HomeMy WebLinkAbout36_Transfer Station Pollution Prevention PlanPOLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN REE N B RO City of Greensboro Transfer Station Version 1.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Plan Amendment and Annual Review................................................................... 1 1.2 Pollution Prevention Team..................................................................................... 1 2.0 SITE OVERVIEW.............................................................................................................. 2 2.1 General Information................................................................................................2 2.2 Facility Description................................................................................................. 2 2.2.1 Storage, Handling, and Disposal Practices of Hazardous Materials........... 2 2.2.2 Potential Pollutants..................................................................................... 3 2.3 Significant Spills..................................................................................................... 3 3.0 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT STRATEGY............................................................. 4 3.1 Operation Specific Management Strategies............................................................ 4 3.1.1 Handling of MSW....................................................................................... 4 3.1.2 Filling of ASTs........................................................................................... 5 3.1.3 Dispensing Fuel to Facility Equipment....................................................... 5 3.1.4 Minor Maintenance Operations.................................................................. 5 3.1.5 Vehicle and Equipment Storage.................................................................. 5 3.3 Pollution Prevention through Best Management Practices ..................................... 6 3.3.1 Preventative Maintenance.............................................................................. 6 3.3.2 Facility Inspections and Testing.................................................................... 6 3.3.3 Good Housekeeping....................................................................................... 6 3.3.4 Stormwater Basin........................................................................................... 7 3.3.5 Employee Training...................................................................................... 7 3.3.6 Stormwater System Maintenance............................................................... 8 3.3.7 Used Oil Recycling Procedures.................................................................. 8 3.3.8 Material Exposure Controls........................................................................ 8 3.3.9 Spill Prevention and Cleanup...................................................................... 8 3.3.10 Secondary Containment.............................................................................. 8 4.0 SPILL PREVENTION, CONTROL, AND COUNTERMEASURE PLAN ...................... 9 Figures 1 General Location Map 2 Site Map Appendices A Pollution Prevention Plan Annual Review B Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan C Material Inventory D Semi -Annual Facility Inspections 1.0 INTRODUCTION This document is the Pollution Prevention Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") developed for the City of Greensboro Transfer Station (Facility) addressed at 6310 Burnt Poplar Road, Greensboro, NC 27409. The Facility falls under the jurisdiction of the City of Greensboro's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit (Permit # NCS000248). The Cities Permit requires the Permittee to develop site specific pollution prevention plans for sites that have "...been determined by the permittee to have a significant potential for generating polluted stormwater runoff' (Part II, Section G.2.(c) of the Cities Permit). The Transfer Station has been listed as one of these high risk sites. 1.1 Plan Amendment and Annual Review The Plan shall be reviewed and updated annually. Updates will be made if there is a change in design, construction, operation, site drainage, maintenance, or configuration of physical features which may have a significant effect on the potential to pollute surface waters. Findings of the annual review/update will be maintained in the Pollution Prevention Plan Annual Review Table located in Appendix A. 1.2 Pollution Prevention Team Role/Position Personnel/Phone Number Signature/Date David Deel Solid Waste Disposal Manager Team Leader David.Deel@greensboro-nc.gov 336-412-5711 David Deel Date Mark Hennis Field Operations Supervisor Co -Leader Mark.Hennis@greensboro-nc.gov 336-373-3864 Mark Hennis Date Richard Lovett Environmental Services Support Team Member Manager Richard.Lovett@greensboro-nc.gov 336-373-4188 Richard Lovett Date Lorien Deaton Environmental Compliance Specialist Team Member Lorien.Deaton@greensboro-nc.gov 336-373-4831 Lorien Deaton Date Gretta Eller Environmental Services Analyst Team Member Gretta.Eller@greensboro-nc.gov Gretta Eller Date 2.0 SITE OVERVIEW Facility Name: Transfer Station Owner & Operator: City of Greensboro Location of Facility: 6310 Burnt Poplar Road Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina 27409 Facility Phone #: 336-373-7656 2.1 General Information The Facility consists of one parcel located south of East Friendly Avenue and is situated northwest of the intersection of Burnt Poplar Road and South Chimney Rock Road (Figure 1). The Facility is approximately 9.38 acres in size. Current operations housed at the Facility include: • Handling of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW); • The filling of Above -ground Storage Tanks (ASTs); • Dispensing of fuel to vehicles and equipment; • Minor maintenance operations associated with the Facility's equipment; and • Vehicle and equipment storage. The Facility lays in a relatively flat area of Guilford County, with a mean site elevation of 915 feet above mean sea level (MSL). Stormwater from the Facility is directed to the on -site detention basin which feeds into an open channel stemming from the western Facility boundary. The site map (Figure 2) identifies this channel as well as the property boundaries, site topography, drainage features, drainage area boundaries, direction of stormwater flow, buildings, and best management practices (BMPs). 2.2 Facility Description 2.2.1 Storage, Handling, and Disposal Practices of Hazardous Materials Where possible, materials are stored and handled indoors or under cover and within secondary containment systems to minimize exposure to rainfall and run-on. Material handling of potential storm water pollutants is conducted in a manner as to prevent spills. Storage Practices Hazardous materials stored at the Facility consist primarily of oils and fuels with the exception of small quantities of liquid materials such as cleaning supplies. These smaller quantity materials are bought and used as needed and stored inside the Facility. The oil/fuel storage at the Facility consists of two ASTs, one mobile refueling AST, and up to eight 55 gallon drums of maintenance oils including: used oil, motor oil, hydraulic oil, and gear oil. The two ASTs are located directly southeast of the Facility structure and contain fuel. The first AST is a 12,000 gallon, double -walled, steel tank that is used to refuel equipment utilized at the Facility. The second AST is a 1,400 gallon, double walled, steel tank that is used to fuel the generator that is located atop of the tank. The 2 mobile refueling AST is located near the storage room on the lower level of the Facility and contains diesel fuel. The mobile AST is 100 gallons in size and is constructed of a single wall of steel. The 55 gallon drums are stored on top of pallet containment structures in the storage area on the lower level. The Facility stores approximately eight drums on -site which are used to conduct minor repairs/maintenance on the Facility's equipment. A complete material inventory list can be found in Appendix C of the Plan. The locations of these containers are depicted in Figure 2. Equipment Associated with Operations The Facility utilizes various pieces of fuel/oil filled heavy equipment (excavators, front end loaders, bobcats, and semi -trucks). A majority of this equipment is housed inside the facilities structure with the exception of two semi -trucks that move trailers to and from the loading bays. Commercial garbage trucks and residential vehicles continuously enter and exit the Facility during hours of operation. Loading and Unloading Activities The ASTs are filled by a third party petroleum supplier that must meet the minimum requirements and regulations established by the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT). The oil drums are not refilled at the facility. Full 55-gallon drums are dropped off at the transfer station and moved using the Facility's heavy equipment to the storage area. Waste Disposal Practices The sole purpose of the Facility is to facilitate the disposal of MSW. A majority of the waste handling practices occur on the upper level of the Facility. This is where commercial waste hauling vehicles deposit their waste for the Facility's operators to prepare for transport to the landfill. There are also dumpers located outside of the Facility's structure that are used for residential recycling drop-offs. These dumpsters are emptied routinely by Facility personnel. 2.2.2 Potential Pollutants Potential pollutants at the Facility include petroleum hydrocarbons, leachate, and solids (floating and suspended). 2.3 Significant Spills Spills will be addressed and documented in accordance with the facilities Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan. 3.0 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 3.1 Operation Specific Management Strategies Where practical, operations and storage practices have been established that minimize or eliminate exposure of materials and processes to rainfall and run-off flows. 3.1.1 Handling of MSW Interior Operations MSW is deposited by commercial and residential vehicles. This takes place inside the upper level of the Facility (drop-off area) where the waste is then moved by heavy equipment and dropped down two cavities in the floor. These loading pits lead to the trailer bay located on the lower level. Both the upper and lower levels of the Facility have a network of drains and curb inlets that collect and surface liquid (water, leachate, oil, fuel, etc.) and direct it to a 2,000 gallon oil -water separator. Once the liquid has gone through the separator, it is then sent to the sanitary sewer system. Exterior Operations Numerous vehicles traverse the Facility's paved roadways and parking lots on a daily basis including commercial dump trucks, resident vehicles, Facility equipment, and trailers that are either filled with waste set to be hauled to the landfill or empty trailers waiting to be filled. Should an accident occur involving any of these vehicle or pieces of equipment causing a spill of hazardous material, it is possible for the substance to enter the Facility's stormwater system. This system is comprised of various drains and curb inlets that direct surface water from the exposed areas of the Facility to the site's stormwater basin. Any spilled material that makes its way to the Facility's stormwater system would then be captured in the stormwater basin, allowing for remediation activities to take place in accordance with the facilities SPCC plan. Best efforts will be made to prevent hazardous material from entering the Facilities stormwater system through the use of Best Management Practices (BMPs) and good housekeeping measures, further outlined in later sections of this Plan. The trailers used for the loading, storage, and hauling of MSW are owned by a third party vender. The empty trailers enter the Facility and are stationed in the southern parking lot. They are then brought into the building, filled with MSW, and moved to the same parking lot before being hauled to a landfill. The time these filled trailers spend in the parking area varies but, actions are taken in order to prevent leachate from entering the Facility's stormwater system. These actions include continued maintenance on the trailers (patching holes), ensuring seals on the back doors are intact, and covering the trailers with a retractable tarp. Facility personnel also utilize drip pans should they notice a leak from one of the containers. 0 3.1.2 Filling of ASTs The AST loading area is partially paved and uncovered. Should a spill occur in this location that could not be immediately contained, the excess material would likely flow into a storm grate west of both ASTs. This grate leads to the sediment basin where the fuel could be properly remediated. Should a spill occur during filling operations, the material would remain on -site, allowing for the proper remediation activities to take place. 3.1.3 Dispensing Fuel to Facility Equipment The fuel dispensing area is the same as the AST loading area listed in section 3.1.2 and thus has the same potential exposures. Additional exposure risks are present when considering the practices associated with the mobile refueler due to its ability to be used anywhere on the Facility's grounds. However, should a spill occur during fueling operations, the material would remain on -site allowing for the proper remediation activities to take place. 3.1.4 Minor Maintenance Operations Minor repairs performed on the Facility's equipment, as well as the maintenance oil used to perform these repairs, is conducted and stored inside the Facility's structure. Various drains and grates cover the interior of the Facility and lead to the oil -water separator. Should a spill occur during maintenance activities, the material would remain on -site allowing for the proper remediation activities to take place. 3.1.5 Vehicle and Equipment Storage A small gravel storage lot is located on the northeastern corner of the Facility. The storage area is uncovered but the topography of this area directs water to one of the Facility's curbed stormwater inlet located along the northern most paved road. Should a spill occur in the vehicle storage area, the material would remain on -site allowing for the proper remediation activities to take place. 3.3 Pollution Prevention through Best Management Practices Best management practices (BMP) for the Facility were selected based on the assessment of the potential for sources to contribute pollutants to the Facility's stormwater discharge. These BMPs include secondary containment, preventative maintenance, good housekeeping, and employee training. 3.3.1 Preventative Maintenance Maintenance of storm water management devices performed as part of this program and other routine maintenance programs includes the following: • Cleaning of accumulated sediment and debris from conveyance systems, pipe lines, and stormwater basin; • Clearing of debris from drainage features such as curbs, gutters, and ditches; • Clearing of vegetation that would prevent the visual inspection of the stormwater basin, emergency cleanup of the stormwater basin, or inhibit the effectiveness of the stormwater basin outlet structure; • Preventative maintenance is performed on equipment in conformance with the manufacturer's recommendations; and • Maintenance necessary to ensure efficient operation of the storm and sanitary sewer systems (e.g. monthly maintenance on the trench and floor drains and oil/water separators). 3.3.2 Facility Inspections and Testing Visual inspections of the Facility's heavy equipment and storage containers are completed on a daily basis by the Facility personnel. These inspections are not recorded. More detailed inspections of the Facility and all stormwater systems will occur every six months, with one inspection during the first half of the year and one during the second half of the year with at least 60 days separating the inspections. Completed inspection logs are filed with the Plan in Appendix D. Inspections of the Facility's ASTs can be found in the SPCC plan. Additional inspections of the Facility's bulk storage containers are conducted through the SPCC Plan. These include monthly visual inspections, semi-annual inspections, and periodic formal inspections. 3.3.3 Good Housekeeping Good housekeeping is practiced at the Facility as part of standard operating procedures and is implemented by all employees. The maintenance of a clean and orderly Facility maximizes operational efficiency, minimizes employee safety hazards, and reduces potential pollutant impacts to the storm water conveyance system. Employees are trained to understand the importance of good housekeeping practices. Housekeeping activities at the Facility are summarized below. 3 Materials Mana em�ent Responsible management of common chemicals, such as solvents, paints, cleaners, and automotive products, includes selection of the products, correct use and storage, and responsible disposal of associated wastes. Material storage and inventory controls reduce the occurrence of overstocking hazardous materials. Routine cleaning and inspections of material storage, process, and disposal areas reduce the likelihood of accidental spills or releases during storm events. Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance All maintenance activities are performed inside or under cover. Spills are cleaned up immediately, without water whenever possible, and clean up materials are properly collected and disposed. When water is used, it is directed toward the trench drains that flow into a pretreatment device (i.e. oil/water separator) prior to discharge to sewer system. The outdoor staging areas are inspected regularly for drips and spills by Equipment Services personnel. Areas traversed by residential vehicles, Facility equipment, and employee vehicles are monitored as a part of the Facility's regular operation for signs of leaks or spills. Proper Fueling of Vehicles and ASTs During the loading and unloading, or transfer of automotive fluids by a third party vendor, Facility employees ensure that outside personnel understand the site layout, know the protocol for entering the Facility and transfer of product, and have the necessary equipment to respond to a release from the vehicle or fuel delivery hose. A Facility Manager or designee supervises oil deliveries for all new suppliers and periodically observes deliveries for existing, approved suppliers. Additionally, both the diesel AST and the generator AST have high liquid level alarms that are tested on a monthly basis. Vehicle and equipment filling operations are performed near the AST by City staff trained in proper spill prevention measures. 3.3.4 Stormwater Basin A sediment basin that processes a majority of the facilities runoff is located on the western portion of the property. The purpose of the basin is to improve stormwater quality primarily by detaining stormwater runoff for an extended period of time to allow pollutants that are suspended in the runoff to settle out. It also has the ability to trap fugitive material that may be spilled on the exterior pavement that encompasses the Facility. 3.3.5 Employee Training The municipal employee training program is designed to teach staff about potential sources of storm water contamination and ways to minimize the water quality impact of 7 municipal activities. The training program includes a general storm water awareness message; pollution prevention/good housekeeping measures; the BMPs utilized at the Facility; and the Plan for this Facility. Training records regarding spill prevention and response can be found in Appendix F of the Facility's SPCC plan. 3.3.6 Stormwater System Maintenance Regular maintenance of the storm water structures (e.g. stormwater basin and curb/gutters) will reduce the amount of sediment and other pollutants that can potentially migrate into the Facility's stormwater management system and downstream receiving waters. 3.3.7 Used Oil Recycling Procedures Used oil recycling is utilized at the Facility to encourage and facilitate proper management of used oil. This reduces the likelihood of storm water impacts by encouraging the capture of all used oil generated at the Facility 3.3.8 Material Exposure Controls Where practical, operation and storage areas have been covered to minimize or eliminate exposure of materials and processes to rainfall and run-off flows. 3.3.9 Spill Prevention and Cleanup Active and passive spill containment measures are utilized at the Facility to prevent spilled materials from migrating outside the industrial activity area and/or into surface waters. 3.3.10 Secondary Containment The two diesel ASTs are constructed using a double walled design. This is intended to allow for the contents of the containers to be completely contained by the outer wall should the inner wall rupture. Additional secondary containment is provided by spill kits located near the ASTs. The drums and portable refueling tank are stored inside the maintenance/storage area located on the lower level of the Facility. Both the drums and the portable refueling tank have spill kits readily accessible in the event of a leak or spill. The drums are also stored atop containment pallets that are adequately sized to contain the contents of the drums. All secondary containment located at the Facility complies with the applicable standards outlined in its SPCC plan. 4.0 SPILL PREVENTION, CONTROL, AND COUNTERMEASURE PLAN The facilities Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan outlines the practices associated with the use and disposal of oils on -site. The SPCC plan can be found in Appendix B. so FIGURES K.- Site a a C3 Imv Figure 1— General Location Address: 6310 Burnt Poplar Road GREENSBORO Map Greensboro, NC 27409 NORTH C A R O L I N A Transfer Station *Map adapted from the 2016 USGS topographic map: Guilford quadrangle TRANSFERISKI TATION I ` ■ D OIL WATER SEPARATOR EMERGENCY • SHUTOFF UTILITY. BASIN f SAND FILT, " ♦.. LEGEND SITE RUNOFF FLOW DIRECTION ------ 0-� FENCE LINE PROPERTY BOUNDARY SK SPILL KIT LOCATION —<—<— STORM SEWER PIPING O STORM SEWER CATCH BASIN/DROP INLET O BULK STORAGE CONTAINER NOTES 1. AERIAL IMAGERY DATED 4/812017. SUPPLIED BY AND SOURCED UNDER LICENCE FROM GOGGLE EARTH PRO. 2. PROPERTY BOUNDARY AND FACILITY FEATURE LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. 3. ACCESS ROADS AND PARKING AREAS ARE PAVED OIL STORAGE Description1 Steel, double walled AST Fixed Diesel Fuel 12,000 2 Generatorfuel tank -steel, Fixed Diesel Fuel 1,400 double -walled AST 3 Portable Steel AST Mobile Diesel Fuel 100 D 55-gallon drums, Steel and Mobile Maintenance 440 poly (approximately 8) oils Total aboveground oil storage capacity 13,940-gallons CLIENT PROJECT _ CITY OF GREENSBORO FIELD OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT SPILL PREVENTION, CONTROL, AND COUNTERMEASURE PLAN 401 PATTON AVENUE SOLID WASTE TRANSFER STATION GREENSBORO, NC 27406 6310 BURNT POPLAR ROAD, GREENSBORO, NC 27409 CONSULTANT YYYY-MM-DD 2017-11-21 TITLE FACILITY DIAGRAM DESIGNED MAK G O L D E R PREPARED MAK .� REVIEWED MAT PROJECT NO. PHASE APPROVED MAT 1668421 402 REV. FIGURE F 0 2 APPENDIX A Pollution Prevention Plan Revisions Pollution Prevention Plan Revisions City of Greensboro Transfer Station Date Section Revised Revisions Made APPENDIX B Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan The Facility's SPCC Plan is located in a separate binder. APPENDIX C Material Inventory Material Inventory Transfer Station ID Container Description Contents Capacity Discharge Prevention & Containment Steel, double walled, AST used for Double Walled Construction, Active 1 refueling Diesel 12,000 gallons Containment (Spill Kits), Level Gauge, Emer ency Shutoff 2 Steel, double walled, AST fueling the Diesel 1,400 gallons Double Walled Construction, Active generator Containment (Spill Kits), Level Gauge 3 Portable steel AST Diesel 100 gallons Active Containment (Spill Kits), Facility Drainage Features D 55-gallon drums (poly and steel) Maintenance oil —440 gallons Active Containment (Spill Kits), Containment Pallets Varies — M Metal/plastic containers Various Typically < 5 Stored inside the Facility and are ordered on an gallons per as needed basis container APPENDIX D Semi -Annual Facility Inspections Semi -Annual Facility Inspection Report General Information Facility Name City of Greensboro Transfer Station Date of Inspection Start/End Time Inspector's Name(s) Inspector's Title(s) Inspector's Contact Information Weather Information Weather at time of this inspection? ❑ Clear ❑Cloudy ❑ Rain ❑ Sleet ❑ Fog ❑ Snow ❑ High Winds ❑ Other: Temperature: Have any previously unidentified discharges of pollutants occurred since the last inspection? ❑Yes ❑No If yes, describe: Are there any discharges occurring at the time of inspection? ❑Yes ❑No If yes, describe: Structural Control Control Is maintenance or Brief description of issue(s) and their Date Measure measure is attention needed? severity (Identify deficiencies observed and Corrective operating Proposed date? provide a proposed date for repairs or Action effectively? maintenance to take lace) Completed Interior Drain System ❑Yes ❑No ❑ No ❑ Yes Oil/Water Separator ❑Yes ❑No ❑ No ❑ Yes Exterior Stormwater ❑Yes ❑No ❑ No Drains ❑ Yes Sedimnt Basin ❑Yes ❑No ❑ No ❑ Yes Spill Kits ❑Yes ❑No ❑ No ❑ Yes NOTES Use this space for any additional notes or observations from the inspection: Area/Activity Inspected? Controls Corrective Action Needed and Notes Date Adequate Corrective (appropriate, Action effective, and Completed o eratin ? Upper Level/MSW Drop- ❑Yes ❑No ❑ N/A ❑Yes ❑No off Area Upper Level/Exterior ❑Yes ❑No ❑ N/A ❑Yes ❑No Residential Drop-off Area Lower Level/MSW ❑Yes ❑No ❑ N/A ❑Yes ❑No Loading Bays Lower Level/Storage ❑Yes ❑No ❑ N/A ❑Yes ❑No Area Roads and Parking Lots ❑Yes ❑No ❑ N/A ❑Yes ❑No Generator and Diesel ❑Yes ❑No ❑ N/A ❑Yes ❑No AST Area Vehicle Storage Area ❑Yes ❑No ❑ N/A ❑Yes ❑No Interior Material Storage ❑Yes ❑No ❑ N/A ❑Yes ❑No Area Outdoor Vehicle Staging ❑Yes ❑No ❑ N/A ❑Yes ❑No Area New Site Conditions Describe any new site conditions that are not currently address in the Facility's PPP (i.e. new materials, change in the site layout/construction, additional operations being conducted, etc.): Notes Use this space for any additional notes or observations from the inspection: Corrective actions completed on (if applicable): Print name and title: Signature: Date: