HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0023949_Speculative Limits_19980807NPDES DOCUMENT 5CANNINO COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0023949 Goldsboro WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Correspondence Speculative Limits Instream Assessment (67b) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: August 7, 1998 This document is printed on reuse paper - izore any content on the reszerse side 03/04/98 09:05 FAX 919 782 5905 ARCADIS Geraghty Miller a 001/002 ARCAD1S GERAGHTY&MILLER TELEFAX To: Copies: David Goodrich, Supervisor l7k NPDES Unit y � Water Quality Section, NCDENR p r \Z' `l WATER AND WASTE l�U ` �` MANAGEMENT .�1 .i ,� f ii Fax: Date (\a �S� k Q 1�� (_.\ , \\� 73 � -7 53 - 03 n 2 June 1998 �J L �l G "1 ;NV-)4( P Lip 03" (N�g� v\�- ' k ti,1 A The following fax is a letter that is being mailed to you; you should receive it by the end of the week, \t%, The same letter is also being faxed to Ruth Swanek. j ARCAb15 Geraghty & Miller. Inc. 301 Rexwoods Drive Suite 200 Raleigh North Carolina 27607.3366 Tal 919 782 5511 Fax 919 782 5905 From: Mark Liner Extension: (919) 782.5511 x164 sub;ect•. Speculative Limits for Goldsboro WWTP Total pager: 2 Our ref.: NC039477.0008 If you do not receive all pages, please call to let us know as soon as possible. MOL S c, , k ' qsr- THIS MESSAGE 15 INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT 15 PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL, AND EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. If the reader of this message is notthe intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended redpient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohlblted. tf you have received this communication In errar,,please notify us Immediately by telephone end return the original message to us at the above address via the US. postal service. cioil/ra 03/04/98 09:05 FAX 919 782 5905 ARCADIS Geraghty Miller I002/002 Ms. Ruth Swanek, Supervisor Modeling WM Unit Water Quality Section, NCDENR Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Subject: City of Goldsboro Wastewater Treatment Plant Speculative Limits NPDES PermitNo. NC0023949 Arcadis Geraghty & Miller Project No. NC039477.0005 Dear Ms. Swank: Our frrm has been retained by the City of Goldsboro to assist in planning for an upgrade and expansion to the City's wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The plant currently operates under NPDES Permit No. NC0023949. The permit was last renewed an February 1, 1994 and expires on January 31, 1999, The WWTP is currently permitted to discharge 10.1 MGD to the Neuse River. As part of our planning and development of a 201 Facilities plan, we would appreciate receiving an opinion regarding effluent limits that may be imposed on the Goldsboro WWTP for the proposed expansion. We request that speculative limits be provided for two permitted flow conditions: 13.5 MGD and 16.9 MGD. We recognize that the limits developed for this request by the Modelin /T'MDL Unit will be speculative in nature. We would appreciate as prompt a response as possible so that we may proceed with our planning. Please don't hesitate to call me at 782- 5511 x-164 if you should have any questions or need more information. Sincerely, AR. IS Geraghty ,Muller, Inc. Mark Liner Err Copies: Richard M. Sloth, City of Goldsboro Karen Brashear, City of Goldsboro Dave Goodrich, DWQ, NPDES Unit Supervisor Francine Durso, Arcadis Geraghty & Miller Our ref. NC039477.0Qo31soeelnts.dac ARCADIS Geraohty & Miller. Inc. 2301 Rexwoods Drive Suite 200 Raleigh North Caroline 27607.3360 Tel S19 782 5511 Fax 919 782 5905 WATER AND WASTE; MANAGE~MeNT Raleigh. June 1998 contact - Mark Liner E:tertuon: (919) 782 55 11 x-164 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY February 25, 1997 MEMORANDUM TO: .-Y , FROM: Coleen Sullir(,�,H,. l SUBJECT: Goldsboro's Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion NPDES Permit # NC0023949, Wayne County Michelle Suverkrubbe I have reviewed the scoping letter submitted by the City of Goldsboro for a proposed expansion of their wastewater treatment plant to 16.9 MGD. I have also reviewed Ruth Swanek's comments on the nitrogen and oxygen -consuming waste strategies that apply in the Neuse River. In addition to these comments, Goldsboro needs to be aware that any proposed expansion of a wastewater treatment facility requires an engineering alternatives analysis of the options available to dispose of the wastewater. The alternatives analysis must discuss the feasibility of handling some or all of the expansion volume through a nondischarge alternative (spray irrigation or reuse) and contain a present worth cost analysis of the different options. Such an evaluation must also include a justification and demonstration of the need for the increased volume, including any flow reductions that can be realized through reduction of infiltration and inflow to the existing system and use of water conservation measures. Finally, the Environmental Assessment should discuss the impact on water quality from the change in land use that may occur as a result of the expansion and measures proposed to be taken to mitigate such impacts. If you have any questions concerning the above comments, please call me at extension 550. cc: Ruth Swanek Permit Files DIVISION OF WAIER QUALITY MEMORANDUM TO: Michelle Suverkrubbe THROUGH: Don S FROM: Ruth Swanek 2E5 SUBJECT: Goldsboro Scoping Letter Comments I have reviewed the-scoping letter submitted by the City of Goldsboro fora proposed expansion of its WWTP to 16.9 MGD. The City should be informed of strategies to control nitrogen and oxygen -consuming waste in the Neuse River. I have briefly outlined these strategies below: The lower Neuse River Basin is experiencing eutrophication problems, .and the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) is developing a strategy to control the nutrient loading to the estuary from point and nonpoint sources. DWQ drafted rules to reduce nutrient loading in the basin, and these rules were publicly noticed and sent to public hearing. DWQ is currently revising this draft nutrient sensitive waters (NSW) strategy based on comments we received during the public comment period. Based on these comments, we are reviewing the possihility of including mass based nitrogen limits in the NPDES permits instead of the concentration limits currently proposed. Annual nitrogen loading Limits based on an effluent total nitrogen concentration of 3-4 mg/land 1995 permitted flow may he included in the final strategy. For example, a 10 MGD facility would receive annual TN loading limits based on the following equation: TN load limit (lb/yr) _ (10 MGD)*(3.5 mg/1 TN)*(8.34)*(365) = 106,500 lb/yr This annual Ioad limit would be assigned in lieu hf the monthly average TN limit of 6 mg/I proposed in the current draft rules. Since these lower concentrations will be used to assign limits in terms of annual load and not monthly concentration limits, we do not expect that major cliffi'.rences in facility design would result from changing the current draft rules to annual loading requirements. Although a final strategy is not yet available, Goldsboro should plan on installing state-of-the-art nitrogen removal at its facility in order to meet the requirements of any finalized rules. The General Assembly is also examining the possihility of requiring dischargers in NSW waters to install hest available nitrogen removal technology. Goldsboro may wish to review any proposed legislation that would impact point sources. Finally, the 1993 "Neuse River Basinwide Water Quality Management Plan" outlines a strategy for oxygen consuming wastes on the Neuse tnainstem. A water quality model for the mainstem predicted that dissolved oxygen violations would occur if facilities discharged at their permitted levels. In order to protect the river, it is recommended that all new and expanding dischargers receive BOD and ammonia limits of 5 mg/I and 2 mg/1 respectively. If you have any questions, please call me at extension 503. cc: Coleen Sullins Washington Regional Office Environmental Review Tracking Sheet DWQ - Water Quality Section 11V8F- c4//y8g MEMORANDUM yqq7- Env. Sciences Branch * Wetlands ❑ John Donley 64, ❑ talc Gdlcui,b ( ) ❑ Greg Price (airports, coE) ❑ Steve Kroeger (utilities) 0 * Bio. Resources, Habitat, End. Species ❑ Trish MacPherson ❑ Kathy Herring (forest/oRw/HQw) 0 * Toxicology ❑ Larry Ausley 0 Planning Branch 0 Technical Support Branch Coleen Sullins, P&E ❑ Dave Goodrich, P&E, NPDES ❑ Carolyn McCaskill, P&F, State ❑ Bradley Bennett, P&E, Stormwater ❑ Ruth Swanek, Instream Assess. (modeling) ❑ Carla Sanderson, Rapid Assess. 0 Operations Branch ❑ Tom Poe, Pretreatment ❑ Lisa Martin, Water Supply Watershed Regional Water Quality Supervisors ❑ Asheville ❑ N f ooresville ❑ Washington ❑ Fayetteville 0 Raleigh 0 Wilmington ❑ Winston-Salem w FROM: .Michelle Suverkrebbe, Planning Branch ..Cf 14a Attached is a copy of the above document. Subject to the requirements of the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act, you are being asked to review the document for potential significant impacts to the environment, especially pertinent to your jurisdiction, level of expertise or permit authority. Please check the appropriate box below and return this form to me along with your written comments, if any, by the date indicated. RESPONSE DEADLINE: A? - NO COS' IE'. Thank you for your assistance. Suggestions for streamlining and expediting this process are greatly appreciated! Notes: You can reach me at: phone: (919) 733-5083, ext. 567 fax: (919) 715-5637 e-mail: mchelle@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us :;.W:`c::crnemo.doc Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Project Review Form ❑ Project located in 7th floor library Lq, .Project Number: 9 7- owei County: Date: 05/96 Date Response Due (firm deadline): This project is being reviewed as indicated below: Regional Office/Phone Regional Office Area In -House Review r ❑ Asheville ❑ Fayetteville r-t !__l Mooresville L.J Raleigh Washington ❑ Wilmington Winston-Salem ❑ All R/O Areas - Air "'� Water ,'Groundwater and Quality Engineer Lj Recreational Consultant :=1 Coastal Management Consultant .__J Others pLNS oil and Water Marine Fisheries oastai Management ❑Water Planning ❑ Water Resources Environmental Health Wildlife ❑ Solid Waste Management .Forest Resources L Radiation Protection ❑ Land Resources ❑ David Foster Parks and Recreation - Jtner (specify) environmental Management 1 Monica Swihart ---- z-- Manager Sign•OfflReoion: - Date: ;;71 In -House Reviewer/Aoency: Response (check all applicable) i Regional Office response to be compiled and completed by Regional Manager. `L J No objection to project as proposed No Comment Insufficient information to complete review ❑ Approve L! Permit(s) needed (permit files have been checked) Recommended for further development with recommendations for strenGthenine (comments attached) Li Recommended for further development if specific & substantive changes incorporated by fundina agency (comrnen(s attached/authority(ies) cited) In -House Reviewer complete individual response. 0 Not recommended for further development for reasons stated in attached comments (authority(ues) cited) Applicant has been contactec Applicant has not been contacted 0 Project Controversial (comments attached) r� I Consistency Statement needed (comments attached) ❑ Consistency Statement not needed • L _1 Full EIS must be required under the provisions of NEPA and SEPA Other (specify and attach comments) RETURN TO: Melba McGee Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Af:- s Robert J. Goldstein & Associates, Inc. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 8480 Garvey Drive Tel: (919) 872-1174 Raleigh, North Carolina 27616-3175 e.mail RJGA@AOL.COM Fax: (919) 872-9214 January 8, 1997 Mrs. Chrys Baggett, Director North Carolina State Clearinghouse Department of Administration 116 W. Jones Street Raleigh, NC 2761 1 RE: Environmental Assessment for Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion City of Goldsboro, NC Dear Mrs. Baggett: The City of Goldsboro is initiating a State Environmental Assessment for the proposed project which includes an expansion of the existing wastewater treatment plant to provide capacity for growth and improvements. to the plant to increase nutrient removal. We are requesting a state project review number and agency scoping comments. The project location is shown on the attached map. The existing wastewater treatment plant is currently permitted to discharge 10.1 MGD into the Neuse River. The proposed project will expand the plant to 16.9 MGD. The expansion will allow Goldsboro's wastewater treatment plant to serve as a regional facility as well as accommodating Goldsboro's growth. The City has recently received requests from the nearby Towns of Fremont and Pikeville and from Wayne County to accept wastewater, thus allowing those small facilities with documented treatment problems to be removed from service. It is anticipated that Goldsboro will continue to receive similar requests to provide wastewater treatment services for other communities in the region. The proposed project will also allow the plant to meet the proposed State regulations for nutrients in effluent discharges to the Neuse River. The proposed project includes sludge dewatering facilities to be located on the site of the existing wastewater treatment plant. The City will use the dewatered sludge for composting with yard waste to produce a beneficial product. The composting facility will be addressed in a separate Environmental Assessment. Environmental Assessments • Environmental Impact Statements • Jurisdictional Wetland Delineations • Endangered Specks Surveys Reservoirs • Archaeological Surrtys and Testing • Water Supply Projects • Real Estate Risk Assessments • Lake Management Watershed Management • Iles:ream Flow Analyses • Mitigation Plans • S:ream, Restoration • Aquatic Toxicity Testing 404, 401, 402(NPDES) Permits • Cn_•p:osnoridium Testing • Toxicity Reduction Evaluation • Municipal Solid Waste Landfills • Sewerlines Wastewater Treatment Plants • Groundwater Monitoring • Biological Assessments • Expert Witness Testimony If further information regarding the proposed project or the Environmental Assessment is require, please contact us. Sincerely, Robert J. Goldstein, Ph.D. President c: Michelle Suverkrubbe, NC Division of Water Quality Rick Dove, Neuse River Foundation Jane Preyer, Environmental Defense Fund Francine Durso, Piedmont Olsen Hensley r p LJ 1231 :2. Figure 1. LU ( e-s 1. .111 L1d1 1111 4 :d;p Milt•Val ..P.o 101. G04.0140•0 me.<jJ •, Project Location Map for the Goldsboro Wastewater Treatment Plant, 'A'ayne County, North Carolina. i;.„ 1711 "st 1E1 !Js t it, \ 6•41a.. Robert J. Goldstein & Associates, Inc. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNERS AND CONSULTANTS 8480 Garvey Drive Raleigh, North Caroiina GOLDSBORO COMPOSTING FACILITY AND WWTP EXPANSION ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STRATEGY MEETING Attendees November 13, 1996 Richard Slozak City of Goldsboro 919-735-6121 City Manager Karen Brashear City of Goldsboro 919-735-3329 Cart.U.Kb , yrkire111.7dPublic Utilities Director Don Chatman City of Goldsboro 919-580-4333 Planning Director Harrell Everett Everett, Womble & Finan 919-778-6707 City Attorney Alan Clark Division of Water Quality 733-5083 Ext. 570 Planning Branch Michelle Suverkrubbe Division of Water Quality 733-5083 Ext. 567 Planning Branch Carla Sanderson Division of Water Quality 733-5083 Ext. 506 Technical Support Branch John Eick Piedmont Olsen Hensley 782-5511 Principal in Charge Morris Brookhart Piedmont Olsen Hensley 782-5511 Senior Program Manager for BNR Francine Durso Piedmont Olsen Hensley 782-5511 Project Manager Bob Goldstein Robert J. Goldstein & Assoc. 872-1174 Environmental Assessment Consultant Martha Brewster Robert J. Goldstein & Assoc. 872-1174 Biologist GOLDSBORO COMPOSTING FACILITY AND WWTP EXPANSION ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STRATEGY MEETING Agenda November 13, 1996 POH No. 39477.0001 1. Background and Scope of Projects Francine Durso • Existing WWTP Expansion to 13.5 MGD & Sludge Dewatering Facility (1 project) • Will serve 2 other towns and county • Sludge Composting Facility (1 project) 2. Strategy for Environmental Assessments • Two Environmental Assessments • Scoping Letters • Scoping Meeting • Public Meeting General Discussion 3. Guidance for Evaluating Secondary Impacts Division of Water Quality 4. Other Important Elements of EAs Division of Water Quality 06141 TA-A/-01/00 Pavtal 61- I D 12(11-11 /GRAVEL pi /, •,/ 73 1 \ I —.7.. A .11 F1 „ Love Memorial Ch BM 87 ' Oio Fairgrouilds , . ,. _-. -...,.f ..,., . = II , - •,,,,-,;!.... ii,, *....., tf) k:-.? ) -.,,. ,' qi T ..,_, a' -111' ../' Li 139 '.; -? i'I. at -;''..--.) rri24= . - -- 'II • • , /34 •--1 0 =Cem _ 1, 7 0 • Cem,, Trade__D ) vrig 44" 11bktki 54* Nvi BM 263 /' ; GOLDSBORO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT CURRENT PERMIT: The Goldsboro WWTP currently operates under an NPDES permit with the following limits: Parameter Flow CBOD (Summer) CBOD (Winter) Total Suspended Solids Ammonia (Summer) Ammonia (Winter) Total Phosphorus Fecal Coliform Residual Chlorine Monthly Weekly Average Average, 10.10 MGD 4 mg/1 8 mg/1 30 mg/1 2 mg/1 4 mg/1 6 mg/1 12 mg/1 45 mg/1 200/100 ml 400/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: Not less than 6 mg/I pH: 6 to 9 std units ANTICIPATED PERMIT FOR EXPANSION: Quarterly Daily Average Maximum 2 mg/1 .028 mg/1 It is anticipated that the permit limits for the expanded plant will be the same as the current limits EXCEPT Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus which will be determined by the final nutrient strategy rules. OCT-31-96 THU 09:29 P. 02/03 Piet ontOisenHensiey A Geraghty & Miller Company October 31, 1996 Ms. Michelle Suverkrubbe North Carolina Division of Water Quality Planning l3ranch, Water Quality Section Post Office lox 20535 Raleigh, North Carolina 2762 6-0 7 3 5 Engineers Architects Plattrw_'S avtA (/) RE: Environmental Assessment for City of Goldsboro Wastewater Trcatrm-,nt PIant Expansion Piedmont Olsen Hensley Number 39477.0001 Dear Ms. Suverlrubbe: This will confirm our telephone ciurvcrsation of fact wc..k wnc:crning an upcoming "strategy session" with City of Goldsboro officials to discuss the merits of circulating a scoping letter and/or holding a scoping meeting or public meting for this project. In addition, we would likc your input on important issues to address in the Environmental Assessment. As we discussed. please let Alan Clark know that he is also invited to attend_ The meeting will be held on November 13, 1996, in our office. Please plan to arrive around Wn. and we will have lunch provided for you. I have enclosed a map to our office. Please confirm how many will attend. We look forward to working with you. Pl=sc let me ;Wow if you have any questions. Yours truly, PTEDMON. OLSEN 1 ENSLEY, INC. Francine Durso, P.E. Project Manager Ips - Attachment cc: Richard Slo .ak; Ciry Manager John Eick PO Box 31388 Raieioh. NC 27622 2301 Rexwoods Drive Suite 2C0 Raieion, NC 27607 Phone; 919 782 5511 Fax: 919 782 5906 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT . May 29, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: Kinston WLA Files FROM: Ruth Swanek SUBJECT: Kinston WS Intake The City of Kinston is proposing to install a WS intake on the Neuse mainstem in the vicinity of Pot Neck. This WS intake will serve the City of Kinston's growth as well as provide water for the Global TransPark. A withdrawal of up to 24 MGD is proposed. There are several notes about this project as well as a letter to the City of Kinston outlining our concerns in the basin files in Juan's office. - Il citt - l7)15, w16oId;1z,►z of) /fl(7 •7 /3' mc--.L l(U��i Co cL dvtlodk_ GL_ apply - niCcv T� Gtv)Cy Sly %L.cv) - (Ai/ we 3/ oui 1 �7 OGc�/e c�Ll�1�i� 1 �C?` y it 3 6,-PerA 62c,v.