HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051672 Ver 1_Emails_20060124„!J Surface Water Protection Section DATE TRANSMITTAL SLIP f ~ _ ` _ ~ ,.. TO: ,~ 1,~ ,~s ~--~?. ~ , FROM: J Paul Rawls ACTION ^ For Your Information ^ Prepaze Reply for my signature ^ Note and Let's Discuss I~I`ake Appro riate Action ^ Per Our Conversation ^ Per Your Request 0 For Your Appioval ^ For Your Comments (written) ^ Investigate and Report ^ Please take action noted by: N Comments: ,, y ~. ~ [Fwd: Emailing: McKnight, Terry & Katherine-DWQ.pdfl Subject: [Fwd: Emailing: McKnight, Terry & Katherine-DWQ.pdfJ From: Alan Klimek <alan.klimek@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 08:36:22 -0500 To: Danny Smith <Danny.Smith@ncmail.net>, Paul Rawls <Paul.Rawls@ncmail.net> ~0 3",°,~ ~ '~ :. Original Message :, ; ~ r ~ '~' Subject:Emailing: McKnight, Terry & Katherine-DWQ.pdf }=~-~~ ~ , ,, -~ Date:Mon, 23 Jan 2006 17:25:20 -0500 ~ ~```` From:Nanc Pate <nanc . ate~~ncmail.net> w~~ f ~`$Rra~~~T y Y p lw ~ "` °~' ` r ;)af4~ c ', refrs~~C;f, Organization:NC DENR To: j malick~ncdoi . com CC:Alan Klimek <Alan.Klimek~ncmail.net> Petition for a Contested Case Hearing; Terry and Katherine McKnight vs. DENR, Division of Water Quality Attached please find, in PDF format, a Petition for a Contested Case Hearing, with attachments, served on the Office of General Counsel by Terry and Katherine McKnight, involving the Division of Water Quality. Please assign an attorney to represent the Division. Please notify Teresa Matthew (teresa.matthew@ncmail.net) of the assigned attorney. Thank you. The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: McKnight, Terry & Katherine-DWQ.pdf Note: To protect against computer viruses, a-mail programs may prevent "'~"®v.~,..,_ sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your ~~ c'.:.~.-~,, e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. ~n~,- ~~ L, r ~ a P ;~ a ` C"`~ ~~ ~. Nancy Pate <nancy.pate~ncmail.net> ~~ "`; }, APA Coordinator " 7 -~~ _`" - t :~ Office of General Counsel _~"`°`~° McKnight, Terry & Katherine-DWQ.pdf Content-Type: application/pdf Content-Encoding: base64 Z of 1 1/24!2006 8:41 AM RAI,EIGM OFFICE _.r•l ~-~ . • _-h ~. REPLY TQ RA~E~GH OFFICE Kvr~1 J. d_SON kplson~rnaupdnta;~~r cow 9 S 4.981 4~8~ VIA HAtiD DELIti'ERY '~1s. Kirn Hauser Chief Hearing Clerk. Office of administrative Hearings G r 14 Mail Sen•ice Center Raleigh, tiC ?"6'9~-fi'1<t 3atlllary ~ ~, ~i«~ RTC OFfI(E _.hR~_H n ..__ .. .. WIIMlXGTOM OFFICE _...~~i.k __ Rc: Term ~tfrKniglrt a-Td Karherr~re ;1lcR",right ~~. Dir•isron of Ti'ate~• Quulitt•, :~Ia DE:1`R Cumberland County t7ur1'ile\o. i81~'?.f?f?? Dcar Ms. Hausc:n= Enclosed please find an original and tv~•o copies of a Petition fnr Cnnteste:d Case Hearing in the abo.-e entitled matter. Please file the original, keep are copy for the Court files, and return one stamped, filed cap} to our messenger. Thank you. Plcase feet free to give me a call if you have any questions. t`erv truly yours~~~,,.~ /rte C7C/' 1 Kurt 7. son Attome~-s for Petitioners Enclosures cc: Mary Penny Thompson, Esq. Mr. and \Srs. Terty Mcknig}rt PLEASE PRLhT CLEARLY' OR TIT'E STATE dF 1dRTH CAROLI'.~A 1'~ THE OFFICE OF COGICTY OF VJ.~KE ADDiNISTRATTV~ HEARINGS ~`" i•.._,_~i 1 {2 j Terry McKnight and Katherine McKnight. ; -t ; Petitioners, 1C~~ ~':f'' ~ ~ f ~~ ~~ ~'• . ~ P (3 Division of Water Qualit~,l\C Department of 1 Fm•irnnmcnt anti \atvral Resnurces. } Rzspandent. } PETITION FOR A CO'~TESTED CASE HEARLVG ~'de hereby ask for a contested case hearittg as provided far by G.S. l ~4B-23 because the: (4 y Di~~ision of+L'ater Quality denied Petitioners' application far a Section ~YU 1 ~•tlater Quality Certification necessare- to maintain an area of fill between Petitioners' residence and Buckhead Creek in Cumberland County. hC (ff more s~rsace !s needed, use ad,:iritnaf sheers and arrachl {:51 {Check all that applyl Because of these facts, the agency has: _k deprived me of property; 1 acted erroneously ,, _ ordered tree to pay a fine ar civil penaln•, failed to use proper procedure ©therwise substantially prejudiced my A acted arbitrarily or capriciousl}~; or righu; and based on these facts the aeenc}• failed to act as required by lau• or rule. has exceeded its authority and Jtuisdiction; N.f+r#+#+++rM#++kw.~Mkik++~+4++k++fk+k#kkkkMf++~@kk#!khkkkkikFkMW##~ktlkkN+M*kWkdMr+++iwrk+k~Y++++k ikk4#~k ~~) (8) Date: 1 ' 13:05 (:~) 7clephanc Numbtr: 919.981.4084 Print your address: Maupin Taylor, P.A., P. O. Box 19?64, Raleigh. \'C Z?619-9?6=~ {9 j Print your name- Knrt .Olson I l4) Yow signatwe:~ ###*####i#########~Y#•#k###+k#kkr~ •Y•1Y•~•rWr+~•+Mi#•i•MOYYI t1~~11r.1as~#++#+~Mw+YS#-kMw~y~########## You must mail or deliver a C©PY to the State Agency named on Line f3} of this forth. Please indicate below, CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certif}' that this Petition has been sen~cd on the State Agency named below by depositing a cop}' of it with the t'nited States Postal 5en'ice with sufficicrt postage OR by delivering it to the named agency. Served on: f l 1 j Mary Penury Thompson, Esq., Registered Agent t 12} Dcparuncrt of Em irotunent and'~atural Resources (13 j 1641 A9ai1 Sen•iee Center, Raleigh, ?~C Z"699-1601 14} This the 1=th Attorneys for January UUS. i.yow signature) ;1'ltaa you }asvs cosnF+itted this form you ML'S? mail or rjc'.Sver tlrc QgIG[AI.4 L and curt ~1~~' ta'Jae 0!hce of .Adrnin ~ sTMaL•~•e 1{urn P 0 €$• _7rau•rr 2'•:-S'. Rfle:gh, !vC ~?f I 1-?4:'r PLEASE P ^ CLEARLY Q~ ~~ STATE OF'.~ORTH CAROLThA I'~ THE OFFICE OF COL'1`TY OF CL'~iBERLA?`'D AD'~1I`~1STRATIVE HEARLI~GS -• ! s .. ___ i (2) Btucc ~b'hcclcr and Tammy Vr~tcclcr. t Petitioners. ~~=~ Jr.i~ ~ ~ P ~~~ Jay i ,.. - - ~ -; ,'~., j , , ' j PETITIOti FOR A (3 Division of ~l'ater Quality, :~C Depamnent of.- ~ ' _ _ 1 COtiTESTED CASE HEARL'~G Fnrironment and ;vstural Resources, i Y Respondent. ~ i i «'e hereby ask for a contested case hearine as pro~~ded for by G.S. 1 SOB-?3 because the: (4) Di~-isiou of «'ater Quality dctried Petitioners' application far a Section 401 ~~'ater Quality Certification necessary to maintain an area of fill hern•een Petitioners' residence and Bucl:head Creek in Cumberland County, ~~C. j 5) Because of these facts, the agency has: _:+t deprived me of property; - ordered tnr to pay a fine or civil penalty: ~_ Otherwise substantially prejudiced my righu; and based an these facts the agency has exceeded its authority and jtuisdictian; _?~_ acted erroneously failed to tue proper procedtue 1 ~, acted arbitrarily or capriciously: or __~ failed to act as required by law or rule. x!!!•s!r#t!#sssrs••sr#!##s!#s###-!s#sssss#s###ss#-•!!#s!s!#tsssssrssslsr«##!#ss#ssrsssslsels! (6) Date 1 13'ff6 (?1 Tclephone'.~umbcr: 919.981.~US4 i8) Print your address: ~4aupin Ta}•lor. P..~.. P. O. Box 1976•i, Raleigh. '_~C 27619-9764 f9) Print your name: Kart J Olson (ld) four signature: #!####:##!lss:.####!##!##!###!#!## #!####!!#!!s!4!##!!s###ss!!!!!!!!!!t!!!####s!!!RSli!!!!+r 1'ou must mail or deliver a COPY to the State Agency named on Line (3) of this form. Please indicate below. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE T certify that this Petition has been srn•ed on the State Agency teamed below by depositing a copy of it with the United States Postal Sen•ice with sufficient postaac OR by delivering n to the named agcnc}'. Served on: 111 j Mary Penny Thompson, Esq., Registered .Agent (I 2) Departrncnt of Environmrnt and `~atura] Resources (13j 160] A1sil Service Center, Raleigh,''C 27699-]69l 1 l4 j This the,13th day of January,~flCi6. i 15) (../ Attorneys for Pend ers f}our signature) '~'htn ~rou have completed this forth ynv ¢'t~ mail or dc:ivtr the ORIGlti~~, aid one COPY :a the Of!ice of Adrnr.;sG-ittve Hearings, P O t)rawcr27047,}tf:ngh,NC ."~?!-'=4'.. ?.AL~i!H~etos. 1