant -flow: 0 mgd (facilities off line) 4. Current JOC request flow: 0.02025 mgd t- The a. vi '- ow GJ-hove Wh;C puC45 G(_re expgefed tU OCCt.Ir t&+rcev 4t TOC e{fluerit (;ir,, a+Tors 5. Total Plant flow post-SOC (sum of original flow and SOC minus losses) flow: 0.7531 mgd 6. Is this an accurate flow balance for plant? Why or why not? No. The plant experiences periods of extremely high flow due to inflow and/or infiltration. C. A copy of the data is attached for your review (January 1986 through February 1988). CURRENT JOC REQUEST: A. Request is for domestic or industrial waste? If it is a combination, please specify percentages. Domestic 20,250 gpd 100 % Industrial 0 gpd 0 % B. What type of industry? Please attach any pertinent data. N/A C. The region proposes the following JOC limits: BOD5 30 mg/1 NH3 15 mg/1 DO 5 mg/1 TSS 30 mg/1 Fecal Coliform 1000 #/100m1 pH 6.0-9.0 s.u. other parameters flow 1.0 mgd D. What is the basis for these limits? These are limits which the Southside Domestic WWTP can meet based on its present mode of operation. Request Form for In -stream Assessment for JOC Name of Faciltiy: City of Oxford Subbasin:03:03:01 Southside Industrial WWTP County: Granville Design Flow: 1.25 mgd (existing) Receiving Stream: u.t. to Fishing Creek Background Data : A. Why is JOC needed? The existing facility is antiquated and cannot meet the final effluent limitations contained in the NPDES Permit. Construction is underway for new treatment facilities to replace this one. B. History of SOC requests: 1. Monthly Average waste flow prior to any SOC? No data is available prior to 8601. Period:8704 through 8802 Avg: 0.5180 mgd Period:8604 through 8703 Avg. 0.3064 mgd Period:8601 through 8603 Avg: 0.1406 mgd 2. Previously approved SOC's: EMC WQ NO. 82-60 Date: 830121 flow: 0 mgd EMC WQ NO. 83-30 Date: 831104 flow: 0.044 mgd EMC WQ NO. 83-30 Ad Date: 860310 flow: 0.015 mgd Total of previously approved SOC flow: 0.059 mgd 3. Flows lost from plant -flow: 0 mgd (facilities off line) 4. Current JOC request flow: --8` mgd The a. vOcc.vrt U•E -1-low above_ (,0111' C.YC kpe�f`� unJcr +4r :roc � Pl(-(5,i-ttvechi;tmr;•1-Ct fi1�oa5C.ES 5. Total Plant flow post-SOC (sum of original flow and SOC minus losses) flow: 0.5180 mgd 6. Is this an accurate flow balance for plant? Why or why not? No. The plant flow shifts due to inflow and infiltration during wet periods. High flows during the winter reached near 0.8 mgd. The summer flows were as low as 0.33 mgd during the past 12 months. C. A copy of the data is attached for your review (January 1986 through February 1988). CURRENT SOC REQUEST: A. Request is for domestic or industrial waste? If it is a combination, please specify percentages. N/A Domestic gpd Industrial gpd 0 0 0 B. What type of industry? Please attach any pertinent data. N/A C. The region proposes the following JOC limits: BOD5 25 mg/1 NH3 11 mg/1 DO 5 mg/1 TSS - 30 mg/1 Fecal Coliform 1000 #/100m1 pH 6.0-9.0 s.u. other parameters Oil and Grease 30 mg/1 Chromium 50 ug/1 Lead 25 ug/1 D. What is the basis for these limits? These are limits which the RRO staff feels the Oxford Southside Industrial WWTP can meet if properly maintained and operated, in the interim. Request Form for In -stream Assessment for JOC Name of Faciltiy: City of Oxford Subbasin: 03:03:01 Northside Domestic WWTP County: Granville Design Flow: 0.63 mgd (existing) Receiving Stream: u.t. to Jordan Creek Background Data : A. Why is JOC needed? The existing facility is antiquated and cannot meet the final effluent limitations contained in the NPDES Permit. Construction is underway for a new facility to replace this existing one. B. History of SOC requests: 1. Monthly Average waste flow prior to any SOC? No data is available prior to EMC WQ NO. 83-32. Period:8704 through 8803 Avg:, 0.3181,m4d Period:8604 through 8703 Avg. 0.3001 mgd Period:8601 through 8604 Avg: 0.3149 mgd 2. Previously approved SOC's: EMC WQ NO. 83-32 Date: 831104 EMC WQ NO. 83-32 Ad Date: 860310 EMC WQ NO. 83-32 Ad IlDate: 870921 Total of previously approved SOC flow: 0.016 mgd flow: 0.0056 mqqd flow: " 0.0356 mg flow: -- 0.0572 mgd 3. Flows lost from plant -flow: 0 mgd (facilities off line) 4. Current JOC request flow: The amount of flow above which impacts are expected to occur under the JOC effluent limitations. 5. Total Plant flow post-SOC (sum of original flow and SOC minus losses) flow: 0.3537 mgd— - 2 - 6. Is this an accurate flow balance for plant? Why or why not? Yes. Flows are consistent. There has been no report of flow meter malfunction. C. A copy of the data is attached for your review (January 1986 through February 1988). CURRENT JOC REQUEST: A. Request is for domestic or industrial waste? If it is a combination, please specify percentages. Domestic gpd 100 % Industrial gpd % B. What type of industry? Please attach any pertinent data. not yet specified. C. The region proposes the following SOC limits: BODS 20 mg/1 NH3 15 mg/1 DO 5 mg/1 TSS 30 mg/1 Fecal Coliform 1000 #/100m1 pH 6.0-9.0 s.u. other parameters _none D. What is the basis for these limits? These limits are ones that the RRO staff believes the Oxford Northside Domestic WWTP can meet if properly operated and maintained, in the interim. State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor R. Paul Wilms S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary May 5, 1988 Director Mr. H.T. Ragland City of Oxford P.O. Box 506 Oxford, North Carolina 27565 Subject: Effluent Residual Chlorine City of Oxford Southside WWTP NPDES No. NC0025054 Granville County Dear Mr. Ragland: The March 1988 toxicity test results for the Oxford Southside WWTP effluent have been received and reviewed by my staff. As indicated in the City's submittal, the toxicity results have been recorded as a test failure. In reference to the test data, we bring to your attention the 1.4 mg/1 residual chlorine that was detected in the effluent discharge. A chlorine level this high may likely have caused or contributed to the toxic effect experienced in the test organisms exposed to the effluent treatment. You may consider adjusting the residual chlorine in the final plant effluent to a level which should not cause significant mortality in the test organisms, yet would still allow the facility to comply with regulated fecal coliform counts. In accordance with reported facility experiences, a residual chlorine level of 0.4 mg/1 or lower is suggested to help achieve both of these necessary objectives. If you would like to discuss these points, you are encouraged to contact Ken Eagleson, Supervisor, Biological Services Unit at (919)733-5083. SWT:ps cc: Ken Eagleson Carolyn McCaskill Sincerely, • Steve W. Tedder, Assistant Chief Technical Services Branch Pollution Prevention Pays l'(_). Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 DA =. 57- QA = .4 7G?tob v 10�0.0=o Dome51 C 7,7 '7005= O 7tt(00 = 0.1 3oaz-.tB 'IQtQ. -, t 2 fiche/ R oxf zL ur �Jorcieth ° 00014-rb►de ) ur h; r5 OK (sod-h5j do 03Q3o 02, O .21oo (.g,) DA:.7.5() 3oQz =. 5 / D315,250 (l) /.a- imp,55 GA_.Nz L 7o.o-0 .� r QA : 5%:.7 CV. y I I. ioiOo . . uy-7{0,0 s.25 oA ,(i.'4 10,05 %.,1 ndQ4ral 024236, au5n •�=3,5 A-3,1 y.i • cm = 3.c� s 0: 0 • °WV 151 too 63y) P'''r DA = 0.65 G, A % 5,8 -rotbo = .05 �pioa _ .3 3o02 = -1 �A ; °2' o815,1700 t8) 7a1o6 = . 075 7010u), 3C0z= t,2 A 3 4A _ 113 . ci c.�70,0• (92. s . 3 02 0815 3105o (Fri) DA _ 27,z QAr-zO )Qto. , 2 -7Qr0 . t.0 3ooz,= 2.Z .�r ozoaf 5 3g oo (ai ) DA m- 25. 2 QA = 23 1Q105 . , 2 7010,,0 ' 2 : 0Zcvl345b (V5) DA _ 2t.1, 5 oA Z3 701o5 = a 7oicto = 1.2 \ 30Q 2, is • ;SR tuv5 'i.D44: .4v.41 QA z 383.71' -70100s. 2.1 •0kPDral - POeth.s,dA. optoTP Jordan:CAI . 030301 Wlcdei ru..n c.V►4f's of I1 Nov fh.Sid- U..)woP WWrP to CAT' ryo uLth 1?2,1 J 0 rda.n Cree.K t o rYkpt..,- 3 boon cK. CfboPk)erlce. 9k1, "ram !(143 rybc.1 T� s Sb� Ff�m� AeLoctooler - IOs �otow ©A 74t05 -1olo14.) CA T?0nDFF 141Ow CAA \n/a sGko 0,13,0 le: �vl Psv.) c 1Rz 1,2m: 01 0 .off 1 •015 3‘Sl 3D 5 Tnpt.c o �irOm �� L�� Zcv L{ ' Y )o to P3 54 .3 It .01 •12 '14 �.g otz •ca n,3 . 01 1,2 ' O- Say.+ c �dc,�fn j U.i > F-lsht e)ACfeek. 03030 rilg3e1 (u(1 t c(II)h5+de rixicA tnoLi 1u71OT P 1 molti1:h i&T • 2 ; sh�nc� o _ fb czyiloeoce._ Cool) CX. ; o ,9? tiv43 .,z Z 23 -Ruv occ 1alos -1( lDw (�w o 5147 C80D OD N800 qG. 5 b 0 0 I46 ,oz 3, 1 Odd U r 7 h.5h'r ci< ��3oI J lYlalel run wiy-h cot) S u F1 �s,�rcr s"or»eJf1G WwTP tb f ia.e th CAT �1'jl7�n {b c.or,ctuence_ w' Cam Gk . R3'. TO _se Iu',43 14r13`11n (MO Sloes Cal rrn ) -7Qip-1010 7Q IOw 1O10w CAA 1&los 7Qtou aA Q K7 GI5DD 00 Sao 5 It,� - .'io rn: mi 23 0 0.1 2.'7 v 5l� �59v xf6 u.1.5 5 2Z 22 11 V •1g 3,1 nc ord U ± J o (GiG-'Y'C yr 7 6.5)10,5 Clc. L3b30t ,Model (i),r1 tOI cut 3 -061, hes 3 mend mcciel goM IornaA-bc. WLADTP C) ) fo GonFlhence o03 orne-c, lb coboh&de eidiAs41fcj {v CPY?FIuc,ice off' Lli - fb w l0ence shi{5 CSC. + Coy GK. Ore Coon CreeKs 5e52- vm Che(iv d I•1 hicie tb corietueInce pF Wei P it) cv>64h cor>ftuer-)Le ,Sordc,n s Coon CreGKS 231 td coo4l'ekree oe t---th.,1 4- Coon CreeKs Sec�_3 %D 5? IcsA43 (.0,1(9 reat:h) Coon F hn r� Cree4S i 1 nP i 51 R2. 51 R3 S2 R S1 R1 --.— hi 1.5s .2 . l.Z 5» Lena Cni) c c 4,4 me..."�q Seice_ (t;,ty,;) 2,3 23 Head L, esker !. RA 2,1 h b , S .1 1010.5 -. r 3 ,z -two . 12. L. Le , t I QA 1...e) DZ D . 01 'DI -1QtO . 11 0 .014 .I2 ?Glow O 0 0 1 QA. 5l5 .�15 3.1 'QS '� 1 wa3te Ow , -isqa .5180 , 3t81 '�5 5'o �� C8c tt,"14 1v8oa 07,5 Lici.5 - zo 5 S3 g2 3.g IO VAC 0-hck lrs chi or arrxd Sa41-11ti e._ 1 CD° vne,36c) Arc.Q0 _ /4eat,, ;cti.51-rectin__ !I meq :ar4-2.) aye_ )3. 1 11.4 5 Le 6-At ) i . 5 ,5,-- 5.4 , /0,9 i 2 1?-2 . i 3.c) 5- ,(A 5. 3 / 2. c,t f. T nig-2 Hico.(> .51 T 3._ /off ? 2 lA• 5.. Lc i? ) 91? 7 11.24.t. ci. CE.O 5 2 6. 0 20. 3 Le - 3 6. 3 o Co 20. e.a. 3 6: -2 3 -7. 3 Lt.9 /Le-• 3 .7. 3 C I ti o f OCFo'di - S0L.L4 06c—le- Ti 6G Enc,J NC0 0 2 c 4 LA.p.;frec r i - - ) -O c.t ck,y).5h-e air) Sp i (; (.< riknth,tic. 72o e)c DO rn.n, P44 +ems JOB`"_ --.I x I3. t '-, Lc 6, ^,1 r3, .c..i o, Le if, 3 2M rr. 5 5.5 5, ki /i. : (..„ 5 q t ls/y cb. S 5,-7 -5-. G'.7 t-5 , n6- l►f?7 160.5 a,C .5 17,5 CI 4 rq.5 (1,..+ 5 � is .5 4. 3 KA ") k ice - -r glg - 7 ,Du. 60.0 5. -3 � --?. 3 --71 -? & c.o. 5.-7 5. 3 .07. a Cii7 Oac? 5.7 5.0 .,,D-ci 51 7 Oc2, 3 (9-. 3 .5. -2 I9. c' (1(7 Ice. -7. �.r. 7. D c -7. 2. � c .0 ie_c-im_ UL315 -_ (j2 awr- irearn _ tie rn . Olon __ grip a 4 - L)O m-n ni) DOci>e De,rn. >. J'EF I. 2 5• 7 6 /3,7 - --(, 5-tG 12k-7 !2N 57 5.,2- /2.5! ,5-,b ,....3 trig- ►t9.5 te-3 6.Q 1-7.z 6, 0 1 p i8 7 I. t 6. ( - Ie. O 1 �. U (• b ✓` Lc ? 1$ 7 21.e. q (e. 0 5, I 27. 2 .5 5.2- -1 1 7 ...Z 7, l S,Ce 51, 2. — 27 3 S.j 5.0 - 1p137 .2,3.1 ,..17(..e _5.d --- 22.? 5:7 5.0 518) fq Cc -7• r Ce. 3 2D. 6•(a 6 , . ki- )$? i(t. 8 1.1 7 O - Ile.g 7. I 7. r ~ SUMMER SAVED AS SOUTHDOM ON LBDATA 11 PREJOC FLOW, JOC LIMITS Seg # Reach # Seg Mi D.O. CBOD NBOD | Flow | 1 1 0.00 5.00 45.00 67.50 1.18 1 1 0.10 4.10 44.46 66.11 1.18 1 1 0.20 8.45 43.92 64.75 1.18 1 1 0.30 3.00 43.39 63.41 1.18 1 1 0.40 2.69 42.87 62.10 1.18 1 1 0.50 2.49 42.35 60.82 1.18 1 1 0.60 2.36 41.84 59.57 1.18 1 1 0.70 2.30 41.33 58.34 1.18 1 1 0.80 2.28 40"88 57.14 1.18 1 1 0.90 2.29 40.34 55.96 1.18 1 1 1.00 2.32 39.85 54.81 1.18 l 1 1.10 2.37 39"37 58.68 1.18 1 1 1.20 2.43 38.90 52.57 1.18 1 1 1.30 2.51 38.43 51.49 1.18 1 1 1.40 2.59 37.96 50.43 1.18 1 1 1.50 2.67 37.51 49.39 1.18 1 1 1.60 2.75 37.05 48.37 1.18 1 2 1.60 2.83 36.47 47.58 1.20 1 2 1.70 2.09 35.89 46.49 1.20 1 2 1.80 1.47 35.32 45.43 1.20 1 2 1.90 0.96 34.76 44.39 1.20 1 2 2.00 0.55 34.21 43.38 1.20 1 2 2.10 0.22 33.67 42.39 1.21 1 2 2.20 0.00 33.13 41.42 1.21 1 2 2.30 0.00 82.61 40.47 1.21 1 2 2.40 0.00 32.09 39.55 1.21 1 2 2.50 0.00 31.58 38.65 1.21 1 2 2.60 0.00 31.08 37.77 1.22 1 2 2.70 0.00 30.59 36.90 1.22 1 2 2.80 0.00 30.11 36.06 1.22 1 2 2.90 0.00 29.63 35.24 1.22 1 2 3.00 0.00 29.16 34.44 1.22 1 2 3.10 0.00 28.70 33.65 1.23 1 2 3.20 0.01 28.25 82.89 1.23 1 2 3.30 0.03 27.80 32.14 1.23 1 2 8.40 0.07 27.37 81.40 1.23 1 3 3.40 1.08 23.82 27.16 1.43 1 3 3.60 0.55 22.95 25.59 1.43 1 3 3.80 0.24 22.11 24.11 1.44 1 3 4.00 0.10 21.31 22.72 1.44 1 3 4.20 0.09 20.53 21.40 1.44 1 3 4.40 0.17 19.78 20.17 1.44 1 3 4.60 0.31 19.06 19.00 1.44 1 3 4.80 0.51 18.86 17.91 1.45 1 3 5.00 0.74 17.69 16.87 1.45 1 8 5.20 0.99 17.05 15.90 1.45 1 3 5.40 1.25 16.42 14.98 1.45 1 3 5.60 1.52 15.82 14.11 1.45 1 3 5.80 1.79 15.25 13.30 1.46 1 8 6.00 2.06 14.69 12.53 1.46 1 3 6.20 2.32 14.16 11.81 1.46 1 3 6.40 2.58 13.64 11.13 1.46 1 3 6.60 2.88 13.14 10.49 1.46 1 3 6.80 3.07 12.66 9.88 1.47 1 3 7.00 3.31 12.20 9.31 1.47 1 3 7.20 3.53 11.76 8.77 1.47 Seg # 1 Reach # 1 Seg Mi 1 D.O. CBOD NBOD Flow - ` � Discharger Receiving Stream SUMMER SAVED AS 8OUTHDOM ON LBDATA 11 PREJOC FLOW, JOC LIMITS --�~---^—~� MODEL RESULTS ---- o CITY OF OXFORD, SOUTH8IDE9 DOMESTIC o UT TO FISHING CREEK The End D.O. is 3.58 mg/l. The End CBOD is 11.76 mg/l. The End NBOD is 8.77 mg/l. Segment 1 Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 8 WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD (mg/l) Milepoint Reach # (mg/l) (mg/l) 45.00 67.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 WLA DO Waste Flow <mg/l) (mgd) 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.75900 0.00000 0.00000 *** MODEL SUMMARY DATA * ** Discharger : CITY OF OXFORD, SOUTHSIDEgSubbasin : 030301 Receiving Strum : UT TO FISHING CREEK Stream Class: C Summer 7010 : Winter 7010 : 0.1 Design Temperature: 26. ILEN8THI SLOPE! VELOCITY I DEPTH: Kd 1 Kd I Ka I Ka : KN I KN I KNR I KNR : I mile ► ft/mil fps I ft :design! 920° :design! 320° :design: 320° :design: 320° I Segment 1 I 1.60 23.00 0.233 : 0.58 10.46 10.35 110.98 I 9.64 0.79 10.50 10.79 10.00 I Reach 1 I : Segment 1 I 1.80 11.00 0.135 : 0.77 : 0.32 : 0.24 13.06 : 2.68 0.48 10.30 10.48 10.00 I Reach 2 1 Segment 1 I 3.80 10.00 0.100 10.98 : 0.29 10.22 : 2.05 I 1.80 0.48 10.30 10.48 10.00 I Reach 3 I Flow 1 cfs Segment 1 Reach 1 Waste : 1.176 Headwaters: 0.000 Tributary I 0.000 * Runoff : 0.000 I $ CF3OD mg/1 I 45.000 : 2.000 1 2.000 1 P.000 I NBOD 1 I mg/1 1 : 67.500 1 1.000 I 1 .000 I I 1.000 I D.O. mg/1 5.000 7.300 7.300 7.300 Segment 1 Reach 2 Waste : 0.000 : 0.000 : 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary : 0.02E I 2.000 : 1.000 : 7.300 * Runoff I 0.020 1 2.000 ► 1.000 ► 7.300 Segment 1 Reach 3 Wctst 0 .00: 0.000 I 0. 000 : 0.000 Tributary : 0.200 I 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.300 * Runoff : 0.010 : 2.000 I 1 .000 : 7.300 * Runoff flaw is in cfs/mile u.$1 iOl on 11 `;Ui h5 r SUMMER SAVED AS SOUTHIND ON LBDATA 11 PREJOC FLOW. JOC LIMITS Seg # : Reach # : Seg Mi 1 D.O. CE1OD NBOD 1 Flow 1 1 0.00 5.00 y 50.00 49.50 0.801 1 0.10 3.94 49.26 48. 12 0.80 1 1 0.20 3.19 48.54 46.77 0.80 1 1 0.30 2.66 47.82 45.46 0.80 1 1 0.40 2.31 47.12 44.19 0.80 1 1 0.50 2.09 46.43 42.96 0.80 1 1 0.60 1.96 45.74 41.76 0.80 1 1 0.70 1.90 45.07 40.59 .8t� 1 1 0.80 1.90 44.40 39.46 .80 1 1 0.90 1.93 43.75 38.35 0.80 1 1 1 .00 1 .99 43.11 37.28 0.80 1 1 1.10 2.06 42.47 36.24 0.80 1 2 1.10 2.19 41.49 35.38 0.82 1 2 1.20 1.34 40.64 34.32 0.82 1 2 1.30 0.65 39.81 33.28 0.83 1 2 1.40 0.09 39.00 32.28 0.83 1 2 1.50 0.00 38.21 31.30 0.83 1 2 1.60 0.00 37.43 30.36 0.83 1 2 1.70 0.00 36.67 29.44 0.83 1 2 1.80 0.00 35.92 28.56 0.84 1 2 1.90 0.00 35.19 27.74.E 0.84 1 2 2.00 0.00 34.47 26.86 0.84 1 2 2.10 0.00 33.77 26.05 0.84 1 2 2.20 0.00 33.09 25.27 0.84 1 2 2.30 0.00 32.41 24.51 0.85 1 2 2.40 0.00 31.76 23.77 0.85 1 2 2.50 0.4.34.E 31.11 23.06 0.85 1 2 2.60 0.4.14.E 30.48 22.36 0.85 1 2 2.70 0.00 29.86 21.69 0.85 1 2 2.84.E 0.00 29.26 21.04 0.86 1 2 2.90 0.02 28.66 20.41 0.86 1 3 2.90 1.39 23.6.E 16.74 1.06 1 3 3.10 1.31 22.74 15.77 1.06 1 3 3.30 1.32 21.89 14.85 1.06 1 3 3.50 1.40 21.07 13.99 1.06 1 3 3.70 1.53 20.27 13.17 1.07 1 3 3.90 1.70 19.51 12.41 1.07 1 3 4.10 1.89 18.78 11.68 1.07 1 3 4.30 2.10 18.08 1 1. c�1 1 1.07 1 3 4.50 2.32 17.40 10.37 1.07 1 3 4.70 2.54 16.75 9.76 1.08 1 3 4.90 2.77 16.12 9.20 1.08 1 3 5.10 2.99 15.52 8.66 1.08 1 3 5.30 3.21 14.94 8.16 1.08 1 3 5.50 3.42 14.38 7.69 1.08 1 3 5.70 3.63 13.84 7.24 1.09 1 3 5.90 3.83 13.32 6.82 1.09 1 3 6.10 4.02 12.82 6.42 1.09 1 3 6.30 4.21 12.34 6.05 1.09 1 3 6.50 4.38 11.88 5.70 1.09 1 3 6.70 4.55 11.44 5.37 1.10 Seg # : Reach # 1 Seg Mi 1 D.O. CLOD NBOD Flow SUMMER SAVED AS 8OUTHIND ON LBDATA 11 PREJOC FLOW. JOC LIMITS MODEL RESULTS ----- Discharger : CITY OF OXFORD, 8OUTHSIDE, INDUSTRIAL Receiving Stream x UT TO FISHING CREEK The End D.O. is 4.55 mg/l. The End CBOD is 11.44 mg/l. The End NBOD is 5.37 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/l) Mi1epoint Reach # (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) <mgd> Segment 1 0.00 1.50 2 Reach 1 50.00 49.5O 5.00 0.51800 Reach 2' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0"00000 Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 *** MODEL SUMMARY DATA *** Discharger : CITY OF OXFORD, SOUTHSIDEgSubbasin : 030301 Receiving Stream : UT TO FISHING CREED: Stream Class: C Summer 7010 Winter 7010 : 0.2 Design Temperature: 26. :LENGTH! SLOPE: VELOCITY I DEPTH! Kd I Kd : Ka I Ka I KN I KN I KNR I KNR I : mile I ft/mi! fps I ft !design: 020° !design: 320° !design: 320° !design: 320° I Segment 1 I 1.10 23.00 0.171 0.56 10.4E 10.32 1 8.07 : 7.08 0.79 10.50 10.79 10.00 : Reach 1 I I 1 I : I I I I I Segment 1 I 1.80 11.00 0.103 0.74 10.31 10.23 12.3E I 2.04 0.48 10.30 10.48 : 0.00 : Reach 2 : ! ! 1 : , I Segment 1 I 3.80 10.00 0.100 0.85 10.30 : 0.23 12.05 : 1.80 0.48 10.30 : 0.48 10.00 Reach 3 : : : ! I I , Flow I cfs Segment 1 Reach 1 Waste I 0.803 Headwaters: 0.000 Tributary I 0.000 * Runoff 1 0.000 Segment 1 Reach 2 Waste 0.000 Tributary 1 0.020 * Runoff I 0.020 CLOD 1 NDOD mg/1 : mg/1 : 50.000 1 49.500 : 2.000 I 1 .000 1 2.000 I 1.000 I 2.000 1 1 .000 0.000: I 0.000 2.000 2.000 I 1. {00 0 2. 0 0 0 1 1.0 00 Segment 1 Reach 3 Waste I 0.000 1 0.000 ! 0.000 Tributary 0.200 I 2.000 1 1 .000 • Runoff 1 0.010 I 2.000 : 1.000 * Runoff flow is in cfs/mile I 1 1 1 1 , I , , I 1 1 1 D.O. mg/1 5.000 7.300 7.300 7.300 0.000 7.30E 7.300 0.000 7.30E 7.300 '�_. .om�� ' J/) SUMMER SAVED AS NORTHOX ON LBDATA 11 PREJOC FLOW, JOC LIMITS : Seg # Reach # | Seg Mi. D.O. CBOD NBOD | Flow : 1 1 0.00 5.00 30.00 67.50 0.49 1 1 0.10 5.05 29.44 66.41 0.49 1 1 0.20 5.10 28.89 65.34 0.49 1 2 0.20 5.36 25.76 57.85 0.56 1 2 0.30 3.93 25.20 56.09 0.56 1 2 0.40 2.82 24.66 54.39 0.56 1 2 0.50 1.98 24.12 52.74 0.56 1 2 0.60 1.35 28.60 51.13 0.56 1 2 0.70 0.89 23.09 49.58 0.56 1 2 0.80 0.57 22.60 48.08 0.56 1 2 0.90 0.35 22.11 46.62 0.57 1 2 1.00 0.28 21.63 45.20 0.57 1 2 1.10 0.17 21.17 43.88 0.57 1 2 1.20 0.17 20.71 42.50 0.57 1 2 1.30 0.21 20.26 41.21 0.57 1 2 1.40 0.28 19.83 39.96 0.57 1 3 1.40 1.33 17.17 34.15 0.67 1 3 1.70 0.00 16.20 31.16 0.67 1 3 2.00 0.00 15.28 28.43 0.68 1 3 2.80 0.00 14.42 25.94 0.68 1 3 2.60 0.00 18.61 23.67 0.68 1 3 2.90 0.00 12.84 21.60 0.69 1 8 3.20 0.00 12.12 19.72 0.69 1 3 3.50 0.00 11.44 17.99 0.69 1 3 3.80 0.00 10.79 16.42 0.69 1 3 4.10 0.00 10.19 14.99 0.70 1 3 4.40 0.04 9.62 18.68 0.70 1 3 4.70 0.20 9.08 12.49 0.70 1 8 5.00 0.44 8.57 11.40 0.71 1 3 5.30 0.73 8.09 10.41 0.71 1 3 5.60 1.07 7.64 9.50 0.71 1 3 5.90 1.42 7.22 8.67 0.72 1 3 6.20 1.78 6.81 7.92 0.72 1 3 6.50 2.15 6.44 7.23 0.72 1 3 6.80 2.51 6.08 6.60 0.72 1 4 6.80 2.99 5.67 6.05 0.80 1 4 7.00 3.65 5.46 5.69 0.81 1 4 7.20 4.18 5.25 5.36 0.81 1 4 7.40 4.62 5.05 5.05 0.81 1 4 7.60 4.99 4.86 4.75 0.81 1 4 7.80 5.29 4.67 4.47 0.81 1 4 8.00 5.55 4.50 4.21 0.82 1 4 8.20 5.76 4.33 3.97 0.82 1 4 8.40 5.95 4.16 3.74 0.82 1 4 8.60 6.11 4.01 3.52 0.82 1 4 8.80 6.25 3.86 3.31 0.82 1 4 9.00 6.38 3.71 3.12 0.83 1 4 9.20 6.49 3.57 2.94 0.83 1 4 9.40 6.59 3.44 2.77 0.83 1 4 9.60 6.68 3.31 2.61 0.83 1 4 9.80 6.76 3.19 2.46 0.83 1 4 10.00 6.83 3.07 2.32 0.84 1 4 10.20 6.90 2.95 2.18 0.84 1 4 10.40 6.97 2.84 2.06 0.84 1 4 10.60 7.03 2.74 1.94 0.84 ~ ° ` ^ . Discharger Receiving Stream MODEL RESULTS : CITY OF OXFORD, NORTH8IDE : UT TO JORDAN CREEK SUMMER The End D.O. is The End CBO0 is The End NBOD is Segment 1 Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 3 Reach 4 0.00 mg/l. 0.00 mg/l. 0.00 mg/l. WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD (mg /l) Mi1mopoint Reach # (mg/l) (mg/l) 30.00 67.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 WLA DO Waste Flow 5.00 0"00 0.00 0.00 0.81810 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 SUMMER SAVED AS NORTHOX ON LBDATA 11 PREJOC FLOW, JOC LIMITS - MODEL RESULTS ---------- Discharger : CITY OF OXFORD, NORTHS%DE Receiving Stream : UT TO JORDAN CREEK. The End D.O. is 7.08 mg/l. The End CBOD is 2.74 mg/l. The End NBOD is 1"94 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/1) Milepoint Reach # (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/1) (mgd) Segment 1 0.00 1.70 3 Reach 1 80.00 67.50 5.00 0.31810 Reach 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 *** MODEL SUMMARY DATA *** Discharger : CITY OF OXFORD, NORTHSIDE Subbasin : 030301 Receiving Stream : UT TO JORDAN CREEK Stream Class: C Summer 7010 Winter 7010 Design Temperature: 26. :LENGTH: SLOPE; VELOCITY I DEPTH: Kd I Kd 1 Ka I Ka KN I KN 1 KNR 1 KNR I I mile ft/ail fps I ft :design: 820' :design! 220' :design: 220' :design: 220' I Segoent 1 1 0.20 44.00: 0.299 1 0.33 1 0.92 10.70 126.96 123.66 0.79 10.50 10.79 10.00 I Reach 1 : ! : : : : 1 1 1 1 Seg:ent 1 I 1.20 16.70 0.100 10.61 10.33 : 0.25 13.43 I 3.01 0.48 10.30 1 0.48 : 0.00 I Reach 2 , Segoent 1 I 5.40 5.90 0.100 10.68 1 0.30 1 0.22 11.21 I 1.06 0.48 ► 0.30 10.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 3 1 1 1 I 1 , I Segment 1 1 3.80 10.00 0.100 10.74 10.30 1 0.23 12.05 1 1.80 0.48 : 0.30 10.48 10.00 1 Reach 4 I 1 : , Flow 1 CBOD 1 NI3O D 1 D.O. I I c: f s : mg/1 I mg / 1 1 .mg/1 I Segment 1 Reach 1 Waste 1 0.493 1 30.000 1 67.500 1 5.000 Headwaters: 0.000 I 2.000 I 1 .000 1 7. 300 Tributary : 0.000 I 2.000 1 1 .000 I 7.300 * Runoff : 0.000 I 2.000 I 1 .000 I 7.300 Segment 1 Reach 2 Waste 0.000 I 0.000 I 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 0.065 1 2.000 I 1.000 1 7.300 * Runoff 1 0.010 1 2.000 I 1.000 I 7.300 Segment 1 Reach 3 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary I 0.100 I 2.000 : 1 .000 1 7.300 * Runoff : 0.010 1 2.00E 1 1.000 I 7.300 Segment 1 Reach 4 Waste 1 0.000 Tributary 1 0.080 * Runoff 1 0.010 , , , 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.300 2.000 1 1 .000 1 7.300 * Runoff flow is in cfs/mile SUMMER SAVED AS OXFORD ON LBDATA 11 MODEL WITH ALL 3 DISCHARGERS Seth # I Reach * 1 SE g Mi 1D.O. CE{OD NBOD Flow 1 -SDG ,ITV-0 fegd V 1 1 0.00 5.00 45.00 67.50 1.18 1 1 0.10 4.15 44.46 66.16 1.18 1 1 0.20 3.54 43.93 64.84 1.18 1 1 0.30 3.11 43.41 63.55 1.18 1 1 0.40 2.81 42.89 62.29 1.18 1 1 0.50 2.62 42.38 61.05 1.18 1 2 0.50 3.58 45.47 56.36 1.98 1 2 0.60 3.6.E 45.04 55.57 1.98 1 2 0.70 3.71 44.61 54.78 1.98 1 2 0.80 3.77 44.18 54.01 1.98 1 2 0.90 3.83 43.76 53.25 1.98 1 2 1.00 3.88 43.34 52.49 1.98 1 2 1.10 3.94 42.93 51.75 1.98 1 2 1.20 3.99 42.52 51.02 1.98 1 2 1 .30 4.05 42.11 50.30 1.98 1 2 1.40 4.10 41.71 49.59 1.98 1 2 1.50 4.15 41.31 48.89 1.98 1 2 1.60 4.20 40.91 48.20 1.98 1 3 1.60 4.23 40.52 47.73 2.00 1 3 1.70 3.69 40.07 46.99 2.00 1 3 1.80 3.24 39.61 46.26 2.00 1 3 1.90 2.86 39.16 45.55 2.01 1 3 2.00 2.54 38.72 44.84 2.01 1 3 2.10 2.28 38.28 44.15 2.01 1 3 2.20 2.07 37.84 43.47 2.01 1 3 2.30 1.90 37.42 42.80 2.01 1 3 2.40 1.76 36.99 42.14 2.02 1 3 2.50 1.65 36.57 41.48 2.02 1 3 2.60 1.57 36.16 40.84 2.02 1 3 2.70 1.52 35.75 40.21 2.02 1 3 2.80 1.48 35.34 39.59 2.02 1 3 2.90 1.46 34.94 38.98 2.03 1 3 3.00 1.45 34.55 38.38 2.03 1 3 3.10 1.46 34.16 37.79 2.03 1 3 3.20 1.48 33.77 37.20 2.03 1 3 3.30 1.51 33.39 36.63 2.03 1 3 3.40 1.54 33.01 36.06 2.04 2 1 0.00 5.00 30.00 67.50 0.49 2 1 0.10 5.05 29.44 66.41 0.49 2 1 0.20 5.10 28.89 65.34 0.49 2 2 0.20 5.36 25.76 57.85 0.56 2 2 0.30 3.93 25.20 56.09 0.56 2 2 0.40 2.82 24.66 54.39 0.56 2 2 0.50 1.98 24.12 52.74 0.56 2 2 0.60 1.35 23.60 51.13 0.56 2 2 0.70 0.89 23.09 49.58 0.56 2 2 0.80 0.57 22.60 48.08 0.56 2 2 0.90 0.35 22.11 46.62 0.57 2 2 1.00 0.23 21.63 45.20 0.57 2 2 1.10 0.17 21.17 43.83 0.57 2 2 1.20 0.17 20.71 42.50 0.57 2 2 1.30 0.21 20.26 41.21 0.57 2 2 1.40 0.28 19.83 39.96 0.57 2 3 1.40 1.33. 17.17 34.15 0.67 2 3 1.70 0.00 16.20 31.16 0.67 2 3 2.00 0.00 15.28 28.43 0.68 2 3 2.30 0.00 14.42 25.94 0.68 2 3 2.60 0.00 13.61 23.67 0.68 03 03 Ea 03 03 03 CO 03 LO 03 03 La 03 La 03 La n3 n3 ro ro ru D3 n3 D3 n3 r0 no n3 ru ro 3 3 3 8 8 2.90 0.00 12.84 21.60 0.69 3 3.20 0.00 12.12 19.72 0.69 3 3.50 0.00 11.44 17.99 0.69 3 3.80 0.00 10.79 16.42 0.69 3 4.10 0.00 10.19 14.99 0.70 8 4.40 0.04 9.62 13.68 0.70 8 4.70 0.20 9.08 12.49 0.70 3 5.00 0.44 8.57 11.40 0.71 8 5.30 0.73 8.09 10.41 0.71 3 5.60 1.07 7.64 9.50 0.71 3 5.90 1.42 7.22 8.67 0.72 3 6.20 1.78 6.81 7.92 0.72 3 6.50 2.15 6.44 7.23 0.72 8 6.80 2.51 6.08 6.60 0.72 1 0.00 1.80 25.94 28.83 2.76 1 0.20 1.83 25.84 27.34 2.76 1 0.40 1.89 24.76 26"39 2.76 1 0.60 1.99 24.18 25.47 2.77 1 0.80 2.10 23.62 24.58 2.77 1 1.00 2.22 23.08 23.72 2.77 1 1.20 2.85 22.54 22.90 2.77 1 1.40 2.49 22.02 22.10 2.77 1 1.60 2.64 21.51 21.33 2.78 1 1.80 2.78 21.01 20.58 2.78 1 2.00 2.92 20.53 19.87 2.78 1 2.20 3.07 20.05 19.17 2.78 1 2.40 8.21 19.59 18.51 2.78 1 2"60 3.35 19.13 17.86 2.79 1 2.80 3.49 18.69 17.24 2.79 1 8.00 3.62 18.26 16.64 2.79 1 3.20 3.75 17.84 16.06 2"79 1 3.40 3.88 17.42 15.50 2.79 1 8.60 4.01 17.02 14.96 2.80 1 3.80 4.18 16.63 14.44 2.80 Reach # 1 Seg Mi D.O. CBOD NBOD 1 Flow | ^ ` SUMMER SAVED AS OXFORD ON LBDATA 11 MODEL WITH ALL 3 DISCHARGERS --�-�---~-- MODEL RESULTS ---------- Discharger : OXFORD: ALL THREE FACILITIES Receiving Stream : UT TO FISHING CREEK AND UT TO JORDAN CK The End D.O. is 4.18 mg/l. The End CBOD is 16.63 mg/l. The End NBOD is 14.44 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min OBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/l) Milepoint Reach # (mg/l} (mg/1) (mg/1) (mgd) Segment 1 1.45 3.00 3 Reach 1 45.00 67.50 5.00 0.75900 Reach 2 50.00 49.50 5.00 0.51800 Reach 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Segment 2 0.00 1.70 3 Reach 1 80.00 67.50 5.00 0.31810 Reach 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Segment 3 1.80 0.00 1 Reach 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 *** MODEL SUMMARY DATA *** Discharger : OXFORD: ALL THREE FACILITSubbasin : 030301 Receiving Stream z UT TO FISHING CREEK AND UTStream Class: C Summer 7010 Winter 7010 Design Temperature: 26. :LENGTH: SLOPE; VELOCITY 1 DEPTH; Kd 1 Kd 1 Ka 1 Ka 1 KN 1 KN 1 KNR 1 KNR 1 1 mile ; ft/mil fps 1 ft ;design; 320° ;design; 320° ;design; 320° ;design: 320° 1 Segment 1 1 0.50 23.001 0.241 1 0.57 10.47 1 0.36 111.38 1 9.99 0.79 1 0.50 1 0.79 1 0.00 1 Reach 1 1 1 1 Segment 1 1 1.10 23.001 0.341 1 0.62 1 0.54 1 0.41 116.08 1 14.11 0.79 ► 0.50 1 0.79 1 0.00 Reach 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Segment 1 1 1.80 11.001 0.199 1 0.82 1 0.34 1 0.26 1 4.49 1 3.94 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 3 1 1 1 Segment 2 1 0.20 44.001 0.299 1 0.33 1 0.92 1 0.70 126.96 1 23.66 0.79 1 0.50 1 0.79 1 0.00 Reach 1 1 1 11 Segment 2 1 1.20 16.701 0.100 1 0.61 1 0.33 1 0.25 1 3.43 I 3.01 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 2 1 1 11 Segment 2 1 5.40 5.901 0.100 1 0.68 1 0.30 1 0.22 1 1.21 1 1.06 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 ; 0.00 111 Reach 3 1 Segment 3 1 3.80 10.001 0.167 1 1.05 1 0.31 1 0.24 1 3.43 1 3.01 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Flow1 cfs Segment 1 Reach 1 Waste 1 1.176 Headwaters 1 0.000 Tributary 1 0.000 * Runoff 1 0.000 1 CBOD mg/1 1 45.000 1 2.000 1 2.000 1 2.000 1 NBOD 1 mg/1 D.Q. mg/1 67.500 1 5.000 1.000 ; 7.300 1 .000 1 7.300 1.000 1 7.300 Segment 1 Reach 2 Waste 0.803 1 50.000 1 49.500 1 5.000 Tributary 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.300 * Runoff 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.300 Segment 1 Reach 3 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 o. PO : 2.000 1 1.000 ; 7.300 * Runoff 1 0.020 1 2.000 ; 1.000 } 7.300 Segment 2 Reach 1 Waste Headwaters! Tributary * Runoff 1 0.493 0.000 0.000 ? 0.000 , Segment 2 Reach 2 Waste 1 0.000 Tributary 1 0.065 * Runoff 1 0.010 Segment 2 Reach 3 Waste 1 i 3.000 Tributary 0.100 ; * Runoff 1 0.010 1 Segment 3 Reach 1 Waste 1 0.000 Headwators.1 0.000 Tributary 1 0.000 * Runoff 1 0.010 1 } 1 30.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 1 67.500 1.000 1 1.000 1.000 0.000 i P.000 2.000 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 2.000 ; 0.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 * Runoff flow is in cfs/mi 1.e 1 0.000 1.000 : 1.000 t 0.000 1 1.000 1.000 s 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 5.000 '7. 00 '7.300 7.30(1 0. 000 7.300 7.300 0.000 7.300 7.300 0.000 7.300 7.300 7.300 ` q e' ` �svt,crhomcie- SUMMER SAVED AS OXFORD2S ON LBDATA 11 SUMMER WITH REDUCED LIMITS | Seg # | Reach # ( Seg M1 | D.O. CBOD NBOD | Flow | 1 1 0.00 5.00 45.00 67.50 1.18 1 1 0.10 4.15 44.46 66.16 1.18 1 1 0.20 3.54 48.98 64.84 1.18 1 1 0.30 3.11 43.41 6-9.55 1.18 1 1 0.40 2.81 42.89 62.29 1.18 1 1 0.50 2.62 42.38 61.05 1.18 1 2 0.50 3.58 34.92 52.71 1.98 1 2 0.60 3.78 84.59 51.97 1.98 1 2 0.70 8.94 34.26 51.23 1.98 1 2 0.80 4.07 38.93 50.51 1.98 1 2 0.90 4.18 33.61 49.80 1.98 1 2 1.00 4.28 33.29 49.09 1.98 1 2 1.10 4.36 32.97 48.40 1.98 1 2 1.20 4.43 32.65 47.72 1.98 1 P- 1.30 4.50 82.84 47.04 1.98 1 2 1.40 4.56 32.03 46.38 1.98 1 P 1.50 4.61 31.73 45.72 1.98 1 2 1.60 4.66 31.42 45.08 1.98 1 3 1.60 4.69 31.13 44.64 2.00 1 8 1.70 4.23 30.78 43.95 2.00 1 3 1.80 3.84 30.43 43.27 2.00 1 3 1.90 3.51 30.08 42.60 2.01 1 3 2.00 3.24 29.74 41.94 2.01 1 8 2.10 3.01 29.41 41.29 2.01 1 8 2.20 2.88 29.07 4U.65 2.01 1 3 2.30 2.68 28.74 40.03 2.01 1 3 2.40 2.56 28.42 39.41 2.02 1 3 2.50 2.47 28.10 38.80 2.02 1 3 2.60 2.41 27.78 38.20 2.02 1 3 2.70 2.36 27.47 37.61 2.02 1 3 2.80 2.38 27.16 37.08 2.02 1 8 2.90 2.81 26.815 86.46 2.08 1 3 3.00 2.31 26.54 85.89 2.03 1 8 3.10 2.82 26.24 35.34 2.03 1 3 3.20 2.33 25.95 34.79 2.03 1 3 3.30 2.36 25.65 84.86 2.03 1 3 3.40 2.39 25.36 33.73 2.04 2 1 0.00 5.00 24.00 36.00 0.49 1 0.10 5.53 23.55 35.42 0.49 1 0.20 5.85 28.11 34.85 0.49 2 0.20 6.02 20.65 30.91 0.56 2 0.30 5.24 20.21 29.97 0.56 2 0.40 4.65 19.77 29.06 0.56 2 0.50 4.20 19.84 28.18 0.56 2 0.60 3.87 18.98 27.32 0.56 2 0.70 3.63 18.52 26.49 0.56 2 0.80 3.46 18.12 25.69 0.56 2 0.90 3.36 17.78 24.91 0.57 2 1.00 3.30 17.35 24.16 0.57 2 1.10 3.28 16.98 28.42 0.57 2 1.20 3.29 16.61 22.71 0.57 2 1.80 8.32 16.25 22.08 0.57 2 1.40 3.37 15.90 21.36 0.57 3 1.40 8.95 13.83 18.32 0.67 8 1.70 2.78 13.05 16.72 0.67 3 2.00 1.99 12.31 15.26 0.68 8 2.80 1.51 11.62 13.92 0.68 3 2.�C) 1.26 10.97 12.71 0.68 13 n3 no ru n3 n3 ru n3 no n3 ru n3 ru ro n3 n3 n3 ru ro n3 2 8 2.90 1.18 10.35 11.60 0.69 2 3 8.20 1.23 9.77 10.59 0.69 2 3 3.50 1.37 9.22 9.66 0.69 2 8 3"80 1.58 8.71 8.82 0.69 2 8 4.10 1.83 8.22 8.05 0.70 2 8 4.40 2.11 7.76 7.85 0.70 2 3 4.70 2.41 7.38 6.71 0.70 2 3 5.00 2.71 6.92 6.18 0.71 2 3 5.30 8.02 6.54 5.60 0.71 2 3 5.60 3.32 6.17 5.11 0.71 2 3 5.90 3.61 5.83 4.67 0.72 2 3 6.20 3.90 5.51 4.27 0.72 2 8 6.50 4.17 5.20 3.90 0.72 2 3 6.804.48 4.92 8.56 0.72 3 1 ().00 2.93 20.00 25.81 2.76 3 1 0.20 2.90 19.54 24.91 2.76 8 l 0.40 2.92 19.08 24.04 2.76 3 1 0.60 2.97 18.64 23.20 2.77 3 1 0.80 3.04 18.21 22.39 2.77 3 1 1.00 3,13 17.79 21.61 2.77 3 1 1.20 3.23 17.38 20.86 2.77 3 1 1.40 3.34 16.98 20.13 2.77 3 1 1.60 3.45 16.58 19.43 2.78 3 l 1.80 3.57 16.20 18.75 2.78 3 1 2.00 3.69 15.83 18.10 2.78 3 1 2.20 8.81 15.46 17.47 2.78 3 1 2.40 3.98 15.10 16.86 2.78 3 1 2.60 4.05 14.75 16.27 2.79 3 1 2.80 4.17 14.41 15.70 2.79 3 1 3.00 4.28 14.08 15.16 2.79 3 1 8.20 4.89 18.75 14.63 2.79 8 1 8.40 4.50 13.44 14.12 2.79 3 1 3.60 4.61 18.12 13.63 2.80 3 1 8.80 4.72 12.82 13.15 2.80 | Seg # Reach # | Geg Mi D.O. CBOD NBOD Flow | SUMMER SAVED AS OXFORD28 ON LBDATA 11 SUMMER WITH REDUCED LIMITS ---------- MODEL RESULTS ---------- Discharger : OXFORD: ALL THREE FACILITIES Receiving Stream x UT TO FISHING CREEK AND UT TO JORDAN CK The End D.O. is 4.72 mg/l. The End CBOD is 12.82 mg/l. The End NBOD is 13.15 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/1) Milepoint Reach # (mg/l} (mg/l) (mg/1) (mgd) Segment 1 2.31 3.00 3 Reach 1 45.00 67.50 5.00 0.75900 Reach 2 24.00 40.50 5.00 0.51800 Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0"00 0.00000 Segment 2 1.18 2.90 3 Reach 1 24.00 36.00 5.00 0.31810 Reach 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Segment 3 2.90 0.20 1 Reath 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 ** MODEL SUMMARY DATA *• Discharger : OXFORD: ALL THREE FACILITSubbasin : 030301 Receiving Stream „ UT TO FISHING CREEK AND UTStream Class: C Summer 7O10 a Winter 7O10 Design Temperature: 26. :LENGTH! SLOPE: VELOCITY ! DEPTH: Kd ! Kd : Ka 1 Ka : KN ! KN 1 KNR ! KNR 1 mile Mai: fps 1 ft :design! 820° design: 320° :design; 320° :design) 820° : Segment 1 : 0.50 23.00: 0.241 1 0.57 1 0.47 : 0.36 :11.38 ! 9.99 0.79 1 0.50 ! 0.79 : 0.00 : Reach 1 1 Segment 1 1 1.101 23.00: 0.341 ! 0.62 1 0.54 1 0.41 116.08 1 14.111 0.79 1 0.50 1 0.79 1 0.00 : Reach 2 1 ! ! 1 Segment 1 : 1.80 11.00 0.199 ! 0.82 1 0.34 ► 0.26 1 4.49 : 3.94 0.48 : 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 3 : 1 ! ! Segment 2 : 0.20 44.00 0.299 ! 0.33 1 0.92 : 0.70 126.96 ! 23.66 0.79 ► 0.50 1 0.79 1 0.00 : Reach 1 1 Segment 2 1 1.20 16.70 0.100 ! 0.61 : 0.33 : 0.25 ! 3.43 : 3.01 0.48 ! 0.30 1 0.48 ! 0.00 Reach 2 1 ! Segment 2 1 5.401 5.901 0.100 : 0.68 1 0.30 1 0.22 1 1.21 1 1.061 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 ! 0.00 : Reach 3 1 Segment 3 1 3.80 10.00 0.167 1 1.05 ! 0.31 1 0.24 : 3.43 : 3.01 0.48 ! 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 : Reach 1 1 : 1 11 1 ! 1 1 1 1 Flaw 1 CBOD : NBOD : D.O. cfs ! mg/1 1 mg/1 : mg/1 Segment 1 Reach 1. Waste 1.176 6 I 45.000 I 67.500 I 5.000 Hear waters ! 0.000 ! 2.000 ! 1.000 1 7. 300 Tributary ! 0.000 ! 2.000 1.000 1 7.300 Runoff ! 0.000 1 2.000 1.000 1 7.300 Segment 1 Reach 2 Waste 1 0.603 1 24.000 1 40.500 Tributary ! 0.000 1 2.000 1 1 .000 * Runoff I 0.000 I 2.000 1.000 II I I Ir I 5.000 7.300 7.300 Segment 1 Reach 3 Waste 1 0.000 ! 0.000 I 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary ; 0.020 * Runoff 1 0.020 P.000 I 1.000 '7.300 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.300 Segment 2 Reach 1 Waste 1 0.493 Headwaters: Tributary 1 * Runoff 0.000 0.000 0„tom}00 Segment 2 Reach 2 Waste 0.000 Tr ibutary ; 0„065 * Runoff I 0.010 Segment 2 Reach 3 Waste 1 0.000 Tributary ; 0.100 • Runoff I 0.010 Segment 3 Reach 1 Waste 0.000 Headwaters: 0.000 Tributary F 0.000 * Runoff I 0.010 } } } } , } 24.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 1 36.000 1 1.000 1 1.000 1 1.000 0.000 i 2.000 1 2.000 0.000 1 2.000 1 2.000 1 0.000 1.000 1.000 } 1 } 0„000 1 1.000 1 1.000 I 5.0y!0 7.300 7.300 7.300 0.000 7.300 7.300 0.000 7.300 7.300 0.000 I 0.000 I 0.000 2.000 I 1.000 I '7.300 2.000 I 1.000 I 7.300 2.000 ; 1.000 I 7.300 * Runoff flow is in cfs}imile WINTER SAVED AS GXFORD3W ON LBDATA 11 WINTER WITH 30C LIMITS Seg 4$ Reach * Seg Mi D.O. CBOD NBOD Flow 1 1 0.00 5.34 41.63 62.29 1.28 1 1 0.10 5.66 41.36 61.82 1.28 1 1 0.20 5.93 41.08 61.36 1.28 1 1 0.30 6.14 40.81 60.90 1.28 1 1 0.40 6.32 40.54 60.45 1.28 1 1 0.50 6.47 40.27 60.00 1.28 1 2 0.50 5.90 44.03 55.94 2.08 1 2 0.60 6.29 43.79 55.64 2.08 1 2 0.70 6.61 43.55 55.34 2.08 1 2 0.80 6.87 43.32 55.04 2.08 1 2 0.90 7.07 43.08 54.74 2.08 1 2 1.00 7.24 42.85 54.44 2.08 1 2 1.10 7.38 42.62 54.15 2.08 1 2 1.20 7.49 42.39 53.85 2.08 1 2 1.30 7.59 42.16 53.56 2.08 1 2 1.40 7.66 41.93 53.27 2.08 1 2 1.50 7.73 41.71 52.98 2.08 1 2 1.60 7.78 41.48 52.69 2.08 1 3 1.60 7.86 39.33 49.87 2.20 1 3 1.70 7.68 38.81 49.22 2.22 1 3 1.80 7.52 38.30 48.58 2.24 1 3 1.90 7.38 37.80 47.9,E 2.25 1 3 2.00 7.26 37.32 47.34 2.27 1 3 2.10 7.16 36.84 46.73 2.29 1 3 2.20 7.08 36.36 46.14 2.31 1 3 2.30 7.01 35.90 45.55 2.33 1 3 2.40 6.95 35.45 44.98 2.34 1 3 2.50 6.91 35.00 44.41 2.36 1 3 2.60 6.87 34.56 43.86 2.38 1 3 2.70 6.84 34.13 43.31 2.40 1 3 2.80 6.82 33.70 42.77 2.42 1 3 2.90 6.81 33.28 42.25 2.43 1 3 3.00 6.80 32.87 41.73 2.45 1 3 3.10 6.80 32.47 41.22 2.47 1 3 3.20 6.80 32.07 40.72 2.49 1 3 3.30 6.81 31.68 40.22 2.51 1 3 3.40 6.82 31.30 39.74 2.52 2 1 0.00 5.00 30.00 67.50 0.49 2 1 0.10 6.22 29.68 67.07 0.49 2 1 0.20 7.02 29.35 66.64 0.49 2 2 0.20 7.67 21.46 47.69 0.69 2 2 0.30 7.39 21.12 46.92 0.70 2 2 0.40 7.17 20.79 46.16 0.70 2 2 0.50 6.99 20.46 45.41 0.71 2 2 0.60 6.85 20.13 44.68 0.71 2 2 0.70 6.74 19.82 43.96 0.71 2 2 0.80 6.6,E 19.51 43.2.E 0.72 2 2 0.90 6.59 19.20 42.56 0.72 2 2 1.00 6.55 18.90 41.88 0.73 2 2 1.10 6.53 18.61 41.21 0.73 2 2 1.20 6.52 18.32 40.55 0.73 2 2 1.30 6.51 18.03 39.90 0.74 2 2 1.40 6.52 17.75 39.27 0.74 2 3 1.40 7.32 13.21 28.24 1.04 2 3 1.70 6.80 12.50 26.53 1.08 2 3 2.00 6.4.E 11.84 24.9.E 1.11 2 3 2.30 6.18 11.23 23.49 1.15 2 3 2.60 6.03 10.67 22.13 1.19 e 171 ef.'-f o o." fo zu.LI+ C-1o.uu I.C�c 2 8 3.20 5.93 9.64 19.71 1.26 2 3 8.50 5.95 9.18 18.68 1.29 2 3 3.80 6.01 8.75 17.62 1.33 2 3 4.10 6.08 8.85 16.68 1.87 2 3 4.40 6.18 '7.97 15.80 1.40 2 3 4.70 6.29 7.62 14.97 1.44 2 3 5.00 6.41 7.28 14.20 1.47 2 8 5.30 6.58 6.97 13.48 1.51 2 8 5.60 6.66 6.68 12.80 1.55 2 3 5.90 6.79 6.40 12.16 1.58 2 3 6.20 6.91 6.18 11.56 1.62 2 8 6.50 7.04 5.89 11.00 1.65 2 8 6.80 7.16 5.65 10.47 1.69 8 1 0.00 6.96 21.02 28.00 4.21 3 1 0.20 7.12 20.74 27.63 4.23 3 1 0.40 7.26 20.47 27.26 4.24 3 1 0.60 7.38 20.20 26.89 4.26 8 1 0.80 7.48 19.93 26.58 4.28 3 1 1.00 7.57 19.67 26.18 4.29 3 1 1.20 7.65 19.41 25"83 4.31 8 1 1.40 7.72 19.16 25.49 4.32 8 1 1.60 7.78 18.91 25.15 4.84 8 1 1.80 7.84 18.66 24.81 4.36 3 1 2.00 7.89 18.42 24.48 4.37 3 1 2.20 7.94 18.18 24.16 4.39 3 1 2.40 7.99 17.95 28.84 4.40 3 1 2.60 8.03 17.71 23.52 4.42 8 1 2.80 8.07 17.49 28.21 4.44 8 1 3.00 8.10 17.26 22.90 4.45 3 1 3.20 8.14 17.04 22.60 4.47 3 1 3.40 8.17 16.82 22.80 4.48 3 1 3.60 8.20 16.60 22.01 4.50 3 1 8.80 8.23 16.39 21.72 4.52 Seg # Reach # | Geg Mi D.O. CBOD NBOD | Flow | ' .. ~ , . WINTER SAVED AS OXFORD8W ON LBDATA 11 WINTER WITH JOC LIMITS ---- MODEL RESULTS ~---------- Discharger : OXFORD: ALL THREE FACILITIES Receiving Stream : UT TO FISHING CREEK AND UT TO JORDAN CK The End D.O. is 8.28 mg/l. The End CBOD is 16.39 mg/l. The End NBOD is 21.72 mg/l. Segment 1 Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 3 Segment 2 Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 3 Segment 3 Reach 1 WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/1) Milepoint Reach # (mg/l} (mg/l) (mg/l) (mgd) 5.84 0.00 1 6.96 0.00 1 45.00 67.50 5.00 0.75900 50.00 49.50 5.00 0.51800 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 30.00 67.50 5.00 0.81810 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Discharger Receiving Stream Summer 7010 Design Temperature: *** MODEL SUMMARY DATA *** : OXFORD: ALL THREE FACILITSubbasin : 030301 : UT TO FISHING CREEK AND UTStrcan Class: C . Winter 7Q10 : 14. :LENGTH! SLOPE: VELOCITY 1 DEPTH: Kd : Kd 1 Ka : Ka : KN 1 KN : KNR 1 KNR : 1 mile 1 ft/mil fps 1 ft ldesignl 820* ldesignl 820* ldesignl 820* !design: 820' : Segment 1 1 0.50 23.00 0.257 : 0.58 1 0.28 : 0.37 : 9.32 1 10.62 0.32 : 0.50 1 0.32 1 0.00 1 Reach I : 1 1 : 1 : : Segment 1 1 1.10 23.00 0.354 1 0.63 1 0.31 : 0.41 :12.85 : 14.64 0.32 : 0.50 1 0.32 : 0.00 : Reach 2 : : 1 1 1 : Segment 1 : 1.80 11.00 0.224 1 0.84 : 0.20 1 0.26 1 3.90 1 4.44 0.19 1 0.30 1 0.19 1 0.00 1 Reach 3 1 Segment 2 1 0.20 44.00 0.299 1 0.33 10.53 1 0.70 :20.76 I 23.66 0.32 10.50 1 0.32 1 0.00 1 Reach 1 1 : : 1 ! 1 : Segment 2 1 1.20 16.70 0.108 1 0.67 1 0.19 1 0.25 1 2.84 1 3.23 0.19 1 0.30 1 0.19 1 0.00 1 Reach 2 1 : 1 : Segment 2 1 5.40 5.90 0.116 1 0.88 1 0.17 1 0.22 1 1.08 1 1.23 0.19 1 0.30 1 0.19 1 0.00 1 Reach 3 : 1 : : : : 1 1 Segment 3 1 3.80 10.00 0.235 1 1.11 1 0.19 1 0.25 1 3.71 1 4.22 0.19 1 0.30 1 0.19 1 0.00 1 Reach 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Segment 1 Flow 1 cfs 1 Reach 1 Waste 1 Headwaters: Tributary 1 * Runoff 1 1.176 ().100 0.000 0.000 Segment 1 Reach 2 Waste 1 0.803 Tributary : 0.000 Runoff 1 0.000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CBOD mg/1 45.000 2.000 \ 2.0:.)0 2.000 1 50.000 1 2.000 1 2.000 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NBOD mg/1 67.500 1.000 1 .000 1.000 1 49.500 1 1.000 1 1.000 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D.O. mg/1 5.000 9.280 9.280 9.280 5.000 9.280 9.280 1 1 I Segment 1 Reach 3 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 ir1%ut ry i U. ].c:'._f i ; .uuU i 1..LuU i 'i.r:riL * Runoff I 0.180 I 2.000 1.000 ► 9.280 Segment 2 Reach 1 Waste I 0.493 Headwaters: 0.000 Tributary ► 0. 000 * Runoff 1 0.000 Segment 2 Reach 2 Waste I 0.000 Tributary 1 0.200 * Runoff I 0.040 Segment 2 Reach 3 Waste I 0.000 Tributary 1 0.300 • Runoff I 0.120 Segment 3 Reach 1 Waste I 0.000 Headwaters 3 0.000 Tributary 3 0.000 * Runoff 3 0.080 1 30.000 2.000 I 2.000 2.000 0.000 2.000 2.000 0.000 2.000 2.000 0.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 67.500 i 1.000 , 1.000 , 1..000 Runoff flaw is in cfs/mile 0.000 1.000 , 1.000 0.000 1 .000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.0:}0 5.000 9.280 9.280 9.280 0.000 9.tr :�40 9.280 0.000 9.280 9.280 0.000 9.280 9.280 9.280 Sou.+h.);de, ne,)h c, 3oD = 30 01- M ; 15 50« Si jr i�)Git.�7� 1Ct1 boDD3 = .35 NNE - N = I I f .w�, G►C ?per _ 20 N µ3 - WINTER SAVED AS OXFORD2W ON LBDATA11 WINTER WITH REDUCED LIMITS Seg # Reach # Seg Mi D.O. CFSDD f'JBOD I Flow 1 1 0.00 5.34 41.63 62.29 1.28 1 1 0.10 5.66 41.36 61.82 1.28 1 1 0.20 5.93 41.08 61.36 1.28 1 1 0.30 6.14 40.81 60.90 1.28 1 1 0.40 6.32 40.54 60.45 1.28 1 10.50 6.47 40.27 60.00 1.28 1 2 0.50 5.90 44.03 55.94 2.08 1 2 0.60 6.29 43.79 55.64 2.08 1 2 0.70 6.61 43.55 55.34 2.08 1 2 0.80 6.87 43.32 55.04 2.08 1 2 0.90 7.07 43.08 54.74 2.08 1 2 1.00 7.24 42.8,E 54.44 2.08 1 2 1.10 7.38 42.62 54.15 2.08 1 2 1.20 7.49 42.39 53.85 2.08 1 2 1.30 7.59 42.16 53.56 2.08 1 2 1.40 7.66 41.93 53.27 2.08 1 2 1.50 7.73 41.71 52.98 2.08 1 2 1.60 7.78 41.48 52.69 2.08 1 3 1.60 7.86 39.33 49.87 2.20 1 3 1.70 7.68 38.81 49.22 2.22 1 3 1.80 7.52 38.30 48.58 2.24 1 3 1.90 7.38 37.80 47.9.E 2.25 1 3 2.00 7.26 37.32 47.34 2.27 1 3 2.10 7.16 36.84 46.73 2.29 1 3 2.20 7.08 36.36 46.14 2.31 1 3 2.30 7.01 35.9E 45.55 2.33 1 3 2.40 6.95 35.45 44.98 2.34 1 3 2.50 6.91 35.00 44.41 2.36 1 3 2.60 6.87 34.56 43.86 2.38 1 3 2.70 6.84 34.13 43.31 2.40 1 3 2.80 6.82 33.70 42.77 2.42 1 3 2.90 6.81 33.28 42.25 2.43 1 3 3.00 6.80 32.87 41.73 2.45 1 3 3.10 6.80 32.47 41.22 2.47 1 3 3.20 6.80 32.07 40.72 2.49 1 3 3.30 6.81 31.68 40.22 2.51 1 3 3.40 6.82 31.30 39.74 2.52 2 1 0.00 5.00 30.00 54.00 0.49 2 1 0.10 6.29 29.68 53.65 0.49 2 1 0.20 7.14 29.35 53.31 0.49 2 2 0.20 7.76 21.46 38.21 0.69 2 2 0.30 7.56 21.12 37.59 0.70 2 2 0.40 7.40 20.79 36.99 0.70 2 2 0.50 7.27 20.46 36.39 0.71 2 2 0.60 7.18 20.13 35.80 0.71 2 2 0.70 7.10 19.82 35.23 0.71 2 2 0.80 7.05 19.51 34.66 0.72 2 2 0.90 7.01 19.20 34.11 0.72 2 2 1.00 6.99 18.90 33.56 0.73 2 2 1.10 6.98 18.61 33.03 0.73 2 2 1.20 6.98 18.32 32.50 0.73 2 2 1.30 6.99 18.03 31.98 0.74 2 2 1.40 7.00 17.75 31.48 0.74 2 3 1.40 7.66 13.21 22.69 1.04 2 3 1.70 7.22 12.50 21.32 1.08 2 3 2.00 6.91 11.84 20.06 1.11 2 3 2.30 6.70 11.23 18.89 1.15 2 3 2.60 6.58 10.67 17.81 1.19 c o c.-1v o.uI Iv.A p . Lo.ov 1.CZc 2 8 8.20 6.50 9.64 15,87 1.26 2 3 3.50 6.52 9.18 15.00 1.29 2 3 3.80 6.56 8.75 14.19 1.38 2 8 4.10 6.68 8.85 13.44 1.37 2 3 4.40 6.72 7.97 12.74 1.40 2 3 4.70 6.81 7.82 12.08 1.44 2 8 5.00 6.91 7.28 11.46 1.47 2 3 5.30 7.02 6.97 10.88 1.51 2 3 5.60 7.13 6.68 10.84 1.55 2 3 5.90 7.24 6.40 9.88 1.58 2 3 6.20 7.35 6.13 9.35 1.62 P- 3 6.50 7.45 5.89 8.90 1.65 2 3 6.80 7.56 5.65 8.47 1.69 3 1 0.00 7.12 21.02 27.20 4.21 3 1 0.20 7.26 20.74 26.84 4.28 3 1 0.40 7.38 20.47 26.48 4.24 3 1 0.60 7.48 20.20 26.12 4.26 3 1 0.80 7.57 19.93 25.77 4.28 3 1 1.00 7.65 19.67 25.43 4.29 8 1 1.20 7.72 19.41 25.09 4.31 3 1 1.40 7.79 19.16 24.76 4.32 3 1 1.60 7.85 18.91 24.48 4.34 3 1 1.80 7.90 18.66 24.10 4.36 3 1 2.00 7.95 18.42 E23.78 4.87 3 1 2.20 7.99 18.18 23.47 4.39 3 1 2.40 8.03 17.95 23.16 4.40 8 1 2.60 8.07 17.71 22.85 4.42 8 1 2.80 8.11 17.49 22.55 4.44 8 1 3.00 8.14 17.26 22.25 4.45 3 1 3.20 8.18 17.04 21.96 4.47 3 1 3.40 8.21 16.82 21.67 4.48 3 1 8.60 8.24 16.60 21.38 4.50 3 1 3.80 8.27 16.39 21.10 4.52 WINTER SAVED AS OXFORD2W ON LBDATA11 WINTER WITH REDUCED LIMITS ----- MODEL RESULTS Discharger : OXFORD: ALL THREE FACILITIES Receiving Stream : UT TO FISHING CREEK AND UT TO JORDAN CK The End D.O. is 8.27 mg/l" The End CBOD is 16.39 mg/1. WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/1) Milepoint Reach # (mg/1) (mg/l) (mg/1) (mgd) Segment 1 5.84 0.00 1 Reach 1 45.00 67.50 5.00 0.75900 Reach 2 50.00 49.50 5.00 0.51800 Reach 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Segment 2 5.00 0.00 1 Reach 1 30.00 54.00 5.00 0.31810 Reach 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Segment 8 7.12 0.00 1 Reach 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 *** MODEL SUMMARY DATA *** Discharger : OXFORD: ALL THREE FAC I L I TSubbas i n : 030301 Receiving Stream p UT TO FISHING CREEK AND UT8tream Class: C Summer 7010 w Winter 7010 Design Temperature: 14. !LENGTH: SLOPE! VELOCITY I DEPTH, Kd ! Kd I Ka 1 Ka ► KN ! KN I KNR I KNR 1 1 mile 1 ft/mil fps I ft !design! 320° !design! 320° !design! 320° !design! 320° I Segment 1 I 0.501 23.001 0.257 10.58 10.28 10.37 19.32 ! 10.62! 0.32 10.50 1 0.32 10.00 I Reach 1 1 I Segment 1 I 1.101 23.001 0.354 10.63 10.31 ! 0.41 112.85 114.641 0.32 10.50 10.32 10.00 1 Reach 2 I ! ! I Segment 1 1 1.801 11.001 0.224 10.84 1 0.20 10.26 13.90 I 4.441 0.19 10.30 10.19 1 0.00 I Reach 3 I ! Segment 2 1 0.201 44.001 0.299 10.33 ! 0.53 10.70 120.76 123.661 0.32 1 0.50 10.32 10.00 I Reach 1 ! ! 1 1 1 Segment 2 1 1.201 16.701 0.108 1 0.67 ► 0.19 10.25 12.84 1 3.231 0.19 10.30 10.19 10.00 I Reach 2 I Segment 2 I 5.401 5.901 0.116 1 0.88 10.17 10.22 1 1.08 1 1.231 0.19 1 0.30 1 0.19 10.00 I Reach 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ! Segment 3 I 3.80! 10.001 0.235 1 1.11 10.19 10.25 13.71 1 4.221 0.19 1 0.30 1 0.19 1 0.00 1 Reach 1 I 1 , 1 Flow► 1 cfs Segment 1 Reach 1 Waste ► 1.176 Headwaters: 0. 100 Tributary I 0.000 * Runoff I 0.000 , 1 , 1 , , , , , 1 CBOD I NBOD 1 D.O. mg/1 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 45.000 1 67.500 1 5.000 2.000 ► 1.000 1 9.280 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 1 Reach 2 Waste 0.803 I 50.000 1 49.500 Tributary 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 * Runoff I 0.000 1 2.000 1 1 .000 1 1 1 1 5.000 9.280 9.280 Segment 1 Reach 3 Waste ! 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 13 :I.ut«t 1.iatvy * Runoff kd...LCV 0.180 4 2.000 I 1.000 I 9.280 Segment 2 Reach 1 Waste I 0.493 Headwaters! 0.000 Tr ibutary E 0.000 * Runoff I 0.000 Segment 2 Reach 2 Waste ► 0.000 ; Tributary 0.200 • Runoff i 0.040 I Segment 2 Reach 3 Waste I 0.000 Tributary I 0.300 * Runoff E 0.:120 Segment 3 Reach 1 Waste 1 0.000 Headwaters 1 0.000 Tributary I 0.000 * Runoff I 0.080 30.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 0.000 1 2.000 I 2.000 0.000 P.000 rr 2 . 0 0 0 0.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 54.000 I 5.000 1. 00 0 ': 9.280 11.000 .000 } 9.280 1.000 I 9.280 0.000 I 1.000 ; 1.000 I 0.000 } 1.000 F 1.000 } 0.000 9.280 9.280 0.000 9.280 9.280 1 0.000 1 0.000 1.000 99.280 . 280 1.000 1 1.000 F 9.280 * Runoff flow is in cfs/mire J t � -Y,207 �! 41R jzol 4A'idxf Aaa zkue &)07-6 Ayo -tkuP 414 a_,.e e e-V (pi 7�r06 = D C t9 3c 0z = ,4. .y�I D,_- J,5.,e,t4 j GL a % J. a J 26DaigoCe -0105 Q .? 4ezocti-e,( k 3v QZ o-a-YCce. J%e l >-n ca p-of :Liza a / "'rid 7-4 i J G e 2c,o ao /ne-� G ,e6d a s to i 6 zi -c4.11 cYd4J)1 eea4fAl c-4 U O.ram , -0.ec l he cle?'.‹_Q d /-� , t L Jm / <✓� �� L ,4 .�2 eizt /o- JJ t „eux.J, tow /ait Zeal asc /emu i C..4 Ca,. tcc -AtAe4 66di Zoi-e-64E-0 , /9(---6f 4fi.f �-c J 0: , /42.40 /76 rc" C l%Zcr'�'t u=t✓ -6 03 - 0..3 -o1 Q., 3 a EC; — OxSo fc' ol,O%t j,IIoo �►4= 5.8-0 S7Qto = ( , oS cfs Qu =/.2)016-0 4404,6-LJ . ohs o = .JO M�/ems 7C) o Q/v = 0.,20 c-fs 3oel? 2. = o.3oc�s q,4 = 3 c-fs s7Q,o =o 4.4 = 3.9 c-FS 0 (5.7Qro= 0,20c Cs _rigio = 1. 2.0 c-CS q1,1= az.o cl.s