HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0023949_Report_19980925NPDES DOCVNENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NC0023949 Goldsboro WWTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical ,, Report Speculative Limits Instream Assessment (67b) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: September 25, 1998 Thies document Sus printed on reuse paper - iiore any content on the resrerse tsside ARCADIS GERAGHTY&VILLER Ms. Karen Brashear Director of Public Utilities City of Goldsboro Post Office Drawer A Goldsboro, North Carolina 27533-9701 Subject: Increase in Wastewater Treatment Plant Permitted Capacity NPDES Permit Number NC0023949 ARCADIS Geraghty & Miller Project Number 39477.0009 Dear Ms. Brashear: LLB At the request of the City of Goldsboro, ARCADIS Geraghty and Miller has completed an engineering evaluation of the Goldsboro Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) to determine if the existing facilities can accommodate flows in excess of the current permitted capacity. The conclusion of this evaluation is that the existing facilities, without physical modification, can safely accommodate 700,000 gallons per day additional flow without detrimental effects on year-round effluent quality. Thus, the City should request that the discharge permit be modified to increase the average monthly flow from 10.1 MGD to 10.8 MGD. Engineering calculations have been prepared to support this request for increased capacity (attached). Following are a discussion of the purpose of this evaluation, a summary of the methodology used in the analysis and a brief discussion of the adequacy of each treatment process and component. PURPOSE The City of Goldsboro submitted an application to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, NPDES Unit, for renewal of NPDES Permit Number NC0023949 on July 22, 1998. Included in the renewal application was a request to increase the plant permitted flow from 10.1 to 10.55 MGD (a 0.45 MGD increase). The purpose for this requested increase was to allow the City of Goldsboro to accept flow from (and thus eliminate) poorly performing wastewater treatment plants serving communities in the Goldsboro region. This engineering evaluation has been performed to verify that the existing facilities can adequately treat the additional flow without detrimental effects on year-round effluent quality. The conclusion of the engineering analysis is that the current facilities can adequately treat 10.8 MGD, which is in excess of the requested 10.55 MGD permitted flow. ARCADIS Geraghty & Miller, Inc 2301 Rexwoods Drive Suite 200 Raleigh North Carolina 27607-3366 Tel 919 782 5511 Fax 919 782 5905 WATER AND WASTE MANAGEMENT Raleigh, 25 September 1998 Contact: r F. Ross Stroud —n Extension: 137 (� w • ARCADES GERAGHTY& MILLER METHODOLOGY The methods used to determine the additional capacity of the existing Goldsboro WWTP included review of the design calculations at the current permitted flow and review of the plant operating records and reports for the past twelve months. It should be noted that the plant experienced unusually high flows during the first quarter of 1998 due to heavy rainfall and higher than normal levels in the Neuse River. These evaluations indicate that the critical component for meeting permit requirements at this time is to maintain effluent solids below approximately 6 mg/1 in order to meet summer requirements for CBOD (less than 4 mg/1). Therefore, the crucial process units are the clarifiers and the effluent filters. The review of the clarifiers and the effluent filters indicates that the average daily flow to these components can be increased by 700,000 gallons per day (233,333 gallons per train) without any adverse effects on year-round effluent quality. The remainder of the WWTP was then checked to verify that this additional flow can be accommodated by the other process units at the permit limits indicated on the attached calculations. EVALUATION OF INDIVIDUAL PROCESS UNITS Plant Hydraulics and Flow Equalization The current design peak hydraulic capacity of the Goldsboro WWTP is 19 MGD. High flows are equalized using a former treatment lagoon that has been converted to a flow equalization pond. An increase in the average daily flow from 10.1 MGD to 10.8 MGD will remain below the plant's design hydraulic capacity. The design peak hydraulic capacity of 19.0 MGD will not change at this time because the maximum influent pumping capacity will not change. Grit Removal The two existing Aerated Grit Removal basins have a combined capacity of 26.54 MGD. Redundancy is provided by a third air supply blower. These facilities are adequate for the requested flow increase. Biological Treatment Units (Aeration/BNR Tanks) The three existing Biological Treatment Units (Aeration/BNR Tanks) were evaluated at the proposed flow of 10.8 MGD (3.6 MGD per treatment train). The calculated values were then compared to values recommended in the publication Wastewater Engineering, Treatment - Disposal - Reuse, Third Edition, Metcalf and Eddy, 1991. A summary of the findings is as follows: • Calculated F/M Ratio is 0.08 average, and 0.135 monthly maximum. Recommended range is 0.05 to 0.3. Our ref.: N CO3 9477.0009/sub I et. d oc Page: 2/5 ARCAD1S GERAGHTY& MILLER • Calculated available aerobic residence time is 9.93 hours, compared to a calculated minimum requirement of 9.36 hours. • Calculated available anoxic residence time is 3.4 hours, compared to a calculated minimum requirement of 3.2 hours. • The required nitrate recycle ratio can be met using RAS pumps, mechanical aeration equipment and internal recycle pumps. These calculations were based on a design MCRT of 15 days minimum. Tankage volumes and hydraulic retention times used in the original design of these facilities came from both reported literature and application of field experience with BNR facilities designed by this firm. The tankage was also designed with the ability to vary the percentage of the tankage used for anaerobic, anoxic, and aerobic treatment and to vary the application points for raw influent and return activated sludge. Therefore, the plant allows significant flexibility for operational optimization. The documented plant performance indicates clearly the validity of this design approach. Based on the calculations and review of the plant operational data, the increase in flow can be accommodated by the existing biological treatment units without adverse impact on effluent quality. Aeration Blowers/Diffusers The existing blowers have a capacity of 7,500 scfm per treatment train, compared to a worst -case demand of 7,124 scfm per treatment train. Supplemental mechanical aeration equipment is also available. The diffused air systems have a capacity of 15,336 scfm per treatment train. Therefore, existing blowers and diffused aeration systems are adequate for the proposed increase in average flow rate. It should be noted that the denitrification process can significantly lower the actual oxygen requirement due to oxygen recovery from recycle of nitrates into the anoxic zones. Theoretically, up to 2.86 pounds of oxygen can be used for oxidation of substrate for every pound of nitrates recycled. This is verified by the fact that the plant currently uses only one blower during most conditions for all three process trains. Clarifiers The surface loading rates for the existing clarifiers is 458 gallons/day/square foot at the increased average daily flow rate, compared to a recommended range of 400 - 600 gallons/day/square foot. The calculated weir overflow rate is 12,457 gallons/day/foot compared to a recommended maximum of 20,000 gallons/day/foot. The calculated Our ref.: N CO3 9477.0009/sub I et. doc Page: 3/5 ARCAD1S GERAGHTY& MILLER solids loading rate (including 150 percent RAS) is 38.2 pounds/day/square foot compared to a recommended maximum of 38.4 pounds/day/square foot. The clarifiers are within recommended design parameters, although the solids loading rate is near the recommended maximum. However, review of the plant operational data indicates no significant increase in effluent solids from the clarifiers at flows up to 11 MGD. Effluent Filters As previously discussed, the effluent filters are the controlling element in this rerating request. The filter manufacturer recommends an average loading rate on the filter of 2.0 gpm/square foot and a maximum loading rate of 5.0 gpm/square foot. The calculated average filter loading rate at a plant flow of 10.8 MGD is 2.14 gpm/square foot. The calculated filter loading at design peak flow of 19.0 MGD is 3.77 gpm/square foot. The filter loadings are therefore slightly above the average recommended loading rate but are well below the recommended maximum loading rate. A review of plant operating data and monthly reports indicates that if effluent TSS remains below 6 mg/1, summer effluent CBOD limits of 4 mg/1 are met. Plant records also indicate that effluent TSS below the 6 mg/1 ceiling have been consistently achieved by the existing facilities at flow rates up to 11 MGD and greater. Therefore, the filters should safely accommodate the flow increase to 10.8 MGD. Chlorine Contact Tanks The chlorine contact tanks and interconnecting piping have a detention time of slightly over 29 minutes at 10.8 MGD, compared to a recommended detention time of 30 minutes. If needed, the chlorine dosage can be increased to compensate for the slightly reduced contact time. Also, plant records indicate that adequate disinfection has been obtained during flows in excess of 14 MGD. Therefore, these facilities should be adequate for the requested flow increase. Chlorination System The existing chlorination system has a capacity to feed 4,000 pounds/day of chlorine gas. Calculated chlorine demand at 19 MGD (plant peak flow) is 1,268 pounds/day, based on a theoretical dosage of 8 mg/1. Actual plant dosage is nearer 2.0 mg/l. These facilities are adequate for the requested flow increase. Our ref.: NC039477.0009/sublet. doc Page: 4/5 ARCADIS GERAGHTY& MILLER Dechlorination System The existing dechlorination system has a capacity to feed 1,000 pounds/day of sulfur dioxide gas. Calculated sulfur dioxide demand at 19 MGD (plant peak flow) is 159 pounds/day. These facilities are adequate for the requested flow increase. As previously stated, the City of Goldsboro should request that the discharge permit be modified to increase the average monthly flow from 10.1 MGD to 10.8 MGD. Please contact us if you need additional information or further assistance in this matter. Sincerely, ARCADI Ger F. Ross Stroud, P.E. Project Manager W. Whit Wheeler, P.E. Project Engineer & Miller, Inc.r°°0. CARO'% s r gE O,y4 , s SEAL ( z ti 44zs-fN. r ��c RO • N'' S 1S� `` ot{311111/J//,, /ps °`•����H CARP' •'..••3 E.SS% ,S, -� Attachments if4� 9 1 �• E. SEAL • Copies: — i ?? ,9 $ Richard Slozak +� r Francine Durso %,°••:l:G►NE.:�\��: Our ref.: N CO3 9477.0009/s u b l et. d o c Page: 5/5 DATE 8/Z1 /31 CHKD. BY DATE PiedmoiltOsenHensley SUBJECT— GOLDs AJ NAJ:T:P. RE izATI SHEET NO. OF ZS JOB NO 3'04-73.000S a.az5 -Pciztss•S SAPg-LY 13FsIS -nie.._ExLsa-cu.aAa_ C.301.;D_SeacP, _Awl; txStS IS 13&Ss1D isJ Lok, C._urtmin , t . A.V.Eile4sic,E .3-_;tpoLy F- t. 0 Lo - ; , ' 1_02, L h... 6.> . . 1 , , . . •PrAg-__IN6.710% , a a. . .-c)— , a f'rAPE'Do.. 1,z14) - , 1 L'0 1 , , . a • , _PZO_ESE.1--> - 0, F3 t'A br> tos-rAttimicm& c•LoL) 1 r-4 a.i ___I.MPLu..S1Sr_LCAAEstikX_E_Ttialtr„s a • • AverzGO, 1 BYE, S DATE $%2lii medmontosenHensiey SHEET NO Z OF 2 3 CHKD. BY DATE SUBJECT-coLvS '-c-0 I,IL•TTt' 3Zt'slA'` kx) JOB NO. 3qd'n. 00b PPTz F,-ei c-�'� SorkEkE t -rS S w I I 3 a Co G cec.4. 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I 4 • .. , • - • 4. ... 1 — • . .• . . . 4 ... .. • -• -.; jSAN]TA]E 'NATEP=CLLUTCN CNTPCL �CPP IZ cF23 DIFFUSED AERATION DESIGN GUIDE CALCULATING CONVERSION FROM ACTUAL TO STANDARD CONDITIONS AOR/SOR RATIO The preceding section has discussed a rational method to determine Actual Oxygen Require- ments (AOR) and same of the factors affecting AOR. AOR is a measure of the oxygen demand of the wastewater at site conditions. Site condi- tions such as altitude and temperature will be different than standard conditions and correc- tions have to be made for this. Altitude and tem- perature affect the amount of oxygen that can be dissolved or absorbed by waste. Most impor- tantly, oxygen transfer in wastewater is different than in clear tap water. Wastewater also con- tains considerably more solids than tap water. Figure No. 2 AOR=SOR(x) A generally accepted formula to convert AOR to SOR is: {t3 \ P) C.,.] -00 field ar y C.,Std. Cond. The terms in the formula are: AOR = Actual oxygen requirement (field conditions) SOR = Standard oxygen requirement (standard conditions) - Standard conditions by definition are zero eleva- tion (29.92 barometric pressure), 20°C, and zero DO (dissolved oxygen in liquid). 10(' 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 15 10 9 8 7 0 6 5 CC 4 (/) 3 2 • 30 40 50 60 70 80 NITRIFICATION EFFICIENCY 90 100 Alpha = KLwastewater KL, tap water Beta = Saturation factor Theta = Temperature correcdon factor P. = Barometric pressure at jobsite P., = Barometric pressure at mean sea level D0 field = Working dissolved oxygen concen- tration in wastewater T = Operating temperature of wastewater Cam, = Surface D0 saturation concentration at 20°C and standard conditions for the particular aeration equipment. C.,,, = Surface D0 saturation concentration at design temperature T and 14.7 PSIA for the particular aeration equipment CDMMENTARY Aloha - Alpha by definition is the ratio of the mass transfer coefficient in wastewater to the mass transfer coefficient in tap water. The alpha correction factor in the formula is generally the largest correction value. Unfortunately, the least is known about alpha compared to the other terms in the formula. Alpha is also the most elu- sive factor in the formula and the most difficult to accurately test. With the preceding in mind the following generalizations and information are presented. Factors that appear to affect alpha are: A. Type aeration device, i.e. coarse bubble or fine bubble B. Mixing regimen, i.e. plug flow or complete mix C. Location within aeration tank, influent end vs. effluent end. D. Type of waste E. Submergence of aeration device Water Pollution Control Corp. (WPCC) has con- ducted many in -waste oxygen transfer determi- nations on both coarse and fine systems in municipal and industrial wastewaters using off - gas methods. The results of the off -gas testing can yield alpha of that particular waste at the location tested. In complete mix tanks with fine bubble aeration, alpha typically varies from about 0.4 to a high of about 0.7. Most typically alpha is in the range of 0.5 to 0.6 and these val- ues can be used with a fair degree of certainty for domestic wastewater in the absence of test- ing. In plug flow type tanks with fine bubble aer- ation, alpha is generally lower atthe inlet or influ- ent and rises to the outlet or effluent end. Very narrow and very long (or multiple pass) aeration tanks seem to exhibit the greatest alpha gradi- ent. Alpha values as low as 0.25 have been measured at the inlet of tanks with a large aspect ratio rising to approximately 0.9 at the outlet. The designer is cautioned to be aware of a potential alpha gradient in long narrow tanks. In coarse bubble aeration tanks, alpha typically varies from about 0.6 to a high of about 0.95. Most typically, alpha is in the range of 0.7 to 0.8 and these values can be used with a fair degree of certainty for domestic wastewater in the absence of testing. Coarse bubble alpha values )3 aF Z3 SAN ITA1 E 'A,A1":? =,_-_u•r:CN .CUTFCL CFP as low as 0.5 have been measured n a highly loaded complete mix paper mill waste. Alpha gradients can exist in coarse bubble aeration tanks but may be less than with fine bubble aer- ation due to the more turbulent mixing inherent with coarse bubble aeration. Beta - Beta is a saturation factor and is used to correct for the dissolved solids in wastewater. The solubility of oxygen in wastewater is approximately 95 to 99 percent of that of pure water. Beta is commonly accepted to be in the range of 0.95 to 0.99. Theta - Theta is the temperature (of the waste- water) correction factor. Theta is commonly accepted to be 1.024 with the exponent T-20 power. Values of the expression 0r 0 are listed for temperatures of T = 10°C to T = 30°C. Note that at 20°C (68°F) the expression becomes 0 to the zero power or 1.000. See Figure No. 3. P, - This is the barometric pressure at the jobsite in inches of mercury. See Figure No. 4. PM51. - This is the barometric pressure at mean sea level (standard conditions) and is 29.92 inches of mercury. The ratio P, over P,, cor- rects for the reduced solubility of oxygen in water at higher altitudes. D0 field - This is the working dissolved oxygen concentration in the wastewater desired to be maintained. Typically designers will pick this value to be 2.0 mg/I at average conditions and often allow it to drop to 1.0 mg/l at peak condi- tions. The working dissolved oxygen concentra- tion must be accounted for because it reduces the "driving force". The rate of oxygen transfer is dependent on the oxygen deficit. For example, if a particular device has the capability to satu- rate water to 10 mg/I as measured at the surface and 1 mg/I D0 is maintained in the water, the deficit or driving force is 9 mg/l. If, on the other hand, 4 mg/1 DO is maintained in the water; the driving force is only 6 mg/l. T - T is the operating temperature of the waste- water in °C. This correction must be made to account for the reduced solubility of oxygen in water at higher temperatures. Figure No. 5 shows the commonly accepted values for sur- face oxygen solubility at sea level for tempera- tures ranging from 0°C to 30°C. Note that this is not the C„, value for the aeration device. Most diffused aeration devices have the ability to sat- urate the surface of the water and achieve higher values than those listed in Figure No. 5. Figure No. 6 shows the values of C„ measured for both fine bubble and coarse bubble SANI- TAIREa diffusers at various submergences. See the example problem at the bottom of Figure No. 5. Given that the Cmeasured value for a particular device at a given submergence is 10.0 mg/1, and the wastewater temperature is 30°C, find C„,, measured. First determine the ratio or surface C„ at sea level and 30°C to 20°C. From Figure No. 5 this ratio is 7.6/9.2. Multiply this ratio times C measured of 10.0 in this example to obtain 8:3 mg/I. This will be measured for the particular device. Figure No. 3 TEMPERATURE CORRECTION FACTOR - THETA 0 Temperature Correction Expression Hero and 0 = 1.024 T Value of (°C) o' (°F) 10 0.789 50.0 11 0.808 51.8 12 0.827 53.6 13 0.847 55.4 14 0.867 57.2 15 0.888 59.0 16 0.909 60.8 17 0.931 62.6 18 0.953 64.4 19 0.977 66.2 20 1.000 68.0 21 1,024 69.8 22 1.049 71.6 23 1.074 73.4 24 1,100 75.2 25 1.126 77.0 26 1.153 78.8 27 1.181 80.6 28 1.209 82.4 29 1.238 84.2 30 1.268 86.0 Figure No. 5 TEMPERATURE CORRECTION FOR C„, T (°C) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 SURFACE C„ C SEA LEVEL 14.62 13.83 13.11 12.45 11.84 11.29 10.78 10.31 9.87 9.47 9.09 8.74 8.42 8.11 7.83 7.56 = C x Surface C;,, Surface C,„,, Example: Given C, = 10.0 mg/I, Temp = 30°C Find C,ro Solution: Cam, = 10.0 (7.56) = 8.31 mg/I (9.09) Figure No. 4 AVERAGE ABSOLUTE ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE Altitude (Feet) Inches of Mercury -1000 31.00 500 30.50 0 29.92 +500 29.39 1,000 28.87 1,500 28.33 2,000 27.82 3,000 26.81 4,000 25.85 5,000 24.90 6,000 28.98 7,000 23.10 8.000 22.22 9.000 21.39 10.000 20.58 Figure No. 6 12- FINE BUBBLE / CERAMICS �4,1- - / / / COARSE / BUBBLE D-24's 0 , 5 10 15 20 25 DIFFUSER SUBMERGENCE ( FEET ) 30 DATE CHKD. BY DATE PiedMOIdasenHensiey SUBJECT- 0161,5 40' of LJLJ 7t , SHEET NO 1 OF 21 JOB NO. I ' • ; ! . . . . . , I i • ' ! i I ! 1 ' ' i i ! i ! ! I . • • . i : : i 1 i • • . • t*H ; e_Aite.t.e ..CCF311 :. -7 1-- ;(--- , li- • • I 1 I -1 ! , • i : r : • • !' :, i 1 1 I ! • s . , -' Steo' -r/ I i 92- .: . 11.--r , L.? , f , , • . , . . , 3 S i:.- I3' 3 C i S 4 ,1"--7,4-' 1 • . • • . . , . 1 I , . , . : . ; . I , 1 45- j 3 7114z zi : ,......„..... / .1 . . , f .,A. e...14•-2.,' ...., 1- ot„...' 4... ! . 40/..., - . i • , 1 : , . , . . , • 1 1 i • , • . • i , , . e 1 e - o . •-t . I i ; , 1111 _o_. ... I t1 I hrS _s!. 7,5 ' e.b10 Se,=:efri > 77 . L3 i . 0 141 e- d--a,. i et 1 1 ..t I , 1 I r i t 4g-e.rec(0,:s* I I .I.., /it., 1,4 b.c.- 1141 12 3 ..r.k. i • 1-1.t. 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BY DATE PledffiontOlsenHensley SUBJECT-6OLOSSOZ) WIAPrP rZei2glx)(k SHEET NO 2\ OF JOB NO at 411. Ot4 c tv Lox, it4E. ca1/4314,,c--rdfjAC c_tx,1-7-\ CAS& 33,33) - (t4 ,s CI-M-C1C—L_D__cce,ra ts--c Ii020-tcas) ; ; I 0 „ IS r•-tc.,1>__ -.z. • _7150 .....a.i::: Lt.wi____WA' c.i ........ 7 '....v IA, , , 0-0-z to trim ; E ; _____ _____Daao..4( . 'TIME i IS LiE-. e'Fi:eamm_E*mitSZ) at) • IA ! iv u-z_....S Sk.rt" - BLY.....L 1..eSS 1 •a__S___,a,- 1 , • V•PAri--. REZ-ORQS--11Q-HP.I.CATE; 6 rSVA.C231a-‘ri ' -D.N't ' 1 I 2A.6 Clj... ; I --;--- ------ --A51 ' .." 2.)--1.44Lt---21.„ 1 1 1 i ,- C.gLeisajC COOTACT Hr citLT ir < i t ................ i I I i . , I I • • BY4V4 DATE...Z/4n CHKD. BY DATE 1montOIsenHensy SUBJECT- C.341..0S$Deti LJIAJT'? SHEET NO.. ZZ OF 2 3 JOB NO. 3 4- r -a' c341.094 &urn 014, CPI ___.‹..3.4k.zaz. (3.4_ eismx. rry_, S•-r - Zaoo llo% -DE-G. tkit ..b L Dp2y6 4.1- cg1-rSrS-tiA .___fa-gt__CCS:C P7. i4�I r apt 1z=61 ilk Iv:As-LW G .oQiN -o p U- fo Z to 0 11:001 A•J6. CftoRliue VSAGE 1 am{_ {' ` ffE'Dppp�+ `u� C }^/A 2.-L27-S Va49-,1 5‘)%i-_S-O NikaTatz. i 7 { Des.1 (D4 cz,Inz:1241Ati u { EgED C_i t1S' 6 5tRNAOR-S Typical Gas Chlorination Dosage Rates _ Water 23 .4-23 The, Capital Controls Group Worldwide Water Quality Solutions Reason for Chlorination Typical Dosage ppm (mg/I) Contact Time (minutes) Residual Type Disinfection of potable water. Surface Weil - 1-10 1-5 - As required _ As required As required As required Control of: Taste and odor Algae Slime Iron & Bacteria 1-3 3-5 3-5 1-10 20 Varies Maintain residual throughout system Free Free Free Free Ammonia (break point) 10 times NH3 content Minutes Free Removal of: Iron . Manganese Color Hydrogen Sulfide: To Sulfur To Sulfate 0.64 times Fe content 1.3 times Mn content Dependent upon type and extent of color removal desired 2 times H2S content 8 times H2S content Instantaneous Vanes 15 Instantaneous Free Free Free _ Food processing: Water, washdown Water, chilling 50 20 Vanes Varies Free Free Treatment of water. Swimming pool Cooling _ 1-5 3-5 Wastewater Reason for Chlorination Typical Dosage ppm (mg/1) Disinfection of: Raw sewage Primary disinfection Tricklinglter effluent 15-20 10-15 3-8 3-8 divated sludge effluent ___4. 2-5 and filter effluent Odor control of: Upper sewer Plant influent Trickling filter effluent 1-10 1-10 1-5 B.O.D. Reduction: Raw screened sewage Activated sludge effluent 10 10 Cyanide destruction: To cyanate Complete destruction 2.7 times cyanide content 7.3 times cyanide content * The rates in PPM or mg/I given are for average conditions. Consult Capital Controls for special applications. CALCULATING CHLORINATOR SIZE - Chlorinator sizes should be based upon the maximum expected flow rate at any time. Use gallons per minute (GPM) or cubic meters per hour (m3/h) rather than daily total or average. U.S. - PPD = GPM x .012 x Dosage (ppm) Metric - g/h = m3 (water) x Dosage (mg/I) 010.3100.1 EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO. Nc0023949 - DISCHARGE NO. ooi MONTE: JULY YEAR 1997 `FACILITY NAME CITY OF GOLDSBORO-44TP CLASS IV COUNTY WAYNE OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) HOSIEA H. HEWITT GRADE . PHONEiltativ& CERTIFIED LABORATORIES CITY OF GOLDSBORO (2) s0irrnNN TESTING cst QURi 1NOTCN Rf! ARC81. INC. CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES OPERATORS Mall ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH. NC 27626-0535 x JL r• 1 1jhd 8 -2S .? 7 (SIGNATURE OF OPERATORIN RE SPONSIBLE CHARGE) D ATE BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. ._._ fai f} -64 Operator Arrival Time: 2400 Clock Operator Time 0n Site x :0 �INF o L.1 O 50050 00010 00400 50060. 80082 1 00610 1 00530 (31616 00300 1 00600 1 00666 00646 00340 1 00600 00940 FLOW TEMPERATURE CELSIUS i�K dZ CC O cm VV M Cv %i h AMMONIA NITROGEN TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS FECAL. COLIFORM (GEOLETRIC LEAK) ti N O C TOTAL. NITROGEN TOTAL PHOSPHOROUS SETrLIBLE MATTER VQ TOTAL SOLIDS Cal tz a t) EFF� ❑ DAILY RATE HRS HAS YIN 'MGD °C urrs UGIL MGIL MGIL MGIL COILW1 MGIL MG1L MGIL MI.1L MGIL MGIL MGjL 1:::::1(10 :::2:4::::: ...... ....7:1:•:::=::.1,1D: :::E5;'v.41:10 ::::L2::.. :?8 ..::�7:9 .:............... ::a3:1::::::::: 2 700 24 Y 6.28 25 7.3 0.0 L4 <0.10 0.9 3 82 0.1 29 .::3'..:'/010 ..:24:7 ...... 6:47 :....::24 ':....::701:::::::0.0 ...:1.3 ::<13:10 ..... 0.4 °..K2'...::7`,9 :-2:11) ..... '0:1 .•::: '30 ...•543 700 24 5.92 5: 700 4: ::5' 6 700 24 5.59 :::7;: E i.. . • ...... ?11A5 :.....:•25:....:7A :..1�Q :13:�0: Q *akl . ...... . . .............. 8 700 24 Y 6.35 25 7.1 0.0 L1 40.10 0.3 2 7.9 0.13 • 0.1 :9 ::: 7I10:::' .. .. 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V.* .....::6.56 :.....::26 :...::?,0 :...:i1.fl ..:14 :<0:20 .... 11 . .. ....�:�:::�:�0.fl �:�:�:::�:�:�' .......... ..........::13:I�::=:�:�:�:�. .... ...:3:� ....... ..... . 16 700 24 Y 8.69 28 7.1 0.0 L4 <0.10 0.4 8 8.4 0.1 22 ::17::7UD .. . .. ....... .....: 2� :::.::.:-:?:1:::OA �:�� :fin :-.4D:10 :: {�.�:::<::1:::: 0.9::::336 E::::;:•:;:;:;::::0:1::i:••:*:i:::::: 18 700 24 Y 6.67 27 7.0 0.0 ' L4 <0.10 0.1 < 1 7.3 0.1 28 :19 .....�7 00• 20 700 24 7.82 • - in _ : ,: :::::Z4:::= .... fit:::: . • :6.79 ....... :: :::2&:: .... ::5, (?'' , ..... 9 .a1:0 ...::?�:fi;f4ir1 ..:ff5...::3>:�:�?�:�2 �:�: :• •:fl:1Q .. .::Q . .... 22 700 24 Y 6.97 26 7.0 0.0 2.3 <0.10' 0.8 < 1 72 0.1 T :r :0 •... Z2,...O:IO :.....i31.8 •=1...::7:9 •...... i:•:::::. • ..::O:i.....28 700 24 Y 7.46 26 7.1 0.0 2.4 <0.10 0.9 5 82 2.95 0.1 ;25:. 7i10E::::2.4:::: Y: r:::'.::<::8.74 :5:....:1.• :-:•:•:• Willi DI F: ...:.0:10 ::a2 '.•. ..:a . ::7:4 •::•:•::•:•::•: ::Q:1 E:::::::38 •...... • . 26 700 24 7.70 :27 00: •1: ......26 ' .30 28 700 24 Y 7.09 7.0 0.0 2.4 <0.10 0.9. >• 42 8..6 0.04 0.1 :29 :::: 700 : •:i 2.4::::fit`: . A: ii:.$30 ... : ....:�:28 •:��� ��::�7:1�:�:�:�:0 ::::x7 :�'41D:...:::1:,:� :::::•: ..:•:94�::���:�:�2 :::�:�:�:::�:�:� ''... E: =:�D:1. ••:;:;:� ;;::;:;:;; . 30 700 24 Y 7.38 26 7.1 0.0 2.7 < 0.10 L2 9 7.3 0.1 30 :3:1::::100 � :: 2.4:::: : .... ::::::::: • i::: ....... 7.26' ��:�::`::Z2 ��::�:�:�:72:�:�:�:�13 :-:�:�:�1r1 �� Q:1Q ...�:��:�:=:=:=:�3;:�:�:=:�2 :� :::1:Z0 `:.:�: �:`::.'.;::= �:0:1 ;;::•:: • : AVERAGE 6.80 25.6 � :i i�:+ 0.0 L6 <0.10 0.5 4 7.8 2.57 0.09 0.1 27 312 5.4.3 ii:::::::::$iiiii.tiiiiiiii::::;:.;:.., : 0....E :• :::28::::i' ... ::73:: ....... :�0:D : .... :::- :G:0:10 ... . �1:?.:?�::9�:- �`:�8:9 �: �:�:3:.3f ::�Q13 ,=:D:1:����:::3Q :::�3.1'2 ;::�:5k3 •.•: 54.3 MINIMUM 5.40 22 6.9 0.0 0.9 <0.10 < 0.1 4 1 72' 120 0.04' 0.1 21 312 JGiiilr:'C'r . .c r � r� N- :G:: . T�: ... Monthly Limit 10.1, 4S/8W 2S/4W 30 200 OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) HOSIEA H. HEwrrr GRADE _,V CERTIFIED LABORATORIES CITY OF GOLDSBORO (2) SOUTHERN TESTING CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED CI PERSONS) COLLECTING SAMPLES OPERATORS Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF IDAVISGN ENTAL HAIIAGEYEIIT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH. NC 27626-0535 NPDES PERMIT NO. NC0023948 - DISCHARGE NO. ool MONTH: AUGUST YEAR 1997 FACILITY NAME CITY OF GOLDSBOBO-WWTP CLASS COUNTY WAYNE PHONE 919-735-3329 A/ r��� e 4");t71-- 5' 4- 9f1 (SIGNATURE OF OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE BY THIS SIGNATURE. I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE DATE I Operator Arrival Time: 2400 Clock Operator Time On Site OI1C On Site? ' 50050 00010 00400 51111 11112 11111 11531 1 31111 ISM 1 00000 00066 00646 00340 00600I00940 FLOW a. reV a• I~ RESIDUAL I CIILORINE ~ AMMONIA NITROGEN TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS at e 621 m Fa D.0 DISSOLVED OXYGEN TOTAL NITROGEN TOTAL PROSPUOROUS E2 TOTAL SOLIDS P. .1 1.., 4t • G Hits HRS wilt MOD aC - UNITS UG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L c 17 MG/L MG/L MGIL MIJL MG/L MG/L MG/L 1' : 200 ::24:•::: :5:85 : ...::•:.:? 2;::::0•.0 .:•12 :GOaa .• ...:0:3- .. - .72._ ..7. 3.:..... ::'::a1::.:261::•:•*:.::•::: • : 2 700 24 5.76 :: . .... • .... ............ 4 700 24 Y 6.92 25 6.9 0.0 L1_<0.10 < 0.1 3 8.2 0.061 0.1 27 •::S%:::10Q�' =24:: :: :622 .. :25-4 .••::72::::::0.3 . , •t1:<0:10 .::: : .2 :-..:5:0 . •• ••0:1::..::: . . 6 700 24 Y 6.51 26 73 9 0.8 40.10 G 0.1 2 72 0.1 29 :T .: .::ZQiT:.:Z�:: :� X:: :6;6:....:Z6 ...:ai .::•:•: •....1�_ :•'• :89.: 4:11:....:I1c11`.`:::fi ..:7:6 .:T.95 . '-0:1# k :• ..:•.t1: •- .:33 ::41;5' 8 700 24 Y 6.69 26 7.1 10 L3 .e0.10 < 0.11 5 7.41 0.1 311 _ ' ••t03 : . ••• .. • - . . . . 10 700 24 6.15 11;::700. .::26::;Y: :6.62 •:26: 'a;1, : • ..: 7 > L2 .11:...: 6A• :5 ...' ..:72 :....... ••::0i1S�>`.::fla,:::::63:: :::.:::: - . ... 12 700 24 Y 6.10 25 7.1 9 2.7 <0.10 2.91 3 73 0.1 • 372 :13.:::7�0Q ;:•W:•';`4: - :25• 1:71':::10 ''::• :t8 1110 ::3:8.:: :�1. .::13= . .. : '0:1:: •:35 1.::::::::::::.: 14 t 700 24 Y ,:b:94 6.50 25 72 9 5.9 <0.10 L8 1 7.4 2.60 0.1 T5':-:::7.00::::24:::: ;B••.::: '.. • .:::6.09:::• ..::::26: .::=fit':::::::5 0r _ tiii ::• . i01 :::: 2::::::3:6::'..•• •• •.• .. •• .:::0:1• :..: 37 =:. • • ..... • . . 16 100 24 6.58.:11 •: :::::• .... ...::::• :..:: ...... ...-. 18 700 24 Y 7.51 28, 7.0 4 5 2.0 <0.10 0.8 2 7.6 0.12 0.1 31 ali::700 , :::::11.::::2.4 :::::::t97 : •'• ::�277:• :::7%2`;::'::::I0 : 2:SiEAc11::..:::1.: :::4::::7:i:::::: :::::::::::':::=1. ... ...... .... . 20 700 24 Y 8.87 27 7.1 12 ` 23 <0.10 0.7 12 7.4 0.1 35 21` ::701 . 24 ::.Y:::�'' :::4:89 :: .:::27.:•: ; ::7:3 : :::5:.:: 46::::027 ; -:::10 5_ :::::1:::•::1:4• :';::359 :: .:.:::O:L•:::::::::' ;•: ;::.::' ::::::: 22 700 24 Y 6.54 27 7.1 11 2.9 G0.10 4.7 7 8.0 0.1 43 24 700 24 731 :255:::104:_ 24 •:%tV:: ::?:26: ': ::24: • ?0 <:':: :..::L8' 0.1Q _ :..:a1:2:: ::3:.::8:0:'...... :::0:0.4:. -::0:3 :..::2S f...... •... 26 700 24 Y 756 26 7.0 6. 1.4 <0.10 1.2 7 7.4 0.1 :21,::700:::2.4 • ::.. : • ..:7:57 :• ...::26::.. ::�6 % :::::5::::1:6 ;OMIT :.. • : 1:a ::10 7:7.1 ':':':::':::: • : • .. • . 6:1:•: • . 3? :.. • :*: • .... . 28 ••-100 -.24 • Y - •-6.87 .-- --- 26 ---7.1_--5 .-•L9 -L07 ----L1 ....6 ... 8.1 - 3.03 .. _ 0.1_ :29`;• :�Q:::24:::S -. .::5:46 :....::28•:.::7A•:::113 iS :0:16 s:.::fl.8 .::2:::$:1:; ::al:::::33 :..... ... - . 30 700 24 5.71 AVERAGE 6.70 26.0'�:*,*,:<s iii 1 23 0.16 L8 3 7.6 2.79 0.10_ 0.1 35 372 ::::372:::::47:5• 47.5 iMt�s;:.: � - • .:::8:8t ::. :::28A:':• ?:3` ::: 12):42'::::3A7::' • ::1 :5 : 12 ::8 2�::`:159= ::::016 : : 4.1•:':::::63 .• .:::MA MINIMUM 5.33 , 24 6.9 0 0.8 <0.10 < 0.1 1 7.2 1.95 0.04 0.1 25 372 47.5 'L3a46101:06.h:iG} . • C•.. • : C•i:.•:::: •• G:....: ,G..:.::. C::::::: C::::::::: G:::::• ::• '• :': G:::'::::G::':'::• C::::::•:••:: C:::::::::G:: ::•:::: C:::::::: C::':':::: E:::::: : Manth1T Limit 10.1 • 4S/9W 2S/4W� 30 200 'PLEASE NOTE ON 8/6197 THE CL2 RESIDUAL PROCEDURE WAS CHANGED TO A DIFFERENT METHOD WHICH RESULTED IN A DIFFERENT REPORTING SYSTEM. p P 29 199Z PIE M EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO. NC0023949 DISCHARGE NO. col MONTH SEPT. YEAR 1997 FACILITY NAME CITY OF GOLDSBORO-WWTP CLASSIV , COUNTY WAYNE OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) HOSIEA H. HEWITT GRADE ISL PHONE W_ s.332._ CERTIFIED LABORATORIES CITY OF GOLDSBORO (2) SOUTHERN TESTING CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGEDEi PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES OPERATORS Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL. FILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 i x4i2 T &�f / e',141, 199 7 (SIGNATURE OF OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. Operator Arrival Time: 2400 Clock Operator Time On Site 50050 00010 OQ400 50060 180082 p0610 l 00530 316161003001 00600 00666 00645 00340 005001 00940 x FLOW AMMONIA NITROGEN TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS FECAL COLIFORAI (G!OYLTRIC MAN) DISSOLVED OXYGEN TOTAL NITROGEN TOTAL PHOSPHOROUS SETTLABLE MATTER TOTAL SOLIDS CIILORIDE a EFF ga ac J w a © INF © aH .4<I A i�y 12 1U MI C i uo x .) C v v H ocv o �:1 HRS [ HRS YIN MGD °c [ uxrls UG/L MGIL MGIL MGIL Wri1 MGIL MGIL MGIL ML1L MGIL MGIL MGIL 700 :::: 24::• •' .::6 4 . ., . ' : :' 2 700 24 Y 7.23 27 7.0 11 <0.10 L10.1 0.5 1 7.6 0.08 .:3 .::'100:.:24=. = 71:::....•..: 019 ......:=26:. ...7,:1:....:.:9...::0,9:::40:10:•<=:11.....:•6 :.:*:::..::7.6 : 4 700 24 Y 7.70 26 7.1 10 1.0 <0.10 0.8 4 7.5 L3•0 0.15- 0.1 37 56.5. ::5 ...: ::2• :.: Y:: .::7�.:.::24 : ::72 ..... ��• • •:13 .... 'aI:9k0:10 ....::0:4:.::1• 1� �• �3 -.. ::0:1 . ...... 6 700 24 5.34 ... ,::::::37 ::7 :..::780 :::24:: •8 ..... '7.0 •....8 •.... :'0.3 '....: .. '.8.0 :........::0.14 '... '0..1 '...•.:37 700 24 Y. 6.33 <0.10 9 ...... 9 : 780:::::24 :Y•i:i 'Y :i....;::6:48 :::25:: ....... �:::::72 �: i'i:: ..... ;;C77.:2 ..1.3 ;::i:•: • 10 700 24 7.86 26 7.3 7 010 11....22 73 ........... 0.1 ... si . - ..A� :11:.::16..0 ::: 24::::.1;::f::::::= :::702 :::::::=:i::26 :: =:?7.0 :::::::10 :.:4;1; .0:10 ,<0.10 .....�:0:9 .....�:..:-?,5:.. 2:];1,:�-:�::::::; ...::fla • ................. *.• r.::•:::::: • 12 700 24 Y 7.40 26 7.0 7 0.8 0.6 1 7.1 0.1 33 ::13 • ::7i10:: d=: 14 700 24 6.36 :15 :..:100'::.::.:24.::::':'-Y:......::G.84 :. • ....::25 :...::7:0 .....::? - ...::1:� ... �:10 :....:.0:6 :..:��::::�::7:7,:::........::0.08:...:•13:3 `•:::. •..''3 :... . 16 700 24 Y 6.92 25 7.0 8 L4 <0.10 2.2 5 8.4 0.1 ..... 17 : • 700 :::4:::R::. , ......12.::25:....::?:1: . ::? :::.: ::8 ::t? Qia: ::•:•:•::::: 18 700 •24 Y 6.62 26 7.0 6 L4 <0.10 L7: 8 7.5 2 993 0.1 ;:19;. '100: iZ4:::::Y:::...••••i:6:?.0� ....:�26 :...:7,�1:.... �:..:al :ca10 :....:::0;9 4::�::::1 . :5 .............. .:•:i:: 20 700 24 5.51 :2t:• :1 i,+ ::2d: ;: �4 : r:• ... .<.. _ :4 :8.3 •0.14 . `r-. 22 700 24 - 6.65 24 -•7.0 5 • 116 <0.10 < 0.1 -. ••0.1 .20 12:....:5 :.. 0:7 ... 010:...: •�,. 0:3 :...: T6 :...::8;4:... ::0: 1: : G::: 24 700 24 Y . 9.67 ..•� -23 :72 - • • 7 ' 0.7 <0.10• � • 0.4 28 8.0 •. :. '0.1� A .•.:;:: -29 ............. :25 :, :100` 24 :7:•• .....::1028::::::::::::;:24 :...::8.0 ..,.-4.9 :; .:6 . --:3:3 ` `6;10 : �......._ Y?Y19 ;:•.:;::. . ..•:Z1•: �:79...: : f:;: 2:�5 � •:;.:::- :•r:� � • ::*:!i : ; :.:: .: 26 • 700 ' 24 Y-' .. 8.35 _'-' -•24 •7 L4 <0.10 3.4 4 8.8 .......al 0.1 ............. :27 . :2?` • • ... ... .................................... 28 •�700 : 24.:.-- •,• :,- 8.46 .••r�-. . ... •• ..... : . : 29 :: Tao ::24=: g:: .. asa : ::21; ::6'9 : .....3 _ 30 700 -24 . Y-.; - . 8.15 • • 23 . - 6.9 • 8 .1.2 <0.10 :...0.3 8.3 ... : 0.1 :.. . iii •....:.6 ...:7.8 ':.. AVERAGE :- :` ir:; i.::7.19 .,.; 25.0_ .. _ ,: i..-:8 ':" L3-�:0.10 :`:. . L0. • .2.12 0.14 . •0.1'......:.2 - 34 ..... - 420 6. . 56.5 :: • u.i4:::......::1Q ,�� 8:.....::2?:.. - =73 .:• ..:i13 ... 3:3: Q10 .. :: 4 . .....::28 ...::3.0:..::2:93 ::Q22 :..��al :...::Bx :.::�20:.::56.5 `' MINIMUM • • ...5.34 • - 21 ;_ 6.8 < 5 . 0.6 < 0.10 ` . 0.1 1 7.1 1.30 0.08 0.1 20 420 56.5 CPiit;2:itNia: . Cam:: CO1`iT:: :Er;: ..... .......:�t�:.....:�'�:....:�.�.''i:... it:i:::i:=:�:;:;:;:;:: Monthly Limit , 10.1 4S/8W 2S/4W 30 200 P..r14LA) r1tN 1 NPDES PERMIT NO. NC0023949 DISCHARGE NO. ooi MONTH OCT. YEAR 1997 FACILITY NAME CITY OF GOLDSBORQ W4 TP CLASS IV COUNTY WAYNE OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) HOS1EA H. HEW1TT GRADE 1. PHONE 919-735-3329 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES CITY OF GOLDSBORO (2) SOuTHHRN TESTING CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES Mali ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH. NC 27626-0535 OPERATORS DATE BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. x ut. ,�W :� 11-Z1- 97 (SIGNATURE OF OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE Operator Arrival Time: 2400 Clock Operator Time On Site o.. 0 c O 50050 00010 00400 S0060 80082 1 00610 + 00530 31616 + 00300 I OC600 0066 00646 + cc340 f 00600 1 00940 01106 FLOW 1 . . . TEMPERATURE CELSIUS 12::C Qgig' RESIDUAL CIILORINE '" V ' m r 0 AMMONIA NITROGEN TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS FECAL COLIFORM (GEOMETRIC MEAN) DISSOLVED OXYGEN TOTAL NITROGEN TOTAL PHOSPHOROUS SETTLABLE MATTER ° v TOTAL SOLIDS c_ C C if): 2 Z S EFFO INF � AMI HIM I HAS YIN MGD IC uNrrs UGIL MGIL MGIL MG/L. °ri MG1L MGIL fMGIL MLIL / MGIL MCA- MGiL 1 MCA. :W. ': ::24::: iB•:......:7:97 ..... 3 . • ... . .. t . '. ..• �..• �•(� :•<`:':� �:��� • 2 700 24 Y 7.96 21, 7.11 6 1.0 < 0.101 0.9 6 7.6 3.061 0.121 0.11 29 47.81 3 :-•.:.: IO :-o 6.40 : ::780 :0.1 6 700 24 Y 6.99 22 6.9 9 1.7 < 0.10 3 8.4 0.031 0.1 21 ! :- ..=7� 8 700 24 Y 6.971 23 7.0$ 5 0.9 -40.10 021 2 7.8 0.1 25 1 0.083 � .'•O:L9� :9 -•10 -:::780 ... .::24:. �:Y:::: sY 7:40 � �:2:4 .. . ��:1.. :& :. �i:1 �<0+� 10: �fl:5:�:�:� ���: 2 _ :8:1 �2:g81:::::�`:•'� :. ...�01 -:: ' _ ... - �.52: 700 24 7.08 24 7.0 9 0.7 <0.10 0.4 3 8.3 0.1 35 54.0 0.087 Al .:i7.420 .........:550: .. 12 700 24 6.85 :13 . :-780 :�Z4�::B:: ... : :�r: ..:S; 4: 9 �?2 7:0 �7: �B•.8. :� - 14 700 24 Y 7.12 23 7.0 6 1.4 4 0.10 0.9 4 8.1 0.1 .:15 :•..::7D0 :: `24:::g: ........ *7:69': 4 .... ...�L L: B I0 :.....:D;9l:*:':**•.4 ...7:8'''::::•::::' ......• ... =O:T'�:36 = ::�'' :. 16 700 24 Y 7.86 23 72 6 1.4 < 0.10 1.0 4 7.8 L95 0.1 17:=:7B0 .. . .51: :23 �fial. ..... -i:9 .10 •• ...• • . .:1 :• . ..T,� ��33 .. - .. .• 18 700 24 7.19 AS .::2.4::: .....'6..9 • .5 ...14 ..... ..... ...'8.4 ........ ...... . 20 700 24 Y 6.51........20 ` 6 0.10' 2 0.09 0.1 38 ::21-:;:::;• B � ..7 0 :2 . 4�: .... :S: .. �:1:9 .< .0 0 � ..:0�• .. . �'••�•'•-••••••� .... ... ... 22 700. 24 F 7.69 22 7.0 6 L2 � 0.10 0.5 3 8.6 0.1 28 ::23 .. •:18 . i:19:. .... ' .::1:6:40',1�Q � ...::0;.d' ...::19 .....:8:5:..::1r95 :.........::B;1 :................. .... 24 700 24 Y 7.81. 20 7.0 6 1.4 4 0.10 0.6 13 7.9 0.1 3.2 434 ::23 :7IID 26 700 24 7.59 2::.: 28 ' 700 24 B 6.53 20 .6.9 5 3.0 4 0.10 0.9 7 8.0 ,• 0.1 ••:29 •:=::: B 7 0 . •ZO .. • .... -:59 � .... :��6: .. :2:3 .0:18 ::0:3";::::::1: 9:2,::*::::::•::.:: .. ':flI ' ::23: ... : :-.:*::::::::.:if:::: 30 700 24 Y r 7.21 20 6.8' 8 L8 4 0.10 0.9 7 8.2 3.20 0.14 0.1 ,:' ::31;..::7 IIQ � 4�: ...... .:0 5• �:1�4 • .0;10 ; .... �:0• ... .•. ... . AVERAGE 7.18 2L7;''"�'" 4. 7 1.5 <0.10 0.7 4 8.1 2.63 0..10 0.1 30 434 50.6 0.092 ::IbAXIMViiR;: :8:05 ..... :24 : :7:2 .... :. :�9 � 3:0 .0::111 :�2:: �:19 : :8:&::�:':�320 : �:0:14 � :�B:1: �:44 � ::434 ��.. .. :�Q137 MINIMUM 6.03 19 6.8 < 5 0.7 < 0.10 0.1 . I 7.6 L95 0.03 0.1 21 434 47.8 0.060 :dam' .iG3• G g ._ _Monthly Limit DM4S/SW 2S14W 30 20.0 cat ColKorm test read outside or incubation time on 1013197 The result was 4 coloniesll00ml. Note: Meter reading C8008 malfunction on Day #l5, questionable data on 1017197. The results was <0.lmgll. EFFLUENT NTDESPERMIT NO. NC0,023949 DISCHARGE NO. 001 MONTI•I_Nov. YEAR;:1947:1•r•••� FACILITY NAME CITY OF GOLDSBOROAMTP CLASS XL COUNTY WAYNE • _ V `, OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) HOSIEA H. HEWITr GRADE �. PHONE 919-735-3329_ CERi u u .D LABORATORIES CITY OF GOLDSBORO (2) SOUTHERN TESTING CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED Q PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES OPERATORS Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: f ATTN: CENTRAL FILES x ) 1 mil. ���..�GIJ �, � M DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SIGNATURE OF OPERATORIN RESPONSIBLE CHARGI DATE / 9 % DEHNR BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS P.O. BOX 29535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH. NC 27626-0535 ___. m Operator Arrival Time: 2400 Clock Operator Time On Site x e. N © O 50050 00010 00400 500601 88882 00610 00530 31616 00300 00600 00686 00646 1003401 00600 00940 FLOW TEMPERATURE CELSIUS 03 a ! RESIDUAL CHLORINE 6uso • m� AMMONIA NITROGEN TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS FECAL COLIFORM (GEOMETRIC MUM DISSOLVED OXYGEN -, 1a �i TOTAL PHOSPHOROUS laH '0 c 8 TOTAL SOLIDS CHLORIDE ® INFO._ D ms .74 p4 HRS HRS YIN MGD °c man UGJL MG/I. MGIL MGJL COL3/ in MGJL MGII. MGIL MLIL MGJL MGIL MGIL :r .. 2 700 24 7.53 ::3 -:::24::l:: ' :::::::78Z1: '::::is ::::8:8:..:: B '::::0:7140::10`i:i:::::i:0Z' ::::::3 :.:::B.R :.. - r .::1:::0:15 :::::Qi:- ::•::: A .:::.•:' ::::::..... . 4 700 24 Y 7.721 20 6.8 61 2.0 <0.101 0.1 1 8.6 0.1 r ::$:. ::8 •11 j : ::1.34 ::0:4<: •::::4 ' :::15 : : 82s::; •:::.•.. ::L92 .: • ::11i: ' : : . 98 :...• 61 700L 24 Y 7.92 19 6.9 0.9 <0.10I 0.2 9.3 0.1 55.5 . r .. . 4.. r . :.24 .t •....:.20 .. r r :10 • ...•111.•:.•.16 <i4Yl•.:..•.v5'•-•:.•.:'� '.. r' I.:-- .'...•1.•.:'.'r .•.::•-•: o41-•.'.•. ...... 8 700 24 6.05 _ i10. . ,Y = ' :'' ...:: :...::.5':••• ..0.1..:1 ' '. • •. . . : ;..I? ;. 700 24 ` 7.56 19 6.7 2.2 <a10 4 a6 0.11;..'.QI .V1• .7.85 .. .rr. •r.. r. •rrr.... ...rrr......••. r....:••r ..... ...rr• ..... .-..•.-•r....• 12 700 24 '7 20 n 7.0 6 22 <a10 < 0.1 4 8.5 0.1 35 •i3::: -. ::::24 :' :::8 :: :::13 :: :71 :: :::8': ......6 :•2i1 < f:::::02'::::::::3 :::: 5::::: T : {8.7 2:60: ':'=::::::0 :::;:::•; ...-:47 .. 14 700 24 B 9.88- 18 6.9 16 <0.10 0.4 E a1 16 700 24 - 7.121 ill. ::=::?II::::24.:: �::::=:::::::. a43 :: :5::::6-8 : :. '':::i:0 010::"'•:::2::.::::::::2:::: 9• :?: ••• .-:::8:0::•:0.1:`., .:19:: • . 18 700 24 -Y 8.3S 17' 6.9 7 0.8 40.10 02 5 , 8.9 0.1 199 1 I0':: :24 = :: :.:1,33:....::18 :r . r :Q:..:.*11% :::1:3 1iI:. r .:::L 'i:::::::i-C::::9:1 : ..............0c1:.`:'::23 :- ......... • • . . 20 700 24 B 8.17 17 6.9 6 12 0.17 0.1 2 8.4 3281 0.1 21{11J :=:: . :: k r ... :8 :: :: R:::: • :::1:7 : • ::5 ....: 3 : ....: Q1::44 :: 22 700 24 7.25 23• ........... ... .r.... 24 700 24 B 723 17 6.8' 12 a4 <a10 0.8 4 8.?- 4.821 0.08 0.1 31 :25 7::.;: .:::::24::.: ::-.775:: :16 :: :69:: . :::7 : •::0:4 <0:10 ' .Q3:: 'i::.4: :8;:.•::.- :9'.;; •' r•r•. :: • '.` ::0:1' ::::::::::::::::::: 26 700 24 B - 7.68 16 6.8 10 13 <0.10 0.1 4.1 8.7 0.1 28 . 7': . III: .......... ...... . ..... ....................................... ... 28 700 24 7.06 - 7.1:::7fl0: ':f:: ;;: : �: :: ,:: 298 55.5 AVERAGE 7.66 18.1 F.;r 4i, 8 13 0.11 0.4 ' 3 8.6 3.16 0.10 0.1 34 -: :::i�itxi[i�uie::: W:: g88 : :;ZO : :7T...;:::?::.12-`,...;*::::22 : :.::�17::::::::::•1.7;:.•.•:•15:. .::8� � ..: 2 :::a:15 : : ::8:1:' ::� ::::298: ::arid MINIMUM 6.05 15 6.? 5 0.4 <0.10 < 0.1 G 1 8.0 192 0.04 - 0.1 17 C :'::::C:::::'::C:::::, 298 55.5 c CftGy,1: j . �EONT::.. (s.::... : ' :•':�::....:G.::.::< r .:C::::::C::::::::::',.0.*:.' : G.. .C::::r :'::C::'::::: ' . - ... -: Muddy Limit 10.1 - 4S/8W 2S/4W 30 200 NOTE: FECAL COLIFORM TEST READ OUTSIDE OF INCUBATION TIME ON 11f14197. THE RESULTS WERE 12 COLONIES/100ML DEM Form MR 1.1 (12/93) NPDES PERMIT NO. NC0023949 DISCHARGE NO. ooi MOUTH: DEC. YEAR 1997 FACILITY NAME CTT' QJ GOLDSBORO-WWTP CLASS 1L COUNTY WAYNE OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) KATHY 8. HILL GRADE N PHONE 9n-735-3329 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES CITY OF GOLDSBORO (2) SOUTHERN TESTING CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED a PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES OPERATORS Mai! ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 cct-A (SIGN F! F OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE BY THIS SIGN TURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. DATE Operator Arrival Time:2400 Clock Operator Time On Site ORC On Site?" non 00020 00400 50060 1 80082 1 00610 1 00530 1 316L6 j 00300 00600 100665 1 00646 003401 00600 i QQ840 FLOW 1.4 aZ Oii M GU m o AMMONIA 1 NITROGEN TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS FECAL COLIFORM (REOYETRIC MIAMI DISSOLVED OXYGEN TOTAL NI'ThOOEN TOTAL PHOSPHOROUS SETTLABLE MATTER 0 C TOTAL SOLIDS o oc O i :1GO a EFF©. INFO .AT slit, DAILY RATE HRS HRS YEN MGD 'lc aorta UGIL MGIL. MG/L MG/L o:�n MGA. MG/`.. MGIL MLA. MGIL I MG/Li MGi'L MGIL ` :::7 :�2 4: ���: '9r59 . :1@ :fi:7-::::'::: ... ....&:•L6' :f.....:Q. ..:5 8: .. . •0111::::;::: Oil ...•24 .. .':50 2 700 24 B 9241 17 6.71 9 0.714' 0.10 0.51 6 8.41 0.11 50 -.3 (:'. -.70Q : 4:: ..�Z •8�:. �B ....�9',OZ ...::17 ...:�.8 :S � �L3 �t OM . . 4 700 24 8.481 18 6.7 6 1.1 < 0.10 0.71 2 8.21 3.11 0.1 80 ::5:: .. ::2 �8:: 8:96 7� 7::,...;?::....Lit :4a:1a :0: : :8:1. :8:I * :23:::::::::::::- 6 700 24 726 :g.. :100 :18 8 700 24 B 8.011 15- 6.7 7- 0.9 (0.10 0.4 1 9.1 0.52 0.1 ..:fla�:......... 28 278 .•:43:0>•�:':::::60 60 :gig .. �: •:16 :8? 8 :1:1 <'11?1'B.. .�fl: .:3 ...:8: ........... 10 700 24 B 8.781 18 6.8 < 5 L3 < 0.10 0.7 144 8.1 0.1 29 70 11..::780 rB ...... ...... 7 ......g:.....��:...:i:�..8:.ifl .....:0� ....:�i:..:8;1 ..:3:98 ..........:��1:................ . ...:70 12i :1 I 700 24 7 981 17 6.9 8 0.7 < 0.10 0.3 831 0.1 22 70 :700 .. ... ::15::.:700..::24:: : `B` , •97 ....::�: 5 � �.....::1.....: . 5 2 • .a.:..:f�6 ':e:: ;c •8:15 ; .....:8: ....:'i:...:83#::::':•:::::: . ..:0:83 ;....•Qk :...:21 ........... ...:70 16 24 B 8.04 15 7.1` 7 L0, 40.10 0.7 L 1 8.6 0.1 . . - 60 :12: f700 ':78 ... .87 ' :1 : frfl : ::$ :12 1 :G�.SB : :©:6�::::� ::1: :8: ......... ... `• .. ..: 78 18 700 24 B 7.95 16 6.9 9 L2 40.10 0.9 2 8.2 4.17 0.1 70 :•:1,9 • - . -�7QQ .. .:�Z�A:�.�R:: ,.. �7:7i� 6 .... , ...::i:1 B:n:....:D. .... S ..: 8:7 ..... .......:O:I :...:28 .............. ..::80 20, 700 24 6.73 ':2 1: II ::2• '.-..' 22 700 24 F 9.54 15 6.8 <.5 1.3 40.10 0.7 1 8.8 4.151 0.10 0.1 26 70 .:28 : ::70t3 • •7:` 02: ..E 24 700 24 10.55 25 ::::780 :4:: :78 : 26, 700 24 10.07 ::27 Q ........ .•:,:.......................... :• ..... ...................... .... :. .... 28 700 � 24 10.05 ::29: . ::7 II . B ::24:• . .. :B ..... Tl� • .. ':15 :s�4 :�C::3 ':1::1 :� aaa :0:1;::::::::::�5 : � :9:8,:� ::::322 •:8:.]�& � :II1 z :1;6 ; :30 30 700 24 B 10.70 13 6.6 < 5 1.2 < 0.10` 12 3, 8.6 0.1, �' 40 .7�1; • 9: :: ..::30 AVERAGE 8.70 16.1 i=v� ' 7' 1.1(0.10 0.6, 3 8.5 3.73 0.18 0.1' 24 278 43.0 61 .. .. MAXIMviii:: :1:18 ..1 :1B z ::7.1: •aa -'�°�' :1:6 �< 0:.18 : ::1:6.: •��f�4 = :9:1; : :.4:17. :a:52 � :�1 � :29'• :278 `' ::43:B • :80 MINIMUM 6.69 13 62 < 5 0.6 < 0.10 0.1 < 1 ' 8.1 3.11 0.03 0.1' 16 278 43.0 30 : : r .iy' ...... G:... :S:. IC: r:::::. G::::i:::::::. Monthly Lisp 10.1 4S/8W 2S/4W 30_ 200 , NOTE: FECAL COLIFORMS WERE READ OUTSIDE OF INCUBATION TIME ON 12112197. THE RESULTS WERE 3 COLONIES PER PER 100MLS. em:m r4)HR MXt-i.1(2am37 EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO. NC0023949 DISCHARGE NO. 001 MONTH: LAX. YEAR 1998 FACILITY NAME CITY OF GOLDSBORO-WWTP CLASS w COUNTY WAYNE OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) KATHY B. HILL GRADE _�, PHONE 919-T35-3329 'ERTIFIED LABORATORIES CITY OF GOLDSBORO (2) SOUTHERN TESTING CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES OPERATORS , i I' \. ada (SIGNA•"' : li OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE : 1 : GE) DATE BY THIS SIG I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. (31 BURUNGT0P& ESERCK E6 24 1998 ARCAL' IS GE DATE Operator Arrival Tine:2400 Clock Operator Time On Site ORC On Site?" 50050 00010 (00400 50060 50082 00610 00530 131616 003001 00600 00666i00645 00340 00600100940 FLOW TEMPERATURE CELSIUS • a RESIDUAL CHLORINE C Q• m ‘9.,u U AMMONIA NITROGEN TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS FECAL COLIFORM (QEOUETRIC 1IEAMI DISSOLVED OXYGEN TOTAL NITROGEN TOTAL PIIOSPIIOROUS SETTLABLE MATTER e TOTAL SOLIDS a a a ALKALINITY EFF ® INFO to. gig A HRS HRS YIN MGD °C u errs UGIL MGIL MGIL MGIL counts MGII.( MGIL MGIL MLIL MGIL MGIL MGiLIMGIL ti f: 21 700 24 B 9.73 121 6.5 < 5 0.7 40.10 0.3 3 9.0 1 0.1 121 • 40.0 ':3:::18• 0: �24:' ::0.�9 . .. • ... . .:-.5'.::70O':: ' 24 B • ::920 :....::15 •17 ....=&6 ::<:5i:: ' 1:8 C010 ; .. •.:.:15 :: :5 :�04:..' :':':::::::1106':: '::Q1. .22 ...........: # ::�0 61 700 24 Y 8.98 6.6 < 5 16 < 0.101 17 2 8.61 0.11 1 50.0 :7 ::: l0: 4ii :6:7 : =:1 11) :t 3 :82 :0:1 :::28 = 60.8 8 700 24 Y 1141 18 6.8 7 17 4 0.10 10 3 8.3 2.07 0.11 0.1 25 418 70.0 ::9:.::7Q0. �24:: pit`::. , ...::i:L•�8 .....::17:...:�6 ....:1<:::::::i:6 �B:Ifl1-:':':':::02 ;.; ;f:.•::. .......•5 .::8:i .... • .......... 0: I#:::• ..::29: ............. ''� :71IA :•:. 10 700 24 11.56 ' :.: 12 700 24 Y 11.26 14 6.6 51 L1 t0.101 0.9 5 13 0.10 0.1, 18 40.0 :I3 •0 i#::i'1:::: '' :::55 ::: ':':':::17:: '::::6:7::...::--5, :•:1:0 <fl::lfl#::::::::::02: . • ...:.5 :::::781:::::::::::..... .:::0:1 .....................•40.} 14 700 24 Y 9.67 16 6.8 9 10 < 0.10 0.7 3 7.9 _ 0.1 29 70.0 :la ;16 i1:24::::Y:: ' :1029 ! . : :16 ...16 :::::::6:8 : ::5 ..:1 :'• .10 .:....OD •. 3:' :::8� :..332 : ::0:1: :: •::70.0 706 24 Y 10.13 -6.7 ' 6 L7 <0.10 0.8 4' 8.2 0.1 29 60.0 18 700 24 9.88 :19:::7Q0 : ::24:: ::Y ::i�8 : _ :•f:: '. :::5 ' .: ::;:: :5 .. ': :0.1 ' :::::: 20. 700 24 12.44 15 62 0.7 t 0.10 0.5 7.4 0.09 30. ..0 '21::700 k: .: 24::::Y::: :' �' ..1T,g0 :::::::::I4 ::.: B:4 c:: � ....rar:::�9 ..fl::lfl::'::::::QA �:.....:::5 :.:::6A#:::':'::'::'� .........:Qa - :.. :•: 17. :::'•:'::::.....:::35.8 22 700 24 Y 12.60 15 6.4 6 0.9 t 0.10 L5 6 6.6 4.33 0.1 37.5 .23 ::::CIO::::24::Y::::::::::1335 .. ti ' -• :::17 ..... �:::6:5 ... : :7% ........... :1:2 <O:lfl•::::::::2.0.: ... :::8 ....... :::::::63::: . :::::':: . ........ ::0:1:.=::32::: ... 24 . 0,��':`•:•:�` : 40.0 .. . 24 700 Z4 13.99 .0• 26 700' 24 Y 13.97 14 6.4 5 10 < 0.10 0.71 5 5.6 0.05 0.1 ' . 17 30.0 :27 ::::700::: 24::::1:::::::10.85:: :::15 :.:::6:7 : : 3 ••< :::: i6 ' • a..:::: 20 :..:::15 ::::a1: •0.1 ::::: ='= : - - ::.. 4011 28 700 24 Y 12.86 11 6.9 5 9.4 L53 26.4 36600 5.5 0.1 65 60.0 �9::::.? : Q0:::::24:::: :ii'::: �:::`•::1:dQ8 �:� •:':13::: 6,5:... �&,•.:•.5:7:::fl:68•::::::::��) ••=•": ' :.....::8 ::::7;3 �:::5:33�:.......... :=:0, = f :::':•:� � '•••:::;::::: ......'::50.0 30 700 24 Y 13.83 13 6.5 < 5 2.6 40.10I 6.3 81 6.2' 0.1 29 50.0 1: 4 ::1 533 :• '15.2';',1 " AVERAGE 1141 f 6 2.0 020 2.8 9 7.4 3.76 0.08 0.1 27 240 41.8 49.6 .:::1 dM#.ivt::i*::::::`•:::::1483 _: ...:::18 ..:S:3:. • ..::9:::�9:4 ::::1:53:_:::::::26 ;>36600'' :90::,': 5:33:::0:1:1: �::::017::.:::65�`:::? [0 :::41$ ::::7B:0 MINIMUM 8.79 11 62 4 5 0.7 <0.10 02 2 5.1 2.07 0.05 0.1 12 240 418 30.0 C 0. l�ii6:'G• :caiT :0.:: ::eFT: :0:: �r- �L�:^�� �iT.:'::':•:::. • rr:: rr ^ ��** ��++ .; 1.. �+ ii Monthly Limit 10.1 4S18W 2S/4W 30 200 NOTE: FECAL COUFORM DATA WAS ELEVATED ON JANUARY 28,1998. THIS SAMPLE CONTAINED THE PLANT EFFLUENT PLUS SOME POND WATER THAT HAD FLOWED FROM THE STORM DRAIN INTO THE EFFLUENT STRUCTURE. THIS PROBLEM WAS RESOLVED WITHIN APPROXIMATELY 4 HOURS. ANOTHER SAMPLE, WHICH WAS MORE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE EFFLUENT BEING DISCHARGED, WAS COLLECTED AND ANALYZED. THE RESULTS WERE AS FOLLOWS: 53 COLONIES1100ML. DEM Form MR 1.1 (12/93) 1:4,4�.,'Lli�t'1iJ Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES OIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH. NC 27626-0535 EFFLUENT MAR 2 7 1998 ARCADIS Geraghty & Miller NPDES PERMIT NO. NC0023949 DISCHARGE NO. ooi MONTH: Fes. YEAR 1998 FACILITY NAME CITY OF GOLDSBORO-WWTP CLASS COUNTY WAYNE OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) KATHY B. HILL GRADE J L PHONE 919-735-3329 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES CITY OF GOLDSBORO (2) SOUTHERN TESTING CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED 0 PERSONNSI COLLECTING SAMPLES OPERATORS gtili 3,-/qq (SYGNATURE 0 OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE : 1 ; GIDATE BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 1 DATE Operator Arrival Time: 2400 Clock Operator Time On Siie x 0. v O 50050 00010 1 00400 50060 80082100610 00530 31616 003001 00600 00666 00645100340 006001006401 FLOW w �, us .4 z QC C mn = eU ,.. CV H U AMMONIA NITROGEN TOTAI. SUSPENDED SOLIDS FECAL COLIFORM (RROII TRIC LRAH) ii = > C14 El. o G TOTAL NITROGEN TOTAL PHOSPHOROUS SETT LABLE MATTER C Q TOTAL SOLIDS w acINFO .j = U .1 a EFF ® a, .41A p4 0 TEMPEI CEL, HRS HRS Y!N MGD °C oxr UG1L MGIL MGIL MG/I. COLNI MG/I.M MGIL G/LLJ ML MGIL MG1L MG(L MGIL 1. 1QD 2i 700 ��' 14.96 13 6.4 6 4.6 40.1QI 13.0 161 5.11 0.34! 0.1! 331 35.0 :3 :700 :24:: Y'. _ .. lx8 .. :�:14': ... :6: �:���'••'� • . :5;:�•�::6:� ::1:43 . :244::.:::::::.1:::::;':::.: �.::::-::::3 .� 53 : .: , .:Oaf:•':•:•::`:• , ... .. .3101 500 41 7001 24 Y 17.02 15 6.71 81 2.6k'0.10 5.31 301 6.21 0.11 22 42.5 '•:51::.:Y00f::.:24:: ....:16.99 ......:12i•..:6;5l::: ::5f ::::::4:4}1:1fl1:::::::::1121::::::• 29P.:..::5,6t:•.•:.4021:.:.:.:;:..:.::::•: 11:::.::::::::: •.:2:14# i:::::::..::45:8 61 700 24 Y 19.11 . 131 6.61 <.5 43! 2.321 1201 1081 7.01 0.11 341 50.0 ::•7. : . :71I0 : 4:: 4828 .: : • :•••• : .• : * •:. .. : • : : • . • I: -":'::: t ••• : • .: F• : ::::::.: .:....•::.•::::.::: :. • ::•":: •• • . i:: :. : • • • . • :.::.:......... • : • . ....:::: 8 700 24 17.09 • 0i.. -art:*:::.24:'::71 ':1 •Y...... •::10 V w•.....:•iV 3 £ .. . V.J Q ••.•.•.: Vt.•:•::.�.V... .. j :[.. C ' 74...12 l� •12 1•:••518 59 :::=•}::• • f • � i8! ,.�,. '01} .•Si F:: :35•:..: { ... .....:.L.•. .. • . ' •r: '• R 55.01 10 700 24 Y 17.76 13 6.6 < 5 621. 3.841 12.8 881 6.5r 1 0.11 .11 ..: 700 ' ::24::. Y::. :1'157 . •::1 .. :. 6.& <::5 : : 621 ::3:15 : • 114 :8 :..:7::4 ..... ��.� .. ..:-:.�.�. . . ..::0:1 ::45 ...... •..... ::52:5 12 700 24 Y 16.79 15 6.7 G 5 6.51 2.75 1L8 18 7.5 5.94 0.1 60.0 :13 ::: 100:::24::.:Y::..... 1438 .....:::151:...:6.7 ::<:::5t::•::5:0I ::2:49 •.... i3.4 :...::.21:= :::831 ..... • .::OI :.: 46 ...... ...:...::60:0 141 700 24 12.85 I 12:4a :::.•.:.:: 161 700 24 Y 13.60 14 6.4 4 5 1.5 <0.10 L8I 1 7.9' 0.161 0.11 22 40.0 ,:17 ..:Y00;::.::24:::Y:.....:15:91� .....::16;:..:6:7 :<:::5 . :..::2. 3#:. i•226 • .: �::::�:.::4:3�::-��:Z21:::::::�4�:•:`•::::= . .;•::..•:. .... • .. .........::0:1#::.::::•::.:............ .. :.:: ...... ::•:,. . . •:t:•:.52:5 18 700 24 Y 17.921 161 6.9 < 5 3.3 195 7.6( 151 72! 0.11 31 1 50.0 :19 . �7(30 •. •:24:. Y:: '::1781: .. . • ::15 .. :6:6�:�:��:•':6 . ' �••• :2:8.::1:63: •3 •6: : :23{::::=:-73= .. ::3:7D.. _ .. ':l3:1: .. .. .. ...901 20 �21 700 24 Y 17.41 15 6.6 < 5 3.4 2.08 3.8 88! 7.4 0.1 34 60.0 100 , . . : 22 700 24 .. 16.87 , 3 700' :24 :fit: :1690 ::16�::6:6 :<:5 :32 :0:77: :.5 i .:10.8 : :146 ::79 . :;::=: ::[11 ::27 ,.•. :::::::,:ain 24 700� 24 Y 15.62 15 6.6 < 5 5.9 3.35 11( 7.2 0.1 50.0 :25..:1130 '•.::24::.:Y:.....::15.38:...::::141:...:6:8 :<::5 ...:6.1..:4:577 •:5:0...:7 :0 9 160.0 :0 26 700 24 Y 14.83 141 6.7 < 5 4.9 3.311 7.4 291 7.21 6.931 0.1! 27 .::700 24:: Y: .. ::I1• , . 91 ::1' :. 6:& :.:::.:5 <,:::::::: :6:2 .:261.... g8 ...:2 ..:7:6 :.. :;::�:::.:::: . .:0:1 . 4A ... ::65:0 28 700 24 12.94 4 . .. 30 , .31.,: • •,. AVERAGE 16.09 14.5. iMii: a • 5. 4.5 Z.09 9.1 25 7.0 5.15 0.23 0.1 34 214 3•L01 50 6' UM .. •• :. • M::........:19~11:....:17: 0 : ....6:9 ....:8 : ..:65 ..:4:57 A ...:244 ...:146 ..::82 93':::•0 34 :..::0.1'..:46 :. 214 .:3 01:::::65,0 MINIMUM 12.40 12.0 6.4 < 5 15 <0.10 1.8 1 5.1 3.701 0.16 0.1 22 214 310 35.0 'Ca• :• 4:1. !ib:(6): t r c � ::C4NT::::::: iG::::::.:.:.:.::G::::.:.:.::G::.:.::.:C::::;:; ..-.:.:;:_::C.;:; :.;-:.::: .::::::; =G :::E:::::• : :G:::::::::: , .:;:.:.::C•::;:;:;:::C::,::::::::Cr:::::: Monthly Limit 10.1 45/SW 2S/4W 30 200 f:::::: EFFLUENT ! FLOAT t i� as v :EFF O sr I s 1 cq o "1 an !INF c01 ai o m cl°.6 1I I HRS I HRS FYINi 1 I1::::: 7001- '24.:.:: C; ' Ci Qi NPDES PERMIT NO. NC0023949 DISCHARGE NO. 001 MONTH: MAR. YE.AR 1998 _ FACILITY NAME CITY OF GOLDSBORO-W'WTP CLASS IE. COUNTY WAYNE OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) KATHY B. HILL GRADE SV PHONE 919-135-332_9 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES CITY OF GOLDSBORO (2) SOUTHERN TESTING CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH. NC 27626-0535 PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES OPERATORS r , iSTGi1 TUREADFOPERATO]RINR.ESPIJN'IBLE CHAR GIDATE BY THIS SIGNATURE. I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO.THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. y i i 50050 . 00010 i 00400 50060 ; 00082100610 • 00530 • 31616 1 00300 : 00600 ' 00665 00545 100340 ! 00500 ' 00940 C ^ C :u ice_ C _ • :: = 1C } vs MGD 12.11: ° C 1 UNITS • (:I►I.OKH)E 1 UG/LIMGIL:MGIL.I MGIL ;%IIf/ EMG/Li MGIL iMG/Li MLILIMGIL{MGlL•,MGlL. . •I 2! 700 24 17 ' 13.37' 151 6.5! 61 3.91 0.501 5.5: 31 6.0! 1 0.08: 0.11 23: 55.0. 31::-:700 .- 24 17 . 13.54! 16i. • • .- 6:81: < 5i 4.11 1.301 •.• 5.9: 6i 6.0 i 0.11 : . 55.0 41 7001 24 7 12.31; 16i 7.01 L 5i 4.41 3.151 8.1 141 6.1i ! 0.11 48! 185.0. 51 -:-700. 24 .7. - 1191i 161 ::•. 7:01 71. 5.2! 4.231- 9.9i • 16i: 8.01 7.86i 0.11 i - 38.01 95:0. 61 700 24 7 11.56i 161 6.81 < 5i 4.51 2.741 9.31 91 8.2! 1 i 0.11 451 ! 80.0: 71:::: 700 :-..24:. I• 10.59! I- ..... • .,.,. 1 • 1.: • • .: I • :.:- . ; . . ! .. -: • i 1 ; .. -:.1•. •- .. ! . . f 81 700 24 12.96i 1 i i i i 1 1 .:91::.::700::::24. •7 - :.16.301 .17L:•.-.:: 6:7::4 5i - 4.01. 1511 : 6.6i 271. . 7.91.. 1. 0.16! 0.11 :251.:•.. • E• 50.0i 101 700 24 B 1 16.42! 161 6.6 G 51 4.01 2.451 7.61 141 7.21 1 1 0.11 1 1 40.0i :IIk:- ::700::24:17::1 A6.691:.... -151- .:-::::6:7 :..4.- 51 •:.:.3:91:: 2:141..:.::.:6.63 •--.101::-•.7.01...::•.•..I .• .: 1. .0:11::.331' :-...i':..• '.-1- -50.01 12! 700 24 B 1 18.061 141 6.7 < 51 4.41 2.001 8.61 431 6.91 5.021 1 0.11 1 1 60.01 '13t::•••:700 ..i.24 :7 • i:: --• *-16.62i: • 141::-:::::6.8 .:.<• 51•-•::7:3I:. 3.03t:•:..• 1Z61..:631: 7:2E: ;.. 1 .: 0.11:.:.::501::.•--••••:••:: •••-:-1:. 60.01 141 700 24 17.111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I i 1 1 ! 1 :15k i:•700 -::24 : k::::::1-:• -..: I7.251.:: :.:1.:::::::-•:•• : - .::•..4: •:-:'•• 1:.• -:::1. •..:.• 1...•. 1. ..I: .- 1;.-..: • 1 • ...:.1..•.: .• 1.-...::.: -• : . . - : 1 161 700 24 7 i 17.42! 141 6.4 -C 51 4.71 2.301 6.21 281 7.31 1 0.21! 0.11 261 1 40.01 :171::.:7001::.24::.•y: .-•. •15.581. • :• : 131.'•6181:.<.:51:-'-::7.91:-4.221..•::::1281•• 251 - 7.01••. .i.•.:. 'i. ' 0:11.. I • : •:•-I 52.51 181 7001 24 7 16.651 151 6.61 < 5i 8.91 6.671 14.81 181 7.01 1 1 0.11 531 1 72.5i :131::`7001::::24.•:.7 -::::.::16.631:. 151: .::::.6:31:'.< 5i --. 6.1I:..4.141:•.:::: 9.21. 141. • ...TM:. 7.701 • - - -. 1 • a1.1 • .. 1 .:; -70.01 201 7001 24 17 I 15.97! 16i 6.71 < 5i 6.9! 3.611 7.81 11! 7.61 1 1 0.11 391 1 70.01 :21t.:::17001 ::24:::k:7::: :. •:::17781 1:--.::::.:.:: •• . •.: 1.;:;:•.:.:::1 : .-t..:•:..:.. 1. F :::..* I :.:1:::.- L• 1•.:.: ... I: - :::..1:... i 221 7001 24 1 1 17.171 1 1 I 1 i 1 1 1 I ! I 7231<:: 700 •:::24::.:7:* k::::-:::* 15.41! .151:.• :• 6.4:.<. 51.::: 6:91 2.111 - 1141.. 301:.: 6.21 . 1- • 0.271...: 0.11:.:-. 30I 150 • 1 • 40:01 241 700 24 7 I 17.451 151 6.7 4 5i 5.71 2.341 10.01 131 7.71 1 ! 0.11 1 1 40.01 251' .:.700 - .24':: I7 ;7--:1.:.:: -17.611.151.. - 6:8 : c : 51: • 7:51 4:611 •-• -12.61 401 .• 6.41. - • 1 i 0.11- ::•: 521- . .. • 1 65.01 261 700 24 1 17.731 15i 6.7 < 51 8.41 3.461 15.81 20! 7.31 : 7.14I i 0.11 1 1 60.01 •271=:: 700 .-. 24: ..7 1 • - L3.251 • -. 161 .•: - 6:7 : -< 5i .. 8:41• . 3.061: :• •:15.81:. 101. -74 . ' .::1: ! - . 0.11:: • 53! . . 1 60.0! 281 700 24 1 13.721 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 I• 291-:::7001.::'24 . =:• •. !- 13.321: - 1 . ....•.. 1 • • ! . 1 . 1. 1 1. 1 1 i , 301 700 24 7 1 13.42! 181 6.5 < 51 4.31 1.131 5.01 31 7.9 I 0.321 0.11 251 1 47.5! 31I-::::700 :::24 ::.7 1•. 13.2417: 181: . : . 6.9: G. 5i : 5:31 2:051 •8.71 21. 7.4 1 • 1 I1:11 1 . - 1 50.0! AVERAGE 1 15.311 15.51 .' ..:> 5i 5.81 2.381 9.61 141 7.1 6.931 0.211 0.11 391 150 38.01 59.01 - MAXIMUM ' -• • 1 18.251 181 .7:0 • .. 71 8,91 6.671 ..' 15.81 631 8:2 786! 0.32! 0:11 531 150 38.01 95.01 MINIMUM 10.591 • 131 6.4 < 51 3.91 0.501 5.01 21 6.0 5.02! 0.081 0.11 231 150 38.01 40.01 Caiap: (C)'f Grab. (0): CUNT 1 G 1 IJ 1. 1 C. I C IC. 1 G 1 r C IC 1 G I C_ IC C IC Monthly Limit I0.11 ! i4SISW!2514WI 30! 2001 1 ! 1 i 1 EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO. NC0023949 DISCHARGE NO. oo1 MONTH: April YEAR t998 FACILITY NAME CITY OF GOLDSBORO-WWTP CLASS .a. COUNTY WAYNE OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) Kathy 8. Hill GRADE ill_ PHONE 219-73C-3329 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES CITY OF GOLDSBORO (2) SOUTHERN TESTING .:.i.ara CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED j_j Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH. HC 27626-0S3S PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES OP RATORS x,' rl L'r.�I VJ•4,1thc (SIGNA RE OF ppf PERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE BY THIS SIGNATURE. l CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE ANeCOMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 5-c2li-LIS W C Operator Arrival Tine: 2400 Clock Operator Time On Site 7 a u= o 50050 00030 : 00400 1 SITU 1 11112 1 11111 I 11531 31111 111311 100600 ; COON 100645 1 00340 100600 I 0040 FLOW TIYP!RATUR! CELSIUS - Q. RESIDUAL 1 CHLORINE G v U •a N AMMONIA NITROGEN TOTAL TU1PENDWD SOLIDS m a ^ 9 31 8g 8 a sv 4 DISSOLVED OXYGEN TOTAL NIT -ROOM TOTAL PUOSPUOROUS 6. I P `a� a V .a...H., : I < i < l E INFO } 1- c a HRS HRS Y/N MGD OC UNITS UG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L Z Ill. MG/L MG/L MG/I ML/L MG/L MG/L MG/I. MG/L ::1:::7a0 :.:':24::: .V:::: ' ::1224 : : : : 6,9::4::5 ::•05,.:::2:331:::::::::81: •. ::8 ::7 6 :. :. ..:•0:1.:.`481::..::.:::::: f:. • 70.0. 2 700 24 Y 14.101 201 6.8. 5 7.7 2.66 12.0 131 6.9 4.83 0.1 72.5 :3:::::700 :2t::'lr:' :•>'::.::19l.::::::6.2:<:::21:::::f:6 .::3a0 ....:&:8:: S :11.::::6.51:.:: • :• •:•::: :::1L•1_::::::43' ::: :..• .• •I:.:.• 65.01 4 700 24 13.60 y ... ..•k:::.:- . • • 1 ..... . .•. -I•. 6 700 24 Y 13.021 17 6.5 < 5 2.1 Lll 7.0 31 7.6 0.15 0.1 16 35.0 :1 :•100 •24 :` :: ...:: 04:1::...:: 1T ..::6:8': :::5:..:72`.':::3:1.4:. •...::5Z ...:3 :::::E7::... • ...:.: :8:2:'...:::::..... • .. :•. 4i:5 8 700 24 Y 12.561 19 6.9 < 5 4.1 3.37 8.6 61 7.8 0.1 45 65.0 ::9#::: T.001:: 24:. Y:• • :Z3:79 : . ::19::..:$9 ':G:::S .::2 .::11.3 ; ..::1:4- •....8 :. =b:8):::•:4 241 '•::::::•:'. .;Oa : • .. .: • ... • ::: : 10 7001 24 •• 17.18 ;11 :::702 .::24:: :::::.::1x:81a:....... r .....:t::::: ...::<••...: ..........• .. • • :::::....: ..... .......•• . . 12 700 24 16.60 : ::::100 :-:'.24*--.: :Y :..... ' 16:191:....::18_ ...:6.4:: �:•:5 :31 `':':121 :..::i2.9':::::::::3 1:6•:.. :*0:41 :.::::':Oil: • .::32 - , . :. . E •..:31.5 14 100 24 Y 15.721 18 6.6 < 5 4.9 L85 122 26 7.1 0.1 198 42.5 T5 ;:::::700:.. 24:::;Y ::: •15:15 ::::::::::::19. ::(t6 ::<G::5:.:.6.2%:::231:.:::118::...::4.::::::7:6.:..:•:::::: .:-::::: i:•0:1::•:::::38 ` :... . :. •:57:5 16 100 24 Y 13.33 20 6.6 < 5 . 5.9 107 12.4 17 7.3 3.96 0.43 0.1'' 33 29.81 65.0 ::11%::1•00 • 'i2.76 ......:i20::...:6.6::G::::S :..:4.$':':Y:SQ •...: is _ . . •, .. ....:fl1 .:30 ... .. • . 18 700 .::24:.''V::.. 24 12.46 :if:::700 ..'24:. .:.. ::12.21:. ..•.•.. • ..•. • :..... • :5 :1.8':1._2 ' .... ........ • .... .•.. ... ..... :•:-•::::::: .. .. •4: :1'•':.... . 20 700 24 Y 12.20 19 6.6 < 4.6 3 7.4 0.07I t: 0.1 22 40.0 21.:::1011 .u..fy.: :1.2:19•I:....19 .:6.6' < :S . •2:7'•::':1:24....:3i0::G :•:r...::8• •...... .: •0:1 •. .• `.'•'•':•:: • •1• •.:41.5 22 700 24 Y 13.59 19. 6.8 5 3.1 170 7.0 2 7.1 0.1 35 60.0 :Z3:::::.7.04 :.:.Zi:: ,Y:::. '. . .'13:98::....: U :...-6:6.::C.::S :.::2.9:•::224:: ::7:4: :�::.-. •1..:::1»9:..:4:7.1F.• ........ :0:1 ...:::::. ... :60.0 24 700 24 Y 14.351 171 6.5 5 /3 L26 6.6 7 7.9 0.1 31 50.0 25 =100. •24:. . •• • 12.68 .. •: .. •1::::::';:•::: •...... •.• ...... : •• . . 26 - 700 24 11.27 •Y1.`:.::700 : '24:::ly:::::.:.•1364.. .::'191•':'::::'6.6:..<:::5:::::23 .<0:111 :::: 2:4 : .:1 :::::.7:0:: • • 0:12 :. •!0:1.`'•:::14 :..::. • ' 1' :. 30.0 23 700 24 Y 11.651 13 6.7 < 5 2.2 0.70 5.7 1 1.9 0.1 32.5 ;29 . ••7001: •24 .Y.• ', :1101 ..... 39 .. - •1.0':G•:•5:•::::2.61:::0:16 . :4:5 ..:2 ..:8:0 :• ::0:1 .34 • • • • •:50.0 30 700 24 Y 13.091 20 7.0 < 5 ` 2.6 <0.101 3.9 1 7.81 3.221 0.1 70.0 31 ..... •.• • f •:.::•::::•:;. ': .... ... .... • .5 :. • • • ... ... ....' ::::::.:`::: ;•:. . AVERAGE 13.491 18.7E= E: 3.' :_� :y 5 3.8 1.8 1.81 ` 7.5 3 7.5 4.17 0.24 0.1 32 1981 29.8 53.8 : .<MAXIMUM:::•::::. 17:81::...:: 201:.. •7.0 - ::5:..:• 77 •.::3:37 : •••.:12.9•:'..::Z6 :: .8:3' • •:4.83 •0:43 :- .::0:1 • :•45 : :1981 29.3 f : . '• 72.5 MINIMUM 11.07 17 6.4 < 5 1.8 <0.101 2.4 .< 1 6.5 3.22 0.07 0.1 14 193 29.3 30.0 taiiii;q/:Gtatl:(G)::.. COLT .. G•.....: G:....: G::::: C:::::::: :C::::::::: C::':::::::: G::::: G:::::::• C.' . •. C •:: G::-:::::: C.:.::: C'•:::::• C ,C..:::::::. Monthly Limit 10.1 4S/8W 2S/4W 30 200 EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO. MC0023949 DISCHARGE NO. 001 MONTH: MAY YEAR: t(1QR FACILITY NAME CITY OF GOLDSBORO-ww'TTP CLASS 1_y COUNTY WAYNE OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) Kathy 8. Hitt (`-BADE .L PHONE 919-735-3329 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES CITY OF GOLDSBORO (2) SOUTHERN TESTTNG CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED . Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIN. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH. NC 21626-0535 PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES OPERATORS • x ad :1_ (SIGN URE pg OPERA TORINRE`ri0MMJi 1.2 CHARGIDATE BY THIS SIGNWrURE. i CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 50050 xu o1x FLOW 0.1 �l .1. EFF2 oter c'2 a an V'� INF �� c � 8 C N C3 N . 1 HRS HRS Y/N MGD p.. ;aa 31 tom•+ 411 00010 00400 {50060180082100610I 00530 131616I00300 00600 'C0666 .30645 Y ' 2 17 III 1- 1 . 1.4 Z �- iiC iC JZC: 6C.. _ N i�)1 CaC j v ICZ Ft; e 1 1 (GEOMETRIC MEAN( - >w C01 }. C .. 1(Il lt()(31:1l c ZD • 00340:00500 00940 F.l KAll OW( 3C UNITS UGIL:MG/Li MG/L MG/L t/3tot"y1 MG/L MCA. MG/L. MUL.MG/L .MG1L.MG/L . MGiL 0.1! 351 ! 67.5: 11 700 Z4 tY 1' 14:41'• 191 • 6.91:< .51' 3.5r<0:10 5:9 . . Si .4.91 , 2! 700 24 1L74 • 31..::7001 24 !...: 11.15i �-.: 1: z • : . I : : : • 41 700i 24 !Y 12..7741 201 6.5i < 5i 221 0.10 2.5 31 6.9 0.11 0.1! 27 • .• 40.0i • 5i . 7001 24 PI. • IL341 19 6.6 < . 5i: 2.9k 0.141 4.4 : 31.-. 7:8; 0.1! • 42.5; 6i 7001 24 IY 1135i 201 6.61 81 3.5iC0.10 3.1 31 7.8 0.1, 271 • 40.0i .71-:-2001.. Z4 jY: • .:: 12.351 ' 201 6.71 • :1i 2.7140:10 . 2.01 • 31.: -7:1. .3.031 . 0.1i. 55.0i 81 7001 24 ► Y I 11.52; 211 6.91 81 2.91<0.10 2.71 21 7.3 • 0.1i 381 57.5 i 91::•:7001..24:1:.. :-1117• (- }: :I :1.:. .• • t. • .•. 101 7001 24 ! 11261 ! 1 ! 1 1 • ill :::7001 :24: 1Y.:::' :.12:721... -.:.201:. 6.8E<< 51.: ••::2.31<O.10 :••:::>:::1:2 . 1321::::.7:8 - ! 0.07! 0.1! 25 50.0 121 7001 24 1Y 12.251 21! 6.91 ‘ 51 3.014'1).10 3.1 41 7.91 • 0.11 47.5i 131• '•7001:..24 IY : •:::::11.601• 201 ' - .7.01- < 5j:•:::::2:71<0:10':*. 21' < 11. 7:81: 0.1! ...301 ; 65.0 141 7001 24 Y 10.291 201 6.81 61 3.4 0.12 4.5 21 7.3 1.34i . 0.1: 1 72.5 15i•• ::2001• 24. 1Y ::.:..::10.101- . • • :201- .< • 6.81::. -..-. 6E '.:2.71:::0201:::.::• L7I' < 11..: 7:61. 0.11 *101 • 44.81 65.01 161 7001 24 9.481 1 1 • :171.:::7001 24• ' ... . : 7:981::. • 181 7001 24 1 Y 9.411 22! 6.81 81 2.71<0.10 0.5 < 1 8.01 0.111 0.1! 16 ! 47.5 -19 :.•.700L 24 - Y::....:* 9:211: • --•221: - ::6.81:- ::•:: 71• • .::2.01C'1l10 :•• • : • 0:1 < • It • 7:9' . ' 0:11 - • .-: - • 1. - 42.5 20 7001 24 1 Y ' 9.17 a221 7.11 5i 2.114 0.10 0.6 8 6.3 ' ' 0.11 27 272. ! 62.5 ;21r:::::700 ' •:•24' ..Y ::..:::•::' 9.081...::: 231-:-.:-: 6:91:•-•••••:•61:..:Z:2140:10 .-:•:::.0;31 •••::31.-.1.: 7.61 • L46i ... 1 O:.li .::.• :::•. 1::: -: - :.. 1 67.51 221 7001 24 1 Y 8.701 221 7.01 7 2.01<0.10 0.31 601 7.71 I 0.11 33 1 70.01 723 :7001: •:24: : :9:221:..•..:•..:# : : . • .. :. i .... :..........:..... 1 :. : . 24 7001 24 7.47! ! { ► 1 1 251::.<700 7 .-.24:::.. •• ..: 8:101• .: • . :1:: =:1..:-::«•.:•... .•. ..... :..• '1. •• . 1 1 .. .. : • ... i 26 700! 24 Y 8.731 231 6.91 < 51 1.3k0.10 < 0.11 4 1 7.71 1 0.091 0.11 1 40.0 :27 :.::700 ::24:::Y::::...:::9.181:::..::241. • . 7:0#1 ::5 • . <181C0.10 :...:0:2 :.4:.1:.•;7:61 * . • 1:. : ►. 011:::.::26 :.... , . : : 50:0 28 700 24 Y 10.30 23! 7.0 < 5 L4140.101 0.41 < 1 7.51 1.81E 1 0.1! 70.0 .29 :.:700 .•:24:: Y:` :..::10.451:.::>:•:::231 .:.7.0 :<.:5:.::131<0.10 :.::0:6 : •<.::1:...=:?:6 . 1. 1- 0:11 •27 ••55 0 301 7001 24 10.381 I i 1 311i .:700 .24 ... ........489'..•... • .1 ..: .. •....•........1:.:.......... . . ........:.•. .. - { 1' • AVERAGE 10.45 2L21= n 6 2.41 0.11• 1.81 31 7.61 2.061 0.101 0.11 281 2721 44.81 55.4 :•:•••::MAXIMUM•:::::::::::::14:41 •::-:•:. 241::::-::-7:11:::::::::-8 :::::.3.51:::020 .:::•::5.9 -...132 •:•.?8:0 ... 3:031 0111- at: ::::38: •:272. 44.8 - • :?2:51 MINIMUM 7.47 191 6.51 < 5 1.31<0.101 < 0.1 1 6.3 1.46i 0.071 0.11 16 272 44.3 40.01 -come '(c1:/'Gub•(Gi•::''CUNT•- G•.. a .::•: 13:-._....C-::»::}C:'.:::::.:C:' -.:':'.:G.::1 1Y:::':It: • •:I.C.- - 1 G - It.:.:: .C" - _C ' • • •C' Molly Limit 10.1 i I 4S/8W12S14W 301 2001 1 1 1 DEM Form MR.-1.1 (12/93) RECEIVED JUL ' 1 1998 A.RCADIS Geraghty & MiIler EFFLUENT RECEIVED JUL 281998 ARCADIS Geraghty & miner NPDES PERMIT NO. NC0023949 L!iSCHARC-E NO. cc, MONTH :T-N= `: E.-.R tqw3 FACILITY NAME CITY OF GOLDSP.ORO- -?'P CLASS lV cC N WANE OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CI -LARGE (ORC) KAThY B. HILL GRADE PHONE .31"- ,s-1.:z1, CERTIFIED LABORATORIES CrT'Y OF GOLDSBORO (') SOUTHERN TESTING CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY re: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF !WV180NMENTAL MANM3ZMENT EHNR P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH. NC 27626-flS S PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES CPERA T .^,RS x. • i.LIL '7-ai7-gig (SIGNATURE OF f PERA T OR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: DArE BY THIS SIGNA I CERTIFY THAT THIS FORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I y 1 :: : . I FLOW It <; 1 qr A N •" • � • u u r. v is ER: r 2 tin 0 !INF C J = it : 50050 '111010 ' 110400 : II&S • 101182 • SIGM/ • 1*530 1161$ t Q81118 1006Ct1 • CC885 00545 =0 . =C0 1 1:C9.0 • s sa y I4, d'- - = .0 c V • V '� ~ .i x • ` < .. , > 'L ly r v Cs __ r i 7 2 • 1 HRS HRS IY/N MOD 400 : Z4 • *Y 10.:7! : 21 7001 24 Y 1 10.66. 31. • Z00 24•..1Y• • 10:151 . 41 700 24 IY 1 11.3=: : 51' 1001 24: tY II.401 61 7001 24 1 10.7 _ • JA UG/L:MG/L,MG/L: MG/L '�l�sL'Y/IMG/L PAWL MG/Lj MLIL :MG/L;MG/L; MG/L. MGiL - i I I 231. 6.7! 241 7.11 251 . 7:Oi:< :51 7.11 24:' 6.9! 5i • I.01<0:10: 0.2.; Si L61-c 0.10: 0.61 ii' L1'C 0.10 1.11 51 1.51< 0.101 < 0.11< T: 1.6.1<13.101' • 1:01 • 3i 7:2 2' 7.51 1 i 7.31. 1. 7.3 1.63. t; 7.01 0.01 i 0.1. 24 i 0.1. 0.1. 37 n.. 0. lfl! . 4' .5. 47.5 • 5 63.0 : ill0. 7!- 7001 '24. 1 9.641 81 ! 91 110; 11.1 112 i ! 1.1.. 700 24 Y 7001' 24• Y•' 7001 24 Y ! '7001.•24'IY'':- 7001 24 1Y •100I 24.• 1 10.08 i 10.7 0!• ►0.18; 10.241 10.111 9:091 231 5.81 23! 6.81 24! 6.31 < 24I 6.3'1.L 23!6.3IG I. 5; 6;_ 3' 51•' 5! 1.3140.101 ? 0!‘0:10I 1.6141.101 2:4 40:101 2.01<0.101 ±•. 1.2' 1: 2.2!' i• 1.71 3; 3.21 11 2.61 31 • r 7.61 7.5 7:4. . 7.21 0.05; 0.1E 291 i 0.:: 2621 0.11 40: L921 0.1; 0.1; 39t 47.5, 62.5 65.01 75.0 : 14 a 700 24 9.301 1 1 i i ! 1 ! 1 I 151: TOO:. •24• • B• .. . • 10.351: - . 2Si: • :.6.31 ' .61: • 2.7'<0:101 : -:: 3.7- .:.- ' :-41- • 7.01 •.• 1. 0.081 • 0.11 241 • • -- 1 • 1: 60.01 16 i 700 24 B 3.99 I 251 6.9 < 51 L3 <0.101 121 < 11 7.21 i 1 0.1 i ! t' 60.0: t7-I' • 108 . 24. B. :. -• - • 8.501 ' 251 • 6.8• G. •51. •2.1' 40:101 ....0:5:. •.-: 31 • 7•,2.1 ." • • 0.1i" •'371 • -• 1• 1 65.0! 13I 700 24 B 8.4Si 251 7.0 t 5! LT <0.10I < 0.1 < 11 7.2 0.96' 1 0.1! 1 1 65.0: 191:-:•.70811.- 24' : B:= -F'•• •' - 8.131 : `25:1:• •-...6:3- :C. 5f. :-'f:9.1<0:1fl1': - ..'::131•.•:-.. 21- - - T:2 •: ':::' 1 I ::- 0.11: 211 . 1 70.01 201 700 24 8.531 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I i •• 211'• '100 :•:24.:: : -: 8.1151 1. I. • • i .. : 1 i 1 i I 1 1 221 100 24 Y 8.211 26! 6.9 < 51 2.6 <0.101 2.01 31 7.1 1 0.031 0.11 311 1 60.01 23•1:• :700 ..:•.24:::. Y:::^:::•:::• •8.97'::•:::..:•25 •.•.:•'. 7:0i'< '3i':•:.2:3. <0:1131:.`'.':2:3I:::. -241 .-. 7:3::. ':• .. 1• .:'-".0.Y1:.... •:. : 1• 60.0; 241 700 24 Y 8.741 26 6.9 < 51 2.1 r< 0.10 I - 2.21 11 7.21 1 0.11 241 1 77.51 251' .700 '•24•. Y•:: ' •- 8:581 • 27. ..6.811:< .51" •• LT <0:101. '• L41'.<. 11- • 7.21..:1.791 i . 0.11 • !• 80.01 261 7001 24 Y 8.451 27 7.11 < 5 i 1.6 <0.101 12 11 7.0 I I 0.11 351 1 30.0 231.:.::7.00'.:14:::' :..::• :.....-:7::431'.. • .• , • I..... • .. i - " . • .. : • .. .-.t. : • .1. - - 231 700 24 7.791 1 I I 1 1 1 291::-'100 ..:24:•: Y:.1.:.::• :8:Sa1. •"•••27 :•:•:.:4:9:1:< .sr. .•:•2:1•k0:101:.•:•:::.2:5:;:•• . 1 : •• 7:0 •.•`.. 'I:: 0-10t••'::.0:11: '•:-211 .. • .. : :. • 1:. • 65.0' 301 700 24 Y 8.501 27 6.9 < 51 2.9 <0.101 2.5 < 11 6.9 1 0.11 67.5 31.1• • . '. ....r ..: f'; ' - :*:"-::::....... . 1.... . I... :.... •: - . AVERAGE 9.421 25.0 ' = = 51 1.9 <0.10 L6 2 7.2 L581 0.05 0.11 31 262 43.51 64.7 1" .:. MA3CMUM: • • :•.k••--•:' 11:401--•:•.-:-- 271E..:`. 1:1-:::•'-"•71. •••2:9: 40:10I"' •"•:•'-'3:7.:-•••':.-...4 . -•'•7:& ;:• •.L92 0:101_ :: -0:11 ••40 •`262 :: •43.51 80.0 MINIMUM 7.431 23 6.7 < 51 1.0 <0.101 < 0.1 < 1 6.9 0.96 0.011 0.11 211 262 43.51 C.:...:1C 47.5 • co,> .'(cl•!•c>r:b ..:-;Ct3NI':.•-1G...... •• G::'•:•:.::- C::::.:: C.::.: C.::::::::IC.'::: ' G•::::::..G.:.. • C:::::: • G.:. •IG.::::::•: IC• ..':IC:•:•::::. Monthly Limit 10.11 4S/8W 2S/4W 30 200 1 1 I DEM Form MR-1.1 (12/93) PBSI Engineering Planning 3214 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27616 919/876-6888 www.pbsj.com August 3, 1998 Mr. Paul Clark, Environmental Engineer North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources P.O. Box 29535 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 RE: City of Goldsboro Created Wetland Project Dear Paul: As per our recent phone conversation, we have received the calculations from the U.S.G.S. for the 7Q10 and 30Q2 minimum flows for the unnamed tributary into which we propose to discharge the wetlands effluent. As per that discussion, it is noted that the receiving stream is marginal for the receipt of the proposed flow which may span from zero to 4 million gallons per day, with the initial average flow targeted in the 1 million gallons per day range. The higher flows would be applied during the testing period to determine how well the wetlands system can function at higher flows. Our conversation centered on the anticipated release flows. We noted that the worst case for most permit parameters should be the same as the discharge from the treatment plant with anticipated improvements in the nutrients, but with some potential impacts from coliform due to the wildlife population that may utilize the wetlands for habitat. Our goal in this process is to quickly determine if we can utilize the unnamed tributary for discharge. As per your request I have included the information from the U.S.G.S., a small-scale map showing the tributary, and information about the current discharge limits and test results from the wastewater treatment plant. We are available to provide additional information for your analysis. Please feel free to give me a call. We look forward to your response and to working with you to develop this project. Very truly yours, C. Ed Hilton, Jr. P.E. Associate Vice President C: Karen Brashear, Goldsboro G:\GOLDSBOR\clarkdischarge.doc - - • • .• P O - • - • X •n '49? vY • • ? ••• • 0 s, cit0§- , 457 ,•-•<6.7( —15, 4J-L--- 1,, Akan/ut Luke x?cs.5.'.': _____.--- ...-s- S5-,-0 -- -„,.... '............—....-s-.-- --t• . '-N`• .,r oWfmc-Am m &• ce RUMP Y 19‘I DcLomc. StreetAILtUSA 1 :1 4 e i r l n #V EN U E :A . 4 ` ,:% 3 . v z4 e f c 1 $ _ 4 47 4 4 4 1 k 114 t - 4 '7 K - R X , INSD ; I 1 3 1 1 - 0 - 4 • ce• k :a.iviA • • A 1 co • Ti •-• , %NS fk° 1 - 1 1 4S a i 7 . " • y r PUBLIO; i • z y ; - • t ` 4 ' r , /.74 fiW/tWeown 4 t e • _Li 8-1J-WH.e• % •61-7Noium INESTAEw 1153‘ t t - 1 I P E7/-.p•gtft—tRoZ1 U W M I N . rCo N - : f . R O — 3 E 4 M R Y 0 I. N%gE8,--C 67. 1 D Eo hA9fr.4 -o-1,iv0 .3 17 . 14? . SouthGodsboro' 4 0 a ' ^r • a . t n g (... 5 • E R C •• ); . s • P 4 . C5 AMYS . q v 4 1 ; ' • a „ l • • ,• S• eymour John h n N United States Depart U.S. GEOLOG: 3916 Sunset Post -it® Fax Note 7671 Date 5/3 f, 1, (pages 2_ To p. C.C,66ZK From . pEkLC 1 Co./Dept. Co. Phone # Phone # Fax # ems , 60 4 g Fax # Raleigh, North aronca lmul July 14, 1998 Mr. C. Ed Hilton, P.E. Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. 3214 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, North Carolina 28616-2822 Dear Mr. Hilton: In response to your request for low -flow data, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) does not have site - specific data for the Unnamed tributary [drainage ditch] to Stoney Creek at Goldsboro, NC (station ID 02089042, drainage area 0.68 mi2). The statistics that are provided on the attached sheet have been computed by correlating the runoff characteristics from two nearby streamflow sites to the site of interest. They reflect natural streamflow conditions and do not account for the effects of any upstream diversions or regulation that may be present. The two nearby streamflow sites used as index sites for correlating the runoff characteristics are: Big Ditch at Retha Street at Goldsboro (station ID 02088682, drainage area 2.17 mi2), a continuous -record gaging station with records of daily mean discharges during February 1980 through September 1984; and Stoney Creek at Goldsboro (station ID 02088682, drainage area 21.6 mi2), partial -record site with records of 21 miscellaneous measurements obtained during the 1949-55, 1957-58 water years. As can be noted in the periods of records identified for each index site, the streamflow records reflect flow conditions in two distinct periods. However, low -flow characteristics at the two sites, when expressed as flow per square mile drainage area, compare favorably and were averaged to determine the unit low flows applied to the request site. A charge for accessing and processing information has been assessed to partially offset the costs associated with providing a response to your request. Your requested data and an invoice covering processing costs for these data are enclosed. Please forward the original bill with your check to the U.S. Geological Survey, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 271, Reston, Virginia 20192. These data are preliminary and subject to revision pending approval for publication by the Director of the U.S. Geological Survey, and are made available through our cooperative program of water -resources investigations with the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact us. Sincerely, J. Curtis Weaver Hydrologist 2 Enclosures Copy to: Mr. John N. Morris, Director, DWR, DENR Raleigh, North Carolina (919) 571-4000 • FAX (919) 571-4041 SUMMARY OF LOW -FLOW ESTIMATES IN RESPONSE TO REOUEST REQUEST NO: 91595 SITE NO: 01 DATE: 06/25/98 SOURCE: Consultant ACTION: New STATION NUMBER: 02089042 STATION TYPE: Ungaged (estimate only) STATION NAME: Unnamed tributary [drainage ditchl to Stoney Creek at Goldsboro. NC LOCATION: At Secondary Road 1919 (Westbrook Rd.). and approximately 1 mile W of SJ Air Force base LATITUDE: 35°20'52" LONGITUDE: 77°59'44" QUANDRANGLE NAME AND NUMBER: Southeast Goldsboro fF-27-SW1 COUNTY CODE: Wayne 11911 STATE CODE: NC 1371 DISTRICT CODE: NC [371 HYDROLOGIC UNIT CODE: 03020202 EHNR BASIN CODE: 03-04-05 DRAINAGE AREA: 0.68 mi2 Flow statistics as follows: AVERAGE FLOW: Estimated using 1.2 ft3/s/mi2 0.8 ft3/s see note f B l ANNUAL 7Q10 MINIMUM FLOW: 0.0116 ft3/s/mi2 0 ft3/s see note L B ANNUAL 30Q2 MINIMUM FLOW: 0.1201 ft3/s/mi2 0.08 ft3/s see note �J WINTER 7Q10 MINIMUM FLOW: 0.0739 ft3/s/mi2 0.05 ft3/s see note [_B ] ANNUAL 7Q2 MINIMUM FLOW: 0.0762 ft3/s/mi2 0.05 ft3/s see note [ B 1 NOTES: [A] Estimate is based on records collected at or near the request site. [B] Estimate is based entirely on runoff characteristics observed at nearby streams. [C] Estimate based on procedures given in USGS Water Supply Paper 2403 "Low -flow Characteristics of Streams in North Carolina" (Giese and Mason, 1993). [D] Estimate based on procedures given in USGS Water Supply Paper 2403 and in conjunction with streamflow records collected at or near the request site. These data are considered provisional and subject to revision pending approval by the Director, USGS. REMARKS: • Requested by Mr. Ed Hilton, PE, PBS&J, Inc. ENTERED BY: JCW FEE CHARGED: $ 150 PAGE 02 08/07/1998 14:45 7358907 • LW '1i1�1� 4A 1 )1 s EFFLUENT 1\0.-kisi a -17 g Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: AT1•N: CENTRAL FILES Dry. OF Et1VIA0Nf1ENTAL IiA$Ad2YE)IT DEHNR P.7. BOX Z9535 RAL 1GH. NC 27626-0535 ! PDES PERMIT NO. NC0023949 DISCHARGE NO. ow MONTII:J NE YEAR 1998 '^ CLASS � COUNT',"U�AYNE FACILITY NAMEI'ri OF QQLi� GRADE PHONE �.?-�a}-��-� OPERATOR EN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) KATHY e. HILL CERTIFIED LABORATORIES. CITY OF GOLDS O- (2) • , . . CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED 1 PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLiS _„ O E ELQFSS^ irk . fiLL7 -d 7-618 (SIGNATURE uP PER,ITOtt 1N RESPONSIEILE C'HARI.E) DATE I BY THIS SiGNA E. I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY XNOWLEOGE. x. 1 Ol�GBi i 44011 ! PO "cla 100340 .ei._�.v,... wNI____ DATE _ x Operator Ar irnl $ o-64 $ o g o g o cav' Tine: 2400 Chia N. —1.- .: t • • yiitMwg Operator Tine g On Site { — '''= 41 'fit 6. itC Oa Sile?' - • K DAILY + 4 r ii 00 0-r►..crcaoa RATE t7�lga O alo w Q e CA 'V IFVViV : :. • brv� -{ d N_I . • N XmI_a2 d I nwi���F'P re, I•. • 0:>.eac gO Ov t I ` ` 1friCO _ . wIMs t I " I • . I � • iC9: + .A I t. ' -<F.0 .C19 oC I pfi1TSjUCJL MGIL MG/L` MG/L DLN! ICE MG/Li cry MOlL MGll.j tiL'L 4.10lLiMUlI.IMGIL 23 6.7 5 L13140.101 0.2 • 3: 1.:' 1 0.011 0.1. 211 47.5' L 24 7.1 51 1.61<0.10 0.61 2 7.51 • a.l ._52.5 _t:? 35 • T.O .0 i' L7 C0.10 1.1 t: 1.3; j 0.1. .___29. • 43.5- ... 251 7.1 51 1.5 <0.10 0.1 I < 7.31 1.63! , 0.1 _ .n: L 241 • 6.9 f; 1.6 <0.10; • 1.01 1: 7.01 0.1. MA' ! r- 1 23 i 6.8 231 6.8 5 1.5 6 2.040.10 . 40.10. I : 1 , 1.2 I • 7.61 1 0.05 04 i 29: I 47.5. 2.21 l: 7.51 • 1 0.1. 2621 _, 55.0: 00 , < 5 1.6 0.10 1.7 3. 7.5' 0.i; 12 70a 131 700 z4 • '24 Y • 10:24 1 10.11 • • 919 • 241 251 '. 6.8 G • 51 2.4 40.10 3.2 ' ' 1 # 7.41. 1.92 . , 0.1! ! 1 65_0: 75.0' .' 6s 6.9 < 51 -< 5 2.0 1.8 0.10 co.10 <0.10 z.6 1.2 3! 41 < 1 7.2 I AD.*. . •• 7.21 0.os 0.1! I • o.l 0.1! 29' 24 i 68.0 14! 700 24 24 _ 8 9.00 ' • 10.85 8.99 :' ::8.50 25 :. ' 25 15. leo . 60.0 16 700 24 24 B 11 17 709 ... 6.8 7.0 G -$ G 5 2.1 L7 40.10 40.10 . : 0;5 < 0.1 ::::.3 .7.2 •0.1 i s7 65.01 18 . 700 24 .: B 8.45 25 0.96 0,1; 65.01 19 .:••100 24 : B..•. .1.13 . . 25 • • :'6.8 < 5 ' ' 1.9 <0.10 :.. 13 ' .. . -� • 0.1 21 . _ �i 70.01 1 I 20 700 24 8.53 21:.'T00.••24.. 22 • ::8- .. .. 1 700 24 IBRINNIEEI.:; 24 Y Y 8.21 8.74 • 26 .•26 26 27 .10 MEM :. 6.8 5 121111183 c' 1' 2,6 2.1 • 1:3 40.10 <0.18 gm 0.10 2.0 2.2 3 :•....•4 1 7.1 `, 7.2 0.03 0.11 • 0.11 31 60.0 60.0' 23 24 •t04 700 0.11 24 1 77.51 I 80.0 25 7001 ' 24 Y .:8.58 •1.4 :4. 1 .7.2 ' .19 .' ' 0.1 26 700 24 Y . 8.45 27 7.1 •4 5 1.6 <0.10 1.2 1 7.0 0.11 35 80.0 1 27 .: 700 . •2A:: n :: :.1.13 ..: � .... .. ' .. . • 7.0 _ 2s 29 7a0 • 700 24 • •24 . 7.79 . '8. 27 6.9: C S '2.1 .O•.10 :2.5 : '':•• 1 ..... •'0.10 • -• *VA 28 : 65.0 30 700 24 Y 8.50 27 6.9 < 5 2.9 <0.10 < 1 6.9 67.5 31' :7.2 AvERAGE 9.42 25.0 �r �..r,�t,' 5 1.9 40.10 1.6 2 1.58 0.05 0.1 31 262 43.5 64.7 M MAXIMUM: '• :111:d0 37 7.3::'' ' ':'7• 2.9 (010 :'::'3.7 :':':.• 4 4.6 .•.• 1.92 • •0.10 0.1 40 21 262. 262 43.5) 80.0 MINIMUM 1.43 23 < 5 1.0 <0.10 < 0.1 4 1 6.9 0.96 0.01 0,1 43.5 47.5 " cil0.;t. •cl1AI1:...c:.. Monthly Limit 10.1 ' _ c. ! [.ma d„7D /6- c.:.... C..'.... G•.:: •*. C. c•.: •c• G• . C .. C .. . C IC 2$/J 30 200 I DIEM From MR-1.1 (12193 ) 0Q/07/1998 14:45 7358907 • PAGE 03 CITY Cc GOLDSBORO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT P.C. DRAWER A GOLDSBORO, NC 27533-9701. ( 919) 725-3 329 J U N E 1398 �} NPCES = ERH_ =' 4NC0023949 EFFLUENT DISCHA.;G- 4C 0 1 PARAMETER CODE RESULTS :A.77 CHROMIUM 01034 <0. 002MG/L 06. G4, 93 COPPER 01042 <0. 0021•IG/L c••: • 3 = S - LEAD 01051 <0 . 00311G /L e i : _ SILVER 01077 <0.001HG/L G. CADMIUM 01027 <0 . 002MG/L 0:. ".'-1..9a NICKEL 01067 <0.0051.1G/L 0. :4.98 C ZINC 01092 0.052HG/L 06/04/98 C THE ABOVE PARAMETERS WERE PERFORMED BY: SOUTHERN TESTING AND RESEARCH LABS, INC. 3309 AIRPORT DRIVE WILSON, NC 27896 e Nee Kathy n'. Hill, ORC 08/07/1998 14:45 7358907 PAGE 04 RECEIVED JUN 2 )' 1998 NPDES PERMIT NO. NC0023949 DISCHAROE NO. 001 MONTH: M, Y YEAR: 199 -_ FACILITY NAME Sfl'Y OF GQLDSBO O-WWTP CLASS _ COUNTY WAYNE OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) KathB. Hill GRADE iy_ PHONE 919-T35-33,291, CITY CERTIFIED LABORATORIES Y or GoLg$BORO (2) SQL LTHZRN TESL CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED D PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES _42EBA1.Q�- Maii ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29535 RRAALEIGH, NC 21626-0535 EFFLUENT (SIGN TUBE OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHt BG1 DATE BY THIS SIGN URE, 1 CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE- duo am l 5oono . 8ono ! (Whip on$30 } 3 USIA 130300 00600 00656 006as 100340 • C0500 / MM.; DATE l t" a A.,g 0I-' •� 1-i OJ I Pa, p x I 41IEFF0 c11NF V PI' c1 slim FLOW I . aN <=:=1C 1� 1` W ' I- f T 4Z! o u Cc CL W iu = 0' I , Et' CV Sc0 mW '4 Z wyje: <z01.v �ao•o; =N y i ! 1a <o im v w.. 7, >w ,cno KI ac i at; 1_220 c� I"- C� F-= aQ ¢e a vs i .. <Q ' = -;n 1.; cEl u �C I �aL Api rims UGfL',MG/L • 3.5.10 MG1L MG/I. ! LH 1MG1L MG/I.. MG1L; MLIL MGIL.MGIL;MGIL1 MGIL HRS HRS IY1N! MGD °c - •.5:91 6 ' -351 --- 1 . 5 - 24 $Yl 14.41 •191 •.6.9:< 51 ---� 2 700 24 ! 11.74 11.15' 4 1 , ' 3 4 700 24 20 6.5' < 51 <51 81 81 8 2.21 10 2.5 3 63 0.11 0.1 �. 2,_ , 40.0' 700 24 24 ' Y ' B ' 12.74E : 2.9 0.14 . 41.. 3 • • 7:3 ; 0.1 - i f 42.6 ' 51 700 6; 700 7 700 81 700 F9�1.24� 11:841- •- 19 6. 6.6 . S:7 6.9 40.0 24 . 24 24 :Y IT 4 Y 11.85 12.35 11.52 20 20 211 3.5K 27 2.9 0.10 0.10 k.0.10 3.1. 2.01 2.7; 3 3, 2 7.8 :: ?:1: 7.81 ::3.03 1 0.1 • 0.,1 0.1 271 33. ! ' 1 55.0 l 11.17 r. ::.. 10 700 24 11.36 0.1 25 50.0 111 700 :24 Y 12:72 20::: _.6.8 :. < .6 2114110. -.::'::1.2 132 :: ••.7.8 : ' 0.07 • _ 6.9 :...:.7.0 6.8 <_ 5 .< 5 6 3.0 2.7 3.4 <0.10 <0.10, 0.12 3.1 .- :: 211. 141_. < 1 7.9 • :.7.8 :. - 0.1 47.5 121 700 'Od 24 .24 Y Y 12.25 11.60 21 . • 20 0.4 0.1 - 301� . 44.81.:• 65.0 72.5 65.0 1131 141 700 24 EY 10.28 20 4.5 2 7.8 134 15 700 :. 24 fY 10.10 . '20 :•: 6.8 6 2.7;- .020 .: 1.7 < 1.. 7.6 ..: 0.1 .301 16 700 24 9.48 � , _ .47.5 17 :700 24 7.98�:.. 18 700 24 Y 49 1 22 6.8 8 2.72.7 <O 10 0.5 1 8.01 0.11 0.1 161 5 '19. 20 21:: 700 24 Y 9:21 •:: 22 •. •: _6.8,' :.7 •:2.0�Q10 ' .:0.1 .c.- it 8 • 7.9 6.3 0.1 0.1 27 272 62.5 700 700 24 _ ...24. Y Y 9.17 22 .• .:. 23 22 7.1 5 2.14 0.10 0.6 ..9.08 6.9 7.0 . • 6 7 . 2.2 2.0 0.10 4.0.10 . :0:3 0.3 3 60 7.6 7.7 1.46 • 0.1 _0.1 . ' - . 33 •. 70.0 22 700 24 Y 8.70 • :9.22 7.47• . . 23 •:.00 .24 .• •• ..... ` • ':`:. • ..... - '.. . - 24 27'. 700 24 0.09 0.1 ,0A 7.00• 24 :.910 •:' ._•�-•- .:::• > 700 700. 24 24.. Y 8.73 .- 918 23 :... 4 6: •:• :•7:0 < 5 '. ..5 C 5 1.3 0.10 < I.1 1 7.7 1 : 1.4 0.10 40.10 ... 0.2 0.4 :.1 < 1 .:7.6 7.5 ... : 01 • ::.26 50.0 1.81 0.1 0.0 28 700 24 Y 10.30 23 7.0 29 30 31 •700 • Y• 10.45 _23 7.0 <-5 . 1.9<'0.10 .:0.6 ' '::1,:••:7:6 ::.......• .•...•01 '-27 .65;0 700 ' 700 .24 24 24 10.38 9.89 ...• , :: 7.6 • 11:0 ..:: •'....:. • .:.• .::• :...::.. •- .:. .. AVERAGE maximum .. - : 10.45 14.41 .. 21.2 • �• � 4 •-: s.• 6 2.4 0.11 1.8 3 •• ••132 2.06 • ::3.03 0.10 .:•O:f1-.::O:f 0.1 28 ..::38 272 272 44.8 :49. 55.4 . . 2. :: � :�71.: � ' .. • 3. 6 0.20 .:- •: 9 MINIMUM 7.47 19 6.5 < 5 1.3 'C.. 10 ' C' < 0.1 w 4 1 6.3_ 1.46 ... 0.07 c :: 0.1 r.e.':�: 16 C.':.: 272 -C-:.:.:: 44.8 C - . 40.0 . C . . comp.. (01:Guh (G 1T. 1NT • ...13 . . • 0 - ; t# C •'.:. ::. [� Monthly Lott 10.1 4S/8W 2514W 30 - 200 _ DEVI Form l' iR-1. I r 12r931 08/07/1998 14:45 7358907 PAGE 05 CITY OF GOLDSBORO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT P.O. DRAWER A GOLDSBORO, NC 27533-9701 5 (9191 72-33 v - MAY 1996 NPDES PBRt•iIT #NC002 .949 EFFLUENT DISCHARGE s: PARAMETER CODE RESULTS DATE •- CHROMIUM 01024 <0.00214G/L 05!0- 92 COPPER 0104: 0.004UG, L 05: 4 LEAD 0i.1._ 1 <0.003IIG/L 05/0—?S. SILVER 01077 <0.0O51IG-L 05/0.7. =8 CADMIUM 01027 <0. 002PIG/L 05i07.' F3 NICKEL 010.7 <0. 005MG' L 05/07 '9B 2 ZINC 01092 0.05SHG/L 05/07.'?2 THE ABOVE PARAMETERS WERE PERFORMED BY: SOUTHERN TESTING AND RESEARCH LABS, INC. 3809 AIRPORT DRIVE WILSON, NC 27896 Kathy Hill, ORC 09i 07/ 1998 14: 45 7358907 PAGE 06 RECEIVED HAY 2 7 1990 EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO. NCQ023849 DISCHARGE NO. 001 MONTH: April YEAR L998 FACILITY NAME CITY OF Lt! BORO-W''WTP CLASS , COUNTY WAYNE OPERATOR 1N RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) K*ctn► s. HUI GRADE JV PHONE 919 73S-1329 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES CITY OF GOLPSBORO (2) SOUTHERN TESTING .h &rtmetei Q_;RMCA CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANOEI) 0 PEP.SON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES ___QUI3ALORS Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATM: CENTRAL FILES DIY. 0f 81IYIR0NM1)lTAL KAI1AG81IEIIT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29S35 MLEIGN. NC 27626-0835 __ cg 411th 5-026 (SIGNA RE PERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE 6Y THIS SIONA RE. 1 CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND OMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KND LEDGE. 00400 5,UI II113 T II531 7t'$ 11131ti 000Q�J CI: 03340 I w F- '� p �i '� .14 °� AS y 500$0 Q0iii `PLOWMw•2 ...O 1.ESIDUAI. CHLORIN E a 1414111 pG TOTAL SOSPIIIDm SOLIDS !lCAL QDUruRI[ jGEOULTEIC IRANI CAj y����tQ1. p v / gi.' 100'S; $ 7:107 C 1 i . AIJLATJ M ITY EFF � fie; INF 0 HRS HRS YM MOD G UNfl..s UG/L MO/L MILT MG/L �f1 i MG/L MO/L MOIL ML/L MG/L .- -.. MO/L PAWL MG/L •i ) � 1 •700 24.: Y; k : 9• +: . : .�1:•:2:10 • ...•:::e,8., i::•.:8 •:i.6 .:�' ' :. ..:::0.1....4$ ..• • , .i0,o. 700 24 Y .:,i2. 14.10+ 20 ...:6 6.8�4 5 7.7, 2.66, 12.0 13 6.9 4.83 0.1 72.5 �2 ,.37100 •24: Y ..•.. 1233 `.19 :6..%: =3". i6:.:3.10 ...::L81.4::1 :6d ..... .a•••::fl.1• `43 .•...7 •i•_ ;85.0. 700 24 13.60 6 700 24 Y 13.02 17 6.5 < 5 2.1 1.11 7.0 3 7.6 0.15 0.1, 16 35.0 8 700 24 Y ` 12.56 19 6.9 S 4.1 3.31 8.6 6 7.8 0.1 45 65.0 •:42s 9 i 7700 ::2 ::•'Y::....:f319 •::: : 6;9 ;.• :•`:$ ...:4 ::3i13 :'7.t . • .8 ,�:6:8 : 4:34 T' ,:0:3 ' •• • . .. .':\'' 10 700 24 17.18, ... 12 700 24 16.60 •::37.5 11 ' .:1i •.:... ;:6,i ': :•a •..:9`7. •''1.21- •. . :.49.; . b, �26 ..:�7:6 ......•a4.1 :Oa' . *�32 :'.' .. , • ... 14 700 .: ..Y.'.....:X4:), 24 Y 15.12 18 6.6 -4 5 4.94 1.85 123 7.1 _ 0.1 •• 198 42.5 ' •: 700 : 24:: : bias :19. _ 64, ' t:::3 :..61 :2i3 :1.2.6 ....:4 ..: 7 6 . :4. • 38 � - - - :57.3 .'15 16 700 ,Y::. 5.9 0 , 0 33 ..3$ --..-. 29.8 . : 65.0� ':bra . 0 e 18 700 24 12.46 20 � � 22 46.o 21 : 700 :24• :Y':. .:113:19 . _ ..:19: ...'6.C: :$ .:24.:::::1:74 . • ,3.d.:4.:1 : •83 :0:1 ' :' .. 47.5 22 700 24 Y 13.59 19 6.8 5 3.1 2.70 7.0 2 7.1 - 0.1 35 60.0 13 .. 700 24 . Y : ;13.9i9. .:j1 66 : : S :4 .:2;2~i:: ::. 7::1' 1r • 7..9 . 4:7.1'" _ 01. :'::. . .:60.0 24 700 34 Y 14.85 17 6.5 ' 5 2.8 1.26 6.6' 7 7.9 0.1 31 50.0 25 .- •_ •• ..:.:1• •60 .. ... ; .....: '.. ..::.: ....'... .. .. . ... ' : ' . - 26' .100 700 ...24 24 11.27 27. : �IQO .: 2t•:•']7:::. • ' .•: x3.b4 ' �t9 _ . ' 6ti�• C:::S� � :'•L3 •�:1 0': : 2:4 _ .1• •1.0 .• 0.1x .•0.1 14 ^�' : - _ .•.30.fl 28 700 24 Y 11.65 18 6.7 4' 5 2.2' 0.70 _ 5.7 ` 1 7.9 0.1 i 32.5 :700 24..'•Y:... .:'11.07: .. '19 .1.0 %• .'.5 ..•:2..;7•0.14..:4.5 ..:2 . '8•0:... . 01 , ::34.:'::.:. . ....' • :50.0 _29 30 700 24 Y t3.09 20 7,0 ( 5 2.6 <0.10 3.9 1 7.8 3.22 0.1 _� 1 70.0 31 f _ AVERAGE - - " 13 49 10.7 '�� I.S. 3 7.5 4.17 0.24 0.1 32 , 198 29.8 53.8 •• .:MAXTMt»4 • 17;81• . 20 :9.0 ..�5 ..:...12 :3:31... •12.9 ::: 26 S. ';::*4 3. •• 0.43 - ::• 0.1 45 :198 29.8,.. 725 MINIMUM 11.07 11 6.4 C 3 1.8 <0.10 2.4 4 1 6.5 3.22 0.07 0.1 14 � 29.8 30.0 •"_ _ •Cali. teltdti JG1:.. CANT: • G .. G.: C:::•:.:. :• C . :. C••:" .. •• G..:*:::G : C.:.::- ':•:':-:' tl:'::: C:•... ..... C •.: ..C•' Maelhl7 Limit; _G: ` 10.1 - - ,4Sft'2' 2S/4W 30, 200 LAB COPY 08/07/1998 14:45 7358907 PAGE 07 CITY OF GOLDSBORO WASTEWATERR. TREATMENT PLANT P.O. DRAWER A GOLDSBORO. NC 27533-9701 (919) 735-3329 APRIL 1998 NPDES PERMIT #NC0023949 EFFLUENT DISCHARGE 4001 PARAMETER CODE RESULTS DATE C/G CHROMIUM 01034 <0.002HG/L 04/16/98 C COPPER 01042 0.004MG/L 04/16/98 C LEAD 01051 <0.003MG/L 04/16/98 C SILVER 01077 0.002MG/L 04/16/98 C CADMIUM 01027 <0.002MG/L 04/16/98 C NICKEL 01067 <0.005MG/L 04/16/98 C. ZINC 01092 0.066MG/L 04/16/98 C THE ABOVE PARAMETERS WERE PERFORMED BY: SOUTHERN TESTING AND RESEARCH LABS, INC. 3809 AIRPORT DRIVE WILSON, NC 27896 PLEASE NOTE ATTACHED ARE RESULTS ON THE INFLUENT, EFFLUENT AND AEARATION BASINS THAT WERE ANALYZED FOR THE LONG-TERM MONITORING PROGRhf FOP, THE PRE-TREATMENT SECTION OF THE WWTP. .A/11--ktisf59L Kathy ,. Hill. ORC 08/ 07/1998 14:45 7358907 PAGE 08 r Iv S 4 FAIR �' C:. C,► ;2 3c'' '/ -7 Southern Testing & Research Laboratories, Inc. w 3809 Airpnrl Drive '• Wilson. NC 27896 • (252) 237-417. • Fax: 12521 237-9341 • wwn.S'I'RLsiI,s.can, REPORT of ANALYS I S SAMPLE No.: G7603-004 Date Reported: 04/30/98 Kathy Hill City of Goldsboro WWTP P.O. Drawer A Goldsboro NC 27530 Phone : (919) 735-3329 X Fax: (919)735-8907 P. O.: P9803568 Client Sample ID: Marks: Effluent -Comp Collected: 04/16/98 07:45 Received: 04/16/98 15:20• Matrix: WASTEWATER Classification: ENV CAT No. ANALYSES METHOD ANALYZED by MDL RESULT UNITS EW-030.7 EW-030.2 EW-030.6 EP-001 EP-001.1 EM-033.1 Eli-048 M-02a EM-029 Eli--082.1 EM-080.1 EP-080.1 EM-042 EM-028 EM-034.1 EM-047.1 EM-030 Nitrogen: Total Nitrogen: Kjeldahl Nitrogen: Nitrate Nitrogen: Nitrite Digestion (ICP/FAAS) Digestion (GFAAS) Arsenic (GFAAS) Cadmium (ICP) Chromium (ICP) Copper (ICP) Lead (GFAAS) Mercury (CVAAS) Digestion (CVAAS) Molybdenum (ICP) Nickel (ICP) Selenium (GFAAS) Silver (GFAAS) Zinc (ICP) CALCULATION 04/28/98 EPA 351.3 04/21/98 EPA 300.0 04/16/98 EPA 300.0 04/16/98 EPA 200.7 04/28/98 EPA 600 04/17/98 EPA 206.2 04/21/98 EPA 200.7 04/27/98 EPA 200.7 04/27/98 EPA 200.7 04/27/98 EPA 239.2 04/27/98 EPA 245.1 04/28/98 EPA 245.1 04/27/98 EPA 200.7 04/27/98 EPA 200.7 04/27/98 EPA 270.2 04/22/98 EPA 272.2 04/27/98 EPA 200.7 04/27/98 EH1 NV1 NV1 NV1 LV1 LV1 JB3 RH1 RH1 RH1 JB3 RM2 RM2 RH1 RH1 RH1 J12.3 RH1 0.56 3.96 mg/L 0.41 3.31 mtg/L 0.100 0.647 mg/L 0.050 ND mg/L Yes Yes 0.005 ND mg/L 0.002 ND mg/L 0.002 ND mg/L O .002 0.004 mg/L 0.003 ND mg/L 0.0002 ND mg/L Yes O .01 ND mg/L O .005 ND mg/L 0.003 ND mg/L O .001 0.002 mg/L 0.03 0.066 mg/L COMMENTS: ND = Not Detected LAB COPY Laboratory Contact (s) : Debbie Collins Customer Service Specialist Page 4 of 6 G7603R.228 wed and Approved by: CtC LI as B. Cox, III, B.S.// Manager, Environmental Dept. Rev (EH1:V2R08.2) 04/30/98 16.30 l'hrasiral and \lirruldnh,t ira1 . n:sh'se" : 1. miroilttica,rai 113-guile • :1grachrmiral • i:nud, • Pharmacrrilival% 08/07/1998 14:45 7358907 PAGE 09 l`j Y s, Southern Testing & Research Laboratories, Inc. 3809 Airport Drive • Vv'iI, in, NC 27896 • (252) 237-4175 • Fax: (252) 237-9341 • Ntiwti«.STItt,uhsxnrn REPORT of ANALYSIS t V C.' G' 6:x ,3 ciitv SAMPLE No.: G7603-005 Date Reported: 04/30/98 Kathy Hill City of Goldsboro WWTP P.O. Drawer A Goldsboro Client Sample ID: Marks: Effluent -Grab NC 27530 Phone:(919)735-3329 X Fax: (919)735-8907 P. O.: P9803568 Collected: 04/16/98 07:45 Received: 04/16/98 15:20 Matrix: Classification: CAT No. ANALYSES METHOD Cyanide: Total EPA 335.2 Distillation: Cyanide EPA 335.2 Phenolics: Total ' EPA 420.1 Distillation: Phenol EPA 420.1 EW-020 EP-020 EW-036 • EP-036 WASTEWATER ENV ANALYZED by MDL RESULT UNITE 04/20/98 JB1 04/17/98 J81 04/21/98 AS1 04/20/98 AS1 0.005 0.012 mg/L Yes 0.005 0.011 mg/L Yes COMMENTS: LAB COPY Laboratory Contact (s) : Revip]wed( and Approved by: Lk-, ti Debbie Collins J1 t )B. Cox, III, B.S. / Customer Service Specialist Manager, Environmental Dept. Page 5 of 6 G7603R.228 (EH1:V2R08.2) 04/30/98 16:30 ('hr•mic:ll ;,nd \Ticrnhlningic:rl l ,:iiv - ; Fm irnnmerual • Induciri:d !lrgicnc • ,AI;rurhrurienl • !'nnfle • f'Irarnniceulic;d+ ARCADIS GERAGHTY& VILLE LL, Ms. Ruth Swanek, Supervisor Modeling/TMDL Unit Water Quality Section, NCDENR Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Subject: City of Goldsboro Wastewater Treatment Plant Speculative Limits NPDES Permit No. NC0023949 ARCADIS Geraghty & Miller Project No. NC039477.0005 Dear Ms. Swanek: Our firm has been retained by the City of Goldsboro to assist in planning for an upgrade and expansion to the City's wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The plant currently operates under NPDES Permit No. NC0023949. The permit was last renewed on February 1, 1994, and expires on January 31, 1999. The WWTP is currently permitted to discharge 10.1 MGD to the Neuse River. As part of our planning and development of a 201 Facilities Plan, we would appreciate receiving an opinion regarding effluent limits that may be imposed on the Goldsboro WWTP for the proposed expansion. We request that speculative limits be provided for two permitted flow conditions: 13.5 MGD and 16.9 MGD. We recognize that the limits developed for this request by the Modeling/TMDL Unit will be speculative in nature. We would appreciate as prompt a response as possible so that we may proceed with our planning. Please don't hesitate to call me at 782- 5511 x-164 if you should have any questions or need more information. Sincerely, AR IS Geragh & Miller, Inc. 14- Mark Liner EIT Copies: Richard M. Slozak, City of Goldsboro Karen Brashear, City of Goldsboro Dave Goodrich, DWQ, NPDES Unit Supervisor Francine Durso, Arcadis Geraghty & Miller ARCADIS Geraghty & Miller, Inc. 2301 Rexwoods Drive Suite 200 Raleigh North Carolina 27607-3366 Tel 919 782 5511 Fax 919 782 5905 WATER AND WASTE MANAGEMENT Raleigh, 2 June 1998 Contact: Mark Liner Extension: 164 Our ref.: NC03 5477.0008/spec Imts.d oc