HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWA000153_Property Deed_20220711 (2)BK 3802 PG 0424
This instrument prepared by: Oertel, Koonts and Oertel, PLLC,
a licensed North Carolina attorney,
Delinquent taxes, if any, to be paid by the
closing attorney to the County Tax Collector
upon disbursement of closing proceeds.
Excise Tax $ t" ;I o "' Parcel # 118501
FILED Aug 20, 2018
AT 02:24:28 PM
BOOK 03802
EXCISE TAX $1,920.00
This instrument was prepared by: N. Madison Wall, II., Esquire, PO Box 59, Burlington, NC
27216 (This Deed was prepared at the request of the Grantor herein, without title
Mail to: Grantee - Gerringer M'Illad, LLC, PO Box 10, Whitsett, NC 27377
THIS DEED is made this day of August, 2018 by and between
GRANTOR: Thomas Kristen Kernodle and wife, Donna Jean Kernodle;
Darrell Lee Kernodle and wife, Tammy H. Kernodle; and
Hilda K. McKinney and husband, Johnny A. McKinney
C/O 1748 Gerringer Mill Road, Burlington, NC 27217
GRANTEE: Gerringer Mill Road, LLC
P.O. Box 10, Whitsett, NC 27377
The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs,
successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as
required by context.
WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of
which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey
unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Morton
Township, Alamance County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows:
See attached EXHIBIT A for legal description.
The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book
3418 at Page 572.
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submitted electronically by "Oertel, Koonts and Oertel, PLLC"
in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents
and the terms of the submitter agreement with the Alamance County Register of Deeds.
BK 3802 PG 0425
All or a portion of the property herein conveyed does not include the primary residence of the
A map showing the above described property is recorded in Plat Book Page
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Property and all privileges and appurtenances thereto
belonging to Grantee, in fee simple.
And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee
simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and
clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful
claims of all persons whomsoever, other than the following exceptions:
This property is conveyed subject to all restrictions, easements and rights -of -way of record, if
any, and subject to any exceptions shown on the attached Exhibit A.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first
( / '/ (SEAL)
Thomas Kristen Kernodle
a col (SEAL)
Donna Jean Kernodle
42 (SEAL)
Darrell Lee Kernodle Tz
Hilda K. McKinney E
07 _ - (SEAL)
iy H. Kernodle
y A. McKinney
I, C a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid,
certify that Thomas Kristen Kernodle and wife, Donna Jean Kernodle personally appeared
before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my
hand and official seal, this 1 day of August, 2018.
My Commission Expires: I tadZ& 2-1 c - > 4-
C A R�
;y PUBL�G 2;
Notary Public
Printed Notary Name
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BK 3802 PG 0426
a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid,
certify that Darrell Lee Kernodle and wife, Tammy H. Kernodle personally appeared before me
this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and
official seal, this H day of August, 2018.
My Commission Expires
C, r
Notary Public
" - C . C' ';
Printed Notary Name
I, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid,
certify that Hilda K. McKinney and husband, Johnny A. McKinney personally appeared before
me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand
and official seal, this `i'' day of August, 2018.
My Commission Expires: I i c'f
_o ARY
P U B oc'fAI�—
i`4N�CECo \���
Notary Public
Printed Notary Name
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BK 3802 PG 0427
(Deed from Kernodle eta[ to Gerringer Mill Road, LLC)
A certain tract or parcel of land in Morton Township, Alamance County, N.C., adjoining
Gerringer Mill Road (SR 1530), Rebecca Mann, James L. Kernodle, Johnny McKinney, Thomas K.
Kernodle, David Presley, William J. Cross, Vicki Gilbert, James Mabry, Bobby D. Walker, Robert
Epting, the Haw River, Rebecca Taylor, Nancy Jane Iseley, Carolyn Wrenn, Wendy Wrenn
Moorefield, Terry Smith Trail (Deed Book 750, Page 157), Nancy Jane Iseley, John Lambeth, et
al, Benjamin Beckom and described as follows:
BEGINNING at a set iron pin located in the northern margin of the 60 ft. right-of-way of
Gerringer Mill Road (SR 1530), in the line of Rebecca Mann (Deed Book 489, Page 439); running
thence in said road and with said Mann, S. 02 degrees 41' 03" W. 32.56 feet to a computed
point in the center of Gerringer Mill Road, the southwest corner of Mann; thence with the
center of said road and with Mann, S. 86 degrees 38' 18" E. 18.40 feet to a computed point in
said road, in the line of Mann; thence running from the center of Gerringer Mill Road, S. 02
degrees 51' 42"W. 28.77 feet to a set iron pipe in the southern margin of said road and thence
again S. 02 degrees 51' 42" W. 6.23 feet to a found iron pipe, the northwest corner of Beckom
(Deed Book 2311, Page 742); running thence with Beckom, S. 02 degrees 51' 42" W. 185.00 feet
to a found iron pipe, the southwest corner of Beckom, a corner with Lambeth, etal (Deed Book
2023, Page 91); running thence with Lambeth, S. 03 degrees 47' 57" W. 2,298.68 feet to a found
iron pipe in the line of Nancy Jane Iseley (Deed Book 558, Page 356), a corner with Lambeth, et
al; thence with Iseley, N. 88 degrees 23'27"W. 662.05 feet to a found iron pipe near a creek and
thence again with Iseley, N. 87 degrees 30'51"W. 342.48 feet to a found iron pipe near a Duke
Power 68' R/W, a corner with other property owned by Iseley (Deed Book 767, Page 803);
thence with Iseley, N. 75 degrees 15'41" W. 509.72 feet to a found iron pipe in or near the
Terry Smith Trail per Deed Book 750, Page 157, and a corner with Wendy Moorefield (Deed
1202, Page 441); thence with Moorefield, the following four courses: N. 75 degrees 15' 41"W.
5.64 feet to a computed point, N. 75 degrees 15'41"W. 28.10 feet to a found iron pipe, N. 75
degrees 15' 49"W. 269.41 feet to a found iron pipe, and N. 75 degrees 06' 28" W. 56.84 feet to
a found iron pipe, corner with Carolyn Wrenn (Deed Book 3091 Page 691); thence with the line
of Wrenn, N. 75 degrees 13'22" W. 196.51 feet to a found iron pipe, and continuing with
Wrenn, N. 75 degrees 19' 04"W. 21.37 feet to a set iron pipe, a corner with Nancy Jane Iseley
(Deed Book 558, Page 356); thence with the line of Iseley, the following four courses: N. 75
degrees 19' 04"W.316.88 feet to a found iron pipe, N. 75 degrees 20' 01"W. 160.75 feet to a
found iron pipe, N. 75 degrees 08'41"W. 377.36 feet to a found iron pipe, and N. 75 degrees 15'
47"W. 263.82 feet to a found iron pipe, a corner with Rebecca Taylor (Deed Book 927, Page
347); thence with the line of Taylor, the following six courses: N. 75 degrees 14'04"W. 370.43
feet to a found iron pipe, N. 75 degrees 14' 25"W. 209.45 feet to a found iron pipe, N. 75
degrees 15' 58"W. 187.98 feet to a found iron pipe, thence N. 75 degrees 14'39"W. 831.62 feet
to a new iron pipe near the east bank of the Haw River, thence N. 75 degrees 14' 39" W. 34.20
BK 3802 PG 0428
feet to an computed point(a corner with Taylor), and thence N. 75 degrees 14' 39" W. 65.80
feet to a computed point in the center of the Haw River in the line of Robert Epting (Deed Book
3320, Page 977); running thence in the center of the Haw River and with the line of Epting, the
following three courses: N. 56 degrees 13'31"E. 908.16 feet to a computed point, N. 32 degrees
13'31"E. 132.00 feet to a computed point, and N. 16 degrees 43' 31"E. 806 .01 feet to a
computed point in the line of Epting, the southwest corner of Bobby Walker (Deed Book 3458,
Page 983); thence with the southern line of Walker the following four courses: S. 62 degrees 26'
25"E. 107.00 feet to a set iron pin, S. 33 degrees 26' 25" E. 97.00 feet to a computed point, S.55
degrees 26'25"E. 100.00 feet to a computed point, and S. 54 degrees 07'25"E. 110.40 feet to a
found iron pipe, a corner with James Mabry (Deed Book 475, Page 250); thence with the
southern line of Mabry the following nine courses: S. 32 degrees 58'50"E. 78.18 feet to a found
iron pipe, S. 51 degrees 25'14"E. 119.17 feet to a computed point, S. 60 degrees 51'56"E.
106.92 feet to a computed point, S. 26 degrees 15'56"E. 133.77 feet to a computed point, N. 88
degrees 20'04"E. 66.00 feet to a computed point, S. 58 degrees 55'56"E. 48.18 feet to a
computed point, S. 70 degrees 49'56"E. 42.92 feet to a computed point, S. 86 degrees 08'56"E.
66.00 feet to a computed point, and S. 74 degrees 21'55"E. 60.13 feet to a computed point, a
corner with Vicki Gilbert (Deed Book 1382, Page 338); thence with the southern line of Gilbert,
S. 89 degrees 35' 31"E. 38.69 feet to a computed point and again S. 89 degrees 3531"E. 455.91
feet to a found iron pipe, a corner with William Cross (Deed Book 907, Page 312); thence with
the southern line of Cross, S. 89 degrees 33'41"E. 99.84 feet to a found iron pipe and S. 89
degrees 34'43"E. 100.08 feet to a found iron pipe, a corner with David Presley(Deed Book 2069,
Page 249); thence with the southern line of Presley, S. 89 degrees 39'49"E. 611.08 feet, crossing
the Duke Power 68' RW, to a found iron pipe, S. 89 degrees 22' 34"E. 101.94 feet to a found
iron pipe, and S. 89 degrees 25'14"E. 87.04 feet to a found iron pipe, a corner with Presley;
thence again with Presley, N. 01 degrees 21'12"W. 53.73 feet to a found iron pipe, a corner
with property owned by Thomas Kernodle (Deed Book 732, Page 720); thence running with the
southern line of Kernodle, S. 88 degrees 14'20"E. 115.39 feet to a computed point near the
center of Terry Smith Trail; thence continuing with the southern line of Kernodle, S. 88 degrees
13'13"E. 200.95 feet to a found iron pipe, being the southeast corner of Kernodle tract; thence
again with Kernodle, N. 01 degrees 45'40"E. 129.53 feet to a found iron pipe in the line of
Johnny McKinney (Deed Book 419, Page 807), the northeast corner of Kernodle; thence with
the southern line of McKinney, S. 88 degrees 16'27"E. 42.07 feet to a found iron pipe, the
southeast corner of McKinney; continuing with the eastern line of McKinney, N. 09 degrees
33'06"W. 458.49 feet to a computed point in the center of Gerringer Mill Road (SR 1530), an
iron pipe being set back in this line approximately 30 ft. from said computed point; continuing
with the center of said road the following four courses: S. 80 degrees 04'27"W. 60.76 feet to a
computed point, S. 80 degrees 20'57"W. 52.38 feet to a computed point, S. 80 degrees
13'34"W. 105.55 feet to a computed point, and S. 82 degrees 53'37"W. 80.54 feet to a
computed point in the center of said road and in the line of Presley; continuing with the eastern
line of Presley, N. 01 degrees 00'43"W. 37.43 feet to a found iron pipe in the northern right of
way of Gerringer Mill Road (SR 1530); continuing again
BK 3802 PG 0429
with Presley, N. 01 degrees 00'43"W. 75.20 feet to a found iron pipe, and thence N. 00 degrees
56'51"W. 199.09 feet to a found iron pipe, a corner with James Kernodle (Deed Book 803, Page
650); running thence with Kernodle, S. 89 degrees 58' 43"E. 1,517.51 feet to a set iron pin in the
line of Kernodle, the northwest corner of Mann; thence with Mann, S. 02 degrees 41' 03"W.
125.93 feet to a set iron pipe in the line of Mann and in the northern right of way of Gerringer
Mill Road (SR 1530), the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING, and containing approximately
176.40 acres (including acres within the right-of-way for Gerringer Mill Road), as shown on a
Boundary Survey Kernodle Property - Gerringer Mill Road, drawn by Jeff Allred, PLS, dated
08/14/17. Property identified as PIN # 118501, Deed Book 3418, Page 572.
This property is conveyed together with and subject to rights of access in and to private road
known as Terry Smith Trail, and subject to the right-of-way for Gerringer Mill Road (SR 1530)
Grantor Initials: