HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWA000158_Property Deed_20220725FILED BK 1438 PG 0508 This certifies that pin: 494660101006; Is free of any delinquent ad valorem Tax lions charged to the Hoke County Tax Collector; but does not certify that the deed description matches the PIN. Susan L Quick Date: 04/27/2022 Collection Clerk Signature NCGS 161-31 NORTH CAROLINA SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax: $1638,00 HOKE COUNTY NC CAMILLE HURST REGISTER OF DEEDS FILED Apr 27, 2022 AT 11:56:45 AM BOOK 01439 START PAGE 0508 END PAGE 0513 INSTRUMENT # 03868 EXCISE TAX 4;1,63e.00 ELE This instrument prepared by L. Holden Reaves, a licensed North Carolina attorney. Delinquent taxes, if any to be paid by the closing attorney to the county tax collector upon disbursement of closing proceeds Parcel Identifier No, Portion of 494-6601.01-005 Verified by County on the _ day of, 20_ Mail/Box to: Reaves Law, PI This instrument was prepared Brief description for the Index; 54.614 Acres — (Future Bedford Phase 5) THIS DEED made this 2611 day of Aprll , 20 22 , by and between GRANTOR I GRANTEE Pelican Property Holdings, LLC, a North Carolina limited H&M Bedford LLC, a Delaware Liability company, a 50% undivided interest; and, limited liability company Great Oaks Property Holdings, LLC, a North Carolina 4208 Six Forks Road, Suite 810 Limited liability company, a 50%undivided interest Raleigh, NC 27609 2709 Thomgrove Court, Suite 1 Fayetteville, NC 28303 Enter in appropriate blockfor each party: name, address, and, if appropriate, character of entity, e.g. corporation or partnership. The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context, WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Hoke County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: Sea Exhibit attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, The property hereivabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book 982, Page 496, The property conveyed hereby does not comprise the primary residence of Grantor. NC Bar Asisubmitted electronically by "Reaves Law, PLLC' Printed b in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents by, the terms of the Memorandum of understanding with the office of the Register of Deeds of Hoke County. NCGS 47-14(al)(5). BK 1438 PG 0509 A map showing the above described property is recorded in lSee legal description for plat reference, if anvl• TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee In fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor Is seized of the promises in fee shnple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and flee and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawfiil claims of all persons claiming by, through, or under Grantor, other than the following exceptions: zoning ordinances affecting the premises, as well as all easements, restrictions, covenants and conditions of record, if any, and taxes which are not yet due and payable. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year fast above written, GRANTOR: Pelican Property Holdings, LLC By: / ( �t '/ ��� (SEAL) Robert J. Williams V, President GreatOaksProperty yHoldings, LLC By: (SEAL) Robert J. Williams V, President STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND I certify that the following person personally appeared before me this day, acknowledging to me that he signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: Robert J Williams V. in his capacity as President of Pelican Property Holdings LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company il1Uf np, Date: •¢ Fs Official Signature ofNotary: +' O RY Notary's Printed Name: t My commission expires: �G 2 [Affix Notary Seal or Stamp] MY Cum n f)Vm8 t 25, 2024 PU0` STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA /,��e11'1e �LAND rrrr,r��`s`�,�� COUNTY OF CUM 3ERLAND I certify that the following person personally appeared before me this day, acknowledging to me that he signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: Robert J Williams, In his capacity as President of Great Oaks Property Holdings, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability conwanv. Hare• .4.,4 G - Notary's Printed Name: F �' Y� :`O O� ARY s t' My commission expires: s rj [Affix Notary Seal or Stamp] MpCanmlaelonE)VrwkUst25,2024 "t}_ pulav" 2 NC Bar Association Form No. 3 ® 1976, Revised ® 1977, 2002 Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar Association - 1981 BK 1438 PG 0510 BXMBIT A March 4, 2022 Legal Description 54.614 Acres H&M Bedford, LLC BEGINNING at an existing concrete monument located in the western light of way margin of McDougald Drive; said existing concrete monument being the northern most corner of the Pelican Property Holdings, LLC and Great Oaks Property Holdings, LLC property as shown in Deed Book 982 Page 496 and Deed Book 372 Page 162; Said existing concrete monument being the southeast corner of Lot 234 as shown on plat entitled, "McDougald Downs, Section Five" as recorded in Plat Cabinet 337 Map 5 of the Hoke County, North Carolina Registry; AND RUNNING THECE with the western right of way margin of McDougald Drive; S 04°50'59" W a distance of 112.95' to an existing concrete monument located at the southern end of McDougald Drive; Thence S 86°11'30" E a distance of 281,39' to an existing re -bar located at the southeast corner of Lot 233 as shown on plat entitled, "McDougald Downs, Section Five" as recorded in Plat Cabinet 337 Map 5; Thence with the western line of Lots 203 to 208 as shown on plat entitled, "McDougald Downs, Section Nine, Part Five" as recorded in Plat Cabinet 2-39 Map 08 and Lots 186 to 191 as shown on plat entitled, "Colonial Charters, Section Five" as recorded in Plat Cabinet 2-54 Map 02, S 01 °17'34" W a distance of 976,15' to a existing re -bar located in the western line of Lot 191; Thence with the western line of Lots 191 to 197 as shown on plat entitled, "Colonial Charters, Section Five" as recorded in Plat Cabinet 2-54 Map 02, S 04022'26" W a distance of 612.17' to a set concrete monument located in the western line of Lot 197, Said set concrete monument being located a tie line of N 04°22'26" E a distance of 142.78' from an existing concrete monument; Thence leaving said "Colonial Charters, Section Five" and with the eastern wetland margin of Puppy Creek as follows; S 49*21'18" W a distance of 76.51' to a point; Thence S 32°49'51" W a distance of 29,45' to a point; Thence S 42°51'07" W a distance of 17.70' to a point; Thence S 29°03'59" W a distance of 35.80' to a point; Thence S 81°08'52" W a distance of 71.72' to a point; Thence S 76°45151" W a distance of 39.08' to apoint; Thence N 81 °33'33" W a distance of 46.67to a point; Thence N 68003'54" W a distance of 49.94' to a point; Thence N 68°18'38" W a distance of 30.50' to a point; Thence N 69°37'47" W a distance of 33.9l'to a point; Thence S 54°14'09" W a distance of 59.56'to a point; Thence S 56°58100" W a distance of 42.43'to a point; Thence S 62°18'06" W a distance of 36.86'to a point; NC Bar Association Form No. 3 ® 1976, Revised ® 1977, 2002 Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar Association - 1981 BK 1438 PG 0511 Thence S 45°15'59" W a distance of 74.09'to a point; Thence S 12°31'15" W a distance of 58.33'to a point; Thence S 01 °30'43" W a distance of 57,23'to a point; Thence S 22°14'10" W a distance of 72.6l'to a point; Thence N 88°44'23" W a distance of 62,65'to a point; Thence S 74'03'17" W a distance of 28.14'to a point; Thence S 13°58'28" W a distance of 61,52'to a point, Thence S 01°04'12" E a distance of 44.98'to a point; Thence S 74°29'20" W a distance of 50.44'to a point; Thence N 68°47'49" W a distance of 69.58'to a point; Thence N 42°43'02" W a distance of 111.70'to a point; Thence N 64°34'02" W a distance of 110.15'to a point; Thence S 81°02'35" W a distance of 58.31'to a point; Thence N 68°49'07" W a distance of 75.56'to a point; Thence S 57°02'51" W a distance of 93.05'to a point; Thence N 77°19'47" W a distance of 54.6l'to a point; Thence N 07°12'43" W a distance of 48.08'to a point; Thence N 02°5T54" E a distance of 50.67'to a point; Thence N 46°46'28" E a distance of 55.94to a point; Thence N 36*51'11" E a distance of 33.22'to a point; Thence N 32°17'17" E a distance of 56.38'to a point; Thence N 10°14'02" E a distance of 59.69'to a point; Thence N 46°42'28" W a distance of 27.2l'to a point; Thence N 10°13'45" W a distance of 92.46'to a point; Thence N 07°39'45" W a distance of 48.88to a point; Thence N 04°37'08" W a distance of 45.39'to a point; Thence N 76°40'07" W a distance of 198.34'to a point; Thence N 12°35'38" W a distance of 87.88'to a point; Thence N 19°41'03" W a distance of 159.7l'to a point; Thence N 53°00'17" W a distance of 55.59'to a point; Thence N 61°51'58" W a distance of 32.10'to a point; Thence N 35°01'26" W a distance of 36.7l'to a point; Thence N 32°03'25" E a distance of 44.63'to a point; Thence N 70°10'13" E a distance of 72,19'to a point; Thence N 83°32'48" E a distance of 33.64'to a point; Thence N 77°46'41" E a distance of 80,19'to a point; Thence N 34'06'19" E a distance of 102,85'to a point; Thence N 37°13'23" E a distance of 51,71'to a point; Thence N 34°17'30" E a distance of 88.93'to a point; Thence N 66°12'35" E a distance of 18.45'to a point; Thence N 37°36'41" E a distance of 27.56Ro a point; Thence N 23°54'14" E a distance of 28.6l'to a point; Thence N 51 °09'38" W a distance of 17,89'to a point; Thence N 17°55'37" E a distance of 20.97'to a point; Thence N 36°08'44" W a distance of 29.18to a point; Thence N 10*07'47" E a distance of 23.72'to a point; Thence N 70°43'56" W a distance of 18.02'to a point; NC Bar Association Form No, 3 ® 1976, Revised ® 1977, 2002 Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar Association - 1981 BK 1438 PG 0512 Thence N 06043'06" W a distance of 15.86'to a point; Thence N 75°26'58" W a distance of 14.37'to a point; Thence N 40e25'52" W a distance of 41.60'to a point; Thence N 20'00'18" W a distance of 36.66'to a point; Thence N 25054'40" W a distance of 51.49'to a point; Thence N 32e38'38" W a distance of 35,46'to a point; Thence N 08'44' 18" W a distance of 42.45'to a point; Thence N 12°36'44" W a distance of 31.77'to a point; Thence N 29'01'57" E a distance of 37.23'to a point; Thence N 12°40'04" W a distance of 40.56'to a point; Thence N 33008'13" E a distance of 30.28'to a point; Thence N 23°21'06" E a distance of 29,88'to a point; Thence N 14°55'45" E a distance of 36.63'to a point; Thence N 36°02'51" E a distance of 68.61'to a point; Thence N 49°14'54" E a distance of 66.19'to a point; Thence N 57°50'06" E a distance of 42.13'to a point; Thence S 78°13'28" E a distance of 34,47'to a point, Thence S 85'15135" E a distance of 34.2l'to a point; Thence S 82'01'06" E a distance of 31.2l'to a point; Thence N 82°40' 19" E a distance of 30.9l'to a point; Thence N 78°55140" E a distance of 34.44'to a point; Thence N 36023'59" E a distance of 32.07'to a point; Thence N 16'11'33" E a distance of 41.55'to a point; Thence S 79°42'41" E a distance of 14.83'to a point; Thence N 49°17'48" E a distance of 20.08'to a point; Thence N 82°01'55" E a distance of 53,59'to a point; Thence N 38140114" E a distance of 34.5l'to a point; Thence N 75°58'16" E a distance of 26,28'to a point; Thence N 59°03'35" E a distance of 35.79'to a point; Thence S 86°54'19" E a distance of 26.7l'to a point; Thence N 66043'47" E a distance of 25.861to a point; Thence S 63'15'00" E a distance of 42.40'to a point; Thence S 67132'58" E a distance of 26.52'to a point; Thence S 54°28'52" E a distance of 19,61'to a point; Thence S 71037'17" E a distance of 49.17'to a point; Thence S 54019'54" E a distance of 42.09'to a point; Thence S 77142'05" E a distance of 41.14'to a point; Thence S 82°37'44" E a distance of 23.03'to a point; Thence S 80°57'35" E a distance of 29.50'to a point; Thence S 14049'01" E a distance of 13.81'to a point; Thence N 70°54'45" E a distance of 16.38'to a point; Thence N 00°28'00" E a distance of 38.68'to a point; Thence N 77°55'35" W a distance of 49.55'to a point; Thence N 53°02'04" W a distance of 74.30'to a point; Thence N 11'19'52" W a distance of 38.96to a point; Thence N 09*43137" W a distance of 31.45'to a point; Thence N 51 °32'04" W a distance of 60.36'to a point; Thence N 36'18' 13" W a distance of 44.29'to a point; NC Bar Association Form No. 3 ® 1976, Revised ® 1977, 2002 Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar Association - 1981 BK 1438 PG 0513 Thence N 10'01'24" E a distance of 22,34'to a point; Thence N 26°50'35" W a distance of 5.25'to an existing re -bar located in the northern line of the Pelican Property Holdings, LLC and Great Oaks Property Holdings, LLC property as shown in Deed Book 982 Page 496 and Deed Book 372 Page 162; Said existing re -bar being the southwest coiner Lot 236 as shown on plat entitled, "McDougald Downs, Section Five" as recorded in Plat Cabinet 337 Map 5; Thence the southern line of Lots 236 to 234, N 85°12'55" E a distance of 438.91 to The PLACE AND POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 54,614 acres, more or less as shown in Deed Book 982 Page 496 and Deed Book 372 Page 162 of the Hoke County, North Carolina Registry Prepared by Moorman, IZizer & Reitzel, Inc., Fayetteville, North Carolina, NC Bar Association Form No. 3 01976, Revised 0 1977,2002 Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar Association - 1981