HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG120065_Tier II Sampling Results_20220616F* LA DECEIVED 4.:---., ORANGE COUNTY NOR I H C-AR(71,INA SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 1207 Eubanks Road Chapel Hill. North Carolina 27516 May 1, 2022 Annette Lucas, PE Stormwater Program Supervisor Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality 1612 Mail Service Center, 512 N Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 RE: Orange County MSW & C&D Landfills, NCG120065 DEMI-R-Stormwater Program Phone (919) 968-2788 Enclosed is the monthly Storm water Discharge Monitoring Report for April 2022. Orange County is currently in Tier 11 monitoring for the facility due to high TSS. There were inadequate storm/rain events during the month of April 2022, so a storm water sample could not be collected. Orange County continues to monitor the installed BMP's that help to control the amount of onsite erosion and subsequent discharge of contaminated water. This includes monitoring of the growth of our vegetative cover and minimizing the amount of disturbed land. If you have any questions, please contact Lee Cloer Disposal Manager via email IcloerriPorangecountync.gov or by phone at 919-612-0103. Sincerely, Lee Cloer Disposal Manager Orange County Solid Waste Cc: Robert Williams, Director OCSWM Bruce Woody, Assistant Director 6/13y2, 11:45 AM Duke Forest North Carolina i, ` th Station Summary mo Duke Forest North Carolina Monthly Summary for April, 2022 Day Day Total Wind Air Temperature Fuel Temperature Humidity Dew Wet Baro. Total of of Solar Rad. Ave. V. Dir. Max. Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Point Bulb Press. Precip. Month Year ly. mph Deg mph Deg. Fahrenheit Deg. Fahrenheit Percent Deg. Fahrenheit HG inches 1 91 587 5.9 310 27.0 58 67 42 59 77 36 42 74 21 2 92 560 2.6 265 14.0 50 65 34 52 79 29 53 83 27 3 93 590 4.3 324 24.0 56 68 41 56 80 36 44 91 19 4 94 563 3.0 176 18.0 53 67 34 55 81 30 49 83 26 5 95 310 3.5 187 23.0 60 74 47 62 83 43 79 100 47 6 96 555 4.6 232 17.0 69 82 58 72 95 55 72 98 37 7 97 258 4.9 246 25.0 63 78 52 65 83 49 82 99 57 8 98 442 4.6 268 85.0 55 64 42 56 80 39 55 98 24 9 99 335 4.8 294 28.0 48 52 41 50 65 36 48 71 33 10 100 619 4.2 279 25.0 49 64 32 51 76 27 48 81 25 11 101 563 3.8 236 21.0 64 81 40 66 97 36 46 90 26 12 102 497 4.2 245 22.0 69 80 59 71 95 56 55 80 37 13 103 471 6.2 221 26.0 72 82 59 74 94 55 60 87 37 14 104 354 7.8 255 24.0 70 80 62 72 90 57 61 84 26 15 105 591 3.9 114 16.0 63 73 53 65 91 46 29 54 14 16 106 344 3.8 245 19.0 62 75 49 63 89 45 69 89 50 17 107 576 4.9 45 33.0 63 73 53 67 90 49 65 99 40 18 108 95 6.0 18 25.0 45 52 41 45 51 38 86 97 57 19 109 648 4.4 300 26.0 46 57 35 48 70 31 61 96 26 20 110 629 1.9 231 15.0 49 65 30 54 83 28 60 96 27 21 111 510 3.0 262 18.0 58 74 40 62 87 36 70 96 43 22 112 594 1.7 336 14.0 67 83 50 71 101 46 68 99 34 23 113 568 2.9 207 16.0 68 82 55 71 98 49 73 99 42 24 114 629 3.7 242 18.0 70 83 59 73 99 54 66 95 37 25 115 627 3.9 238 18.0 71 85 59 75 103 55 66 90 37 26 116 464 4.4 267 32.0 67 84 54 69 100 49 79 99 46 27 117 664 5.5 330 28.0 58 70 46 60 84 40 46 74 20 28 118 651 2.8 353 18.0 55 71 43 61 91 39 57 88 25 29 119 496 2.0 91 14.0 56 70 42 61 91 39 63 92 35 30 120 234 1.7 19 10.0 58 69 52 61 80 48 82 98 62 MONTHLY STATISTICS Total Wind Air Temperature Fuel Temperature Humidity Solar Rad. Ave. V Dir. Max. Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min ly. mph Deg mph Deg. Fahrenheit Deg. Fahrenheit Percent Total 15024 Ave. 501 4.0 270 23.3 59.7 72.3 46.8 62.3 86.1 42.5 61 89 35 Max. 664 7.8 85.0 72 85 62 75 103 57 86 100 62 34 46 0.00 31 41 0.00 30 43 0.00 32 42 0.00 53 56 0.37 58 62 0.00 57 60 0.00 36 45 0.08 28 39 0.00 28 39 0.00 40 50 0.00 51 58 0.00 56 61 0.00 56 61 0.01 28 46 0.00 51 55 0.00 50 55 0.00 40 43 1.73 30 38 0.00 33 41 0.00 48 52 0.00 54 58 0.00 57 61 0.00 57 61 0.00 58 62 0.00 60 62 0.19 35 46 0.00 38 46 0.00 42 48 0.00 53 55 0.00 Dew Wet Baro. Total Point Bulb Press. Precip. Deg. Fahrenheit in. Hg. inches 2.38 44 51 60 62 1.73 https://wrcc.dri.edu/cgi-bin/rawMAIN.pl?IaNDUK 1/2 w. ORANGE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 1207 Eubanks Road Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27516 June 1, 2022 Annette Lucas, PE Stormwater Program Supervisor Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality 1612 Mail Service Center, 512 N Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 RE: Orange County MSW & C&D LandSlls, NCG120065 Phone (919) 968-2788 Enclosed is the monthly Storm water Discharge Monitoring Report for May 2022. Orange County is currently in Tier II monitoring for the facility due to high TSS. There were inadequate storm/rain events during the month of May 2022, so a storm water sample could not be collected. Orange County continues to monitor the installed BMP's that help to control the amount of onsite erosion and subsequent discharge of contaminated water. This includes monitoring of the growth of our vegetative cover and minimizing the amount of disturbed land. If you have any questions, please contact Lee Cloer Disposal Manager via email Icloerrti),orangecountync.gov or by phone at 919-612-0103. Sincerely, Lee Cloer Disposal Manager Orange County Solid Waste fj:'` Cc: Robert Williams, Director OCSWM Bruce Woody, Assistant Director 6/942, 11:45 AM Duke Forest North Carolina ruo th Station Summary n r m. w Duke Forest North Carolina Monthly Summary for May, 2022 Day Day Total Wind Air Temperature Fuel Temperature Humidity Dew Wet Baro. Total of of Solar Rad. Ave. V. Dir. Max. Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Point Bulb Press. Precip. Month Year ly. mph Deg mph Deg. Fahrenheit Deg. Fahrenheit Percent Deg. Fahrenheit HG inches 1 121 457 2.5 223 24.0 64 81 49 68 95 47 85 100 55 2 122 545 3.4 242 17.0 70 82 61 74 99 59 80 99 50 3 123 562 4.2 221 21.0 74 87 60 78 103 55 72 99 43 4 124 558 4.2 242 17.0 74 86 64 79 104 62 73 90 47 5 125 478 4.0 69 18.0 68 74 60 73 93 55 76 99 57 6 126 208 3.0 171 28.0 67 77 59 70 90 56 91 99 74 7 127 289 4.3 347 25.0 60 72 50 61 85 49 85 99 62 8 128 186 5.9 22 24.0 48 51 45 50 58 42 83 94 76 9 129 693 4.9 12 22.0 55 70 42 60 93 38 56 97 26 10 130 687 5.7 19 23.0 61 75 45 65 95 40 56 80 38 11 131 650 6.7 21 24.0 64 75 50 69 95 44 49 76 25 12 132 250 6.4 36 21.0 64 68 59 67 79 57 84 98 74 13 133 322 3.0 71 13.0 67 75 61 71 95 58 89 99 67 14 134 423 1.0 346 10.0 68 78 60 72 103 57 92 100 65 15 135 566 2.2 241 13.0 72 84 59 78 108 54 79 100 54 16 136 474 4.0 258 23.0 72 85 61 76 106 51 76 95 51 17 137 693 2.8 298 18.0 69 83 53 73 103 47 59 90 30 18 138 637 3.6 197 17.0 72 84 56 79 110 51 58 90 38 19 139 614 4.8 240 31.0 77 90 66 84 111 65 66 99 42 20 140 642 3.8 244 24.0 78 92 63 83 111 61 71 100 40 21 141 538 3.5 230 35.0 76 89 65 82 114 63 79 100 54 22 142 526 4.0 235 22.0 75 88 65 80 106 64 81 100 51 23 143 345 3.2 55 35.0 71 81 66 75 99 63 88 100 69 24 144 232 4.3 24 16.0 65 72 59 68 83 59 94 100 83 25 145 185 3.8 46 13.0 62 66 58 64 74 58 92 98 83 26 146 394 2.8 127 12.0 69 80 60 75 99 61 86 99 66 27 147 290 5.3 195 22.0 71 77 65 74 91 64 91 99 76 28 148 640 2.2 320 15.0 70 81 60 76 100 57 77 100 49 29 149 648 1.3 355 10.0 72 86 58 80 111 55 75 100 40 30 150 664 1.7 250 10.0 76 90 62 84 113 59 75 100 44 31 151 683 2.1 265 12.0 77 91 63 84 116 59 75 99 44 MONTHLY STATISTICS Total Wind Air Temperature Fuel Temperature Humidity Solar Rad. Ave. V. Dir. Max. Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min ly. mph Deg mph Deg. Fahrenheit Deg. Fahrenheit Percent Total 15080 Ave. 486 3.7 293 19.8 68.6 79.7 58.2 73.3 98.1 55.2 77 97 54 58 60 0.08 63 65 0.00 63 66 0.00 64 67 0.00 59 62 0.00 64 65 0.15 55 57 0.30 43 45 0.01 37 46 0.00 44 51 0.00 43 52 0.00 59 61 0.09 63 64 0.01 65 66 0.50 64 66 0.00 63 66 0.00 51 58 0.00 55 61 0.00 64 68 0.40 67 70 0.01 68 70 0.09 68 70 0.01 67 68 1.48 63 64 0.02 59 60 0.00 64 66 0.01 69 69 0.78 61 63 0.02 62 65 0.00 66 68 0.00 67 70 0.00 Dew Wet Baro. Total Point Bulb Press. Precip. Deg. Fahrenheit in. Hg. inches 3.96 60 63 https://wrcc.dd.edu/cgi-bin/rawMAIN.pl?[aNDUK 1 /2 6/1,,,22, 11:45 AM Duke Forest North Carolina Max. 693 6.7 35.0 78 92 66 84 116 65 94 100 83 r Min. 185 1.0 10.0 48 51 42 50 58 38 49 76 25 69 70 1.48 37 45 0.00 https://wrco.dri.edu/cgi-binfrawMAIN.pl?IaNDUK 2/2