HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051216 Ver 3_Corps Permit Condition Clarifications_20140625REPLY TO AI MONM DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 151 PATTON AVENUE ROOM 208 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28801 -5006 June 6, 2014 Regulatory Division Action ID: SAW - 2010 -00378 Mr. Nathan Bennett Yancey County Manager County Courthouse Room 11 Burnsville, North Carolina 28714 Dear Mr. Bennett: On June 2, 2014, staff from the Asheville Regulatory Field Office met with you and Messrs. Jamie McMahon from the Yancey County Planning Office, Harry Buckner, P.E., of McGill Associates, and Forrest Westall, P.E., of McGill Associates to answer questions and discuss issues relating to the Biological Opinion (BO) prepared by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) for the East Yancey Water and Sewer District's (EYWSD) Wastewater Treatment Plant and Collection System project located east of Burnsville in Yancey County, North Carolina. The purpose of this correspondence is to provide clarification on issues that were discussed. Issue 1- What constitutes a bankfull event? Terms and Conditions #4 (p.24) states that, "Monitoring should be conducted after storm events that result in bank -full flow for a period of 2 years." The Corps defines Bankfull Stage in the current version of its Stream Mitigation Guidelines (April 2003) as: The point at which water begins to over flow onto its floodplaila. This may or may not be at the top of the stream bank on entrenched streams. Typically, the bankfull discharge recurrence interval is between one and two years. It is this discharge that is most effective at moving sediment, forming and removing bars, shaping meanders and generally doing work that results in the moiphological characteristics of channels. (Dunne and Leopold, 19 78) Streambank monitoring for destabilization at the outfall location and/or sewer line crossings are required when conditions described in the above definition are met within the reach where the outfall and/or the respective crossings are located. Issue 2 — Establishing the stream reach for longitudinal profile monitoring and cross - section stations within the South Toe River - Terms and Conditions #5. EYWSD will submit a location map, drawing, and/or plan view depicting the stream reach designated for longitudinal profile monitoring and cross- section stations to both the Corps and the Service for approval prior to morn menting these locations. Issue 3 — What.event(s) trigger re- initiation of Endangered Species Act Section 7 consultation as discussed in Terms and Conditions #5? Terms and Conditions #5 (p. 26) states that, "Because the destabilization of the stream channel could adversely modify occupied critical habitat for the Appalachian elktoe, the re- initiation of Section 7 consultation will be required." EYWSD staff shall coordinate with both the Corps and the Service, when they determine any channel destabilization at the outfall location. Re- initiation of Section 7 consultation is required prior to EYWSD undertaking maintenance or repair work in the channel related to the outfall structure. Normal changes to stream pattern, dimension, and profile away from the outfall location and resulting from regular and irregular flow rates will not require consultation. Issue 4 — Re- vegetating disturbed areas. Terms and Conditions #6 requires re- vegetation and stabilization to disturbed areas within 48 hours using "native species." The "native seed mix" discussed in project plan sheets satisfies the native species requirement. In instances where trees and saplings are absent prior to construction activities, the planting of trees and saplings post construction is not required. However, EYWSD is encouraged to plant native trees and shrubs along the main stem of the South Toe and its tributaries whenever possible in an effort to restore and conserve riparian buffers (Conservation Recommendations #3, p. 26). Issue 5 — Visual monitoring and photo - documentation. All monitoring efforts will include a narrative description and corresponding photo documentation in order to assess channel aggradation or degradation, bank erosion, success of riparian vegetation, effectiveness of erosion control measures, presence or absence of instream bar development, and changes depicted in longitudinal profile and cross - section surveys. We appreciate your willingness and efforts to keep this project moving forward. Now that formal consultation has concluded, Department of the Army authorization for the project will proceed shortly. Should you have any additional questions regarding the information presented above or in general, please do not hesitate to contact either Ms. Tasha Alexander or me at (828) 271 -7980. Sincerely, <� �0—�_ Scott Jones, P. Asheville Regulatory Field Office Regulatory Division Wilmington District Copies Furnished: Mr. Jamie McMahon Yancey County Planner County Courthouse Room 11 Burnsville, North Carolina 28714 Mr. Harry Buckner, P.E. McGill Associates Post Office Box 2259 Asheville, North Carolina 28802