HomeMy WebLinkAbout33_Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping SOPStandard Operating Procedures: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping: Municipal Facilities Inspection and Maintenance Program GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA Water Resources Department Stormwater Management Division April 2022 City of Greensboro - Water Resources Standard Operating Procedures Last Published Date: J GREENSBORO Name of Procedure: Division: Municipal Facilities Inspection and Maintenance Stormwater Program Number: Revision: Effective Date: Pages: 4/7/2022 4/7/2022 16 Prepared by: Sherri Scalcione, Elea Reyna Approved by: Ocampo (Water Quality Specialist) Table of Contents Section1: Introduction..................................................................................................................2 Section 2: Pre -inspection Procedures............................................................................................ 2 Review of Drainage and Storm Sewer Outfall Maps .................................................. 2 In -House Record Review............................................................................................ 3 FacilityNotification.................................................................................................... 3 Inspection and Safety Equipment............................................................................... 3 Section 3: Physical Walkthrough of the Facility.......................................................................... 4 Wrap -Up Meeting........................................................................................................ 5 Section 4: Filing and Documentation of Inspection..................................................................... 5 Documents................................................................................................................... 5 Filingof Documents.................................................................................................... 6 Appendices A. Municipal Facilities List and Rank........................................................................... 7 B. Municipal Facility Assessment Form........................................................................ l l Standard Operating Procedures Page 2 of 9 Municipal Facilities Inspection Program C. Municipal Facility Assessment Letter....................................................................... 12 D. Municipal Facility Inspection Report .......................................................................13 E. Contact Log for Municipal Assessment....................................................................14 List of Tables Table 3.1: List of Inspection Equipment....................................................................................... 3 Standard Operating Procedures Municipal Facilities Inspection Program Page 2 of 14 Section 1: Introduction This program was designed to meet the requirements of the NPDES permit Part II, Section G, which states that the City of Greensboro will maintain an inventory of municipal facilities owned or operated by the City that have the potential of generating polluted runoff, as well as to implement an inspection and maintenance program for such facilities. The purpose for the City of Greensboro Stormwater Management Division's Municipal Facility Inspection and Maintenance Program is to evaluate city owned and operated facilities based upon their risk for generating polluted runoff. These facilities will be inspected for potential sources of polluted stormwater runoff, deficiencies and will be recommended to implement practices to minimize polluted stormwater runoff. Prior to the implementation of the inspection program, a complete list of all City owned and operated facilities was obtained from the GIS layer file named "City Facilities". Using the GIS software, history of spills and/or concerns, proximity to a stream or the stormwater conveyance system in addition to the specific activities at a particular location, each facility was ranked High, Medium or Low risk for the potential of generating polluted runoff. These rankings are described as follows: High Risk: Facilities in this category would have a large amount of outdoor processing activities, are in close proximity to a stream and/or have material storage on -site or have obvious poor housekeeping issues. Examples of these facilities would be golf courses, satellite fueling stations, facilities that store salt for deicing roadways or the Coliseum that has many vendors using this property at all times. Medium Risk: This category includes facilities that have some outdoor storage or processing, that may not be in close proximity to a stream. Examples of these type facilities would be larger parks, the science center, water treatment plants and fire training centers. Low Risk: Facilities that have limited or no outdoor processing areas. Examples of these facilities would be libraries, parking decks, recreation centers and fire stations. Section 2: Pre -inspection Procedures Prior to the inspection of a facility, inspectors should follow the pre -inspection procedures listed below. This will ensure that the inspection is conducted proficiently and in a professional manner. The pre -inspection procedures involve the following: ♦ Prioritization of facilities to be inspected ♦ Research the specific activities performed at the facility ♦ Review of stormwater GIS maps for drainage patterns and outfall locations ♦ Review of files for prior correspondence ♦ Facility contact and notification of inspection ♦ Proper inspection and safety equipment for entering the facility Standard Operating Procedures Municipal Facilities Inspection Program Page 3 of 14 Review of Drainage and Storm Sewer Outfall Maps Prior to visiting a municipal facility, inspectors should review in-house stormwater drainage and sewer maps via ArcMap/GIS. Print the map and bring a copy to the inspection for better understanding of the facility's stormwater conveyance system. In -House Record Review A comprehensive review of in-house records will be an important and valuable tool when conducting municipal facility inspections. These records can potentially provide information on the number of spills, manufacturing processes and material storage, past water quality violations, and other reports that give the inspector a good background history on the site. A list of in-house records that would be beneficial for inspectors to review include the following: ♦ Spill and Complaint Database ♦ Enforcement files ♦ Inspections performed by the Fire Department's Inspections Division If deemed necessary, or if a facility has a history of noncompliance, spills, etc., a review of information from other governmental records may be beneficial. This list includes the following: ♦ Guilford County Division of Environmental Health ♦ NCDEQ regional office in Winston-Salem ♦ The EPA's website for Industrial Facilities: http://www.epa.gov/enviro/html/qmr.html Facility Notification Another step in the pre -inspection process will be to schedule an inspection with the facility. Most contacts have been established via the Good Housekeeping's educational efforts. If there is not a contact person for the facility, the inspector can ask the Water Quality Supervisor or Stormwater Division Manager if they have one. When reaching out to the contact person be sure to advise the representative why the City is conducting the inspection and what pertinent areas the inspection will focus on (i.e., physical walkthrough of the facility, materials storage, material loading/unloading, fueling, maintenance, vehicle and equipment washing, BMPs, stormwater drainage system, outfalls, etc.) Inspection and Safety Equipment When making initial contact with the facility, it is also important to ask the representative what necessary equipment is needed for a safe entrance to the facility. Table 3.1 below includes a list of personal protective equipment and additional materials that may be needed to properly complete the inspection. Table 3.1 List of Inspection Equipment Standard Operating Procedures Municipal Facilities Inspection Program Page 4 of 14 Documents and Inspection Tools Safety Equipment and Protective Clothing • City ID and business cards • Hard hat • Facility file (records and maps) • Hearing protection • Inspection Check list • Safety shoes (steel toe) • Field notebook • Reflective safety vest • Clipboard • Safety glasses • Cell phone • Digital camera • Flashlight/mirror • Manhole pick • Tape measure Inspector Training The Stormwater Division employee conducting the facility inspection should receive training prior to when the inspection takes place to ensure that procedures for inspections are correctly done and standardized. The goal of the inspector training is to ensure that applicable staff members understand the importance of each Best Management Practice (BMP) and that each BMP is properly implemented. Stormwater Division employees that are responsible for facility inspection may receive training using the following resources: • Review of applicable SOPs, manuals, ordinances, and safety guidelines • Field training/shadowing with other employees • Partnering (team before solo) • Database use and other documentation review • External training or certifications as applicable In addition to the training that takes place for new hires, ongoing training for current employees also takes place. Ongoing training comes in many forms including, but not limited to, the following: • Team meetings • Internal training on any updates/changes (database, procedures, etc.) • External training or certifications as applicable Section 3: On -Site Inspection Procedures Upon arrival at the facility, the inspector should introduce himself or herself as a City of Greensboro Stormwater Division inspector and offer the appropriate credentials (i.e., business card and/or employee ID). After introductions, the inspector should communicate to the company representatives that the inspector is here to assess the site for potential stormwater issues and extent of the inspection, which include the following: ♦ Physical walkthrough of the facility ♦ Wrap-up meeting with company officials Standard Operating Procedures Municipal Facilities Inspection Program Page 5 of 14 At this time, also inquire about what duties are performed at this site. Be sure to ask about chemicals, bulk storage, secondary containment, and vehicle/equipment washing, fueling areas and landscaping practices to name a few. Find out what and how other departments or division may use that property. Physical Walkthrough of the Facility A thorough inspection of the entire facility should be completed. A list of general things an inspector should look for is as follows: ♦ On -site BMPs ♦ Presence of illicit connections and improper disposal ♦ Evidence of past spills ♦ Material handling and storage areas, including loading/unloading areas ♦ Equipment fueling and maintenance areas ♦ Storm sewer structures and receiving streams ♦ Secondary containment structures ♦ Ground disturbance and contamination In regards to impacts to stormwater runoff, the inspector should pay close attention to outside processing and manufacturing areas and notice where and how materials are stored (materials should be properly labeled and located out of high traffic areas); examine storm drains, drainage swales, and outfalls for debris and evidence of spillage; and document any non-stormwater (dry weather) flows in the storm drains and outfalls. Inspectors should also note whether to recommend dry weather flows for further monitoring. It is appropriate for the inspector to have a field notebook and camera to document any findings while doing the walkthrough. Each site will be unique and will have different processes that have the potential to impact stormwater runoff. The inspector needs to keep the big picture in mind (e.g. noting where materials will go and how the receiving stream may be affected if there is a spill or heavy rain). Remember that being on the site is the most opportune time to discuss the facility's operations with the facility's representative. When in doubt, ask for clarification; being hesitant may cause the inspector to miss potential problem areas. Wrap -Up Meeting A wrap-up meeting with the facility official will provide a final opportunity to answer questions, gather information, present findings and deficiencies as well as remind them of the Good Housekeeping training material. Inspectors should be prepared to discuss the preliminary findings of the inspection. However, it is not necessary to share all findings of the inspection with the facility official, especially if advice or direction is needed on a particular issue. Explain the next steps in the process and what further communications the Stormwater Division may have with the facility, such as sending the inspection letter. Section 4: Filing and Documentation of the Inspection An important final step in the inspection procedures is the documentation of observations made during the facility inspection. Inspectors should refer to the contact log, assessment report, and Standard Operating Procedures Municipal Facilities Inspection Program Page 6 of 14 letters that accompany report, which are located in: Y.• I Storm_Mgmtl by_section I by_waterqualityl by ­projects I Good House Keeping Program (Permit Requirements lPart C Inspection and Evaluation of Facilities. These documents, as well as field notes, will serve as the main tools to record the findings of the inspection. A general description of the documentation forms is listed below. List of Facilities (Appendix A) This is a list of City of Greensboro facilities and the current ranking assigned to each facility. The ranking was determined as described in Section 1 of this document. Assessment Form (Appendix B) This form should be completed by inspectors while conducting the facility inspection. It has been designed to give users a checklist of things to cover while doing the inspection. In addition, there is blank space for comments. Inspectors may find it beneficial to carry a field notebook if extra space is needed for notes and/or sketches. Inspection Letters (Appendix C) This letter template will be used to communicate the findings of the inspection to the facility representatives. Make sure to have all letters approved by the Water Quality Supervisor and/or Division Manager prior to sending them to the facility representative. Inspection Summary Report (Appendix D) This is a summary report with the address and contact information of the facility. It includes a GIS snapshot of the property, a list of the areas of concern, written description of the conditions of those areas and other pertinent information. Finally the report includes recommendations of a variety of good housekeeping practices specific to certain areas of the facility that will reduce the risks of generating polluted runoff. Contact Log for Municipal Inspections (Appendix E) Inspectors should use the contact log to document correspondence with the facility contact representative and/or owner. This would include emails, phone messages, voicemail, and letters. The keeping of a contact log will be especially helpful if questions are raised during the inspection notification process. Filing of Documents A hard copy file of all inspection documents should be created and placed in the current year's quick reference binder. Last year's inspection information should be moved to the hard copy file in a section in the file cabinet for City Owned/Operated Facility Inspection. To supplement the hard copy, an electronic folder should be created for each facility. These electronic folders should be stored at the following location: Y.IStorm_Mgmtlby sectionlby_waterqualitylby_projectslGoodHouseKeepingProgramlPermit Requirements Part C Inspection and Evaluation of Facilities. Create a new folder under the facilities name with the year of the inspection. This folder is also an appropriate place to store all photos taken during the inspection. Standard Operating Procedures Municipal Facilities Inspection Program Page 7 of 14 Municipal facility follow-up All inspection documentation such as the Site Assessment Report and letter should be sent out to the main contact for the municipal facility. In addition, a phone call should be made to talk about the suggested corrective items that the SW inspector has for the facility. Corrective Actions and Documentation After the SW inspector has talked to the municipal facility staff about what corrective actions are recommended, the inspector may schedule a second visit to the facility for a follow-up inspection to check the corrective items taken. Photographs of the items should be taken for proper documentation and saved in the Good Housekeeping Program Inspection and Evaluation of Facilities folder (Y.• I Storm_Mgmtl by_section I by_waterquality I by_projects I Good House Keeping Program TermitRequirements Part CInspection and Evaluation of Facilities). Standard Operating Procedures Municipal Facilities Inspection Program Page 8 of 14 Appendix A: List of City Owned Facilities with Rank (April 2022) Site Name Type Address Rank Parks and Recreation Maintenance Office and Operations 320 E FRIENDLY AVE H City Fueling Station & Salt Barn Office and Operations 6900 DOWNWIND RD H Bryan Park Complex Magnet Park 6275 BRYAN PARK RD H Parks and Recreation Maintenance Office and Operations 316 E FLORIDA ST H Tanger Family Bicentennial Gardens Public Garden 1105 HOBBS RD H Greensboro Coliseum Special Facility 1921 W LEE ST H Forest Lawn Cemetery Cemetery 3901 FOREST LAWN DR M Caldwell Park Community Park 3211 W CORNWALLIS DR M Carolyn Allen Park and Athletic Complex Community Park 3610 DRAWBRIDGE PKWY M Fire Station #01 Fire Station 1514 N CHURCH ST M J. Edward Kitchen Operation Center Office and Operations 2602 S ELM-EUGENE ST M Transfer Station Office and Operations 6310 BURNT POPLAR RD M Greensboro Arboretum Public Garden 401 ASHLAND DR M Jaycee Park Regional Park 3802 JAYCEE PARK DR M Country Park Regional Park 3905 NATHANAEL GREENE DR M Barber Park Regional Park 1500 DANS RD M Hester, Oka T Park Regional Park 800 AILANTHUS ST M Curb Market Special Facility 501 YANCEYVILLE ST M Natural Science Center Special Facility 4301 LAWNDALE DR M Greensboro Arts Center Special Facility 200 N DAVIE ST M Gillespie Golf Course Sports Facility 306 E FLORIDA ST M Mitchell Water Treatment Plant Water/Sewer Facility 1041 BATTLEGROUND AVE M Lake Townsend Treatment Plant Water/Sewer Facility 6268 BRYAN PARK RD M Green Hill Cemetery Cemetery 901 WHARTON ST L Maplewood Cemetery Cemetery 235 BINGHAM ST L Latham Park Community Park 905 CRIDLAND RD L Peeler Recreation Center Community Park 1300 SYKES AVE L Windsor Recreation Center Community Park 1601 E LEE ST L Glenwood Recreation Center Community Park 2010 COLISEUM BLVD L Craft Recreation Center Community Park 3911 YANCEYVILLE ST L Price Park Community Park 1420 PRICE PARK DR L Smith Senior Center Community Park 2401 FAIRVIEW ST L Lewis Center Community Park 3110 FOREST LAWN DR L Standard Operating Procedures Municipal Facilities Inspection Program Page 9 of 14 Site Name Type Address Rank Brown Center Park Community Park 302 E VANDALIA RD L Market St Park Community Park 3299 STARMOUNT DR L Lindley Recreation Center Community Park 2907 SPRINGWOOD DR L Warnersville Recreation Center Community Park 601 DOAK ST L Nocho Park Community Park 1010 DUKE ST L Leonard Recreation Center Community Park 6324 BALLINGER RD L Keeley Park Community Park 4138 KEELY RD L Fire Station #10 Fire Station 4208 HIGH POINT RD L Fire Station #49 Fire Station 4302 W FRIENDLY AVE L Fire Station #48 Fire Station 1400 W VANDALIA RD L Fire Station #18 Fire Station 5903 BALLINGER RD L Fire Station #41 Fire Station 4504 LAKE BRANDT RD L Fire Station #14 Fire Station 3633 SUMMIT AVE L Fire Station #52 Fire Station 1000 MEADOWOOD ST L Fire Station #08 Fire Station 2201 COLISEUM BLVD L Fire Station #56 Fire Station 820 FRANKLIN BLVD L Fire Station #20 Fire Station 8404 W MARKET ST L Fire Station #17 Fire Station 6405 OLD OAK RIDGE RD L Fire Station #40 Fire Station 1805 PISGAH CHURCH RD L Fire Station #05 Fire Station 1401 WESTOVER TER L Fire Station #53 Fire Station 2013 WILLOW RD L Fire Station #04 Fire Station 401 GORRELL ST L Fire Station #61 Fire Station 105 W VANDALIA RD L Fire Station #43 Fire Station 4854 LAKE JEANETTE RD L Franklin Blvd, 816 Fire Station 816 FRANKLIN BLVD L Fire Station #57 Fire Station 1539 MT HOPE CHURCH RD L Fire Station #21 Fire Station 2870 HORSEPEN CREEK RD L Fire Station #02 Fire Station 5109 N CHURCH ST L Fire Station #07 Fire Station 1064 GATEWOOD AVE L Logan St, 905 Library 905 LOGAN ST L Vance Chavis Library Library 900 S BENBOW RD L Hemphill Branch Library Library 2301 W VANDALIA RD L Glenwood Library Library 1901 W FLORIDA ST L Standard Operating Procedures Municipal Facilities Inspection Program Page 10 of 14 Site Name Type Address Rank Benjamin Library Library 1530 BENJAMIN PKWY L McGirt-Horton Library Library 2509 PHILLIPS AVE L Central Library Library 219 N CHURCH ST L Caldcleugh Center Park Mini Park 1700 ORCHARD ST L Greensboro Municipal Credit Union Downtown Office and Operations 217 N GREENEST L McKnight Mill Rd, 2320-2330 Office and Operations 2320 2330 MCKNIGHT MILL RD L Governmental Plaza Office and Operations 300 W WASHINGTON ST L Bardolph Building Office and Operations 301 E WASHINGTON ST L Parks and Recreation Maintenance Office and Operations 320 E FRIENDLY AVE L Central City Services Office and Operations 611 HOMELAND AVE L Cone Building Office and Operations 1101 FOURTH ST L Sanford Smith Building Office and Operations 514 YANCEYVILLE ST L Greensboro Municipal Credit Union Soabar St Office and Operations 301 SOABAR ST L Huffine Mill Rd, 1824 Office and Operations 1824 HUFFINE MILL RD L Justice Building Office and Operations 1201 COLISEUM BLVD L Davie Parking Deck Parking Deck 109 E MARKET ST L Bellemeade Parking Deck Parking Deck 220 N GREENEST L Greene Street Parking Deck Parking Deck 211 S GREENE ST L Church Street Parking Deck Parking Deck 215 N CHURCH ST L Elm Street and McGee Street Parking Lot Parking Lot 336 S ELM ST L Guilford Metro 911 Storage Parking Lot Parking Lot 1106 PERRY ST L Spring Garden St, 211 Parking Lot 211 SPRING GARDEN ST L Coliseum Blvd, 1011 Parking Lot 1011 COLISEUM BLVD L Coliseum Parking Lot Parking Lot 1730 W LEE ST L Elm Street and Greene Street Parking Lot Parking Lot 328 S ELM ST L MLK Jr Drive and S Elm Street Parking Lot Parking Lot 501 S ELM ST L Federal PI and Washington St Parking Lot Parking Lot 305 W WASHINGTON ST L Depot Complex Lot Parking Lot 323 S DAVIE ST L Summit Ave/Lindsay St Parking Lot Parking Lot 127 SUMMIT AVE L Maple Street Police Station Police Facility 1106 MAPLE ST L Swing Road Station Police Facility 300 S SWING RD L Police Department Headquarters Police Facility 320 FEDERAL PL L Gateway Gardens Public Garden 2800 E LEE ST L Standard Operating Procedures Municipal Facilities Inspection Program Page 11 of 14 Site Name Type Address Rank The Bog Garden Public Garden 3238 NORTHLINE AVE L Dudley School School Shared Use Facility 1200 LINCOLN ST L Grimsley School School Shared Use Facility 801 WESTOVER TER L Page School School Shared Use Facility 201 ALMA PINNIX DR L Allen Middle School School Shared Use Facility 1108 GLENDALE RD L Unknown Shared Use Facility 1501 HUFFINE MILL RD L Lake Daniel Reservoir Special Facility 520 BENJAMIN PKWY L Canada Dry Property Special Facility 2411 HIGH POINT RD L Aldersgate Senior Citizens Center Special Facility 2608 MERRITT DR L Greensboro Sportsplex Sports Facility 2400 16TH ST L Lindley Pool Sports Facility 2914 SPRINGWOOD DR L War Memorial Stadium Complex Sports Facility 510 YANCEYVILLE ST L Haw River Pumping Station Water/Sewer Facility 7415 BROOKS BRIDGE RD L Lake Brandt Pumping Station Water/Sewer Facility 5966 LAKE BRANDT RD L Aycock Street Tank Water/Sewer Facility 607 S AYCOCK ST L Air Harbor 20 MG Reservoir Water/Sewer Facility 516 AIR HARBOR RD L Regional Road Tank Water/Sewer Facility 801 N REGIONAL RD L Winola Court Tank Water/Sewer Facility 111 WINOLA CT L GTCC Northwest Campus Water/Sewer Facility 7998 LEABOURNE RD L Lake Higgins Marina Watershed Park 4235 HAMBURG MILL RD L Lake Townsend Marina Watershed Park 6332 TOWNSEND RD L Lake Brandt Marina/offices Watershed Park 5945 LAKE BRANDT RD L Service Cenj Ferations 401 PATTON NPDES GTA Operations Facility and Administrative Offices Office and Operations 221 W MEADOWVIEW RD NPDES White Street Landfill Office and Operations 2503 WHITE ST NPDES North Buffalo Water Reclamation Facility Water/Sewer Facility 2199 WHITE ST NPDES T.Z. Osborne Water Reclamation Facility Water/Sewer Facility 2350 HUFFINE MILL RD NPDES Standard Operating Procedures Municipal Facilities Inspection Program Page 12 of 14 Appendix B: Site Assessment Report City ofGreenshoro — Site Assessment Report CREEhM93R4 FACILITY INFORMATION Date: Facility: Address: Contact: Phone: CHECKLIST: PREVENTATIVEMAIN TENANCE}GOODHOUSEKE EPING J=InCDmpliance X = Needs Remediation NA = Not Applicable Materials arestared in areas that limitexpasureta precipitation or runoff. Materials (e.g., chemicals}are properly labeled. Above -ground staragetanks and material -handling areas have adequate secondary cantainmen=. includingfunctianing valves/locks.Processes are in place for properly removing rainwaterframsecandary containment. Loading and unloading areas are praperly maintained to prevent non-ktq w " discharges. Vehiclelequipmentmointenance areas are praperly maintained. Vehicle andlor equipmentwas hing is done in an area so that wasteorater can be praperly managed. Leaks atmaterial-handling areas and fuelingstatians are praperly contained,with procedures in placefar proper disposal. Standard Operating Procedures Municipal Facilities Inspection Program Page 13 of 14 Appendix C: Letter to accompany report GRnEHSBOR0 4GPIm C501441tiA 1pate] [Name, Title] [Department] [Address] Ore ensboro,-NC [zip] F E.= Municipal Fa cilitie s Asse ssment Program [Facility Name] [Facility Address] Dear [NIr.,Ms] [lastnarne]= On [Date]: [Inspector name] with the Stommater IvIanagemerrt Division conducted an assessmentof[facilitvname]locatedat[streetaddress]. Thanks again toall [deparnnentor name] personnel x-,ho attended Plea se re a dthe enclose drep ort, which reviews details of the assessment. This report details the different components ofthe assessment including specific are obsennation and arry re c on=ndations for corrective actions [S„nun rizemainconeemsandreconzimidanon€here] Iv�zllbeirncontactvAthvoutofollowuponthisrep ort. Pleasedoyour besttoimplemerrtany recomnyndedcorrecuve actions and to continue tobe aware o f v ourgoodhousekeepnng practices. Thanks again foryourtime andcooperation Ifvouhavea7questionsorconcems,please c ontactme at [phorbe] or [email]. Sincerely, [Name] [Title] CC: David Phlegar,Storrrr.-.aterDi-,-isionlianager Peter Schneider. Water Qualit-,- Sup en-isor File PO BOX 3136 • GREEN5B01R0 NC 37'103.3136 • WWMGREEN5B000•NC,630V • 336.373•CITY FA0 Standard Operating Procedures Municipal Facilities Inspection Program Page 14 of 14 Appendix D: Inspection Report Facility Name Inspection Date: Contact Information: Address of facility Contact: Name & phone Areas of Concern: List out the areas Area: Narrative about the particular area and why it is a concern. Be sure to list any procedures in place to reduce potential for limiting and/or generating polluted run off. Other: This is a spot for any other observastions or procedures that we'd like to make note of that may not fit anywhere else. Questions or issues from the site, where they are asking us for a resolution. Recommendations: The division's recommendations on practices or procedures that could limit potential run off. Standard Operating Procedures Municipal Facilities Inspection Program Page 15 of 14 Appendix E: Contact Log for Municipal Inspections Contact Log for Municipal Inspections Date: Type of Contact (On -site, telephone/voicemail, letter, etc.): Contact with whom (name and position/title): Contact phone number (if applicable): Nature of Contact: Date: Type of Contact (On -site, telephone/voicemail, letter, etc.): Contact with whom (name and position/title): Contact phone number (if applicable): Nature of Contact: Date: Type of Contact (On -site, telephone/voicemail, letter, etc.): Contact with whom (name and position/title): Contact phone number (if applicable): Nature of Contact: Date: Type of Contact (On -site, telephone/voicemail, letter, etc.): Contact with whom (name and position/title): Contact phone number (if applicable): Nature of Contact: Date: Type of Contact (On -site, telephone/voicemail, letter, etc.): Contact with whom (name and position/title): Contact phone number (if applicable): Nature of Contact: Standard Operating Procedures Municipal Facilities Inspection Program Page 16 of 14