HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0037311_Renewal (Application)_20220623 NPDES Permit Number FacilityName Modified Application Form 2A PP NC0037311 Creekside Manor Rest Home Modified March 2021 Form NC Department of Environmental Quality-Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater NPDES MINOR SEWAGE FACILITIES(Before completing this form,please read the instructions.Failure to follow the instructions ma result in denial of the application.) SECTION 1.BASIC APPUCATION INFORMATION FOR ALL APPLICANTS(40 CFR 122.21(j)(1)and(9)) 1.1 Facility name Creekside Manor Rest Home Mailing address(street or P.O.box) P.O.Box 1487 City or town State ZIP code o Kernersville NC 27285 Contact name(first and last) Title Phone number Email address o William Hammonds Owner (336)595-6004 whammonds@aol.com Location address(street,route number,or other specific identifier) ❑ Same as mailing address • 6206 Reidsville Rd. LL City or town State ZIP code Kernersville NC 27285 1.2 Is this application for a facility that has yet to commence discharge? ❑ Yes 4 See instructions on data submission ❑ No requirements for new dischargers. 1.3 Is applicant different from entity listed under Item 1.1 above? ❑� Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 1.4. Applicant name Pace Analytical Services Applicant address(street or P.O.box) 1377 South Park Dr. o City or town State ZIP code Kernersville NC 27284 Contact name(first and last) Title Phone number Email address a Clifford Cain Operator (336)414-8322 clifford.Cain@pacelabs.com 1.4 Is the applicant the facility's owner,operator,or both?(Check only one response.) ❑ Owner ID Operator ❑ Both 1.5 To which entity should the NPDES permitting authority send correspondence?(Check only one response.) ❑� Facility ❑ Applicant Facility and applicant (they are one and the same) 1.6 Indicate below any existing environmental permits.(Check all that apply and print or type the corresponding permit number for each.) 9 Existin Environmental Permits d 0 NPDES(discharges to surface ❑ RCRA(hazardous waste) ❑ UIC(underground injection water) control) E NC0037311 o ❑ PSD(air emissions) ❑ Nonattainment program(CAA) 0 NESHAPs(CM) rn .N ❑ Ocean dumping(MPRSA) ❑ Dredge or fill(CWA Section ❑ Other(specify) 404) Page 1 NPDES Permit Number Facility Name t,odfied Application Form 2A NC0037311 Creekside Manor Rest Home Modified March 2021 1.7 Provide the collection system information requested below for the treatment works. Municipality Population Collection System Type Ownership Status Served Served (indicate percentage) 1o0 %separate sanitary sewer 0 Own 0 Maintain ZMHP 60 %combined storm and sanitary sewer ❑ Own ❑ Maintain O ❑ Unknown ❑ Own ❑ Maintain cn co %separate sanitary sewer ❑ Own ElMaintain 9 %combined storm and sanitary sewer ❑ Own 0 Maintain S.a 0 Unknown ❑ Own ❑ Maintain a %separate sanitary sewer ElOwn 0 Maintain c %combined storm and sanitary sewer ❑ Own 0 Maintain `O 0 Unknown ❑ Own 0 Maintain E %separate sanitary sewer El Own ❑ Maintain > %combined storm and sanitary sewer ❑ Own 0 Maintain e El Unknown El Own ❑ Maintain o Total Population 60 c�i Served Separate Sanitary Sewer System Combined Storm and Sanitary Sewer Total percentage of each type of ° ° sewer line(in miles) 100 �0 �0 Z 1.8 Is the treatment works located in Indian Country? c o ❑ Yes 0 No U A 1.9 Does the facility discharge to a receiving water that flows through Indian Country? c 0 Yes ❑ No 1.10 Provide design and actual flow rates in the designated spaces. Design Flow Rate 0.010 mgd To €n Annual Average Flow Rates(Actual) aco 2 Two Years Ago Last Year This Year c rx Coco 0.006 mgd 0.005 mgd 0.004 mgd in Maximum Daily Flow Rates(Actual) c3 Two Years Ago Last Year This Year 0.012 mgd 0.007 mgd 0.006 mgd o 1.11 Provide the total number of effluent discharge points to waters of the State of North Carolina by type. Total Number of Effluent Discharge Points by Type a o. Constructed Combined Sewer Treated Effluent Untreated Effluent Overflows Bypasses Emergency - Overflows N_ a 1 Page 2 NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Modified Application Form 2A NC0037311 Creekside Manor Rest Home Modified March 2021 Outfalls Other Than to Waters of the Stab)of North Carolina 1.12 Does the POTW discharge wastewater to basins,ponds,or other surface impoundments that do not have outlets for discharge to waters of the State of North Carolina? O Yes ❑� No 4 SKIP to Item 1.14. 1.13 Provide the location of each surface impoundment and associated discharge information in the table below. Surface Impoundment Location and Discharge Data Average Daily Volume Continuous or Intermittent Location Discharged to Surface (check one) Impoundment ❑ Continuous gPd ❑ Intermittent ❑ Continuous gpd ❑ Intermittent O Continuous gpd ❑ Intermittent r 1.14 Is wastewater applied to land? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 1.16. c 1.15 Provide the land application site and discharge data requested below. n Land Application Site and Discharge Data o Average Daily Volume Continuous or Location Size Applied Intermittent (check one) ❑ Continuous acres gpd ❑ Intermittent 0 acres gpd ❑ Continuous ❑ Intermittent acres d 0 Continuous gp ❑ Intermittent • 1.16 Is effluent transported to another facility for treatment prior to discharge? o ❑ Yes m No 4 SKIP to Item 1.21. 1.17 Describe the means by which the effluent is transported(e.g.,tank truck,pipe). 1.18 Is the effluent transported by a party other than the applicant? ❑ Yes 0 No 9 SKIP to Item 1.20. 1.19 Provide information on the transporter below. Transporter Data Entity name Mailing address(street or P.O.box) City or town State ZIP code Contact name(first and last) Title Phone number Email address Page 3 NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Modfied Application Form 2A NC0037311 Creekside Manor Rest Home Modfied March 2021 1.20 In the table below,indicate the name,address,contact information,NPDES number,and average daily flow rate of the receiving facility. Receiving Facility Data Facility name Mailing address(street or P.O.box) Creekside Manor Rest Home P.O.Box 1487 City or town State ZIP code o Kernersville NC 27285 U Contact name(first and last) Title William Hammonds Owner t Phone number Email address (336)595-6004 whammonds@aol.com o NPDES number of receiving facility(if any) 121 None a Average daily flow rate 0.005 mgd E 1.21 Is the wastewater disposed of in a manner other than those already mentioned in Items 1.14 through 1.21 that do not have outlets to waters of the State of North Carolina(e.g.,underground percolation,underground injection)? ao t ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 1.23. O 1.22 Provide information in the table below on these other disposal methods. Information on Other Disposal Methods Disposal Location of Size of Annual Average Continuous or Intermittent Method Disposal Site Disposal Site Daily Discharge (check one) to Description Volume acres gpd ❑ Continuous ❑ Intermittent 0 acresgpd ❑ Continuous ❑ Intermittent acres gpd ❑ Continuous ❑ Intermittent 1.23 Do you intend to request or renew one or more of the variances authorized at 40 CFR 122.21(n)?(Check all that apply. w Consult with your NPDES permitting authority to determine what information needs to be submitted and when.) ❑ Discharges into marine waters(CWA ❑ Water quality related effluent limitation(CWA Section er 49 CI Section 301(h)) 302(b)(2)) 0 Not applicable 1.24 Are any operational or maintenance aspects(related to wastewater treatment and effluent quality)of the treatment works the responsibility of a contractor? ❑ Yes ❑ No+SKIP to Section 2. 1.25 Provide location and contact information for each contractor in addition to a description of the contractor's operational and maintenance responsibilities. Contractor Information Contractor 1 Contractor 2 Contractor 3 Contractor name (company name) Mailing address (street or P.O.box) City,state,and ZIP code o Contact name(first and last) Phone number Email address Operational and maintenance responsibilities of contractor Page 4 NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Modified Application Form 2A NC0037311 Creekside Manor Rest Home Modified March 2021 SECTION 2.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION(40 CFR 122.21(j)(1)and(2)) o Outfalls to Waters of the State of North Carolina 2.1 Does the treatment works have a design flow greater than or equal to 0.1 mgd? 01 o ❑ Yes ID No-4 SKIP to Section 3. 0 2.2 Provide the treatment works'current average daily volume of inflow Average Daily Volume of Inflow and Infiltration and infiltration. gpd Indicate the steps the facility is taking to minimize inflow and infiltration. o 0 c 2.3 Have you attached a topographic map to this application that contains all the required information?(See instructions for 43 0_ specific requirements.) `as m o n ❑ Yes ❑ No E 2.4 Have you attached a process flow diagram or schematic to this application that contains all the required information? (See instructions for specific requirements.) o rn L1 0 ❑ Yes ❑ No 2.5 Are improvements to the facility scheduled? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 3. = Briefly list and describe the scheduled improvements. 0 1. E Q 2. E 0 3. w 4. cn -o Ws 2.6 Provide scheduled or actual dates of completion for improvements. Scheduled or Actual Dates of Completion for Improvements E Affected Attainment of Scheduled Begin End Begin Outfalls Operational o Improvement Construction Construction Discharge (from above) (list outfall Level (MM/DD/YYYY) (MMIDD/YYYY) (lv1M/DD/YYYY) number) (Mh1/DDIYYYY) a 1. _0 2. 3. 4. 2.7 Have appropriate permits/clearances concerning other federal/state requirements been obtained?Briefly explain your response. ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ None required or applicable Explanation: Page 5 L