HomeMy WebLinkAbout43_Industrial Facilities Inspections SOPStormwater Industrial Facilities Inspection Program Standard Operating Procedures City of Greensboro Water Resources Department Stormwater Management Division Version 4.0 2021 Revision Log ..Changes/Updates Edited Edited 6/6/2018 ZM Ver. 3.0 Revision Log Added Revision Log to the SOP Reorganized the document sections and 6/6/2018 ZM Ver. 3.0 Entire Document corrected grammar andspelling 6/6/2018 ZM Ver. 3.0 1.0 & 6.0 Clarified that inspectors should speak with the WQ Supervisor before forwarding permitting concerns to NCDEQ 6/6/2018 ZM Ver. 3.0 3.1 Changed the procedure for inspection priority 7/24/2018 ZM Ver. 3.0 Apps. C & D Added questions to the inspection forms 7/24/2018 ZM Ver. 3.0 4.1 Added a classification to the Permitted Facilities 7/30/18 ZM Ver. 3.0 4.2 & 7.0 Added note that inspectors should obtain updated SWPPPs from city facilities and give to Good Housekeeping Program Oversight ZM Ver. 4.0 App. C Added a question to the inspection form 11/13/18 concerning the documentation of stormwater accumulated in secondary containment 5/21/19 ZM Ver. 4.0 App. C Changed "major spills" to "significant spills" 4/21/21 JL Ver. 4.0 3.1 Changed "regularly" to "semi-annually" 7/8/2021 BS Ver. 4.0 2.2 Added note that the training records are kept as a part of the NPDES permit. Stated that enforcement actions would be pursued 9/9/2021 BS Ver. 4.0 8.0 according to the cities stormwater ordinance. Page 2 of 24 Table of Contents 1.0 PURPOSE 5 2.0 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS AND TRAINING...........................................................................................5 2.1 REVIEW OF GUIDANCE/RESOURCE MATERIAL...........................................................................................5 2.2 TRAINING.................................................................................................................................................5 2.3 SCHEDULES AND UPDATES........................................................................................................................6 3.0 INSPECTION METHODS.............................................................................................................................6 3.1 SELECTION, PRIORITIZATION, AND FREQUENCY.........................................................................................6 3.2 OFFICE PREPARATION (BEFORE INSPECTING)............................................................................................6 4.0 INSPECTION OF NPDES PERMITTED FACILITIES..........................................................................................7 4.1 CLASSIFICATION.......................................................................................................................................7 4.2 INSPECTION.............................................................................................................................................7 4.2.1 ON -SITE RECORDS REVIEW.........................................................................................................7 4.2.2 PHYSICAL WALKTHROUGH OF FACILITY......................................................................................8 4.2.3 WRAP-UP MEETING...................................................................................................................8 5.0 INSPECTION OF TRI FACILITIES..................................................................................................................9 5.1 CLASSIFICATION.......................................................................................................................................9 5.2 INSPECTION.............................................................................................................................................9 5.2.1 PHYSICAL WALKTHROUGH OF FACILITY......................................................................................9 5.2.2 WRAP-UP MEETING...................................................................................................................9 6.0 INSPECTION OF NO EXPOSURE FACILITIES.................................................................................................9 6.1 CLASSIFICATION.......................................................................................................................................9 6.2 INSPECTION...........................................................................................................................................11 7.0 RECORDS MANAGEMENT (AFTER INSPECTION).......................................................................................10 8.0 ENFORCEMENT OF VIOLATIONS..............................................................................................................12 APPENDIX A: REFERENCES ..................... APPENDIX B: INSPECTION FLOWCHART..... APPENDIX C: NPDES INSPECTION FORM.. APPENDIX D: TRI INSPECTION FORM ....... APPENDIX E: NPDES INSPECTION LETTERS LETTER 1: NO DEFICIENCIES LETTER 2: MINOR DEFICIENCIES .........................................................................................................14 .........................................................................................................14 .........................................................................................................15 .........................................................................................................18 .........................................................................................................18 18 19 Page 3 of 24 LETTER 3: MAJOR DEFICIENCIES, STATE NOTIFICATION 20 APPENDIXG : DATABASE ENTRY........................................................................................................................... 21 Page 4 of 24 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to establish uniform procedures for the inspection of industrial facilities that have the potential of discharging nonstormwater into either local receiving streams or the municipal storm sewer system (City of Greensboro NPDES permit NCS000248, Part II, Section H). This includes NPDES permitted facilities, facilities that report toxic releases under the guidelines of SARA Title I II, Section 313 (TRI facilities), and facilities with a Certificate of No Exposure. This SOP is designed specifically for these types of facilities, though any facility in Greensboro —regardless of its regulatory status —is inspected when staff are alerted to pollution problems (whether by citizen concerns, other city and county departments, reported spills, high pollutant values from fixed interval stream sampling, outfall screenings, etc.). Procedures for spills and complaints are followed in these cases (See reference in Appendix A). If a city inspector suspects that a nonpermitted facility may require a permit based on industrial activities and/or Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC), the inspector discusses observations with the Water Quality Supervisor and this information is forwarded to the appropriate contact at the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). Chapter 30, Article 12, Section 7.1(C-5) of the City of Greensboro Code of Ordinance allows the City of Greensboro to conduct facility inspections and provides for enforcement of any violation of the Stormwater Management Ordinance. The provisions of this ordinance are stated as follows: "The Director of Water Resources may inspect the facilities of any user in order to ensure compliance with this chapter. Such inspection requires the consent of the owner, manager, or signatory official. If such consent is refused, the Director of Water Resources may seek issuance or an administrative search warrant." 2.0 Personnel Qualifications and Training 2.1 Review of Guidance/Resource Material Inspectors familiarize themselves with guidance and resource materials (Appendix A). These materials provide information on general stormwater permits in North Carolina, material handling and storage activities associated with different industries, industry terminology, equipment and structures that are helpful to industries in mitigating pollution concerns, the components contained in a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), chemicals associated with TRI facilities, etc. 2.2 Training Inspectors attend ongoing training and meetings, both internally and externally. In addition, inspectors participate in workshops, webinars, conferences, etc. as available and appropriate. This may include activities such as the Industrial Forum Users Group, Spill and Response training, Emergency Management training, etc. City staff also participate in joint inspections with staff from NCDEQ to ensure accuracy and consistency. These efforts include inspections and investigations of NPDES facilities, hazardous waste operations, etc. All training records are kept as a part of the City of Greensboro NPDES permit and is located at "Y:\Storm Mgmt\bv section\bv waterguality\bv projects\Training Records". In addition to formal training, opportunities are taken to work with industries in various capacities in order to better understand how they work, to build relationships, and to learn their needs as they relate to stormwater. Page 5 of 24 2.3 Schedules and Updates It is the responsibility of each inspector to stay current as to the status of his or her assigned facilities by regularly checking the spreadsheet and database for updates. Inspectors should be aware of when inspections are scheduled for permitted facilities and adhere to the schedule. 3.0 Inspection Methods The inspection steps in the following sections apply to NPDES permitted facilities, TRI facilities, and facilities with Certificates of No Exposure. For further clarification on the differences between NPDES permitted facilities and TRI facilities, see sections 4.0 and 5.0. Inspectors should follow the inspection procedures listed in this section to ensure consistency and efficiency for all inspections. Note: In this document, "permitted facilities" refer to those with either a general permit or individual permit. "TRI facilities" refer to those that are listed on the Toxic Release Inventory but do not have a general or individual NPDES permit. They may have a Certificate of No Exposure. 3.1 Selection, Prioritization, and Frequency A complete list of all facilities in Guilford County that have NPDES permits or No Exposure certificates is obtained annually from NCDEQ. A list of TRI facilities are identified yearly via the EPA's database on submitted toxic reports. Updates to both lists are ongoing as annexations occur, as facilities are added, or when there is a status change. The compiled list is imported into ArcMap to determine which facilities are within the jurisdictional boundaries of the City of Greensboro, and the finalized list is divided among all inspectors. The scheduling of NPDES permitted facilities is coordinated with the NCDEQ regional office to prevent inspection redundancy. Each inspector prioritizes his or her facilities as high risk, medium risk, or low risk based on pollution potential, housekeeping practices, past investigations or violations, etc. High: A facility in this category may have a large amount of outdoor processing activities, materials stored on site and in direct contact with the elements (precipitation), poor housekeeping, a greater potential of releasing harmful materials into the city stormwater conveyance system and receiving streams, and/or have a past history of noncompliance. Medium: A medium -level site is one in which there is moderate pollution risk to the stormwater system, such as those with loading docks that receive and deliver materials via tractor trailer trucks, have some outdoor storage areas, and/or may perform vehicle maintenance or washing. Low: A low-level facility has limited or no outdoor processing areas and exhibits good housekeeping practices (such a facility with a Certificate of No Exposure). All inspections are performed once per permit cycle with the exception of city -owned facilities and high - risk facilities, which are both performed twice per permit cycle (Appendix B). Additionally, contact should be made annually for city facilities, offering a courtesy inspection to the facility official. Contacts with officials at city -owned facilities are logged in the correspondence spreadsheet. Each staff member inspects an average of 20% of his or her assigned facilities each year, with scheduled permitted facilities being priority. Once all of an inspector's permitted and TRI facilities are inspected, the facilities with No Exposure certificates are inspected. Page 6 of 24 3.2 Office Preparation (Before Inspection) The following steps may be necessary to prepare for the inspection of an industrial facility. 1. Check the spreadsheet, electronic file, database, and physical folder for updates. 2. Review materials specific to the facility as noted below and in Appendix C: • General permit or No Exposure Certificate for facility type Each permit type has different guidelines and requirements, dependent on a facility's manufacturing and processing activities. A permit type will specify what is required by a facility regarding monitoring, reporting, etc. Permits may be found electronically using `information links' spreadsheet. • TRI report (SARA) • Stormwater maps (ArcReader, ArcMap, city block sheets) Prior to visiting the site, inspectors review in-house drainage and sewer maps via ArcMap or ArcView (or block sheets) to identify on -site drainage features. The inspector also notes outfall locations so he or she is aware of where runoff enters the City municipal storm sewer system or receiving stream. • In-house documentation: past city and state inspection information, Industrial Facilities Database, Spill and Concerns Database, Pretreatment Database, Outfall Screenings Database, enforcement files, etc. • Facility website 3. Create a correspondence log to document emails, phone messages, voicemail, letters, inspections, etc. 4. Contact the appropriate facility representative to set up the inspection for permitted and TRI facilities. Contact information may be obtained from NCDEQ and/or EPA websites, NCDEQ staff, GIS parcel information, the Industrial Facilities Database, data from Guilford County tax parcels, the Internet, the phone book, etc. When making contact with the facility, the inspector should ask to speak to the person who handles environmental matters for the site. It is common for industrial facilities to have one person who deals with all environmental issues. Explain to the representative why the City is conducting the inspection and what pertinent areas the inspection will focus on (i.e., SWPPP review and physical walkthrough of the facility). Also ask the company representative what necessary equipment is needed for a safe inspection of the facility (Table 3.1 includes a list of personal protective equipment and materials that may be needed to properly complete the inspection.). If for some reason the company official questions or is hesitant to allow the inspection, explain the provisions of the Greensboro Stormwater Ordinance (Section 1.0 of this document) that allow for the inspection of any facility in the jurisdictional boundaries of the City. If entry to a facility is denied once on site, tactfully question the company representative for reasons behind this denial. If the issues cannot be resolved at the facility, the inspector should leave the scene and discuss the matter with the Water Quality Supervisor for further direction. 5. Gather the necessary documents, equipment, and PPE (Table 3.1). Page 7 of 24 Table 3.1 List of Inspection Equipment Documents and Inspection Tools Personal Protection Equipment • City ID and business cards • Hard hat • Facility file (records and maps) • Hearing protection • Inspection forms • Safety shoes (steel toe) • Field notebook • Reflective safety vest • Clipboard • Safety glasses • Cell phone • Digital camera • Flashlight/mirror • Manhole pick • Tape measure 4.0 Inspection of NPDES Permitted Facilities 4.1 Classification Certain industrial facilities are prohibited to discharge various potential stormwater pollutants unless permitted by a general or individual NPDES permit. General permits cover a variety of industrial activities. A facility that requires a general permit is issued a Certificate of Coverage and must follow the same requirements as all facilities under the same general permit. If a facility conducts industrial activities that are not covered under a general permit or has site conditions/operations unique from other facilities, it must operate under an individual permit. General and individual permits are issued for five-year cycles. The NCDEQ regional offices or cities with their own NPDES permits inspect these facilities on a five-year cycle. 4.2 Inspection Upon arrival at the facility, the inspector introduces himself or herself as a City of Greensboro inspector and offers the appropriate credentials (i.e. business card and/or employee ID). After introductions, the inspector communicates to the company representatives the following components of the inspection. 4.2.1 On -Site Records Review Inspectors should begin the on -site records review with an evaluation of the facility's Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). As a requirement of the state's NPDES program, the SWPPP is a document utilized by the facility to manage and minimize the likelihood of pollution due to stormwater runoff and spills. The Stormwater Industrial Inspection Form (Appendix C) should be used during the review of documents, as it is important to document any pertinent notes about the plan. If the facility being inspected is a City of Greensboro facility, the inspector should obtain a copy of the most recent SWPPP. The major components to look for when reviewing the facility's SWPPP are noted below. When properly applied, these components play an important part in reducing pollution from stormwater runoff. Refer to the EPA and NCDEQ documents for a thorough description of how to develop an SWPPP. • Stormwater pollution prevention team • Site description (activities, maps, etc.) • Summary of potential pollutant sources • Description of control measures (good housekeeping, spill response plan, training, etc.) • Schedules and procedures (inspecting, monitoring, etc.) • Documentation to support eligibility considerations under other federal laws if applicable Page 8 of 24 • Certification of the SWPPP Once the review of the SWPPP is complete, the inspector should have a good working knowledge of the facility site and overall layout of the processing areas. In addition to the SWPPP, the inspector should evaluate records that are relevant to the management of stormwater on the facility. Other relevant records may include items such as maintenance logs on facility equipment, prior correspondence with the City or other government agencies, stormwater sampling data, documentation from any reportable spills, and any other relevant documents. 4.2.2 Physical Walkthrough of the Facility After review of the on -site records, the next phase of the inspection will be the physical walkthrough of the facility. A thorough inspection of the entire facility should be completed. General things an inspector looks for are as follows: • On -site BMPs • Outside processing/manufacturing areas • Secondary containment (including closed, functioning valves with locks or other security features) • Presence of illicit connections and improper disposals • Evidence of past spills • Material handling and storage areas, including loading/unloading areas • Equipment fueling and maintenance areas • Stormwater structures and receiving streams, outfalls, presence of dry -weather flow • Ground disturbance and contamination • Materials storage, labeling, and location (away from high -traffic areas) • Successful implementation of SWPPP strategies and guidelines • Materials type and potential for impact on water quality from spill or rain event When conducting the on -site inspection, it will be beneficial to have the company representative supply a copy of the site map that shows all areas of concern. The inspector should observe outside processing and manufacturing areas; note where and how materials are stored (properly labeled, located out of high -traffic areas); and examine storm drains, drainage swales, and outfalls for debris and evidence of spills. Document any non-stormwater (dry -weather) flows in storm drains and outfalls. It is appropriate for the inspector to have a field notebook and camera to document any findings while doing the walkthrough. In some cases the company official may convey concerns about allowing the inspector to take photographs. If this situation occurs, cordially talk about the concerns and attempt to come up with a solution that both parties agree on. Allowing the company representative to view the pictures on the camera's display or avoiding pictures of sensitive areas that have no relevance to the inspection are potential fixes to this problem. Not all scenarios that an inspector may encounter in the field can be covered in this document. Each site will be unique and will have different processes that have the potential to impact stormwater runoff; therefore, inspectors need to keep the big picture in mind (e.g. noting where materials will go and how the receiving stream may be affected if there is a spill or heavy rain). Moreover, inspectors should note whether the strategies outlined in the SWPPP are being implemented successfully and whether appropriate BMPs are in place. Remember that being on the site is the most opportune time to discuss the facility's operations with the company representative. When in doubt, ask for clarification; being hesitant may cause the inspector to miss a potential problem area. Page 9 of 24 4.2.3 Wrap -Up Meeting A wrap-up meeting with the facility official will provide a final opportunity to answer questions, gather information, and present findings and deficiencies. Inspectors should be prepared to discuss the preliminary findings of the inspection. However, it is not necessary to share all findings of the inspection with the facility official, especially if advice or direction is needed on a particular issue. Explain the next steps in the process and what further communications the City of Greensboro may have with the company, such as sending the inspection letter (or form) or the possibility of a follow-up inspection from the state. 5.0 Inspection of TRI Facilities 5.1 Classification A facility that meets criteria as specified in Section 313 of EPCRA (SARA Title III) —which includes manufacturing, processing, or using defined chemicals in certain amounts —are required to report these activities on an annual basis. Section 313 requires manufacturing facilities of a variety NAICS/SIC codes to submit an annual toxic chemical release report if they have ten or more full-time employees and if they manufacture, process, or use specified chemicals in amounts greater than threshold quantities. This report, commonly known as Form R, covers releases and transfers of toxic chemicals to various facilities and environmental media, and allows EPA to compile the national Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) database. A list of TRI-covered industries can be found on the EPA's website. As facilities report annually and their activities may vary or change frequently, facilities in this inspection category may change from year to year. Facilities meeting these criteria are required to submit Form R to the EPA, which is then compiled in the EPA's reporting database. 5.2 Inspection Just like at an inspection of a NPDES facility, the inspector will introduce himself or herself and explain to the company representatives the following components of the inspection. It is important to note that on -site records reviews are not required for inspections of TRI facilities. 5.2.1 Physical Walkthrough of the Facility When inspecting TRI facilities, the same walkthrough procedures for inspecting NPDES facilities (section 4.2) are followed. Special attention should be given to evidence of past spills, equipment fueling and maintenance areas, material storage, and material type and potential impact to stormwater. 5.2.2 Wrap -Up Meeting The wrap-up meeting allows the inspector to gather further information or answer any final questions. At this time, the inspector can discuss the findings or deficiencies from the inspection but does not need to disclose all findings. If the inspector needs further guidance regarding a potential compliance issue, he or she may choose to complete the carbon inspection form (Appendix D) in the office and mail or email it to the official. If the form is filled out at the end of the inspection, it will be signed by both the inspector and facility official. The white copy (top) is given to the facility official. The yellow copy is taken back to the office to be filed. The yellow copy is scanned and saved in that facility's electronic file and filed in the physical file folder. Page 10 of 24 6.0 Inspection of No Exposure Facilities 6.1 Classification NCDEQ determines if a facility requires an NPDES permit based on its industrial activity. However, there are instances in which a facility is excluded from permit coverage if there is no exposure to stormwater, in which case they qualify for a Certificate of No Exposure. NCDEQ defines a No Exposure facility as follows: "Facilities with stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity may be excluded from permit coverage if industrial materials and operations are not exposed to stormwater... The facility must maintain this condition of No Exposure in accordance with the Self Recertification Information to qualify for the permitting exclusion." 6.2 Inspection An inspection for a facility with a Certificate of No Exposure is visual only unless further investigation is warranted. The inspection consists of driving by the facility or on the facility grounds to verify there is still no outdoor exposure, housekeeping practices are up to standard, and there are no threats to water quality. If a city inspector observes anything that may disqualify a facility from this classification, the inspector discusses observations with the Water Quality Supervisor and NCDEQ is notified for further examination. The inspector follows the steps in section 3.2.3 where applicable. 7.0 Records Management (After Inspection) Create/update electronic file folder. (See Figures 3.2.a and 3.2.b.) • Facility folders are located at Y:\Storm Mgmt\bv section\bv waterquality\bv projects\Industrial Inspections\Industry Files. • If the site has been previously inspected by the city, find the correct electronic file in Industry Files. In that facility's folder, create a new folder and title it with the year, such as "2014." If applicable, create a folder titled with the correct year of the past inspection and put all corresponding documents in that year's folder. • If this is the city's first inspection of the facility, create a new folder with the facility name. If the facility has had a name change, rename the folder with the new name and put the old name in parentheses, such as "Valley Proteins (Carolina By -Products)." • If an industry has more than one facility, create a folder for each and include an abbreviation of the address in the file name (Fig. 3.2.1b) • If the inspected facility is a City of Greensboro facility, a copy of the updated SWPPP should be given to the Good Housekeeping Program Oversight staff or saved in the City -Owned Facilities folder: Y:\Storm Mgmt\bv section\bv waterquality\by prolects\Industrial Inspections\SWPPPs for City -Owned Sites. The Program Oversight staff should be notified that the updated SWPPP has been added to the folder. Page 11 of 24 Figure 3.2.a ■ }, by_aterquality Industrial Inspections l> j. by -application 2006 Inspection Information 1 j. by -projects � 2011 -2012 In sp ecti o n s p J. by —staff . Industrt Files DHLEp—, Name Dow Corning q, 2011 Inspection Le[ ,docx Eagle Transport 1J� EPA Info, Stockhausen.docx East Coast Leasing Co 'S7 E,—k2011 Inspection Letter.pdf Elastic Fabrics of A— Endura Products t IMG_4101 JPG IMG 4108 JPG Environmental Air Sys Ernie', Machines 1MG_4109 JPG E IMG_4110 JPG C I_ • E:`onik (Stockhausen) Estes ExpressM corp tIMG411PG , Eonik (Stockhausen) c IMG 4112JPG ry s V 2006 2011 t IMG_4113 JPG t IMG 4114 JPG 2011 F11 Greensboro LLC IMG FedE (a2Gg Triad Dr.7 4115.1PG t IMG_115JPG Filtrona GSO First Student Inc IMG_d117.JPG t IMG_4118JPG FHtNk � IMG_4119JPG Gem Seal of NC (Bons t IMG 4120JPG General Dynamics - IMG_4121JPG Gilbarco Inc � IMG 4122JPG Figure 3.2.b Convatec (American Avenue) C o nvatec (C essn a D rive) 2. Download the facility's inspection photos into the appropriate folder. For future reference, it is recommended that photos are labeled or subfolders are created. 3. Only for inspections of a NPDES facility will letters need to be created and sent. Open the appropriate letter, and save that letter in the correct facility folder under the current year. After editing the letter with the inspection information, make a copy for the physical file. In addition to the Word document, save the letter as a pdf and title the document with the permit number, site name, year, and "Greensboro Inspection." For example, a 2013 inspection of Dow Corning would be titled as follows: "NCS000077, Dow Corning, 2013 Greensboro Inspection." Send the letter to the facility via email or regular mail, copying the NCDEQ's Environmental Specialist, and the Water Quality staff member overseeing the program (See Appendix E for letter templates). 4. Enter the inspection information in the Permitted Facilities database (in Locator). If the facility has been inspected previously by the City of Greensboro, a record should exist and only updating is needed. If this is the first City inspection, the inspector creates a record for that facility. For TRI facilities and those with No Exposure certification, the form at the bottom will remain blank and any deficiencies (or lack thereof) are noted in the comments box (See Appendix F for entry explanations). If a facility has undergone a name change, rename the database entry with the new name and put the old name in parentheses (same procedure as outlined in Paragraph 1). If a facility has changed ownership, create a new facility entry in the database. 5. Update the contact log for that facility as applicable. Page 12 of 24 6. Add a copy of the inspection letter to the physical file along with any other paperwork or maps, and place the file folder in the cabinet in the Water Quality section. If no file exists, create a file labeled with the facility name, facility address, and permit number, certificate number, and/or "TRI." If a facility has undergone a name change, follow the same naming procedures as the electronic folders. 7. Upon completion of an inspection and issuance of the official inspection letter, a copy of the letter shall be sent via email to the appropriate NCDEQ Winston-Salem regional office representative. The industrial program administrator shall be copied to this email as well. 8. Update the industrial facilities excel spreadsheet. Add the exact date the inspection was completed for the appropriate facility in the column `GSO Inspection (Actual).' Remember, once per permit cycle for low and medium risk facilities and twice per permit cycle for high risk facilities. It is the responsibility of each inspector to update this spreadsheet as well as notify the program administrator when an inspection has been completed. 8.0 Enforcement of Violations If water quality violations are observed during the inspection, these findings should be discussed with the Water Quality Supervisor. Based on the seriousness of the situation, it may be decided to issue the facility a Notice of Violation (NOV) under Cities Stormwater Management Ordinance. If this occurs, inspectors should follow procedures outlined in the Enforcement Standard Operating Procedures, which is located at Y.•Ibv proiectslEnforcementlEnforcement procedures. In cases where an NOV is sent, the letter denoting major deficiencies will be used and include information about the pending violation letter. The addition to the deficiency letter for the facility inspection may be worded similarly to the following: Please note that [recipient's name) received a notice of violation on [date from the City of Greensboro regarding an [improper discharge/illicit connection) to the stormwater conveyance system. This violation is due to [activity or activities of noncompliance]. Enforcement documentation should be filed both physically and electronically per the guidance in the enforcement SOP. Place a copy of the enforcement letter in the industrial physical file, referring to the enforcement file. In the industry's electronic file, add a shortcut leading to the enforcement file. Page 13 of 24 Appendix A: References EPA: No Exposure Guidance: https://ncdenr.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs- Public/Water%20Quality/Surface%20Water%20Protection/SPU/SPU%20- %20NPDES%20Permit%20Forms%20and%20Documents/NPDES-NoExposure-EPAFactSheet-2005- DWQ-SPU.pdf EPA: Toxics Release Inventory Overview: https://www.epa.gov/enviro/tri-overview EPA: Website for Industrial Facilities: https://www.epa.gov/npdes General Stormwater NPDES Permits —North Carolina (includes template permit for each industry type) (NCDENR, 1992) Industrial Stormwater Permit Guide: http://www.pneac.org/stormwater/ Standard Industrial Classification Manual (Office of Management and Budget, Federal Government, 1987) Standard Operating Procedures: Administrative Procedures for Completing an Enforcement Action, City of Greensboro Standard Operating Procedures: Illicit Discharge and Improper Disposal Program, City of Greensboro Standard Operating Procedures: Spill Response, City of Greensboro State of North Carolina Best Management Practice (BMP) Manual for Industries, The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans for Stormwater Runoff at Industrial Activities (NCDENR, 1998) Page 14 of 24 Appendix B: Inspection Flowchart ISTHE FACIUTY PERMITTED? ISTHE PERMITTED FACILITY MUNICIPAL? YES NO ES NO PERMITTED FACILITY IN (MUNICIPALONLY) ♦ Twice per permit cycle, minimum ♦ Yearly courtesy call ♦ Meetcontact on site ♦ Outside site inspection ♦ Paperwork review ♦ Official letter PERMITTED FACILITY (HIGH RISK, NON -MUNICIPAL) ♦ Twice per permit cycle ♦ Meet contact on site ♦ Outside site inspection ♦ Paperworkreview ♦ Official letter PERMITTED FACILITY (LOW/MEDIUM RISK, NON - MUNICIPAL) ♦ Once per permit cycle ♦ Meet contact on site ♦ Outside site inspection ♦ Paperworkreview ♦ Official letter NO EXPOSURE ♦ Drive-byonly(outside visual) ♦ Once perpermitcycle ♦ No official contact necessary ♦ No paperwork review SARA FACILITY (HIGH) SARAFACILITY (LOW/MED) ♦ Twice per permit cycle ♦ Once perpermitcycle ♦ Meet contact on site ♦ Meet contact on site ♦ Outside site inspection ♦ Outside site inspection ♦ No paperwork review ♦ No paperwork review ♦ Carbon report filled out ♦ Carbon reportfilled out Facility Type Frequency (per cycle) Paperwork Review Onsite Observation Facility Contact Present Follow-up Contact NPDES (High -Risk Facilities) 2 V V V Letter NPDES (Low- to Medium -Risk Facilities) 1 V d V Letter City -Owned NPDES 2 V d V Letter SARA (with or without NE) 1 X d V Carbon No Exposure (exclusively NE) 1 X d X X Page 15 of 24 Appendix C: NPDES Inspection Form 64�- BO� City of Greensboro tc.rmwate.r Industrial Inspection Report Faciiity Information Faci%, Name: Date: Address: Phone #I: Contact Person: NAICSISIC Code: N-C. Permit ID#. Industrial Activity: Inslxection TypelPurpgse (Select one] Fi4UTIPiE COMPLIAhICE 1FJSFEGTIOtS Inspector Name: RESPOr,2E TO CCMPI A W Telephone: SPILL E retry Time: OTHER DESCRIBE Exit. Time: S.tQrl>ayote.r Pollution Prmrerrtion PlaniSpill Plan Review A. SITE MAPS & SWP3 YES NO NA 1. Is a coov of the current NPDES Permit A the facil ? 2. If the facility has an expired individual permit, did the faciky sunmit the Renewal Application Farm ail least 180 days prior to expiration? 3. Is a copy of the SWP3 at the facaW . 4. is the SVVP3 - ned? rmit: Pt. ll Sew A, Par. S 6. Is the general location rrkap presenU 6. Is there a site map that shovrs drainage plattems, Dutfalls. floor drains- etc.? 7. Is there a written or unwritten .tpA�" Facility Inspeclion Prograrn (i.e. routine site observatiorts noting tential issues)? 6..Zre reoords present documenting the description and releases of �pA, y accumulated in arri secondary containment? rmit: Pt. II, Sec. A Par. 2b g. Are the names of Pef&iAnl wagers listed for shown and labeled on the site map)? 10. is there a signed, annual certifiGalion stating That the facility has been tesied far non - discharges from the site? mV: Pt. II Sec. A. Par. 1 e j D. SPI Lt_ PREVENTION & RESPONSE PLAN E3 N C. !.".A 1. Aae procedures in p4ace fors ill response and cleanu ? 2. Is there a fist of siclinfficant spills lhat have uacurred since permit was issued? S. Does the spill plan state how to properly dispose of materials after a spol? 4. Are the contact erson[s and plafl u tc-date? C. IuIONITORING `-:ES NO 4YA 1. Is analytical water ual sam in up -to -dale and are records readily available? 2. Have any of the required sampling arameters been outside of the benchmark values? 3. if so, have Tiered Response procedures been irnplenwinted and documented? 4. Is Qualitative monitorin up-to-date and are records readih available? D. EMPLOYEE TRAINING YES NO A 1. Are employees trained at least arinuatly on spill respanse prXedures? 2. Does training include gkMRVAW discharge prohibitions and wasteviater discharge r uirentents? . Are employees properly trained at least annually on the appropriate record-keepi ng and ins lions of the drainage network? 4. Are trainirtQ records readily available and a part of the SVVP3? S. Axe the tFainina reooads u io-date? RecommendationsrRequirernents: 5AqMWAW Indystriai Inspection Report (con Cd) Site Inspection A. PRE VENTATrVE M11 TENANCEfGOOD HOUSEKEEPING YES NO rJ. . 1..=.re ,materials stored in areas Thal limit exposure to precipitaiion or runoff (Dumpsters oaveredpallets properlystored, eic. ? 2. Is there adequate secondary ccniainment for above -ground storage tanks and malerial handling areas ',i.e appropriate storage capacity based on visual observation)? a. Is there a process in place for property removing irainv�ater from the secondary oDntainment areas? 4. Do secondary containment valves Va-•e -_i 7cfoning locks? S. Are-nater'als 'e r c ie-ni--a Is 1 121---va I': al_-eled? a.'Peas Il-e vehicle e uiornenz mai.i:enarce area evaluated at time of ins a ion? i . Is vehicle andcr equipment washing done in an area so that the urastetvater can be Properly managed? -9. Are leaks present at rnateriaklhandliing and fueling sialions? 9. If leaks are present, are they properly contained? 10. Are loading and unloading areas being properly maintained to prevent non- slamwidtr es? 11. Are appropriate spill containment and cleanup materials!equi.pment kept -onsile and located in an obvious or convenient location? B. NON-STDRMWATER DISCHARGES -.: =5 `,G A 1. Was the WOMWjft drainage system inspected for non yftdischarges or evidence thereof? 2. Do the WiU,tMI CM curtfalls listed on the rile map match what was. visually -observed in the field? RecommendafionafRequirerrkents: Final Evaluation (Check most appropriate box.) No defiriiencies were observed during inspection. Minor issues were observed during inspection. Major issues were observed during inspection. Site needs to be fon�iarded to the North Carolina aeparlment of Environment Quality for TjqqWaKa Water quality violation (.or si gn ificant th reat) tivas observed. Local enforcement is recommended and site should be referred to the N.C. department of Environment Quality. Inspector Signature: Date.. w18 Page 17 of 24 Appendix D: TRI Inspection Form J MEENSBSRG I ity of reensboro tqm), at?,r. IndUstrial Inspection Report FACILITY INFORMATION Facility: Add ress: Contact Phone: Date: NAIL ISIC Code: Industrial AcG04-,. CHECKLJST: PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCEfGOOD HOUSEKEEPING 4 = In Compliance X = Needs Renkediation NA = Not Applicable Materials are stored in areas that limit exposure to precipitation or runoff. Materials (e.g., chemicals) are properly labeled. Ahave-grounv =forage tarks and material -handling areas have adequate secondary containment. including furs—. -3-irg vaivesriocks. Processes are n pJaoe for property removing raimMer from secondary containment. Loading and unloading areas are property maintained to prevent non-WpZMWaW Vehiclelequipment maintenance areas are properly maintained. Vehicle andlor equipment washing is done in an area so that wastewater can be prep&rly managed. Leaks at material -handling areas and fueling stations are properly contained, 5'riil, pro:.crl_res n place for proper dis posal. ADDITIONAL COMMENTSICORRECTIONS FINAL EVALUATION ❑ No deficiencies were observed dUring inspection. ❑ Facility should remedy issues noted above by ❑ Facility is noncompliant. A Notice of Violation will follow. Facility Official: Date: Inspector: Date: GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS + Regularly train employees on gpgaV*j�� discharge prohibitions. wastewater discharge requiremerrWprohibilions. and spill response and clean-up. + Routinely inspect drainsioutlets, eval uating and eliminating any non-ftUyft discharges. + Add maintain spill kits and keep them in easily acoessible areas. . t..-,.:• Cft of — .e E.U. Page 18 of 24 Appendix E: NPDES Inspection Letters Letter 1: No Deficiencies City of Greensboro J North Carolina [DATE] [NAME] [BUSINESS] [ADDRESS] [CITY, STATE, ZIP] RE: Industrial Compliance Inspection Inspection location: [FACILITY NAME] [FACILITY ADDRESS] SW Permit #: [PERMIT #] Dear [CHOOSE] [LAST NAME]: On [INSPECTION DATE] the City of Greensboro Stormwater Management Division completed an industrial compliance inspection of [FACILITY NAME]. Local regulations pen -nit an inspection of industrial facilities under authority granted by City of Greensboro Code of Ordinance Chapter 30, Article 12, Section 7.1 (C-5). This inspection consisted of two parts: a review of the facility files/records and an on - site facility inspection. The inspection was performed by [CHOOSE], and the following deficiencies/observations were noted during the inspection. Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan/Spill Plan Review Site Maps and SWP3 ♦ No deficiencies observed. Spill Prevention and Response Plan ♦ No deficiencies observed. Monitoring ♦ No deficiencies observed. Employee Training ♦ No deficiencies observed. Site Inspection Preventative Maintenance/Good Housekeeping ♦ No deficiencies observed. Non-Stormwater Discharges ♦ No deficiencies observed. We appreciate your cooperation and proactive approach. If you have questions or concerns at any time, please contact me at [CHOOSE]. Sincerely, [CHOOSE] City of Greensboro, Water Resources Department cc: Peter Schneider, Water Quality Supervisor [CHOOSE], N.C. Dept. of Environment Quality Industrial Inspection File P.O. Box 3136 m Greensboro, NC 27402-3136 ® www.greensboro-nc.gov m (336) 373-CITY (2489) ® TTY # 333-6930 Page 19 of 24 Letter 2: Minor Deficiencies rpd-� City of Greensboro A-01 North Carolina [DATE] [NAME] [BUSINESS] [ADDRESS] [CITY, STATE, ZIP] RE: Industrial Compliance Inspection Inspection location: [FACILITY NAME] [FACILITY ADDRESS] SW Permit #: [PERMIT #] Dear [CHOOSE] [LAST NAME]: On [INSPECTION DATE] the City of Greensboro Stormwater Management Division completed an industrial compliance inspection of the [FACILITY NAME]. Local regulations permit an inspection of industrial facilities under authority granted by City of Greensboro Code of Ordinance Chapter 30, Article 12, Section 7.1 (C-5). This inspection consisted of two parts: a review of the facility files/records and an on -site facility inspection. The inspection was performed by [CHOOSE], and the following deficiencies/observations were noted during the inspection. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan/Spill Plan Review Site Maps and SWP3 ♦ Deficiencies observed. Spill Prevention and Response Plan ♦ Deficiencies observed. Monitoring ♦ Deficiencies observed. Employee Training ♦ Deficiencies observed. Site Inspection Preventative Maintenance/Good Housekeeping ♦ Deficiencies observed. Non-Stormwater Discharges ♦ Deficiencies observed. It is recommended that [FACILITY NAME] take appropriate actions to correct the noted deficiencies. If you have any questions concerning this inspection, please contact me at [CHOOSE]. Sincerely, [CHOOSE] City of Greensboro, Water Resources Department cc: Peter Schneider, Water Quality Supervisor [CHOOSE], N.C. Dept. of Environment Quality Industrial Inspection File P.O. Box 3136 ® Greensboro, NC 27402-3136 ® www.greensboro-nc.gov m (336) 373-CITY (2489) ® TTY # 333-6930 Page 20 of 24 Letter 3: Maior Deficiencies, State Notification r City of Greensboro J North Carolina [DATE] [NAME] [BUSINESS] [ADDRESS] [CITY, STATE, ZIP] RE: Industrial Compliance Inspection Inspection location: [FACILITY NAME] [FACILITY ADDRESS] SW Permit #: [PERMIT #] Dear [CHOOSE] [LAST NAME]: On [INSPECTION DATE] the City of Greensboro Stormwater Management Division completed an industrial compliance inspection of the [FACILITY NAME]. Local regulations permit an inspection of industrial facilities under authority granted by City of Greensboro Code of Ordinance Chapter 30, Article 12, Section 7.1 (C-5). This inspection consisted of two parts: a review of the facility files/records and an on -site facility inspection. The inspection was performed by [CHOOSE], and the following deficiencies/observations were noted during the inspection. Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan/Spill Plan Review Site Maps and SWP3 ♦ Deficiencies Spill Prevention and Response Plan ♦ Deficiencies Monitoring ♦ Deficiencies Employee Training ♦ Deficiencies Site Inspection Preventative Maintenance/Good Housekeeping ♦ Deficiencies Non-Stormwater Discharges ♦ Deficiencies Based on the above deficiencies, the City of Greensboro will notify the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (NCDENR) and request a follow-up inspection. [FACILITY NAME] may be notified by NCDENR in advance of this inspection so proper scheduling of personnel can take place. Furthermore, any penalties assessed against the City by the State as a result of this non-compliance will be assessed against [FACILITY NAME]. If you have any questions concerning this inspection, please contact me at [CHOOSE]. Sincerely, [CHOOSE] City of Greensboro, Water Resources Department cc: Peter Schneider, Water Quality Supervisor [CHOOSE], N.C. Dept. of Environment Quality Industrial Inspection File P.O. Box 3136 m Greensboro, NC 27402-3136 ® www.greensboro-nc.gov m (336) 373-CITY (2489) ® TTY # 333-6930 Page 21 of 24 Appendix F: Database Entry Sections A, B, and C refer to the facility record. Each facility has one record but may have multiple inspections (Section D). E Permitted Facilities Permitted Facilities Facility Name VeceIIioand Grogan, Inc. Fad I ity Address 6311 Burnt Poplar Rd. City Zip Code Greensboro 274M Assigned Inspector Wells, Rebecca Contact Info Contact Address Website Contact First Name Contact Last Name John Riley Contact Phone Fax (336) 235 275b U)12 5 2743 Contact Email J o h n. Ri I ey@sha rpebrosvg.com A It 92 of 98 1 ► I ►I ► Permit# Id Information NCG16017F 91 1 Links SIC Code Industry Activity 2951 Asphalt Paving Mixtures, Blo Last City Inspection Last Permitted J2/5f2011 I� Last State Inspection: Inspected By: RN Analytical Sampling. r No Exposure Vehicle Maint.? P- NPDES Comments F SARA New Inspection Delete Facility Inspection Date: Inspector is Inspector2: F 1215/2011 Wells, Rebecca 0 50 1 of 2 1 RecomrrhendationSf ReWirements: Insp. IR:95 -Conduct ind document water quality sampling.1 Delete lnspectior. -Properlytrain employeeson appropriate record keepingand inspections SWP3-A-1 Is a copyof the signed SWP-3 at the facility? Q Yes Q No Q Ply L SWP3-A-2 Is the general location map present? D Yes 0 No 0 MA SWP3-A-3 Isthere a site map that shows drainage patterns, outfalls, floor drains, (j) Yes Q No Q NA etc.? SWP3-A-4 Isthere a written or unwritten Stormwater Facility Inspection Program 0 Yes Q No Q NA (i.e. routine site observations noting potential issues)? SWP3-A-5 Are the names of receivingwater(s) listed (orshown and ade ed on the Yes 0 No Q NA site map)? r Page 22 of 24 Facility Manta Vecellio and Grogan, Inc. Facility Address 6311 Burnt Poplar Rd. city Greensboro Assigned Inspector Wells, Rebecca Zip Code 27409 Section A reflects the most recent facility information, such as the business name and address. This section also reflects the assigned inspector. 7Contactfo Contact Address Website Section B is where the current contact Contact First Name Contact Last Name information is stored John Riley via the three tabs: Contact Phone Contact Fax Contact Info, Contact (336) 235-2756 (336) 235-2743 Address, and Website. Contact Email iohn.Riley@sharpebrosvg.com Permit# ID Infarmation NCG16417b F84 Links SIC Code Industry Activity 2951 Asphalt Paving Mixtures, Blo Last City Inspection Last Permitted iz{s{zaii Last State Inspection_ Inspected By: r Analytical Sampling? F- No Exposure r Vehicle Maint.? W NPDES Camrnents FH- SARA Section C considers information related to the facility's NPDES permit, TRI, status, or No Exposure Certification. Included in this section are permit number, activity type, sampling requirements, etc. Comments can also be included I in this section and serves a good location to note past business names, parent companies, and/or other information that cannot be noted elsewhere in the record. Page 23 of 24 Inspection Date: Inspector L- Inspector2: 12/5/2011 Wells, Rebecca 4 1 of 2 111 Recommendations/Requirements: Insp. ID: 95 ,-Conduct and document water quality sampling.! Delete Inspection -Properly train employees on appropriate record keeping and inspections . SWP3-A-1 Is a copy of the signed SWP-3 at the facility? O' Yes Q No 0 NA SWP3-A-2 Is the general location map present? Q Yes Q No O NA SWP3-A-3 Is there a site map that shows drainage patterns, outfalls, floor drains, E) Yes Q No Q NA etc.? SWP3-A-4 Is there a written or unwritten Stormwater Facility Inspection Program 0 Yes 0 No O NA (i.e. routine site observations noting potential issues)? SWP3-A-5 Are the names of receiving water(s) I isted (or shown and labeled on the G Yes O No Q NA site map)? Section D reflects individual inspections of the facility. There will be multiple inspections over time for the same facility, but all are found here within the facility record. For permitted facilities, the form in this is filled out based on the form used while inspecting. Deficiencies are noted in the Recommendations/Requirements box. For TRI and NE facilities, only the top section is filled out, with the box noting compliance or deficiencies. Page 24 of 24