HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-07070_Well Construction - GW1_20220729 828-622-724 1 % P,1 Feb 1619 05:43p Clearwater Well frilling --------- WELL CONS' RUCTION pX-,CO n tGW-fl 1 [nr Inlcfnnl L)se duly; 1. 11 C.c+ntraelnr Information: T _14,Vp—"A g•r)NES DESCRI T14ON S - 70 r--------- rttc>• SVr1l fnntraict+x Name fr, ft. n,ift OR LI?IER if a ale WelI Cnnlr CI Ccrtifioatinn Number r 1S.0 TrF.R CASih1G far motfbcaYed nLr m I MATERIAL �q 1r� n /1PRAM Tf? DfApr3TiG l 1t A \I\) L Compnny Namr. /l I 16.INNFR t 1NC ORTt1 ofNAM1rTP�A wrmn THICKNESS MAT£n1AL TO 2.Well Construction 1'erurit M. C7� ft• ft in• i'Atal7 applicable 1Vel(t cnn.rrnrellolt paratitn(Le.U1C C.tnmry,Stale,Y.rrrnncc, S.FV(11 U.Je(ched Well use); t�.SCReFN WA ter SupplyNVell: mom To PIA ttt[1t SLorsys Tetrreevlrss MATERIAL AsriculturalM+micipal/Puhlic in. Geothermal(I:leating/cooling Supply) esidentihl Water Supply(single) ft. tL [ndusiriallCommercinl C]Residcntial Water Supply(shared) 1&GROUT M T'ERt L EMPLACBME. 14ffmo d AMOUNT FROM TO Novi-Water Supply Well- fu Rccovery ft, �-- Nlanitoring -ft '- in,jectian Well: �G . B AquifcrArcbat r ro+:ndwatcrRcmcdialinn T19 AN /GRAVfiLPhCK (fo li AWm )�f*(AC�i;�TMCT110n � T1 MAT !Aquifer Storage rindRcfovcr}' f3$a nity Barrier YrRPrf ft ft. Aquifer Tcst �Sulrinwater IJrainagc ICU Experimental Technology [)5ubsidencc COtlTrn! ft. TCaF:er 2Q.DRl1.i.iNG LtJt; attachrl Drrw1CR1 pt'1'IQt N��tnr.l��sr�t�k t raM shs,ate, , Geothermal(Closed Loop) � PROM TO Gcnthennal{ltcating/Cooling Return E)Otber(explain under#21 Remarks) ft ft. t. � R. Dare Vl'en(s)Cnmpie�ted ����//}}-�cWellIDN /t„ t ft. h Su ( .Well I" `aA 1 C©n� w� -- �l�l S:+eillih/Jfl++,elllame �tFaaililv[Dil(ifap licablr.) _. Em Phill Add.Sl�.1 `it• qnd 7.iP - G J• C;�unty Parse!ideT)iiflcntion No.(PIN) Irlfenrt:sstien Pr :. Jn' Sb.Latitude and longitude in degreesJminatestseennds or dceimnl drgree.s: pV;> iBOG (ii,vcllfrcld,analat+InngiasniTicia+fi .� 1 22, ,e frcntion: 26 rC DatC �.Is(are)the well(s) Pcrmnnent 01' OITempnrnry cnifiutW Sip v ' cilCcmVartor I1v xl}miap,tkix lbrm,I herrhv minify tour,111e 1vc11(y wag l94,anJ rrtstrtrcnxl A:neohrrlmee'e 7.1s this a repair to an existing wdl: Oves or [ No k,;th lS,t.tiC:'Af.'02C.11/011 or 1JA ryCAC.4) Cc.mvo Weli CnlrrlrncfMlr Slandatdc mtrf drat rr If'ihis isn repair.fill ant(14K'n wrl!aan.dnleliml irtfnrmatinn rrrTcxprairt the rxrtanr nflhc an!?v gllhie n rort7 hap bran provided In the will!nwilar. rRoir under AT.I remarks uwan nrortMo har:knflhlsf0nrl. 23-Site diagram or additional well details: R.For Gee rohe/f)PT or Closed-Lon Geothermni Wells having the snore )roil may use the back.of this page to provide additional well site details or well P P com9truction details. You may also attach additional pages if t1BCCS M'. Lonstmctinn,only i CrVd-1 is nrcded. llldicoto TOTAL NUMBER of-,yells drilluL_.._. (1RiwIITfAI litiS'iRt1 nNS 9,Total well depth below land surfacc: __ 7C)� _( .1 2•},y, fur All Wellc: Suhmit this form within 30 days of completion of well 1%rrnurlliplcwellvlistntid!pN.rifefffauntrermnnlu-3(n.200,"02@1001 constillctlonto the f01101ving: 16.349tie waterlev2l below top of casing:_ _(ft.) Divigion of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, If waterlural it irhova casing,rc+e•'1"` 1617 h7ail Service Center,ftfeiglt,NC27699-1611 1I-Borehotedinmeter• C+n.) 2.1b.Tor iniectio,0\Netts: In addition to sending the form to die nddrea in 24a :ii,pove,fllso submit one copy of this form within 30 days of eomplrtion of well I2.Well construction method: I �% l ,{ 1_ construction to the following; 0 a auge-,rotary,cablc,oir"t push,cm) Division of Water Rrsnurces,llndergronnd inJtxtlon Control Program, MR WATER St:PPLV WFLLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13n.Yield(Spin) htethnd of test.SipL T`1 24c, iuor Water Snndv&iafection Wells: In addition In sending the form to t the address(es) above; also submit one rnpy of ibis form williin 30 days of 13h.Utsinfection type: — Amount: I completion of wall construction to the colml health department of the county vlhcrc constnlcted, I+ono Gw•"I North CamlinaDc-pnrunent of Iin0rdnmenml Quality-Divismriof Walcr Rnuanrcmc Rrvi%NU-22 Z016