HomeMy WebLinkAbout05_Spills and Concerns Database Manual2015 SAC Database Instruction Manual Stormwater Division City of Greensboro 2/19/2015 SAC Database Instruction Manual Page 2 SAC Database Instruction Manual Table of Contents Call/Caller Information Tab 1. Starting a New Call 2. Date & Time Call Received 3. Call Origination & Contact Information of Caller a. Contact Center b. Spill Pager C. Citizen email d. Water Resources Staff e. City Staff f. Guilford County g. State h. Other 4. Spill or Concern 5. Location of the Spill or Concern a. Using Specific Address b. Using Intersection C. Using Pushpin 6. Notification and Anonymous Check Boxes 7. Call Details Box Initial Investigation Tab 1. Starting a New Initial Investigation 2. Entering the Date & Time of Initial Investigation 3. Weather Conditions 4. Selecting the Substance(s) 5. Selecting the Investigator(s) a. Selecting the Lead Investigator b. Changing the Lead Investigator C. Selecting an Investigator Not Water Quality Section 6. Subbasin 7. Selecting Type of Violation (Illicit Discharge/Improper Disposal) 8. Check Boxes a. Source Identified & Eliminated b. Fish Kill C. Referral d. Enforcement e. NPDES Outfall 9. Responsible Party(s) 10. Amount Spilled & Entered 11. Investigation Details 12. Time Tracking 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 10 15 17 18 18 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 26 26 26 Initial Investigation Tab -Entering Photos & Attaching Documents (Other Than NOV Letter) Attaching Photos from Initial Investigation 26 Attaching Documents from Initial Investigation (Not NOV) 29 Creating a NOV Follow Up Investigation Tab Entering Information from a Follow up Investigation Attaching Photos to the Investigation Attaching Documents to the Investigation 30 34 35 37 Page 3 SAC Database Instruction Manual Call/Caller Information Tab 1. To start a new call. Press the New button. welcome Sherri w � 00 ► w R show 6ridato GII/GH¢r Information [nrtia[Im¢stgafion(1) Foll­ Inv¢slgaYi¢ns(3) R¢por[s a nd Links Current Call rO: 1 (2398 CHARIOT OR) EO Call Received', 2/28/2g131U PM Ispil Pager Call Origination: Spill Pager Spill or Cancer,: Spill [ocaaon of Spill'. 2 98 CnARIOr OR ry otification only? 0 Call Details', Remain Anonymaus't 0 Notes 2. Enter Date and time that the call came in. a. Use the calendar feature to select the correct date. welaame Sherri N I ► H Can/Caner Information [nitial Investigation ([] Followop [nvestiga[ C—nt Call ID: NEW CALL [all Received: W26/2g]'� B:gg AM : Co Call Origination: y.w-Ml3 Caller Su M¢ Tu — Th Fr Sa Spill or Cancer 26 27 28 29 3g 31 1 Phone N Location of Spill: 2 3 4 6 6] 8 Notification Only? 16 17 1a 19 1g 2] 22 Remain Anon GII Details: (include 23 29 "A 21 - 29 tiNfv** 38 1 2 3 9 6 6 Today: ]— 26, — b. Use the time drop down to select the time closest to the time the call came in. Welcome Sherri Calf/Caller rnfa initial Inves[Igatipn (1) Folowup Inves[Ig GII Received: W2W2g13 T.AM Call Origination: Carta r 8:16 AM AM Spill or Concern: Spill 8:9I AM 9:g8 AM Location of Spill: 9:16 AM —I AM Notification Only? (] 9-45 Am 10:gg AM Details', [include additional inform 1g:16 AM 10:3I AM —11 AM 11:AM 11:I, 16 AM —N AM 41 AM 1-1 PM 2:16 PM 11- PM 0 C Call Phone Page 4 SAC Database Instruction Manual 3. Use the call origination drop down to select how the call came in. H 1, H GII/filler lnfornfela InfNal Inves[19allon (1) FollowuP Inve Current Call ID: NEW CALL GII Received: 6726/2013 8:P0 AM GII Origination: Contact Center Spill ar CPncem', Spill Pager PI Citizen Email Location of Spill: Water Department Staff city staff N ptification Only? Guilford County Remair Stale GII Details: (include Other tien, if nec�ary) a. If the call originates with the contact center, fill in caller information with either the member of the contact centers information (i.e. Mary Jutte enter her information) or enter the citizen that is reporting the spill or concern. N 1 = , H �I/filler Irsfrma8vn Current Call 1D: NEW CALL Call Received', I6/25/2p13 9:45 PM fall Origination: Contact Grker Spill ar Carwern: Spill � Location of Spill: R—.— and Links CpmpanY: filler Name: Mary ]utte Phone Numtrer: 336-3]3-2489 Email: Notification-1l70 Remain Arwnym 10 Call Details', (include additional information an spill Iwation, if necessary) J b. If the call originates with the spill pager, select spill pager in the drop down. Typically there is not a need to collect any caller information. If that information is available it can be included in the call details. elwme Sherri Water Resource Locator / �O ► H Show Grid Gl!/filler lrsformalion Initial Investigation (1) FollpwupImestigations(3) Reports and Links .urrent Call 113: NEW CALL Cancel GII Received: W25/2013 4:45 PM 1. I.pill Pager GII Origination: Spill Pager Spill or Concern: Spill L Location of Spill: 1 Natifcation Only? © Remain Anonymous? 0 GII Details: (include additional information an spill location, if neccsary) 7 Page 5 SAC Database Instruction Manual c. If you select the citizen email option, fill in as much information as possible in the contact information area. Welwme Sherri Water Resource Locator N 00 ► NN shnw-1 Gff/Goer rrttnrmation Initial Investigation (1) Follpwup Investigations (3] Reports and Links Current Call]D: NEW CALL 0 Cancel GII Received: W25/2013 4:45 PM 1. Company: GII Origination: Citizen Email Caller Name: � 7 Spill ar Garwern: Spill �� 0 Phone Number: Location of Spill: Email: c enQnyahoo.com Natifcatian only? 0 Remain Arwnym —fq Call Details: (include additional information an spill lacatipn, if necessary) d. If someone in water resources reports a spill or concern, select water department staff in the drop down. Welcome Sherri water Resource Lncatnr N 00 ► N show Grid Ca!!/Caller Info initial Investigation (1) FollowupImatigaEons(S) Reports and Links C—nt Call]D: NLY LL Save 0 GII Received: 6R5/2g13 9:45 PFI Division: ausin�7-1 G Origination: Water DepaRmerk S[aff . Emplwee: arenner, ]amn 71 Spill or Corwern: Spill . Loration of Spill: Notification Only? 0 Remain Anonymous? 0 GII Details: (include additional information on spill location, if necessary) Then select the division. Welmme Sherri N �0�► N G111e11er wfnmrafcon 7 1 mitla(-iwion(1) 1 11 Reports and Links C—nt Call ID: NEW CALL GII Received: W25/2g13 4:45 PM 1. Call Origination: Water Department Staff Spill or Grwern: Spill : Location of Spill: Notification Only? 0 GII Details: (include additional information on spill location, if r� Division: au— Emplwee: cps[pmer ser.-ioa Engine HN Operahor�s Stprmwater Water Suce alma on Remain Arwny -? 0 Water Resource Locator how Grid 00 �J Page 6 SAC Database Instruction Manual Then select the employee. Welcome Sherri avatar Reapurpe Lpeatpr Ca!!/Caller lrsFormaBpn Initial Investigation (I] Current Call ID: NEW CALL Call Received: W25/2g13 4:45 PM 1i call Origination: waterD WftmenOStaff Spill or Corwern: Spill Location of spill Noe&cation Dnly? Dr Fnllowup Investigations(3) I I Reports and Links Division: Business Fmplwee: Brenner, Laspn ncil, Deanna - \v' covert, veram� Bpnneu. Layene Remain Arwny -? =;a 'r-Malloy, Tpri MCGray, Kimberly McDowell. Herman e. If someone on city staff reports a spill, select city staff from the drop down. Then enter information in the caller contact area. Welcome Sherri Water Resource Locator . Do ► she. Grid I!/Caller Info Inttial Inves[Iga[Ipn (1) Follpwup Investigations (3) Reports and Links Current Call ID: NL CALL Save Cancel GII Received: fi/25l2g13 4:45 PM Company: GII Origination: City Staff —j Caller Name: Spill pr Concern: Spill Phone Numtrer: C \yam\\\v\ Lwauon of spill: � Email: Notification Only, © Remain Annnymnus+ 0 s: (irclude additional information an spill location, if necessary) f. If the spill or concern is forwarded from Guilford County, select Guilford County in the drop down. Typically there is not a need to collect any caller information. If that information is available it can be included in the call details. Gf!/Gf!¢r Info Initial Investigation (1) Foll owuP Investigations (3) Reports and Links Cureent Call]D: NEW CALL 0 Canwl GII Received: W25/2g13 4:45 PM 1. IGuilfard —ty GII Origination: Guilford Gurty Spill or Concern: Spill Location pf Spill Notifieatinn Dnly? o Remam Anpnympps? a Call Details, (include additional information on spill location, if necessary) Page 7 SAC Database Instruction Manual g. If the spill or concern is forwarded from the State, select State in the drop down. Typically there is not a need to collect any caller information. If that information is available it can be included in the call details. Welcome Sherri Water Resource Locator N � 00 ► N snow s,;d initial mvestigaeen (I) 1 1 FPllewup mvestigatigns (3) 1 1 Rep— and Links Current Call ID: NEW CALL Save cancel GII Received: W'2S/2N13�0:95 PM � Call Origination: I='^`= � Spill or Carwern: Spill � Source: State ram) \�\\\\\VJ Location of Spill: F— No[ifcatign Only? 0 Remain Aronymous? 0 GII ❑etails: (include additional information on spill location, if necessary) h. If the call originates in any other way not mentioned above, then select other and fill in the contact information. Make notes regarding the method of origination in the call details as needed. Wewme Sherri N�Oo►N GI[,GI[er In>n�.ntan Current Call ID: NEW CALL Initial Investigation (1) 1 1 Followup Investigations (3) I I Reports and Links GII Received: Wzs/zm3 4:45 PM 1. Company: G Origination: IX� Caller N.— F-- SPill or Carwern: SpillVAIIA& Phone Number: O Location of spill: Email: No[ifcatign Only? 0 Remain Anonymous? 0 GII Oefails, [include additional information on spill location, iF necessary) 4. Select spill or concern from the drop down. Welcome Sherri 1�� N � '00° ► N sngw cdd G[f/Ca[fer SnFonnatiprs Initial [nvestiga[ion (1] Followup Investigations (3] -n— and Links Current Call ID: NEIY CALL SaOve Cancel GII Received: fi/25l2P13 4:45 PM 1. Company: G 11 Origination: Other . GllerNam- Spill or Concern: Spill Php Number: 0 Loraticn ofspi l l: Concern Email: Notification Only? 0 Remain Anonymous? fall Details: (includeadditicnal information on spill location, if nec�ary) Page 8 SAC Database Instruction Manual 5. To enter the location of the spill or concern. Not the location of the caller. A specific address must be selected. Just select the address nearest to the location of the spill or concern and make necessary notes in the call detail box regarding the exact location of the spill or concern. a. Using the specific address to select the location i. Click on the earth beside the field labeled Location of Spill. Welcome Sherri Water Resource Locator Show-d GI!/GI!¢r lrsfornration Initial Investigation (1) Followup Investigations (3) Reports and Links Current Call]N: NEW CALL 0 Canwl GII Received: W25/2013 4:45 PM 1. Company: GII Ongir�ation: IX� Gller Name: 0 Spill or Concern: Spill Phone Number: Location of Spill: Email: Notification Only? 0ain Arwnympus? 0 GII details'. (include additi¢r,al inf¢rmati¢n on spill loratipn, if ne:� ii. Enter the address where is says enter address and then click the find button. tNelccme Sherri ra,OoP crsrreRt call To: rvEw caLL tnRial inoestigalirsn( t) e Call Recened'. 1V111-1 d':00 AM ❑a Call Origination: I'pill Pager 9 SPill or C¢ncern: Spi Location of spill', N ptif-b— Only? 0 call Details'. (i n chid additi—1 inf—ti¢n on spill location, if (m e—drville Water Tank i' sY� L�aCha el Rtl TanF >,M T:nkRn��und Tenk Mu•Chapel Eleiated Kr @inc la� Tc nk • *IearNA� k5treet Tank •High Paint Rd Tank �JYY roametawn Ra:W 1 !r Page 9 SAC Database Instruction Manual iii. Make sure the green dot is on the correct location of the spill or complaint. Not the callers address. This may require using the + & - zoom buttons in the left side of the box. :,al�pma Sham _ L90] 26025 ELM-EIJGENE-ST lFdl'. Clear �� 20] s l3aa:3cu fIl I __-- - a_ _-- rre--_--- 2410 V 01 Cunt Call aO _ NEW CALL - -- Call Rece2ed, 6/26/2013 -= I 2501 Call origination'. Spill Pa #I — 2507 Spill ¢r c¢n¢ern', (Spill L _ Location of SpiII', AV 2501 Notification Only] 0 i 2 002* $ Call Cetails', (include additional information pn spill location, I£ n_ 260 o 2607 EISENNOWER AV 122 120 l — 2Pll s¢0 0 iv. To select the address click on the green dot. When the address box pops up, click on the blue Select Address. lelc¢me Sherri 11�Q:1 N _urrent CaR M_ NEW call R,--d', 6)26/2oi3 �a:0➢AM Call 8riginatign', =Pill Pager Spill ¢r Concern', Spill 7. Location of Spill Notification Onlyi El call ❑craps: (Include additional information on spill location, if IIJ 12602 5 ELM-EUGENE ST F nd Cleat zov � 9 v e w o - - �e - _ = - - zato R� 40t $ o Gf 2201 ^ Z 2601 250] 26025 ELM-EIfGENE ST X', 1— ii5 .19919— I 102+ V: 835080.886529.1 Source: AddressP¢inis I Score: 100 ( Select Address 2305 _ 11t EISENHOWER Al 122 120 _ Page 10 SAC Database Instruction Manual v. When this screen looks like this the address has been selected. Notice the green dot turned red. Click on the submit button to return to the call/caller information tab. wel�pm_ :I,E Ji 1 1 2602 S ELM-EUIENE ST Find '.:ai Inv�tigalian (il _ Current Call ID: NEW CALL C 11 R,:,iaed: 6/26/2 ' E'.00 AM Q 4# Call Origination 7Spill Pager II Spill or Cpnce rn: spill l I Location of Spill: Natitication Onlyd LJ I 2& _all Detail=', (include additional information on spill lovation, if nec I I I 1 I I I I l I I V I Submi�Cancel b. Using the nearest intersection to select the location. i. After clicking on the globe and getting this window, you will click on the intersection button. Welccme Sherri ent Call ID: NEW CALL Call Rec —d', 6/26/20 8'.0 AM C II Origination', Spill Pager Spill or Cpn<ern', ispill Local on of Spill'. Notification Onlyl [I Call Details', (include addif Anal intonnakipn on spill location, iF ne ME *F id­W.mer Tank T. end CearWell u �6Jry�` v+r�a Lee's Cka el Rtl Tank onal Ro:W T.v:kgaNuntl Tank Mriirs Chapel Eleiatetl Kn Rc �inpla� raks � Mitrl��learNhPAl1e ee TanN High Paiut Rd Tank r �� : r ametawn Fan .rPd� a Page 11 SAC Database Instruction Manual ii. Begin typing the name of one of the streets, roads, etc in the first block. Notice that it will bring up a list that you can then scroll and to select the correct street just click on the name. Or continue typing in the name. u Fra I,IE s=tPPt 1 Find FRALEY RD WReidavine —Tank FRALEY-FIELDS RN FRAMINGHAM WAY J e FRANCES DAILY CT Tuv ena ClenWell -:c= ar, FRANCIS KING ST .I_. FRANCIS MARIE CT :'r Lee'e.Gn dRa Tank _I ------ �NHanie�auaa ran }y uirs CRal®Elevatea K, Road nk • Mik:h�learaN � h 5— Tank High Pant Rd Tan. •raometown Ronal SubmR Cancel If the street name is misspelled an error box will pop up. I FR Zl 0 Enter cross street Find �Reitlaville Wain Tank eTaw end CleuWell 1[��ll ',p9� Lee's Ch. & Rd Tank :lanai Rwia T'alNBnty�gn d Tank ''_4 Mu•Chd� Elevated �iK. Roatl nF la [Tank • MiLrll�learaN��cF Sveet Tnnk - High P—Rd—ik • raametown R— _ T � - i;. Submit Canrel Page 12 SAC Database Instruction Manual In. Enter the cross street in the second box. Then click on the find button. ® Fanz Q Enre.�.osssreee Find �R.laedllewaa r..k e 4 tl�ie _ �, '�'{J�s CM1�d Rtl TanFwWe�- ipn.L Raatl TmkM1ity�untl TanF • Mu•CM1a'�Elevetetl �i la tT:rinF� Rn�ft6a nF • r Mitd��leaaY�'�c ee Tenk High P—Rd Tm K : r ametown Raatl — — Submit Cancel iv. Make sure the green dot is on the correct location of the spill or complaint. Not the callers address. This may require using the + & - zoom buttons in the left side of the box. e sherd Call/L'e llei fn t:�r.,:a-]o�i 1-i.1 fi—hu-- (1) Current Call ID: NEW CALL t Call Received', 6/26/—, Gall Onginat'— spill Pa B'.00-.gJ^ 2i01 Spill or Concern', Spill L-1- of Spill'. n N ntificatian Only2 U Gall detail=_'. (include additiunalint—tien on spill location, if n _ 5 ELM-EUGENE ST F nd''. Clear v R o < A10 f— I I 2602+ I znm i41 250� 2552 AV — [`7 _ 21A6 f $_ 2Gw n1 _ EI5ENHOWER AV " 2r ,. Submit Cancel Page 13 SAC Database Instruction Manual v. To select the address click on the green dot. When the address box pops up, click on the blue Select Address. V elcome She- 4 A F-, v W ..� 10vestf9a8u2 .urrent Call 113: NEW CALL Call Received'. F'2E!2013 8'. Call Drigin t-: ,Spill pe— Spill or Co :—: iSpill Location d Spill', Notification Only? [ Call Details: (include additional information on spill location, it it 0 2502 e+ pZ2oi01 zw�nS ELM-- E�U- GoE, NE ST ,Cl-ear-r 6 _-- - - 2502140, w I L7 � 250i I '� 2fi025 ELM-EUGENE ST I X', 1]65588.]99188]63 I 2602� V: 835080.886529699 Source: AddressPoin,s I score: soo Select Address 11, — VL EI2E� H01NER AV 120 vi. When this screen looks like this the address has been selected. Notice the green dot turned red. Click on the submit button to return to the call/caller information tab. Page 14 SAC Database Instruction Manual c. Use the pushpin when a spill or complaint occurs someplace other than a specific address or intersection. i. It is probably best to use an address or intersection to get you close to the spill location. ii. Then use the cursor by clicking mouse and holding button down while moving the map to the correct location. ��-� 13' 3407 OLD ACRE CT Find clear mEvan° Sao + - --- e zaoo ; r 360� 0 o� i n, if nec Submit Cannel Page 15 SAC Database Instruction Manual iii. Once the location of the spill or concern is shown on the map, use the pushpin button to select that location. This will insert X and Y coordinates into the database. A green dot will appear at the location where the pushpin was placed. iv. Verify the location is correct, and then click on the green dot. When the box pops up, click on the blue select address. n 9J E3 M Page 16 SAC Database Instruction Manual v. Once the dot turns red, click on the submit button to save this location. vi. The address will be populated. Welcome Sherri Watar Resource Locator Do � �� sr,ow�rld !alf/Ca Her In Formation Initial [nvestigation Follpwup Investigations Reports and Links Current Call ID: NE CALL Save Canwl ('all Received: J/22i2g13 8:P0 AM a Source: Spill Pager Call Origination: Spill Pager Spill ar Carwern: SPill Location of Spill: 12322 Hptir�non only? 0 Remam Arwnymp�s? Or GII Details: (include additipr�al infcrmatipn pn spill location, if rwcera 6. Click on the Notification Only or remain Anonymous boxes as needed. Wemrtre Sherri Wale[ Remurce Lacatai N � 00 ► w �I,nw �r�a fall/faller In Formation Initial Inveskigatipn (1) Followup Investigations (3) Reports and Links C-t Call ID: NEW CALL 0 Cancel Call Received: W� 8:06 AM ure Source: SPill Pager Call Originatiart: Spill Pager w Spill ar Concern: Spill z Location of Spill: 25 wotifiratiart only'+ © Remain Anonymous? Call Details: (ixlude additiprel infprmat'ran pn spill location, if necessary) Page 17 SAC Database Instruction Manual 7. Enter in all important details, contact information or any additional information that is important to know about the call. Not the investigation, just the call. Once this is completed click on the save button. el—=derri �.Do►N fall/faller lnformati¢rs Inaial Inr¢stigation (I) Followup Imrestigations (3) 0.¢portr and Links Current Call IO: NEW CALL 0 Call Received: fif2fi(P 3 6:1M1 AM v Spurce: Spill Pager �� Call Origination: Spill Pager Spill Isp,li . Location of Spill: —2S ELM-EUGENE ST Notification Only+ 0 Remain Anonymous? 0 GII Meta ils: (irclude additional information¢nspill location, if nece_ w) L Initial Investigation Tab Once the Call/Caller Information tab has been completed and saved. COI 1. Entering information from the Initial Investigation of spill or concern. a. Click on the Initial Investigation Tab. Located at the top of the screen. wal�nme snern Nei = n►H Gfl/Gfler Solo - In Rial Investigation (1) Followup In�¢stigations (3) R¢ports and Links Curteut Call IH: NL CALL O Cancel GII Received: pill Pager GII Origination: Spill Pager L- Spill ar Concern: Spill —tion of Spill: 2602 5 ELM-EUGENE ST Notification Only? © Remain Amnymous? Call Details, (Include additi-1 Infprmation an spill I—t-, if-) b. Click on the new button in the corner. wel— Sherri N � IS ®► N Call/Caller Informa� Inifral lnv¢sNga[ion Current Call IO: IN (4MI HIGH POINT RO) Followup Investigations R¢ports and Links 7New An initial investigation has not yet been entered, press the New button to begin entering data. Page 18 SAC Database Instruction Manual 2. Enter date and time of the Initial Investigation. a. Enter the date of the investigation. Use the calendar to select the correct date. II W '—d pr N � 13 ® � N spew anems snnw opc�mems Call/Caller Intormation �IniM1at lnvesM1patipn Followup Investigations r Reports and Links Current Call ID: IS 5a�ve cancel Investigated: W2712013 3:00 AM F__7-1E lnr; 2RI3 Weather: Su Ma T. We Th Fr Sa Company Name: C Substance', 26 2] 28 230 31 ] 2 3 4 6 ] 8 I Mailing Add—Invcstigatprs', 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 10 21 12 City, State, Z'P� `J Subbasin', 23 24 26 26 2J 28 29 3a 1 2 3 4 6 6 _ Locahpn Type: ce cia� Spill violation: TodaY:Sne 2]ID13 Approximate Amt Spilled: O Entered: O urce Identified? 0 R&—l' 0 Fish Kill, 0 Dimmated? 0 Enfar«meat, Responsible Party? 0 NPDES Ouffall? 0 Call Details: Time Spent Investigating Spill/Concern Initial Investigation', b. Enter the time of the investigation. Use the time drop down to select the nearest time. Welcome Sherri Water -A_ Lpratpr N � 0®� N snow Pnpms snow Dpwments Call/Caller [ntormatipn ImM1a1 SmvesM1gaM1on Followup Investigations Reportr and Links Current Call ID: 19 0 Cancel Investigated: W2]l2013 8',00 AM Contact Name: --T� C Weather: sunny 8:15 AM Cpmpan 8:30 AM y Name: 8:45 AM Suh lar:ce: 9:00 AM Mailing Address: 9:15 AM 9:30 AM I nvestigatprs: City, A.. Zip 111', 60 AM Subbasin: euffalp Greek 1!t'.30 AM Location Type:l W1��1��c141�� ❑� ]0', 45 AM Spill violation: None FauM 11 11,'15 AM APprmrimate Amt Spilled: O Entered: Il AM 30 AM Source Identifedi 0 Referral 11'.45 AM Fish Killi 0 12', 00 PM 12',15 PM 12', 30 PM Elimir�a[ed? 0 Enforcement 12',95 PM 5 PM Responsible Party, 0 NPDES Outfa I 1:00 PM 141 PM Call Details: 2:D0 PM PM Time Spent Lnvestigating Spill/Concern 2:15 2:30 PM Initial Investigation', i=15 PM Page 19 SAC Database Instruction Manual 3. Select the appropriate weather conditions of the investigation conducted on that day. Welcome Sherri Water Resource tccator N � 00 (• DY snow vnoms snow op��menM Call/Caller Information InlM1af lnvesM1gation Followup Investigations Kepprts and Links Current CaII TD: is O Cancel Investigated', 6/2]/2013 8:00 AM Contact Name:F-7-1� Weather. nny Company Name: F Subs[arx¢: light a n Mailing Address: heavy rain Invcstigatam: frees Preap' city, S ,zip000 Subbasin: I Buffo to Creek Loration Type: w pia Spill vi platipn: Approximate Amt Spilled: O Entered: O Source Identified'+ 0 Refers 11 0 Fish Kill? 0 Eliminated'+ 0 Entor —t2 0 gesporeible Pa rty1 © NP—Ouffall't 0 UII Oeteils: Time Spent Investigating Spill/Concern I mti al I nvuti gation: 0 4. Check the check box next the appropriate substance or substances. If the substance is not listed enter it in the Other box at the bottom of the list. Once completed click on the word apply. [nvestigated: 6/2z/2g13 8:00 AM n Weather: s nn� snbstar�ne: oairrondibgner �pnden=atipn mveffiigatom: 0 apnareta/mprtar spbba=in: o�ppking greaae/pil odetergent spill violatipm Odrainage concern 0 dye testing source identified? 0 Ofuel/pil leak omineral nil Et�minated�o omnhilaaarwa=hing opxidipingba aria Reappmible Party?0 ®paint �IIPeWils. opetwa=<e o ppnl water 0 pressure washing 0 rainwater pumping/roof drain o edimentf— pn=—iipn o�ewer p„e,tlpw o=olid/traah/dedria 0 truck equipment washirg ounknpwn o_a=hing machine sin toilet pone ion Owater line leak E—d waste APPIylCancel �gn�� Name: m00 company Name: Mailing Addre_s: City, state, zip 000 Locab pn Type: ca cia� Approximate Amt spilled: O Entered: O Time Spent Investigating Spill/Concern Initial Investigation, 0 Page 20 SAC Database Instruction Manual 5. Investigator Selection a. Select the investigator or investigators. In the event there are 2, the first name selected will be the lead and have a star displayed next to the name. This is important in the event that a NOV is issued. The template will pull the lead investigator's information into the letter. call(r'aller Infarma[ian current Can Ill: 19 mmalmvesnganon fullovrup Investigations Invaatigatad: WzZRo[s E. ❑� weather: substance: paint;traremision Fluid v�igatpr=:Li 0 e__I, Kenton Subbasin: o Graham, Rny spill violation: ®Scalcipne, sherri o hneider, Peter �urce tdentiFled? o ®sdeffnar, Dabbia o well=, Rabaeea Elimi—a ? 0 (more) Responsible Party?o Appvi cancel NPDESGntPall? LJ show Ph-, I show oocu ants Reports and [inks Sa Ve Canrel contact Nama, m 0 I 1—panv Name Mailing Address: ciN, state, Zip 00 Lo t—Typo: pig Apprpximata Amt Spilled: O Entered'. O call Details: Ti— Spent [nvertigating Spill/Concern Initial Investigation I� b. To change the lead investigator after the names have been selected just click on the name of the lead and the star will move beside that name. welcome sherri �n/suer Inlermatipn Curtent Can ID: IS Initial Investigation Falkirup Investigations m�estigated, alvlzma a:op AM n weather: �n nn� spdprarrpe: painrtrarrsmi�ipn Fluid Investigators', subbasin , � "'-I, Renton 0 Graham, Roy Spill violation: ® Sralcione, Sherri © <hnaidar, Peter Source Identified? 0 ® Shaffner, Debbie © wells, Rebecca Ehmmatad, o morel Apply / Gncel Responsible Party? 0 NP—Outfa ? show Photos 11 snow Dmu ants Reports and Links 0 Cancel rAnract Nama: --�� 0 companv Nama: Mailing Addr�: city, seta, zip o o Location Type: m cia� Approximate Amt Spilled, O Entered'. O Call Details: Time Spent [nves[igating Spill/Concern Initial Investigation'. 0 Page 21 SAC Database Instruction Manual c. Click on the word more. This will show a list of all current and former employees of the stormwater division. This list is populated by LAWSON and this was the way the database designer recommended populating this list. Working on getting some others added to the list that sometimes participates in investigations. I nveetigated: fi2T/2g13 B:gg AM Contact Name: -�-0L Weather: s nn� Coen Pant Name: substance: paint;traremission Fluid Mailing Addrem: Investigators: Oly, State, Zip 00 C Subbasin: ©An namhh Alla, Shastri El —ham, Roy ❑ I-- Bermudez, Marina : cia� l Baker, nathan ❑H ,Andrew ❑sas vm Spill vidatian: OBeal Kenton ❑Hawkins Bridget ❑Scale. ee herri Spilled: O Entered: O 'OBinkley, Ellzaheth ❑rvelfert, M lchael ❑schneider, Peter Source Identified? It 0 Bowles, Gregory ❑Hertz, Carly ❑ Shaffner, Debbie ©Smwn, Terri ElHolley,]enathan ❑Simpson, Anita Eliminated'© ©Bryant, Scott ❑ld—,Adegberga 0 small, Ronald ©buck, Amanda ❑Ka AIOrardra ©Small, Victoria Responsible Party?0 O Buddin'la mie ❑Lepard, Mindy O Solomon, Latoya all Details: ❑chandler, ]—h ❑Lev —h, Beth 0 Stuart, Bradley ❑Chukwu, Ignatius ❑LYpns,Nathan OTavlor-Sana ❑dark, Michael ❑Nlalueg, ]ohn h OThavaradh-.,ara, Keow ❑ Collins, shameka ❑Martin, lames OTIP—,,]enemy ❑crawtprd, Nicholas ❑ Nl it&dl, Timothy OThpmps Kenneth ❑ Ferguson, Tracy ❑Pearce, Ellzabeth OVaVghn, Mary ❑Frss[, Lawrence ❑Phlegar, David ❑—don, Roger ❑ Sl over, Erik ❑Platt, ]oshua ❑ Wells, Rebeer ❑ Graham,]abreel © Richardson, I.— ©Vaud —,Kimberly (less) Apply / Cancel 6. Subbasin will Time Spent Investigating Spill/Concern Initial Investigation', 0 Welcome Sheen W ater Resource Le[a[or arrent all nr- L (d9Az wBmtcol� ao) N � Di 0 � N f all/ally lydprmatipn Lntia/Investigation (]J Fe�pwup Lrrestigatipns (g) Reports and Links snnw Pndpn snow Dpepmerd: 0 arm Investigated: G/gI2Dl3 1 CpntaR Name: - - o WeaM sunny Camparry Name: Dunlap lawn Service Substan— yard waste Maifing Md.: Im tigabom: Swloo,te;shdfnef ❑ty/—,"p I Subbasin: Nwsepen Creek Cpn Phone: O Spill vidatipn: Impropx Disposal CommerRS: Lorallpn Type: m roa Responsible Party © lTeate Nov source Idc 15M'! 0 Refenal, 0 9iminated? 0 EMprge—. 0 Fish IGII? 0 NPDES grtlall? 0 Irwestigation Derails: wen[gut saw lawn dippings In chin at village Tavern. Emailer MS Tierney had already contacted fund— inform them she ha — 1.1them fo tha [e] dty, so when I cued tear denied servidng Village Tavern. I also contacted the ro er of the sho r who tdd me he would make Time Spend lnrestipting Apprminale Arrmnrd Initial Investigation: 0 spilled: 0 rptal lnvestigafon: F I.DD Lmerad:0 Page 22 SAC Database Instruction Manual 7. Select if this spill or concern is a violation and if so what type. In the event that a NOV is issued this selection will determine which letter template pops up for use. However, just because this is filled out does not necessarily mean it required issuance of a NOV. Welcome Sherri Water Resource Locator show Pharos shows Call/Caller Information mmaf rnvestfgarzon Followup Investigations Reports and Links current Call ID: 19 save cancel Investigated: W2]/2g13 3 AM Weather', s nn� Substance'. paint¢rarwmissign Fluld Investigators: Scalcigne; SlwFra:r Subbasin: I Buffalg Creek Spill violation'. None Found Illicit Dixharge Source Id—ifi d? 0 Fia� Diminated? o En--? o Respme:ible Party? 0 NPDESOutfall? 0 CgntatT Name', --mom a company Name: C � nailing Address: pity, state, lip o0 0 Lorangn Type: m ciao Approximate Amt Spilled: O Entered: O GII Details: Time Spent Investigating Spill/Concern Initial Investigation', � 8. In the next section, click on the various boxes as they apply. W elemre Sheen water Resoure lmator arrent can lD:[Uggz WF4TR[l)r;E HDI H I00 N czlUFaller lrrWnnamn mn-a/ra,restiyavan (1) Fo�aww nwesdyar.o2c (a) eeP_aad links snpw Pnmgs snow Dgpgmerrts 0 caul Investigated: GJN2013 d:1S PM � Contact Name: --�� C Weathm: v:nn� [nmpany Name: Dunlap lawn Service Substance: yard wale Mailing Address: [madigatgra: Scaloone;Shdfner OtyfSh Inp000 Subbavn: Homcpen Creek Cgnta t Phone: 0 Spill A.-: Disposal Commerds: Location Type: m rria� Resp ble PartVt 0 Source Identified? 0 Refenal? Himinatedp 19 Fish WII, 0 NPDES Dint , 0 Went out saw lawn diggings in drsin at Village Tavern. Emailer Ms Tierney had already mntakd Dunlap to inform V'she had reported themm the I_p oty, so when 1 rolled they denied serviong Village Tavern. 1 also cordacted the property manager tithe shopping venter who tdd me he would make Tme Spent [nvestigatirg Appozimate A-- Initial Investigation: 1.gg Spilled: Total Inv d� tion: iA Entered: a. Selecting Source Identified -means that the source of the spill/concern was located. Eliminated- means that spill/concern action has been stopped. These two are used mainly for reporting purposes and do not require additional action. b. Selecting Fish Kill will require the investigator to notify of the State that a fish kill occurred. Page 23 SAC Database Instruction Manual c. Selecting the Referral box requires the investigator to complete the referral contact information in the box that will pop up following selection. 1 Welcpmesherri N� OPT call/caller mtorrr�anon Current can ID: 18 snow Pnnfis snnw Dae,mem, Initial Investigation Fullowop Investigations Reports and Links Investigated: 6R]/2013 8,00 AM 0 Weather', s nn� Suhetarwe: paint;tra nsmision Fl uid Investigators: Scalcione; SlwFrrer Subbasin: Buffalo Creek Spill violation: None Fau nd Source Identified? 0 Referral? 0 Fish Kill? 0 Eliminated? 0 Enforcement? 0 Responsible Partyl 0 NPDES Dutton? 0 Cancel cnnract Name: F-7-1 J 0 company Name:F Mailing Address: City, State, Zip 0 0 C t�tien Type: ca ciao Approximate Amt Spilled: O Entered: C� Referral Contact: F Reggie E-t Reterral Agency: Sewer Car truQian ark Main[erence Phone Number: 33fi-2B94Bf19 Call Details, Time Spent Investigating Spill/Concern Initial [nvestigation: d. Selecting Enforcement will allow you to create a NOV after saving the initial investigation information. e. Selecting NPDES Outfall requires the inspector to complete an outfall screening form to enter in the outfall database. This also lets the other users know that they may need to look in the outfall database for additional information. Page 24 SAC Database Instruction Manual 9. Responsible party. If there is a responsible party or possibly more than one responsible party. a. Enter the information in the first block; if there is not a responsible party it is recommended that you enter some information to be displayed in the grid that would allow you to easily indentify the call in the future. If an NOV will be issued click the responsible party check box, then create NOV button. wdmne sneri water licsour¢ tutor arreircdl m:t p9oz tNEsrana�E Npd N � 001 N UII/filly lydpmnatipn Iiifial - Fpnowpp lmestigaM1nns (A) Neports and Lriis Shea Photos Show oocumerrt: 0 Graxl Investigated: W4/2N13 4:15 PM WeaMer: spnn� Cordact Name:�iF Gmpany Name: D-Up lawn Service Substance: YaM waste Nailing Address: Irrves[iga[om: Scalcione;Shdfner f]"/5 "(lipOOC Subbasin: Nwsepen creek l: 1Phone:0 Spill vida[im: Improper Disposal comments: Lpratinn Type: w roa� Responsible Party? 0 LTeateNW Source Idea MMI 0 Referral, Laminated? 0 Enforcem Fish Kill? 0 NMES 0101111 rl Irweptgaeon oewila: —spent mepasga _ ApproximateA—— nclippingsindminxVillageTavern. Emailer Ns Yemry Initial lnves[igatim: 1.00 Spilled: had alreadymntacted Dunlap To inrorm Men she had repmtedthem fo the I3il 0 op, so wheel -Iled Neer denied rerviong VilYage raven. Ialso cmta led Total lnves[ipation: 1.00 Ernered: the er of the sh penter who tdd me he would make b. If you have more than one responsible party (property manager & restaurant or contractor & subcontractor), use the scroll bar to move down to add additional information. As with the first, you can select the responsible party check box and then create a separate NOV for each party. See the section on NOV creation for additional details. Page 25 SAC Database Instruction Manual 10. Fill in the boxes regarding the amount spilled and the amount that entered the stormwater conveyance system. Amount is in gallons and must be rounded to a whole number, no decimals. me5h�; orwera Gnlm L (19pz wPsrngot�aD) NN / 00 ► N GIIJGIIer Irdormatian Irtitiallneestigation (]) kallowppImes[igations (g] � Reportr and tinlw snpw Pnm� slmw Dpra.nerrt� 0 Grp Investigated: 6/4/2013 4:15 PM I. Contact Name: W.aN vrn.y Compares Name: Dunlap lawn Service Substance: yaN waste Mailing Address: Im tigatnm: Smiciom;5hafPoer cw,/Ste /e mI 00 Subbacin: I-- —k Con[ad Phone: 0 Spill vitiation: Imprgptt Disposal CwnmaRs: Lpc -Type: Im A Rre:ponable Partya 0 Rea[e NDV source Wd fied, 0 Ne —i, 0 Eliminated, 0 En(oroe— 0 Fish.11, 0 NPDESQr 11, 0 hrvc:tigation De[ails: Tme Spent gn.reatigating VillAppro w— wen[out saw lawn dippings in,min at Village Tavern. Emai erh Tierney Initial lnvesti t had already contacted Dunlapto inform them she had reported them tp the dly so when I called [hey denied rerviong age Tavern. I also cordasted Total Inve�igation: 1.nn the er M the sh r who tdd me he would make 11. Enter in the details of this particular day's investigation in the call details box. 12. Enter in the amount of time spent on this particular day investigating the spill or concern. This will be important in the event that a civil penalty is assessed. wdmme sneri water Reapnrre Lm-ator Grrera Call ID:I (19D2 WESfR1DGE IiU] N / 00 ► N m1UGgu grrfprtnatipn - - Jz w�mnrm rmr�auarr: (a] Repprta and unlr5 snm. Pnptps snow Dpenmerda 0 Grr.E1 Investigated: r✓4/zn13 4:I5 PM 1it eontad Name: --�� Wed — .-Y M1 —Pares Name: Dnnlap Lawn service Substance: yard Ll Ma fling Address: Irry gMnrs: 5ra1onrre;5hdtner -'/Sf Wt p000 Snhban: 1Mw^ —trek cpnta2 Phone:0 SPdl vi datim: I'm�pr�op'e'r Disposal . Commen[s: � Location Ty- Q Responsible Party,© treate NON Spurce Identified? 0 Relenal? 0 Eliminated? 0 Enforcement? Fish.11,0 N—S Dutfall? 1-1 Inv —gat -Details: T Spent gneeatigating Appmzimate Amount Nlent out saw lawn dippings in ,min a[Village Tavern. Email_ initial lnvesti t l.gg 5-Ile,: had already mntacted Dunlap' inform them she had repMM them m the r ga ion: 0 , 0 city, so when[ called they denied--d Village Tavern.Ialso condded`�\\\\,T--Investigation: lAn Errtered:� the p mperty m dodger Mthe shopping ranter who tdd me he would make V Page 26 SAC Database Instruction Manual Once the entry has been completed hit the save button. Notice that the Time Spent Investigating Spill/Concern now has a total box underneath the initial investigation box. This place will add up all time spent on the initial investigation plus any follow up investigations from this particular call. Welmme Shan ar -il—U (—wESlRl--) N .4 L 1]Lqn] ► 11 mlll�llc [Monnatipn Initial lnrresti9ation (r) Fanoww Lrvestigatians (0) RePorfs and links Shvw Pholos Show Documerds � Camn:l Investigafed: 6/4/2D13 4:15 PM Contad Name: F - - - T-1s 07 O WeaMer. sonn� ( .,W Name: Dunlap Lawn Service substance: yard yaste tnvesrigamrs: Sralanne.ShnRner Subbavn: Hors — Creek spill vidation: Improper Disposal Locafip Type: m rda� Source Identified? © Referrer ? 0 Eliminated' © Eidpmxm 0 Fish Mill In NPDEs.0 11, 0 Mailing Address: oty,State/Lp o 0 0 C—Phane: 0 Canmads: Ruponsible Partyp 0 ❑eateNCN Investigation Details: Time Spent lnvestigatirg Appmzimate Amount went out saw lawn divwngs in drsin at Village Tmern. Emailer Ms Yemey Initial [nvesti t 5 Iled had already in Il ed Du d-i inronn Mem she had reported them W the [=1 ga ion: 0 p oty�so wheml called Mey denied serviong Village Tavem. Ialso coned Total lnvedigation: 1.00 Entered, the propeM manaoer of the shpppino renter who tdd me he would make t Attaching Photos & Documents to the Initial Inspection 1. Click on the Show Photos button. ' Wdcane Sherri W a[er Resource La[a[pr orr.ant ill ID:l U9oz xlE_,rlenx;E aD) N � 00 ► N CanlCaller lrrrprmacpn Initiallnvestigation (I] fpllpwpplmestigatipns 1.1 Reportaand Lin — snow Pndpp snow Dpppmerd: 0 arm Inves[igaled: 6/g12013 1 Contact Name: - 0 we — wnn� CnmpanV Name: Dunlap la substance: ly.H waste Mailing Addrees: ImedigaPors: Swldorie;5hdfner ."I—i.p I I I subbavn: Hwcapen Oak Con Phone: 0 spill violation: Improper Disposal Cwnmerds: Location Type: m rda� Rrepwcable Party] 0 ITeate NW Source Wmfified' 0 Refepal, 0 Diminated' 0 ErrFaw—. 0 Eisn.n, o NPDES OuDall' o Ima:ngation Ddails: Time Spent lnvvti[igating App.imate A-- Wentputsawlawnclippingsi n drsi .Wlage Tavem. Emailer Ms Tierney Initial lnvesti t 1.00 S-Iled, had already rentasted Dunla P to inform them she had reported them m he 13p der �°n 0 P, oty -when 1 relied Mey denied serviong Village Tavem. 1 also con[aded Total Inve3igation: 1.00 Entered, the er o(t11 sh canter who tdd me he world make Page 27 SAC Database Instruction Manual The screen will look like this. substance: card waste I� Im tigatnm: Sraldone;shdtner 5ubhasin: Hwy pen—k spin vitiation: Improper Disposal L fi" Tvm: m mia _- .... _._..- mmwm home: 'Denlap fawn sery Mailing Address: Dry/S[ate/Lp � _ CwHam Phone: Comments: Respmwhle Par{yi 0 trdate NOV Source Identified? 0 Referral? Diminated? © Enforcemen[I Fish III? 0 NMES Oapall'+ 0 fnvr=:kgationD 1a : Time Spent [nvespgating Appmzimate Amount TWent ou[saw lawndi-1 in dain at Village Tarem. Emailerhts Temey [nitial lnvuti t 1.g0 filled: had al ready contacted Dunlaptoinform Mem she hadreportedthem to the lei ga ion: Sp oty so when t ro lledpreydenied serviong Village Tavem. Ialso I'd..ked Total Investiga{ion: [.gg Entered: ;the property manager of the shop�g center who Fdd me he would make ' upload Photos oelere Phomr_ 2. Click on the edit button. To get the upload and delete photos buttons. xeaporeible Party% NPDE.sontfall?o pho�N�mber:0 Call Details: Tlme Spent [nvestlgatlng Spill/Concern ben had his plumber wnnep[ his sewer pipes l the storm drain. Initial Investigation', Tota—­t— F 5.5 Delete Phatas Page 28 SAC Database Instruction Manual 3. Click the Upload Photos button. A window will open that will allow the inspector to browse A and add photos to the inspection in the same manner that photos are added to RAIN. Company Name: MI — St Mailing Address: 234 39 Main St V City, State, Zip Maddyvie C APP —g inspection ph.— into the space h Kill? 0 below, pr cbck the Browse button at ReF the bottom pf the window. b A I_I 4. Once the selected photos are added to the inspection hit the save button. Photos will be shown at the bottom of the inspection when/after you have clicked the show photos button at the top of the inspection page. Future functionality will allow you to add captions or comments under the photos. Investigated: 16/27/2Dt3 3 31 AM Contact Name: 9en Oavid weather: IF, nrt, Company Name: Maddy's Imagination Substance: paiM;transmiuipn fluid Ma fling Address: 239 Ma in S[ Investigators: Scalcipne;shaffrier City, State, Zip JMaddwH16, MaddWill-363 Subbasirt: guffalg Creek Location Type: m mercial l Spill type: None Found Approximate Amt Spilled: pS Entered: Ig Source Identified? 0 Referral? 0 Fish Kill? 0 Referral Contact: Mr. Reggre Foust Eliminated? 0 Enfprcement� © Referral Agency: Sewer Constru Rion &Maintenance Rc P—hle Partyt 0 NPOES Outfall'+ © P-- Number: 336-209 n Call —ill Time Spent Inveattgating Spill/Co —, 9en had his plumber cpnneR his sewer pipes to the storm drain. In Rial lnveshgahpn: F 5.60 Taal Investigation: 6.66 Page 29 SAC Database Instruction Manual 5. To attach a document other than NOV to the initial inspection, follow the same steps as listed above. Click or select the Show documents button then upload documents using the browse option -A. Documents are displayed as links in a window. This is the same place/manner that you will see NOV's displayed. See section on issuing 1st NOV. rag inspection Documents into the Dspace below, or click the browse button at the bottom of the window. k] smul1 013,d— Ad Cancel OK Creating NOV At this time the SAC Database is only setup with templates for the 1st NOV These templates do require quite a bit of entry. However, they will contain the correct ordinance references and language depending on the violation type: improper disposal or illicit discharge. 1. In the initial investigation tab, make sure you have the correct spill violation type set to Illicit Discharge or Improper Disposal. Welcome Sherri N 1 a MI N UII/Cell er Informatwn Initial Investigation (IJ F 1l-Investigatiore le) current Call ID; 19 I nves[igated: 6Rr/2013 8:00 AM n Contact Name: Weather: s nn� Company Name: Mad Suh¢tance', paint;[ra nsmission Fluid Mailing Address: 23a Investigators: Scalcione;Shoffner City, S , Zip Mad Suhbasin: Buffalo Creek Location TV— F—T Spill violation: Na Faurd Approximate Amt Spi 'acharg� Source Identified' 0 Ima ro er Dis al FIN Referral Cantah: C Eliminated' In Enforcement' 1-1 Agency: aa..,..,e�--, F rvan.c rl Number: Ben had his plumberepnnect hissewer pi pestothes —drain 2. After entering the responsible party's information, click the responsible party check box and then Create NOV button. Page 30 SAC Database Instruction Manual Welmme Shan Water Resume Loratur CurrerR Call m:l (19D2 NESFWD[f RD) N � aO ► N I'aI1JCaller issformamn tnitiallno Fo�ownp lmesdDations (a7 Reports and Ltnks Hide Phobos Show Dwumeras Save Camel Investigated: G/4/2p13 4:15 PM CamaR Name: —T- WeaMa: vrnn� Gmpany Name: Dunlap Lawn 5erv1ce Substance: I Yard waste Mailing Address: Irwesligators:5raloone;Shd - O"/S 1.P000 Subbavn: Homzpen creek Cwha t Phone: 0 Spill vi platim: Improper Disposal ma� CwnmeMs: Location Typ w Spume rdentihed? 0 Rererral+ 0 Responsible Party? Crea[eNW 9iminatedi 0 Eraoro'menC+ 0 Fib Rill? © NHdFs Oud'sll? 0 mmsegation Derails: Went nut saw lawn clippings in drain a[Village Tavem. Emailer Ms Temey had already wntacted Dunlapto inlwni them she had reported them to [he I=9 dty, sn when I �uea they denied =ereiang village ravem. I alan eentaeea — me m er nr n,e snp � wnrer wnp Iola me ne warla maw Time Spent [meattgating Nppror�mate nount tmtial Lnvesegation: ].RD Sp Tmal Investigation: F -1ou Fn[aie.. 3. The database will behave in the same manner as RAIN. Click the open button to open the NOV template in a Word document. )nd Ct�Kerns show Photos show D File Download Followup Do you ward to opus m mre this FIeZ Cancel �� Name: herti Sralcione_ FSINeV11111citConnecfion.tloa Type: Microsok Office Word Document From. watttlseMe'a 71111 YVhye files Flom the lrneme[ean I. some files can po<ern2ly 1 naimyour computer. Kyou dp not tm the spurw, do not open or I save fhYVha ie fit, fe the nek4 Page 31 SAC Database Instruction Manual 4. The NOV template will have the correct ordinance references and language based upon the violation type selected. Pay careful attention as you fill in the details. Cer4d� WL-Pears A—P Psgaoaed Furt t]arsWil 6W'1913 COATACdHOAOPIFfCPan➢rmd V dd}'s lwegim�n 13l Wut.Tl Wdd}vLe, dF ]]3Ei RE Notice ofV,,htm cityafGreFaahuo rand➢, pment➢rdaa¢ea Chapter 30-13--'.3 A-] 4iolationl®tan 1301HIGHFMTi ➢mt COh7ACTff0XVPIFIC1ktiL the City ofl'neevahoro Stamwan Epn¢a_ tl2tiiamhas f¢nnlmat.Vedd•'s at ]3! Win S[in Cae®aLorq Nor&Czolmais inr3oUem oECity-oFGre�bsm Code Chapta3a-1} "3 A-] w--Lich sue: • `]txMllbetmlatrfvl f¢x aaspexsmmdisthax�¢aaggp[ptgt5�m msgg�gtp� The riolatio¢wa �rt-o>�edLy ➢ehhi=_SLaHna oEStrvmatr ton h]�:]Ol3 iollawin=_ ando¢siieohsaravonrt9301 HIGH FOINT R➢w--Lich ��the Shcawin�mudivon;s). ♦ l.vt hatslMtdemntnte tia]atioa T. comply with Chapter 30 of the City of Greeosham Cade ofOrdi¢ancas,itwillhenecesoaty m wndnct the (ollowinee�m�mnxriczamoahl: 1J l.vt alnty xegtured box mnpliaaa 1) R Pmride A&a .ffictedame1a 11teiraxigimlexisti4`mnmhod 3J thiso�w wiEa dap—�planin�acvons col m pm�t FfK1 ...irk m the cmrm drm�re sr�tem Pl�e cmd waitt� nati5ationm the follaw9ngaddrffia: Starmwater .313 t➢irision.Atm.➢23134 P.➢.6ax 313L,Gmevahom, NC]l10.]-313E P.O.Bu3136 •Gaeemhuti NC _��-=]=5•—.�-eeax-r.:m,'. (__s _ _ �i.TTF____ ..-. 5. Once the NOV document has been completed and printed, just close out of the word document as you would with any other word document. Either "X" out or select close in the menu list. Then click the save button to save the NOV document. snow anoms snow onr„menr ns (0) Reports and Links C t NOV Save Canrel am : ��ke � Smith ame: C 6. Select the show document button Water Resource Locator snow anoms snow o¢xame�rs Folloarup Lnvestigations (O] Reports and Links C t NOV [ Contact Name: Mr�- .Mike Smith —t Company Name: J M a fling Addrea:� Gity� States Zip _ Page 32 SAC Database Instruction Manual The NOV name will include the call ID, the lead inspector name, Ist NOV, NOV type and the date. �L Double -dick on a document to open it. in the list �] SC0014-0013.d— 4301 HIGH POINT RD (CAR318) - D•�e`bb\ie\5\ho\Hn>er- ls1 V Double did: image fo open and rirr ff Cancel OK 8. Repeat these steps for each additional NOV issued. Page 33 SAC Database Instruction Manual Follow Up Investigation If a spill or concern call requires additional investigation or follow than the initial 11 11". 1 1 1 1 1 A r 11 1 response, au auumunai vi;Niw eau vl,.; izowiucu uuucoi tug iviivw up tau. —1—snani w— H � 0.0 I N snow vnoms GEI/filler Infgrmatigrt Ini[iaE Inv¢s[gation (e] Fvibwup lnv¢s[iga[ipns (OJ R¢pvrts and Links Cu—t "it ID: rvn follew-up investigations nave been entered; press the rvew button to begin entering data. 1. To enter/record a follow up investigation, click the new button. 2. welmme Sherri H i0©1 H l'a Fl/Utter Infgrmativn InitiaE Investgation (e) Fvibwup lnv¢stiga[ivns (OJ R¢pvrts and Links Cu—t G111D- No fallow -up investigations have been entered; press the New button to begin entering data. Fill in the drop downs with the appropriate information. 1-1—Sherri Print —J Nk—] H 100 r H nw Phatn, [all/[alter informauon inrtlal [nvestlgation (R) Fglbrup Fnvesttgavvns (g) deports and Links Current Call ID: Submit Cancel ®11 irJIGIIi'r ff Page 34 SAC Database Instruction Manual a. Date/Time and weather are the same as in other steps. b. Select the activitv type. �/8/21113 sunn� Phone call fi 00 AM ail Setter to visit dmev[es[ ke test education c. Enter the number of hours spent on this particular day. Hours entered on this page will be added to the total show on the Initial Investigation tab. GII/filler Information Indial Invest"gation (O] FvNvwuA lrtvesfigafivrts (OJ Repvrtsand Links d. Enter in as much detail as possible about the investigation on this day in the notes section. Call/tiller [nformation Indial Inves[ga[ion (OJ Fvlfvwvp lnves[igafivrts (O] R¢porls and Lints Current Call 1D: I I e. Once entry is completed, click on the submit button to save information. 3. Entering photos from follow up investigations. a. Click on the word edit. ,"el�mesharri water R�n�rce Lnnatnr (, a 0P%7 P w owPhgtoa Call/Caller Informa[iort Initial lnv¢siigation (g] Follvwup lrtvesM1galrvrss (vJ R¢ports arrd Lints Current Ca111D: Print Edit\�/8/2�13 ke with concerned neighbor regarding our findings and actions Photos Dele V� sunny Fhcne call 0.5 take to Prevent future discharges. Documents Page 35 SAC Database Instruction Manual b. Click on the word Photos. can/caner mmrmaeon maul mvestigaeon (D] rnnpwnp r...estrpasnrs (ol Reports and ❑nlm cnrren[ can ID: Save J/SI2013 spoke with concerned n eighbor regarding our firth and ^ photos Gnoel S:DO AM nn� Phone call g.5 J actions take to prevent future discharges. DocumP^«= e. Click on the upload photos button. wel�me Sherri water Re=o�rce �a�atgr H �O ► H Hide Photos Call/Caller Information Intial Investigation (D] Followrp lnresfigaf[ons (O] Repor[saM Links Current Call ID: 0 Print Save �// spoke with concerned neighbor regarding our findings and photos Cancel e.g ""� Phone call 0.5 di— take to prevent future discharges. Documents HPlnad Phob� Delere PhoL� d. Upload photos as you would in RAIN using the browse 8 1 button. In the very near future SAC will allow you to enter in comments or captions for the photos. e. Once photos are added click the word save beside the investigation entry. Call/Caller Information Initial Inv—gatipn (D) lWlorrrrp Inrestigations (01 Rep —and Links Curren[ Call ID: � Print ]; 8;20 L3 ❑� sP"Ke wim concerned nei9n"or regargin9 our ringings ono ^ Photos 00 AM O v phone call 0.5 actions take to prevent Future discharges. Documents Page 36 SAC Database Instruction Manual f. Hide/Show Photos button will toggle back and forth to either show or hide photos. Welcome Sherri Water Resource Lncatcr � Call/Caller Information Initial Imrestigatipn(u) 111— In vestrga0orrs(U) Ran —and Links V� Currant Call ID: Edit 11W, 13 nny phone call 0.5 spoke with concerned neighbor regarding our findings and anions Photos Delete —1- su take to prevent future discharges. Documents 4. Attaching documents to follow up inspections. a. Click on the word edit. Welcome Sherri Water Resource Lncatcr N 1 0 70 H show Phgms ca Fl/caller inforneation initial lnvas[iga[ion (1] Fo!lgwup lnv¢stigarions (]) R¢por[s and Links Current Call ID: 24 (411D DONEGAL DA) 0 Print Recieved call via mntatt center (nathan butler) states caller ted to remain anonymous. complaining about broken dawn Edit )/1]2013 truck leaking fluids, reported to node enforcg Ray pMtos De 4,00 PM sunny site visit 0.E Graham responded and took photos. Nothing actively leaking 'mtp Documents --ly storm drain. Has something underneath truck Yo collent Fluids. No action on part of resident requested/needed at this time. b. Click on the word Documents. Welwme Sherri Water Resource Locator N 24 GOo H Show Photos call/caller Information initial Insestigauon (1) Followup lnv¢sugarzons (IJ Reports and Links Current call ID: 24 (4110DONEGAL DR) print Recieved rail via contact center (nathan butler) states caller ]/1J12013 pFohns Gncel 4:g0 PM nn� site visit 0.5 wanted to remain arwnympus. Camplainirg about broken - Documer - down truck leaking fluids, reported to code enforcement aim. � Page 37 SAC Database Instruction Manual c. Upload documents as you would in RAIN using the browse -4 1 button. d. Click the ok button to save the document. r water Res-7keoatpr $hoW Photos � Fvilvwup Inve Uouble-dick on a document in the list to open it. Frint ® � SCOOi]-0019.docn Reneved Photc_ 0 .vanted t I down tru n'en _ Cannel Bib, -.Mft I e. Click on the word save to complete the attachment process. we��me s�err water Re=o�r�e �o�ator H I za 0 Y H show Ph—, Call/Caller [nformation Initial Investiga[ion (1] Followvp lnvestiganons (IJ R¢ports and Links Current Callm: 24 (411UuoNEG LUR) Print nn� site visit. 0.5 wanted to remain arwnYmaus`ComPlainirg about broken - Phohns dawn truck leak'irg Fluids, reported to code enforcement alm. �vcumerts Page 38 SAC Database Instruction Manual £ To view documents, click on the word documents and this window will POP up. Welcome Sherri Water Resource Locator N � za ® ► N r snnw Pnnms U11/(alk:r Information Initial Inr¢stigation (1) FvUn lnvesfigations (1) Reports and Links Current Call ID: 24 (4119 DDNEG U DR) Recieved call via contact ...-(,,than butler) states caller anted to remain anonymous Complaining about broken down Edit ] 71`13 truck leaking fluids reported to code enforcement also. Roy Photos Delete 4:00 PM sunny -it_ .i-it g.5 Graham responded a,d took photos. Nothing actively leaking into �ocume\n'`[�s\\\\' — storm drain. Has something underneath truckt at th,this tiqbct Fluids. No action on part aF resident reuested/needed me. V Just click on the document you want to view. Ill. — Drag insp—m. 0o1oments into the space heI— or click the Browse button at th¢ bottom of the window. � SC0017-OOIS.dxx ® Recieaed anted to lea ,ruck Graham r st�rm dra �ppble click image to open and riew Cancel OK Repeat steps to add additional inspections, photos and documents as needed. This is where you would add 2nd and 3rd NOV's if needed. Page 39