HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-06422_Well Construction - GW1_20220706 -- ---- - — - •• i! ,r'or lriternot use UIUY. 1 f.Well Contractor Information: 1 ,1 n I U z 911�Jul°h C,.*j 1 :la+WATERZONESn r v r• x:t Y tra •r:^r<: ; ;,. s'k. w R.:Re.� e? • . /,n. u.tvi.:t i: t Well ContractorName FROM TO DESCRIP7'itN ft. fG NC We ConlraetorCeKtHcationNumber �/f A 9 /� �..� 313fO1TCER:CASING torffi'in tt�`ed welt OR'LIIVER e"IIm"'61e l: i7s..�i%,•3r::'fio C 1 FROM TO BLAMER! i TAU dlATSaW. CompanyName �: iG e) 'L O t14'IIVNEIt'CASII�IGORlrUBII�iG fIi'" ela"ed4lou'?31C..,ix'2JhaPa 2.WeII Construction Permit#:__�//L t FnoM To arAatt IS-: huT List all appIlwbfe veff cons*wdon permfts(Li.Mr.Cow*Stag YaTma ee.de.) ft. R. in. 3.Well Use(checkwell use): ft.; ft. to WatarN-5-1yweU: t17.SQREEN�t A! i Y. 2e�3S1d1L}Yti FROM TO IAINSfER SLOT THr S griculturai �MunicipaUPublic 0 & , Geothermal(iieating/Cooling Supply). Residential Water Supply(single) Industdal/Commerold OResidendal Water Supply(shared) hri lion Sot#�ROiPPi.S.tifP;:.b:iltE�.?•=i;" <t}:•l:' x•'�Siis»3:#" „ ' a�L•. ' _•��,�;i,'=:...; FROM TD MATERiAL EMPLACBafF11r OD&AMOUNT Non-Water Supply Well: © fa 3 iG Monitoring [3R� & Injection Well: wferlteah R A9 � � �(3round�aterRemediation • . uiferSro ry f.19:SANDJ VEfiPAGK 1i'"iteable N ice:23t•�::aCd tc': ' .>' Aq rageandRecove �SalinityBatrier FROM To MATERIAL EMPLAt�a n uifcaesi 13SromrwaterDminage R ft: Experimental Technology 13Subsidence•Coutrol it Gcgthemtal(Closed Loop) D17ratxt i20.iDRt7:LWG dlfaehadditiGn`al8beatltiaeebsiii' '. tsJv u: ,: Geotitet 1 l CoolingRetum Other Iainunderd2lRemarks FROM To n ox eom tuiidaesssotV�oer: .. p m ow 4.Date Well(s)Completed: ,ZZ 7i WeU DNf_• to it. �� 1 Sa.-Well Location: C ft. Fsalt //Owner/N�ame _ p FaailltyIDO(ifapplteable) ft. :it. Pl�y3tcalAddnx4City.and2ip ft- ¢ Pl, eP1 fir^ UrVW �rfL ate fi11: 4j';a:x�:•r.:iE2Fsd �° S:Yrfeei?at%F r°t' ggwzwuc CO-W pamelIdentifMionNo.(PRO. Sb.Latitade and longitude In degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees! (ffwellfield,one ladlong fsaufficrent) r 22.Cafficationt 3sS� N _ 6 h(are)thewel*Ofermanent or Memporary ofeatit["Well combactur Date S%for+n.1 hereby eve that the Ive f(s);ysas(were)contracted&accordance 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: [3Yes or [3� IJ.tNCfC01C SIOO or1SAMCO2C.0200 Wed Conraualo S*On&*and that trthfsfsarepair.JM out Anownwellcant"ctianWannaRon and atpfafn the nature ofthe CW'elhfs—AfhmbemprovNedtathasmdowfer. mpafr under#21 mmarkssection or onAs back gmrsform. 23.Site diagram or additionpi well details: 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You maY use the back of this page to provide aaftional well site details or maU construction,only 1 GW-1 is needed.Indicate TOTALNUMER ofwells construction details.You may also attach additional pages If necessery.; drilled: , 831BMIT1'AL IN3'i'RUCI'IONS 9.76talwell depth below land surface: �S6 (it:) 24a.For All Welts; Submit Ww fiorm within 30 of Completion of well Fornralllplawed/sllrtaffdapths{/'dj�arard.(eson►pft-3�T00',andIQ10D? P r , constructiontothefollowiog: 10.Static water level below top of casing:_- 00 Division of WateiResources,Information Proceaaing.Untg , lftrater/avaffsaboreem/rr&ose+' 1617 Mai1SerAce'Center,Raleiph,NCZ7699-1617, 11.Borehole diameter. . (in.) 24b.For Infection We11as In addition to aen diog.ths form to the address in 24a 12.Well construction methods XIAI above,also submit one copy of this fomn within 30 days of eompletion'of well (ta.auger.rotary.cabte,dkcctpnsu,eta) construction to the following: FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division pf WaterResonrces,Underground Iyjection CcutrolProgram, 1636 Mali Service Center,Raleigh,NC 2709=1636 13a Yield(gpm) ! _Method of teak t 24c.For Water Subnly&Intectio3r Wells:;In addition to sending the Iona to . the addresses) above, also submit one'eopy of this tbmt within 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type.- ` Amount: 0 completion of'well construction to county hisith tlepartmeut of the county whereconstcucted. FasmGW-1 Nast6CamtinaDapartmentofEwAmnmmtalQualily•DIvbionofWataResomaes Itevfsed2,22.2016 !! � .a