HomeMy WebLinkAbout35_Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance PlanGreensboro City of Greensboro Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Operation and Maintenance Plan (NCS000248) May 5, 2022 PREPARED FOR City of Greensboro Water Resources Department Stormwater Management Division 2602 South Elm -Eugene Street Greensboro, NC 27402 PREPARED BY Tetra Tech Engineering, P.C. 4000 Park Drive, Suite 200 PO Box 14409 Durham, NC 27709 Tel 919-485-8278 Fax 919-485-8280 tetratech.com (This page was intentionally left blank.) City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................ 2.0 MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF GREENSBORO'S MS4..................................................... 2.1 Overview of MS4 Operation and Maintenance Tasks................................................................. 3.0 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR MS4 COMPONENTS .......................................... 3.1 Stormwater Conveyance System................................................................................................ 3.1.1 Stormwater Infrastructure Structural Components............................................................ 3.1.2 Relevant SOPs and Policy Documents.............................................................................. 3.2 Streets, Roads, Parking Lots, and Sidewalks............................................................................. 3.2.1 Relevant SOPs and Policy Documents.............................................................................. 3.3 Parks, Greenways, and Open Space.......................................................................................... 3.3.1 Relevant SOPs and Policy Documents.............................................................................. 3.4 City -Owned Post -Construction SCMs......................................................................................... 3.4.1 Relevant SOPs and Policy Documents.............................................................................. 3.5 Vehicle/Equipment Storage and Maintenance Facilities............................................................. 3.5.1 Operations Center Facilities............................................................................................... 3.5.2 Relevant SOPs and Policy Documents.............................................................................. 5 6 8 10 10 10 10 12 12 15 15 06, 18 18 18 4.0 MS4 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE IMPLEMENTATION.......................................................... 20 4.1 Ongoing Activities...........................................................................................................................20 4.2 Staff Training.................................................................................................................................. 20 4.3 Reporting and Recordkeeping........................................................................................................20 APPENDIX A: LIST OF RELEVANT CITY SOPS AND POLICY DOCUMENTS ...................................... 21 APPENDIX B: CITY OF GREENSBORO ORGANIZATIONAL CHART FOR NPDES MS4 PROGRAMS (AS OF MARCH 2O22)............................................................................................................................... 26 City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Greensboro MS4 Components and Operation and Maintenance Responsibility ...........................7 Table 2. Essential Operation and Maintenance Activities for MS4 Components ......................................... 9 Table 3. Operation and Maintenance Tasks, Frequency, and References for Stormwater Conveyance System........................................................................................................................................................11 Table 4. Operation and Maintenance Tasks, Frequency, and References for Streets, Roads, and Parking Lots..............................................................................................................................................................13 Table 5. Operation and Maintenance Tasks, Frequency, and References for Parks, Greenways, and OpenSpace................................................................................................................................................15 Table 6. Operation and Maintenance Tasks, Frequency, and References for City -owned SCMs.............17 Table 7. Operation and Maintenance Tasks, Frequency, and References for Vehicle/Equipment Storage and Maintenance Facilities..........................................................................................................................19 Table 8. List of Relevant City SOPs and Policy Documents......................................................................21 City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS Acronym/Abbreviation CBD Central Business District CWA Clean Water Act E&SC Erosion and Sediment Control FOD Field Operations Department GDOT Greensboro Department of Transportation GTA Greensboro Transit Authority HAZMAT HAZardous MATerials HHW Household Hazardous Waste HMMOC Hugh Medford Municipal Operations Center IDDE Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination LDO Land Development Ordinance MEP Maximum Extent Practicable MS4 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System North Carolina State University Institute for Transportation Research NCSU ITRE NC LTAP and Education's North Carolina Local Technical Assistance Program NOV Notice of Violation NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System P&R Parks and Recreation PP/GH Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Stormwater Control Measure Standard Operating Procedure SCM SOP SPCC Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure SRP Spill Response Procedures Storm Water Management Plan SWMP SWPPP Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan WR Water Resources WTP Water Treatment Plant WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 REVISION LOG City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Operation and Maintenance Plan (Plan) is to describe how the City of Greensboro (City) performs and documents activities to operate and maintain its municipally owned stormwater conveyance system. This Plan includes information regarding staff training, implementation activities, and recordkeeping regarding specific operation and maintenance activities and responsibilities in a standardized and well -documented manner. Operation and maintenance of the City's MS4 is a requirement of the City's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase I MS4 Permit and applicable provisions of the Clean Water Act (CWA) to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff to the maximum extent practicable (MEP). Operation and maintenance of the MS4 is primarily contained within Part II G (Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping (PP/GH) for Municipal Operations) of the City's Phase I MS4 permit. This Plan specifically refers to the operation and maintenance of the MS4 while referencing other relevant documents, including standard operating procedures (SOPs), guidance documents, policies, ordinances, and other procedures where appropriate. The municipal separate storm sewer system refers to the combination of features, or infrastructure components, that collect, convey, and/or provide water quality treatment of stormwater runoff within the City of Greensboro MS4 area. This includes all City -owned and City -maintained streets and roadways, parking lots, curbs and gutters, ditches and channels, storm drains and pipes, culverts, post -construction, and other stormwater control measures (SCMs). 5 City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 2.0 MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF GREENSBORO'S MS4 Greensboro's MS4 is operated and maintained by various City departments as a Stormwater Management Utility. The Stormwater Management Utility is one of seven divisions of the City's Water Resources Department, which also includes water supply, water reclamation, customer service, business, engineering, and operations and maintenance. Although the Stormwater Management Division resides within the Water Resources Department, the program itself is much broader and encompasses and/or extends well beyond the boundaries of the Water Resources Department. Several other departments in the City of Greensboro contribute to the operation and maintenance of the MS4. Current departmental responsibilities related to MS4 operation and maintenance, as of the date of this document, are summarized below. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of departmental responsibilities for MS4 permit implementation; refer to the most recent City of Greensboro Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) for a complete description of MS4 responsibilities and the MS4 organizational chart (Appendix B). Water Resources Department (WR): NPDES MS4 Discharge Permit administration for Greensboro; stormwater conveyance system inventory and detailed MS4 outfall mapping; SCM evaluations and crediting; SCM inspections and monitoring; field screening and follow-up monitoring activities; industrial monitoring and related activities; industrial inspections and educational efforts; system inspection; special stormwater inspection and enforcement programs; spill response and investigation; water quality inspections and monitoring programs; overall authority (as delegated from City Manager's Office) over the municipal stormwater quality management programs. • City Field Operations Department (FOD): Litter (including floatables) and loose-leaf collection programs; solid waste and recycling collections, street cleaning and sweeping programs; closed drainage infrastructure system routine and remedial maintenance activities; open channel maintenance; environmental compliance, new storm sewer construction. • City Parks and Recreation (P&R) Department: City of Greensboro parks, greenway, cemeteries, athletic facilities, gardens, and utility easement maintenance coordination and programs. • City Fire Department: Spill response program — HAZMAT (HAZardous MATerials) Team, containment of spills; industrial site inspections. • Greensboro Department of Transportation (GDOT): Roadway improvements and street resurfacing. Table 1 identifies the responsible City department(s) and the key personnel for each MS4 component type. 0 City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 Table 1. Greensboro MS4 Components and Operation and Maintenance Responsibility Stormwater conveyance Street/Stormwater Randall Cox system/public stormwater Maintenance (FOD) infrastructure Stormwater Ray Johnson Management (WR) City -owned streets, Right -of -Way (FOD) James Steber roads, parking lots, and sidewalks Greensboro Dept. of Hanna Cockburn Transportation (GDOT) City -owned parks, Parks and Recreation Nasha McCray greenways, and open Dept. space Stormwater David Phlegar Management (WR) City -owned SCMs Street/Stormwater Randall Cox Maintenance (FOD) Engineering and Butch Shumate Inspections Dept. Stormwater Ray Johnson Management (WR) Vehicle/Equipment Environmental Richard Lovett Storage and Services (FOD) Maintenance Facilities Greensboro Transit Bruce Adams Agency (GTA) Wastewater and Water Water Supply (WS) Dell Harney Treatment Plants Water Reclamation Elijah L. Williams (WR) Other Municipal Facilities Street/Stormwater Randall Cox Maintenance (FOD) Environmental Richard Lovett Services (FOD) Chad Williams, Other City Captain Operational departments as Support (Police) 7 City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 applicable (e.g., Police, Fire) Leslie Holder, Captain, Resource Management Division Chris Susi, Battalion Chief (Fire) 2.1 Overview of MS4 Operation and Maintenance Tasks Because the City's MS4 has the potential to transport stormwater pollutants as runoff flows across pervious and impervious areas, routine maintenance is essential to ensure that structures are functioning as designed and to minimize the potential discharge of pollutants to streams, rivers, and lakes in the City of Greensboro and beyond. Common pollutants in stormwater runoff include nutrients, sediment, trash, bacteria, and vehicle fluids including oil. MS4 maintenance issues that may indicate potential problems can include structural damage, erosion, corrosion, blockages, debris, sediment accumulation, upland pollutant inputs (e.g., from erosion, spills, poor storage practices, etc.), and undesirable vegetation. Routine maintenance can help identify MS4 operational concerns and required maintenance needs before more serious problems occur and can also be used to identify potential illicit discharges in conjunction with the City's Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) program. The operation and maintenance of the MS4 consist of a wide range of tasks, activities, and recordkeeping conducted by the organizational units identified in Table 1. In general, operation and maintenance tasks are driven by 1) federal and state laws and regulations, 2) the requirements of the City's NPDES MS4 Phase I MS4 permit, 3) local water quality protection and restoration objectives, 4) general City infrastructure protection goals, and 5) flood prevention and 6) other site specific NCDEQ Industrial Stormwater Permits. Table 2 provides a summary of essential activities conducted by City personnel to operate and maintain the MS4 and its components. Section 3.0 of this document contains detailed operation and maintenance information for specific MS4 components, with references to various City standard operating procedures, policies, and the City of Greensboro Stormwater Management Manual. Detailed Illicit Discharge, Detection, and Elimination (IDDE) actions are outlined within the IDDE standard operating procedures as a separate document. The Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) outlines additional actions that may not be covered in this Plan as outlined in the NPDES MS4 Phase I permit. 0 City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 Table 2. Essential Operation and Maintenance Activities for MS4 Components Conduct inspections of City -owned SCMs and facilities as specified in the appropriate SOPs, industrial stormwater permits, or pollution prevention/good housekeeping program. Maintain MS4 system components — streets, roads, parking lots, ditches, channels, pipes, inlets, ponds, etc. Report structural problems, potential blockages, illicit discharges, dumping, spills, or other conditions that may cause flooding or affect water quality. Repair, replace, or otherwise address structural issues, such as damaged headwalls, exposed or misaligned pipe, heavy ditch/channel erosion/scouring, damaged or poorly functioning basin/pond outlets, or other structural problems associated with MS4 components. Remove blockages to storm drain inlets, stormwater pipes, ditches, channels, and other conveyances; report major blockages requiring additional equipment immediately. Address or report standing water causing street or other flooding; assess and report possible emergency conditions. Ensure materials containing potential pollutants are stored properly, reducing the likelihood of entering the City's MS4 system. Remove dirt, litter, waste, dead animals, and other debris from City parking lots, streets, and roads via sweeping and other dry methods wherever possible to prevent pollutants from entering local streams. Stabilize eroded areas contributing sediment to the MS4 by seeding, mulching, or armoring to prevent further erosion. Conduct training for City staff involved with building, operating, or maintaining the MS4. Respond promptly to spills to ensure public safety and containment, cleanup, and proper disposal of all materials. Stabilize eroded areas contributing sediment to the MS4 by seeding, mulching, or armoring to prevent further erosion Conduct training for City staff involved with building, operating, or maintaining the MS4. Identify and address nuisance conditions, such as unwanted or excessive vegetation affecting stormwater flow, animal burrows, or other conditions affecting MS4 operation. The SOPs outlined and referenced in Section 3 provide detailed information, including specific O&M tasks, for the City's MS4 components. 0 City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 3.0 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR MS4 COMPONENTS This section provides information on operation and maintenance tasks for specific components of the MS4. A brief description of each component is provided in the introduction, followed by a summary table of general operation/maintenance tasks and frequency. References to detailed standard operating procedures, policies, MS4 program elements, and other information are provided where appropriate. A comprehensive list of City SOPs and policy documents is provided in this document under Appendix A. 3.1 Stormwater Conveyance System The City of Greensboro maintains stormwater infrastructure within the public Right -of -Way and within public easements. This infrastructure is primarily inspected and maintained by the Field Operations Section of the City's Stormwater Management Division. 3.1.1 Stormwater Infrastructure Structural Components Structural components of the City's stormwater conveyance system include the following: • Closed conveyances (pipes and culverts) • Open conveyances (ditches, channels, and swales) • Streets, roads, and parking lots • Storm drain inlets • Stormwater ponds and basins • Structural stormwater control measures • Catch basins • Manholes and junction boxes • Storm drain outfalls 3.1.2 Relevant SOPs and Policy Documents The City currently has the following SOPs and policy documents pertaining to the O&M of the stormwater conveyance system: • City of Greensboro Stormwater Management Manual • Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Plan • NPDES Outfall Screening Program SOP • Stormwater Infrastructure Inspection SOP • Stormwater Infrastructure Repairs SOP • Rain Event Inspections and Maintenance SOP • Repetitive/Problematic Stormwater Inspections SOP • Litter/Special Litter/Island Cleaning SOP • Street Sweeping SOP • Street Flushing SOP • Knuckle Boom/Dump Truck/Rubber Tire Loader Operator SOP • Sand Truck/Oil Spill Containment/Cleanup SOP • Central Business District SOP • Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) SOP • White Street Landfill Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) 10 City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 • Hugh Medford Municipal Operations Center SWPPP • Transfer Station Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) • GTA SWPPP • Parks and Recreation Maintenance Facility PPP • White Street Landfill Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) • Transfer Station SPCC • Hugh Medford Municipal Operations Center SPCC • T.Z. Osborne WWTP SPCC • Townsend WTP SPCC • Mitchell WTP SPCC Table 3 provides a summary of current tasks performed by the City to operate and maintain its MS4, including frequency, primary responsibility, and the appropriate guidance document or SOP for activities, if available. Table 3. Operation and Maintenance Tasks, Frequency, and References for Stormwater Conveyance System Stormwater Ongoing (City Street/Stormwater Stormwater Infrastructure infrastructure divided into 52 Maintenance (FOD) Inspection SOP inspection sections) Repetitive/Problematic Stormwater Inspections SOP Rain Event Inspections and Maintenance SOP Stormwater Annually Street/Stormwater Capital Improvement Plan infrastructure Maintenance (FOD) or (list of repairs greater than repairs Contractor 42" diameter) Stormwater Infrastructure Repairs SOP Update GIS maps Annually GIS Specialist Instructions for Creating and for infrastructure Deleting Versions Culvert Once every 5 years Contractor (through Contractor Proposal for inspections Engineering (WR)) Culvert Inspections Outfall Ongoing Stormwater Management NPDES Outfall Screening screening/IDDE (WR) Program SOP IDDE SOP Internal training Onboarding, as Street/Stormwater Litter/Special Litter/Island needed, annual Maintenance (FOD) Cleaning SOP refresher training (when applicable) Street Sweeping SOP SC075 Street Flushing SOP 11 City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 3.2 Streets, Roads, Parking Lots, and Sidewalks Knuckle Boom/Dump Truck/Rubber Tire Loader Operator SOP Sand Truck/Oil Spill Containment/Cleanup SOP Central Business District SOP Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) SOP PP/GH Training Video Loose Leaf Collection Program Training, Onsite Job Training/Shadowing Spill response and stormwater training (SPCC/SWPPP) The City of Greensboro maintains public streets, roads, and sidewalks within the public Right -of -Way. The City also maintains City -owned parking lots, driveways, and drive aisles. This infrastructure is primarily inspected and maintained by the Right -of -Way Field Operations Department (FOD) and GDOT with assistance from Field Operations Stormwater Management. 3.2.1 Relevant SOPs and Policy Documents The City currently has the following SOPs and policy documents pertaining to O&M of streets, roads, parking lots, and sidewalks: • Litter/Special Litter/Island Cleaning SOP • Street Sweeping SOP • Street Flushing SOP • Knuckle Boom/Dump Truck/Rubber Tire Loader Operator SOP • Sand Truck/Oil Spill Containment/Cleanup SOP • Central Business District SOP • City of Greensboro Stormwater Management Manual • City of Greensboro Roadway Standard Design Standards Manual, Standard Details and Drawings • Loose Leaf Program • Field Operations Snow and Ice Control Plan 12 City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 Table 4 provides a summary of current tasks performed by the City to operate and maintain streets, roads, and parking lots, including frequency, primary responsibility, and the appropriate guidance document or SOP for O&M activities, if available. Table 4. Operation and Maintenance Tasks, Frequency, and References for Streets, Roads, and Parking Lots Perform cleaning and maintenance Daily Right -of -Way Central Business within the Central Business District (FOD) District SOP roads, lots, and sidewalks Provide support for special events Weekly Right -of -Way Central Business and identify/report hazards and (FOD) District SOP needs within the Central Business District (CBD) Collect and dispose of leaves as Daily during leaf Right -of -Way Loose Leaf Program part of the Loose -Leaf Program season (FOD) (October - January) each permit year Sweep major City maintained Daily, nine Right -of -Way Knuckle Boom/Dump thoroughfares, streets, and months during (FOD) Truck/Rubber Tire roadways the year Loader Operator SOP (February - October) Street Sweeping SOP Provide street flushing to clean all As last resort Right -of -Way SC075 Street Flushing paved areas in the City's roadways after other (FOD) SOP of gravel, sand, mud, glass, etc. cleanup that might impede safe traffic or operations are pedestrian traffic or contaminate conducted any area of storm sewer Assist all City departments and As requested Right -of -Way appropriate authorities in the (FOD) mitigation of road hazards caused by hazardous spills, oil, hydraulic, gas, etc. Provide and maintain special litter Weekly Right -of -Way pick up such as roadkill, large (FOD) debris, etc. Review and maintain a map of Annually Right -of -Way active roads. Add new roads to the (FOD) routes as discovered. Sand Truck/Oil Spill Containment/Cleanup SOP Central Business District SOP Knuckle Boom/Dump Truck/ Rubber Tire Loader Operator SOP Litter/Special Litter/Island Cleaning SOP FOD Snow and Ice Control Plan 13 City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 O&M Task Frequency Responsibility Provide salt application for streets, During winter Right -of -Way FOD Snow and Ice roads, and sidewalks ahead/during months (FOD) Control Plan winter weather events to remove or prevent ice and snow in the roadways Provide training for staff operating Annually Right -of -Way FOD Snow and Ice and maintaining snow removal (FOD) Control Plan equipment Proactive Maintenance — Storm Inspection prior Street/Stormwater City of Greensboro Events to storm event, Maintenance Stormwater post call center (FOD) Management Manual report Culvert Inspections Once every 5 Contractor Contractor Proposal for years (through Culvert Inspections Engineering (WR)) Inspect stormwater catch basin Quarterly Street/Stormwater Greensboro Stormwater trash baskets and inlet inserts Maintenance Management Ordinance (FOD) RAIN 2.0 (Review and Inspection Network) SOP Targeted Stormwater Inspections Monthly Street/Stormwater City of Greensboro (Inlets, Channels, Problem Areas, Maintenance Stormwater etc.) (FOD) Management Manual Pesticide spraying in Right -of -Way As needed Right -of -Way Pesticide Reference and Central Business District (FOD) Document Central Business District SOP Ensure spill response procedures Annually during Field Operations Facility SWPPPs/PPPs are current and implemented permit years Department and SPCCs Internal Training — PP/GH and Spill Onboarding, as Field Operations Litter/Special Prevention needed, annual Department Litter/Island Cleaning refresher SOP training (when applicable) Street Sweeping SOP SC075 Street Flushing SOP Knuckle Boom/Dump Truck/Rubber Tire Loader Operator SOP 14 City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 3.3 Parks, Greenways, and Open Space Sand Truck/Oil Spill Containment/Cleanup SOP Central Business District SOP Facility SWPPPs/PPPs and SPCCs PP/GH Training Video Pesticide Reference Document Training, Onsite Job Training/Shadowing Several City departments are involved in the oversight and maintenance of parks, greenways, and publicly owned open spaces. The three main departments include Parks & Recreation, Field Operations, and Water Resources. 3.3.1 Relevant SOPs and Policy Documents The City currently has the following SOPs and policy documents pertaining to O&M of parks, greenways, and open space: • City of Greensboro Stormwater Management Manual • Buffer Reforestation Program • City of Greensboro SWMP • City of Greensboro IDDE • City of Greensboro Land Development Ordinance (LDO) Table 5 provides a summary of current tasks performed by the City to operate and maintain parks, greenways, and open space, including frequency, primary responsibility, and the appropriate guidance document or SOP for O&M activities, if available. Table 5. Operation and Maintenance Tasks, Frequency, and References for Parks, Greenways, and Open Space Riparian Buffer Ongoing Stormwater Land Development Ordinance Maintenance/Protection Management (WR) (LDO) Street/Stormwater Maintenance (FOD) 15 City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 Invasive Plant Control Twice per Contractor (through in Reforested Stream year WR) Buffers Stream Bank Ongoing Street/Stormwater Stabilization Maintenance (FOD) Stormwater Management (WR) Parks and Recreation Dept. Pesticide Spraying Monthly Parks and Recreation Dept. Water Treatment (WR) Field Operations Departments Internal Training Onboarding, Parks and Recreation Annually Dept. Water Treatment (WR), Field Operations Departments 3.4 City -Owned Post -Construction SCMs Buffer Reforestation Program City Stormwater Projects City Stream Team Pesticide Reference Document PP/GH Training Video Pesticide Reference Document The Stormwater Management Division in Water Resources oversees the inspection of City -owned SCMs. 3.4.1 Relevant SOPs and Policy Documents The City currently has the following SOPs and policy documents pertaining to O&M of post -construction SCMs: • City of Greensboro Stormwater Management Ordinance and Manual • City -owned SCM Inspection Program SOP • RAIN 2.0 (Review and Inspection Network) SOP • City of Greensboro SWMP • Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance Article 12 Section 30-12-6 • Chapter 30, Article VI 1.6d and Chapter 27 Article VI, Section 27-52 All City -owned SCMs are inspected by Stormwater Management (WR). For City -owned SCMs, two categories of ownership are followed to ensure proper maintenance: • Category 1: Departmental SCMs located within their operating areas are managed and maintained by the individual departments in tandem with the Facilities Division of the Engineering Department. Stormwater Management (WR) conducts the inspection and provides each department with the inspection report findings with requests to maintain, as needed. o If an SCM was built as a condition of development, the department is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the SCM. W. City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 o Retrofits that were constructed after the completion of the site that was not a condition of development are generally maintained by the Facilities Division. Stormwater Management assists if there is a structural maintenance issue. Category 2: Some SCMs have no formal ownership, facility, or departmental ownership and do not fall into the first category. Some retrofits fall into this category. These SCMs have coordinated maintenance between Stormwater Management and Field Operations. Table 6 provides a summary of current tasks performed by the City to operate and maintain City -owned SCMs, including frequency, primary responsibility, and the appropriate guidance document or SOP for O&M activities, if available. Table 6. Operation and Maintenance Tasks, Frequency, and References for City -owned SCMs O&M Task Frequency Responsibility Inspect SCMs Routine inspection Stormwater Management Greensboro Stormwater for public SCMs (WR) Management Ordinance Follow up with As required Facilities Management, individual Facilities individual departments, or and Departments for field operations, as needed SCM Repairs and Maintenance Internal Training Onboarding, Stormwater Operations Ongoing Management Section (WR) City -Owned SCM Inspection Program SOP RAIN 2.0 (Review and Inspection Network) SOP Greensboro Stormwater Management Ordinance City -Owned SCM Inspection Program SOP RAIN 2.0 (Review and Inspection Network) SOP City of Greensboro Stormwater Management Ordinance and Manual City -Owned SCM Inspection Program SOP RAIN 2.0 (Review and Inspection Network) SOP Training, Onsite Job Training/Shadowing 17 City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 3.5 Vehicle/Equipment Storage and Maintenance Facilities This section outlines operation and maintenance tasks and frequency for operations centers. Each City department is responsible for the storage of their departmental vehicles and equipment. The Equipment Services Division (Finance Department) is responsible for maintaining the majority of City -owned equipment. 3.5.1 Operations Center Facilities The City's vehicle/equipment storage and maintenance facilities are as follows: • J. Edward Kitchen Operations Center, 2602 S. Eugene Street, Greensboro, NC 27406 • Hugh Medford Municipal Operations Center, 401 Patton Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27406 • Fire Station 01, 1514 N. Church Street, Greensboro, NC 27405 • Parks and Recreation Maintenance, 316 East Florida Street, Greensboro, NC 27406 • Transfer Station, 6310 Burnt Poplar Road, Greensboro, NC 27409 • White Street Landfill, 2503 White Street, Greensboro, NC 27405 • T.Z. Osborne WWTP, 2350 Huffine Mill Road, McLeansville, NC 27301 • Greensboro Transit Authority, 223 W Meadowview Road, Greensboro, NC 27406 • Mitchell WTP, 1041 Battleground Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27408 • Townsend WTP, 6269 Townsend Road, Browns Summit, NC 27214 3.5.2 Relevant SOPs and Policy Documents The City currently has the following SOPs and policy documents pertaining to O&M of vehicle and equipment storage and maintenance facilities: • SOP: Municipal Facilities Inspection Program • GTA Bus Garage SWPPP • Hugh Medford Municipal Operations Center SWPPP and SPCC • GDOT Snow and Ice Control Plan • White Street Landfill SWPPP and SPCC • T.Z. Osborne Wastewater Treatment Plant SPCC • City of Greensboro SWMP • Parks and Recreation Maintenance Facility PPP • Transfer Station PPP and SPCC • Townsend WTP SPCC • Mitchell WTP SPCC Table 7 provides a summary of current tasks performed by the City to operate and maintain its vehicle/equipment storage and maintenance facilities, including frequency, primary responsibility, and the appropriate guidance document or SOP for O&M activities, if available. Equipment Services maintains most vehicles except GTA buses, fire trucks, and off -road equipment used by Parks and Recreation. Water Resources mechanics maintain smaller equipment (e.g., generators, chainsaws, etc.). 18 City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 Table 7. Operation and Maintenance Tasks, Frequency, and References for Vehicle/Equipment Storage and Maintenance Facilities Perform vehicle cleaning at designated truck washing station Routinely Inspect and Monthly, as needed maintain all salt storage facilities to prevent unintended exposure to stormwater runoff Calibrate deicing spreaders/sprayers for Snow and Ice Removal r)ncrnfinnc Annually Inspect Non- Routinely Permitted Municipal Facilities Maintain/implement As required in SWPPPs and SWPPPs SPCCs (inspections, training, etc.) Document and report significant spill incidents Implement good housekeeping program Upon occurrence Field Operations Department Environmental Services (FOD) Equipment Services (Finance Department) Hugh Medford Municipal Operations Center SWPPP PP/GH Training Video FOD Snow and Ice Control Plan Hugh Medford Municipal Operations Center SWPPP FOD Snow and Ice Control Plan Stormwater Management SOP: Municipal Facilities (WR) Inspection Program Environmental Services Facility SWPPPs/PPPs (FOD) and SPCCs Water Resources Dept. Parks and Recreation Dept. Environmental Services (FOD) Water Resources Dept. Parks and Recreation Dept. Continuous Environmental Services (FOD) Training Onboarding, as needed, annual refresher training (when applicable) Water Resources Dept. Parks and Recreation Dept. Various Departments Facility SWPPPs/PPPs and SPCCs Facility SWPPPs/PPPs and SPCCs PP/GH Training Video Facility SWPPPs/PPPs and SPCCs 19 City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 4.0 MS4 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE IMPLEMENTATION 4.1 Ongoing Activities With regard to the facilities inventory, and operations and maintenance, activities outlined in this Plan, the following general implementation activities shall be performed on an ongoing basis: • The City will review the inventory of sites and facilities and update as needed. Activities will be conducted in accordance with the SOPs and other relevant MS4 compliance plans. The goal of the MS4 operation and maintenance program is reduce stormwater pollution from municipal operations that drain to the MS4 to the MEP. 4.2 Staff Training Employees involved in activities described in this Plan are trained upon starting with the City (onboarding) and on a variety of subjects including but not limited to SWPPP/SWMP, PP/GH, spill prevention, illicit discharge, outfall inspections, and all relevant SOPS. Refer to site -specific SWPPPs and SWMP for additional training information. 4.3 Reporting and Recordkeeping MS4 operation and maintenance activities follow documented procedures and are recorded following the provided guidance and checklists, where applicable, in the SOPs identified in this Plan. Proper documentation and recordkeeping help ensure that the City department responsible for the operation and maintenance of each MS4 component is adequately performing its inspection and maintenance responsibilities as required by the City's MS4 permit. Additionally, completed checklists and other inspection records are used by the City to trigger further necessary action for cleaning, repair, and/or replacement of MS4 components. Refer to the relevant SOP/guidance document and SWMP for each MS4 component to determine the applicable reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 20 City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan APPENDIX A: LIST OF RELEVANT CITY SOPs AND POLICY DOCUMENTS Table 8. List of Relevant City SOPS and Policy Documents May 5, 2022 City of Greensboro All MS4 components; Comprehensive manual covering all facets of the MS4 and privately owned Stormwater Management private facilities drainage and stormwater management facilities and practices, including structural Manual discharging to the MS4 stormwater control measures; detailed design, construction, operation, and maintenance information for MS4 components and public/private SCMs Litter/Special Litter/Island Cleaning Street Sweeping Street Flushing Streets and thoroughfares Streets with curbs, Right -of -Way, other designated areas Paved areas within the City Right -of -Way, other City properties, and areas Knuckle Boom/Dump Truck/ Streets, curb areas, Rubber Tire Loader Operator illegal dumpsites Sand Truck/Oil Spill Containment/Cleanup Central Business District Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) All MS4 components Sidewalks, curbs, City lots, and other paved areas in the central business district 99� Remove litter, dead animals, and other debris for public safety and health; clean all islands and medians of weeds and other debris Sweep all City curb lined and City Right -of -Way streets and other City property or designated areas of material that might impede safe vehicle or pedestrian traffic or contaminate the City storm sewer system Clean debris such as gravel, sand, mud, glass, or any other foreign material that might impede safe traffic or pedestrian traffic or contaminate any area of the storm sewer, by the means of a pressurized water system mounted on a truck Haul away debris collected by street sweepers, remove large debris in streets (washouts, lumber, brush), assist in oil spill cleanups, remove shingles, and waste dumps Assist all City departments and appropriate authorities in the containment of hazardous spills, oil, hydraulic, gas, etc. Crews to remove trash, debris, graffiti, dead animals, snow, and ice; provide support for special events and identify/report hazards and needs within this district Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination to ensure that any identified illicit discharges and/or improper disposals are addressed in a timely and effective 21 City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 / Policy Name IVIS4 ComponentsSOP Covered manner to reduce impacts on water quality. The focus of this program is to identify and eliminate illicit discharges and improper disposals and educate involved parties to reduce future incidences. Loose Leaf Program Streets, sidewalks, and Remove unbagged leaves in the fall, in coordination with Greensboro Department curb areas of Transportation and Solid Waste Management Operations FOD Snow and Ice Control Streets, roads, bridges, Removal of snow, ice, sleet, and freezing rain from roadways, bridges, drainage Plan storm drains, channels inlets, and channels; placement and removal of deicing chemicals/abrasives; removal of fallen trees and limbs from snow/ice conditions; installation and maintenance of snow fences by Greensboro Department of Transportation Hugh Medford Municipal Facility Facility specific plan that describes procedures/measures taken to prevent Operations Center SWPPP contaminated stormwater from leaving the site. Hugh Medford Municipal Facility Facility specific plan that describes procedures/measures taken to prevent the Operations Center SPCC discharge of oil into navigable waters. Transfer Station SWPPP Facility Facility specific plan that describes procedures/measures taken to prevent contaminated stormwater from leaving the site. Transfer Station PPP Facility Facility specific plan that describes procedures/measures taken to prevent contaminated stormwater from leaving the site. Parks and Recreation Facility Facility specific plan that describes procedures/measures taken to prevent Maintenance Facility PPP contaminated stormwater from leaving the site. Facility specific plan that describes procedures/measures taken to prevent the T.Z. Osborne WWTP SPCC Facility discharge of oil into navigable waters. Mitchell WTP SPCC Facility Facility specific plan that describes procedures/measures taken to prevent the discharge of oil into navigable waters. Townsend SPCC Facility Facility specific plan that describes procedures/measures taken to prevent the discharge of oil into navigable waters. GTA Bus Garage SWPPP Facility Facility specific plan that describes procedures/measures taken to prevent contaminated stormwater from leaving the site. WA City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 / Policy Name IVIS4 ComponentsSOP Covered White Street Landfill SWPPP Facility Facility specific plan that describes procedures/measures taken to prevent contaminated stormwater from leaving the site. White Street Landfill SPCC Facility Facility specific plan that describes procedures/measures taken to prevent the discharge of oil into navigable waters. City -Owned SCM Inspection Wet/dry ponds, Inspection, operation, and maintenance of wet/dry ponds, wetlands, bioretention Program SOP wetlands, bioretention areas, underground detention systems, sand filters, and other stormwater control areas, underground measures/best management practices detention systems, sand filters, and other stormwater control measures/best management practices City Ordinances, Article 12, All MS4 components Enforcement provisions for violations of all MS4 and stormwater provisions, Natural Resources; Section including those associated with development without a permit, permit violations, 30-12-7, Stormwater illicit connections and discharges, yard waste, nuisances, etc. Management; Subsection 30- 12-7.6 Enforcement SOP: Municipal Facilities Municipal facilities with Municipal facility risk ranking, inspection protocols, documentation and records Inspection Program a high risk for procedures, general facility operation and maintenance directives generating polluted stormwater runoff Illicit Discharge Disposal All MS4 components Elimination Program and local streams Stormwater Industrial Facilities 1 Industrial facilities Inspection Program SOP Identify and eliminate illicit discharges and improper disposal, including spills, and to educate involved parties to reduce future incidence Uniform procedures for inspecting industrial facilities that have the potential of discharging non-stormwater, including spills, into either local receiving streams or the municipal storm sewer system 23 City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 Sediment and Erosion Control MS4 areas draining Checklist for submitting construction site plan permit information, location data, Plan and Grading Permit construction sites site features, and all erosion and sediment controls Submittal Checklist Plan Review Procedure RAIN 2.0 (Review and Inspection Network) SOP City Ordinances, Article 12, Natural Resources; Section 30-12-7, Stormwater Management; Subsection 30- 12-7.3, Illicit Discharges and Improper Disposal (Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination) TMDL Monitoring Plan, Upper North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Municipal Operations Inspection Program SOP (old) Stormwater Infrastructure Inspection SOP MS4 areas draining construction sites Stormwater control measures inspected by City staff All MS4 components and local streams Construction site plan submission and review procedure; documentation requirements; permit tracking Tracks plans, specifications, inspections, and needed operation and maintenance tasks for SCMs, for all divisions working on or around SCMs Prohibits illicit discharges, connections, and disposal; requires construction site plans, reviews, and City approvals; authorizes City inspections; authorizes and empowers spill and hazardous materials incident response actions Upper North Buffalo Plan for monitoring and assessing the status of fecal coliform at the compliance Creek Watershed point (Summit Avenue) in North Buffalo Creek; data may be used to identify and eliminate sources of pollution and illicit discharges and track short/long term trends Municipal facilities with Municipal facility risk ranking, inspection protocols, documentation and records a high risk for procedures, general facility operation and maintenance directives generating polluted stormwater runoff Stormwater Routine inspections and maintenance to the open and closed stormwater systems infrastructure of the City, checking for illicit connections, debris, blockages, pollution, or general inspections and maintenance or repairs needed to the system. The City is broken down into 52 maintenance section maps, each one identifying the components of the stormwater system on the map for ease of identifying, locating, and investigating. 24 City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 Stormwater Infrastructure Stormwater I Identification, prioritization, and repair of storm water infrastructure in a timely, Repairs SOP Rain Event Inspections and Maintenance SOP maintenance I cost-effective manner. Stormwater Inspection and maintenance of the major thoroughfares and respond to and infrastructure assess localized flooding during rain events. The City is divided into five areas inspections and which include the NE Quad, SE Quad, NW Quad, SW Quad, and the Central Business District with each one assigned to the five FOD Stormwater Maintenance maintenance Crews. Repetitive/Problematic Stormwater Stormwater Inspections SOP infrastructure inspections and maintenance Routine inspections and maintenance to areas that have been identified as repetitive/problematic to the stormwater system to mitigate potential flooding and littering. 25 City of Greensboro MS4 Operation and Maintenance Plan May 5, 2022 APPENDIX B: CITY OF GREENSBORO ORGANIZATIONAL CHART FOR NPDES MS4 PROGRAMS (AS OF MARCH 2O22) CITY OF GREENSBORO Organizational Chart NPDES MS4 Programs March 2022 Vacant ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER GREENSBORO Taiwolaiyeoba u Chris WNsen CITYMANAGER I ll DEPUTYCI7Y MANAGER Michelle Kenney McDowell Mlke gordaers Kenned Sue Schwartz Y ANENGINEERING WATER LNING NEIGHBORHOOD P&INSPECTIONS RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR Michael Lewis DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Butch Shumate FACILITIES MANAGER MANAGER Kenn Carroll y .... CY Fadltr�ily KM.. TECHNICAL REVIEW SUPERVISOR Consiru[tbn Review ASRullli Kristine Wllllams ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Aimee Waller BUSINESS MANAGER Caine Roberts Daniel WATER Haltettman RESOURCES FINANCIAL EDVCATION ANALYST COORDINATOR Pn611c 5tomwdtn Stormwl U Eduratnn& Flnansial Oversl9l oumPam - PnNIC lnvdvenxcsr& Parndpanon Vacant Toni Branson Debble Shaffner WATER QUALITY S70RMWA7ER BILLING WATER DUALITY SUPERVISOR SPECIALIST ANALYST ...........:............ • Water QuallN ..'—S'...:............ Stormwax Manlloring Management Budget Assessment AUtillry Blake" "'Elal • IDDE WATER QUALITY • NPDESIndustrlal ANALYST P1 y.. • Good Housekreplrg • 5p111 Resporvz Ie SCM Elea Rev— Nspern°ix Oeampo • TMOL eompuarr WATER QUALITY SPECIALIST Vacant ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALIST Vacant ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALIST David Phlegar STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MANAGER IGChukwu FOG SUPERVISOR Clint McLawhorn FOGSPECIALIST Huw Wheeler FOGSPECIALIST ................ sso Ileducnom Larry Davis I Nathaniel 'Tray - ASSISTANT CIT Y Davis MANAGER ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER Juno Delgado FIELD OPERATIONS DIRECTOR Chris Marriott James Steher FIELD RIGHT-OF-WAY OPERATIONS MAINTENANCE DEPUTY MANAGER DIRECTOR vacant Richard Lovett RIGHT-OF-WAY ENVIRONMENTAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES SUPERVISOR MAN0.GER ............:............. •ROW Malnnnance • SWPPPs& Imowing, etcJ Implemenlalian treeerews (landfil I. GTP, Mod lord) • Huusehnld Haxadeus wasce William Brown STREET CLEANING SUPERVISOR Virginia Spillman .street swxpers/ ASSISTANT Cleaners DIRECTOR •Imse Lent collectbn Cass Heaton EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL CHIEF Lonnie Way EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL INSPECTOR Mark Cain EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL INSPECTOR • Plan Review • site lnspecdon: Jana Slewan I ENGINEERING JII DIVISION MANAGER Ray Johnson OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT SVPERVISOR Devin Lattimore ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALIST Benny Taylor ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALIST Vacant OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST • Staimwamr Inw:rrmry Collection • KM Cwatrucdon Inepectlnns • Cltyt]wmd SCM Inspectbns WDES—CIP Screening • Drainage & Hoodlrg Cvncems Ednasha McCray Graham'Jim' PARKS& Robinson 111 RECREATION D'RE TOR FIRE CHIEF .......�........... • nvttd�i,nt Ma Bement Chris Susl . Open Space antl Park SCMs BATTALION CHIEF Nathanael M.— Spill Responw& Vill AT STREETS& .-.rdl,sA—e STORMWATER [oerdinari°n MANAGER wIM GURPore fo. EnNranmental Health &Water Randall Cox Resources STREETS & STORMWATER MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Inf asnucture Maintenance --------------- David Munoz STREET MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR .... . [orrueienieinienance - SlormwaLerCIP - construction Itolec[s - SCM Rehofi[s • Stream PratecDonx rc. ........................ Jay Gulley Vacant ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR PROJECTS COORDINATOR douard Zach PetersenEERING f GIS ANALYSTRVISOR Johnnie Hill ...........i........... -NPDEsoutfall Map STORM WATER ' Slarmwater I'^e'rc°'y cdleNon ENGINEERING • Cul•mlJnspectrons SUPERVISOR lcenlraclorl Marina Rincon Bermudez ENGINEERING SPECI0.L"T Vacant ENGINEERING SPECIALIST Terri Aprlle ENGINEERING SPECIALIST - SCM Certlficatlon - FFMA Flootlplaln Management • Development -Related Stream Ho[ectlon SCM Plan Review