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HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWR Overview of HRL Chlorophyll a Site-Specific Standard Proposal - Version 2
Overview of High Rock Lake (HRL) Chlorophyll a Site-Specific Standard
N.C. Division of Water Resources
Version 2
Updated 7/1/2022
After a multiyear evaluation process conducted in accordance with North Carolina’s Nutrient Criteria
Development Plan (NCDP), the N.C. Division of Water Resources (DWR) is proposing a site-specific
chlorophyll a standard for High Rock Lake (HRL) for adoption by the Environmental Management
Commission (EMC). Site-specific standards may be established where a state identifies conditions in a
waterbody that that differ from national or statewide criteria.
The NCDP was mutually agreed upon by North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) in 2014 and was renewed in 2019 with minor revisions. The plan commits North Carolina to
evaluate site-specific nutrient-related criteria for three pilot water bodies, each representing a distinct
water body type. Those pilot water bodies include High Rock Lake (lake), Albemarle Sound (estuary),
and the Middle Cape Fear river system (river and streams). Based upon lessons learned from these site-
specific evaluations, North Carolina will be better positioned to reevaluate nutrient-related criteria
The NCDP also established two advisory bodies to assist with criteria development. The Scientific
Advisory Council (SAC) comprises experts in the fields of water quality, water quality engineering,
nutrient biogeochemistry, nutrient response variables, nutrient management and point and non-point
source nutrient abatement. The Criteria Implementation Committee (CIC) advises on the social and
economic implications of implementing proposed nutrient criteria to inform and assist DWR with fiscal
note preparation.
The SAC reviewed several nutrient-related parameters to determine if changes were warranted or if
criteria for new parameters should be adopted into site-specific standards. For High Rock Lake the
parameters reviewed included dissolved oxygen, clarity, algal assemblages, pH, cyanotoxins, chlorophyll
a, nitrogen, and phosphorus. No new criterion parameters were recommended, and the only standard
recommended for amendment was chlorophyll a.
The chlorophyll a site-specific standard proposal reflects a combination of the SAC’s recommendations
to DWR, CIC input, and the expertise of DWR staff.
High Rock Lake Chlorophyll a Criterion Proposal
The SAC began its work to evaluate site-specific criteria for High Rock Lake in 2015, ultimately
concluding its recommendations in a report published in May 2020 (Appendix I). DWR staff reviewed
the SAC’s recommendation, considered all components brought forward by the SAC, and has proposed a
scientifically-based site-specific chlorophyll a standard for High Rock Lake. The SAC’s report provides
detailed justification for the necessary components of a water quality standard.
DWR has carried forward the SAC’s chlorophyll a standard proposal with a magnitude of 35 ug/L, a
frequency of not-to-exceed more than once in three years, and a seasonal duration, calculated as a
geometric mean (or geomean). The DWR recommendation includes the spatial extent and depth to
which the site-specific standard would apply within a waterbody and identifies the waterbodies to which
the proposed site-specific standard would be applicable, as is required. The proposed language, to
amend 15A NCAC 02B .0211(4), is as follows:
(4) Chlorophyll a (corrected): except as specified in Sub-Item (a) of this Item, not greater than 40
ug/l for lakes, reservoirs, and other waters subject to growths of macroscopic or microscopic
vegetation not designated as trout waters, and not greater than 15 ug/l for lakes, reservoirs, and
other waters subject to growths of macroscopic or microscopic vegetation designated as trout
waters (not applicable to lakes or reservoirs less than 10 acres in surface area). The Commission or
its designee may prohibit or limit any discharge of waste into surface waters if the surface waters
experience or the discharge would result in growths of microscopic or macroscopic vegetation such
that the standards established pursuant to this Rule would be violated or the intended best usage of
the waters would be impaired;
(a)Site-specific High Rock Lake Reservoir [Index Numbers 12-(108.5), 12-(114), 12-117-(1), 12-
117-(3), 12-118.5, and the uppermost portion of 12-(124.5) to the dam of High Rock Lake]
Chlorophyll a (corrected): not greater than one exceedance of a growing season geometric
mean of 35 ug/L in the photic zone within a three-year period. For purposes of this Sub-Item:
(i) The growing season is April 1 through October 31;
(ii) Samples shall be collected in a minimum of five different months within each
growing season with a minimum of two growing season geometric means collected in a
three-year period;
(iii) The photic zone shall be defined as the surface down to twice the Secchi depth.
(iv) Samples shall be collected as a composite sample of the photic zone; and
(v) Samples that do not satisfy the requirements in Sub-Item (iv) of this Item shall be
excluded from the calculation of the geometric mean.
Table 1 provides a comparison of SAC and DWR recommendations.
Table 1: SAC and DWR chlorophyll a criterion and assessment recommendations.
SAC Notes on Selection DWR
DWR Notes on Selection
Magnitude 35 ug/L Selected from a range
of chlorophyll a
concentrations deemed
to be protective of HRL
designated uses.
Same Selection of 35 ug/L derived
by SAC from a station by
station analysis deemed to be
protective of HRL designated
Calculated geomean
based on all data from
growing season.
Same None
April-October Include samples
collected in at least five
different growing
season months for
each year of data
included in the
Same None
Frequency Maximum
Frequency of one-
in-three years
Compute the geometric
mean for each year of
individual data and
apply a frequency
component of not
more than one
exceedance out of
three years of data.
Frequency of one-
in-three years A
minimum dataset
of two seasonal
geometric means
within a three-
year period is
Incorporated the SAC’s
recommended frequency
component with the
additional requirement to
have data from at least two
growing seasons. This
acknowledges year-to-year
variability in chlorophyll a
concentrations and the need
for more than one year of
data before making decisions.
Open Waters Photic zone composite
based on twice the
Secchi depth; shallow
waters and isolated
coves exempt from
numeric criteria; all
data within each
assessment unit would
be incorporated into
the calculated
All waters within
the associated
index numbers
(12-(108.5), 12-
(114), 12-117-(1),
12-117-(3), and
Same as SAC
recommendation except no
broad shallow water/isolated
coves exemption. Data from
shallow waters are only
excluded when samples
cannot be taken to twice the
Secchi depth to allow for
consistency in monitoring and
assessment. Station by
station assessment consistent
with methodology used to
develop the 35 ug/L
geometric mean.
Narrative Criterion
The SAC recommended the use of a narrative criterion for shallow waters and isolated coves but did not
offer specific narrative language. DWR agrees that a narrative component is appropriate and proposes
to rely on the existing narrative language for best usage in 15A NCAC 02B .0211(2) which reads: “The
conditions of waters shall be such that waters are suitable for all best uses specified in this Rule. Sources
of water pollution that preclude any of these uses on either a short-term or long-term basis shall be
deemed to violate a water quality standard;”. This provides protection to any shallow waters and
isolated coves, seasons, or instances not covered by the site-specific, seasonal geomean and is
consistent with the SAC’s recommendation for shallow waters to be addressed by narrative criteria.
Shallow Water Areas
The SAC recommended the categorical exclusion of shallow waters and isolated coves from the
proposed numeric criterion, with a parenthetical suggestion of all waters less than ten feet deep. This
recommendation was included in the final SAC report but was not discussed as part of the 2018 meeting
during which the SAC voted upon its criteria recommendation. DWR does not recommend incorporating
this exclusion for several reasons.
First, reducing coverage of numeric nutrient-related standards in state waters is not the NCDP’s goal.
The NCDP’s purpose is to refine and expand the use of numeric standards to address nutrient issues, not
to reduce Clean Water Act (CWA) protections. If the recommended site-specific criterion including the
narrative component were not to apply to all waters under consideration, then the existing standard in
15A NCAC 02B .0211(4) would apply to any waters not subject to a site-specific standard. Shallow
waters are often the very places in need of numeric standards, particularly for recreational and fishing
Second, the definition of shallow waters as being less than 10 feet deep (3.0 m) raises substantial
pragmatic and operational issues and was never scientifically justified by the SAC. Water levels in High
Rock Lake fluctuate 10 feet or more, making the application of this limitation uncertain in relation to
many fixed sampling locations.
Third, the Monte Carlo analysis used to derive this site-specific magnitude recommendation did not
exclude data based on depth. Of four monitoring stations chosen for that analysis, station HRL051 was
included to represent riverine waters despite being well below the recommended ten-foot depth
threshold. The SAC noted that “waters at HRL051 reflect turbid river conditions, and the average
chlorophyll a is lower than in downstream waters.”1 Thus, the analysis, at least in part, supports applying
the derived site-specific criterion in shallower waters.
While not incorporating the exclusion of shallow waters from the application of this criterion, DWR
understands the underlying concern that samples be representative. To ensure decisions are made
based on representative samples throughout the lake, the proposed standard includes a requirement
that only data from samples that can be collected to twice the measured Secchi depth will be used when
calculating a geometric mean. In addition, current monitoring, quality assurance and transparency
protocols are also employed to ensure representative sampling in High Rock Lake.
1 N.C. Nutrient Criteria Scientific Advisory Council, page 65. A Chlorophyll a Criterion for High Rock Lake. May 26,
DWR recommends that any new monitoring efforts in High Rock Lake, whether by DWR or by third
parties, comply with the following existing protocols:
• Photic zone composite and boat- or bridge-based sampling, which provide natural access and
depth limitations
• DWR or third-party compliance with the DWR Ambient Lakes Monitoring Program Quality
Assurance Project Plan, which provides:
“Actual sampling points are generally located within the center or main-stem of the lake, or
as determined by field staff as representative of the lake or specific areas of concern within
the lake.”
• Submission of third-party data for public review during biannual integrated reports and
associated Quality Assurance Protocol Procedures requirements
These safeguards ensure nonrepresentative shallow water samples are not used for assessment
purposes in High Rock Lake or statewide.
The SAC recommended a “not greater than 1 in 3” frequency to implement the recommendation of a
seasonal geomean for chlorophyll a in High Rock Lake. This means that in order to be found to be
meeting criteria, there cannot be more than one excursion of the seasonal geomean in a three-year
period based on a minimum of two geomeans. DWR staff have concerns as to the justification and
feasibility of this approach. The SAC justification for the frequency component primarily relied on the
fact that other states have implemented this approach. DWR currently monitors HRL once every five
years; this approach may necessitate additional resources to monitor at an increased frequency.
However, as this is a site-specific standard applicable only to HRL, DWR is proposing to proceed with the
SAC recommendation.
DWR is not proposing a change to the 303(d)/305(b) Integrated Report assessment methodology as part
of the site-specific standard adoption process as it is not part of the rule-making process. After the
adoption of a site-specific standard for High Rock Lake, DWR will incorporate the complementary site-
specific assessment methodology into the state’s comprehensive 303(d) listing and delisting assessment
methodology for EMC review and approval.
Reservoir Framework
As stated previously, the NCDP commits North Carolina to evaluate site-specific nutrient-related criteria
for three pilot water bodies, each representing a distinct water body type, and based upon lessons
learned from these site-specific evaluations, North Carolina will be better positioned to reevaluate
nutrient-related criteria statewide.
With regards to the process to evaluate the potential need and determine appropriate standards for
site-specific criteria for other reservoirs, the SAC proposal states:
“The SAC has not yet developed a detailed framework for deriving reservoir-specific chl a criteria.
However, many elements of the SAC’s approach for High Rock Lake would be transferable to
other water bodies. At various times, the SAC also discussed potential elements of a more formal
framework for site-specific criteria derivation. This section attempts to document some of those
concepts in case they are useful during the future, statewide effort. Any of the framework
elements discussed herein are subject to additional discussion by the SAC and DWR.”
The SAC recommendation went on to document some of the concepts that were discussed, however no
framework was formally approved for use by the SAC and as stated above, require further discussion by
the SAC and DWR. Any criteria or site-specific standard proposed for other reservoirs will need the
scientific justification to support the proposed criteria or site-specific standard to demonstrate that it is
protective of designated uses and complies with North Carolina’s antidegradation policy.