HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061617 Ver 1_More Info Received_20070905WITHERS RAVENEL ENGINEERS I PLANNERS 1 SURVEYORS September 5, 2007 NC-Division of Water Quality Attn: Mr. John Hennessey and Mr. Ian McMillan 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Re: Request forAdditionalinformation -Wendell Falls W&R Project #: 2o5o26i.oi DWQ Project #: o6-1617 Dear Mr. Hennessey and Mr. McMillan, fl ~c - I to I 1 ~~~, ~~~ 4 r '1_()Ol DENk - YYr17 cK l.iUr~i_Il Y WETlAN08 M!D $TrNAT6R BIiANCN Asper our recent phone conversation, I have included a brief response to each of your requests below. You asked forthe following information: i) Please confirm that the impacts at Site 4 are correct. It appears that the impacts may be greaterthan 581 linearfeet. We re-checked our calculations as well as pulled a tape in the field (i.e. measured the path along the existing channel) and the proposed impacts total g8i linear feet. /n addition, l measured the impacts using an e%tronic scale and came up with approximately 581 linear feet ofimpact. 2) It appears that the existing ditch/channel parallel to Highway 64 (near site 4) will be impacted and therefore it will no longer carry the existing stream flow. Wilt a new channel/ditch need to be constructed? NCDO7's TlP Project R-25tr7C created a lateral toe ditch that we will retain and use. The site plans have been revised to make this clearerand are included with the attachments. 3) Site i -the original DOT plans only had i turn lane and the current plans show 2 lanes - In addition, the proposed impacts have increased o.22 acres over the DOT plans. What is the purpose of the additional turn lane and what steps have been taken to minimize the impacts? Because of the traffic volumes and traltic operation, /VCDOT has required the two right, flee flow turn lanes at the terminal of Ramp C (Site i). The increase in impact was noted and is correct in the summary. The numberoflanes can not change orbe reduced because ofoperations and volumes We previously looked at making the fill slopes steeper The existing soil has cohesive properties that will not allow any slopes greater than z: r. This includes the use ofgeo grid, rock armor, etc. We could not achieve an acceptable factor of safety in our design slopes. Construction ofa retaining wall creates more temporary and permanent impacts Permanent iii MacKenan Drive i Cary, NC z75ii i tel: 919.469.3340 i fax: 919.467.6008 i www.withersravenel.com 7040 Wrightsville Avenue i Suite lol i Wilmington, NC z84o3 i tel: 9io.z56.9z77 i fax: 91o.z56.z584 1027 Sabbath Home Rd, SW i Supply, NC 28462 i tel: 910.842.9392 i fax: 910.842.8019 • Page 2 September 5, 2007 impacts from a site appropriate retaining wall include access foot print for inspection and maintenance. 4) Site 3 -There is a pond next to the road, but no DWQ worksheets were included with the submittal. Please provide the appropriate DWQ worksheets, signed 0 and M agreement and construction drawings for review. OWQ worksheets, design p/ans, and the signed O and M agreement are included with the attachments 5) Structure 38 does not meet the design criteria for apre-formed scour hole (PSH). Please revise your plans accordingly. We realize that the P5H does not meet the design uiteria. However, the pond direct/y adjacent to the PSH is not subject to the riparian butt `er rules and therefore, difl `use not flow is not required at this out/et. A copy ofthe OWQ buffer letter is included with the attachments 6) The typical section for Wendell Parkway shows a 4-lane divided road with a 4o-foot median that will allow for widening to the middle. DWQ does not normally permit impacts that may, or may not be needed in the future. Specifically, when the need for additional lanes is established, the applicant would apply for the impacts associated with the culvert extension and widen the road to the outside, rather than to the middle. Please explain the purpose and need fora 4o-foot median or revise your site plans. A/though the typical depicts a ~o-foot wide median, at the proposed stream crossing, the median width ranges between Zg-3o feet in order to accommodate turn (apes and U-turns A more detailed explanation from ourtraf~c engineer, Mr. David Spencer, fol%ws be%w.• There are several reasons for the need to provide a wider median at the crossing locations, separate from meeting the capacity needs of Wendell Falls Parkway. It should be noted that the cross-sections of Wendell Falls Parkway at crossings #z and #3 are not directly representative of the typical cross-section for the Parkway as a who% At crossing #2, the actua/median width is reduced from the "typical"~o'to 2g' due to the addition ofa third eastbound through /ane. This third through lane is required by NCDOT to provide sufficient capacity for traffic volumes a/ong this portion ofthe parkway, experienced prior to build out. Typical median width fora divided highway in North Carolina would be zo ; this results in g' ofadditiona/median width. The additional median width is needed at this location due to the intersection layout proposed to the west ofthe crossing At this intersection, eastbound /eft-turn movements wil/exceed goo vehicles in the PM peak hour, resulting in the need for dual leR-turn lanes. However, the west bound /eh`-turn movement is estimated to be approximate/y 2i vehic%s in that same peak hour. This volume wou/d require only asingle left--turn /ane. This results in two-left-turn lanes opposing one left turn, requiring the single left-turn lane to be offset or latterly displaced the additiona/ 12' into the median to provide sufficient alignment and site distance for the single left turn lane. Without this offset, the left-turn vehicles would interfere with the dual left-turn movements duringgreen phases and also wou/d provide very lift/e sight distance during permitted phasing The offset design requires additiona/median width and, given that crossing #2 is in the direct vicinity oftheleft- turn /ane, results in a wider median at this location. • Page 3 September 5, 2007 At crossing ~3, the median width is approximatelY3o' at the widest point. This crossing lies in an area oftransition foran adjacent tee-intersection. On Wendell Falls Parkwayat the location ofthe crossing is the start ofaleft-turn lane foru-turn movements. Tee- intersections on new, divided facilities are required to provide areas for a-turn movements with offset opposing /eft-turn lanes. As mentioned above, left-turn movements on divided facilities will use offset lefts to limit vehicles interference during left-turn movements as well as greatly increase sight distance for left-turn vehicles during permitted turns. Without offset lefts, opposing left-turn vehicles are aligned to the right of one another, forcing the motorist to look across the opposing left-turn vehicle to determine gaps in the oncoming traffic. This is very unsafe for both the left turn vehic% and the opposing through vehicle. The offset lefts are used so opposing left-turn vehicles are aligned with one anotherand angled slightly towards their destination, leading to increased visibility and improved maneuverability. Additionally, a u-turn bulb-out is located on the northern edge of Wendell Falls Parkway to accommodate u- turn for the design vehicle. Currently, this acce/eration taper ends prior to the buffer area. lfthe median width were decreased, the bulb-out would be widened, resultingin a longer acce%ration taper. This longer taper would encroach into the buffer area, resultingin more impacts. Finally, according to Part i, Section i-2B ofthe the NCDOTRoadway Design Manual, the recommended median width fora non-freeway divided facility is 60 : lfthere are ROW restrictions then this can be reduced to ~6 : Only undersigni~cant terrain and ROW constraints will median widths be designed for new facilities with median widths less than 36 l feel that regardless of when capacity requires the additional through lanes in each direction, there is ample need forthe widermedian on Wendell Falls Parkway in the vicinity ofthe crossings. In fact, traffic volumes and future capacityneeds have a limited impact ofthe median width at the crossings and have more ofan impact along Wendell Falls Parkway outside ofthe crossings, a/ong full width "typical" sections. Please feel free to call if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerely, WITHERS & RAVENEL, INC. i~A ~~ Todd Preuninger Senior Biologist Attachments: i) Signed 0 and M agreement 2) DWQ Stormwater worksheets and design details for the wet pond 3) DWQ Buffer Letter 4) Revised map for site 4 impacts Cc: Mr. Monte Mathews - USACE WET [WETLAND] DETENTION BASIN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT [Wetland maintenance wording is bracketed. Please modify the document as appropriate.] The wet [wetland] detention basin system is defined as the wet [wetland] detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated fitter if one is provided. Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly: a. Inspect the wet [wetland] detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition. b. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed. 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re-seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wet [wetland] detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below). Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near a wet [wetland] detention basin or stream, etc.}. The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. When the permanent pool depth reads `~ feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed. [For stormwater wetlands: If the elevation of the marsh areas exceed the permanent pool elevation, the sediment should be removed to design levels. This shall be performed by removing the upper 6 inches of soil and stockpiling it, Then the marsh area shall be excavated six inches below design elevations. Afterwards the stockpiled soil should be spread over the marsh surface. The soil should not be stockpiled for more than two weeks.] When the permanent pool depth reads ~ feet in the forebay [and micro-pool], the sediment shall be removed. BASIN DIAGRAM (fill in the blanks) 0 Permanent Pool Elevation d J j Sediment moval EI. tO 75% -------------- Sediment Removal Elevation ~~~ 75% Bottom E vation Z 551 5% FOREBAY MAIN POND Page 1 of 2 5. Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50% of the basin surface. These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm. [For wetlands: Wetland planting densities in the marsh areas should be maintained by replanting bare areas as needed. Wetland plants should be encouraged to grow in the marsh areas.] 6. If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum extent practical. 7. All components of the wet [wetland] detention basin system shall be maintained in good working order. 8. Level spreaders or other structures that provide diffuse flow shall be maintained every six months. All accumulated sediment and debris shall be removed from the structure, and a level elevation shall be maintained across the entire flow spreading structure. Any down gradient erosion must be repaired and/or replanted as necessary. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name:~~?:EC~ _~I~GdS+ n/ Title : _~(s~,v,R-G€7~_ Address: ~Co Srjc~o~cK~~wn~~~-ZQL Signature: Date: ~ Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the pre ident. 1, ~tt-~iss ~ JA J r ' a Notary Public for the State of ~'~ ~~', County of t/1~/~-IGE , do hereby certify that ~~'?o ~~US'~J~ personally appeared before me this ~ day of Zt~T~ ,and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet [wetland] detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, ~~~ ~ ~ *~ t ~' = CV ti ~ EAL My commission expn~ .Q/~ Y/ C \y~~~ ~~~ Page 2 of 2 ppUm4iii~ z 0 ZF ``` i ~~ P O~: W w N W~O~t ~bW ~~Wo Z ~~ ~o ~0 • _~~~ W ~ ~~ yeN~ W~2: w S / ' O ~p _ .~oN .... 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O ~~ L002/5/6 OF W A T~9 Michael F. Easley, Governor O~ QG William G. Ross Jr., Secretary ~ North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources >r-„I Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director p -~ ~,lei~s of Water pualiry r e February 3, 2006 Ot~Cf ~ ~, ~~ VC?1?Ev r Mr. Todd Preuninger ~ s a l:.t • ° 1 Withers & Ravenel 111 MacKenan Drive Cary, NC 27511 NBRRO OS-270B County: Wake BASIN: Neuse X Tar-Pamlico (1SA NCAC 213 .0233) (l5A NCAC 2B .0259) Complaint NOV Buffer Determination X Incident # Appeal Call Project Name: Lake Myra Development -Wendell Location/Directions: Site is located off SR 2502 and SR 2503 North of Lake Myra in Wendell. Subiect Stream: UTs to Lake Mvra and Marks Creek Date of Determination: 11/17/05 and 2/1/06 Feature Start Buffer GPS Points (if provided) End Buffer Stream Form Appeal Call Located on Soil Surve Located on USGS To o ra hic L Not Subject X M Subject (Not Contested) X N Subject (Not Contested) X O Subject (Not Contested) X P Subject (Not Contested -Marks Creek X X Q Subject at Flag 421 X R Not Subject X S No[ Subject X T Not Subject X U Subject at Flag 651 X V Subject Throughout X X W Subject at Flag 787 R North Carolina Division of Water Quality Raleigh Regional Office Surface Water Protection Phone (919) 791-4200 Customer Service Internet: h2o.enr.state.nc.us ]628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 FAX (919) 571-4718 1-877-623-6748 None Carolina ~tura!!y An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper 2/3/2006 Page 2 of 3 Feature Start Buffer GPS Points (if provided) End Buffer Stream Form Appeal Call Located on Soil Surve Located on USGS Too a hic X Not Subject X Y Not Subject X Z Subject (Not Contested) X AA Subject (Not Contested) X X BB Not Subject X CC Subject at Flag 822A X DD Subject at Flag 952 X EE Not Subject X FF Not Subject X HH Not Subject X II Subject Throughout X X JJ Subject at Flag 4A X KK Subject at Flag 2A X LL Subject (Not Contested) X X MM Subject at Flag 3077A X NN Not Subject X 00 Subject (Not Contested) X NOTE: Features A through K evaluated by Michael Horan of DWQ on 10/14/05 (NBItRO #OS-270 dated November 17, 2005) This on-site determination shall expire five (S) years from the date of this letter. Landowners or affectedparties that dispute a determination made by the DWQ or Delegated Local Authority that a surface water exists and that it is subject to the buffer rule may request a determination by the Director. A request for a determination by the Director shall be referred to the Director in writing c% Cyndi Karoly ,DWQ Wetl'ands/401 Unit, 2321 Crabtree Blvd, Raleigh, NC 27604-2260. Individuals that dispute a determination by the DWQ or Delegated Local Authority that "exempts" a surface water from the buffer rule may ask for an ad judicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. Applicants are hereby notified that the 60-day statutory appeal time does not start until the affected party (including downstream and adjacent landowners) is notified of this decision. DWQ recommends that the applicant conduct this notification in order to be certain that tkird party appeals are made in a timely manner. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to Chapter I SOB of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. This determination is final and binding unless you ask for a hearing within 60 days. Nc`" Carolina ~Q~lll~~f, North Carolina Division of Water Quality Raleigh Regional Office Surface Water Protection Phone (919) 791-4200 Customer Service Internet h2o.enr.state.nc.us 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 FAX (919) 571-4718 1-877-623-6748 An Equal OpportunitylAffirmaGve Action Employer-50°6 Recyded11096 Post Consumer Paper 2/3/2006 Page 3 of 3 The (owner/future owners) should notify the Division of Water Quality (including any other Local State, and Federal Agencies) of this decision concerning any future correspondences regarding the subject property (stated above). This project may require a Section 404/401 Permit for the proposed activity. Any inquiries should be directed to the Division of Water Quality (Central Office) at (919)-733-1786, and the US Army Corp of Engineers (Raleigh Regulatory Field Office) at (919)-876-8441. CC: File Copy Central Files DWQ Wetlands and Stormwater Branch DWQ NPS Compliance and Assistance Branch Teresa Piner -Town of Wendell No Carolina ~atura!!y North Carolina Division of Water Quality Raleigh Regional Office Surface Water Protection Phone (919) 791-4200 CusWmer Service Internet h2o.enr.state.nC.us 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 FAX (919) 571-4718 1-877-623-6748 An Equal OpportunitylAffimtaGveAaion Employer - 50°k Recyded110~ Post Consumer Paper s - f ,v^' ~ ~ \~' • _ ` 4~ ~ ~ ~~• r ~ ~ ~y, rr ~! l+~ ~', •/' .~.'vf !4r.+.g~stiA,i' J ~ li; -~ /~7'~ ~1~ '. _ ~~ ~ ~~/~ ~ j . s '. ;J , , try ~~ J'`~- .....~JJ , ' ,~ • ~~ ,~ .. ,. , 1 rr ~J - •~~,, ~r f ~r,1 ~`Ta ~ -ti~ y7aG ~J ~ 1 _ l~, ts. -~- li ~ ~,.-%! ,.l /: `J , _. ~ - + fi`t' .rf.~.~`,',~~ . , i ii ~ %f .•:.,- -.3 ~. ;~1 - ~ ~f.;i.'r ~ ` _ Uri _ __, ~ ~ ,-~=. =`; 7 ~ Vii, ~ ``--~~.'~ ~` ~~? = J r 1 ... i- ' i ' ((((ii ~~,JJ,~/ / Vv" /; . _ __ ~ ~! , ~`-~`.1 ~•~....~ ~ ~' I"~ ~ `, ' ~, 's.'' ~.l',', ,.,.) ~ Lam; __../~ _ ` l i ~ ' ~ = l • ~ "' j ~ _ ~ ~~~ ~.' ~ y +:~ ' A~ tkClla~h ry ,s ~ w-.~ k ',~ if --'I +/, .~~ ! 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