HomeMy WebLinkAbout06_NCS000564_Wendell IDDE Plan_20220729NWENDELL DRAFT ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION PROGRAM PLAN Town of Wendell Prepared by Town of Wendell 15 East Fourth Street 2021 This page intentionally left blank. Table of Contents Page 1.0 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Detection of Illicit Discharges.............................................................................. 2 1.2 Correction of Illicit Discharges............................................................................ 2 2.0 Legal Authorities..................................................................................................... 2 3.0 Dry Weather Screening Protocols................................................................................. 3 4.1 Background.......................................................................................................... 3 3.1 Schedule of Field Screening Activities................................................................ 3 3.2 Dry Weather Screening Procedure....................................................................... 4 5.0 Illicit Discharge Source Investigations.................................................................... 6 4.0 Timeframe to Conduct Source Investigations...................................................... 6 4.1 Methodologies to Determine the Source of Illicit Discharge ............................... 6 4.2 Follow-up Investigations for Continuous Illicit Discharges ................................ 7 4.3 Documentation and Tracking Illicit Discharge Investigations ............................. 7 5.0 Annual Reporting..................................................................................................... 8 List of Appendices APPENDIX A: Dry Weather Outfall Screening Field Equipment Checklist .................... 9 APPENDIX B: Data Sheets for Dry Weather Outfall Screening .................................... 13 APPENDIX C: Log of Illicit Discharge Source Investigations ....................................... 17 List of Tables Table 3-1. MS4 Outfalls Required for Annual Dry Weather Screening ............................ 4 Table 3-2. Dry Weather Screening Parameters and Equipment ......................................... 5 Table 4-1. Parameters Action Criteria and Effluent Type .................................................. 7 Town of Wendell IDDE Program i This page intentionally left blank. Town of Wendell IDDE Program A✓ENDELL 1.0 Introduction The Town of Wendell is regulated by the MS4 Permit under Permit Number NCS000564. This is the Town's plan Implement, a plan and address non-stormwater discharges, including illegal dumping. An illicit discharge is defined as any discharge to an MS4 that is not composed entirely of stormwater, except discharges allowed pursuant to a separate permit. These discharges can be hazardous to public health, harmful to aquatic life in receiving waters, and detrimental to overall water quality. This IDDE Program Plan meets the requirements of the abovementioned written procedures and has been revised to comply with requirements of the Town of Wendell MS4 Permit. Specifically, the MS4 Permit requires the written procedures to include (a) Maintain adequate legal authorities, (b) maintain a storm sewer system base map of major outfalls, (c) detect dry weather flows (d) investigate sources of identified illicit discharges € track and document investigations of illicit discharges (0 Employee training (g )provide public education (h) public reporting mechanism timeframe and methodologies to conduct illicit discharge source investigations, and (d) a mechanism to track all illicit discharge investigations. Illicit discharges in storm drains consist of measurable flow and contain high concentrations of pollutants and/or pathogens. Dry weather discharges can include the following illicit types: • sewage and septic flows; • public drinking water supply breach; • washwater flows, such as residential gray water (laundry) discharges, water from commercial car washes, fleet washing, equipment washdown activity, commercial laundries, and floor washing to shop drains; and • liquid wastes such as oil, paint, and industrial process water that enter the storm drain system. Town of Wendell IDDE Program (\IMENDELL 1.1 Detection of Illicit Discharges IDDE programs frequently include systematic or targeted screening of storm drain outfalls in priority areas. IDDE programs may include both dry weather screening ofstorm drain outfalls and investigations of upland sources of pollution as it enters the storm drain system. This plan establishes the protocol for identifying and screening outfalls within the Town of Wendell permitted area, including all Town owned or controlled facilities and properties which have a potential to have discharges do to town business. Town facilities are screened on a quarterly basis for presence of illicit discharge. as is required by the MS4 Permit. This Plan also contains the field operations, data management, and response protocols for the IDDE program. 1.2 Correction of Illicit Discharges Outfalls that have been found to be discharging and that have one or more screening parameters that are outside of acceptable ranges will be investigated further to determine the source or cause of the illicit discharge. Any suspected illicit will have investigation and possible enforcement. 2.0 Legal Authorities Thew Town of Wendell maintains the authority to enforce and eliminate illicit discharges into the MS4 the Town Ordinance. 3.0 Dry Weather Screening Protocols Background For the purposes of this IDDE Program Plan, dry weather conditions are identified as less than a cumulative 0.10 inches of rainfall in 72 hours. Dry weather MS4 screening programs involve monitoring both physical and chemical characteristics of dry weather flows. If flowing water is present at an outfall during dry weather, the quality of the flowing water is assessed in the field. Water quality testing for indicator pollutants such as detergents and fluoride, and characteristics such as pH and temperature, provides on -the -spot information to help distinguish between improper discharges and other possible sources of dry weather flow, such as groundwater infiltration. Physical indicators in flowing water include odor, color, turbidity, and the presence of floating material such as oil, sewage, or suds. Physical indicators of a potentially improper discharge are often evident when flow is not present; such indicators include outfall damage, deposits or stains, unfavorable colors or odors in plunge pools, deposits of material in receiving channels, and algal growth in pipes. Field procedures for dry weather screening are described in Sections and . Town of Wendell IDDE Program ZWENDELL 4.0 Schedule of Field Screening Activities An outfall is a point where the MS4 discharges from a pipe or other conveyance (e.g. a ditch) directly into surface ivaters. Major outfalls are required to be mapped to meet permit requirements. A major outfall is a 36- inch diameter pipe or discharge from a drainage area > 50-acres; and for industrial zoned areas a 12-inch diameter pipe or a drainage area > 2-acres. 4.1 Dry Weather Screening Procedure Initial dry weather screening activities include assessing the physical characteristics of the outfall and any discharge. Field screening will not proceed unless less than 0.10 inches of rainfall has fallen in the preceding 72 hours. Field crews will verify that this dry -time criterion has been met before beginning field operations. The field staff will obtain and gather the materials listed in Appendix A prior to field work. The outfall screening will commence on the set schedule for each outfall. The dry weather screening will be documented on the "dry weather inspection form" and stored in digital form for regulatory review. For the APS dry weather field effort, screening of outfalls consists of the following: 4.1.1 Locate outfalls using GPS and infrastructure maps in the target areas. 4.1.2 Inspect the selected outfalls for physical evidence of illicit discharge. 4.1.3 If flowing water is present, perform water chemistry tests in the field. 4.1.4 Record data on field data sheets. 4.1.5 If the presence of suspected illicit discharge is detected, ACG responsible personnel will be notified within 24 hours. Town of Wendell IDDE Program ��ENDELL Data gathered during the dry weather screening field effort will be recorded on pre-printed field data sheets (Appendix B). Datasheets developed by the Center for Watershed Protection (Brown et al. 2004) were used as the basis for these field data sheets. The following screening information will be entered onto field data sheets: 1. Background Data: Record current date, physical location, GPS location(if available), investigators, and other background data. 2. Outfall Description: Enter information describing the outfall, including outfall ID (if provided by County), whether closed pipe or open channel, whether subsurface or open to daylight, physical dimensions, shape, orientation, material type, etc. Indicate if water is flowing from the outfall and describe (e.g., yes, no, intermittent, stagnant). 3. Quantitative Characterization: If flowing water is observed, perform water chemistry tests as described in the equipment -specific methodology records provided by the manufacturer. 4. Physical Indicators for Flowing Outfalls Only: Collect information on physical features of flowing outfalls (e.g., odor, color, turbidity, sheens, floating materials). 5. Physical Indicators for Flowing and Dry Outfalls: Collect information on physical features of both flowing and dry outfalls. Examine outfall for presence and type of algae, abnormal vegetation (if applicable), damage, stains, sheens, and condition of plunge pool (if applicable). Structural problems (e.g., cracking, holes in corrugated metal pipes, dissolved concrete) should also be noted. Town of Wendell IDDE Program 4 NENDELL Table 5-1 identifies the dry weather screening parameters and the equipment and materials used to screen for those parameters. Annual Report. The dry weather screening technical memoranda include the following information required for tracking by the MS4 Permit: • Unique outfall identifier; • Time since the last precipitation event; • The estimated quantity of the last precipitation event; • Site descriptions (e.g., conveyance type and dominant watershed land uses); • Whether or not a discharge was observed; and • If a discharge was observed, the estimated discharge rate (e.g., width and depth ofdischarge flow rate) and visual characteristics of the discharge (e.g., odor, color, clarity, floatables, deposits or stains, vegetation condition, structural condition, and biology). Town of Wendell IDDE Program ZMENDELL 5.0 Illicit Discharge Source Investigations The MS4 Permit requires that permittees conduct an investigation to identify and locate the source of any observed unauthorized non-stormwater discharge. Permittees must identify (1) a timeframe to conduct investigations; (2) methodologies to determine the source of all illicit discharges; (3) methodologies for conducting follow-up investigations for illicit discharges that are continuous or occur more frequently than a one-time discharge; and (4) a mechanism to track and document all illicit discharge investigations. 5.1 Timeframe to Conduct Source Investigations After receiving a report of a suspected illicit discharge, the Town of Wendell will investigate the issue immediately. Utilizing the illicit discharge investigation from the Town will document all the information which can be gathered on the form Any suspected illicit discharge, including spills entering the MS4 and outfalls that fail physical or chemical parameter screening, will be reported to Town of Wendell immediately if, during field investigations, any active pollution discharge (elevated flow, discoloration, and abnormal odor) is evident. The Town designates responsible personnel to investigate and remediate illicit discharges within Town of Wendell. If the source of the discharge is located within the Town of Wendell system, then Town works to investigate and resolve the discharge. Town of Wendell will begin source investigations for suspected illicit discharges within two (2) weeks of the discharge being identified or reported. 5.2 Methodologies to Determine the Source of Illicit Discharge The Town of Wendell's Stormwater Manager will designate responsible personnel to investigate and remediate illicit discharges. if the source of the discharge is located on Town of Wendell property, The Town will investigate and resolve the discharge. The Town will compare the results of documented dry weather to assist in identifying the possible source of a suspected improper discharge or illicit connection. Results will be documented and reported in the MS4 Annual Report. Table 6-1 identifies the dry weather screening parameters and their ability to aid in detecting the type of illicit discharge. Town of Wendell IDDE Program IN !✓ENDELL Table 5-1. Parameters Action Criteria and Effluent Type Recommended w ` - Recommended Action Analyte Effluent Type Indicated Criterion Industrial; total chlorine drinking water; > 0.4 mg/l sewage fluoride tap water > 0.25 mg/1 Sewage; ammonia washwater; > 1 mg/l industrial surfactants (detergents) Sewage; > 0.125 mg/1 washwater Industrial; pH washwater < 5 5.3 Follow-up Investigations for Continuous Illicit Discharges If the Town is able to identify the source of an illicit discharge within six (6) months of beginning the investigation, then the Town will document that the source remains unidentified. If the observed discharge is intermittent, the Town will document that attempts to observe the discharge flowing were unsuccessful. 5.4 Documentation and Tracking Illicit Discharge Investigations The Town will maintain documentation to track the status of source investigations conducted for illicit discharges on Town of Wendell property. Appendix C includes a log for this purpose and allows space to document the following: • The dates that the illicit discharge was initially observed, reported, or both; • The results of the investigation, including the source, if identified; • Any follow-up to the investigation; • Resolution of the investigation; and • The date that the investigation was closed. Town of Wendell IDDE Program 7 . ENDELL 6.0 Annual Reporting As required in the MS4 Permit, The Town of Wendell will submit the following information on the IDDE Program in its MS4 Annual Report: • A list of any written notifications of physical interconnection given by the Town to other MS4 jurisdictions; • The total number of outfalls screened during the reporting period, the screening results, and number and nature of follow up actions; and • A summary of each investigation conducted by The Town of any suspected illicit discharge. Each summary must include: (i) the date that the suspected discharge was observed, reported, or both, (ii) the results of the investigation, including the source, if identified, (iii) how the investigation was resolved, including any follow-up, and (iv) resolution of the investigation and the date the investigation was closed. All data will be for each inspection will be entered into the Town's workorder system. Town of Wendell IDDE Program NAENDELL APPENDIX A: Dry Weather Outfall Screening Field Equipment Checklist Town of Wendell IDDE Program �✓ENDELL This page intentionally left blank. Town of Wendell IDDE Program 10 ENDELL Dry Weather Outfall Screening Field Equipment Checklist Item Check? Field maps Field data sheets Clipboard Pencils/Permanent Marker Measuring tape Flashlight Insect repellent Steel -toed Boots Reflective Safety Vest First -aid kit Outfall water quality screening kit(s) and procedure manuals Backpack Work gloves Nitrile gloves Safety glasses Goggles Digital camera or phone for photos Polypropylene bottles for sharps/waste Collection cups/bottles 500-mL wash bottle containing distilled water Gallon containing distilled water Paper Towels Trash bag for non -sharps waste Town of Wendell IDDE Program This page intentionally left blank. Town of Wendell IDDE Program 12 ZWENDELL APPENDIX B: Data Sheets for Dry Weather Outfall Screening Town of Wendell IDDE Program 13 !- ENDELL This page intentionally le Town of Wendell IDDE Program 14 kAAENDELL �WENDELL Dry Weather Screening P,= I ,f2 SECTION 1: BACKGROUND DATA Watenhed: Oulfall m: Dote (hIFI/DD/ YY): _ _/ _ _/ 2g Tinte (Mill o,): Inwsllga:ors: Porq�fompleled by. Rainfall: LastVhmns: 0<0.1inches 0>0.I inches Lesttthours: 0<0.linches ❑>0.1 inches Intimde(dd.dddd):_________^N Longimde(dd.dddd):_ ... ______ I I OPSUnil: Co...: Photo Ns: NoteVCon:mcros(eS.., origin oroulFnll, fknonn): SECTION 2: OUTFALL DESCRIPTION Locution Alntirial -4_'��e "''Is '3``rr e1' Dlm{fious pn.) ❑Close) Pyligbl Pipe ❑Close) Subsurface Pipe ❑RC'P ❑Chip PVC ❑ HDPC Steel ❑Tennamm ❑ Other. ❑Cimulnr ❑Box ❑Single ❑ Oth, iral ❑ Aab ❑Double ❑Other._ ❑Tdle p ❑ OJmc Dinsensions: Heigh:: Width: [I Open DmInnge ❑Concrete ❑Rip Rap Earthen 8 Other: _ ❑Tnpoodd ❑Parabolic ❑Other._ Depth:_ Tap Width: _ Bmmns Width: 0u11e11 ElarnMan: SmpendM llelgM(ft / Subnmrged Depth: In Wma(0): In Sediment(ft): 0u1611 Cmsr: ❑Steel Gu:e ❑ Cage ❑ None ❑ Oder. _ Oulrall Proetttlon: ❑RippRep ❑Gabion Basket ❑Concmte ❑None ❑Other._ Outlel Erosion: ❑Nana ❑Mininul Erasion ❑Modmle Emsian ❑Henry Erosion DSilled Erosion Saarte: 1krann11 Confillon: ❑No Headaoll ❑Good ❑Fair []Pm Flow Preset'? ❑ Va ❑ No ❑ hun,wBml ❑ Sugmnl If No, Skip to Section 5 Flme Depth(In.): SECTION 3: QUANTITATIVE CHARACTERIZATION FIELD DATA FORFLOWINOOU7FALLS PARAMETER RESULT UNITS PARAMETER RESULT UNITS Chlorine _ _ mg/I. Dctngems mp/L Fluonde _ mp/L pH -- �� PH Units Anmouin mgR. (Form adaptad front Dronn, e10.. 2004) I oe n al' 1Yd11dell I DDE III op mill 15 Town o1Wendell IDDE Program 15 ENDELL _ ENDELL Dry Weather Screening Page 2 of Omrhil to Today', deco: SECTION 4: PHYSICAL INDICATORS FOR FLOWING OUTFALLS ONLY INDICATOR CHECK If Present DESCRIPTION ❑ ❑Somge ❑Rancid/sour ©Pabolean✓gas [I Sulfide ❑Chcnsical ❑Other:_ Odor Relative Seventy 01-Fain, ❑2-Easily detwmd ❑3- Noticeable Ronu dinanoe ❑ []Cie., ❑ Bravo ❑ Gray ❑ Yellow ❑ Gran ❑ Orange ❑ Red ❑Other. Color ReldrNe $ePV* ❑I -Faint colors in sample bottle ❑2-CharlyvisLleiosamplebonle ❑3-Clearly risible inourall Row ❑ See severity Tubidiry, Re/arA'e Ses'a/i[y ❑I-Slignl cloudiness ❑2-Cloudy ❑7-Opaque ❑ ❑ Sewage (Toils Paper,ewJ ❑ Seds ❑ Peboleunl (oil sheen) Cl Od¢r. Floatables Re/dtY2 Seventy ❑I - Fesvfsligbt 02-Sosnc ❑3-Widespread SECTION 5: PHYSICAL INDICATORS FOR BOTH FLOWING AND NON -FLOWING OUTFALLS INDICATOR CHECK If Present DESCRIPTION COMMENTS ❑ ❑ Spelling, Cracking or Chipping ❑ Pealing Paint ❑ Carmeion 0u1fa11 Damage Commas ❑ ❑Oily [I Flow Line [I paint ❑Other:_ Depositssugis Commenb Cl ❑ E.c,,i,e ❑ Partially Inhibited ❑ Tololly Wsibiled Abnormal Vegetation Conunems ❑ ❑ Odors ❑ Colors ❑ Flwlabla ❑ Oil Shan ❑ Suds ❑ Excessive Algae ❑ Other. Poor pool quality Cowlxnrs ❑ ❑ Brawn ❑ Orange ❑ Green ❑ 011mr. _ Pipe algae growth Conerm s ❑ ❑ Almuinsna ❑ Glass bottles ❑ Plastic bottles ❑ Paper ❑ Sbxofoam ❑ Other. ne,h Cbmnsenss SECTION 5: OVERALL OUTFALL CHARACTERIZATION OF ILLICIT DISCHARGE POTENTIAL ❑ Unlikely ❑ Suspect (>_I Section 4 indicator wish a severity of3) ❑ Potential (presence or >-2 Section 5 indicators) ❑ Obvious (>_I WQ indicator) SECTION 7: NON -ILLICIT DISCHARGE CONCERNS rusut nl'%%endelI 11)1)k Program Ira 'I'ocvn of Wendell IDDE Program 16 L.AAENDELL APPENDIX C: Log of Illicit Discharge Source Investigations Town of Wendell IDDE Program 17 (NA-AENDELL This page intentionally left blank. Town of Wendell IDDE Program 18 C O V r0 = y O c d $ c w o C � O i N O C N �'q a d w= a 01 v 3 c u L � o v, A w en o 9 w a V � � W Y O V C y d aaas L m L c L d u