HomeMy WebLinkAbout34_City Owned SCM Inspections SOPCity Owned SCM Inspection Program Standard Operating Procedures GREENSBDRO 2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE. .1 .................................................................................................................................... 2.0 BACKGROUND. .1 ............................................................................................................................ 3.0 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS AND TRAINING...............................................................................1 4.0 STORMWA TER CONTROL MEASURES(SCMS).................................................................................1 4.1 COMMON SCM FEATURES......................................................................................................2 4.1.1 DAM & EMERGENCY SPILL WA Y ......................................................................................... 2 4.1.2 INLETS AND OUTLETS....................................................................................................... 2 4.1.3 EROSION....................................................................................................................... 2 4.1.4 SEDIMENT STORAGE CAPACITY.......................................................................................... 2 4.1.5 WATER QUALITY............................................................................................................ 3 4.2 COMMON SCM TYPES...........................................................................................................3 4.2.1 WET DETENTION PONDS.................................................................................................. 3 4.2.2 DRY DETENTION PONDS................................................................................................... 3 4.2.3 BIORETENTION AREAS (PLANTS)........................................................................................ 3 4.2.4 SAND FILTERS................................................................................................................. 3 4.2.5 STORMWATER WETLANDS............................................................................................... 4 4.2.6 STORM FILTERS.............................................................................................................. 4 4.2.7 UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEMS................................................................................ 4 4.2.8 OTHER SCMS................................................................................................................ 4 5.0INSPECTION PROCESS...................................................................................................................4 5.1 OBTAINING CONTACTOR OWNER INFORMATION.....................................................................4 5.2 REVIEWING ENGINEERING PLANS..............................................................................................4 5.3 FIELD INSPECTION.................................................................................................................5 5.4 INSPECTION LETTER...............................................................................................................5 5.4.1 No MAINTENANCE..................................................................................................... 5 5.4.2 RECOMMENDATIONSIREQUIREMENTS............................................................................... 5 5.4.3 RECOMMENDED ITEMS.................................................................................................... 5 5.4.4 REQUIRED ITEMS............................................................................................................ 5 5.4 DATABASE ENTRY.................................................................................................................7 5.5 FOLLOW-UP AND COMPLIANCE..............................................................................................11 REFERENCES...................................................................................................................................144 APPENDIX A: INSPECTION REPORTS................................................................................................155 APPENDIX B: PHOTOS OF COMMON MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS................................................16 1.0 PURPOSE General information concerning the inspection process for City owned SCMs has been included in this document to provide guidance and assistance for SCM inspectors. 2.0 BACKGROUND The City of Greensboro Stormwater Management Division is committed to improving and enhancing the water quality of our community's surface water. Greensboro's surface water is of significant value to the community as its primary source of drinking water, as well as aesthetic beauty, wildlife propagation, and recreational value. A series of reservoirs in the northern portion of Guilford County comprise the municipal drinking water supply. Guilford County adopted watershed ordinances to protect that drinking water supply in 1984; the City of Greensboro adopted those same ordinances in 1991. As a result of those watershed regulations, all new development must design and install erosion control and water quality protection measures or Best Management Practices (SCMs) to protect the limited and valuable water supply. Changes to watershed regulations are ongoing, most often becoming more stringent; therefore, the number of SCMs within the City limits continues to increase. The State of North Carolina Watershed Regulations, as well as the local ordinances, requires that all SCMs be inspected annually to ensure that water quality is protected. Prior to 1997, the inspection of SCMs was the responsibility of the Engineering Department's Soil and Erosion Division. Due to the rapid growth of single family development, Erosion Control Inspectors had limited time to inspect various SCMs for the protection of water quality. In September of 1997, the Stormwater Management Division's Water Quality Section assumed the responsibility of routinely inspecting SCMs. Over time, the process of SCM inspections has evolved as volume has increased and resources have changed. Extensive coordination will need to take place as every SCM will entail different circumstances, and each inspector will be responsible for numerous inspections. Close coordination and extensive follow-up will need to take place with each department / divisional contact. Other resources and agencies should be utilized when needed throughout the inspection process. Other resources include technical assistance and documentation from Stormwater Management's Planning and Engineering Section and Operations Management Section; Engineering and Inspection's Soil and Erosion Section; Guilford County Health Department; NC Cooperative Extension Service; NC Soil & Water Conservation; and NCDENR. 3.0 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS AND TRAINING Stormwater staff participates in SCM certification class and upon completion of the coursework and passing of the test, becomes certified in SCM inspections. Each staff member is required to renew his or her certification every three years. In addition, staff participates in workshops, conferences, and supplemental classes to stay up-to-date with the latest changes regarding structural SCMs. Staff also receives on-the-job training from more experienced Stormwater staff, on -staff engineers, etc. As new types of SCMs are installed, staff may collaborate to determine consistent inspection protocols and requirements. 4.0 City Owned Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs) City of Greensboro, Stormwater Management Division SCM Inspection Standard Operating Procedures, 2022 As of 2022, the Operations Management Section is responsible for the routine inspection of over 80 city owned SCM's. A majority of those are biocells, but also include dry and wet detention ponds, wetlands, permeable pavement, sand filters, above and below ground detention, infiltration basins, grassed swales, and tree wells. 4.1 Common SCM Features 4.1.1 Dam & Emergency Spillway The dam and emergency spillway are of primary importance in the protection of lives and property downstream in the event of a catastrophic failure. Excessive woody vegetation or the establishment of mature shrubs and trees can degrade the integrity of a dam by their root structure infiltrating the dam foundation. All woody vegetation should be maintained on the dam and emergency spillway. Further degradation can occur due to burrowing animals such as muskrats, mice, groundhogs, etc. Particular attention must be given to the inspection of the dam and spillway for any kind of cracks, seepage, or excessive erosion that may potentially cause a failure of the pond. Any cracks, seepage, or significant erosion should be investigated and fixed. 4.1.2 Inlets and Outlets The inlets and outlets to and from the pond may become clogged with sediment, trash, or debris. Structural failure of an inlet or outlet may occur as a result of separation over time, blockages, or improper installation. Blockages should be removed and inlet or outlet pipes should be repaired/replaced as needed to ensure the pond is draining/filling properly. The riser pipe and orifice holes should be visually inspected from shore to ensure they are clear from any blockages and that the pond appears to be draining properly. 4.1.3 Erosion Erosion can be of minimal importance or it can be the most significant problem associated with the pond. Minor erosion should be noted and recommended to be corrected by adding vegetation. Major erosion on the dam or spillway, or where it impairs the sediment storage capacity of the pond, should be required to be corrected by regrading and vegetating or dredging. Erosion of side slopes may occur if the slopes are too steep and/or if there is limited vegetation to stabilize the slopes. On slopes with less than a 3:1 ratio, adding vegetation to the side slopes should be recommended to prevent erosion. On steep slopes, regrading the slope to less than a 3:1 ratio and then adding vegetation to that slope should prevent erosion. 4.1.4 Sediment Storage Capacity One of the major functions of SCMs is to trap pollutants, including sediment. Periodic sediment removal is required to ensure continued treatment of stormwater runoff. A visual inspection of the SCM often reveals if there is a sedimentation problem. In the event that a SCM should require sediment removal, City of Greensboro, Stormwater Management Division SCM Inspection Standard Operating Procedures, 2022 sediment capacity calculations and the approved plan can be used to determine the extent of removal necessary to restore the pond to original design conditions. 4.1.5 Water Quality Water quality problems in ponds may result from a number of sources. It could be a result of needed maintenance, upstream influences, or urban runoff. Algae or sedimentation will be the most likely problem observed, but on occasion, stagnation or fish kills may result for no obvious reason and should be further investigated. Other problems will occur as well, such as oil, trash, bacterial growth, etc. Commonly, algae growth will occur when sedimentation has begun to fill in the pond and the nutrients do not have enough room to settle out and be treated. Dredging to remove the sediment will generally resolve this issue. General appearance and overall function should be visually inspected to ensure proper function. 4.2 Common SCM Types 4.2.1 Wet Detention Ponds Wet detention ponds are designed to hold rainwater at a permanent pool to detain stormwater runoff for an extended period of time to allow pollutants in the runoff to settle to the bottom of the pond. This type of SCM is the most common found in the City of Greensboro. 4.2.2 Dry Detention Ponds Dry detention ponds remain dry except during rain events, at which time they retain water for a period of days. These are not defined as infiltration devices, as they often have a perforated riser to allow water to exit but at a slower rate than some other devices. 4.2.3 Bioretention Areas (Plants) Bioretention areas generally consist of various layers of media and topped with double -shredded hardwood mulch, though grassed basins are approved in the some locations throughout the City. Most bioretention areas have an assortment of plantings, with type and diversity requirements. Currently planting counts are based on 400 stems/acre, and an assortment of herbaceous (grasses), shrubs, and tree species make up the planting environment. Refer to the inspection report in Appendix 00 for guidance when inspecting bioretention areas. 4.2.4 Sand Filters Sand filters usually consist of a wet sedimentation chamber, a sand filtration chamber, and an outlet chamber. The wet sedimentation chamber traps the grit and organic debris and prevents it from entering the sand filtration chamber. The sand filtration chamber allows the stormwater to filter through the media into an underdrain system before collecting in the outlet chamber. Sand filters can be surface or subsurface. See the sand filter inspection report (Appendix A) for specifics to look for when inspecting these devices. City of Greensboro, Stormwater Management Division SCM Inspection Standard Operating Procedures, 2022 4.2.5 Stormwater Wetlands The NC SCM Manual defines wetlands as "...constructed systems that mimic the functions of natural wetlands and use physical, chemical, and biological processes to treat stormwater pollution." They generally consist of six components: inlet, deep pool, shallow water, shallow land, upland, and outlet. 4.2.6 Storm Filters Storm filters are typically underground and filters water through granular media cartridges. This structure may also include a tank area for water storage. 4.2.7 Underground Detention Systems These systems are most often used more for water quantity than quality. Runoff is captured and stored (detained) in a pipe system, allowing for a slower release of water. They are designed to reduce peak flow. 4.2.8 Other SCMs The inspection process for constructed SCMs other than those mentioned above may vary, and inspectors should seek the assistance of the Water Quality Supervisor and Water Resource's Planning and Engineering Division for guidance on how best to inspect the less common structures. 5.0 Inspection Process Operation Management staff will be responsible for reviewing, visiting, and inspecting City Owned SCMs on a routine basis. Multiple site visits can occur within each review, with each site visit having a specific inspection result (initial inspection — work needed, final inspection — work complete, etc.). Often the start of the next review is based on the date of the previous reviews initial visit (i.e. Initial visit — 2/15/2014, 2/4/2016, 2/21/2018, etc). The Program Oversight will receive all new SCMs that have been recently accepted or annexed to the Operations Management section and will distribute them accordingly. All information regarding an SCM inspection (contact/ information, correspondence, letters, pictures, etc.) are stored in the RAIN 2.0 database (http://waternet/STW/RAIN/) and digital folders. Physical copies of the letters, notes, etc. will be stored in the SCM folders in the SCM library. See the RAIN 2.0 SOP for additional information regarding database entries, etc. 5.1 Obtaining Contact and Responsible Department / Division Information City Owned SCM's are managed and maintained by variety of departments. Each OM site and assigned SCM's are documented in RAIN 2.0 with the appropriate City Department / Division with pertinent contact information. 5.2 Reviewing Engineering Plans Site and design plans should be thoroughly reviewed prior to conducting an on -site inspection of any SCM. These are available in hard copy in the physical folders (SCM library), through RAIN 2.0, or our master file list (Z:\SCM Master Files). General maps of each site is available through RAIN 2.0. City of Greensboro, Stormwater Management Division SCM Inspection Standard Operating Procedures, 2022 5.3 Field Visit/Inspection Before the field inspection the original engineering plan and any subsequent approved plans should be evaluated and examined. During the SCM field inspections, a thorough evaluation of the primary features, pictures, and thorough notes will be taken. Pictures will be loaded into the RAIN 2.0 database and a checklist will be filled out. The previous section offers a brief descriptions of the most common SCMs. Later sections include the most common maintenance items that are found during inspections, and that are typically required to be addressed. 5.4 Inspection Letter When recommendations/requirements need to be made to ensure a safe and properly functioning SCM, great care should be taken when making those recommendations/requirements. The applicable inspection letter (Appendix A) is sent with any recommendations or requirements necessary to improve water quality or to return the SCM to design specifications. This letter is sent directly to the department / divisional contact. The Operations Supervisor should be copied on all letters. 5.4.1 No Maintenance If no problems were noted and no recommendations/requirements are necessary, the inspection report will be sent to the department / divisional contact stating that the SCM was inspected, was in proper working order, and that no recommendations/requirements will be made at this time. It will be also be stated that continued routine maintenance will be necessary to ensure their SCM stays in good and working condition. 5.4.2 Recommendations/Requirements When recommendations/requirements need to be made to ensure a safe and properly functioning SCM, great care should be taken when making those recommendations/requirements. If recommendations are made, the inspection report will be sent to the department / divisional contact stating specific actions recommended to restore the SCM with a follow-up inspection date. 5.4.3 Recommended Items Maintenance items that are generally recommended are those that pose no safety or functionality concerns. Other items, such as minor erosion, small amounts of trash, etc., should be recommended maintenance items. Inspectors must use logic as well as discretion when deciding if a maintenance item should be considered required or recommended. 5.4.4 Required Items Items that would be required by the owner include items that directly relate to the safety and primary design function of the SCM. Items that would necessitate required maintenance include but are not limited to: (See photos of examples in Appendix B.) Wet Detention Pond • Woody vegetation on the top of dam and slopes • Sedimentation • Evidence of burrowing animals on the dam City of Greensboro, Stormwater Management Division SCM Inspection Standard Operating Procedures, 2022 • Vegetation at inlets or outlets • Low/high water level • Excessive erosion • Cracks or leaks in any structure (riser/barrel, concrete dam or weir, etc.) Dry Detention Pond • Woody vegetation on the top of dam and slopes • Sedimentation • Evidence of burrowing animals on the dam • Vegetation at inlets or outlets • Excessive erosion eioretention Area (Planted) • Missing or dead plants required by the original plan • Weeds or unapproved plants • Old, clogged mulch layer • Excessive erosion • Cracks or leaks in any structure (riser/barrel, concrete dam or weir, etc.) • Clogged underdrain system eioretention Area (Grass/sodded) • Dead or dying grass • Woody vegetation at inlets or outlets • Cracks or leaks in any structure (riser/barrel, concrete dam or weir, etc.) Sand Filters • Sand chamber holding water • Clogged sand chamber • Low water level in pool chamber • Cracks or leaks in any structure (riser/barrel, concrete dam or weir, etc.) Stormwater Wetlands • Missing plants • Low/high water level • Cracks or leaks in any structure (riser/barrel, concrete dam or weir, etc.) Storm Filters • Gray or discolored media in filters • Standing water • Sediment in outlet City of Greensboro, Stormwater Management Division SCM Inspection Standard Operating Procedures, 2022 6 5.4 Database E RAIN 2.0 (Review and Inspection Network) is the SCM database that houses most information related to SCMs—from information regarding the original engineering plans, pre -construction inspections, SCM certifications, final -plats, post -construction inspections, and any other related documentation. When Operations Management staff completes a field inspection of a SCM, inspection information and updates should be entered into this database. The SCM Operations Management site record (below) provides information about the SCM, site, and site reviews. City of Greensboro, Stormwater Management Division SCM Inspection Standard Operating Procedures, 2022 RAN Ile: F.m Station 59 1-00111drc KS4Raady Fork Pang halo- lnhlemIII: 09MfXIU Ai llgriud Impootor. 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Fia SWLkr 57 1812131 Drag and Dmp lAai•mnanto- lloms. ray mr...a rove. O 5.5 Follow -Up and Compliance of Maintenance Requests For City Owned SCM's with recommended/required items, periodic contact should be made with the department / divisional contact to ensure that the recommended/required items have a plan for completion, and target date. Compliance in completing recommended maintenance on any city owned SCM falls to a specific department / division which many times includes Building Maintenance/Facilities, Parks and Rec and Field Operations, as well with collaboration from the specific site (police / fire station, etc.) Once the required maintenance has occurred or the agreed upon timeline has lapsed, a new inspection is performed. If additional maintenance is still required, or no maintenance has been completed, follow-up with the divisional / department contact is made to determine an action plan for completion and could be escalated to higher departmental / divisional contacts for resolution. The RAIN 2.0 database should again be updated to show when the items were completed. City of Greensboro, Stormwater Management Division SCM Inspection Standard Operating Procedures, 2022 11 5.6 City Owned SCM Asset List Below is the most recent list (as of 4-18-2022) of City Owned SCM's. B0007 - GSO Bryan Park 6105 TOWNSEND RD B0010 - GSO Carolyn S. Allen Park 3610 Drawbridge Parkway B0011 - GSO Fire Station 2 5111 N. Church Street P0208 - GSO Fire Station 21 2870 Horse Pen Creek Rd P0691- GSO Fire Station 1 - Training Facility & Vehicle Maintenance 1512 N Church St 10777 - GSO Bledsoe Lift Station 2783 Horsepen Creek Road B1190 - GSO Fire Station 57 1537 Mount Hope Church Road B1413 - GSO Fire Station 59 5864 Reedy Fork Pkwy B1444 - GSO New Garden Booster Pump Station NEW GARDEN RD 11456 - GSO Yanceyville Rd Mountain Bike Parking 4953 YANCEYVILLE RD B1502 - GSO Greensboro Science Center 4300 LAWNDALE DR P1532 - GSO Bryan Park 6105 TOWNSEND RD P1533 - GSO Bryan Park 6105 TOWNSEND RD X1580 - GSO Lake Jeanette Rd near Pineburr Rd 4307 Lake Jeanette Rd D1591- GSO Latham Park 1710 OPEN LATHAM RD G1592 - GSO Latham Park 1710 OPEN LATHAM RD G1593 - GSO Latham Park 1710 OPEN LATHAM RD L1594 - GSO Latham Park 1710 OPEN LATHAM RD G1595 - GSO Latham Park 1710 OPEN LATHAM RD G1596 - GSO Latham Park 1710 OPEN LATHAM RD L1597 - GSO Latham Park 1710 OPEN LATHAM RD R1658 - GSO Bryan Park 6105 TOWNSEND RD R1659 - GSO Bryan Park 6105 TOWNSEND RD P1407 - GSO Northeast Branch Library LAKE JEANETTE RD X1860 - GSO South Buffalo Wetland and Inflatable Dam 3211 REHOBETH CHURCH RD L1963 - GSO South Buffalo Wetland and Inflatable Dam 3211 REHOBETH CHURCH RD L1964 - GSO South Buffalo Wetland and Inflatable Dam 3211 REHOBETH CHURCH RD L1965 - GSO South Buffalo Wetland and Inflatable Dam 3211 REHOBETH CHURCH RD L1966 - GSO South Buffalo Wetland and Inflatable Dam 3211 REHOBETH CHURCH RD L1967 - GSO South Buffalo Wetland and Inflatable Dam 3211 REHOBETH CHURCH RD L1968 - GSO South Buffalo Wetland and Inflatable Dam 3211 REHOBETH CHURCH RD L1970 - GSO South Buffalo Constructed Wetland (Meadowview) 701 W MEADOWVIEW ST L1971 - GSO South Buffalo Constructed Wetland (Meadowview) 701 W MEADOWVIEW ST L1972 - GSO South Buffalo Constructed Wetland (Meadowview) 701 W MEADOWVIEW ST L1973 - GSO South Buffalo Constructed Wetland (Meadowview) 701 W MEADOWVIEW ST T1974 - GSO Downtown Greenway Tree Well Network Includes Bragg St, S. Murrow Blvd, Fisher Ave, W. Smith St, and N. Eugene City of Greensboro, Stormwater Management Division SCM Inspection Standard Operating Procedures, 2022 12 T1975 - GSO Downtown Greenway Tree Well Network Includes Bragg St, S. Murrow Blvd, Fisher Ave, W. Smith St, and N. Eugene T1976 - GSO Downtown Greenway Tree Well Network Includes Bragg St, S. Murrow Blvd, Fisher Ave, W. Smith St, and N. Eugene T1977 - GSO Downtown Greenway Tree Well Network Includes Bragg St, S. Murrow Blvd, Fisher Ave, W. Smith St, and N. Eugene T1978 - GSO Downtown Greenway Tree Well Network Includes Bragg St, S. Murrow Blvd, Fisher Ave, W. Smith St, and N. Eugene T1979 - GSO Downtown Greenway Tree Well Network Includes Bragg St, S. Murrow Blvd, Fisher Ave, W. Smith St, and N. Eugene T1980 - GSO Downtown Greenway Tree Well Network Includes Bragg St, S. Murrow Blvd, Fisher Ave, W. Smith St, and N. Eugene D1105 - GSO Greensboro Gateway Gardens 2800 E Gate City Blvd. P1106 - GSO Greensboro Gateway Gardens 2800 E Gate City Blvd. P1193 - GSO Fire Station 17 6405 Old Oak Ridge Rd B1284 - GSO Greensboro Gateway Gardens 2800 E Gate City Blvd. B1285 - GSO Greensboro Gateway Gardens 2800 E Gate City Blvd. B1286 - GSO Greensboro Gateway Gardens 2800 E Gate City Blvd. B1619 - GSO Fire Station 63 4306 Burlington Rd B1640 - GSO Fire Station 61 105 W Vandalia Rd B1733 - GSO Jaycee Park 3110 Forest Lawn Dr R1734 - GSO Jaycee Park 3110 Forest Lawn Dr X1735 - GSO Jaycee Park 3110 Forest Lawn Dr X1738 - GSO Greensboro Gateway Gardens 2800 E Gate City Blvd. P1769 - GSO 2305 Soabar Property Improvements 2305 Soabar St B1776 - GSO TZO WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS RETROFIT 2350 HUFFINE MILL RD B1777 - GSO TZO WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS RETROFIT 2350 HUFFINE MILL RD B1778 - GSO TZO WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS RETROFIT 2350 HUFFINE MILL RD L1861 - GSO Gravel Wetland 401 Patton Ave. B1887 - GSO CITY OF GREENSBORO SALT BARN TRIBUTARY 401 PATTON AVE X1888 - GSO CITY OF GREENSBORO SALT BARN TRIBUTARY 401 PATTON AVE 50107 - GSO City of Greensboro Transfer Station 6310 Burnt Poplar Road P0689 - GSO Police Station District 3 300 S. Swing Road P1100 - GSO Griffin Park Improvements 5301 HILLTOP RD B1377 - GSO Hilltop Recreation Center 5301 HILLTOP RD B1515 - GSO Fire Station 19 6900 Downwind Rd X1579 - GSO Creek Ridge Rd and Teague St 512 Creek Ridge Rd U1581- GSO Greensboro Coliseum 1730 W Gate City Blvd B1585 - GSO Brown Recreation Center 302 E VANDALIA RD B1586 - GSO Brown Recreation Center 302 E VANDALIA RD City of Greensboro, Stormwater Management Division SCM Inspection Standard Operating Procedures, 2022 13 R1587 - GSO Brown Recreation Center R1588 - GSO Brown Recreation Center L1599 - GSO Starmount Dr D1600 - GSO Greensboro Coliseum P1615 - GSO Forebay Near Hamilton lake of Kemp Rd X1616 - GSO Hilltop Rd Stormfilter B1624 - GSO Greensboro Coliseum B1625 - GSO Greensboro Coliseum A1736 - GSO Brown Recreation Center A1737 - GSO Brown Recreation Center References 302 E VANDALIA RD 302 E VANDALIA RD 3301 OPEN STARMOUNT DR 1730 W Gate City Blvd 205 Kemp Rd E 5013 Hilltop Rd 1730 W Gate City Blvd 1730 W Gate City Blvd 302 E VANDALIA RD 302 E VANDALIA RD NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual, 2017. https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land- resources/energy-mineral-land-permit-guidance/stormwater-bmp-manual City of Greensboro Stormwater Management Manual, 2009. https://www.greensboro- nc.gov/departments/water-resources/stormwater-program/revised-stormwater-manual City of Greensboro Land Development Ordinance http://online.encodeplus.com/regs/greensboro- nc/doc-viewer.aspx#secid-144 City of Greensboro, Stormwater Management Division SCM Inspection Standard Operating Procedures, 2022 14 Appendix A: Inspection Reports RAN SCllls CbnSb MM Rnirw Uparallorus Naragrnnrrl WOWCmylry Bnm& RMPrrds ircpeohon Eelell� MI Dalord on Para Owa l sl - P112H - New Ga9ion Squaw Vlclird:02FISPRI19 iron 3mary No wort nodded ❑ Work umpkied Eerhm Mm or RWgnlnp Well FLemctra wec>idly w"nLal on on arirrcn dam ❑ Rcn vuamilly wagoLal on an dowalraom sin=or audhan clam ❑ Rim wic Wy mgdLal on onI,& uFSFdam slcpa or dahhc7 Gam ❑ Fterretio 'wgoLai on around a1lol ❑ him and malnla n lul w1d21lon ❑ rxcrJihc Icaa`rePago ❑ In WiG and Prkmlpal. Water GWalrly tplMeyr. 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