HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0028169_Wasteload Allocation_19940803NIMES DOCUHENT SCANNIN. COVER :SHEET Permit: NC0028169 Aquadale Quarry NPDES Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Correspondence Speculative Limits Instream Assessment (67b) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: August 3, 1994 This document is printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the re w eriae side NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: NC0028169 PERMIT FEE NAME: FACILITY NAME: Carolina Solite Corporation Carolina Solite Corporation Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal Major Minor A/ Pipe No.: 001 Design Capacity: 0.864 MGD Domestic (% of Flow): 0 Industrial (% of Flow): 100 % Comments: APmZ `'y tid SL�Nr"F ccA;I7 6/AN 7A! Pc.4E 'rA/c- ?& w '3 PE,2jw-%, A l n C3FJJ� A(S tT 43Lr, ?E w -mrE cl,scr1xay ;:.. Crow, 0tY S(v tabhP' 1,46 rce -}"1uv o� rleS RECEIVING STREAM: Rocky River Class: C Sub -Basin: 03-07-13 Modeler Date Rec. # Mivt vs 40(z4k k'c 7g. fL, Drainage Area (mil ) 96 y Avg. Streamflow (cfs): 9ZQ 7Q10 (cfs) D29 Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 30Q2 (cfs) 16, Toxicity Limits: IWC 4, 4 % ! Chronic P/ r-fly, Instream Monitoring: /llonilar Whtvi d scha t occi" S Parameters mow, 6n 001/ Ill 4um/ sR 19 7 B'ii)G Upstream 2 I4C6 /)�rtf Location z) c�. .ar,'/rr if, fedy Aver -- Downstream / /a a /,dh Location O.5fa l.v with fr DS a on Rail Ave,- Daily Max. Monthly Average Yearly Aver 0.864 30 6-9 Flow (MGD): TSS pH (SU(m)g/1):: MBAS (mg/1): t G� u Ay, ; Cadmium (gg/1): J Fluoride (mg/1): Lead (µg/1): Cyanide (}tg/1): Reference USGS Quad: G 17NE, Oakboro (please attach) County: Stanly Regional Office: Mooresville Regional Office Previous Exp. Date: 11/30/94 Treatment Plant Class: Classification changes within three miles: None Gross Beta Emitters (piC/1): Turbidity (NTU):* Temperature 1 1 1 1 E#►ui,f Requested by: Sean Goris Date: 6/24/94 Prepared by: 140p Id s Date: Reviewed by:(Vj1j . 0 /r1(L111 ate: -36>LL Al LA) Ck_ El — 45 6-9 11.3 29 27 368 74 50** 50 MONITOR: Iron, Chromium, Copper, Zinc, Silver, Arsenic, Berylium, Nickel, Boron, Aluminum. pissob ec{ Ox59en. *Gross Beta Emitters shall not exceed an annual average of 50 picoCuries per liter ** The discharge shall not cause the turbidity of the receiving waters to exceed 50 NTU. If turbidity exceeds these levels due to natural background conditions, the discharge level cannot cause any increase in the turbidity in the receiving waters. ***The temperature of the effluent shall be such as not to ause an increas in the temperature of the freceiving stream of more than 2.8 egrees C and in no case cause the ambient water temperature to exceed 32 degrees C. FACT SHEET FOR WASTELOAD ALLOCATION Request # 781b. DEPT. OF Facility Name: Carolina Solite Corporation �; 00 I ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, NPDES No.: NC0028169 & NATURAL RESOURCES Type of Waste: Industrial - 100% Facility Status: Existing JUL 14 1994 Permit Status: Renewal Receiving Stream: Rocky River Stream Classification: C DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Subbasin: 030713 MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE County: Stanly Stream Characteristic: Regional Office: Mooresville? USGS # Requestor: Sean Goris Date: Date of Request: 6/24/94 Drainage Area (mi2): 965 Topo Quad: G 17 NE, Oakboro Summer 7Q10 (cfs): 29 Winter 7Q10 (cfs): 51 Average Flow (cfs): 920 30Q2 (cfs): 76 IWC (%): 4.4 Wasteload Allocation Summary (approach taken, correspondence with region, EPA, etc.) Pipe 001 water discharge comes from air pollution control devices (dust collectors) used , 0 . for particulate removal from exhaust gases (hazardous waste being used as fuel) of rotary kilns -�' r,-• used in light weight aggregate production by pyro-processing of slate and shale. Discharge flows =r into 2 settling basins where suspended particulate fines settle out. A mechanical method of pH f" -=+ V v, �.= treatment using quick lime (CaOH) to adjust the pH, occurs in the second settling pond. Q., ;;v:(5 _; This area of the Rocky River Watershed has been rated as Good -Fair with support threatened.. rC-I r`` 1- Therefore, I recommend at least monthly instream monitoring with 2 upstream locations when ' n _w t-'r- fir,. facility is discharging. No current data exists; Facility has not discharged since 6/91. I recommend:) ;z-F^ existing limits with instream monitoring when discharging, and a Qrtly Acute WET test. Cam; oa Special Schedule Requirements and additional comments from Reviewers: c �4-t ' 7c-c-54 c 4irc;,, Cc t �P_ i1�fif" ('7-Z/-`11 J ✓ .4 ,_7(%d_L, Recommended by: 7/7 Reviewed by �Instja/YkriteilA ream Assessment: ( CchX,�- Date: IiIq4_/ Regional Supervisor: /r)7? /7,71J Date: 7(2 sl%sue Permits & Engineering: its Date: r7.?T RETURN TO TECHNICAL SUPPORT BY: AUG 0 9 1994 2 E{{luenf Type of Toxicity Test: Existing Limit: Recommended Limit:** Monitoring Schedule: Existing Limits Flow (MGD): TSS (mg/1): U): (mg/1): Fluoride (mg/1): Lead (4/1): ross Beta Emitters (piC Tarim NTU): Temperature APAM MONITOR: Aluminum. TOXICS/METALS/CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS Chronic P/F @ 4.4% MAR, JUN, SEP, DEC Quarterly Acute P/F Limit **see attachment When facility discharges not to exceed 4/year. Recommended by Matt Matthews from the Aquatic Toxicolgy Unit. Daily Max. 45 -l.l•s � 29 27 368 74 * 50** *** Monthly Average Yearly Average 0.864 30 6-9 50 4/year Iron, Chromium, Copper, Zinc, Silver, Arsenic, Berylium, Nickel, Boron, Dissolved Ox yjen. *Gross Beta Emitters shall not exceed an annual average of 50 picoCuries per liter ** The discharge shall not cause the turbidity of the receiving waters to exceed 50 NTU. If turbidity exceeds these levels due to natural background conditions, the discharge level cannot cause any increase in the turbidity in the receiving waters. ***The temperature of the effluent shall be such as not to ause an increas in the temperature of the freceiving stream of more than 2.8 egrees C and in no case cause the ambient water temperature to exceed 32 degrees C. Recommend Adoption of existing limits and monitoring requirements, except change Chronic Toxicity Test to Acute toxicity Test and Drop APAM requirement. 6 : Parameter(s) are water quality limited. For some parameters, the available load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality based effluent limitations for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. OR No parameters are water quality limited, but this discharge may affect future allocations. 3 .. INSTREAM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Upstream Location: 1) Upstream on Long Creek @ SR 1917 Bridge. 2) 0.2 miles upstream on Rocky River Downstream Location: 0.5 to 1.0 miles downstream from effluent on Rocky River. Parameters: DO, Temp, Cond, pH, Turbidity Special instream monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: ** **Monitor when discharge occurs MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION & SPECIAL CONDITIONS Adequacy of Existing Treatment Has the facility demonstrated the ability to meet the proposed new limits with existing treatment facilities? Yes No If no, which parameters cannot be met? Would a "phasing in" of the new limits be appropriate? Yes No If yes, please provide a schedule (and basis for that schedule) with the regional office recommendations: If no, why not? Special Instructions or Conditions Wasteload sent to EPA? (Major) N (Y or N) (If yes, then attach schematic, toxics spreadsheet, copy of model, or, if not modeled, then old assumptions that were made, and description of how it fits into basinwide plan) Additional Information attached? (Y or N) If yes, explain with attachments. Li nck 1-e. Cov NC, aU P, 40o ACUTE TOXICITY PASS/FAIL PERMIT LIMIT (QRTRLY) The permittee shall conduct acute toxicity tests on a quarterly basis using protocols defined in the North Carolina Procedure Document entitled "Pass/Fail Methodology For Determining Acute Toxicity In A Single Effluent Concentration." The monitoring shall be performed as a Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) 24 hour static test. The effluent concentration at which there may be at no time significant acute mortality is 90% (defined as treatment two in the North Carolina procedure document). Effluent samples for self -monitoring purposes must be obtained during representative effluent discharge below all waste treatment. The first test will be performed after thirty days from the effective date of this permit upon the first discharge from the facility during each quarter, the quarters defined as January -March, April -June, July -September, and October -December. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the parameter code TGE6C. Additionally, DEM Form AT-2 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, N.C. 27607 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any single quarterly monitoring indicate a failure to meet specified limits, subsequent monthly monitoring will take place in any month in which a discharge occurs until such time that a single test is passed. Upon passing, this monthly test requirement will revert to quarterly as specified above. Should no discharge occur during any periodin which monitoring is required, the Division must be informed of such in writing to the above address. Should any test data from either these monitoring requirements or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate retesting (within 30 days of initial monitoring event). Failure to submit suitable test results will constitute noncompliance with monitoring requirements. 7Q10 cfs Permitted Flow O. 8'6 4 MGD IWC 4, 4 % Basin & Sub -basin Y 1) , 3 - 0 7 - / 3 Receiving Stream Ax kq %'i :/e ;-- County S'kh Date O7//er/,4 QAL PIF Fathead 24 Version 9/91 av\1L9 earoli yporo_ D3 - 07 -- /3 NCOO�1(q 1oo70 In0/„-17 / koCk PoJer / ton granc�� y tgpt 06 z ,�,�tt2i. ())-erz, 00 I Pev yri t mo 44- �xis�iG1 Row TSS Ttp9S G ems. d Ca ohm, k/.r, e, an/ Ve Dram, ) £d'CQGlit 0.g64 h6D 30 hta. /L 00/ Rinu, lox ru O )Z 501 /c. -.- Cress e bm; fierf S/iu /! /l no! -eirCPP 5'0 p;co Curies IL / ` 6/.o% 4 - -CX(e-Pct SW /VW (17o f A) ,. r[ 6QC,C�y�viinp/ /eve11 ate 94is Ai h kC//, row 110/ /n(i 7 PaSt, hrb, 1 -eir--/J ---) Pe 0 6 4-40r 4, re IL. 110 CLVOlk.3 Gat u k gArci grik, myry Svn 1 p i -e,y PP € 44% D%')712 (evJ eu> 6/ 9/9/ rdC!/i- -egah 1� J if( y c i-e vuae �'Io oh,S a fkr 71 S c/J vo m -eI i= v _ p 001 Or 00i. 1 -4i is d0. k T Q. h 1GI Q>l Pow = 6.(010 i/r1 G4) Skki- 6/;,//47,61 JJ PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS i ht -The wastewater discharge from Carolina Solite comes from he use of wet scrubbers to remove particulates from the kilns used in light weight aggregate production. The wastewater generated at Carolina Solite passes through two (2) earthen settling basins (the second basin contains a mechanical means of pH adjustment using CaOH) prior to discharge. The settling basins may also receive some runoff from an adjacent sludge stockpile area. Approximately six (6) years ago, and unbeknown to the Water Quality Staff of this Office, Carolina Solite (CS) began using hazardous waste as their primary fuel source. As a result of this change in fuels, elevated levels of waste constituents have begun to show up in the wastewater and sludge removed from the wastewater treatment facilities (see attached sampling results). Recently, Carolina Solite discontinued use of hazardous waste as a fuel; and has applied for and received authorization (dated 2/20/90) to construct a new wastewater treatment facility. Carolina Solite intends on abandoning the existing earthen settling basins and will resume the use of hazardous waste as a fuel upon construction of the proposed facilities. As noted in the A to C, the proposed wastewater facilities will have capability for total recycle of the wastewater. Carolina Solite, however, has indicated in a conversation with Mr. Colburn on 3./15/90 that under normal operation, some, if not all, wastewater generated will end up being discharged to the Rocky River. Mr. Colburn also indicated that the proposed facilities should be constructed and available for operation on or about mid -April 1990. These facilities should be incorporated into the renewal of this Permit, as final action on renewal will not occur until well after the proposed completion date. As previously noted, elevated levels of a variety of waste constituents have been found in sampling results taken at the wet scrubber discharge (Outfall 001). It is requested that Tech Services evaluate the sample results and prescribe effluent limitations (and/or monitoring) which would effectively address the assorted constituents which currently are or may be expected in this waste stream. The Permit should, however, contain a condition which allows for additional monitoring should future situations warrant. Outfall 002 consists of pit dewatering wastewater accumulated through groundwater se'epage and rainfalls. Presently, this Office has no indication that this wastewater contains elevated levels of contaminants. Tech Services, however, may want to verify this fact prior to promulgation of the wasteload allocation. Pending receipt and final approval of the wasteload allocation, it is recommended that the NPDES Permit be reissued with any additional monitoring and/or limitations as deemed necessary by Tech Services. JAIZea); S-igralie of Report Preparer E 00_4 > _chschav +! 1 ru 4-‘AL, !.fi (,- c.--, )!: ! i : CO- / C.; Pi p.12._ Do z -=> de,G-ierf. v3 _ (Jo vvy — irow3 d 1,,,e1 i S. eepac7Q__, 4Ver land r u no ff- Coo-7(01E4 Y k'2 e-e r ill/ -I-1 Yjn. scru Day- C coJc._ ri .J.(1)Pi (4_ ;_c 0 V..)0 IA1 e tiq CIkk1_6 / d ki 0-7 eioel piken JPad .c ; L1.1_ 171 T-__e_Etyjr_r/OtJ (1111-;1 ‘.1V1 7 Tppy p#7 11-7-41,.c'kf km 1v7 /1)-1 , Pf Pe- 001-, DMQ Altad E114/-e// b7(1)-1-/Vir t,Z u r 1 1)r) ) 101c-Oh eia_Lo11±_wryi, Fl_, P Pe__) C D y- rch, eloc, 11 it too 0 !_.. Up si CION,$))/ S Iye6 Gi,T) - Lib herfn i/eti vorfJ udixeri dist ix t/4 -N/L_ci .6 24 pc- I to. rE _ _ _ Long Term Changes in Bioclassification Long term changes in bioclassification have been noted at five BMAN locations in the Yadkin River Basin. A negative trend was noted at Jones Creek, while positive trends were noted at the Yadkin River, Rocky River, Long Creek, and the Little River. Trends at several locations were complicated by between -year changes in flow, with short-term changes due to effluent dilution, scour, or low flow during droughts. Site Region 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Changes Yadkin R Patterson Mtn - G-F - G - - G 0 (see text) Elk River @ Elk R Mtn - - E - E 0 Yadkin R Wilkesboro Mtn - G-F F G-F G-F - G +? Roaring R @ Roaring R Mtn G - G - - E - 0 (flow related) Yadkin R @ Elkin Pied - - G-F - G-F 0 Little Yadkin Dalton Pied - - G - G-F 0 Ararat River @ Ararat Pied - G-F - F - F - F 0 (see text) Muddy Creek Pied F - F - - - 0 Yakdin R Yadkin College Pied G-F G G - - - G 0? (see text) Hunting Creek Harmony Pied G E - G - - 0 S Fk Yadkin Mocksville Pied E - G - - E - 0 Third Creek Woodleaf Pied - - G - G-F 0 (see text) Abbotts Creek @ I-85 Pied F - F - - - 0 Barnes Creek Pied - G - G - G - 0 Uwharrie River Pied G - G G - G 0 Dutch Buffalo Creek Pied - - F - G-F 0? (flow related) Long Cr. Rocky R Spr. Pied F - - F - - G-F - + Rocky River Norwood Pied G-F G G G-F - G - G + (see text) Big Bear Cr Richfield Pied - - - - G - - G 0 Richardson Cr Fairfield Pied - - - F - F 0 Little River nr Star Pied G-F - E - - E - - + Pee Dee R Rockingham Pied G-F G-F G-F - - G-F - G-F 0 Jones Creek nr Pee Dee Pied - - - G - G-F -? at SF pallii the flow. Dominant taxa included intolerant species: Stenacron phylax moestus and Psephenus hen-icki. EPT S EPT N BI(BI EPT) Bioclass Flow 20 July 87 97 28 139 2.95(2.40) Good Low 24 July 90 88 31 134 2.82(2.32) Good Low Fairly high NO2/NO3 concentrations have been recorded from this location. For example, the only nutrient sample collected from this location in 1990 (February) recorded a NO2/NO3 value of 1.40 mg/1. Average concentration for the period of record was 1.07 mg/1, with maximum values exceeding 1.30 mg/1 each year. A small school discharge (0.05 MGD) is located just above our site on Big Bear Creek, but these nitrogen concentrations also may be related to nonpoint source runoff. PQ. Rocky River nr Norwood Bioclassifications from the Rocky River at Norwood have been fairly consistent for the period of record: High Good -Fair (borderline Good) or Good. EPT S values have ranged from a low of 22 in 1986 to a high value of 28 in 1990. The minimum observed in 1986 was associated with extremely low flows during drought conditions. Several large point sources are located above this site (primarily on tributaries of the Rocky River), including the Mooresville WWTP (5.2 MGD to Dye Branch), the Concord WWTP (24 MGD to the Rocky River) and the Monroe WWTP (7.0 MGD to Richardson Creek). These facilities (along with many smaller dischargers) apparently have a combined instream waste concentration large enough to impact the benthos during drought conditions. Conductivity values during June and September in 1986 were near 600 umhos/cm, indicating the potential impact of these dischargers during very low flows. Rex Gleason at the Mooresville Regional Field Office noted that Carolina Solite (perniited flow of 0.864 MGD), which is located approximately 6-8 river miles above the BMAN location, has improved its treatment by adding additional settling basins. Date Total S EPT S EPT N BI(BI EPT) Bioclass Flow 02Aug 83 73 23 134 Good -Fair Low 24Sept 84 79 24 143 2.98(2.24) Good High 01Aug 85 76 25 154 2.67(2.23) Good Normal 24July 86 93 22 103 3.09(2.43) Good -Fair Very Low 14July 88 80 25 156 2.65(2.00) Good Low 24July 90 80 28 154 2.72(2.07) Good Low If we compare only those years with low flow, there is evidence of improved water quality. Good -Fair ratings were assigned in 1983 and 1986, while Good ratings were asigned in 1988 and 1990. Very few changes were noted in the composition of the benthic fauna between the 1988 and 1990 collections, but Plecoptera (Acroneuria) became abundant for the first time in 1990. PZ. Richardson Creek nr Fairfield Benthic macroinvertebrates have been collected from this location during surveys in 1987 and 1990. Data from both years have indicated Fair bioclassifications with very similar Total S and EPT S, indicating that there has been no change in water quality between years. This site is located below the Monroe WWTP, with a permitted flow of seven MGD and an instream waste concentration of 97 percent under 7Q10 flow conditions. 95 WHOLE EFFLUENT TOXICITY TESTING 0[SELF-MONITORING SUMMARY] Tuc, Jun 14, 1994 FACILITY REOL1IREMENT YEAR JAN MAR APR MAY JUN JUL, AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC CAROLINA MIRROR PERM CHR LIM:82% NC0006696/001 Begin:7/1/89 Frequency: Q P/F A FEB MAY AUG NOV NonComp: County:WILKES Region:WSRO Subbnsin:YADO1 PF:0.50 Special 7Q10:0.17 IWC(%):81.98 ' der. y 90 FAIL 91 — 92 — 93 — 94 — FAIL PASS PASS PASS NR,PASS PASS — — -- -- PASS — -- --- -- bR PASS PASS NR/PASS PASS PASS — — — — — — -- PASS PASS PASS PASS — -- — — — — — -- PASS PASS PASS FAIL.PASS — --- --- CAROLINA MOUNTAIN WA1TJ2 PERM CIIR LIM:11% NC0067954/001 Bcgin:9/1/92 Frequency: Q P/F A MAR JUN SEP DEC NonComp:SINGLE County: JACKSON Region: ARO Subbnsin: SAVO? - - __ - PI':0.006 Special 7QI0:0.075 1WC(%):11.03 Omer. Y 90 -- 91 PASS 92 -- 93 •-- 94 FAIL — -- --- --- PASS bl PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS — ••• --- --- -- -- -- --- PASS PASS PASS FAIL — — --- PASS — — --- --. PASS PASS PASS I•Alt. --- — -- NI --- -• --- PASS LATE PASS PASS FAIL CAROLINA SOLITE CORP/001 PERM CIIR LIM:4.4% NC0028169/001 Begin:6/I/91 Fn:guency: Q P/F A MAR JUN SEP DEC NonComp: Counly:STANLY Region: MRO Subbasin: YAD13 PF:0.864 Special 7Q10:29 IWC(%):4.4 Order y 00 PASS 91 PASS 92 --- 93 -- 94 — FAIL PASS -- — — PASS PASS H H H PASS -- -- -- •- PASS --- -- -• PASS PASS H H Na -- — •- PASS -- --- •-• PASS H H H PASS -- -- --- PASS --- -- -- bl t1 11 H CAROLINA SOl.fl'li CORI'/002 I'ERM CIIR LIM:99% NC0028169/002 Begin:6/1/91 Frequency: Q P/F 6 MAR JUN SEP DEC NonComp: County: STANI.Y Region: MRO Subbnsin: YAD13 Pr: 0.36 Special 7Q10:0.0 I`./C(%):100.0 Order. 90 -- 91 --- 92 •- 93 ... 94 — --- — -- __ --• '-- --- 11 II 11 '-. --- ... --- "" '-- '-- ... — H H H "- — '-' --_ "' --- _. — F1 11 I-1 — -- --- _._ "" --- --- _.. I{ 1 i 11 CAROI.INA WATER SERVICE-BENTCR1MK PERM CIIR 1.IM:28% NCI036684/MMI Begin:1/1/92 Eminency: V WI' A JAN APR 1111.00[' NonComp: County:BUN(1)MBII Region: ARO Subl,a;n:1k002 Pr: 0.1 Special 1 7Q10: 0.4 IWC(%):28 Ober: D0 --- 91 ••- 02 FAILSIG 93 PASS 94 PASS -'- --- N1 -- -- --- - ••• -- -.- — --- FAIL PASS FAIL — --- FAIL.PASS — — -- FAIL — — --- FAIL PASS •'" --- PASS •-- --- PASS --- -- FAIL PASS PASS --- -•- •-• CAROLINA WATER SERVICE -KINGS GRANT PERM CHR LIM:90%(GRAB) NC0062219/001 Begin:9/1/93 Frequency: Q P/F 6 MAR JUN SEP DEC NonComp:SINGLE County: WAKE Region: RRO Subbasin: NEU02 PE:0.210 Special 7QI0:0.0 IWC(%): 100.0 Order:94 90 — 91 — 92 PASS 93 -- — — PASS — — — -• F1 FAIL NI1/FAIL FAIL — — PASS PASS PASS "- • — — -- — PASS Na NI — — — — — — PASS — -- PASS N7 PASS — — — -- — — — -• — FAIL PASS PASS 90 -- 91 -•- 92 KR 93 NR 94 Bi — -- — — PASS -- -- — --- — -- --- 141 — PASS .. -- — -- — -• — — -- ^• WI -- "- •- — — --- — — — — all Nq 1•11 -- --- -.. •-• -• CAROLINA WA1L•R SERVICIE•WR.I.OWBROOK PERM CUR LIM:90%, (GRAB) NO TOX REQ 0 0.06 MOD NC0064378/001 Bcgin:9/1/93 Eminency: Q WE 6 JAN APR JUL OCT NonComp:SINGLE County: WAKE Region: RRO Subbasin: NIiUO2 PF:0.03 Special 7Q10: 0.0 IWC(%): 100.0 Order. CAROLINA WATER SERVICE/WIIITE OAK PERM Ci-[R LIM:90%; UPON RELOC. TO WHITE OAK CHR NC0060330/001 Begin:12/1/93 Frequency: Q P/F 6 JUN SEP DEC MAR NonComp:SINGLE County: JOIINSTON Region: RRO Subbasin: NEU02 PF:0.05 Special 7Q10: 0.0 1WC(%). 100 Omer: 90 — 91 — 92 — B3 -- 94 -- — — — — -- — -- -- -. MR — — — ... -- — — — — — — — — — -• — — — — — ••• — — — -. — — — — -- --- •- .._ •- — — -. CARTER PHARMACY PERM CHR LIM:2.9% NC0074179/001 Begin:12/1/93 Frequency: Q P/F 6 JAN APR JUL OCT NonComp:SINGLE County:NEW HANOVER Region: WIRO Subbasin: CPF17 PE:0.0014 Special 7QI0:0.075 IWC(%):2.89 Order 90 — 9) PASS 92 — 93 — 94 H H — — — PASS — Nq PASS H — — PASS — — PASS — — — — PASS PR PASS H — PASS — — — — — — FAIL hR PASS H — PASS — H — — -- H LATE PASS PASS H y 90 FAIL- 91 — 92 — 93 — 94 — — PASS PASS PASS LATE,LATE PASS — — — PASS PASS -- •- — — bA PASS PASS PASS PASS — — — — — — — — PASS PASS PASS PASS — — — — — — — — PASS PASS PASS PASS -- — --- — CARY NORTII WWII' PERM CIIR LIM:95% NC0048879/001 Begin:12/1/89 Frequency: Q P/F 6 FEB MAY AUG NOV NonComp: County:WAKE Region: RRO Subbasin: NEU02 PF:4.0 Special 7QI0:0.30 IWC(%):95.37 Order. 0 2 consecutive failures = significant noncompliance Y Pre 1990 Data Available LEGEND: PERM = Permit Requirement I.ITT = Administrative Letter - Target Frequency = Monitoring frequency: Q. Quarterly: M- Monthly; BM- Bimonthly; SA- Semiannually; A• Annually; OWD- Only when discharging: D- Discontinued monitoring requirement; IS- Conducting independent study Benin = First month required 7Q10 = Receiving stream low Bow criterion (cfs) 6 = quarterly monitoring increases to monthly upon single failure Months that testing must occur - ex. JAN,APR,IUI.,OCT NonComp = Current Compliance Requirement PE = Pormined flow (MGM IWC% = lnstrcam waste concentration P/E 0 1 nss/Fail chronic test AC = Acute CIIR = Chronic Data Notation: r- Fathead Minnow: • • Ceriodanhnia sn.: my - Mvsid shrimp: CIiV - Chronic value; P • Mortality of stated nerecnlnec al Iti¢hcsi concentration: al - I'crtuuued by DIN Tox [ivol Gmun: IA • Bad teal Reporting Notation: --- = Data not required: NR - Not reported; ( ) - Beginning of Quarter Facility Activity Status: 1 • Inactive, N - Newly Issucd(1'o construct); 1l - Active but not discharging; t-More data available for month in question SIG = ORC signature neared A a.V. Yalr+- Vi. f:.11V.1..LV l=111.u1 1`1Gi1G r«E+r1C Water Quality Ambient Monitoring Network Sorted by Basin/Subbasin 1/23/90 02125128 LONG CREEK Region:MOORESVILLE County:STANLY Field: M Tot Res: Q AT SR 1954 NEAR ROCKY RIVER SPRINGS, NC USGS Map:G17NE Gage: Remarks:M1 Wp Class:C S7Q10: W7Q10: BOD: Q Metals: Q Mercury: Q Res Sus: Q Arsenic: 0 Col ADMI:M THQ2: Hardness:M Copper: M Frequency:Monthly Subbasin:030713 DA:196 QA:200 Nut Ser: Q Turbid: Q 02126000 ROCKY RIVER AT SR 1935 NEAR NORWOOD, NC Region:MOORESVILLE USGS Map:G18NW Gage:GAGE County:STANLY Class:C S7Q10:41 Field: M Res Sus: M BOD: Q Arsenic: 0 Metals: 0 Remarks:MI W7010:73.1 Mercury: Q THQ2:108 Frequency:Monthly Subbasin:030713 DA:1372 QA:1330 Hardness:Q Turbid: M Tot Res: M 02125482 RICHARDSON CREEK AT SR 1649 NEAR FAIRFIELD, NC Region:MOORESVILLE USGS Map:G17SW County:UNION Field: M Res Sus: Q Class:C BOD: 0 Metals: Q Arsenic: Q Gage: Remarks:wp S7Q10:0.44 W7Q10:0.52 Mercury: Q Frequency:Monthly Subbasin:030714 TH02:1.17 DA:153 QA:103 Hardness:Q Turbid: Q Tot Res: Q 02128000 LITTLE RIVER AT SR 1340 NEAR STAR, NC Region:FAYETTEVILLE USGS Map:CM123 Gage:GAGE Remarks:a County:MONTGCMERY Class:WS-III S7Q10:1.06 W7Q10:7.97 Field: M BCD: Q Metals: 0 Mercury: Q Res Sus: 0 Arsenic: Q Frequency:Menthly Subbasin:030715 THQ2:10.7 DA:106 QA:110 Hardness:Q Turbid: Q Tot Res: Q 02129000 PEE DEE RIVER AT US HWY 74 NEAR ROCKINGHAM, NC Frequency:Monthly Region:FAYETTEVILLE USGS Map:H19NE Gage:GAGE Remarks:ma Subbasin:030716 County:RiCHMOND Class:WS-III S7010:1112 W7Q10:1673 THQ2:2878 DA:6863 QA:7997 51 Field: M BOD: 0 Metals: Q Mercury: Q Hardness:Q Turbid: Q Tot Res: Q Res Sus: Q Arsenic: Q 02129341 HITCHCOCK CREEK AT SR 1109 AT CORDOVA, NC Region:FAYETTEVILLE USGS Map:F19NE Gage: Remarks: County:RICHMOND Class:C S7010:25.0 W7Q10:68.0 Field: Q Tot Res: Q BOD: Q Res Sus: Q Metals: S Arsenic: S Mercury: s THQ2:68.0 Hardness:S Frequency:Quaterly Subbasin:030716 DA:134 OA:174 Nut Ser: Q Turbid: Q 0212955844 MARKS CREEK AT SR 1812 NEAR HAMLET, NC Region:FAYETTEVILLE USGS Map:H2OSW Gage: County:RICHMOND Class:C S7010: Field: Q BOD: Q Metals: 0 Res Sus: Q Arsenic: Q Gr/Oil: Q Remarks: W7Q10: Mercury: 0 THQ2: Hardness:Q Frequency:Quaterly Subbasin:030716 DA:12.9 QA: 15.1 Turbid: Q Tot Res: Q 02129527 JONES CREEK AT NC HWY 145 NEAR PEE DEE, NC Region:FAYETTEVILLE USGS Map: Gage: County:ANSON Class:C S7Q10: Field: Q BOD: Q Metals: Q Tot Res: Q Res Sus: 0 Arsenic: Q Remarks: W7Q10: Mercury: Q THQ2: Hardness:Q Frequency:cuaterly Subbasin:030717 DA:92.8 OA:94.6 Nut Ser: Q Turbid: 0 02133500 DROWNING CREEK AT US HWY #1 NEAR HOFFMAN, NC Region:FAYETTEVILLE USGS Map:G21SW Gage:GAGE Remarks:MI,COLOR County: RICHMOND Class:CSW S7010:43.2 W7010:98.2 Field: M HOD: 0 Res Sus: Q Arsenic: 0 Metals: Q Mercury: Q THQ2:98.0 Hardness:0 Frequency:2Monthly Subbasin:030750 DA:183 QA:261 Turbid: Q Tot Res: 0 1 X 1 17 'LTV xrpuaddy APPENDIX TABLE A17. YAWN PEE-DEE RIVER BASIN FRESt1WATER SEGMENTS (19613.1901) Stilton Number Station Location Classification Index Number Mlles 1989-91 Chemical Hating < 1987 Biological Baling 1986 1989 1990 > 1991 < Overall Rating Ubs Problom P.ramotxrs Support > Source Rocky River, mouth of Long Cr. 10 Carolina Solits Discharge C 13.17-(30)a 0.8 Good•Falr ST 02128000 Rocky River neu Norwood C 13-17-(30)b 19.3 Good Good S Long Creek above/ below Abernade WWTP, Slanly Co. C 13.17.31 a 21.9 Fak Fak Sad, Fecal, Nutr, BOD 16 FP 02125128 Long Creek near Rocky River Springs al 3R 1954 C 13.17-31b 11.5 Good Fak Sad, Fecal, Nutr, BOOST Pj4P 02125000 Blg Bsar Creak near RIchlle►i, SR-1134 C 21.8 ST Good Good 9 Lower Long Branch above Carolna Sollle old dscharge C 13.17-31-7a 0.6 Fair F6 hP Lower Long Branch below Carolina Solite old dlscharga C 1.0 Poor MS FP (Richardson Creak source to Lake Lis WS-I11 13.17.38111a 9.3 Fak Fair RS IP 02125482 Richardson Creak at SR 1761, Union Co. C 13.17-38-(5)■ 1.6 Fak Poor Sod, Fecal. Nutr, BOD i-S NP,P Richardson Creak a1 SR 1849, Unbn Co. C 13.17.38-(5)c 5.8 Fak Poor Sad, Fecal, Nutt, 13001E FP lanes Creak, Gum l og Branch to Mlarshvlle Water Supp. WS Ill 13-17.40-(11a 22.2 Fak i6 FP Wicker Branch, source to Linea Creek WSW 13- 17-40.4 5.3 Fair Fair LS FP Waxhaw Branch, source to Linea Croak WS-III 13.17.40-e 6.7 Fair Fak F6 FP 0212740615 Brown Crssk near rinksnon, SR•1827 C 13.20 43.0 • R9 Sod.DO 3 FP Little River near Star at SR•1340, Montgamsty Co. WS-Ill 13.25410)b 8.2 Excellent S 02128000 Lhlls River near Stu al SR-1340 WS-III 13.25-(I0)6 9.2 Excullam Excellent 9 West Fork Little Rivet, From Randolph County l lne WS III 13-25.1512) 13.8 Goal 9 Denson* Creak source to Trays Water Supply WSIII 13-25-20-ill 5.3 Excellent 3 Bridgers Creak mime to Unit. River C 13-25.24 7.3 Excellent S 02129000 Poe Dee River near RocklnQham, US )Iwy 74 WS III 13-(34) 15.2 Good Fair Good•Fak ST NP Hitchcock Creek al SR 1475, Richmond Co. WS-III 13-39•(1111T1 0.0 Good•Fak 37 UT Bones Creek at SR 1475, Richmond Co. WS III I3-39• 511T 1 0.0 crawl 9 02120527 Jones Creek neu Poe Des, NC Hwy 145 C 13-42 12.3 flood Good•Falr ST 0212055844 Marks Creek near Hamial at SR-1812, Richmond Co. C 13-45-(2)■ 4.1 Goat Fa4 Sod i6 NP P Marks Creek al NC 68, Richmond Co. C 13-45-(2)b 2.3 Fair Sod 03 IP Marks Creak al NC 86, Richmond C 13.45-(2)c 18.3 Fak Sod Flo FP 4 • AA A8 • OTHER EVALUATIONS AC AD AF AO AH Al AK I AL LAM AP AO AR 5 Other biological Workshops/Age OVERALL RATING AS 5 7 5 1 0 1 1 N2nq of Stream Probhm Parameters Ra6np Rorer once 8 Prob par notes Maio, Comp or Tox UT Mulberry Crook Little Beaver Crook Radr Basl�Relororrp Pmblom Parsmetors atln! Bash (PN�Subeat . .very Reference Fodl6y Cop_or Tox Name ProbbmParama �` NS M 1 1 2 1 3 Ararat River Ararat ANer Sad J Midray,88 Sod NS F6 M M hP F,P 84 1 0 Topo 88 1 3 Ararat RNer Sod Sad J Mldrey,88 J Mickey 88 Sod Sad NS F6 M M hP 1040 NCFS 1988 PP 10,40 1 4 Ararat RNer SedJ Mlcxey,BB Sad FS 1 6 1 7 Fauknar Croak lov8b Croak (Lovell Sad NS M WSR WKS 88 Sod NS M M N' M 06,10 40 40, 10 Topo 88,Comp92 Suny Co. Sch.-Streak m Eh. B0O 14143 18 Toms Creole NS M MAP 40,08,06 Topo 88Comp92,Tox92 Col Care 1 9 20 Hoalherly Gook 16 M is 1 0 Frank. Elam Proc Sllex, Un Tech Auto BOD,TSS,NH3 Fecal Tdz Heather lj Gook F6 M hP 1 0 2 1 South UT h6 M Topo 88 2 2 Danbury Crook 6 M 23 Caner Creek 1 FS M rP 11,43 WSR WKS 88 24 Barkers Creek 16 M hP42 DWR,88 25 Cedar Creel, trcluding GF Dr Assess,84 M H' 1040 SWCD 1988 2 6 Cedar Creak GF Dr Assess 16 F6 M 2 7 28 UT Grants Croeft LMIe Creek F6 NS M M SF E WRC,DIST.6 PS M DFR Golden Ape, Inc. Tox 2 9 3 0 31 UT Nonh Potts Crook Town F6 M N. 56 Creek Town Creek Sad, Focal Sod, Focal Poor Poor Assess, 1085 Assess, Sod, Fecal RS M N' 32,42,43,56,11,62 88, Tox 93 SWCD DFR 1988,T0x92 3 2 3 3 7 4 3 5 UT Second Crook GF 1985 Dr Assess,84 Sod Fecal NS M hP 32,42,43,56,11,62 SWCD OFR 1968 Tox 93 Salisbury T Tot Abbons Crook Abbotts Croak COF6 N NSMTot M hP 56,31 DFR 1988 Abbots Croak Tura F6 M FP 4 0 Topo 88 36 37 3 8 Rich Folk RSM hP 40 Topo 88 Rich Fork Rich Fork Rich FeW NS F6 M M W PP • 31,32 08 1 1 31 32 DFR 88 SCS DFR 1968 Auman's MHP, 39 Fork F6 M MPp 08,11,40,31,32,63 SCDFR 1968 LamNun b's NuHome Poch Fk Wy Duke PowCo. Pow. Co. BOOTS ,S F. cal 40 41 Hunts Fork F6 M hP 11,40,31,32 SCS 1988 TSS,NH3,Fecal Hamby Crook GF Dr Assess,84 F6 M 4 2 41 4 4 Nonh Hamby Crack NS M hP 40 10 SCS 68,Tox 93 Thomasville Jlmmys Creek NS M hP 4 0 Topo 88 Tox UT Lick Creek FS M 4 6 UT Lick Croak NS M 4 0 Topo 88 4 6 Dye (Branch) e Creek Branch Sed Pox/Assess, F6 M 6P N' 40 Topo 88 47 48 4 9 Dye Creek (Branch) Clarke Creek Sod Sed Poor Fat 1985 Assess, 1985 NS M Sod fS M FP 40,10 Topo 88 MRO 88 Sed NS M hop 40,10,03 AR0,88,Comp92 Mooresvl6o WWTP Back Creek Assess, 1985 F6 M Mock Cry,88 F6 M N. 1 8 Tope 88 CN 5 0 UT Reedy Crook rSedFacal F6 NS M M Melt Cn,88 Sod,Focd - FS F6 M M N. N. 10,32 40 Mock C41,88 AR0,88 Mack Cn 88 ARO 88 s 1 5 2 5 3 54 McKee Greek Sod Fecal F6 M Sod Ford F6 M hP P 1 0 10 40,32,06 Char Crook Long Creek Sect Sed,Fecal NS M Mock Cn 88 Mock Cn,88, Comp 90 CWS Systems, Inc Sod Focal NS M 11 40,32 Mods 8,88 Little long Croak Fair Assess, 1985 F6 M WFICDIST.6 Sod Focal fS M FP I'P t t SCS 1988 66 56 Long Br(Lower Long Bh Long Br(Lowor Long Br) PS M hP 42,43 WRC DIST.6,90 FS M hP 1 1 SCS 88 57 Richardson Crook Sod Foal Nut,BOD,Tox Poor Assess NS M hP 1 1 SCS 88 5 8 Richardson Creek Sed,Fecal,Nu,800,Tox Poor 1985 Assess 1985 Sed Sad Sed FS F6 RS E E E WSR WKS 88 WSR WKS 88 WSR WKS,88 SedFecal,Nu,800,Tox NS M hP 14, 16, 18 WSR WKS,88 5 9 6 0 6 t Richardson Creek Marks Ck Everotb Lk) Marks Ck Everette Lk) Sed,Facal,Nu,000,Tox Poor Assess, 1985 Sod Fecal Nu,B00 Tox Sed,Fecal Nu,BOD,Too PS NS M hP 14, 16, 18 WSR WKS 88 Sed Fat Sed Assess, 1985 Sed M N' 14, 16, 18 WSR WKS 88 F6 M Npp 41,43,03 SCS 1988,Comp92 Hamlett WWTP 62 checks Ck (Ev.etts Lk) Fat Sad Assosa, 19851 Sad RS M N' 41,43 SCS 1988 63 Fat Assess, 1985 Sod PS M hP 41,43 SCS 1968 54 6 5 Sod,BO0,Nt4,Foul,Tox Poor Assess, 198 Sad J Mldcoy 88 Sad Turb F6 M N' 10,40 SWCD 1988 BMAN 90 D Doac --- Station Q ei�-DNun ter Location �w .. TI I I RT MMe Link) Beaver Creek From NC 268 to Fisher River 0 EN 11/ NEI m m m t 131 Ell EEI Erl ED Nam. of Stream Ararat River Ararat River Ararat RN.r Faukn.rCreek Lovi"s Creek Lovell Toms Creek Heather Creek South UT Danbu Creek Cedar Cr Inckid Cedar Creek UT Grants Creek EEI m ID m Norm Ha Creek 45 46 Lurie Croak UT Nonh Pons Creek Town Creek Town Creek UT Second Crook Abbons Crook Abbons Crook Abbons Creek Filch Fork Rich Fork RIch Fork Filch Fork Hunts Fork Creek (Branch e Creek Branch Clarke Crean Back Creek McKee Creek Clear Creek Lonq Crack L role Lon. Crook Long 8 Lower L- Br Lon. Br lower • . Br Richardson Creek Richardson Creek Richardson Greek Marks Ck Ev.rens Lk Marks Cie Ev.rens Lk NA Mil v©o©© ooa,,©©o INIINININII caes®rr�®� ��am�mm�am __-_ MEMO__ �� ®MO®®__ ramommillow re®.e��___� ilmosimminini 111111011111111111111111111111 ____INNINNIN�N 1111111111111111111101 ___MEMO ____MEMO ____ -.. cam 1111111INNINNIIIIMINIENIN ®MEMO__ 311 IAN ®®MO__ ���®MO__ 31 ®MO__ ENE !EMI 11313111111111MINIII 31 MEMO__ 311 ®MEMO__ YACIGU.PEE DEE RIVER BASIN r311 '� From SR-2019 to SR 208o Fr Mt AI WS Dam From source to WWTP WWTP to Toms Creek Sourc. to Yadkin R/SR1624 Source to 5R 1620 Source to SR 1410 SR 1410 to above Oua From source to Grants Creek Source to N Potts Cie SR1915 to Crane CWat Duke Ab WWTP Io Second Ck SR2001 nr Loxln. on SR2o01 at Lakin • on At 1-85 Davidson Coun AI SR-1800 nr Thomasvbie SR1784 nr NC 109 SR-1792 Davidson Coun SR-2005 Davidson Coun SR-1702 Davktson Coun 1-85 Davidson Coun Source to Ha Cg5R2085 NC-17 Davidson Creek SR•2505 Davidson Creek SR-1142 trade" Coun WZMEMIEZMII erg.-.. From source to McKee Creek Source to Albemarle WWTP From source to Lon. Creek Car. Solke ditch to L • Ck Monroe WS dam to SR1751 From SR 1751 10 SR 1006 From SR 1006 to SR 1649 Hamlet WS Dam 10 SR1812 From SR 1812 to NC 177 From NC 177 to NC/SC Una Station 0212149619 02121500 0212147355 02125482 0212955544 Lithe Beaver Creek L at mouth 12.42-10b 12.63-13b 12.72- 4.5 b antizzammeremzukainnomus Ararat RNar at NC 52 Bus. Ararat RN.r at SR 2080 Lovil1s Creek at SR 1371 Su Co. Toms Creek at SR 1815 Su Co. S UT E Pron. L Yarkin R al NC 66 Caner Creek at SR 1624 Davie Co. NC 801 Davie Co Cedar Creek above Oua Davie Co. UT Grants Creek at SR 1500 Little Creek at SR 1535 Rowan Co. UT North Pons Ck ab. 8 be .11 Town Creek at 185 Rowan Co. UT Second Ck bi Rockwell nr SR1337 Abbotts Ck sr SR2001 nr Lax Duracell Abbons Creek at Laski ton Abbott' Creek at 185 Davidson Co. Rich Fk nr TNIie SR1800 Rich Fork at SR 1784 and NC 109 Rich Fork at SR 1792 Hunts Fork at SR 1702 Ckaband aOu Lon. Ck ab d bi Abemarle WWTP Lower L. • Br ab Carotna Solna old d Lower Long Br bi Carolina Sorita old d, Richardson Crook at SR 1751 Union Richardson Creek at SR 1649 Union Marks at nr Hamlet at SR1812 Marks Creek at NC 68 Richmond m The following stream was elknlnated frothe 303 d 1st sinceIemR- sto- Mud. Croak SR 2995 nr Mud. Ck gram 12-72-6 ramnsmamm 3111 1311 131 3111 liMI 311 31 311 12-72-14.5a- 12-72.14-5b 12.77-2UT1 12-77.3 12.93 12.94-1a 12.102-13- 1 12-102-13. 2 ■ 12-11OUT 1 12-110.3 12.112UT1 12-115-3a 12.115-3b 12-117UT2 12-119. 6 b . 12-119- 6 1 12.119-7a 12.119 7b 12-119.7c 12-119.7f 12-119-7.4b 12-1 19-7.4.1 12-119.7-4-2 12-126-0.5a 12-1 26-0.5b 13-17.2b 13-17-2e 13.17-4 13-1 7.7b 13.17-8.0.5 30702 30703 30703 30703 30703 30703 30703 30702 30704 30705 30704 30704 30704 30707 30707 30707 30708 30708 30711 6.0 0.8 0.0 ®MEMO__ raw BEIM MEMO___ ram 1311 ram 13-17-8-4.1 13-17.31a 13-17-31.4 13.17-31-7a 30711 30713 30713 30713 30713 30714 1.0 1.5 DO 4 NH3 4 D0 22 H. 10 DO 4 Fecal 56 BIOLOGICAL Poor Poor NM MI EIMIEMMIMMININNINI naltj� 30714 ME__ ®MEMO___ ---"_�� 30716 ®_IM= 11121__111111 Poor _ 13-45. 2 b 30716MEMO Fe MO Gaol __MO® MINIIIIIIIIINI IIIMINIEMOMOr® tarrate N -___ ______ EFZI®_MO� cc, 10 Turb 20 Pb 10 NH3 4 ®====.. Poor Poor 13-17.36- 5 b 12.94a 0 P.O. 130X 987 ® Al.13EN1ARNORTH CAROLINA 28002 • PHONE: (704) 474-3165 CERTIFIED NAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED July 20, 1994 Mr. Sean D. Goris North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Subject: NPDES Application NC0028169 Permit Renewal Carolina Solite Corporation Stanly County Dear Mr. Goris: Carolina Solite is in receipt (as of June 27, 1994) of your letter dated June 24, 1994. Since the promulgation of standards under subpart H of 40 CFR Part 266 and 270 which regulate the combustion of hazardous waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces (BIFs), Carolina Solite no longer utilizes hazardous waste as a fuel source for kilns no. 5, 6, and 7 when emissions are being controlled by the wet scrubber air pollution control devices (APCDs). Hazardous waste fuel is used only on kilns when emissions are controlled utilizing a bagfilter APCD. The bagfilter APCD is a "dry" system which does not contribute any wastewater discharge to the existing scrubber water treatment facilities (outfall p01) into the Rocky River. Therefore, this change in the process significantly reduces the amount of expected pollutants in the effluent discharge. Only conventional fuel sources are currently permitted for use on kilns no. 5, 6, and 7 when emissions are controlled using the wet scrubber system APCD. In summary, no significant changes have been made to our operation which we believe would adversely affect our discharge. Therefore, the current permit is believed to be more than adequate to address all expected pollutants. cD Page Two July 20, 1994 Mr. Sean D. Goris If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me or Adrianne McLain at (704) 474-3165. Sincerely, ))3 John M. Kuiken Plant Manager amm:/npdesapp cc: Adrianne M. McLain Stephen P. Holt NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: NC0028169 PER ITTEE NAME: FACILITY NAME: Carolina Solite Corporation Carolina Solite Corporation Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal Major Minor Pipe No.: 002 Design Capacity: 0.36 MGD Domestic (% of Flow): Industrial (% of Flow): 0 % 100 Comments: Wc,k-et 41,11tj _ 31. ©uIA41►d er Seer 60'r Ikvid yr RECEIVING STREAM: L b A $P„4-NCii Class: C Sub -Basin: 03-07-13 Reference USGS Quad: G17NE, Oakboro County: Stanly Regional Office: Mooresville Regional Office (please attach) Previous Exp. Date: 11/30/94 Treatment Plant Class: Classification changes within three miles: None Requested by: Prepared bv: Sean Goris Reviewed by: h,(4- Date: 6/24/94 Date: ; ) '' Date: Modeler Date Rec. lN1 M ui Drainage Area (mi2 ) I94- 911 Avg. Streamflow (cfs): 7Q10 (cfs) a Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 30Q2 (cfs) Chronic pL 2, ;/ aar//y Toxicity Limits: IWC /00 % Instream Monitoring: Imp ,C r (11,f/, lvr�li,1/. Y Location OFF- ufikeao, con e7Seite YLocation la/ f/ da,, j,,i Q., fiPeo, ,eb7b, kt n Long /, fram t Monthly Average 0.36 30 6-9 30 Parameters Upstream Downstream Flow (MGD): TSS (mg/1): 45 PH (SU): 6-9 Oil and Grease (mg/1): 60 Chromium (14/1): 50 Lead (1): 25 Manganese(µg/1): Daily Max. monitor * The discharge shall not cause the turbidity of the receiving waters to exceed 50 NTU. If turbidity exceeds these levels due to natural background conditions, the discharge level cannot cause any increase in the turbidity in the receiving waters. **The temperature of the effluent shall be such as not totause an increaspn the temperature of thelreceiving stream of more than 2.81egrees C and in no case cause the ambient water temperature to exceed 32 degrees C. ***BMP Conditions: 1. The permittee shall operate the facilities in a manner which will minimize the impact on the receiving waters. 2. The permittee shall utilize sound management practices to ensure that contaminants do not enter the surface waters as a rtesult of blasting at this site. Comments: /4(.,tj teS / c.l,+r14 -P.0l fre,y, ohie; lit) 19rJ7 Facility Name: NPDES No.: Type of Waste: Facility Status: Permit Status: Receiving Stream: Stream Classification: Subbasin: County: Regional Office: Requestor: Date of Request: Topo Quad: FACT SHEET FOR WASTELOAD ALLOCATION Carolina Solite Corporation NC0028 169 Industrial - 100% Existing Renewal Long Branch C 030713 Stanly ��,,�� MooresvilleY Sean Goris 6/24/94 G 18 NW Aquadale Request # pipe 002 7897 N.C. DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, & NATURAL RESOURCES J U L 14 1994 DIVISION MMOF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Stream CharactensncSVILIE REGIONAL OFFICE USGS # Date: Drainage Area (mi2): Summer 7Q10 (cfs): 0 Winter 7Q10 (cfs): Average Flow (cfs): 30Q2 (cfs): IWC (%): 100 Wasteload Allocation Summary (approach taken, correspondence with region, EPA, etc.) -Q r, Pipe 002 water discharge comes from mine quarry pit as part of dewatering quarry. Water -1/ accumulates in quarry from ground water and rainfall. Upstream from discharge has been rated -' (89-91) as Fair and partially supporting and downstream from effluent has been rated Poor and non -supporting. Therefore, I recommend instream monitoring when discharge occurs. No current data exists; Facility has not been discharging. I recommend existing limits and an episodic Acute P/F toxicity limit at 90%. Special Schedule Requirements and additional comments from Reviewers: Recommended by: ifel7,7/(z_4-c--Date: 7 ,� Reviewed by Instream Assessment: Regional Supervisor: 0/? LecAzAo, Permits & Engineering: Ant "7 Date: !f / // Y Date: 3/40,e- Date: AUG 0 9 1994 RETURN TO TECHNICAL SUPPORT BY: 2 Set above Type of Toxicity Test: Existing Limit: Recommended Limit:** Monitoring Schedule: Existing Limits TOXICS/METALS/CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS Chronic P/F @ 99% MAR, JUN, SEP, DEC Quarterly litkertlic Acute P/F Limit **see attachment When facility discharges not to exceed 4/year. Recommended by Matt. Matthews from Aquatic Toxicolgy Unit. Flow (MGD): TSS (mg/1): pH (SU): Oil and Grease (mg/1): Chromium (µg/1): Lead (µg/1): Manganese (µg/1): —Dissolved-Oxygen..(mg/l):: -_-- - Turbidity (NTU):* Temperature BMP Conditions Chronic Toxicity Daily Max. 45 6-9 60 50 25 50* --- ** *** Monthly Average 0.36 30 6-9 30 monitor monitor— -- Yearly Average * The discharge shall not cause the turbidity of the receiving waters to exceed 50 NTU. If turbidity exceeds these levels due to natural background conditions, the discharge level cannot cause any increase in the turbidity in the receiving waters. **The temperature of the effluent shall be such as not to ause an increas in the temperature of the freceiving stream of more than 2.8 egrees C and in no case cause the ambient water temperature to exceed 32 degrees C. ***BMP Conditions: 1. The permittee shall operate the facilities in a manner which will minimize the impact on the receiving waters. 2. The permittee shall utilize sound management practices to ensure that contaminants do not enter the surface waters as a rtesult of blasting at this site. RECOMMENDED LIMITS: ADOPTION OF EXISTING LIMITS. except change WET test to Acute. Flow (MGD): TSS (mg/1): pH (SU): Oil and Grease (mg/I): Chromium (1.1g/1): Lead (µg/1): Manganese (14/1): --Dissolved-Oxygen-(mg/0: Turbidity (NTU):* Temperature BMP Conditions Acute Toxicity Daily Max. 45 6-9 60 50 25 50* ** *** Monthly Average 0.36 30 6-9 30 monitor _ __monitor Yearly Average WQ or EL 4/year EL EL F.I.. WQ WQ EL EL _X_ Parameter(s) are water quality limited. For some parameters, the available load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality based effluent limitations for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. OR No parameters are water quality limited, but this discharge may affect future allocations. 3 INSTREAM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Upstream Location: 100 ft upstream from effluent Downstream Location: 100 ft downstream from effluent on long Branch. Parameters: ID321, Temp, Cond, pH, Turbidity. Special instream monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: Monitoring should occur whenever facility is discharging. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION & SPECIAL CONDITIONS Adequacy of Existing Treatment Has the facility demonstrated the ability to meet the proposed new limits with existing treatment facilities? Yes No If no, which parameters cannot be met? Would a "phasing in" of the new limits be appropriate? Yes No If yes, please provide a schedule (and basis for that schedule) with the regional office recommendations: If no, why not? Special Instructions or Conditions Wasteload sent to EPA? (Major) N_ (Y or N) (If yes, then attach schematic, toxics spreadsheet, copy of model, or, if not modeled, then old assumptions that were made, and description of how it fits into basinwide plan) Additional Information attached? (Y or N) If yes, explain with attachments. -C ra/, 16 ' �� /� /--e .Coves /7&7 NC/00 cgllp 9 f iik #ooZ ACUTE TOXICITY PASS/FAIL PERMIT LIMIT (QRTRLY) The permittee shall conduct acute toxicity tests on a quarterly basis using protocols defined in the North Carolina Procedure Document entitled "Pass/Fail Methodology For Determining Acute Toxicity In A Single Effluent Concentration." The monitoring shall be performed as a Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) 24 hour static test. The effluent concentration at which there may be at no time significant acute mortality is 90% (defined as treatment two in the North Carolina procedure document). Effluent samples for self -monitoring purposes must be obtained during representative effluent discharge below all waste treatment. The first test will be performed after thirty days from the effective date of this permit upon the first discharge from the facility during each quarter, the quarters defined as January -March, April -June, July -September, and October -December. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the parameter code TGE6C. Additionally, DEM Form AT-2 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, N.C. 27607 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any single quarterly monitoring indicate a failure to meet specified limits, subsequent monthly monitoring will take place in any month in which a discharge occurs until such time that a single test is passed. Upon passing, this monthly test requirement will revert to quarterly as specified above. Should no discharge occur during any period'in which monitoring is required, the Division must be informed of such in writing to the above address. Should any test data from either these monitoring requirements or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate retesting (within 30 days of initial monitoring event). Failure to submit suitable test results will constitute noncompliance with monitoring requirements. 7Q10 0 cfs Permitted Flow 0..3 ((, MGD IWC /00 % Basin & Sub -basin YfiD OS-C7-/3 Receiving Stream ton IS rdn c 1-7 County S fnh Recommended by: // Date QAL PIF Fathead 24 Version 9191