HomeMy WebLinkAbout07_Small Polluters Program SOPSmall Polluters Program: Standard Operating Procedures GREENSBORO City of Greensboro, North Carolina MS4 Stormwater Permit NCS000248 April 2022 REVISION LOG TABLE OF CONTENTS PROGRAM SUMMARY.................................................................................................................4 PROCEDURES..............................................................................................................................4 SELECTING THE TARGET AUDIENCE................................................................................................4 CREATING EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS.............................................................................................4 EDUCATING AND INSPECTING........................................................................................................4 DOCUMENTATION........................................................................................................................5 FILING.........................................................................................................................................5 DATABASEENTRIES.....................................................................................................................5 EMPLOYEE TRAINING.................................................................................................................7 PROGRAM SUMMARY Outfall Inspections is a Best Management Practice (BMP) that supports section D, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE), of the City of Greensboro's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) NPDES permit as issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). The IDDE section sets forth the criteria for compliance, including ordinances, reporting mechanisms, proactive and responsive approaches to pollution concerns, etc. This BMP, in conjunction with other BMPs, supports the Stormwater Management Division's overall objectives as outlined in the Illicit Discharge and Detection Elimination (IDDE) Program Plan. The goal of this program is proactive in nature with the goal of identifying and educating potential polluters (small -quantity generators) to prevent and/or eliminate illicit connections and improper disposals to the stormwater conveyance system. More specifically, this group incorporates the smaller, local business community. This comprehensive education and inspection program is designed to raise awareness among the business community about water quality concerns, non -point -source pollution, and other stormwater issues. To date, the following small -quantity generators have been part of this initiative: • Auto Shops • Directional Drillers • Landscapers • Mobile Washers • Painters/Dry Wallers • Ready -Mix Concrete • Restaurants • Veterinarians, Kennels, and Pet Services Although a specific group or business may be the focus for a specific period of time, educating all types is ongoing and specific groups may be targeted again during applicable seasons or circumstances. PROCEDURES SELECTING THE TARGET AUDIENCE A business type is chosen based on different criteria, though the focus is often determined based on what has been observed as an ongoing issue or a newly surfaced issue. Staff may determine the current need based on past calls, ongoing observations, stream monitoring, etc. CREATING EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS Water Quality staff collaborates with the department's Public Education Coordinator and the city's Graphic Services to create educational materials that best fit the targeted audience. Efforts are made to ensure the format of the materials is conducive to the business type. (For example, posters are best used for stationary businesses, such as restaurtants, and would be less desirable for mobile business like landscaping.) Material types include letters, brochures, posters, videos, etc. After materials are created, text is translated into the languages deemed most relevant for the business type. This decision is based on staff knowledge, observations, and current city demographics. Additionally, relevant information is added to the city's website to allow for further and ongoing education. EDUCATING AND INSPECTING When a new group is chosen for the next focus, the steps below are taken by the staff member having current oversight of the program. 1. Acquire business names and contact information. 2. Develop and organize business information in a database. (Work with staff in Information Technology to upload the business list prior to educating, as this reduces time spent in data entry. Also request the addition of the business type to the Category dropdown list.) 3. Mail correspondence letter and educational material to identified businesses as applicable. 4. Plan for implementation, including overall time frame and schedule, incremental goals, division of businesses among staff, etc. 5. Train staff on education and inspection procedures. (Each focus group often has individual procedures for field inspections tailored to the specific needs and challenges of the business type. In some cases, field inspections are not applicable or feasible and a different approach is taken.) 6. Perform field inspections based on individual lists and goals. 7. If possible, create a report at completion to summarize activities, highlight successes, evaluate obstacles, etc. (The database has a Reports feature that may offer pertinent information for any reporting. Field inspection and tone should focus on education, not necessarily enforcement. However, if staff observes something that warrants action, enforcement may be the next step. DOCUMENTATION FILING Documenting small business education will vary depending on the target group. In some cases a checklist may be used, while in others an inspection form may be used that indicates the need for follow-up. Regardless of what is used, hard copies of any documentation should be scanned and placed in the appropriate electronic folder. Business and outreach information (mailings, site visits, inspections, etc.) are entered into the small polluters database (IDDE: Small Pollutors). An entry typically includes the company name, business type, and contact information; the date the business was educated or mailed information; and the type of education material provided. DATABASE ENTRIES Adding a Business 1. Click Add Company at the top right. DC= Repo -Is StormVrater I D DE t Categary x ID T Company t T Category T Location T Contad T Date T Inspector T Categary, A.. Shops r Categary'. Concrete a d Martar . Category, Directional Drillers Categary'. Grease Haulers Category: Landscapers Categary: Mobile Washers Categary, Paint and Construction Categary'. Restaurants 2. Enter the information for the company and any inspection information. IDDE ansiness Details Company Name: Category Seleet-ca—ry FirstlLasi H.— Street HumberfName: Cityfst-Op- Phone: Email: Notes: Inspection Details Inspection Date: Mailing Date: 111 l Street Number7Hame: Inspector. —SelectaninspecUm Secondary Inspector. —Seleetaninspe— Notes: / p Hoissves n—d O Issues - fa—P irsp"' p "c"; Issues noted; f.5—p inq-- on: ❑ Complete p Nolonger in business p Not open donne vrok hours Maderldls provided: ❑ Lehr ❑ emd,n. ❑ aenuist ❑ Poster ❑ Vdeo ❑ Other: Editina a Business or Insoection Reports ® O Camel Company 10: (a—) 1. Choose the category from the main page to show the listed companies. Click on the desired record to open up the entry. T Category x ID T Company - T Cat_gcry T Lc -[ion T [)at. T Inspector T r Category: Auto Sh nps r Category: Concrete and Mortar r Category: Directional Drillers e Category: Grease Haulers r Category: Landscapers r Category: Mobile Washers r Category: Paint and Construction Category: Restaurant 31 1618 Dow Mon n Restaurants 312 S. Elm Si Diane LYilard McKenzie 6.36 Nis hidt— Rey—rards 17241199.gmund Avr — Tod&M. Debbie (:> 1518 West. -I. d Gdl Restaurants 1918 W Friendly Ave Greg Demamhi Alex 168 2 Pak- Cafe Re�rants 327 W Florida St McK—m 240 012 Whiskey bar& SDuthem Restaurants 913 S Chapman St Sherri 2. Choose Edit from the top left to edit the entry and/or add inspection information. Open in SAC C Relum to List Business Details (Debbie Shoffner) Company ID: 239 Company Name: 1618 West Seafood Grill Category: Restaurants Contact Name: Greg Demarchi Street NumberlName: 1618 W Frlendly Ave 0 Cityl StateMp: Greensboro, NO 274D3 Phone: (335)235-0898 Email: Notes: Tap of grease container is greasy. Carbon issued. InspeCtion Details Inspection Date: 50512016 Street NumberlName: Inspector: Tobergte, Alex Secondary Inspector: Notes: O No issues noted Issues noted, nc follow-up inspection QQ Issues noted. follow-up inspection on6190016 (Complete) O No longer in business D Net open during work hours Materials provided: 0 Letter 0 Brochure 0 Checldist 0 Poster ❑ Video ❑ Other: EMPLOYEE TRAINING Training for this program is often initiative specific, meaning different business types may require different approaches. The person overseeing the campaign for a new business group works with staff to go over procedures for upcoming education and inspections. New hires are trained on the general approach to educating businesses. This includes exposure to available educational materials, guidance on talking to staff at businesses, and hands-on/field training. New and experienced staff should always refer to protocols as referenced in Water Resources safety documents, keeping safety as a priority. If safety is at risk at any time, staff should contact the supervisor or safety representative for guidance.