HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220907 Ver 1_USACE Permit_20220718Strickland, Bev
From: Dailey, Samantha J CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Samantha.J.Dailey@usace.army.mil>
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2022 10:39 AM
To: whartup@toknc.com; amcmillan@wkdickson.com
Cc: Homewood, Sue
Subject: [External] NWP 3 NON -NOTIFYING VERIFICATION: SAW-2022-01142 Thomas Drake
Court Culvert Replacement
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Good morning Wendi/Alex,
This email is in reference to the Thomas Drake Court Culvert Replacement Project, located at 124 Thomas
Drake Court, in Kernersville, Forsyth County, North Carolina (36.123311, -80.054594). The proposed activity
would replace an existing, failing culvert, and create channel stability. The proposed culvert replacement and
plunge pool would permanently impact 102 linear feet of stream channel, and bank stabilization/grade control
immediately upstream/downstream of the culvert would impact 105 linear feet of stream channel. The bank
stabilization/grade control is a permanent impact but is not considered a loss of aquatic resources.
I have also reviewed your project in conjunction with Section 7 (ESA) and Section 106 and determined the
proposed activities would have no effect on these resources.
Considering the above referenced information, your project qualifies for a non -notifying NWP 3 (as referenced
in your permit application) and a pre -construction notification is not required by the Corps. You may proceed
with your project, provided you obtain all required local and state permits.
Best Regards,
Samantha Dailey
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Wilmington District, Regulatory Division, Raleigh Field Office
Email: Samantha.J.Dailey@usace.army.mil
Phone: (304) 617-4915