HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-07018_Well Construction - GW1_20220725 -- r R ff F • -t ,yp � x �. �. �,.;��� �i `� « �� �� � � .,•,rS a- �f}nt FDrfft _ � �- .,» .€`'c 5fi.,5,Il•_,? wt-'itttt`�'dltlse nly" z + . t , l .•�^ i4''YYATEFI7.ONES ..' ' ^7- �. Cameron abitri; - - .ntscnsaoN FRoat ,� t ! wcil Caaaactor Nano 4518-A . NC 1,Vclt 6.1—i-C tianNumbet'. -.lS.OLITERCASIPIG fui:muln�id'xr16 OS�L7NI5R (a Habit ` D1At EIFR rmCicrlFss IvinrEatAL 1 1 Aqua-Drill,Inc. ft "n .n Inw. - } ComPaaYNumc - RMR CASING ORTUEILIG atbeiinulrsl�osed MATEtnAL s.. 34S+ FROM TO, D,AM1,prr:. t • 2--WatConstruerienPe.rmittt: 'it Lint aUappficabfe tteardnrlracflon pem,ia rr.e.VIC.C—tv.Staff Ira IMM ele l - - - �A 7. 3.Wen Use(eheckwell use): 17.SCREEN' DIAMe'rER SLOT SrLE TniCKN�Ss MATRRIAL Nnhr Supply Wca: FROM To 'a j Agicatntlal QMtmicipel(Pablie [t tm 1 Geathermai(ReatiWCoolingSupply) Supply n t tdeatia(Watcl'S [t. -: 4: IodustriaVCommetcial dential Water Supply(she fe.GROrrr on&AMottNr t I•RODf r0 EafYLACE6'IENr METII btnrERrnl i'. NonWtieStipplyWe]L- 0 ft 'jD R' 44 T fL ft. + Monitoring ! Recovery -.. Injection Wen: .IL :- _.Aquifer PACK tfierRechatge �GtonvdwaterRemediauon E<vscncEhfrxron l:,,i. ...,j 1 19:SAND/GRAVEL Geable gw2rStanageandRecovery OSalinityBaaier FROM, To nrwTERu+I C. t ft. ft a ' gniferTest OStotmaaterDrainage ExpeiimeutalTechnoIogy OSnbsidenceC®h ft ILot 1 20.DRII:LINGLOG attachadd"iGanal dfia'ets Siiecee Geothelmal(Closed loop). 0T_ FROM TO DESCRIPTIONmlur U-1-l.sol0mck a � Geothe®el(HeatmglCOOlingReturn) .nodier(explainunder#21R auaz ) O fL ft i y 4.D1teWe)l(s);Completed: L2� WeaW# O R tt. ...' t Sa:Wen Location: E: i ft i r Fara7Hy/ &Nam: F FacilitylD#Clfapph-ble) 4 0�„ hl Physir`blAddtcss.City,and T.tP _ ... - —_ •`-'r. 7 DYLd� 2LRFAHARKS 10RAyt"an Prat,---- ,, Cotmty PazcetIdeatifitation.No.(PM) mQa� 5b:-LRUtade and iongi(udein degrees/mifiu2es/seconds or decimal degrees: l i t4'vibfica,onemongissuff=Ew) �f p 22.Cerlitieation: J6i T� w r1, SigaatmaofCenifiedWellCoahactor - D C>_Is(are)the wens 9permanent or MTemp.or'ary.. dydigning Utirfami;Ihrretry.eer0fylha!the rvell(s),rvas:(were)ronstiuuedfnaemrddnce - 7.Is this a rgpair'to an erleting well: .0Yes oroNo with 15A NCAC 01C.0109 or ISA NCAC 02C.0200.Well Construction Standards and that a {i Ijthls-isa.�palrfi(loath+awrrswllcansiruclianlnjormatia miderpldiadiegalureofdm -pyofthls-card hasheeaprovidr�llatheiuellmvner. r repalrunder N21 Oran Me&Ck oftlurfosm j 23.Site diagram or"adtiitiontdwell details- You For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop.Geothermal Wells havingShe same You may use the baak'of this page to provide:adtlitional'well site details or well oaM1ru&d0I only 1.GV✓-1:is needed. Indicate TOTALNUMBER ofwelts Construction details.You may als°atta°h additional pages ifnecessary, drilled: SUBMUTAL INSTRUCTIONS fir! c 9'.Total.well depth below Land surface: f 03 (ft) 240.For NI VJeUs: Submit this form witivti 30 days of completion of well - Fnrtmdllplewellrltr(alldT&ifdffonl[(erainpfe-3@`00'and2@100) consimctiontothefollowing: 10.Static water level below top of easing:. Division of Water-Resources,It forination-Processing=Uti t, .yu&terlevel;k abaw castn9.are'+" 1617.Mati Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11,Borehole diame"..1 k 0%) 24b.ForIniection.Wens: In addition to sending-the�folm.to the.address.in.24ti above, t: e also submit on coPY of this form Mi thin 30 days of completion Y of well od: construction to the following: p 12,Well,constrnc6on.meth � - rla Eger,rotary;czb/e,duectpos6,etc•) Divisi°n of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELD 01MY: 1136 Mail Service"Cente-r,Raleigh,NC 276994636 13a.Yield(gpm) Method oftest 24c.For Water Surely&-LtA-11on Wells: In addition to gend'mg llfe.folm to the address(es),above,also submit one:copy of this form within:30 bays of I36.Disinfection type: Amount-* completion of well construction to the County Health constructed. department.of the county whetu Forni GW-1 NoA CmolimDepatttoentofEnvirommmtal Quality-Division of WaterResotuces 'Revised 2-22.2016 I _ . {