HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG550920_Rescission_20220801RE: 3511 Brecknock Street - rescission of NCG550920 Weaver, Charles <charles.weaver@ncdenr.gov> Mon 8/1/2022 1021 AM To: Liz Dear <Iizannder@gmail com>;Brigham, Joshua S <joshua brigham@ncdenr gov> Cc Bernard, Jane <jane Bernard@ncdenr gov> The Division received your request to rescind the subject Certificate of Coverage (CoC) under General Permit NCG550000. We do not object to this request. NPDES CoC NCG550920 is hereby rescinded, effective immediately. This message is to close the permit file for the Division, and for your records. If in the future you wish to discharge wastewater to the State's surface waters, you must first apply for and receive a new NPDES permit. If you have any questions concerning this matter, simm reply to this message. PLEASE NOTE as part of the Division's conversion to paperless communication, this ema I is the on y notification you will be sent regarding the CoC recission. No hard copy wi.I be mai..ed. Charles H. Weaver Environmental Specialist N.C. DEC)! 0 vision of Water Resources 919-707 3616 charles,weavendincdenr 9Qv (mailing address) 1617 Mail Service Center. Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: Bernard, Jane <jane.bernard@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, August 1, 2022 10:03 AM To: Liz Dear <lizannder@gmail.com>; Weaver, Charles <charles.weaver@ncdenrgov>; Brigham, Joshua 5 <joshua.brigham@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Re- Fw: [External) RE: 3511 Brecknock Street That's fine, Mr. Byrd (not Curran) should have capped the pipe when he disconnected. The way your letter read was that he was coming back or someone else. "I am in the process of having the discharge pipe capped/removed, but not yet sure exactly when this will take place. I assure you I am doing all I can to move forward. I am assuming I cannot formally request the rescission until the d scharge p pe is capped/removed. Thank You for you time and effort in getting this taken care of, Charles, Can you please consider rescinding NCG550920. I have received documentation from Mr. Byrd and uploaded that into Laserfiche. Durham has confirmed the connection as well. SaneR. Bernard, Environmental Specialist 11 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources 11800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 Office (919) 791-4133 Cell- (919) 210-7327 Fax- (919) 571.4718 E-mail- jane.bernard@ncdenr,gov web page: http://www.ncwater.orgL[ncwater.org) Email correspondence to and from this address rs subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Liz Dear <lizannderla?gmail.Corit> Sent: Monday, August 1, 2022 9:26 AM To: Bernard, Jane <jane.hernardf6ncdenr.ggv> Subject: Fwd: Fw: [External] RE: 3511 Brecknock Street CAUTION: External email. Co not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to R&port Spam. Jane, I would like to refer back to your email of July 6th where you explained that 'the only thing left' is confirmation of septic tank demolition before applying rot the rescission of the permit. I had the septic tank demolished as requested, submitted documentation, and now you are telling me I need to do something in addition. If you had conveyed that nformationr I would have asked Mr. Byrd (I am assuming that is who you meant by Mr. Currie?) to do it when he did the demolition work At this point, given that I know the septic tank demolition ;s not actually a legal requirement for rescission of permit, I am requesting that you provide me with the Durham County statutes/regulations on what is legally required for rescission of permit to be granted. Respectfully, Liz Dear On Wed, Ju:6, 2022 at 8:18 AM Bernard, Jane <jane.bernard(ncdenrggs> wrote Liz, The only thingielis confirmation from your plumber that states the status of the septic tank that was part of our NCG55 permit. Once we receive the proof of "demolition ' from a Iicenced installer you will need to request a rescission of the Sand Filter Permit. The request can be a simple letter that includes the Permit 8 and address. Please be sure to sign it and send it to me. You can email a copy or send the request at the address below. Once I receive it I will walk it through our process. Please feel free to contact me at the numbers below. If you choose not to rescind the permit then the Division expects all fees to be paid as required by permit. Invoices will be sent as a separate email. The facility will need to be maintained as if in operation and according to permit. Jane R. Bernard, Environmental Specialist 11 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources moo Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 Office: (919) 791-4233 Cell- (919) 210-7327 Pan- (919) 3171-47111 E-mall- lane.beraardOngdenr4g9y web page. j pj/www.ncwater.orgL[ncwater org] Email correspondence to and from thFs address is subject to the North Carolina Pubic Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Bernard, Jane <j ne bernardfancdenbgQy> Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2022 10:09 AM To: Brigham, Joshua S <joshua.brighami6lncdenr.gov>• Manuel, Vanessa <vanessa.manuelClncdenr.g y>; Liz Dear <lizannderl8?gnai .com> Subject: Re: [External] RE: 3511 Brecknock Street Liz, appreciate you tak.ng the time to help us work this out. The only thing left is confirmation from your plumber that states the status of the septic tank that was part of our NCG55 permit. Once we receive the proof of "demolition" from a Iicenced installer you will need to request a remission of the Sand Filter Permit. The request can be a simple letter that includes the Permit 8 and address. Please be sure to sign it and send it to me. You can email a copy or send the request at the address below. Once I receive it I will walk it through our process. Please feel free to contact me at the numbers below. lane R. Bernard, Environmental Ipedallit It Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division e! Water Resources 3800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 17609 Office: (919) 791-4233 Cell- (919) 210-7327 Ras- (919) 571-4715 E-mail- lane.bernardlncdenr.gov web pagep://www.ncwater.orgL[ncwater.org] Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: Bermudez, Julie <Julre.Bermudezdurhamnc.gov> Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2022 9:09 AM To: Bernard, Jane <jane.bernard@ncdenr.gov>, Lin, Pei Shuan <Pei•Shuan.Lin@durhamnc.gov>; Brigham, Joshua S <joshua,brighamOncdenr.gov>- Manuel, Vanessa <vanessa.rnanueI1 ncdenrggl+>- Liz Dear <Jizannderfalgmail.conl> Subject: RE: [External] RE: 3511 Brecknock Street CAUTION. External email. Ro not click links or open attachments unEess you verify Send al: suspicious email as an attachment to eport Spam. Good morning. Our office has received an application for the sewer capital facility fees that were never paid when the property connected. We will add the sewer billing codes to the existing account by the end of the week. Thanks i ** ** PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF DURI inM Julie Bermudez Sensor Engineering Specialist Public Works Engineering Department 101 City Hall Plaza Durham, NC 27701 919-560.4326 ext 30284 Julie.bermudez(durha nnc,9ov From: Bernard, Jane <jane.bernard@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2022 7:59 AM To: L n, Pei Shuan <Pei Shuan.Lin@durhamnc gor>• Bermudez, Julie <Julie.Bermudez@durhamnc.gov>• Brigham, Joshua S <joshua.brjgham@ncdenr.ggy> Vanessa Manuel <vanessa.manuel@ncdenr.gov> Liz Dear <Iizannder@gmajl.com> Subject: Re. [External; RE 3511 Brecknock Street Good Morning. Julie does this mean that 3511 Brecknock is a legal connection and we can work with her to rescind her permit if she chooses? Jane R. Bernard, Environmental Specialist 11 Water Quality Regional Operation! Section Division of Water Resources S800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27009 Office: (919) 791-4211 Ce11- (919) 2iO-7327 Par- (919) 571-4718 E-mail- lane.bernard@ncdenr.gggt web page. hIp://www,ncwater.orgL[ncwater.org] Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Lin, Pei-Shuan <Pei-Shuan.Lin@durhamnc.ggy> Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2022 7:12 AM To: Bermudez, Julie <Julre.Bermudez@durhamnc.ggy>; Bernard, Jane <jane bernard@ncdenr.ggy>; Brigham.. Joshua S <joshua.brigham@ncdenr,94y> Subject: RE: :External) RE: 3511 Brecknock Street CAUTION: External email Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Good Morning, The customer is connected to the city sewer, please see the finding below. LIN. PEI-SHUAN 05/25/2022 07:01 SOr70891- PLEASE PERFORM DYE TEST AND CONFIRM IF THE CUSTOMER F THE GJSTOMER IS COrf uECTED TO THE CITY SEWER rt,t EGAL 1 Y PER JE rMunis Location LF BUSH ADAMS, DERRICK 06113/2022 11:09 Crew arrived on scene 10 50am Customer has City side clean out we [loured ve!ION dye rn the clean out and ran water through the lateral and the ye.lo: dye ran cli5ectly into the gravity main in front of the residence ADAMS. DERRICK 06113t2022 11:20 After Willer •nvestigation customer is connected to city se.Aer and has a City side clean out to. access Thank you. Pei-Shuan Lin, MBA Senior Fiscal Analyst City of Durham, Department of Water Management 101 City Hall Plaza, Suite 1505 Durham, NC 27701 Phone 919-560-4412 Ext. 35612 pei-shuan.linCaldurhamnc ggy www.durhamnc goy WATER MANAGEMENT CITY or DURHAM From: Bermudez, Julie Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2022 2:07 PM To: Bernard, Jane <jane.bernardC(ncdenr ggy>• Brigham, Joshua 5 <joshua.brlghamencdenr,gpi>; Lin, Pei-Shuan < Shuan.Lin@durhamnc.ggv_> Subject: RE: [External] RE: 3511 Brecknock Street Pei-Shuan do you have an update on this? i PUBLIC WORKS CITY Or DURHAM Julie Bermudez Senior Engineering Specialist Public Works Engineering Department 101 City Hall Plaza Durham, NC27701 919-560-4326 ext 30284 julre.bermudez@durhamrrcg., From: Bernard, Jane <Jane.bernard@ncdenr ggy> Sent: Wednesday.. June 22, 2022 2:02 PM To: Bermudez, Julie <Julie.Bermudez@durhamnc gQv>; Brigham, Joshua S <joshua.brlgham@ncdenr,gg >• Lin, Pei-Shuan <Pei- Shuan.Lin durhamnc go > Subject: Re: [External] RE: 3511 Brecknock Street Good Afternoon, Just following up on the dye test to determine the exact outcome for this Single Family? Jane R. Bernard, Environmental Specialist 11 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources 11soo Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 Office; (919) 791-4233 Cell- (919) 210-7327 Fan. (919) 971.47111 E-mail- Jane.bernard.ncdenr9IM web page:hup://www.ncwater.orgL[ncwater.org] Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Bermudez, Julie <Julie.Bermudez@durhamnc,gQY> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 3:07 PM To: Bernard, Jane <jane.bernardPncdenrgoy>; Brigham, Joshua S <joshua.bngham@ncdenrgg >; Lin, Pei-Shuan <peL Shuan.Lin@durhamnc,gQY> Subject: RE: [External] RE: 3511 Brecknock Street 'CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you venfy Send all suspicious email as an attachment to &port Spam. I am going to request a dye test to be performed. It will be up to maintenance and r ustomer billing if it is determined that she is connected and doesn't pay the associated fees. Pei-Shuan can you please create a service order to have a dye test performed at this location It would appear that the homeowner has tapped into the sewer but hasn't paid the associated fees. Please let me know as soon as possible if the property is connected and what you would like the next steps to be if she is connected illegally 'hanks Julie Bermudez Senior Engineering Specialist Public Works Engineering Department 101 City Hall Plaza Durham, NC 27701 919-560 4326 ext 30284 lulte.berniudex@durhurrinc.gov durharnnc.gov From: Bernard, Jane <Jane.bernardPncdenrgQy> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 3:03 PM To: Bermudez, Julie <Julie.BermudezPdurhamnc gQy> Brigham, Joshua 5 <joshua.brighamPncdenr.ggx Subject: Re [External' RE. 3511 Brecknock Street Julie, have no idea about the dye test. We are trying to figure out what to do at our end. If she does not pay her fees what happens from your end? Sane R. Bernard, Environmental Specialist II Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resource) 3R00 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 Office. (919) 791-4231 Cell- (919) 210-7327 Fan- (914)171-4710 E-mall- jane.bernardOnadenr,grLv web page: http://www.ncwater.orgL[ncwater.org] Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: Bermudez. Julie <Julie Bermudez@durhamnc Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 1:00 PM To: Bernard, Jane <jane.bernard@ncdenr.gQy> Subject: RE. {External] RE. 3511 Brecknock Street [CAUTION: External email- Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspic•ous email as an attachment to Rgport Spam Good afternoon, I just listened to your voice mail. I ci d respond to the email this morning. It would appear that he did tie into the existing tap but fees were never paid to us for the connection. Do you know if a technician from the city has performed a "dye test'? This is a test that can be performed to verify the true sewer connection. If one hasn't been done I can email the d vision that creates the service request and ask for one to be completed as soon as possible. If it comes back that they are connected they will have additional fees to pay to our office since they were never retrieved. Please let me know and I will be happy to assist in getting a dye test performed. Thanks Julie Bermudez Senior Engineering Specialist Public Works Engineering Department 101 City Na!! Plaza Durham, NC 27701 919-560-4326 ext 30284 julie.bermudezOdr rhaninc.ggs From: Bernard, Jane <jane.bernard(a ncdenr.gQv> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2022 3:01 PM To: Bermudez, Julie <Julie.Bermudez@durhamnc gQv_> Cc: Brigham, Joshua S <joshua.brigham@ncdenr,gQv_>; ]izannderOgmail,com Subject: Re: [External] RE: 3511 Brecknock Street Ms. Dear, Please see Julie's email below. Jane R. Bernard, Environmental specialist 11 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources 1800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 Office: (919) 791-4233 Celt- (919) 210-7327 pan- (919) 571-47111 E-mail- jane.betnard@nedenrego web pagep://www.ncwater.orgL[ncwater.org[ Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Bermudez, Julie <Julie.Bermydez@durhamnc gpy> Sent: Wednesday, May 4, 2022 11:32 AM To: Bernard, Jane <yane.bernardPncdenr ggy> Cc: Brigham, Joshua S <Joshua.brigham@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External) RE: 3511 Brecknock Street CAUTION: External email. Do not click .inks or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to R�poR Spam. Good morning, i do not have a record of this property being connected to city sewer Please see the screenshot below showing water only Have a great day! Julie Bermudez Senior Engineering Specialist Public Works Engineering Department 101 City Hall Plaza Durham, NC27701 919-560-4326 ext 30284 Julie herinudez@durliamnc.gov From: Bernard, Jane <jane.bernard@ncdenr ggy> Sent: Wednesday, May 4, 2022 10:55 AM To: Bermudez, Julie <Julie.BermudezCadurhamnc ggy> Cc: Brigham, Joshua S <joshua.brigham@ ncdenr.gov> Subject: 3511 Brecknock Street Julie. We have been told by Elizabeth Dear that the subject single family has connected to Durham's Municipality. Can you please confirm that she is connected and no longer needs our discharge permit when you get a moment. Thank you. Jane R. Bernard, environmental Specialist 11 Water quality Regional Operationt Section Division of Water Resources 3800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 Office: (919) 701-4233 Cell- (919) 210-7327 Fan. (010) 571.4718 C-mail- lane.bernard@ncdenr.g�+r web page. hp://www.ncwater.orgL[ncwater.org] Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. spray irrigation system inspection rrceport Acct #: Unk PIN: Unk Location Address: 600 Wiltowbend Dr, Chapel Hill, 27517 Owner's Name Marc Paul Maiing Address Same Operator Waylon McFarland Dale of Res Inspecton 07/11 /22 System Type . Inspection Frequency Spray Irrigation (1yr� Time Dale of last inspection . ._.. 10:OOAM 01/25/2022 Compliant? Facility: Yes No REMARKS Type, size, & sewage flow in accordance with permit? ® ❑ Tankage: Risers accessible, surface water diverted? ® ❑ Risers structurally sound, watertight? Type concrete L ❑ Sanitary tee in good condition, effluent filter cleaned? ® ❑ Cleaned filter during inspection Filter Type Zabel, Free of solids? I1 ■ Sludge 11=2" / scum 0", Tank < 1/3 full of solids? ® ❑ Total water depth - 56" Sandfilter: Type? Above Grade Vegetation removed as needed? ® ❑ No ponding of effluent/equally distributed? ❑ The sand filter remains overflowing and does not drain. There are holes in the lid of the sandfilter furthest away from the house. �� Sludge disposed of in an approved manner? ® ❑ Disinfection: Type? Chlorine 1Z1 ❑ Chlorine tablets in place, proper type? ® 0 Adequate contact time? ® ❑ Disinfection equipment accessible, operating properly? /1 ❑ Lagoon: Vegetation properly maintained/established, no erosion? ❑ ® N/A Adequate detention time? ■ / / N/A' Adequate Dissolved Oxygen? ❑ ® NIA Adequate algae growth? ❑ ® N/A Sludge depth N/A, adequate reserve? ❑ ® NIA Effluent Dosing System : Sludge depth 0", effluent appears clear? ® 0 Required pumps present, operating, and cycling properly? ® 0 High water alarm present and operating properly? ►ii ❑ Vent/floats/pipe/valves/disconnects in good working order? ® ❑ Control panel /electrical components in good condition? ® ❑ Spray Fields: Spray heads functional/operating properly? ® ❑ All spray heads were functioning properly at the time of inspection. No evidence of effluent reaching surface water? 1 ❑ No ponding in spray field? ❑ Surface water diverted around fields, no depressions in field? ® 0 Vegetation adequate/maintained as needed? ® 0 Spray pattern free of obstructions? ❑ Properly protected, fenced? ® 0 Effluent Quality: Coliform sample results NIA Residual Chlorine measured NIA Comments: 1. Recommend contacting the office regarding the sand filters overflowing. 2. Contact office about solutions to fixing the covering that needs to be replaced on the sandfilter. Date:07/11/2022 your name here Please contact the Raleigh Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality for improvements or corrective actions. 919-791-4200 If you have questions regarding this inspection report, contact The Orange County Health Department, Environmental Health Division: